You know those silky, see-through sort of things women wear at night? Those robes that barely conceal what's underneath, that are almost transparent? Yea, I love them.

Only thing is that only middle aged women seem to wear them, not the hot little things more my age. College girls, in school like me, the girls I usually go for? They generally throw on a t-shirt, with panties. Hot, yes, but something about those see-through robes gets me every time.

I mention these articles of clothing (though they don't clothe all that effectively) because my mom wears them around the house all the time, at night before she goes to bed. And I don't want to sound perverted here, but when the light hits her just right from behind, or perhaps when it's cold in the room if you know what I mean, I can see just a glimpse of her breasts. Sometimes the bulge of them is clear to be seen as the frail material of the robe attempts to hide them, unsuccessfully, while other times her nipples might happen to be erect for whatever reason, and they come poking right through plain as day. However, they are always at least partially obscured by the robe, and that's what teases me so damn much. I can't ever seem to get just a regular old, full-on view of my mother's breasts.

She has to know by now that I can absolutely see parts of her that no son should be seeing, especially one my age, with my sex drive at absolute max all day, every day. I'm twenty years old, in my sexual peak for fuck's sake, and lately all I've wanted is a woman much, much older than I. A woman who has already had a kid, I mean, what's wrong with me? Shouldn't I be lusting after the flirty, jailbait teenagers I see at all the parties? Oh maybe I'm just bored with the easy party chicks. God knows I've fucked too many of them. But hey, I have a penis. What am I going to do when I have a drunk girl falling all over me, make sure she gets home alright and tuck her in bed with a kiss on the cheek? Yea right.

Still, as I mentioned I've been more and more attracted to my mom lately. And I know why. See, if I went to a therapist and told her (thats right, I'd definitely choose a female psychiatrist if I had the choice) all my disgusting, sexual fantasies I've had regarding my mother, she'd be ready with a speech about how my parent's divorce made me want to replace my father as the man of the house, or that living alone with my mom for so many years has naturally made me feel stronger toward her in that certain regard. She'd probably tell me it's perfectly normal for a son to reach an age where he suddenly begins having fantasies about his own. And then Freud would walk in triumphantly and say, "Aha! I told you!"

But then I'm not a limp-wristed little fuck with ADD who needs to see a shrink, and that's not the point anyway. The point is all the usual psychological crap wouldn't apply, because I would know the real reason I want to fuck my mom is because of those goddamn silky night robes!

I've been living alone with my mom since I was a kid. I was too young to have remembered anything about my parent's divorce, all I know now is that he ran off with a young slut and left his family with nothing but monthly checks to keep us afloat. Jee, thanks. But no matter, because I'm more concerned about my mom.

The thing is, my mom hasn't had a lot of dates in the years she has been alone. There has been the occasional guy, even some she might have regarded as boyfriends, but I know that none of them were that serious, or she'd be going out a hell of a lot more. No, most of the time she's at home, and I hate to think that she's gotten lonely after years of having no steady partner. And she's not bad looking for her age, either. She never eats much, and she's definitely in shape, and she's always had a cute face. I've seen high school pictures of her, and honestly I'd bet any money she was by far the hottest chick in her entire school. Like, ridiculous hot. Now obviously over the years she has aged, especially having birthed me and being in her forties, but she still has that cuteness, and to boot she has a nice big ass and, oh yea, those boobs I've been telling you about.

...but back to the silky robes. You see, I had been away at college for a few years before deciding I should head back home for a while. The college party scene was just too distracting to my studies. I wanted to be at home, with someone to cook for me and take care of all that shit. And I know my mom wanted me back, what with her being all alone in the house. So it was win-win. But then I remembered the robes. Ah, the nightly silky, semi-transparent robes.

OK so at first I pretended not to notice that I could see her breasts through them, feel them smoosh into my chest when she gave me the nightly hug she insisted on. But after a few months, I started getting the impression she wanted me to feel them. For instance, sometimes my hand would brush against one during this hug, and she would make no attempt to move it, or even react at all. Sometimes she would bend over while doing kitchen work, knowing full well I was sitting right there, and give me a face full of mom-ass, or just the slightest view of the top portion of those creamy globes. I don't think I've seen my moms boobs up close since I was a baby (I didn't know how lucky I was back then, suckling those beauties!), so as far as I'm concerned I'm overdue for a good look.

And you want to know something? I'm pretty sure she looks at me too. I usually just wear boxers around the house, just having a t-shirt on is an upgrade around here. You could say we're pretty open with eachother. But yea, sometimes I could swear she tries to get glimpses of my cock through my boxer shorts. For instance, I'll open the door to the kitchen and walk in, and I've made it a point to watch her eyes and see what she's looking at. Nine times out of ten, her eyes go straight for my nether region. My boxers really aren't that big, in fact I need to get to the store and buy some new ones come to think of it. But anyway, yea she looks at the bulge that my penis and balls create in my underwear a lot, and I've always tried to sort of walk at angles where she can't see them, stand behind the kitchen counter when we talk and whatnot, but I can tell she looks. And she's my mom for god's sake, I'm pretty sure she shouldn't be doing that. But that's not to say it doesn't instantly turn me on, mind you.

That hug I mentioned, the nightly hug? She always holds that until I leg go, she never does so first. And recently, I've been holding that hug a bit longer, feeling her tits smashed against my chest, feeling my cock, separated from her skin by only a few milimeters of cloth, rising and growing hard, mere inches from her woman parts. Now I have to do that quick, leaned-over sort of thing to hide my erection every time we finish a hug. You remember back in high school, when you'd be sitting in class, not even realizing you had a boner, and then suddenly the bell would ring, and you have that little panic attack? You'd have to pull that penguin walk shit to get out of the class without anyone noticing your raging hard on? Yea, guess what, I have to do that all the time now! Her body has been giving me massive boners since I've been back at home. Yea, now that I think about it I guess in the back of my mind I've wanted her for years, but you don't think about that kind of stuff when you're out with college sluts trying to get laid. See, the only reason I want her so much now is that I've been living in such close proximity to her for the first time in years, and my dick is sort of getting anxious. And those damn silk robes!


"So, honey, what kinds of exercises did you do?"

I had been working out before dinner, this was about a week ago.

"Um," I started, between mouthfuls of mashed potatoes and chicken, "bench press, reverse lateral pulldowns, uh, some curls on the free weights, and a couple hundred crunches."

"Oh my baby has grown into such a tall, handsome man!" my mother gloated, leaning across the kitchen table to give me a peck on the cheek.

"All right, all right. Can you let me eat please?" I asked.

"Hah, sorry," mom replied.

She has been doing that for years, years I tell you! She always compliments me on how handsome I look or how tall I've grown, or how blah blah blah. I guess all moms do stuff like that. Thing is, I know full well I'm good-looking, why else would all those party girls fuck me, suck me off? You don't see the scrawny nerds getting pussy at parties, do you? It goes without saying that my mother knows nothing about these wild parties I've been to.

I wasn't always like that, mind you. Thing is though, I used to be a pretty scrawny guy myself. But over the past couple of years I've become more active, and lately I've been doing some pretty serious resistance training, using protein supplements, the works. Shallow party chicks dig that alpha male shit, so that's what I do. I've gained a ton of muscle, and I was tall beforehand so it's easy for a tall, lean guy to put on muscle. And I love it when party chicks get all over me, but now my own mom, with her constant teasing, was starting to notice the physical changes.

"You're getting so big and strong, so handsome! Tell me, do you have a girlfriend these days?" mom asked, prying for some personal information.

I could think only of dark, sticky, drunken nights at some guys house I don't even know, partying and fooling around with random girls.

"Nope, nothing steady mom. I guess the right girl just hasn't come along yet."

"Well I know how that is. I was a young girl once too, you know, and sometimes you have to wait for the right person, someone nice, and caring," mom said.

"That's right," I replied finishing up my dinner.

"All finished son?" mom asked, getting up to clean everything. She never allowed me to clean up after dinner, even though she's the one making all the damn food.

"Yea mom, thanks, dinner was great."

With that she proceeded to bend over directly in my face and grab up my glass and plate. She was wearing one of her damn robes, so naturally her braless boobs sort of just spilled out into my view as she leaned over me.

"Is she kidding me?" I thought to myself, as I strained my eyes over toward the tits that were inches from my face, in an effort not to move my head and make it too obvious I was checking her body out. I could see the entirety of her left breast hanging down. The top was smooth, white, and luscious. I could just barely see some of the areola, but the nipple was pointed too far down for me to see that. Still, it looked wonderful. Mom or not, a man can't just have breasts in his face and not react. I stared, and something primal within me sort of kickstarted. I desperately wanted to touch it, lick it, suck it, savor it. I could feel my dick stiffen instantly, blood rushing into it, filling it. She had to know what she was doing with all this teasing.

And just as I felt like my cock would explode out of my shorts, she stood back up, heading over to the sink to wash the dishes. Well now I had to just sit here and wait until my boner got itself under control, right? How does a man go about doing that? Do you think of baseball, or guns, or video games, or something macho to get your mind off of sex?

"Here, honey, you don't have to sit here all bored. Go ahead up, I know you must have studying to do. Give me a hug before you go, though," she said, walking toward me with rubber gloves still fastened to her hands.

Shit. Shit! How was I supposed to hide my erection? Too late. She was right there, and still had wet gloves on so she couldn't really lean down, getting the table wet.

I took a breath, and stood up, wrapping my arms around her, and as usual, she pressed her chest into me, with full force. Her sweet breasts greeted my chest, and I felt her nipples tonight, poking my muscular form. There was no hiding my cock now, not with her clinging to me. I felt my dick nestle itself onto her leg, sliding along it a bit.

My mother gasped, but just a little, and with that she continued the hug as normal, I guess pretending she didn't feel my massive rod pressed tightly, hotly into her smooth thigh. There was a moment of silence. I wondered if she could feel the throbbing of it, each heartbeat sending a little shock down to my baby-making appendage. Jesus I hope not.

After waiting as briefly as possible while still being polite, I released her, thanking her again for dinner.

"N, no problem," she gasped, clearly flustered.

Oh yea, she had definitely felt it.


In my room, after the hug incident, I realized my boxers had little wet spots all over them, on the front. Precum. Whoa. See, I almost never have precum form, because usually I either jerk off to relieve myself, or I'm getting fucked so it doesn't matter. But that night I had full on pre-ejaculate formed.

Needless to say I laid back on my bed, and slid a finger under my boxers to yank them over my absolutely raging penis. My cock, finally freed from its confines, burst out, ready for procreation, as far as my youthful body was concerned. My right hand was all it got that night, but fuck it, it still felt good.

I pulled and pulled on my hardon, massaging the head like no college girl seems to know how to do, bringing fourth maximum pleasure from my penis. I thought about my mother, with my cock planted between her legs, her gasping with pleasure. I fantasized about her reaching down, grabbing hold of me, jerking me off. I would grab her big nice mom titties, work them in my hands, feel her nipples harden. I'd spew my hot cum all over her.

After just a few minutes, I came, and hard. The precum had not lied about how primed I was. My jizz shot everywhere, running in goopy globs down my still-jerking hand, landing in puddles on my bedspread, some even spashed onto my chest.

Needless to say I needed a shower after that.


Well after that night last week I had to test the waters more thoroughly. I almost wasn't going to, because after my initial necessary release of ejaculatory material, I sort of came to my senses and realized grabbing my own mother and having my way with her is probably a quick way to get booted out of the house, or get the cops called. But then I had this dream.

It was the most vivid sex dream I had ever had. You know how normally, when you're having a sex dream, you wake up right when you get to the good parts? Not this time boy. The night after the hug incident, I had one hell of a sex dream. I dreamt I had my mother, naked in a bed somewhere, in some house I didn't recognize. But I absolutely ravaged her, as if the ice had already been broken, and neither of us cared any more about social restraint and that sort of thing. I fucked her hard, from behind, and brutally came inside her velvety pussy. And after that, I did it again, and again. She'd fall onto the pillows and bedsheets, spent, and I just kept reaching under her, grabbing her tits and ramming into her from behind. My cum spilled out in puddles from her abused vagina. I remember in the dream I looked down and saw it, pooling out, like I had shot an impossible amount of man stuff into her. Then I woke up.

After that dream, I had to do something. I considered it an omen, or something. I had to see if she felt the same way about me, if she wanted my cock and balls the way I wanted her tits, her mouth, her pussy. And wouldn't you know it, my chance came.


"Aw, baby, I'm sorry you had to drive all the way back from the city like that. You didn't have too many drinks did you?" my mom asked, massaging my back as I laid on my bed, spent from an entire day of driving four hours just meet up with college friends for a concert.

"Not too many mom, I was under the limit," I said, in a tired voice, with my face smooshed into a pillow. I wasn't actually that tired, but her hands felt good on my back and I wanted her to think I was beat. She was wearing one of her silky robes again, and I glanced up to see her tits, with nips nice and hard, quite close to my face.

"Well good."

I started getting hard, my dick sort of crammed between my belly and the bed below me. The friction ensured that my dick wouldn't be calming down any time soon. So I was basically stuck on my bed, I couldn't turn or get up until she left the room.

Suddenly, I realized in a horrifying moment that I was on display for my mother. I was sprawled face down on my bed, like I said, but I was only wearing boxers, and I could feel cool air hitting my smooth, egg-like ballsack from behind. Which means they were all but hanging out the back of my shorts. Trouble is, because of my hard on I couldn't very well move to rearrange them, or surely mom would see the whole package. I could only sit there as she massaged me.

But then I remembered about all the teasing and bodily contact we'd been exchanging for weeks, and I just said "fuck it." I laid there, and I actually spread out my legs a bit, really relaxing my balls, letting them sit proudly. I turned my head the other way on my pillow, making sure she knew I wouldn't be able to catch her if she decided to peak and see my man parts.

We talked about the day I had, her hands working my back and my head, soothing me. She was always very motherly in this way, always babying me if I was tired like this. After a few minutes, I noticed she kept on asking questions about my day, well beyond the usual smalltalk. And that's when I knew I had her. She must have been looking at my balls.

At one point I felt her hand on one of my toned legs, and I tensed up a little. Her soothing touch slowly moved up my leg until it got to the very edge of my boxers, her small, womanly fingers so close to my throbbing manhood and succulent balls, and it dipped it just a tad below the material.

My heart stopped. I knew I must have been turning her on, and it goes without saying that I was turned on myself, but for a split second I actually prepared myself to actually be touched sexually by my own mother. Her hand was moving up to my balls, and for that instant I honestly thought, "this is it, this is where she's going to break the ice and make the first move." And, like one of those unfulfilling sex dreams, just as I was most excited, she removed her hand, clearly restraining herself.

Even after she had finished her massage, she stayed in my room a good twenty minutes, ostensibly cleaning up a few things, and I just laid there in the same position. I knew full well my young, full balls were displayed out the back of my boxers, and I knew she was getting a good look at them from behind.

"Well," she said finally, her voice sounding a bit high, like a young girl, "I'm glad you got home safe. You get some good sleep, alright?"

"I will, good night mom," I said, still having to stay face down, my dick still hard as a rock.

Thankfully, she didn't insist on a hug. Instead, she quickly left the room, and soon I heard her shower running down the hall. I wondered if she was touching herself, thinking of my hot, young nuts. Just as I hadn't seen her breasts since I was a baby, she probably hadn't seen my penis or testicles since I was a little child, when she would give me a bath.

I felt the precum getting sticky in my boxers, but even though I wanted to jerk off, I suddenly realized I was actually pretty tired. I hate it when that happens, when you're really tired and have to decide between sleeping or getting in a quick jerk. I had only gotten about three hours of sleep the night before, and I had been out all day. My legs felt heavy, tired. I felt my eyelids get heavy...

I must have fallen asleep.

Now, my mom knows I'm a heavy sleeper. Back in high school it would sometimes take a violent shake from her to wake me up in the morning. She knows full well she could easily sneak in my room, and, say fondle my penis without me waking up.Well here's what happened next.

I awoke, not from a loud noise, or from a touch, or anything like that. I awoke because of the smell of a freshly washed female in close proximity. My mother must have finished her shower, gotten in bed, and not been able to sleep. God she must have been as horny as I was that night my cock touched her while we hugged.

I was still in the same face-down position I had been in earlier, I had been so sleepy I hadn't even bothered to get under the covers. But now it was dark, late at night, the only sound being crickets from outside my bedroom window. She must have turned off my lamp when she came in, so now it was dark, the room lit only by the vague orange glow of the night lights I have. I never liked a totally pitch black room, I like to have some soft light to see by at night.

I was awake, but I didn't dare move or open my eyes. I felt my mother near me, standing beside the bed, waiting to see if I was really asleep. I smelled her freshly washed skin, felt her presence near me. I remembered all the times lately where she's shown herself to me, looked at my penis. I woke right the hell up.

Then, I felt a cool hand touch my thigh. It moved a bit, feeling the light, curly hairs that cover it, then it moved under my leg and felt the big, powerful muscle there, you know that one right above your knee? That seemed to convince her of something, like there was no turning back for her now, because for the first time I heard her breathe a bit, exhaling what must have been months of pent-up sexual energy.

I still played like I was asleep but my heart was beating faster than it ever had, as far as I could remember.

I felt another hand grab the opposite thigh, and they squeezed, feeling my muscles ripple beneath them. I flexed them a little, figuring she would think it was involuntary. She stopped for a moment, probably waiting to see if I would take up, then she continued groping me, though not in the motherly way she had done earlier. My cock hardened to full strength, pressing hard into the bed under me.

Her hands moved up inch by inch, slowly making their way towards my cock and balls. I felt her cool fingers as they crept through the whispy hairs that surrounded my public region, and finally, after months of wondering what this would be like, and after years of wondering what it would be like to fool around with my mother, she touched me.

My mother's hand (I don't know which one) slowly enveloped my ballsack, until finally she had the whole soft, full weight of it in her hand. She held it there, feeling her son's baby-making parts for the first time since I had passed puberty. Gently, lovingly, she began rolling my fat egg-like testes in her rapidly warming hand. She carressed them softly, with almost unbearable lightness. She didn't want to wake me up, but she also obviously wanted to feel me, feel more of her son. Her other hand got involved after a few moments, and then she had one half in each hand, rubbing them, just feeling the sensation of a warm pair of balls in her hand for the first time in I don't know how long.

Mom pulled my balls a bit, spreading them out, then mushing them back together, feeling their elastic-like texture, filling her hands with my warm testicles. I heard her breathing change, and begin to grow faster and more audible. No doubt she was getting massively turned on by all this.

I was still lying face down, so access to my actual penis was going to be difficult, but that didn't seem to bother her. She just kept on feeling me up, with one hand now grasping one of my ass cheeks, feeling the raw power of me, taking in my manly essence.

Believe me when I tell you that not reacting to her feminine, sexual touch was almost impossible. I knew I had her, I knew I could now do whatever I wanted with her and she'd have no objections. I finally knew my mom wanted me, her own son. And I loved it. But still, I didn't let on that I was awake, I wanted to see what she'd do next.

I lay there, basking in the incredible hotness of what was happening. The way my mother had snuck in my room and started feeling me up was almost too much to take, I felt like I could cum right there, in the late-night darkness, with my mother touching my boy parts.

By now, one of her hands must have been touching herself, because I only felt one hand on my full balls, and I started to smell the sweet scent of a woman's sex organs. Wow. My own mother was touching her son sexually, and masturbating herself right there next to me.

Finally, even though I knew I risked scaring her off, I had to turn over, to release my penis and give it some breathing room. I feigned a sort of sleepy moan, breathed in heavily, then turned over onto my back, trying my hardest to pretend to be asleep.

Her hand never left my balls as I did this. She must have been so sure I was asleep.

Now, my cock was raging, pointing straight up away from my body, harder than I can ever remember it being in my entire life. My boxers did a poor job of hiding the huge boner I had, and I'm sure the tent it created was impressive.

Mom moaned, just the slightest feminine sound, and my mind went crazy. I desperately wanted her to take care of my cock, to realize it needed release.

With one hand still on my cum-filled balls, I felt her pause and hold her breathe for a moment. She had to be weighing the chances that I might wake up if she actually jerked me off in my sleep. The deliberation didn't last too long though, because I felt her other hand gently slide under my boxers, and she twirled her fingers in my pubic hairs, feeling the heat generated by my cock. At last she ever-so-softly wrapped a few fingers around the base of my pole, gripping the delicate skin there, and increased her grip while moving her hand upward, pumping it gently, lovingly.

It was incredible. No girl had ever touched me so tenderly, so genuinely. And here was my mom, about to give me the greatest orgasm of my life, and she wanted it for me. I was in heaven, I'd never felt so turned on.

Her grip tightened after a few minutes, and she got all her fingers involved. She started stroking the full length of my manhood, her other hand still massaging and rubbing my steaming balls. At one point I felt a finger whip off a string of my precum from my slit, and gently rub it into the head of my cock, wetting it, lubing it. I couldn't stand that, I had to flex my ass mucles, hump my hips forward, and send my cock deeper into her grasp.

She responded by grasping me even harder, really starting to jerk now. She obviously wasn't going to stop until I shot a load of cum. Of course, I'd be getting the bed all messy, but apprently she wasn't too worried about that.

I had to open my eyes, just a little, to see what she was doing. I saw her hair falling down in front of her face, but clearly she was staring intently at my cock and balls, watching as she gave her son a handjob in his "sleep". She pumped and pumped, working my shaft better than anyone ever had, even myself. I humped gently into her closed fist, maximizing the pleasure.

"Yes," she whispered, almost inaudibly. It was the first thing she had said since she entered my room. "Yes, my baby."

Her jerking grip on my dick was too much for me, I knew I was going to unload soon. It felt so goddamn good, the best feeling of my life. She knew just how to work my head, jerk my cock to make it feel perfect. And to have someone else do it for you is such a turn on! My balls drew themselves up, the sack tightening in preparation to send a big load of sperm out imminently.

"My big handsome baby boy," she went on under her breath, like she was in a trance. She just kept on jacking me off lovingly, knowing just how to pull and pump on my penis. I saw her big, full breasts swaying back and forth, her hard nipples poking the soft material of her robe.

"My little boy, oh, squirt it out," she sighed, intently focused on pleasuring her son's rock hard cock until it spurted. I'd never heard my mom use language like that in my life. It was a huge turn on.

"Cum, cum," she went on, talking to the son she thought was asleep, trying her hardest to make me cum. I couldn't take any more of her jerking, and I felt the cum rise from my balls and pass into my tube, about to blast.

Somehow, maybe through sheer experience, she knew I was about to shoot my load, because right as I felt the semen reaching the last floodgate, the very tip of my cock, I felt a new, wet, warm sensation on my throbbing cock. I opened my eyes and saw her mouth on the tip of my cock, ready to take all her boy's hot cum inside it.

I openly groaned, humping my hips as I finally came, shooting my hot cum all into my mom's mouth. She moaned softly as I shot spurt after spurt of creamy, cummy man stuff into her, and her encouraging, loving grip never ceased on my steel-like penis. Over and over I fired, releasing all the built up cum I'd stored. I just kept pumping, pushing out my cum, and she kept moaning and milking my cock, squeezing until every drop was delivered straight into her mouth.

She kept her mouth clamped onto my dick expertly as my organ spilled out the last of my jizz. Long after my orgasm faded she held her hot mouth on me, and, not wanting to get any stains on the bed I presume, she proceeded to swallow my huge load in one big gulp, moaning in pleasure as her son's sperm slid down her throat.

I felt her give my penis a final kiss, and she gave my balls a gentle squeeze, and then, confident that she'd just masturbated her son without him waking, carefully tucked my cock and balls back into my boxers, and slipped out of my room.

So there I was, in the shower, paying extra close attention to my male-specific anatomy, thinking about only one thing: What do I do next? After the dream-like experience a few days ago, how do I continue without advancing on my mother too quickly? I mean, I'm pretty sure if a guy's mom sneaks in his room at night and jerks him off, eating his cum, he has to take the next step, right? Incest or not, I'm not gay and I had to think of something.

Trouble was, I was this close to convincing myself the whole exquisite sexual episode had been a dream. I mean who is that lucky, to have the person they've been lusting after actually make the first move, while you just lay back and take it? And even after I told myself "yes, it actually happened," I was still scared to take the next step. No matter what kind of rebellious, tough front young guys put on, deep down we're all mommy's little boy. We're all afraid of getting in trouble with the most important person in our lives.

All my success with girls my age, all my working out and all my confidence, and still, I was very nervous. It felt like back in high school, like the first time you go to the prom. You know there's nothing realistic to worry about, but you can't stop your stomach from doing uncomfortable things to you.

What do I do next?

I like my showers pretty damn hot, so finally, after a long, steamy soak and a nice long think about how to do this, the solution presented itself. It took one of my frequent shower-jerks to bring it out, I think. I always have to sort of brace myself against the wall when I cum in the shower, or else the force of the orgasm makes my knees buckle, my legs feel like jelly. I wonder if that's why old guys are always falling in showers.

Anyway so yea, what I came up with was pretty straightforward. Figuring I wouldn't press my luck too far, I would simply return the favor she had given me. I'd sneak into her room the next night, and do stuff to her, maybe shoot a hot load somewhere on her that she'd notice when she awoke. If she wasn't already awake from my sexual actions, that is.

Then I remembered my mother isn't nearly as sound a sleeper as I, and I'd need to do something to ensure she'd really be out.


"How's the wine mom?" I asked of a cheap but drinkable bottle of Chianti.

"Mm," she started, swallowing, "it's good! You know me I'm not a big wine drinker, but this goes down easy, I like it. Very fruity!"

"Yea, it's pretty good. I like Italian wines, they're my favorite," I said. Not that I'm a connoisseur mind you, but I know the difference between grape juice and table wine.

We were having a steak dinner, cooked by yours truly, and I had selected the wine for a few reasons. First, a good red with a steak is about as good as a man can get when it comes to dinner pairing, which goes without saying. Second, I needed to get her drunk, or at least tipsy.

As the dinner passed on, I kept refilling her glass, hoping she wouldn't notice what I was up to. Why would she? Who would suspect such a foul thing for a son to do? I had that to my advantage. And being a woman, I knew she only needed a few glasses to get a bit loose.

After dinner, when mother had changed into her practically transparent night robe, the same old routine as you know, during the usual me-sitting-there-filled-to-the-brim-and-mom-doing-the-dishes ritual, I announced that I would be heading to bed early.

"Oh, so soon?" she responded.

"Yea I had a tough workout today, I think I'll just go to bed early."

"Alright, well come give me a hug before you go," she said, predictably.

At that moment as I approached her from behind, with her hands occupied with the dishes, something told me to just push my luck a little. She had already felt my penis against her leg that one time, and I knew full damn well she had felt it thoroughly the other night, so why not?

I slid my arms around her from behind, saying, "I love you, thanks for dinner," as I did so.

"Aww your welcome. Good night darling," she said, not turning away from the sink.

I didn't let go immediately, though. Instead, I scooted further toward her backside, and eventually my soft package made contact with her big, juicy ass.

"What th-" I thought I heard her say, almost too softly for me to hear over the running, steaming water. But then she just kept on with the dishes, her rubber gloved hands continuing to clean.

My cock instinctively began to harden, until I was at half-mast, and still I sat there, lightly grinding my mushy meat into her. I wanted to make sure she felt it, but still be able to play it off like I didn't notice. I let my junk mash into her a while longer, until I felt I had pushed it as far as I could go, then I slowly released her.

"Goodnight mom," I said, as provocatively as I knew how without sounding gay, or like a rapist.

Then, I lightly let one of my hands rest on her ass. I gave it the slightest, imperceptible squeeze, and then I was off.


A few hours later, after barely succeeding in the battle against masturbating for quick release, and after I was sure my mother had fallen into a deep, wine-aided slumber, I made my move.

I crept into her room, which is easier than it sounds, since she keeps her door open at night. I saw her in the soft orange glow that the hall nightlight created. She was breathing quite heavily, the wine plan seemed to have worked. Hah!

I wasted no time, I was already rock hard just from the sheer taboo of the whole situation, so I gently drew back the covers from her sleeping form and bunched them to one side of the bed, and, waiting for a beat to make sure she was sound asleep, proceeded to crawl up to her legs. I smelt her freshly washed hair (from her nightly shower, I guessed) and body now up close, and it was like turn-on nectar to my nostrils. She was laying on her right side, it's not like she was open and ready for business, but I figured she wouldn't wake up from me rearranging her a bit.

Actually, I had to decide what it was I was actually going to do, which I hadn't quite nailed down. What's the first thing you do if you have a knocked-out girl right there, and you're alone?


I slowly reached up to the top of her velvety night robe, finally about to see (as well as I could in the near-darkness anyway) what had been hiding behind the damn thing for months now. Tugging gently, I lowered the robe down in subtle fashion, watching as the delicate fibers gripped her naked flesh, grabbing on a bit at nipple level, and finally falling completely off her wonderful titties.

And there they were. My mom's big breasts. They were gorgeous, even better than I had imagined. I mean, it's one thing to jerk off to your mental image of something, quite another to have the real deal right before your eyes. They weren't too big mind you, not saggy and old-looking, but they were big enough to get a nice handful. And they appeared youthful, too. For a middle-aged mother, I suddenly realized how youthful her body appeared in the orange glow of night. Her breasts slowly rose and fell with her deep breathing, her nipples semi-erect, since it was a bit chilly with the covers off.

I had to taste them, I'd go crazy if I didn't. I knelt down, with my elbows on either side of her, and I let my tongue poke out, like a little child with an ice cream cone, then lick its way around the areola of her left breast, wetting it. I flicked it around the nipple next, teasing it, and, satisfied with that, did the same to the other breast.

Her breathing remained unchanged.

Finally, I had to do what I'd been wanting to do for ages. I slowly let the full pap of her right boob into my nuzzling, sucking mouth. Mmmm. Her nipple naturally hardened a bit as it was nibbled and sucked, and it tasted terrific. I suckled ever so softly, and just enjoyed the sensation of my own mom's breast in my mouth, for the first time since I suckled her as a baby. Her nipple was so soft, and yet still quite erect, in my mouth. I bit down just the slightest bit, gently nibbling her swollen tit with my teeth, and then alternated between affectionate munching and swirling my tongue around it.

My dick was harder than titanium at this point, needless to say. It had nowhere to go but jam itself against my mom's thigh, so I figured I'd give the fellow some attention. I reached down, grabbing my cock and unleashing it through the little hole in my boxers, and as subtly as I could, I pushed my mom's legs over a bit, and then together, forming a tight seal of thigh flesh around my scalding, throbbing dick. Damn that felt good, her thighs were so soft!

There I sat, taking turns giving each lovely breast some tongue-assisted attention, cuddling gleefully against my mom's breasts, and slowly knifing my member between her closed legs, smearing precum on her soft thighs. Eventually I got my hands involved and couldn't resist grabbing big, weighty handfuls of breast as I munched on her sweet boobs. My hands massaged and caressed them, my brain telling me this was all well and good.

At that point, for some reason, I remembered something a school friend of mine had asked me once. He had said, "Why is it that we're so turned on by titties? I mean, they're just masses of fatty tissue and skin, right? Why are we born knowing to love them?"

Well as I laid there, happily playing with and loving my mother's breasts, I knew the answer. We're born with instincts, it's in our DNA. We're drawn to a woman's breasts because we know they aid in giving life, in nourishing little ones. When a man sees a potential mate with a nice-looking chest, subconsciously he registers that she would be a good candidate for reproduction. Or something like that.

I imagined how mom's breasts must have looked right after I was born, so creamy and full of milk. I half expected some baby-nourishing juice to come pouring out right there as I sucked, but alas, I wasn't so fortunate.

I noticed now that her breathing had sped up a bit, and now I wondered if she was actually still asleep. Either way, she obviously had no intention of stopping me now, so I just kept at it. Actually, I remembered how I had felt when she was feeling me up, and how I'd wanted to cum so badly. Well I couldn't leave her wanting. Getting her to cum was my next goal.

I hated saying goodbye to her succulent, suckable tits, but now I had to give her the pleasure she needed, even if she was asleep (I hoped). I moved my body down, some wood somewhere creaking just a bit, until my face was just in front of her panty-covered vagina, and my legs were dangling off the end of the bed. Without further delay, I snuggled a finger into her panties, hooked it around the white cotton undergarment, and pulled it aside.

And there, for the first time in my life, I saw the place where I'd been born. That's right, even though I'd catch a glimpse of my mother here and there, getting out of the shower and whatnot, I'd only ever maybe seen some pubes, but this was the whole thing. My mom's sweet cunt was right there before my eyes, topped with a cute, well-shaven tuft of pubic hair. Her slit was pudgy, pouty, and looked divine. It begged to be fucked, but I figured stabbing my dick into her right there would be overdoing it.

"How the hell did I fit through that?" I asked myself. I must admit, now that I think about it, her pussy was surprisingly tight, fresh-looking. In fact I'd fucked college girls with looser snatches! Maybe it was from all those years of having no one to pleasure her, I don't know. But it looked good, tight, fuckable. Mmm!

I moved in, inhaling her womanly scent as I again stuck my moist tongue out to taste her. At first I ran my tongue up and down the length of her slit, getting it wet. It tasted sweet, succulent. I reached up and ran my fingers through her batch of fine cunt hairs, and nibbled a bit on her clitoral area. Over and over I ran my tongue along her length, and her female parts seemed primed and ready for more already. I must have done something right in my workings at her breasts!

Ahh, it was terrific, let me tell you. I'd eaten a few girls out in my time, but nothing like this. With those girls, as selfish as it may sound, I just viewed it as a necessary part of foreplay, something I was expected to do before fucking a girl. But here, licking, sucking, tasting, eating, I had never felt such love and admiration. I felt like all my heart was pouring out through my tongue, I really wanted to give my mother as much pleasure as I knew how to give. I munched with every trick I knew for several minutes, and finally, her vagina was ready for penetration.

Her inner lips were now exposed and pink. A pink vagina is what every man is pre-programmed to want, and there was one for the taking, ready for whatever I wanted to do with it.

I took the two fingers of my right hand, and rubbed her snatch a bit, trying to loosen my mom's unbelievably tight pussy. Satisfied that I could make my entrance, I slowly, tenderly pressed my fingers into her cunny hole. Her lips instinctively grabbed my fingers, sucking them in, like a mouth. I kept on pushing in until I couldn't reach any more, and then started finger fucking her. I squashed my fingers in and out with increasing rapidity, using my left hand to fondle her now-exposed clitoris simultaneously.

Over and over, I jammed by straight-pointing fingers inside mom, until finally I heard the most delicate of female moans escape her mouth. Maybe I was giving her a wet dream, or maybe she was awake. I no longer cared, I was so horny.

With each thrusting barrage of my digits, I tried to reach inside further, to tunnel deeper into her hot, sucking vaginal walls and reach cervix depth. My lips were fastened onto her clit, giving it the same oral treatment her tits had received.


I actually jumped when I felt a pair of hands touch my head.

"Jesus," I thought to myself. I was so preoccupied with my duties at her vag that I had totally still assumed she was asleep. Apparently not! That or she was half-awake in some dream limbo, but whatever, my foggy mind didn't really care.

Her hands, warm and soft, gently but persistently pulled my face deeper into her steaming cunt. She didn't say anything, didn't spoil the moment, but she had to be at least half-awake, wanting her pussy eaten to orgasm.

I was obliged, so I followed what her encouraging hands were telling me to do, and burrowed my face into my mother's sweet pussy, starting to eat earnestly. Withdrawing my fingers with a little "pop," I licked all around her procreative area, up and down her inner thighs near her nether-region, lapping at her skin. I sucked on her pubes even. I wanted to taste everything.

Her fingers nuzzled into my thick hair, massaging my scalp, letting me know it was OK to eat her more.

I suctioned my mouth on her vagina and tunneled my tongue around, exploring her inner cuntal walls, tasting as deep as I could. I ate her with more care and intent than I ever had any girl, for this woman before me was much more important than any drunk party chick. And I was going to fulfill my son's duty to please my mother.

I furiously rubbed at her clit with a fingertip while reaching as far into her cunt as I could with my tongue, lapping up her juices, catching breaths whenever I could.

Then, I felt my mother's mostly-naked form shudder, and then her thighs clamped onto my stubbly cheeks, and her hands grabbed my head and rammed it against her, and she came, came hard onto her son's waiting mouth. Female juices spilled out of her vagina and I lapped them up, smashing my face as hard as I could into her sweet-smelling canal. I pushed my hands under her, grabbing onto her ass forcibly while her climax reached its peak, her legs still tightly squeezing my whole head.

I carried on with my eating until I was sure her orgasm had faded, and she fell limp back onto her bed.

"Mmmm," I moaned, no longer able to contain my pleasure.

Still my mother didn't say anything, she just sighed contently, moaning softly in the afterglow of climax.

Now, maybe she had been able to just leave my room the other night after making me cum, but I had to take care of business right away.

She had turned her head and begun breathing normally again, I guess pretending to still be asleep, I don't know. I just grabbed my cock and jerked and jerked, all the pent up sexual energy having done all the heavy work for me.

I pumped my hard penis savagely, creating squishy noises from all the precum, and it took me no more than a minute to realize I was about to blow. I looked down to notice her silky gown was still just bunched in the middle of her body, with her glorious tits still presented right there for me.

That was it, I had no other option. I knelt with my knees on either side of mother's "sleeping" form, and tried to keep my balance as my own orgasm set in. I aimed my raging pecker, with it's blue-purple head, straight down at her tits, making sure to line up the shot. I felt huge jolts of electricity fire through my body, from my brain down through all my limbs, I felt my pectoral muscles tense and flex as I jacked furiously, fighting to try and sit up straight. My balls almost hurt as they tightened and I felt all the power of my orgasm build up in one, huge blast of semen as it made its journey through my tubes.

I groaned as I let go, sending a huge glob of hot cum splashing onto mommy's chest. Again I fired, this time even more forcefully, hitting her in the neck. I had to pull down on my weapon a bit, but the third shot found it's intended target as another blast of hot, viscous boy cream shot all over my mom's bouncy tits.

Mom just lay still, taking her son's fertile seed on her body.

Each time I thought it was over, another blast of pent-up sperm launched from my penis and onto the now-soaked, naked form of my mother. It was the best orgasm I can ever remember giving myself, my balls almost hurt it felt so good. Again and again I fired, big ropes of white stuff hitting her, pooling in some spots, running down the sides of her breasts in others.

Finally, I had given her tits all I had. I bent down and rubbed my still-hard cock against her nipples, wiping off the remaining cum from the head. Enormously satisfied (for now), I decided to leave her as she had left me. I got off her, and left her laying there, covered in cum.


I was almost dizzy with excitement as I snuggled back into my own bed down the hall. I honestly couldn't quite believe what I had just done, how wrong it was, and yet how amazing it had felt. That my mother was willing to go along with it was that much hotter.

As I drifted off to sleep, I imagined what it would be like if my mother just came out and admitted her desire for me, how awesome that little arrangement could be. Here I was, after years of chasing girls, and I had a sex-starved, horny, experienced older woman right here whenever I wanted! What if we went through with this?

I felt like a kid on Christmas Eve as I dozed off, hoping to dream again about my sweet mommy.