Pulling a trailer of baled hay, I drove the tractor into the farmyard. As I passed the house, I couldn't keep from staring at the bathroom window. My mind's eye rewound to that morning's accidental encounter with Susan.

She'd been coming out of the bathroom with her robe wide open and I'd gotten an eye full of her firm body. I'd paid little attention to her doe-like brown eyes or her soft facial features. Mesmerized by her small, perky tits and flat belly. I'd stared at her dark pubic hair and the toned muscles of her thighs.

Susan seemed surprised, but hadn't looked embarrassed. She'd been kind of slow to close the robe. I wondered if it was really an accident. This was my fourth summer working on her farm. I'd never even gotten a glimpse of her body until that morning. Thinking of the sight left me semi-hard most of the day.

I tried to shrug it off as I pulled up next to the barn, shut down the engine, and aligned the elevator. Susan came from the house pulling on her work gloves.

"So, you want to stack or toss?" Susan said.

"I'll toss half then switch with you."

Susan agreed and went into the barn. I turned on the elevator, then crawled up in the wagon and grabbed the first hay bale. Susan's naked body came to mind again. The fire in my groin returned. I shook my head trying to dispel that notion.

Susan leaned out of the hayloft. "Go ahead and send them. If you see them stacking up, hold off until I catch up."

I waved and tossed the first bale on the track. I watched it being dragged up to the window and pitch off the end into the loft. I thought of riding the elevator up to the window and having a hot sexual interlude with Susan.

Oh, the things I'd do with her. First, I'd take her in my arms and kiss her lips and neck. Then I'd slowly undress and lay her back on the bales. I'd eat her hairy pussy until she squealed, then spend the rest of the day screwing her brains out.

"Hey, waiting on you. What are you doing? Is there something wrong?" Susan said.

Heat flooded my face and I shook my head, then grabbed another bale. "Sorry, got to day dreaming, Aunt Sue. Here they come." She nodded with a smile, then disappeared back inside the barn.

I tossed bales until I'd unloaded a bit more than half the wagon. I jumped on the last one and rode it up into the loft. I fell off the end and got stuck between a couple bales.

Susan laughed at my shenanigans and helped me up, but my fantasy of a wanton sexual experience didn't materialize. When I was freed from the bales she went down the loft ladder and out to the wagon.

I stacked the last bale, then slid down the ladder. I pulled off my gloves and stuck them in my back pocket. Susan met me at the bottom of the ladder. She gave me a longing look, then seemed to look through me, lost in thought.

"Aunt Sue? You want me to go get another load?"

She blinked a couple times. "Ah, yeah, that'll be good. I'll get supper working while you're in the field. There's no rain in the forecast and it's late, when you get back just park the wagon. We'll unload it tomorrow morning after milking."

"Sounds good. Are you okay? You looked like you wandered away for a minute there. I thought day dreaming was my job."

She smiled. "It's nothing. You just looked kind of like Ron for a second there. You know, when he was your age. That's all. Get going and get back before dark. You know those cows don't like waiting until after dark to get their tits pulled."

I grinned. "I already loaded the other wagon. I'll just drop this one and get back here in time for milking."

Susan flashed a wide smile. "Great. You're a little smartie pants sometimes. Back to work then."

I went to the garden hose and turned it on. I used a long drink as cover so I could watch Susan walk back to the house. The memory of her naked body combined with the very real sway of her hips brought my cock to rigid attention.

For crying out loud. Uncle Ron's only been dead two years. Down boy. This morning had probably been an accident. She didn't mean anything by it. She's mom's best friend. Get back to work, pervert.

I adjusted my package for better comfort, then went to the tractor. I jumped on and started it. I don't think Susan realized I saw her flash a demure smirk over her shoulder before letting the screen door bang closed behind her.


After milking, I went in the house, sat on the bench in the foyer, and kicked off my work boots. Susan's voice sounded far away, but the aroma filling the house told me she was in the kitchen.

"Get washed up. Supper's almost ready."

I crammed my feet into my slippers. "Sounds good. I'm starving."

I cruised into the kitchen and flopped into my customary seat. Susan poured me a beer and set it next to my plate before taking her seat across from me.

I flashed a grin. Good ole Aunt Sue, beer with supper. Of course, I'd be legal to buy it myself come fall, but getting it on the down low now made it that much better. I picked up the glass and saluted her with it before taking a sip. Susan joined me then passed a heaping bowl of potatoes to me.

"Your mom called a little while ago," Susan said.

I shoveled a big helping of spuds onto my plate. "She did? What did she want?"

"She was just checking up on you. Wanting to know how you're doing and if you're behaving yourself. She said she's coming out here later this month when she gets things at the office under control."

I really didn't want mom checking up on me. I mean, I was twenty-years-old for crying out loud. "That'll be nice I guess."

Susan laughed. "You guess?"

I shrugged. "Yeah. I mean she's mom and I miss her and all, but I kind of like getting away from her and all her rules for a while. Living at home for a guy my age can be a pain and it's totally killing my love life. Working here isn't so hot for my love life either, but otherwise it's great."

Susan raised an eyebrow.

"I mean, you tell me what you want done and leave me to do it. Mom always has to supervise. Makes me crazy sometimes." I raised my beer again. "And there won't be any of this when she's around."

"She just loves you and wants to make sure you do things right. And it's not like I let you get sloppy drunk or anything. You work hard when you're here and you deserve a cold beer at the end of the day. It's no big deal." Susan sipped hers.

I grinned at her over my glass's rim. Her shirt had an extra button undone. I stared at the shadowy bit of cleavage it left exposed. The hint of what was hidden by the fabric was more exciting than actually seeing what was there.

She caught my stare, then slowly fastened the errant button.

A flame scorched the back of my neck. Being embarrassed was turning into a full-time occupation. I took a gulp of my beer to cool down. "Sorry, I didn't mean to stare. I just noticed and I didn't actually see anything. I was just kind of surprised. Sorry."

"Surprised? Like this morning? I guess you saw it all then."

I swallowed hard and nodded. "Yeah, I'm sorry."

Susan laughed. "Sorry because you were embarrassed or sorry because my old lady body doesn't measure up to your college girlfriends?"

Sweat beaded on my temples then dribbled down my cheek. "I'm sorry I was staring. I thought you looked great this morning. I mean, you look fine, all the time. I mean, you're... Shit, this is going downhill fast." I gulped some beer.

She broke into an amused grin. "It's all right Doug. I'm actually flattered that a good-looking young man like you would take the time to stare at an old lady like me."

My cock stirred. My pulse quickened and I squirmed a little. "I think you're beautiful, Aunt Sue. I always have. You're not that old either. I mean, mom's not old and you're about the same age."

Susan's eyes glittered above her beer glass. She put down the glass. "Well, thank you." She glanced at the clock. "It's starting to get late. You've got a lot of work tomorrow. Don't stay up watching TV too late. I'm going to do the dishes, then go to bed."

"I'll help you."

Susan raised an eyebrow at me.

"With the dishes I mean."

She smirked. "Okay then."

Susan showered and went to bed right after the dishes were done. I watched TV until the local news wrapped, then I showered as well.

I had a towel around my waist when I came out of the bathroom. I paused in the hall eyeing the door providing privacy to Susan's bedroom. It was ajar just a crack.

Was that sniffling or crying? I took a silent step closer and listened. Yes, it sounded like she was crying.

I tapped on the doorframe. "Are you all right, Aunt Sue?" A moment of silence passed. I grabbed the knob. "I hope you're decent. I'm coming in."

The room was dark, but light spilled in from the hallway. Susan was in bed, covered with a sheet, her back to me. I stepped to the bed and repeated the question. She sniffed and nodded, but didn't turn to look at me.

I sat on the bed and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Most folks don't lie in bed crying when things are okay. What's wrong? Did I do or say something?"

Susan shook her head and rolled toward me. Her hip bumped against mine. She traced my jawline with her calloused fingers. "You haven't done anything wrong. You've always been a good friend and helper. I'm just thinking about the past. I should let it go, but I can't seem to."

Her movement caused a firm breast to be exposed. The small dark areola in stark contrast to the creamy white skin.

I licked my lips then moved the sheet, covering the distraction. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

Susan shook her head.

"Sometimes Mom has me rub her back when she doesn't feel good. Would you like me to rub your back?"

"No, Doug, I'm fine, thanks." She shifted a bit closer. "Do you know how your mom and I met?"

"She told me you two were rivals for the same boy in high school."

"Yeah. I was a sophomore and she was a junior. We discovered we enjoyed each other's company more than his. I wonder what ever happened to that guy."

"Is that what you've been thinking about?"

"Not exactly. I've been missing Ron. I think I'll always miss him."

I didn't know much about the grieving process, so I patted her hand, then stood. "I'll leave you to it then. Sorry I interrupted."

"Don't go, not yet." Susan sat up letting the sheet fall from her breasts. I couldn't stop myself from staring at those luscious mounds with their distended nipples. My mouth dried up and my heartbeat thumped in my ears.

"You see, I don't want a guy to come between your mom and me. I certainly don't want that guy to be you, but I've been so lonely since Ron... Your mom's not here and I've been so lonely..."

I pulled my eyes from her tits as my cock grew. I thought maybe she'd invite me into her bed. I hoped she was going there. I forced the excitement from my voice in case I was wrong. "Aunt Sue, I'm not sure I understand."

"I'm not sure how your mom would take it. She's open minded, but you're her only child. I think she'll understand... You're an adult now." Susan seemed to drift away for a moment.

I took a step closer. "You're right, Aunt Sue. I'm grown up and you're beautiful. I don't want to bark up the wrong tree, but—"

"Douglas, I'd like you to turn off the hall light, take off that towel, and make love with me."

I grinned wide enough to drive a truck through. "Really?"

"Only if you want to. You don't have to. If it makes you feel creepy or something I understand. I was just thinking it's been a couple years since... Well, you're a grown man. You're strong, and handsome, and I've been so lonely."

"Mom and I both love you. Neither of us would want you to feel lonely or sad." I went to the hall and turned off the light.

Susan flipped on the small nightstand lamp.

I returned to her. My cock poking the towel into a tent. I couldn't believe my luck. My head buzzed with excited anticipation and my pulse drummed louder in my ears. It was all I could do to keep from leaping on her.

Susan swung her legs off the bed and tugged my towel away. She set it aside before taking hold of my cock and stroking it.

My cock looked bigger in her hand than it did in mine. "It's... It's all right isn't it? I mean my—"

Susan looked through her lashes. "It's perfect, Doug. Don't worry. Hot, hard, and big, but not too big. Just the way I like them." She leaned forward and kissed the head of my cock before taking it in her mouth.

I leaned back. A moan rattled in my throat. I'd been with a couple girls before, but none of them had sucked my cock. Unsure what to do with my hands I clasped them behind my ass. Susan stroked me as her lips and tongue worked their way along my length.

My first blow job and it was from Aunt Sue. It felt so good. She squeezed my balls and licked my cock like a Popsicle. I loved the electric pangs racing through my body. A guy could get used to that sort of treatment.

My knees gave me a little tremor and the weight of my climax warmed my groin as my balls rose tight against the base of my cock. I was about to release. Sue was unrelenting as she swallowed my cock, brushing my pubic hair with her nose.

Unable to hold back, I moaned. "I'm going to come."

She didn't stop. I grunted and thrust into her throat until I was spent. My knees shook and I grasped Susan's shoulders. She swallowed every drop of my cum, then released my still hard cock and sat back a little. The night air cool on my wet, throbbing dick.

"Are you all right up there?" Susan said.

"Oh my God, that was wonderful. I've never had that done to me before. It was great. Where'd you learn that?"

She giggled a little. "I was married a long time, but truth is your mom taught me most of what I know about sex. Ron did some too, but mostly your mom."

I scrunched my brows together. "Mom?"

"She and I were pretty wild in school." A mischievous grin came to her face. "You wouldn't believe some of the things we did with vegetables during sleepovers. We'd even do a guy together from time to time. Until I got married anyway."

I stared at Susan. I opened my mouth, but no words came out. These revelations were hard to process.

She lay back on the bed displaying her wet, pink pussy peeking from the dark curly hair.

"Come on now, be a big boy. Your mom didn't get you off the shelf at some convenience store you know."

I stepped up between Susan's knees before dropping to my own. "I know, but she's mom. I've just never thought of her like... like this."

"Your mom's a woman too. She enjoys the same things most women do. Speaking of enjoyment let me feel your tongue before I go crazy."

I leaned into her sex and paused to enjoy her heady aroma. Heat rolled over my face, coming from her rather me for a change. Her pussy smelled clean and fresh. I flicked my tongue, parting her aroused lips and tasting her moisture. Faintly salty, with just a little tanginess. I loved it.

I buried my face in her pussy. When Susan moaned and flexed her hips, I slipped two fingers into her and stroked in time with my tongue teasing her clit.

She sucked in her breath and arched her back pushing her sex against me. With her feet on my shoulders, and ass off the bed, she trembled and hovered there for a moment. My fingers were bathed with her juice. I withdrew and licked them, coated in a tart treat. Susan dropped back on the bed.

She allowed a long sigh. "I'll bet you've done this before. Where'd you learn it?"

I grinned. Good, she liked it. "I've done it a couple times, but never had a woman go all the way like you did. Of course, I haven't been with a lot of girls." I crawled up next to her and she rolled into my arms. I kissed her long and hard, relishing the taste of her lips. Her tongue's texture reminded me of the skills she'd used on my cock. I pressed against Susan's belly.

Without making a conscious decision, I pushed Susan onto her back and settled my hips between her legs. My cock found her damp, velvet lips. I slipped the head between them. After a short pause to be sure I was in the right spot, I pushed into her. She groaned at my intrusion.

I conquered the urge to slam my cock into her. I moved slow and steady, breathing deep. Not wanting her to think I didn't know what I was doing, I struggled to maintain control. I concentrated on working my full length into her. She rolled her hips accepting me. She shifted her legs allowing her heels to press on my calves.

Years of teenage fantasy came to fruition as Susan's pussy enveloped my cock. I groaned at the marvelous sensations she delivered. My breathing grew loud and my eyes tried to lose focus. I shook my head, then kissed her nipples and nibbled them in time with my penetrations.

Susan groaned. "Oh, that's good. So good. It's been so long. Oh yeah, just like that, Doug."

I increased the force of my thrusting as my cock thickened and Susan matched me. Bed springs squeaked in time with our urgency. Susan's pussy gripped my cock tight on every stroke. My orgasm was coming sure as thunder followed lightning.

I held my upper body above her until my cum exploded deep inside her. I jerked to a halt, coming to rest on her chest. My breath came in gasps as my heart raced. Susan rubbed my back and sighed. Her pussy's muscles squeezed and released my cock several times.

"That's okay, Lover. That's okay," she said.

I rose on my arms. I kissed her lips then her nipples.

"No, it isn't." My cock was still semi-hard. I slid into her semen-slippery channel again. My cock returned to its full potential after just a few strokes. Susan's tunnel clung to my shaft. Making slurping noises as I pounded into her. Susan arched her neck until she was nearly looking at the headboard. She thrust her hips, encouraging my renewed efforts. The bed creaked in time with our movements.

"Oh. Oh yeah. Oh. Doug, Doug!"

Her breathing became ragged panting. She clung to me as I thrust into her with furious intent. Her orgasm surprised me in its intensity. Her nails dug into my ass as she crushed me against her pussy. She gripped my thighs with hers and gasped for breath.

After clinging to me with every limb tensed to breaking, Susan relaxed, released her nails from the flesh of my ass, then patted my behind a few times. "That's really okay now. You did a good job."


I went to the fridge. Being naked outside of the bedroom or bathroom gave me a feeling of freedom and confidence even though no one was present to see me. Besides, my number one fantasy girl had just given me my first blow-job and she'd let me fuck her. I'd become a man of the world.

I fished two bottles of beer from inside and opened them with a church key that hung on the door handle.

Susan was leaning against the headboard with my towel under her butt when I returned. I handed her a bottle and dropped onto the bed, leaning against the headboard next to her. We tapped our bottles together with a clink before taking a sip.

"I'm sorry I came so quickly. I hope I was able to make up for that," I said.

"You were wonderful, Doug. You started out a little over stimulated, but you hung in there and I can't say I've ever been more satisfied." Susan sipped her beer again then put it on the nightstand. "I know it's kind of awkward, but we need to talk about us and your mom."

"Awkward isn't the word I'd use. Laying here naked with the beautiful woman I've just made love to, talking about my mom, is weird. Not awkward."

Susan rummaged around for a second, then pulled the sheet up to her arm pits. "Okay then, we'll just talk about us to start."

"What about us? Are you done with me now? Are you going to kick me to the curb?" I tried my often-practiced, seldom successful, rakish grin on her."No nothing of the kind, but I do want you to understand. I don't expect any kind of commitment from you and I'm not going to give you one."

This conversation wasn't going the way I'd hoped. "Commitment? Aunt Sue I've always loved you. After what we did tonight, I love you even more."

Susan turned to face me directly. She snaked a leg from under the sheet and draped it across mine, then fingered the sparse hair on my chest. Her breasts wobbled under the sheet. "Douglas, you're not in love with me. You're going back to school soon and eventually you're going to meet the girl. She's the one you're going to make a commitment to."

I stared back at her. "Well I'm not sure I understand. Will this be a one-night stand then?"

Susan rubbed my chest and pinched my nipples. "For the rest of this summer we can do this as often as you'd like. As long as we get our work done, that is. Afterward, it'll be over. It'll have to be. We can explain a summer fling to your mom, but not a long-term affair that has no real chance of lasting."

I scrunched my brows together. "Why couldn't it last?"

"Because I can't have children and I'm too old to have them now anyway. You'll want a woman to share your life and experiences. She'll give you children. I won't deprive you of that. It's bad enough Ron and I didn't have children. Hell, if we'd had a child, I'd still have something of him besides my memories." The faraway look returned to her eyes.

I leaned over and kissed her cheek. "I'm sorry, Aunt Sue. Maybe we should talk about mom."

Susan glanced at me and allowed a half smile. "Well, we'll have to tell her about this."

I could hear mom freaking out all the way from the city. "Can't we keep this our little secret?"

"It's not a little secret and your mom has a knack for knowing when I'm hiding something from her. We'll both be in big trouble if she has to pry it out of us."

She had a point there. "I know, she always catches me too." We sat in silence for a minute.

I took a long pull from my bottle. "Did you know my father?"

Susan shook her head. "No, I'm sorry, I didn't. Your mom told me he was from Chicago and his name was James. That's all I know about him."

"She told me that too. The only other thing she's ever told me is that I look like him. There aren't any pictures of him at mom's place. Do you think he was just a one-night stand?"

She touched my cheek with a finger. "Does it really matter? Whether or not she was in love with your father is irrelevant. She loves you."

We fell silent again. I fast forwarded to when mom would come wreak havoc on my summer. "What'll we do about sleeping arrangements when mom gets here?"

Susan giggled a little. "She'll sleep with me like she did last summer and you'll get banished to your room."

"Great, I'll get to listen to you two giggling all night long again. What's so damn funny when you two are together anyway?"

Her small hand closed on my cock and squeezed. "What do you think we're doing in here?"

I let my mouth drop open. Mom and Aunt Sue. Getting it on? The thought was odd, but pretty hot. My cock stiffened in her hand. "Don't tell me you and mom—"

"We graduated from vegetables a long time ago. But that's for another conversation. For now, we'll do this again." She slid down the bed and took my cock in her mouth.

This time Susan didn't let me get off. She brought me to the brink, then mounted my cock cowgirl fashion and had her way with me. I lay back and enjoyed both the sight and feel of the older woman's wanton energy. We reached climax together and lay breathing content in each other's arms.

Fully satisfied, I spooned Susan, and fell asleep caressing her breasts.

I woke alone in Susan's bed. I rolled over and checked the clock, just past six. Sex's lingering scent still clung to the sheets.

So, I wasn't dreaming.

I left the bed and went down the hall. The bathroom door was closed and the shower was running. I considered hopping in with her and maybe getting a morning tune up. No. If she wanted me in there, she'd have invited me. Give her some privacy. Don't ruin a good thing.

I stood outside the bathroom door and looked at my cock. I smiled thinking of all I'd learned and experienced last night. Hot coffee's aroma wafted along the hall. I tossed on a robe, went to the kitchen and poured a cup. I took a seat at the table and waited for Susan to finish her shower.

She came in a few minutes later. Her hair was damp and her robe closed tight. She cast a wide smile at me. "Good morning, Doug. Have a good sleep?"

"The best, Aunt Sue. How about you?"

Susan passed behind me, paused, and kissed me on top of the head. "You made me feel very special last night, Douglas." She poured a cup for herself. "So today, why don't you get the milking started while I get breakfast going? After breakfast I'll help you unload that wagon."

I cast my pouty face in her direction. "I guess I can do that, but I was kind of hoping for a little, you know, eye opener or something."

Susan leaned against the counter and tossed a hip to one side as she sipped her coffee. Her eyes sparkled. "That's an after-work activity, young man. This farm is my business. I promised Ron on his death bed I'd make it work. That's exactly what I intend to do."

I put down my cup and made a bigger show with my pouty lips. "Sure, Aunt Sue. I know that. I was just, you know, kidding around."

Susan placed her cup on the corner of the table. She took my face between her hands and kissed me long and passionate. Her tongue forced its way between my lips and claimed my tongue. She let me come up for air before she fished under my robe and squeezed my balls. I raised my eyebrows at her. Susan stroked my cock several good tugs, then released it and stepped back.

"There, in case you're thinking I'm regretting anything about last night." Susan opened the fridge and brought out a carton of eggs and a slab of bacon. "Now get out in the barn fella, those cows aren't going to milk themselves."

"Okay." I waddled my partial hard-on down the hall to get dressed.

I stuck my head in the kitchen before going out to the barn. "Aunt Sue, how about a nooner?"

Susan turned and laughed. "Wow, I'd have thought after last night you'd have had enough for a while."

"You know how us young guys are. We think about it every seventeen seconds or something."

Susan cocked her head to one side. "Maybe. Depends on how much work we get done. No promises. Now get to work."

I flashed an ear to ear grin then went out to the barn.


I finished adjusting and hooking up the mower, then tossed the hammer into the tool box. Uncle Ron taught me everything I knew about farming. Now I was fucking his widow. I wondered if he knew he was sick that first year I'd worked on the farm. Could it have been part of a plan? I shrugged. Kind of morbid and there's no way to know now. Well, I'd ride this thrill ride as long as it lasted.

I parked the rig near the house and went in for lunch. I found Susan in the kitchen. She seemed in a playful mood and had changed out of her work clothes. Susan's breasts were almost visible under a nearly sheer blouse. They shivered seductively with every movement. She shared a bright smile. I smiled in return and took a seat. First time I'd seen her wearing that around the house. And no bra. I liked it.

"That was the last load of hay wasn't it?" Susan said while putting lunch on the table.

I reached for the bread. "Yeah. I'll cut and rake the Ferns field after lunch."

"I was thinking I'd go with you this afternoon. But Ferns Road is so bumpy."

"Sure. I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't enjoy the company. I'll drive real slow."

Susan's face glowed. "It's a deal then."

After lunch we rode the tractor together. Susan sat on the fender. She was holding a basket with snacks and drinks between her feet. I snuck a peek at Susan's cleavage, her nipples had grown hard under the windblown material. Thinking of the warmth and taste of her breasts, I licked my lips.

I drove into the field and stopped. I jumped down, grabbed my hammer and went back to the mower, then made a final adjustment to its settings. Susan hopped down from the tractor and paused in front of me. She batted her eyes, took my hand and the basket then led me to the base of one of the trees lining the field.

Susan melted against me, threw her arms around my neck and kissed me. I let my hands wander to her ass and squeezed, expressing my desire. Her breasts pressed firm against my chest, her hips ground against mine and my cock sprang to attention.

I reached for the buttons on the flimsy blouse, but Susan grabbed my hand. "Not yet, Lover. You've got work to do. I'll just stay here in the shade and watch. I don't want to distract you."

I grunted, grabbed her waist, and pressed my hips against her urgently. "Really? I'm already so distracted I can't think of anything else."

Susan twittered a laugh. "Show some control. You're a grown man now, remember? You cut and rake the field, I'll watch."

I stole another quick kiss and separated from her. I spoke over my shoulder while returning to the tractor. "Supervise all you want, but you're not Mom. This may be the fastest mowing job in history."

"Just go and do a good job." Susan laughed.

I jumped on the tractor and started mowing, going around the perimeter of the field. How many times had Aunt Sue gone out to a field with Uncle Ron and done much the same thing? Would it be rude to ask? Probably, and it didn't matter anyway.

I came past Susan and the tree a few minutes later. She'd taken a seat among the tall weeds and had a long grass stalk clenched in her teeth. A poster child for 'farm girl' chic. She smiled and waved at me. I just chuckled, but my cock remained hard, straining against the confines of my jeans.

The next time I came past, Susan had moved into the sun. She was leaning back on a red and white checkered table cloth, resting on her elbows with her legs crossed at the ankle. Her blouse was open, her tits in plain view. Susan's nipples stood out dark pink, beckoning to me. She made kissy lips as I passed by. I licked my lips and rubbed my aching cock with an elbow.

I rolled my eyes thinking about the possibilities for my next circuit. I broke into a wide grin when I went by. Susan was nude, but for some frilly blue panties. She was laying on her belly reading a book. The urge to leap from the tractor and give her ass a little nibble was nearly overwhelming. I was pretty sure she was trying to drive me crazy. How did Uncle Ron ever get any work done? I realized she couldn't hear me over the thump of the tractor's engine, but I wolf whistled anyway.

On the far side of the field, out of Susan's sight, I decided two could play this game. I pulled off my tee-shirt and draped it over the seat. Susan sat and gave a double thumbs-up and applauded as I rolled by. The sun was beating down on us both, but I was sure it wasn't causing the heat in my underwear or the buzzing in my ears.

I made another round. As I neared Susan's spot, I did a double take. She had struck a pose on the table cloth reminiscent of Marilyn Monroe's famous playboy spread.

Enough was enough. I jammed on the brakes, shut down the tractor, and leapt from the seat. I hit the ground running. Susan jumped up emitting a mock scream at my approach, but she didn't flee. I swept her off her feet cradling her in my arms. Our lips met and I swore sparks flew.

I carried Susan into the tree's shade and set her down. She leaned against the rough bark. I released my inner hound and ravished her lips, neck and nipples. She fumbled with my belt, then ripped open my jeans.

I dropped to my knees and whisked her panties down to her ankles. I rocked back on my heels admiring her handy work. She'd shaved her pubic hair into a neat thin line leaving her lips clearly visible, smooth and swollen with excitement.

"I like what you've done down here." I flicked my tongue tasting her moisture. Susan grabbed the sides of my head, urging me on.

"That's so good, Doug. Oh yeah, that's the spot." She emitted a breathy gasp.

Although I was frantic to be inside her, I tended Susan's pussy until she was thoroughly aroused. My cock ached, still confined somewhat by my jeans. Susan gasped and pushed me back. She kicked her panties away and dropped to her hands and knees presenting her pussy doggie style. Say no more, lady. I ripped my jeans and under wear down. My cock sprang out, purple and dripping with pre-cum.

"I've got to have you now, Doug. Don't even think about taking your time."

Susan lowered her shoulders providing better access to her entrance. She was the boss. I wasted no time or motion. I shoved into her waiting pussy, sinking at least half my length. I grabbed Susan's waist and pulled her ass toward me. I pounded into her.

I loved that her rather flat ass took on a much more alluring heart shape in this position. Susan thrust her hips at me with the same frantic, raw need I was harboring.

I reveled in the feel of her tight sheath gripping and caressing me. I groaned as her labia clung to me when I'd withdraw and rolled smoothly along the shaft as I reentered. Susan reached between her legs and stimulated her clit with two fingers. I felt my balls tap against her hand on each stroke.

She came without warning. I jammed my cock into her a couple more times and blasted the inside of her body with my steaming cum. We fell together, a sweating pile of flesh joined at the crotch, moaning, and gasping for air in the tall grass.

We lay there in silence for several minutes. My limp cock slipped from Susan's wet pussy bringing a flood of my seed with it. We rolled about until we lay facing, kissing and stroking each other. My cock soon returned to total arousal. I rolled on top of Susan and slid into her well-serviced pussy again.

Having satisfied our urgency just a few minutes earlier, our love making was slow and steady this time. Building with the certainty and patience of the incoming tide. Our orgasms came with quiet force. Spent once again I hovered over Susan on trembling arms, my chest heaving.

"Oh my God, Doug. That was just marvelous. You're going to make some lucky girl a wonderful lover," Susan said.

I kissed her. "It's really easy with you."

She flashed a stern frown. "As great as this has been it's not getting any work done."

"I know. I'll work late if I have to, but I'll get it done today."

Susan smiled. "Okay. We'll have a snack and a drink. Then I'll walk back to the house so you can actually work. In a few minutes anyway. For now, just hold me and let me share your heat."


The next couple weeks passed with my sexual confidence growing to professional levels. It seemed every time I had sex with Susan, I learned something new. Whether it was technique, position, or location. We'd even spent a couple rainy days fucking in every room in the house. Leaving only to get the milking done.

Late on a Friday afternoon I finished the milking and left the barn. My mom's sedan was parked in front of the garage. Well it was bound to happen eventually. I figured I should go in and see what sort of music had to be faced.

I walked into the kitchen. Mom and Susan raised wine glasses at me. Apparently, she'd been there a while.

I hugged mom, exchanging pleasantries, then went to the fridge. My hand paused near a can of soda. I thought about all that'd transpired in the past month then changed my mind and yanked out a bottle of beer. Mom flashed the stink eye at me as I opened it, but she didn't say anything, she turned back to Susan.

"So, then I told that asshole, if you want it done that way, do it yourself." Mom took a gulp of her wine.

Susan laughed and gestured for me to take a seat. "So, do you still have a job?"

Mom swirled her wine. "Of course, I do. You don't think he'll get anybody else to put up with his crap, do you?"

Susan placed a hand on mine. "Probably not."

Mom glanced at me, then looked Susan square in the eye. "Okay. He's here now, what do you have to tell me?"

Susan looked askance at me. I took my cue, then cleared my throat. My pulse sped up as I stared at mom across the table.

"Mom, don't go crazy, but Aunt Sue and I have been having sex. Together."

I glanced at Susan. She looked horrified and turned to mom. "It's not exactly like that, Diane. I mean, yeah it is, but I can explain—"

"I knew this was going to happen. I knew it," mom said.

I squeezed Susan's hand. "There's nothing wrong about it, Mom. I'm an adult and Aunt Sue isn't really related to me anyway. I'm a grown man and I can have sex with anyone that wants me."

Mom gave me the double stink eye. "Of course you don't see anything wrong with it. You're a man and apparently a horny one at that. But Susan should know better."

"That's unfair and you know it," Susan said.

Mom tossed down her wine and wiggled her glass at me until I poured for her. She engaged my eyes. "Has she told you about our relationship? The one she and I have?"

I nodded. "Mom, Susan's sitting right here. Don't talk like she's on another planet."

Mom sat back. She twirled her glass by its stem as her eyes shot back and forth between Susan and I. "I'm not really upset. I probably should be. As a mom and all, but I'm not. Not really."

I glanced at Susan. "Then what's—"

"I've got a confession as well." Mom signaled for more wine. I complied, filling her glass. She took a sip. "I knew Ron before he met you Sue."

Susan's eyes narrowed. "What? I mean, I know you knew him. You introduced us."

"I knew Ron, in a biblical sense, before I introduced him to you."

Susan sat there for a minute. "You two weren't carrying on while we were married, were you?"

"No, of course not. Ron loved you more than life itself. We'd broken it off a few weeks before I introduced the two of you. He was fun, but I wasn't the marrying type. You know that. And Ron was looking for a wife."

I looked back and forth between the two women. "Okay so you dated Uncle Ron, what's the big deal?"

Mom tossed down the wine, then put the glass back on the table with a clink. "Do you have anything stronger than this, Sue?"

Susan got up and went to a cabinet. "Tequila?"

Mom nodded. "Bring it and some salt." Her eyes strayed to mine. I shrugged back at her and licked my lips. At home Mom rarely drank hard liquor.

Susan placed a shooter in front of mom before resuming her seat.

Mom saluted me, then Susan with the shot glass. "Ron was Doug's father." She tossed down the drink.

Mom's eyes flicked back and forth between us as what she'd said sank in. Susan refilled mom's shot glass mechanically, then poured some tequila into her own empty wineglass.

I patted Susan's hand. "Mom, all those years. I could've known him better. I could've had a father. What in hell were you thinking?"

Mom's eyes reflected real pain. "Douglas, he didn't know. He suspected. He wasn't stupid you know. But he was in love with Sue, not me. I didn't want to ruin that with, well, to be blunt, with you. There was a Jim on that trip to Chicago and he was fun too, but I was already pregnant when I was with him."

Susan stared at mom. "You had my husband's child without telling me about it? What were you thinking?"

Mom nodded. "I was just trying to avoid coming between the two of you. I didn't really see any harm. I didn't need help with it or anything. We all stayed friends and no one was the wiser. Besides, I didn't get pregnant after you two were together. It was before."

Susan poured herself another shot. "No wonder Doug looks so much like Ron every now and then."

"Mom, you should've told me, you should've told us all."

"I told Ron, that first summer you came to work the farm with him. Well he'd guessed it by then, I just confirmed it. He knew he was dying and wanted to leave you with a little something. Why else do you think I encouraged you to come out here?"

""You gave Ron the child I couldn't." Sue stared into her glass. "And now I'm having sex with his son."

"Yes and no." Mom sipped her drink. "I mean, yeah, I had Ron's son, but I raised him. Ron did share some farming things with Doug, but he's my son really."

We all sat silent for some time. I emptied my beer and thought about grabbing another. Mom had sure enough pissed on my summer this time.

Mom drew our attention. "Look, everyone, I know this has turned into a day for coming clean and everybody's a little upset. I think it's going to be important going forward that we remember we're all family here. If any fences need mending, we should just mend them and move on."

"I agree," Susan said.

I sat staring past the women. Uncle Ron was my father? That was going to take some pretty tall fence mending.

Susan placed her hands on ours. "Come on now. Let's air it out and let bygones be bygones. It's not like any of us can change what happened. Going forward is what's important."

I shook my head a few times, then looked at mom before turning to Susan. "What does this make us now? Are you still my aunt or my step mom or what?"

"Your mom is still your mom and I'm your very close friend and aunt if you still want me to be."

I nodded. "My Aunt, with benefits."

Mom signaled for another drink. "Doug, you're that little bit of Ron Sue's been searching for. I don't think you should take that from her."

"I won't, but how do we go forward. I mean do we just pretend nothing's changed?"

Susan squeezed my hand. "Nothing has changed. We're all still family and lovers."

Mom tossed down another shot. I frowned at her. "You might want to go a little easy on that stuff, Mom."

"What the hell. You only live once. Besides, I'm an adult. Isn't that the excuse we're all using today?" Mom gestured at my beer bottle.

Susan stood, pulling us both by the arm. "Come on, let's all group hug this thing out and start putting it behind us. There's a lot of exploration ahead for all of us."

We gathered together hugging. Mom planted a wet kiss on my cheek, then gave Susan a sloppy one on the lips. "I love both you guys," mom said.

"We know," Susan said.

I found myself strangely aroused by the situation. The sweet smell of liquor combined with the floral fragrance of the women's hair and skin was heady. The warm, close proximity of the them didn't help. My mom's large soft breasts pressed against me along with Susan's smaller firmer tits. I squirmed a little trying to avoid pressing my growing hard-on against mom.

Susan broke the hug and led mom by the hand to her bedroom. Mom went in. Susan paused then returned to me. She hugged and kissed me. "You'll get to be with me again soon."

She turned and grinned once more before closing the door. I stood in the living room with an aching hard-on. I shrugged and went to the fridge for another beer.


I woke to Susan shaking my shoulder. She was naked. "Come help me get your mom out of the bathroom and back in bed."

I shook myself awake and pulled the covers back. I'd been sleeping nude. I glanced around my room. "My robe is in the laundry, let me grab a pair of shorts."

Susan just pulled on my arm. "She's so drunk she won't remember you helping, much less what you're wearing."

I stepped across the hall into the bathroom. Mom lay next to the toilet. She was also naked. I tried to lift her under her arms without squeezing her boobs, but she was bonelessly flexible. I couldn't avoid noticing her big tits with their large dark areolae and her unshaved pussy. If she hadn't been wrapped around a toilet, unconscious, she'd have been sexy.

"You're going to have to help me, Aunt Sue. She's not that heavy, but she's pretty limp."

We wrestled mom back into Susan's bed. I glanced at Susan. "Do you think she'll be all right?"

Susan nodded. "She'll have one hell of a hangover, but she'll be okay."

I pulled the covers up and tucked mom in. She mumbled something I didn't understand. I leaned closer to hear better. Mom grabbed my package and hung on. I'm pretty sure my eyes spread wide in horror as I looked to Susan for help. Susan giggled, but pried mom's fingers off my cock and slipped her hand back under the covers.

Susan and I went to my room and got into bed.

"That was a lot weirder than talking about her with you was," I said.

Susan smiled and stroked my cock. "She's just drunk. She won't remember it. I'll try to distract you for a while and maybe you won't remember it either."

"I'd sure like one of your blow jobs right now, but I don't think I'll ever forget Mom grabbing my dick and hanging on like it was some sort of handle."

Susan chuckled. "Well, we won't mention it again. How's that?"

"Deal." I lay back and welcomed Susan's lips closing on my cock.


I pulled my arm from under Susan without waking her. I bent and kissed her left nipple, then gave it a quick little suck. It sprang to attention. Susan smiled in her sleep. I pulled the covers over her, then went into the hall and looked at Susan's bedroom doorway. I decided to check on mom, then grab a shower.

I peeked into Susan's room, staying out of arm's reach. Mom was laying cross ways in the bed, but she was covered and still asleep. She stirred and snored once. I retreated to the bathroom.

After my shower, I wrapped a towel around my waist and went to the kitchen. I cleared the table of last night's glasses and put the tequila bottle in the cabinet, then I fixed the coffee pot. I washed the dishes while the coffee pot did its thing. I thought about the previous evening and how aroused I'd gotten during our group hug. It was also the first time I'd seen mom naked. Just thinking about it brought my cock to semi-stiff attention.

The toilet flushed. I assumed it was Susan and wondered if I could get a quick hand-job before going out to milk. I filled a cup for myself and got another out of the cabinet. When I turned back to the table mom walked in, wearing Susan's robe.

My mother's breasts were larger than Susan's and wiggled a lot when she walked. I was certain she was nude under the robe and cursed myself for finding that exciting.

I turned toward the counter again, trying to hide my half a hard-on. "Morning, Mom. How're you feeling?"

"Like a total bag of shit, Doug. Thanks for asking."

My dick's amorous mood receded enough I didn't think she'd notice. I turned to face her. "Want some coffee or orange juice or something?"

"Coffee please. With lots of sugar. My mouth feels like a dog slept in it."

I chuckled a little. I was dying to tell her I told you so, but I stifled the urge. I put a steaming cup in front of her then placed the sugar bowl and a spoon near her. I did my best to ignore the aroma of booze and sex that drifted from her.

"I've got milking to do so you can just relax for a while. Maybe grab a shower, it'll make you feel better."

Mom nodded. "I'm sure I reek. Douglas, I've tried really hard to avoid being too over bearing with you and I know sometimes I'm a real pain. But I've got some advice for you. Don't ever, ever mix wine and tequila. You do stupid shit and when you wake up you feel like a pile of shit."

I laughed. "I'll keep that in mind, Mom." I cocked my head to one side. "Sounds like Susan's in the shower, missed your chance. Well I'd better get out in the barn before she gets in here and starts cracking the whip."

"You don't have to avoid Susan on my account. I understand you're infatuated with her right now and I think it's okay. I also know she abandoned my drunk ass last night and went to sleep with you. I'm thinking maybe you both need this... affair. For the time being anyway."

"Thanks, Mom. I think Aunt Sue is really great and I like her company."

Mom smiled. It looked like it hurt. "I think you like having sex with her more than her conversational skills. You look so much like your father. I'm surprised she didn't jump your bones last year. Susan can be a horny little wench sometimes. Trust me, I know. I just hope she's got the energy to entertain us both."

"Mom, please don't talk about Aunt Sue like she's some kind of toy or slut or something. I care about her and I know deep down you do too."

She sipped her coffee. "You're right, Kiddo. I'll knock it off, but she is fucking my son. So, I'm entitled to a little mother's jealousy. We may have to set up a schedule or something. I'm off work all next week and I'll be hanging out here."

"That's excellent, Mom. We'll have a great time."

She smiled again. "You really are a handsome young man. I'm glad you've turned out so well. You'll make a fine engineer."

I nodded. "Mom, Aunt Sue told me you and her have been, well, getting it on for quite some time."

"She did, did she?"

I nodded.

"So. What's your point?"

"I was just wondering... about what she said once. About you and her being with the same guy at the same time... I mean it was a long time ago, right?"

"Yes, it was, but it was fun. What are you getting at?"

"This is weird, Mom. I mean, talking about your sex life rather than talking in generalities that no one really understands."

"Just spit it out, Doug. I've got a terrible headache."

"Well, I'm curious. How do you do it? I mean who goes where and does what?" My face was on fire and I knew I'd turned bright red.

Mom gave me a raised eyebrow. A full-blown stink eye probably would've hurt too much. "We'll talk about that later. You'd better get dressed and get to work. I'll start some breakfast."

I was disappointed at being brushed off, but stepped over and kissed mom on top of her head. "Okay, Mom."


While our trio had fun visiting and playing cards and board games over the weekend. I grew somewhat jealous. Mom and Susan excluded me from their bedroom games and I'd spent my nights alone.

On Monday I was left entirely to myself all day as the women went shopping in town. They were all too happy to share their bargains with me when I came in from the evening milking. I tried to express some interest in their wares, but in the end, I wound up watching the evening news alone after the women retired to Susan's bedroom.

Tuesday it rained in the morning. At lunch Susan asked me to crawl up in the attic and bring down a couple boxes for her. I pulled myself up into the dusty room and poked around the various trappings until I found the boxes marked with a black felt pen. One read, 'Mardi Gras,' the other, 'Wedding.'

The boxes were only slightly larger than a medium suitcase. I wrestled them to the access hatch and passed them down to Susan. She and mom giggled with schoolgirl glee and fled to the living room with their boxes leaving me to find my own way down from the attic.

The rain stopped. I announced I was going out to work on the water trough in the holding pen. I received some sort of garbled acknowledgement from them both.

"I'm the only one doing any work around this place these days." I pouted while pulling on my muck boots. I trudged out to the holding pen with a couple wrenches and went to work. It only took an hour to complete the job. I sat on the wood fence for a few minutes watching the trough fill with water, making sure it didn't leak, and wondering what the ladies were up to.

I crammed the wrenches into my back pocket, then elected to sneak up to the living room's bay window and peek in.

Susan and mom were embracing and kissing with a passion only privacy would grant. Some pressed flowers were on the coffee table along with an open photo album. An incense punk was smoldering in a brass holder at the center of the table.

I thought I was some sort of dirt bag for peeping at them, but I rationalized it by thinking they'd have closed the drapes if they didn't want someone watching.

I shifted my position a bit bumping into a carved, wood garden gnome. I cringed hoping they hadn't heard me. I returned my attention to the women. They didn't seem to notice.

They slid from the couch to the floor pushing the coffee table out of the way in the same motion. Susan unbuttoned mom's blouse and pushed it off her shoulders without coming up for air. Mom returned the favor. They pressed their naked breasts together, then kissed and clung to each other in what seemed desperation.

My cock went from limp to hard in a nanosecond. I laid the gnome on its side and knelt on it to get a better view. The women alternated kissing and caressing each other's breasts for what seemed an eternity. I rubbed my aroused and demanding cock through my jeans.

Mom ripped Susan's shorts open and struggled getting them down her thighs. They gave up their embrace long enough to remove the last of their clothing. Naked, they came back together, each of them sliding a hand into the other's crotch. Susan's fingers disappeared in mom's pussy as the women kissed again. I was sure Susan was getting the same treatment from mom. The front of my boxers grew damp with pre-cum.

The women fingered each other for several minutes. Their bodies convulsed and ground against each other. Their faces contorted in visions of wanton pleasure. I was struggling to maintain composure. Finally, I gave up and fished my engorged cock from my jeans and stroked it slowly.

Susan broke their embrace and withdrew her fingers. She licked them, kissed mom, then jumped up and left the room. Her small tits bounced and her ass wiggled with every step.

Mom watched her go then leaned back against the couch licking her own fingers. Her thighs were spread, her pussy on display. Her lips pink, swollen, and wet. I stroked a little faster. I should've been ashamed beating my meat while staring at my mom's pussy, but I couldn't deny the lust raging in me. Mom seemed oblivious to my presence and massaged her heavy tits while she waited. She broke into a big smile when Susan returned.

My eyes went wide. Susan displayed a massive dildo. She raised it as if it were a sporting trophy or something. Mom laughed and nodded at something Susan said. I was impressed and intimidated by the size of the rubber phallus. I guessed it was at least half again the size of my cock.

Holy crap was Sue going to use that thing on Mom? Where in hell did she get it? I stroked faster.

Susan knelt next to mom, but placed the giant toy on the coffee table. Susan pushed mom's legs further apart and settled between them probing mom's pussy with her tongue. Mom closed her eyes and laid her head back. Susan licked and fingered her while mom squeezed and pinched her dark nipples in time with her writhing.

It wasn't long before mom was fucking herself on Susan's fingers. Susan's tongue flicked and teased mom's clit on every thrust. Mom's pussy was flooded with her excitement. I thought sure I could hear slurping in time with her humping.

My orgasm was fast approaching. I beat my cock mercilessly and just as mom shuddered and her face convulsed in ecstasy, my cum erupted and splattered on the vinyl siding below the window. My head dipped below the window sill and I gasped for air. My cock jerked and thick white cum discharged time and again as my arm slammed to a halt.

I let my breathing return to normal, then peeked above the sill. The women were embracing. Mom's pussy was still on display, drenched, inflamed, and in spite of being my mom's, it looked inviting. Like it needed some cock. Susan's pussy was hidden by her legs, but her tits were visible, the nipples distended like small berries.

My cock hung limp from my fly, a single drop of semen oozed from the tip. I wiped it away absently as Susan moved to the couch. She placed her ass on the edge with her feet flat on the floor. She leaned back as mom got on her hands and knees between Susan's. She lapped Susan's pussy and before long was fingering her as well.

Susan's eyes opened and made contact with mine, she smiled. I snapped my head down below the sill again and hid there for a moment.

Damn, just like mom, Aunt Sue always caught me doing stupid shit. I stood the Gnome back up and crawled away from the window. Out of sight from it I stood, pushed my dick back in my pants, and zipped up.

I walked toward the barn shaking my head. "Man, I've got to find some work to do."


I managed to stay busy in and around the barn for the remainder of the day. I did the milking alone and turned the cows out for the evening then went back to the house. The absence of any sort of cooking aroma caught my attention. I went in the kitchen, made and ate a sandwich before I heard giggling from the living room.

I found the women sitting on the floor. They'd opened the attic boxes and had the contents scattered about.

Both were wearing shorts and button up blouses, but no bras. They had on masks that covered the upper half of their faces. Susan's was purple with sequins around the eyes and outer edge. A small plume of matching-colored feathers on her left temple. Mom's mask was yellow with a red Fleur-de-lis in the middle of the forehead and a long red feather standing up from there.

They greeted me with a toast of their wine glasses.

"Gee nobody told me we were playing dress up today. I've actually been working," I said.

"Working? When you weren't watching maybe," Susan said. They giggled together. It was apparent Susan told mom about me peeping.

I chuckled red faced as I took a seat cross legged. "Well there is that." I dug amongst the souvenirs picking up a large wad of colored beads. "Looks like someone was showing off down in New Orleans."

Mom laughed. "Figures you'd know how to get those." She handed me a glass of wine. "We're drinking our supper tonight. Dig in."

I took a sip. "No tequila?"

"Absolutely not," mom said.

I laughed. "Fair enough." I swung a single strand of beads on my finger. "So, who wants these?"

Susan laughed and handed me an unadorned black mask. "Here, this is the one Ron wore on our trip to the Big Easy."

I took the offered mask and examined it. It was cheap pressed paper with an elastic head band, there was a dry sweat stain on the bridge of the nose. My father's? I shrugged and put it on, then resumed twirling the beads. "Well?"

I glanced back and forth between the ladies. Even though I knew exactly who they were, the masks lent a small amount of anonymity to them. My arousal grew.

I was mildly surprised when mom pulled her blouse open and displayed her big tits for me. She covered them instantly and held her hand out. "Oh hell, give me those damn beads."

I fished another string out and swung them in Susan's direction while mom draped her prize over her head.

Susan sipped her drink, then opened her top for me. I smiled and handed her the string. She didn't bother covering up, she just looped the string over her head.

Mom lunged forward, her tits wiggled free of her blouse. Tantalizing. She seized a handful of beads and split them between her and Susan. "We're not going to be the only ones showing what we've got here tonight." She swung a string on her finger and stared at me.

I stared back. Those were my mom's lips and her eyes, but the mask was weaving some sort of a spell, hiding or maybe, revealing her true self. Her eyes reflected playful lust. I pulled off my tee-shirt. I wondered if my disguise was having the same effect on the ladies. I cast the tee-shirt away and took the string from mom.

Wine glasses were refilled and over the course of the next few minutes the two women sat naked and I remained clad only in my boxers. The pile of beads had been reduced to just a few strings. Susan swung one on her finger. "Show us the prize, Lover."

I glanced at my crotch. My cock was rigid, tenting my underwear. I was reluctant to display my naked hard-on for mom's perusal. "Maybe we should play a different game now."

Susan and mom shook their heads. "Come on now, we've both seen you naked before. Don't be a spoiled sport," Susan said.

I looked over at mom's yellow disguise. She smiled and continued to swing a string of beads on her finger.

I gulped. "Last time mom saw me naked I was six."

"Well, it's long overdue then. Show us what you've got, Baby," mom said.

My heart leapt into my throat and I breathed rapid and deep. What the hell, things were about to get really weird. I decided to accept the disguise and pretend she was someone else.

I stood, took a final deep breath, and whipped the underwear down to my ankles. The women beamed and Susan tossed a string onto my stiff cock. I couldn't help it, I laughed, a little nervous. The humor did nothing to reduce my hard-on. A glistening drop of pre-cum leaked from the tip. I rubbed it off. Unsure what she'd do, I presented my erection to mom.

"A chip off the old block I see." She tossed a string at me. It landed on my cock and slid next to the first. Within a minute the women were laughing in hysterics and six or seven strings of beads hung from my cock. I stepped out of my boxers and flung them away with a toe.

Susan grabbed my cock, removed the beads and stroked it using long slow movements. Mom cleared the coffee table and dragged it into the center of the room. She gestured for Susan to lay back on the table, her ass near its edge and her feet on the floor. Susan dragged me along, without releasing her grip.

Mom engaged Susan in a long kiss while she fondled the smaller woman's breasts. Susan pulled me up to her, rubbing the head of my cock up and down her drenched labia. I looked around for the giant dildo. I didn't see the toy anywhere, so I pushed into Susan's pussy with a groan. If she'd had the dildo used on her, it hadn't stretched her out. Her pussy was tight as ever.

Mom continued to kiss and caress Susan's upper body while I worked my dick in and out of Susan's pussy. I was certain I couldn't last long after all this foreplay, so I grabbed Susan's hips and slowed my thrusting.

"That's really good, Baby, but I need to eat some pussy too," Susan said moaning.

"That's my cue." Mom stood and straddled the table facing away from me. She lowered her sex to Susan's masked face.

I stared at mom's naked ass resting just above Susan's tits. Tremors ran rhythmically across her cheeks. I nearly lost it right there. Her ass was so round, apple shaped, and sexy. In spite of her disguise, she was my mom. I shook my head. I tried to distract myself by watching my reflection in the window. I commanded the words of a children's song to run through my mind.

"Oh God, that's so good Sue," mom said between her sighs and tremors. I, in spite of my wishes, increased my pace knowing I was going explode any moment. I was distracted by my mother standing and turning to face me. She lowered her pussy to Susan's lips again and threw her arms around my shoulders.

"Don't let it go yet, Baby," mom said. "Try for all of us together."

I groaned and leaned forward and kissed the woman in the yellow mask. Struggling not to think of her as mom. Her lips parted and I tasted her tongue and her passion. I couldn't take it any longer. I cried out and came deep inside Susan's pussy. Mom held me up, caressing and kissing me as I gulped in air, panting.

Mom's tits shivered against my chest. My cock softened, but remained snug inside Susan. I stared into my mother's dusky eyes surrounded by yellow material and sequins. She was in the midst of a powerful orgasm and her nails dug into my shoulders. I kissed her again, loving the wine sweet taste of her mouth, the way her tits shivered and the slack jawed gasping for breath. I squeezed her big tits, loving it all.

At length mom stood and stepped away from the table. I pulled Susan up and kissed her. My cock slipped from her grasping pussy with a faint plop. A long string of cum stretched from my dick to her opening before it fell to the floor.

"God, you two are so hot. I don't know what to say," I said.

Susan got up from the table. "You're a great lover, Baby. And a fast learner. Can you get me a towel? That was quite the load you gave me."

I ran to the bathroom, grabbed all the towels and returned a few seconds later. The ladies were lounging on the floor, still naked, wearing their disguises, sipping wine. I gave a towel to Susan and laid the others aside. She handed me a full glass.

"You only get a ten-minute breather, Baby. You're on the clock," Susan said, laughing.

"More to come? Great I like it. You know you two ladies are making those college girls at spring break look like amateurs?" I said.

Mom chuckled. "They are amateurs, Sweetheart."

"Hear, hear," Susan said raising her glass. We joined in a toast.

I looked at their nude bodies and marveled at the difference. Susan was small, thin and athletic. Mom was darker, more robust, softer, round, voluptuous. Both of them sexy as hell and just waiting for me to get hard again. I didn't intend to disappoint.

The women must have exchanged some covert signal as they set their glasses aside and closed in on me. I laid on my back as mom sucked one of my nipples before tracing a path to the other with her tongue. Susan's lips clamped on my cock. I closed my eyes savoring the slow sucking combined with the sharp painful nips mom was delivering to my chest.

The women switched places. I stiffened every muscle in my body when I realized the hot mouth enveloping my cock was my mother's. I fought to keep from thrusting in her mouth, but it was losing battle. It dawned on me mom had sucked cock before and she was good at it. Susan rubbed my chest and kissed me.

"Relax, Baby. Just go with the flow here. Nothing bad is happening," Susan said.

Mom pulled away leaving my cock wet and twitching. She assumed Susan's former position on the coffee table. Susan pulled me by the arms until I was poised on my knees, my cock at mom's glistening entrance.

Susan kissed me and rubbed my cock between my mother's silky labia. My dick's head shone with her juices. Susan broke our kiss and straddled mom lowering her pussy to mom's face. She pulled me forward. My cock head entered mom's pussy. I balked and pulled back.

Susan's eyes grabbed my attention. "It's just sex, Baby. She needs a man. Don't think about it. Just fuck her like she was me."

"I, I, ah, I'm not sure about this part. I mean..."

Mom was already tonguing Susan's pussy. I felt light headed and my thoughts reeled. Was I really going to do this? Did mom really want me? This was so wrong in so many ways.

I forgot about the masks for an instant. "Mom?"

She mumbled from beneath Susan's pussy. "I need you, Baby. I need your sweet cock."

I shook my head and engaged Susan's eyes. Her look consoled me somewhat. "It's just sex and it doesn't leave this room," Susan said.

I grabbed mom's waist and took a long, deep breath. I plunged my cock into her waiting pussy. She wasn't as tight as Susan, but the velvet fit was marvelous none the less. I allowed myself to realize the hot pussy wrapped around my cock was my mother's. The taboo aspect raised my excitement. I withdrew then slammed back into her.

We settled into a rhythm and I thrust for all I was worth. I recognized the onset of Susan's orgasm as she writhed on mom's chest her head on my shoulder. Mom's pussy was milking my cock, demanding my cum.

Mom cried out. "Oh, Baby. I'm coming."

I just bore down and pounded my cock into that forbidden tunnel. It was awash with her cum and my movements were accompanied by soft slurping sounds. My breath came in ragged gasps. My climax was approaching.

Mom's tits jiggled between Susan's thighs with every thrust. Her cries of pleasure encouraged me. She raised her legs and crossed her ankles behind my ass. I was just about to blow. Susan reached between us and grabbed my cock.

"Don't cum in her this time, let her taste it," Susan said. She pushed me back slightly causing my cock to spring up at her. She stroked me to orgasm. I kept thrusting my hips, my cock slippery in Susan's hand. My cum flew from the head, landing on mom's belly and clinging to her pubic hair. Mom wiped my cum with a finger and licked it off. I collapsed against Susan.

"It's all right, it's all right," I said.

Mom pushed Susan off and the three of us embraced. "That's right, Sweetheart, it's all right. It was wonderful," she said.


A chill woke me. I was nude laying with a leg across the back of his mom's legs. Susan was snuggled on one side of me and two empty wine bottles lay on the other. I got off the floor. I was a little stiff, there was a painful throbbing in my temples, and my cock was coated with the dried remnants of fluids that'd been discharged by all of us. I smiled at the pile of masks on the coffee table.

Mom woke and rolled over next to Susan embracing her. She gave me a weak smile then fell back asleep. My head throbbed worse with every movement. The wine? What we'd done? No telling.

I went to the bathroom and pissed, then I pulled the blanket off Susan's bed and carried it into the living room. I covered the women and stared out the bay window. It was still dark enough I could see my reflection. My cock hung limp and my shoulders were covered in shallow scratches. I didn't look like an incestuous son. I looked like a bedraggled man.

I shook my head and thought about last night. What a wild and bohemian event. Even so, it was nearly time to let the cows back in. I'd make coffee and grab a shower then get to work.

I stood in the shower letting the hot water sooth my worn muscles. I thought of my mother's naked body and eager pussy. Different from Susan's, but so wonderful, wet, and willing. I frowned at my growing excitement, but stroked my cock anyway. I thought about my mom's mouth and suddenly came. I was worn out and the volume was greatly reduced. I shrugged.

"I'm a fucking pervert and this will be a fucking mess. Where do we go from here?"


I finished milking and let the cows back out. I busied myself cleaning manure off the walkway shoveling it into the conveyor trough. Light rain fell mixed with fog. I paused at the door, leaned against the jam, and watched the cows meander from the muddy holding pen out into a grassy pasture. I couldn't stop thinking about the previous night's activities.

How in hell did I let that happen? How in hell did mom and Sue let that happen? I couldn't believe it happened. Christ, I'd created a fucking mess. Would I ever be able to look them or anyone else in the eye again? I was going to have to get my head wrapped around this or I'd go fucking nuts.

I turned at a footfall behind me. Susan stood there in a dripping rain coat with a thermos in her hand. I forced a smile and faced her, but avoided her eyes.

"You didn't come in for breakfast. Thought I'd check on you and make sure you're okay," Susan said.

"I'm not real hungry, Aunt Sue."

Susan smiled. I peeked at her eyes, they reflected compassion and concern.

"Come, sit, and have some coffee. I think we're close enough that we can talk about anything, including this," Susan said.

I followed her out of the barn's milking bay and took a seat across from her on a hay bale outside the cooling room. Susan poured steaming coffee into the plastic lid and handed it to me. I sipped and nodded my thanks as I gazed at the woman. For some reason I thought she looked exceptionally hot with her damp hair and slicker.

"I know last night was pretty wild and truth be told probably not our best decision ever. But, I think everyone had a lot of fun and got off more than once. You can't beat yourself up over it, things got a little out of hand. It's done and can't be undone. We both still love you. Neither of us thinks any less of you," Susan said.

"Things got out of hand? There's the understatement of the year." I looked out the doorway at the rain.

"Look, it's not like it's going to be some sort of regular thing or something. It was just something that happened. Yeah, maybe it shouldn't have, but we can't change it now. You've got to try and put yourself in your mom's shoes—"

"I put myself in more than her shoes last night."

Susan flashed an exasperated frown at me. "Don't be a sarcastic asshole, Douglas. It's very unflattering. I'm trying to talk about reality."

"Reality? I had sex with my mother last night. Twice. That's the reality of it. And I think I liked it. What kind of pervert does that make me?"

"You're not a pervert. You're just a young man that got swept up in the heat of the moment. It happens. Why should you be any different from any other guy?"

"Because she's my mom."

"Look, Doug, since she got that promotion last year, she's been working her ass off. I know she can be a little self-centered at times, but she hasn't had any down time. She hasn't been on a date or to any social event that wasn't work related in over a year. Hell, when I came out here, she was on the phone with work and she's supposed to be on vacation. Maybe you should cut her some slack. Cut yourself some too while you're at it."

I stared out at the rain for a long while. I finished the coffee and handed the cup back to Susan. "Maybe you're right. It's just going to take some time for me to rationalize what went on and let it go."

"It wasn't that bad, Doug. We all love each other. Your mom loves you more than life itself. And trust me, she really enjoyed your attention. Both times. You did a good thing for her. A real good thing."

"Truth is I kind of enjoyed it too. Maybe that's more what I'm upset about. You don't think I'm some kind of sick weirdo or something do you?"

"Of course not. Come in and eat something. Talk to your mom. She's worried that maybe you hate her for her weakness."

"Maybe I should turn myself in at the county mental ward."

"Don't be ridiculous. Come in and have something to eat. You'll feel better." She patted my thigh.

"I'll be all right, Aunt Sue. And I couldn't ever stop loving Mom."

"Are you sure you're okay? Come in and say something. Your mom thinks you're hiding from her."

I flashed a weak smile. "I guess I am in a way, but I'm not hungry. This rain is the perfect time to change the small tractor's oil and maybe even get that flat fixed without calling in the pros. You know, save the business a little money."

Susan regarded me for a long moment. "Okay, but don't miss lunch. You've got to eat." Susan rose, hugged, and shared a warm kiss with me, then went back to the house. She turned and waved, smiling at me through the rain before going in.


I looked up from under the tractor. Mom came into the machine shed and sat on an old tire near me.

"I hear you're having some buyer's remorse about last night," mom said.

"Yeah, that's one way to put it I guess."

"Well, for what it's worth, I'm not real proud of myself, but I'm not going to jump off a bridge about it either. I needed that and you delivered, in spades. No man can take care of a woman as good as her own son."

"Glad to hear that, Mom, anytime." I rolled from under the tractor and grabbed a rag. I scrubbed my hands. "Did you put something in that wine?"

"For God's sake, Douglas, absolutely not. Sue told me you were being kind of an ass. She didn't say how much of one. How could you possibly think that?"

"I'm sorry, Mom. I just can't figure out why I... why I did that with you. And worse, why I enjoyed it so much."

"I think we all got caught up in the heat of things, but I really enjoyed it too. And I'd be more than willing to do it again if you wanted to. Of course, I won't force you to do anything, but I love you, son. And I know how to make you feel special."

"I don't know Mom. I mean that'd be kind of a dirty secret wouldn't it?"

"Did you enjoy it at the time? Was my pussy good or no?"

"Of course, it was good, Mom. You and Aunt Sue were both fantastic."

She leaned forward resting her hands on her knees. "Well then. If you want to again, we can make a night for it at home or something."

I tossed the rag onto the workbench. "I'll have to think about it, Mom."

"Okay. You know where I stand. Don't forget how much I love you. Regardless, I've got to go back to the city. They've got an emergency at work and I need to get up to speed. So, I just came out here to tell you goodbye."

I wondered if I should hug mom or give her a kiss goodbye or what. I stood there trying to make up my mind. Mom made the decision for me when she rose and hugged me. I cringed at the twinge of arousal pressing her big tits against me brought.

"Don't be so hard on yourself. You did me a favor and I appreciate it. You've got a great cock. That was one hell of an orgasm. Thanks. I feel so rejuvenated. No one needs to know how."

"Aunt Sue knows."

Mom nodded, letting her hand linger on my arm. "She's closer than family. She's not going to tell anyone. Listen, you've got a couple more weeks here before school starts back up. Enjoy Sue's company while you can, then get ready to hit the books. Once you're back at school you'll be at home and we can talk about this some more."

"I've been thinking about that. I don't know if I'm going back to school, Mom. I was thinking maybe I'd stay on here permanently. Aunt Sue needs the help and I like the work. Besides, in a way, it's kind of my inheritance as well as hers."

"I thought you wanted to be an engineer. Engineers certainly make more money than farmers."

"I'm not sure about that anymore. Besides, I use some of that engineering theory here. You know, fixing things and what have you." I crammed my hands in my pockets.

"Well, don't make a hasty decision. Come to the city in a week or so and we'll talk about all of this. You've got your whole life ahead of you."

I looked at the ground. "I'll try, but let's be real, Mom. You'll be busy with work and we won't talk about much of anything. Hell, just like last semester, we probably won't even see each other."

"Douglas that's not fair. You know you're more important to me than this job."

I looked at her and nodded.

"In the meantime, talk to Aunt Sue about this idea of yours. Then come home and we'll talk about school and... well, our new relationship. I realize you're a grown man. I'm not trying to tell you what to do. All I'm saying is make sure you think things through before you decide. I'm sorry, but I've got to go. You know I love you right?"

"I know. I'm just not sure it's a good idea for us to have sex again. I mean I liked it, but..."

Mom's face fell. "We'll talk about that later, Doug. I promise, but I really have to go."

I walked her to her car. Susan met us there. The women hugged and I stood there shifting my weight from one foot to the other. Mom turned and hugged me. I draped an arm across her shoulders and kissed her on top of the head.

"Take care of each other and behave yourselves. I love you both. Especially you." Mom rose on her toes and kissed me on the cheek. She opened the car door and got in.

"I love you, Mom. Drive careful and call when you get home." I pushed the door closed for her. Susan and I stood in the drive until mom's car was gone from view.

"Come in and eat. You haven't had anything since yesterday and we need to talk."

I nodded and followed Susan into the house.

Being ten times more ravenous than I realized, I stuffed myself with mac-n-cheese, bread, and ham. Susan nibbled and watched me. When I finally called lunch done, I asked, "So, what do we need to talk about?"

Susan rolled her eyes. "You know darn well what."

I nodded. "Okay. Do you want to talk about me having sex with my mom, or our future here on the farm?"

"I think we should cool the 'down on the farm talk.' Your mom wants you to finish your education. So do I," Susan said.

I stood and looked out the window over the sink. The morning's rain had changed to a downpour. "If it doesn't stop raining, getting the cows in this evening will be mess."Susan rose, gathering the lunch dishes. "Don't change the subject."

"I'm not. Just thinking out loud. I know what mom wants. She's not one to beat around the bush. But I thought you needed the help. And with the latest revelation about Uncle Ron and Mom, I've been thinking maybe this is where I'm meant to be. I've been thinking it since before you invited me into your bed, actually. I don't see that it's changed all that much."

Susan stacked dirty dishes next to me on the counter. "Of course, the business has struggled since Ron died. And your help has been invaluable. Since we've become summer lovers, your company has been important too. But your life opportunities grow exponentially if you finish school. You need to consider that."

I watched the rain pelt a puddle in the driveway. Who should I try to please? Mom, Aunt Sue, society? Maybe I should go with my gut and do what pleased me. I turned to Susan and gathered her in my arms. "Next week I'll go to mom's place and have it out with her. I'm staying here. Even if you kick me out of your bed, we're going to make this farm work. For us and for Ron."

She shared a light kiss on my chin. "I'm not going to kick you out of my bed. I just want you to be sure. To be certain this is what you want to do. Regret is a terrible burden."

"I don't see regret. I see opportunity."

"That makes me happier than I can describe," Susan said. "But there's still your mom. Even if she agrees, what are we going to do about her visits? They won't stop and I'm not sure I'd want them to."

I shrugged and grinned. "We'll get a king-size and just let things happen."

Susan smiled. "Now that sounds like fun."

"Yeah, it does." I sighed and glanced out the window again. The rain showed no sign of letting up. "I'm not getting any work done today so I guess, in the meantime, we'll just have to fuck all afternoon."

Susan squealed as I swept her off the floor and carried her to the bedroom. Our bedroom.


On a warm day the following summer at an artist's colony, Susan and I strolled along the quaint street. Sharing a bit of down time before mom's scheduled visit. I was carrying a couple large bags containing her newly acquired treasures.

We paused at a flower vendor. I picked out a long-stem carnation and presented it to Susan. She held it to her nose and smiled, demure, giving me the eye over its petals. I turned to the clerk to pay.

The clerk glanced at Susan and smiled. "What a nice young man, buying a flower for his mother."

I glared at the clerk as I held out the money. "She's not my mother."

Susan stepped in. "I'm his aunt."

I took my change. "She's not my aunt either, she's my lover, and I'm not ashamed to say so."

The clerk looked back and forth between us, a blush on her cheeks. "Oh, sorry. I didn't mean anything... You folks have a nice day and thank you."

I gave the clerk one last stink eye, then offered my arm to Susan. She took it and we wandered away. Susan sniffed the flower, her eyes alight.

"You do realize that when you're fifty I'll be seventy, don't you?" Susan said when we'd gone a short distance.

I laughed. "Yeah. Maybe by then I'll be ready to trade you and mom in for a couple thirty-five-year-olds."

Susan gave me a playful punch in the arm. "By then you won't be able to handle one thirty-five-year-old."

I stopped and took her in my arms. "Well then, looks like we're stuck with each other." I planted a 'get a room' kiss on her right there in the middle of the street.
