For a 19-year-old guy, there is nothing more embarrassing or unsettling than to be caught by your mother fucking a sweet young thing in her bed. We should have at least heard the door deadbolt unlock! 18-year-old Sheila was in the throes of a mind-blowing orgasm I had just given her by eating her pussy. Midway through the orgasm I had scurried to mount her. She had guided my cock into her and I was fucking her with abandonment when she screamed.

If we had been situated properly with our heads at the headboard of the bed, mom would not have been spotted halfway through the living room. We had our heads towards the foot of the bed and Sheila had spotted her. For whatever reason, I was unconcerned with my own nakedness and scrambled to cover Sheila with the bedspread.

"For crying out loud mom!" I exclaimed. "Go to the kitchen!"

Mom seemed to be in shock standing there in the middle of the living room, but with my urging she finally turned and walked towards the kitchen at the back of the apartment.

Sheila was scurrying to gather up her clothes, then, headed towards the bathroom, which was across from and slightly to the left of the front door and just a few feet from the kitchen entrance. I started dressing as quick as I could. When Sheila exited the bathroom I met her in the short hall, opened the front door and pushed her out, hollering to mom I would be back in a few minutes.

After driving Sheila home, I had no other option except to return to the apartment and face mom. She was preparing dinner and told me it would only be a few minutes before we would eat. I sat at the table across from her eyeing my hamburger patty and freshly cut fried potatoes. I could tell with my peripheral vision that mom was eyeing me. I did not know what to say or expect.

"How long has that been going on?" She finally queried.

"With Sheila you mean?" I returned.

"There have been others?" She said in a surprised tone. "How many?"

"Two besides Sheila." I answered. "Over the past four months or so."

"Well, aren't you the stud!" Mom said sarcastically. "You have been using protection I hope! And what exactly were you doing to that girl?"

I didn't know how long mom had been in the apartment.... spying is not the word..... viewing us doing it, I suppose. Anyway, I figured mom knew what sexual intercourse was, so I figured she was not asking about that.

"Kissing her." I answered, using a term that I deemed not to be vulgar.

"Kissing her? Your head was between her legs! I would not call that kissing her. Kissing IT, maybe! Who the hell taught you to do that?"

"It's a long story." I began. "Well, maybe not that long. A 24-year-old. She used to live up on the hill near dad. How to do that and other things."

Mom set staring at me. It seemed she was at a loss for words. I put my head down and continued eating, not really wanting to discuss it anymore.

"I suppose I had better ring the bell before I start up the stairs." She finally stated. "I can't be interrupting you and your girlfriends." She continued. "I understand you using my bed.....your bed is so small. Have you been washing it afterwards?"

"Yes ma'am. Every time." I assured her.

All seemed to be forgiven and she had appeared to come to terms that I was sexually active. We finished supper and I helped her wash and put away the dishes. She retired to the bathroom to take a shower. I followed suit and we were soon sitting on the sofa in front of the TV as usual, drinking our favorite beverage and eating snacks. We always held our conversation until a commercial came on. During one of those commercials, mom surprised me with the topic.

"You doing that," she began. "Kissing her down there. It must've been awful good for her. She was screaming like a banshee. And you two coupled midway through her orgasm! I saw her guide your penis into her. I cannot get the vision of... how do I describe it........ your penis moving in and out of her vagina. I've never seen anything so erotic and stimulating. Do you like it without hair?"

"Actually, I hate it without hair." I answered the only question I had been asked. "I love a thick bush! You said you found it stimulating? Would that mean you were aroused?" I queried.

"Regardless of what you think about me being naïve or so down on men, I am not a cold fish. I enjoy sex!" She replied with challenge in her tone. "But every man I've ever been intimate with has cheated on me. You know how your father was. The show is back on."

We both we turned our attention to the TV and nothing else sexual came up that night. A few days later we were again together watching TV and snacking as usual.

"Have you seen your girlfriend?" Mom asked during a commercial.

"Not here. Sheila has her own apartment. We were together yesterday afternoon." I answered.

"Together? You mean you to had sex?" She inquired. "Did you kiss her.... down there?"

"She likes it a lot." I replied.

"Does she bath before you do that?"

"Yes of course. Sometimes, if we're in a hurry, she squats in the tub for a quick scrub." I answered.

Mom's curiosity intrigued me and I became very brazen when I spoke next.

"You seem to be infatuated with the notion of oral sex." I began, shooting a little BS. "I doubt if you're going to find a man of your age and generation who is going to do that for you. If you really want to find out what it's like, I could perhaps show you?"

"You could show me! You mean..... we couldn't do that!" Mom stuttered. "You're my son! I'm your mother! It wouldn't be right! That's incest!"

"Mom, we're not talking about sexual intercourse here. You see me in my underwear and I have seen you wearing only panties and bra. It's not like we have been monks for crying out loud." I reasoned with her. "We can have the lights off and you won't even know it's me. I'm just offering if you're interested, that's all!"

"No! We.... I can't do that!" She protested. "It just wouldn't be right." Then, after a few minutes, "I'm a little tired tonight. I think I'm going to bed. You can continue watching TV. You're not going to bother me."

The only thing separating mom's bedroom from the living room was a chest high bookcase that partitioned half of the double door opening. I watched mom remove her heavy housecoat and caught a glimpse of the top half of her naked breast over the top of the bookcase. I cut off the lamp leaving the apartment in the dim glow of the TV. Mom had received my offering without going ballistic or accusing me of improper thoughts. I had opened the door and wondered if mom would walk through it. I was, truthfully, only interested in her well-being.

A week or more pasted and life went on as usual. The few evenings that mom and I did not watch TV together I was at Sheila's apartment having sex. Then one evening I was unusually late and mom was already in bed. I entered a darkened apartment. I crossed to the bathroom and shut the door completely before turning on the light. I turned the light off before leaving the bathroom and quietly walked across the living room to my room.

"Did you have a good evening?" Mom asked before I had covered half the distance.

"I did. I had a very good evening." I returned.

"Would you come in here a moment?"

I turned my angle slightly and walked to the door-less opening to stand beside mom's bed.

"I'd like to ask you a question." She began. "You've had sex with Sheila so tell me whether I'm right or wrong? Your male hormones are at a low point and if you kissed me... down there...... You won't be getting crazy wanting to do more?"

"That is a safe assumption, though I think I could be quite capable of doing that without getting upset in the least. I was just thinking of you mom."

"So you will leave your clothes on?" She queried.

"Certainly! There is no need to take them off."

"I would like to you to kiss it, then." She offered. "It's good and clean."

It takes a lot to make a room completely black. The apartment always had a bit of ambient light seeping through the windows, even with the blinds shut. So, I could make out mom's movements as she pulled the covers off of her and lifted her legs up removing her panties.

I moved to the bottom of the bed and maneuvered onto it. I could make out that mom had her knees high and her feet flat on the bed. Her legs, modesty kicking in, I suppose, were not spread but a few inches.

"What should I do?" She queried.

"I need you to spread your legs far enough apart to get my head between your thighs. When the time feels right, putting your feet on my shoulders will help It would also help, mom, if it's okay, if I put my hands under your butt."

"Do you need to do that?" She asked but did not wait for a response. "I guess that will be okay."

I moved slowly taking care not to alarm her. I rested my torso on my elbows and blew lightly on her pussy to let her know I was very close to her. And, indeed, I did begin with kissing her pussy lightly and tenderly. While doing so, I pushed my upturned hands under her butt and she lifted to assist. I then stretch myself out onto the bed.

"That feels quite nice." She whispered in an analytical tone.

"Relax and don't jump." I instructed.

I placed my tongue at the bottom of her labia and pulled it up slowly between the lips.

"Mercy!" She moaned saying the word quickly. "Do that again."

I repeated the action three more times, each time eliciting a pleasurable moan and lifting motion of her ass. I spent many minutes exploring her labia. The lips were quite large and seemed to invoke an almost continuous series of moans from mom. I finally concentrated the tip of my tongue on her clit with the expected response. Her feet maneuvered to my shoulders and her ass levitated over the bed.

"OHhhhh! Yes! Don't stop! Please don't stop! Right there!" She exclaimed with labored breath. "I've never felt anything so good! Thank you!"

A woman opens her soul to you when she's in orgasm. I waited with anticipation of mom's orgasm. I was hoping it would be huge. To help ensure a mind-blowing orgasm, I began to flutter my tongue with a feather-light touch at the base of her clit. Her orgasm hit like lightning. She bellowed as her ass began to hump my face, causing me to struggle to keep my tongue glued to her clit. The orgasm released her slowly and she collapsed, breathing heavily. I again kissed her pussy lightly and tenderly for a few long moments.

"That was good Sean." She said in a satisfied tone. "You better stop now or I'll be wanting you to do it again."

"That's not a problem for me mom." I assured her.

"Mother is tired now." She reaffirmed her desire to quit. "Maybe next time."

I moved slowly away from her returning to the bathroom to wash my face and rinsed my mouth. I was in bed for a few minutes before remembering her words "maybe next time", and determined I could not go to sleep without jerking off first. I reached for one of the socks I had wore that day to catch my ejaculate.

The next night was different only in that we spent a few hours watching TV. I spent those hours pondering how to bring up the subject of giving her more oral pleasure. At our usual time, 11 o'clock, I began to return our glasses and dishes to the kitchen as usual. On returning from my second trip;

"I don't know how to ask." She said as she stood. "Could I impose on you for a few more minutes? It was very good last night. But, only if it's not going to get you upset!"

"I can control myself." I assured her.

I waited by the lamp as mom moved to her bedroom. She removed her housecoat as before. She made no effort to cover her breast, even shooting me a shy smile as she entered the bed. I shut the light off and joined her the same way I had the prior night.

I pleasured her orally in pretty much the same fashion. My mind pondered mom willingly showing me her breast. Maybe, it was her way of giving me something in return. That, and the statement about getting me "upset" revealed her concern of me pushing her for more. I wanted more! I just didn't know what I wanted more of. I knew intercourse was not going to happen. I don't think I wanted it to happen!

Again, mom had a most satisfying orgasm and thanked me profoundly. I scurried off to bed to jerk off, releasing a good deal of stress and anxiety. I was going to push just a little.

It was near a week before mom asked me for a few minutes of attention to her desire.

"Sean I hate to admit it but I really need to be kissed down there." She admitted during a TV commercial.

"Mom, it's not a problem. If you want me to eat your pussy, all you have to do is ask!" I remarked, intentionally being vulgar.

"That doesn't sound very nice!" Mom challenged. "Is that how Sheila asks?"

"She doesn't ask. She commands." I returned. "And that's what I want you to do. You can give me that much can't you?"

"If that's what you want?" She said shyly. "That will help you?"

"Yes! It makes me feel needed. If you say it one time, it won't bother you again." I assured her. "And just to show my appreciation I'll give you something special tonight."

"I want you to eat mother's pussy tonight." She said shyly.


"Yes! Really! You're going to eat my pussy tonight!" She repeated in a much more demanding tone.

I restrained myself the same as I always did. I probed, explored and teased her pussy until I had her delirious. Then, I withdrew my hands from her ass and pushed her legs back and stuck my tongue into her hole. I pushed my tongue as deep as I could push it and then wiggled it.

"Sean! Why did you do that? " She exclaimed, lifting her head. "That is very vulgar and ..........."

I pulled it slightly out of her only to push it deep into her again, once, twice, three times.

"My Lord! You're making me weak!" Mom exclaimed.

I figured I had pushed enough and began to concentrate on her clit, bringing her to orgasm quickly. I kissed her pussy as I always did for a few short moments. I then pushed my nose up through her lavish bush and kissed her belly. I continued up just short of her breast when I felt her body tense. I withdrew from her, stopping at the bathroom and returned to my own bed.

"You surprised me last night." She said the next morning, Saturday, as she sat the pancakes in front of me. "Don't you think you went a little bit too far?"

"Was it good mom?" I queried. "I wanted to give you something special."

"Yes of course! But I'm not talking about THAT. I'm talking about kissing my belly and going near my breast?"

"Then you shouldn't worry about it." I counseled. "I won't do it again unless you ask."

"You've done it once. I just want to be clear. I'm not going to ask. " She replied. "And the other was very good. You don't have to wait to be asked to do that again."

"If I might suggest mom, and only if you think you would like it, I would like to begin sometimes with kissing your buttocks. They are very lovely and I would enjoy that very much."

"I think I would find that very pleasant." Mom replied. "And I would like to do something for you. I'm just glad you are getting the kind of real satisfaction you need from Sheila."

"May I make another suggestion?" I queried by did not wait for an answer. "You're going to be cleaning the house today. Could I talk you into wearing just your panties and one of my white shirts? And if I happen to be sitting on the sofa playing with myself you think you could just carry on like nothing's happening? "

Mom stopped dead in her tracks. She turned and gave me a stern look. I thought sure I had gone a little bit too far again.

"So, you want me to parade around the house while you sit on the couch ogling me and jerking off?"

"Sheila has been away with her parents for a few days." I defended. "You want to keep me and the hormones down and under control don't you? I might be tempted to take a chunk out of your rear end!"

Her look softened. "Any color panties you have in mind?"

After mom showered, I took my shower. Thinking positively, I put on cotton shorts with an elastic waist and a T-shirt. Exiting my room, I found mom dressed as I asked, one of my dress white shirts buttoned up, with the sleeves rolled up twice, and a pair of red panties. They were of the bloomer type but still quite provocative. I sit down on the couch to read the paper.

Mom, I found out, was quite adventuresome and provocative. Moving around the living room, she bent over presenting her ass to me and occasionally gave me a seductive glance, telling me she knew what she was doing. I was soon fondling my ever-hardening erection through my cotton pants. Not as confident as you might think, I finally mustered the courage to release my full erection over the top of my cotton pants. I covered up the action for a brief time, but finally threw the paper to one side.

Mom stopped more than once to watch me. She continued her progress around the living room and through the opening to her bedroom. She was sometimes lost from my view. I really wanted her, needed her, to stay visible.

"Mom." I called.

She came to the bookcase and stood staring.

"I really need you to stay where I can see you!" I begged. "It's only going to take a few minutes."

Mom placed her dusting rag and spray can on top of the bookcase. She walked across the living room, approximately 15 feet, and spread her stance, bending over seductively, placing her hands against the wall.

"Come closer mom!" I pleaded.

"This is all you get young man." She chided.

I hammered on my cock as I stared at my mother's ass trying to imagine what her pussy must look like. I could make out quite a few pubic hairs trying to escape from around her panty crotch True to my word it only took a few minutes.


I reached for a few tissues to clean up the cum that I had directed back towards my belly, hand and wrist.

"Thanks mom. I really needed that." I said after a few brief moments of collecting myself.

"Well, that's all fine and dandy but you have gotten me upset. You can start with my butt." She said walking to her bedroom. I was standing quick enough to watch her remove her panties, kneeing herself onto the bed. It was broad daylight and I was going to get a look at my mother's ass and more importantly her pussy. She took a position on her belly in the middle of the bed, her legs spread wide, which surprised me.

Kneeing myself onto the bed, I saw dark, almost black fur between her legs and surrounding her labia.

"I forgot you are not a natural redhead mom." I said as I began to nibble on her ass.

"Lord I need this! That feels real good." She exclaimed, then, "surely you have noticed my black roots coming through. I only let it get so long before I go have it colored. But no, I am not a natural redhead. I hope you are not too put off?"

"Not at all." I answered. "I feel very fortunate to be where I am right now. It doesn't matter that the collar does not match the cuff."

I soon had mom rolled over.

"May I look at it for a few moments?" I asked.

"Yes. But don't tarry too long. Watching you jerk your cock has really gotten me horny."

Mom had a much more mature looking pussy than Sheila. Her labia was thick and puffy. Pulling the lips apart, the color was an angry red turning light brown as it neared her hole. My cock was hard as a rock again. I put my face to her pussy and put my tongue right to her clit. It only took brief minutes to bring her to orgasm. I continued tonguing her clit. She did not resist getting aroused once more and again it took mere minutes to bring her to her second orgasm.

As her second orgasm slipped away, I mustered my strength for the suggestion.

"Mom would you be willing to roll over and let me lay my cock in the crack of your ass."

Long moments ticked by and I became anxious that she was going to deny my desire."I suppose that would be okay." She finally said. "It sounds very erotic."

Mom rolled over and I maneuvered up, spreading her cheeks a bit, letting my cock drop into her ass crack. Her buttocks were ample and enveloped a good portion of my stiff shafts. I held myself aloft humping her ass slowly, but finally eased my weight down onto her.

"Is that good sugar?" She inquired lovingly.

"It is wonderful!" I assured her. "You have a very nice ass. I'm not too heavy am I?"

"Not at all." She assured me. "I'm looking forward to having your cock shoot your cum on my back. I'm getting very aroused by what you are doing."

"I'll clean it up." I promised.

"You just do it." She urged. "You're going to have to eat my pussy again. I don't want you to waste time cleaning me up. I'll wash the spread."

With that, I began to hump Mama's ass robustly. Having already come made no difference as the eroticism of it all had me going at Mama's ass with strong determination. I was soon humping her ass like a crazed man. The bedsprings were singing in chorus with my rhythm.

"I'm coming mom!" I exclaimed. "I comiinnnggggggg!"

"Come on baby! Hump Mama's ass!" She bantered.

I shot a good amount of cum onto the middle of mom's back.

"I feel it Sean!" She exclaimed. "It's so warm."

As I lifted off her, she lifted her right arm behind her and ran her fingers through my cum. She then rolled over and I put my face back to her pussy. Tenderly this time, I began to pleasure her treasure, probing and exploring. I listened to her soft moans and as had become the habit she put her feet on my shoulders. It gave her the leverage to hump my face when I put my tongue into her pussy. I did so now.

"We are so bad Sean! But it's so much fun isn't it!" Mom moaned as I tongue fucked her more tenderly than normal. "I know you're going to see Sheila tonight and get your cock wet. I want you to fuck her like you would fuck me if we could."

I understood mom's meaning. She could get pregnant if we had unprotected sex and I knew she did not trust a rubber or anti-semen liquids. I was happy that she was giving me all she could. Mom's third orgasm was quite mellow and she moaned her appreciation. We showered together. We laughed and scrubbed each other and I slapped her ass as she scampered out of the tub to dry off.

I saw Sheila that night and I did indeed fucked her like I would have liked to fuck mom. After I stuck my cock into Sheila, mom and the vision of her pussy was the only thing on my mind. After my two climaxes with mom, Sheila commented on how well and long I had fucked her. The incestuous relationship with mom had its not so obvious benefits.

I came in late and mom was asleep. I did not find out until I found a note on the table the next morning that mom would be out-of-town for two days on business. Mom did not arrive home until well after dinner time. I had eaten out and was sitting in my underwear watching TV.

"Good evening Sean." She said as she kissed me on the forehead. "I'm exhausted tonight! I think I'll be going straight to bed after I shower."

I was let down a bit but understood how air travel and the taxi ride home could be exhausting. Mom showered and came out wearing only her bra. Mesmerized, I watched her walk across the living room. Her almost black cuff made an interesting contrast to her red collar.

"It's amazing how much a hot shower can revive you." Mom said sitting down next to me. "You have seen everything I've got. I didn't see any sense putting on panties or that heavy housecoat. I've always been a nudist at heart anyway. What in the world are you watching!"

"It's called Taboo. It's family incest." I answered not taking my eyes off the screen for the son was fucking his mother for the first time. They had just entered the bed and the son was rubbing his mother's pussy. "I found it in the adult section of the movie store. That's the son and mom. It was kind of a mutual first time seduction."

"I've seen her before." Mom said. "Her performances are so real I think she actually enjoys getting fucked."

Mom could clearly see the bulge in my briefs. She reached over and began to fumble with my briefs, trying to get my cock out. I helped her a bit. She began to stroke my cock as we watched mother and son fuck on the screen.

The mom on the screen was now sucking her son's cock as he held himself high over her face. Then he slipped between her legs.

"I'm sorry to have to tell you this Sean but I got myself off in the cab on the ride home. I was the only passenger for the last 20 minutes so I gave the driver a treat." She confessed.

Her confession and the facial expressions of the mother on the screen were having its effect on my cock. I was surprised at mom's confession. I figured we could discuss it later. Mom was now in rhythm with the son's cock pumping into his mother's pussy. Long moments passed. When he pulled his cock out of her, rising quickly above her to squirt his load on her chest, my cock erupted shooting ejaculate 2 inches into the air. My semen dropped onto mom's hand and wrist. Mom wiped cum onto my shaft and then continued stroking my shrinking cock slowly.

"You probably need at least 30 minutes to revive yourself." Mom said teasingly. "I'm too tired to wait for you. Maybe tomorrow night."

I was not interested in continuing the movie so I cleaned up after mom did. Returning to the living room, I cut the light out and started for my room.

"Sean? Do you see any reason why we should not share the same bed?"

"None at all if it's okay with you?" I replied and queried.

"Then let's try it."

I joined mom in bed lying to her right against the wall. I lay on my back as mom lay on her left side. I figured what the hell and rolled over to spoon in behind her placing my right hand on her right buttock.

"UMmmm! That's nice." She whispered.

Sheila called the next day wanting to see me. I informed mom that Sheila seemed upset about something and could we delay our sex play. Mom sarcastically faked her dismay. Sheila, it turned out, was upset over nothing more than her rent going up, but a good talk and fuck straightened her out. I was very late getting home that night and mom was asleep. I was tempted to try to wake her but Sheila and I had had a lengthy fuck so I decided against it.

"So, did you take care of Sheila's problem?" Mom questioned after we settled on the sofa the following night. Again, she wore only a bra.

"She's so funny sometimes." I explained. "Her rent went up! She makes plenty of money. I don't know what she got so upset about. So she can save as much money!"

"I confessed to masturbating as the taxi driver watched." Mom said. "Did you help her feel better by fucking her?"

"I did!" I said proudly. "Driving home from the diner, I pulled into a secluded driveway and we fucked on the front of my Volkswagen. It put a dent in it but it popped right out thank goodness."

"Ouuuuuu! You are getting me a little wet!" Mom said seductively.

"Shall we retire to the bed.?" I suggested.

"I'm your mother!" Mom faked her shock at my suggestion. "I could never let you get me into bed no matter how hard you tried!"

I reached to take hold of her. She jumped away from me and off of the sofa to run to the darkened bathroom. I was after her instantly. Catching her in the bathroom, I tried to get her in a bear hug. I let her slip from my embrace. I let her scamper from the bathroom and followed her into my "old" room. I tackled her, dropping her as soft as possible onto my bed.

"Don't!" She shouted. "You're so bad wanting to get your mother into bed. Let me up! I don't want you to see or touch my pussy!"

I let her roll me to the floor and escape. I scrambled after her as she ran from the small room. I chased her around the coffee table. Off-balance she started to fall on the sofa but she jumped and pivoted, landing on both knees. I shoved my crotch into her ass pushing her against the large sofa cushions. Every time she moved I pushed, essentially dry humping her ass. I reached to grab her bra protected breast.

"NO!" She shouted sounding very seriously. "You don't touch my breast dammit!"

"Sorry mom!" I apologized, throwing both hands up in surrender and backing away.

I didn't know why but it had spoiled the moment. Mom had plopped herself down on the couch and crossed her arms with a stern look on her face. She sat there for long moments and I went to the kitchen to grab a Coke. Returning to the living room, I found mom in bed. I sat down to watch TV wondering should I go to bed in her bed or my own.

"Sean. Come in here baby." She said in about 20 minutes.

I walked through the opening and she patted the bed in my usual spot. I entered from the bottom and she lifted the covers for me to crawl under.

"Come here and let mother hold you." She whispered tenderly.

She hugged me tightly for long minutes.

"Rub my belly sugar." She asked in a whisper. "It calms me down."

I put my right hand to her belly and began to stroke and rub it softly. I did so for many long minutes and then I felt her right leg lift slightly, widening her thighs. I let my hand moved downwards and received no voice of resistance. My fingers roamed through her bush and I squeezed her mound tenderly. I extended my middle finger, pushing it through her ample labia and hearing her first soft moan. With my middle finger, I probed, explored and teased her clit. She became extremely wet making it easier to stroke her pussy.

"Stick it in me." She pleaded. "Stick your finger in me."

I began to finger-fuck her, slowly at first and then aggressively much to her liking. I alternated finger-fucking and returning to her clit for many long minutes. I slid my left hand under her ass, extending my middle finger, sticking it into her as I concentrated on her clit with my other finger. She was moaning continuously, lost and delirious in lust. Her orgasm hit and she shoved her ass down pushing my finger deeper into her pussy and then shook her ass violently as if fucking herself on my finger.

"Damn baby that was good!" She said with labored breath.

She reached with her left hand to find and grip my cock, her palm towards its domed head. I scooted closer to ride her thigh, placing my right hand on the inside of her thigh nearly touching her pussy. Quite naturally, I began to ride her thigh as she pulled on my cock, sometimes pulling at the domed head.

"Is that good?" She whispered.

"Very good!" I assured her.

"It's so hard. It's full of juice that I want." She whispered. "You're going to squirt that juice all over my thigh and into my bush."

And after a few minutes that's exactly what I did! Mom lay for many minutes toying with my limp cock with cum she collected from her thigh and bush.

"I wished I could let you stick it in me. To fuck me like you do Sheila." She whispered. "But I'm only 43 and I know I can get pregnant. I hope you understand it's just too big of a chance. Even with a rubber."

"There are sprays and liquids mom." I offered.

"I know. But we can't take that chance Sean!" She said with a determined tone. "You do like playing like we do don't you?"

"Yes. Of course." I assured her.

I was aware and no doubt mom was aware of my erection, firm and hard once more.

"All this talk of fucking has gotten you upset again. Bring it up here to me like in the movie." She suggested.

"Are you going to suck my cock mom?" I asked, knowing mom must have heard the disbelief in my tone.

"If you want me to baby." She answered. "After all you have done to me, I would not be much of a lover, or, a mother, if I did not suck your cock."

"If you will scoot down just a little bit, I have a better idea."

I quickly reversed my direction putting us in a 69 position. I gripped my mother's ass. I felt like I was in my element as I put my face to her pussy. I felt her toying with my cock and wondered if mom had ever sucked a cock before. I would ask for later. Soon, I felt her lips on my domed head, and eventually she was taking over half of my shaft into her mouth.

Mom came quickly and released my cock as she breathed heavily. Eventually, she took my cock back into her mouth as I kissed lightly on her extremely wet and juicy pussy. She began stroking my shaft as she sucked on a good 3 inches of my cock. I wondered if I should give her a warning and decided to tell her. Soon!

"I'm coming mom!" I said in a loud volume. "Move! I'm coming! GGrrrrrrr!"

Long moments later;

"Damn! I should've swallowed it!" She said in an exasperated tone. "It's all over my face. It doesn't taste all that bad. Kinda sweet really."

I inverted myself once more and kissed mom full on the lips, feeling the slick feeling of my cum on her face. It was our first kiss of passionate, incestuous intent. It was long a long kiss and we hugged tightly.

"And that was good too!" She said after we broke our kiss.

After cleaning up we returned to the bed and lay talking. After a number of minutes, I decided to ask;

"Mom why did you get so upset when I grabbed your breast?"

"They are very sensitive...... very, very sensitive! The only thing I can compare it to is being tickled. It drives me nearly insane. You could not take more advantage of me than if I was passed out drunk."

"I would not take advantage of you mom." I assured her.

"I'm not going to take that chance either." She returned with a competent tone. "I trust you more than I do myself."

"You have only been without your bra a couple of times is that why?" I persisted.

"Exactly. You're just going to have to live with it Sean."

Time went on and I did accept it. I was happy pleasuring mom and mom pleasuring me. My favorite was, after pleasuring mom, placing my cock between her ass cheeks and humping her ass. One evening I suggested she leave her panties on, letting me between her legs, allowing us to dry hump. We found that she could easily orgasm like this, thus letting me finish in this way also. After lengthy foreplay, it soon became our favorite way of finishing each other. I wondered why my torso scrubbing against her breast as we dry fucked did not excite her as she had told me. I figured it to be the bra and forgot about it.

We were two months into our incestuous relationship. I had found a secluded adult bookstore across town far from our neighborhood. Browsing the movies and books, I came upon strap on dildos and decided to purchase one. I purchased one of my length and thickness.

I waited until mom and I had not been together for a good number of days, three days in fact. We sat on the sofa watching Taboo II. Mom was toying with her already naked pussy and I had my cock out of my briefs stroking it slowly.

"Mom, do you know what a dildo is?" I quizzed.

"Of course. I have two." She answered. "Now that you bring it up I would like you to use one on me? I can't believe I haven't thought of it earlier."

"I have a better idea." I offered, reaching for the bag next to the sofa. "How about this?"

It took mom just a brief few seconds to figure out what I was holding up for inspection. I saw a slight smile appeared on her face.

"You know, I think that if you screw me with that thing your cock is going to be rubbing in between the crack of my ass and against my ass hole. What a thought! Let's go find out if your cock will get enough stimulation to make you come."

Mom and I retired to her bedroom and she lay positioned on her back in the middle of the bed, knees up, legs wide watching me strap on and adjust the dildo. Indeed, placed properly, my cock rode just under the rubber shaft. I maneuvered onto the bed and between her legs. Mom, with both hands, pulled her legs back as far as she could. I placed the dildo to her pussy, pushing it slowly into her as I guided my cock between her ass cheeks and in contact with her ass hole.

"Oh fuck that's good!" Mom breathed as I pushed deep and dropped over her to cradle her in my arms. "It feels so real to have you on top of me like this."

I began to learn how to fuck mom with a strap-on dildo and try to keep my cock against her ass. I found if I did not withdraw the dildo too far my cock would not poke against her and conflict with our rhythm.

"Is it rubbing against her clit mom?" I queried.

"No. It's possible that I may not be able to come like this, but maybe you can though. Let's just keep at it. It feels damn good."

I eventually found that I could indeed create a most sensuous feeling on my cock by not concentrating on fucking mom but just focus on bringing myself to orgasm. From mom's moans and the movement of her ass she was quite content with what I was doing. I would worry about mom's orgasm after mine if I could make it happen. The friction against mom's ass, the knowledge of the head of my cock scrubbing her ass hole, and our rhythm and her moans all combined to drive me on. We fucked long, long minutes. We fucked hard. We fucked silently.

My orgasm hit and I concentrated on keeping my cock stroking over mom's ass, feeling an abundant amount of semen being ejaculated. I dearly hoped some of my cum shot over mom's ass hole. As my cock withered, I maneuvered to my knees, keeping the dildo embedded in mom's pussy. As I continued fucking with the synthetic cock, I put my thumb to her clit. Pushing it deep caused her head to frail back and forth as she growled deliriously. She bellowed like a stricken animal when the orgasm gripped her. She huffed and puffed like a woman giving birth. Then she collapsed breathing heavily.

"Damn baby that's the best yet!" She exclaimed with labored breath. "And I felt the warmth on my ass hole. I'm sure you shot your cum all over my ass hole. Now there's a thought! That's one place you could put your cock and we wouldn't have to worry about getting pregnant." "Give it a try." She offered. "It should be well lubricated."

Gripping my cock, I found it firming up. Mom pulled her legs back as far as she could muster. I placed it to her brown hole, her rosebud, and pushed slowly. I met tight resistance. I backed off and coated the head of my cock with the ejaculate that was plentiful. I pushed again and the head of my cock disappeared into mom's butt.

"Easy baby! Easy!" She cautioned. "I may not be able to do this. Go ahead. A little more."

I pushed slowly and a bit more disappeared. I waited. Again, I pushed slowly as mom moaned, but she did not voice opposition. A bit more I pushed and it was done. My cock was firm and hard and fully inserted into mom's butt hole.

"Whhuuuuuuuuuuu!" Mom moaned. "It's there! It's all the way in isn't it?"

"Yes. It's all the way in." I told her.

"Sean you have no idea how much I want you to shoot your cum into me.... into my body, but I don't think I can do this. You're just too damn big for that hole."

"You don't want to try at all? It could loosen up a bit." I offered.

"Okay. Let's try. But please go easy." She agreed.

I only pulled out a smidgen before pushing it into her again. I repeated the movement twice, three, four, five times.

"Stop Sean!" She cried. "I can't take this. Pull out. Slowly!"

I pulled my cock slowly out of her. I maneuvered off the bed and went immediately to the bathroom. I was still washing my cock in the sink when mom joined me in the bathroom. She hugged me tightly, placing her head against my back.

"I don't know what got into me. Wanting you to stick your cock in my ass. See what kind of affect you have on me." She said.

"I feel the same way you do mom. I want it in you so bad." I offered. "Let's just forget that ever happened, okay?

"Okay." She agreed. "We have made a mess. I'll clean up after I shower."

This time I was the one away. Sheila and I had gone canoeing and fucking in the great outdoors for three days. I came home a little late and found mom in the bathtub soaking in a bubble bath. Our apartment was an old one and the bathtub was rather large....... large enough for two adults to easily fit. I stood talking to her for a minute or two as I sat on the toilet. Her breasts were bare, of course. It had been a long time since I had seen them, and then only in near darkness. I could study them now at my leisure. Her breasts were quite large and sagged just a bit. Her areoles were large and cocoa brown. Her nipples I deemed a good mouthful but at present nearly flat."May I join you mom?" I asked.

She did not look at me for long seconds shoving the bubbles away from her in a playful manner revealing her belly button.

"Sure. Why not." She finally said. "Sit down facing me."

I stripped and stepped over into the tub and eased myself to a sitting position facing her. Her legs were outside of mine. My cock was beginning to firm up and soon the domed head could be seen breaking the surface when I leaned back.

"It sure doesn't take that thing long to perk up." She joked.

We talked about our day for long minutes. I began to playfully splash the water onto her slightly pouched belly. She playfully began to do the same but aiming the splash towards the head of my cock. It made my cock that much harder. I reached for the cup that we used to rinse our bodies.

"Lift your pussy up." I directed. She did and I began to pour water onto her pussy concentrating on the spot where I thought her clit might be. "You think you could come if I hit it in the right spot often enough?" I queried.

"We'll see!" She said humorously.

I began to count the cups of water. At 25, mom's face was flush and her nipples were firm.

"That is so damn good!" She exclaimed at cup 51. "If we only had a hose to keep the stream constant I could probably get off!"

I stared at her breasts, the firm nipples, as I continued to pour water on her clit. I stared at them and remembered how mom had told me how sensitive they were. I needed to know. I maneuvered quickly to my knees and cupped her breasts, lifting and squeezing them. Her reaction was instantaneous and was far from positive. She tried to remove my hands and failing that she slapped me repeatedly. Her flailing about caused her to slip lower into the tub creating a tidal wave that splashed a good deal of water out of the tub and onto the floor. She tried to push me away with her legs but could not get them under me.

"STOP IT SEAN!" She bellowed loudly. "YOU BASTARD! NO! AHHH! HELL! STOP IT!"

She had not lied. I had tickled her before and she had tickled me in a much more innocent fashion. She fought with the same enthusiasm when I would not stop tickling her. She squealed then as she was squealing now. I latched on to a nipple and sucked it hard! More water left the tub as we tussled, she fighting even harder, trying to stop me ravishing her tits, trying to escape the torment. I could tell she was mad as hell as she tried to get my balls in her clutches. There were only inches of water left in the bathtub. She was now mostly on her back and I had a one-track mind...... not to quit!

"OHHHHH GOD! OHHH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDDddddddd!" She screamed as the orgasm hit her.

'Mom had come!' My mind screamed. 'Me, ravishing her breast had made mom orgasm!'

Consciously by design, or unconsciously by happenstance, feeling the head of my cock slip into her hole, I shoved and penetrated her deep. 'I'm in mom's pussy!' My mind acknowledged.

With one last hard fist to the side of my head mom stopped fighting. I was no longer ravishing her breast, but holding myself up over her with locked arms, pumping aggressively into her. Her stern look told me she was not happy at all. I cared little. My cock was in her and I had no intentions of letting her up. Why was she not fighting me, I pondered, as I stared back into her eyes. I'm sure my eyes were telling her I was going to have her all the way. Her arms remained idle by her sides. They should have been touching me affectionately.

I wanted her to desire my cock! I wanted her to tell me how much she desired it. All she did was lay there passively. I was too far gone with incestuous lust to care! I wanted it to last forever but it lasted barely 3 minutes. My cock jerked hard shooting my cum into her pussy, her belly........ my mother's belly.

"Damn you!" Is all she said, after I had ejaculated and the orgasm faded away.

I didn't want her to damn me. I slid my arms under her shoulders to cradle her and continued pumping into her. With all of the emotions, the desires, my cock quickly became firm once more. I was going to fuck her into submission. I was going to fuck her until she was not upset with me. I gave no thought to her back on the ceramic tub. I fucked her for long, long minutes, then, I felt her hands on my hips and her legs maneuvering to wrap around me. Then I remembered her back and where we were fucking. I attempted to cradle her more, lifting her body, making her more comfortable.

There were no moans but I felt her ass began to move. Her breathing increased as she began to match my rhythm. My moderate rhythm was defined by the strong thrust and punch I gave her pussy, penetrating deep. I was stabbing her pussy with determination and she was responding positively. Her breathing was pounding in my ears. I felt her nails sink into my hips. Her legs wrapped around me were confining and I fought to withdraw my cock sufficiently to stab her again and again. For the first time in my young life, I was beginning to tire, but I was determined that mom would come first if I had to fuck her all night.

More long minutes. How can I describe the feeling of my cock pumping into my mother, slipping in and out of her pussy, she, fucking me back with silent passion?

I wasn't sure if I heard it worked felt it. The moan surfaced becoming louder and louder. Mom's body did not seize like the other orgasms I had witnessed. Her ass began a frenzy of activity and the orgasm lasted twice as long as usual. Her body transitioned into a strong shaking tremor.

"Are you cold mom?" I queried with concern.

"Shut the hell up and come in me again!"

Her legs released me as she brought them back to her chest. I began to hammer unmercifully into her, seeking to do her bidding.

"Come on baby! Come in mother's pussy!" She urged. "Give me some stuff! I need it! MOTHER NEEDS IT!

I shot off strongly sending my cum into mom's belly. I released her carefully and helped her sit up in the tub.

"Hand me that red box out of the cabinet there." She directed.

I handed her the box and watched her extract a tub with a long nozzle on it. She placed it to her pussy, pulling one side of her labia open, and inserted it. She squeezed the tube twice quickly, then, gave it a third squeeze.

"That should do it I hope." She said optimistically.

"When did you buy that?" I queried.

"While you were gone." She answered. "And I realized there was nothing left for us to do."