
Jimmy was loading his camping gear into his old truck when his youngest sister Janna came out of the house. "Where are you going?" She asked as she walked up to look at what he was doing.

"I'm going camping."

"That sounds like fun. I haven't been camping in years. Not since mom and dad used to take us skiing up at the lake."

"There won't be any skiing where I'm going," Jimmy said as he tossed his sleeping bag and clothes bag behind the seat of his truck.

"I want to go," Janna said quickly. "My sleeping bag is in my closet and it won't take me long to pack some things."

Jimmy looked at his sister as he shut the truck door. "Look, this isn't a camping trip for you. This is an adult camping trip."

"Hey now, I'll be nineteen next month," she protested.

Jimmy took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Have you ever been naked around a bunch of people?" He asked straight out, hoping to scare her.

Janna's eyes grew wide and she shook her head. A moment later, her eyes narrowed and she asked, "And who else is going on the trip?"

Jimmy shrugged. "I don't have any idea," he replied still hoping to scare her off.

Janna looked at her brother and frowned. "Either I go along or I tell mom and dad what you are up too."

"What makes you think they are going to let you go off somewhere with me alone, much less with a bunch of people they don't know. Anyway, I'm old enough to do just about anything I want."

Janna got that stubborn expression on her face that her brother had seen before over the years. The "I'll get my way or I'll screw up your plans just for the fun of it," look. With her hands on her hips, she said, "You'll figure out something so they agree to let me go."

Jimmy shook his head. "This is not a trip for you."

"We'll see," she said as she spun on her heels and stomped off toward the back porch.

Jimmy groaned and followed her. She could be such a brat when she didn't get her way.

As she went in the back door, Janna said loudly, "Jimmy is going camping and I want to go but he says I won't fit into his plans."

Their mom Helen, was in the kitchen working on a lunch time salad. As Jimmy came inside she looked his way and raised her eyebrows. "Why won't she fit into your plans?"

"It's a bunch of college kids and they can get a little rowdy and wild," he replied.

"She is headed for college in the fall so maybe this would be a way to give her some insight into college life."

"But mom, this won't be at the college. It's a campgrounds. A place out in the woods where we can get a little wild without causing a problem," Jimmy explained.

Helen looked at her daughter and sighed. "It doesn't sound like a place for you."

"I'm sure there will be other young women there," Janna said looking at her brother hard.

"Will there be?" Helen asked her son.

"To tell the truth, I'm not sure exactly who will be there."

Helen looked at Jimmy and frowned. "Maybe I shouldn't let you go."

"Mom, I'm a guy and almost twenty one."

Janna looked at her brother hard and then turned toward her mother. Before she could say anything, Jimmy said, "Look, I'll take her along and if things get too rowdy or wild, I can always bring her home."

Helen shook her head and then sighed. She looked at her daughter. Janna said, "Please! I won't give him any trouble or make any trouble for that matter."

Helen sighed and said, "I'm going to have to let you go one day and put my trust in you so...." She let the sentence trail off.

"Oh yeah!" Janna said sharply with a broad grin as she took off at a dead run toward her room.

Helen grinned at her daughter's enthusiasm and then looked at her son. "You keep her safe. I'm counting on you."

"Yes, ma'am," he replied as he headed toward his sister's room to help her pack.


They were on the highway headed west. Janna had on a pair of shorts, a T-shirt, and a long sleeved over shirt. She flapped the open front of the over shirt and blew out a deep breath. "I forgot this heap of yours doesn't have air conditioning."

Jimmy had on a pair of short and a sleeveless t-shirt. "You have too many clothes on," he said with a grin as he looked over at his sister. "Get rid of the over shirt, the bra, and the panties."

His sister gave him a wide eyed stare in return. She did lean forward and take the over shirt off. She laid it on the seat between them. "Why should I get rid of the panties and bra?" She asked as she did.

"One, less clothes means more air circulating over your body. Two, I'm going to a nude resort, which means naked if I didn't already mention that. You might want to try that part out before you get there."

Janna looked at her brother with wide eyes. "I thought you were joking about that as a way to keep me from tagging along."

"Nope, you're over eighteen as you pointed out and I gave you the facts."

Janna groaned softly and slid down in the seat a ways. "Naked camping? Who does things like that?"

"Nudists for one and horny college kids for another," Jimmy replied with a grin. "I can take you home if you're going to chicken out."

Janna sat up straight and gave her brother that stubborn look. "You'd just love that, wouldn't you?" She said as she wiggled one arm inside her t-shirt and then the other one.

There was wiggling going on under the t-shirt mostly in the back. Suddenly a light blue bra came out the bottom of the shirt to land in Janna's lap. A moment later, one arm appeared in a sleeve and then the other.

Janna picked up the bra and laid it on top of the over shirt. "It's not going to be that easy to get rid of me."

Jimmy grinned as his eyes went to the front of his sister's shirt. "You must be cooler from the way your nipples are pitching tents in the front of that shirt."

Janna looked down, gasped softly and covered the ends of her breasts with her hands. "Cold has nothing to do with it."

"Then it must be arousal," Jimmy said with a chuckle.

Janna groaned as her hands squeezed her breasts and then let go quickly. "I, uh, they do that when I first take my bra off," she lied.

Jimmy shrugged. "Not from what I've observed on other girls. It usually takes a little time for them to rise after being pushed in by a bra."

Janna looked at her brother hard. "And how many nipples have you observed."

"A dozen pair maybe," Jimmy said as his eyes returned to the tents in the front of his sister's t-shirt.

Her hands started up to cover them again but she changed her mind and let them return to her lap. "A dozen different pair?" She asked a moment later.

"Some college girls aren't shy. In fact, some of them love showing off their breasts. It makes them wet and horny."

Janna groaned softly at the thought of showing her breasts to someone, anyone. "I've, uh, only showed mine to one guy."

"After senior prom?" Jimmy asked to get information.

"Yes," Janna said with a hiss in her voice.

Jimmy chuckled. "That sounds like you enjoyed it. Him seeing them or him sucking on them?"

Janna groaned and nodded. "Both actually."

"Did you have sex with him," Jimmy asked softly.

Janna nodded and then groaned long and loud. "I, I shouldn't have let you know that."

Jimmy shrugged. "I've had sex with four different girls so I'm not in a position to judge you."

"Yeah, but you're a guy," Janna said sharply.

"The only difference is if and when, who is using birth control."

Janna looked at her brother sharply and whispered, "Mom put me on birth control senior year."

"Mom is a whole lot smarter than she looks," Jimmy said with a laugh.

There was a silence for several miles before Jimmy said, "Now, about those panties."

Janna looked at her brother hard. "That ain't happening here in this truck."

"Okay," Jimmy replied.

Again, they rode along in silence. Finally, Janna asked, "How far until we get to this place?"

Jimmy shrugged. "A dozen or so miles on this main road and then we hit the back roads for another twenty or so."

Janna groaned softly. "Can't we go somewhere they camp normally."

"My friends wouldn't be there."

"What friends? Girl friends or boy friends?"

Janna groaned again when he said, "Both actually."

"Other girls maybe but with other guys, I don't know," she whispered.

"If you haven't noticed, I'm a guy," Jimmy shot back at his sister.

"Yeah, I've noticed believe me," Janna mumbled. Her brother was six inches taller than her and weighted probably two hundred pounds with little or no fat on his body that she had ever seen.

Jimmy gave his sister a double take and chuckled. "Have you been peeking at me?"

"Have you ever peeked at me?" She asked in return.

"Never on purpose but.... Uh, things happen."

She looked at her brother with her mouth open. When she closed it, she asked, "What do you mean when things happen?"

Jimmy shrugged. "We live in the same house and you're not as careful with what you wear or how you sit at times."

"Are you saying that I flashed you?"

"Like I said, things, uh, accidents happen."

Janna groaned softly and pulled the over shirt over into her lap. "I, uh, yeah," she whispered as she tried to think of times something like that had happened. Her cutoff Levi shorts came to mind as did a couple of her lounging skirts. A couple of sloppy t-shirts and crop tops also crossed her mind.

Her thoughts were interrupted by her brother asking, "They all were accidents, right?"

"Yes!" Janna said sharply and quickly.

"Just checking," Jimmy said. "I didn't think you were that kinky but ya never know these days."

Janna gave her brother a hard look and then smiled shyly. "No one has ever used the word kinky in reference to me. I'm the tomboy type to most people."

Jimmy chuckled. "I know a couple of soccer playing tomboy types that are kinkier than hell."

"What does that mean?" Janna asked.

Jimmy looked at his sister and shrugged. "One or both of them have no qualms about stripping off and climbing into the hydro tubs at the gym with a dozen guys around. Some of which are in the tubs."

Janna gave her brother a funny look. "You're kidding right?"

"Not in the least. I think one of them said they might join us this weekend."

"Liking being naked in front of other people makes them exhibitionists, right?"

"And people who like to watch naked people are voyeurs."

"Which are you?" Janna asked quickly.

"Both, I guess, I don't mind being looked at naked by girls and I like looking at naked girls."

Janna groaned softly. That's when Jimmy noticed that there were things going on under that over shirt. "What are you up too?" He asked a moment later.

With a shiver, Janna took her hand out from under the shirt and her shorts were in them. Jimmy did a double take and groaned himself.

They rode in silence for a moment and then Jimmy hit the brakes and pulled over onto the shoulder of the road. Janna looked around quickly and said, "What are you doing?"

Jimmy checked traffic and then hooked a u-turn. "I missed my turn," he said as they came to a halt before he made a left turn onto a side road.

Janna giggled as she put her hand back under the shirt. Her hips rose up slightly and then returned to the seat. A moment later, her hand reappeared holding a pair of light blue panties.

Jimmy looked from the panties to the road and then to his sister's face. As he looked back at the road he whispered, "I didn't think you would have the nerve."

"I didn't either," Janna whispered.

After a minute or two, Janna said, "I guess I should put the shorts back on."

Jimmy swallowed hard and replied, "Or you could take the t-shirt off and put the over shirt back on."

Janna looked at her brother with her eyes wide and her mouth hanging open. "But, but, but," she stammered.

"Yeah, that was a silly idea," Jimmy whispered.

When Janna didn't move, Jimmy looked at her quickly. She shivered and said, "This is as close to naked as I've ever been in a car, uh, truck."

"Where were you and your prom date?"

Janna blushed deeply. "His parents bedroom."

"What?" Jimmy said louder than he meant too.

Janna grinned and added, "They were on vacation."

"That's good to know," Jimmy said as he shook his head.

Janna squirmed on the seat and then used both hands to lift her t-shirt up above her breasts. Her brother was looking at her breasts with his mouth hanging open. "Watch, watch the road," she said quickly as she pulled the shirt down.

"Uh, yeah," Jimmy said as his eyes returned to the road.

They came to a stop sign and Jimmy stopped. He looked at his sister's face and then down at the front of her t-shirt. His eyes moved to her face and he took a deep breath. "Your breasts are bigger and better looking than I ever imagined."

"Thank you," Janna whispered and then asked, "I, uh, though that you had seen my breasts before?"

"Only a glimpse here and there and a fleeting glimpse at that," he replied.

She shivered and lifted the front of the shirt again. Her breasts were full and her nipples hard. "Like I said, only the one guy has ever seen them."

"They're beautiful. Better than a lot of older college girls I could name."

Janna blushed and looked around. They were at a crossroad with nothing but woods around. "How, uh, rural is this area?"

"To tell you the truth, I really don't know. I've never been out this way before. From the maps I checked on-line, it seemed sparsely populated. A few scattered homes and farms."

Janna shivered and took a deep breath. "No time like the present," she whispered as she pulled the t-shirt off over her head. She tossed it on the seat and took her time putting the over shirt on. She was acutely aware of her brother's eyes roaming over her naked body.

When she had the shirt on, she buttoned one button and pulled it over her lap. "Yeah, I now understand the exhibitionist thing."

"The voyeur thing has a whole new meaning," Jimmy said as much to himself as to his sister.

She must have heard because she grinned. "Aren't you a little over dressed for this heat."

Jimmy looked at her for a moment before he took his t-shirt off and tossed it on the seat between them. As he pulled away from the stop sign, his sister said, "You have a beautiful chest yourself."

As they drove along the side road, Janna reached up and undid the one button. A minute or two later, she pulled the shirt open exposing her whole front side. Her hands came up to caress her breasts and her bare stomach. "This could get to be habit forming."

Jimmy shifted on his seat and made some adjustments to the front of his shorts. "You won't get any complaints out of me."

"You, uh, need to get those shorts off," Janna said a moment later. "I'm way more naked than you are."

"Yeah, but much more of you is hidden between your thighs than the way I'm built."

Janna pinched her nipples and moaned softly. "I'll show you mine, if you'll show me yours."

Jimmy's mouth dropped open. He didn't believe his sister had just said that. "That might not be such a good idea," he said a moment later.

Janna giggled. "We're both going to show and tell if we're naked for the weekend."

"You have a point there," he said as his eyes took in her very hard nipples. She had let go of her nipples and sat still but she was breathing hard and fast.

"How close to coming are you?" Jimmy asked softly.

"If you only knew," she whispered in reply.

"Would you come if I touched your nipple or breast?"

Janna arched her back, pushing her breasts out farther. "I think I'd come if I touched them right this minute."

Jimmy took his right hand off the steering wheel and moved it in his sister's direction. She turned quickly and grabbed his wrist with both hands as a deep moaning groan escaped her lips. Her eyes were closed and she was rocking back and forth.

"Are you...." Jimmy started to ask and then stopped. Probably not a good question at this time.

They came to another crossroads and stop sign. Jimmy stopped the truck and looked at his sister. She had let go of his hand a little earlier and sat there breathing hard, her eyes closed.

Her legs were slightly parted and he could see part of the swell of her outer lips and the bright pink of her clit poking out of the folds at the top of her slit.

Not letting himself think about it too much, he pushed his shorts down around his lower thighs. His hard dick was standing up against his lower belly. His left hand moved that way but he jerked it back up to the steering wheel.

Janna groaned softly and opened her eyes slowly. "Holy shit, that snuck up on me with a club."

"Didn't it though," Jimmy replied.

Her head snapped around in his direction and she blushed deeply as she realized her brother had watched her as she came long and hard. Her body gave out with a deep shiver as her eyes closed. Her head returned to the front.

Jimmy sighed and turned left. They had only gone a short ways when Janna gave a jerk and looked around quickly. She pulled the shirt closed over her breasts but left the bottom spread open.

She glanced at her brother out of the corner of her eyes and then gasped as her head turned and she looked directly at his dick. She groaned softly and licked her lips. "I, uh, I," she stammered in a whisper.

Jimmy watched his sister in short glances to the side. "You said you wanted to see all of me," he said a few moments later.

"Uh, yeah," Janna said and then giggled. "I just didn't expect so much of you."

Jimmy gave her a confused look. "What do you mean by that?"

"There is twice as much of you as there was of the guy I dated for prom."

Jimmy grinned. "You must have picked the runt of the litter. I'm pretty much normal sized."

Janna groaned softly and turned in the seat, her left knee coming up onto the seat, and her thighs spreading wide. Now, her whole sex was on display for his eyes. Jimmy groaned deeply and slowed to pull over on the side of the road.

They sat there for several minutes. His eyes were on her sex and her eyes were on his dick. He licked his lips several times at the juicy look of the folds of her sex and her shiny glass looking slit. Each time he did, she would make a whimpering sound.

Jimmy looked up at his sister's face and asked, "Did the guy from prom eat your juicy looking pussy?" Janna shook her head quickly. "Did you suck his dick?"

Janna groaned and whispered, "I gave it a try for a minute or two and then he was ready to, uh...." She let the sentence die.

"Such a deal I have for you," Jimmy whispered.

"I'd scream my head off," his sister replied.

Jimmy grinned and said, "In that case, I hope Katy is going to be at the campgrounds."

Looking at her brother's face, she asked, "Who is Katy and what does she have to do with, uh...." Again she let the sentence die.

"She's a screamer also when she gets her pussy licked. She also has a ball gag to keep the noise down."

"Ball gag?" Janna parroted and then groaned as she remembered seeing one in a video on the Internet. "Won't she need it?"

"That brings up a good question that I don't have an answer too," Jimmy said thoughtfully.

"Question? What question?"

"Does she eat pussy," Jimmy said with a grin.

Janna's mouth dropped open and her eyes grew wide. "I, uh, I," she stammered and then groaned deeply.

Jimmy laughed. "I think that is a fantasy in the making, if I ever saw one."

"It very well could be. I've thought about it both ways but...." She stopped suddenly and groaned again. "Why can't I keep my mouth shut."

"Because we're both sitting here more or less naked."

Janna blinked several times and said, "I guess I'm sharing a tent with you."

"Since I only packed one tent and one large air mattress, I guess so."

Jana opened the top of the shirt and groaned as she looked down at the way her thighs were spread. She shivered as she said, "I guess we're in full show and tell mode."Seems like it to me," Jimmy replied.

Janna looked around and asked, "Why did you pull over?"

"The campground isn't too far ahead."

"Then we need to get dressed."

"Slip your shorts on and do up a couple of buttons on the shirt. I'll pull my shorts up."

Janna groaned. "This is going to be messy," she said as she picked up her shorts.

"I could do a cleanup but I think that would make things very noisy and messier."

Janna nodded quickly as she turned to put her shorts on. "What do I do if Katy isn't there with her ball gag?"

"Try to swallow a pillow?" Jimmy said with a grin as he pulled his shorts up. "You wouldn't be the first or the last."


The guy at the front gate asked for ID. Jimmy gave him his driver's license and his sister's also. The guy wrote down their names, the type truck, and the license number before he asked, "Do you have reservations? This is a big Holiday weekend."

"What holiday?" Janna asked as she searched her mind for an answer.

"National Nude Day, what else," the guy replied.

Jimmy chuckled at his sister's confused look and said, "Yes, we're with the group camping in the back campground. I think it's under the name of Lewis."

The guy lifted a couple of pages and searched a list. "Yes, the last ten spaces in the backyard." He pulled a map off the bottom of the stack of papers and circled the area of the campsites. He also handed them a booklet. "Rules and regulations. Read them."

With that said, he turned and hit a button to open the gate.

Jimmy handed the papers and booklet to his sister and pulled away. "That was easy," Janna whispered as she studied the map.

"Lewis's grandparents own the place. It's an annual party," Jimmy said. "This is my first year being invited."

"Take the next right," Janna said and then asked, "What is National Nude day?"

"It's not an official national holiday or a legal one except for maybe in New Zealand," Jimmy replied.

Janna chuckled. "But a good excuse to get naked, right."

"Exactly. Not to mention an excuse to get out in nature and drink a little beer."

"I've tried beer but not to my taste," Janna said.

"Good, it'll keep you from doing stupid things."

"Like showing off my tits or climbing in a tub with guys I don't know?" Jana asked.

"In your case yes, in other cases, they don't have to be drunk. They're just crazy and or teases."

"Sounds like some girls I've known in the past," Janna said and then added, "Take the next left and stay to the left. The campsites are at the end of the road."

They passed a few campsites with tents pitched and people either sitting around or standing around. They were of all ages. Janna was looking at the people as they passed and waved back at the ones who waved at her.

Looking at her brother, she said, "They all look so normal except for being naked."

"It's their natural state," Jimmy said with a grin. "It's a lifestyle."

"They look happy and relaxed even with me looking at them."

Jimmy chuckled. "Later, they may be looking at you."

Janna groaned softly and shivered. "Yeah, that thought is just now dawning on me."

At the end of the road, they came to a group of tents on both sides of the road. There were young men and women everywhere, some sitting, some putting up tents, some laying on blankets. The guys wore short and the women had on bikini bottoms.

A tall lanky guy waved them down. "Hey Jimmy, glad to see you could make it."

"Thanks for the invite Lewis," Jimmy replied.

Lewis looked through the side window and asked, "Who is your friend?"

"Janna, meet Lewis our host. Janna will be coming to college this fall and I figured she might want to meet some of the wild people early," Jimmy said.

"Over eighteen, right," Lewis asked with a frown.

"Nineteen the end of next month," Janna replied.

Lewis nodded. "Good, good, you can set up camp in the end spot over there. We're keeping it calm until everyone is here. Park your truck on the end after you've unloaded."

Jimmy pulled down to the last spot on the right and shut the truck off. "Honey, we're home," he said with a grin at his sister.

"Uh, some assembly required," she shot back at him as she opened her door.


As they were unloading the truck, Jimmy asked, "Did you bring your bikini?"

"In my bag," Janna replied as she looked at all the topless people. "Now I'm getting the impact of the voyeur thing," she whispered as she carried an ice chest over to a shady spot.

It didn't take long to get the tent set up along with a couple of chairs, and a folding table. The lantern and stove went on the table. Jimmy used an electric air pump to blow up the air mattress as Janna put their clothing bags and sleeping bags in the tent.

When Jimmy carries the mattress over to the tent, Janna opened the flaps to take it inside. Jimmy let out a low whistle. All she had on was a thong type bikini bottom. "Wow!" he said as he went to get the last of the stuff out of the truck.

Janna was sitting in a lawn chair talking to another young woman when Jimmy returned from parking the truck. "Hey, Katy. Good to see you here."

Katy was a short redhead with fantastic breasts. The lime green bikini bottom showed a sprig or two of red hair at the waistband. "Hey, yourself. Where did you find this gorgeous woman."

"In the bedroom next to mine," Jimmy said with a grin. "But that is supposed to be a secret."

Katy looked at Janna and grinned. "If he was in the room next to mine, I'd have a tunnel through the wall."

Janna blushed and said, "The thought has crossed my mind a time or two."

Jimmy stood beside Katy and leaned close to her and asked, "Did you bring your ball gag?"

"I sure did. I never leave home without it," Katy replied and then looked at Janna. "I take it, I'm not the only noisy one around."

"In my mind, I think so but I don't really know," Janna confessed.

"Such a deal I have for you," Katy said in a low voice as she licked her lips.

"I, uh, didn't know if you did or didn't," Jimmy said. "I'll wrestle you to see who gets there first."

"You start at her tailbone and I'll start at her navel and I'll meet you in the middle," Katy said breathily.

Janna was squirming in her chair and blushing deeply. Katy chuckled and said, "We better find another subject before she starts without us."

"That, that happened during show and tell earlier," Janna whispered.

"You dirty old man," Katy said to Jimmy.

"Hey, don't look at me, she went boom all on her own."

"First time?" Katy asked looking at Janna. When Janna nodded, Katy said, "Those are the best kind. Savor them."

A yellow jeep slow rolled up between the tents and stopped. They turned to watch as Lewis talked to the driver. The Jeep backed up and three young women and a guy got out. The women already had their tops off. They went about setting up camp.

"That should be all of us," Katy said.

"One guy, three girls?" Janna asked.

"That's Elliot. He attracts women like dogs attract fleas," Katy said in a catty voice.

"What's his trick?" Jimmy asked.

"A wheelbarrow full of daddy's money and no morals at all," Katy said with a frown.

Jimmy shook his head. "Some guys have all the luck."

Katy sighed and put her arm around Jimmy's waist. "He's a user and probably an abuser from what I've heard. He won't end well."

Jimmy looked at his sister. "Are you taking notes?"

Her eyes went to her brother's hard dick making a tent in his shorts. "Yeah and I see the perfect pen to jot them down with."

Katy groaned softly. When Janna looked at her, she grinned and said, "He is totally dangerous with his tongue and deadly with his dick."

Janna moaned softly and whispered, "Now there is a couple of notes I'm writing down twice."

Looking at Jimmy, Katy asked softly, "Am I invited to spend the night with you two?"

Jimmy looked at his sister to see her nodding her head. With a grin, he asked, "How many ball gags do you have?"

"Only the one but there are other ways of keeping someone quiet."

Jimmy groaned. "A dick in a mouth or someone sitting on someone else's face."

"Works for me," Katy said and looked at Janna. "How about you?"

"Here I go with the fantasies and dirty thoughts," she replied in a breathy whisper.

"Things only get dirty when you are doing them right," Katy said with a wink.

"Messy also," Jimmy added.

Suddenly a whistle blew a long blast and Jimmy looked around toward Lewis's campsite. He grinned as he saw bikini bottoms coming off as well as shorts. "It looks like party time has begun."

He turned back to see a lime green bikini bottom flying through the air to land on the table. Katy was naked as he looked at her. Janna sat where she had been with her mouth hanging open, her eyes on the red hair partially covering Katy's sex.

Katy grinned and said, "Darling girl, please close your mouth before someone sits on your face or shoves something down your throat."

Janna closed her mouth quickly and gulped before she said, "Do I get to decide which?"

Katy reached over and grabbed Jimmy's dick through his shorts. "You've seen this right?"

Janna nodded and whispered, "The only one I've ever had would never reach my throat even if someone had kicked him in the ass."

Katy laughed and stepped behind Jimmy to jerk his shorts down. His dick hung in the front of the shorts and then came loose to spring up and slap his belly with a meaty sound. "This one is perfect for reaching the top of my throat but then again, I have a big mouth."

Janna made a whimpering sound as she stood up, her eyes on her brother's dick. Her hands went to each of her hips and slowly pulled the strings to undo the bows holding her bikini bottom up.

Katy shivered as her eyes took in the dark patch of short hair on Janna's mound and the fact that the rest of her sex was cleanly shaven. "I'm, uh, glad to see that I'm not the only one who likes a little hair left in place."

"If mine was red like yours, I'd leave more on mine also. It is shocking but beautiful," Janna whispered.

"It also proves she is a natural redhead," Jimmy said as he turned to look at the other young woman around the area. None seemed to have any hair on their sex.

Katy saw where he was looking and laughed. "No grass on any of those playgrounds," she said as she gripped his dick and gave it a pull.

Jimmy turned back and shrugged. "I can take hair or leave it as long as it's not a jungle."

"There are jungles and then there are jungles," Janna whispered. "Earlier this year, mine looked like the Amazon rainforest."

Katy squatted down quickly and grinned as she was eye level with Janna's sex. "You seem to have it under control now."

Janna giggled. "It took some work and borrowing my dad's beard trimmer."

"I, uh, hope you cleaned it up good," Jimmy said as he looked at his sister with wide eyes.

Katy looked around at the well groomed look of the hair around Jimmy's dick and balls. "What do you trim yours up with?"

"I, uh, have my own beard trimmer with the gauge attachments."

Janna looked at Katy with a confused look. "Why would he need to trim his up. I trimmed mine to make things easier to clean."

"It also made it more sensitive," Katy said with a wink. "Been there, done that."

Jimmy shook his head in the direction of his sister. "If I don't like a mouth full of hair, why would I expect a lady not too also."

"The light clicked on in Janna's eyes and she whispered, "Okay." A moment later, her eyes grew wide as Katy leaned in and swirled her tongue around the head of her brother's dick.

Katy leaned back and grinned at Janna. "I see some lessons in your near future."

"I, uh, I," Janna stammered and then groaned softly as she nodded her head.

Katy stood up and let go of Jimmy's dick. "I need a chair and my ice chest. You guys behave until I get back."

They both watched Katy walk away until she disappeared behind a group of people near Lewis's tent. Janna made a soft whimpering sound as she sat down and looked the people over. "I didn't know people came in so many sizes and shapes," she whispered a moment later.

"Yeah, clothes hide a lot of things," Jimmy replied as he moved over to sit in the chair next to his sister. "Your breasts looked a lot smaller when you had clothes on."

Janna glanced over at her brother's hard dick. "Yeah, things do look smaller under clothes."

"You're taking this being naked thing better than I thought you would," Jimmy said.

"Distance between us and other people is helping."

"I think that's why Lewis put us down here on the end. Letting us both have time to acclimatize."

Janna sighed and shifted in her chair. "He's been around nude people more so it stands to reason."

Katy came into sight with a medium sized ice chest in her hands and a lawn chair over her shoulder. Jimmy jumped up and went to give her a hand.


Katy sat her chair up next to Janna and sat down as Jimmy put her ice chest with the one they had. When he came over to sit down, Katy asked, "Are we having a fire later or are we going to join the group?"

"I, uh, think tomorrow will be soon enough to join the group," Janna said quickly.

"Then we're going to need some firewood," Jimmy said standing up.

Katy stood up and looked at Janna. "Are you going to help?"

"Sure," Janna replied, standing up.

The three took their time picking up sticks in the edge of the woods. The woods were flat for a ways and then sloped away down toward a creek. "I wonder if there is a place to swim down there," Jimmy said.

"Lets get some more wood and go have a look," Katy replied.

They returned to camp to pile up the wood they had collected. Jimmy led the way as they returned to the woods. The slope was gradual down to the creek. It was wider than they had first thought and fairly deep.

Katy waded into the water that came up to her knees and shivered. "Cold enough to make my nipples hurt," she said as she looked up the creek and then down stream. Not seeing anything like a pond, she waded out.

They did find a couple of bigger pieces of drift wood for the fire. As they headed back toward camp, Katy said, "We'll have to ask Lewis about a place to swim."

"Tomorrow," Jimmy said as the came around the tent. There was four pieces of firewood stacked next to their pile of limbs and sticks.

Katy chuckled. "I'm betting on this being from Lewis," she said as she went to her ice chest. She got out two wine coolers and a beer. She handed the beer to Jimmy and one of the wine coolers to Janna.

"I'm sorry but I don't like beer," Janna said holding the cold bottle back out toward Katy.

"It's not beer and I think you will like it," Katy replied and looked at Jimmy. "Maybe I should have asked if it was alright with you."

Jimmy shrugged. "A wine cooler or two probably won't hurt anything."

"I'm not really old enough to drink," Janna said.

"I won't tell mother, if you don't," Jimmy said with a grin after he took a swallow of beer.

Janna sipped the wine cooler tentatively and then grinned. "This I could get used too."

Katy chuckled and said, "A lot of the higher classed girls like them. More flavor and less hangover."

The three sat sipping their drinks watching the rest of the people slowly gathering around the area in front of Lewis's tent. Another group was gathering in front of Elliot's camp site.

Janna shivered and whispered, "I'm not sure I could be as outgoing as most of those girls."

"I thought you were getting used to being naked. You looked natural and relaxed as we gathered firewood," Jimmy said looking at his sister.

"With just the three of us, I don't have a problem. In the back of my mind, I know other people are looking at me but...." She paused to take a deep breath.

Katy nodded. "But they are over there and you are over here. This is only my second time out here and I'm still coming to grips with the naked thing. Last time I was with two girls I know from school and right in the middle of everything."

Janna shivered again and said, "Don't get me wrong, just the thought of people looking at me naked keeps my motor running on high speed."

Katy laughed. "If I told the truth, the thought of all those eyes has me wet halfway to my knees."

"Would you like a towel or a tongue to clean that mess up?" Jimmy asked with a grin.

"A tongue would make an even bigger mess," Katy said, returning his grin. "Anyway, my ball gag and the rest of my stuff is still in my car."

"Need a hand getting it?" Jimmy asked.

"You or your sister?" Katy asked looking at Janna.

Janna groaned and shook her head. "I'd have to walk over close to all those people."

Katy grinned and said, "No ball gag, no tongues for you or for me."

When Janna looked at her brother's dick Katy laughed. "That only solves half the problem."

Janna groaned again and stood up. She downed the last of the wine cooler and whispered, "They might make me come by looking but they won't kill me."

"I'd be careful making assumptions like that. Some of those girls can get kind of touchy, feely," Jimmy said as he stood up. "I'll see what I can whip up to eat while you guys are gone."

Katy looked at Jimmy and nodded. "All I brought was some things to make sandwiches out of. I can cook at home but out here I'm out of my element."

"Hamburgers or sloppy Joe's?" He asked.

"You decide," Katy said as she took Janna's hand. "Come on. Let's see just how hard you can come from a dozen pair of eyes."

Janna made a moaning groaning sound. "Hard enough to fall down as I go boom."

Katy gave her a hard look. "Don't make me give you mouth to mouth resuscitation."

"That would just make her come even harder," Jimmy said to their backs as they walked away.


Jimmy had the stove set up and three hamburger patties fried up by the time Katy and Janna returned. He was toasting hamburger buns over the open flame. He looked at the two and then looked at his sister. "Well, how did it go? I don't see any dirt on you so I guess you didn't fall down."

Katy chuckled. "It was touch and go several times but she held it together."

"One, one touch and I would have gone boom big time. Luckily, people gave us space and only looked and waved," Janna said in a breathy whisper.

Katy took a small gym bag and a makeup case over and stuck them in the tent. On her way back, she snagged two wine coolers and a beer from her ice chest. When she handed one to Janna, she took a grip with her whole hand.

A few seconds later, she swapped hands and held it by the neck with two fingers. "Cold, cold, cold," she said and she moved it back to her other hand.

Katy grinned and said, "Stick it between your legs, it'll boil in a minute."

Jimmy laughed and laid the last bun on a paper plate on the table. "Better yet, come fix your burger. It'll get your mind on something else like food."

Cheese, lettuce, pickles, mayo, and mustard were at the ready. Three burgers were made and eaten in record time. Katy stood looking at the camp stove as she ate. As she finished, she said, "That thing isn't much different from my gas stove at home."

"Just smaller," Jimmy said after he finished the last bite of his burger. "I have bacon and eggs for breakfast."

"I was camping with the wrong bunch last year. They had plenty to drink but not much in the way of real food. Junk food mostly."

"I cooked, so who is doing the dishes?" Jimmy said as he looked from one young woman to the other.

Janna looked at Katy and said, "I think he's talking to us."

Katy sighed and looked at Jimmy. "Have you got a pot big enough for hot water to do the dishes?"

Jimmy opened his supply box and got out a large boiler. "I'll show you how to light the stove while Janna gets the water."

"Uh, from where? The creek?" Janna asked.

"There is a water faucet over there," Jimmy said with a grin.

"All the comforts of home," Janna said and then looked around. "Uh, where is the bathroom?"

"Down that way past Elliot's camp," Katy pointed out. "There is a shower there also."

Janna groaned as she looked at the small wooden building down the road. "That's an even worse walk than going to your car."

"If you just have to pee, pick a tree in the woods," Jimmy said with a grin.

"We'll make a potty run after dark, before we go to bed," Katy said. "Now get the water, we're wasting gas and fireside time."


With the dishes done, namely the skillet and a couple of knives, They moved their chairs over closer to the fire pit. Jimmy laid the wood for the fire but didn't light it. "We'll wait until it gets darker," he said.

Katy got up and went to the tent to return with her sleeping bag. She laid it next to her chair. "I'd rather lay by a fire."

"How about getting laid by a fire?" Jimmy asked with a grin.

"That hasn't happened yet," Katy replied returning his grin.

"So, you get the ball gag first," Janna said softly.

"No, you do. I plan on licking that cute little pussy while your brother fucks me from behind," Katy said and licked her lips.

Janna groaned softly and whispered, "I had to ask a silly question."

"Or you could wear the ball gag as you sat on her face," Jimmy said with a chuckle.

Janna groaned and fanned her face with her hand. "I, I wouldn't know what to do."

Katy laughed. "Sure you do. You come and keep right on coming."

Janna made a moaning groaning sound and rocked back and forth in her chair. Katy looked at the younger woman with her mouth open. Jimmy laughed and said, "I think she started without you."

"It looks like it," Katy said softly.


As it got dark, Jimmy lit the fire. Janna and Katy moved the chairs over by the table and spread out the sleeping bag. There was music drifting over from the other two camp fires. All three were sitting on the sleeping bag taking in the goings on at those other fires.

Janna groaned softly as she saw a blond headed young woman kneeing on a blanket giving a guy in a chair a blowjob. "How can she do that with everyone watching her?" She asked a moment later.

Katy laughed and laid down on the sleeping bag with her head on Jimmy's thigh. "The exhibitionist streak is strong in that one and several more, I could name."

Janna looked at the way Katy was laying and shivered as she laid down on the other side of her brother. Jimmy leaned back on his hands and looked from one young woman to the other. "How strong is it in you two?"

"I, uh, I," Janna stammered and then got out, "You're my brother."

Katy grinned at her as she reached over and pulled Jimmy's hard dick down to eyelevel. "It's a funny thing about a campfire. They give off light but block direct vision from a distance."

When she licked the head of Jimmy's dick, he made a soft groaning sound, as did his sister. Katy pushed the head of his dick over in front of Janna's face. "Want a lick or two?"

Janna shook her head sharply but she also licked her lips at the same time. Katy pulled the dick back over in front of her own face and swirled her tongue around the head. "More for me," she whispered before she sucked the head into her mouth and swirled her tongue around and over the spongy head.

Jimmy groaned and said, "I'd be careful doing that. I'm loaded and on a hair trigger."

Looking up at her brother, Janna started to ask a question about what he said and then groaned deeply. Katy chuckled and pushed the head of Jimmy's dick back over in front of Janna. "You had better get some while you can."

When Janna's mouth opened and closed several times but no sound came out, Katy reached over and pulled on her head. "I'm going to take the stuffing out of him and then do the same to you," Katy said.

Janna resisted the pull on the back of her head for a moment and then groaned deeply as she moved her head forward and licked the head of her brother's dick. Jimmy let out a gasp as his hips gave a jerk. He didn't believe his sister had done that.

Katy pulled his dick over to her mouth and tried to swallow him whole. That is all it took for Jimmy to go off. Spurt after spurt filled Katy's mouth. She made whimpering sounds as she swallowed twice as she bobbed her head up and down.

She was breathing hard as she pulled his dick out of her mouth and aimed it toward Janna's face. "It's unloaded now," she said with a shudder in her voice.

Janna looked at Katy with wide eyes. Obviously her brother had came in her mouth and she had swallowed it all. Her eyes dropped to the shiny head of her brother's dick. Without letting herself think about it, she sucked the head in her mouth with a moaning sound and swirled her tongue around.

Katy chuckled. "You hold onto that while I get your legs turned around this way." Jimmy moved sideways toward his sister and grinned as she held onto his dick as Katy moved her legs sideways.

Jimmy rolled over on his side and his sister moved to lay on her back. Katy ended up between Janna's legs. She pushed Janna's knees wider apart and Janna started to release her brother's dick. A hot slippery tongue on her clit made her swallow even more of the dick in her mouth.

The yell that started in Janna's chest died as a loud squawking sound around her brother's dick. After that, her attention was totally on the hot tongue attacking her sex. She was coming like never before.


Katy was laying on her side with her head on Janna's thigh. She had a big grin on her face. Jimmy was still on his side with a wondrous look on his face as he watched his sister nursing on his now fully hard dick. She only had a quarter of it in her mouth but what she was doing had his full attention.

Katy sighed and licked her lips. She looked up at Jimmy's face and chuckled. "Earth to Jimmy. Earth to Jimmy," she said several times before he looked at her. "I think that went well," she said and Jimmy nodded his head as he looked back at his sister.

Jimmy whispered a few moments later, "I, uh, can't believe she is doing that."

"I can almost guarantee it won't be the last time she does it," Katy whispered in reply.

Janna made a soft whimpering sound as she moved her head back until just the head of his dick was in her mouth. Her eyes fluttered open as her tongue swirled around and over the sensitive skin of the head. Her eyes rose up to her brother's face and she groaned deeply as she moved her head back. His dick came out of her mouth and snapped up against his lower belly.

"Good to see you're still alive," Katy said softly.

Janna's eyes jumped to the older woman's face as a hot blush covered her own. "I, I, I," she stammered and then groaned deeply.

Katy slowly got to her feet and said, "I think we've all had at least one good orgasm, if not two or three." With that said, she headed for the tent.

Janna watched her and asked, "Is she going to bed?"

"Probably not," Jimmy replied.

Janna gave him a questioning look and then her eyes grew wide as Katy came walking toward them with the red ball gag swinging in her hand. "More like getting ready for round two," Jimmy said with a grin.

As Katy sat down on the sleeping bag, Janna asked in a shaky voice, "Who, who is that for?"

Katy grinned and replied, "I haven't decided yet. There are so many possibilities."

"And none of them involve me," Jimmy said with a grin in his sister's direction.

Kathy chuckled and said, "For that comment, you need to make the ice chest run."

Jimmy got to his feet and headed to the where the ice chests were. Katy looked at Janna and sighed. "You sucked your brother's dick as you got your sweet pussy ate. Do you have the nerve to return the favor?"

Janna's eyes grew wide. "I wouldn't have any idea of what to do."

Jimmy returned to hand out the drinks. "You know what you liked when she licked you so just do those same things to her," he offered.

Janna looked up at her brother and shook her head. "I was too busy coming to pay much attention to what she was doing."

Jimmy looked at Katy and grinned. "I guess I'll have to give her a little tutorial."

Katy shivered. "When it come to eating pussy you don't do anything little. It's the whole thing or nothing."

Jimmy chuckled and nodded. "Ain't that the truth."

Janna sat there looking from her brother to Katy and then back again. They were all sipping on their drinks. After a while Janna asked her brother, "And if I do lick her, what are you going to be doing?"

"Several things come to mind. I could be her pacifier and gag like I was for you or I could be behind you doing any number of things," Jimmy said softly.

"Doing any number of things?" Janna asked with big eyes.

Katy laughed. "That hard dick of his would be in places never reached by your last lover."

"I, uh, I," Janna stammered and then groaned loudly. "That, that wouldn't take much. I think your tongue was bigger than he was."

"Your brother's tongue is bigger than mine," Katy pointed out.

"Either way, we would need two ball gags," Janna whispered.

"You can't lick her pussy with a ball gag in your mouth," Jimmy said with a grin.

"I think you can figure out a way to keep her quit or at least quieter," Katy said with a wink at Jimmy.

Janna gave Katy a questioning look. Katy smiled at her and said, "Finish your wine cooler."


Katy was laying on her back with her legs drawn up and her knees spread wide. Jimmy was on his hands and kneed over her as they kissed. After a few moments, he raised his head and smacked his lips. "I do love pussy flavored kisses."

Looking at his sister, he asked, "Want to try one?"

Janna looked at him with a blank look until Katy reached up toward her. "Come kiss me," she whispered.

Janna leaned in and gave the older woman a peck on the lips. Katy's hands found the back of her head and pulled her back down for a full on kiss. They both groaned softly as the kiss went on.

Katy gave a jerk and moaned softly. Janna looked up to see her brother licking Katy's left nipple. Seeing her looking in his direction, he said, "There's another one over there for you. Think of it as a bigger clit."

"Uh, a bigger clit?" Janna said with confusion in her voice. "

"Flicking it back and forth with the tip of your tongue gives sharp jolts of pleasure. Tracing the edges of it or rolling it around with the flat of your tongue gives a wider more drawn out feeling," Jimmy explained. "Sucking on it just adds pleasure to both."

"Only my clit is far more sensitive," Katy said in a breathy whisper.

"Yeah, too much for too long isn't good," Jimmy said.

"I, uh, think everything she did was too much for me," Janna said as she moved forward and flicked Katy's left nipple several times. When Katy's chest jerked in response, she sucked the nipple into her mouth and swirled her tongue around and over it.

Katy groaned and whispered, "I think she's getting the idea."

"In that case, she need to follow me south so we can continue her lessons," Jimmy said with a grin.

"Oh please do," Katy said quickly.

Jimmy backed up until his face was above Katy's open slit. Looking at his sister who was still sucking on Katy nipple he shook his head. "Down here, Janna," he said and she looked up. Her eyes went from her brother's face to Katy's pussy as she let go of the nipple in her mouth slowly.

Her brother was right. Katy's clit was sticking up above the folds of her inner lips like a smaller nipple. She moved forward until she bumped heads with her brother. Jimmy chuckled and flicked the bud with the tip of his tongue.

Katy's hips gave a jerking jump and he moved back a little looking up at his sister. "Want to give it a try?"

Janna moved closer and stuck out her tongue slowly. The end of it barely touched Katy's clit. Her hips jerked but not as hard as when her brother had flicked her clit. With a deep groan, Janna flicked her tongue against Katy's clit harder.

Katy's hips jumped upward sharply. The next thing, Katy knew, Janna was sucking on her clit and rolling it around with her tongue. She sucked in a sharp breath but before it could come back as a yell, Katy grabbed Janna's hips and planted her tongue in the younger woman's sex.

Janna made a muffled yelling sound around Katy's clit and started to raise her head. It wouldn't move. Jimmy had his hand on the back of her head. Katy's hips arched up and Janna found her tongue gliding along the glass slick bottom of her slit.

Katy tasted a lot like she did, Janna realized as her tongue swirled around the opening to Katy's vagina. Katy was doing the same thing to her. The number sixty nine jumped into her mind and she groaned long and loud. She was eating a pussy and the owner of said pussy was eating her.

Janna kept having little short sharp orgasms. Her mind wondered at that. Was the same thing happening to Katy? Both their hips were rocking up and down. Who ended up sucking on whose clit first didn't matter as they both ended up there.

After that, the orgasm that was building for Janna was a monster. Her tongue on Katy's clit, her nipples rubbing on Katy's belly, Katy's slippery tongue rolling her clit around all pushed her higher and higher. The explosion came when Katy teased her asshole with a fingertip.

They were both coming hard as Katy rolled them over on their sides. That broke the feedback circuit between them and they fell apart to lay on their backs breathing hard and fast, their hips still twitching and jerking to a rhythm of their own.


Jimmy stirred the coals of the fire and wondered if he should put more wood on it. His sister and his friend Katy were still laid out on the sleeping bag with their heads in opposite directions. Their eyes were closed. Where they asleep?

Katy groaned softly and opened her eyes. She took several deep breaths and sat up enough to get her elbow under her. She saw Jimmy looking at her and she smiled. "Talk about your fast learners," she whispered a moment later."

Janna shivered hard and opened her eyes. "It was a feedback thing. You did things and I did them back. Interactive teaching."

Katy chuckled and sat up. "It was interactive for sure."

Janna looked at her brother and grinned. "No gags needed."

"There was a gag involved but not the type you're thinking about," Jimmy said. "You were too busy to worry about things like yelling."

Katy looked at Jimmy and asked, "What are you doing?"

Jimmy looked her way and said, "Trying to decide whether to build up the fire or let it go out."

Katy looked over to where the other two groups had been earlier. There were only a few people still out around the fires and the fires were low. "Let it burn on down. It looks like most everyone had headed for bed, one way or another."

Janna sat up and looked around. "So now the non exhibitionist are get theirs," she said with a grin.

"I could use a little sleep," Katy said with a grin at Jimmy.

"I'm sure glad I brought that double air mattress," Jimmy replied with a wink.


Katy was snuggled up behind Janna and Jimmy was snuggled up behind her. His hard hot dick was between the cheeks of her ass. Her right hand was massaging Janna's left breast. Jimmy was teasing Katy's left nipple. She made a soft whimpering sound as Jimmy pinched it lightly.

With a soft chuckle, Jimmy said, "This isn't putting anyone to sleep."

Janna yawned and said, "Maybe not but it feels so good."

"Yeah, it does," Katy whispered as she stopped her hand from moving but continued to cover Janna's breast.

Jimmy sighed and released Katy's nipple and cupped her breast. A moment later, he yawned. "Those things are contagious," he whispered but no one replied.


Sometime later, Jimmy woke up on the air bed alone. He sat up and looked around. It was still dark and the fire in the fire pit was down to coals. He was about to get up and look for the two girls when Katy appeared at the screen mesh tent flap.

She opened the flap and came inside to join him on the bed. Janna was right behind her with a towel over her shoulder. "How was the shower?" He asked as Janna tossed the towel aside and sat down on the end of the bed.

"Not as hot as I would have liked but not bad," Katy replied.

"It cleaned us up nicely," Janna said a moment later.

"It probably would have gotten us messy again if we hadn't had company show up," Katy whispered.

Janna grinned and said, "Speak for yourself. Watching that blond take a shower got my motor running nicely."

Katy laughed. "I could tell from the way your hips kept shifting from side to side and you couldn't keep your hands off your breasts."

Janna groaned. "Keeping my hands on my breasts kept them from going down between my legs."

"Both hands?" Jimmy said. "Greedy. You could have put one between Katy's legs. I don't think she would have minded."

Katy made a soft whimpering sound as she backed up on the air mattress and spread her legs wide. "I'd be happier with a certain young ladies face between my thighs."

Jimmy picked up the ball gag and tossed it to Katy. "You'll need this if she does."

Janna groaned as she turned and got up on her hands and knees between Katy's legs. Her head was right above Katy's sex. She looked into Katy's eyes and whispered, "Such a deal I have for you."

Without waiting for a reply, Janna lowered her head and flicked Katy's clit with the tip of her tongue. Katy gasped loudly and fumbled with trying to get the ball gag on.

She had the ball in her mouth but the straps were forgotten as Janna slipped her hands under Katy's ass and lifted as her tongue dove into her sex. Her nose was bushing her clit lightly.

Jimmy watched his sister attacking Katy's pussy for a few second and then his eyes went to his sister's upturned ass. He groaned as he moved to the foot of the bed and knelt behind his sister. One part of his brain was saying he should lick her pussy. Another part was yelling that she was his sister.

Leaning over, Jimmy planted a kiss on both of his sister's ass cheeks. Janna didn't raise her head but she did wiggle her ass from side to side. He moved his knees forward until his hard hot dick was between her ass cheeks.

Janna made a deep groaning sound as she bobbed her ass up and down slowly. "This ain't right but," Jimmy whispered as he moved his hips back and pushed his dick down, the head following the cleft of her ass.

When the head of his dick hit the hot slippery opening to his sister's sex, he moved his hips forward slightly. The spongy head of his dick started to enter her vagina slowly. He wonder at how tight and hot she was.

Janna let out a muffled yell and rammed her hips back impaling herself on half of her brother's dick. Jimmy gasped at the sudden crushing heat around the end of his shaft. His hips jerked forward, pushing more of his dick into his sister's tightness.

His movement rammed her face back into Katy's sex, which brought a muffled yell from both of them. Janna was now bobbing her hips up and down. Jimmy groaned loudly as his sister fucked herself on his dick. He also realized he was being driven deeper and deeper.

As her hips moved, Janna's head moved wildly about. Katy was arched up and Janna had her arms under her ass. Jimmy's hips touched his sister's ass. He grabbed her hips and held himself in place as he started to come in long hard spurts.

Somewhere in the back of his mind he knew what he was doing was wrong but from the way his sister was yelling into Katy's pussy and wiggling her hips wildly, it didn't seem to matter.


Jimmy raised his head slightly. He was leaned over his sister's back. Katy was breathing hard and fast right in front of him. The ball gag was gone from her mouth. Janna had her head turned sideways and laying on Katy's mound. Her hips were still twitching and jerking."Holy shit," he whispered a few moments later.

"Uh huh," Katy whispered between ragged breath.

Janna just groaned and wiggled her hips from side to side.

Jimmy felt her tight sex moving around his whole dick. That's when he realized he was still fully hard. He recharged quickly but this was like he had never gone down.

He groaned as he tried to move his hips back. His sister's ass followed right along as he moved. His moving made her come up on her arms and moan loudly. She moved forward slightly and then rammed back hard against him. She made a loud gasping sound.

Katy lifted the ball and pressed it to Janna's lips. "Open wide, you're going to need this."

Janna made a whimpering moaning sound and then opened her mouth. Katy jammed the ball in. Janna rocked back and then forward. Half of Jimmy's dick came out of her. She let out a muffled yell and rammed her hips back. He was fully seated again.

Jimmy relaxed his grip on his sister's hips and let her have her way. Muffled yell after muffled yell escaped around the red ball as she fucked herself slow and hard one second and hard and fast the next.

Her arms started to shake and then her head dropped back down onto Katy's mound. At this point, Jimmy started to fuck his sister with full slow strokes. Her body was jerking and bucking as he did but she never made another sound.

A few minutes later, Janna started to move forward. At which point, Katy said, "I think she's had enough."

Jimmy looked at Katy for a few seconds before understanding set in and he released his sister's hips. He held still as she slowly moved far enough for his dick to come free from her pussy. After that, he sat back on his heels with a deep groan.


There was sunlight outside when Jimmy woke up. His sister was still laying on top of Katy with her head between the older woman's breasts and he was laying on his side next to them. Katy smiled at him and blew him a kiss.

"Talk about sleeping like the dead," Jimmy whispered.

"Uh huh," came from Janna as she opened her eyes and smiled at her brother.

"I think we all three need a shower and then breakfast," Katy said softly.

"That means a naked messy walk past everyone on the way to the showers," Jimmy said looking at his sister.

Janna grinned and said, "We could all do a little cleaning up before we headed that way."

Katy groaned and said, "I think that would lead to more messiness among other things."

"And the problem is?" Janna asked. "Anyway, you haven't been in the middle yet."

Katy groaned softly as she looked from Janna to her brother and back. "We wouldn't get to the showers before noon in that case."

Jimmy laughed and said, "And the problem is?"

"None that I know of," Janna replied with a big grin in Katy's direction.

"This should be fun," Katy said returning Janna's grin.

Janna pushed up onto her arms and then got up on her hands and knees. She wiggled her hips and looked at her brother. "I think I'll need to go shopping for one of those ball gags when we get home."

"I know just the place," Katy said as she sat up. She kissed Janna and then licked her lips. "You taste just like my pussy."

Janna laughed. "I wonder why?"

"Because your brother kept ramming your face into it," Kay said looking at Jimmy.

"Hey, she started the ramming thing," Jimmy protested but he was grinning at his sister as he did.

"Oh yeah," Janna replied as she backed up and sat on her heels.

Katy rolled sideways and got up on her hands and knees. She wiggled her hips and groaned. "I'm so messy it ain't funny."

Looking from his sister to Katy, Jimmy said, "You might want to invest in a nasal snorkel."

Janna groaned and whispered, "Ain't that the truth."

"Move your cute little ass forward and assume the position so I can check out just how messy you are," Katy said as she found the ball gag and handed it to Janna.

Janna turned and sat down on the bed. With Katy's help she got the ball gag in place. She mumbled something as she laid back and lifted her knees. Katy laughed and said, "Perfect" as she moved over in front of Janna and pushed her knees apart.

Katy looked at Janna's sex and groaned softly. "I do love a juicy pussy and this is about as juicy as they get."

"Uh, part of that is mine," Jimmy pointed out.

"And the problem is?" Katy asked as she lowered her head and took a lick right up the center of Janna's slit. She smacked her lips and whispered, "That's all her so you must be lower down."

Jimmy moved over behind Katy and pressed his hard dick between her ass cheeks. Katy wiggled her ass. Jimmy slipped a hand under each of his sister's knees and lifted up. Her ass came off the bed as her knees moved up.

"Now you should be able to get to everything," Jimmy said as he worked his hips against Katy's ass.

Katy's tongue circled the opening to Janna's vagina several time. A moment later, she lifted her head and smacked her lips. "Yeah, much spicier down here."

Jimmy chuckled and said, "Mind giving me a hand getting things lines up. I seem to have both hands full."

A moment later, Katy's hand explored his balls. He moved back slightly so she could reach his dick. She pulled it down and centered the head in her hot slippery opening. Jimmy pushed his hips forward slightly and Katy groaned softly.

Katy's hand disappeared. She wiggled her hips and then rammed them back hard. Her ass slammed against Jimmy's hips. She gasped loudly and then rocked forward. Her face nailed Janna's sex and she let out a muffled yell.

Jimmy used a slow full length stroke to fuck Katy so he didn't slam her face into his sister's pussy. That seemed to work well as Katy wiggled her hips on some strokes and bobbed her hips on others.

Janna had a double hand full of Katy's hair as she arched her back and rocked her hips. She was coming wildly. Katy was making a grunting whimper moaning sound as Jimmy continued to fuck her.

Suddenly Katy lifter her head and said loudly, "Harder, fast."

Jimmy pushed her head back down to Janna's sex but he did speed up his strokes and allowed his hips to spank her ass. His orgasm was rising quickly and so was Katy's as she rammed her ass back on every stroke.

She let a muffled yell and Jimmy planted his hips against her ass as he started to come himself.


"Anyone alive in there," someone yelled and Jimmy groaned as he opened his eyes. He was on his side with Katy in front of him, his dick still planted inside her.

He raised his head to look over Katy to see Lewis squatting down outside the screen flap of the tent. "Uh yeah, I think so," he replied to the earlier question.

"Just checking. I hadn't seen anyone over here this morning. Most everyone is headed down to the swimming hole on the creek if you care to join us."

"We need to get a shower before we do anything," Katy said.

"I'm starving," Janna said and then quickly added, "Food, yeah, for food."

Lewis laughed and stood up. "I'm glad you guy are having fun," he said as he turned and walked away.

Katy groaned softly. "I was napping and have a really raunchy dream."

"Are you sure it was a dream?" Jimmy asked as he rocked his hips forward and back.

Katy let out a soft whimpering sound. "How can you still be hard? I know you came earlier."

Jimmy looked at the shadows outside and shook his head. "I have no idea what time it is."

Janna sat up and looked at the two people next to her. "I, I wonder how long he was at the door."

Katy chuckled. "It doesn't really matter. He had a very good view of your well licked sex. It doesn't matter if he had time to memorize it or not."

Janna shivered as she straightened out her right leg. Her sex had been well displayed and pointed right at the tent door. It took her a couple of try to get sitting up. She looked over at Katy and smiled as she leaned over to kiss the older woman.

When she sat back up, she licked her lips and grinned. "Your lips tastes just like my pussy."

"You mean her face, from ear to ear and from her forehead to her chin," Jimmy said as he slowly pulled his hips back.

As his dick slipped out of Katy's sex, she groaned and said, "Hey, who said I was through with that."

Jimmy scooted back and smacked her on the ass. "We'll discuss that after a shower and some scrambled eggs."

Katy rolled over on her belly and sighed. "Maybe a nap first."

A big hand landed on her right ass cheek and a smaller one landed on the left cheek. She gave a jerk and rolled over on her back. "Okay, okay, I'm getting the message."


They pretty much had the campgrounds to themselves as they walked down to the shack where the showers were. Four shower heads and three bodies. It didn't take long to get everyone clean.

As they dried off, Janna sighed and said, "Oh yeah, I do love a hot shower."

Katy stepped up behind her, reached around, and squeezed both her breasts. "Getting clean feels good. Getting messy again feels even better."

Jimmy stepped behind Katy and massaged her breasts. "We're going to need a membership here for the future."

"Ain't that the truth," Janna said as she turned around to kiss Katy.

Jimmy pressed his body to Katy's back and put his arms around the two woman. As he nuzzled, licked, and kissed Katy's neck, she broke the kiss with Janna and groaned. "Being between you two is fun but highly addictive."

Jimmy laughed and said, "If you can figure out how to be Janna's roommate this fall, you can have a year to figure out just how dangerous it can get."

Katy giggled. "I have a better idea. I have a small one bedroom apartment just off campus."

"Sold," Janna said as she went back to kissing Katy.


Breakfast for a mid afternoon meal wasn't bad at all. They were laid out on the sleeping bag in the sun, when people started showing up from swimming.

All three of them were on their bellies watching people going about their business. "Are we joining in on Lewis's campfire this evening?" Katy asked.

Janna shivered and looked at her brother. "I think I can handle the up close and personal thing now."

Jimmy shook his head. "Just how up close and personal are you talking about?"

"Looking but no touching," Janna replied quickly.

Katy chuckled and looked at Jimmy. "I think our little girl is growing up."

"Since mom made me responsible for her, that's what I'm afraid of," Jimmy said as he looked at his sister.

"Keep me as satisfied as I am now and you won't have anything to worry about," Janna said with a smile.

"That goes for me too," Katy said quickly.

Jimmy groaned. "What have I gotten myself into."

"Only time will tell," Janna whispered as she leaned sideways and kissed her brother on the lips.