
The Winnebago Grand Tour glided serenely along the blacktop highway, seeming to float on the heat haze like some futuristic pleasure yacht. Inside, the air con. kept the temperature at a comfortable 24˚C; but right now Angela Brentmeier was feeling anything but cool and collected.

"Yes, I see... Well, if you have any cancellations please do let me know. Yes, I understand. Thank you."

She ended the call on her cell-phone and half-heartedly tossed it onto the dash in frustration.

"That's the fifth place I've called Roger. Everywhere is just booked solid! Some family vacation this is going to turn out to be. We should have just gone to Honolulu for two weeks like I suggested."

"Aw, come on Honey. It'll be fine."

He smiled at his wife. Even in her late 30s, she still turned heads; and in her shorts and tight t-shirt, she had the same voluptuous figure that had caught his eye when he first worked up the courage to date her.

"In this baby, we can stop anywhere and have a different view every day."

"Yes, I know that's what the sales brochure says; but they don't mention that you need to find places to be able to empty the tanks. It's starting to get rather funky back there," she glanced towards the restroom.

"Yes well, we couldn't know they'd have flash floods at the holiday camp and have to close for repairs."

He mused for a while. Roger had been a rugged athlete in high school and didn't say a great deal, which led many to assume he was lacking in brains. In fact, he was smarter than many gave him credit for. It turned out that in addition to being a jock, he a good head for business; and with that, and a lot of hard work, he had built Brentmeier Pools into a successful company. And now he was able to enjoy the fruits of his labours. He was darned if he was going to let their family holiday be ruined by a little bad weather.

"It's a shame we can't go to Camp Sunshine. It's right on our route," he muttered to himself.

"What did you say?"

"Oh, nothing. I was just thinking Camp Sunshine isn't far from here. It's just a shame."

"Of course! Sweetie, that's a great idea."

"What is?"

"Let's stop there!"

"Angela, I didn't mean... how can we?"

"Well why not? We always said we'd go back one day."

"Honey... the kids!" he hissed, nodding his head back towards the lounge area where their two teenage children were sprawled out.

"Well, they're both eighteen now; and we said we'd take them there one day."

"One day, but we didn't say on this trip. I mean, we haven't discussed any of this with them."

"Well, we can do that now then. KIDS! CAN YOU COME UP HERE? WE NEED TO TALK TO YOU!"

Bethany groaned and put down her MP3 player as she heard her mother's voice. The RV was spacious enough; but being trapped with her bratty brother made anywhere feel confined. Right now he was engrossed in some movie with his head-phones. She didn't need to look to guess it probably featured some naked girls; so she kicked his foot to get his attention.

"What is it?" he looked up, annoyed.

"Mom wants to talk to us!"

He glowered, but closed his laptop; so he could sit forward and hear his mom.

"Now listen, the camp we were going to stay at has had to shut for the next few weeks because of flooding; and everywhere else east of the Rockies seems to be booked solid at the moment."

"Oh great, so we're just going to keep driving around for the next 2 weeks?" pouted Bethany.

"I didn't say that. There is a camp that's a little off the beaten trail we could probably get into; but, well, there's something you should know first."

"What's to know? Anywhere we can stop has got to be better than just driving, hasn't it?"

"Well Beth, the reason it's not fully booked and off the beaten trail is that it's... um...well, clothing optional."

"Clothing what?" asked Kevin.

"Wait a minute! You mean it's a nudist camp?"

"No Bethany. Clothing optional means you can stay dressed or undressed. There are some areas that are mixed and others that are nude only; so you can choose where to go."

"You mean there're naked girls there?"

"Now Kevin, this is not a sexual atmosphere. Naturism is about being comfortable with your body," Roger reprimanded his son.

"It's alright Roger. It's only natural for him to be curious. Yes Kevin, there will be naked girls there, as well as naked boys."

"So I can go naked if I want?"

"Well... yes Dear, if that's what you want."

She was a little surprised by her son's eagerness, but wasn't about to discourage him.

"Ewwwww, gross!" Beth remarked in disgust.

"Now Bethany, it's not gross. It's quite natural; and you don't need to participate."

"I wasn't going to! Anyway, how come you and Dad know about this place?" She paused before the realization began to dawn. "Wait, did you..."

"Yes Bethany, your father and I were regulars here before you and Kevin were born."

"No way!"

"Yes Kevin, way! Look, we can try it for a day or two; and if you aren't comfortable we can move on, and try to find somewhere else. What about that?"

"I tell you what: we could get one of those private family areas. They're closed off from the rest of the resort; so we'll have plenty of privacy. If you kids want, you can stay there, or just go to the clothing optional areas," Roger suggested.

"Count me in!" Kevin stated with relish.

"What a surprise! So you get to see some naked girls, apart from the ones on your laptop you mean?"

"No, I just want to experience the natural relaxed atmosphere. Anyway, you're just pissed because Tommy Mayer won't be there so you can check him out."

"Shut up you little retard!"


Roger didn't often raise his voice but when he did people took notice. Everyone went quiet for a few moments before Angela broke the silence.

"Look Beth, if you're not comfortable, we won't go. But I doubt we'll find any other resorts within a few days drive; so why not give it a chance for a day or two?"

"I guess."

"That's the spirit! I'm sure you'll enjoy it once we settle in."

Angela found the number for the camp and, sure enough, was able to get them a family plot. The mood in the RV lifted considerably, as everyone looked forward to the opportunity for a little time to relax. Even Beth had to admit it would be better than being cooped up in here for another 2 weeks solid. They arrived by late afternoon; and after Roger had completed the paperwork at the main desk, they drove through to their allocated area. Kevin had discarded his lap top; and was eagerly looking out the window. Initially, they passed some older couples fully dressed; but after a few minutes his patience was rewarded, as he saw a trio of girls a little older than himself, all naked.

"Holy shit!"

He couldn't believe his eyes as he was able to check out 3 pairs of naked tits.

"Mom! Kevin's being a perv and looking at naked girls out the window!"

"I am not! I'm checking out the camp!"

"Yeah, right!"

"That's enough you two! Now you both know there will be people here who are undressed; and it isn't polite to stare," Angela gently scolded.

"Yeah, Kevin!" added Beth.

"But it isn't polite to call your brother names either; and he's entitled to look around the camp the same as you are. This is a family holiday; and we're here to relax. So let's try to be nice to one another and get on; and things will be more pleasant."

As his mom turned back to face front, Kevin beamed at his sister in satisfaction, which she returned with a dirty look and flipped him the bird.

They found their parking area. Roger set about connecting the RV up to the various cables for power and pipes, to replenish the water supplies and empty the restroom tanks; while Angela began preparations to fix dinner.

"Hmm, not much left in here. We could really do with some more shopping. Beth, Kevin, would you go down to the camp store and pick me up some shopping, if I give you a list and some money?"

"Yeah, ok, Mom."

Beth was looking forward to getting a chance to stretch her legs; although she had wished it would be without her brother.

"Is the store part of the nude area Mom?"

"You perv!"

"Beth! I've told you it is not appropriate to speak to your bother like that. It is clothing optional, so you can go there fully dressed."

"But if I want to go nude can I?"

"Um...well, yes Kevin. It's optional, so that's up to you. Are you sure you don't want a chance to settle in first?"

"No, I'm fine with it."

"Mom!! I'm not going with him if he's naked!! That's gross!!"

"Bethany, optional means just that. Your brother has the right to choose to go nude, just as you can choose not to. Now let's see. We need bread, milk, some bacon..."

Angela finished hurriedly writing out a list of the most urgent supplies and handed it to Bethany, along with some money, before turning back to the kitchen area to start fixing dinner. Kevin had disappeared to the back of the RV; and his mom called him forward.

"Kevin, your sister is ready to go to the store. Hurry up, they close soon."

"Ok, coming!"

Kevin strolled back up to the front of the RV wearing his sneakers, a pair of sunglasses and nothing else, apart from an erection.

"Oh my God!! Mom!! Kevin's naked and he's got a hard-on!!"

"Beth, will you keep your voice down and calm down? For the last time, this is a clothing optional resort; and if your brother wants to go nude he is allowed."

Angela turned 'round to speak to her daughter and was confronted with the sight of her son, indeed naked and sporting a very large and very hard erection. She'd not seen him naked since he was younger, and was unprepared for the fact that he had clearly developed a lot since then. His cock was curved and pointing up vertically, the head level with his belly button; and his balls were drawn up tight under the base of his cock. Angela paused for a moment, taken aback at the sight, before turning away to hide her embarrassment

"Um, yes. Now, I have a list here for you. Just some basics to pick up, we can do proper shop tomorrow. Here's $50. It should cover everything."

She turned round and handed the list and money to Beth, purposely avoiding looking at her son's erection.

"Now stay together. It's only a 5 minute walk down to the camp store, so I'll expect you back in 30 minutes for dinner.

"Together? Mom, you can't be serious! I'm not walking around with Kevin like that!"

"Now Beth, I am not arguing. It'll take two of you to carry the shopping; and for the last time, if your brother wants to be nude here he is allowed."

"But Mom! He's got a boner!"

"Beth, again for the last time, this is a clothing optional camp; and some men get erections. It's a natural bodily function, especially when they are Kevin's age and it's their first time here. The polite thing to do is just ignore it. I'm sure once Kevin gets used to the environment here, he will calm down."

"I doubt it!"

"Well, regardless, you are both going shopping; and I'm not discussing it any longer. Now hurry up before the store closes!"


Beth pouted and headed out the door, with Kevin wandering after her. The truth was, he doubted he was going to calm down either. He found it a turn-on walking around naked at home when everyone was out, and invariably got hard, sometimes masturbating in the lounge or kitchen, imagining his sister or mom watching him. The idea he could now actually do that, apart from jerking off, was too good to be true. The fact there were naked girls here was even better; and if he got to annoy his sister to boot, life couldn't get much better.

She walked several feet ahead of him, clearly not wanting to be seen anywhere near him if she could help it. He didn't mind, though. One thing he couldn't deny about his sister, was that she has a great ass. His friends always commented on it; and he guessed she knew it as well, since she dressed to show it off as much as possible. She was currently wearing a pair of cut-off jeans that allowed her cheeks to peek out of the bottom. As she walked, her ass swayed; and he couldn't help but admire the view.

It was getting late, so there weren't many other campers around. Most were back at their RV's or tents eating dinner. Kevin saw a couple of girls approaching and flashed a smile at them. They were both nude and, he guessed, in their 20s. They were both pretty and quite well built too; and he couldn't help but admire their big boobs as they jiggled around. The girls smiled back. He caught them glancing at his erection and nudging each other as they passed him.

The store was empty apart from a couple in their 30s doing some shopping; and Beth grabbed a basket and started collecting the items Mom had given her. Kevin took his time wandering around the store, looking to see what there was. He hoped he might find some girlie books; but then he guessed there wouldn't be much demand for them, when the real thing was in such plentiful supply.

He remembered the sexy girls he'd seen on the way here; and hoped he would see them again. Walking around nude in the store was a turn on anyway; but he wished there was a few girls around he could show off his big dick to. He reached down and gave it a couple of idle strokes. He was proud of his cock; and the fact he had the chance to show it off excited him. Somehow the fact that he was able to do it in front of his mom and sister was an extra turn-on.

He wandered 'round to where his sister was shopping. She was reading the label on a product, probably checking it for calories to keep from putting on any weight he guessed. She was obsessed with her figure, like most of her friends; and he had to admit she did look hot in her daisy duke cut-offs and a little tube top. The chiller cabinet was pretty cold, making her nipples stand out. It was obvious she wasn't wearing a bra, he noted, not that she needed to. He knew this because he'd walked in on her in the bathroom once, when she'd forgotten to lock the door, and caught a glimpse of her before she covered herself. The image of her perky little boobs and pink nipples remained burned in his brain. His dick gave a lurch at the thought; and he sauntered up next to her.

She was studying the packet of food in her hand so intently, she didn't notice him approach, until she became aware of something rubbing up against her forearm. She glanced down, and to her horror, saw it was her brother's stiff cock that had been touching her.

"Ewwwwww!! Jesus! You pervert! What are you doing??"

"I'm helping you shop," he replied shrugging his shoulders and feigning innocence.

"You rubbed your weaner up against me on purpose, you sicko!! I'm telling Mom and dad about this when we get back; and you are going to be SO grounded!!"

"Ok, fine. Guess you'll be keeping me company then, when I tell them about your party last Saturday."

"What?" she faltered, looking less confident.

"You remember. The weekend before we left, you snuck out of your room and didn't get back in 'till 4 am?"

"You little creep. You were spying on me!"

"Nope. Just happened to see you."

The last part was actually true. He'd been watching the girl opposite, who'd taken to walking around with her top off and her bedroom light on. He'd been stroking one out while watching her, when he'd caught a glimpse of his sister climbing out the window, and jumping into her friend's car. Getting some blackmail dope on his sister had been an extra bonus.

"You'd better not breathe a word about that."

"Don't worry, I won't, as long as you don't."

"God, I hate you!"

She finished up shopping and started walking back to the camping area. She was pacing out ahead, clearly wanting to put as much distance between herself and her brother as she could.

"Mom and Dad said we should stick together, remember?"

He saw her pause and tap her foot impatiently, as he took his time strolling up to her. She glanced down and saw he was still fully erect.

"God, can't you do something about that?"

"About what?"

"Your hard-on, you idiot! It's sick. If people see us together with you like that, they'll think I'm your girlfriend."

"You mean you want me to make it go soft?"

"God! Yes, obviously! You look like some pervert walking around like that."

"Oh, OK."

Kevin reached down and started stroking his cock, running his hand up and down the thick long shaft of his cock, and massaging the head.

"Oh my God! What are you doing????"

"You wanted me to make it go soft."

"I didn't mean start whacking off!!"

"Well how else do I make it go soft?"

"I don't know... think about something else."

"Like what?"

"I don't know! Stop doing that, will you! Jeesus, what's wrong with you??"

"Nothing. I'm just enjoying being at one with nature."

"You're copying what Dad said!"


"So he didn't say walking around with a hard on is part of that... or whacking off... God, will you stop that!!???"

She turned her face away so she didn't have to see him stroking his cock any longer.

"Mom said it's a natural reaction; and you asked me to make it go away. And that's what I'm doing."

"Well go in the woods or somewhere!"

"Mom said we have to stick together."

"She didn't say anything about you jerking off in front of me! Can't you wait 'till we get back??!!"

"Well, I don't think Mom and Dad would like me doing this in the motorhome, do you?"

The fact he had been cooped up with his parents all day, and shared the sleeping area at night with his sister, meant his opportunities to beat off had been severely limited. And right now getting his rocks off seemed too good a chance to miss. Somehow, doing it in front of his sister added an extra thrill.

"If someone sees you doing that we'll get thrown out! Or arrested! Or Both!"

"There's no one around; but if you're that worried, why don't you keep watch while I finish? I'm almost there," he suggested, stroking his cock faster now.

"Oh God!! Hurry up then, will you!"

She stayed with her back to him, looking up and down the path for any other campers approaching, while Kevin continued to jerk off, now using both hands on his dick.

As he beat off, he took the chance to admire his sisters ass once more, her butt cheeks peeking out the bottom of her cut-offs. He started imagining what she's look like naked. "God, I wonder if she'll go nude?" he thought. The image of his sister naked made his dick throb. He thought back to the glimpse he'd had of her titties that day, and remembered how they were cute and perky. He tried imagining seeing all of her naked and being able to take his time. God, if she went nude, he really would have some whack-off material. Right now that didn't seem too likely, then another thought struck him. He wondered if his mom would get naked while they were here. He wondered what her big knockers would look like. He felt his cum beginning to rise as he imagined her big tits bouncing around in the open. "What if my mom and sister got naked?? Fuck, that would be really hot." He focused once more on his sister's cute ass and long tanned legs, felt himself beginning to cum, and pumped his cock for all he was worth.

"Hey sis! Check this out!"

"What?" she said, turning 'round just as the first spurt of cum erupted from his dick and splashed on the path, followed by an even bigger jet that actually splattered on her leg, before several more jets squirted onto the ground, finally reducing to a dribble. Kevin surprised himself with the size and force of his load. His enforced abstinence had built up a bigger amount than he had realized.Beth stood too shocked to move at first, before becoming aware of the warm wet sensation trickling down her thigh.

"Oh...my...God! Kevin!! Oh Jesus, that's gross! Oh God, you got it on my leg!!"

She reached down to wipe his cum of her leg, then realized she now had it on her fingers as well.

"Oh gross, gross, gross!!"

He couldn't help laughing. She looked like she was performing a dance, as she hopped about in the middle of the path trying to get rid of his sperm, frantically looking around for something to wipe it off with.

"You little fucker! You did that on purpose!! I'm so telling Mom and Dad when we get back!"

Finally he took pity on her.

"Here, use these."

He handed her some leaves from a bush and she wiped the cum from her leg and fingers onto it.

"It was an accident, honest!"

"You're sick! You did it on purpose! Dad's going to kick your butt for this!"

"I swear it was an accident. I didn't realize it would shoot that far! Guess I was a little backed up."

She finished wiping the cum off as best she could, and began stalking back towards the camp with the shopping. He caught up with her, feeling guilty now that his libido was abated.

"Wait up! Beth, I'm sorry, honest! It really was an accident; and I'm sorry I grossed you out. I just get really horny, you know?"

She said nothing; but her pace slowed a little. He couldn't help from eying her perky boobs jiggling in her tube top, her nipples still looking hard despite the heat.

"How about I let you borrow my lap top tonight?"

She slowed and looked at him.

"All night?"

"Ok," he sighed.

"Oh, alright."

She flounced off, still trying to look pissed off, but clearly mollified by the prospect of being able to catch up with her friends on the internet, and find out what the latest gossip was.

Kevin followed just behind her, his still impressive dick now soft, at least for the time being. He figured going without his porn movies for an evening was a price worth paying to keep his sister happy; and somehow the experience of cumming on her leg was hotter than the thought of watching his movies. As they headed back to the RV, he noticed with a sick little thrill a small patch of dried cum on her thigh she'd missed. He hoped Mom and Dad didn't notice it; but, at the same time, he looked forward to jerking off over the thought later, when everyone was asleep, and wondered what other opportunities the next few days might hold.

That night they all went to bed early. Everyone was tired after the long journey. Kevin took the opportunity to stroke one out once his sister was asleep, and recalled the naked girls he'd seen the previous day. But most of all, he focused on the image of his cum splattering on his sister's smooth tanned leg as he stroked his cock and shot his load.

The following morning, he could hear his mom and dad chatting in the bedroom. He couldn't make out exactly what they were saying; but it seemed they were discussing something concerning them, as he heard his father mentioning "the children" several times. He loved his old man; but he sometimes wished he'd let up on treating them like they were little kids. Beth was listening to music and flicking through a magazine, so was oblivious to what was going on, until their parents emerged from the bedroom and stood in the lounge area.

"Beth, Kevin, there's something your father and I want to discuss with you."

Beth sighed, clicked off her mp3 player and dropped her magazine; while Kevin was all ears. Somehow, he had the feeling, this could be something interesting.

"Now, as you know, your father and I have visited this place in the past, and were practicing naturists at the time. Now, your father and I would like to know if it would offend either of you if we were to go nude while we are here. Be honest; and say if you are going to be uncomfortable with the idea."

Kevin was struggling to process the information. His mom was asking his permission to go naked? She was wearing some shorts and one of her tight vest tops, that accentuated her big boobs and trim waist. The thought that he would get to see her big knockers naked was not something he needed to be asked twice.

"Uh, I don't mind..."

"Well seeing as you have already gone nude, I presumed you wouldn't Kevin. It was more your sister I think we're concerned about. Well Beth?"

Beth had been looking at her dad while her mom was talking, and tore her eyes away. He was clearly uncomfortable about the whole situation, and was avoiding eye contact with his kids. She was glad about this; as it gave her a chance to watch him without being observed. Roger Brentmeier had always been athletic in college; and his career building pools involved plenty of time in the sun, and ensured he kept his physique. In the summer, when Beth's friends came over and they had a pool party, there seemed to be an unwritten competition between them, to see who could wear the skimpiest outfits and flirt with her dad the most. Roger seemed to take it all in good stead, and no doubt found it flattering to have various teenage girls fluttering their eyelashes at him, and taking every chance to show off their figures. He would sometimes hang out with them and wear his speedos, which not only showed off his athletic build, but also an impossibly huge bulge. On more than one occasion, Beth had heard her friends discussing whether her dad had a pair of socks down his trunks.

She pretended to ignore all her friends behaviour, and told herself how juvenile they all were; but she also had to admit she was jealous, and found herself admiring him more and more often. The idea that she could see her dad naked, when all her friends could only dream about it, made her feel excited. As she looked at him, he was wearing a t-shirt and some running shorts, which showed off his toned chest and muscles, but also a big bulge in his shorts. She could feel her cheeks flushing as she thought about her dad walking around naked.

"I guess that's okay," she said, trying to sound as disinterested as she could and looking at her magazine.

"Are you sure Bethany? I don't want you to feel pressured in anyway. Your mother and I want you to be comfortable."

Roger sounded surprised at his daughter's readiness to go along with them being nude.

She looked up from her magazine and smiled.

"Well Kevin's already joined the party ,so I don't see why you guys can't."

"Well, only if you're sure. And don't feel there is any pressure on you to participate if you don't wish to."

"I won't."

She imagined stripping off in front of her father. She wondered if he would like her body. She took care of her figure. She hadn't inherited her mom's huge boobs; but she was proud of her long legs and her shapely butt. Her friends certainly wouldn't be able to compete with her on this occasion.

"Alright, well, seeing as the weather is so warm, I thought we could eat dinner outside tonight. There's a store in town that sells some great steaks, so I'll ride down there on one of the mountain bikes and get some. We can have a barbecue. What do you say?"

"Yeah, sounds great."

Beth tried to hide her disappointment that her father wasn't going to get naked yet, but figured they would have plenty more time.

"Okay, well, I'll get going then."

Roger headed off outside, and set about dismounting one of the bikes from the back of the RV.

"Good, well, how about I make you a light lunch to be going on with?" Mom smiled.

"Sure, that'd be great," smiled Beth.

"Are you sure you're ok with us being nude Beth? I don't want you to feel that because I do there is any pressure on you."

"That's fine, Mom."

"Alright, well, in that case, I'll just get changed, and then fix lunch."

Kevin was doing his best to hide his excitement. By "get changed," she meant get naked! Fuck! His mom spent a lot of time in the gym and kept her figure looking good, and she always seemed to get plenty of looks when she went out, not least because of her curvy ass and huge boobs. Kevin could hear her moving 'round in the bedroom; and a few moments later heard her padding back out into the galley.

Any attempt to look cool and uninterested went out the window as he saw his mom walking out. He found himself looking at the biggest pair of tits he'd ever seen, not that he'd seen that many. Some of the girls he'd seen around the camp were pretty big; but none of them came close to his mom. Her breasts were big, heavy, and pear-shaped, with oval-shaped aureola and large nipples. As she walked, they bounced and swayed with every step. He was so fascinated with them, he barely took in the dark patch of hair between her legs and was barely aware of his returning erection.

"Ok, how about a ham salad?"

"Thanks Mom," Beth replied without glancing up from her book.

"Kevin... cat got your tongue?"


"Okay, then."

Kevin had his laptop open, but was not even looking at it. Right now, there was nothing he could imagine on the internet that could compete with what he was seeing in real life. As his mom fixed them lunch, every movement seemed to cause her huge jugs to bounce and sway. Even when she turned away, he could see the sides of her boobs swaying, and her full rounded ass.

"Okay, clear some space on the counter."

Kevin closed his laptop and set it aside. Beth put her magazine away as Angela set out some table wear. As she leant over the counter, her boobs hung down and swayed about, as she put out the knives and forks. Kevin's eyes were practically on stalks. It was all he could do to keep from reaching out and grabbing the huge knockers in front of his face; but he was powerless to control his cock, which had now grown to full hard-on, and was throbbing against his belly. Even Beth couldn't help admiring her mom's boobs, and had to admit to feeling jealous that she didn't inherit them. Then she noticed her brother gawping at them, and could see his cock sticking up above the work surface.

"Mom! Kevin's staring at your boobs; and he's got a hard-on!"

"Beth! I've told you about making comments like that. And Kevin, I understand you are curious; but it isn't polite to stare."

Kevin glared at his sister who glared back in disgust.


"Beth! That's enough."

His mom finished fixing them lunch; and Kevin only managed a few more surreptitious glances at his mom's amazing knockers, thanks to his brat of a sister, as they ate lunch.

His mom cleared the plates, once more giving Kevin a close view of her huge boobs hanging down in front of his face. As she cleared the plates away, she glanced down at his erection, and felt herself flushing with embarrassment. She'd hoped Kevin would have calmed down a little by now. She turned away to clean the plates and put them back.

"Why don't you two go and explore down at the lake? There are some great swimming spots. Beth, you can wear your swimsuit."

"Do I have to go with Kevin?"

"Yes you do. You two need to stick together. Go in the back and get changed. Kevin, can you take the trash out for me?"

"Uh yeah, sure."

He padded 'round and his mom turned to hand him a tied up trash bag, being confronted with her son's huge erection as he faced her. She held the bag out by the hooks; but he made no move to take it, instead being fixated on her tits. As she waited for him to take it, she was aware it looked like she was going to hang it on his erection. She finally broke the awkward silence.

"Kevin... trash?"

"Oh yeah."

He finally reached out and took it, heading off outside. Angela relaxed as he left. Some cold water down at the lake would help cool him off. Beth emerged from the bedroom wearing her swimsuit, a little white two-piece number, consisting of 3 triangles covering her boobs and crotch. It was skimpy; but she had the figure to get away with it. Her daughter was a stunning beauty; and she was sure she would have plenty of admirers.

"Here, take some towels with you. Your brother's already outside. Have fun!"


Kevin disposed of the trash and waited for his sister. He was pretty sure his mom wanted to get rid of him because his brat of a sister had ratted on him; and now he was being denied the chance to watch his mom naked, thanks to her. As Beth skipped out of the RV though, thoughts of anger evaporated, as he took in the sight of his sister in her microscopic bikini. She strolled past him without looking, and from behind she looked naked, apart from the triangle of material that failed to cover her ass.

Kevin's hard-on gave her a salute as he caught up with her.

"Oh God, are you going to walk next to me with that again?"

"With what?"

"Your boner, you retard! Jeezus! It's bad enough you perv. at girls in the camp; but now you're looking at mom as well. You really are a sicko Kev."

He felt himself flushing with anger at her insults, and for having ratted on him.

"Well I saw you checking Dad out as well. You seemed pretty happy for him to get naked."

"Shut up you little fucktard!" she snapped.

Her anger surprised him, but confirmed he was right. His sister only got this angry when he caught her out.

"Why don't you go and beat your meat in the woods thinking about mom."

"You want me to beat off?"

"Well I don't want to be seen with you like that. Jeezus, aren't you embarrassed that people will see you like that? Walking around like some drooling pervert?"

Kevin felt his anger rising at her continued barbs, and decided it was time for some payback. He was struck by a sudden idea.

"Why don't you do it for me?"

"What??" she stopped and looked at him incredulously.

"Why don't you jerk me off?"

"You fucking sick perv. I'm telling Dad about this one."

"That's fine then, I'll tell him about your stash of weed in your dresser."

She stopped dead in her tracks and turned to look at him in shock.

"How did you... Oh my God, you were going through my things! You little son of a bitch!"

"I was looking for my phone charger actually. Turns out I found your stash by accident."

"Oh... my...God!" She approached him and spoke through gritted teeth she was so angry. "If you breath a word, so help me I'll..."

"You'll what?" Kevin cut her off. He'd been waiting for the moment to play this trump card; and now he was going to enjoy it. "You know how Dad is about drugs. He said if he ever caught us with anything, he'd throw us out. When he finds out about this you'll be out on your ass, or grounded for about the next 1000 years. Either way, you won't be doing anything to me."

She stopped and considered what he'd said, and she knew he was right. Dad was a hard ass about a few things; and drugs were one of them. Kevin had her over a barrel and he knew it.

"Alright, what do you want?" she asked warily.

"I told you, help me out," he glanced at his hard-on that showed no signs of subsiding.

"You're not serious?!"

"Do I look serious?"

"But I'm your sister!"


"This is sick!"

"Yeah well I'm a sicko and a pervert, remember?"

He stood with his hands on his hips and waited. She regarded him, hoping he would tell her it was just a joke, or that he would have a change of heart; but he simply waited. She considered pleading with him; but she knew that didn't work with her brother. And she didn't want to give him the satisfaction.

"God I hate you!"

"You can still hate me while you jerk me off."

"Oh God! Alright! Just make sure and finish quickly!"

"That's up to you."

"Come over here off the path. Just keep an eye out for anyone."

He waited while she looked around to confirm they were alone. She then glared at him once more, before grabbing his cock and jerking it. She made no effort to be gentle. She gripped it hard and jerked it fast, clearly intent on getting him off as fast as possible. If she had to do this for him, she was going to make it the quickest, most uncomfortable hand-job she could. He didn't care though. Seeing his mom's tits and getting jerked off by his sister all in one day was a double treat he'd not expected when he woke up this morning.

His sister was jerking the shaft of his cock rather than the head, so although she was going fast and hard, he wasn't in danger of cumming just yet. He took the opportunity to admire her tits up close, as they jiggled in time with her pulling on his cock. Whether it was through anger or embarrassment, her nipples seemed to be poking out through the thin material. She was more intent on looking out for any passers by, so he was able to admire her perky boobs with impunity. He wondered what they would feel like. He imagined cupping them and feeling their firmness. He guessed she would be a handful, but no more, not like his mom. He imagined what those huge knockers would feel like. He would need two hands to hold one; and he guessed they were heavy too.

As he continued to ogle his sister's boobs, she craned her neck to see if anyone was approaching; and her top fell open enough he was able to see down the front, and be rewarded with an unobstructed view of one perfect perky boob with a pink nipple capping it. His dick throbbed at the sight. He'd now seen his mom's and his sister's tits in the same morning! Her movement had the unintentional consequence of adjusting her grip on his cock as well. Now, instead of just yanking on his shaft, she was pulling on the head of his cock as well. The sight of his sister's exposed pert jiggling boob, and her hand gripping on his cock, was proving too much for him; and he could feel his cum rising. She was pulling harder and faster on his dick now. It felt like she was planning on taking it with her as a souvenir; but he didn't care. He was so hard and turned on right now; anything would feel good. His balls tightened and he felt his cum boiling as he erupted.

His sister was so preoccupied with keeping a look out, she didn't notice he had started to cum. And such was the violence she was jerking him with, that as he ejaculated his cum sprayed everywhere, some splashing on her stomach and some on her legs. As she felt the warm liquid on her skin, she looked down and released his cock like a hot potato.

"Oh gross!! You got it all over me. Shit, shit, shit!!"

She used the towel to wipe his cum off her belly and legs before cleaning her hand.

"You did that on purpose!"

He stroked the last few dribbles of cum out of his bruised cock, as he watched her wiping his load off her.

"Hey, you were the one holding it."

"You could have warned me. Anyway, happy now?"

She didn't wait for an answer as she stalked off towards the lake, with Kevin following with his slowly deflating cock.Kevin had a fairly relaxed afternoon at the lakeside, there were quite a few hotties for him to admire; and thanks to his sister's hand job, he was able to stay fairly cool about it. Most of the girls seemed to be happy naked, which was fine with Kevin; but Beth was getting her share of admiring looks as well. Whether it was the fact that she was partly covered by her tiny bikini that made her more alluring, or just the fact that she was smoking hot, was hard to say.

After a few hours of alternately swimming and lying on the shore, both Beth and Kevin were starting to work up appetites. Beth was still pretty frosty to Kevin over his blackmail and forced hand job. She was lying some distance from him, reading a magazine; so he wandered over to her.

"I'm going to head back and see if dinner's ready. You coming?"

She made no reply but started to roll up her towel. Kevin couldn't help noticing that her bikini was semi-transparent now that it was wet; and the water was cold enough to make her nipples hard. The combination meant that her perky boobs were mostly visible through her top; and he could almost make out a small patch of trimmed hair in her bottoms. He could feel his cock begin to swell, and was contemplating whether he should ask her for another hand job on the way back. Maybe he could also get her to lose her top and let him play with her tits while she jerked him? But something in the way she stalked off without looking at him, told him he would be more likely to get punched in the balls, if he tried to get anything more from her today. So he just followed behind, admiring her firm ass as it swayed in front of him.

They arrived back at the RV in time to see that Roger and Angela were just getting ready to start cooking. Chairs were set out, along with the barbecue, and a cooler with beers and soft drinks in it. Angela walked down the steps, carrying some plates and a small table.

"Well that's good timing. Your father was just about to start cooking! Did you have a nice time at the lake?"

"Great, thanks!" chirped Kevin, happy to have the chance to ogle his mom's knockers again.

"Yea, fine," muttered Beth, as she flopped into one of the chairs.

Angela gave a quizzical look to Kevin, who shrugged his shoulders with the most innocent expression he could muster.

"Alright then. Roger, the kids are back!"

"Ok then, well, good news family! The hunter has returned with plenty of food to feed his family!"

Roger emerged from the RV carrying a large bag of meat he'd brought back with him; but it wasn't that which caught Beth's eye. Swinging about was the biggest dick Beth had ever seen. It was thick, veiny, and hung down so low, it bounced off her dad's leg as he walked down the steps. As he stepped down holding the food and displaying it, he inadvertently placed his dick at eye level with Beth, who was only a couple of feet away.

She continued staring in fascination and shock at the huge cock as it stopped swinging around, now able to also see the heavy low hanging balls that hung down behind it.

"I think you've got enough meat there to feed the whole camp!" remarked Angela.

"That's some piece of meat you have there as well, Dad!"

Before she realised it the words had left Beth's mouth. There was a stunned silence for a few moments before Roger's face turned beet red.

"What did you just say!?!?"

"Um, Dad.. Sorry I didn't..."

"Young lady you had better not have said what I thought you did!!"

"Roger, calm down for goodness sake! I'm sure Bethany didn't mean it."

"Angela, this is not appropriate..."

"I know, I know... Roger, this is the kids' first time here, and their first time seeing us like this. They have no understanding of what is appropriate and what isn't, do they?"

"Well...no, but all the same..."

"Look, you remember how up tight your parents were about sex, and how you swore you would be different when we had kids?"

"Well, of course, but this is different..."

"Is it? You don't want Beth to grow up thinking our bodies are something to be ashamed of, do you?"

"Of course not!"

"Well then, I'm sure she didn't mean to be offensive."

"I really didn't Dad."

"It's normal for them to be curious, so if they want to ask questions or make comments, then, providing they are polite, I think that's ok, don't you?"

"Well... I suppose so."

"Good! Now why don't you get cooking? I'm starving! Beth, will you give me a hand?"

Having diffused the situation, Angela set about bringing out some salad and snacks; while Roger donned his apron and began barbecuing the meat.

"Hey sport, how about you get me a cold one out of the cooler, and um... why don't you get one for yourself?"

"I can have a beer?"

"Yes, one, that is!"


Kevin opened a couple of bottles, and sat drinking one as Beth emerged from the RV.

"Hey, how come Kevin gets a beer?"

"I said he could have one; and the same applies to you Beth."

"Oh...ok then."

She crossed over to the cooler and slowly bent over, making a show of selecting a beer. Her ass was facing her dad; and the further she looked into the cooler, the more her tiny bikini bottoms rode up, outlining the puffy lips of her pussy. Roger glanced over and couldn't help but stare. Dealing with a teenage son was one thing; but sometimes he worried Beth would give him a heart attack before he was 40. Beth glanced over and saw her dad checking her out, smiling to herself, as she finally picked out a beer bottle and opened it before sitting down.

Everyone was hungry; and there wasn't much talk as they ate their food. There was more than they could manage; and in the end they admitted defeat. As they sat relaxing in the warm evening weather, Angela gently fanned herself with a small electric fan.

"It certainly is warm tonight. I must say, it makes it a lot more comfortable in this weather being naked."

"Well it seems I'm the only one not enjoying the benefits," replied Beth.

"Oh I didn't mean you have to Beth. It's just more comfortable."

"I know, but I might as well join the party, I suppose."

"Well, of course, if you're sure."

Beth sat up and reached behind her back to undo her top, thrusting her perky boobs out as she did, before removing it and proudly displaying her breasts. She knew she couldn't compete with her mom; but she's heard some men preferred small, pert boobies. She then stood up and bent over to remove her bottoms, making sure her father had the best view possible. As she slid them down her legs she paused, taking little longer than necessary, pretending her bottoms were caught on her sandals, so her dad had a prolonged view of her ass and her puffy little pussy, as it pooched out from between her firm butt cheeks.

Roger tried to play it cool; but he couldn't help glance at his daughters toned young body as she posed in front of him. He drank the rest of his beer down with a gulp. Beth straightened up and tossed her bottoms onto her chair, before noticing her dad's empty beer.

"Can I get you another?"

"Um, yes, please."

She sashayed over to the cooler, swaying her ass as she did, before bending over to get a beer, and giving her dad another display of her naked ass.

"Would you like one too, Mom?"

She looked 'round, making sure to see if her dad had been checking her out, and delighted to see he had.

"Yes, I will. Thank you, dear," Mom replied with an amused smile.

Beth walked back to her dad, leaning over to hand him his beer before taking her seat again. Roger was definitely looking a little hot and bothered as he took a sip of his beer; and Beth smiled to herself that she was having the desired effect.

"Mom, you know you said it was ok if we wanted to ask questions, you know as long as we were polite?"

"Yes, dear."

"Well, would it be ok if I ask a question about dad?"

Roger looked a little uncomfortable and glanced at Angela, who gave him a reassuring smile before turning back to Beth.

"Yes dear, that's fine. What is your question?"

"Well, at school they show us text books on what boys look like, you know... down there, and well dad looks really different from the pictures they show us."

"How different?"

"Well his, um, penis looks different from the pictures."

"Angela, this really isn't appropriate. We..."

"Look Roger, do you want our children to grow up thinking they can't ask us questions or talk to us about sex? Remember how your mom and dad were?"

"No, of course not, but this is just, well, getting rather personal."

"Well who else are they supposed to ask? We're their parents after all."

Roger clearly wasn't happy, but resigned himself to the situation.

"How is your father different sweetie?"

Beth leaned forward, looking more closely at her dad's cock, now that she'd been given permission. It looked even bigger now, resting on his thigh, covered in a delicate network of blue veins, the head peeking out from under the foreskin.

"Um, well dad's looks a lot bigger than the ones in the book," she said, struggling to think of a question.

"Well dear, penises come in all shapes and sizes. Some are bigger than others."

"Yes, but the ones in the books, have, well you can see the end of them. Dad's is all covered in skin."

"Well Beth, all men are born with skin to cover the end of their penis to protect it; but some have it removed when they are born. The pictures you saw were of boys who had been circumcised."

"So dad has a head under the skin like the pictures?" she feigned confusion.

"Yes dear."

"Hmm, so why is the skin there."

"Well it protects the end of the penis, which is sensitive; and then, when the man is excited, it retracts to make sex more pleasurable."

"Wow, so it comes back?"

"Yes dear."

"How?" Beth asked with her most innocent expression.

"Well, it just sort of slides back."

"Hmm, I don't really understand."

"Well I'm not really sure how else to explain it to you without showing you."

"Could you?" she perked up.

"Now wait just a minute!" Roger couldn't contain himself any longer.

"Calm down dear. Do you want our daughter to grow up being confused or not?"

"Of course not, but this is..."

"Is our opportunity to explain the facts of life. Here, I'll show you. Just relax Roger."

"Angela you can't, I mean this is..."

"Roger, just relax, will you."

Angela leaned forward, her boobs swaying heavily, and gently lifted Rogers cock off his leg with one hand, before delicately drawing the foreskin back with the finger and thumb of her other hand.

"There, you see?"

"Wow, that's so cool!"

Angela allowed Beth to study Roger's cock for a few moments, before sliding his foreskin back down and replacing his heavy member on his leg.

"Was there anything else?"

"Um, yes," Beth leaned in closer. "Um, Dad's testicles look different as well. They are a lot um, bigger."

"Well, like penises, testicles come in all shapes and sizes as well."

"But Dad's hang a lot further down."

Right now they were hanging between his legs; so she had to lean forward to see them.

"Well, if they are larger, they will sometimes hang a little lower."

"What do they look like?" Beth said, desperately trying to invent more questions to give her an excuse to study her dad's cock and balls for longer.

"Um...well, it's difficult to see, because they are inside the scrotum. I suppose they look a bit like eggs."

"Mmmm.... I can't really see them from here."

"Here let me..."

Angela reached down to lift her husband's balls so Beth could get a better look.

"Angela... what in God's name..."

"Roger! Who do you want Beth to come to about the facts of life? Us or her friends? We decided we would be open with our children, didn't we?"

"Well sure...but, Angela this is too far."

"Roger, your daughter is curious about human anatomy; and this holiday is a perfect chance for her to ask questions. Unless you don't want to help her?"

"Well no, I mean, I suppose...."

Angela held Roger's big balls up so Beth could better see them.

"There you see, sort of like eggs."

"Um, what do they feel like? Are they hard or all squishy?"

"Well, that's difficult to describe. Neither really, sort of firm, I suppose. In fact, it's important for men to check them regularly, in case there are any lumps, or they become hard or swollen; as it could mean they have some problem. Of course, some men are a bit forgetful; so sometimes we have to remind them, or even do it for them." She gave Roger a pointed look.

"You mean you check Dad's for him?"

"Yes, sometimes."

Roger squirmed as the two women studied his balls and took another swig of his beer.

"Sooooo, can you show me how to check them."

"Well, you just sort of gently squeeze them, feeling them all over like this, just looking for any lumps." Angela demonstrated, gently squeezing around one of Rogers balls with her finger and thumb, while holding it with her other hand.

"Could I....examine one?"

"Beth that is enough! Angela, she's our daughter for God's sake!"

"Roger, your daughter is showing a remarkably responsible attitude, wanting to know how to check her future husband for testicular cancer. In fact, she seems more concerned with it than you do."

"I know but, well, looking is one thing, but touching..."

"Well, if you know how to examine testicles just by looking at them, I'd love to know how."

Roger fell silent and drained his beer.

"Get your father another beer sweetie, then I'll show you what to do."

Beth skipped over to the cooler, wasting no time posing and preening this time. She was going to get to play with her dad's balls, and didn't want to waste any time. She was so excited, she didn't even notice Kevin watching her, his dick hard against his belly, as he gawped at his hot sister running around naked and examining his dad's cock and balls.

Beth handed her dad the beer and he took a sip; but she had already turned her attention back to his crotch.

"Here sweetie, hold this one. And remember, don't squeeze too hard. They're very sensitive."

Beth eagerly took the big ball in her hand and held it.

"Wow, it's so big!"

She began examining it, caressing it and lightly running her fingers over it.

"You can be a little firmer than that dear."

Beth remembered she was supposed to be examining it, rather than playing with it, and began feeling around the huge ball for several moments.

"That's it dear. You seem to have the hang of it."

"Can I examine the other one as well?"

"Um, yes, if you want."

"Wow, this one's even bigger!"

"Well most men have one larger testicle."

Beth lifted her dad's right ball and began to repeat the process. Angela reflected that this must be one of the most thorough testicle exams she'd ever seen, Beth seemingly exploring every millimeter of the gonad. In fact, Beth found playing with the huge balls was a huge turn on, the thought she had started life in these seemed to add to the thrill. Reluctantly, after she's examined every part of her dad's balls, she released them.

"Um, Mom?"

"Yes dear?"

"I still don't quite get how the um, skin works on Daddy's um, penis, could I... examine that?"

"Angela, for God's sake!"

"Roger, calm down. She clearly wants to learn; and there is only so much text books and looking can teach. Yes, dear, you can; but be gentle."

"Angela, no!"

"Roger, just relax, will you!"

"But Angela... this is too much."

"It is natural curiosity, so just relax Roger. Alright Beth, go ahead; but remember to be gentle."

Beth struggled not to look too excited as she reached out and lifted her dad's cock off his leg with her fingers. Even limp, his dick more than filled both hands. She marvelled at how thick it was and the weight.

"It's so heavy. How do you carry it around all the time?"

Roger offered no answer, but simply swigged his beer, as she delicately drew back the skin, remembering that was the reason she was supposed to be holding it. As the skin retracted, she exposed the glans, admiring the big plum-like head.

"Wow, that's so cool! The skin is so soft, it's like silk."

She continued to turn his dick this way and that to study it, rolling the skin up and down over the head for a few moments, until she noticed a change in his cock, as it felt more solid.

"Um, I think that's enough Beth. You'd better stop now," Roger admonished.

"What's wrong?"

"I think your father is getting an erection sweetie."

As Beth watched in fascination, her dad's cock continued to grow in her hands, lengthening and hardening, until she found herself holding a huge rock-hard slab of meat that was more than her fingers could reach around.

"Oh... my...God! I've never seen one that big! It's huge!" Beth exclaimed, before remembering to curb her excitement.

"Beth I really think that's enough," Roger tried to intervene; but Beth wasn't listening. She was too intent on playing with the huge piece of meat in her hands, sliding the now taut skin over the shaft and onto the head of the giant member.

"Roger, I doubt it's very often Beth will be touch a penis that isn't erect; so she might as well get used to what they feel like."

"What do you mean Mom?"

"I mean when a girl as pretty as you is touching a man's penis, it's not going to be very long before he gets an erection, as your father has just demonstrated."

The thought that she had made him hard and excited him gave her an added thrill. She continued to explore his cock, running the skin up and down and stroking his cock more boldly now. She noticed his balls were pulling up under the base of his cock.

"Why are dad's testicles moving like that?"

"That's a sign that the man is enjoying what you are doing to him; and he is getting closer to having an orgasm."

"But I was just touching it."

"Well when you stroke it like that, it feels good for the man sweetie. You obviously must be a natural."

"Really? Wow!"

Beth resumed stroking her dad's huge cock, marvelling at how big and hard it was, and the fact that her fingers could barely fit round it. She stroked it faster, watching the skin rolling back and forwards over the swollen purple head.

"Angela...." Roger looked at his wife with a pleading expression. Clearly, his last reserves of self-control were evaporating, as he felt his daughter's slender fingers stroking his erection.

"Roger, just relax."

Beth rolled her father's foreskin all the way back and noticed a sheen of clear liquid covering the head. She ran her fingers over, it noticing how it was viscous and formed a strand between her finger-tip and her dad's cock-head. Roger groaned as his daughter's fingers ran over his cock-head. Beth looked at Angela quizzically.

"What's this sticky stuff Mom?"

"It's called pre-cum dear. It's what happens when a man gets excited, especially when you are touching the head of his penis like that."

"So the head is really sensitive?"

"Yes dear. If you touch that, you will find some parts are more so than others."

Beth continued to run her fingers around her dad's swollen cock head, noticing how it turned a darker shade of purple and hardened in response. She noticed how certain areas seemed to produce more of a reaction from her father than others, especially the little 'V' underneath."Mom, some of my friends were saying that if you want to avoid getting pregnant you need to know how to give a good blowjob. Is that true?"

Roger made a small strangled noise, but said nothing; and Angela smiled before answering.

"Well, if you know how to please a man with your mouth, he is less likely to pressure you into sex, although you should never let any man do that."

"So how do you do it? I mean, learn to be good at it?"

"Well it's largely a question of noticing what your partner enjoys: sucking, licking, sometimes even biting. Every man has his own likes and dislikes; and every woman has her own way of doing it."

"So...what do you do?"

"Well I can't really explain it sweetie. I'd need to show you and I'm not sure..."

"Oh please!! Please! Please!" I really want to know how to do it..."

Beth was still stroking her dad's rock-hard erection as she pleaded with her mother; and Roger was barely conscious of what was being said, but realised enough to know his daughter was asking his wife to perform oral sex on him. He weakly tried to protest; but Angela simply ignored him as she knelt by the side of his chair.

"Here, squat down here so you can see. Now, it's good to start out slowly, a little licking often helps."

Beth reluctantly released her dad's erection, feeling a pang of jealousy as Angela took hold of it. Angela started running her tongue over the head of her husband's cock, the salty pre-cum forming a strand between her tongue and his cock-head, before licking down the sides of the shaft and bathing his cock with her saliva. She then opened her lips and drew the giant thick veiny member into her mouth, slurping as she did. Kevin sat transfixed, watching his naked mom and sister kneeling either side of his dad, sucking his cock, like 2 harem girls attending to an eastern potentate. By now he was stroking his own cock, not that anyone was paying him any attention.

Beth watched fascinated as her mom's lips descended down the shaft of her father's cock, taking a seemingly impossible amount of it, before sliding back up the shaft and repeating the process, occasionally withdrawing all-together and licking around the head. Roger's balls seemed to be dancing, they were moving around so much in response to Angela's ministrations, who was clearly enjoying herself. She loved sucking her husband's cock, and prided herself on her skills. After a few moments, she remembered she was supposed to be demonstrating, and withdrew her mouth, pausing to look at her daughter.

"Well, there sweetie. That gives you an idea."

"Wow Mom, that was awesome! Could I try?"

"Angela, for God's sake" Roger weakly croaked.

Angela knew this was wrong but couldn't deny how erotic it looked at seeing her young daughter worshipping her husband's huge cock, and for all Roger's increasingly weak protestations his giant pulsing erection told Angela all she needed to know as to what her husband thought.

"Roger, Beth needs to learn this from someone; or would you rather she ends up getting pregnant?" she said maintaining as best a motherly tone as she could.

Roger was clearly past being able to speak or think and made no further objections, so Angela simply smiled and nodded her encouragement at Beth, who took hold of her father's cock and began eagerly slurping on it. At first she tried to emulate her mother and take it deep, but nearly choked herself in the process, and withdrew in a coughing fit.

"Easy sweetie, don't try to take it all, just as much as you can. Take it slow and work your way up to it."

Beth started licking around the great plum-like head, before opening her lips and taking it in her mouth, continuing to lick it as she sucked, then beginning to bob her head and take a couple of inches of the shaft as well. As her mouth began to get used to the size of her dad's cock, she found she was able to start experimenting more, varying the length and speed of her strokes, letting her tongue explore the sensitive areas of his cock-head, and feeling his dick respond by swelling and pulsing.

Angela watched her daughter with a strange sense of pride. She was clearly a natural at this, and judging from Roger's reaction, his excitement was increasing.

After a few minutes Roger croaked, "Beth stop, I can't take any more. Please honey, stop."

"What's wrong?"

"I think your father is getting close to having an orgasm dear."

"Cool, you mean he's going to cum?"

"Yes dear."

"Can I taste it?"

"No, no I can't do that. I can't cum in my little girl's mouth! Angela, please, that's too much."

There was something in Roger's voice that told her he really meant it; and Angela didn't argue this time. Beth tried to hide her disappointment.

"Mom, one of the girls at school said she likes to finish her boyfriend off with her tits. What does she mean?"

"Well, is this friend of yours rather, um, busty?"

"Yes, she has huge ones. Well, not as big as yours; but she's the biggest in my school."

"Well sometimes men like to put their penis between a girl's breasts; and the girl can make them have an orgasm that way."

Beth looked puzzled.

"I don't understand."

Angela lifted her boobs and squeezed them together.

The girl holds them like this and the man puts his penis between them, you see?

Beth looked down at her own tits in disappointment.

"Mine are too small for that, aren't they?"

"Don't look sad dear. Trust me, having to carry these around all the time isn't always a lot of fun. Look, why don't you use mine."

Angela knelt up closer to Roger and let her breasts hang over his cock.

"Now put your father's penis between them and squeeze them together."

Beth did as she was told. Touching her mom's boobs felt weird. They were so much bigger and softer than her own; and she struggled to hold them. They were so large, they overflowed her hands. Eventually, she managed, pushing them together and watching her father's huge cock almost disappear from view.

"That's it, squeeze harder. Now bounce them up and down."

Beth pushed her mom's big heavy boobs together harder, and bounced them up and down on her dad's cock, watching in fascination as they bounced like two water balloons, up and down, with her father's cock emerging and disappearing from in between them.

"That's it, sweetie," Her mom smiled encouragingly, as Beth continued to slide her mom's big tits up and down her father's cock. Roger let out a moan.

"Oh God, I can't hold it any longer!"

"It's ok Beth, keep going," Angela smiled, her face flushed.

Roger went rigid in his chair, and thrust his hips up to meet his wife's tits, the shiny purple dome emerging from between the huge boobs, as a geyser of cum erupted from the head. Beth let out a little shriek of surprise, but continued to bounce her mom's tits, as another eruption shot from her father's cock, jet after jet of cum spurting from his cock, and showering her and her mom with cum, splashing on her mom's tits, on Beth's hands, in her hair, covering both of them. By the time his orgasm abated, the two of them were covered in thick white cum, neither of them noticing Kevin shooting his own load onto the ground, as he watched the pornographic display his mom and sister were putting on. Beth and Angela looked at one another with cum dripping from them, and collapsed in giggles, while Roger remained slumped in his chair exhausted.Beth and Angela left together to clean themselves off, while Kevin and Roger sat slumped in their chairs, their wilting erections the only movement. Neither of them spoke. There wasn't anything to really say. Eventually, Roger swigged the last of his beer and rose from his chair.

"I'm hitting the hay."

"Sure, I'll come in too."

Kevin followed his father into the RV, shutting the door behind him. His dad headed back to the bedroom; while Kevin settled down on the bunk next to his sister. She was lying with her back to him and the covers pulled over her; so he wasn't sure if she was asleep. He wished she didn't have the sheets over her; as he wanted to check out her ass some more. He remembered seeing her stripping off, and walking around naked, and how hot she looked. He also remembered the sight of her pretty mouth stretched 'round his dad's huge dick. Fuck, he wished he could get some of that right now. So far, all he'd had was a hand-job; and that was a reluctant one.

He felt himself getting hard once more as he imagined his sister practicing her skills on his dick. He closed his eyes and began stroking himself, as he pictured his sister slurping on his cock. He imagined cupping her perky tits. Then he wondered what it would be like if his mom demonstrated on him as she had with his dad. He thought about feeling both their mouths on him as they competed to see who could suck him the best, competing with each other as he groped their tits, his mom's huge melons contrasting with his sister's perky little titties.

"I suppose you think I'm a sicko now?"

His sister's voice shocked him. She'd been awake the whole time. He covered himself up hastily and tried to act casual.

"Um, no... why?"

"Why??? Because I just blew Dad in front of you and Mom, that's why!" she said, turning to him.

"No, I thought it was pretty hot actually."

"You did?"

"Yeah, I mean, you look really smoking anyway, and seeing you and mMm sucking on him, well, yeah, that was really hot."

"You don't think I'm some kind of pervert?"

"Well, I guess if you are I must be too; and so must Mom and Dad be, since they both enjoyed it."

"Yeah, I guess I hadn't thought of it that way."

He could see his sister was responding to his acceptance, so he plunged ahead.

"I mean, I don't blame you. Dad has a pretty amazing dick. I thought I was big; but he's huge."

"Well you're not so bad, even if you can't control it!" Beth chuckled as she looked at the tent Kevin was pitching under the covers.

There was a pause as they both reflected on the events of the evening. Finally, Beth broke the silence.

"You can carry on if you want. I don't mind."

"Carry on?"

"Jerking off. I could hear you after you came in."

She continued watching him expectantly.

"But I thought you said it was gross."

"Well, it is, sort of, because you're my brother I mean; but I guess it's also kind of hot, seeing you hard and shooting off. You can look at me while you do it if you want."

She pulled back the covers, letting him see her naked body once more. Fuck! That was all the encouragement he needed. He pulled down the covers and began stroking his cock as he admired her tits. As he watched, she began playing with her nipples, making the little nubs hard, before slipping her hand between her legs and rubbing herself.

The truth was, much as she acted grossed out, she did enjoy seeing Kevin stroking himself; but she just hadn't wanted to let him realise. Right now though, she also needed to get off herself, and watching Kevin jerking while she remembered her dad's huge dick in her mouth was just the right visual stimulation.

"You know you did a pretty amazing job of sucking Dad's dick," Kevin whispered as he whacked off.

"You think so?"

"I know so. I could tell he was going to blow his wad any moment."

"But he wouldn't, at least not in my mouth."

"Well, I figure he wanted to."

"You do?"

"Oh yeah!"

They were both stroking and rubbing themselves faster now.

"You know, you could practice on me too, if you wanted, that is?"

Kevin stopped stroking his cock and held it up for her inspection. She had to admit it was a nice dick. Not as big as her dad's, but still bigger than most and nicely shaped, curved up to a plum-like head. Beth actually found herself licking her lips as she looked at it.

"Maybe tomorrow I might. For now let's just get ourselves off. Let me see you shoot."

Shit, she was going to practice on him? He stroked himself faster now, bringing his orgasm closer. He knew it wouldn't be as big as earlier since he'd already cum; but he figured he would have enough to put on a show. Beth watched silently, as her brother stroked his dick faster and faster, before thrusting it up, his body going rigid before shooting a rope of cum into the air, which splattered back onto his chest before being followed by another, and another. She rubbed her clit as her own orgasm washed over her. Kevin got out of bed and cleaned himself with some paper towels from the kitchen; and by the time he returned, Beth was sleeping softly.

The following morning Kevin was awoken by the sound of his mom and sister fixing breakfast. He could hear them in a hushed conversation; and as he blearily opened his eyes, he was happy to see they were both still naked.

"Do you think it will really work?" Beth asked in an excited tone.

"Trust me sweetie, I know your father, if you just... morning Tiger! Ready for some breakfast?"

"Uh yeah, great." He pulled back the covers and stood up, not even bothering to hide his morning glory erection. His sister turned to look at him; and he put his hands on his hips and turned sideways to show it off to her. She turned away, but not before she grinned at him.

"Set the table, you two."

Kevin and Beth cleared away the bunks and set out the plates and cutlery, Kevin taking every chance to check out his sister's body, especially when she bent over and he was afforded a view of her pink puffy little pussy. He managed to brush up against her a couple of times, and rubbed his cock on her arm and her butt cheeks. She showed no reaction; but he noticed she didn't pull away either. Maybe she really was going to make good on her promise of a blowjob later.

They'd just finished putting the plates out when Roger emerged from the bedroom, looking a little sheepish. He was clearly embarrassed about last night; but Beth's eyes lit up as she saw him.

"Morning Dad!"

"Um, good morning Beth. Um, now, about last night I..."

"Thank you so much!"

"What for?"

"For helping me out of course!"

"That wasn't really what I was going to say." He moved closer, standing by the table now, his dick at eye level with Beth, who took the opportunity to admire the huge veiny slab of meat at close quarters.

"Dad, you don't know how much it means to me that you let me practice on you, so I know what to do."

"Well I err... what's for breakfast?" he asked, clearly uncomfortable and wanting to change the subject.

"I know what I'm having!" Beth couldn't resist the sight of her dad's huge dick and balls, and lifted her plate so they lay on it, his huge balls resting either side of his cock. "Sausage and eggs!"

Beth giggled; and Kevin couldn't help himself from laughing at the sight of his dad's cock and balls laid out like breakfast on the plate. Angela looked round and chuckled at the sight. Roger looked down in shock initially; but seeing the rest of his family enjoying the joke, he eventually smiled as the ice was broken from last night.

As they watched, Roger's cock began to lengthen and harden on the plate, before lifting up and bobbing in the air as he grew to full erection.

"Wow, it looks like I just got super-sized!" Beth laughed, putting the plate down.

"Daddy, do you think I could practice again? I really want to get good at it."

"Beth, I don't know, I mean... at the breakfast table..."

"Oh pleeeeeease! I don't want to end up getting pregnant and I learned so much. Can I just practice for a little while?"

"Breakfast won't be ready for a few minutes yet sweetie. I'm sure your father doesn't mind, do you Roger?" Angela gave her husband a knowing smile and Roger gulped.

Beth didn't wait for an answer, and took hold of her dad's huge erection in one hand, pulling the skin all the way back so she could expose the head, before opening her mouth and engulfing it.

"Oh Jesus!" Roger gasped.

"Mmmmffff, did I hurt you daddy? Am I doing it right."

"No you didn't hurt me sweetie. I just wasn't quite ready for that."

"Oh, sorry. I'll go a little slower. Oh, and tell me if you need me to stop, you know, if you're going shoot and you don't want to do it in my mouth. Mmmmmmmm."

Beth took the giant cock in her mouth again and began drawing it in more slowly this time. Roger stood powerless to object as he felt his beautiful teenage daughter's lips and tongue doing amazing things to his cock. He found it hard to believe she was as inexperienced as she claimed, as her tongue teased and caressed his bloated cock head, while her lips tenderly nursed on his thick shaft.

She worked on taking him a little deeper now, being careful not to choke on the huge dick, and keeping her teeth from scraping him, varying her technique between long, slow strokes up and down his shaft, and short bobbing motions where she focused on just the head of his cock. Sure enough, after a few minutes she could feel his dick beginning to swell and his balls drawing up, and withdrew from his cock.

"Do you need me to stop for a while?"

"Huh? What sweetie?"

"Do you need a break? You seemed like you were getting pretty excited there; and I know you don't want to cum in my mouth."

"Oh, yeah honey, maybe you should stop."

"Ok, I wanted to practice sucking balls too!"

She lifted his giant dick out of the way so she could get at his low hanging balls, drawing the left one into her mouth so she could suck on it. She wished she could do it with both; but there was no way they would both fit. So she had to content herself with first one then the other, giving her Dad a few minutes respite before turning her attention back to his cock once more, sucking and slurping on it like it was the most delicious food ever invented, which, as far as Beth was concerned, it was.

After a few more minutes of this Roger, could feel his cum beginning to rise once mor,e and exercised all his self-restraint to warn his daughter.

"Honey, I think you'd better stop now. I don't think I can take much more right now."

"Mmmmm. Ok Dad, that's fine. I can practice again later."

"Uhhh, well, I..." Roger was like a zombie. Clearly, he needed to cum badly; but filling his little girl's mouth with his sperm, the sperm that had made her, was just more than he could bring himself to do. No matter, he resolved that once breakfast was over, he would take Angela into the bedroom and give her the fucking of her life.

"Ok breakfast is ready!"

Angela broke the silence placing the food on the table. Kevin and Roger were both massively erect, and mainly concerned with wanting to get their respective rocks off, so wolfed their food down as fast as they could, while Beth and Angela took their time enjoying breakfast and coffee. Eventually when they had finished, Beth helped Angela clear the table.

"So what do you two have planned for the day?"

"I thought we might go down to the lake. It's a nice day for a swim; and I could do with some practice on my technique, swimming that is." Beth gave Kevin a sly smile at the latter comment; and his dick did some press ups at the implication.

"What a good idea. Kevin, why don't you get the towels?"

As they finished clearing away, Angela handed Roger a note.

"Here you are dear. Can you pick this up for me please? We're out of almost all of these."

"But I thought, I mean you and me..."

"You and me?"

"I mean with Beth and Kevin at the lake..." Roger nodded towards the bedroom; but Angela feigned total innocence.

"Yes dear, Kevin and Beth are going to the lake; and you are going to the store for some supplies."

"But, I can't go like this!" he hissed, gesturing at his cock which was still rock hard and hoping to get some relief from his wife.

"A good walk will help to get rid of that," Angela smiled and turned back to the kitchen. "I've got a ton of laundry to get done; and now is a good time, seeing as no one needs their clothes.

Roger took the note and headed dejectedly out the door, his cock leading the way. Kevin noticed Beth and his mom exchanging a look and smiling. They were obviously hatching something up; and he intended to find out what.

"Okay, you two get going and stay together!"

"We will," Beth smiled at Kevin; and this time he felt his cock throb at the thought of some of his sister's new found oral skills coming his way. They left carrying their towels; and Kevin noticed Beth was walking alongside him for once, and not stalking off ahead.

"Ok, so what's the deal?"


"You and Mom, what are you cooking up?"

"What do you mean?"

"I heard you talking this morning."

"Were you eavesdropping?"

"No, I wasn't! I just woke up when you were talking; but I could see the looks you were giving each other. I'm not being a snitch, maybe I can help."

She eyed him suspiciously, but could see no sign of malice or dishonesty.

"Well, if you promise not to say."

"I promise!"

"Well, I was asking Mom about Dad, you know, not wanting to cum in my mouth, so we cooked up this idea where I'll keep practicing on him every chance I get; and she'll make sure he doesn't get to cum in between. That way he'll get so desperate he won't be able to resist."

"He looked like he was almost there this morning."


"Yeah! I could see he nearly lost it. You were doing an amazing job on him."

"You think?" Beth was blushing with pride that she had such an effect on her dad.

"Trust me, guys can tell, you had him on the ropes."

"But I can't take it deep like Mom."

"Well, deep isn't everything. I mean, the fact that you look like you really enjoy it is a big turn on."

"Is it that obvious?"

"Yeah, but that's a good thing. If a guy thinks the girl is really enjoying blowing him, it's a big compliment."

They fell silent for a while.

"You know, maybe you should get some practice at swallowing too. I mean, if you're planning on taking Dad's load that's a lot for a first time."

"What makes you think it's my first time?"

"Well, is it?"


"Well, you don't want to end up choking on it and making a mess, do you?"


"Well you could practice on me if you want."

"I seem to recall you saying something about that last night," She smiled coyly at him. Seeing he was still erect, she reached down and held his cock with her hand.

"Why don't we find a quiet spot?"

She led him off the path by his dick into a shaded area of the woods where they wouldn't be seen from the path; and they spread the towels on the ground.

"You know, I wouldn't have really told Dad about your stash; and I'm sorry I made you jerk me off yesterday."

"It's ok, I sort of enjoyed it. I was just mad at you at the same time. I guess I'm sorry I gave you a hard time about looking at Mom. I suppose I just get jealous because all the guys look at her tits, even you."

"You know you've got nice tits as well; and a lot of guys like the small ones too."

"Yeah, right!"

"Seriously! I mean, they look so perky; and you know what they say about a mouthful."

She looked puzzled.

"More than a mouthful is a waste."

She giggled and looked down at her boobs, the pink nipples hard in the cool morning air.

"Well I'm definitely not wasteful!"

He reached out his hand and cupped her boob, feeling how firm it was, the soft warm mound fitting his palm perfectly. She quietly watched as he cupped her other boob, as if comparing them, gently squeezing and pushing them together, before leaning forward and drawing them into his mouth.

She gasped at the sensation, as his lips enveloped her sensitive nipple; and she felt his tongue flicking around it. He drew most of her breast into his mouth, feasting on the delicate morsel, before turning his attention to its twin and paying it equal attention. He greedily sucked on her tits for several minutes. Beth could feel herself growing more aroused at the attention and reached down, finding Kevin's hard cock and stroking it. He moaned at the feel of her touch, and the knowledge he was going to get some of the attention his father had been receiving; but he was enjoying his sister's perky little tits too much to release them just yet.

After a few more minutes of sucking, she gently eased him away from her breasts and pushed him back on the towel.

"Why don't you let me suck on something for a while, little brother?"

"Little brother? We're twins remember?"

"I was born 10 minutes before you; so that makes you my little brother!" she smirked up at him as she leaned over and held his cock up so she could look at it properly. "Although I somehow don't think that I can call you that anymore."

His dick was smaller than her dad's; but it was still huge. And she decided it was actually prettier, with a banana shaped curve, smooth skin and a pink, plum-like head. She stroked it a couple of times before leaning down to lick it, discovering it actually tasted pretty nice too. She swirled her tongue around the head, teasing him and getting it moist; so she could open her lips and slide easily over his bloated head. The thought struck her that this would be the second cock she had sucked this morning; and they both belonged to her family. She felt both excited and briefly freaked out at the same time; but the throbbing cock in her mouth was clearly demanding her attention, so she focused on that once more.

She remembered her mom's advice and varied her approach, making her strokes long and slow, before bobbing on the head, or withdrawing completely to lick around it. She found herself getting more turned on and moaning as she sucked him. Kevin sat up so he could watch her, and feel her amazing mouth and tongue working their magic at the same time.

"Mmmmmm, I think I may have to call you big brother when we're alone from now on," Beth giggled, licking his cock. "You do have a really nice dick."

"Uh thanks. And you are really good at sucking it. You sure do learn fast."

"Really? I hope Dad thinks so too."

"He does, but if you want to make him really bust a nut in your mouth, you need to edge him."

"What's that?"

She looked confused.

"It's when you get a guy so he's really close to cumming, and then keep him on the edge. Iit drives guys nuts; but they love it. And he'll be desperate to cum if you do that."

"Can you show me?"

"Yeah, sure, just go a little faster for a while."

Beth followed his instructions and began slurping on his cock, taking him as deep as she could, and letting her lips slide up and down his cock quicker, so she could feel his body tense and his cock grow harder.

"Shit, that's it. Okay, now keep it going; and when I start getting close, just slow down and take it easy."

Beth continued slurping and sucking on his cock, until he could feel his cum start to rise and knew he was close."OK, I'm nearly there."

She could feel his cock getting bigger and his body tensing, and recognised them as the signs of imminent climax. So she slowed her pace and sucking, withdrawing her mouth from his cock and licking the shaft instead.

"Mmm...is that right?"

"Oh yeah!" Kevin gasped. "Now, in a minute, you can start working me up again; but it won't take as long this time, so don't go too fast."

Beth studiously followed his instructions; and after a couple of minutes began sucking him again, being careful not to go too deep or too fast at first, building the pace gradually. This time she was able to read his body better. She could feel his arousal building and tell he was getting closer. She built her pace gradually; being careful not to take him there too soon. She gauged her timing perfectly. Just as he was about to tell her he couldn't hold it any longer, she slowed her sucking and withdrew from his cock once more.

"Was that right?"

"Oh fuck! Yeah, that was perfect!" He panted.

"Do guys really like this?" she asked, licking his cock and watching him.

"Uh, well, it drives us crazy; but it makes it amazing when we do cum. I do it when I jerk off sometimes, just keep edging myself until I can't stand it any longer."

"How long for?"

"A few hours."

"A few hours?! Wow!"

She stroked his cock and sucked it for a few moments before pausing to ask, "Wouldn't a guy get pissed if a girl kept him on the edge like that for that long?"

"Uhhh...oh God. Well, I guess if he knows he's going to get to cum at the end of it, he doesn't mind."

Beth considered the information, and then went back to sucking Kevin's cock. She wondered how long her dad could take this before his resolve would crack and he'd let her swallow his cum. The thought made her tingle. She realised it was teasing for her as much for him, and her curiosity about what his cum would taste like and how it would feel. Would she even be able to take it all? She then returned her attention to the task in hand, or mouth rather, as she felt Kevin's cock throbbing and the glans swelling. She waited until the last minute before withdrawing, watching his cock throbbing on the brink of climax; and Kevin gasped and twitched.

She giggled at first, but then realised she was being cruel.

"Sorry little...I mean BIG brother. Was that pretty close that time?"

"Very," he gasped. "You really do learn fast!"

"Thanks! Can you take a little more?"

"Yeah I guess I can stand a little."

"Thanks for letting me practice on you like this."

"It's ok. My pleasure!"

He smiled as she went back to work on him again with long slow strokes, taking his cock deeper than she had before and surrendered himself to her mouth. There was no doubt that with or without his advice, his sister was becoming a master cocksucker, or whatever the highest qualification was. She clearly loved sucking his dick, and seemed to have an instinct for what would please him and tease him the most. She was going easy on him; but by now he was so hard and turned on he couldn't stand a lot. After a few minutes she noticed the tell-tale signs of his climax mounting; and timed it to the last second before she withdrew her mouth. Kevin let out a cry as his dick throbbed helplessly in the air, inches from his sister's beautiful mouth, so close to release, yet so far.

"Ohhh shiiittttt!!"

"Shhhhhhh! Someone will hear!"

Beth looked nervously toward the path.

"Uhhh sorry, I don't think I can take much more, Beth. If I don't cum soon I think my dick will explode!"

"Well we don't want that!" Beth giggled.

"Sorry, but you can have some more practice later if you want."

"Thanks, but I'm hoping to be doing that on Dad, no offence."

"None taken, You'd better be ready to take a monster load as well then, if last night was anything to go by."

"Mmmm, I am! Are you going to help me practice for that as well?"

"God yes! I need to cum so much right now and it's going to be a lot, I know."

"Mmmmm good! I'm hungry!"

Jeez, his sister's new slutty attitude and love of cock sucking was something he'd not seen coming; but he certainly wasn't going to complain. He didn't mind being the cock-test-dummy she practiced on, just so long as she got him off.

She went back to sucking him again with short bobbing motions, licking around his head and teasing him towards a climax. He could feel his orgasm mounting and knew this had to be the one. If he didn't cum now he thought he'd do himself a serious injury.

"Oh God, here it cuuuummmmss!"

Beth appreciated the warning; but by now she knew he was about to cum almost before he did. She felt the familiar swelling of his cock as his climax neared; but instead of slowing or stopping she sped up, bringing him to the brink and then through to the other side. His dick pulsed and erupted in her mouth, blast after blast of cum spurting out. Some hit the back of her throat and she nearly gagged, as the rest continued to spew out, filling her mouth with salty thick cum. She gulped some down to make room, but allowed her mouth to fill with the rest. As his orgasm subsided, she nursed the last few drops from his cock, before finally withdrawing. She sat up, letting the thick tangy liquid sit in her mouth in a great pool, swirling it about with her tongue like mouth wash to get used to the taste and feel.

"Did you swallow?"

Beth couldn't speak; so she simply opened her mouth to show Kevin the thick white pool of cum she was still savouring like some new exotic dish.

"Shit, I knew I came a lot! Are you going to swallow it? Guys like that."

Beth swished the load around in her mouth for a few more moments like a wine connoisseur sampling a new vintage, before she gulped it down. She felt herself struggling, her gag reflex kicking in, but managed to get it all in two gulps.

"Wow, that was a lot. It actually tasted ok. I wonder if Dad's is the same?"

"Uh, I don't know. I hear it depends on the guy's diet. You did a pretty amazing job, Beth."

"Thanks bro. You're a pretty good teacher. C'mon, let's go down to the lake and take a swim. Maybe I can help you out too.."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, I've seen you staring at mom's big knockers with your eyes on stalks. Maybe it's time you got better acquainted with them?"

They wandered off together towards the lake in conversation, as they cooked up their plot for the evening's events.