For years I had been driving my mother up to visit her girlfriend. Ever since I had turned sixteen, gotten my license, I'd taken mom on her monthly pilgrimage to spend the day visiting with her long time friend during the summer months. It wasn't like it was a cross-country trip, but mom hated driving on the freeway. And I didn't mind taking her as Valerie; mom's friend had a couple of sweet looking twin daughters. I'd become friends with them too and we'd spent some interesting moments together whenever we came for a visit.

My father had passed away shortly after I had turned eighteen, now at twenty-two, living in my own place, I still enjoyed taking mom once a month at least for a weekend visit with her friend.

I understood mom's reluctance to start dating or seeing anyone again, but the fact was, she was still damn good looking at forty-two, exactly twenty years older than I was. She wore her dark almost coal black hair in a very young stylish sort of way that made her look ten years younger. In addition to that, she had a figure that I'd seen several men and women give notice too, not overly large breasts, but certainly noticeable, along with a tight firm ass that looked spectacular in a pair of shorts.

I'd often been told I had my mother's eyes, a beautiful bluish green, and hazel as they called them, which were identical to hers. And though my hair wasn't quite as dark as hers was, we did again share the same olive complexion, though on her it looked far more exotic and alluring.

As I usually did, I picked her up early on a Saturday morning for the hour and a half drive up to visit with Valerie and the "twins", something I was quite frankly looking forward to as they had made a point of being home themselves when we came for our visit. I had hopes of making out with either one, or perhaps quite possibly both of them, doing a lot more, time and circumstance permitting.

It had been raining for the better part of the night, a light drizzle still falling as we headed out, though the weather reports had assured us the skies would soon be clearing with temperatures once again warming, promising a bright sunshiny day.

We'd not gotten quite halfway there when a fairly large eighteen-wheeler for whatever reason blew a tire. The roads were still slick in places, especially over the overpasses, where the truck just happened to blow the tire. Driving just behind it, I hit the brakes, plenty of distance between us, but the slick roads and wind kept the car from breaking nearly as quickly as it should have. We both watched the truck suddenly swerve, first hitting the guardrail and then careening wildly back into the cross lanes of traffic. Suddenly things seemed to happen in slow motion, and I knew there was no way we were going to avoid hitting the truck. I yanked on the wheel as hard as I could, throwing the car into one could be best described as a controlled spin. It was the best I could do beyond looking over towards my mother and yelling out towards her.

I remember saying, "Hold on mom...hold on."

That was the last thing I remembered before waking up in the hospital. The bright lights hurt my eyes at first, so I closed them again, immediately hearing the sound of my mother's voice seconds later after doing that.

"Brian? Brian?" I opened them immediately, the fog slowly dissipating, clarity coming back to me as I glanced over in the direction of the sound of her voice. My head hurt, but as I tried to sit up, I realized I couldn't.


"Shh, you're going to be ok honey, you're going to be ok. Everything's going to be ok."

Her words though reassuring, held an underlying worry that at the moment at least, things weren't.

"What, what happened?" I asked still feeling a bit groggy, which I knew then had to be from the pain medication, whatever that was I was on. I finally managed to lock eyes with her however as she stood leaning over the bed. She had some cuts and abrasions on her face, but beyond that, she still looked to be in pretty good shape. Once again I tried sitting up, but the pain from my injuries, alerted me to the fact it was best to remain lying still.

"You remember anything?" she asked after kissing my forehead, her fingers gently running through my hair. I did and I didn't. I remembered throwing the car into what was at best a controlled slide, purposely directing the point of impact away from her side of the car as I remember seeing the truck's cab suddenly pointing in the opposite direction facing towards us. The impact had been almost head on, on my side of the car. I then learned how I'd been pinned, with the paramedics and fire department literally having to cut me out of the car. Miraculously, mom had survived the impact with just a few cuts and abrasions from the flying glass, the airbag giving her a black eye and a rather nasty bruise across her chest, which she later showed me. For myself, I now learned I'd suffered a broken leg and two broken arms, one of which had been sever requiring immediate surgery to repair, now pinned in place, along with my leg. I groaned, once again feeling the pain.

"Nurse?" I remembered hearing mom call out as I once again closed my eyes, a wave of nausea coursing over me. "Can we give him something more?" I heard her asking.

"Not for another hour yet," I heard the nurse respond after checking my charts. "He's already at the maximum we allow for injuries of this nature, he's very likely got a pretty good concussion as well, and we don't want to overly sedate him because of it."

I groaned, the pain though not intense, was extremely uncomfortable, and now that I was more fully awake, there was no way I was going to be able to sleep until I got a bit more to at least take the edge off. Feeling my mother's hand once again stroking my forehead, her hands and fingers gently running through my disheveled hair seemed to help, surprisingly. And I moaned again, though this time in more of a relaxed gratefulness as she stood there. In time, I fell asleep again.


When I opened my eyes again, it was dark. The lights in my room were dim, but it was obviously night with the darkness of the evening clearly showing through my window. I looked over, this time being able to do so without too much pain, surprised to see mom sitting in a chair next to the side of my bed, obviously asleep.


She immediately woke at the sound of my voice. "Brian? Are you in pain? Can I get you anything?" she asked worriedly.

I was, but I wasn't about to tell her that either. "I'm ok," I reassured her. "You should go home...get some rest, I'm fine."

"You're not fine!" she said bursting out into tears, though quickly recovering, and steeling herself. "And I've already been home," she added. It was then that I realized she had indeed changed clothes, her face already looking a hell of a lot better than I remembered seeing it the first time. "You've been asleep for two days now," she told me, her comment startling me, as it seemed like I'd only been asleep for a few hours now.

Once again she stood at the side of my bed, her hands gentle, reassuring, soothing as she stroked the side of my face, leaning over, kissing me softly on the forehead, and then on my lips, lingering there only briefly. As she had done that however, I felt the fullness of her breasts brush against my arm, pressing against me momentarily as she literally hugged herself to me.

I was injured, still in a little pain, but astonished that her close contact with me had sent a jolt of pleasured sweetness coursing through my body, particularly my head. I silently chastised myself for allowing it, surprised that I did on the one hand, though immediately using the excuse that whatever drugs I was on, were obviously interfering with my inhibitions, feeling still a bit loopy and somewhat out of it. It was the only thing I could come up with to explain the sudden emergence of unexpected, unexplainable arousal between my legs.

I had never really entertained sexual thoughts about my own mother. Sure, I had on more than one occasion admired the way she looked in some of the clothing she wore, and had indeed found my own mother attractive looking. But I'd never found myself thinking about her, particularly when I pleasured myself, which I very often did. Maybe it was semi normal for boys, even young men to occasionally fantasize about their mothers or sisters, but not having any, I'd never really done that, the few times those type of thoughts had actually entered my head, even hinting at going in that direction, I'd immediately turned my thoughts elsewhere, effectively heading them off.

Now however, I lay there in bed, feeling my erection growing, which was both frustrating as well as embarrassing. I again could only contribute the emergence of arousal as being due to my body being screwed up with the drugs and the simplistic, though very welcome touch of her hands and fingers on me. Though the contact of her breasts had certainly triggered the rest of it.

The one thing I will add. Even before the death of my father, mom and I had always had a frank and open relationship with one another. We could talk and discuss just about anything, which we very often did. By the time I was old enough to date, it was mom that counseled me on contraceptives, women in general, and things she felt I should be aware of. Surprisingly, I was never uncomfortable being around her when we did that, and found it refreshing more than anything else that we could. And never not once, did I found myself becoming inappropriately aroused because of it, nor did I feel either one of us to be shy or embarrassed in discussing some of the things that we had. It was something I had always appreciated and admired in our relationship, the fact that we could so openly, so candidly do that, without fear, shame or guilt in having done so.

But now, lying there in bed with a full-blown erection, I found myself very much embarrassed for the first time. And though she hadn't as yet noticed it herself, I already had of course, looking down, seeing the telltale tent in the sheet between my legs. I moaned, not from necessarily being in pain, but again from the awkwardness of my situation. Though mom again took it for being in pain, immediately turning to call out to the nurse.

"When can he have some more pain medication?" she asked her, for what I knew had to have been the umpteenth time.

Bad enough that she'd called out to the nurse who now came into my room, but the direction of her eyes, where she then looked told me she now saw what I had feared my mother would soon discover for herself. Though initially startled, she quickly averted her gaze, spoke to my mother and then left the room.

"He's still got a couple of hours yet," she told my mother sounding not quite irritated, but not in the happiest tone of voice either. I couldn't help wondering if she found my lying there in bed with a woody disgusting or what. Especially with my own mother standing there next to my bed. But then as I feared, as she turned back around to face me with an apologetic look in her eyes for not being able to bring me some additional relief, she then spotted it too. Time for that brief moment seemed to stand still. For both of us. There was indeed a surprised look on her face upon seeing me, and one of those classic "double-takes" as she briefly closed her eyes, opening them again immediately as though not quite believing she was actually looking at what she obviously was. It was as though she herself had hallucinated the obvious, finding that she hadn't, and then looking back at me with surprised wonder, though I immediately saw her own look of nervous embarrassment and awkwardness appear in her face.

It reminded me of another time, so very long ago now. She had that very same look back then too.

I was still pretty young, lying there in bed playing with myself, the first signs and sensations of my impending orgasm already upon me. I hadn't heard the simple quick warning knock on my door, too engrossed in the mental sensation to have been aware of it when mom walked into my room. How long she had stood there, I never really knew, though it couldn't have been more than moments, just long enough to realize what it was I was doing, a surprised comment that perhaps she shouldn't have even made, alerting me only then to her presence.

"Oh...I'm, I'm sorry!" she said stuttering, stepping out closing the door. At the sound of her voice my eyes had popped open, seeing that look in her face just before she turned heading back out of my room. I lay there in shock, my dick still in my hand, though already withering, seconds later rolling out of bed, throwing on a pair of pants and a tee-shirt, then sprinting out of my room down the stairs where I heard her fumbling around in the kitchen. I didn't know what to expect, perhaps some sort of chastisement perhaps, actually feeling like I deserved it for what I'd obviously been caught doing. But much to my surprise, I received a smile from her instead, albeit a nervous looking one when I entered.

"God mom...I'm sorry!"

"For what? There's nothing to be sorry about, I'm the one who should be apologizing for walking in on you like that. Serves me right, next time I'll wait for you to give me permission before just walking in."

Her response had surprised me. "But..."

"But what?" She then realized by the look on my face that I wasn't just embarrassed, but ashamed. "Sit down," she told me still smiling, a look of understanding at my discomfort etched clearly within her face. "Maybe this is time for one of those talks," she then stated.

And we did talk, for hours. She had begun by explaining to me that what I was doing was perfectly normal, perfectly natural, and nothing that I should ever, ever be ashamed at doing. I remembered asking her.

"You do it too?" I asked innocently. Again remembering that as we'd so often done before, being free to talk to her about things we already had, and things we soon would be, that my question didn't really shock her, or upset her, though perhaps surprising her to some degree when I asked it. Her response however was in line with our mutual openness.

"Yes, of course!" She'd freely admitted.

As I said, we then talked about the subject for a considerable length of time after that. She'd told me once again it was a natural way of self discovery for one thing, learning about our own bodies and how we best felt when pleasuring ourselves in this way, how it would later on lead to sharing that intimacy with a partner. But she also told me how it very often helped to relieve stress, anxiety, and how it very often helped her to fall asleep at the end of a long busy or keyed up day.

It was for me an open door, an opportunity to dispel a few myths, a few rumors I had heard. It had gotten to the point that I was masturbating every day, sometimes two, even three times during a day. I had heard that doing so was a sign of some form of perversion, a sickness. And having heard that, I had become alarmed, even trying to refrain from doing so at all, but then giving into the urge the next day, and if anything, doing it even more often, more frequently than I had been. I'd begun to wonder. So I asked her about that, even going so far as to asking her how often she did.

It was indeed one of the few times she actually looked a bit embarrassed at the question, but then honestly answered it, bringing me some measure of relief at least in once and for all, dispelling the myth that I was some sort of sexual monster.

"Usually, two, three times a week, depending on my mood," she'd honestly told me. "Though again, I do so to help me get to sleep for the most part, though I'm normal...just like you are," she'd added. "Sometimes, like any woman would be...I'm simply horny."

That night I remembered going to bed, the first time I'd actually allowed myself to entertain the thought, imagining my own mother lying in her bed, touching herself. Masturbating, climaxing. I had even tried shaking off the thought, picturing a particular girl I sort of had a crush on in school, trying to imagine her being naked, playing with herself, but the image kept coming back to my mother, seeing her instead. It was the only time I actively remembered allowing myself to actually orgasm while thinking of her as I lay there stroking my dick.


The touch of her hand on the side of my face returned me to the present. I sighed, closing my eyes, her simple touch bringing me some comfort. "That feels good," I told her, relaxing to some degree.

"You should try and get some more sleep," she offered still caressing the side of my face with her fingertips.

"I wish I could," I responded. It wasn't so much the pain really, though that didn't help, but the still very obvious erection between my legs wasn't going away, and had acted like a shot of adrenalin. I was wide awake, a bit more relaxed perhaps, but still very much wide awake. She took my response as being something else however, discomfort of course, but not the discomfort I had actually eluded to.

It was then that I felt something I would never have imagined, not in a million years. At first I thought she was leaving, my eyes opening as I felt her withdraw her hand from my face. There in the dim light, she crossed towards the door in my room, closing it, returning, pulling her chair over much closer to the bed before sitting down.

"Let me help you, close your eyes," she told me. I did so, having no idea what to expect, and certainly not expecting what happened next. It was then that I felt her hand slide beneath the top sheet of the bed, seconds later the warmth and softness of it as it wrapped itself around my stiff turgid member. My eyes once again popping open, looking at her as she sat there, the warmth and love of her own in return, catching me by surprise.

"Close your eyes, relax," she admonished me. Which I did, though every nerve ending in my entire body was suddenly alive as a wave of goose bumps coursed up and down my entire body. "Let me help you...the only way I know how," she then added as her hand began to slowly fondle my prick, lovingly caressing it there beneath the sheet as she sat next to me, her words soothing, gentling, reassuring.

The touch of her hand as she stroked me there beneath the sheet soon had me drifting on a sea of bliss, exquisite was not powerful enough a word to describe the emotions, sensations I was experiencing. Enough so, that before long I knew I was rushing towards the inevitable, only then worrying, rather than enjoying the sweetness she'd been giving me. Once again I opened my eyes looking at her, the unspoken concern of what was about to happen trying to find words, though she seemed to have already guessed them answering in her own way. She pulled the sheet away, gazing at my rock hard cock for only the briefest of moments, then her head leaning over, her mouth surrounding my shaft sucking me.

I came.

I was after all twenty-two. I'd had and experienced a few blowjobs by now. But surprisingly, I had never before come in a woman's mouth before. I couldn't tell you why exactly I hadn't. Some women I had been with simply made it known, they wouldn't for whatever reason. One or two others had shared with me they had and enjoyed it, but then either circumstance of whatever, never brought that about. One other nearly did, but then it was I who had at the last second removed it from her mouth, telling her I wanted to cum on her tits instead, which I did. So that one had been entirely my fault. I'd never experienced what it was like. Until now, with my very own mother.


It was late in the morning when I woke, the sun well up. I didn't remember falling asleep, though I obviously had. But what I did remember, quite distinctly just before then, was the incredible mind-blowing orgasm I'd experienced just before I had literally passed out. I opened my eyes, just in time to see Nurse Irritable walk into my room. For the first time she actually smiled at me."You must be doing better," she said walking over to hand me some pills and a small plastic cup of water. "You made it through the night without the need for more pain meds," she then added.

I could feel the pain now however, my leg and arms aching horribly, though even I had to admit, not nearly as much as they had been. Even so, I gratefully swallowed the pills, looking around for mom though she wasn't in the room. Noticing I did, the nurse answered my question without it being asked.

"Your mother told me to tell you she'll be back late this afternoon," she explained. "And she also told me to tell you that you should try and get some more sleep, if you can."

I did so, closing my eyes, not opening them again until I heard the sound of her voice later on that afternoon, waking me.

"Brian? Are you awake?"

I opened my eyes, smiling as I saw mom standing over me, the touch of her hand as she swept the hair out of my eyes. She smiled back, but then spoke, worry lines coming into her face as she did so.

"About last night..."

"Yes, thank you," I told her. "You have no idea how much that helped me to sleep," I told her, heading her off as I knew damn well where she'd intended on going with this. I'd already had this conversation with her, well ahead of time, speaking both roles, arguing both sides, and then surprisingly, coming to terms with it for both of us. I made some motion with the heavy lead weights of the casts on my arms, lifting them just barely, unable to bend either one of them, ensuring she saw that. "Remember that talk we had years ago?" I then asked.

She laughed, smiling. "Which one?" She was right, we had had so many.

"That time when you caught me masturbating, and then told me how it was a normal, natural thing to do."

"Yes...I remember," she said actually blushing, though I am sure part of that was due to the recent intimate encounter we'd just had.

"Well, obviously, it helped me to sleep, and according to Nurse Awful, I managed to make it through the night without the need for any more pain medication. So...I owe that to you," I informed her. "Since I obviously can't very well do that myself at the moment," I added with my leaded weight arms still practically pinned to each side of me there on the bed. It was a monumental effort to even shift them a little, trying to find a way to make myself a bit more comfortable as I lay there.


"No buts," I said heading her off. "Don't even go there mom," I said simply. "I can't do it, and I sure as hell don't think Miss Crotchety would be willing to, not to mention the fact I'd actually prefer it if she didn't. You on the other hand..."

I saw her face brighten in surprise, the fear of what I might have thought, or been thinking, well off the mark as she stood there looking down at me.

"And besides, it's like being a junkie, if I can't do it to myself...who the hell else is going to? Unless it's someone I trust and care about...and love," I then added letting her know in that instant, that what she had done for me, I had found to be the most loving and caring of acts I had ever known.

"So you're not..."

"I'm not, anything...except pleased," I said grinning, interrupting her once again, taking away her nervous embarrassment, and guilt in one fell swoop. "And mom?"

"Yes Brian?"

"Before you go home tonight? Will you do it for me again?"

This time she looked at me and smiled, pausing only for a moment as she thought about it, "Yes honey...I will."


We watched some TV together, chatted about normal things, as well as friends and well-wishers who had spoken to her. She'd even told me that Valerie, and the twins had planned on coming to see me tomorrow, now that I was considered to be out of critical condition, and could have visitors. Night fell, the pain meds once again wearing off, though it was still a couple of hours yet before I could have any more. It was uncomfortable, and she could see it, my mind no longer on the TV program we'd been watching together. I'd even left most of my dinner gone untouched for the most part, which they had just taken away, as well as giving the news that it would be a while yet before my nurse would be in to check on me, and give me some much needed relief. That however was no longer the relief I was hoping for.

Once again mom pulled her chair up closer to my bed, simultaneously pulling the privacy curtain around just enough to shield anyone who might walk in on seeing us, and what she obviously would soon be doing to me. I wasn't nearly full hard yet, no tent poking up through the sheets, and surprised myself when a very wicked thought came to me, one that I was surprised I actually considered asking, and then did.


"Yes honey?" she asked, not quite having slipped her hand beneath the sheet yet.

"It would help...a lot, if...."

"If what?"

"If did something else for me too," I then told her.

"Like what?" she asked curiously.

"Well, it's not like I have any Playboy's handy," I said causing her to laugh, "You sort of jump start things a little," I spoke.

"So you mean you need more than just the touch of my hand to give you a jump start?" she joked back, though obviously nervous, her mind already processing the hint of what I was asking her.

"Well yeah, sort of," I finished. "But it would help, if maybe you were to...ah,"

Now mom surprised me. Though the privacy curtain was pulled, she looked behind her anyway, assuring herself that no one else could see anything from where she sat.

"You tell me if you hear or see anyone," she then spoke. I merely nodded my head in excitement. One of the reasons I'd even suggested it as being a possibility was the fact she'd worn an easy to lift up tee shirt, no buttons getting in the way. I knew too from previous experience with another girl friend who'd done this for me before, she could likewise include removing her bra along with the shirt, and effectively "flash" me, just as Carol, my ex-girlfriend had frequently done for me. With mom's face showing a bit of color, she reached down, her hands easily bringing up both the hem of her blouse, along with the cups of her bra, exposing her exquisitely molded breasts.

It wasn't the first time I had ever seen them, but certainly not quite like this. Not with her actually doing so, allowing me to sit there and gaze at them to my hearts content, though I also ached to do a lot more than simply look at them too.

We had actually had one of our more intimate grown up discussions with her lying there in the bathtub, though at the time she'd been for the most part hidden in a blanket of bubbles. After a while soaking like that, talking however, her breasts eventually began playing peek-a-boob with me, though upon discovering that she was now exposing a great deal more of herself that she might have intended, she'd ended our discussion, promising to continue it later after she'd gotten out and dried off.

I'd been hard as hell then too, just sitting there looking at her. And now remembered, I had jerked off thinking about her that night as well. Maybe I had done that a bit more frequently than I was even willing to admit to myself. Either way, I was laying there in bed now, admiring my mother's beautiful bare breasts, dark brown areolas, swollen and crinkly hard now, nipples fat and extended, just begging to be sucked on. Which is when I then felt the touch of her hand on me again as it slipped beneath the sheet.

"That better?"

My pleasured groan and moanful sigh gave her my answer.

There was a distinct difference in the way she fondled my cock this time too. Last time, it had been the simple up and down motion of her hand, working it, though that had culminated quite unexpectedly with her placing her mouth over the head of it when I came.

This time, she actually made some attempt at pleasuring me, not in just getting me off. I felt the sensual touch of her fingers, exploring. A gentle squeeze as she sought out some lubrication, her finger easily finding it, gathering it up, and then using that to further stimulate and pleasure me with. She took her time. And I took mine, enjoying it, enjoying the touch of her hand, the sight of her exposed lovely breasts, nipples so gloriously firm and erect, dying to be touched. Which she then further surprised me, by actually touching them, herself.

"This feels so wicked," she said, smiling as she said it, yet meaning it too. And it did, wickedly wonderful, wrong perhaps...even decadent, but wonderfully erotic and sensual beyond belief as she sat there toying with her own breasts, cupping and kneading her soft flesh, pulling and pinching her nipple as she sat there looking at me, watching me as I lay there looking at her doing it. Her hand, accompanying the pleasure of my eyes as they lustfully devoured her.

"Tell me when," she soon after asked me.

"You'll know when," I answered, my breath already labored.

"Tell me anyway," she asked me back in a clipped tone of voice, her own lust now taking over her emotions, her inhibitions at stroking me, still touching herself, long having been left by the wayside.

"Fuck! Any second now!" I warned her, saying the one word I had never spoken in front of her before in my entire life, seeing a brief surprised lift of her eyebrows upon hearing it.

"God, say it again," she stated, shocking me a little.

"Fuck!" I moaned pleasurably, already sensing the first initial warnings of my impending orgasm as my balls began to tighten in expectation of that.

Her hand quickly picked up the pace, her other hand once again pulling back the sheet, where she now purposely looked directly at her handy work, along with my very hard, very swollen, purple looking cock.

I felt the first mind-numbing pulsation, watching...waiting for the feel of her mouth once again, which I expected her to bend over and due any second now. But mom once again surprised me, waiting, the first glorious spurt suddenly skyrocketing out of the end of my prick hitting her squarely in the face. She laughed, only then surrounding her lips about the head of my prick, sucking, swallowing, and sucking again until she had drained me exhaustibly.

"Fuck!" I moaned one last time, hearing her girlish giggle of glee and pleasure as she sat up licking her lips.


"Was that as good as the first time she asked?" Though I was somewhat disappointed as she now reaffixed her bra over her breasts, hiding them away again, likewise pulling down her tee shirt, and then finally replacing the sheet over my still somewhat stiff cock.

"Even better," I said dreamily, still basking in the afterglow of that magnificently wonderful climax. I looked at her directly, the lust in her eyes had not as yet diminished, her own desires, excitement still hovering on the surface. Once again I gambled with my own boldness, not knowing if I'd succeed in the attempt, though I was now determined more than ever to try. "Your turn," I said simply looking at her, letting her know by the expression in my face that I was serious and not joking around.

"Yeah...right, I wish," she said non-committally, though her tone of voice belied the truth of her need even as she spoke.

"So?" I answered back. "Do it...let me see you," I now asked, almost pleadingly. Once again she sat there looking at me with disbelief at hearing what I'd just asked of her.

"You can't be serious," she stated, again giggling, trying to laugh it off, though I saw behind the façade of her nervousness a desire to do exactly what I'd just asked of her.

"Please mom...for me, I can't do anything for you myself, not at the moment anyway," I then added, seeing the raised lift in her eyebrows as I said that. " would mean a lot to me if you would, to see you find pleasure while I watched, knowing that at least in that way, I could participate, and return something in kind to the pure joy you've just given and shared with me."

I saw the internal struggle, the turmoil of what I'd just asked her to do as she actually sat there silently thinking about it. But then I saw the look in her eyes, as the lust seemed to die briefly, rationalization taking over as she answered.

"Brian, I don't think that's such a very good idea, I am after all your,"

"Mother...yes, I know. And it was my mother who just gave me, and shared something very sweet, very intimate, and very loving with her son. All I am asking is that you allow me to do the little that I can do. Share with you at least a small portion of that same sort of intimacy...please?"

I knew the next look on her face would give me my way or the other.

"You're serious, you really want that, want to see me..."

"Yes!" I said eagerly, hopefully, enticing her with my enthusiasm and excitement, and then clinching the deal. "Just the thought of seeing you do that for me, will make me feel a hundred percent better mother...I know it."

Although there was still uncertainty in her face, her words and actions confirmed what I hoped for. Nervously, she snapped open the button on the shorts she was wearing, once again looking over her shoulder towards the curtain.

"You tell me..."

"I will, I will! I promise!" I said, now praying that no one would come in and ruin this moment for either one of us. If they did, it might not ever happen again.

"I can't believe I'm actually doing this," she then said, unzipping the fly on her shorts now. I didn't respond to that one, keeping quiet, letting her work through the rest of this now without any further help or coaxing from me. She stood up, now standing beside me, one eye towards the curtain, able to hear as well as see any unexpected arrivals movement, hopefully having a moment at least to cover herself as she took one of the blankets from the bottom of my bed, tossing it over the arm of the chair just in case. There wouldn't be time to pull up her shorts and fasten them again if anyone did come in, and she knew it. But perhaps enough time to sit down, using the blanket and pretend to be sleeping covering herself that way.

It was a nice surprise to discover she wore a thong instead of the more mature underpants I was half expecting to see.

"Wow!" I heard myself actually say as she allowed her shorts to fully open and slide partially down her thighs as she stood there facing towards me. She actually laughed at that.

"What? You expected your mother to be wearing Granny Panties or something?"

"No...not really, just not...a thong!" I openly admitted, feeling a renewed, surprised lurch of interest in my cock upon seeing them.

The one thing she didn't do, was to remove the thong. Maybe that was a bit much to expect under the circumstances. But I did watch in abject fascination as she slid her hand down the front of the tight, tiny waistband, knowing full well where her fingers now were as she fingered herself, standing there in front of me, the material slowly bending, pressing against the knuckles of her hand.

"Please...let me see, let me see you," I half begged, actually forcing myself to sit up a little, even an inch or two more against the pillow behind my head.

"Ok, ok...but lie still," she cautioned me, breathless, her tone of voice dripping with lust, desire and whatever else I had never heard her speak before. She removed her hand, and instead used it to slip off to one side the majority of that tiny strip of material between her legs. I then saw the puffy outer lips of her pussy suddenly appear, her eyes wide, big around as saucers as she looked down towards me, gauging my reaction. I sighed, moaning pleasurably, feeling the lift of the sheet over my prick once again, directing her attention towards it. "Goodness!" she said simply, seeing the newly formed tent once again.

"Keep going!" I urged her. "Come for me."

The wanton desire of my own tone of voice clearly told her that I was again as excited as she was. Her fingers now clearly slipping inside that wondrous slit, the very place I had once come from so many years ago. She probed herself, fingering, teasing, and toying with her clit as she further spread herself, knowing full well as she did so that my face was now only inches away from her sex. As close as she was, I could smell the intoxicating aroma of her arousal, adding to my own. Her clit big as life, so hard, juicy and shiny as she took the essence of herself, using that to smear about the tiny firm little head of her woman prick, just as she had moments ago done to me.

"Closer," I whispered, seeing her take a step. "Closer, please closer!" She took another step, and then another, half waddling towards me until she could go no further, come no closer. But it was enough. "Oh my god! Brian! What are you..." And then she came.

I had barely even touched her clit with my tongue, flicked it perhaps once, maybe three times, as she reached out, laying her hands upon the bed, and then upon me for support as she shook wildly, uncontrollably there standing next to the bed. Her low deep-throated moan squeezing out the pure unbridled ecstasy of her orgasmic pleasure, my tongue flicking against the surface of her clit wildly now as she climaxed, trying desperately to keep the sounds of her joy from going any farther than the curled up edge of her lips.

Seconds later she stepped away, still slightly wild eyed, collapsing down into her chair, her shorts still suspended around her thighs just above her knees. It was then that we both heard the door to my room open, a few seconds later, Nurse curious peeking around the curtain towards us. She'd had just enough time, the blanket thoroughly covering her, clear up to her neck as she sat feigning sleep, the nurse peeking in at us curiously. I placed my finger at my lips, looking at mom nodding my head in her direction. Nurse Smile, did so, whispering, nodding her head in return.

"Take these, they'll help you to sleep," she informed me, and then just as quietly, left the room.

But I had no doubt in my mind at least...I would once again sleep like a baby.


I was in the hospital for the better part of a week, recuperating. Though towards the end of that, released to finally go home far earlier than expected, the Doctor's had proclaimed my rapid recovery as almost miraculous, under the circumstances. I contributed it to the now twice daily, hand jobs and blowjobs I was being given by my mother. That...and not needing to take nearly as much pain medication now as I had been. I'd enjoyed all the friends that had come to visit, in particular Valerie and the twins, both of which had whispered promises of naughty erotic enticements the moment I felt up to it after I got out. Something I would certainly have to think about. But the reality was, I was still going to be laid up in bed for a while, the necessity of moving back into my mother's home at least temporarily, putting everything else on hold. If not...permanently the way I was looking at it.

Initially, coming home was a bit more awkward for us both as opposed to being in the hospital. There, nurses helped me do certain things I couldn't entirely do all by myself. I hadn't really given it much thought, after all they were nurses. But now home once again, it was up to mom to help bathe me, clean me up some when I needed help. Strangely enough, I felt like a kid again, a very young kid again, and entirely at her mercy most of the time.

The one thing that changed almost immediately, which at first really threw me, was the fact that mom came into my room just before bedtime, checked on me, ensured I took my medication, and then left me to sleep for the night. I had my cell phone close at hand, able to call her on hers if I needed anything, but I was a little surprised, and somewhat disappointed when the erotic intimacy we'd shared together at the hospital hadn't continued at home.Home!" I thought to myself the second night after my return there. Maybe that was the problem. Now that we were home, mother was indeed looking at everything that had happened at the hospital as part of my recovering necessities. Now that we were here, perhaps she...was struggling with what it was we had done, and even perhaps thinking I might be as well. I decided to come right out and ask her about it first thing in the morning.

The fact was, I still couldn't feed myself, my arms not as yet bendable enough in order to do so. That at least assured me that mom would soon come into my room and have to spend some time sitting next to me on the bed, feeding me by hand. It was an opportunity I wasn't about to pass up either. And I used my situation, predicament as a ploy to instigate the conversation in the direction I intended it to go.

"Been a while since you've had to do this hasn't it?" I said as mom sat next to me on the bed, spooning oatmeal into my mouth along with occasional sips of coffee, orange juice and bits of toast that she portioned off into nice easy to swallow bite-sized pieces. She laughed at that, the mood suddenly more relaxed again, the way it had been between us.

"Yes it has," she told me. "And strangely enough...I've missed doing this, takes me back quite a ways," she answered. "I don't mind you?"

"Not at all," I said speaking after swallowing another good-sized spoonful of the oatmeal. "Only one thing I wouldn't mind doing again either," I told her, watching for signs of her reaction. Obviously, she knew I was heading somewhere, though not quite sure yet where that was.

"Oh? And what would that be?" she asked taking the bait.

"I remember you once telling me how much you enjoyed breast-feeding me," I told her. "Sort of makes me wish I could experience that again, especially under the circumstances, from an entirely different point of view," I said grinning wickedly at her.

She laughed at that. "Not very damn likely," she told me. "For one, I don't have milk in my tits anymore," she began. "And two...I'm not sure that it's very wise for either one of us to entertain certain things again," she said a bit more seriously.

"So that's what's been bothering you then hasn't it?" I said refusing another bite of toast from her. She looked at me in surprise.

"Hasn't it been bothering you? Especially now that we're home?"

"No!" I told her succinctly, adamantly. "It hasn't, and to be perfectly honest about it, I've missed that intimacy we enjoyed and shared with one another, I've been thinking about it constantly ever since we got here."

And I had been. Especially while laying next to her, so close to her breasts, only inches away from actually being able to suck on them had they been exposed. Just the thought of that lengthening my prick.

"See?" I then said, able to at least use my hands well enough now to pull back the sheet by myself. I preferred to be naked for a number of reasons. It made things easier for one in having to use the bedpan, as much as I hated having to do so. But...the upside of that was, I was naked beneath the sheet, and upon tossing back the covering, was able to show her just what I meant by that. My cock was stone, and looked like it to. She sat there looking at it, her eyes unmoving for a moment, no words coming from her mouth either as she sat there, holding the spoon with oatmeal piled on top of it in mid-air as though she'd just been frozen in place by Medusa.

"Brian," she finally said, finding her voice.

"Mom," I said, waggling my cock without the use of my hands. I had to grin inwardly to myself, it was like sitting there, trying to entice her as though having a cobra hypnotically dancing in front of her as I played the flute for it. She sat watching me, saw the purposeful throb that I empowered my own dick to show, making it waggle back and forth again for several moments without the use of my hands.

"How the hell do you make it do that?" she actually asked me, finally putting the spoon back down into the bowl.

"It's easy. All I have to do is think about you, and imagine what it would be like sucking on those gorgeous tits of yours again."

Obviously I hadn't done so since I was actually a baby, but hearing me say that had had some affect on her, I could actually see the small tiny press of her firming nipples against the material of her thin tee shirt right through her bra!

"I don't know," she allowed herself to speak aloud, obviously arguing with herself once again.

"And besides, please don't tell me you'd actually leave me like this...without some kind of relief," I said softly, waggling my dick back and forth again, feeling the head swell, throb, and then dance for her as I used every muscle at my disposal in accomplishing that.

"No more here than there," she said finally reaching up, lifting her tee shirt over her breasts. I said nothing, waiting, hoping.

"Let me suck you," I said..."while you touch me," I added. Mom then reached behind, unclasping her bra, freeing her breasts, which now fell wonderfully before my eyes, her hard nipples fully extended, the familiar crinkle of her aroused areola beckoning me towards them. She was within easy reach, and I did so, immediately capturing one of those precious teats within my lips, gingerly and softly sucking it into my mouth. I felt her hand come around the back side of my head, cradling me there, supporting me as I lay there, nursing on her.

"Oh god!" she moaned softly, now holding her own breast within her hand, actually feeding it to me. I continued to suckle on her, my dick now throbbing and wobbling with a mind of its own. Her hand finally coming down to wrap itself around me as she slowly began working her magic on my wand, my lips working a magic of their own on her.

Much to my surprise, eventually she slithered down on the bed, lust once again filling her eyes as she captured her breasts within her hands, surrounding my shaft, now using them to further milk me with, pleasuring my shaft as I lay there watching my own mother, masturbating me with those deliciously wonderful, full mature looking breasts of hers.

I was getting closer and closer now, hovering on the edge of climax, my body shaking uncontrollably with the urge and desire to shoot my wad any moment now. Once again sensing my release, she worked those soft beautiful tits of hers even more rapidly up and down my shaft. "Do it!" she then urged me, unashamedly, letting her own needful lust and desire now surface. "Cum on my tits honey, shoot that beautiful hot sticky slick spunk all over mommies titties!"

I hadn't called her that in years, and it almost sounded funny hearing her say that, but if it was something that for whatever reason had gotten her hot, I was all for it.

"Oh yes! Yes! I want to fucking come all over mommies tits!" I shouted out rapturously, and then felt the first surge of my spunk as it boiled up from my balls, felt the tip of my prick literally explode, and then sat there watching spurt after delicious spurt of my cream as I began bathing her breasts in copious amounts of my never-ending semen.

I sat watching her as she massaged in my cream into each one of her breasts, covering them entirely, laughing to herself. "This reminds me, how I used to do this with doses of vitamin E every single day, in order to keep myself from getting too many stretch-marks...that...and saggy titties," she again giggled. "I guess it sort of helped," she added holding them up and together now, examining them, just as I was.

"Obviously it did," I said lifting my hand up just enough to actually finger one of them, feeling the tautness of her nipple, flicking it forcefully, hearing her moan pleasurably as I did so. "Come for me," I then told her. "Please mom...let me hear you, and see you cum."

It wasn't outside of anything we had already done, and perhaps because of that, she hesitated only for a moment. Though this time, she slipped out of the jeans she was wearing, and removed her thong entirely as well. She now stood next to me at the side of the bed, entirely naked. It was the first time in a long, long time...I'd actually seen her exactly so.

"You're still very, very beautiful," I then said.

"Thank you," she said somewhat awkwardly, feeling embarrassed even then about herself, looking down, a small pooch on her belly, her breasts not quite as firm as they perhaps once might have been, an ass that looked every bit as enticing as either of the twins had appeared to be to me. I noticed too a few stretch marks here and there that had escaped the twice daily applications of her vitamin E lotion perhaps. But to me, she was just as beautiful as she could have ever been, and I told her so over and over again.

I lay there, watching her as her hand slipped between the slick wet folds of her pussy. Coming away seconds later with a sweet white slick substance that coated each. I reached up, somehow managing to grasp her hand before she could take it away, pulling it towards me as far as I could until the cast no longer made it possible for me to do so. She looked at me inquisitively, curious.

"Feed me, give it to me," I said in a near whisper. I let go of her hand, and then watched her as she lifted it, two fingers covered in the white sweet substance, and then spoon fed me once again. It was a hell of a lot better than oatmeal.

After that, mom threw all caution to the wind, her fingers a blur working her pussy for me as she stood there, her fingers delicately strumming her clit as she no doubt very often did there in the secrecy of her own bed at night. I lay watching the ecstasy as it filled her face, hearing her cry of release as she came, the bent knees almost collapsing, buckling inwards as she finally tumbled to lie beside me there on the bed. My lips once again, lightly softly, nursing her nipple.

More than anything I wanted to fuck her, slip my cock inside that wet juicy passage, but I knew that to raise the issue with her, especially now, would destroy the moment, and very possibly any chance, any opportunity I might have afterwards either. I knew then I would have to bide my time, take things slowly, and let the opportunity eventually present itself. It did so, three days later.


I had been watching the news and weather when the idea came to me. The forecast called for a heavy period of pretty severe thunderstorms over our area. Looking back, I remembered times when I was much younger how the thunder and lightning had always affected my mother back then. I'd always found it exciting to watch, never being afraid of it, though it was obvious my mother became considerably frightened by it. My dad thought it was foolishness on her part to show such fear of it when she was as he called it, "totally safe and nothing to be afraid of."

It was after that, I would quite often call out to her in the night when the storms really intensified. She'd come into my room, crawl into bed next to me, and then hold me close. I would lay there smiling, letting her comfort me from the supposed fear I now feigned, though knowing as I did that, it was she who drew comfort from me as we lay there listening to the peels of thunder, watching the forks of lightning as they lit up my bedroom.

Obviously, it had been a while since we'd done that. But with the storm clouds threatening the early evening skies, I smiled inwardly, hoping that this would indeed be a loud and noisy storm when it passed.

I couldn't have asked for a better scenario. As I lay there listening to the sound of the distant thunder rumbling, growing closer with each passing moment, I expectantly looked towards the doorway of my room. The sun had just barely gone down, my room now dark though with just barely enough light to see by, which I discovered as with the next clap of thunder, the lights suddenly went out, throwing my room into darkness.

"If that doesn't do it...nothing will!" I told myself smiling. Sure enough, only a few short minutes after that loud clap of thunder and almost blinding light outside my window, the door opened to my room, the sound of my mother's voice heard as she stood there in the doorway looking in on me.

"You ok?" She asked.

Obviously I was. But it wasn't me she was really referring to. I could hear the edge of nervousness in her tone of voice. She really did hate thunderstorms, always had and probably always would.

"Come lay by me," I answered her in response. Though it was early evening, she was already wearing a simple throw over nightgown that she quite often wore to lounge around the house in at night as a way of making herself comfortable. As the next timely crack of lightning lit up the night sky, its brief dazzling brilliance silhouetted her form as she stood there. In seconds I saw her body backlit against the flash, knowing she was nude beneath the almost transparent gown that hung comfortably on her frame. She crossed the room slipping into bed beside me, almost immediately tucking my head against her breast, her hand gently stroking my face as I lay there in the crook of her arm.

That simple gesture took me back to days so long ago when we would often lie there together in my bed, listening to the sound of the thunder as it washed over us, eventually moving away. Very often, she would fall asleep there in my arms or me in hers, though she would generally get up sometime before sunrise and make her way back into her own room. Except for the very accidental contact of her breast perhaps pressing against me, or an inadvertent brush against her if I should be spooning her from behind, there was never any sort of sexual contact whatsoever. At least none that I took as being that. Admittedly, it was again another one of those times and moments when I briefly thought of it, but then chased away the thoughts before they could manifest themselves into a hard steely erection between my legs.

I smiled as mom snuggled into bed next to me. Back then, I had very often failed at trying to keep my dick from stiffening, just as I was doing now. The difference being of course, I had no intention of trying to hide my sudden arousal. Being cast the way I was, it was virtually impossible for me to lay any other way but on my back. With mom lying beside me, cradling me as she was, the obvious 'tent' being put up between my legs soon became readily apparent. Looking down at myself, I could certainly see it, and though I couldn't see her eyes unless I were to lift up and turn my head, I knew damn well that if she looked in that direction, she'd be able to easily see it too.

Just then another much louder clap of lightning shook the house, a millisecond of spacing between it and the explosion of light that lit up the room.

"Wow! That was a close one!" I said unnecessarily, but it gave legitimacy to the worry and concern I could feel from her as shuddered in fear, still pretending to embrace me in comfort against the storm, though it was her holding me that was in fact bringing her the comfort.

I'd been lying there waiting patiently before making my next move. Feeling her shudder worriedly next to me, I knew then it was now or never. "Mom, roll over on top of me," I told her, taking her by surprise, confusing her at first. But I moved, the limited movement I actually had, using my one good arm that at least had more mobility than the other one did, to reach over across myself, taking her arm into mine and literally tugging on her. As I'd hoped, she came with the simple motion, doing as I'd asked, though she spoke even as she did that.

"Brian, I'm not so sure this is a very good idea," she said. Fate and whatever else was with me however as a second, even closer more violent clap of thunder and simultaneous lightning filled the room. I felt her burry her head against my neck and shoulder, her body fully lying atop me now, the press of her bare breasts even through her lightweight nightgown clearly evident as they mashed themselves against my chest. But even better than that, I felt the press of my hard stiff erection directly against her soft mound, only the thinnest of material separating us now as I actually moved against her letting her feel and realize the obvious contact. Once again she whispered, though doing so against my neck, her breath warm, soft as she spoke my name. "Brian..."

"Shhh," I responded back, my one semi good arm coming up and around to caress my own mothers tight firm ass through the gown, hunching it up as I did so, the contact now flesh against flesh, direct. The soothing strokes of my caress silencing any further objections she might have had. I knew I had her when she moaned pleasurably.

"Oh god, Brian!" she now mewed, once again shivering, but this time not from fear or worry from the storm as it slowly began moving away off into the distance. When I pressed my stiff hard prick against her this time, I felt her press back, grinding herself down against me. I timed my movement, as she lifted, and as I shoved myself downwards against the mattress, suddenly yanking on, and lifting up the few inches of cloth still sandwiched between us. As I shoved up, this time, it was the pure sweet contact of flesh upon flesh we both felt. "Oh Brian!" she moaned once again, her sweet sounding voice telling me in an instant of her desire, no longer disguised as her pussy gathered the length of my shaft, kissing it, not quite yet inserting it, though she slid upwards the entire length of it as she did that.

"You're so fucking wet!" I moaned stating the obvious, though using the erotic vulgarity to express my own intensified arousal and need of her. Once again she moaned, pressing even more firmly against me, once again sliding the length of that preciously sweet slit of hers ever so slowly up, and then down the entire length of me.

I don't know that she expected what happened next. I'm not sure that even I had planned for it to happen quite the way that it did, but the moment was too good...too perfect to pass up. She had slipped up just enough that when coming back down, I angled myself perfectly, the intent not lost on her though she tried in that same second to reposition herself, her thrust, her redirection of movement, but it was already too late. With my hand still holding onto her ass, I gripped her, holding her in place, felt the head of my prick knock at the door of her sex, and then entered her in one single upward thrust, impaling her fully.

"Oh fuck Brian! No!" She cried out, though I smiled inwardly as she made no effort to dislodge me, holding still as I slid deeply and fully inside her. I held her against me like that, my hand once again soothing and caressing her ass, slowly feeling her coming around, the pulsating gyrations of her pussy, her hips now beginning to circulate against me as we began to finally and so sensually fuck one another.

I speared her again, and again, over and over. My cock thrusting deeply, in and out of that velvety hot sheath as she rode back against me, gripping and squeezing my shaft with her cunt. She finally sat up, her hands reaching down, grabbing the bottom of her shift. I watched mildly surprised as she yanked it up and over her head, tossing it away. Her bare breasts now fully revealed to me, her hard extended nipples lustfully calling out as I reached up, even with my less than mobile arm, taking each one between my fingers and gently rolling them, hard fat little thimbles of pleasure.

"Oh fuck! Fuck!" she cried out, her eyes closing, her hands coming down to grip my thighs as she now forcefully ground herself upon my shaft which filled her completely, fully. I could feel my balls actually caressing her legs between her thighs, the tip of my prick deep enough to pound against her cervix as she straddled me, still grinding away, moaning out pleasurably over and over.I was about to learn something new about my mother that I didn't know until now. Her breasts, particularly her nipples were extremely sensitive, and almost seemed to have a direct link to her clit, like a thrown switch as I lay there playing with them.

"Harder Brian, harder!" she begged me as I pinched them, pulled on them, and almost cruelly twisted them between my fingers. As I did that, she got hotter, wetter, the squishy sounding juices of her pussy suddenly increasing as she cried out her delirious pleasure. I literally lifted her breasts up and away from her rib-cage, holding them just by her nipples, feeling the weight of each heavy within my hands. I jiggled them then, still pulling, watching her tit flesh bounce up and down erotically, almost obscenely as she now thrashed about even more wildly, sitting on me, still grinding herself against and upon the impalement of my shaft.

"You like the feel of my hard fucking cock inside you, don't you mother?" I asked in the lustiest tone of voice I could manage. She moaned, deeply, wantonly upon hearing that.


"You like the way I'm pulling on your tits, squeezing your nipples, torturing them don't you?" I asked again, shoving upwards, driving my cock into her with as much force as I could, once again shaking her breasts.

"Yes! Yes! Oh god yes!" She wailed loudly, and then adding. "Slap them baby, slap them. Slap my fucking titties!"

I did so, though not too strongly at first, just enough to give a pleasurable sting to her extended taut nipples, feeling the little bud as my hand came across with just enough force to pleasurably tap it as my hand came by.

"Again, harder!" she encouraged me. "Harder Brian, harder!"

I slapped her again, this time connecting even more fully with the fullness of her breast, still feeling her aroused nipple as it bore the brunt of my strike, timing yet another lunge inside her as I did that, crashing the head of my prick against the opening of her womb. The pleasured grunt of a mixed pleasure/pain expelling the air in her lungs.

"Fuck!" She cried out again, "Yes fuck, again...again...again!"

The storm outside had long since passed, but the thunderclaps of my hands against her breasts, the slap of flesh meeting flesh in a furious crescendo of our own violent storm continued to fill the night. Her scream of pleasure as loud as any crack of lightning, the sudden torrent of rain that poured from her pussy surprising us both, wetting the sheets as I likewise loosed my own brand of warm thick snow inside the garden of her delight. My climax the rumbling exclamation point to her cunt's throbbing, slowly reverberating spasms, that like rolling thunder, seemed to continue on in wave after glorious wave.


She was still lying comfortably by my side in the morning, the smell of the air fresh now filling the room from the night before. But it was the still intoxicating aroma of her body that woke me, already stirring the desire between my legs once more as I held her.

I reached down, parting the petals of her sex, my finger gingerly, lightly sliding upwards towards her still sleeping clit. She moaned, perhaps still dreaming, though slowly coming awake now as I continued to gently finger my mother's cunt.

"We talk," she said though she made no effort to dislodge my hand, my fingers as I now collected her clit between them, pulling on it, though not quite as forcefully as I had her hard nipples. "Later..." she then added, sighing heavily, once again rolling over to straddle me, this time with it being her suggestion. Now in the fullness of daylight, seeing her magnificent body, her nipples once again stiffening of their own accord, her hand clasping my turgid prick, pointing it at the opening of her sex. She smiled wickedly, guiding it upwards and into herself once more.

We had fucked slowly this time, without the sense of urgency as we'd done the night before. Mom sat astride my shaft, riding me effortlessly, at times caressing her own breasts, far more gingerly, perhaps a bit tender still, though I teased the nip-tips with my own saliva coated fingers bringing them relief.

It was fun, erotic, watching her reaching down between her legs, fingering and toying with her own hard little clit as I slid in and out of her depths, watching her as she frigged herself, moaning softly, far more quietly until climaxing soon after, her shudders almost too soft, her mewls of delight almost a whisper as though fearing to wake up the sun which had not quite as yet appeared fully over the horizon.

Long before I was there myself, she extricated her deliciously soft pussy from my prick, now sliding down on the bed next to me, taking it between her hands, her lips soon surrounding it, tasting the combined sweetness of her recent spending and my own more than abundant lubrications.

I was already close enough as it was, having so recently been inside that sweet slippery wet passage of my mother's cunt. Feeling her lips gently nipping, sucking, and teasing the head of my super-sensitive prick, I nearly lost it then. She delayed the inevitable, though only briefly, tonguing that sweet spot, the helmet of my prick, now mouthing it, somehow pinching it between her lips, gently chewing it, sucking it, and then licking it once again. Even that was too much however, and I felt the surge of my spunk suddenly skyrocket up the length of my shaft. Feeling the head of my dick swell, pulsate, she sucked me fully and completely, drawing out each succeeding spurt of my cum into her mouth, down her throat as she fought to keep up, swallowing my nectar as I nearly drowned her in the process.

Gasping, drained, almost delirious, she continued to softly, gently lick me, teasing the tiny eye opening of my penis with her tongue as though attempting to fuck it herself. Even as she did that, slathering more kisses, licks and tickles upon my spent member, she spoke.

"Brian, listen to me. And don't speak...please baby, just listen. Once you're well, on your feet again, and out on your own...this," she paused, struggling with it, the emotions running wild as she half choked before continuing. "We...have to stop," she then told me, meaning it. "But until then..." she added, now looking up to smile at me, almost imploringly so. "Until that time..."

I didn't let her finish, I'm not sure she could have anyway. I merely nodded my head in acquiescence of that, for the first time since the accident, now wishing my still somewhat long recovery might even be further delayed.


We spent every night together after that making love. Two weeks later, one cast coming off my arm entirely, the other recast, but in a much more moveable one that permitted much better use of my arms. I was actually more grateful for that, as the severity of the broken leg still hampered my mobility enough to keep me in bed most of the time, though we did manage to get me up sitting in a chair, or come bath time, making it far more easier to do that.

I was honestly too young to remember her bathing me as a child, though she told me of course that she had, telling me one such story as I hobbled on one leg with her supporting me, into the bathroom in order to do just that.

She had already started running the bath as I sat on the toilet seat, mom kneeling on the bathmat on the floor, wrapping my leg up in a garbage sack in some attempt at keeping the cast from getting too wet. After she had finished taping it, sealing it as securely as she could, I stood, letting her help me ease down inside the tub, draping my casted leg over the edge, resting it comfortably on a likewise garbage sack covered pillow.

She was wearing nothing more than a loose fitting robe, naked beneath it. The hint of her full breasts peeking out at me from time to time as she reached over, using the wash-cloth in her hand to soap me off with, as well as rinsing my skin.

"Been a long time since I've done this," she smiled reflectively.

"Yes it has," I responded pleasurably, no longer hiding the fact that even this simple of contact between us, could fail to arouse and excite me. Already my cock was beginning to stiffen, the head of it already breaking the surface like a periscope from a submarine. She laughed upon seeing that.

"That reminds me..." she began. "When you were so little, before you even really realized that you had something between your legs, discovering it for the first time, unashamedly touching it, holding it exploring it as I washed you. It was a natural thing for you to do of course, so I said nothing, and even tried not to look at you as you did so, but then hearing you ask me about it, forcing my attention back to it," she laughed remembering.

"What did I say?" I asked curiously, as even then I felt mom's hand sink below the surface, her fingers now gripping the hardened length of my shaft.

"You asked me why it felt good whenever you touched it, and why it always got bigger whenever you did."

I grinned smiling back at her looking down at myself, "You mean like now?" She laughed with me, still remembering.

"Yeah, only I certainly didn't do this," she laughed back, purposely stroking it now, her hand making waves in the tub as she caressed my prick, working it up and down.

"What did you say?" I asked, curious, the slightly decadent sensation of her working my prick, remembering the past, giving the entire experience a rather naughty edge to it.

"I'm not sure I remember it exactly," she began. "But I think I remember telling you that one day, when you were all grown up and a man, you'd find out why...or something along those lines anyway," she grinned pleasurably.

"And now that I am?" I giggled almost boyishly, I'm finding out something else too," I then told her.

"Oh? And what is that?" she asked blushing a bit girlishly.

"Just how beautiful and sexy, my very own mother is!" I announced, reaching over, freeing one of her magnificent tits, thumbing the nipple, causing her to gasp as I did so.

"Stop that! You're going to get me all wet!" She said half-jokingly. I reached over, taking the hand-held shower spray out of the holder, threatening to use it on her. She quickly grabbed it however, almost falling into the tub on top of me as she did, though managing to take it away, and then actually pointing it towards me. I dared her to do so, though giving her a completely different target in doing so, now sharing with her yet another wicked little secret.

"Can't tell you the number of times I actually used that to pleasure myself with," I freely admitted. I watched her blush, though not in hearing me tell her that, but when she responded in kind, answering back.

" too!" She giggled.

Suddenly the thought of that, brought a jolt to my cock, it twitched and throbbed of its own accord, making waves once again in the tub as I sat there thinking about it.

"Fuck I'd love to see that," I told her without reservation, honestly hoping she might.

Once again she laughed, trying to distance herself from the subject perhaps, "Oh yeah I'm going to masturbate right here in front of you," she stated.

"I will...if you will," I replied.

She looked at me hesitantly, surprise clearly etched within her face. She blushed even more profusely than she had been, stammering somewhat as she responded.

"I', ah, I've...always wanted to see a man doing that," she found her voice, freely admitting it. "Tried getting your father..." but then she choked off the rest of the sentence. It wasn't necessary though, as I reached down, grasping my cock in my own hand, and began working it.

"Show me..." I asked her again. "Show me how you use this," I then said handing her the showerhead.

She allowed the robe she'd been wearing to fall down around her feet on the floor, moments later reaching into the tub, pulling the drain on the bath water. The tub was certainly large enough to allow her to step in, which she did, standing at one end, straddling me, facing me as she stood there.

"I can't believe I'm actually doing this," she told me as she turned on the spray, adjusting it to the pulsating beat she no doubt preferred feeling. I lay there at the opposite end of the tub, one leg still comfortably dangling over the edge, the water sufficiently having drained now to more fully expose my entire prick as I fondled it with my hand, watching mom. She reached down, spreading herself with her fingers, applying the soft pulsating spray of the water against herself, the tickling spray caressing and teasing her clit. I could see by the screwed up look in her face she was feeling the intensity of the water's pulsating pleasure against her pussy.

"Fuck that's hot!" I freely admitted, looking up at her as she opened her eyes looking down towards me. She turned the nozzle away from herself then, pointing it down, adjusting the spray to a more focused point, and then used it to bathe my cock with. I let go with my hands, enjoying the sensation as she stood there. My prick wildly being tossed about, back and forth, the water beating against it like a drum.

"So does that!" she exclaimed, her hand reaching up to her breast, grasping her nipple, rolling it as she continued to hold onto the shower nozzle, aiming it at me.

"Damn good thing we didn't have one of these when I was a kid, I'd have never gotten out of the tub!" I told her.

She laughed at that, once again turning it back on herself, "I know what you mean, bad enough you discovered the faucet," she said now honestly shocking me, catching me off guard.

"You knew, saw me? Doing that?" I then asked, wildly curious, once again the decadent nature of it sending a surge of renewed excitement coursing through my hard stiff prick.

"More than once," she admittedly openly. "I once opened the door just to peek in, see how you were doing, and saw you kneeling there with your hard little cock beneath the spray of the faucet, I knew then you'd probably do that every time it came time for your bath, and sure did. I knew after that, once you'd discovered the joys of masturbation, there was no holding you back either," she giggled excitedly as she once again turned the attention of the water spray back towards me.

"And don't laugh, but after I saw you doing that, I had to try it myself, and soon did so. Discovered what you had already found out, which took me nearly twenty years to learn for myself, just how good the water could feel pounding away against my pussy!"

"Fuck!" I cried out, feeling the pleasure, my dick being bandied about by the water, the warmth of it caressing, though not quite as nicely as the feel of mom's cunt surrounding it, and I told her so. "I want to be in you, I need to be in you, fucking you," I now told her.

Within minutes we were out of the tub quickly drying ourselves off. Up until now, the only way we had fucked had been with me lying on my back. Now...looking at her as she lifted her leg, resting it on the toilet seat in order to dry herself off, a new thought came to me. I could now stand easily on my foot, just not walk on it, I smiled inwardly, coming up from behind her as she switched legs. She turned in surprise at the feel of my rock hard prick resting against her ass, nestling in between the valley of her cheeks.

She stood up, somewhat leaning over, holding onto the anchored towel rack. I stepped even more fully up behind her, felt the head of my dick enter, and then slide easily in to that hot slick passage between her legs. Each of us looking into the full-length mirror, the erotic vision of the two of us standing there, me behind, her breasts gently swaying back and forth, rocking with each thrust. We moved ever so slightly, now enjoying the additional view as my cock slid in and out of her. I purposely pulled it all the way out several times, my prick tip disengaging, before plunging back in, hilting her each and every time. She gasped, the exquisite shock of each unique impalement almost taking her breath away. Her tits, heavy, free swinging to and fro, back and forth, even spinning in circles as we fucked, added an even more erotic element to our coupling.

"Oh yeah baby yeah! Fuck me! Fuck my cunt, fuck my pussy baby...fuck me, fuck me...FUCK ME!"

I loved hearing her scream as she came. The look on my mother's face, that vulnerable moment of sweet ecstasy as we lose all sensibility and decorum in that blissful moment of pure pleasure. Still sliding in and out of her as she came down from her high, she felt as well as heard the onrush of my own pending release.

"Let me see you squirt, come on my back," she half begged me. Still looking at ourselves in the mirror now, two reflections of pleasure looking back, eyes watching as I slid in one more time, felt the onrush of ejaculation, pulling out totally, resting my cock against her ass, thrusting there as the eruption of sperm flew from my prick tip in several amazing, far reaching squirts of my spunk well up onto her back, one or two well over her shoulder in fact, as I ground out the last few pleasured spasms directly onto and then into the crack of my mother's ass.


For the next three weeks I swam, and a sea of bliss. I woke up every morning with mom by my side, now mobile enough to roll over and mount her, though most often she preferred sitting on me, or occasionally fucking doggy-style, particularly if we positioned ourselves there on the bed so we could watch one another in the mirror.

I had now gotten one cast off my arm entirely, the other more of a short wrist brace that I could at least remove from time to time as I built up my strength again, though the rehabilitation I was going through had been a slow and painful process. But not nearly as painful as the realization that was slowly approaching. Mom's insistence, though I had argued against it insistently, once I was well enough to be out on my own again, that what we'd been enjoying so delightfully, would come to an abrupt halt. I had trouble with her reasoning, but if I pressed the issue too much, she would threaten me with ending things right there and then. So I gave up trying, hoping that perhaps when the dreaded day did finally come, she would miss it just as much as I knew I would.

Or so I hoped anyway.

I had already cancelled and postponed one appointment to have new x-rays taken of my leg, and the removal of my walking cast. Half tempted to break it again if I had to, though told that I'd already come damn close to never being able to walk right again because of it. All I could do was now hope for the best and see where things went after that.

I knew for a fact that my leg felt pretty good, and that come Monday, the cast would no doubt come off. When it did...things would end, or so I still believed anyway, with the continued insistence from mom that it must. All I could do, was take advantage of what little time we had left, two more days over the weekend together, and I was bound and determined to do just that. Mom's mood had taken on a decidedly curious edge to it as well, she's been a bit more aloof and distant over the past few days, a concern which had bothered me with less than two days remaining. I was sure then that she was considering bringing things to an abrupt end now before even Monday arrived.

On Friday, she had gone out to spend the day with her friend Valerie, I half wondered if she might mention anything, say anything to her...about us. They had always been close, remarkably so throughout the years, and I knew there was very little mom hadn't shared with her then. Things about my dad, the problems they'd had with one another during the course of their marriage. Val had noticed the change in my mom's behavior, even once bringing it up in front of me when she came over for a visit, to see how I was doing, as well as to see how my mother was holding up.

I was a little nervous, worried as to how she might be upon her return home that evening. Though much to my surprise, if anything, she was in a far better mood than she had been in, in several days now.

"Any plans for the weekend?" she'd asked, catching me off guard. The only thing I had really planned on doing, was spending as much of our remaining time in bed together as possible.

"Well sort a way," I said smiling, trying to let her know where my thoughts were at the moment. She grinned at that, as though reading my mind.

"Hold that thought," she teased back suggestively. "Val's bringing over dinner this evening, perhaps afterwards," she said putting me off, and disappointing me slightly on the one hand, but at least indicating we might indeed spend what precious little time we still had together after that.

It was one of the few times I wasn't looking forward to Valerie's visit, and hoped it would be a short one.

We had just finished eating some Chinese takeout as well as consuming several glasses of wine. We'd eaten in the living room in fact around the coffee table, now me relaxing on the sofa, my leg comfortably stretched out on the couch as mom and Val cleared away the dinner dishes and now empty boxes of food. I glanced irritably at my watch, it was already a quarter past eight, and I figured another good hour or more of conversation lay ahead before I could even hope to bury my prick inside mother's cunt.

I had sat there listening to the clatter of dishes being placed in the dishwasher in the kitchen, the sounds of their conversation, though low enough that I couldn't quite hear what was being said. But there then followed a brief moment or two of complete silence, and I knew then their conversation had taken on a whisper as they lowered their voices even more. I could only imagine now what it might be they were talking about.

An oddity perhaps was the swinging saloon like doors on the kitchen entryway leading back into the living room. Even as I sat there, I heard them open, and then swing back a very familiar, almost homey kind of sound to them. I looked over my shoulder expecting to see them both, which I did, but certainly in not the way that I could have ever expected, not in a million years at least! They were both...bare assed naked!

Words failed me. I didn't know what to say in fact, sitting there as I later realized I was, with my mouth open, surprise to say the least permanently imprinted within my face.

"Surprise!" Mom said with an awkward shyness I had never seen before.

"You're telling me...what's going on anyway?" I asked, though my interest and been genuinely peaked at this point.

"As I'm sure you already know Brian, there isn't anything I feel uncomfortable discussing or sharing with Val," she began, confirming what I'd long suspected anyway. But even knowing that, I was still in a state of shock at seeing her best friend just as naked as she was.

And it's not like I hadn't entertained a few thoughts about her, along with the twins either. I had. But those were, and had remained, simple erotic self-indulgent fantasies, and not anything I ever thought I would actually see come to life, though I had of course fooled around briefly with each one of the twins. Still...this.

"I thought, this might be a good way to sort of end things as I've told you they must," she told me, actually sounding sad about it, and not without some misgivings, though her frown brightened as she turned towards Val who stood there looking at me almost hungrily. "And believe it or not Brian, this was my idea, though Val had long ago confided in me, that she wouldn't mind bedding you herself if the opportunity to do so ever arose. it has, IF you're interested that is," she asked curiously.

Val was almost the exact opposite of my mother in many ways. She was much taller for one, light skinned, having what they then called as being a dishwater blonde, more blonde than light brown perhaps. Additionally, she held to the more traditional styles of their age group, her pussy unlike mothers was neatly, though closely shaved, whereas mom's was entirely bare, a bit of a novel surprise when I'd first discovered that in fact. But like mom, she too had nice-sized breasts, nipples a bit more pink, though with cherry tips that I noticed were extremely hard and well erect.

I sat there looking at the two of them as they stood side-by-side. What was I going to say? That what I was now looking at didn't appeal to me?

"I am," I said with a grin on my face a mile wide at this point, and an erection that was rapidly growing inside my pants.

"See? I told you he wouldn't say no," mom turned smiling at her friend, who's somewhat worried, nervous expression now bloomed into a smile just as big as mine was.

"So Val," I said as I stood up, hobbling on one leg briefly, pulling down my pants, allowing the hardness of my arousal to briefly be seen pressing through my shorts. "Knowing that I've been fucking my other mother didn't weird you out?" I now asked, doing so as to being curious as to her thoughts for one thing, but also knowing, guessing perhaps, that as mom seemed to enjoy it, discussing dirty, decadent topics, they seemed to heighten her own arousal level. I wondered if doing that, might accomplish the same thing with her as well.

She nodded her head, smiled and spoke. "At first yes...I wasn't shocked really, just surprised. Obviously you have from time to time been the topic of conversation, but long before any of this happened," she honestly stated. "And because your mother and I have always been so close, with nothing that either one of us has ever kept from one another, I could quite comfortably tell her about my long held fantasies about fucking you, which I've obviously told her about in the past. So...imagine my surprise, when she told me, she'd been doing just that herself," Val finished as she and mom now moved over towards the couch, flanking me. "After she explained to me that this would more or less be your last weekend together, she then told me she wanted to do something particularly special in doing all that. Which is when she asked me, if I'd be interested in surprising you...with the two of us."

"Well, you've most certainly done that mother," I smiled kissing her, and then Valerie as the two of them stood to either side of me, each of their hands now fondling my prick. They then slowly eased me back down to the couch after removing the rest of my clothing. Situated there on the floor between my legs, I now watched, and then felt as two tongues and two pairs of lips began to seduce my shaft, kissing, licking and sucking it almost magically.

Mom knew through previous experience, I was good for at least two, sometimes three orgasms myself during the course of an evening. The first one always coming the quickest perhaps, for obvious reasons. But the second, and certainly the third, always took me a lot longer to reach, and quite naturally afforded mom the necessary time and pleasure that she herself also sought.

Needless to say, I wasn't too worried as I sat there, selfishly reveling in the sensation of the two of them mouthing and sucking my cock together, enjoying the view, watching them, occasionally reaching over, fondling and caressing their tits as they did so.

"You have a gorgeous cock!" Val breathlessly moaned at one point, sucking it, and then kissing my own mother with my shaft sandwiched between the two of them as they did that. I nearly came, just by seeing them doing that.

"Thank you," I moaned weakly, shyly...commenting on both of their exquisitely nude forms, looking forward now, very much fucking them both, though there were of course other thoughts now racing through my mind. I wondered...

"OK, I have to ask. If the two of you are this comfortable being nude in front of one another, something tells me, this isn't the first time you have either."

They looked over at one another briefly, a sudden agreement and acknowledgement passing between them as they did that, as one, they turned back around facing me, smiles on each of their faces. "Obviously...we have yes," Valerie said first, mom following up on that.

"Val and I...for years now, every once in a while, well...shall we say, got together?" she said somewhat embarrassed at the omission, though Val seemed even more aroused by the confession of it as she went back to joyfully stroking my cock, even rubbing the head of it against the side of my mother's face as she spoke. "I didn't see it as really cheating..." she then explained as though needing to, for obviously this particular activity had been going on ever since the two of them had gone to college together, if not before then. "We're not lesbians," she then added, as though needing to say that for some reason.

"Didn't say you were, or that it was necessary for you to explain yourself either mom," I assured her. "I know how it was...with you and dad," I said letting her know that I'd always known she had not had the kind of love and affection in her life that she'd always wanted and hoped for. Val had given her a little comforting compassion in that over the course of the years, and I of all people wasn't about to judge either one of them for it either.

Shortly after that, I settled back into the seat of the couch, enjoyed the double tonguing I was given, and watched excitedly as they fed one another my wildly spraying cock when I came.

I enjoyed the pleasures of each, one riding my dick, the other sitting on my face as I ate them out, bringing them both to pleasure that way first, and then fucking them again where I too enjoyed the pleasure of another climax, thrusting in one, and then out, into the other, laying side by side, teasing them as well as myself mercilessly as I eventually came that way, one spurt inside mom, the next one in Val, until I had fully spent myself simultaneously in each.

I sat back after that, recovering, recuperating, as the two of them then showed me how they had so many times over the years, enjoyed the pleasures of one another.


That had been a very wild and satisfying night to be sure. The following night, mom had come to me in my room and we hadn't left it all day Sunday, almost lazily fucking one another, long into the night when I could no more have gotten it up, than flown to the moon.

True to her word, when the cast came off Monday, and I could easily walk about again, though there would still be a bit of rehabilitation ahead of me, mom was adamant about what she's said earlier. What we'd enjoyed and shared together would always remain special, another time in another place. But it was now time for each one of us to move on. She promised to start dating again, if I did. Something we both came to agreement on. And though I was a tiny bit jealous when she actually did start dating, I was happy for her. She needed a fulltime companion in her life once again. Someone who would love her, and finally give her the things she honestly needed and deserved out of life. Something that even as her son, I knew I could never fully give her myself.

As for myself, strangest of things. Perhaps because of Valerie perhaps, I had taken to spending more time in visits with not only her, but the twins. Karen and Sharon had always been something of an enigma to me. I had for years liked them both, I mean after all, they were identical in every way, much as I'd seen anyway, which wasn't nearly as much as I'd always wanted to. That soon changed after all this, and rather quickly too for some oddball reason, which I'd always wondered about.

A little over a year later, I actually married Sharon. Though what no one else except for my mother, and Valerie of course knew, was that I'd essentially married Karen as well. We'd spent our wedding night, the three of us together. There were times when Sharon and I had gone out together as a couple to friend's places for dinner, or functions at work I was required to attend. It was quite often during those times, when it was actually Karen who attended those with me, assuming the identity of her own sister, something that the two of them could so easily, and so convincingly do.

And during those nights that we shared our lives together, seeing the two of them sharing an intimate love in ways I could only before now imagine, even that as wildly erotic as it was, it could never quite compare to the intimately loving relationship I had once known with my mother as she'd nursed me back to health.

But...the twins certainly kept things interesting,