I sat my last 'A-level' exam on Friday morning, I was already eighteen and there was only three weeks left until I officially finished my school life. I went from the exam room to Miss Wren's office, who was my careers advisor, to ask if it was okay for me to stop attending school. We had a long chat about my plans, I knew my grades wouldn't be good enough for university...not that I wanted to spend another three years at school.

"Something clerical, anything in an office that pays a wage while they do training." is what I said.

"Don't quit school until you get a job, you can come into school and use our facilities, I can help you amend your CV to suit the jobs you're after, you can use our post room to send your CV's out..." she jumped a little and pulled her mobile phone out of her pocket, "Sorry about this, always makes me jump when it's on vibrate."

She pressed two buttons and said, "Good morning Mr Prescott...what can I do for you today?"

I sat back in my seat and zoned her conversation out as she spoke for a few minutes before covering the mouthpiece with her hand, "...Would you like to try a temporary clerical job for a few weeks at Prescott Engineering?"

I shrugged my shoulders at first and then nodded my head. Prescott Engineering was our town's largest employer as well as largest family; we had four Prescott's in my class alone that were all cousins.

She uncovered her telephone mouthpiece and smiled at me as she said, "I have a very bright student here with me right now and she's looking for clerical experience, wants to train on the job to be a secretary eventually...I'll send her right over...will she need to bring her CV along?"

The call ended, "They'd like to see you before lunch so get your skates on! They don't need a CV, they're willing to take my personal recommendation as to your suitability so don't let me down."

"I need to go home and shower first, get changed, do my hair and makeup!"

She shook her head, "They want you as you are and as soon as possible!"

I was lucky that the bus onto town was waiting outside the school gates and that one stop before the town centre was the stop for Prescott Engineering's Office. I was walking into their reception just fifteen minutes after my career's adviser had put the phone down.

I had a very quick interview with Paul Prescott, the Office Manager who took me on a whistle stop tour of the works that ended at the staff canteen where he treated me to lunch.

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I didn't get the full hour for lunch that I'd usually be entitled to, just twenty minutes to eat and I was whisked through to the basement storage room. A disgruntled employee had shuffled a few files around in some of the filing cabinets and now they were desperate to have someone do the boring job of going through every drawer to find the misfiled folders. I was told that it was important to be thorough but complete the job as quickly as possible.

I opened the first 'A' drawer and looked in, I pulled the first folder forward. It was 'ABB Electrical Engineering' the second folder was 'ABDT Alarms'

"So Sarah...what's your plan?"

"Simple shuffle search, if the folder behind has a higher alphabetical value than the front folder then just move on, if not..." I thought for a moment, "I'll pull the folder and place it to one side, that way, when I get to the 'Z' drawer, I'll be able to quantify what the problem was and start refilling the folders in their proper place."

He just stood looking at me for a moment, I started to get a little worried, he was in his forties, greying hair and salt and pepper moustache, he was just a few pounds overweight but his suit fitted him like a glove, expensive...hand stitched but not gaudy or 'in your face' was a bit like when a teacher had asked a question and your answer was wrong or perhaps didn't go far enough, the teacher would just look you up and down giving you a little more 'Rope' to hang yourself with.

"Was that right?"

"I don't think there is a right or wrong answer, I liked your thinking, do the search as fast as possible, pull the errant folders and count them before refilling them in the right place...of course we won't know if any of the folders content has been tampered with but at least we'll be in a better place than we are right now.

I was left on my own to continue at the 'A' drawer and go through everything.

At three o'clock I had to use the bathroom and spotted a free vend coffee machine, I took a coffee back to the dungeons and pressed on. I'd reached 'O' when the lights suddenly went off, "ERM! Working here!" I called out at the top of my voice.

The lights came back on and Paul Prescott's head appeared around the corner.

"Sorry, I assumed that you'd left for the is eight o'clock in the evening you know?"

" bad... no watch, I have no idea what the time is and I haven't seen a living sole all afternoon."

"No, we're holding all filing back up in the main office and we're holding back requests for files from the clerical teams for this week...have you done A through to O already?"

I nodded my head.

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"Did you find any misfiled folders?"

I pointed to a stack, "One hundred and two so far. What shall I do with these?"

I pointed to a second pile of folders, the file headers were, 'Arseholes', 'Bastards', 'Cunts'...One insult for each letter of the alphabet that I had already sorted, "They were at least filed in the correct places in the drawers even though the folders are empty!"

I opened the 'P' drawer and the second folder in was entitled, 'Paul Prescott is a Paedophile'...well, that caused me to blush but Paul just smiled, "I think that the insult folders should all be shredded and I'm sorry that you had to see all of those things...and if you're wondering...I do like younger women but never dip below eighteen years old!" Paul smiled at me as he said that.

There was a ping from Paul's inside jacket pocket, he was walking away from me when he looked at the message. He stopped in his tracks and gasped, he turned to look at me, there was no colour left in his face...I stopped flicking through 'Ps', "Problem?"

"Big problem, we have a conference in a Brighton hotel starting on Monday and they've just had a fire in the lobby, it'll be some time before they know if there is structural damage...I've got to try and whistle up a new venue with three hundred and fifty bedrooms before Monday or cancel the Annual conference."

He looked very confused for a few moments, " may as well finish up for the's getting late."

"When do you want me to come in again?"

"Are you willing to work tomorrow?"


"See you at nine o'clock...I'll probably still be here ringing around all the hotels in the south of England."

I got a lot of stick from my grandmother for being late home for dinner until I told her that I'd been working after my final exam. Over dinner I told her about the hotel in Brighton having a fire and that the Prescott's annual conference was on hold while Paul Prescott was looking around for a hotel. "Wrong time of the year to look for a block of rooms in one hotel, he'd be better off looking for a few rooms in different hotels and a room in a central location to hold the actual conference meetings in."

I was watching TV lounging against my grandfather on the sofa while my grandmother was chatting to her friends online, she often posted messages in and at ten o'clock she called me over to her PC, "Sarah, come and look at this!"

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It was a message from one of her friends, 'Cruise and Maritime Voyages latest ship, MV Roald Amundsen has left their refitting dock in Amsterdam a full week ahead of schedule and is sailing towards Tilbury Cruise Terminal tonight. The Amundsen's first scheduled trip was a round Britain cruise starting in eight days time.'

"What will they do with it until their first cruise?"

"It's happened before, they had to just keep moving it from the terminal every time a ship needed to dock, they either sailed it up and down the Thames or just moored it out in the estuary until the dock was free again...actually, the Roald Amundsen would be great for Prescott's needs, it has just over four hundred cabins and it has a show lounge that could seat four hundred people at a time, perfect venue for a conference of up to four hundred delegates."

It was certainly something to mention when I saw Paul in the morning...if I saw Paul in the morning!

I caught the seven thirty bus into town and walked out from the town centre to Prescott Engineering. There was another bus at eight thirty but because of the extra traffic, the eight thirty bus didn't get into town until five minutes past nine and then there would be another five minute walk out to the offices.

There was just one car in the car park, an Audi Q-8 with the registration P4UL-P, the spacing and the black mark between the 'L' and the last 'P' made the number plate illegal but the police didn't seem to care about that too much.

I found a back door open and wandered past the coffee machine, I had remembered from lunch the day before that Paul liked his coffee black with extra sugar so I got him a coffee as well as myself. I had a copy of the advanced literature from CMV about the newest addition to their cruise fleet and I took it up with me to Paul's office.

I knocked on his door and opened it, he had his computer on and was talking to a booking office for a hotel group, it sounded like they were making the same suggestion as my grandmother had the day before, small numbers of rooms in lots of hotels and then a separate conference room.

I held up the coffee cup, "Morning Mr with extra sugar, hope that's okay for you."

"No...thanks for your time though, I'd really like to keep all of my delegates in one place..." Paul put the phone down, "'re early but I'm glad, you're a life saver!"

"No luck yet with a hotel for the conference on Monday?"

Paul sipped at his coffee and shook his head. "This is my first year organising the brother Ray usually looks after things, his baby but he's in Germany finessing a big deal with a German customer until tomorrow."

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"Well, it might not be helpful but the grey grapevine has it that there is a new cruise ship lying idle for the next week just outside London, you might be able to hire it for the week!"

I pushed the literature from the ship in front of Paul for him to read. He spotted the CMV office telephone number on the back page and dialled it right away. I backed out of his office as he started talking to someone in CMV's office.

I was working through the files as quickly as I could and by lunch time I'd finished looking through the 'Z' drawer. I surfaced and wandered to the staff canteen only to find it closed. I got Paul another coffee and knocked on his office door.

"I've brought you a coffee and just needed to tell you that I've finished going through all of the files, three hundred and five folders out of sequence. I'm going hunting some you want me to come back and re-file the folders after lunch?"

Paul looked ten year younger than he had looked at eight o'clock. He had a smile on his face. "No, I'd like to take you out to lunch...after lunch I'd like you to sort out the folders so that on Monday morning my clerical staff can work normally and use the filing system as it should be used."

We drove out into the country in Paul's Q-8, it was a five-star restaurant in a hotel with a golf course wrapped around it. There was a lot of small talk over lunch before we reached the business part of the meal.

"Sarah, I've managed to negotiate the hire of that new ship from Monday onwards, would you be willing to provide clerical support to the speakers at the conference?"

"What kinds of things will I need to do...I'm not really very experienced in clerical work."

"On Sunday night we'll know who's going to deliver the first talk, you'll need to find the relevant file on the portable hard drive, type in the time and date on the front cover and print out four hundred copies, collate and staple the pages and place one on each seat in the conference room...or, in this case, the show lounge. While the first session is happening you'll get the details for the second session, make the alterations and repeat the process, while delegates are at lunch, you'll place a handout on each seat ready for the afternoon session."

"I think I could handle that."

"When we get back to the office you'll have to sign a European Working Time Directive waver form."

"What's that for?"

"Just says that you'll be willing to work more than forty-eight hours a week if necessary!"

"Okay, so how do I get to Tilbury?"

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"We have to send a van to the docks with a printer and computer for the notes as well as close to half a million sheets of paper. You'll need to go down with the van to set up your floating office in the ships conference room, you'll be on the ship on your own on Sunday night and the rest of us will join the ship early on Monday morning."

After dinner we went back to the office, on the drive to the office Paul asked me if I was a virgin. Well, I guess that I was in the adult working world now, I could have told Paul that it was none of his business but instead I shook my head.

"Boy at school...or...older man?"

"The school 'Cherry Picker', he's the school football team captain and he likes to take girl's cherries."

"I think I'm related to your old football team's captain!"

"He was David Prescott."

Paul nodded his head and turned into the car park and stopped in his own space in the totally empty car park.

"Is David Prescott the only one?"

I shook my head.

"Do you have a boyfriend at the moment?"

I shook my head again, "Between boyfriends at the moment...exam times are stressful...hard to keep up a relationship and work on exams as well!"

"Come to my office and sign away your right to a forty hour working week."

I signed the form and returned to the dungeon to file all of the folders in the right place.

I finished working on the files at four o'clock; I took a coffee to Paul's office to tell him that I'd finished the filing and that I was going home.

When I got home I told my grandmother that I'd be going out on the new CMV ship. I knew that my trip on the new ship would make my grandmother jealous as she was a loyal cruiser with CMV, she'd even received an email from the company offering day visits to the new ship to have lunch, followed by a tour of the ship followed by dinner and a show for twenty five pounds a person or to extend the visit, stay on the ship overnight and have breakfast for fifty pounds a person.

"Mind you, I got another email an hour later telling me that the offer was full during the week, only places for the following Saturday...obviously Prescott hired the whole ship for five days!"

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After dinner my grandmother helped me to pack a bag for my working cruise. My grandparents were seasoned travellers, when I went home to my parents during long holidays they would go cruising on CMV, because it was an adult only cruise line they couldn't offer to take me with them...I'm sure that my parents would try and duck out of having me for the long holidays if they could ship me out on holiday with my grandparents as well.

I had to be at the office before the first bus on Sunday so took a taxi into town. A fifteen minute taxi ride took the equivalent of two hours work for an eighteen year old on five pounds ninety an hour minimum wage.

The office was locked up, just a Prescott engineering van in the car park. I was wandering around like a lost lamb when a large roller shutter door opened and an elderly man drove a fork-lift truck out of the loading bay, the man stopped the truck, he looked at me, "Sarah Clark?"

I nodded my head.

"I hope you're good at reading a map!"

"I'm not bad...I don't think anyway."

"Grab a pallet raiser and follow me over to the van."

He drove the stack of paper almost to the back of the van before stopping, he opened the doors of the van and then lifted the paper into the back of the van, he lowered the pallet onto the floor of the van just inside the doors, he reversed back and then lowered the forks, he put the tips of the forks against the side of the wooden pallet and pushed it further into the van.

He rolled the pallet lifter onto the forks of the fork-lift truck, "I hope you know how to use this, I need that stack of paper as close to the cab as possible and as close to the centre of the van as well."

He lifted the pallet raiser and placed it in the back of the van and while he went to get a second stack of paper I repositioned the first stack the way he'd told me. That one stack of paper weighed half a ton, a second stack was loaded into the van and I moved that so that it was touching the first, a full ton of paper on the back of the van. The third pallet had a photocopier printer combination on it that was almost four feet tall as well as a computer and monitor screen. I had to move that pallet to touch the second stack of paper and this time I had to leave the roller truck in place under the pallet and a third stack of paper was brought to the van and that was pushed into the van to hold the pallet lifter in place.

"Shall I put my case in the back of the van?"

"Hope it doesn't weigh too much, I've got close to my limit on the back as it is!"

I looked worried.

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"Only joking but it would be better in the cab than the back of the van, it'll float around too much back there."

For most of the journey to Tilbury docks I didn't have to give directions, we took the 'A14' east to the 'M11' and then turned south to the 'M25' where we turned east again. I had to give directions from the 'M25'/'A13' junction. It took close to an hour to get from the front gate of the London Cruise Terminal to the side of the ship so that their staff could unload the van into the main hold on the ship. It wasn't that it was a long way but it was a very rigorous security system. It took a long while for one and a half tons of paper to be moved through the ship from the hold on deck two to the conference room on deck eight amidships by sack barrow, five boxes at a time, thirty-two trips. The photocopier/printer combination was harder to move, they had to find a trolley and wrap its wheels in cling film to protect the carpets in the public areas of the ship.

I waited in the conference room and directed the placement of the boxes of paper so that I wouldn't have too much of a struggle to move the paper from the boxes to the printer. I also set up the computer and linked it to the printer port on the photocopier and tested it worked properly.

The conference room was on the port side of the ship between the card room and one of the shops. Opposite the conference room was the Polar Bar, a seating area that was in the centre of the ship for passengers that may suffer from seasickness, there were no windows to the outside world from the Polar Bar and the middle of the ship moved the least in rough seas.

I had the keys to the door into the conference room so that no one could go in and mess with the expensive equipment so as soon as I'd finished testing things out I took my suitcase down to my cabin on deck five and while I was unpacking I got a telephone call from the reception desk, the safety officer wanted to meet me in my makeshift office.

The table that I'd placed the PC and monitor on had to be covered in cling film to stop the PC sliding around in rough seas and a clamp had been provided to clamp the flat screen monitor down to the table. Cotton covered rope was used to tie the photocopier to a handrail to stop that running amok in the office in rough seas. The safety officer's last task was to restack the paper into a series of pyramids to make them more stable too.

"Are we expecting rough seas?"

"I always plan for the worst possible sea conditions...that way I'll be happy if the sailing is calm."

The ship moved away from the dock at two o'clock in time for the MS Astoria to pull in and unload five hundred passengers, replenish its stores and provisions, take a fresh load of five hundred passengers and sail away to the Norwegian fjords.

I was the only passenger on the MV Roald Amundsen as it sailed slowly down the Thames and out to sea. It wasn't going far and it wasn't going fast; the plan was to return to the dock in nineteen hours time so the ship would sail around one hundred and thirty miles out and then turn around and do the same coming back. The ship's most economical cruising speed was thirteen knots or there about and it was cheaper to be on the move than to pay for mooring the ship alongside a dock.

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I was the only passenger but not the only person on the ship, there were close to three hundred crew and officers on board the ship, I ate lunch in the Waldorf Restaurant with ten of the ships senior officers...though not the captain, he preferred to be on the bridge when the ship was sailing in the crowded waters of the English channel.

After lunch I set the printer running, the first session was the 'Welcome to Conference' lecture delivered by Ray Prescott, ten pages, collated and stapled. I was glad that I'd taken a few minutes to read the photocopier's manual before I started printing. The printing would be a little slower if the photocopier did all the work for me but all I had to do was sit back and reload the stapler every hundred sets of pages and remove the printed stack out of the printer and put it into an empty box. The paper tray inside the machine took two thousand five hundred sheets of paper so I didn't have to worry about that more than once a day.

Before dinner I had to go through the farcical 'Lifeboat drill'. Like the pre-flight emergency demonstration on an aircraft. I had to meet in the 'Captain's Lounge' where two members of crew wearing lifejackets and orange baseball caps went through the process of putting the lifejacket on correctly. I had to stand alone in single file and then put my right hand on the shoulder of the crewman in front of me while the other came behind me and put her hand on my shoulder and then the three of us walked out of the lounge towards the stairs. During my own personal lifeboat drill at least forty crew members were on guard, two at every stairway on every deck as well as crewmen at every doorway leading from the ship to the outside world. I stood out on deck nine and an officer walked past me to make sure that all of me was standing under the correct lifeboat.

Dinner was again eaten in the Waldorf Restaurant with ten senior officers; my grandmother had impressed on me the importance of dressing for dinner so I'd taken six of my poshest outfits with me to wear to dinner, for day wear, I had a pile of t-shirts and skirts. The cruise director asked me if I'd like to watch a show after dinner, listen to the Carmen Duo playing piano and violin music or watch a I was their only customer it made sense that I got what I wanted in the way of entertainment.

"I may sound like a boring fart but I've had such a busy day today that I'm going to bed with a 'Rom-com' and have an early night."

Before I went to bed I placed one handout on each seat in the show lounge ready for the two o'clock welcome meeting the following day.

At seven o'clock the hotel manager phoned me up, he wanted to know what I'd like for breakfast and more importantly, where I'd like to eat it.

"Can I have a full English in my cabin please?"

"Just this once madam as your our most special passenger for the day."

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Twenty minutes later there was a knock at my cabin door and the head chef pushed a trolley into my room. There was a tulip glass of champagne on top of the trolley as well as a glass of orange juice. "We'll be docking to take on the rest of your group in thirty minutes time."

There was far more food than I could possibly have eaten and as soon as I was full, I dressed and ran up to the Captain's Club Lounge to watch the 'Sky Walk' being lowered into place from the cruise terminal to the opening on the same deck a little further along the ship. I watched as three peas from the same pod walked along the skywalk, Paul Prescott was in the middle with a 'Cheshire Cat' grin on his face and I assumed that the other two were David and Ray. David Prescott was the company's Planning and Operations Director and Ray was the CEO and Managing Director. All three brothers wore the same suit, almost a corporate uniform while their staff that followed along behind them were dressed as if they were on holiday.

I rushed to the coffee machine in the Explorer Restaurant, the Roald Amundsen's self service restaurant, and grabbed a large black coffee with extra sugar and met Paul, Ray and David at the security point by the ship's reception desk. I handed Paul his coffee and took his briefcase off of him. Paul introduced me to his brothers and Ray took up a huffy stance, "You do realise that I'm more important than my brother...don't you?"

"Yes sir but I have no idea how you drink your coffee!"

Ray smiled and said, "We all like it the same way, strong black and sweet..." then he looked at Paul, "...some of us like our coffee younger from the new world and some of us like our coffee a little more mature!"

It took some hours until the final passenger was onboard and as soon as they were, the captain called a lifeboat drill over the speaker system followed by seven short blasts on the ship's whistle and one long one. I have to say...seeing four hundred people going through the drill made a lot more sense to me. I'd been given the details for Tuesday's first session so while snakes of people shuffled through the ship like American chain gang prisoners, I went to my office in the small conference room and started making the changes before kick-starting the print run.

The first hundred handouts had finished as the lifeboat drill ended and I'd refilled the stapler and started the second print run.

Paul popped his head around my door, "Lunch!"

"I was planning on having a late lunch so I can finish tomorrow morning's printrun."

"Lunch...that's an order young lady!"

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I followed Paul down to the Waldorf Restaurant, the delegates were filing into the room and being directed to fill up tables in order, starting from the Starboard side's table closest to the bow of the ship. I sanitised my hands and was about to take the table I was being directed to but Paul stopped me. I was taken to the Captain's table again, this time it was the company's senior officers sitting around the large table, everyone was a Prescott...well, everyone apart from me. I was sat between Paul and his sister Olive, throughout the five course lunch Paul and Olive were both flirting with me. I started blushing over the vegetable samosa starter and was still blushing over the Rum baba for pudding.

After lunch I returned to my office, took the third print run off of the printer, refilled the stapler and started the final run. Paul Prescott came into my room with two cups of coffee, one white and the other black. "Olive asked me to enquire discretely if she had a chance with you."

"And this is you being discrete?"

Paul laughed..."I told her that I didn't think that you batted that way!"

"I don't really have a stance one way or the other over same sex relationships."

"Shall I tell her to keep playing for you?"

"I'd rather that she didn't!"

"What are you planning to do this afternoon?"

"Well, I was rushing to get finished so that I could sit in on this afternoon's welcome meeting."

Paul shook his head, "Well, you can sit in, you're welcome...but you already know all about why and how we came to be steaming down the Thames and out into the English Channel on a ship instead of sitting in a hotel in Brighton like every other year."

I'd read the handout on my computer screen while I was printing it so I knew what Ray Prescott was going to talk about...the only thing I wouldn't know was the responses and questions from the delegates.

"I've got a full cocktail cabinet in my cabin up on deck eleven...want to see how the other half live on a ship like this?"

I let Paul talk me into going to his cabin with him, I knew what he was after...he'd made it perfectly clear during lunch that he was on heat and was looking for a little 'Afternoon delight'. Deck eleven was a different world to my world on deck five. Paul had a separate sleeping area and sitting area, his cabin was at least half as big again as my twin cabin closer to the water. He had windows to the outside world as well.

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I had just one drink and we sat talking in the living area of his cabin. There were a few kisses and hugs, he touched my breasts through my t-shirt but he didn't try to go any further...he might have tried but after an hour he took a telephone call from the ship's hospital. Dr Ben Appleby, an educational expert who was due to give a talk on improving profitability by spotting promise in employees and picking the right educational paths or training courses to develop them into better employees, had been admitted to the ships hospital. Ben was the best in his field but not a good seaman...he was totally debilitated with seasickness and was going to have to leave the ship in Leith and head back to Northampton by train.

"Could we reschedule his talk, give him David's planning spot tomorrow morning before we arrive in Leith?"

Paul lost his enthusiasm for playing with me and started ringing around, looking for a last minute replacement for his seasick lecturer. I fetched Paul a coffee and then went down to start removing the lecturer's name from the educational lecture.

I spent a while showering and doing my hair and makeup for dinner, Dinner was always pre-assigned seat and it would be the same seat every evening, I was assigned to the executive table again, it struck me as odd because I wasn't even an employee of the company, just a temp who was officially still at school.

For dinner I was seated between Ray and Paul, Ray told Paul that if he couldn't get anyone else, he should call Dr Wren and that was the end of the conversation about work. Olive had a sour face but she did keep checking me out as we ate. There was wine with the meal and I had two glasses pushed on me, one by Paul and the other by Ray Prescott. After dinner there was a show and I did spot a lot of shuffling about around the room. There were three hundred men at the conference and fifty women and I soon noticed that each of the fifty women had a male partner sitting at their side in the slow lounge...well, forty eight women did, one woman had Olive Prescott sitting at her side.

After the show I found myself in Paul's cabin again, this time we didn't spend any time in the sitting area of his cabin, we went straight to bed. I had a very limited sex life to that date, I'd never fucked in a bed, the boys that I'd allowed that close to me were always my own age so sex was snatched moments in places that were dangerous when adults weren't watching over us...snatched moments, I'd never had an orgasm from a boys cock but several from their fingers.

Paul was nothing like the boys I'd been with in the past, Paul was somewhat of a languid lover, long slow thrusts. He tipped me over the edge within the first ten minutes and then kept me fluttering between heights of pleasure and even higher points for the next two hours. At midnight I told him he had to stop because I needed to use the toilet.

"Pee or poo?"


Paul clambered off of me and walked over to the bathroom door and opened it. I thought 'This is rich, I tell him that I need the toilet and the bastard beats me to it!'

Paul looked back to the bed, "Come on then, you want to use the toilet!"

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I walked over to the bathroom; it really felt strange being out in the open in the nude with a naked man, never been all the way nude with anyone before...never enough time or security in the past. I sat on the toilet and Paul squatted down in front of me, I was about to say that I couldn't go with him watching me but he stopped me by covering my mouth with his. Paul pushed my knees apart and began to stroke between my legs. He reached my pussy and started fingering me, not slow and languid like he'd been fucking me, his fingering was rapid, very rapid, the tip of his middle finger pressing on a 'G-spot' deep inside my body, on the roof of my vagina.

I was trying to say that I couldn't go with him watching me but suddenly I was having a massive orgasm and my pee was spurting all over the place. I managed to splash Paul as he squatted in front of me. His lips suddenly left mine and he leaned back, that's when I realised that Paul was masturbating me with one hand and himself with the other. As my pee splashed down on his cock he finally erupted and sent his semen splashing all over my lower legs from my knees to my ankles.

I was covered in pee and spunk and he was covered in my pee so we both took a shower together and after the shower Paul pushed me back into bed and spooned with me for the rest of the night. At six o'clock I was woken by his hot-rod hammering against my anal sphincter. I pushed his cock away from my bum and said, "If you want sex you'll have to wait until I've been toilet."

"Pee or poo?"


"Can I watch?"

"Not if you want to touch again!"

"Just watch if it will freak you out to be touched while you poo."

I sat on the toilet and he crouched in front of me again. I was asked to lift myself off the seat a little and did. As I strained to do my business while he watched he grew a massive erection just from watching me use the toilet.

The morning sex was a different order of magnitude to the evening before. Paul was like a wild stallion, we didn't get as far as the bed, he fucked me standing up in the doorway from the bathroom, he fucked me bending over the back of his sofa, he fucked me pressed up against the wall as people walked past the outside of the cabin. The windows were silvered for privacy but if anyone had blocked the light out by putting their hands over their eyes, they would have been able to watch us fucking and the noise I was making, I was surprised that no one did look just to see what was going on in the cabin.


"I've got to go and change first!"

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Paul smiled and then he opened his wardrobe, he pulled out a long dress shirt and told me to try it on. On Paul it was a shirt that would have just covered his balls but on me, it came down to my knees. Paul pulled a narrow leather belt out of the loops of his trousers and fastened that around my waist.

"There, you look delicious."

"I'll at least need to wear my knickers under this!"

"They're last night's and a little crusty!"

I pulled my dirty knickers on and looked at my reflection in his mirror. The scarlet of my knickers could be seen through the shirt front so I took them off again and went to breakfast. Again, we ate at the Captain's table but it was a buffet breakfast. I marvelled at the number of women who were still dressed in their posh frocks from the evening before at breakfast.

Ray came up behind me, "Did you have fun with my brother last night?"

I gasped but said nothing, I was just wondering if Paul had been boasting about his conquest when Ray laughed, "David and I have the same shirt only my shirt's enamelled buttons have 'RP' in red on the black background instead of 'PP' like Paul's"

As I ate breakfast Ray and Paul were discussing the pairings around the dining room, some men and women appeared to do a regular thing at conference and sleep with the same partner...not their wife...and others seemed to play the field, a different partner every night at conference.

I finished breakfast and went to my cabin to get changed into working clothes for the day and get Paul's monogrammed shirt off of my back. I started printing the handouts for the afternoon talk and while the printer was running I took a box of handouts for the morning session. After placing the first two hundred handouts on the seats I returned to my office to reload the stapler, remove the first one hundred handouts for the afternoon session and started the printer running again. I bumped into Ray Prescott as I was finishing placing the handouts on the seats, "We've just had confirmation that the speaker to replace Dr Ben Appleby will be Dr J Wren PhD and that session will be moved to two PM on Wednesday."

"I'll get on that right away sir."

"Do me a favour, print out an 'A4' page with 'Dr Wren' printed on it as large as possible. You'll need to pick up Dr Wren's boarding card from reception and nip ashore as soon as we dock in Kirkwall, grab a taxi and go to the airport to meet the flight from Luton, bring the doctor back to the ship and get security to do the necessary with the photographs and things."

We docked in Leith just after lunchtime, we had just four hours alongside in Leith. I sauntered to the Royal Yacht Britannia which was moored permanently in Leith and was just a few yards along the dock from our ship. I paid my sixteen quid to get into the ship for a guided tour and then straight back to work. The delegates had been told that they would have four hours of free time in Leith but of course I wasn't a delegate and no one had specifically told me that I was off duty for four hours so I just chanced it a little bit.

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The afternoon lecture was at five o'clock and dinner was at seven thirty. This time I was between Paul and David Prescott, David was flirting with me all the way through the meal but Paul was just being pleasant rather than flirting. I got the feeling like most boys at school, once Paul got what he wanted, he'd move on to the next girl.

The evening entertainment was starting at nine o'clock because of the late dinner and on our way to the show, Paul pulled me out to the Explorer Restaurant for a coffee before the show. He pulled a small box out of his jacket pocket; the 'Pandora' logo was unmistakable on the box lid, not the best jewellery in the world but better than I'd usually buy for myself. Real gold, eighteen carat, small ear studs that were the Pandora logo so I had 'P', 'P' in my ears and the matching necklace was also the Pandora logo but much larger than the ones in my ears. Paul had branded me for everyone to see but I didn't give a damned, he could drape my body with all the gold he wanted to and it proved that he hadn't lost interest in me.

Our fucking after the show was much like the evening before, Paul got me off quickly and fucked me for over an hour just keeping my orgasm running like waves striking the ship. He wanted to watch me pee again before we went to sleep, this time he talked me into standing up above the toilet and just let my pee fall into the bowl. Again, as I started to pee he wanted to get his hand in the way and he took a little of my warm pee and massaged it into his cock as he brought himself off, aiming his spunk at my belly as he climaxed.

Another night of spooning but this time, as we passed the end of Scotland the sea got very rough and the rocking and rolling caused his cock to saw between my inner thighs and he climaxed between my legs and to me it seemed like he was asleep as he did.

I had to rush to print the handouts for the educational talk by Dr Wren and as soon as the ship docked in Kirkwall on the Orkney Islands I was off and running, I had a pocket full of cash from Ray to pay for the taxi and Dr Wren's boarding card as well as my own.

I stood in the arrivals area of the airport holding up my notice, the flight from Luton had hoped to the Orkneys via Aberdeen and had arrived just before I did. I saw the first passenger through the customs and immigration station, he was an elderly gentleman in a tweed jacket with leather patches on his elbows, I waved the sign at him and smiled, he smiled too but walked over to the man standing next to me. A couple came through next followed by...I couldn't believe my eyes, my careers advisor, Miss Wren walked through the door. She gave me a massive beaming smile and walked over to me and gave me a hug.

"Is Dr Wren your father Miss?"

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"No Sarah, while you were studying for your GCSE's I was studying for my PhD in Educational Psychology so I'm a doctor now but don't ask me to prescribe any drugs for you."

She laughed at her own joke, I thought, 'She'll soon get tired of that joke!'

"Erm...well, I let the taxi that brought me here go so we'll have to find a new one, can I help you with your bag?"

It was only a three or four mile trip to the ship and as soon as the door closed Miss Wren...Dr Wren leaned in all giggly and dug me in the ribs with her elbow.

"So Sarah, how many of the Prescott family have hit on you so far?"

I blushed and she lifted my earlobe, "Let me see...'P'...Could be any of the Prescott family...they all love to brand their conquests...come on spill the beans, which of the Prescott family have hit on you?"

"All of them I think...but mainly Olive, Paul, Ray, David, Glen, Simon, Peter, Carl and others, too many to remember their names."

"Well, let me give you the lowdown, if you like women, Olive is by far the better lover in the Prescott dynasty...Ray is an inventive lover, he fucks like a rabbit or a steam train and can hold off his orgasm for hours...David is a fast and violent lover, he cums fast but also has a rapid recycle rate, he only needs twenty minutes rest and he's hard again and ready to fuck...Paul's a languid lover he likes to screw long and slow when he has the time but can be very kinky at times..."

She stopped talking at that point and looked at me, "...oh, I see it was Paul who got into your knickers!"

She burst out laughing at my obvious discomfort but fortunately her telephone put her off her stride.

"Paul...yes I landed about twenty minutes ago and Sarah was waiting for me at the airport...uh-huh...okay, I'll see you then."

She closed the telephone down and popped it in her jeans pocket, "I love to have my phone vibrate in my trouser pocket, very decadent...your lover wants you to take me straight to his cabin as soon as we get to the ship."

After the security guard took Dr Wren' photograph I took her from the sixth floor to the eleventh in the lift, we were very much going against the flow as people were heading down to deck six for the Waldorf restaurant or to go ashore. I knocked on Paul's cabin door but got no answer so I tried the handle and the door opened.

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Paul's room seemed empty but there were sounds of running water from the bathroom. I pulled Dr Wren's bag into Paul's cabin and then I noticed something new on Paul's bedside cabinet, an eight by ten glossy photograph that hadn't been standing there for the previous two days. It was a studio portrait of Dr Wren with two young boys. I recognised David Prescott from my class at school, the same David Prescott that took my virginity, David 'The Cherry Picker' Prescott and an older boy that looked like David's brother, David's older brother.

Paul stepped out of the bathroom totally nude and Dr Wren threw herself at him, arms around his neck and she rained kisses all over his face before saying, "I hope Sarah's been looking after you well...I thought that you two would hit it off, she's just your type!"

"Jenny, you were absolutely right, she's perfect, smart, funny and she'll do most of the kinky things I like but she's a good worker too."

Jenney turned to face me, I was still looking at the photograph in disbelief.

Jenny picked the photograph up and looked at it. "I told you that I prefer the picture of us renewing our marriage vows with Paul junior and David acting as your best men!"

"Yes I know but the silver frame doesn't travel as well as the wooden one on this picture."

I could feel my mouth opening and closing but no sound was coming out. Realisation was just starting to dawn on me that Dr Wren...Jenny Wren...was actually Paul's wife and the boy I lost my virginity too was Paul's youngest son, David.

I suddenly remembered that I'd been telling Jenny all about my sex sessions with her husband, I spun my head around in Jenny's direction ready to apologise but she was advancing on me, backing me into a corner of the cabin. She pulled at my t-shirt, pulled it out of my skirt and as she pulled it up she kissed me and then my t-shirt was off. I looked over at Paul, he was just standing there rubbing his cock watching as his wife stripped me naked.

Jenny was undressing herself as she turned to Paul, "I've been desperate for a pee since I took off from Aberdeen!" Jenny was an inch taller than me and even though she was in her forties, once she was naked she looked like a young girl, her breasts were smaller than mine and there wasn't a trace of hair anywhere on her body apart from her head...not a trace of fat anywhere either. Without makeup and with short hair she could have passed for being even younger than I was.

I saw Paul's cock jump violently at the news that his wife wanted a pee. Jenny grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the bathroom with her, Paul was a micrometer behind me. Jenny pulled the shower curtain out of the way and crouched down in the shower area. "I hope you need a little pee too Sarah..." I was pulled into the shower area after her and pulled down so that I was sitting on her lap, I was facing her with my knees outside her hips and she started rubbing between my legs, "...come on Sarah, try and do a little pee!"

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I managed a little trickle; it ran over her hand and along her forearm and trickled over her lower abdomen and naked pussy. Paul was jumping around like an excited puppy, his head popping in from one side and then the other, trying to get the best view of my pee stream running over his wife's body.

"Are you all finished?"

I grinned at Jenny and nodded my head.

""Lean back against Paul."

Paul was right behind me and as I leaned back his face came into view, he was looking down over my body as Jenny put her fingers just above her clitoris and she pulled the skin upwards as hard as she could and suddenly a jet of pee shot upwards, it was a jet that struck my belly button and splashed in all directions, splattering up as high as my breasts and then cascaded down over my pubic hair and down into my vagina.

Paul groaned and I felt warmth against the back of my neck and slowly slithering down my spine. Seeing his wife's fountain of pee covering me had made Paul climax and his thick spunk trickled slowly towards my bum.

After the pee had all finished Paul helped me up off of Jenny's lap. I was turned so that Jenny could see the trail of spunk slowly falling down my back. Her hands gripped my hips and I felt the tip of her tongue touch the cleft between my buttocks and she licked her husband's spunk from my back following my spine up to ground zero where Paul's cock had been when he climaxed. Feeling Jenny licking up my back to my neck had my body shivering and shaking with excitement.

Jenny turned the water on in the shower without closing the curtains and she washed me from my head down to my toes and then made me do the same for her and the whole time, Pauls was standing there, leaning against the sink rubbing his flaccid cock, trying to get life back into his root.

By the time I'd washed Jenny Paul was hard again and even though we were both still soaking wet Jenny pulled me out into the sleeping area, Paul threw towels onto the bed and I was pulled down on top of them. Jenny placed me on my back and then she climbed on top of me, her knees either side of my shoulders and her mouth hit me between my legs.

Paul climbed on the bed behind his wife and I got an ultra close up shot of Paul's cock slipping into Jenny's cunt. He fucked her with long slow thrusts for five minutes, delivering her a shuddering orgasm before pulling all the way out and aiming his cock at my mouth. As soon as Paul's cock left Jenny's cunt there was a cascade of her juice all over my face and then I had his cock in my mouth. He pushed in deeper until I choked.

Jenny's mouth left my cunt and she looked back at her husband..."Don't break her...she's the first of your girlfriends that I like enough to want a long term relationship with!"

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Paul backed out of my mouth and back into Jenny's cunt until she had a second climax. This time, instead of me getting another mouthful of Paul' cock he clambered off of the bed and walked to the other end. Jenny rolled us over so that I was on top this time and Paul was fucking me until I climaxed and then he fucked Jenny's mouth. I could tell from the way that the bed bounced that Paul was fucking Jenny's mouth far harder than he had fucked mine but there was no choking from Jenny, she was taking all of his cock...all the way in.

When Paul fucked me for the second time jenny told him to fill my cunt because she was hungry. Paul fucked me hard and fast this time. As Paul bellowed through his climax I felt his cock jerk inside my body and even felt the jet of semen splashing against my cervix.

Paul didn't rest inside my body after climaxing like he'd done each time before, as soon as he'd finished spurting he pulled straight out of me and Jenny lifted her head as she pulled my body down and she ate her husband's spunk out of my cunt. I was doing the same to her but all I got as my reward was Jenny's lubricating juice. As Jenny and I were finishing off on the bed Paul was phoning reception for fresh towels. Jenny and I were in the shower again when Imam, Paul's cabin steward knocked on the door with fresh towels. The bathroom door was open and I saw Imam looking at me and Jenny washing each other and that gave me a massive kick realising what Imam could see.

We dressed and went to lunch, the Waldorf Restaurant was empty when we got there just fifteen minutes before the restaurant was due to close. We all opted for just a main and sweet instead of the full five course meal.

We were due to set sail from Kirkwall at four o'clock, Jenny's talk was due to start at four soon as her lifeboat drill was completed. I went back to my office and was buttonholed by Olive, "I think Paul lied to me when he told me that you didn't bat for my team...I heard you and Jenny and it made me very jealous...I'll be knocking on your cabin door later baby."

"Olive...why doesn't Jenny use Paul's last name?"

"Because of her profession, head teachers don't like mother's teaching their own children at public schools and because she was well known in educational circles and lecture circuits as Jenny Wren and didn't want to change that I guess."

I managed to do my work and get to watch Jenny's lecture. When Paul, Ray and David gave their talks they had been behind their lecterns, even using it like a shield or comfort blanket, gripping the sides of the lectern until their knuckles turned white some times. Jenny was different; she used the whole stage...even though she was delivering someone else's talk and during the 'Q&A' session she was out in the audience with her microphone, going right up to people who wanted to ask questions so that they could use her microphone to ask the question and she stood right at their side as she answered. Jenny's session was also the only one that over ran her allotted two hours because everyone was so engaged in her lecture.

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Kirkwall was the last port on our five day conference cruise. From Kirkwall it was a straight seven hundred and fifty mile dash back to Tilbury, we should arrive back in London at eight o'clock in the morning on Saturday. There would be two more lectures on Friday but apart from the lectures and the meals, I spent the rest of the time in bed with Paul and Jenny, learning all I could about sex. I had to try hard to put the fact that I'd had sex with mother, father and one of their two sons from that branch of the Prescott family because it seemed very weird to me to do things like that but then what did I know!

I'd used all but four boxes of paper and on Saturday morning Paul popped into my office to thank me for all the hard work as well as for all the fun. Paul had a time time sheet, I recognised Friday and Saturday's entry in my handwriting and then in Paul's handwriting there was an entry of eight am for Sunday, then two lines through to Saturday at six pm.

"What does that mean?"

"Means that we'll be paying you from eight o'clock on Sunday until six pm today, one hundred and fifty-six hours, just over nine hundred pounds and with Friday and Saturday as well, you'll be earning over a thousand pounds for your first week at work...less stoppages of course.

There was a goodbye kiss, chaste of course as we were in a glass box and Prescott Engineering's staff were walking past. Paul looked at the four boxes of paper on the floor, Offer the paper to the reception staff, save carting them back to the office."


"We pay five pounds a box for bulk paper and get the VAT back on them, it'll cost more to take them back to the office than to replace them from the supplier."

The reception staff were glad of the free paper and Olive caught me as I was carting boxes of paper to the reception staff, she looked very pissed at me as she said, "I knocked on your cabin door a few times."

"I was kept pretty busy by Paul and Jenny!"

"How about Lunch treat?"

"My grandparents like me to have Sunday lunch at home..." Olive's face hardened even more, "...but I'm free for dinner if you're interested!"

I got a sweet smile, "Give me your address...I'll pick you up at six o'clock tomorrow...we can eat at my house."

I waved everyone goodbye. They wouldn't allow Prescott's van on the dock side until the last of the passengers had cleared the ship. The van driver that had come to pick me up was younger than the one who'd driven me down. He had to fix the large printer down onto a pallet and fix the computer and screen down securrly before walking behind the crew members who had been detailed to take the pallet down to the loading bay. We weren't allowed into the loading area, we just stood like lemons at the back of the van while the pallet was brought through the labyrinth of passageways in the bowls of the ship. A fork lift truck plucked our pallet out of the side of the ship and placed it in the van.

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My suitcase was in the cab with me again and this time, after the printer was dropped off, I was taken all the way home in the van.

My grandmother told me that she was never going to speak to me ever again, not just because I'd sailed on her favourite company's latest ship before her but because I'd had two meals with the senior officers, not like a 'Normal' passenger, sharing a table with one officer and nine other passengers, I was on my own with ten senior officers at each meal. I didn't mention the sex...I thought it more fitting just to tell her that I'd had fun during my six day cruise.

I got a phone call from David Prescott on Saturday evening...not David Prescott the Operations Director, David Prescott, the son of Paul Prescott and Jenny Wren...the boy that took my virginity a few months earlier. David had passed his driving test and his father had bought him a car. David invited me to go with him and Paul, his older brother, to the cinema. I said yes and was picked up a few minutes later. We sat in the darkness of the cinema, me in the middle seat with Paul and David either side of me. We did everything but fuck in the cinema, the fucking came later in the back seat of the car in the cinema's car park. I sucked David's cock while Paul fucked me from behind and then we swapped over.

I'd need to keep a family tree of the Prescott family, it looked like I was going to be fucking my way through the whole family over the next few months.