I sat on the loveseat with Mom's blanket beside me. Johnny and Jojo (that was Joanne's nickname) were sprawled out on the sleeping bag spread out on the living room floor antsy in anticipation. Dad was already in his recliner opening his second beer. Mom and Aunt Jessica were in the kitchen making the popcorn.

We had sort of a family ritual on Friday nights; we watched movies together as it was really the only time the whole family could spend with each other. We ate dinner together first, again the only night of the week we knew we were all expected to be home, then we'd sit around and watch a few movies. My parents had bought a 60 inch flat-screen for this purpose (they claimed anyway, I think Dad got it for his Sunday games). Aunt Jessica, my Mom's younger sister who lived nearby and was divorced, would usually come over and have dinner and watch movies with us. First, we'd watch a kiddy movie for my little brother and sister who were only 11 and 8, then after they fell asleep in their sleeping bag (pretending to be camping out!); we would watch more adult fare. It didn't need to be one of the current movies, we watched classics, comedies, dramas, pretty much anything (even sometimes chick flicks to make Mom and Aunt Jess happy). I am happy to say that this ritual led me to an appreciation of film; so much so that I even contemplated studying it at college next year.

Now normally we would be situated thusly: Johnny and Jojo and a bowl of popcorn curled up in the sleeping bag on the floor dressed in their pajamas. Dad would be leaned back in 'his' recliner, his because no one was allowed to sit in it under penalty of death (or so he said anyway), drinking his beer until he would fall asleep halfway through the second movie, Aunt Jessica would have the whole couch to herself so she would normally lay out with her feet up drinking her glass of wine and her own bowl of popcorn, and Mom would sit beside me on the loveseat also with a glass of wine and we would share our own popcorn. Now Mom got chilled easily and our living room was a little drafty sometimes from the sliding glass doors to the back yard, so she would curl up beside me covered with a blanket. I wasn't cold so I would get warm under the blanket and took to just wearing shorts and a tee shirt. I could've sat on the couch with Aunt Jess, but Mom liked to lay her head on the shoulder of her 'baby boy'. I would groan when she would say this but it was a little thing to make Mom happy so I let her.

On this Friday night we were re-watching the animated hit of last year for the third time by request of my brother and sister, not that it mattered much as the adults (I was 18 now, I was an adult!) would chat about the week and catch up with our lives. I was usually a hot topic as to which school I would be attending next year and what I would be studying. Dad didn't agree much with my wanting to study film and seeing as he would be sleeping through anything but the kid flicks he didn't see it as a real career. I wasn't one hundred percent sure I wanted to take it as my major but just Dad's negativity reinforced my desire. Mom and Aunt Jess would try to change the topic when this came up and fortunately this week the topic never came up, Dad was complaining about some new practices they were implementing at work to 'improve productivity and increase quality'. I shut him out as he rambled on and tried to focus on the movie. It really wasn't that bad. During the second viewing I picked up on some subtle nods at more adult humor that little ones wouldn't get, so I was now watching for things that might be going on in the background of scenes that I hadn't caught the first two times. Dad started a new topic, Aunt Jess and Mom would chime in and I just sat there zoning out as I had spent a lot of time this week studying for the big mid-term coming up.

Soon the movie ended, my brother and sister out cold on the floor. Mom rose and covered them with the sleeping bag. Dad stood, went to the bathroom and returned with a normally unprecedented third beer. This guaranteed he would be out within an hour. The rest of us also took our turn in the restroom, Mom and Aunt Jess refilling their wine glasses and I grabbed another sports drink, though I normally refrained from drinking as I hated having to get up to pee during a movie, and everyone would complain if I made them pause it while I was gone. But tonight the second movie was a teen flick that was supposed to be hilarious, so I wasn't really worried about watching for the director's subtle use of fart jokes or titty flashes. I don't think any of use particularly cared one way or another about the movie, but after the week of studying I needed a mindless comedy and I knew Mom and Aunt Jess liked the male lead, a hot up and coming actor. So we all settled in to watch when Dad pressed play on the remote. Mom pulled the blanket higher up around us and laid her head on my shoulder with a content sigh as the opening credits rolled.

I have to admit the movie was better than I thought it would be and I followed along with the highly improbable plotline. Unfortunately for me there was more female nudity than usual. Now that may sound strange coming from an eighteen year old male, but the unfortunate thing was I was getting excited and my rising cock was jammed in my briefs and causing me some discomfort. And when I say discomfort, I mean it damn hurt!

Mom was still resting comfortably on my shoulder, her right arm tucked between us and her left on her lap beneath the blanket and her feet curled up next to her on the loveseat. I tried to will my cock to shrink, but that never works. I shifted my legs a little to give my cock more room, and that didn't work either. I didn't want to stand up to adjust myself and let Mom and Aunt Jess witness my condition. Another flash of titties by the lead actress that I was starting to get a crush on, and my cock tried to grow more!

I was starting to panic a little. My squeezed cock hurt like hell! Could you actually break your cock? I didn't want to find out. I shifted again. Mom lifted her head and looked at me, then resumed her attention on the screen. The last flash of female flesh had led to a scene with the actress making out with another girl. I had fantasies of two girls together and seeing the actress I was falling in lust with making out with another girl was the final straw. My cock was going to get completely hard, unforgiving cotton fabric be damned!

I was wincing now. I looked over at Aunt Jessica then down at Mom and neither seemed bothered by the movie, watching intently. Dad was passed out. I couldn't avoid it any longer. I didn't want to risk any damage to my favorite appendage whether it was possible to break it or not! I just had to get up and rearrange my cock without fully standing and revealing my dilemma to my Mom and her sister. I leaned back against loveseat and lifted my ass up and reached down and pulled my cock up to lay against my abdomen. Then sat back down trying to be nonchalant the whole time.

'Jeremy, what are you doing?' She exclaimed as she slipped off of my shoulder. And then it happened! As she reached out to catch herself from falling to loveseat with her right hand, rather than landing on the cushion, rather than landing on my thigh, Mom's hand landed on top of my rock hard cock!

My eyes bugged out!

My heart possibly stopped!

My body froze!

I couldn't look at Mom to see her reaction. I was petrified with fear and embarrassment. I had a thousand thoughts race through my addled brain. What would she think? Would she stand up and slap me? Would she send me to my room? Forcing me to walk past my Aunt in this condition? Would she laugh? Would my Aunt laugh? Would they wake Dad and tell him of my predicament?

All this happened in a fraction of a second.

In a blink of an eye.

A hummingbird's wing beat.

And then a new thought hit me.

Mom hadn't moved her hand!

Surely she could tell immediately where her hand was resting!

Why wasn't her hand moving?

I gulped air. My eyes locked ahead but was seeing nothing. Inside I shook, but my body was stone. And Mom's hand was still resting on my cock! I was sure it would shrivel up now and never get hard again. But it never budged. Maybe I would be stuck with a hard-on forever. What was that commercial about an erection lasting more than four hours... see a doctor? After two dozen or two hundred heartbeats (I don't know, my heart had jumped to light-speed!) I looked out of the corner of my eye as far as I could strain without moving my head to look at Mom. She didn't move. Her head was back against my shoulder, her soft hair tickling my boiling skin. She gave no indication she knew where her hand rested or what had happened. She had to know what a cock felt like! She had three kids! And a husband! Who was sitting right there, albeit asleep!

A minute passed. Maybe two, I couldn't tell time. Still her hand rested on my cock. I could feel the warmth of her hand now. Added to the inferno boiling in my dick. Then her hand stirred. Finally! She had been in shock and not realized and now would pull her dainty fingers away. But no! They didn't move away! Those fingers curled around my hard flesh! What?! Mom was grabbing my cock! She gave it a squeeze. Yep, I was never going to get soft ever again. They were going to do medical studies about me. I would tour the country at medical conventions and be shown to gasping young doctors. 'The Everhard Cock' they would call me.

Mom continued to squeeze until it became almost uncomfortable (Wait, how comfortable was it to have your mother grabbing your hard dick?) Then she eased up her grip. Okay, now she was going to move her hand, now that she had confirmed that it wasn't my thigh she was holding. She eased her grip but she didn't release. She squeezed again. Not as hard but it was healthy enough. She did this a half dozen times. I was still frozen. The house could be on fire and I wasn't moving. The firemen would have to rescue me with my mom's hand holding my hard penis! Mom hadn't given any outward indication of what she was doing either; her face and her eyes were locked on the TV screen. Just as her right hand was locked around my fabric-covered cock! Then she stopped squeezing! But instead of moving away she began to shift her fingers back and forth. Barely perceptible at first, but then grew into an actual rubbing motion.




My Mom was now stroking my cock!

The strokes were only a couple inches at first, but every up and down motion moved onto new territory. She was holding onto me through my shorts and briefs and the fabric was rubbing on my tender skin and after a minute or so, I winced. I don't know if she heard me or just realized that it was hurting me, but she eased the pressure she grabbed me with and was now rubbing her fingers along my shorts. I don't know if she had been aware of how big my cock was when she grabbed it, but she had to be aware now as she caressed up and down almost the whole shaft. The head of my cock had sprung from my waistbands when I had adjusted it, so now as Mom's hand reached the waistband of my shorts without finding my cock's head I almost thought I heard a breathy gasp from her lips. I finally took a soothing breath as I had shocked Mom as she had stunned me. I could feel I was getting light-headed and tried to breathe deeply. I still didn't look at mom, and she didn't look at me. Mom's strokes continued up and down the shaft of my cock, now from the base to my shorts elastic waistband. She did this twice, and then moved up over the elastic and onto my uncovered skin finally finding the flare of the head of my cock.

Mom was touching my cock!

She ran her fingers over the velvety skin of my cock head before resuming her stroke down to my balls. She moved back up to the head but this time on the downward stroke she worked her fingers under my shorts and briefs and pushed them down as she fully stroked my bare cock. My dick sprang outward as it was released from the cotton containment and as Mom continued to move her hand up and down its length, evidence of her activity was now visible to anyone that looked as the blanket was now tented up by my dick. I don't mean to sound like I'm bragging, but I am eight and a half inches long and my fingers can't reach around it. So I was making quite a noticeable hill in the blanket. And besides the gasp I thought I heard Mom make, I saw the first sign that she knew what was happening. I saw her eyes quickly look down at the hump in the blanket. Her hand was still travelling the length of my cock, but the way the fabric of the blanket spread around the mound, it hid her motion. I felt her shift her movement to stroke up and down closer to my body and not straight up and down to help conceal what was happening. I turned my head the smallest degree to look over at the couch to my aunt. She was watching the movie and paying Mom and me no attention. Dad was softly snoring, and my brother and sister were sound asleep.

Mom continued a nice gentle stroke up and down my shaft and as the friction of our flesh began to make me flinch, Mom would run her fingers around the head and collect the pre-cum oozing from me and coat my cock. I must admit, my mother definitely knew how to give a hand job! Yes! My Mom was giving me a genuine All-American hand job! Her strokes became less of an up and down motion; she gave her wrist a bit of a stuttering motion even as she began the normal half-twist of her hand around my now-slick covered cock. I finally couldn't contain myself. I let out a moan as Mom worked my cock like a pro (as if I would know!). I was sure I saw a small smile on her lips as she stared ahead. I knew she was watching the movie as little as I, the activity under the blanket taking up both of our full attentions.

I was getting close!

I mean with nubile teen girls making out on the screen getting me hard, and being a teen guy, I was always close. Mom grabbing my dick didn't help either! She was able to get me ready to shoot, but then slowed and changed rhythm to keep me from cumming, and then increase her speed and intensity. My body was quivering! I don't know how I hadn't shot my load already! Every muscle in me was clenched. I actually looked over at Mom, she ignored my glance, but her movement took on a new rhythm and I knew I had crossed a line. I was going to cum by my mother's hand and there was nothing on earth that would prevent that.

'Oh, hi Grandma. Mom is giving me an orgasm now if you don't mind?'

'Sorry, Your Holiness, I can't stand right now, Mom's going to make me shoot my load.'

'Go ahead and shoot me Mr. Burglar sir, but I have to cum now.'

And Mom did make me cum then!

My ass lifted up, I gave a very audible grunt, and I shot stream after stream of jism into Mom's hand. She continued to stroke me with her right hand, but had moved her left to catch my cum. I groaned again as she milked the last of my juice from my balls. I sank back onto my seat still shaking. Mom had sat up a little as I came to allow use of both hands and now she pulled back the blanket and rose to her feet, cupping her left hand holding my milky ejaculate. I assumed she was going to go wash her hands. Her actions had left me weak and satisfied. She announced that she couldn't watch the rest of the movie and she was going to bed. I barely watched her walk across the dimly-lit room, but I thought I saw her bring her hand, her left I was sure, to her face and her tongue reach out and lick her palm! And she was standing before the couch and looking at her sister. Aunt Jess looked up at her, seeing what she was doing, but she had no way of knowing what was in Mom's hand. And she gave another lick before moving down the hallway towards her bedroom. I glanced at my aunt who barely noticed my look.

I couldn't believe that that had happened!

My Mom had jerked me off!

She had made me cum in her hand!

And she licked it up!

I managed to look at the television screen and watched blankly at the final scenes of the movie before the credits started to roll. I looked again at Aunt Jess and saw the wine had had an effect on her as her eyelids were now drooping. I stood shakily, grabbed Mom's blanket and covered my aunt, collected the glasses, used the remote to turn of the video and TV, took the glasses to the kitchen and headed off to bed myself.The next week was a blur. Mom gave no indication of what she had done with me, and there was no way I could bring it up.'Oh, yeah, Mom. Remember the other night when you jerked me off?'That's a conversation no guy wants to have with his mom! I jerked off numerous times that week remembering the feeling of Mom's hand on my hard cock, her stroking it up and down, the easy rhythm ... shit! Now I have to again.

Anyway, the week passed. I wondered if it was just a one-time event or (as I hoped) if it would become a regular occurrence. I mean, I had never thought about Mom in that kind of way before, she was just my mom you know, do your chores, finish your homework, blah, blah, blah. I now looked at her like I might do checking out a friend's mom, looking at her ass filling her jeans, trying to glance down her blouse, that type of thing. Mom was about 5' 7", was fairly slim as she did yoga and swam a lot, decent size breasts that I hadn't paid attention to before, and had deep brown hair with a short swept back style that was feminine but didn't take hours to care for. I realized that for an older woman, Mom was kind of hot! I always preferred brunettes over blondes anyway and now I wondered if that wasn't one of those subconscious things. I never noticed Mom looking at me any differently, but I didn't know if it was because she didn't or that I didn't catch her.

I managed to ace my mid-terms that week regardless of the fact that my brain was always mush and my dick was always hard. I had talked with Aunt Jess about next Friday's movie selections. I had picked out a sexy film noir flick that I hoped to get Mom as revved up as I constantly was. She agreed it was a good choice and said she couldn't wait until Friday. She gave me a sly smile that I didn't understand at the time. I knew Dad never cared what we watched as he only saw half a movie at most. Unless it was an action flick with lots of explosions and bullets flying and heroes kicking bad guy ass (and we did watch one upon occasion just to say he got a choice too).

Friday night arrived. I wolfed down dinner so fast Mom made a comment while Johnny and Jojo made pig noises. I couldn't wait to see if Mom would jerk me off again! After dinner I was about to race into the living room to set up the movies, but Mom told me to take out the now full bag of trash. I looked at it, then at her. "Can't it wait until tomorrow Mom?"

"Now Jeremy!" She said in that tone that brooked no argument.

I obeyed, if not only for her tone, but because I didn't want her upset with me and use that as an excuse not to jerk me off tonight. So I grabbed the bag and headed out the kitchen door. When I returned, my dick was already at half-mast, I saw everyone must already be in the living room. I was disappointed when I walked in. Mom was lying down on the couch covered with her blanket, which didn't give me much room to sit down, and Aunt Jessica was curled up on the loveseat under a blanket of her own. I looked at Mom, but she didn't look up.

"Come sit next to me Jeremy." My aunt beckoned.

Dad was already reclining in his chair, halfway through his second beer and my brother and sister huddled in the sleeping bag. Dejectedly I moved to the loveseat. Aunt Jess patted the cushion beside her. I sunk down and she covered me with the blanket.

"All comfy cozy." She smiled at me. I was anything but smiles. My dick, seeing it was getting no love tonight, fell back to sleep.

Dad started the kid's movie, a live-action remake of a classic animated movie, which turned out to be quite good actually; I think all four adults enjoyed it. My brother and sister loved it and had managed to still be awake when it ended, but by the time everyone took turns in the bathroom they both had conked out. Now during the first movie I was sitting close beside my aunt but wasn't 'cuddled up' like I would be with Mom. I had noticed Mom look a few times over at her sister with a scowl. I didn't know if it was because Aunt Jess had taken her spot, taken her spot so nothing could happen with me this week, or some other sisterly slight. They had seemed fine at dinner. I pulled the blanket up a bit higher as the room seemed chillier. Aunt Jess on the hand seemed cheerful with me. We chatted during the break and she reached out and touched my arm, patted my shoulder, and kind of kept touching me. I wondered how much wine she had already had but gave no more thought about it.

After everyone had arranged themselves again Dad started the movie. As I said it was a sexy film noir, kind of a retro-classic made to imitate the black and white films of the 40's and 50's. This left the room nearly dark for a lot of the time. This had been part of my plan to help induce Mom into repeating last week; sexy to get her revved and dark to hide what happened. Now with my aunt sitting next to me I resolved myself to just watch the movie and get lost in the intrigue and drama. I did notice fifteen minutes into the movie Aunt Jess had moved up against me, sort of leaning on me with both hands wrapped around my left arm. I told myself it was the effects of the wine. I continued to watch the lead actor as he seduced a few femme fatales while trying to sort through the conspiracy plot. I was into the movie and had given no more thought to missing out on another handjob from Mom. Then I felt Aunt Jess's hands running over my forearm. I would have to make sure to find a bucket for her when she crashed on the couch later if she had drunk that much alcohol! I shrugged her hands off but they soon returned. Then she reached across with her left and put it on my chest, and soon after it moved to down to begin to massage my abdomen.

What the heck?

Did my aunt think I was some kind of boyfriend she could make out with? I gave her a gentle push and tried to concentrate on the screen.

She had let me push aside, but only for a moment. She put her feet up underneath her and again leaned over against my side. Her right hand was now resting on my thigh almost on my knee, but her left again rested on my stomach. I turned to look at her and in the dim light from the screen I saw her just smile at me. I shrugged and thought,'Whatever.'Then looked back to the film. I wasn't going to let my obviously drunk aunt ruin the movie for me. She continued to rubbing my stomach which kept me from noticing her other hand creep up my leg until I felt it slide down to my inner thigh.

What the hell!?

I looked over at my mom and could see her focused ahead. Did my mom say something to her sister? Was Aunt Jessica trying to jerk me off like mom had last week? I couldn't even imagine them having that conversation! No. It had to be that Aunt Jess had too much wine and it had affected her libido. But I was her nephew! What was she thinking? But as weird as it might be, if she was going to go for it I wasn't one to stop her. I may not get Mom to jack me off, but my aunt's hand would work just as well!

Well if that's what she wanted I was going to let her! I leaned back further on the loveseat, sliding my ass forward so I was more reclined and giving my aunt easier access for whatever she wanted to do. I don't know if she knew why I had shifted but she took advantage of my new position. Her hand on my abdomen pushed aside my tee shirt and was now caressing bare skin and the other was practically touching my balls! I was losing focus on the movie as I concentrated on where and what my aunt's hands were now doing. Needless to say, during this my cock began to twitch and make its presence known, well to me at least. I had put on a pair of boxers under my shorts to prevent the complications of the previous Friday. What I didn't realize was that as my cock grew it was moving down my leg and not up to my stomach. This would normally be fine. I wasn't in any pain. But if someone would be inclined to want to stroke it, it most definitely needed to be pointed north and not south!

That was when one of those that were so inclined felt the head of my cock seeking to escape through the leg of my boxers and shorts. I felt Aunt Jess's knuckles brush against my cock's head as she rubbed up my inner thigh. I heard an intake of breath. Her hand quickly retreated a few inches. I don't know if she had expected to get me hard or that its southern migration had surprised her, but her hand moved forward and confronted my stiffening cock again. This time she moved her hand over my shorts and along the shaft. The next intake of breath was my own! Meanwhile Aunt Jess's other hand had moved from my stomach and had crept under my waistband. My dick was being assaulted from two fronts!

Aunt Jessica's movements were becoming awkward as she was now massaging my crotch with her hands crossed. She pulled both hands back, shifted her body and was now conducting a single frontal assault. Her right hand now pushed into my boxers and was rubbing along the shaft of my cock which was fully awake and throbbing now. I think Aunt Jess realized now the dilemma of south vs. north. She used both hands to solve the problem; by pushing my shorts and boxers down my thighs and releasing my cock to spring upright. Like previously, this cause a hill to appear on the blanket covering us. Unlike previously, Aunt Jess was fully attentive to the new terrain. I heard a faint giggle over the movie's dialogue. I didn't think it was loud enough for mom to hear; dad had been asleep for quite awhile by this point. I glanced to mom as she turned her head back to the movie.

Did mom know what was going on over here?

Was this something the two of them planned? No. If they had mom wouldn't be acting upset with her sister.

Didthey talk about mom jacking me off last week? And mom was upset because Aunt Jess preemptively took mom's spot so Aunt Jess could jack me off instead? How crazy did that sound?

As crazy as your mother giving you a handjob!

I was confused, but Aunt Jess now had her hand wrapped around my shaft and had started to give it a good stroking. She made no effort to conceal the tent or the movement beneath the blanket. I just sat there and let her have her way with my cock. What else could I do?

Now I should mention that although I had never thought of my mother as a woman before last week, my Aunt Jessica was a different story. I mean I would never have ever considered ever doing anything with her, but I had looked at her before. In that way that a nephew should never look at his aunt. She had short curly reddish-blonde hair with a trim figure from lots of exercise, but what you first noticed about Aunt Jess was her curves. And I mean curves! Her breasts were large and stood up firm on her chest so that I wondered if they were real. Her waist was so thin that it looked almost unreal in relation to the rest of her, and then her ass, what can I say? If you look up the definition of female posterior it would have a picture of the finest pair of buttocks you've ever seen. And that's Aunt Jess's ass. Her legs are exquisite too, but no one notices them. If you were in front of her you were staring at her tits, and if behind well, her behind. I admit I had fantasized about Aunt Jess, but always before completion I would think how wrong it was and visualize some other girl to get me off.

And right now this woman was openly running her hand up and down my cock! Well not completely open as the blanket still covered our lower halves. Much like with my mother I knew that Aunt Jess knew how to 'hand'le a cock (see what I did there!). She let me know just how good she was too. She spread my pre-cum all over and was giving me a thoroughly good handjob. Her rhythm was a very brisk pace without being enough to bring me to the peak and she kept varying the pressure of her grasp as she stroked me that I wondered that she could probably make a very good living doing this. 'Handjobs Я Us'. I laughed. Aunt Jess looked at me. I just shook my head.

Now her rhythm might not be enough to make me cum but boy was it getting me charged up! Whenever she was ready to make me shoot I knew I was going to explode! But she was relentless and I began to wonder if this pace would get me off. Could she make me I don't know, spontaneously orgasm? Was that a thing? I don't know but my legs were now spasming and I was trying to fuck her hand to push me over, but Aunt Jess just adjusted her strokes to counteract what I was doing. I was getting ready to yell at her to make me cum! I gave another quick glance at Mom. She was watching the screen almost too intently; like maybe she was trying somehow to sense what was happening on the loveseat. Aunt Jessica was stroking my cock with my mom in the room knowing her sister was going to make me shoot my load!

I was screaming in my head! Do it! Make me cum! My brain was spinning! I got light-headed before I realized I hadn't been breathing. I was grabbing the cushion beneath me so hard I was sure I would rip the thick fabric. My every muscle was clenched. Damn it woman, make me cum! Cum now! And her hand did something and it was like the switch to my balls! I blacked out then.

I don't know how long had passed when I 'awoke'. Aunt Jess was still slowly stroking me, but my cock had started to wither. I could hear my breathing as I gasped air into my lungs. My legs were still trembling and I had a cramp in my right calf muscle. I stretched my leg, trying to relieve the cramp. Then I noticed Aunt Jess rising from her seat, pushing the blanket aside and now exposing my shrinking dick. I grabbed my shorts and pulled them back up getting caught on my boxers still around my thighs. I managed to adjust everything even as I continued lifting and stretching my right leg. I saw Aunt Jess had also managed to collect most of my spunk in her other hand and same as Mom had done last Friday she was now slowly walking past the front of the couch. Mom glanced up at her sister as Aunt Jess took an exaggerated lick of her palm, my cum dripping off her tongue back to her cupped hand.

Holy Shit!

And Mom just watched her!

Aunt Jess paused a moment between Mom and the TV and took another lap out of her hand, before moving off down the hall, to the bathroom I presumed. But as she turned the corner I could see her bring her hand up to her face again!


Now I was pretty sure I had had a seriously major accident last Thursday. There was no way the events of the last two Fridays were real! I was laid up in some hospital on life support clinging to life and dreaming all this. My orgasms must have been some lowly nurse giving me a sponge bath and getting me off. There wasn't any other explanation. Or. I wasn't clinging to life. I was dead! That's it! Some drunk driver had swerved out of his lane and hit my car and killed me. I was in Heaven. Or I guess it could be justified to say I was in Hell. My aunt had looked devilishly sexy licking my cum from her hand! I reached down and pinched my thigh. Ouch! Well that was no proof. If I can feel my aunt and my mom make me cum, I could also feel a pinch. I glanced up and saw the credits rolling on the flat-screen. I looked over at Mom who still lay unmoving. Would she get up and go to bed now with me still there knowing what had just occurred? Could I get up and walk past her? I sat there frozen as the piracy warning came up and then flick back to the main menu screen. Well the half of the movie I had seen was good. Though I was still puzzled about Mr. Boone; was he dead or not?

I decided I had to get up as it appeared Mom wasn't moving and Aunt Jess hadn't returned. I wondered if she was now embarrassed and couldn't face her sister again and had gone to sleep in my parent's bed. I grabbed the remote and turned things off and started down the hall. I thought I heard Mom voice my name, so I paused and turned around, but it wasn't repeated so I went to bed. Yep. Heaven, Hell, or hospital.

I awoke the next morning late, everyone else was already up and I found mom in the kitchen tidying up from my sibling's breakfast. 'Where's Dad?' Though I suspected I already knew the answer.

'You know, golfing with Jack.' As I thought.

'And Aunt Jess?' I tried to sound uninterested.

'She left awhile ago.' She dried her hands on the dish towel. 'Why?' It sounded innocent but to me it was an accusation.

'Just curious.''I wanted to see if she'd jerk me off again mom.'I thought joking to myself.'Unless you're willing to do it?'I grabbed the orange juice from the fridge and started to take a drink but stopped myself before mom could scold me. I got a glass from the dish strainer and poured it full. 'I'm thinking of going to shoot some hoops with Billy.'

'Be back by dinner.' I couldn't be sure but it seemed as if mom was avoiding looking at me. She knew as surely as I knew she knew. Technically I was the 'victim' here so I wasn't going to act ashamed of what she and her sister had done. In fact I was going to take the 'high road', so I gave her a quick peck on the cheek as I put the empty glass in the sink before I left. I could feel her eyes on my back without turning as the back door closed behind me.Needless to say the next week was tense. More so when I came home from class one day and Aunt Jessica was there. Mom tried to act like nothing was wrong and my aunt only gave my curious glances when she thought I couldn't see her. I couldn't stay in the room with them, it felt too weird. I wished I could have listened in on what they were saying; if anything was said about me. Neither said anything to me as I crossed the room to the stairs. I could hear the murmurs of them talking but not any words much less the topic. I tried to put it out of my mind and played some video games to distract me. I lost track of time until my sister barged into my room and informed dinner was ready. I was relieved to see Aunt Jess had left even though I usually liked to 'see' her more often. The rest of the week passed quickly. I was unsure if I was anxious or dreading Friday night.

I did not need to be either it turned out. Aunt Jessica had a rare date and wasn't going to be here. I wondered about mom though. Would she attempt anything without her sister here? I'm sure she hadn't intended to do anything that first Friday, but with the way she acted after and then with last week with Aunt Jess, I could tell there was something going on between them. What, a sibling rivalry? Was I the prize between two hot sisters? Sisters that just happened to be my sexy aunt and my mom!

Ended up with nothing happening that night, though mom still sat next to me on the loveseat and leaned on my shoulder as usual. I couldn't pay attention to either movie as I was constantly on edge waiting for mom to make some indication whether my stiff dick would get any attention from her. When the film ended I had to stay sitting until she got up and headed for bed before rising and turning everything off and going to bed to take care of things myself.

I came home from hanging with friends the next afternoon and Aunt Jess was talking with mom in the kitchen about her date. I walked in and grabbed a soda from the fridge, listening to what I could as they continued to talk. It seemed Aunt Jess's date had been a bust; the guy had gotten drunk then 'handsy' with her before passing out. I did hear her say as I walked out of the room, 'I should've come over for movie night; I would've gotten more action here.' I spit soda all over the stairs! Was my aunt being that blatant with my mom? The only action she could've been implying was in my pants! Holy shit! I didn't hear mom's response but I was sure I could hear them both laugh.

So it was another stressful week for me. I was spending quite a bit of time in my room relieving that stress and my perpetually hard cock. The sight of my aunt or mom and remembering the feeling of their hands on me made sure I was constantly adjusting myself. I was wearing boxers exclusively now (I had liked to change things up; briefs and boxers each gave a different feeling) as I needed to keep things loose down there. I was sure mom had noticed my erection more than once. She never had a reaction or said a thing. Even if she had come to me and apologized for having jerked me off and that it would never happen again would have at least given me closure. I was left confused, wondering, and hard as steel.

By the next movie night I didn't know what to expect. Aunt Jessica showed up before dinner wearing a sexier than usual dress. Now she would make a burlap sack sexy but this wasn't her normal attire so I was immediately curious. Mom was wearing her robe as she always did after dinner. Things followed our normal routine through dinner, but when we all made for the living room I saw mom say something to her sister who then came and sat next to me on the loveseat. Mom moved to the couch and sat reclining on the end of it, wrapping her blanket about herself. Yep, something was definitely up between them. And something was up in my pants! We sat through the first movie making the usual small talk as my brother and sister were entranced by the CGI characters. We all took our intermission break and I saw my aunt fold her legs under her allowing her mid-thigh length dress to hike up enough that I was sure I could see the glimpse of a different colored fabric than that of her dress before pulling the blanket over us both. Her panties! I wondered if I wouldn't be shooting my load in my pants before she could even put her hands on me. If in fact that was what was going to happen.

Now the second movie this week was a spy thriller; giving dad something he might be interested in (though I doubted it as it was more of intrigue than a shoot 'em up). But again I couldn't focus on the screen as the glimpse of my aunt's panties and thinking of what might be about to occur left my head spinning. I had decided earlier in the day that if anything ever did happen again with either my aunt or my mother, I was no longer going to be just a bystander in this sisterly game. Ten minutes after the movie started I wasn't too surprised when Aunt Jess shifted, ostentatiously to make herself more comfortable; but I felt her right hand land on my bare thigh.

Obviously my cock was already at full attention.

It only took Aunt Jess a few minutes of casually rubbing my thigh before her hand had moved up and discovered this fact for herself. She paused as she touched my erection; whether from surprise at my condition or if deciding to continue.

She continued.

Her palm was pressed against my shorts covering my manhood, making small motions along the shaft. I winced and moaned, both in pleasure. She rubbed her open palm along my hard cock for only a few minutes before she dropped all pretenses at any innocence and quickly pulled my shorts and boxers down enough to allow my dick to spring upward. Her hand wrapped around my warm flesh adding the warmth of her palm and fingers. Aunt Jess's deft fingers slid up to the head of my cock then down to the base, again and again. It seemed she wasn't wasting any time and wanted to see how fast she could make me cum.

I wasn't going to argue!

I would miss the protracted torture of a prolonged hand job, but having my sexy aunt doing this at all was bliss enough so I couldn't complain about the way she was doing it. But as I said, I wasn't going to be a bystander this time. So I casually (or so I thought anyway!) moved my left hand under the blanket to Aunt Jessica's smooth thigh, just below the hem of her short dress. Her strokes on my cock paused as she had not expected this.

I held my hand on her leg for a brief moment and then inched it under the light fabric of the dress. She gripped my stiff member in a firm hold as my hand moved further up Aunt Jess's thigh. I wanted to massage the smooth skin but I was intent on reaching her crotch before she could decide to stop me. She wiggled a little and it took me a moment to realize she had spread her knees wider to allow easier access to her private parts. Her grip lessened and resumed its stroking even as the tips of my fingers encountered the gauzy cloth of her panties. I had my hand, my fingers anyway, on sexy Aunt Jessica's panties! My heart was racing as I pushed onward over her pubic mound covered with such thin fabric I could feel the small patch of hair beneath.

My aunt's pussy hair!

I ran my fingers over the front of her panties for a couple seconds before withdrawing to her inner thigh so that I could push my fingers under her panties and towards her pussy lips. My mind was picturing every detail that my fingers felt as they traversed her shaved skin around her cleft. The feeling was electric as I made contact with the folds of her outer then inner labia lips. I felt like a blind man reading Braille as I moved over and along her slit. Now I was no virgin and had seen a few pussies before, not even counting any I had seen on internet porn, so I knew my way around this unseen terrain. But this was my aunt! My aunt with her hand wrapped around my pulsing cock! And my fingers about to invade her dampening opening!

Aunt Jessica's stroking of my hard cock had taken on a new rhythm, one not so intent on how fast she could make me shoot my load. Did she now want to delay my gratification to coincide with her own? I held off on pushing my forefinger between her spreading lips as I wanted to explore the entirety of her nether reaches since she was allowing it. I moved my probing digits over every bit of her concealed beneath her panties, travelling over her increasingly wet pussy as I felt my way across her pubic area. I found she had a 'landing strip' of hair a few inches long at the crest of her womanhood; I ran my fingers through her small bush, luxuriating in the sensation. I couldn't hold back any more. I had to finger that hot snatch!

My fingers moved back to the center of her crotch, running once again along the length of her slit. It was definitely seeping juices now! Her pussy lips had blossomed open before my touch. I ran my middle finger between her lips, pushing somewhat into her soft crevasse. I was so focused on what I was doing I almost didn't sense that her rhythm had become broken and irregular. Her breathing was now audible and also irregular. I was heating her up! I kept my eyes forward and I could tell her focus was straight ahead also, though neither one of us saw the TV screen or anything else.

I pushed my middle finger into her now. I heard her give a small gasp. I sensed rather than saw that mom had looked over at us then. She couldn't know that I was taking an active part in this game of theirs. That I had sunk my finger well past the second knuckle into her sister's sweet snatch!

I kept my finger buried in Aunt Jess's pussy feeling her inner walls squeezing around it. Her hand had continued to rub up and down my shaft, spreading my oozing pre-cum over my length; her pace now quicker. I took up my own rhythm as I pulled my finger out slowly only to push back into her depths again. I felt her insides struggle to hold my finger within and then try to prevent its return as I plunged in and out. I noticed that her up and down stroking matched my in and out cadence.

I took it up a notch then. As I was pulling my finger up I pulled it completely out of her hole. I pushed my forefinger and middle finger in on the next beat. Aunt Jess suddenly had an iron hold on my cock as muscles throughout her body clenched. Her head fell onto the back of the couch and she let out a very audible gasp. I quickly looked around the room. My siblings were still sleeping, as was dad. Mom didn't look over but it seemed as she was forcing herself not to turn her head. Aunt Jess's inner pussy muscles pressed tightly against my two fingers as I resumed the tempo.

It was a couple strokes in and out of her now dripping pussy before she began to stroke my dick again, but I could tell she was struggling to maintain any sense of a steady pace. Every few penetrations of her pussy and she was again squeezing my cock almost painfully. As much as I wanted to make my aunt cum I also wanted my own release so I stopped my finger fucking so she could concentrate again on my hard cock. Instead I began twisting my fingers around inside her squeezing cunt, exploring the inner depths of my aunt's tight pussy. Aunt Jess was able to continue her strokes but I could tell I was giving her some new pleasure as her breathing got more ragged and her eyes now had a glazy quality. Then I heard her speak, barely a whisper, but the sounds had surely formed a word.

'Fuck!' She mouthed.

Aunt Jessica was going to cum by my hand!

This needless to say increased my own need. Her hand had enough of nice firm stroke that I could let myself shoot my load if I so choose. I still had enough thought to realize that if she made me cum that I would make a mess on the blanket covering us. And probably my shorts, the couch, Aunt Jess's dress, and for all I knew the ceiling! Aunt Jessica must have thought the same thing because she pushed the blanket off of us, exposing us both. But the next thing she did shocked me almost to the point of cumming right then. She dropped her head down to my lap and took the head of my cock into her mouth! She contorted herself enough that I was able to continue fingering her pussy.

She grunted as if from her belly as her body began to tremble. I increased the motions of my fingers and must have found her g-spot because her body reacted like she had touched a live electric wire! Her hand was now franticly jerking me off, her mouth sucking my cockhead. That did it for me! I blasted load after load of my cum into her mouth as she tried to swallow it down even as her own orgasm was sweeping through her quivering and shaking body, her cum juices coating my hand. For a few moments we were both caught up in our mutual orgasms.

My awareness returned before Aunt Jess and pulled my drenched fingers from inside her panties. Aunt Jess was still trembling as my wilting dick slipped from her mouth, my spunk trailing down her chin. Her eyes opened and for the first time since we sat she looked up at me with a sexy smile. She brought a finger from around my cock and ran it through the cum on her chin scooping it into her mouth, her tongue darting out to catch what it could reach. She sat back up pushing her dress hem down over her panties as I pulled the elastic waistbands of my shorts and boxers up. Aunt Jess continued to run her finger across her chin to get the last drabs of cum. My cum! On Aunt Jessica's chin!

I noticed the movie was still playing as Aunt Jess stood. She walked past my mother on the couch while licking her lips. She was letting mom know I came in her mouth! I panicked. What would mom say now? Had this gone too far? (Not as far as I was concerned! But who was I but a pawn in their sibling rivalry.) Would this be the last time this happened? I wanted more, but I had to admit that I had gotten more than any normal guy could've asked for. Jerked off by my mom and aunt, and to cum in my aunt's mouth! Aunt Jess walked down the hall to the bathroom; I heard the sink as the door closed. No sign from mom that she acknowledged her sister licking her lips or what it implied. I sat frozen. I shouldn't have let this happen! It was my fault. Once I suspected what was going on between the two of them I should have stopped anything further from happening.

Ah, who was I kidding?

Like I was going to turn down a hand job from anyone, even if it was my mom or hot aunt?

Then I realized that most normal guys would have.

Wouldn't they?

Mom still was watching the movie, though I knew it wasn't her normal interest. She was purposefully ignoring what had happened even if she had known ahead of time, but of course not to the full extent it would go. She had known her sister was going to jack off her son! She had sat on the couch with the intent of letting it happen! She shouldn't be mad at me for that! I didn't know that they had planned this, even if I might have suspected. Should I get up? I should wash as I had Aunt Jess's cum all over my hand. I realized the import of this thought. I brought my hand up to my nose to smell my aunt's fragrance, although there was a definite odor in the living room now from the two of us! I touched my tongue to my forefinger and tasted Aunt Jess's flavor. Tangy, but slightly sweet. Kind of appropriate for Aunt Jessica. I was licking more off my fingers when she returned from the bathroom, smiling when she saw what I was doing. I pulled my hand from my face embarrassed. Her smile got broader. I got up then and headed for the bathroom as Aunt Jess sat back down and pulled the blanket back up around her lower half. Mom didn't even glance at me as I crossed in front of her. In the bathroom at the sink I just shook my head, wondering what the hell I had gotten mixed up with.

I finished washing up and rearranging my soft dick in my underwear, decided I hadn't seen any of the movie to make a difference if I saw the end or not, so without word to either woman I went to bed, suddenly more drained than I had thought.The next morning I woke early and decided I didn't want to face my mother or my aunt, who I saw was sleeping on the couch, so when my father asked about joining him for a round of golf, I agreed. By early afternoon when we returned home Aunt Jess was gone and mom was in the basement doing laundry. I retreated to my room and my X-station. I hid there until dinner.

The next couple of days were very awkward for me to say the least. I knew my mother and my aunt had planned for my aunt to jerk me off with mom's consent. And that they had both done the same earlier without the others' knowledge (though mom had to know what would happen the first time with Aunt Jessica). I'm sure mom had gotten the details about my fingering her sister, even if she hadn't figured it out from what she'd heard across the room. Mom didn't avoid me per se, but things were different between us. I did 'notice' mom more. I hoped she hadn't seen me checking out her nice curvy ass or see her medium-sized tits when she wore a tight blouse and imagine my hands squeezing them. I did manage to catch her one evening as she came out of the upstairs bathroom from a shower wearing her knee-length fluffy cotton robe and when I said something she hadn't heard and turned around to me her robe swung apart enough for me to see her thigh nearly to the top. It was a chance thing, my eyes looking the right direction as she turned and the robe swung just the right way to allow me to view a majority of mom's inner thigh and nearly her pubic area. I don't think she realized what I had almost seen and when she asked me what I had said I had now forgotten so I said, 'Never mind', and walked away leaving her to stare after me. That was probably half the number of words we spoke to each other alone for those few days.

Considering all that had already happened to me and as weird as things were for me around the house my next actions may not have seemed to be the smartest in the world but I wasn't going to wait for Friday to see what mom and Aunt Jess decided would be next. I have to confess that I may not have been thinking with my big head so much as with my little head, so it seemed like a perfectly reasonable thing to do. I hadn't planned anything, I just did it on impulse; spur of the moment. So one afternoon after coming home from classes I walked into the kitchen while my mom was wiping down the counter. She was dressed in a form fitting light blue blouse and a black flowing skirt that made her look very motherly but with my knowledge of her made her look pretty hot. She was facing away from me and this idea just came to me. I had planned on going to my room and watching some internet porn and jerking off when I thought here was my mother that had already given me a hand job and was good enough about it that she had invited her sister to as well. With a stiffening prick as the thought hit me, I undid my pants and pushed them down to my knees.

'Hey mom.' I said holding my hardening cock.

She turned at the sound of my voice and her eyes went wide when she saw my state of undress. She seemed focused on my dick. 'What the ...?' She choked.

'I want you to jerk me off mom.' The bravest words I have ever spoken.

Mom just stared at my rising penis then up at my face. I could see the shock in her eyes as she glared at me as if I had just told her to ... well, jerk me off.

'What?!' She now screeched, her voice in an octave I had never heard from her before.

'Come on, you've done it before.' I semi-pleaded. I wasn't sure if she would or not and actually expected her to flat out refuse, but I had an evil thought come to me that made me not care either way.

'No!' I saw her eyes had dropped back to my fully erect cock.

'This is the kitchen! Put that thing away! I can't believe you would even ask such a thing!' She looked back into my eyes with utter disbelief. The shock wore off and now outrage and disgust replaced it. 'Why would you even think such a thing?' She shook her head, but seemed as if she was trying to avoid looking down again.

I bent down and grabbed my pants and began to pull them up.

'Fine, I guess I'll go over to Aunt Jess's I bet she will do it.' I said as nonchalantly as could muster, while not looking back at mom. I wished I could have seen the look on her face at that moment, but I had to appear unconcerned by her response.

I finished zipping up my pants and snapping them and headed for the back door. I tried to move slowly without seeming too, so as to give her time to think about what I said. Sure enough before my hand touched the door knob mom spoke.


I was jumping up and down inside! I knew I had her!

I slowly turned around to see a dejected look on mom's face as she looked at me. She had taken a step closer to me as if to stop me from leaving.

She looked me in the eyes as she slowly said, 'Okay.' She paused searching for the words. 'Pull it out.'

I couldn't help grinning then and I didn't care that she saw it. She had already resigned herself to do as I had asked.

I took a step towards her closing the distance by half as I began to unfasten my jeans again. She gave a sigh like she was being tasked with an onerous chore, but I wasn't fooled. If she hadn't wanted to do this she would have pulled her hand away that first night. I was learning mom was a sexual woman and had probably done many things I would never imagine her doing. And now she was going to do something she would never imagine herself doing, jacking her son off in the kitchen in the middle of the day!

I pushed my jeans to the floor this time as this time was for real. Mom closed to stand next to me her eyes fastening on my still stiff cock. I just stared at her as she contemplated her own thoughts. She had already known the feel of me, but hadn't actually seen my dick until then. Now she was studying it like an art student, taking in every part of my cock, every variance in coloring, the flare of the head, the pattern of veins, the pulse of my heartbeat visible beneath the skin.

Her right hand slowly rose from her side like she was about to pet a tiger. She brushed her fingers along the shaft at first, confirming that my cock was real. She felt over it for a moment and then realized she wouldn't be able to stroke my cock very well while standing and facing me. Her eyes looked back up to mine. She seemed to be asking an unspoken question. She moved next to me, her hand never leaving my steel rod dick. She was now able to get a nice grip around my shaft and began to slowly stroke. I leaned back against the counter for support. Mom was slightly bent forward to watch what she was doing, though she had already proven she didn't need sight to be able to jerk me off. She wanted to see my cock wrapped in her hand!

Her pace quickened a little as I was sure she wanted to finish this as soon as possible. The shaft began to redden from the friction. I was leaking pre-cum but instead she took her hand off me and brought it to her mouth so she could spit a large glob of saliva into it which she spread over the length of my pulsing dick. I have to admit that although I had already had mom, and my aunt, do this before, the fact I was able to visually witness it this time made it so much sexier and made me even harder (what's harder than steel?). I wanted this to last because I didn't think I could use the trick of threatening to go to her sister for relief would ever work again. If I upset mom enough she could conspire with her sister to the point that I would probably never have a woman jerk me off ever again! And that's if she didn't just decide to castrate me and I wouldn't ever need to worry about it again!

She brought her hand to mouth for more saliva a couple more times until I was well coated in mom's spit. She then began a serious rhythm. With the lubrication she able to get a fierce grip around my cock and continue with her quick up and down motion, her hand twisting on the shaft as it travelled its length. I wasn't going to last long regardless of wanting it otherwise! Her fist was nearly a blur! My knees quivered. I knew she knew what she was doing to me and she managed to increase her speed! Oh god I was going to cum like never before! She sensed this and, surprising me, she dropped to her bare knees. She never broke her stroke.

I was groaning now, unsure if I was still breathing, and every muscle in my body no longer seemed in my control as I shook as mom was bringing me to that glorious release! I would have been shouting at mom if I had command of my lungs and vocal cords. Pig-like noises came out of my mouth. I think I might have been drooling too! I was going to repaint the kitchen with gallons of my spunk! I stared at mom willing her to take me over the top. She may have started off wanting to finish fast, but even as fast as she was going she somehow was keeping me from unloading all over her as she had shifted around more in front of me.

I saw her glance up at my face, returning my look. She no longer seemed adverse to her actions; a faint smile touched her lips. I saw her look down at the floor, up to her blouse, then back to my dick dripping pre-cum. As little thought as I was capable of at the moment I was able to formulate that mom had just realized the mess I was about to make on her clean floor and blouse. She glanced up at me again. I knew what she was about to even as she took my cock into her mouth and that's the moment my world exploded! I felt like both my balls and most of my organs were being shot from my cock!

My hands gripped the counter behind me as my knees nearly gave out, my heart hiccupped, and I made a strangled gurgling sound. Mom's lips were locked around the base of the head of my cock as I blasted load after load of my sticky cum into her mouth! She managed to suck it all down her throat as I poured my insides to her insides. Even as I finished cumming she continued to suck out any remaining organs I had left. I would have slid down the counter to the floor if mom hadn't been before me propping me up. I saw her pull her mouth off the cock I had thought had gone down her throat with the rest of me and a small trickle of white fluid dripped off her lower lip. As well as she had sucked my cum from me she had to have intentionally let this little bit stray onto her chin. She made a show of sticking her tongue out and lick it back into her mouth. She leaned back as my dick shriveled. Even as I had tried to use her I wondered if I hadn't been used.

Mom stood back up without a word. I waited for one. Mom merely moved over to the sink and began to wash her hands. My strength slowly returned and so I bent down and pulled my pants back up and tucked everything into place. Mom picked up the dishrag she'd been wiping the counter with when I'd entered and started wiping again. I stood straight and looked to her.

'Thanks mom! You're the best!' I mean I had to say something to her, she had just given me the best orgasm I ever had! I moved again for the back door as she continued to blindly wipe the counter. I knew she was avoiding looking at me. She must be so embarrassed to have just sucked her son's cum down her throat!

'I'm going over to Billy's to shoot some hoops. Be back for dinner!' And I exited the house.

Jenny continued to wipe the counter absent-mindedly after Jeremy left. Her mind was racing but no thought lasted very long. She asked herself how things had come to this point. She knew when it started; that night when Jeremy was wiggling and shifting so much she had fallen from leaning against him and her hand had landed, not on his leg as she first thought, but on his big hard cock! She knew her son had to get erections, he was eighteen, but it wasn't something she consciously thought about. And she definitely wouldn't have thought about how big it would be! And big it was! She couldn't believe first that he'd been hard (and obviously now the cause of his fidgeting) and second that she had left her hand resting on it when she realized where her hand was. It had been weeks since she and her husband had had sex and she had to admit feeling that huge stiff dick had made her horny. Even if it belonged to her son! She would never believe she would jerk him off, much less right there in the living room! Everyone but her sister was asleep by then but it still made her wet to make her son cum in her hand! Then to lick his cum from her palm where Jessica could see her if not know what she was doing nearly brought her to her own orgasm!

And Jeremy's cum had tasted so good too!

That should have been the end of it.

She should never have admitted to her sister what she had done or how big her son's cock had felt.

She and Jessica had always had a rivalry over boys ever since Jess had stolen her first serious boyfriend in junior high. After that it had become a contest of trying to seduce the other's dates from them. Jessica being honestly the hotter of the two of them, won more often than not. It wasn't until she met Justin that she found someone her sister couldn't lure away from her, even after the night she came home from studying at the library and found Justin had come by to ask her to dinner and her little sister was prancing around in her bra and panties! Justin had been unaffected by her half-naked little sister and his eyes never left her when she walked in. That's when she knew he was the one she would marry! The day she got married is when their competition had ended. Jessica soon found a steady boyfriend and had dated for two years before she too got married. Her husband's eyes weren't so focused on her as Justin's were on Jenny, and after eight years Jessica discovered he was having an affair. She divorced him immediately and had been single since. Too many guys saw just the hot woman they wanted to bang and not a girlfriend or wife. She felt bad for her sister even after all the boyfriends she'd lost to her, because in the end her sister had helped her find the right guy for her.

Jenny normally confided everything with her younger sister, so thought nothing about confessing her indiscretion with her son to her. She didn't realize though that the rivalry had never ended between them until the following week she discovered Jess sitting in her usual spot for movie night. She was suspicious but didn't think Jess would dare to do that with her nephew! She had had an innocent action escalate; Jess's would be premeditated. She saw her son and sister shifting about on the loveseat but continued to trust nothing would happen. She tried to trust anyway. But when her sister stood and licked her palm as she had done seven days prior she knew Jess had done as she had.

She hoped that it was merely a matter of her sister doing everything her big sister did and that it would be a one-time thing for the both of them. She'd been thrilled when Jess had come over that week to announce her date on Friday. She had no intention of doing anything again with Jeremy. Of course Jess's date had turned out as many did and she felt bad for her, but when her sister had commented about the 'action' she could get here with Jeremy barely out of the room, she couldn't believe her sister would be so bold! Jenny told her sister then that nothing was going to happen by the two of them with her son and made Jenny promise. A promise that didn't last long. The next week Jessica told her sister she wanted to jerk Jeremy off again, that it had gotten her so hot and horny before and that it wasn't as if she had a faithful husband like Jenny did. Jess had convinced her to allow her one more time with Jeremy and she would never do it again. Jess had once again played on her sympathies for her 'lonely, single' sister and she had reluctantly agreed to allow one more time but then it would be over.

Sitting on the couch while she knew her sister was running her hand up and down the shaft of her son's hard cock was one of the most difficult things she'd ever done. She forced herself to ignore what was happening just feet away between her sister and her son. She was stunned when she heard the sounds her sister soon began to make. It sounded as if she was getting off too! Was she rubbing herself or, god forbid, was Jeremy doing it for her!? The thought of Jeremy rubbing her little sister's pussy had made her wet too. She couldn't believe what was happening to her family. That Jessica had been able to even talk her into allowing her to what amounted to molesting her son!

And now this afternoon Jeremy walks into the kitchen with that huge cock out! And telling her to jerk him off! Yes, she'd already done it before, but it had been in a dark room and underneath a blanket, not in the middle of the kitchen in the middle of the day! Anyone could have walked in! Of course she'd told him no. She wasn't going to do that again! At least she told herself that. But then she'd looked at that magnificent cock begging for her touch! She was proud of herself for resisting. Then he threatened to go to Jessica's! She wasn't going to give in to her lust, but she couldn't allow him to go over to her sisters' either. In the end she did give in. And she enjoyed it too! She would never had intended to let him cum in her mouth, but she hadn't planned on doing it so she had no choice as he would have made a mess on the floor she'd just cleaned or on her new blouse! She had to accept that deep down she wanted another taste of his hot spunk! He'd cum so much too! She couldn't believe when he started to shoot his seed down her throat that there could be so much!

After Jeremy had acted like it was nothing to have his mother blow him like that! How dare he! She wondered if maybe he had played her by using his Aunt Jessica against her. Could he be so manipulative? She was going to have to talk to Jess and end this for good. If her son had discovered he could use them against each other nothing good would come from it!

She rinsed out the cloth and hung it to dry. She could still taste his cum! So salty sweet! Much like his father's but better. And so much more recent. She realized how damp, no soaked, her panties were. She normally took care of herself in the shower in the evening if it was necessary, or in the warm bath she took Sunday afternoons. But her lust was screaming for release right now! She would go over and talk to her sister, right after she made herself cum first!

Jenny hurried upstairs, not even bothering to get undressed as she knew her orgasm wouldn't be long in coming. She dropped the soaked panties and lay back on the bed and drove the fingers of her right hand under her skirt. Her fingers were insistent on her stiff clit, rubbing furiously back and forth, pushing her to the peak of her pleasure. Unbidden, the memory of her son Jeremy shooting his delicious sperm into her mouth overcame her and triggered her own heavenly orgasm. Her frantic fingers continued flicking across her hard nub giving her numerous mini-orgasms as her body convulsed about the bed. After some minutes a cramp in the back of her hand caused her to cease the ministrations on her clit. She continued to shake as orgasmic tremors swept through her as she gulped in air.

Oh fuck! Jenny thought. She hadn't realized the effect her actions with Jeremy had had on her own libido. She hadn't had an orgasm that good in quite a long time! She lay there for a few moments contemplating going again. No! She had to get up and go talk to her sister. This couldn't go on. She took a deep breath and sat up. She sat on the edge of the bed for another moment collecting her strength and her thoughts, and tried to resolve herself for the confrontation with her little sister.Now to be honest I had every intention of going to Billy's. Really I did! But as I walked down the street (he didn't live too far from me) I realized I would be near Aunt Jessica's house. I had just had a tremendous orgasm but I was eighteen and the thought of my sexy aunt giving me a hand or blow job got my dick stirring again. If mom was going to cut it off after this afternoon, I might as well enjoy as much as I can until then. I gave my cock a quick squeeze and detoured towards Aunt Jess's.

It only took a few minutes to walk over to the next block to my aunt's house and after a quick knock I walked in. Aunt Jess was crossing her living room to answer the door when I entered. She seemed only a little surprised to see me; I didn't usually come over to her house as I saw her frequently at my own.

'Hello Jeremy.' She gave me a hug then pulled back with her hands still on my shoulders. 'What are you doing here? Something you need?' She smiled inquisitively at me.

'I hope so.' I said calmly. I took a step back breaking her contact with me. 'I just had mom jerk me off and I wondered if you could do better.'

Now I know what they mean when they say you could hear a pin drop! I'm pretty sure both of our hearts had even stopped beating for a second as her mouth dropped open and her eyes sprang open wider. I stood staring back at her boldly as she just gaped at me. The universe might have even paused as my words sunk in to my stunned aunt. As I stood there I took in the sight before me: Aunt Jess was wearing a tight navy blue sweater that didn't conceal the voluminous voluptuous orbs of Aunt Jess's tits and black yoga pants that clung to every curve of her scrumptious hips and ass. (I have to admit here that I believe yoga pants to be one of the greatest inventions of all time!) Her burnished blonde-tinted hair was pulled back in a rough pony tail.

And the universe un-paused.

'What?!' She breathed softly.

'I asked her to jerk me off and she did. Even let me cum in her mouth!' I smiled innocently as if I'd just told her I had eaten cake for lunch today.

I noticed her body twitch and it was like she'd become a whole different person. She smiled sexily back at me.

'Well if you'd wanted a real blow job you should have come to me first!' Then stepped back up to me and gave me a passionate kiss. It only lasted a few seconds but wow!

I immediately kicked off my shoes and began to fumble with my jeans, my fingers suddenly forgetting how to work a zipper. Aunt Jess pushed my hands away and unfastened my jeans herself. She pushed them and my boxers down, then as she ran her tongue over her luscious lips when she saw my cock spring forth, she dropped to her knees and pulled them off completely. I was left standing there in a tee shirt and my socks. Aunt Jess looked up at me with my dick inches from her face and again gave me that sexy smile of hers. I couldn't believe that I had managed to get mom and my aunt in this same position in less than an hour!

Aunt Jessica reached both her hands up and began to fondle my cock and balls, running her fingers over every inch of my private parts. The feeling was incredible even so soon after the tremendous cum mom had given me! Aunt Jess's eyes were glued to my raging hard-on, her fingers continuing to dance over my delicate skin. She kept this up for a minute or two as if she was fully acquainting herself visually with my cock. 'Cock, Aunt Jess. Aunt Jess, my cock.'

Then she took it into her mouth! And not just a tentative suck in the head, or run her tongue around it. No! She took more than three-quarters of me straight into her throat! My knees buckled and I nearly fell forward atop her before she put the palm of her left hand on my abdomen to push me upright.

'Holy shit Aunt Jess!'

She pulled her mouth slowly back off my dick, holding it with her right hand.

'I told you, a real blow job!' She giggled and again took me into her mouth, taking my cock even further down her throat!

She held me enveloped in her warm moist mouth for a moment before pulling back up to just the head still trapped by her lips. She swirled her tongue all over the head and around underneath, then focused on the sensitive cleft on the bottom. Her saliva was drooling from her mouth as she did this and her right hand twisted and stroked up and down my shaft spreading it until my member was coated with her spit. Then again she pushed her mouth down on me and this time she gave my pubic hairs a kiss! She held it there for a second even as I heard her choking around my cock. She pulled back off with watery eyes and her thick saliva leaving trails at her retreat.

'You're probably the biggest one I've ever done that with!' She coughed out with a grin.

I knew my cock was bigger than average but it's not like you go down the street asking guys about the size of their dicks. I caught a glimpse of a few in the shower after gym in high school, but that was soft, and I tried actively to 'not' see other guy's junk. So it was nice to get confirmation about my manhood; and from someone I was sure had seen more than her fair share of hard cocks in her life.

'I can't believe you could do that!'

'Oh I can do much more than that.' She took me back down to the base again, up to the head, down to the base, up to the head. She continued this for a couple minutes while I heard her fight back her gag reflex every time she took me down into her throat. During this her tongue was not idle either. It wrapped around my shaft like a third lip caressing me within her oral cavity. Aunt Jess eased up her activity to catch her breath as she was only able to breathe through her nostrils. She was taking shorter strokes with her mouth but making up the difference with her spit-covered hand. My footing was steady now so she pulled her left hand from my belly and cupped my hairy balls like she was about to roll dice. Even without taking my cock down her throat, Aunt Jess continued her relentless tempo of sucking me in and out of her mouth. It was a pace to entice me, to increase my passion, to make my blood hot and my skin boil. Aunt Jessica was in this for the long haul. She wasn't going to let me cum quickly, this was going to last and last and ... well you get the idea. Her bobbing up and down with her mouth, her hand stroking in an opposing beat; both with a precision and an intensity to make any V-8 engine jealous! I just stood there trembling from her treatment. I had just cum within the hour, so even with my youthful recovery time it would still be some while before I was even in danger of shooting my load again. I wanted my sexy aunt to continue for as long as she was willing.

'You're so hot Aunt Jess! I almost can't believe you're doing this for me!'

'Maybe I'm doing this for myself? I love sucking big dicks like yours! When I felt it that first time I couldn't believe my little nephew was packing such a magnificent cock! When your mother told me how big it felt I had to find out for myself. And I'm glad I did!' She took my 'magnificent cock' back into her wet mouth and resumed sucking it. Mom had told her!

'Mom actually told you about my dick?' Not that I was trying to distract her, but I wanted to know.

'I know huh? She and your dad haven't been tearing it up in the bedroom department if you know what I mean?' Aunt Jess kept stroking with her hand as she talked.

'Ew! That's my parents!' I interjected.

'Your mom that has jerked you off twice and as you claim sucked down your cum!' She laughed at my protest.

'Yeah, you're right. But still, I don't want to think of mom and dad having sex.' I chuckled.

'But you have no problems with your 'hot' aunt do you?' Her laugh turned sexy.

'Never a problem with you, Aunt Jess!' I exclaimed as she resumed sucking my steely bar of flesh.

'And I have no problem with your big hard dick!' She proceeded to deep throat me again.

She deep throated me until she was struggling for air and then resumed her previous sucking and pumping. I had seen a lot of internet porn in my time. Seen many blow jobs by women being paid to suck cock. I seriously have to say that Aunt Jess could give most of them lessons! She was able to keep me ready and wanting to blast my cum all over her but also able to keep me from doing so! My breathing was so ragged I was getting a bit light headed but I wasn't about to tell Aunt Jess to slow down or, God forbid! To stop! I would collapse first before I ever told my aunt to stop sucking my cock!

Aunt Jessica knew as well as I that this was one of those once in a lifetime events and she was putting every effort she could, using everything she knew about sucking a cock into her performance, even as I was doing all I could to remember everything she was doing to me, every sensation and every touch. Even the greatest performances must come to an end eventually, so I was slightly disappointed as I was also elated as Aunt Jess began to increase her efforts and rhythm to make me cum.

Or so I thought!

It was at that moment that unheard by either of us that mom had shown up and entered when no one answered her knocks. She had taken a step out of the small foyer into the living room when all three of us were suddenly aware of each other.

'What the fuck?!' Mom screamed.

I just stood there frozen. What else could I do? I was naked from the waist down with my hard cock in my aunt's mouth!

Aunt Jess paused for a moment then just resumed her motions.

'What the hell do you two think you're doing?!' Mom screamed again, her face turning beet red.

Aunt Jess pulled her mouth off my dick and looked upward at her sister and said so calmly that I loved her so much more at that moment, 'Nothing you haven't already done today.'

I tensed at Aunt Jess's comment as I could tell mom did too. My aunt just kept pumping my cock while staring at mom.

The color that had risen in mom's face had drained completely out. She turned from beet red to milky pale in two heartbeats! She said nothing, just staring straight ahead at her sister and her son. I didn't know what I wanted to do more, apologize profusely to mom, run home and hide in my room, go home and move out so I would never have to see either of them again, or cum all over Aunt Jess's face!

I have to say now how much I love my aunt! She presented a different option. One I should have thought of first.

'Come over here and join me Jenny! There's plenty for both of us!' She let out a slight laugh.

My head swam as the import of my aunt's words hit me.

Both of them!

At the same time!


I really was still in that hospital bed clinging to life!

I turned my head to look at mom. She was still frozen in place, but her eyes were locked on what her sister was doing with my stiff cock. Her eyes were glazed over. I saw her quiver then take a step slowly closer. Then another. She was about two feet from us when she stopped moving forward. Aunt Jess pulled my cock from her mouth and waved in mom's direction.

'Don't you just love this big hard cock your son has? I know I do!' And she took it back in her mouth again. Mom just stared down at her. And then she dropped down to her knees! She hobbled closer when her sister once again swung my dick at her. Mom's right hand rose and grabbed me around the base of my cock and gave a not too gentle squeeze. I didn't know if it was unintentional or it was payback for any of this.

The next time my aunt pulled my cock from her mouth, mom leaned forward and took it deep into her mouth. Aunt Jess kept up her stroking as she allowed mom to suck me in and out of mouth. Mom loosened her grip on the base as she started to bob up and down at a pretty pace herself. After a minute she pulled her head back and looked at her sister with a somewhat blank look at first then slowly emotion filled back into her features.

'What the hell have we started here?' She spoke calmly as she licked out at my cock head.

My aunt smiled but said nothing as her own tongue ran up my cock shaft.

The two of them ran their tongues over my hard dick, never meeting but licking it from top to bottom. I watched both their faces crowded close to my groin as their tongues engulfed me in a flood of new sensations. My aunt may be the better cocksucker (as far as I could tell so far anyway), but having two women licking and sucking you was world's beyond! Aunt Jess even trailed down and was sucking and licking my balls while mom had begun to bob up and down my cock, more than half my length filling her mouth as she pumped me with her right hand. Aunt Jess licked her way back up and mom pulled off to allow her sister to suck me back into the depths of her throat. Mom smiled but didn't try to duplicate the feat when she took her turn taking me into her mouth. Mom may not have been able to deep throat me, but she was able to do things with her tongue that her sister couldn't match. However I looked at it I was clearly the winner here!

They continued to lick and suck me, deep throat and tongue me, bob and blow me for quite awhile. At least fifteen minutes or so. I had been ready to cum before mom had shown up and Aunt Jess had been ready to make me, but with the addition of mom I was willing to go all night like this if necessary. But I wanted more! Like I didn't have more than some guys could only dream of already. I know. Sue me. You'd do the same!

I took a step back from the two of these gorgeous women, staring at them as they both looked up at me confusion in both sets of eyes. In unison they started to knee-walk closer to me, reaching out with their hands for my absent cock.

'No.' I told them firmly, liking this power I seemed to have over these two beautiful women. They looked up at me wantonly. 'You have seen mine. I want to see some tits!'

Aunt Jess reached down and had her sweater over her head in a flash, her bra quickly following it. Her large breasts barely sagged when released from their confinement. They must have been about 33D. Mom had paused and looked down at her blouse. She looked back up at me with her reluctance all over her face.

'No more sucking until I get to see both sets of your tits!'

Aunt Jessica turned to glare at her sister. 'Come on Jenny! It's only your boobs! What's the big deal? You have been sucking his dick after all!'

Mom looked over at her sister feebly trying to return the glare and failing, then looked up at me again. I just looked sternly back at her while waving my cock with my hand. Her eyes looked down to it and her fingers began to feebly unbutton her filmy blouse. She looked down at her hands fumbling with the buttons and then hungrily back to my cock. She finished with the buttons and pulled the blouse out of being tucked in her skirt. She paused with her blouse hanging open, her white bra now visible. Then with more determination she let the blouse drop off the back of her shoulders and reached behind her with both hands and undid the bra which fell to the floor in front of her.

Mom had fantastic tits! They did sag a bit more than Aunt Jess's did, but they weren't much smaller, D's for sure, with very prominent and now erect nipples!

Aunt Jess had already moved back to my side as my mother removed her bra and mom took her place at my other hip. I was still holding my cock, waving it at both of them, but I wasn't done with them yet!

'I want to see you together.'

They again looked at me confused.

'Rub your tits together.'

They both grabbed their breasts and squeezed them together. Now it was a sexy sight to be sure, it wasn't what I had meant.

'No, not that. With each other.' I repeated.

Aunt Jess's face brightened. She grabbed the sides of her boobs and turned to mom and rubbed them against mom's. Mom understood and turned so they were able to rub their nipples on their sisters'. I was ecstatic! This was probably the sexiest thing I'd ever seen (so far!)! Mom's face showed signs of her reluctance returning.

'We shouldn't be doing this!' She protested while Aunt Jess continued to rub her tits on mom's.

'Now kiss!' I wasn't sure how far they would go, mom was faltering, but Aunt Jess seemed more than willing.

Mom definitely gave me a look then! Aunt Jess just smiled gleefully. Mom glanced over to her then back up to me, then at my hard cock I was still waving in front of them. Aunt Jess leaned over and began to lightly kiss mom around the edges of her mouth, barely touching her lips. Mom's lips were closed but she wasn't returning her sister's kisses. Aunt Jess began to kiss over mom's lips and I saw mom return one. Their lips met again this time more firmly. Mom began to match Aunt Jess's kisses with her own and the two women were soon lip locked in a very sexy passionate kiss with tongues entwined in one another's mouths.

'Oh yeah! That is so hot!' I said but I didn't think either of them heard me, at least they didn't show they had.

I took my cock and pushed between their lips; they separated only enough to let my hardness squeeze past their lips. They both started kissing and licking the sides of my dick, kissing one another as their lips met. The sight of mom and my aunt kissing my cock and each other all together ... well, all I can say is just Wow!

I swung my hips back and forth sawing my pulsing penis between their mutually saliva-coated lips. Both women ran their lips and tongues all over me. This was all I could take! I didn't know if either of them wanted me to shoot my load in their mouths or if I could cum all over both their faces as I wanted to do. I wasn't sure if I should warn them I was about to spray all over them. And at that moment the front door opened and in walked a vaguely familiar woman.

My orgasm shriveled inside me even if my stiff cock didn't. Mom and Aunt Jessica froze upon hearing the door, neither had time to try to hide or cover up. The woman was standing in the exact same spot mom had stopped upon entering the room, but she wasn't shocked like mom.

'Who's the cutie with the big pecker?' She said whimsically. She was about the same age as mom and my aunt, had medium length curly auburn hair and a decent looking figure beneath her khaki shorts and black tee shirt. Her breast were at least D cups.

I noticed Aunt Jess took a breath in relief when she seemed to recognize this new intruder. Mom was still tense, her eyes wide, but she too took a deep breath. Meanwhile I'm standing there with my mother's hand locked around my 'big pecker' in a vice grip still only wearing my tee shirt and socks in front of this woman I was sure I had seen before but that gave me little ease in my current state.

Aunt Jess laughed easily, 'He's my nephew.' Then she leaned back to suck half my dick into her mouth. It was a strange way to greet someone I thought, but hey I was still getting my cock sucked!

The woman gave a short gasp in mock surprise still smiling as if not sure to believe her answer. Then she looked to mom with her hand still locked on my most precious member. Her surprise suddenly became real on her face.

'But, then ... he's your ... your son!'

Mom was barely able to nod, her face turning red as Aunt Jess fed her my dick. She pushed her head to me until I was halfway down her throat and pulled back off with her cheeks hollowed as she sucked.

'Well you better share that thing with me!' She exclaimed and moved into the room, kicked off her sandals and knelt beside mom and Aunt Jess. Okay now I had three very fine looking mature women about to suck my cock! I must have been one miserably poor itinerant down-trodden disease-ridden peasant in a past life to have earned this much karma! I mean, holy fuck!