Marcus concluded that it had begun as such incidents often did. An off-the-cuff remark received a sarcastic reply, which prompted an even more sarcastic response before the war of words escalated. At some point, violence entered the fray, with his mother suffering a split lip and a black eye.

Susan had tolerated her husband's behaviour for many years, making excuses and trying to hide the bruises and marks that he left on her face and body when he lost his temper and used his fists.

"Thank God her children were out," she thought to herself; at least they had not had to witness this latest assault.

With his anger expended for the moment, Thomas stormed off. He left his wife to wipe the blood from her face and retrieve a small pack of frozen peas from the freezer, which she tenderly placed against the swelling around her eye. He would probably return later, after he had cooled down, begging her to forgive him and promising it would never happen again.

He would promise it on each occasion, and yet it continued to take place. She dreamed of leaving him -- of escaping to somewhere safe with her son and daughter -- but knew he would come looking. Anyway, she had no money, no job, and nowhere to go. She was afraid that he would go too far one day and kill her, but how did she escape her impending fate?

Marcus was the first to arrive home. He examined his mother's injuries and held her tightly as the tears began to flow. How many times had he done this, giving her comfort after one of his father's outbursts?

Once, it had been an isolated occurrence. Lately, however, it seemed to be growing in frequency as he noticed his mother becoming a human punchbag when his father lost his temper.

He had previously begged her to leave his father, but she had always given him the same reply. "Where will I go and what will I do, Marcus? I'm trapped with no escape."

When Molly, his sister, arrived home, she launched into a tirade against Thomas, calling him all the names under the sun. Just like her brother, she was protective of their mom, and while Marcus simmered inside, she voiced her anger at their father's actions.

Both knew what the argument meant. Normally, after their evening meal, they would be out with friends, but with this latest incident, neither of them wanted to leave her alone. Their father might return in an apologetic mood, but, unfortunately, if he had found his way into one of the many local hostelries, he could return in a state and spoiling for another fight.

Susan wasn't scared for herself; she was afraid for her children. When they were young, Thomas had been somewhat of a disciplinarian, but he only resorted to an occasional slap when they were naughty, rarely intentionally inflicting pain. His mood swings were getting worse though, and she was beginning to fear for their safety if they got in his way.

It was nearly ten o'clock that evening when he returned, and they could hear him grumbling and muttering to himself as he came up the garden path and opened the front door. As they feared, he was intoxicated and determined to settle the previous disagreement with his wife.

"Where is she? Where is the bitch?"

While Molly comforted their mother, Marcus put himself between them and his advancing father.

"Get out of my fucking way, boy," Thomas thundered, continuing to approach until he came up against his son's outstretched arm.

"You have done enough damage, dad; leave her alone!"

The alcohol did Thomas no favours; he still saw Marcus as a child. With drink inside him plus being overweight and going to seed, his son standing in his path was like a red rag to a bull. He took a swing, a haymaker, and missed.

His mouth hurt; he could taste blood, and he was sitting on his backside, his head spinning.

Marcus stood over him. "Get up, and I'll put you down again; that's the last time you ever hit her."

Thomas struggled to his feet. He wasn't taking that, especially in his own home, and suddenly lunged forward, arms outstretched, trying to get a grip on his son. Unfortunately, Marcus wasn't there any longer; he had stepped back and sideways, and instead, Thomas met a fist that hit him full-on in the face, breaking his nose, and putting him back on his arse.

"Keep getting up, and I'll keep putting you down. Not very pleasant, is it? It's easy to hit mom when she doesn't fight back."

The fight had gone out of him, but "he would bide his time," Thomas thought. However, he was not expecting what followed as his son spoke.

"You can spend the night in the car, and then tomorrow, pack your bags. We don't want you here anymore. Isn't that correct, mom?"

Susan felt a sudden dig in her ribs. Molly looked at her and mouthed the answer. "Ye... Yes... that's right," she stammered.

Thomas was going to put up an argument, but with the front of his shirt already bloodied and both his nose and mouth hurting, perhaps tonight was not the ideal occasion to have another set-to with Marcus.

"Molly, get him a couple of blankets. We don't want him to freeze to death, do we?"

She would have been quite happy to see her father freeze or burn in hell. He was a bully, the worst kind, one who resorted to beating his wife when arguments got out of hand.

Marcus handed over the car keys and ushered him towards the front door. Once his dad was outside, he clicked on the deadlock and then put a key in the lock of the back door so that he could not gain entry that way.

"Can you miss a day of college tomorrow?" he asked his sister.

When she nodded her head, he continued. "I'll see if I can get some time off work, and I'll also pick up some new locks. Keep the deadlock on and a key in the back door while I'm out tomorrow, and then I'll change the locks when I get home."

Grabbing his mobile, he took several pictures of his mother's bruised face; if necessary, it was evidence of his father's abuse.

"I know you won't, but if he tries anything, I'm going to call the police, and don't worry, I'll support us for the moment. Everything will be okay, mom."

The following day, while working on the housing development, he managed to cadge new door locks off one of the joiners. Marcus changed them that evening when he got home, simply swapping like for like before distributing the new keys.

"I've got next week off just in case, but with new locks, dad won't be able to get inside. If he tries, call the police. If you are scared to phone them, call me, and I'll call the law."

Marcus didn't expect his father to surrender that easily, but he and his sister could not spend every day at home, just in case.

As it was, fate lent a hand. After a session in the pub a week later, Thomas totalled his car as well as himself. The police called to inform the family, took one look at Susan, and listened to Marcus's explanation before adding their condolences and leaving. None of the family members could claim to be sad. Thomas had not been the best husband or father. At least his life insurance paid for the funeral and the mortgage, with a little bit left over for his wife.

Marcus was true to his word; his wages each month went towards the bills and any other costs the family incurred. Much to her delight, Susan found herself a job, something her husband had always denied her. It was nothing out of the ordinary, but it helped with their finances and got her out of the house each day.

Now that she was employed, he and Molly dragged her out for a drink on Friday evening. It was not something that she enjoyed, especially after how her husband had behaved when he'd had a few. They only had one before she was ready to leave, with Molly staying out with her friends while Marcus walked home with his mother.

As it was the weekend, he slept late the following morning, coming down for breakfast in shorts and a t-shirt. With his food eaten and coffee consumed, he pushed back from the table, tilting the chair onto its rear legs. He folded his arms behind his head as he stretched, and watched when his mom appeared, dressed similarly in pyjama bottoms and a t-shirt top, as she began making herself coffee and a bowl of cereal.

Her hips were a little on the wide side, and she had added some flesh to her buttocks over the years. Her tummy had expanded, not excessively but sufficiently to give her a slight belly. Her legs, though, were pretty decent. What caught his eye were her breasts. Without her bra, they sagged because of their size and weight, but what held his attention were her nipples. They were presently erect and seemed to be quite long, going by the size of the protrusions they made in the front of her t-shirt.

Lost in his thoughts -- though, regrettably, not decent ones, Marcus wondered what her breasts would feel like in his hand and how heavy they might be. Unfortunately, those thoughts caused a reaction -- a stiffening in his nether regions.

As his mother came to the table to put her cup and bowl down, he dropped the chair back onto all four legs.

Maybe it was just her idea of fun -- a way of expressing her appreciation -- because suddenly she was sitting in his lap, an arm going around his neck.

"Thank you for looking after me; I don't know what he would have done without you." She finished by kissing his cheek.

He felt embarrassed. He didn't need his mother's thanks; any son would have done the same. That wasn't the main reason for his discomfort though; it was that, for a moment, he had been imagining doing things to her, that would be considered disgusting. The other reason was that, while his penis was not fully erect, it was sufficient for her to be able to feel it.

After kissing her son's cheek and with their faces only inches apart, Susan could feel what was pressing against her buttock and thigh. She also noticed when Marcus glanced down quickly at her bosom and erect nipples. His eyes locked back onto hers as she suddenly found that her breathing had quickened.

For some reason, that furtive glance sent a signal to her vagina, a place that hadn't seen action in a long time. She felt flushed as a sudden thought entered her head, as though some sexual telepathy had passed between them. Quickly, she left his lap, horrified at what she had just imagined. They sat silently for a moment before Marcus went for his shower and then to dress.

Standing in the shower, he wondered about his sudden obsession. It wasn't as though his mother was some sex goddess. She was a slightly attractive middle-aged woman who, at forty-three, was a little overweight -- not exactly what would normally appeal to him. It had been her nipples; they were the culprits. They had been what attracted his attention. The shape of her full breasts and their teats forcing out the thin material of her t-shirt were the cause of his embarrassment down below.

Sitting alone downstairs, Susan finished her coffee and wondered what had come over her. She had just been playing the fool, but she also wanted to thank Marcus for the compassion and assistance he had given to both her and his sister; very few young men would have done as much. She hadn't meant anything by it when she plonked herself in his lap, but almost immediately, she could sense his partial arousal and the glance he gave her breasts and nipples. That glance alone had made them throb; the sensation between her legs quickly followed. It heightened her sensuality and the disturbing thoughts that had flooded her mind.

She scolded herself. Not for what she had thought, but for imagining that at twenty-two, he would be even remotely interested in someone of her age who had allowed herself to lose any sexuality that she may have once possessed. Susan knew that the woman who stared back at her from the mirror was overweight and frumpy looking; it wasn't an attractive sight to behold. Putting her dishes in the sink, she heard the bathroom door open upstairs and took her chance, going for her morning shower before getting dressed. Under the spray, for the first time in years, she considered masturbating, but with Marcus in the bedroom next door, she couldn't bring herself to take the chance, fearing that if she made too much noise, he would hear her.

With him and his mother both working full time, they had developed a routine. One morning, his mom would jump into the shower first while he started preparing breakfast, and then the following morning, he would go first while she started preparing it. As soon as they dried themselves, they swapped over, with the other person finishing off the hot drinks before eating together and then going to get dressed.

Now at college, it would be at least an hour before Molly surfaced, and so they enjoyed the time alone. Without her constant chatter, they had a chance to discuss significant issues and which bills would need to be subsequently paid.

Unfortunately, pyjama bottoms did nothing to prevent his predicament each morning. He even tried putting briefs on beneath them, but to no avail. It was his mother's fault, and he wondered if women suffered from erectile nipples each morning just like men suffered from a hard-on when they first awoke. Her normal attire was usually PJ bottoms and a t-shirt, but lately, she had taken to slipping into a silky robe. It seemed to accentuate her nipples even more and also had the habit of opening slightly and giving him a view of her cleavage. When that happened, it would be difficult for him to move, even if he had finished first, because the bulge that would develop down below would be directly in her line of sight if he stood.

"This was ridiculous!" Why was he getting a boner looking at his mother's nipples and breasts?

It wasn't as if he hadn't seen tits before; he had seen numerous bosoms. Why now had his cock decided that the sight of his mother's chest was a reason for it to become aroused?

Marcus wanted to tell her to wear something more concealing, something that covered her breasts and did not attract his attention, but to say anything would cause problems; what could he say if she asked for an explanation?

Susan caught her son's frequent furtive glances; she wished he wouldn't because it only served to encourage her nipples to throb and expand, which then caused him to look even more. She couldn't fathom why she simply did not get dressed so that nothing would show; perhaps it was that secretly it excited her. It just seemed that the more he glanced at her breasts, the more she had the urge to display them, enjoying the sensations that her inflamed pussy sent through her body.

On the odd occasion when her son had moved from his chair first, Susan had caught sight of his erection. This only made matters worse. She had begun wondering what it might look like; more, and much to her disgust, she had wondered what it would feel like in her pussy. In bed at night, she imagined Marcus sneaking into her room and her bed.

She would protest, of course, but after that, she would welcome him, allowing him to penetrate her fanny and make love to her. Susan imagined his hands caressing her body, fondling her breasts, and tweaking her nipples, his cock forcing her pussy open with each thrust. Her fantasy increased in parallel with her arousal as her fingers rubbed at her vagina and clitoris until she burst. The resulting climax had her twisting and writhing on the bed, thighs clamped tightly together as her orgasm sent spasms of pleasure blasting through her body. Afterwards, guilt would overcome her; she was disgusted at herself for thinking of having sex with her son, despite how erotic and sinful it felt at the time.

Presently, Marcus was resisting the temptation to imagine or do more. He had a girlfriend, so it wasn't as though he was going without.

One morning, though, having dropped his spoon, he bent in the chair and reached beneath the table to retrieve it. His mother hadn't closed her legs fully, and the robe had separated slightly so that as he bent, he caught a quick view of her pussy and manicured mound.

As he resumed his breakfast, Marcus had an instantaneous erection, his face colouring as his cock expanded and began to throb with an intensity he had not experienced before. If he didn't have work to go to, he would have rushed up to his bedroom for a wank, such was the enormity of the arousal he felt. All day while he grafted, the image kept reappearing in his head. It surprised him to find that he considered his mother to have quite a delightful-looking pussy.

After work and over their evening meal, he could not stop glancing at her every few minutes. The white blouse she wore, pulled tightly across her breasts, showed the outline of her bra, and he knew that once finished, he needed to go upstairs and knock one out.

Thankfully, he was still wearing boxers when his bedroom door suddenly opened. Molly strode confidently into his room as though she had every right to be there. As was her usual manner, she came straight to the point.

"Is there something going on between you and mom? Something I need to know about."

"No! Why?"

"Because you keep glancing at each other. As though you have a secret. If I didn't know, I would think you two were up to something."

Marcus could feel the heat as his face darkened; hopefully, Molly hadn't noticed.

She hadn't; her attention was presently elsewhere. She had hoped to catch him naked, but wearing tight boxers was better than nothing. She rambled on about anything and everything for the sole reason that it gave her the chance to examine him partially undressed. Her brother's dirty blonde hair meant that his chest was unadorned as Molly gazed at his pecs and abdominal muscles. When he moved his arms, his biceps flexed, and she imagined them holding her tightly as she pressed her naked body against him.

Her young pussy oozed fluid, her panties getting damper the more she looked. What she wouldn't give for Marcus to make advances towards her -- she would be naked before he could get the words out of his mouth. She knew she couldn't stay much longer; her pussy urgently crying out to be touched. Another minute, and she would have to go and finger herself. The thought of doing it while he watched excited her further until, finally, she had made her excuses and disappeared to her room, locking the door before frigging herself to orgasm.

It continued in this fashion, with each person having their fantasies and then feeling wretched afterwards, disgusted that they could ever consider such behaviour normal.

With Molly now on her summer vacation, Susan and Marcus decided to use a week of their holiday allowances. They couldn't afford to go away but decided day trips to the coast or picnics were cheap and just as much fun. The weather on their first day was hot, so they elected to visit an outdoor swimming pool. It would cost them little other than the entrance fee, and with sandwiches, they could spend most of the day there and relax.

They dressed appropriately: Marcus wore swimming shorts, Molly was in a bikini, and their mother had bought herself a pale orange swimming costume. It was fine when dry, but unfortunately, once she had been in the water and it was wet, he could see her nipples making twin protrusions. Not only that, but whilst not see-through, it was sufficiently transparent to enable him to see her areolas, and with the way it clung to her pussy, her cameltoe.

He had to admit it was a struggle, his cock responding frequently to the sight of her. The safest place he found was in the water; at least there, his bulge was hidden beneath the surface. That was until Molly swam over and started jumping all over him. She was having fun, wrapping her legs around his waist as she floated on her back.

Molly's head suddenly came out of the water. She had been enjoying what she was doing because her brother, to assist in keeping her afloat, supported her buttocks. She stared at Marcus because her legs had slipped down his body, and what she now felt pushing against her pussy was an erection. She went from mildly excited to full-on arousal in seconds, her legs gripping tightly as she rubbed her pussy against it.

It surprised Marcus; Molly surely must be able to feel his boner. What stunned him was that instead of quickly releasing him and lowering her legs, she was humping him. Her eyes seemed to glaze over, her mouth going slack as she rubbed herself against his cock. Her actions must be appeasing her desires, he presumed, as they simultaneously escalated his cravings.

"Molly, you need to stop!" He was trying to break her grip. Immersed in what she was doing, her arousal and wantonness blotted out what he was saying as well as the noise of the swimmers in the water around them.

As her climax approached, she came up out of the water, and he had to lower himself as he supported more of her weight.

With her arms around his neck, Molly clung to him like a limpet. Her orgasm made her shudder as she continued to hump his shaft, trying to extend the sensations for as long as possible. Slowly it subsided, and she came to her senses, suddenly realizing what she had just done when Marcus gave her the look he would reserve for a deranged person.

"What the hell were you thinking, Molly?" he hissed.

She didn't answer immediately, lowering her legs and dragging him first to the side of the pool and then into a corner.

"I'm sorry, Marcus; I don't know what came over me; I could feel it, and I just got carried away; I presumed I was the cause of your discomfort."

He hadn't the heart to tell his sister that she wasn't. She looked embarrassed, but then her face quickly brightened. "I apologise, but at least now you know how I feel. Let's just forget about it, unless of course -- you don't want to."

Marcus needed time to think as he climbed from the water and headed back to their loungers. For once, back in his mother's presence, he experienced no reaction from below. His mind was full of other thoughts as he tried to find a response to his sister's actions and subtle invitation.

Molly, just like his mother, wasn't unattractive; it was that neither of them was the type who would make men stop and stare or give them more than a customary glance. His sister, in a way, was a younger version of mom, only slimmer because of her age. Surprisingly, it was his mother, who despite the added weight to her frame still seemed sexier to him.

Marcus looked across at his sister. Her breasts stuck up prominently from her chest, only flattening slightly as she lay on the lounger. Along with her flat stomach and her long legs, he decided that she had some appeal. She had made it clear what she wanted from him -- was he capable of committing incest with her?

"It's far too hot," Susan said. "I'm going in for another dip."

Alone for a few minutes, he turned to his sister. "I don't know what I'm supposed to do."

His utterance sounded stupid to his ears. Of course, he knew what to do; he only meant that he had never considered Molly as a sexual partner.

Rising from her seat, she came over and straddled his lounger, looking around to see if anyone was paying them attention. To his surprise, her hand slid up the leg of his swim shorts, grasped his cock, and began to work his flesh.

"Jesus!" Marcus nearly shouted it aloud. His manhood instantly began to expand, growing in length and thickness as she brought him erect and deftly wanked his cock. As his breathing surged, the sensations emanating from his genitals cleared everything from his mind.

"What would you like to do to me?" she asked with a smirk. Glancing around again, she ran a finger over her pussy before pulling the gusset to one side and showing Marcus her vagina.

"Does that make it easier? Do you know what you are supposed to do now?"

"Fucking hell!" At that moment, he knew exactly what he would like to do. If the pool had been empty, he would have fucked Molly, despite her being his sister.

If it hadn't been for the fact that, from the corner of his eye, he caught sight of their mother returning, he may have allowed her to continue until he ejaculated.

Susan had been watching them from a distance. She couldn't see anything inappropriate; she just got the feeling that something was happening between her son and daughter. Much to her surprise, what she felt at that moment was a hint of jealousy; annoyed at her daughter for currently monopolising his attention.

Laying on her lounger, she watched as Marcus did his best to hide the significant bulge in his shorts, and then she did something mean to him. Slipping her hand inside the top of her costume, Susan adjusted her breasts. She knew full well that Marcus was watching, which only served to inflame her arousal once more.

He was glad to get back home late in the afternoon, what with his sister and mother; his cock had been up and down like a bride's nightdress, and that evening, he was going to need some relief.

The following day, Susan had plumped for a picnic. It was for the sole reason that Molly had already made other plans. The pool or the beach would be crowded, and she had picked a country park for its open spaces and a better chance of finding a secluded spot. She had no plans and lacked the courage to make any advances toward her son. It was as though she was hoping for a miracle -- that something would happen of its own accord or that Marcus might make the first move.

She dressed for the day in a white skirt that finished a couple of inches above her knees and a thin red polo shirt with short sleeves. At the last moment, she acted like a slut and removed her bra and knickers, now feeling brazen, wanton, and worried. If the slightest breeze lifted her skirt, everyone would be able to see her naked lower half.

Marcus couldn't understand what his mother was looking for. They had passed several picnic benches, with her continuing to walk and look around.

"Over there," she said, pointing. The spot was away from the car park and the normal rest area; it was a spot that overlooked the distant hills, with trees and bushes hiding them from view.

He carried the picnic basket, which seemed to weigh a ton, along with the huge blanket to spread on the ground. His mother had carried the cold bag, and once they were set up, she opened two cans of ice-cold soda, both of them quenching their thirst after the trek on what was turning out to be an extremely warm day.

Susan stretched out on the blanket and closed her eyes for five minutes as she relaxed, while he wandered around the area she had picked. For whatever reason, the place she had selected seemed to be well hidden from view, and while at the moment they were exposed to the warming sun, there was plenty of shade if needed. When he settled on the blanket, he could not help but notice the twin peaks pushing out the front of her top. It had to mean she was braless, he suddenly realized, watching her ample breasts as they rose and fell.

As usual, her twin peaks had the desired effect and a predictable result, whichever way you wanted to look at it, as his cock began to expand. How he wished he could have the same audacity as his sister and just come out and tell mom what he would like to be doing with her.

Their time relaxing was spent casting furtive glances at each other. Susan noticed her son sneaking glances at her tits, which kept her aroused and her nipples hard. Marcus caught his mother looking at his groin and the bulge there, which kept him constantly moving as he tried to hide or rearrange it so that it did not show. It throbbed constantly, because the more his mother's nipples pushed out the front of her shirt, the more he imagined swirling his tongue across them or twirling them between his fingers.

When he sat upright to retrieve another drink and a sandwich, he struggled. No matter what position he chose, it was impossible to disguise what was going on in his shorts. He just knew his mom had noticed it and was snatching an opportunistic look, but her mirrored sunglasses made it hard for him to discern where her eyes were currently focused.

"Sod it!" he thought to himself, "she was the cause of his discomfort."

Marcus stopped trying to hide it and instead blatantly displayed his large, throbbing bulge. Maybe if she commented, it would create an opening to discuss the effect she was having on him.

Susan was cursing herself. She could see her son's erection, and he did not seem to be unduly concerned anymore. Her arousal had soared, and that was causing her a problem. Why hadn't she worn panties? Her pussy was leaking, and if she were not careful, there would be a damp patch on the back of her skirt or the blanket beneath. When he was distracted for a moment, she stuffed a handful of tissues between her legs and against her pussy.

"Why couldn't she just say something?" she wondered. Fear of ridicule and rejection were the reasons; she was scared that if she got it wrong, she would look like a fool or worse.

She had placed the cold bag to one side and the picnic basket between them at head height. Marcus helped himself to a sandwich from the basket and then kneeled and leaned across her recumbent figure, reaching for another drink. As he stretched, their limbs touched for a moment while he rummaged in the bag.

For Susan, it was akin to an electric shock; her body shuddered at his touch. As he found what he wanted and slowly moved back, she started to sit upright, their faces only inches apart. Her eyes bore into him, and she was struggling to breathe, her chest rising and falling swiftly. If only telepathy worked, if he could read her mind, her son would not be hesitating.

It was as though her face was trying to tell him something; his eyes flicked down for a second, noticing the shape and plumpness of her succulent lips. They looked enticing as he imagined kissing them; were they as soft as they looked?

Perhaps it was a moment of madness; maybe they both had the same thought simultaneously. Initially, it was a tentative meeting of lips. It lasted for several seconds before unlocking desires that had been fermenting for several months.

Quickly, they kissed again, this time becoming frantic, with Susan grabbing her son's face as she worked her lips against his. When his tongue invaded her mouth, she was ready to abandon herself. Her body thrummed, her nipples and pussy desperate for his touch, and yet she didn't want to appear sluttish and desperate.

The kiss unlocked something for Marcus that he had been desperately wanting for some time. He did not require her permission anymore; the way she was kissing him implied that she was as desperate for this to happen as he was. It was the moment he had imagined so many times: his hand going to her breast as he felt the soft flesh beneath her polo shirt. He eased her nipple one way and then the other, left, right, up, and down, before taking the elongated protrusion between his finger and thumb and giving it a gentle squeeze.

The rumble started in her chest and worked its way up to her throat. It would have been emitted as a loud gasp and groan if their mouths had not been locked together. As it was, Susan just clung to him as she climaxed, her orgasm taking her by surprise. The feelings her pussy had been suppressing for so long exploded, sending waves of pleasure pulsating throughout her body, and making her want to tear up and cry out with joy.

Perhaps words at that moment may have been more appropriate, but he did not want to stop and talk, only to find that his mother did not want to continue.

Easing her down, they continued to kiss, his hand dragging the polo shirt from her skirt so that he could slide his hand beneath it. When it met the flesh of her chest, he felt the swell of her bosom, the fullness of the mammary, and then the stiffness of her large button nipple.

"Slowly! Slow down!" His brain screamed the words inside his head. The demand from between his legs was so intense that he had to resist the urge to rip her clothes off, push her onto her back, and fuck her.

When her hand found his protesting shaft, he thought he was going to burst and ejaculate before he even got the chance to penetrate her. Putting his hand on hers, he stopped her from doing more. "Please don't. You will make me cum too soon."

Marcus was feeling foolish, as though he were an inexperienced teenager who was going to shoot his load before he even got near this woman. Fortunately, his mother seemed to understand his predicament.

"Help me pack everything up, and we'll move somewhere even more secluded."

The distraction was what he needed, taking his mind and stiff cock off the subject of sex, as they packed their belongings and moved further afield. The bags had been put to one side, and the blanket was spread on the ground again. He watched in anticipation as she pulled the polo shirt over her head and faced him, topless, his cock coming alive once more. When she unzipped her skirt and allowed it to fall to the floor, he gasped and stared. He'd had no idea that, besides being braless, she had been walking about knickerless.

It only took Marcus seconds before he was also naked, his erection bouncing and waving about.

"I think we can dispense with the foreplay," she told him. "I'm as hot and ready as you are; I just want you to fuck me."

It was even more surreal than when Molly had accosted him. His mother moved onto the blanket, laid down, and opened her legs as she waited for him. Despite her large breasts, which flattened and spilt sideways, her considerable tummy and her wide hips and heavy thighs, she appeared to be the most beautiful woman he had ever set eyes on. Down on his knees between her legs, he pressed his knob against her partially open pussy; the juices seeping from her womanly opening aided his shaft as it slid into her hot, wet cunt.

Susan grunted. She closed her eyes and threw her head back as Marcus entered her. Her vaginal muscles gripped her son's throbbing meat when their groins met. Just having him inside her had pushed her arousal to its limit; no matter what he did, she wasn't going to last any longer than he would.

She felt him withdraw and then thrust forward, his shaft expanding her fanny again. Her fanny gripped him with each penetration, his hips speeding up as he began fucking her. One of his hands found her breasts. He pulled and twisted her nipples as she dragged his head up, ground her lips against his, and thrust her tongue into his mouth.

Susan's climax was close; her body nearing its point of release. When her hand went to her clitoris, rubbing it vigorously, she pleaded with him.

"Now Marcus. Fuck me. Fuck my cunt, I want to feel your cream fill me."

Marcus was at the edge of his limit. He was eager to experience what promised to be an earth-shattering release as he began pounding his mother's minge rapidly. The sound of their wet flesh slapping together mingled with her soaring vocals as she started to climax. Her face became flushed as she braced herself. And then she was screaming; the sound quickly whisked away by the light breeze. Shagging her as fast as his body would allow, he delighted in watching her orgasm and then felt his shaft jerk several times as it sent a torrent of spunk deep inside her twat.

It was like trying to fuck a wild animal. Susan's torso twisted as her hips rose, the orgasm making her delirious and frantic before she embraced the oblivion that beckoned as her body convulsed.

With satisfaction came reality -- the enormity of what they had done. They were mother and son and had indulged in an act of sexual depravity. Despite his initial misgivings, when he surveyed her naked body, her breasts rising and falling rapidly as she sucked in much-needed air, he knew that he wanted to indulge with her again.

When at last Susan propped herself up on her elbows, she asked, "Okay?"

Marcus nodded. "You?"

She nodded her head. "Disappointed?"

It continued like that at first, with one-word questions and answers until he asked. "Again?"

She gave a short laugh. "Already? Give me a few more minutes to recover."

Now it was his turn to laugh as he edged closer. "No! I mean, is it something you will let me do again?"

Susan's hand moved, tracing patterns across his chest. Her eyes noticed the twitching of his cock as it began to slowly thicken and grow again. "I would love for it to happen more," she told him seductively.

His hand went to her tits again; how many times had he imagined this? Each was quite large and weighty; her large button nipples were erect once more as his fingers stroked and teased them.

Susan's eyes fluttered as her son's attention to her breasts ignited the arousal in her pussy a second time. She closed her hand around his expanding shaft, still sticky and flaky from the rapidly drying juices that covered the supple but rigid flesh. She could never have imagined months ago that she would be gripping her son's cock and tossing him off. It throbbed in her hand, an occasional jerk when her fingers teased beneath the plump knob, already leaking more pre-cum.

Sliding his hand over her belly, their lips and mouths met as they teased, tongues wrapping around each other as his fingers lingered in the short tuft of hair on her mound. When he eased the hand between her legs and placed it flat on her pussy, she broke the kiss, gasping and taking a huge gulp of air as he gently stroked it, her arousal soaring again.

When Marcus's fingers opened her labia and slid inside, Susan wanted to scream; the sensations were taking control of her body once more. He teased her, gently rubbing and fingering her vagina. Exposing her clitoris, he flicked at the swollen bud as juices seeped from her twat. This time there was no rush; it was a slow, seductive build-up as they touched and aroused each other until they were both ready. Susan dragged him back between her legs, desperately needing his cock back inside her cunt.

His thrusting was slow; Marcus constantly withdrew and rubbed his shaft against her pussy. He loved the way her body moved -- her tits bouncing back and forth and her belly wobbling each time his groin slammed against hers. She grabbed her tits, raising them so that he could watch her sucking on her nipples, which increased his excitement and sped up his hips, making her squeal with pleasure as he rammed his cock into her fanny.

With her legs wrapped around him, he pounded her twat, watching as her eyes began to glaze over and her hips rose to meet his thrust. It was time; they had both lasted as long as they could. Their arousal and the sensations coursing through their bodies peaked as their climaxes approached.

Susan beat him by seconds, his hips a blur as he ploughed her cunt. Her body twisted beneath him as she called his name, arching her body and throwing back her head as she wailed. Her face was flushed, her eyes were unseeing, and her climax took her to a realm of delirium. She wanted the sensation to last forever, especially when she felt his cock explode as he filled her with his cum. His hips found the energy from somewhere, continuing to fuck and extend her orgasm.

She felt sleepy, relaxed, and content. Despite the illegality of what she had done, Susan now felt no remorse. The sex had been superb, better than she could have hoped for, and she was glad that she had taken the chance. From what she could tell, Marcus seemed to be enamoured with her body, and she was looking forward to many more occasions when she would allow him to fuck her.

They had felt it prudent afterwards, to dress. Although they had seen no one since arriving, there was no guarantee that walkers would not come across them. After the vast expenditure of energy, they were ravenous, eating all of the sandwiches, bowls of salad, and mini pies she had packed. And then with full stomachs, they relaxed with fresh drinks.

"Any regrets?" Susan asked.

Marcus nodded his head, which caused her stomach to lurch. "Yeah, I regret not having done that sooner."

She nearly spat her drink out, finding herself choking for a second as his face broke into a grin. "You bastard!" She exclaimed.

He couldn't bring himself to stop looking at her. Now that he had seen her naked, and despite having fucked her twice, he wanted her again. He wanted to touch her, taking time to explore every inch of her gorgeous body and revel in its nakedness.

There followed a discussion as to what they should do next. This week off would soon end, and they had no guarantee that Molly would not be with them during the following days. It was going to be the same at home; they couldn't suddenly start to indulge themselves in the house unless she was out, and there was no way they could chance having sex if she were around.

Their conversation reminded him of his sister's declaration. Nothing much had happened as of yet, other than when she played with his cock and showed him her pussy. He knew, however, that Molly would push for more to happen. After having his desires fulfilled by having sex with his mother, did he want to complicate matters by having sex with his sister?

Yes! She had aroused him when she began tossing him off, but any woman doing that would have achieved the same result; did he feel the same desire for her as he did for their mother? Marcus reasoned that if he and his mom couldn't take the chance in the house, then neither could his sister, which would delay any plans she had for a while longer.

Back at home that evening, the three of them were discussing where they might go the next day, with Molly insisting that she would be joining them. Marcus had been going out to meet up with his girlfriend, but his expenditure of energy coupled with the fresh air had combined to leave him feeling drowsy, so instead, he gave her a call and told her that he would see her the following evening.

After a quick shower, he retired early, falling asleep before his head properly hit the pillow. When he awoke the next morning, he felt refreshed, full of energy, and looking forward to the day.

They had decided on a day trip to the beach, and he loaded his car with all the paraphernalia they might need while his mother made sandwiches and drinks to take with them. They had been lucky so far, with three days of constant fine weather. The forecast was for it to continue the rest of that week.

Molly was quiet on the trip, not her usual bubbly self. Marcus failed to notice as he concentrated on driving and the route they took.

With everything set up, he settled down to relax. His sister sported another bikini, and his mom was wearing the same swimming costume as previously. He knew that if it got wet, he was going to be treated to another view of her womanly bits and wondered if he could entice her into the water; at least this time he could tease her about it.

Unfortunately, it was his sister who insisted that he accompany her, the two of them going out far enough so that the water came up to his chest. With his back to the shore, her hand had gone down the front of his shorts as he contemplated whether this time, he should let her toss him off while he explored her pussy. That ought to at least placate her for the time being.

Molly had her fingers wrapped around his meat, kneading the flesh until she brought him to a throbbing erection. Once he was hard, she dragged him into slightly deeper water and continued to massage his shaft before whispering in his ear.

"Finger me, Marcus. No one can see what you are doing. I want you to finger me."

It wasn't like he had a lot of choice in the matter. Yes, he could have pulled her hand away, but by now she had aroused him. Slipping his hand inside her bikini bottoms, he ran a finger along her slit, watching the sudden shiver as her eyes fluttered. When he stroked her again, his finger slipped into her warmth, and his sister's expression changed to one of lust. While one hand fingered her, the other popped one of her breasts from its cup, twirling her nipple between his finger and thumb. Molly dragged his shorts down and extracted his cock, her hand pumping away as she increased his arousal.

"Do you think you can float on your back again?" he asked. His eyes conveyed his meaning. It took some adjustment, but eventually they managed, as he felt his cock slip into position and enter her pussy. The saltwater helped Molly float as his hands slipped inside her bikini bottoms, gripping, and fondling her rounded buttocks.

He had to admit to teasing, slowing down frequently and threatening to withdraw. Molly was unable to get at him without her head going under the water.

When he considered she'd had enough, he fucked her. It caused ripples on the surface as his hips tried to force their way through the volume of water and keep penetrating her pussy rapidly enough to make her climax.

"Yes, Marcus, please keep going; just a little bit more." He put everything into it and was rewarded when she tried to arch her back, dipping her head beneath the surface for a second as she orgasmed, and he felt himself filling her cunt.

When he drew her back toward him, he had to stop what she was obviously about to do. "Not out here, Molly; mom may be watching us. We can't be seen kissing."

At least she saw sense but still gave him a pout. His sister wasn't one to be denied anything once she had put her mind to it, and he sensed that she was not yet done for the day.

Walking back up the beach towards their spot, he had to stop her from doing the obvious, like trying to hold his hand. Their mother was still in the same spot, her eyes closed, and he was thankful that she had not spotted anything that she might consider untoward.

"Perhaps it was a reflection of his increasing fetish," he thought, gazing at her slightly plump, overweight body. "He would rather have been fucking her than his sister," he suddenly decided.

The town was full of young women no different than Molly; in a way, his girlfriend was no different, and while he'd admit to having enjoyed shagging her, there had been something missing -- something that only his mother seemed to provide.

The windbreak he'd erected protected them on three sides; only people walking past the front would be able to see into their space. When Molly disappeared to get ice creams, he had a couple of minutes, which he put to effective use by stroking his mother's pussy through her costume. It hadn't taken long to produce a damp spot, despite her telling him to stop frequently. He knew she didn't mean it, and if he could fuck Molly while chest-deep in the sea, was there a reason he could not do the same with her?

Marcus didn't get the chance to try. Molly returned, and his mother was not his sister; she did not have the confidence to try something like that under the gaze of people spread across the beach.

As the afternoon drew to a close, he knew that with the coming evening, he may be faced with a potential dilemma. Neither woman knew that he had shagged the other. What if they got it into their heads to visit his room during the night? One of them he could potentially deal with, but sod's law dictated that if one turned up, so would the other.

Not being prepared to take the chance of such a scenario happening, he had to say something to them both. Molly, of course, did not take it well, giving him a sulky pout. "Mum will never know, especially if I leave it until late," she argued.

"No! I'm not prepared to take the chance at home unless she is out of the house."

His sister wanted to continue trying to change his mind, but Marcus put his foot down.

"I am prepared to let something happen, but on my terms, and they are... not at home."

His mother was far easier, immediately understanding the risks they were running and the consequences if they were caught. That night he slept undisturbed, with both females honouring his request and staying within the confines of their bedrooms.

Susan slept eventually. What her son mentioned to her made sense. After years of occasional unsatisfactory sex, this new awakening left her body yearning for more. She was ignorant of the fact that Molly had also sampled his delights, her mind full of fanciful ideas of how she could get her son alone and have him make love to her once more.

Molly tossed and turned. Her coupling with her brother had been little more than a quickie, soon over with, and then he had disappeared back up the beach, leaving her wanting more. She needed time alone with him -- time for both of them to explore each other's bodies and for Marcus to realize that she had plenty to offer him.

The next couple of days were frustrating for all three of them. They had their trips planned, but that meant there was no opportunity for anything to happen.

Susan had noticed Molly was cosying up to her brother a lot more. Normally each evening she would be out, but for the last few days, she had stayed in after tea because her brother had. That in itself was abnormal for her daughter. It was also irritating, as Susan soon found. Any chance of being alone with Marcus was currently being denied.

She had also noticed Molly's wistful glances in her brother's direction. Was something going on between them? Previously, she wouldn't have thought anything of it, but now that she was fraternising with her son, she wondered if her daughter was contemplating something similar.

Did he go out or stay in? This week he had been putting off seeing his girlfriend, hoping that another opportunity would arise where he and his mom could fuck. Molly was the cause of his problems; yes, he would give her what she wanted at some point, but currently, she was hanging around at home and making it impossible for anything to happen for any of them.

Marcus had retired early, leaving the ladies downstairs to watch television. So far, both of them had refrained from trying to sneak into his room in the early hours, and he was now wondering if his request had been a mistake.

Waking suddenly, he glanced at his bedside clock. Four o'clock in the morning, and yet he felt thoroughly refreshed, as though he had slept all night. Lying with his eyes closed for another fifteen minutes, he waited to hopefully fall asleep again, but it wasn't going to happen; he was wide awake.

The quietness of the house made his mind up for him as he slid from the bed. Turning the doorknob slowly, he then edged it open an inch at a time, until it was enough for him to move around it. His eyes had grown accustomed to the darkness as he hesitated: left, or right? Left and around the corner to his sister's room, or right, and at the end, his mother's room.

For Marcus, it was a no-brainer. Turning right, he softly padded along the darkened landing to her door. Turning the handle as slowly and quietly as he had with his own, he eased the door open and slipped inside before, just as softly, closing it behind him.

She was snoring gently as he crept to the side of her bed and deftly slid beneath the covers, lying still for a moment as he made sure he hadn't disturbed her. As she snorted once, he moved closer, feeling the fabric of her nightdress touch his skin. Resting a hand on her leg, he waited momentarily; ensuring that she was still soundly asleep before he began to inch it upward. The very sense of what he was doing felt erotic; this was his mother's body that he was touching as he eased his hand beneath the material and continued to ascend her thigh. Bypassing her genitals, he headed for her rounded belly, caressing the undulating, soft, smooth flesh in circular motions. This slow, tentative fondling had him highly aroused, with his throbbing member pushing against her ample buttocks. Moving his hand downwards, it rested for a few seconds atop her pubes before he curved it between her legs.

Maybe on some unconscious level, her body reacted. His mother's legs opened a little more, granting easier access. When at last his finger touched her pussy, she uttered her first sound. A drawn-out "Mmmm," followed by an imperceptible sigh as he stroked her labia several times, tracing the line of her slit.

While her brain was still in repose, her body started to respond; the first hint of moisture appeared, as her juices began to flow, coating his finger in her warm, slippery fluid. Slowly, he eased it into her pussy, his cock by now so rigid that it was painful as he pushed it against her buttocks and stretched the skin, trying to attain a measure of relief. With his finger now inside her warm passage, slowly and surely, he eased his other arm beneath her pillow and neck until he could bend it and slip a hand down the top of her nightdress so that he could fondle one of her breasts. As he fingered her with one hand, he playfully teased her nipple with the other, and despite her still being soundly asleep, her body was responding to his touch.

Marcus wondered what was going on in her dreams -- had they suddenly turned sexual, or was she imagining the presence of someone who was arousing her?

The only sure sign of his foreplay was an increase in the speed of her breathing. Susan's bottom moved slightly as she partly turned, pushing against his erection and allowing him to dry-hump her buttocks. Slowly, she became vocal, with little sighs of pleasure followed by groans as she became more aroused.

At last, she started to wake. The room was dark, but she sensed that she was highly aroused and horny. Next, she was conscious of a hand gently squeezing her breast and twirling the nipple which throbbed with pleasure, and then the finger as it penetrated her pussy. Her breathing was coming rapidly; she was nearly panting as she began to indulge in the waves of eroticism that washed over her.

"Mmmm. Oh, God! Marcus?"

"Shusssh," he whispered. He didn't think they would disturb his sister; they were far enough away from her room, but he didn't want his mother suddenly crying aloud and waking her.

His fingering stopped, even though she didn't want it to, and then she felt her nightdress lifted and her son squirming down the bed. She instinctively knew what he was about to do, waiting in anticipation for the moment the head of his shaft pressed against her pussy.

Although Susan had steeled herself, she could not stop the gasp of pleasure. Overwhelming sensations quickly erupted from her pussy. His cock parted her lips and expanded her cunt, filling her passage as he entered her from behind. His hands, now free, were on the move, caressing her body. Marcus began with her breasts, moved over her ribs and belly, and then up and down her thighs, as with a constant rhythm, he fucked her cunt.

"This was sheer bliss," she thought to herself, her hips pushing backwards as he thrust, driving his cock deep into her moist flue. Susan was fully awake now, the pressure in her vagina building, her chest pumping up and down as her son's hand squeezed her tits more forcibly.

Marcus was edging her towards her precipice as she squirmed against him. She would have liked him to kiss her, but with her back to him and in his present position, it was impossible. She tried to constrain her vocals, but the moment was drawing closer; she could feel it building now, not just in her fanny but throughout her body. Susan teetered on the edge, the pounding of her cunt intensifying, and then she was in freefall, the explosion between her legs gathering pace as it blasted into her brain and sent her reeling into oblivion.

Every nerve ending was alive, especially those inside her pussy, which her son's cock continued to ignite as he fucked her hard and fast. And then she felt it -- the jerk of his cock and the sudden slight rush of air as his shaft spewed its contents into her cunt, coating the inside of her vagina with spunk.

He had to put his hand over his mother's mouth as she wailed, her body spasming as he shagged her until his lungs were fit to burst. Eventually, he had to slow, coming to a stop, and curling around her, his shaft slowly dwindling but still inside her pussy.

As they recovered, they kissed, whispering desperately to each other. Sex with his girlfriend did not compare. This mature, slightly overweight woman, who was his mother, seemed to be able to satisfy his cravings like no one who had come before her had done.

She moved and then turned towards him, her nightdress disappearing in the process as she slid closer and pressed her magnificent bosom into his chest. Her nipples were still hard and rubbed against his skin, igniting that first flicker of new arousal.

"I thought we were not supposed to do this," she whispered.

"I'm sorry. I just couldn't manage without your body anymore. The desire to make love to you was too great."

His reward was her lips pressing against his. Slowly and lingeringly to begin, before building with passion. Mouths opened more, and then tongues invaded. His hands went to her tits, massaging those beautiful orbs and large button nipples that had first attracted his attention. She pressed her mound into his groin, the first stirrings of another erection as he felt the increasing thrill and eroticism of having sex with his mother. Normally he would need a longer break to recover, but something about the smell, taste, and feel of her smooth skin pressing against him was bringing his loins alive again.

Marcus knew what he wanted next. Despite having filled her cunt with his cream, he wanted to taste her pussy. Nibbling at her earlobe, he moved to her neck and then down onto her chest, covering her hot, moist skin with minute kisses. Next came her nipples -- his lips compressing and his tongue teasing them. Moving across her belly, he slid farther down the bed, and then he was there, rolling between her open legs as his nostrils picked up the scent of her musk.

Her lips were already partially open; his fingers spread them more as his tongue took its first sweeping lick of her pink, moist flesh. It was a mixture of tastes -- a tangy saltiness from her cum and juices, mixed with his semen. Clamping his mouth tightly against her pussy, Marcus allowed his tongue to penetrate her. Licking as deeply as it would extend, he savoured her taste before moving slightly as his lips compressed her clitoris.

Susan writhed, her lust building steadily as her son sucked and licked her clit and toyed with her pussy. She was in heaven. "How long had it been since a man had done this to her?" she wondered. "At least five years or more."

Her fanny was on fire, as were her nipples. She took each breast in turn, hefting it and pulling upwards until she could suck her teats. Raising her head slightly, she watched her son's increasing excitement at what she was doing.

Her twat needed filling; she was desperate to feel his shaft inside her once more. She could feel the building tension of her climax as she asked him to move and lay down so that she, could mount him this time.

Sitting atop his hips, it was now her turn to tease. His shaft was erect once more, and she used the opportunity to wrap her hand and fingers around it as she slowly and seductively started tossing him off. She felt the constant throbbing and the jerking against her palm when the fingers of her other hand teased beneath the plump, blood-infused knob that topped his rigid cock.

Never in his life had Marcus imagined such a scenario. His mother was squatting over him as she straddled his thighs. Her rounded belly and ponderous breasts bounced as her hand worked its way up and down his shaft, wanking him off.

The scene was both erotic and surreal, eliciting immediate arousal and excitement. His hands reached out, cupping both of her ample tits. He twirled her nipples in retaliation to the pumping of his shaft and then allowed one hand to drop down, forcing his thumb beneath her mound and deftly rubbing at her cunt and clit.

They were both ready. Susan pulled her son's cock upright, raised herself, and shuffled forward. She fumbled beneath and between her thighs, got his shaft in the perfect position, and then lowered her bottom, squealing as her cunt expanded and was filled with his meat.

Stretching her arms in front of her, she rested on them as she raised and lowered her buttocks, her son's cock sliding in and out of her wet cunt with ease. Susan knew it was something men liked, dangling her tits over Marcus's face. His head would shoot up, mouth latching onto a teat and sucking before she whipped it away from him. As much as she tried to tease, she was conscious of the mounting pressure between her legs; the buzz in her genitals was increasing, sending tendrils of pulsating pleasure through her body.

Marcus grabbed her buttocks, opened her up, and fucked her with frantic urgency. Susan abandoned herself as she felt the spark that then ignited her climax -- a slew of sensations rumbling through her body and eventually smashing into her brain.

The convulsions of her orgasm shook her belly. Her tits wobbled, swinging from side to side, as she tried to continue supporting herself on arms that were growing weaker. She felt the blast as his cock spunked inside her once more, Marcus continuing to pump his dick into her until exhaustion brought them both to a stop. He lowered her buttocks as she sat upright, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she tried to fill her lungs with air.

Their fraternisation, despite attempts to stay quiet, had gotten louder. Loud enough that as Molly awoke momentarily, she wondered what the noises were that seemed to fade in and out of her consciousness.

Curiosity drew her from her bed; she opened her door and listened. The house was quiet, the time still in the early morning hours. She couldn't hear anything and was about to return when it occurred again.

She stopped at her brother's room and carefully opened the door. Despite the darkness, it was obvious his bed was empty. As far as Molly was concerned, her brother would not be up and out at this time of the morning. Her brain, despite still being a little sluggish, worked out that Marcus had to be in their mother's room. She tiptoed silently to the door and pressed her ear against it. Molly's stomach lurched, and she felt sick. The noises from within painted pictures in her mind. She was convinced now as to what was taking place behind the door, which both disgusted and angered her.

Her mother and brother were having sex. The noises and raised voices every so often couldn't be anything else.

As she returned to her bedroom, it was with a feeling of shock and also one of jealousy. She had been correct; something had been going on; she just never assumed that it had to do with sex. She had been convinced that her brother's constant erections had been caused by her presence, that he was fantasising about her in the same way that she was thinking about him. He had fucked her, albeit only quickly; nevertheless, it was enough to convince her that she was the object of his desires.

She couldn't understand what Marcus saw in their mother. Susan certainly wasn't young, and she was no more attractive than Molly was. Her mother was overweight, verging on being plump, while she still had an excellent figure. Why had her brother decided that their mother was the one he wanted to fuck when he could have easily had her instead?

Back in her room, she was now determined that she was going to have her brother. She wasn't planning on trying to get him alone without her mother knowing. If Marcus was going to sneak into their mother's room and then be loud enough to wake her, Molly was going to do the same. Come tonight, she was going to fuck her brother, and if her mother heard, so be it.

At work that day, Marcus had no idea what lay in store for him when he arrived home that evening. Their meal was taken as normal, and then afterwards, Molly stayed home, with Marcus eventually going out to see his girlfriend because he was frustrated that his mother would not be alone.

When he returned home, it was to an empty lounge; his mother and sister had already retired.

"Did he dare try going to his mother's room again tonight?" he wondered, the thought of her body beginning to arouse him.

Upstairs, he could still hear noises coming from his sister's room, which meant that he could not flit about. Marcus undressed and got into bed. He hadn't meant to doze off, unfortunately, sleep soon overcame him.

He awoke because his dreams had become erotic, and he knew he had a stonker. What startled him as he came awake was that there was a hand wrapped around his dick, and he was slowly and seductively being tossed off. Before he could say anything, he groaned. A pair of lips and a mouth had just swallowed his knob, a tongue running beneath its rim, which sent a sense of urgency through his shaft and sack.

"Had his mother returned the compliment?" he wondered. Lifting the covers, he peered beneath them, shocked to see the cheeky smile of his sister staring back at him before she returned to licking and gobbling his manhood.

Marcus suppressed his cries of pleasure, and the covers did a decent job of deadening any noise that Molly made. The ache in his cock was becoming unbearable. Perhaps she sensed his mounting need because, in the next moment, she had pushed the covers back, straddled his hips, and with a loud groan of pleasure, lowered herself onto his throbbing shaft.

She raised and lowered her bottom, making no attempt to stifle the noises she made. If her mother heard and came to investigate, so much the better. If mom wanted to indulge Marcus, she could hardly complain if Molly indulged him as well.

Her breasts bounced with her up-and-down movement, Marcus watching them before grabbing her jugs as he twisted and pinched her erect nipples.

He winced as she shrieked, "Molly! Keep it down! Mum will hear."

She was completely unconcerned, her brother's cock expanding her pussy was bringing her climax closer. Marcus pulled his sister down and kissed her, at least this silenced Molly for a moment. She ground her quim and mound against him, spreading her juices as a growl rose in her throat. And then her brother was holding her aloft as he slammed his cock upward and into her pussy. This was what Molly had dreamed about, a proper fuck, his hips thrusting as he lifted her off her knees.

Her hormones flooded her body. Coupled with her highly aroused condition, she felt momentary, that she was in love with her brother. She was just about to tell him when her orgasm took her by surprise. She stretched upwards, threw her head back, and howled, the burst of sudden pleasure rocking her senses as her body shook, stars bursting behind her closed eyes. And then she felt him cumming inside her, his cock jerking rapidly as he emptied his sack into her cunt.

Molly slumped, resting atop her brother. Exhaustion had caught up with her, and all she wanted now was to sleep. She closed her eyes and remembered nothing until the next morning.

By the time he had recovered, he found his sister fast asleep. As he gently rolled her off him, he realized he couldn't let her spend the night in his bed. Opening his bedroom door, he listened; the house was quiet, and Marcus was surprised that his mother had not heard the commotion that his sister had made. He tiptoed along the landing and made sure her room door was open before returning and lifting her from his bed. Carefully, he carried Molly to her room and laid her gently on the bed before pulling the covers over her naked body.

When she awoke the next morning, Molly was excited but also disappointed. Her desires had been fulfilled, and Marcus had made love to her. What she regretted was that, even with the noise that she had made, her mother hadn't heard them. Sadly, their coupling had not been interrupted.

Downstairs, Marcus and his mother had gone through their normal routine. When nothing was said, he was relieved but couldn't understand how his mother hadn't heard him and his sister fucking.

They had both been awake before their alarms went off and glancing at the kitchen clock, Susan decided that they had just enough time.

"Do you think your sister will still be asleep?"

Marcus gave her a puzzled look. "I suppose so."

After last night, he suspected Molly was still sleeping soundly. He watched as his mother cleared the dishes into the kitchen. When she returned, her robe had gone, and she was naked.

"It will have to be quick, but I'm sure we can manage it." She giggled at her shameful behaviour as Marcus got rid of his clothes and helped her onto the table.

Within seconds, his cock was inside her quim; Susan's legs were pulled up high and wide so that her buttocks and pussy rested on the table's edge. He grabbed her tits, squeezing them quite brutally as his shaft slammed into her pussy. Looking downwards, he watched his dick disappear into her twat and then reappear as he drew back.

The excitement and thrill of what they were doing increased their arousal, both reaching the point of no return as Susan climaxed and her son began to fill her passage with his cum.

"Am I supposed to eat off that fucking table now?"

The sound of Molly's voice brought both Marcus and Susan back to reality and froze them to the spot. She was standing at the door of the dining room, watching them, a look of disgust obvious on her face. His mother squirmed away from him and rolled off the table. She disappeared into the kitchen and returned moments later, now in her robe.

"Molly? What are you doing up at this time?" Susan uttered.

At that moment, she didn't know what to say, and that had been the first thing that sprang to mind. She and Marcus had been caught red-handed. There wasn't a lot more that could be said or explained away. She noticed that her son remained unconcerned. He did not attempt to cover himself and seemed comfortable being naked in front of his sister.

"Watching you two fuck, it seems." Molly's answer was sarcastic.

She already knew her mother and brother were indulging in a sexual relationship. She hadn't expected to walk in on them performing, but was glad that she had.

"I haven't got time for this; I need to get to work." Susan dashed past her daughter. She felt ashamed of what she had been caught doing. Her face was flushed, and she could feel its heat.

"What are you playing at, Molly? Did you think you were the only one? You don't get to choose who I do or don't sleep with. If you are not happy to take your turn, perhaps you need to find someone else."

Unlike his mother, Marcus felt no embarrassment. It wasn't as though his sister hadn't seen him naked or indulged in his delights.

"I don't know what you see in her." Molly spat.

"No concern of yours," he uttered. "And now, I need to get ready for work."

In the car, Susan was quiet. She had been caught in a compromising position with her son by her daughter. There was no excuse for what they had been doing, and now she was dreading facing Molly that evening.

"Stop worrying," Marcus said, glancing sideways for a second.

"Molly's mad because it was me and you -- and not her."

Susan's head snapped around. "You mean?"

"Yeah. Molly has been trying to get me into bed for several weeks now, but I've only indulged her once. That's her problem; she wants more."

With the cat out of the bag, Marcus saw no point in trying to hide the truth.

Susan was shocked. Her daughter was doing no different than she was, but somehow, it felt wrong as she realized her two children had indulged in sexual activity with each other.

"Don't fret about it; we will discuss it tonight, and I'm sure we will find a solution."

Marcus drew up to the curb and dropped her off in town. "I'll pick you up tonight at the normal time."

It preyed on Susan's mind all day. What the hell was she supposed to do? Her first instinct was to tell Marcus and Molly it must never happen again but quickly realized that it would also apply to herself. After becoming enamoured by her son making love to her, she wasn't yet ready to give him up.

"Was she prepared to share him?"

She wondered if that was even a feasible proposition. As silly as it felt, Susan admitted to herself that she was jealous. This was her son, not a single man of her own age, and yet here she was, feeling sick at the thought of him in bed with Molly and having sex with her.

As he usually did, Marcus was waiting for her when she finished. "Don't let Molly have a go at you; stand up to her."

"That was easier said than done," Susan thought.

At home, her daughter was waiting. The minute the two of them were through the door, she started. "How long has this been going on?"

"Probably as long as you have been trying to get him into bed, which I believe you have succeeded in doing." Susan retorted.

"Don't you think you are a little bit old for him?" Molly spat.

"Perhaps that is what Marcus likes, rather than a silly little girl who throws a hissy fit when she doesn't get her own way. What we are both doing is wrong, though I'm not the one making a fuss about it."

Molly's face turned red as her anger built. She had expected her mother to cower, but it seemed that since her father's demise, she was more than able to stand her ground.

"Anyway, despite what you and I would like," Susan continued, "the decision does not lie with us; your brother has a say in who he sleeps with."

Molly pouted as both she and her mother turned and looked at Marcus.

Standing with his arms folded, Marcus had been listening as the two women exchanged words. He had known it would only be a matter of time before he was forced to intervene; it had occupied his thoughts all day. He'd already made up his mind; whether he slept with his sister or not was unimportant to him. What he refused to give up was the sex he was currently enjoying with his mother.

"There may come a time when she would not wish to participate anymore," he thought, but until that moment arose, she was the one that he desired more than his sister.

That wasn't to say that he would not fuck Molly; it was just that if she decided to issue an ultimatum and force him to choose, then she was the one who would sadly be disappointed.

With the look of it, both women were waiting for his decision.

It was approaching twelve months since his father's death, and the last thing Marcus wanted was to cause a rift in his family.

"I think we should leave things as they are," Marcus began. "Now that we all know what is taking place, the easiest solution is for me to share your bed on one night, Molly, and then the following night, I will share mom's."

Susan was willing to accept her son's offer. She wasn't keen on him sleeping with his sister, but at least it meant that she got to have sex with him regularly, rather than the haphazard opportunities that they could currently manage.

Molly was not as enraptured by her brother's suggestion. She could not understand why he wanted to continue fucking their mother. At least, though, she had the sense to realize that what was on offer was better than nothing.

Despite the impasse, what Marcus had suggested worked over the following months. Christmas was awkward because they both wanted him on what they considered to be special nights. His girlfriend had disappeared, disgruntled with the few occasions that she saw him and also with his increasing indifference to any sexual activity. It wasn't surprising; sex with Molly or his mother had originally been an occasional thing; now it was nearly every night. He began to look forward to times when either or both of them were on the rag, and he got the chance to sleep alone.

Another summer approached, and with Molly due to break up from college, she announced one evening that she was going to Spain with some girlfriends for a week. Both Marcus and his mother declared that they were far too busy at work to get time off, even though that was a lie. They had both booked the same week off work, starting when Molly departed in two weeks.

They abstained on that Sunday evening after she had departed, even though they had the house to themselves. The next morning, Marcus loaded up the car as he and his mother set off for a few days of camping. They were not going to use registered sites; rather, they were just going to travel and then pitch the tent wherever and whenever they found an idyllic spot. Sleeping in a tent was not the main reason for their trip; it was the prospect of being outdoors, naked in the middle of nowhere, and having uninterrupted sex.

They drove inland and headed towards the forested national park and the open countryside that surrounded it. Stopping at a café, they had brunch, laughing, joking, and teasing now that they were away from the people who knew them. His mother may have been twice his age, but they acted like two young star-struck lovers.

When they arrived, he followed what was little more than old cart tracks until he spotted what they were looking for. On the edge of the large swathe of trees was a small grassy area, and beyond that, a stream.

"Perfect for our first night," Marcus declared.

With it still being mid-afternoon, he left the tent in the car for the moment. Instead, he took out a large ground sheet and spread it in the shade. He also got a couple of snacks for later and a bottle of wine. They both undressed, happy to strip naked in front of each other and then pulled on their swimming costumes.

It was only a precautionary measure until they were sure that they would not be disturbed. Marcus was mildly surprised by his mother; he had no idea when or where she had bought it, but today she was sporting a bikini. It was nothing like his sister would wear, but she still looked very sexy in it.

Heading for the stream, Marcus took the bottle of wine with them and deposited it in the water to chill for later.

Despite the heat of the day, the water was cold; his mother's nipples expanded while his tackle shrank. After frolicking for a short while, they got out and lay in the sun, allowing it to heat and dry their bodies.

Once they had warmed up, Marcus retrieved the bottle and opened it, pouring them each a glass of wine.

It had not taken long. His body soon returned to a normal temperature, and with alcohol inside him, his eyes began roving over his mother's body. Susan noticed his glances and the increasing bulge in his shorts. Giving her son a mischievous grin, she sat up, reached behind her back, and removed her bikini top, casting it to one side before lying down once more.

Marcus could see and hear her giggling, her tits, and her rounded belly wobbling. His shaft throbbed with anticipation as he pushed his shorts from his hips and slid them off. Rolling in her direction, Susan attempted to protect herself as though she were still a virgin schoolgirl. She laughed loudly as Marcus tickled her, squirming as she tried to avoid his fingers. And then she was in his arms, pressing herself against him and feeling his erection against her mound as they kissed.

The warmth of the day and the heat of her son's body made Susan delirious. She felt his hand creep up her body, anxious now to feel it cup and massage her breasts. Her nipples were so hard that they felt slightly painful. And then the feeling disappeared as his finger and thumb rolled them, and her arousal soared. When his lips moved from her mouth, down over her neck, and onto her breasts and nipples, she threw her head back and howled at the sky.

Susan's bikini bottoms, which had dried, were now wet again, with her pussy producing and losing juice rapidly. She ached to be fucked; the last twelve months had reawakened her desires and a desperate need for sex.

From her tits, she watched as Marcus descended further, across her ribs and belly. Susan knew what came next -- something her husband had never bothered to do, despite him expecting the same. She felt her bikini bottoms being dragged down, and then her legs were open wide, and she could feel her son's hot breath on her fanny.Propped up on her elbows, her tits wobbled as she panted. The anticipation was killing her as she waited. Marcus glanced up at her, a glint in his eye and a smirk spreading across his face -- the bastard knew what she was desperate for. Her guttural growl turned into a long, drawn-out moan as his mouth finally made contact, and then into a wail as his tongue penetrated her private parts.

His mother's pussy was wet. Her juices soon coated his mouth and face as his tongue dove deeper, licking and lapping at her succulent flesh.

Susan groaned even louder as Marcus exposed her clit, sucking and nibbling at the tiny bud. She arched her back, her head lolling. The arousal in her loins built to a crescendo, and then, before she could ask him to stop, she climaxed.

Marcus gripped her hips firmly as she thrashed about on the groundsheet. She uttered blasphemies, called him names, and was generally extremely vocal. The orgasm surged through her body, her extremities shaking and wobbling as the feeling of euphoria washed over her.

Supporting her upper body was impossible as she writhed, Susan, slumping back as she enjoyed the feeling of satisfaction. Suddenly, she exhaled sharply. Her release had been rudely interrupted as she felt her son's cock spread her labia and expand her cunt when it was shoved into her. She let out another wail, raising her hips to meet him as he began fucking her.

Marcus rammed his cock home. He had been aiming for a slow, steady rhythm; however, after several days of abstinence and with the sight of his mother's abundant and naked body, all he wanted to do now was shag her. The vision of her bouncing and wobbling flesh increased his arousal, his hips powering his shaft into her immensely wet cunt as she cried and moaned.

Susan was already close to a second climax as she urged her son on. She raised her head for a moment, watching the length of meat as it was withdrawn and then plunged into her once more. She could tell by the look on his face that he was only just managing to hang on.

"Faster Marcus. Ohhh, yes, my darling. Harder, fuck me harder."

And then her encouraging voice was cut short as she began to orgasm a second time, feeling her son's cock jerking inside her and then the sudden rush as his semen coated her internals.

After the sex, and when they had recovered, they took a dip in the stream once more. The cooling water washed away the sheen of sweat and the covering of expelled juices before they climbed back into their costumes once more.

"This is a perfect spot," Susan said. "Let's see how the rest of the day pans out, but if we are not interrupted, I'd like to spend several days here.

They had brought enough provisions for a few days and so there was no rush to do any shopping. Later, Marcus erected the tent while Susan prepared them an evening meal. That night, as it was still warm, they made love again under the stars before retiring to the tent and shagging once more.

The days they spent away together were fantastic. They were lucky with the weather; each day was increasingly hotter, and even the stream had warmed up a little. By the end of their second day, they barely bothered to dress, wandering around the area naked and having sex whenever the urge took them.

Susan got herself fucked up against trees in the forest, shagged several times in the steam, and abused in multiple positions in the tent and surrounding countryside.

When they finally packed up their stuff and climbed into the car to leave, she was sure that it had been the best week of her life ever, even though her pussy was demanding a rest. As Marcus drove them home, they were unaware that there would be a surprise in store for them later.

Their original plan had been for a two or three-day break. As it was, they had spent the entire week in that one spot.

Molly arrived home the following day. She looked tanned and well, although she was slightly puzzled as to why her brother and mother also sported tans when they had been at work all week. Over the past twelve months, she had become accustomed to Marcus sleeping with their mother and no longer fell into silent jealous rages. While she had been away, she had indulged in a holiday romance, and because it had been nothing to write home about, she was glad to be back, under no illusions that her mother and brother wouldn't have been having sex while she was away.

Of course, Molly wanted to make up for lost time, but she was unaware that her mother was not as concerned as she might imagine.

Susan had thoroughly enjoyed their week, but Marcus was many years her junior, imbued with youthful vigour and an appetite for sex that she barely managed to match. It felt as though she'd been fucked more in the last week than she had in a lifetime. She still wanted her son, but she also needed a break, a brief time for her body to replenish its store of energy.

That Sunday night, Molly requested her brother's presence in her bed. Susan was happy to sleep alone, with the operative word being sleep. She was gone the moment her head hit the pillow, hearing nothing of what took place at the opposite end of the landing.

Marcus had been aware that his sister would be expecting something special, and so he had made preparations. Unbeknownst to her, he had fastened straps to each corner of her bed and tucked them beneath her mattress so that they did not show. When he had instructed her to undress and lay naked on it, Molly complied.

A shiver of anticipation ran through her when he took one arm, raised it above her head, and wrapped the strap around her wrist. Her other arm was bound in the same way before Marcus proceeded to fasten her ankles. There was enough slack for her to raise her knees, but the bindings opened her legs and left her incapacitated.

Molly watched him as he undressed, teasing her as he took his time. Her eyes were fixated on his erection, which jerked and bounced as he moved. When Marcus opened her bedside drawer, she wondered why. She'd had no reason to look in it since she arrived home.

A look of surprise and maybe shock spread across her face as she saw what he had picked out. The synthetic flesh-coloured cock must have been nearly ten inches long -- bigger than she considered she could take. Molly had no idea what the other item might be, watching as Marcus also took a tube of something from the drawer and removed its cap. Climbing onto the bed, he raised her legs and spread her even more, leaving Molly fearing he was going to split her.

She shivered when the slippery cold gel was spread around her anus, and then she whimpered as she watched her brother apply the same lotion to the second toy. She knew what he was going to do with it now, and she was anxious because nothing had ever been inserted into her rear.

Molly felt the tip of the silicone toy as it was pressed against her anus and then cried aloud as Marcus applied pressure.

"Oh, my God."

Her puckered rosebud expanded as the toy slid inside. Molly, more used to something coming down than going up as she tried to squirm while her brother pushed it into place. The feeling was weird -- not unpleasant, just strange -- as though she was about to shit herself. She took several breaths to steady herself, looking at Marcus's smirking features.

She couldn't see what he did, but suddenly she found herself screeching. The object up her arse began vibrating, the sensation spreading up her rectum, into her fanny, and ending in the pit of her stomach. Molly's arousal escalated; the demand from her pussy was intense, but presently she was unable to satisfy its demand.

"Shit! Please, Marcus, I need you; I need your cock," she pleaded.

Instead of his shaft, she got his mouth. Molly felt his warm breath on her fanny seconds before his tongue penetrated her hot, wet passage. Her hips and lower torso left the mattress, her body stretching as it fought against the constraints. Her legs and thighs would not stop shaking, her belly quivering, and her chest pumping up and down. Her nipples ached as though they were on fire; hard and erect, they protruded from each of her breasts.

When Marcus exposed her clit and flicked it with his tongue, her dam broke. The orgasm shook her like a rag doll as she screamed and cried. Her body went taut, with only the balls of her feet and her head and shoulders touching the mattress. Molly bucked up and down like that until she thought she might damage her spine, but she was unable to stop the sensations that flooded through her system, her body reacting to them.

After a week of having sex solely with his mother, he began to appreciate his sister's youthful figure.

When Molly's body slumped as her climax subsided, Marcus got to his knees. She was taken unawares as his cock slammed into her cunt, opening her eyes wide. She experienced several minutes of him fucking her pussy, taking her to the edge as his shaft expanded her cunt and the vibrations from her rectum flowed through her pussy.

Convinced her climax was imminent, he stopped, leaving her frustrated as he withdrew. The butt plug was slid from her arse, Marcus pulling and twisting her until her buttocks were spread and her legs were high. Molly wailed again as her anus was penetrated a second time, only now it was her brother's cock.

Marcus sodomised her slowly. He knew what she wanted but was making her wait. When he was ready, he took the dildo and slipped it into her sloppy, wet twat, sliding it in and out rapidly at the same time that he fucked her arse.

Molly had experienced nothing like it. It felt like two cocks were fucking her, each producing different sensations. Her climax exploded and made her body convulse, her brain unable to process what was happening to her. While she continued to react to the stimulation, Molly drifted off into oblivion, blacking out for a brief time.

When she came to, her bonds had been removed, and Marcus was cuddling her. Any sex she'd had with previous boyfriends now paled into insignificance; what her brother had helped her experience reinforced her conviction that she was in love with him.

Susan, despite sleeping heavily, had woken with a desperate urge for the toilet. She was still half asleep as she slipped on her robe and went out onto the landing. As she emptied her bladder, the noise coming from her daughter's room seemed particularly loud. Susan tiptoed along the landing until she reached the corner and peered around it.

Molly's bedroom door was wide open. Perhaps because each of them knew what was now taking place, neither she nor Marcus had bothered to close it.

Susan crept closer until she was able to look through the crack. Her daughter's bed was behind the door and illuminated by side lamps, giving her a perfect view of what was taking place.

Marcus was lying on his back, Molly straddling his thighs as she tossed him off. Susan's eyes were riveted to her son's erection, and despite her resolve to take a break from him, her pussy began to protest. She watched as her daughter raised herself and then heard the drawn-out moan as it penetrated her cunt.

Susan was not that way inclined, but watching her son and daughter fuck was highly erotic. Unconsciously, her hand went between her legs, pulling her lips apart as she rubbed at her twat. She watched Molly's tits bounce, envious of her daughter's flat stomach, and resolved to try and lose some weight.

Their cries of pleasure got louder as her fingers and hand got faster, plunging several of them into her cunt as she fingered herself. She orgasmed at the same time as Molly, her legs spreading as juice dripped from her fanny. When she recovered her composure, she crept back to her bedroom and climbed beneath her sheets. It was something Susan had never considered, but watching her son and daughter have sex had been a complete turn-on. She wondered how it might feel to actually be in bed with them when it took place.

The thought festered in her brain for the next month. On the nights she was alone, Susan masturbated. It was always the same fantasy: she was there, with her son and daughter, lying next to them as they screwed while she touched herself. And then they swapped over, Marcus pumping his shaft into her cunt as her eyes lingered on Molly fingering herself. There was never the urge to touch her daughter; it was just the voyeuristic thrill of watching and being watched during sex.

Did she say something to her son? Susan was in no doubt that he would be up for it. She guessed that it was something that men fantasised about, but what about her daughter? Molly was the one who held Susan back, convinced that she would see her mother as some kind of pervert.

After nearly four months, nothing had come of her fantasy, and Susan still couldn't bring herself to suggest such a scenario to Marcus. True to her word, she had begun to diet, cutting out snacks and chocolate as well as her lunch each day. Each evening after tea, she went out for a walk of several miles, pounding the pavement in an effort to lose weight.

Staring at herself naked in the bedroom mirror, Susan turned one way and then the other. She could not discern any improvement yet. If anything, her belly looked a little larger, as did her breasts.

Susan had a queasy feeling in the pit of her stomach; she had been in denial. It had been a while since she'd had her period, not since the summer, but she put it down to reaching that age in her life.

"No chance," she told herself. "I'm too old."

When the six-month mark approached, there was no denying her predicament. The pregnancy test confirmed her worst fears. Her chubbiness had hidden the fact, and neither Marcus nor Molly had noticed or commented.

Shortly after that, one weekend morning, as they all sat together having breakfast, Susan imparted her news.

"I have something to tell you both." There was a pause of several seconds. "I don't know how it happened... Well, I do... I mean, I never expected it to happen... It's just that... I'm pregnant!"

Her son's face froze in shock, his mouth open as he stared at her. Susan was convinced that for a second, her daughter had looked relieved.

Molly's head was down, her eyes staring at the table and the cereal bowl in front of her. She came out with a quietly spoken comment -- one that stopped the conversation dead in its tracks.

"Snap! I'm pregnant as well."

Susan looked at her daughter. There had been changes recently, but nothing that she could put her finger on. Normally, Molly wore tight tops and clothing that emphasised her breasts and figure, but lately, she had taken to wearing clothes that hid her belly and were baggy. Now it all made sense.

She looked at her son; his eyes were going from her to his sister and back again, the same look of shock and fear still plastered across his face.

When Marcus eventually found his voice, he stuttered and spluttered.