During my formative years and into my mid-teens, I was convinced that I knew everything about my mother that there was to know. I knew her likes and dislikes, what she liked to eat and what she liked to wear. I knew her friends and workmates, what she liked to watch on tv and all about our relatives. I knew what she found funny and what she found distasteful, in short, I could answer any question about my mother that anyone cared to ask and be confident of answering correctly. I even knew her bra size, which was a "34b", it was on the label of a bra which was on top of a pile of clean clothes that I carried upstairs for her one time. Her other measurements, I would have to make a reasonable guess at I suppose, but I bet I wouldn't be far off.

I could describe her to anyone, all I had to do was close my eyes and instantly an image of her would pop into my head, she was ordinary. Now I don't mean that nastily, what I mean is that she is no different from the millions of other mothers in this country. From pictures in the photo albums, I would consider that she was reasonably pretty when she was young, nothing spectacular mind you, just a young woman with a prettyish face. Her figure back then didn't look too bad and from what I could see then and now, she has good legs. From her photos, she has had different hairstyles over the years, long, short and several different lengths in between. Some suited her and some didn't, nowadays her mousey coloured hair is slightly permed and is currently shoulder length and at least her glasses suit the shape of her face. Over the years she has worn some monstrosities which I would never have been seen dead in, even as a joke.

But despite everything that I thought I knew; my mother it later appeared, had a secret. It was a secret kept so close to her chest that I'm sure no one ever had an inkling. Well perhaps my father did, maybe it was the reason for their divorce four years earlier. If it was, I was never privy to it. I think more or less that I was the reason they stayed together, the older I got, the less they found they had in common and eventually when I was at an age where I saw more of my friends than I did of my family, they decided to amicably go their separate ways. I still saw my father regularly and had great respect for him, but friends and especially girlfriends were more important now than family was.

Now I know what you are all thinking, 'Ah, we know what comes next.' Well, I'm glad you do, because, at that point, I didn't have a clue that anything at all would come next, she was my mother, end of story. My life carried on as it had done before their separation, most evenings after school and with my homework done, I would head into town and meet up with my mates. When I left school and got a job as an apprentice joiner, it made no difference to me, at least there was no homework anymore. I would still toddle off into town most evenings, meeting friends and my new girlfriend, Danielle, whom I had only just recently acquired.

As my nineteenth birthday and Christmas approached, I was at a loss for once that Saturday evening. Outdoors, the weather was cold, wet and my girlfriend was full of the flu. I thought of going around to one of my mates, but because of the dismal conditions, I had retreated to my bedroom, bored with watching the rubbish that was on tv. Browsing through several porn sites, I suddenly needed to piss and left my laptop on the bed as I made my way to the bathroom. It was only as I returned that I remembered it and got the shock of my life. My mother was in my bedroom putting socks and undies into drawers and fortunately for me, her back was to my laptop which was currently displaying a woman, gagged and bound while she was getting shafted.

Mum turned around, just as I slammed the lid down, looking at me enquiringly as to what my haste was. 'Bored,' I told her as I quickly picked up my headphones and connected them to my music player, certain that my face must be flushed and crimson.

As she left my room, I breathed a sigh of relief, thanking whichever gods were watching over me, that she hadn't noticed what was on the screen. She must not have caught a glimpse because she had made no mention of it. I'm sure she would have done and so from then onwards, I always made sure the lid was closed whenever I left it unaccompanied.

Danielle had recovered, the weather had turned frosty and crisp and I had gone back to my frequent trips into town each evening. With Christmas over and both me and mum back at work, our life continued unabated throughout January. It was one evening in February that I once again found myself at a bit of a loss. There was nothing much on tv, Danielle was away, and it was too cold to walk down to my mates. What I was watching on the tv was at least halfway interesting, when Mum came in after finishing up in the kitchen and grabbed the remote. She proceeded to do that annoying thing of going through every one of the channels, trying to find something to watch despite the fact I had already told her there was nothing worth watching.

We sat for a while longer, up until the point that I intended to go up to my bedroom when she suddenly came out with a strange request. 'Can you bring your laptop downstairs? I want to look up something.'

Now, as far as I was concerned, my mother was computer illiterate, she worked in a large retail outlet and while I knew that she perhaps had to use one from time to time, at home she could never get the hang of my machine on the few occasions she had asked to borrow it. Dutifully, I brought it down and switched it on for her as she asked how she should search the internet.

'What is it you are looking for mum?' I asked as I showed her how to bring up the browser and type in an enquiry. Her answer had me rocking back on my heels and going crimson as I stuttered and spluttered at her reply.

'I'm looking for the website that was on your computer before Christmas. Remember the night I came to your bedroom. You know, the one where the woman was tied up and having sex.'

If you had given me a shovel, I would happily have dug the hole myself. I was tongue-tied and embarrassed, how would I respond to a comment like that from a stranger, let alone my own mother. Nervously, and shaking like a leaf, I sat next to her and took the laptop back as I typed in a web address and pressed enter. Passing it back to her, I was intent on making my escape when she started to ask questions. 'What do I click on. How do I make it play?'

I explained what she had to click on as the first clip started playing, the sound loud in the now quiet room. I turned the volume down and tried to escape again but was stopped as she said, 'Don't go yet. I need you to show me how to play more.' And so, I sat, feeling ill at ease with the laptop balanced on our knees as I watched porn clips with my mother. She sat silently at first, watching the action play out on the screen. By the third clip she was commenting, observations on the actors and actresses, comments about what was taking place as embarrassingly, I watched women of different ages, bound, flogged, abused and fucked.

We spent just over two hours that evening watching all kinds of fetish and kinky porn, my mother laughing, joking and sounding excited while I just sat in a subdued daze, unable to do and say anything. I couldn't reply to some of her remarks, there was no way I could bring myself to use words like those in my mother's presence. And there was no way I could move, despite my abject discomfort, what I was watching on the screen was having the desired effect and I had a raging boner in my pants. When at last she'd had her fill, she wished me goodnight and headed upstairs to her bedroom.

I must have sat there for another thirty minutes, unable to believe what had just taken place. If I had told any of my friends, there was no way they would ever have believed me. I wouldn't have believed me. When at last I locked the doors and turned out the lights, heading for my room, I knew I had to do something to get rid of the throbbing urgency down below. With my door locked, I got naked, lying on my bed as I began teasing my raging flesh and tossed myself off.

My ears didn't pick up on the sound while I was distracted, it was only afterwards as I threw the discarded tissue full of my semen into the bin that I was convinced I could hear something.

You know what it's like when you are certain you can hear a motor running or humming somewhere in the background but cannot pinpoint exactly where it is coming from. It was so soft and quiet that I wondered if I was imagining it. I would turn my head one way and it would disappear, turn it another and the sound was back. I walked around my bedroom, listening to pieces of equipment, try to work out if they were the source of the noise. I opened my bedroom door, sticking my head out onto the landing but still couldn't place the sound. Back in my room I even opened the window, a blast of icy cold air making my curtains flutter but still, the noise evaded me and then it suddenly stopped.

Nothing was said the next morning, or the next day or even over the next few weeks. It was as though the occurrence had never happened. It was March before it was repeated once again with similar consequences to the previous occasion and again with me searching around my bedroom for that damned irritating bloody sound.

By the third occasion after Easter, at least I was past sitting there like some kind of shop dummy, now feeling able to make comments even though I still found it embarrassing to use certain words. Whilst we had progressed to other types of porn clips, having watched women being sodomised, both male and female solo masturbation, lesbian and double penetration, my mother always returned to what I would call, the kinky sex.

Now here's the thing and where you have all so far guessed wrong, nothing ever happened. There was no sudden throwing off of clothes or rampant sex in front of the fire, we would sit together, watch pornography and then retire alone.

'Sorry, that was a bit of a white lie.' Something did happen and it was as Christmas approached once more. We had spent nearly the entire year coming together every so often to perform our little secret, and despite being sat close to my mother on each occasion, that December was the first time that I retired to my bedroom and suddenly found myself wondering as I beat my meat, what it would be like to see her naked. The velocity that my spunk left the tip of my cock left me a quivering wreck and for the first time ever, I fantasised about having sex with her.

Christmas that year was pretty bad, there was plenty of snow and several days that while we could get out of the house, the roads and pavements were like skating rinks and were lethal. It was during these days that we amused ourselves with our now normal preoccupation. I have to admit that it was hard over that time, not because of anything that was said or done, but because of the type of porn clips that my mother wanted to watch.

Imagine how difficult it was, sat very close to her, literally our arms and shoulders touching as I surreptitiously watched her chest rise and fall rapidly, knowing that what we were watching was arousing her. Clip after clip of supposedly mother and son, father and daughter, mother and daughter and whole families together performed for us, hour after hour of incestuous sex as my cock throbbed constantly in my pants.

I found the whole episode awkward, not least because, besides the comments that were made, my mother insisted on starting to ask me questions. 'Had I tried such a position with my girlfriend? What kind of sex did I like? Did I like old women, mature women? Had I ever slept with two girls at the same time?' I'm sure I spent the time blushing profusely, and especially when I learnt about her likes. My mother it seemed, had a penchant for sex, most kinds of sex, but especially the type that wasn't what you may describe as normal sex. The other reason that I found that Christmas awkward was the fact that I would have given my right arm for the chance to fuck her. 'Yes, that's right. I had now reached a point where I fantasised about fucking my mum.'

She had never given me any inclination, that my thoughts were anything that she might have considered acting upon. Each occasion was the same, when she had watched her fill, she would depart for her bedroom leaving me with a considerable erection. It was the morning after one of those episodes that I discovered the source of the noise that I would hear from time to time and drove me to distraction. I had taken more clothes up to her bedroom for her as she stood ironing in the kitchen and there it was down the side of her bed, this enormous, rubberised vibrator. Switching it on and off quickly, I was now sure that it was the reason for the humming, my mother bringing herself off after watching pornography all evening.

I'm quite sure that we would have continued in the same vein forever if it had not been for one evening the following year when due to my girlfriends birthday, I returned home late and very much worse for wear. I'd imagined that my mother would be in bed by the time I managed to unlock the front door and stagger through it, so was surprised to find her still up, sat on the couch with my laptop balanced on her knees. I was cordially invited to join her as she continued to work her way through clips of hand-jobs and women getting fisted with a little bit of "BDSM" thrown in for good measure. It took a while for my eyes to focus on the screen as a woman was manacled and forced to swallow cock before getting fucked.

With the amount I'd had to drink that evening, my brain and mouth were refusing to work with each other, which was why at one particular juncture, as a large shaft was thrust into the woman on screen, I blurted out that I imagined doing that to her, my brain taking nearly a minute longer to process what I had said before I blushed and hit the mute button for my gob. It was to her credit that she said nothing other than to give me a curious look. I would love to say that I stayed in the lounge, and we got it on, sadly, within a short period I felt sick, and just managed to make it to the bathroom before calling for "Hughey".

Surprisingly, the next morning I wasn't disturbed. Feeling as rough as a bears arse and with a throbbing head, I spent most of the day in bed. I could recollect saying something, but for the life of me, could not remember what it was. Finally surfacing mid-afternoon, I made my way downstairs just as my mother returned from visiting her sister. She made us both a brew, taking them through to the lounge and asking me to join her as she had something that she wanted to discuss. I wasn't worried, just unsure of myself, wishing I could remember exactly what I had said the previous night.

Mum watched me for a few moments as I rubbed my temples, uttering those famous words of 'Never again.' I got the impression that she wanted to ask something and was considering how to start the conversation and broach the subject.

'Do you remember what you said last night?' She asked. I nodded my head and then said 'No.'

'I remember saying something mum, I'm just not sure now what it was. Was it something I shouldn't have said?' I asked.

'Perhaps,' she replied, 'But I think we have a certain kind of understanding nowadays. What you said last night about wanting to fuck me, was that correct? Is that what you would like to do?'

Remember that hole I was digging, all I needed at that moment was the shovel and I could make it a few feet deeper. Awkwardly and feeling stupid, I nodded my head. She sat for a few moments longer as she considered my affirmation. It was as she started to speak that I learnt the one thing about my mother that I and probably everyone who knew her had never suspected.

I would always have considered her to be a strong character. She never felt embarrassed about complaining, she could be quite opinionated and was always the first to voice any concerns. I wouldn't say she was domineering, but she was never afraid of confrontation and if anything, I would say she was a confident person. Which was why I was shocked when she told me what she desired and liked and wanted me to do with her. It appeared my mother wanted to be my "Submissive", or as she put it, 'I want to be your slut, your bitch. I want you to abuse and use me.'

I must have looked a complete idiot as I sat opposite her, my eyes wide open in amazement and my mouth catching flies. My brain refused to compute what she had just told me. No words would come other than strange, strangled noises that issued every so often from my throat. It took a good ten minutes and my hot cup of coffee before I was able to coherently put sentences together. As my initial shock eventually started to evaporate, mum continued to explain what she would like to happen.

'When there are people we know about, everything must appear to be normal. But when we are alone, or sometimes when we are out and about, I want you to put me into compromising situations. I want you to make me do things that I normally would not do.

'I want to be tied up at times and abused, forced to have sex with you. I want you to rape me and humiliate me, in short, the more sordid it is, the more I'll enjoy it.'

Imagine if you will, that some woman has just told you that you have free licence to do with her what you will. That no matter how depraved, outlandish or perverted your imagination, she wants you to do those things to her and she will not complain. It would be like a dream come true and then immediately, you start to wonder what the catch is because there is always a catch. Now increase your astonishment and disbelief ten times, because the woman who has just told you how she wants you to treat her like a whore, is your mother.

She could see that I was struggling with her request which was why she had told me to take a few days and think about it.

What I was struggling with was not the request to have sex with her, I had already reached a point where I would have taken her to bed in a shot. It was the other stuff that I was struggling with. From being a child and like everyone, I had always done what my mother told me. Growing up, she had been my moral compass, praising me when I was good and reprimanding me when I did wrong. Even now when I am grown up, I still have that respect for my mother and mostly comply with her wishes and requests. To suddenly reverse those roles and command her to do things, things that a son would never think of telling his mother to do, was something that I didn't know if I could manage.

Over the next week, her words were never out of my mind. I would go to her occasionally, trying to clarify certain points that I was struggling to get my head around. I must say, she never rushed or tried to coerce me, allowing me the time to make my mind up. When at last one Sunday afternoon we sat together and I told her about my concerns, but that at the very least, I consented to give it a try, she looked pleased. The rest of the day was spent listening to ideas of the things she wanted to do, how she wanted me to treat her and things that perhaps between us we should purchase.

As Easter was only a couple of weeks away, we would put together what we could, and our game would start during that weekend. I spent the next couple of weeks searching for and ordering items from the internet, things that I had never even realised were out there. It seemed sites were abundant, all perfectly happy to cater to customers who had a penchant for a different type of sex. I had managed to get what I required for our first try-out, my mother discussing it often as that fateful weekend approached and I could see her getting excited.

Friday, we were both off work. Sat downstairs having her breakfast, I perused her wardrobe looking for something for her to wear that would facilitate what I had in mind. Tucked in the back of one wardrobe were some of her older clothes, a skirt that was far too short to be called decent nowadays, and an old blouse which I guessed was to tight and could not be worn without revealing to much flesh. It was mild outside, the sun shining, and a long cardigan was the only other item I allowed her as I laid the clothes out on her bed.

Back downstairs, I told her to go and get dressed, 'Make sure your make-up is appropriate and, on this occasion, you can wear whatever underwear you want, but don't get used to it.'

It seemed strange telling my mother to do something and I hadn't yet mastered the ability to make my voice commanding, still sounding as though it was a request rather than an order. I had already dressed and took the time to slip items into my jacket pockets. There was a large park within walking distance and as the day was nice, I thought it was an appropriate place to start with, I already had a couple of ideas in mind.

The park was far busier than I had anticipated, there was no chance of finding a secluded spot and so I just picked a bench over the far side which seemed to be clear of the main crowds of families and picnickers. We sat down together, occupying the small bench which deterred anyone else from trying to sit next to us. Allowing her time to settle, it was obvious she was excited, wondering what I may have planned.

'You look a little warm,' I told her after a while, 'I want you to get rid of that blouse. It will help you feel cooler.' I'd managed to change the tone in my voice this time, making it sound more like an order than a request.

My mother looked around nervously, there was no way she could take the blouse off without first removing the cardigan. For a short time at least, it would leave her upper body clad only in her bra, which anyone looking close enough in our direction would be able to see.

'I didn't mean in your own time!' I suddenly snapped at her and noticed a fearful look in her eyes. Imagining doing something like this almost certainly turned her on, actually doing it in a park full of people was a different matter and I began to wonder if she was having second thoughts.

She eased the cardigan from her shoulders, keeping it bunched at her waist as she slowly undid the buttons of her blouse, stopping and starting continuously as people looked over in our direction. Still keeping the blouse tightly closed, she stared around for a minute as though plucking up courage and then swiftly slipped out of the blouse and put the cardigan back on, her chest heaving with excitement and arousal. To be honest, I don't know which of us was most aroused, my mother with what she had just done or me as I got my first ever view of her naked flesh clad only in a bra which displayed her fantastic breasts.

The throbbing in my pants was intense, presently, the only thing I could think of was to take her home, strip her naked and fuck the arse off her.

She had fastened the top three buttons of the cardigan so that to anyone passing, she appeared to be dressed normally. Without allowing her time to settle, I ordered her to take her knickers off. That was a lot easier for her to do and within seconds I was grasping her warm panties. Her blouse was neatly folded on my lap and not to be outdone by what she was doing, I casually slid my pants zip down and as she watched, extracted my erection. Wrapping her panties around it, I briefly began to toss myself off whilst telling her she was not allowed to touch.

Honestly, I thought she was going to jump on me as she started to become agitated, her hands trembling and hesitant as she wanted to reach across and touch my cock.

Replacing my shaft in my pants was easier said than done as I struggled to get it stowed away once more. Standing, I moved to the other side of her and stretched her arm out along the back of the bench before taking a thin strap from my pocket and wrapping it around her wrist and the bench, cinching it with the Velcro strip. That only left her with the one good hand now as I stood, checked and then knelt in front of her and opened the lower part of the cardigan. The skirt was so short that she'd had to keep her legs together, but now, after a glance over my shoulder, I opened her thighs wide, getting my first look at her fanny and ran my finger up and down her juicy slit.

I swear that if it had not been for that strap holding her wrist, my mother would have leapt ten feet up into the air. As it was, she had difficulty controlling the wail that tried to escape her lips. And then she did moan, her legs shaking, when after another glance, I slid my finger inside her thoroughly wet cunt and pounded her flesh with it. She climaxed almost immediately, her eyes rolling up inside her head as the rest of her body shook and juices flowed from her.

Reaching into my pocket, I extracted the toy that I had bought for her. It wasn't what I had initially searched for, but once I saw it, I couldn't resist purchasing it. The website had advertised it as a "sex egg", and her passage was so wet that it slipped easily into place, deep inside her cunt. I returned to my seat next to her as she struggled to bring her breathing back under control. What she did not know and what I hadn't told her was that the egg was wireless and came with a remote, which was safely stored in my jacket pocket.

There were a couple of women walking along the path and in a moment, they would pass directly in front of us. As they drew level, I clicked the "On" button and then pushed the intensity button several times, watching as my mother's eyes went wide, the egg vibrating inside her fanny. One of the women now past us, turned around and gave her a stern look as several expletives were uttered a little too loudly.

It was fun turning the little buzzing toy up and down. Buried deep inside her pussy it was inaudible, even sat next to her. But on full speed, it had my mother groaning continuously as her second climax approached. Turning it off for a moment, I moved closer to her, my hand going inside her cardigan as I extracted each breast from their cups before fondling them and twisting at her now hard erect nipples. She could hardly contain herself, her arousal now at fever pitch as people passed close by us.

Having lasted as long as I could, I whipped my cock out again, allowing her one good hand to wank me off as I turned the egg up to full speed. I'm sure the bench moved as she orgasmed, sliding about on the seat as her piss and juices dripped between the open slats and I easily managed to fill her panties with my cum.

With our initial desires fulfilled, the homeward journey was made a lot quicker than the outward one was. I think we both had the same thought in mind, and that was to reach home, get naked and fuck.

The journey back was interesting, my mother still had the "sex egg" buried deep in her quim and I still had the remote in my pocket. We passed plenty of people, some of whom gave her strange looks when I would suddenly switch it on and turn the vibration up high, my mother dancing and groaning as she tightly clamped her legs together and shook. At last, the house was in sight and we bundled ourselves through the front door, ripping clothes off as we went.

Inside, the first thing I did was kiss her. I'd wondered for a while what it may feel like to kiss my mother. Don't get me wrong, I've kissed her cheek, her forehead and the tip of her nose, but even while fantasising about having sex with her, not once had the idea of kissing her lips entered my consciousness. The kiss was subtle as first, sweet and exquisite, but as it progressed it became sensual and eventually erotic, especially as her tongue forced its way into my mouth.

I had nearly ripped the buttons off her cardigan, pulling it open and pushing her bra out of the way in my rush to touch her breasts once more. They filled my hand, feeling firm and weighty, her nipples erect even before I got my fingers to them. The urgency down below was increasing by the second as my mother rubbed frantically at my erection while trying to undo my pants at the same time.

At that moment, what I desired more than anything, possibly even more than the sex, was to see her completely naked and be able to explore her body. We stumbled up a few stairs at a time, continually kissing, touching and arousing each other until we finally made her bedroom and finished divesting ourselves of what few garments we still wore. And then I beheld the vision of my desires as my mother lay prone on the bed, her knees raised, and her legs open wide as she displayed and offered her vagina to me.

Having joined her on the bed, I knelt between her open thighs, taking several minutes while I did nothing but stare down at her gorgeous body. Despite being twice my age, her figure was beautiful to look at, even good enough to eat. I just couldn't get over the fact that even with her few imperfections, in my eyes she looked fantastic and sexy. Reaching down, I took the thin cord attached to the toy still inside her and pulled gently, watching as it slid from her cunt. And then at last, as I shuffled forwards, I got my wish as my throbbing shaft replaced the toy inside her moist passage.

We had already got the foreplay out of the way, all that either of us now wanted to do was fuck. 'Something with more finesse could come later,' I briefly thought, ramming my shaft as far up her fanny as it would go. With my mother urging me on, I fucked her with no consideration for her feelings, her cunt by now, not so much moist, as sopping wet. At the rate she was leaking, there was going to be a damp patch on the covers of her bed.

Grabbing her tits, I squeezed hard, making the front of her breasts bulge and forcing her erect nipples to stand proud as I leaned forward and bit them a little more forcibly than I had planned on doing. My mother let out a scream before asking me to do it again, her hips bucking crazily as I continued shafting her. And then I was shooting my load into her cunt, slapping her tits left and right with the flat of my hand as she orgasmed while I screamed abuse at her, my cock continuing to plough her twat until she begged me to stop.

Later and still lying next to her, I just could not stop myself from apologising profusely, I hadn't been considerate or gentle and my language at the end when I had called her a whore, left me feeling dismayed that I could act like that towards her.

Cradling my head against her breasts, she told me that I had nothing to apologise for. 'That was perfect, that's how I want you to treat me occasionally. It was exciting and a real turn on, I can't wait to see what you come up with next. I loved every second of it.'

I had been correct in my assumption. We'd had to change the bedsheets afterwards and put a towel on the mattress as mum had created quite a large damp area with her juices. 'You can always sleep in my bed tonight,' I ventured, but she politely declined.

'One step at a time and let's see where that leads us,' she said when we eventually decided to get up and get dressed.

Our thoughts next turned to what we could do at home. The house wasn't anything special, it was old and spacious enough, but the thing that it did have going for it and what I had never thought about, was that it had a cellar. I only went down there occasionally because it was cold and dusty and, in the past, had only been used to store boxes of items that had infrequent usage or that none of us had the heart to throw away.

It was mums idea when she brought the subject up one evening. Over a month had passed since our first adventure and although we had tried little things, there had been nothing completely out of the ordinary or outrageous.

There were some evenings when I made her sit topless or bottomless with a dog collar around her neck which was attached to a long lead so that all I had to do was jerk it when I required something. (Like a blowjob or a fuck.) On another evening she had displeased me by turning the tv over and so I had put her across my knee, lifted her skirt and pulled her panties down before spanking her. She loved that, especially when, as she still lay over my lap, I rammed several fingers up her cunt and frigged her solidly for nearly an hour. (We had to clean that bit of the carpet later.)

Having now purchased her own laptop, she had shown me things that she wanted to try which was how we came to be discussing the cellar. 'We can't be screwing hooks and such into the bedroom walls and ceilings. Is this something we could do in the cellar if we tidied it?' She asked. Having now got my attention, I did a quick search, surprised to find that a lot of apparatus could be bought, but at a hell of a price I pointed out to her.

'Well, if we cleared it, you're a joiner. Is it something that you could build from wood?' Mum asked, looking at me hopefully.

And so that was the start of the next stage of our adventure. In my room after work, I sketched designs and worked out measurements, convinced that I could make a lot of the frames, seats and platforms at a fraction of the cost.

Mum ordered a skip and the next weekend, we set to, ruthless in what we decided to discard if a new home for it, could not be found. The only thing I made her keep hold of, were several boxes of old clothes. She wondered why I asked her to keep them, explaining that most of them would not fit her anymore. Her eyes sparkled with excitement as I told her, 'If they are old and useless, it won't matter if I cut them off you.'

Once the cellar was clear, it was surprising how much bigger it appeared, plenty of room for me to build something. There were already lights and sockets so all that was needed was an electric heater to warm it up in winter. By the following weekend, mum had swept it out completely and was in the process I found, of painting the walls a very dark grey. 'It has to look like a torture chamber,' she told me.

My boss at work was happy for me to order whatever timber I needed through the company and to use the machines at work to cut the joints. I had to lie about what I was making, no way could I tell him or my workmates the truth.

It was summer before I finished building my projects. I had managed to construct several items, still leaving adequate space in the cellar for us to move around easily. The first was an open-framed box attached to the ceiling joists and the floor and to which, I had added rope or manacle attachments and pulleys. Next was a reclining seat, if you could call it that, as there was very little to sit on. It had leg supports and once strapped into it, I would have free access to my mother's fanny and anus. Lastly, I had built a raised platform, more or less it looked like a large table only with more support. My mother could be strapped to this which brought her fanny up to the height of my shaft when I stood beside it.

All had been padded and upholstered by mum in a faux-leather material that was easy to wipe down in the event of any leakage. The only other thing we did buy was something my mother had seen and pleaded with me to purchase, but more about that later. With the floor covered in cork tiles for added warmth when barefooted, and also to make it easier to mop up spillages, our dungeon was now kitted out and ready for my mum's eager use.

Before we made use of our new dungeon, there was something else that I wanted to try, something my mother had mentioned previously, and dependent on whether I could manage to go through with it.

Ostensibly, I was out with my mates and girlfriend when I called mum at home one evening, 'Hello Dorothy.' That was my mother's name, even though I had never called her by it before. 'I have been watching you and I want you to do something for me, Dorothy.' She must have known immediately that it was me, despite the fact I was trying to make my voice sound deeper.

'I have heard that you are a slut. Is that what you are Dorothy?' I waited as she confirmed my question. 'I want you to dress like a prostitute for me. I want you to come and meet me. I have a use for sluts and whores.' I gave her the location and an hour to get ready, telling her that I knew where she lived and would come looking for her if she did not turn up.

It left me with an hour to kill as I wondered what made my mother like she was. It seemed strange to me that someone so confident and sure of herself would want to be treated in that way. Perhaps it was the thrill, the prospect of being treated like something she wasn't by someone who at the end of the day, would do her no harm. It's strange what we all fantasise about, maybe no different than when I started to imagine myself having sex with her.

The location I had picked was an old, abandoned scout hut on the edge of the school playing fields. It was just growing dim as the sky began to darken and the area round about was deserted at this time of late evening. Stood in amongst some tree's, I had a good view of the gate as I waited for my mother to arrive.

Hearing someone approach, I stepped back further into the deepening shadows as I watched her enter, looking nervous as her head continually turned this way and that. Despite however much confidence she had, this was somewhere she would not normally come alone at this time of evening. Standing by the corner of the hut, she looked around, hesitating and appearing to perhaps be getting ready to call out. It was so easy for me to move around behind her until I was close enough to nearly reach out and touch her and she still did not know I was there.

With hindsight, there were things I hadn't considered, like the fact that although she knew that it was me, she was meeting, she still screamed and nearly had a heart attack when my hand went over her mouth trying to stifle the scream and I waved a knife in front of her face. It was only plastic, but in the fading light, it looked quite formidable. Mum relaxed the instant she heard my voice. We had long ago come up with a word which she would use if she ever wanted the games to end, and I had frightened her so much that I expected to hear it uttered.

'Hello Dorothy, nice of you to meet me,' I said, trying to sound sinister. I could feel her still trembling as she asked what I wanted. 'I want you to perform for me, you are going to show me a good time and then I'm going to fuck you,' I told her.

Mum played her part perfectly as I bound her wrists, still waving the pretend knife about and pulled her towards the hut. The door lock had long ago been broken and the local kids nowadays used it as a den, the floor covered in old rugs. Everywhere was dusty and smelt of disuse as I threw her to her knee's. Holding the knife against her throat, I slowly slid the zip of my jeans down and pulled out my shaft, the excitement already starting to bring it erect.

'Suck it bitch,' I murmured, thrusting my cock towards her mouth as I grabbed a handful of hair and pulled her head backwards. Despite her protestations, her mouth quickly opened as her lips enveloped the head of my cock. 'Jesus,' she was like a vacuum cleaner as she sucked on my knob, my hips thrusting it into her mouth as I face-fucked her. Each time I withdrew, my shaft was covered in saliva as she dribbled from the corners of her mouth, my shaft going so far towards the back of her throat that she started to gag.

With my cock now hard and throbbing, I pulled it away from her, squatting as I pulled her coat open and grabbed one of her tits. Through the flimsy jumper, I could tell she was bra-less as she pleaded. 'Please, please don't do this. Let me go, I promise not to tell anyone.'You won't tell anyone,' I growled. 'Remember, I know where you live.'

Pushing her over and onto her back, I held her arms above her head as my other hand went under her top and found her naked breasts. Pushing the jumper upwards, I exposed her bare flesh, my hand abusing her tits, slapping the wobbling flesh and then pulling at her nipples and making them elongated. She was still trying to play the part of a frightened woman, but it was easy to see that she was highly aroused and what she wanted more than anything was cock.

Roughly, my hand went between her legs, rubbing at her cunt as she tried to bring her thighs together. Taking a piece of rope, I threaded it around her bound wrists and then with them still above her head pulled the rope tight and fastened it to a large hook that I had previously screwed into the woodwork. With hands and arms now secured, it was easy for me to force her legs open as I ripped the panties from her, her fanny glistening and open with her juices.

Lying flat, I shuffled forwards, my head going between her thighs and catching that first whiff of her sex. Pushing her thighs open wider, I spread her piss flaps, my cock pushing urgently against the rough carpet as my tongue flicked out and penetrated her cunt.

She was supposed to be pretending to resist, and while her body tried to squirm this way and that, the words coming out of her mouth were nothing to do with resistance as she urged me to suck on her twat and clitoris. My exertions were quickly rewarded as her hips began trying to buck, her climax spreading juice and whatever else over my face as she orgasmed and squirted, her cries echoing around the small hut.

Rising to my knees, I dropped my jeans, my shaft now free as I positioned myself and then thrust it forcefully into her cunt, a whoosh of air being expelled from her lungs as my shaft filled her wet passage. She had stopped squirming, her legs coming up around my buttocks as with each thrust, she tried to pull me deeper into her fanny. I fucked her hard and fast, slapping her face and tit's, my hand around her throat at one point as I commanded her to tell me how much of a slut she was.

Her eyes were alive with excitement and desire as my cock slammed into her cunt once more and her next climax drew closer. She was pleading with me to let her cum as I continued to fuck her roughly until I nodded my head, my ejaculation imminent. I heard her cry out, but my head was swimming as my balls and cock let go and I filled her wet sloppy cunt with my cream.

We were both shattered, lying on the dirty floor and breathing heavily after I had released her from her bonds. 'That was the best sex ever,' she was trying to tell me between breaths. 'I nearly shit myself when you first grabbed me. We have to do that again soon.' She finished by rolling onto her side as her mouth found mine, tasting her own fanny juices still on my lips as we kissed.

Of course, there were consequences to the things we had done. Over eighteen months had passed since our peculiar liaison had first started and now with summer over with and amid autumn, I thought about what had taken place.

You had been correct I suppose, things had happened once it was only the two of us, things that I would never have considered could happen between a mother and son. It had taken its time, but after the episode in the scout hut, that night she had invited me into her bed. As a consequence, we now slept together regularly, episodes of kinky sex interspersed with nights of quite normal lovemaking.

Another consequence, although not a great one, was that I was so infatuated by the relationship between me and my mother, that my mates and girlfriend suffered from my absence. Danielle had moved onto pastures new, fed up with never seeing me properly and being relegated in the sex stakes. I'd lost contact with a few of my mates and there were only a couple of them that I saw occasionally nowadays.

We had used our dungeon frequently, my mother loving being bound and fucked in different positions as everything was put to good use. We had purchased other items to add to it, soft leather flails, paddles, gags and masks filled a small cupboard off to one side.

It was during an evening spent down there and afterwards, when we had retired to her bedroom that she sheepishly came out with another request, one that I had no idea how we would fulfil. 'What I would like to try next is being abused by another woman,' she told me.

I'll be honest, I hadn't a clue how that was ever going to happen. Even if I had still been with Danielle, it was not something I could easily have brought up, not without disclosing to someone from outside that my mother and I were having sex and a particular type of sex. Let's face it, I couldn't exactly wander around town and stop women to ask, 'Excuse me, are you a lesbian and would you like to abuse my mother?'

As it was, the solution came to us, rather than the other way around.

My mother's sister Jenny had two children, Sandra and Bernadette. Sandra was exactly two weeks older than I was, she was born at the beginning of November and I was born at the end of that month. It was decided by both sets of parents that as we were both twenty-one this time, that they would organise a joint party and so split the costs.

I had met Sandra several times but without really knowing her. They lived across the opposite side of town and as children and teenagers, we mixed in different circles. It was common practice that kids from our side of the town did not befriend or mix with kids from the other side. I would see her out and about occasionally, but supposed in the last five or six years, we had not exchanged more than a dozen words.

I always remembered her as a dour, slightly chubby child, which meant that when I was introduced to her at our party, I was pleasantly surprised.

Despite my previous declaration of "Never again", the drinks were happily sliding down my throat. At some point during the evening, I found myself chatting freely with my cousin Sandra, who with the sound of it, was sinking drinks almost as fast as I was.

'No girlfriend here tonight?' She asked. I shook my head. Danielle had already become a distant memory.

'Boyfriend?' I asked, both of us laughing as she added the words, 'Or a girlfriend.'

It's surprising how much alcohol loosens your tongue and befuddles your brain. In a very short time, I had learnt that she was currently single and that she was bisexual, having an equal liking for members of both sexes.

'Ah, perhaps you are just what my mother is looking for!' I stupidly announced before my brain managed to tell my mouth to 'shut up.' I saw Sandra glance over to where her mother and my mum were sat together and suddenly lick her lips. Her eyes sparkled as her face returned to mine.

'You never know,' she said mischievously.

I couldn't get over how much she had changed. She was very pretty, and the chubbiness had completely disappeared, her job as a personal trainer at the leisure centre in town had given her a fantastic body which was emphasised by the figure-hugging dress she wore. Throughout the party, we came together, laughing and joking all evening, even when she dragged me up to dance and I made a fool of myself by falling over with my two left feet.

With my head spinning, I had decided to get some fresh air, hoping that the temperature outside would sober me up a little. When Sandra joined me a short while later, my eyes were immediately drawn to the two large protrusions, one on the front of each breast, the cold weather doing her nipples no favours.

I sensed that she had questions as together we huddled in an alcove which protected us from the wind. 'How do you know that your mother has lesbian tendencies?' She asked.

Knowing I had already said too much, it was difficult to answer her question without potentially giving the game away. 'I didn't say that my mother is a lesbian, only that it is something she has thought of trying.' What I never stopped to think about, was how I happened to have this information. As though most mothers and sons discuss their sexual preferences with each other. 'But how do you know that?' Sandra asked, 'Do you and your mother discuss sex?'

'Among other things,' I replied. What I meant was that we also discussed other subjects, but it came out sounding like talking about sex was only one of the things we did together.

I could see the excitement in Sandra's eyes and then suddenly her face was too close to see anything as she kissed me. I'm sure there was no mistaking that I enjoyed it, Mr John Thomas suddenly putting in an appearance. She giggled as we broke apart, 'You're cute,' she said with a smile as she left me and returned indoors. As the party started to break up, I found her by my side again.

'Perhaps it's about time that we got to know each other better,' she said slyly, and I felt something being pushed into my hand as she kissed my cheek and said goodnight.

At home and after another visit with "Hughey", I fell into bed and passed out, awakening the next morning with a foul-tasting mouth and thumping head and uttering those very same words once more. By evening, I felt better and up in my room, retrieved the slip of paper that Sandra had given me. Dialling her number, a voice answered that sounded exactly like I felt, 'Hi Sandra. It's Luke, your cousin.'

Her voice perked up a little as we chatted for the next forty minutes, laughing when I asked her why she had kissed me. 'Like I said,' she told me. 'You're cute and you looked kissable. Anyway, tell me more about your mother,' she persisted in asking. We spent the time with Sandra trying to prise fragments of information from me, but at least now I was sober. I had a couple of days off when it was my actual birthday and so invited her over if she was free at that time. I wasn't going to say anything yet to my mother, there would be far too many questions and perhaps the thought of her niece finding out too much would put a stop to everything.

At the end of November, when Sandra arrived, she denied she had dressed to kill. Whatever, she looked fantastic, the tight sweater and skinny jeans must have been sprayed onto her body.

I got us a few drinks, not enough to get drunk, just enough to enjoy ourselves as the conversation soon turned to my mother. I quickly found that Sandra was not backwards at coming forwards. Perhaps it was something in the genes that all females in my family inherited. She was confident, not afraid to voice whatever was in her head and had a way of asking questions that left no escape route.

'So, come on, how do you know that your mother is considering trying a female?'

I tried to convince her that it had come up in conversation one day but could see that she did not believe me.

'Hmm, I wonder what else you and your mum get up too. If something did happen between me and her, would you be jealous?' She asked. I shook my head.

'Why should I be jealous of whatever my mum does.'

I'm sure I saw a smirk for a second as she asked without any embarrassment, 'So if it did happen, and I'm not saying it will. If it did, would you be joining us?'

I felt speechless for a moment, long enough for Sandra to get up, straddling my legs and sit on my lap facing me. 'There is something you are not telling me,' she said, 'I'll have to think of a way to change your mind.' And without further ado, she took my hand and raised it to her breast as she leant forward and planted her lips on mine. When finally, she left me breathless and I had copped a good feel of her tits, she sat back and smiled mischievously.

'There are plenty more rewards if you tell me the truth,' she said, moving her bottom imperceptibly in my lap and knowing full well, that she was pressing her fanny against my erection.

In a way, it was a no brainer, this may be the only chance I would ever get to make my mother's fantasy happen, which was why after a few moments thought, I asked her to stand up. Taking her hand, I led her through the dining room and into the kitchen, opening the door that led down the steps into the cellar. When I switched the lights on, Sandra's hand went to her mouth, 'Oh my God,' she said, doing an excited jig. 'There's no need to ask what you get up to down here.'

Back upstairs, she was full of questions, 'Are you having sex with Aunt Dorothy, your mum?' I told her all that had happened and then explained that my mother wanted another female, 'It's not just sex. It's the type of sex she likes. You would have free rein to do anything to her that you wanted.'

It was easy to see that Sandra was excited and aroused, 'Would it be just me and her, or would you be there as well?' She asked again. I couldn't give a definite answer, because, with the improbable request, I had never got around to asking my mother. It was something I would be up for, the thought of mum and Sandra doing things to each other had certainly piqued my interest.

As I said previously, Sandra was not shy about giving out. No sooner had I sat back on the couch than she was back in my lap, her fingers swiftly undoing the buttons of my pants and sliding the zip down. Maybe I'd had a premonition, because, for whatever reason, I had omitted to wear any briefs, my erection soon finding a way to escape its confinement.

The head of my shaft was slick and slippery, Sandra taking a moment to remove her top and bra so that I could easily get to her tits as I massaged her beautiful twin peaks. She was larger in that department than my mother, dark areola with large erect nipples. As she stroked me slowly, I undid the button of her jeans and slid the zip down, twisting my hand so that I could delve inside her knickers, aroused to find that her snatch was completely shaven.

My thumb found her clit and I rubbed gently, sending her into raptures as she threw her head back, eyes closed and wailed. It was not long before we both wanted more than just to touch, Sandra, leaping from my lap and sitting on the carpet as she extracted herself from her jeans and panties. I followed suit, ridding myself of pants and top before joining her naked on the floor.

Lying back, she opened her legs, pulling me between her thighs as she fumbled for my shaft and positioned it against her now open moist vagina. There was no resistance as I shoved my cock into her, Sandra pulling me down and kissing me ferociously as my hips continued to force my shaft in and out of her vagina. Wrapping her legs around me, she pulled me forwards with each thrust, cries of pleasure muffled as we continued to kiss.

My hands went to her tits, squeezing roughly as my fingers sank into the soft flesh, my mouth going to her nipples when she finally released me. We writhed together on the floor, my shaft continuing to pummel her fanny as she urged me to fuck her faster. Kneeling upright and grasping her hips, I dragged her nearer and lifted her bottom off the floor as I rapidly rammed my cock up her flue. Her cries and screams were music to my ears, telling me she was close and making me increase momentum until as she cried her release, arching her back and shaking uncontrollably, I emptied my sack into her wet cunt, spurt after spurt of cum filling her tunnel.

She left with the promise that we would do that again very soon. Whilst I knew what my mother and I were doing was illegal, I wondered if the same rules applied to someone who was your cousin. Sandra, I decided would make a perfect girlfriend and if she was as adventurous as I suspected she was, then my sex life with mum could happily continue.

I was in two minds as to whether I should tell mum about Sandra, perhaps it may be better to organise something and then eventually introduce my cousin into the proceedings as a sort of "fait accompli". In that way, if mum did not approve at first, then it would be too late to complain or refuse after the event. I could tell her I had found someone, but not necessarily who that person was, my mind immediately filling with ideas of what Sandra and I could do. Confident that mum would be pleased and excited as I waited for her to arrive home.

Deciding not to tell her until the moment was right, it came about a couple of nights later while we were down in the cellar. Due to the time of year, the heater did a great job, but it was not uncommon for us to switch it off partway through due to the exertion of our bodies.

Mum was strapped to the raised table, her legs bound around her shins and thighs so that it opened her up and stopped her moving about. On a smaller table sat the special machine that she had asked for. To look at it, it was simply a motor fastened to a frame with a flywheel. The accompanying remote lead and controller allowing you to vary the speed by turning a knob. Attached to one edge of the flywheel was a rod, which as the wheel spun, pushed the rod back and forward through bearing cups. The tip of the rod was the business end, currently attached to a rather large, flesh-coloured rubber cock which presently was slowly sliding in and out of my mother's cunt.

I loved that machine, it was in effect, like watching my mother getting fucked by someone else. I would always start it very slowly, watching her arousal build a little at a time while she was securely strapped down and unable to do anything. I would insist that she held her climax for as long as possible, denying her that final pleasure until I gave her permission. She was at a perfect height so all I had to do was turn her head sideways and make her suck on my cock as I used the leather flail to flog her breasts and fanny.

Tonight, she had reached her pinnacle far too quickly. Bringing the machine to a stop, I flogged her cunt, reprimanding her verbally all the while. 'I did have a surprise for you. But you haven't earned the right to be told yet,' I informed her, in between sucking on both her erect nipples.

She went to speak but stopped as I slapped her breasts back and forth. 'I did not give you permission to speak,' I insisted, suddenly turning the speed of the "fucking machine" up high as the rubber shaft brutally shagged her fanny, my mother arching her back as she prepared to climax, only for me to cut the power at the last second. She was nearly sobbing with frustration as I turned her head and brushed the tip of my erection against her lips. Her mouth opened in anticipation, but I withdrew at the last second, keeping her waiting longer.

'You have been a very bad girl lately,' I told her. 'So, I have made the decision that you need punishing. In a few weeks, I am going to bring someone else in to fuck you. You will allow this person to do whatever they want to you, and you will thank them for doing it. Do you understand?'

Mum nodded her head, looking surprised, afraid and excited all at the same time. This was a break with our normal set of rules, it had only ever been the two of us and now I was introducing a third person into the equation. I could see she was going to speak as I twisted the dial as the machine gathered momentum and I allowed her to achieve her climax if she wished.

It took less than a minute as I watched and waited for her initial squirt, it always seemed to happen with the machine and when I denied her for any length of time. Suddenly she erupted, juice and piss flooding from her as the rubber shaft punished her twat, thudding into her at a constant speed and bringing first one and then a second orgasm as she screamed and strained.

We always kept a mop and bucket in the corner, it had become a necessity, my mother losing fluids constantly as she was punished and fucked. With her pleading for the machine to stop, I brought it to a halt and slid it back from her and moved it away before quickly cleaning up the floor. Releasing her bonds, I could see her start to relax slightly, but all of our play had brought me an intensity down below that now needed satisfying. Her legs were already akimbo as I pulled her roughly towards my groin and rammed my cock up her cunt. She screamed again and again as I fucked her, my shaft being slammed into the sloppy passage that was her vagina until she was forced by her body to orgasm once more as I added to the sloppiness inside her with my cum.Later that night, she, of course, had lots of questions. All I would tell her was that I was confident that the person would say nothing to anyone about what they participated in. They were trustworthy and eager to join us, but that my mother must wait for that moment. I could see that she was undecided, it was a big step to take and so I was content to leave it until after Christmas, using the time to better get to know my cousin Sandra.

Surprisingly and despite the thrill that the games played with my mother brought, there was something to be said for normal sex. I suppose that you can get too much of a good thing. By Christmas and New Year, Sandra and I were fucking regularly, coupled with spending most nights in my mother's bed and the antics we got up to in our dungeon, you could say I had the best of all worlds. Unfortunately, I was starting to become a tad bored with the games, longing for a normal relationship and perhaps at the end of the day, love.

Having left it until the middle of January despite my mother's constant questioning, Friday evening found us down in the cellar once again with my mother constrained within the timber frame. If you imagine a box, seven feet high, five feet wide and approximately the same depth but without any enclosed sides, it will give you an idea of what I created. Currently, her ankles were secured to each side, thus forcing her legs open wide. Her wrists were secured to the front of the frame at just over waist height which meant she was bent forward, her stomach resting on the equivalent of a padded "sawhorse".

Nipple clamps were attached to each breast, lengths of line fastened to each one and then to lead weights, pulling her nipples and tits towards the floor. For the first time in a while, there was a ball gag forced into her mouth and she was blindfolded. As I paddled her buttocks to her frequent screeches, what she didn't know was that her niece was upstairs in my bedroom getting herself ready.

I had smuggled her in that afternoon and left some food for her until I knew my mother would be ready for our dungeon. I had brought my phone with me, texting Sandra now that my mother was constrained and ready for what my cousin had wanted to do to her.

When she did finally appear, creeping silently down the steps, I admired what little covered her. The bra supported the bottom of her breasts, leaving the bulk of the flesh and her nipples exposed. She had not bothered with panties, instead, she wore a harness, hanging from the front of it was a long black rubber cock. She said nothing, as using hand signals, I offered her free rein to abuse my mother however she wanted.

Mum groaned as the lead weights swung, her tits and nipples following in a pendulum effect as Sandra crouched in front of her and softly stroked her breasts while they were in motion. Standing, she walked around behind my mother and bent again, spreading her buttocks to expose her anus and vagina before running her tongue over both. I could hear mum's breathing change as my cousin kissed and licked her orifices, and then a startled cry as Sandra spread her labia and inserted a finger into her cunt.

As she slowly finger-fucked my mother, it was intensely erotic to watch her at work, mum having no idea who was touching her body and presuming it was me. One she had her open and moist, Sandra stood and moved back towards me. I handed her the lubricant and watched as she coated the rubber cock. Still, without a word having been uttered, she returned to her position, rubbing the shaft against my mother's cunt and arse.

Sandra motioned to me to remove the gag, waiting patiently as I unstrapped it and took a step back. My mother's scream echoed in the cellar as Sandra suddenly pushed forward and slid the rubber shaft up my mother's arse, her body shaking and convulsing as my cousin sodomised her.

'Oh God, oh fuck, yes, yes, fuck your mummy's arse,' mum pleaded, her body slamming against the cushioning of her support as Sandra built up a head of steam and raped my mother's anal passage.

Reaching forward, she grasped my mother's breasts, pulling and twisting at them as though they were a cows udder, and she was trying to milk her. Mum screamed again, this time because the cock had withdrawn from her arse and was now ploughing her cunt. She still had no idea that it wasn't me doing these things to her, but she must find out soon because my dick was throbbing madly and stuck up like a flagpole.

Stepping closer, I grasped her face, 'Hello you slag. What does it feel like to have someone else fucking you? It's all you are good for. You are nothing but a nymphomaniacal whore.'

Mum's head came up, suddenly realising that there was someone else in the cellar other than me and her. Before she could speak, her mouth was forced open and my cock slid between her lips and partially down her throat as she gagged, spittle and saliva dripping from her mouth as I withdrew and slid it back in again.

The only sounds were the grunts of exertion as I face-fucked my mother and Sandra alternated between fucking her cunt and her arse. Mum was trying to moan and wail, but it was nigh on impossible with a mouth full of cock. And then despite the meat in her mouth, she screeched and shook as her body began to climax. If it had not been for her stomach support, she would have collapsed, hanging only by her wrists as one orgasm after another racked her body.

When finally, Sandra and I decided that mum could take no more for the moment, we stepped back, watching as she slumped over. 'Help me get her upright,' Sandra whispered as we held my mother, unfasted the restraints from their present position and reconnected them so that she was stood and stretched out in a star position.

Sandra stood in front of mum and removed the blindfold, mum blinking as her eyes became accustomed to the light. 'Hello, Aunty Dot. Peter told me that you wanted to try another woman, so here I am.'

My mother was far too surprised at that moment to say anything. The surprise was replaced by concern as she glanced down at Sandra and realised who it was that had been shagging her. I don't think her worried look came from the knowledge that she had just been shafted by another woman, I think it was more due with the fact that her niece now knew what had been taking place between my mother and me.

Before she could say anything, Sandra put a finger to my mother's lips. 'It's ok aunty Dot, your secrets safe.' I watched as Sandra moved her finger away and replaced it with her lips as the two women kissed. I had to move to see exactly what she was doing, aroused as I saw one hand go to my mother's breast and her other hand between my mother's legs.

Despite what she had just experienced, as the flesh of her tit was kneaded and with a finger up her cunt, my mother was soon excited again.

Stepping back from her, Sandra turned to me and whispered in my ear. Going upstairs, I returned a couple of minutes later with the items my cousin had requested. She took the vibrator I had brought from my mother's room and jammed it against her cunt and clitoris. 'Use the tape Peter and fasten it to her thigh.'

I did as she told me, wrapping several twists of gaffer tape around my mother's thigh and the vibrator. When Sandra was satisfied, we stepped back, my mother watching us and wondering what we were going to do. Mum's eyes sparkled as Sandra discarded her bra and the harness, standing in front of her completely naked.

'Come here Peter,' she said, crooking her finger at me. With my mother watching, she sank to her knee's opened her lips and took my cock into her mouth. As she brought me back to a full erection, I could see my mother straining at her bonds. Once I was hard again, Sandra stood as she moved behind me and wrapping her arm around my waist and hips, she began to wank me off in full view of mum.

'How would you like this cock up your cunt Aunty Dot? Think about how it could be fucking you.' As she finished speaking, Sandra left me for a moment as she walked over to my mother and switched the vibrator on, mums legs starting to shake immediately. No matter how she moved, with the toy strapped to her thigh, there was no way she could get away from the vibrations that now flooded through her fanny and clit.

Pleased at watching my mother's arousal start to soar Sandra asked me to help her move the platform, positioning it so that my mother had a clear view. She sat on it, her legs dangling over the edge as she beckoned me over. 'Fuck me, Peter,' she instructed loudly as she lay back and opened her legs wide.

Mum was going mad, tugging frantically at her bonds as the vibrator did its job, bringing one climax after another, juices dripping from her cunt as she shivered and sobbed uncontrollably, frustrated as she had to watch her son and niece fuck each other.

When we finally released her, her fanny looked red-raw, but that did not stop her as she pushed me back onto the table and straddled my hips while she fumbled for my shaft and sank onto it as I filled her cunt. I don't remember a lot about it except for continually ramming my cock into my mother's pussy as Sandra urged her on, playing with her tits all the while until I blasted another spurt of spunk into my mother's wet pussy.

I slept alone in my bedroom that night, completely exhausted. Mum was in her bed as usual while Sandra took the bed in the spare room. I figured we were fully sated after the episode tonight and all any of us wanted was sleep. I dreamt of Sandra doing things to my mother, it was the one aspect that had made an indelible impression on me and was something that I hoped I would witness more of.

We came together the following morning, the look on my mother's face telling me I wasn't the flavour of the month at that moment. It wasn't that she had not enjoyed the previous evening, more the fact that I had involved her sister's daughter in our secret.

'How do you know that Sandra will not say anything?' She snapped, aiming the question at me even though Sandra was sat at the table. I was trying to explain my decision when my cousin interrupted. 'Go and take a walk Peter. I want to speak to your mum alone.'

To be honest, I was glad to escape. It felt like I was being blamed for my mother's fantasies, despite her being the one who wanted another woman, why had she not organised it herself?

By the time I returned, the atmosphere had thawed considerably, my mother taking me to one side and apologising. 'I was so scared that she may say something to my sister,' she told me. 'We have had a good discussion and I'm certain now that she won't disclose what has been happening,' she concluded.

I breathed a sigh of relief, 'If I thought that may happen, I wouldn't have said anything mum.' I told her. 'But from what she told me about herself, it seemed a perfect solution and too good an opportunity to miss. I'm sure she had an infatuation with you already.'

Mum laughed, 'I think the infatuation is more with you than it is with me.'

When at last Sandra said she had better go before her mother wondered where she was, she promised to return soon, dragging me to the door and kissing me seductively as she took her leave of us. My mother asked me later what I felt about Sandra, smiling as she noticed the look on my face. It seemed strange after she explained that what she and I did together was unlawful, but that I was free to date and fuck my cousin if I wanted and it would not break any rules.

Over Christmas, we saw plenty of her, my present between the big day and New Year, was to watch her and my mother having sex before being asked to join them. Afterwards, she became a frequent visitor, spending as many nights in my bed as she did in my mothers. On the nights she did not sleep at our house, I invariably shared the bed with mum, when Sandra did sleepover, she may start in my bed and my mother would join us or she would start in my mother's bed and I would join them. Whichever way I looked at it, there were very few nights that I slept alone, only usually when I was completely exhausted. Taking care of two women is no mean feat I can tell you.

Sat on the bed waiting, I idly played with myself, watching as mum and Sandra kissed. It was a Saturday evening, well into the new year and that evening we had forgone the cellar, electing instead to go to bed early as Sandra was not able to stay over that night.

My flesh throbbed as I watched their mouths locked together, their hands kneading and massaging each other's breasts. Mum was the first to lose her top as Sandra unbuttoned the blouse and slipped it from my mother's shoulders. Pulling both cups downwards at the same time, she lobbed mum's tits out, immediately dipping her head as her mouth sought her nipples.

By now I was well aware that mum had sensitive teats and loved them being sucked as her head lolled back and she purred with delight. Her bra was soon disposed of as Sandra massaged the flesh, squeezing both tits forcefully and making them bulge as the elongated nipples stood proudly from the centre of each breast.

And then it was my mothers turn as she sank to her knee's and lifted Sandra's skirt, exposing her bare thighs and white panties. Gently, she rubbed several fingers across my cousin's fanny before kissing her mound and vagina through the flimsy material. Now it was Sandra's turn to moan, especially as mum pulled the gusset to one side and inserted two fingers into her quim.

By the time they had finished arousing each other, they were both naked and I have to say that my mother's body was nearly every bit as gorgeous as Sandra's. Yes, there was a bit of sag to her breasts and she had a bit of a tummy and more meat on her waist and hips, but overall, she was well worth shagging regularly.

Joining me on the bed, mum was the first to straddle my hips as she grasped my shaft and lowered herself onto it, grunting all the while as her fanny stretched to accommodate its girth. It was my favourite position, able to watch mum slide up and down my cock whilst Sandra constantly kneaded mums tits and pulled and twisted at her nipples.

As mums up and down movement increased, I had to concentrate, with two women to satisfy, it was all so easy to get carried away and ejaculate too soon. With the attention her tits were receiving and my thumb rubbing frantically at her clit, it did not take mum long before she was shaking above me, her tits wobbling as she moaned loudly, and I felt her juices covering my cock and balls. With her orgasm now subsiding, she rolled off me, to quickly be replaced by Sandra as she started to bounce up and down on my shaft.

As Sandra climax approached, I was more obsessed with my own pending explosion when she whispered that I must hold on a little longer. It wasn't easy I'll tell you, especially as she shook and moaned atop me, her juices mixing with my mothers as she orgasmed and flooded my groin.

I had been so engrossed that I had not sensed my mother waiting patiently across the other side of the room. 'Rollover and get onto all fours,' Sandra instructed as she slid herself off my cock and moved me towards the end of the bed. I watched entranced as she slid beneath me head-first, grabbed my shaft and pulling it down, started to lick and suck on my engorged knob.

It wasn't until I felt my buttocks being pulled open wide that I remembered about my mother and by then it was too late as suddenly I felt a length of rubber cock being thrust up my back passage. In the past, I had only ever been used to something coming down, this was the first time something had ever gone up my shitter. The feeling was exquisite as I howled, my cock jerking with each thrust as Sandra continued to suck on it as she teased my flesh back and forth.

And then suddenly I lost control, I didn't even have time to warm my cousin as my shaft jerked rapidly, spurt after spurt of spunk filling her mouth as the pleasure of my ejaculation flooded through my body, seemingly endless as mum continued to pump the cock up my arse. When at last I was released, the feeling had been so intense that I promised myself that it was something that I wanted repeating in the future. As I lay and recovered, I watched my mother shrug out of the harness and join me and Sandra on the bed, the two women lying top to toe as they licked, sucked and fingered each other's vagina.

Recovered sufficiently, I knelt behind my mother, her bottom stuck up in the air as Sandra fingered her pussy. Her puckered entrance was covered in juice and saliva and made it very easy to return the compliment as I swiftly plunged my cock into mums arse and sodomised her, hearing her muffled screeching, her mouth still full of fanny.

I alternated between the two of them, fucking Sandra's anal passage once my mother had climaxed again and then finished off as Sandra lay supported on top of my mother, her hands squeezing her niece's tits as my cock moved between both of their twat's until we all climaxed once more, withdrawing at the last second and covering both their cunts with a dollop of semen.

Sandra had left for the night as I returned to my mother's bed, finding her already snoring gently and fast asleep. Curled around her with her bottom pushing against my flaccid cock, I reached around and cupped her breast, softly stroking the flesh and starting to feel randy once more.

It was all so easy, her fanny still well lubricated and open as gently and slowly I eased my shaft up her flue. Having no desire to wake her, I fucked her slowly, her nipples responding to my fingers as they became erect, mum murmuring in her sleep as my cock continued to penetrate her cunt. It was only as my arousal increased and my motion got faster, driving my cock into her cunt rapidly, did she suddenly waken and emit a long-drawn-out moan.

She stayed awake long enough for me to abuse her tits, my groin now slamming against her buttocks as she started to orgasm and cry out and then I was spurting inside her once more, adding to what already must be a sloppy mess in her passage. My shaft was still firmly gripped inside her quim as she fell asleep once more and I was content to join her, the two of us firmly joined together.

By summer, Sandra and I had become an item and as our birthdays rolled around once more, we got engaged.

There is no rush to get married yet, although I have noticed that she has more or less become a permanent fixture at our house. She told me one night that when we do eventually tie the knot, she is content for us to carry on living at my mothers.

'I'm always going to fancy women as much as men, at least in this way, it does not feel like I would be cheating on you.' I had to agree with her, perhaps more so because it meant I would be able to carry on fucking and abusing mum, not yet ready to even consider giving her up.

There undoubtedly will be more to tell in the future, but for the moment my present story is finished. What the future holds I do not know, but I'm sure that this is not the end of my story.