My older sister Yvonne came home from the USA where she'd been living for the last ten years. It was a three week visit during the Christmas holidays and was her first time back home since she'd left. She'd always been a little thick, but now that thickness had become way beyond little. She had literally blown out over the years abroad. Fortunately though, in this case, not blown out of proportion; she had become fat but maintained shape.

Her waist and belly, though fleshy hadn't surrendered to weight gain in the same way her ass, thighs, arms, legs and boobs had. Her five foot six two hundred and twenty pounds physique looked like something out of a porn movie, so she was a pleasing eyeful for a fat woman, if that was your preference. It wasn't mine, I like them slim with pert tits and pert ass that bounced about. But I had to give jack his jacket, or Yvonne, her blouse, she looked good - with the added attraction of smooth light-brown skin, and a pretty round face, as in knockout pretty - with big round, hazel eyes, a small straight nose, and small but full-lipped pouty mouth and a little pointy chin.

Several weeks before Yvonne's return she had shipped four jumbo barrels that she had spent more than a year filling with foodstuff, clothes and a host of other useful items to be shared among family - a normal Caribbean thing - and a few old friends. The barrels had been ready for upliftment the day before she flew in. my parents took care of that. Two days after returning, on a Friday afternoon, found Yvonne and me making a trip into the countryside to drop off gifts for mom's youngest sister, Theresa and her family. Mom had sent a handwritten note via a bus driver relative to tell them to expect us.

This was the eighties before the days of cell phones or even widespread land lines, except for in the city - no internet, PC, or tablets, no cd's, only audio cassettes and a few TVs and VCRs here and there. We got our information from radio, magazines and newspaper. Weighed down with four huge shopping bags we exited the taxi we'd caught after coming off the bus on the highway, and stood in front of the little three bedroom country cottage. It was obvious from the condition of the yard and house that they weren't doing well, but had done a little sprucing up for their guests. We were warmly greeted.

I was especially taken aback by my nineteen year old cousin Miriam, whom I hadn't seen in four years. She was a knockout with smooth mid-brown skin and my preferred figure as described above. She was mixed, her dad being Indian. The pert pointy tits bounced friskily under the light blouse when she walked. She had the family trait of tiny waist, wide hips, and prominent behind. Though slim, her roundness, suggested impending thickening out like most of our family females, in years to come. Her mom, Aunt Theresa, was the thick version of Miriam, without being gross or flabby at age forty. They both had the rich mid-brown complexion, with skin as smooth as a baby's.

The joy fueled by the gifts and money shared out had everyone including me feeling happy and lightheaded. They hadn't expected anything, even half of what Yvonne brought to them, and it being Christmas time made it extra appreciated. They had new clothes some money and handy gifts. We became even more light-headed when, after things settled down, uncle Hemant, Aunt Theresa's Indian husband, sent Miriam and the two younger boys to a nearby liquor shop to purchase rum and beers. My aunt wasn't too thrilled, accusing her husband of always grasping at every opportunity to get drunk. He asked her what else could he do for entertainment in his crippled state. She reminded him that he'd been a drinker before the accident, but relented, mostly because, I suspected to avoid a scene.

Three years ago Hemant had been in an accident on the job, due to his own inebriated negligence, which left him with a smashed hip and spinal injury. He had been unable to walk or stand and was only now managing to hobble a bit with the help of crutches. He wasn't coping well with the reality that he would be partially crippled for the rest of his life, with only meagre insurance benefits, and had taken to drinking heavily and being quarrelsome and miserable. We spent the next few hours drinking and chatting and listening to music on a little cassette player Hemant's brother who lived not too far away, brought.

It was after eleven PM when Yvonne and I retired to the little room the two boys had vacated for our use. It had one single bed which they shared. Miriam and the youngest child, a nine year old girl shared a similar room and bed. After producing mats, sheets, blankets and old blinds, intended for the making of a bed on the floor for one of us, Aunt Theresa jokingly said we could spin a coin to see who gets which. Yvonne volunteered to make up the floor bed for me, of course, but then after going through all the trouble of neatly spreading the bedding into a nice six by three floor mattress, she said that we could share the real bed like we used to do as kids up until she turned fourteen when a double bunk was bought and she got the top while I slept at the bottom.

"We'll just share the damn bed if it could take our combined weight, it's not like we never shared a bed before, remember?" Yvonne said. Looking and sounding very tipsy.

I took a bath first in the outdoor bathroom where I poured cold water from a large tub onto my skin with a dugout calabash. Yvonne bathed next, only after Miriam and the other girl agreed to stand guard, and the boys looked about the yard for possible snakes lurking about, first. Everybody laughed at her. I got into the pajama pants I'd brought, I never slept in tops. I found myself fantasizing about Miriam and her little pointy tits and bouncy ass. She'd been obviously flirting with me all evening. I was surprised that her parents let her drink, but it was obvious she was a rebel and used to having her own way. She also had a bit of a foul mouth and seemed to enjoy swearing and shocking, and initiating riske conversations.

She'd been staring at me and sending messages with her eyes, mouth and body movements, which could be interpreted only one way - she had fuck on her mind and I was the intended target. I was hard most of the time, from simply looking at her flirt. Auntie had also been looking at me strangely, and occasionally locked eyes with me, for several seconds, on one occasion. I was sure she had noticed Miriam's interest in me, and was trying to 'sus' me out to see if there were signs of mutual interest on my part. She was probably worried.

Although they were mother and daughter, it still amazed to see how much they resembled each other. I couldn't help noticing how Theresa's big ass bounced under the soft, short, armless cotton shift, one of the many items Yvonne had brought for her. I didn't even try not to notice. Before Yvonne went away she and her aunt had been close though eight years apart in age.

Aunt Theresa was a beautiful woman, with forever sparkling brown eyes, a wide sensual nose and full, roundish lips on a heart shaped face. Despite her being my aunt I let myself admire and enjoy the vision of loveliness in a sexual way, which included hardons when she stared at me. Once when she uncrossed her legs while sitting across from me I got a glimpse of smooth upper, inner thighs and my eyes lingered for some time. I looked up to find her watching me and blushed with embarrassment. I had to remind myself that she was my mother's sister. She quickly re-crossed her legs. Following that my cock reared every time our eyes met. I thought I saw sadness in those eyes. At twenty four my hormones were still somewhat out of control.

Yvonne returned to the room wrapped in a big white towel, and shivering. She laughed and made childish shivering sounds, trilling her lips.

"Whoooo, it was cold out there," she said.

She dived into her bag and came up with red, lace underwear. I watched as with her back to me she bent over, got her legs into the panties and wriggled her bulk as she drew them up, under the towel. Nearly toppling over in the effort, no doubt aided by the drinks in her head. She next placed a white, sheer nightie over her head and began to wriggle into that as well. And after she pulled the towel out the nightie remained stuck at the top of her big ass. It took a few seconds before she was aware of the slip up and pulled it down. I got a good look at her juicy behind in the V-cut panties which left a lot of cheek exposed, and was surprised I found it attractive and stimulating.

The nightie reached about mid-thigh and the shoulder straps spread out to form cups that struggled to retain her forty cup boobs. I could see prominent dark nipples poking the lace as if trying to escape. She dived into the bag again and took out a bottle of lotion that she proceeded to apply to her arms, before moving to her legs and a good portion of her thighs, stopping a few inches short of her crotch area, probably because of my presence in the room. She ended her bed preparation by applying body spray, first to her neck and cleavage and then her legs and thighs, swiftly lifting the front of her nightie to give her upper thigh and perhaps crotch, a spritz. She suddenly turned around and playfully sprayed me all over. She had to have noticed that my eyes had been centered on her big ass showing through the sheer material.

"I like my bed partner to be sweet smelling," she said, laughing teasingly.

"You have enough sweetness yourself, both in looks and smell, for the both of us, you're a sweet lady, definitely," I said chuckling.

"Oh my, thanks, that's nice bro," she said, leaning over and giving me a quick peck on the forehead, her boobs hitting my chest.

The subconscious is a bitch I thought, where did those words come from. I was shocked to discover that I immediately developed a full-blown hardon. The entire spectacle of Yvonne preparing for bed and a glimpse of her yummy behind and the touch of her boobs coming at me while I'd been thinking about Miriam and Theresa, hurled me into fuck mode, I had to hold down my cock with my hands.

After she'd put away her lotion and spray and hung out her towel across the window, she came towards the bed. After turning off the light. But the room was still relatively bright because the house was fortunate to have one of the few lights in the street, plumb in front of it. That together with the bright moonlight was enough to keep the room decently lit.

"You know I don't like being on the outside," she said, with a sweet smile.

"I remember, that's why I'm here," I said, laughing.

I was wondering how I was gonna get up with my unrestrained stiffy, for her to get on the bed. I started rising up with my hand on my front.

"I'm not so big I can't climb over you," she said, giving me a fake cross look.

Before I was fully settled back down she was already in the process of throwing a big leg across me, her boobs and belly dragging along my chest and stomach. While she was bringing the other leg over I suddenly lifted my hips upward, forgetting for the moment my aroused state, but remembering how I used to do that when I was a kid, to playfully annoy her. I felt my cock poke her crotch area, and she, probably feeling it and making an extra effort to get away fell flat on me. We both burst out laughing. She deliberately pressed down on me, smashing my stiff cock against my lower belly.

"You still with your boyhood tricks ... take this, I'll press the wind out of you ... you little scamp," she said, throwing all her weight on me.

She rolled over and I pretended to be gasping for air, causing her to giggle. I noticed her furtive glance to my midsection. We lay on our backs, sides pressed together and chatted for about ten minutes before she yawned and said.

"One of us will have to sleep on our side ... seeing that I'm the one here with a size problem. It will have to be me."

"Your size is no problem, you're alright, it's the bed that's wrong," I said.

"I'll flatter myself that you know what you're saying," she said, giggling.

She turned towards the wall.

"Goodnight, I'll see you in the morning, if the liquor in my system don't knock me out till afternoon."

"Goodnight, sweet lady."

She reached back and patted me on the stomach, dangerously close to my throbbing dick.

There I was lying next to my sweet smelling, fat and sexy sister as she innocently oozed sexuality that was hard to resist, it being so close. I glanced down to the side and noticed that most of her heavy ass was exposed. I wondered what it must feel like leaning against all that. I'd never experienced a fat or even fully thick girl before, limiting my many encounters to slim and slim-thick girls. I decided I wanted to find out. Could I get away with embracing her and pressing my hard cock against her soft, juicy body? I'd be satisfied with that under the circumstances. I mean, though strongly aroused, I couldn't possibly think of fucking her, but I could have some related fun. I looked at the tempting mass and started to reason after looking at the bare facts of the present situation.

The facts were I'd been bombarded with flirtation, suggestive attention and titillating visions since arriving at the little house in the country - bra less pert breasts and pert ass bouncing in front my face, the thick inner and upper thighs of my pretty aunt, not to mention her round jiggly ass when she walked past me. The barely and partly covered backside and boobs of my voluptuous sister. The said sister lying on me and my erection for a few seconds. Result, I was horny and wanted to get laid. But the biggest fact was that the sweet, sensual woman I was lying in bed next to, with our bodies touching was my sister, which means I couldn't possibly get laid there and then. But in life there are always alternatives. The alternative at that time was to seek a compromise that would offer indulgence in some harmless activity that could bring temporary relief.

The identified temporary relief and its supportive reasoning went like this: She was more than half drunk, and sleeping soundly already, it seemed like. If I put my arms around her and pressed my hard cock onto her what could happen. Maybe nothing, because she's sound asleep. If she weren't in deep sleep and was awakened, she'd likely think it an excusable accident; the bed was small and I was half drunk and deep in sleep, and couldn't possibly turn without touching her. Also I'm her kid brother and likely only seeking the reassuring comfort of his big sister that he hadn't seen in ten years. But what about the erection? Answer: She's old enough to know men got erections in their sleep. Also I'd been the object of flirting ladies all night; she must have noticed something, and I'd seen her exposed batty and had my chest dragged over by her body - not forgetting she'd lain on me for a while, which could contribute to me having an erotic dream.

I decided that my arguments were strong; I could get away with what I was thinking of doing.

But what if she disregards all of the above mentioned reasoning and thinks I'm just a horny, opportunistic son of a bitch taking advantage of the cramped accommodation to lean on and cop a feel off his sweet sister? Would she think, 'so what, he's my little brother and I love him, I'd do anything to make him happy; let him indulge his fantasy, up to a point. A feel and a cock brace? No harm done, he's my brother'. I really went overboard rationalizing my taboo intentions and managing to convince myself it was possible.

I slipped my hard, throbbing cock out my pajama fly and closed my eyes. I took a deep breath and roughly, (I dared not do it carefully, because if she was awake she'd realize it was a calculated move) rolled onto my side, pressing my erection into the lower portion of Yvonne's backside, near where ass cheeks joined thighs. Simultaneously, I threw an arm over and around her, making sure my open palms covered as much boob as it could hold. She did not stir, nor did her breathing pattern change. I remained still, pressing into my big sister's big body. Of course, I naturally got to thinking 'what if I slide my hand into the nightie cup and cover the bare breast, get a good touch of nipple.' I made a little snort, moved my hand and let it slide to the position. That bare fat bubby felt so nice, and the nipple ... oh my!

After about ten minutes in that position my smaller head got the better of my bigger head, and I slid my body a little lower, then came up back, letting my swollen cock head poke Yvonne's body smack in the fatty gap where thighs joined. I began gently poking my tool to and fro against the soft mass. She did not react in any way that signaled awareness of what I was doing - instead she simply made a sleepy moan, followed by a restless move aimed at positioning herself comfortably. She drew the upper leg up high, effectively partly baring her crotch. I followed her movement, sending my cock to say hello to her red covered pussy. When I heard her snore softly I pushed forward again and resumed my soft back and forth invasion. She snorted or something as if disturbed, raised the leg some more, and pushed backward, settling down nicely against her brother's hard cock.

About ten minutes passed before I temporarily sacrificed the boob hold and moving the hand down, found her crotch. I shifted the panty leg aside and after moving aside the lips, and sticking my middle finger between them for a moment, pressed my cock between the thick, damp, lip folds. She moaned sleepily and pushed backward again as if making herself comfortable. I returned my hand to the boob. Again, she did not react in any way that showed she was conscious of what I was doing, so I continued, applying slightly more pressure as I glided through the fat folds of pussy lips. After several minutes I felt her body move and I kept still. She made a half turn and lifting the leg that had been drawn up, threw it over my side, now being partly on her side, and partly on her back. A better position for me to enter her if such was my intention.

I waited a while, tense, and mind made up. I reached for the crotch and once again pulled at the panties leg, dragging it over the bump. I pressed the cock down again between the sex lips, this time not lengthwise for gliding, but angled for penetration; I forced the head to the entrance and pushed my hips forward, sliding into to her. She made another sleepy moan and shifted. I stopped. After a minute I pushed another inch or so into Yvonne's pussy. She made no sound but her body jerked a little. I worked my cock steadily in the shallows, not daring to go further. I stretched up my hand and twirled a stiff nipple between thumb and finger. The only sound was slight snoring. I continued playing in the shallows, now become very watery. My hips moved with a steady rhythm of short jabs, but then I lost control and pushed hard.

She gasped loudly and thrust her body forward. I froze, and started to ease out, thinking that was enough compromise satisfaction. But I felt her hand grasp my cock.

"No, don't stop ... it's alright ... it's alright honey ... you don't have to stop." she said reassuringly.

Those were the sweetest words I'd ever heard, in my entire life, up till then, come out of a woman's mouth. I clambered onto my knees, lifting her leg that was over my side, high in the air and turning her back almost fully on her side. I threw one of my legs over her hip and side, fixing us in a scissor-style embrace. I began pounding away. I heard the bed go thuck, thuck, thuck, thuck, against the wall, and the springs go squeak, squeak, squeak and squeak.

Yvonne's hand patted my thigh frantically, freezing both of us.

"Shhhhhh! Not so hard, she whispered, followed by a soft giggle.Hugging her fat thigh, my mouth clamping and sucking her calf, I moved slow and deep, slow and deep, in and out, in and out, minimizing the noise, but not completely stopping it, the old springs and the bed's position against the wall wouldn't allow it, but the fuck show had to go on, there was no stopping till one or both of us climaxed. So I kept going deep and slow as Yvonne went hunhh, hunhh, hunhh, hunhh, hunhh, hunhh, hunhh, barely audible. Twisting my body away from the thigh embrace and calf eating, I kept one leg up high with my left hand at the fleshy ankles and leaned over to the right with my other hand by her side, my mouth poised over her bosom. She understood, and lifting one big bubby off her chest - it had already slipped the inadequate harness - offered it up to my hungry mouth.

My fat and sweet, beautiful big sister rubbed my head gently as I sucked on her fleshy bubby and long, hard nipple. I tilted my head and saw that she was looking at me with a dreamy smile on her round face as I moved slow and deep in her. Sexually agitated as I'd been all evening and night I didn't know how long I'd last before an explosion, but I wanted her to cum; the sweet big thing deserved that supreme pleasure as payment for what she'd so kindly surrendered to her baby brother. So I released the bubby, pulled out of her, slid downward and fixed my face in her crotch. I latched onto the clit and sucked. She clamped the sides of my head with her thick thighs while holding the top of it with her hands, gently massaging. I sucked the clit on the fleshy pussy for a long time; and she came, powerfully, but controlled, to prevent any loud telltale sounds from the weak bed. She simply shivered and blew out air.

When she settled down I climbed back up and she bent her knees and spread wide. After she'd guided my dick into her satisfied, but still generous pussy, she lowered her legs flat and spread out across the width of the bed, her hands gripping the two sides of the thin mattress, and allowed me to ride her, once again with slow deep thrusts, just barely bouncing on the soft, big, sweaty woman, my hands gripping her shoulders from under the armpits, our mouths locked together in a prolonged kiss. I ploughed her fat but tight pussy for a very long time, maybe close to an hour; this happens sometimes when I mix drinks. Like Yvonne I controlled my tickling body as I shot semen into her clamping pussy.

I was woken by crowing cocks and a pressure on my cock. I opened my eyes to see what was causing the pressure on my cock. It was stuck between Yvonne's big bubbies and kept in place by her stout arms acting as walls, as her head bobbed up and down the morning wood, completely hidden from my sight. She was at it for a while before looking up and seeing my sleepy face. Her big round hazel eyes, for a moment, held a questioning, almost frightened look. It was as if she was seeking assurance from me that what we did was not wrong. I did not feel it was wrong; nothing wrong could feel so pure. I smiled and the hazel eyes twinkled in response. She sat up on her knees and signaled that we move to the floor. Yvonne noticed that the door had been left slightly open the night before, and bolted it.

I lay on my back on the floor bed, looking up at Yvonne standing over me. I was entranced by the raw sexuality and mesmerizing beauty of that big curvy body completely naked in the morning light. I had never realized that women that big looked so sexually appealing, naked. It was a revelation, and I knew that I would no longer be restricting my sexual diet to lean meat. With hands on her hips, she stood with one leg on either side of me, her scattered, frizzy, natural hair, looking mane-like around her smiling round face - a hot lioness. Her crotch and above was pristine smooth, no hair. She slowly lowered herself into a squat and before our bodies touched grabbed my cock and got it right at first try, coming down on it plumb at her entrance. It slid right up into her thickness.

She started to ride me vigorously, but we found to our dismay that the floor boards, like the bed, also squeaked, though not so noisily. She acquiesced into a smooth groove, simply making sharp, little back and forth jerks and slow, grinding rolls. I reached up and played with the swaying full, shiny boobs, sometimes flicking at the stiff nipples with my fingers. She made quiet hisses as she rode, and dragged her fingernails along my chest and belly, sending shivers through me. She leaned over to my ears, her bubbies pressing down on my chest.

"When we go back into the city, we gotta find a hotel room where we can have noisy unbothered sex," she whispered, and was nibbling on my ears when we heard a soft knock on the door.

Yvonne had the presence of mind to get up slowly and quietly. She grabbed her towel from the window and wrapped herself in it. I crawled onto the bed and covered myself with a sheet, lying on my belly.

Yvonne opened the door.

"Good morning, Yvonne. I was wondering if you want hot water to bathe with." I heard Theresa ask.

"Nah, Auntie, I alright. I was just about to come out. Let me get a couple of things from my bag. Ken still asleep,"

We had intended leaving for home at around mid-day, but at breakfast Theresa suggested we stay the entire weekend and leave on Monday morning, citing the fact that neither of us had to go to work, or had a husband or wife to go home to. Yvonne was on vacation and I being a teacher, was also free because school was closed for the Christmas holidays. They said they had already sent word to a few family that they were hosting a little party for us that night. Yvonne pointed out that neither of us brought underwear or other change of clothes to last the weekend. We were told of a store in the neighboring village that sold clothing, even fancy stuff to suit foreigners like Yvonne, they said. I guess they simply assumed that Yvonne had money to spend on clothes for the both of us

Yvonne, Miriam and I, set off for the store in the next village which Miriam said was about a ten minute walk. An old guy in a yard waved at us and shortly after Miriam said, laughing:

"He is a wicked big man, he does fuck he daughters, one of dem, even get a baby for him."

Yvonne blushed red, more likely from the incest factor than Miriam's crude language, because within hours last evening we had grown used to her frank and spicy talk and casual use of expletives. Because she had been an honors student in high school and was now in university and doing well her parents and other family tolerated her transgressions. She was the beloved spoilt child and hell raiser in the family.

She added, "Dey got other cases like that in this neighborhood, and it even worse in de next village where we going, is like over there everybody sleeping with everyboy. Right next door to we, that young man yuh see in de yard yesterday afternoon, he does fuck he own younger sister. I catch dem once. I went over to collect a book that she borrow from me. They parents had gone to town. Being neighbors and good friends, we usually walk into each other house without knocking, once the door is open. I see them with me own eyes on the couch, naked, he ramming cock in he sister pussy and she telling he to fuck she harder. I went cold. I quietly back out before they see me. Everybody in the village know about them. I had heard about it, but I see for myself that day"

Had Miriam not been walking with quicker steps and in front of us, she would have surely seen how Yvonne, stumbled and gasped. I had to take her hand and steady her. The ten minute walk turned out to be twenty-five minutes. Yvonne, no longer used to walking in tropical sun on rough country brick roads was sweating and blowing hard. Inside the store Yvonne was still flustered. Miriam was talking to a pretty Portuguese girl her age and her little brother. The girl was eyeing me up and smiling. There was a lady the size of Yvonne in the store; because of my early morning revelation I was looking at her and wondering if she looked just as attractive and sexy when naked. She also smiled at me. It took some time for Yvonne to return to, at least, near normalcy. After we got back she went straight to bed, claiming a headache.

A little after mid-day the boy that was in the store, came to collect a book from Miriam for his sister. Miriam told him to tell his sister she would bring it around later in the afternoon because she wasn't finished reading it.

Late in the afternoon Miriam announced that she was leaving to return the book. Theresa told her it was too late, it would soon be dark. Miriam asked her brothers to accompany her and they refused. She asked me and Yvonne, but when Yvonne heard that it was close to where we were that morning, she said no way. Theresa said Miriam wasn't going alone because she had to pass some bushy areas that could be dangerous at night.

"What if Ken go with me?"

Theresa looked at me and sighed. I looked at Yvonne and she sighed too, but nodded. We took off with Theresa warning me to not let Miriam talk me into going anywhere else. She took up the little brown paper bag with the book and we left. We were not yet five minutes into our walk when Miriam announced:

"My friend said she like you ... if you want you could fuck she ... I could get she to come out and y'all could go in de bushes and fuck. She is a clean girl, she only had one boyfriend and they not together anymore. She only had sex twice."

"Thanks, but no thanks, I alright," I said.

"Why, because she thin?"

"What has size got to do with it? I just don't fancy her ... I don't know her," I said laughing.

"I know what it is, you is one of them guys who only like fat girls ... I know you like fat girls."

"Where you get that idea from?" I asked.

"I see you looking at de fat lady in the store this morning."

"That doesn't prove anything, I took her for someone I know," I lied.

She sucked her teeth and said, "You think I stupid ... what about Yvonne?"

"What about her?" I queried.

"She is fat ... I see you fucking she last night ... I heard the bed against my bedroom wall and I get up and push open the door to y'all room and see y'all fucking." She stated excitedly.

You could have knocked me over with a feather. I think I staggered more than Yvonne did that morning. She held my hand and drew close to me, pressing her pointy breast against my arm.

"We were both drunk, and had decided to sleep on the same bed, so I wouldn't have to sleep on the floor ... being so close and drunk, it just happened." I explained.

"I know, and also you were turned on from watching me bubbies and mommy backside all night ... in that condition I don't blame you ... don't worry, I won't tell anybody, never. We is family ... and if you were my brother I would let you fuck me too," she said.

I didn't miss the implication in that last bit, and knew what I had to do to make sure she really didn't tell anybody. We came to what looked like a track leading off the road through a bushy area.

"We could take a short cut here and reach faster," she said.


Shortly after, she stopped.

"You want to see my bubbies?"

Without waiting for my response she raised the blouse and exposed her twin puffy pears with their shiny round tips.

"You like them?' she asked.

"Very much ... they're sexy," I said.

I leaned forward and took a little bubby into my mouth. She whimpered like a puppy as I sucked on the girlie bud. I reached around and grabbed her plump behind, squeezing it hard. I reached lower and raised the hem of the short, loose skirt. I pushed my hand down the waist of her panties and squeezed the bare buttocks before letting it slide into the deep, oily-feeling crack. I curled a middle finger and let it slip into the tight butt hole easily, like it was all oiled up. She squirmed. I moved the finger up and down freely in her and she wiggled her ass appreciatively. I moved my mouth from her bubbies and kissed her deeply. She moved her mouth away and said:

"There is a better spot ahead."

She held my hand and took off in a half trot. We came to a narrow track. It led us to a little clearing under a big tamarind tree.

"You know this place well," I said.

She giggled, "Yes, country rhythms."

She pulled down her panties and stepped out of them. She picked up the blue piece of lace and handed it to me.

"Smell it."

I looked at the damp pantes in my hand and back at her. Her eyes were opened wide, glazed and excited, her mouth hanging. She looked like a young teen at a rock concert staring at her rocker crush and ready to faint.

"Go ahead, smell it Ken, please!" she pleaded.

I inhaled the funky panties crotch, liking the musky odour. I looked at her and inhaled again, she moved from one foot to the next and stuck her hands between her legs. I moved the panties to my mouth, found the crotch piece and poked it with my tongue.

"Oooohh, yes, yes, oh fuuuck ... Jesus Christ ... I fucking like you Ken."

She grappled up her skirt around her waist, squatted and started pissing a loud hissing stream. When she was done she shook her ass and turned around, backing me. She bent over and spread her legs wide.

"Fuck me Ken, fuck me quick." She urged.

I stuck the panties in my jeans pocket, unbuttoned and unzipped it and let my throbbing dick out.

"Let me see your cock first," she said.

I walked around and stuck the hard dick in her face. She looked at it and smiled, then stuck her head forward and took the swollen cock head inside her mouth. She chewed on it gently for a few seconds.

Inhaling and exhaling hard, she said, oh, my ... oooooo, fuck me now."

I got behind her quickly and stuck my cock against the bald pussy. She guided the wood to her entrance and I grabbed the smooth brown thighs and pushed forward roughly.

"Aiiiiiiiieeeeee ... yessss." She cried.

I started pounding hard, nearly knocking her of her feet. She moved forward and braced the tamarind tree trunk with her hands. I lifted one of her legs off the ground and put her in a canting position as I pounded the tight pussy.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes. Oooooh, baby, fuck me, fuck me."

I lifted the other leg off the ground, spreading her wide as she hung onto the tree trunk for dear life and I jackhammered her pussy as the thick batty bounced and rippled before my eyes.

"Put it in the back," I thought I heard her softly say, as if not sure she should say it.

I went still, not sure I'd heard right.

"Put it in mih beety ... bugger me, I near to cum" she said louder and urgent.

I lowered her legs to the ground and she bent over. I put a gob of saliva onto my fingers and rubbed it against her ass hole, slipping my finger in. I took aim and spat another gob onto the puckered flower. I pulled my cock out of the pussy and without care, sent it boring into her.

"Aiiiiiieeeeee ... oh shit, shit, oooweeeeeee!" she bawled

I pushed again, sending more cock into her. She was flicking away at her clit rapidly as I began quick fucking the tight ass. She straightened up and I crouched, pounding upward as she slapped at her clit I grabbed her little bubbies and squeezed them hard. She was gasping continuously, and suddenly began trembling and hissing.

"Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuuuuck! She cried and began to jerk and twist.

I held her tight till the orgasm came to an end. I was still fucking her ass ten minutes later and decided I should pull out. It was becoming dark. But just as I was about to withdraw I felt the orgasm creep up in me and I shot into Miriam's ass.

She took some toilet tissue out of her skirt pocket and wiped her ass and pussy.

"You want this?" she said, handing it to me.

"Nah," I said, but took it from her hand and threw it away.

She laughed loudly.

"Let's go home, it late?" She said.

"What about the girl's book?" I asked.

"What fucking book. She wanted me to bring you so you could fuck her, but I wanted the cock too," she said, laughing.

She picked up the little brown paper bag she had left the house with and took out a wad of folded newspaper, which she threw into the bushes. I took her panties from my pocket and stretched out my hand.

"No, I want you to keep it as a souvenir ... if you keep looking at it and smelling it, you will come to me again," she said laughing.

I shrugged and forced it into my pocket. As we walked off, the thought hit me that she had lubricated her ass before leaving the house. At her age she already knew a lot, desired a lot and was not afraid to go after what she wanted. She was set in her adventurous and daring ways.

By the time we got back to the house it was seven PM. There was already some guests and music was playing on Hemant's brother, Sanjeev's little portable cassette player. I took a quick shower and joined them. Sanjeev's wife Selma, stood out because she was a tall, slim, half Portuguese, half black woman in her late forties. She wasn't particularly good-looking, but had nice looking, big boobs that overflowed into the deep V-neck, short sleeve sweater she was wearing. She had long shapely legs, which protruded the hem of her, above the knee flared skirt. There was a sexy looking black mole over the right side of her wide, thin-lipped mouth, and her wide-set grey eyes bore an almost angry look under long, arched eyebrows and above long straight nose. She smiled every time she looked at me which was often, and kept drawing me into conversation.

It was a nice little party with everyone laughing and joking and slow dancing in whatever little space was available in the little living room. It seemed all the ladies wanted to dance with me. I was like a celebrity; the handsome young male teacher from the city. I especially enjoyed the feel of Theresa's thick body in my arms, and couldn't keep my cock from responding. It nudged her full thighs a few times, but she kept a serious and un-acknowledging face. Selma, I think, was deliberately nudging my hardon with her long thighs. Once when we were in the kitchen getting drinks, she flatly, with an innocent and straight face whispered:

"I like you Ken, I want you sex me ... if yuh don't mind doin it with a old lady ... Half hour after I leave, you go to the back of de yard by de toilet, I goin be there. She took up her soft drink and the strong mixture of rum and coke she'd made for her husband and walked out of the kitchen. Twenty minutes later I heard her talking to Sanjeev - everybody did.

"Sanjeev, I ready to leave, I got a headache ... is a nice party, but is too much excitement for old people. Let we go sleep and leave more space for de young to dance.

A few folks laughed, knowing well, I guessed, that Sanjeev wasn't going anywhere. Like his brother Hemant, he liked his drinks.

"You always ... if you too old to drink and party you go home and sleep ... leave de door open ... I aint no old man," he said, laughing, and standing up unsteadily, rolled his hips suggestively.

Everybody laughed, except Selma. Sanjeev was at least ten years older than his wife, and looked it.

"If you not home in forty-five minutes, I coming back and drag yuh drunk backside out that door. Yuh must learn to leave de liquor alone," She said, glaring at Hemant when she said the last part, as if he was to blame for his older brother's drinking.

Hemant lighthearted smiled and raised his glass to her and took a long drink.

"Like you forget I playing de music ... if I take away de music, what dey goin dance to, radio? Sanjeev asked.

"Somebody else could play de music and you collect the set tomorrow." Selma said.

Sanjeev sucked his teeth and waved her away.

"In half hour ... no, forty five minutes I goin be here," Selma said.

I knew she was reminding me about the half hour meeting. She went over and kissed Theresa, Yvonne and Miriam and walked away. Theresa told her young sons to accompany their auntie to her house, even though it was only five houses away.

Half hour passed and I got up and went through the kitchen and back door into the dark backyard. When I reached the outdoor toilet I heard a soft voice coming from a shed about twenty feet further away. I went over and she took my hand and pulled me behind the shed.

"Thanks baby," she said.

She leaned against the wall and pulled me against her, between her spread legs, immediately fastening her lips to mine. She broke the kiss after about twenty seconds. She lifted her skirt and taking my hand placed it on her damp, hairy pussy. She wasn't wearing panties. I slipped a middle finger past the lips and into the hole. It pulsated against my finger. Meanwhile she freed a big bubby from the sweater and held it up. I latched on to the nipple and sucked away on it voraciously.

"Oh gawd, is six months since I had sex, and only twice in the last year. That man only care about work and getting drunk ... come baba, put this nice hard cock in aunty pussy ... I need it," she whispered, breathing hard.

She unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans and freed the hard, eager tool. I crouched and came up back, sending the hard meat into her wet but tight pussy.

"Aiiiiiiee ... ooooooh! She cried softly, and kissed me again.

She immediately started gyrating her hips furiously as I, just as eager, pounded her with long deep strokes. She freed both bubbies, to the glow of the moonlight above. They looked white and lovely. I lifted and licked them both, alternating nipples. She raised one of her long legs, keeping it up with her own hand. But after about a minute she dropped her foot back to the ground and digging her feet hard into the ground, grabbed me around the waist and pulled me tightly against her, gyrating and grinding hard while gasping breathlessly. After a while I stopped pounding, and stood still, letting her move against me. A few minutes later her body shook and she raised her hands to her mouth to trap any sounds that the orgasm might want her to make. When she relaxed I pulled out of her.

"You don't have to stop because I cum," she said, grabbing at my cock.

"No, I take long to cum, and somebody might come down here. I have to go back to the house before it looks suspicious. We can't take the chance," I pleaded.

"You right," she said, releasing my cock.

"We could finish this at a later date ... in town ... don't you come to town?"

"Yes, two or three time a month. Sanjeev does drop me with he taxi and pick me couple hours later when I finish shopping, or sometimes I come back home with bus," she said, glowing with excitement.

"Good, before we leave I will give you a number you could call me on whenever you coming."

"Ohhh, thanks baby, thanks. Yuh make me so happy."

I hurried back inside. Fifteen minutes later Selma entered the house, glaring at Sanjeev. But she allowed herself to be cajoled by Theresa, and settled down to doing some drinking herself. When the party was near an ending close to midnight I went down to the bathroom and washed Selma off my cock. It was a good move for no sooner than we entered the bedroom, and got out of our clothes after Yvonne had bolted the door and put the mattress onto the floor, she pushed me onto my back and started gobbling down my cock.

I made her get on all fours, and spreading the thick, creamy ass cheeks aside, found her hole and started plugging it up with hard cock. She moaned softly, taking each thrust with a backward push of her own. I fucked her like that, then let her lie on her back with legs high and knees bent as I rode her to the finish line, emptying into her what should have gone into Selma earlier. She immediately fell asleep after I climbed off of her. I never told her that Miriam had seen us fucking

The next morning, Sunday, Sanjeev came to take his brother to his therapist two villages away. The day before, Theresa, had informed Yvonne about an old school friend of hers who now lived that way. Yvonne was anxious to go and surprise her old friend, so, accompanied by Miriam who knew where the girl lived, they took a lift in the taxi with Hemant and Sanjeev. I told them I was going to take a pass on the girly prattling that was sure to happen, as I had a headache.

Short minutes later, I heard Theresa listing out to her boys, some stuff she needed from the store in the next village we'd visited the day before. I started calculating in my mind, twenty five minutes' walk, going and coming, plus time to get the items - add to that, teenage schoolboys idling and we were talking two hours of time, if not more. I lay back on the bed, fingers clasped behind my head and wearing only, one of the boxer shorts I'd bought at the store and a sheet thrown over me. I was a hundred percent sure what was going to happen in the little cottage during that two hours, barring the unexpected arrival of a person or persons.

I heard the soft knock on the door and told Theresa she could come in. My mother's sister was dressed in a short, close fitting, yellow-golden silk wrap that I knew Yvonne had brought for her. She smiled nervously as she entered the room and walked to the other side, her fat ass rolling, and placed what looked like a bottle of oil on the boys' desk.

"Just returning the boys' stuff that I borrowed," she said.

"You smell nice and fresh Aunt Theresa ... not to mention you also look good" I said.

"Thanks, Ken ... I just took a bath," she said, blushing.

She walked toward the bed.

"How's the headache, the pill worked, no fever or flu symptoms?" she asked, looking down at the bed, beside me.

"There was, slightly, but I think it's clearing up." I lied, about the nonexistent headache and fever.

She looked at the bed again.

"You can sit down Auntie," I said, patting the bed beside me.

I moved closer to the edge just as she was sitting. Her ass braced against my thigh. The robe that was tied around the waist, moved aside both top and bottom, pressured by her thick body. I could see rich brown thigs and boobs flesh, plus a little glimpse of what looked like shiny gold sequined panties. She pulled the splits back in place but they immediately fell back. I looked at it and we both chuckled. The splits grew even wider as she leaned over to touch my neck, checking for signs of a fever.

"It seems alright," she said.

I decided that without spooking her, though that was highly unlikely, taking everything into consideration, to fast forward the action to lessen the chances of us being interrupted. I threw off the sheet at dragged myself into a sitting position against the rail of the bed. I lifted one leg and drew it over and onto the floor, which meant she was practically sitting between my legs. I saw her eyes flash to the tented boxers and quickly looked away.

"You're in good condition, Ken," she said, looking over my five eleven, muscled, medium-built frame.

"So are you, Theresa," I said, deliberately dropping the auntie, looking over her five foot eight, one hundred and ninety pound body, making her blush.

"Nah, I fat, soon I will be the same size as Yvonne or your mother," she said smiling.

"No, you're thick, not fat ... you're beautiful ... look at these thighs. Men dream of stuff like this." I said, resting my hand a few inches above her knees

I gently pushed my hand a little higher up her thigh and softly stroked the soft flesh. Her body shuddered lightly.

"My life seems such a mess at present ... I don't mean now, this weekend ... for you have been like a breath of fresh air in this house. I feel more alive than I have felt for a long time. But after you guys ... after you leave. It's back to the same emptiness. I feel so alone. I often wish I had someone, some family ... like you, here all the time that I could talk to when I'm sad or lonely. I don't know ... I'm confused. But I know something ... is missing ... I don't even feel like a woman sometimes. I just feel like an empty object or something," she said, her eyes moving from my face to briefly linger on the tented shorts. She sighed deeply

"I'm here now, you can talk to me. I can make you feel like a woman. I can give you the missing something ... today, now."

She continued, "You know, the school where I am teaching in the next village is short of two math teachers ... if you don't mind country life, maybe you could apply for a transfer ... you could always go home on weekends ... In any case, that village is bigger and brighter than here and has nice apartment buildings and shops and bars ... It would be so nice to have blood family ... you, nearby... when you go home think about it."

She had disregarded what I said about making her feel like a woman and providing the missing something. So I reminded her.

"Theresa, I said I'm here now. I can make you feel like a woman now. I can give you what's missing ... now ... if you let me."

"You don't know what you're saying ... you're my nephew. Somethings you can't give me," she said, blushing and smiling softly at me.

I ran my hand higher up, my fingers touching her panties. She gasped. She gently removed my hand. I took her hand and dropped it palm down on my erection. She gave it the slightest of squeeze and pulled away as if burnt.

"I can help you ... I want to help you," I said.

"Maybe, but as I said, you are my nephew," she said, in an anguished voice,

"I know, but I am also a man. I will always be your nephew, but I. can also be your man ... today and going forward.

I raised my hands and loosened the strap tying the robe. I pulled it aside, but not off her shoulders. Her pretty brown face winced.

"My sister would kill me," she said, looking up at me with wet eyes.

"And I will bring you back alive," I said, laughing.

She too burst out laughing, and the effort caused the pool in her big eyes to overflow and run down her cheeks. I leaned over and licked them away. While doing that I again placed her hand on my cock. She curled her hand around it gently, and kept it there. I lowered my head and lifting one breast, sucked on the hard, long nipple that looked just like Yvonne's.

"We will have to be so careful, Ken," she said.

I got up and pulled her up off the bed. I moved the robe off her shoulder and it slipped to the ground, leaving her standing in the glittery gold thong, looking mind blowing sexy in all her royal thickness. I felt my cock lurch from the pleasurable sight and the perverse thought that I was minutes away from pushing my cock into what is so close to being my mother, almost a replica, more than Yvonne was. I groaned and dropped to my knees, I pulled the panties down and stuck my face onto the smooth sparsely haired vulva, with a neat triangle of cropped hair above it. I licked it repeatedly with long firm strokes of my tongue. She lifted one leg onto the bed and grabbed my head, holding it there in place as I sent my tongue up into her, enjoying her taste and smell.

I remained on my knees eating out Theresa's sweet, family pussy with a hunger for pussy I didn't know I had. I ate her from the front, and then with one leg still on the bed, made her turn around and bend over so I could eat her out from the back and underneath, her pussy dripping woman juice all the while, she groaning incessantly throughout. She bucked wildly when my tongue attacked her neat little ass hole.

"Wooooooo ... geeeeeee! This is so nice darling ... I never knew ... dreamt ... about this" she cried out, bucking her mighty ass hard against my face.

I stood up, and keeping her bent over in the same position, sent my cock up her wet dripping hole.

"Aiiiiiiieeeee! Yes, yes, yes, oh gawd," she screamed.

I rammed her hard and deep, thrusting and grinding, and she rolled her hips and big ass in reciprocal appreciation.

"Ooooooh, yes, fuck me darling."

But shortly after, she cried out with an urgency:

"Let me fuck you Ken honey, lie on your back, and let big aunty fuck her sweet little boy ... Ohhhh my."

I threw myself onto the bed and she straddled, me, quickly sticking my cock into her pussy and riding away to pleasure. She bucked and jerked and bounced, and rolled all over my lower belly, my hard meat in her, until she made a loud screech and started cumming. She threw herself off me and curled up in a fetal position, hands between legs as she convulsed. She straightened up and lay on her back, knees bent, thighs spread. I entered her and started a quick-fire hitting of the pussy with short jabs. She placed the thick legs on my shoulders and I pressed forward, lifting her ass and pussy into position for the final assault. I captured one of her thirty eights in my mouth and sucked hard as I hit the pulsating vulva hard. I rode her till I was sweating rain drops of perspiration on her, but was nowhere near cumming, I felt.

"Oh, complete me honey ... I want you to complete me ... give me everything ... make me totally yours," she cried out.

"I aim to do that Auntie, it will come soon I can feel it," I said, as I banged away.

"You don't understand ... wait let me get up, I'll show you," she said, breathlessly.

I reluctantly pulled out of her. She picked up her sweat drenched body and sprung off the bed onto the floor. She ran to the desk and returned with the little bottle she had earlier come in with. She unscrewed it and squirted oil on to my cock and lathered it. She handed me the bottle and got on knees and elbows, ass in the air. I understood. I found myself thinking 'damn, this must run in the family. Last night Miriam and now her mother, I wonder if Yvonne goes that way too.' I squirted oil onto the little, amazingly neat hole and recorked the bottle.

I centered my cock and pushed forward, finding some resistance at first, but it soon gave way, and I slid into Theresa's ass.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaah! Yes yes, now I'm complete, thank you darling ... Oh shit! Fuck my ass Ken, fuck it good," she begged.

I began slowly pumping the ass with short, careful strokes and slowly built up to longer, less caring thrusts and then rapid shots, in and out at a terrific speed, and within a few minutes I was cumming hard in my auntie's booty hole. Her batty clamped me tight as I jerked in it.

Together we cleaned up, changing sheets and pillow cases and drying the floor. She picked up the gold panties and asked me where my bag was. I showed her and she walked over to it. My heart lurched, remembering, Miriam's underwear in there. But she just tucked it into the bag without delving. We went to the bathroom and washed together. I wondered about the neighbors on either side observing. But she assured me that at that time both families were at the village church.

We barely got dressed before the boys came back with the items from the store and Theresa moved to the stove. While she was in the kitchen and the boys were in the yard I heard footsteps outside the door and a soft knock. I went to the door and there was Selma. She looked over my shoulder, and enquired in a whisper about Theresa's whereabouts. I told her inside the kitchen. She smoothly took something out her pants pocket and stuffed it into mine.

"A little something for you to remember me by in case you change your mind and we never have a repeat of last night. I wore this last night while we were dancing and you were getting me wet."

She squeezed my sore cock, then walked past me and headed for the kitchen. I went to the bedroom, smiling inside and wondering what was it with women in this village and their panties. I placed Selma's pink nylon panties along with the other two pussy soiled items at the bottom of the bag. I scribbled my work place and home number on a piece of paper and managed to slip it to Selma. She was not a looker, but a passionate fucker, I could tell from her eagerness the night before. I felt that last night was just a warm up performance for her.

An hour later the others returned. Miriam looked at her mother and then at me with a knowing smile. I returned the smile cheekily.

During the late afternoon, just as it was getting dark, Sanjeev and Selma arrived and the after party/farewell party started. None of the other five or six people from the night before came. We ate and drank and danced away the hours up until nine PM. we were supposed to leave early the next morning with Sanjeev as he drove to town to do his taxi work in the city.

Inside the bedroom we again placed the mattress on the floor and bolted the door. I slowly stripped Yvonne and then got the bottle of oil that Theresa had left on the desk. I squirted some in her hands and made her rub it all over my cock.

"I don't believe I'm that tight to need this, bro," she said, giggling.

"Believe, me you are," I said.

When I told her to get on her hands and elbows, and she felt the squirt on her little flower, she turned around and whispered:

"Oh my god, Ken, now I understand ... but suppose you make me scream," she whispered, an excited glint in her eyes.

"Bite the pillow, they have clean covers, I notice."

"Oh shit ... I didn't expect this ... but okay, what the fuck!"

"You never done this before, sis?"

"Yeah, but not often ... and it's been a while," she whispered.

"Well, you've got two weeks of days and nights to catch up." I said, thinking, yes it does run in the family.

"Oh fuck ... you're the devil bro ... but I'm a sinner, we're suited ... let's get it on"

She got back on her elbows and knees, ass high. From behind I licked her ass and pussy for a while to warm her up. I squirted fresh oil and told her i was leaving on the light. She said no problem. I had the feeling Miriam might be peeping us from a crack in the wall if her little sister was asleep. Let her watch. I knocked at Yvonne's oily door, and just as I was about to enter she bit into the pillow. I heard the muffled scream as my cock slid in. As usual with this kind of action I stared slow and gentle, gradually building up, until I was riding the fat oiled up ass under the bright light. I fucked the tight batty hole from all angles; with her on knees, side and back, for maybe more than thirty minutes, until she first came and then I, a minute or two later.

The night before she was to leave for home in the USA we went clubbing with some friends and family and then to a hotel where we did our final hectic fucking up until just before day break. She added to my panties collection, giving me the one she had on in the club, telling me to keep it to jack off to till her return on vacation the next year. It was the red one she'd worn that first night.