
I think I've got just the thing to help solve this kind of problem!" She said.

Mel walked over to the sink, looking at her naked wet body in the mirror that sat above it she pondered what she was about to let her brother do to her, her sodden pussy more than answering the millisecond of doubt that had crept into her mind. She put her hands down on the sink and bent over slightly, spreading her legs to present her willing pussy to her little brother. He walked over and stood behind her, he placed his hands on her wet ass, his right hand drifting over to her exposed pussy and his fingers dipping into her hole, he smiled as he felt her wetness envelope his fingers before withdrawing them and lining his hard cock up with her wet entrance.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmm, that always feels so good sis!" He said as his hardness slid easily into his sister's welcoming pussy.

"Doesn't it just little brother, doesn't it just!" She replied, enjoying the familiar sensation of her brother's cock stuffed inside her.

He loved fucking his sister, more than he loved fucking his fiancée, no other girl had ever pleasured his cock as well as his sister's pussy could and he had spent a lot of time trying to find one! He also enjoyed the position his sister had chosen today, looking in the mirror he could see her tits wobbling and the look of pleasure on her face as his cock repeatedly slammed into her horny pussy.

Mel also loved her brother fucking her, his cock wasn't as big as her husband's, but that was good, it didn't hurt her like her husband's did when he went too deep, her brother's cock hit all the right spots. She looked up into the mirror, seeing her tits wobbling in time with his strokes she thought about what a decadent slut she was, allowing her own brother to fuck her with his incestuous cock, her pussy getting wetter as she thought about it, her brother's lovely cock sliding into her.

"Ooooooohhhhh, you're gonna make me cum little brother." She moaned, she always made a conscious decision to call him 'brother' when they fucked, and he likewise to call her 'sis', drawing attention to their sordid tryst inspiring each other to higher levels of lust.

He kept pounding his sister as she moaned through her orgasm, watching her face contort with orgasmic pleasure in the mirror as his cock plundered her ever wetter pussy. "Gonna cum now sis!"

"Mmmmmm yeah, fill me with your cum little brother." She moaned back.

Hearing his sister say that always sent him over the edge, and today was no exception as he grunted and unloaded several big shots of cum into his sister's wet pussy.

"Mmmmmmm, that feels goooooddddd!" She moaned as her brother's cum splashed into her, his hands reaching round to grab her tits, mauling them as they regained their breath.

"Thanks sis, that should tide me over until the wedding!" He said, planting a kiss on her lips.

"Glad I could help with your problem little brother!" She grinned, scooping up some of the cum running down her thighs and licking it off her hand.

He left the bathroom as she wrapped a towel around her naked body, her brother's cum still dribbling down her inner thigh.

The next day was very uneventful, more topless sunbathing and more teasing in the pool but nothing else, until just before everyone went to bed, when Kate walked past me and whispered 'Meet me back in the lounge when everyone's asleep'.

An hour later and with my wife safely asleep I quietly made my way out to the lounge, where I saw Kate waiting for me on the couch.

"Hey sexy, thanks for coming to see me." She said, standing up and giving me a quick kiss on the lips, she was wearing a baggy t-shirt that draped over her large pert breasts showed off her fantastic curves.

"How could I turn you down when you look like this?" I asked.

Kate blushed slightly before saying "I'll get straight to the point, we made a no sex before marriage pact, but with you around I'm just getting so horny it's unbelievable and I desperately need some relief!"

"So you want me to help you then? With pleasure!" I replied.

"Yes, but I need you to promise me something first." She told me.


"I need you to promise that you will not stick your cock in my pussy, no matter how much I beg you." She said.

"OK, I think I can manage that..."

"But there's one more thing..."


"I want to get off by sliding my pussy over your big cock." Kate said, again blushing a little.

"So you want me to promise not to slide into you, when your wet pussy is all over my shaft - I'm going to need the restraint of a saint!"

"Yes!" She grinned, "If you manage it I promise we'll have the hottest sex ever next time."

"I'll try my best!"

"Thanks!" She said smiling, grabbing my hand and leading me to the bathroom, locking the door behind us.

Kate slid the t-shirt off over her head, exposing her perfect body to me, her nipples were already hard in anticipation whilst her pussy was waxed bald. I slid my boxers off and lay down on the bathroom floor at her direction. She straddled my legs, sitting down so her pussy lips were just touching my hard shaft, I could feel the moisture already on her slit and I was already desperate to fuck her, this was going to be difficult!

She slowly started to rub her pussy along the length of my cock, her wetness coating it with a shimmering glisten. I reached up and grabbed her breasts, tweaking her hard nipples as she purred with excitement, "Mmmmmmmm, I want you inside me already!" She moaned, that didn't help! My cock was now covered in her juices and we both knew it would take no effort at all for me to slip inside her, whilst it would take every ounce of my strength not to plunge into her, this truly was heaven and hell combined! She moaned everytime her clit brushed past the engorged head of my cock:

"I'm gagging to have you inside me Steve." Kate groaned.

"You wouldn't believe how much I want to stuff my cock into your sexy body!" I told her as I tweaked her nipples harder.

"Fuuuuucccckkkk, yesssssss," She moaned, "Then do it now!"

"But you made me promise baby."

"Mmmmmmmmmm, I wish I hadn't now." She groaned, "Just a little bit pleeeeaaaaasssseeee!"

"Don't tempt me sexy!" I told her.

"Gonna cuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmm." Kate moaned as her tight little body started convulsing ontop of me, I could feel her juices splash out of her slit and onto my cock, it was such a sexy site watching her orgasm and I now needed to get off more than ever.

She collapsed down ontop of me, panting to regain her breath as my cock slid dangerously around her wet slit. "Mmmmmmm, that felt great!" She moaned, before I pulled her face to mine as we kissed passionately.

"God damn I want you now!" I told her.

She grinned sweetly and said "How about I let you cum over my face as a thankyou?"

I grinned back at her and she knelt up, I stood up infront of her and immediately had my cock hoovered into her hot mouth.

"Not gonna last long!" I mumbled.

She let my cock drop from her mouth and said "I can taste myself all over your hard cock!"

That was all I could take, my cock spewed all over Kate's pretty little face, covering it with my cum as she gently stroked everything I had to give out, the last few loads dripping down onto her pert tits.

"Good look?" She asked, smiling.

"You've never looked sexier!"

"I guess this makes me your cumslut!" Kate said as she wiped my load from her face and licked it off her hand.

After my late night with Kate I woke up after everyone else, as it was the day before the wedding I expected to find everyone highly stressed and running around like lunatics, but I made my way outside to find everyone sunbathing, the three girls topless.

"Good morning sleepy!" My wife said. I responded in kind, giving her a kiss before going inside and making myself some breakfast and having a shower.

As soon as I walked back outside I was met by my wife and my brother-in-law, "How would you and Kate like to defend the title you won last holiday against us?" Mel asked.

"Uh, sure." I replied, looking to Kate, my eyes drinking in her sexy topless body.

"Sorry, I can't. I don't want to get chlorine in my hair before tomorrow!" She said.

"I'll take her place!" Mary jumped in, a bit too quickly, before hastily adding, "If you all don't mind?"

We all agreed that would be fine and walked to the pool, my wife just about to get in when...

"Uh, what do you think you're doing Mel?" Mary asked.

"Uh, getting in the pool mummy." She replied, before glancing over to her mother, "What do you think YOU'RE doing?" She asked as Mary hooked her fingers into her bikini bottoms and started pulling them down, revealing her shaved pussy to everyone.

"The rules of the game are that we all have to be naked." My mother-in-law replied calmly.

"Fine." My wife replied, hooking her fingers into her own waistband and pulling off her bikini bottoms, exposing her shaved pussy to everyone as well.

I hesitated before pulling down my swimming shorts and quickly diving into the pool, my brother-in-law following suit quickly. The two women followed, Mary making her way over to me and using the side of the pool to climb up onto my shoulders as we got our balance whilst Mel did the same with her brother. We then had a few practices before agreeing the winners would be the first to score five.

My mother-in-law and I raced into a 2-0 lead, but I could feel her juices leaking from her pussy onto the back of my neck as sitting naked on my shoulders got her horny. Suitably distracted I lost concentration and allowed my wife and her brother to come back to a 3-2 lead, before evening it up 3-3, and then taking a 4-3 lead. Mary was now grinding her bare pussy against my neck, which again somewhat distracted me and allowed our opponents to pull it back to 4-4. I steeled myself for the final game and we won easily, to take the match-up 5-4.

"Yes!" Shouted Mary triumphantly as her daughter and son hit the water.

She slid off my shoulders and jumped into my arms, kissing me full on the lips in celebration as her huge breasts squashed against my chest. She slid down a bit in my arms and suddenly I felt the head of my cock touching her pussy, something told me that she wouldn't have the self-control that Kate had last year and as I looked up into her eyes I knew I was right and we were in trouble.

In what seemed like slow motion my mother-in-law slid further down, my rock hard cock sliding easily into her welcoming pussy, her loud moan as it bottomed out in her causing everyone to suddenly look over at us. For most this wasn't necessarily a surprise, there being one important exception, Mary's husband. Alerted by his wife's moan he looked over to see his naked wife in the arms of his naked son-in-law, the blissful look on her face perhaps giving away what the water concealed.

Just to ensure no-one could possibly mis-apprehend what was happening Mary started thrashing around in the water, her pussy sliding up and down my hard cock, her big tits flailing wildly as she moaned loudly, whilst everyone watched. Then, with a guttural scream she was cumming, her body convulsing in pleasure as her pussy fluttered around my cock, driving me to finally, with a loud groan, pump her full of cum. Just as she collapsed into my body the roar came:

"WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?" My father-in-law screamed.

Finally coming to her senses and realising what she had just done my mother-in-law hopped off me and got out of the pool to confront her husband. He looked his naked wife up and down, her face flush with orgasm and her son-in-law's cum trickling out of her pussy and down her leg. The rage on his face quickly turned to rejection as he sloped back off to the villa looking every inch a broken man, his still naked wife chasing after him.

"I've had a text from my parents, their flight's delayed so they won't be able to make it to the hotel with me tonight, so I'm going to need someone to stay with me." Kate told us, breaking the stony silence around the table.

"Why not take Steve with you?" My brother-in-law suggested.

Mary, being the only one who knew of my relationship with Kate stared daggers at me, unable to speak out as any request that I stay would be interpreted as her wanting me again, whilst no-one would believe her version of the truth.

"If Kate's happy, then I'm happy to look after her. Does the suite have two separate rooms?" I replied, ignoring my mother-in-law's glare.

"Yeah, that's fine with me as there's two separate bedrooms in the suite." Kate said.

An hour later Kate and I were in the back of the taxi on the way to the hotel, "I can't believe Mary fucked you so brazenly in the pool!" She said.

"I know, it took me completely by surprise! It was damn hot though!"

"Yeah, just watching you two got me wet. I hope you're planning to look after me well tonight!"

"Don't worry, I'm sure I can fill your every need!"

"Mmmmmmm, I'm sure you can." She said, her hand briefly dropping into my lap to fondle my cock.

"What the fuck were you thinking mummy?" Mel asked.

"I don't know, I was just so horny for him, then when I felt his cock on my pussy I couldn't help myself! I'm so sorry!" Mary replied.

"It's not us you need to be apologising to!" Her son chipped in.

"Is daddy going to leave you?" Mel asked.

"I don't know, he's not spoken to me since." She said.

"I'm off for a shower, see you in a bit." Her son announced, the two women pausing as he left.

"You were damned hot to watch though mummy! Seeing your big boobs flail about as you fucked my husband got me sooo wet!"

"You're such a little slut! Just like your mother!" Mary replied.

"Did you enjoy the slutty mummy/daughter threesomes we had with Steve?"

"Yes, especially when you fondled my breasts whilst he licked me out." Mary said, unclasping her bikini top and shrugging it off her shoulders.

"I liked it when you licked the cum off my breast the other day." Mel replied, untying her bikini top.

The two women reached out and started fondling the other's bare breasts, their hands exploring the similarities between their erect nipples.

"Have you still got my husband's cum inside you?"


"I think I should reclaim it."

"I think you should too."

The two women removed their skirts and bikini bottoms, both of their shaved pussy's glistening in anticipation.

Mel lay down naked on the floor, Mary straddling her naked, in a 69 position as mother and daughter's tongues quickly found each other's pussy.

"Mmmmmmmmmm, your tongue feels so gooooood mummy!" Mel purred.

"Mmmmmmmmm, yeah, lick your husband's cum from your naughty mummy's pussy." Mary moaned back.

Ten minutes later mother and daughter were still enjoying their incestuous 69 when the bathroom door opened. As he was drying himself after his shower he had heard noises, but he just assumed that was the two women talking, but as he opened the door his jaw dropped to the floor and his cock sprung to life. There, right infront of him, on the lounge floor, was his naked mother, ontop of his naked sister, enjoying an incestuous 69.

His sister spotted him first, her eyes immediately drawn to his hard cock, "Mmmmmmm, cum for me." She moaned, ostensibly to her mother, but making eye contact with her brother.

He tentatively and quietly made his way over to the end of the 69 where his sister had her tongue in his mother. "Mmmmmmmm." Mel moaned loudly, covering any noise her brother may make.

"What the fuck?" He whispered to his sister.

"Do you want me?" She mouthed.


"OK, but first you have to slide your cock into mummy!"

"What! No Way!"

"Go on, you'll love it. Ten strokes, then my pussy is yours."

"Fine." He reluctantly agreed, his cock doing all the thinking. He dropped his towel and knelt down, his sister breaking away from licking her mother's pussy to slide her tongue over her brother's cock. He lined his cock up with his mother's dripping wet entrance, before slowly sliding it into her until he was completely buried inside his mother's pussy.

"Who the fuck is that?" Mary shouted as she felt the cock bury itself deep inside her.

"Shut up and enjoy it mummy!" Mel shouted back, pushing her mother's head back down into her pussy, before reconnecting her tongue with her mother's clit.

"Mmmmmmm, mmmmmmmm, mmmmmm!" Mary moaned into her daughter's pussy as her son plundered hers.

He slid his cock in and out of his mother's sodden pussy ten times before withdrawing his cock, "Your turn now!" He whispered to his sister as he stood up and walked around to the other end of the incestuous coupling. He knelt down again, this time lining his cock up with his sister's dripping pussy.

"Mmmmmmm, yeessssssss!" Mel moaned as her brother's cock slid into her.

Seeing the cock slide into her daughter Mary looked up, "Son?" She asked.

"Hi mummy, great pussy you've got, nearly as good as Mel's!" He replied.

Mary watched as her son's cock slid in and out of her daughter's sodden pussy, as she felt her daughter's moans vibrate through her own pussy, the vibrations pleasuring her just as much as her daughter's tongue was.

Mary couldn't take any more and broke away from licking her daughter's clit to sit up and ride her face to orgasm, her hands fondling her large breasts as she moaned her way through. Seeing his naked mother cum right infront of him proved too much for her son, who promptly grunted and shot a river of cum deep into his sister's pussy. His sister, feeling wave after wave of her brother's cum splashing into her also began to cum, her moans stifled by her mother's pussy as her own pussy convulsed around her brother's cock, milking it of every last drop of incestuous cum.

Having all finished their orgasms mother, daughter and son collapsed down onto the lounge floor, panting to regain their breath. "What the fuck just happened?" Mary panted.

"I think we just had a threesome mummy!" Mel said, grinning.

"That was amazing!" He said, his hand drifting over to fondle his mother's large bare breast.

Kate and I had got to the hotel and checked-in, we were in the huge bridal suite, which had two bedrooms, a lounge and a magnificent bathroom. I was in the lounge having a beer when Kate shouted to me from the bedroom: "I don't suppose you could run a bath for me could you?"

I walked into the bathroom and ran the bath for her, calling her when it was ready. Kate walked in wearing one of the hotel's dressing gowns and smiled her thanks to me before disrobing, her young naked body sliding into the shimmering water.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Like I could really do with a massage!" She said, turning to grin at me.

I splashed some of the oils left by the hotel on my hands and slowly started to massage her shoulders and neck.

"Mmmmmmm, you feel good!" She moaned.

I massaged Kate for a good half an hour, before she turned to me and said "Mmmmmmm, that was fantastic, your hands are nearly as good as your cock!"

"Maybe you'd like to massage that?" I asked hopefully.

"Maybe later!" She grinned, "But first would you mind letting me get out? Go to the lounge, I'll be in soon - I want to show you something!"

I agreed and left her to get out of the bath herself, I was in the lounge for about 20 minutes before she called me through to her bedroom. I walked in and sat down on the bed, the bathroom door was shut so I guessed she was still in there.

Soon after the door opened and she walked out wearing a tightly fitting cream dress that showed off her hourglass figure perfectly. The top of the dress was boned and pushed her breasts up and together creating an amazingly deep cleavage, the bottom of the dress ended at mid-thigh level with her legs encased in white stockings.

"Wow! Is that your wedding dress?" I asked, gathering my jaw from the floor.

"Yeah, do you like it?" She asked.

"You look amazing!"

"Thanks. I thought after that fantastic massage I should reward you with some naughty fun!"

"What did you have in mind?" I asked.

"Strip for me!" She demanded.

I quickly discarded all of my clothing as Kate walked towards the bed. She climbed up and slid on her knees towards me, her dress riding up so I could see the tops of her stockings. She pushed me down so I was lying flat and positioned herself so she was straddling me.

"How would you like to fuck me in my wedding dress?" She asked as she grabbed hold of my cock.

"But what about your no sex pledge?" I somehow managed to ask as she positioned my hard cock at the entrance to her hot pussy.

"What about it? Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm." She moaned as her pussy slowly slid all the way down my cock until she was completely impaled on me.

"Nothing, god I love your pussy!"

Kate bounced up and down on my cock, her breasts jiggling as they tried to free themselves from the confines of the dress. She moaned louder as my cock slid faster and faster into her tight pussy, "Ohmygod I'm gonna cum soooon." She moaned.

"You are, mmmmm, absolutely perfect!" I told her, as her nipples finally escaped the top of the dress.

She paused briefly to unzip the dress, throwing it off her and finally revealing her amazing body to me again. I reached up and grabbed her breasts, mauling them with my hands as she continued to fuck herself to a stupor with my cock.

Finally throwing her head back she groaned "Fuuuuck, yes, I'm cuuuuuming." As her convulsing pussy tightened around my cock as she kept bucking, the added stimulus finally tipping me over the edge as I grunted and shot barrels of cum deep into Kate's pussy.

Feeling my cum fly into her she snapped her head forward, held my gaze and moaned "Mmmmmmmmm, I love you." Before collapsing forward onto me and falling asleep, I fell asleep shortly afterwards, my cock still plugged into Kate's sleeping pussy.

Mel woke up slowly and for the first time in a few years was greeted by the sight of her brother lying next to her in the bed, she rolled over towards him, pressing her naked body into his as her hand drifted down to his cock, her fingers coiling round his morning wood.

"Morning little brother, need some help?" She asked, her hand sliding gently up and down his shaft.

"Morning sis, yes please!" He replied.

"Last night was so hot wasn't it!"

"I can't believe I fucked mummy!" He said, enjoying his sister's gentle stimulation.

"Mmmmmm, she's such a whore, I guess that's where I get it from!"

"I love my whore sister!" He said, leaning in to kiss her lips as she continued to stroke him.

"Your whore sister has got you a special wedding present, would you like to know what it is?"


"I'll tell you later, we need to take care of this first!" With that Mel threw the covers off them, exposing their naked bodies, she got up on all fours and turned around, her face descending quickly to her brother's crotch as she licked the length of his cock before engulfing it in her mouth. Finally she swung her left leg over her brother to mount him, her pussy exposed to his face.

"Mmmmmmmmm!" She moaned as his tongue locked onto her clit whilst her lips slid up and down his cock.

"Did you mean what you said last night?" I asked Kate.

"Yes." She replied bashfully, her head resting on my chest as we lay naked together in the bed.

"You really love me?"

"Yes, I understand if you don't feel the same way." She said.

"I feel exactly the same, I've totally fallen for you." I told her.

"Really?" She said looking at me, the happiness sparkling in her eyes.

"Yes, really." I said before she dived in, kissing me passionately as she moved her body ontop of mine. We both moaned in unison as my hard cock slid easily into her wet pussy.

"But what about your wedding? We need to sort that out!"

"Yes, we do." She replied, "But first we need to finish making love."

"I love you Kate." I told her for the first time.

"I love you too Steve." She purred as her fantastic pussy slid up and down my hard cock.

A few hours later after they had showered and cleaned themselves up Mel and her brother were in the swimming pool as their parents sunbathed.

"Right, I'm off to check everything is in order, I'll be back later." Their father announced.

After she was sure he had gone Mel swam up behind her brother, pressing her bare breasts into his back she nibbled on his ear before whispering "Would you like to know what your wedding present is now?"

"Yesss." He hissed back.

She dropped her hand down to caress her brother's cock as she whispered "I'm going to let you stick this big cock in my ass!"

"Serious?" He asked, his voice going up a tone.

"Yes, your whore sister is giving you her virgin ass on your wedding day."

"Now?" He asked.

Mel grabbed her brother's hand and led him inside to her bedroom, shutting the door and sliding his swimming shorts off she quickly sucked his cock into her mouth before saying "The lube is in my top drawer."

She slid her bikini bottoms off whilst he grabbed the lube and slathered his cock in it, then watched as his sister bent over the bed, exposing her virgin asshole to him.

"Make sure you use lots on me too!" She said as he approached. She shivered as he spread the cold liquid all over her asshole, his finger slipping in occasionally. Then he stopped and stepped back, the next thing she felt was the head of her brother's hard cock pressing against her virgin asshole.


Kate and I walked hand in hand from where the taxi had dropped us off up to the villa. Since the morning we had been discussing what to do and decided Kate should end things first, with me telling Mel a few months later. We entered the villa and seeing no-one in the main area headed for the pool, where we could already see Mary sunbathing, but as we walked past the bedrooms we heard a moaning coming from mine & Mel's bedroom.

We walked quietly over to the bedroom door and I slowly pulled the handle down, gently pushing the door open. As the door swung open it revealed first my wife bent naked over the bed moaning, much louder now the door wasn't muffling it; next to be revealed was her brother, stood naked behind her, obviously fucking her and if that wasn't bad enough his cock was plundering her asshole rather than her pussy.

We both stood still, stunned by the incestuous scene; until finally Kate broke the silence with a gasp that alerted Mel to her audience, "Shit!" She exclaimed between moans as her bother continued to stuff his cock into her ass.


That caused Mary to come sprinting into the villa, her bare breasts flailing as she ran to see what the commotion was, "Oh dear." She sighed, staring into the bedroom and seeing her daughter's ass impaled on her son's cock.

Holding my arm to restrain me Mary quickly spoke up "Kate, go pack your stuff - I can't imagine you'll be staying; Steve, come with me; you two clean yourselves up!" She then shut the door and shooed Kate into her bedroom before leading me into her own and shutting the door.

"I'm sorry you had to see that." She said, sitting down on the bed and motioning for me to join her.

"You knew?"

"Yes and no. Things got a bit hot between Mel and I last night and somehow he ended up joining in, I assumed it was just a one off, but obviously not." She explained. "Look, obviously things are over between him and Kate, but there's no reason for it to end you and Mel too?"

"What you think I should stay with the bitch after she's let her brother fuck her ass? She's never even let me fuck her ass!"

"To be fair you have been shagging her mother and his fiancée. You're hardly a saint yourself."

"She actively encouraged us, and fucking your brother is just ever so slightly worse! You just selfishly don't want me to leave her because then you can't have me anymore."

"OK, so maybe that's a part of it. But you've got it made, mother-daughter threesomes, most blokes would give anything for that to be served to them on a plate regularly."

"Yeah, but mother-daughter-son foursomes are not what I want. It's over, end of."

"Is there nothing I can do to persuade you to stay?" She asked, doe eyed, pressing her large breasts into my arm as her hand dropped to fondle my cock.

"No." I responded bluntly, removing her hand from my lap.

"Can you at least give me a seeing too for old times' sake?" She pleaded.

"Sorry, I can't."

"It's little Miss slutty-knickers isn't it!"


"I can't believe you'd steal your brother-in-law's fiancée!"

"Well now it looks more like a swap!" I dead-panned, before getting up to walk out.

"Steve, wait." She called out, "I don't want things to end like this between us, I've really enjoyed the attention you've been giving me, I understand it has to end now, but please can it not end on a high?"

"I'm sorry Mary, but Kate and I have to go now."

"Please?" She called after me desperately.

I turned around, and stepped back towards her, taking her hand in mine, "I've really enjoyed what we had, it was fantastic and you were an amazing fuck, but your daughter has hurt me like hell, and now we both need to move on with our lives. Thank you for an amazing few years."

With that I kissed her on the lips and left.

I walked out of the bedroom and went to Kate's room where she was sat on the bed with her suitcase packed next to her, "How you doing?" I asked, kissing her on the lips.

"Coping, can we leave soon?" She asked.

"Mary's just packing my things for me, then we can leave."

"Great, I can't wait to have you all to myself forever! I love you Steve."

"I love you too!" I told her, as we embraced, our lips locking.

Mary watched her soon to be ex son-in-law head to Kate's bedroom before heading to her daughter's room, as she approached she heard moaning and then a loud grunt. Opening the door and seeing her son still fucking her daughter's ass she shouted "I thought I told you two to clean up!"."Sorry mummy, but I needed to finish!" Her son replied, pulling his cock from his sister's ass leaving his cum dripping from the gaping hole.

"Well you may as well have each other now!"

"You mean..." Mel started.

"Yes, they're both leaving you. Kate's packed and I'm just packing Steve's suitcase now, just be thankful it was me that came in to do that! Now for fucks sake do as your told and clean yourselves up, I don't enjoy watching my son's cum drip from my daughter's gaping ass."

As brother and sister left to go to the bathroom Mary hurriedly packed the suitcase, before rushing back to her room with it. She paused before she opened the door, wishing it hadn't ended like this, hoping against hope she'd get to ride his lovely cock one more time, cursing her slutty offspring for taking it away from her.

Mary walked into her room, putting the suitcase down just inside the door.

"Thank you Mary, we'll be leaving now." I told her.

"Please reconsider, I'm sure we can work this out together..." My mother-in-law asked.

"I'm sorry, we're leaving now." I replied, taking Kate's hand in mine as we took our suitcases and walked out of the bedroom and into the hall.

"Please Steve, wait!" I heard a shout from behind us, turning round I saw Mel, still naked running towards us, "I'm so sorry, please don't leave me, I'm begging you." She pleaded.

I responded by simply turning around, taking Kate's hand and resuming my walk out of the front door. Behind me I heard mother & daughter burst into tears as we left the villa, walking towards town looking for a taxi that would take us away to our new life together.