Prologue: The Doctor

It was 6:13 am when the doctor masturbated in bed while reading erotica stories on her mobile device. It was still dark while she played with her pussy and she had no idea how her life was about to change in just a few hours.

She had woken up thinking of her plans for the laboratory that day, but as usual, she needed Literotica relief to get herself going. Taboo stories were her favorite. These days, it was her main preference. Being single and middle-aged, this was the doctor's only naughty outlet. No one could have ever suspected that such a highly-regarded researcher like herself had such kinks.

With as much knowledge as she had for human biology, the doctor never understood what drew her to mom/son fantasies. Sure, she felt guilty for giving herself orgasms to stories of mothers sucking off their sons in the living room, or having rough sex in the bedroom. After a while, she stopped trying to figure it out, and she stopped feeling guilty over these dark desires.

After making herself cum, she put her device down and grabbed a tissue from the bedside table and wiped between her legs. With the soiled tissue in hand, she went to the bathroom to prepare for another long day at work.

In her mind, sex and happiness went hand in hand. But of course, she'd never tell that to anyone. She was mindful of her reputation along with the cultural values she was raised to uphold.

Story: The Lawyer

Lauren was the lead contracts manager at the medical research facility. And since her recently graduated son had difficulty finding a job, she managed to convince the company to hire him on a temporary basis.

Her job was mostly humdrum legal work and these days there wasn't much to do in her office with the ongoing lockdown. All of the action was taking place in the laboratories where things were bustling.

When her son Ben returned to the office after running a few errands, she noticed that he was slightly giddy. A mother can always tell. And she knew that her son had spent the past few weeks flirting with a special someone. Her source in the lab had confirmed that Ben was indeed in the midst of a budding relationship with a cute young woman of the same age, who works as a medical intern.

"You seem to take longer these days," she noted, conducting a secret interrogation of her son's activities.

Ben shrugged it off. "There are more safety precautions, you know. Plus there are interesting things going on and I took a few peeks."

She watched her son taking off his mask and making himself comfortable on his seat. Her son was definitely peeking at something. And she was certain it wasn't lab research.

"No worries," she replied. "It's not like we're busy or anything."

Ben leaned back in his seat. "Are things usually busy around here?"

"It ebbs and flows. Sometimes it's overwhelming. Sometimes there's not much to do. It all depends on what the corporate needs are."

"Well, at least I'm getting experience and a resume-boost from working here. Thanks again."

Lauren smiled as her heart warmed. "My pleasure. Even though there's not much going on at the moment, I still expect you to learn how to conduct yourself in the office. I notice you've been slacking."

It was a gentle tease for how much her son has been wandering and flirting with the other new girl in the building.

Ben took it in stride. "Me? What do you expect? There's not much work to be done."

With that, he unleashed a short series of coughs. Nothing worrying. But enough for Lauren to raise reasonable suspicions.

"Are you okay?" she asked with an eyebrow lifted.

He cleared his throat. "Yeah... mmhhmm... yeah, I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Trust me. No one heard it, and I didn't cough on anyone, if that's what you're worried about."

Her son had developed a small cough the last couple of days. Taking all the right precautions, she took her son's temperature every morning and night. Everything had checked out, including this morning. Ben's energy levels were the same as it always was. The only issue was that small, recurring cough.

Although there was a generous supply of test kits in the building, those were reserved for the medical researchers. She didn't want to place any undue burdens on anyone over what seemed like an insignificant cough. But then again, she couldn't risk anyone's health and safety either.

"Are you settled in?" she asked sweetly. "Or do you feel like getting up again and running another errand?"

"Work is work. What do you need?"

Lauren reached into her purse for cash. "I have a sudden craving for a cheese steak sandwich across the street. Mind grabbing some?"

She dangled the cash between her fingers and saw her son's eyes light up.

"Now this is the kind of work I like. You want the usual?"

"Oh yeah. Text me when it's ready and we'll eat outside on the bench. Don't forget the cherry coke."

Her son took the money and briskly left the office.


The moment she was alone, Lauren got her phone and texted her friend in the building, one of the medical researchers in the lab. When her friend was on a break, Lauren took the elevator to where the research labs were.

Down the hall was the private office of Dr. Siri Gupta. They had been close friends for many years, helping each other whenever they needed. Lauren always gave personal legal advice, and Dr. Gupta was always happy to share medical knowledge.

Normally they'd start with small talk in the doctor's office, but Lauren skipped that today after closing the door.

"What are your thoughts on coughing without a fever?" Lauren asked promptly.

"If you're asking about the virus, then it's a possible sign of infection. Everyone reacts differently. A cough may be just a cough, of course."


"Why do you ask?"

"Ben has developed a small cough lately," she replied. "It could be nothing, though. Maybe I'm overreacting."

She noticed the doctor fidget, ever so slightly, at the mention of her son. Deep down, Lauren had the sneaking suspicion that Dr. Gupta had a slight attraction to her son, which was amusing if anything.

Being women in their mid-40's, many of their private conversations revolved around men and their respective dating lives, or lack thereof. It only seemed fitting that she got medical advice from someone who had a keen interest in her son's well-being.

"Would you like me to perform a test on him?" Dr. Gupta asked with a little smile.

"I don't want to burden anyone, especially with limited test kits. Believe me, we're making sure we follow all of the safety precautions."

"How is Ben feeling, in terms of his energy?"

"He feels exactly the same and I take his temperature regularly. I'm probably overreacting."

Dr. Gupta tapped her own chin while thinking. "We can never be too careful. If you want to save our test kits, then there are other ways of knowing if a person is infected by the virus."

"Oh?" Lauren's attention was now piqued.

"Does Ben currently have any skin abnormalities? Any rashes or skin inflammation?"

"None that I'm aware of. Is that a sign of anything?"

"I'll email you an article from Time that I read this morning. Researchers have determined that there's a link between having the virus and reaction on a person's skin."

Lauren gave a slow nod. "That sounds interesting. I'll be sure to let Ben know about that."

"There's also... hmm.... nevermind."

The doctor was known for being an articulate speaker and this was the first time Lauren had ever noticed her stopping mid-sentence.

"What is it?" Lauren asked. "I'm open to any suggestions you may have."

"I think you're right to be cautious with your son. If there's any chance that Ben is infected, then you would likely be infected too, and it would spread around the laboratory at the worst possible time."

A trickle of fear crept down Lauren's spine at the possibility that an outbreak could occur because of themselves.

"That would be horrible," Lauren sighed.

Dr. Gupta gave a short nod. "First, I think it would be helpful if you explained to Ben everything I've said about any skin irritations."

"That makes sense. He's always had clear skin, so any irregularities would be easy to spot."

"It would help if you two were partners," the doctor said. "You could examine his back. Ben could examine your back. It's more thorough that way."

Lauren briefly paused at that suggestion. Checking out her son's back was one thing, because Ben was unashamed of walking around shirtless around the house after a workout, but for Ben to return the favor and check her back in return?

Whatever the case, she trusted this doctor more than anyone, as this doctor was consistently at the forefront of new medical research. And if this is what it took to maintain a healthy and safe environment, then so be it.

"That'll work," Lauren said with a slight gulp. "I see Ben shirtless all the time. He wouldn't mind if I took a closer peek."

Dr. Gupta arched an eyebrow. "But the question is, do you mind if Ben takes a look at your back? I can imagine that it would be a slight issue for you."

"Oh, that? It's nothing," she laughed.

As much as Lauren tried to act nonchalant about it, her expressive face revealed her hesitation, which the doctor realized.

"I know it's unusual," Dr. Gupta said in a reassuring tone, as if speaking with a patient instead of a friend. "But there is a precedent for family members helping each other this way. I'm sure you'll get used to it."

"Yeah, well, Ben has never needed an excuse for looking at a woman's body. He's quite the flirt."

"I can certainly imagine. Tell me, does Ben have any sexual relationships that you're aware of?"

If she didn't know any better, Lauren could swear that there was a faint sparkle in Dr. Gupta's eyes. Yes, it was definitely there. Their friendship was tight enough that they shared plenty of dating or romantic stories. Nothing salacious, but within the realm of reason in the workplace. She knew that her friend was intrigued by this.

"He's single. If you want me to be honest, he's not hooking up with anyone either, if that's of any relevance."

Dr. Gupta squinted her eyes. "How do you know?"

"I can tell based on his moods," she replied, trying to be frank about things. "He's only flirting with that new intern in the lab."


"What is it?"

"If we're having an open conversation here..." Dr. Gupta said, her voice wandering off for a moment. "If we're being honest, these things usually turn into sexual relationships. It's normal for young adults at that stage of their lives."

Lauren noticed the tone of the doctor's voice and saw the sharpness in the doctor's eyes. There was something going on.

"Would that be a problem?"

"The virus can't be transmitted sexually," Dr. Gupta said bluntly. "Putting it another way, we know that semen and vaginal secretions do not carry the pathogens. But..."

Lauren's eyes widened. "But, what?"

"I'm working on a theory that if the virus can cause irritations to the skin, then why not changes to a man's semen as well? Again, it's just a little theory of mine that I'd possibly want to test."

She noticed the conflicted nature on the doctor's face and they both seemed to tense as the conversation veered towards a sexual path. But the point was worth thinking about. Her son was an active young man and she knew that he was already experienced with sex.

"I'm open to anything you have in mind," Lauren said with a hint of reservation.

Dr. Gupta's lips pursed for a moment. "Let me get to the point since we're short on time; we're both adult women and we know what semen tastes like."

"Sure, yes," Lauren nodded, trying not to be embarrassed for the sake of an important discussion.

"There's a theory floating around in my head that an increase in body temperature or changes in hormones could change the taste of a man's semen. And that subtle difference in taste could be a tell-tale sign of spotting infection."

Lauren giggled. "I don't think there's any chance that Ben would ever taste-test his own semen."

"You could do it for him."

The doctor's deadpan expression stopped Lauren cold. It was without a doubt the most insane thing they had ever discussed. She knew that the doctor liked pushing the envelope when it came to research. It was the very reason why this doctor was in charge of her own research department; the woman knew her stuff.

"Me?" Lauren asked like a student who had been caught doing something wrong.

"Who else? The intern? Lauren, I think it's a novel approach. Think about it, now isn't the time for Ben to hook up with every pretty girl in this building, which could very well happen."

"Yes, but..."

"And theoretically, if you could curtail Ben's needs, then he wouldn't go wandering around the building with sex on his mind."

Lauren sighed. "Ben does have a wandering eye. He's 24."

"It's just a thought. I'm not pushing you to do anything. I never would. I was mainly thinking out loud, I suppose."

"I love how our conversations are so unpredictable."

Dr. Gupta laughed. "That's why we get along so well."

The phone beeped and the doctor was summoned back to the lab. When they went their separate ways, Lauren promised to give it a thought. For whatever reason, she almost felt the doctor was being pushy about it.

As she headed back to her own office, Lauren wondered if the doctor had ulterior motives, which could have very well been the case.


While having lunch with her son on the outdoor bench, Lauren took a few liberties with her appearance. She had undone the top two buttons of her blouse, showing a bit of her chest. She ruffled her hair a bit. And she sat with her legs crossed in her son's direction, so that her calves would be showing from her raised office skirt.

"I know about your friend," she said playfully, in between bites of her delicious sandwich. "Hey, workplace romances are normal. I have plenty of friends who have gotten married after meeting on the job."

Ben took another bite and drank soda. "That obvious?"

"Kind of. And I have my sources."

"I should have known you'd be keeping an eye on me," he said, before taking another big bite of his food.

"Don't forget that I'm your boss and it's part of my job to keep a watchful eye on new employees."

They continued eating their delicious food under the sun that beautiful day, when Ben suddenly coughed while eating, causing food to fly out of his mouth and onto the concrete.

It was only one cough, but it was enough to make her worry again. For the last hour, she toyed with the idea of using Dr. Gupta's suggestion. Now, as she watched her son wipe his mouth with a napkin after the cough, the idea seemed more and more reasonable (as crazy as it still was).

"Are you sure you're okay?" she asked, wrapping her food so she could eat the rest for dinner.

When she put her food down, Lauren made a point to slightly bend over and squeeze her chest together, so that cleavage would slightly be exposed. When she sat upright again, she crossed her legs a little tighter.

From the looks of things, it was working, as Ben took a quick glance. Nothing obscene, but enough to prove that her body still had a sense of allure.

"Seasonal allergies," he said, brushing it off. "It's nothing."

"You know, I sent you an email before you came back. It was something from Dr. Gupta about skin conditions. You don't have any weird rashes or skin irritations, do you?"

"I'm pretty sure I don't."

"Okay, apparently it's a sign of the virus. Dr. Gupta suggested that we could be buddies in this. I could examine your backside for you."

Ben shrugged, amused. "A little weird, but why not?"

"Good. In exchange, you could check my backside."

"You want me to check your backside?" he asked, nearly gawking at the thought.

"Obviously not my ass. But, you know, my back."

"Right, that sounds good. It's hard to believe that you'd want me to check your back, but whatever."

Lauren smiled, "You don't think I can do it?"

"Not really," he smiled in return.

So far, Ben was falling into her trap. But that meant that she now had the burden of following through with this crazy scheme. At least this potential plan was medically approved, she told herself.

Glancing around, she made sure that no one was looking. When it was safe, she undid two more buttons on the blouse she had already loosened earlier. It was enough for her bra to be exposed, and when she pulled the right side of her blouse, her cup was showing.

"Maybe I'm not as prudish as you think," Lauren said, watching the dazed demeanor on her son's face.

Ben's eyes were fixated on the bra. "Mom, it's showing."

"I know. We have a deal, right? I'll check your skin for rashes; you check mine. Every morning and night?"

"That sounds good, if you're able to show me your back."

"Are you still doubting me?" she asked playfully.

"It won't be an equal showing. That's all I'm saying."

Putting an end to her son's doubt, and pushing the bounds of her scheme, Lauren grabbed her bra cup and gave it a slight pull so that the large pink nipple on her small right breast was exposed. Her eyes glanced around to make sure that no one was looking. To the best of her knowledge, no one saw.

Looking back at her son, she now saw a horny young man. Ben's legs shifted and Lauren was almost positive that there was a budding erection beneath those pants. If she could make him erect with her nipple, then surely Ben would be open to further examinations with his semen.

She quickly tucked her nipple away and adjusted her bra so that it fit properly. Then she buttoned her blouse all the way it, the way it should be. Adjusting herself, she sat upright again and prayed that no one had seen this.

"It'll be an equal showing," she said reassuringly. "Now do you believe me?"

Ben gave a wry smile. "Now I do. What's gotten into you? That was the first time I ever saw your... nevermind..."

"I'm making it clear that I'll do whatever it takes to make sure you're healthy. Even if it makes me a little uncomfortable."


At around 3 pm was when the researchers took their final break of the day before doing a final round of study afterwards. By that time, Lauren's pussy was a mess, thinking of doing things with her son's penis for the first time. As far as she was concerned, Ben's sexual life was none of her business. Especially since she knew that her son practiced safe sex.

The truth was, she loved sucking cock from the first time she had ever done it. It came naturally to her and she enjoyed the feeling of a male pulsing and throbbing inside of her mouth. She loved hearing those moans and feeling the strange, sexual power she got from it.

As far as tasting/swallowing cum, that was more of an acquired taste. Like wine, she couldn't really get into it until her early 30's. That's when she was truly able to swallow a man's load without gagging or wanting to spit it out. By then, the taste was officially acquired.

On her computer screen were articles about the virus and semen, and how they related to each other. The doctor had emailed these to her a while ago so she could read and consider them.

She snapped out of her trance when she got a text message:

Dr. Gupta: We're having coffee in the lounge. Feel free to use my office. No one is there. Use pillow for your knees. Plenty of wipes for cleanup. Give me all details!

For Lauren, the message woke her up more than any cup of coffee. Now, the thoughts she had been toying with seemed more real than ever. And a pillow for her knees? Surely the doctor had lost her mind expecting anything to happen in the workplace.

Lauren: Seriously? : /

About 30 seconds later, the reply came.Dr. Gupta: Only an option. Please remember, safety of entire lab at stake! Let's proceed with caution. Who knows who your son may be tempted by. Better YOU than Ben dating around. Have to go. Luv u

She knew she was being guilt-shamed, but as a mother, it always worked. It was time to implement the plan and Lauren stood up to do what she needed to do.

"Come on," she said, tugging at her son's arm.

Ben was surprised, sitting in front of the computer. "Where are we going?"

"Stretching our legs with a walk. I want to show you something."

Without saying another word, Lauren marched her son down the hall, like a teacher sending a student towards detention. They went to the floor where the labs were, and while most of the researchers and staff were on a short break, they headed towards Dr. Gupta's office.

"I'll try to make this quick," Lauren said, closing the door so they could have privacy.

The office was normal sized and formal looking. Medical books were arranged on the walls. The doctor's desk was cluttered with papers. Then her eyes darted towards a couch which had a comfortable pillow on it. Now, all she could think about was how that pillow would feel on her knees.

"What are we doing here?" Ben asked with a shrug, wondering what this was all about.

"Look, you're a handsome young man, strapping, and at your physical peak. I know where this will eventually lead between you and that intern, or anyone else."


Lauren sucked in a deep breath. "You obviously want sex."

"Well... I mean... who doesn't?" Ben blushed. "But why are you asking."

"Dr. Gupta has been advising me on virus prevention strategies these last two months. She's also given me additional tips on how to spot infection, which is why I showed you my nipple earlier. Because we're going to check each other's skin."

"Oh, wow," Ben said, taken aback by all this. "So you want to check each other's skin now?"

"No, I want to suck your dick."

Those words felt like blasphemy coming from her mouth. But it was necessary. It almost felt like therapy, where after saying it, it felt like a huge relief. She saw the stunned look on her son's face and she had anticipated this.

"You do?" he asked.

"Let's get something straight, I'm not a pervert, and this isn't about my fantasies or whatever. Nor does it have anything to do with me being single either."

Ben gulped and slowly nodded. "I get it. The doctor gave you... I mean, us... advice on how to spot something."

"Right, exactly."

"That's why we're here," he gulped again. "Because... ummm... you want to check something. I mean, something out of necessity."

"Correct. So you understand."

He nodded. "I do."

Deep down, Lauren saw through her son's act. She knew her son was horny as hell at the prospect of getting blown by mom. She couldn't blame him. This was her own doing. She was the one who put her son in this precarious position.

She walked over to the couch and grabbed the pillow. Then she tossed it to the floor, in front of her son, as she walked towards him.

"Dr. Gupta believes we should try this," she tried explaining. "Something about a potential link between semen and the virus. It's nothing confirmed, but it's suspected that it could affect the taste, if that makes sense."

Ben gulped, hard. "It makes all the sense in the world."

She was thoroughly amused when her son's voice nearly squeaked. And when she stood before him, she saw that her son was nervous.

"I'm going to get on my knees," she said as calmly as possible. "I'm going to undo your pants. Then I'm going to give you a standard blowjob to extract your semen."

"Okay," he said in a low voice.

"Is your load full? Did you masturbate this morning? Or in the bathroom here? Did the intern blow you?"

Ben pushed away his shame to answer. "I haven't done anything with myself since last night. So I'm pretty full I think."

"Do you promise you haven't done anything with the intern? If I put my mouth around your penis, and I discover that the intern gave you a blowjob, I'm going to flip out. I don't tolerate getting anyone's sloppy-seconds."

"I swear. I'm as clean as can be."

Her son's voice squeaked once again and she knew he was telling the truth. The fact that her son hadn't cum today only meant that there'd be plenty for this unholy taste testing. And it would have to be the first of many, if the results were to be accurate.

Lauren dropped down to her knees, onto the pillow on the floor. The doctor was right. It was comfortable having her knees on the pillow and it would help her focus during this incestuous task.

She met no resistance as she undid her son's pants. Looking up, she saw disbelief on Ben's face as he realized that she was telling the truth about all of this. That she was really going to suck his dick.

When she pulled Ben's pants down, there it was. Her son was halfway erect and it looked so enticing. She reflexively cleared her throat in preparation for what she was about to do. She had to keep reminding herself that this was for health reasons, and not solely for sexual pleasure.

But seeing her son's cock throb, her pussy could only turn wet. It looked beautiful and her eyes feasted on her son's manhood.

Touching her son's penis for the first time, it instantly twitched. Then she grabbed a tight hold of it. The cock was officially throbbing in her hand and she gave it a few strokes, making it truly come to life.

When she pointed the tip of her son's penis towards her mouth, she questioned whether or not she could actually do this, but she had already come this far. Her pussy was aching and she wanted what was best for her son. So she did it.

She took her son's erection into her mouth and sucked on it. She heard an instant moan and she expected that. With a mouth and tongue as good as hers, she knew how to give pleasure. She just never thought she'd ever be giving that pleasure to her own son!

Closing her eyes, she did her very best to make her son orgasm as quickly as possible. In the rush to do this, she hadn't prepared any containers or anything, so she'd have to swallow her son's entire load. For some reason, that only made her wetter.

As her mouth sucked tightly and her tongue swirled around the head, she was lost in the moment. It was, without a doubt, the most unusual and sexually taboo moment of her entire life. It would be something that was being seared into her mind and possibly something to keep her masturbating for a long time.

Without a hint of warning, the door swung open and she could hear footsteps. Before Lauren could spit her son's dick out of her mouth, she heard the door close.

"Oh good!" Dr. Gupta exclaimed. "I was afraid I missed this."

Lauren held the cock in her hand, saliva hanging down her chin, while looking at her friend. It all happened so fast that she didn't know how to process this embarrassing situation.

"What are you doing here?" Lauren asked after gulping and wiping the saliva from her lips.

"It's my office."

"But you knew I'd be here."

"I never mentioned anything about privacy," Dr. Gupta said, approaching them with a flounce in her step. "Please, continue. I can help facilitate, but from the looks of things, you're already a pro at giving oral sex."

Lauren was oddly flattered. "Thank you."

"Come on, I have to get back to work soon. Keep on sucking. Allow me to observe your research."

Before Lauren could seek clarity over what was happening, the doctor reached down and shoved Ben's penis back into her mouth. She was miffed that the doctor had actually touched her son's penis. And she was slightly annoyed that the doctor had stuffed it in her mouth, pulling her head towards it, nearly making it hit her throat. But it was hot, so she forgave the doctor.

The doctor never let go, either. Lauren had to get used to the fact that Dr. Gupta was now in charge of this medical blowjob. The doctor had a firm hold on the back of her neck, and made her head bob in a fast rhythm, all while holding her son's cock straight.

Lauren looked up to see how her son was handling all this. Ben hadn't agreed to let another woman join this session. Seeing her son's reaction, she should have known that Ben would still be horny as hell. Her son was loving this.

"This is for your own good," Dr. Gupta said in a low moan. "Mom needs to keep you satisfied, or else you could go around infecting others with your magnificent penis."

Being forced to suck deeper by a pushing hand, Lauren was shocked by what she was hearing. Now she fully understood that her friend, the doctor, had ulterior motives in all this. She knew that the doctor was attracted to this salacious taboo.

Dr. Gupta continued, "In the lab, please let mom suck on it. We do vital work here and it's so important to maintain harmony. We need things nice and safe and we can't have your cock screwing our interns... just your mom's mouth... oh goodness..."

While sucking deep, Lauren looked to her side to see the doctor, who was still pushing her head back and forth. She caught a glimpse of the aroused expression on Dr. Gupta's face. This woman seemed entranced by the incest, but it wasn't a reason to stop. Lauren kept on sucking her son's dick with all her might.

"I'm going to cum," Ben whispered.

"Yes, yes," Dr. Gupta replied with delight. "Fill your mother's mouth so she can get a good taste of it."

The doctor stroked Ben's shaft while pushing the back of Lauren's head. With a hard cock plunging in her mouth, Lauren held tight for what surely would be a real mouthful for her to receive.

Sure enough, as the doctor stroked the shaft furiously, Ben's cock shot an explosion of cum into her mouth. The first load hit the back of Lauren's throat, nearly making her gag. But she just swallowed it down like a trooper and kept on sucking. The second load hit the top of her mouth. The third load glazed her tongue.

Lauren swallowed everything and she savored Ben's taste. It was like any normal man's flavor, but with a special something of knowing that it came from her own son's penis. Her tongue licked the entrance to her son's softening penis to get the rest of the cum.

When the cock turned flaccid, she allowed it to fall out of her mouth and she looked at her friend with a serious gaze.

"I may have gotten carried away," Dr. Gupta smiled. "Now tell me, how does it taste?"

Lauren licked her lips. "It tastes like cum. Plain, regular cum. It's delicious as far as I'm concerned."

"But it's your son's. You should be proud."

"We need to have a long, long discussion about this in private later."

"Of course," Dr. Gupta said in a courteous tone, before turning towards the son. "Ben, did you enjoy your mother's mouth?"

"I did," Ben nodded. "That was amazing. I've never been sucked off like that before in my life. Wow."

Dr. Gupta smiled, "There's nothing like a mother's love, is there? I expect you two to report to my office every morning. Consider it my professional recommendation."

Mystified, Lauren looked up at her son, who stood proud with his flaccid penis dangling, and a hint of excitement on his face.

Epilogue: The Examinations

The doctor masturbated like never before since this all started. First in her office after seeing it. Then at nights and mornings before work. It was all part of the job. But this was business and pleasure.

In the morning, she had Lauren and Ben remove their tops completely while in her office with the door closed. She inspected their flesh. Then she had Ben examine Lauren's breasts in full detail. Not just the skin. But she taught Ben how to give mom a breast exam to check for any lumps.

"It's good education," the doctor told the son.

They agreed, and despite their nerves, continued with the medical examinations of their sexual parts. She even taught Lauren how to perform a proper testicular exam on her son.

Afterwards, she had Lauren get on her knees (with the pillow, of course) to suck Ben's dick.

"Morning blowjobs are always a treat," the doctor chirped. "Isn't that right, mom?"

She smiled when Lauren moaned her approval. And she was deeply aroused when Ben filled mom's mouth with cum. The doctor's rule was strict. Ben was not allowed to cum at home during the weekday. The only place Ben could cum was in this office, in mom's mouth, under the doctor's supervision.

Following orders, Lauren opened her mouth to show off a pool of Ben's cum. Giving a thorough visual inspection first, the doctor followed up with a taste test. The doctor dipped her finger into Lauren's pooled mouth and tasted the cum.

"Delicious... err... It tastes normal," Dr. Gupta smiled, correcting herself. "Lauren, you may swallow now and put your top back on. Today is another busy day."

The doctor took pleasure in watching Lauren swallow. She used a sanitary wipe to help clean Lauren's face. She also took pleasure in watching the mom/son duo get dressed and leave towards the legal department.

The End