"I do."

With those words, Jeff Stephens bowed his head in disappointment. Here he was in this beautiful church at the wedding of his mother, Stephanie, and rather than being happy that she found someone to spend her life with, he could not help but shake the feeling of discouragement. This had nothing to do with the fact that Jeff's mom was marrying someone other than his dad. No, Jeff's dad had skipped out on the family when he was just four years old. He barely had any memories of his dad and could care less where he was now. Jeff was upset because the man that his mom was marrying was a total prick.

It's not that Jeff didn't try to bond with Richard. When they first met, Jeff attempted to get close to him. He even went so far as to invite Richard to join him for an Atlanta Braves game. Jeff loved baseball and always tried to make it to at least ten Braves games each year. When Jeff presented him with the tickets, Richard rolled his eyes as he said, "I don't like baseball." When it was clear that Richard would not make any attempt to get to know him, Jeff backed off and decided that he didn't want to waste his time.

Jeff did feel a little guilty. His mom appeared very happy, and Richard had a great job as the CEO of an Atlanta based landscaping company, meaning that his mom would be financially well off. It's not like Richard was abusive towards Jeff's mom. He did really seem to love her and care for her. It's just that Richard could give a shit about him and his sister, Maggie. The most difficult part of all this was that his mom just didn't see it, or worse, she didn't want to see it.

As the marriage ceremony progressed, Jeff glanced over at Maggie and could tell that she felt the same as he did. Just like Jeff, she had been cordial towards Richard, just to be brushed off like she was no better than a mosquito. Maggie was especially angry with the fact that Richard had two daughters who were a year and three years older than her, and he spoiled them immensely. Their names were Diane and Connie, and since they were so spoiled, they were just as mean and vindictive as Richard. They routinely talked about Maggie behind her back, and they did their best to distance her from their father and her mother.

When planning for the wedding, Richard wanted his daughters in the wedding party, but he was not open to Jeff and Maggie participating. They were fine standing on the sidelines, but it really hurt that their mother did not stand up for them. In fact, Jeff and Maggie had grown more and more distant from their mom ever since Richard came into the picture. It's like Richard had this idea of what a perfect family should be like, and neither Jeff nor Maggie fit that mold.

Unfortunately, their mother went along with everything that Richard did. The only silver lining for all of this is that as their mother became more distant, Jeff and Maggie grew closer. They started to do more and more things together and came to enjoy each other's company. When they were kids, they often squabbled about stupid things, but now that they were older, they had put this petty bickering aside. Maggie had just turned 23 years old a few days before the wedding. This was the summer before her senior year in college. Jeff was one year younger, and followed in his sister's footsteps by attending the same college.

As the ceremony was coming to a close, the bridesmaids and ushers were walking back down the aisle behind Richard and Stephanie. As they passed them, Diane and Connie gave Jeff and Maggie a condescending smirk. They shook their heads thinking about how disgusted they were that Richard was now their step father and they had two new bitches for step sisters. For the sake of appearances, Jeff and Maggie kept a smile on their faces as long as people were looking at them. Once they had a chance to speak without being overheard by anyone, Maggie took Jeff to the side and whispered, "Did you see how Diane and Connie were looking at me throughout the ceremony?"

"How could I miss it?" he replied. "They were staring daggers at you the whole time. I definitely think that other people must have caught that too."

"Maybe, but I doubt it. I think that most people were focused on mom and Richard. I just wanted to walk right over there and slap them both!"

With a smile, Jeff said, "I would have loved to see that. It would have been so entertaining. Why do they hate you so much?"

"I don't know. They must be jealous of me for some reason."

Maggie said this comment in passing, but as Jeff thought about it, he believed that she was probably correct. They certainly had a lot to be jealous of. Maggie was very pretty. Her and Jeff's dad had been Filipino, and their mom was white, so she had a great combination of features. Her skin was slightly darker than white people and her long hair was jet black. Her facial features were a perfect combination of Caucasian and Asian, making her look very exotic.

Diane and Connie on the other hand were not at all attractive. Diane was very overweight, with tons of acne. Connie actually had a nice body, but her face was hideous. She looked like a stereotypical witch, with a pointed chin, pointed nose, and a huge wart on her face. Oftentimes, guys would check her out, but once they saw her face, they ran the other way. It's never good to judge people based solely on their appearance, but their personalities were even uglier than their looks. In addition to being mean and vindictive, Diane and Connie were the epitome of selfishness. Maggie was definitely on to something by suggesting that they were jealous.

As people started to exit the church, Jeff and Maggie put on their fake smiles and greeted family and friends, telling them how happy they were for their mom. As they were mingling with people, Maggie looked over and saw that Diane was scowling at her. Rather than giving her any attention, Maggie ignored her, which appeared to have the desired effect because after a few minutes, Diane stormed off to join her sister outside.

"Oh, it was such a beautiful ceremony!" exclaimed Hannah as she approached Jeff and Maggie. Hannah was Jeff's and Maggie's aunt. She was Stephanie's only living sibling. At 34 years old, Hannah was the baby sister, twelve years younger than Stephanie. Hannah had a twin brother named Bobby, but unfortunately, he passed away in a motorcycling accident six years back. Because of the huge age gap, Stephanie and Hannah were not close growing up. They were born in New Mexico, but moved to Georgia when Hannah was 6 and Stephanie was 18. After college, Hannah returned to New Mexico and had lived there ever since. This was the first time in years that Hannah was back in the Atlanta area. Jeff's and Maggie's grandparents had both passed away from cancer a few years ago. They did not really have a relationship with their grandparents since they spent a majority of their time traveling. They wanted to see the world before they were too old, but unfortunately, the cancer got them before they had time to truly enjoy their family. Since their uncle and grandparents were deceased, the only family that Jeff and Maggie had other than their mom was Hannah.

Hannah leaned in to hug her niece and nephew and told them, "I'm so happy for your mom. It's great that she found someone. She deserves to be happy, especially since your asshole father walked out."

Hannah stopped herself, fearing that she had offended them. Maggie reassured her when she said, "Don't worry, Hannah. We totally agree with you. He was a total asshole for abandoning us."

Hannah was clearly relieved that they did not take offense to her comment, and noticing some family friends that she had not seen in a long time, Hannah excused herself, telling Jeff and Maggie that they would talk more at the reception. As Hannah walked away, Jeff leaned over to Maggie and said, "I guess mom is just attracted to assholes." Maggie giggled and nodded in agreement.

For the next half hour, they all wrapped up at the church. Congratulations were showered on the bride, the groom. and their families. It was a beautiful day and lots of pictures were taken outside and inside the church. Jeff smiled so much for those photos that his face was starting to hurt. When the photographer finally wrapped up, it was time to head to the reception hall.

As everybody headed to the parking lot, Maggie tried to break the awkward silence with her new stepsisters and attempted small talk by saying, "So, that was a really nice ceremony."

In reply, Diane and Connie just stared at her. Fishing for some type of response, Maggie continued, "So are you both looking forward to dancing at the reception?"

"No." Connie's reply was very curt as she and Diane walked right past her. Not wanting to cause a confrontation, Maggie did not address their rudeness, despite the fact that she could start to feel her blood boiling. Jeff just shook his head in disgust at their behavior. He felt that it was OK if they didn't like him and Maggie, but they could at least show some courtesy.

When Diane and Connie were out of earshot, Jeff leaned over and whispered, "Don't let those bitches get you down." Maggie smiled at this remark and squeezed his hand in acknowledgement. Her brother always knew what to say to make her feel better.

The reception hall was located on a beautiful lake and everyone was commenting on how gorgeous the surrounding scenery was. Once Jeff and Maggie found their family friends at the cocktail hour, they quickly put aside any anger they felt towards their step sisters and began to enjoy themselves. After all, they both knew that Diane and Connie were miserable human beings, and they did not want to be dragged down into a pit of misery.

After the cocktail hour, the DJ did introductions and Stephanie and Richard had their first dance right before the food was served. Jeff was so thankful that he and Maggie were put at the table with some family friends and their aunt Hannah.

As the meal was being passed out by the wait staff, Hannah leaned over to Jeff and Maggie and quietly asked, "So what is up with your new step sisters?"

"What do you mean?" inquired Jeff.

"Well, I saw them give Maggie the most dirty looks at the ceremony. If looks could kill, we would be identifying your body at the morgue right now."

"I don't know." said Maggie. "I always try to be nice to them, but they are just horrible in return. It's clear that they hate me, but I never did anything to them."

With a smirk, Hannah said, "Fuck them. They're such ugly bitches. I bet nobody will ask them to dance and they will sit at their tables the whole time judging everybody who is having fun."

Sure enough, Hannah proved to be clairvoyant. Jeff, Maggie, and Hannah all had a great time at the reception. They spent the whole time talking, laughing, and dancing the night away. Jeff knew that he was a horrible dancer, but he didn't care. Most people on the dance floor looked foolish, and Jeff just went with the flow of things. Occasionally, they would glance over at Diane and Connie, sitting at their tables with frowns on their faces. At times, one would lean over and say something to the other, and Maggie always assumed that they were talking about her. At first, Maggie felt self-conscious, but soon she just let herself go and had a blast.

As the evening was coming to an end, everyone was milling around, getting ready to leave. Stephanie came over to Jeff and Maggie and gave them both a huge hug. "I love you both so much. Thank you for being a part of my special day." This was the most attention she had paid them in a long time.

"We wouldn't have missed it for the world," said Jeff.

"Now, you two are going to come over tomorrow afternoon to Richard's house for the barbecue, right? Stop by at about noon."

"Great, see you then mom," Maggie said as Stephanie went off to find Richard.

A few feet away, Connie said to Diane in a voice that was loud enough to be heard, "Awesome, we get to see the slut again tomorrow."

Knowing that they were talking about her, Maggie's eyes widened in anger, feeling that she was going to lose control of herself. Luckily, Jeff was right there, and since they were standing near a doorway, he was able to usher her out of the building before she had time to react to Connie's comment.

Maggie was so upset that she was trying hard to hold back her tears. "I don't understand why they treat me like this! I never did anything to them!"

"I know. I know. Just try to forget them. They're not worth it!" As Jeff said this, he hugged his sister tightly in an effort to get her to calm down. Eventually, he could feel the tension in her muscles fade away as she cried on his shoulder. After a few minutes of tears, Maggie felt composed as she wiped her eyes.

"Thank you, Jeff. If you weren't here I just know I would have done something that I would have come to regret. I love how you look out for me."

"Hey, anything for you, sis." At this point, they went back into the reception hall. Thankfully, Diane and Connie were gone. Jeff and Maggie helped their mom bring the last of the presents out to the car, and once everything was loaded up, everyone headed their separate ways. Stephanie and Richard went to Richard's house. Jeff and Maggie went to their mom's house, while Hannah went to her hotel. It was a busy day, and everyone wanted to get some much deserved rest.

The next morning, Jeff and Maggie went through their normal morning routine. Jeff went for a jog, ate breakfast, and then played some computer games. Maggie slept late and then did her yoga exercises in the basement. They both dreaded going to Richard's house for the barbecue since they knew that Diane and Connie would be there. Also, they would have to be cordial to Richard, who luckily they did not have to interact with much at yesterday's wedding. The one saving grace is that they knew their mom had invited Hannah to the barbecue so at least there would be one friendly face. Other than Jeff, Maggie, and Hannah, everyone else at the barbecue was going to be from Richard's side of the family.

As the time of the barbecue approached, Maggie could feel her anxiety rising. She needed to keep reminding herself to take deep breaths and not let Diane and Connie get under her skin. The previous night, Hannah had offered to pick up Jeff and Maggie so that they could take one car to the party. Hannah was the type of person who was typically late, so she did not pick up Jeff and Maggie until about 12:20. It was perfectly fine with them because it meant that they were able to spend less time their new step family.

Richard lived in a very nice house, and Hannah was amazed as she drove down the long driveway. The house was gorgeous, and had to be worth well over a million dollars. Jeff and Maggie had been there before, so they were not as impressed. Richard's siblings and their children were already there, as were Diane and Connie. Thankfully, not all of Richard's family were as mean as Diane and Connie, so Jeff, Maggie, and Hannah got to speak with some friendly people.

Of course, when Diane and Connie spotted Maggie and Jeff, they rolled their eyes at them. Diane rudely said, "You're late," as she walked past them. Hannah could not believe the extreme animosity that was directed toward Jeff and Maggie.

When Hannah spotted Stephanie, she rushed over and gave her a big hug. "So, how does it feel to be a married woman?" asked Hannah.

"Oh, amazing! I am so lucky to be married to such a great man and to have such an awesome family. Grab some food. We have plenty of burgers and hot dogs." With that, Stephanie went off to mingle with the other guests. They were all starving, so Jeff, Maggie, and Hannah did exactly as Stephanie suggested. Maggie thought that the delicious food was at least some consolation for having to deal with the cold stares of Diane and Connie.

After eating lunch, Richard made a huge announcement for everyone to gather around. He clearly had some big news. "I just want to thank everyone yet again for being here to help Stephanie and I celebrate our marriage. I am so happy to have married this wonderful woman, and I just know that Diane and Connie are thrilled to have a new step mother."

Richard continued as he looked at Stephanie, "I want to take this opportunity in front of our family to present you with your wedding gift. I love you." He then handed an envelope over to Stephanie. After opening the envelope, her eyes teared up as she read the paper that was in it. After rushing over to kiss Richard, he said, "I figure that we should start this marriage off on the right foot."

At this point, everybody was eagerly waiting for Stephanie to share with them what was in the envelope. Through her tears, she said, "We are going on an eight week cruise! We leave next week!" This was met with gasps and applause from everybody.

As the excitement died down, Richard continued with his announcement. "When we are gone, I've arranged for my realtor to put your house on the market. When we sell it, we will use the money to buy a house at the beach!" Again, this was met with a load of applause.

The only people who seemed alarmed by this were Jeff and Maggie. Leaning over to her, Jeff whispered, "If he sells our house, where are we going to live this summer?"

Shrugging her shoulders, Maggie said, "I don't know, but I sure as hell am not going to move in here with Diane and Connie. That would be unbearable!"

After this announcement, the barbecue started to die down. The next day was Monday, and many people needed to travel a far way to get back home. Jeff and Maggie desperately wanted to speak to their mom about the house situation, but she was so busy saying goodbye to the guests that they had to wait to speak with her. Finally, all the guests had departed and the only people left were Richard, Stephanie, Diane, Connie, Jeff, Maggie, and Hannah.

As they sat in the kitchen, Jeff was clearly agitated as he said to Richard, "Thanks for giving us warning about the house! Why the fuck didn't you tell us that you're going to sell our house?"

"Jeff! Watch your language!" shouted Stephanie.

Richard answered, "Well, you don't own the house, so technically you have no say in what happens to it. Plus, why would it make sense to keep two houses in the same city. It's stupid!"

"Because that's where we live!" chimed in Maggie.

"Not anymore," muttered Connie.

At this point, Maggie had had enough and shouted, "Shut the fuck up, bitch! Both you and your sister are nothing but assholes to me!"

"Fuck you, slut!" yelled Diane.

If Jeff wasn't standing in front of Maggie, she would have gone right over there and clocked them both in the face. Luckily, Jeff was able to prevent her from getting physical, even though he would have loved to see Maggie beat them up. Jeff said, "OK, OK, let's calm down. So, what happens next? Do Maggie and I move in here for the summer?"

"Fuck no!" said Diane.

Richard continued, "No, there is not enough room here. Maggie, you have that off campus apartment at college, right? As you know, we have to keep the lease over the summer. You can live there."

"OK, what about me?" asked Jeff.

"Since you go to the same college, we figured that you can move in with her. That way we get to save on rent."

"Wait a second. I was supposed to get my own off campus apartment for this upcoming academic year!"

With a smirk Richard replied, "There is no way in hell that I am going to pay for two apartments. You're going to move in with Maggie. That's the end of this discussion!"

"No! You can't do that! Maggie's apartment just has one bedroom. Where am I going to sleep?"

"On the couch." With this remark from Richard, Jeff lost control. Within two seconds he was all the way across the kitchen and punched Richard squarely in the jaw. This led to total pandemonium as everybody was shouting as Richard told Jeff and Maggie to get out. Having had enough of all this drama, Jeff and Maggie happily left, followed by Hannah. As they made their way to the car, they were in shocked silence, with Jeff shaking his hand, hoping that it wasn't broken. Right before they were able to drive away, Stephanie ran out of the house and stopped the car."Jeff, you need to go in there and apologize right now!"

"No mom. He and his family treat us like dirt. Why do you let him do this to us?"

"They do not treat you like dirt!"

As she said this, Maggie realized that her mom could not see things from their point of view. She said, "I can't be around those people anymore!"

"Well, that's too bad because they are family now."

Stephanie's comment led to a new round of arguments with her children, as everybody was talking at the same time and nobody was listening to what was actually being said. In order to keep the peace, Hannah blurted out, "Why don't Maggie and Jeff spend the summer with me in New Mexico?" That caused everybody to shut up for a minute and look at Hannah. She was speaking directly to Stephanie, "Look, I know there is a lot of family shit going on and you all need to cool down. If Jeff and Maggie stay with me for the summer, you can relax on your honeymoon with Richard, and they get a chance to get away from his daughters."

"I ...I don't ... you know what? It's fine with me."

Hannah then directed her attention to Maggie and Jeff looking to see if they wanted to spend the summer with her. After briefly exchanging looks, they said, "Yes" in unison.

"Fine. It's settled then. I head back to New Mexico in two days. You two can use that time to pack your stuff and get ready. At the end of the summer, maybe things will have cooled down enough so that you can all sit down with Richard and his daughters and rationally talk things through. I just think now everything has gone to shit and you need time apart."

Hannah was definitely serving as the voice of reason and her proposal calmed things down. After saying their goodbyes, Stephanie headed back into the house as the car drove away. The drive home was dead silent until Hannah spoke up. "I know you will love New Mexico. I can introduce you to a lot of cool people and I think we can have a good time. Plus you will be separated by half the country from that asshole Richard and those cunt daughters of his." This caused Maggie and Jeff to break a smile knowing that she was right.

As Hannah dropped them off at their house, they thanked her for the generous offer to spend eight weeks with her and they made plans to get together the next day to go over specifics about the trip. When Hannah drove away, Maggie and Jeff were now alone to process what had just happened.

"I will never be in the same room with Diane and Connie again. Why would they even call me a slut?"

"Maggie, you hit the nail on the head when you said they are jealous. You are extremely pretty and they are ... well, not. They know that no guy is ever going to want to touch them and to make themselves feel better they just want to put you down. It fucking sucks, but it is what it is."

"You really think I'm pretty?"

"Absolutely. If you weren't my sister I would date you in a heartbeat." Jeff then leaned in to give his sister a hug. This gesture made her feel a tiny bit better, but obviously she was still upset.

"I just wish mom would have stuck up for us." All Jeff could do was nod his head in agreement. "You know, though, it was pretty awesome seeing you deck Richard in the face. You should have seen the looks on Diane and Connie. They were fucking scared of you."

"Good. Maybe they will think twice before ever calling you a slut again. My hand really does hurt, though." As Jeff said this, he shook his hand, resulting in a grimace of pain to cross his face.

"Right. Let's get you inside so that you can ice that down."

The good thing about bad days is that they always end. Jeff and Maggie were so happy that this day was over and that there was a plan going forward. They knew that New Mexico would be a fun adventure and they both went to bed looking forward to what the summer would bring.

The next morning, Stephanie called Jeff and told him that she had a long conversation with Richard about the previous night. Apparently, Richard was all set to call the cops and have Jeff arrested for battery, but Stephanie was able to talk him out of it. All he had to do was apologize to Richard. At first, Jeff vehemently refused, but when she said Richard was serious, he begrudgingly agreed. When Stephanie handed the phone over to Richard, Jeff gave him the most half-hearted apology ever. It sucked having to swallow his pride, but it was better than going to jail.

With the apology out of the way, Jeff was able to spend the rest of the day packing. He barely saw Maggie because she was also getting ready. Eight weeks is a long time to go away, and they were shocked at how hard it was to narrow down the stuff they would need that would fit into two suitcases each. When Hannah came over, she was able to help them narrow down the essentials, reminding them that they could always get stuff they needed while in New Mexico.

After a long day of packing, Hannah offered to treat Jeff and Maggie out to dinner. Hannah chose this really small diner that had the best french fries around. As they shared a huge plate of fries, Hannah started to tell them all about New Mexico. Even though their mom had been born there, neither Jeff nor Maggie had ever been. They were both beyond excited for this experience. After dinner, Hannah dropped them off at the house. She reminded them that she would pick them up at 6 am sharp the next morning so that they could head to the airport.

Neither Maggie nor Jeff got much sleep that night in anticipation of their trip to New Mexico. They had not really gone on vacation in a few years, so they were looking forward to getting away. Hannah was on time for the first time in her life and by 6:10, they were out the door. They had plenty of time for Hannah to drop off her rental car and get some snacks for the trip. By 9 am, their plane was taking off and all Jeff and Maggie could think about was the relief of leaving that family drama behind them.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, with multiple layovers, their plane touched down at the airport in Albuquerque. Being late June, it was already rather warm, with the area experiencing record heat. Stepping out of the airport was like heading into an oven. Jeff and Maggie were used to hot Georgia summers, but the heat in New Mexico was enough to give them pause.

Since they had just endured an extremely long flight, the first thing they did was head straight to Hannah's house to get some much needed rest. Hannah told Jeff and Maggie that she would be happy to show them around the next day after they all had time to sleep off some of the jet lag.

Hannah lived in a very nice house. The house was a four bedroom, two bathroom ranch located on a quiet dead end street, so she was nicely tucked away from any noise and distractions. As she showed them around her house, Jeff was instantly drawn to the backyard. Not only was the backyard fenced-in giving it total privacy, but Hannah had a huge in-ground swimming pool. Jeff could not wait to take a dip as the sweat dripped off of his forehead.

Jeff's room was located next to Maggie's. These rooms were not the biggest, but would be perfectly fine for the eight weeks that they would be crashing with Hannah. Across the hall from Maggie's room was Hannah's office, and next to the office, located in the corner of the house, was the master bedroom. Maggie was in awe when she saw it for the first time. Hannah's room was massive, being more than double the size of the other bedrooms with tons of natural light. Hannah explained that originally the house had five bedrooms, but she knocked down a wall when she bought the house in order to open up the master bedroom.

"Wow, your bed is huge!" exclaimed Jeff as he peeked into the room. "You can probably fit six people in it."

Hannah laughed as she said, "What kind of party do you have planned for my bed?" Jeff and Maggie joined in Hannah's laughter to this comment.

Sure enough, they were all exhausted from their long trip. After taking a few minutes to unpack, they headed to bed, sleeping for a good twelve hours each.

Jeff was awoken the next morning by the clanking of plates in the kitchen. He could hear conversation, so he knew that Hannah and Maggie were already awake. Getting out of bed, his first stop was to the toilet, and after taking care of his business, he headed into the kitchen.

"Good morning," Hannah said as he sat down at the kitchen table next to Maggie. "Here, I made breakfast. You need to eat up because today is going to be a busy day. I want to show you both all around."

"Oh, do we have to?" complained Jeff. "I'm still so tired. Wouldn't it be nice to just relax by the pool?"

"Don't worry. We'll have plenty of time to relax. I just figure that you only have eight week here so we might as well make the most of it. Remember, my house, my rules."

"OK, OK. But don't get mad at me if I fall asleep in the car." After breakfast, they all got dressed, and headed out for their sightseeing adventure.

It actually turned out to be a very long day. Hannah showed them all over Albuquerque and some surrounding areas. It truly was a beautiful place, but there was only so much that could be done in one day. Jeff was thankful when they headed back to Hannah's place so that he could just take it easy. They all decided to sit around the pool and relax before dinner. The temperature at this point was ninety three degrees Fahrenheit, so staying cool by the pool was definitely a good idea.

Jeff was the first to the pool and plopped down on one of the loungers. Still being exhausted from the flight, he started to doze off. After a few minutes, he was awoken by Maggie and Hannah as they stepped out of the house and sat down in the other two loungers. When he opened his eyes, he was greeted by a glorious sight. Both his aunt and sister were in bikinis. Hannah's was orange, while Maggie's was pink. These were not overly revealing bikinis, but they were bikinis nonetheless.

Luckily, Jeff was wearing sunglasses, so he was able to check them out and not be too obvious about it. He was struck by the contrast between them. Maggie had just turned 23 years old and was at the height of her beauty. Her black hair was shoulder length, but now she had it tied up in a ponytail. Her breasts were on the smaller side, but they went great with her body type. If they were larger, she would look disproportionate.

At 34 years old, Hannah was definitely more mature, but no less beautiful than Maggie. She had more meat on her bones, but was by no means heavy. Her long blonde hair flowed freely down her back. The lightness of her hair was a very good contrast to Maggie's black hair. Another difference that Jeff noticed right away was that Hannah's breasts were much larger than Maggie's, and the bikini she wore did a great job in showing off her cleavage.

Jeff tried not to stare at these beauties, but it was very difficult. He had certainly noticed his sister before, and he was constantly reminded that she was hot because he had one particular friend who always brought it up. He had never seen Hannah in a bikini before, so he enjoyed being able to take in her beauty for the first time. Jeff did feel a little guilty since he was stealing glances at his aunt and sister, but they were very beautiful women, and his dick started to respond as he felt it slightly harden in his swim trunks.

After a few moments of taking in these two beauties sitting in front of him, Jeff regained his senses and started to listen to their conversation.

"I hope that we don't mess you up too much by staying with you for eight weeks," said Maggie.

"Oh, no, don't worry about it. It's no trouble at all. I mostly work from home, so when I have to get stuff done, I'll just go into my office. Please, make yourself at home. If you need anything, just ask."

"Cool. Thanks," said Maggie.

"What do you do for a job, anyway?" asked Jeff.

"Oh, I mostly review products and post my reviews online. Companies send me items and after using them, I either blog my review, or sometimes I post video reviews. I enjoy doing it, and the job is not too demanding. Since I work from home I can set my own hours. I hate getting up early so I often do a lot of my reviews in the afternoons and evenings."

"That's so cool. I would love to get a job where I could work from home," said Jeff.

"Yes, it is pretty cool. The only problem I ran into when I first got this job was staying motivated. When I started working from home it was hard for me to get into a good routine. But I've been doing this now for about three years, so I have it all pretty much figured out."

They all just sat out by the pool for about two hours and chatted. Between taking dips in the pool to cool down, Hannah asked them all about college. Maggie told her that she was an English major, and Jeff mentioned that he was a business major. They both admitted that they had no idea what they wanted to do after college. Jeff still had two years to figure it out, but Maggie was entering her final year, so she admitted that she was starting to feel some pressure.

"Hey, don't worry too much about it. Just find something that you love." Hannah had a way of making both Jeff and Maggie feel calm and relaxed. The three of them really enjoyed each other's company and before they knew it, time had flown by as the shadows began to darken the backyard. This especially upset Jeff because in the waning light he was not able to get such a good view of his sister and aunt in their bikinis. Eventually, the three of them went inside, changed, and had a nice home cooked meal.

Maggie was very talented in the kitchen and she loved to cook for her family. As they sat around the dining room table, their conversations carried on and on late into the night since they were all very comfortable with each other. Jeff and Maggie saw Hannah less as an aunt, and more as an older sister. After all, being 34 years old, Hannah was only eleven years older than Maggie, and twelve years older than Jeff. Eventually, it was well past midnight, and after many yawns, they all decided to call it a day. The whole first week in New Mexico was similar to that first day. Hannah showed them all the sights and brought them to the places where she liked to hang out, such as restaurants and clubs. Jeff and Maggie were really enjoying themselves and were so happy to have gotten out of that stressful situation back home.

On the first day of the second week, Hannah announced at breakfast that she had a long day of work ahead of her because she had three deadlines for reviews due by 5 pm. Jeff and Maggie were more than willing to entertain themselves for the day, especially since they knew that they had taken Hannah away from her work for most of the previous week. Jeff decided to go for a swim in the pool to get some exercise while Maggie spent some time online checking to see that all the courses she registered for next semester were in order. After doing their separate things for most of the morning, they decided to watch a movie. Just as they plopped down on the sofa, the doorbell rang. They were not sure if Hannah was expecting anybody, so Maggie answered the door while Jeff looked on Netflix for a good movie. As Jeff was flipping through the options, he saw Maggie come back into the room holding a big package.

"What's that?" asked Jeff.

"Don't know. The postman dropped it off. There's no name on it."

"Where is it from?"

"Let's see ... the return address is Georgia. It must be the stuff that mom said she would send."

"OK, cool. I'm surprised that it got here so quickly."

Absentmindedly, Maggie opened the box assuming that it was from their mom. As she looked in the box, her eyes opened wide and she froze. "Um ... I don't think that this is from mom."

Looking up, Jeff could see the shock in her eyes as he asked, 'Why, what is it?" When she didn't answer, he decided to go investigate for himself. Looking inside the box, he was also shocked by what he saw. This was definitely not from their mom. The box was full of sex toys! There were dildos, vibrators, butt plugs, lube, and a pair of nipple clamps. With his eyes glued to the contents of the box, he said, "Yeah, this isn't for us. Maybe the postman delivered it to the wrong house?"

"No, I've been expecting that package." Jeff and Maggie jumped in surprise and turned around to see Hannah coming out of her office.

Stammering, Maggie muttered, "Oh ... um ... sorry. We didn't mean to open your mail. We thought that it was from our mom. There was no name on the box and the return address was from back home."

"That's OK. Don't worry about it. I can see the confusion. The package did come from Georgia, so it's just a coincidence that you were expecting a package from your mom." There was now an awkward silence with neither Jeff nor Maggie knowing what to say.

"I suppose I owe you an explanation. I didn't know how to tell you this, but I guess the cat's out of the bag now. Remember I told you that I write reviews online? Well, I review sex toys. Companies send them to me for free, and after I use them, I write detailed reviews online. The companies use my reviews to make any improvements to the toys, or if the toys are very good, they will use my reviews to market their products."

Jeff and Maggie just looked at each other in disbelief. They had no idea that this was what their aunt did for a living. Eventually, Jeff said, "I didn't realize that this was a job."

"Oh, it is, and the money is pretty good. I'll never be a millionaire, but it pays the bills. Hey look, I'm not ashamed of any of this. It's what I do, and I enjoy it." While she meant this statement, Hannah was starting to think that her niece and nephew may not be able to handle this side of her. However, she was reassured when Maggie said with a smile, "You know, someone once told me that when it comes to a job, 'Just find something that you love.' I guess you found that passion."

Jeff then followed up with, "That's really interesting. I never would have thought you reviewed sex toys. Well, here, we don't want to hold you up with your work." Scooping up her box of sex toys, Hannah headed back into her office to continue with her work.

Once they were alone, Maggie gave Jeff a look of disbelief, saying, "I'm shocked."

"I know, me too. But hey, she says that she likes it, and it pays for this nice house, so more power to her."

"I know. It's just ... unexpected."

"Look, I don't think we should make a big deal about it. She was kind enough to let us stay with her. She's an adult and can make decisions for herself. Who are we to judge what she does for a living?"

Maggie nodded her head and said, "Yes. You're right. I will not bring it up again unless she does." They then got back to finding a movie. They eventually settled on a comedy, but neither Jeff nor Maggie could describe the plot of the movie after it was over because they were too distracted by thoughts about Hannah's line of work the whole time.

Later that evening, the three of them had a conversation about Hannah's career. She told them that she got started a few years ago when her friend mentioned that she had connections to the sex toy industry and that they were looking for people to write genuine reviews. At first, she did not make much money, but as she got better at reviewing and was exposed to many different types of sex toys, she got to the point where she was able to quit her regular job and do reviews full time. Plus, she acknowledged that her video reviews are pretty popular because she is an attractive female. When it comes to sex toys, companies are very eager to have their products reviewed by sexy women because it helps with sales.

As they were having this discussion, Jeff found himself getting slightly aroused. He definitely accepted the fact that his aunt was very attractive, but the knowledge that she spends her days using sex toys was pretty wild in his opinion. Maggie was also fascinated with Hannah's line of work, and Hannah quickly came to the conclusion that her niece and nephew were OK with the way she made a living. From this point on, both Jeff and Maggie saw Hannah in a more sexual way, but neither were willing to admit it to her or to each other.

As the days passed, Jeff and Maggie fell into a routine that often happens on vacation. They did a lot of relaxing and tried their best to keep the chaos of their home life as far from their minds as possible. About two weeks after arriving in New Mexico, Hannah got a phone call, and as Jeff and Maggie sat on the couch watching television, they could not help but overhear what she was saying.

"Oh, fuck. We can't reschedule? ... Shit, and it's definitely not safe to be here? ... How long would the house need to be clear? ... OK, I guess that's not too bad. Yes, OK. Thank you." After hanging up, Hannah seemed preoccupied with her thoughts.

"Is everything OK?" asked Maggie.

"Yes, well no. It's a long story. As you know, I review sex toys. However, from time to time, I review other things as well. Recently, I have been assigned to review a place called Crestview Resort."

"OK, so what's the problem?" asked Jeff.

"Well ... Crestview Resort is a nudist resort."

"So you don't want to do it?" asked Maggie.

"No, it's not that. I have actually already reviewed a few nudist resorts before. The problem is with you two." They stared at her with blank faces. "Let me explain. So, the previous owners of my house had a rodent problem. I have been lucky to have not had any issues, but each year I get my house fumigated to prevent the rodents from ever coming back. I just got off the phone with the exterminator. He said that due to a scheduling problem, the only time they can come is when I will be at the resort. Originally, I was just going to leave you two here, but when they spray, they require everybody to be out of the house for a few days. So, that means you have to come with me to Crestview."

"Oh, I'm not sure I would be comfortable there," stammered Maggie.

"Look, it's free of charge. In fact the resort was kind enough to give me eight free passes. I already asked a few friends, but I have two passes left. It's only going to be seven days and six nights. You are not required to be naked. I'm so sorry to put you in this position. I was under the impression that the exterminators would fumigate my place when I was at your mom's wedding. The guy just told me there was a scheduling error and they didn't come then. I hope you're not mad at me."

"No," said Jeff. "It's just kind of unexpected." He looked at Maggie and she nodded her head.

"As long as I don't have to get naked, I'm fine with it," said Maggie.

"Great. You two might actually have fun. Plus, as I said, I got multiple free passes so you will be able to meet some of my friends. We leave the day after tomorrow."

When Hannah went into her office to get some work done, Maggie turned to Jeff saying, "What do you think about it?"

"I guess it's OK. I mean, I have never been to a nudist resort before, so I don't know what to think. So does this mean that I will get an amazing tan?" he asked with a grin.

"You would actually go naked?" asked Maggie with a surprised expression on her face.

"I don't know. If everybody else is naked, I guess I could give it a try."

"Well, good for you. I don't think I would be comfortable going naked, especially in front of my brother and aunt."

"That's fine. Hannah said it's not required. One thing's for sure. It's going to be an interesting few days."

After getting over the initial shock, Maggie came to peace with having to go to Crestview. As Jeff thought more about it, he was actually getting excited for the experience. He was looking forward to seeing some naked women, and quite honestly, he was curious to see what Hannah looked like without any clothes on. He did not get any sleep the night before leaving because he couldn't get this thought out of his head.

The next morning, the three of them piled into Hannah's car and headed to Crestview. Hannah told them that the trip would be about four hours, so they all settled in for the ride. After about two hours, Hannah started to tell them all about Crestview. There were tons of things to do. She mentioned that there were multiple pools, a small golf course, two restaurants on campus, and a private lake with a beach area. The resort was located in the desert, so they would have a good amount of privacy from people who were not staying at the resort.

"Remember, you don't have to get naked if you don't want to."

"We know. Are you going to get naked?" inquired Jeff.

"Well, yes, I have to. If I'm going to review the place, I have to fully immerse myself in all that the resort has to offer."

"I'm actually thinking about immersing myself in all the resort has to offer as well," Jeff said with a smile.

"Oh, that's great. What about you Maggie?"

"Um, I don't think so."

"That's fine too. I always tell people that the first time they come to a nudist resort if they are uncomfortable getting naked is that they should start out by being in their underwear. I know that being in your bra and panties would not really be much different from being in a bikini, but since you don't walk around town in your underwear, it kind of helps you get used to being exposed in front of others. I have to admit, that being naked in front of a bunch of people can be very exciting."

Maggie was quiet as she sat alone with her thoughts for the rest of the ride. She did not think she would be comfortable getting naked at the resort, but there was a small part of her that was curious to see what it would be like. Thankfully, she knew that she would be able to do whatever was comfortable for her.

As Hannah pulled into Crestview's parking lot, Maggie saw that it looked like any other resort you may stumble upon. The grounds were very nicely kept, and Maggie was impressed with the beautiful flowerbed that decorated the area right next to the main entrance. There was nothing about this place that would indicate it was a nudist resort until they got to the main door. There was a big sign that said "ALL PEOPLE MUST BE AT LEAST 18 YEARS OLD TO ENTER THIS PREMISES."

Once they entered the resort, it was like they were transported to a different world. There were probably about seven naked people in the lobby just nonchalantly going about their business. To them, there was nothing out of the ordinary, but Maggie and Jeff needed to take a moment to get used to this new world they just entered. They followed Hannah up to the main desk as she checked them in. They all needed to provide the receptionist with identification to prove their ages, and as the woman stood up, Maggie was surprised to see that she was totally naked as well. For some reason, she had just assumed that the staff would be clothed. Jeff also took immediate notice and while the woman was not very attractive in his opinion, he could not stop staring at her ass as she turned away from them to get some paperwork.

The receptionist introduced herself as Casey, and after getting them checked in, she explained all the amenities that the resort had to offer. She said that guests were grouped into "pods". Each pod included four identical townhouses connected to each other in a semicircle. In the middle of the semicircle was a common area that was for the use of the people staying in that particular pod. This common area included a grill for barbecuing, a fire-pit, and a hot tub. After getting everything squared away, Casey provided them with a map of the premises and gave them directions to their pod. She said that Hannah's guests had already checked in.

As they headed to their pod so that they could drop off their stuff, Jeff and Maggie could only focus on all the naked people walking around. Unlike what you would see on television, not all the people walking around were supermodel quality. Some people were definitely attractive, but many were just average looking. They also noticed that every body type seemed to be represented. There were fat people, skinny people, tall people, short people, large tits, small tits, fake tits, real tits, perky tits, saggy tits, hairy pussies, bald pussies, trimmed pussies, small cocks, large cocks, flaccid cocks, erect cocks. In just about the five minute walk it took to get to their pod, they observed it all. Maggie was shocked that she actually started to feel a little bit excited as she saw all these people walking around. There were a few people who had clothes on, but most people were completely nude.

Upon reaching their pod, they noticed that five people were sitting in the hot tub. "Looks like we're the last to arrive," said Hannah as she greeted her friends. Since they were in the hot tub, it was not clear if they were completely naked, but they could tell that the women were at least topless because her tits were in full view. Hannah took a few moments to introduce everyone to Jeff and Maggie. In all, there were three men and two women.

The first couple introduced themselves as Troy and Olivia. They were an African American couple originally from Los Angeles. They moved to New Mexico about two years ago. Hannah explained that they were married and just celebrated their third wedding anniversary.

Seated beside Troy and Olivia was Ben and Lisa. Ben mentioned that they were visiting from Sydney, Australia. As he was talking, Troy butted into the conversation and joked that Ben was a pussy for not marrying Lisa yet. Apparently they had been together for well over ten years but still had not taken the plunge.

Finally, seated next to Lisa was Kyle. Kyle was closest to the edge of the hot tub, so he extended his hand to greet Jeff and Maggie. He mentioned that he was unattached and decided to crash this party. After the pleasantries had been exchanged, Hannah led her niece and nephew into one of the town houses. The room was very nicely furnished, with a kitchen, sitting room and half bathroom on the first floor. Heading to the second floor, Hannah showed them a bedroom and full bathroom. Since there was only one bedroom, Hannah suggested that one of them use the bedroom, and the other sleep on the couch down stairs. Before he could react, Maggie claimed the bedroom. Even though they were in their twenties, they still sometimes acted like kids around each other.

"Hey Hannah, where are you going to sleep?" asked Jeff.

"Oh, don't worry about me. I'm going to stay with Kyle. OK, so I'm going to get ready to join everybody. Remember, you don't have to get naked if you don't want to. Let's meet outside in five minutes." With that, Hannah left them alone to get ready.

"So, what do you think of this place?" asked Maggie.

"You know, it's really nice. I never would have guessed driving by that this was a nudist resort."

"Yeah, I'm really surprised that Hannah is not staying with us and will be shacking up with that guy."

"Eh, she's an adult. She can do whatever she wants."

"I know, I know. I just ... didn't expect that."

"So what do you think?"

"What?" asked Maggie with a confused look.

"Are you going to ...?"

"No! Why, are you?"

With a smile, Jeff said, "As we walked over here, I maybe saw three people with clothes on. I don't want to stick out and look like a prude."

"So you're actually going to get naked?"

"Yeah, I think I'm going to try it. If I don't like it, or if I get uncomfortable, I'll just throw on some clothes."

"Well, I'm not going to get naked. Let me get changed into my bikini and I'll meet you outside."

Heading down the stairs, Jeff was starting to get excited that he was going to join everybody and get naked. He could not help but think that it was a little naughty, but he didn't really care. Setting his stuff down, he stripped out of his clothes and piled them on his bags. He figured it would be awkward to head out to the hot tub naked with his sister, so he called up to her and said that he was heading out.

The first thing he noticed as he stepped outside was how the warm sun felt all over his body. Heading over to the hot tub, his eyes fell to Olivia's tits. As he got closer, he felt his cock start to harden. He quickened his pace and got into the water before the other people noticed his erection. Once in the hot tub, he shook hands with everybody and quietly sat there as they continued their conversation.

After about a minute, he noticed Maggie emerge from the town house. She was in a cute bikini that normally would be considered revealing, but she was definitely the most overdressed person around. Timidly, she walked over to the hot tub and took her spot next to Jeff. Looking over, she could see that Jeff was concentrating on Olivia's and Lisa's tits. Soon, Jeff heard footsteps on the gravel walkway leading to the hot tub. Glancing over, he saw his aunt Hannah, completely naked. As she walked, her tits jiggled and Jeff could not help but notice that her nipples were hard. As she got closer, he could see that she had a neatly trimmed tuft of pubic hair between her legs. Lifting her leg to step into the hot tub, Jeff got a great view of her pussy lips. He was so thankful that he was sitting in the water because it allowed him to hide the massive erection he was sporting.

Once she was settled, her five friends thanked her for inviting them. Just like Jeff and Maggie, since they were her guests, and she was officially reviewing Crestview, their passes to the resort were also complimentary. Going around the circle, everybody described to Jeff and Maggie how they knew Hannah. Apparently, she had gone to college with Olivia so they had known each other for a long time. Lisa mentioned that she was a sex toy reviewer just like Hannah, so they met at a conference two years back. Putting his hand around her shoulder, Kyle explained that he and Hannah were just good friends. Looking at Jeff and Maggie, Lisa asked, "So have you two ever been to a nudist resort?"

Before they could answer, Hannah jumped in, "No, this is their first time. They decided that they might keep their clothes on to get used to the place."

"Um, Jeff here is free balling it," said Kyle.

With wide eyes, Hannah looked at Jeff and said, "No way! Awesome." Since Jeff had gotten into the hot tub before her, she didn't realize that he was naked. She reached over and gave him a high five. At this point, Maggie actually started to feel a little left out, but was not comfortable yet taking off her clothes.

As they relaxed in the hot tub, Hannah caught up with her friends. Sitting in the water, Jeff started to think that from now on he needs to wear sunglasses. He so wanted to stare at the three lovely sets of tits in front of him, but he did not want to be rude, so all he could do now was steal glances here and there. Despite this, his dick was extremely hard.

Soon everybody started to get hungry, so Ben suggested that they get out of the tub, dry off, and head over to dinner. Olivia seconded this suggestion and they all quickly hopped out of the tub. Now, Jeff had three asses and pussies in view, which did not help his erection. Sheepishly, he got out of the tub, but nobody seemed to notice. He then realized that erections were so common at this resort that nobody really paid attention. In fact, he saw that Ben was also hard.

However, Maggie did notice the action that was going on between Jeff's legs. After all, this was her brother, and she never expected to be just a few feet from his exposed hard-on. Not taking her eyes off it, she started to feel guilty that she was actually getting aroused by him. Shaking her head, she snapped herself out of these thoughts as everybody dried off.

Troy, Olivia, Ben, Lisa, Kyle, and Hannah all headed over to the dining area. Since Maggie was in a wet bathing suit, Jeff offered to stay behind and wait for her while she got into dry clothes. As the group walked away, Jeff shamelessly watched the asses of the three women. Looking down, he could see that his dick was still at full attention.

After a few minutes, Maggie came out of her room dressed in just her bra and panties. Jeff was a bit surprised, and Maggie could read it all over his face. "Hannah had mentioned that if I got into my underwear it could be a way to ease me into exposing more of myself to others."

"So, does this mean that you ...?"

"I don't know," exclaimed Maggie. "Let's just go to dinner."

Jeff was happy to see that Maggie was starting to come out of her shell. While she was no more exposed than when she was in her bikini, just knowing that he was seeing her in her underwear was actually making him even harder. When given the chance, he would glance at her body and was very pleased with what he saw. Likewise, Maggie would occasionally look down at his erection. It was pretty difficult to miss since Jeff was fully erect, and on the way to the dining hall it was as if his cock was leading the way.

When they finally got to the dining area, they met up with Hannah and her group. Seating was arranged by pods, so they all got to sit together at one big table. Looking around, Jeff marveled at the fact that there must have been two hundred naked people in that huge dining room. Dinner was buffet style, so as they all got their food and sat down, Hannah leaned over to her nephew and niece, asking them, "So what do you think?"

With a big smirk, Jeff said, "I can get used to this." Just as he finished his sentence, a pair of attractive women walked by their table and Jeff's eyes wandered to them.

"It's not as bad as I thought," replied Maggie.

"Well, I'm glad you decided to strip to your underwear. Maybe soon you will join all us nudists. It is actually quite liberating to go around with no clothes on. But remember, no pressure. You do what you want."

Looking around the giant dining room, Maggie noticed that there were maybe five other people who were wearing something, so she was feeling out of place. When Jeff got up to get something to drink, she was again focused on his cock. She was beginning to wonder if his erection would ever subside. She was also very happy that unlike men who get erections when turned on, nobody could tell that she was actually getting a little wet between her legs. She kept telling herself that this was because of all the other cocks she was seeing, but deep down she knew it was Jeff that was having this effect on her.

As dinner came to an end, the group wandered back to their pod and lit a fire in the fire pit. It was starting to get a little chilly since the sun was going down, but the warmth of the fire felt so good on their naked bodies. As they sat and chatted, Jeff took stock of all the nakedness around him. Olivia's breasts were rather large and her areolas encompassed much of her breasts. This was very different from what Jeff was used to when looking at porn, but he found it very alluring. Her nipples seemed a bit darker than her skin, which was very dark itself. Her bald pussy gave Jeff a great view of her vagina when she shifted position. He loved the contrast of the darkness of her skin and the pinkness of her pussy. Her husband Troy was a lighter shade of brown. There was a huge difference in height between them. Olivia was probably five feet, five inches, while Troy probably clocked in at six feet, three inches. His dick was massive. Troy's cock was not at all hard, but it looked like it was a good nine inches flaccid.

Lisa was just as beautiful as Olivia, but in a different way. Her breasts were much smaller than Olivia's. If Olivia was a D cup, Lisa must have been an A cup. Despite being small, she had very perky tits without a hint of sagging. Her nipples were tiny but so hard they looked like they could cut glass. Ben was pretty skinny with a good sized cock. There were times when he was hard and Maggie estimated that he and Jeff were around the same size at maybe six inches. The thing that really stood out about Lisa and Ben was the fact that they were very hairy. Lisa joked that they were hippies and didn't like to shave. Ben had a big beard and long hair, and was pretty much hairy all over. Lisa had a giant bush that looked like it had not been shaved in years. When she reached up to scratch her head, Jeff and Maggie were surprised to see that she had hair under her armpits.

Kyle was tall and handsome. He had blonde hair and could pass for the stereotypical "surfer dude". He was extremely muscular, and when he put his arm around Hannah's shoulder, it looked like he could break her in half if he wanted. Maggie estimated that his cock was probably around eight inches. She blushed as she thought about this because she felt she was getting good at guessing cock sizes.

As the friends chatted the night away, Jeff and Maggie just took everything in. They didn't participate much in the conversation because there were a lot of inside jokes and references to shared experiences. Jeff was just studying the bodies of the women, including his aunt and sister. Likewise, Maggie was glancing at all the cocks, but her main focus was on Jeff. By this time, her pussy was extremely wet. At one point, she shifted positions and Jeff glanced between her legs. He could have sworn that he spotted some moisture on her panties.

Finally, Troy looked at his watch and announced that it was midnight. Yawning and putting his hand around Olivia's shoulder, he announced that they were heading to bed. This signaled that the night was over and Ben and Lisa said their good nights and went to their room.

"OK guys. I'll see you tomorrow," Hannah said to Jeff and Maggie as she and Kyle went to their room. That left just Jeff and Maggie around the fire.

"Do you think they are going to have sex?" asked Jeff.

"I don't know! Jeeze! She's our aunt! Why would you say that?"

Jeff just shrugged his shoulders, but Maggie was actually wondering the same thing. When everybody was gone, Maggie announced that she was heading to bed. Jeff said that he was going to stay by the fire for a few more minutes. He did this because he wanted to watch Maggie as she walked away, staring at her panty covered ass as she went to their room. A few minutes after she was gone, he headed into the townhouse. Maggie was already in her bedroom, so Jeff was alone in the sitting room downstairs. He knew that he needed relief, so he got a tissue and jacked off, thinking about all the sexy bodies he saw that day. Unbeknownst to him, Maggie was upstairs masturbating as well. The only difference was that instead of thinking about other guys, she was actually masturbating with Jeff's cock on her mind.

The next morning, Jeff woke up with some morning wood as was usual for him. After going to the bathroom, he snuck upstairs to see if Maggie was awake. It appeared that Maggie was still asleep, so he quickly jumped into the bathroom. To relieve his horniness, Jeff jerked off in the shower. He figured that this would help solve the problem he had yesterday of walking around with an erection. Getting out the shower and toweling off, he looked into the mirror and smiled in anticipation of what this day had in store. Planning to tiptoe back down the stairs so as not to awaken Maggie, he was surprised to see her rummaging through her bag. Still in her bra and panties from last night, Jeff noticed that the first thing she did was glance at his cock. Smiling, she asked, "How did you sleep?"

"OK. You?"

"Good. I just looked up the weather on my phone. It's going to be a nice sunny day. Um, let me ask you. What's it like?"

"Being naked?" he asked. Maggie nodded her head. "Well, it was weird to begin with, but I got used to it very quickly. Pretty much everybody here is naked, so it just seems normal."

"How do you feel when people look ... at your ... dick?"

"I take it as a compliment. I figure if people didn't want to see it they wouldn't look. Why? Are you thinking of going full on nudist?"

Grinning, Maggie said, "We'll see. I still haven't decided." As she finished her statement, there was a bang on the wall. "What the fuck?" she said. There was another bang as Jeff and Maggie approached the wall. Putting their ears up against the wall, they were able to hear more bangs and moans. It was obvious that people were having sex in the next room. Jeff's eyes got wide as he remembered that Hannah and Kyle were staying in that room.

"Hannah's fucking that guy!" exclaimed Maggie in astonishment. As they listened, they could tell that Hannah was really into it based on her loud moans. Of course, Jeff's erection returned instantly and Maggie immediately noticed. With her ear pressed against the wall, she didn't hide the fact that she was staring at his cock. Likewise, he was obviously leering at her body, desperately wanting to see what was under her bra and panties. The fuck session went on for about five more minutes and when it was over, the siblings were still staring at each other. Finally, in an attempt to break the tension between them, Maggie said that she needed to take a shower and hurried into the bathroom.

Once behind closed doors, she stripped off her panties and felt her pussy. It was soaking wet! After fingering herself to a quick orgasm and showering off, she wrapped herself in a towel. She put her hand on the doorknob intending to go back into the bedroom and find a new pair of bra and panties for the day. However, she decided at that moment she was going to do it. She was actually going to become a nudist for the day. Unwrapping her towel so that it slid off her body, she stood fully naked in front of the mirror, admiring herself. She was ready to do this. Taking a deep breath, she opened the door and walked out.

She could hear Jeff downstairs and she knew that she needed to just head down there before she had any second thoughts. As she walked down the stairs, Jeff looked up and was mesmerized by the sight in front of him. Maggie's tits bounced with each step and as his eyes fell to her pussy, he saw that she was completely shaved. She looked like a goddess from Greek mythology. Getting to the bottom of the stairs, she walked by Jeff, heading to the coffee pot that he had just brewed. He got a great view of her shapely ass as she passed him. He so wanted to reach out and touch her, but he stopped himself remembering that this was his sister.

Getting her coffee, she looked at him and said, "What? Is there a problem?"

"No. You look great!"

"Thanks! I guess we are both nudists now." As she sipped her coffee, Jeff examined her body as if he needed to remember every detail of her. Maggie just let him look her over, knowing that the more he looked, the more comfortable she would be with other people looking at her nakedness once she walked out the door. When her coffee was finished, she said, "Come on. Let's go see what everybody else is up to."

Jeff was so happy that Maggie was now free of her inhibitions and with a skip in his step, he followed his naked sister out into the wide world. Once they stepped outside, they saw that Hannah was lounging on a chair next to Kyle and Olivia. When she saw her naked niece, she jumped up and exclaimed, "I knew you had it in you! Doesn't it feel great?" Before Maggie could respond, Hannah gave her a huge hug, taking her by surprise. As Hannah's tits rubbed against her, Maggie was taken aback at how close her aunt was to her. Jeff's eyes almost bulged out of his head as he saw his extremely sexy aunt and sister share a naked embrace.

When their hug ended, Maggie could see that Kyle was looking her over. At first she felt that she should be embarrassed, but she quickly realized that she didn't give a fuck that she was totally naked in front of other people. As Hannah said yesterday, it was a very freeing experience. When Ben, Lisa, and Troy joined everyone, Maggie was the center of attention, with everyone's eyes on her tits, ass, and pussy. After getting her congratulations for baring it all, the group headed out to get some breakfast.

It was a fun filled day, with Maggie and Jeff exploring everything there was to see and do in the resort. Some stuff they did with Hannah and the other people in the group, while other things they did with just each other. For example, Jeff and Maggie spent a long time at the pool relaxing. Of course, both Jeff and Maggie would glance at each other whenever they got an opportunity. At first, they both felt a little guilty for enjoying the sight of each other, but soon they got used to it and actually found this experience to be invigorating. Of course, Jeff was hard at times, while Maggie's pussy was getting more wet as the day progressed.

Their time at Crestview was an awesome experience for the siblings. They became very comfortable being naked around each other, even going so far as not putting clothes on when they were alone in their room. Jeff joked to Maggie and Hannah that he was now officially a nudist. The week flew by, and in a blink of an eye, it was the evening before they were set to return to Hannah's place.

Hannah, Maggie, Jeff, and the others decided to spend this final night sitting around the fire pit and reminiscing about all the fun they had this past week. As the night wore on, Lisa came up with an idea to play a game. She ran into her room and emerged with a set of cards. She said, "This game is called 'Truth Be Told'. It's basically Truth or Dare without the dares. So what do you say? Do you all want to play?" The group enthusiastically approved of her suggestion and they decided to play as teams. Troy/Olivia, Ben/Lisa, Kyle/Hannah, and Jeff/Maggie were chosen to be the breakdown. Each team was given a card with a question, and both members of the team had to answer truthfully. There really was no "winner" of this game - it was basically just for fun. Since she suggested the game, Lisa and Ben went first.

Lisa read the card with a smile, "Have you ever been arrested? If so, explain." Ben immediately answered no, but Lisa got very quiet.

"Come on Lisa, spill the beans!" cried Hannah.

"No, next card," replied Lisa.

"Fuck that," said Kyle. "This game was your idea. You have to play along."

"OK, OK. Yes, I was arrested. I was stupid and in college. After a really long night of hard partying and drinking, I kind of, well, peed on a cop's leg." The group responded with a huge roar of laughter. "I was so drunk, I barely even remember it. I do clearly remember waking up the next morning in jail. Thankfully I only got a warning, but it was so embarrassing having to call my dad to pick me up at the police station!"

Olivia reached into the deck of cards and pulled the next one out. Olivia read that the card wanted her and Troy to describe when they fell in love with their significant other. With a smile, Troy said, "On our first date."

Olivia said, "I fell in love with you when I first met your parents. You were so sweet to your mom that I knew that you were the guy for me." She then leaned over and gave him a big kiss.

Now it was Hannah who reached for a card. Looking at the card, she showed it to Kyle and they both smiled at each other.

"Come on, what does it say?" inquired Ben.

Hannah looked one more time at Kyle and said, "When was the last time you had sex?" When Maggie heard this question, her eyes got wide, not expecting this type of question. Lisa could see the shock on her face and said to the group, "Oh, I should have mentioned that most of the cards are innocent questions, but some can get pretty sexual. If you are not comfortable with the question you got, just pick another."

Hannah said, "No, that's OK. I'll answer. Um, I last had sex this morning."

"What a coincidence. Me too!" answered Kyle. This was followed by hooting and hollering from the group. This was really not a surprise to Maggie or Jeff since they could hear them having sex through the wall.

This frank conversation was having an effect on Jeff. He was happy that he had managed to keep his erection to a minimum today, but now he was fully hard. Maggie definitely noticed and smiled at him. He smiled back, not knowing this was turning her on as well.

Now it was Maggie's turn. Her heart dropped when she saw the card. It was another sexual question. Showing it to Jeff, she read it out loud. "Describe the experience of losing your virginity." This was met with laughter by the group.

Maggie and Jeff both turned a bright shade of red. It's not so much that the question embarrassed them. Rather, it was awkward answering the question with their naked sibling sitting right next to them.

After a brief period of silence, Maggie said, "Well, actually, um ... I've never had sex." The group looked on in disbelief.

"How have you gone so long and remained a virgin?" asked Olivia.

"I don't know. I don't just want to have sex with any random guy. I want to be in love when I finally have sex. I'm not saying that I want to be a virgin bride or anything. I'll just know it when I'm with the guy that I want to take that step with."

"That's so sweet," said Lisa. As everybody turned toward Jeff, they didn't notice Maggie look down at his hard cock and lightly lick her lips.

Jeff was still beat red. As he was searching for the words to say, Troy sensed that something was up. He said, "Wait a minute. Don't tell us that you're a virgin too!" Jeff's silence was answer enough. "I can't believe it. We have two pure ones here!"

"Oh, leave them alone. I think it's nice that they are waiting for someone special to share their first time with," chided Lisa.

"OK, cool down. I'm just having some fun. Let's keep playing."

The game continued for about an hour. As Lisa said, most of the questions were innocent and Maggie and Jeff did not select another sexual card. When the game was wrapping up, everybody decided that it was time to head to bed. The fire was dying and they needed to get up early to pack and check out of the resort.

In their room, standing naked at the bottom of the stairs leading up to Maggie's bedroom, she said goodnight, but unlike any other time, Maggie leaned in and kissed Jeff on the cheek. Maggie had not done that since they were kids, and while it was innocent enough, Jeff liked this increase in intimacy between them. He watched her ass as she walked up the stairs, and when she was out of sight, he laid down on the couch. While he was horny from the game, he was also extremely tired and fell asleep almost immediately after his head hit the pillow.

The next morning, Jeff awoke and felt very refreshed. Glancing at the clock, he saw that it was 7 am. Hannah had informed them the previous night that they needed to check out by 9 am. Waking with his usual morning wood on full display, Jeff decided that he would have a quick jerk off session and then hop into the shower.

Gripping his cock, he slowly stroked from base to tip. Closing his eyes, he was focusing on all the naked women he had seen this past week. He started to increase the pace. Opening his eyes when he heard a shuffling sound, he was shocked to see Maggie standing at the bottom of the stairs watching him. He froze for a moment and then attempted to cover up, but rather than freak out, she just said, "No don't stop. I want to see."

Overcome with horniness and needing to cum, he resumed his stroking. He didn't care that he was pleasuring himself in front of his naked sister. She walked over to the couch and sat on the opposite end, wanting to get a close up view. She couldn't take her eyes off of his cock as his hand stroked up and down. She longed to touch it, but feared that she would be crossing a boundary.

Maggie was also extremely horny, and without taking her eyes from him, she lifted her leg up onto the couch, giving him an excellent view of her pussy. From the sheen between her legs, Jeff could tell that she was already very wet. Taking a finger, she slipped it into her pussy and began to finger fuck herself. This was so wild for the both of them as they masturbated in front of their sibling. Neither of them spoke a word, the only sound filling the room were their moans.

Wanting this to last as long as possible, Jeff slowed his pace. His eyes were glued to his sister's cunt as she used one, and then two fingers in her pussy. Eventually, this became too much for Jeff and he knew he was going to cum. Increasing his speed, he looked Maggie in the eyes and exclaimed "I'm cumming!"

She quickly responded, "Me too!" as an orgasm ripped through her body. Seeing her cum was too much for Jeff and he lost control, squirting his jizz all over his stomach and chest. It was such a massive load that it also coated his cock and hand. Still breathing heavily, they studied the effect that their orgasm had each other. Jeff could see that Maggie's face was flush, and despite her orgasm, she still had two fingers in her pussy. Maggie was impressed at how forceful Jeff's cum had erupted from his cock.

Under normal circumstances, the aftermath of this mutual masturbation session would have been extremely awkward, but under normal circumstances a brother and sister do not spend a week together totally naked at a nudist resort. Being naked around each other for so long had heightened their intimacy, so neither of them felt any embarrassment or shame for what they just did.

Maggie was the first to speak, "You know, we are kind of in a rush to get out of here, and we both definitely need to clean up. Should we just hop into the shower together to save time?"

"Sure!" responded Jeff enthusiastically. He loved Maggie's transformation over the past week. Just a few days ago she was too shy to take her clothes off, and now she was offering to take a shower with him, after just masturbating with him. A few weeks ago at their mother's wedding he never would have guessed that his relationship with his sister would have taken such a bizarre turn, but he was willing to roll with it.

Maggie led the way to the shower as Jeff followed her. Hopping into the shower, she looked down at his chest and stomach covered in his own jizz. The shower had two heads so they had plenty of room to maneuver without getting too much into each other's way.

As they soaped off, Maggie wondered what would have happened if there was only one shower head and they had to get closer. Would they touch? This prospect was very exciting for her, but she tried hard to get those thoughts out of her head. After all, this was her little brother! Despite this, she kept thinking about would could potentially happen between them.

They spent the shower mostly in silence, not hiding the fact that they were admiring each other's nakedness. After washing off all the jizz, Jeff eliminated any physical traces of their shared experience on the couch, but the image was permanently fixed in their memories.

When the shower was over, they toweled off and reluctantly got dressed. It was actually strange putting on clothes for the first time in a week, but for obvious reasons they could not go naked outside of the resort. After spending a few minutes to pack (which did not take very long since a majority of their clothes were still sitting unused in their bags), they headed out to meet Hannah. They all had a quick breakfast and then headed to the front desk to check out.

Saying their goodbyes to the group in the parking lot, Hannah thanked everyone for joining her on this trip to Crestview. With hugs and handshakes, the group parted ways. As the car left the resort behind, Hannah asked, "So, what did you two think about Crestview?"

"It was awesome!" blurted Jeff.

"It sure was," agreed Maggie. "I think my new calling in life is to be a nudist." With a huge laugh, Hannah, Jeff, and Maggie started their long drive back to Hannah's house. Traffic was very heavy for some reason, so it took even longer to get home than it did to arrive at Crestview. Finally, after five hours in the car, Hannah pulled into her driveway. They were all exhausted from the long drive, so they decided that they were just going to relax and deal with unpacking tomorrow.

Over dinner, Maggie said, "Your friends are really cool people. They helped make the whole experience so fun."

"Yeah, we try to get together a few times each year. Life tends to get busy so it's often difficult for us all to connect, so we consider ourselves lucky when we get the opportunity."

"You really seem to have a great connection with Kyle. How come the two of you haven't gotten together?" asked Jeff.

"Well, we did date for a couple months a few years ago, but we just didn't jive as a couple. He is attractive and all, but I could not see myself actually falling in love with him. Plus, I have only really loved one man before and I kept comparing Kyle to him. I came to the conclusion that it was not fair for Kyle if we continued to date since in my mind he could never live up to the man I loved." She then fell silent for a few moments and continued, "We sure do have fun when we get together, though." Hannah could tell from the looks on their faces that they had heard her having sex with Kyle. Hannah tended to get very loud when she is having sex, and with them staying in the room next to her and Kyle, it was inevitable that they would hear. Hannah was not embarrassed. She was a sexual person and was open in expressing her sexuality. "I was so glad that you took full advantage of the nudist resort. There are always newbies who are prudish and spend the whole time in their clothes. I feel that if a person is not comfortable being naked in front of others who are also naked, they must have severe self-esteem issues."

Maggie said, "There was that initial shock of knowing that other people were seeing me at my most vulnerable, but once I got over it I actually found it to be exciting." Jeff responded with a nod to affirm that he agreed with Maggie's position.

"I love how you both have a positive attitude and like to go with the flow. Thank you so much for being open and joining me at Crestview. I know that all my friends loved your company. Well, it's been a long day. I think I'm going to turn in for the night."

Jeff and Maggie were also getting tired, so they decided that they were going to head to bed as well. Once Jeff got into his room, he stripped down to his boxer briefs and laid on his bed, thinking about everything that had happened over the course of the past week. He knew that he would never forget that wonderful experience he shared with Maggie earlier that morning. Just as he closed his eyes, he could hear a faint moaning sound. At first he thought that maybe it was an animal outside, but as he tried to ignore it, it got louder and was clearly coming from inside the house. Hoping that nothing was wrong, he went to investigate.

Maggie must have heard the same thing, because once Jeff left his room, her door swung open as she entered the hallway. Just like Jeff, Maggie had stripped down to go to bed. She was just wearing a t-shirt and panties. Once in the hallway, they immediately could tell that the moaning was coming from Hannah's room. Hoping that she was OK, they strolled down the hallway to her bedroom to check on her.

The door to Hannah's bedroom was ajar, with a sliver of light from her room slightly illuminating the dark hallway. With Jeff next to her, Maggie gently opened her door to peek in. They were both amazed with what they saw as they gazed into Hannah's room. She was laying totally naked on her bed, spread full eagle, holding a vibrator between her legs. Her eyes were closed and she was oblivious to Jeff and Maggie gazing in at her, totally lost to the pleasure she was experiencing.

With gaping mouths, they stared at Hannah with their eyes opened wide in astonishment. They certainly were not surprised with her nudity. After all, they had just spent a week with her at a nudist resort. They just did not expect to see her pleasuring herself. Jeff and Maggie probably lingered longer than they should have, but neither could pull themselves away. Their eyes were laser focused on Hannah's pussy as she rubbed the vibrator across it. Eventually, Maggie regained her senses and nudged Jeff's shoulder. This knocked him out of his stupor and she led him away, leaving Hannah to continue her masturbation session.

As he walked down the hallway towards his room, Jeff could feel his hard dick straining against his underwear. Before he could go back into his room, he felt Maggie tug his arm and lead him into her room. Sitting on the bed, Maggie exclaimed, "Oh my god! I couldn't believe that! I'm surprised that she didn't shut her door."

"Well, she did think that we went to bed," replied Jeff. "We know that she reviews sex toys. Maybe she's just getting in some work? I would love it if I could have that much fun at my job." Jeff could not help holding back a wicked smile.

Hitting his shoulder, Maggie said, "That's our aunt you're talking about. Show some respect."

"What? I'm just making light of this situation. No harm in that. Still, come on. Wouldn't it be great if a day at the office was like that?"

Loosening up her seriousness, Maggie nodded her head. "Sure, I guess you're right."

Jeff and Maggie then fell into a silence, neither knowing what to say next. Jeff could not help but notice how much freer they were with each other. Just a few weeks ago they would have not dreamed of sitting in front of each other in just their underwear. Now, having spent so much time together naked, it was no big deal at all. Looking down at his crotch, Maggie saw the huge bulge in his underwear. Chuckling, Maggie pointed at his boner, saying, "What are you some kind of pervert? Who gets hard from looking at his aunt?"

Picking up a pillow, Jeff threw it at her face, saying, "Fuck you. My boner is none of your business." Laughing at the absurdity of this situation, they once again fell into silence. Looking her over, Jeff was amazed at how sexy his sister really was. Maggie could see him looking her over and was excited by the attention he was giving her. Knowing that it was wrong, but not being able to contain herself, Maggie asked, "Can I see it again?" Jeff did not have to ask what she meant because she was looking directly at his crotch.

"Sure." Standing up, Jeff hooked his fingers under the waistband of his underwear and slipped them down. He actually felt some relief as his cock was freed since it was getting really tight in his underwear. Maggie was just staring at it as it seemed to slightly move with each beat of his heart. She was getting all sorts of nasty thoughts at this moment, the foremost was wondering what it would taste like. She suppressed this thought almost immediately after it sprang into her head. For Christ's sake, this was her brother!

As dirty thoughts were swirling around her brain, Jeff asked, "Don't you think you're a little overdressed? Why don't you join me?"