Our Perfectly Normal (Fucking) Family

There aren't many people on earth who would take an intimate look at my family and declare us to be "Normal." But dammit, we ARE! It's just that we choose to define our own normal. To a person, we'll all set you straight—We Are Perfectly Normal! In our own way, we absolutely are! But I have to stop myself from talking too openly about us when I'm on the "outside" meaning, not with just a very few people.

I came so close after Thanksgiving when Diane and I went up to Chicago for Granny D's memorial service. Jesus f'ing Christ, but that was an awful time. Granny and I had really just begun to know each other as adults. She was so great when I finally came out, and she adored Diane. She was on chemo when we got married, but you'd never have known it. She was the life of the party at the reception! Aunt Kathy told me later Granny had talked her oncologist out of some "pharmaceutical energy" that left her in a mess for days afterward.

But I'm rambling. Let me give you an overview of our "Completely Normal" family:

I'm early 20's, bi-sexual (mostly gay) and married to a fabulous woman, Diane;

My mom, Nan, and dad, Jimmy are swingers. My mom is bi (mostly straight) and my dad is "experimenting."

My Granny D and Aunt Kathy have been lovers (oh dammit, had been lovers) since their teens;

Aunt Kathy isn't really related, but she and Granny D grew up together from, like, age nothing;

Granny D's brother, Mom's Uncle Chad, was also Aunt Kathy's lover. They almost got married. He died about 4 years ago. (Fuck war AND cancer);

My best friend Ginger, my first lover, was a stripper for a while. She stopped that and manages an Adult store now.

G and I, (Ginger, that is) have both fucked our own and each others' moms and dads, though we don't make it a habit.

And all that feels so normal to us! You can see why we don't noise it around though. Oh yeah, nearly forgot, G's folks, Frank and Dory, swing with mom and dad. I think that's almost it, unless you get into my sister's family.

So—Chicago. That wasn't a time of raging hormones at the outset, at least I sure wasn't feeling it, but there we all were. Our Perfectly Normal family was gathered in public at a post-service reception, meeting "mourners" and guarding our conversations around, ohmygod, seemed like thousands of Granny D's friends. The visitation or reception or whatever it was went on for fucking ever.

Diane and I didn't cause a stir, not like we do at home. At home (North Carolina) we've had a brick though the window and "Fucking dykes!" yelled at us when we're out in the neighborhood. Chicago is at least more 21st century than that. But folks at the funeral home probably wouldn't have been as casual about swinging, and certainly not about grown daughters fucking their moms and dads! Or parents fucking their daughter's wife—Diane has had both of them too!

Granny D's husband, my step-grandfather, made a misstep that led to a scene. You see, he knew what Mom looked like naked. The truth of it was that stumbled in while Aunt Kath and Andy were up at Granny's for a long weekend, along with Sandrine (longer story) and they were all playing strip truth-or-dare. Can you can believe it! I mean, Granny D and Aunt Kath are in their 60's for God's sake! Anyway, Rex made a comment about Mom's tits and bush within earshot of people who, for fuck's sake, were NOT family! I'll give you that Rex was pretty disoriented, but still. Dad and Andy had to move in and changed the topic, but you could see some raised eyebrows.

I didn't know who the bitch was, but she heard Rex's slip. She made right for Diane and me, loudly and dramatically proclaiming she was so glad lesbians didn't have to hide anymore! (Like we needed her fucking endorsement.) We endured it for a bit, but then she asked like we were now best friends: "Now, what was that Rex was saying about your mother, dear?"

I was already irritated with her. My hackles went up. I was on the verge of hissing obscenities at her, but Diane calmly shut her down: "I think Rex can be forgiven, under the circumstances, don't you?" And Diane pulled me away. "Time and place for everything, Pam," she whispered. "Let this one go."

I'm Pam, by the way, sorry for not introducing myself earlier.

But the bitch didn't give it up! I saw her pull Aunt Kath close. Kath looked startled, and then heel-stomped the bitch's foot! She pretended concern and remorse but grinned when the bitch limped away. I almost cheered out loud!

My sister Stephanie saw the stomp and retreat, but hadn't seen or heard what led to it. She made her way to me.

"Pammy, you know what that was about?" Steph whispered.

"Rex told Mom he especially loved her tits and bush because they reminded him so much of Granny D," I whispered, "and that bitch overheard it. She tried to get me to say something, and I'd bet she pulled the same shit on Aunt Kath."

"Oh shit," Steph shook her head. "You know who the bitch is, don't you?"

"Not a clue," I answered, "have we got a mess?"

"Used to be a society editor for the Trib, back in the dark ages. Now she specializes in online gossip," came Steph's reply. "Wouldn't surprise me to start reading that Mom and Rex were having an affair while Granny D was dying of cancer. It'd be just her style. Or lack of."

"Shit. Thoughts? How do we head this off?" I was feeling sick about the possibilities.

"Here's something," Diane offered. "How about we let her approach us again, and just say, "Well, if you think it's your business, and we definitely don't, why don't you ask Mom? Or Rex, for that matter?"

Diane continued: "Steph, you could prep your mom to say Rex had blundered in on her in the shower or something, OK? And Rex too."

"I'm on it," Steph agreed, "but the trick may be keeping Dad or Rex from decking the bitch."

We meandered our way near her path, and The Bitch couldn't resist a last try. She was more blunt this time. Steph had guessed right.

"When did you know your mother and grandfather were having an affair?" she demanded.

"You're getting that from Rex's comment!?" I shot back. "That's a demented fantasy! And before I went spreading that around, I'd sure ask either Mom or Rex about it. But you'd probably just rather nurture your little perverted lunacy, wouldn't you!" I was on a roll.

"And just because my grandmother is dead, don't think there aren't other attorneys just as sharp who'll sue your ass for libel. Go on—I dare you to go ask the only people who know. But don't be surprised if Rex decks you, you shriveled old bag of venom!" I was about to deck her myself. And I was loud enough that heads were turning and conversations stopped mid-sentence. Even without seeing her face, I could feel Diane cringing. I brought it back down.

"My apologies," I said, back in control. "Your assumption is way off the mark, and deeply insulting. If you really can't think of any other circumstance for family members to stumble on each other in a state of undress, either your experience or your imagination is hopelessly stunted. What I'd really suggest is that you admit the rumor you were spreading and offer apologies to my mother and grandfather!"

A man strode out of the crowd toward us. "Elinor!" he addressed The Bitch quietly through gritted teeth, "what the hell are you up to now?"

"She accused my mother and grandfather of having an affair," I explained, and quite calmly I thought.

"Oh my God. Get out of here mother, and keep your yap closed," he barked at her. "You have my sympathy," he continued, addressing Diane and me. "She's off in her fantasies again. I'll probably have to shut off her internet, but please—I'll speak with Rex. I'm so sorry."

The naked truth was all the rest of the Perfectly Normal gang on that truth-or-dare night (Rex, Granny D, Aunt Kath and Andy) really did have sex with each other! In fact, they continued having it right up until nearly the end. But Mom wasn't with them by then, she was off with Sandrine. Oh—Sandrine. That's Steph's mother-in-law. Sandrine and Rex had a fling after Steph's wedding while Granny D and Aunt Kath were off having their own fun. See—Perfectly Normal family!

Later Mom found me.

"Mom," I exclaimed, "did Steph . . ."

"Stephanie found me," Mom cut me off, "and I gather the moment has passed? I understand you gave an impressive talk!"

"Mom, . . ." I tried to continue, but she cut me off again and gave me a hug.

"I know—got the full report on, I think Steph said you named her "The Bitch? Anyway David, The Bitch's son, found us and apologized. He thinks he can block her, but no one who knows her believes her much anymore anyway. It's all good. Thanks for giving her a piece of the family mind."

"Well, it's not like . . ."

And that's when I almost blew it. It was on my mind to say, "not like YOU screwed Rex that night," but there were still ears tuned in! I recovered in time to add:

". . . you would have an affair with anyone, much less grandpa."

"He opened the door as I was stepping out of the shower. I should have locked the door—Granny was using the master and we were sharing a guest bath. Rex and I were alternating 12 hour shifts by that point. It was an awful time."

"I figured something like that. You didn't need to tell me."

Mom hugged me again—two fisted hug. I'm shorter, and Mom's tits rode up on my shoulders. I got a little flush of arousal. Perfectly Normal!

Rex's comment was right on the fucking target, by-the-way even if it was ill-timed. Mom and Granny D could have been twins if they'd been the same age. Both of them were really stacked, both of them had a full, thick bush, they shared facial features, and both were unabashedly horny bisexuals. I don't think Mom and Granny D ever got it on.

I have that over the two of them—Mom and I have gotten it on—twice! And with a lot of exclamation marks! I probably like it more than Mom—I had to really work to seduce her.

And as far as I know, Mom and Rex never connected, although I wouldn't be shocked if somewhere down the road Rex doesn't come down for an overnight or two with Mom and Dad. Perfectly Normal family thing to do, right?

That little spark from Mom's hug kept resonating. At very long last, all the hangers-on and conversations faded away, and it really was just family again. Our Perfectly Normal family.

"I've got to apologize for the boobs and bush comment, Nan," Rex said, shaking his head. "For a minute there, the world was somewhere else and it was just you and me. Crap, what a fuck-up."

I don't think I'd ever heard Grandpa drop the f-bomb, and I giggled a little.

"Grandpa! Language! Impressionable young ears present!" I teased.

"Impressionable young ears my hairy ass!" Rex shot back, relaxing and giving a small chuckle. "You've probably been up to more than I've ever thought about!"

I wasn't sure just how much Mom had shared with Rex and Granny D, but I thought I'd change the subject before I found out.

"Is it about time for dinner?"

"Hope you're hungry," Rex replied, "I'll call and tell them to get moving on the delivery. We should get home a little before they roll in."

"Who's catering?" Steph asked.

"The Berghoff!" Dad answered. "Granny D's favorite!"

"Oooo-Saurbraten?!" Steph asked eagerly.

"Ja!" Dad tried out his German "Und Spaetzel, und Rotkraut, und der schnitzel, und Mettwurst, und Knackwurst, und, uh—how do you say German Potato Salad?"

"Deutsche Bratkartoffeln, I think," Di offered. "Sounds yummy! Und Bier?" she added.

"Ja, viel bier!" Dad added.

"I didn't know you sprechened the deutsche, Dad!!" I grinned.

"There's a German engineer on staff at Denso," Mom explained. "Mostly he just knows how to cuss!"

"Nine, doctor Titten," Dad grinned, "Ich kenne viele Worter!" ("No, Dr. Knockers, I know many words." Diane had to translate for us.)

We loaded up and headed back to Granny D's house. Shit, Rex's house. This will take a while to get used to. Singular pronouns, and no more present tense for Granny D.

Sandrine welcomed us back with hugs. She'd been house-sitting for Rex. There were more floral arrangements that had come to the house rather than the funeral home, and she'd set the table for us.

Back at the house, Granny D's absence was still overwhelming. Generations 1 and 2-- Rex, Kath and Andy, Mom, Dad and Sandrine--were generally subdued, but stayed with it. Steph, Diane and I sure weren't giddy, but maybe less depressed.

The food was just right for the setting. Nothing formal or elegant, just very good and very filling. I was surprised to have a rising appetite. We traded lots of stories, some of which were stories of royal fuck-ups and bawdy memories and led us to laugh until tears rolled. even Rex and Kathy could laugh. We shared quiet, treasured memories of growing up, and about our larger-than-life Granny D. Denise—that was her real name. Or Dene, her childhood nickname, if Aunt Kathy was speaking. Kathy joined in on a few memories, but was certainly the most subdued.

Who could blame Kath, really. Granny D had been her closest friend all of her life. Their parents were neighbors when they were born, and they had been lovers since late high school—over 4 decades. On top of that, Kathy's older sister was in hospice care. Andy was at her side, also quiet, and looked ready to accommodate anything that would ease her heartache.

Mom had told me bits and pieces of their lives, Kath's and Granny's. Now that I wouldn't hear any more stories from Granny, I made myself a promise to spend time with Kathy and hear all she would tell me about herself and Granny and Uncle Chad.

As the evening drew to a close and we were heading upstairs, Diane gave me a shoulder hug and asked quietly: "So how are you doing?"

"I'm horny," I admitted, "does that surprise you?"

"Some. But then, you're you, so, not that much!" she said with a smile and a squeeze.

"Also tired," I admitted, "but when Mom hugged me after The Bitch was gone, I got a little tingle. It's been working on me."

In the room, we kissed, and Diane went off to the bath. I got out of my clothes and into a robe, waiting my turn in the shower. After a bit, there was a light knock on the door and Steph's voice said: "Pammy—you still up?"

"Sure Sis." I sighed internally, realizing this probably meant my last little bit of energy would go into "sister time" rather than Diane time.

"Hey," She said, coming in softly.

"Hi" I said, rising to give her a hug.

It had been ages since we'd had any time together, just the two of us. It suddenly felt good to feel her close. And since I've gone on a bit about our Perfectly Normal family, I'll add that no, Stephie and I never fooled around. She did stand watch so that Ginger and I could fool around—she knew I was a lesbo way before anyone else got wise, and kept it a close secret.

"Diane's awfully nice," she offered. "I really didn't get to spend much time with her at the wedding. She's very poised. And smart!"

"I really lucked out Stephie. She's just perfect. I love her so much—and she can usually keep me from fucking up too much!"

"And good in bed?" Stephie grinned.

"Very good in bed, not that it's any of your business," I said, smiling and giving her a poke on the shoulder.

"Well, you've got it better than me, then," she sighed.

"What?!? I thought you and Randy fucked like bunnies! Like, 20 times a day!"

"Don't know what it is. Married too long, maybe. Maybe he's getting some on the side like his dad. Anyway, if I can get it once a week, I feel lucky. And I'm usually not lucky."

"You think he's cheating on you?!?" I was flabbergasted.

"Something's sapped his libido—I'd be foolish not to consider it. And he thinks my tits are too big."

"Steph . . "

"I KNOW! But now I'm jealous of yours. Can you believe it? All those years you whined about me getting Mom's tits and you getting Dad's! Now he thinks I should get mine sliced and diced. Have you caught him staring at you? He does."

"He's never made a pass at me Steph, I can tell you that much." I tried to sound sympathetic. "He's never even tried to cop a sneaky feel in a tight hall."

"Shit. I get that all the time. You too?" Steph asked, "guys copping sneaky feels?" She seemed surprised that someone as flat-chested as me would draw sneaky feels.

"Girls too, but yeah. I'm sorry Steph."

"I'll get by. Plenty of good ol' vibes at hand," she tried to laugh, but didn't quite make it.

"Have you talked to Mom and Dad about it?" I asked.

"God NO!" she gasped. "Tell my parents I'm not getting laid often enough? I don't think so!"

"Well," I gently suggested, "I would. I mean, well listen—you actually had a lot to do with my coming out to them. Why did you tell me to tell them I'm gay (and by the way, it's more that I'm bi) when you can't muster the nerve to talk about yourself. They're pretty damned cool, you know? And while I'm at it, I kinda thought you already knew Mom was bi when you put the squeeze on me to come out. Did you?" I tried to keep any tone of accusation out of my voice.

"Well, yes. But not from talking to Mom. Sandrine told me. Do you know about that weekend up at Granny D's?" Stephanie asked.

"Yeah, between Mom and Aunt Kathy, I think I've got pretty much the whole story. Mom spent the night with Sandrine, right?" I replied. "So Sandrine came running back and told you?"

"Not right away. It was probably 6 months. Sandrine had been pretty open with us about her new lifestyle after the divorce. Did you know that Rex slept with her in Knoxville? Twice! Once after the rehearsal dinner, and again after my wedding!"

"I found that out pretty recently," I told her. "Pretty big shock for you? And for Randy I bet?!?"

"Shock might be an understatement," she agreed. "We were flabbergasted. She doesn't tell us any details ever, but she was clear that this was her decision, that she was happy with "the lifestyle" as she calls it, and that she hoped we'd get used to the idea."

"But we were talking about Mom some months after that," Steph continued, "and she just said, conversationally, 'Oh, I had a lovely time with her up at your Grandmother's house.' I pressed a little more, and she said "We enjoyed each other very much." Not "we enjoyed each other's company," just, "we enjoyed each other," and the way she said it made it clear. I went to see her once after that while Randy was out of town and got her drunk enough to spill the beans. I don't know if Mom knows I know. Sandrine may have told her."

"Hi," Diane called from the door as she came back in. She was wearing a thin, clingy night gown, and her nipples were very erect."I was just about to leave," Stephie said, getting up from the bed.

"I think you should stay a bit, Steph," I told her, looking at Diane while I spoke. "We're all headed home tomorrow, and I think we could use some more conversation."

Diane looked questioningly at Stephanie.

"What's wrong, Steph?" Diane asked, taking her hand.

"She's not getting laid, and thinks Randy might be cheating on her." I explained. (Nothing like a bratty little sister to spill the beans! Thus has it always been! )

"Oh, Steph, I'm sorry," Diane said, pulling her in for a tight hug.

Dammit. Di's tits were getting pressed into my sister's chest instead of mine!

Steph began to cry. Softly at first, then the sobs came-- great silent heaving sobs. She hardly made any noise at all, but she was hugging Diane for all she was worth and sobbing her heart out. When she finally calmed down some and released the hug, Di gave her another soft one and kissed her on the cheek.

Holy shit—Stephie's tits looked like she had plums on the tips! They were about to pop through her t-shirt!

"Steph?" I asked, "would you like a backrub like I used to give you?"

"Oh would you?" she asked, pleadingly.

"On the bed, Sis," I patted the mattress.

I scooted her shirt up her back and began rubbing lightly.

"Mmm. Feels good." Steph said, still with some emotion. She turned to Diane: "She used to give me backrubs to stand guard for her and her friend Ginger while they made out up in her bedroom."

"It wasn't always just for that," I complained, "I did it sometimes just because you liked it and I liked giving them to you."

"True enough," Steph answered.

I could feel her relaxing more. I went under her t-shirt all the way up to her shoulders and began using more pressure. Quietly, Diane handed me the lotion bottle and I pumped a squirt into my hand.

"Ooo—Cold!" Steph complained when I put it on her back. It warmed quickly.

"Let's get the shirt off so we don't get lotion on it," I suggested.

I could feel her tense, but then she began struggling out of it, still face down. Her boobs squished out from under her chest.

"I'm going to pull your waist band down a little too, OK hon?" I asked.

"Mmm" was all I got. I slid her waist band down to the top of her crack, and went back to work.

Steph was relaxing, but my mind was in overdrive. She had a very clear erotic response to Diane's hug. And I could smell a faint whiff of pussy as I worked on her. Steph wouldn't come out and say it, but I was pretty sure she was angling for some dyke dalliance, or at the very least playing with the idea! That was fine by me. Shoot, I'd have put the moves on her myself if I didn't think it'd freak her out. My incest inhibitions have long since gone away.

After about 10 minutes, I announced: "Hon, I've gotta pee. Can Diane take over for a little while?"

"If it's OK with her, sure. This feels really good."

I winked and nodded at Diane as she lotioned up. "She's hot for you!" I mouthed. Diane nodded and crooked her head questioningly. "Go for it!" I mouthed. You see, that's what people do in a Perfectly Normal family! If someone we love is horny, we help them out! I slipped out the door, shutting it firmly to signal my absence.

I stayed in the bathroom long enough for a pee and two poops and maybe some primping. I didn't have to go, but I stayed that long anyway! I slipped back into the room as noiselessly as I could.

AhHA! Score one for sisterly intuition! Steph was nude. Diane was nude. Both of them were breathing heavily. Diane was concentrating her massage on Steph's butt and slipping her hand down between her thighs! I slipped off my robe and kneeled beside the bed.

"Steph, honey," I whispered, "she'll be able to reach you better if you roll over."

Steph lifted her head and locked eyes with me in horror. She hadn't heard me come back in! I kissed her lightly and said: "It's fine. We love you. Roll over and let Diane give you a little magic."

Diane had, in fact, already worked a little magic! Steph's defenses were down. She rolled over and let Diane kiss her. Long, deep, tender kisses. Firm passionate kisses. Neck nibbles. Ear lobe bites. They were making out like teenagers!

Diane began kissing her way down Steph's slender body, pausing a long, lusty time at her breasts. Steph, really did get Mom's tits—she was stacked with a capital S. But there was also an abundance of erectile tissue under her areolas, and they were puffed out like little plums! Steph looked at me. She still looked worried, guilty.

"Good, isn't she?" I smiled.

Steph just closed her eyes and nodded. I took a nipple in my mouth too! She let me stay there. Diane began kissing Steph, working down her body. Steph had a little bit of the family treasure trail—a barely perceptible trail of fuzz from her navel down to her pussy, and a light, thin bush that she had shaved around her pussy. As Diane worked her way down, I stayed on Steph's nipples, rolling and pulling on one with my fingers, and sucking the other one with increasing lust. Her titties were way more than I could fit in one hand. Or two hands, for that matter. I felt my pussy getting wet.

Steph gave a small cry and a shiver. I glanced down--the reason was just as I thought it might be! Diane was licking her clit! I brought my face close to Steph's and kissed her lightly.

"Oh, Steph, you're gonna love this!" I whispered in her ear as I nibbled the lobe.

I kissed her deeply. Kissed my big sister with lots of tongue, lots of passion, and she was kissing me back! Fuckin'A! I was digging the shit out of this!

I could have made out with big sis for an hour, but she was in dire need of an orgasm even before she came in and Diane brought her thrashing and bucking over crest after crest. I'll bet she came 6 times in a row!

When she was finally spent, I began to see the telltale signs of "cum conscience" as Ginger called it. Or "post coital dysphoria" as a sex book might say. It's that period right after you cum when your normal sense of propriety returns and your brain screams: "What the fuck did you just do!!" Ginger said if a guy nutted while she was working on him in the strip club, 9 times out of 10 he'd be out the door in seconds!

Anyway, Steph started to get "that look," and I wanted to nip it in the bud.

"So, Sis, you liked that. Right?" She didn't say anything.

"You liked it a lot," I gently insisted. "But right now you're feeling like it's the most perverted thing you've ever done and you want to run out the door. But we love you, hon. Steph, we love you. We're so happy you let us make you feel good. So don't go beating yourself up over something so completely delightful. And Normal, Perfectly Normal."

She looked like a deer in headlights.

Diane gave it a whirl.

"God, Steph, that was awesome! You're such a delightful lover! I hope I did things the way you like. I adore your nipples! My God, they're fabulous," Diane reached over to caress Steph's nips as she continued "I could suck on them forever. I could just live with my face between those marvelous breasts. And your orgasms, they were so powerful! I thought you might pinch my finger off!" Diane threw in a small giggle at that.

"Pammy, uh, are you—I mean, I uh, with your wife. And, uh, we kissed. Pammy, this is weird." Steph seemed on the verge of tears.

"Oh, yeah we kissed! Boy did we ever! And I loved it! Yes—we shared my wife! And I love that too! I mean, I know what she can do for a girl, and I love it that you got to experience that too. So drop the worry. Oh, and I love your nips too. Yummy! I had no idea they puffed up like that! Did you like it when we played with them?"

" Jesus." Steph sighed, still shaking her head. "Fuck. I'm still not believing this."

She tried to work up something to say, but just fidgeted for a few minutes.

Finally: "Yes, to answer your question, I liked it when you played with my titties."

"And . . ." I gently prompted.

"And I liked it when Diane and I were, uh, you know--making out."

"And . . ."

"I liked it when she went down on me."

"And . . ." I pushed more.

"Oh, Lord. I liked it when you and I were were kissing. There. I said it. I liked making out with my sister."

She looked like she might cry again. Fucking cum conscience.

"YAY!" I said, "I liked making out with my sister too!"

She started to smile a little.

"Holy shit," she pronounced.

"So what's it mean, that we like it?" Stephanie wondered.

"Well, it means that we're a Perfectly Normal family," I answered.

"You've got a way to go before I believe that one," Steph grinned, "but God help me, I did like it."

"Good! Then kiss me again!" She did. A peck at first. Then firm lips. Then a little tongue. Then we were making out full on!

"Can I play with your titties, Sis?" Steph asked.

"I sure wish you would!" I replied and positioned my itty-bittys a little higher.

"How should I do it?" Steph asked, shyly.

"Do her like you'd enjoy it yourself," Diane suggested, adding "what you did with mine was lovely, but there probably isn't any wrong way."

"Well, I like it like this," Diane said, and began using her teeth on my nipple. She bit firmly at first, but not painfully. Then she grabbed my other tit and squeezed really hard while she sucked powerfully on the first one. The surprise flooded my already damp pussy! Then she bit down hard, pulled it taut and shook my tit with her teeth.

"Wowzer!" I exclaimed, reflexively drawing my knees up.

"Too much?" she asked. (Only it sounded like "Ooo uch?" because her teeth were clinched!)

"Too much if you don't start finger fucking me and get me off right fucking now!" I growled.

"Alrighty then," she said releasing my nipple and running her hand firmly down through my bush. She quickly latched back on my tit with toothy suction.

She slid fingers up my pussy, right to my G-spot, and used the heel of her hand on my clit. She moved across my chest to my other tit and bit forcefully while she gripped the spit-shiny abandoned nipple between her knuckles and twisted—hard. It hurt like crazy but I was too close to an orgasm to give a shit—it was all working together!

And then I lost any semblance of control—my body convulsed all on its own and I bit into Steph's shoulder to keep from a scream that would have brought the rest of the house crashing through our door!! It seemed to last forever!!!

When I finally stopped convulsing, Steph was still biting hard and twisting, and I had to stop her.

"Jesus, Steph!"

We panted on the bed for a while.

"You OK?" Steph asked me.

I looked at the teeth marks in my tits, then at my sister.

"Hon, if we'd discovered this when we lived at home, neither one of would have left!" I panted. "But that hurt like Hell! I can't believe it accelerated my orgasm! You like the pain?"

"Once I'm turned on, I adore it! Sometimes I use those bulldog clips on my nipples when I'm masturbating. When I'm close, I yank them off suddenly, without opening them up. Talk about a shot of pain! I've even been thinking about getting them pierced so I can fasten something to the rings and pull. And while we're on true confessions, I like getting spanked too. Hard, with a paddle. But I can't do that myself."

"Honey, you should have been having heart-to-hearts with Granny D. Really. And you absolutely HAVE to go see Aunt Kathy. Maybe not right away, cuz Granny's death has really hit her hard and Jan is about to die too, but sometime, OK?"

"You're saying I come by my perversions genetically?" Steph looked puzzled.

"You and me both, sweetie," I grinned, "but now I really am all used up. Will you be OK on your own?"

"Oh, sure," Stephie answered, pretending to be unphased by what we'd just done. "I'll just toddle on off to bed." She turned for the door.

"Steph?" I called, "might want to take your clothes!"

"Oh shit!" she said, blushing and scooping them up. She peeked out the door, then ran down the hall without dressing.

"Well!" Diane said after she was gone.

"Yeah, didn't see that coming!" I answered.

"I think we just recruited one more for the girls team," Diane grinned.

"Hope she stays with it," I offered, "but honey, I've got nothing left. Ready for bed?"

Diane spooned me and we slept, deeply contented, until we heard people in the hall the next morning. As I stretched myself awake, I felt some soreness in my tits. I looked down to find them bruised! What a fucking hoot! Well, if Steph liked that, she was sure going to get the bruises on our next encounter!!

Kathy and Andy had already left, I found, and so had Sandrine, so it was just Mom and Dad, Rex and Stephie that we found downstairs.

"Good morning sleepyheads," Mom greeted us. "Nothing fancy—Sandrine set us up with fruit and coffee cake. And I made a fresh pot when I heard you stirring."

I poured for Diane and me while she fixed us a plate. I couldn't read Stephie. She was just standing at the counter sipping at her coffee, checking her cell phone.

I set the cups on the table and leaned over to give Mom a hug.

"Mom I'm sorry to lay this on you—but if you can, you need to talk with Steph," I whispered, "she thinks Randy may be cheating on her and we had sex with her last night."

Bless her, Mom just gave a slight nod. "Love you too, baby" was all she said.

"Mom's going to stay here and help Rex with Granny D's things for a couple of weeks," Dad announced. "I'm going to start back in a little while. You two want to ride with me? You could probably change your tickets to fly out of Knoxville instead of O'Hare. And I wouldn't mind having some help with the driving."

I almost teased him that he only wanted to get in Diane's pants! He undoubtedly did, and maybe mine too, but I didn't think Steph was ready to hear that, assuming she was still in the dark about our Perfectly Normal family orgys.

I looked at Diane, getting a small smile and a nod. I knew that smile. She was thinking it was time for some dick!

"OK Dad, that actually sounds pretty good. Can we do two days enroute? I don't think I want to do it in one."

"Steph," I asked, causing her to look up from the paper. "Do you have anything scheduled at home?"

"Oh, Steph, if you don't, could you stay here with me a day or two?" Mom interjected. " I can manage, but I'd love to have the time with you."

"Damn Mom," I thought to myself. "Are we a team or WHAT!" I mean, if she hadn't jumped in, I would have set up a trip to see Stephie at home, but I hoped Mom would take the opening like she just did.

"I guess so," Stephie agreed, "Randy is still at that damned conference through the end of the week, so there's nothing I need to be home for."

I caught Stephie as Diane and I were leaving.

"Are you still OK with last night?" I asked, "because I'm still thrilled, in spite of my aching nipples!"

"Not quite, to be honest," Steph admitted. "But I can't get out of knowing I liked it. I'm just not sure I can do it again."

"All up to you, Sis," I assured her. "I love you. But do this for me, OK? Screw up your courage and tell Mom you're worried about Randy. And tell her about Di and me last night. I absolutely promise you it's the right thing to do, OK? Honestly-just like you pushed me into coming out, I'm telling you you'll be glad you did. We have the coolest parents in the universe. Promise?"

"I'll try. Can't promise." Steph demurred.

"Tell you what—ask her to tell you my pussy licker story. She'll know what that means. One of my most embarrassing moments, but it'll break the ice, OK?"

"OK—you've got me hooked with that one," she said, shaking her head and smiling. "I'll do my best."

I hugged her and gave her a light, sisterly kiss on the cheek. As we parted, she pulled me back and gave me a real kiss.

"I love you too, kid," she told me.

You don't want to hear about the night on the road with Dad and Diane, do you?

You DO??

Well, bless your perverted little souls. Really—just normal carrying ons for a Perfectly Normal family. I mean given the opportunity, whose Daddy wouldn't fuck his little girl and her wife! Oops, might have given it away!

We got away from Evanston about Noon, and avoided the worst of the Chicago traffic. Our plan was to drive until we'd had about enough of it, then stop for the night. A one-day drive would have been doable, but it's about 9 hours but there just wasn't any need to push that hard. Besides, even though Dad didn't say so, I knew he wouldn't turn down at least a blow job from my sweet wife! And I wouldn't say it out loud either, but the same went for me! It had been well over a year since the last time I'd had any dick (his, in fact) and I was ready for another taste.

About 6 that evening (lost an hour to the time zones) we ended up stopping at a hotel close to the Cincinnati airport. Dad got two rooms in spite of our protest, but they had a pass-through! After check-in and a quick freshen up, we headed straight across the parking lot to a restaurant. Di and I had taken off our bras during our "freshening." Dad's eyes flickered on our chests as we met him and he gave us a crooked smile.

"I got the most curious text from Mom," he said as we headed to dinner.

"Oh?" I asked encouraging him to elaborate.

"Yeah. She said Steph asked for the pussy licker story, and that she wants to hear all about our evening."

"I don't see that there'd be much to tell about from an evening with a Perfectly Normal family like ours," Diane grinned. "I wonder whatever is on her mind?"

"Why would Stephie want to know the pussy licker story," Dad asked, raising his eyebrow into his hairline and staring at me.

"Well, Diane and I might have initiated her into the Perfectly Normal part of our Perfectly Normal family last night," I explained. "And Stephie thinks Randy might be cheating on her."

"I'll strangle the little asshole!" Dad fumed.

"Anyway, I told Steph to talk with Mom about Randy, AND about making love with her little sister. Stephie was going to be too bashful, I knew, so I told her to ask Mom about the pussy licker story to break the ice. Goody that she did! I'm hoping it worked. And Daddy—why would Mommy want a full report on tonight? Hmm? 3 people sleeping in a hotel sounds pretty boring," I teased.

"She was onto you two the minute you asked for a 2-day trip, you braless hussies!" Dad grinned.

Diane flashed him!! Right in the middle of the fucking parking lot she yanked up her shirt and shook her tits at him! That's really not like Di—she had to be seriously fucking horny.

"Well for God's sake tell Mom to watch out if Stephie wants to play with her tits," I warned. " She about bit mine off last night!"

Dinner was typical Applebee's fare. Di and I each had a couple of drinks and jollied Dad into a third. He took more and more time staring at our tits! I unbuttoned my top two and tried to prop my tits on the table to push up what cleavage I could muster. I casually put my hand on his leg, and gave his crotch a squeeze every so often. He had a nice hardon. He walked behind me as we left. Good thing the hotel was close!!

Back in the rooms, all coy flirting fell away. Di and I were ready to strip off and get busy, but Dad said he wanted to slow it down. We humored him. He was hot enough that he didn't fuss at all over the prospect of doing me, thank goodness. Maybe he knew it was useless to protest, or maybe our Perfectly Normal relationships were really beginning to feel OK with him! We took turns slowly undressing him, then letting him strip us, one piece at a time. Actually, it didn't take long—we were both commando. The shower was a typical bathtub/shower arrangement—not big enough for all 3 of us. We washed him first, then let him watch as we lathered each other.

At Diane's urging, I had let my bush grow out. Just like Granny D, I had a wide treasure trail ascending from my pubis up over my navel and disappearing just before it climbed between my breasts. Mom has a great bush too, and Dad loves it, but she had her trail lasered. This was the first time he'd seen mine grown out and he kept staring.

"So what do you two vixens have planned for this feeble old man?" Dad asked.

"Let's think about this," Diane cooed. She led him to the bed and pushed him down on his back.

"I think, for starters," she continued as she swung her leg over him, " I'd like to try, . . ." she paused, taking his stiff dick and rubbing it on her dripping slit,


She slammed herself down on him, gasped, stayed there, and began smiling.

"If that's OK with you," she added, grinding her pussy around on his cock.

Dad whimpered and Di began gently bouncing up and down.

I moved beside the bed and kissed him. Slowly, keeping the pace with Di's gentle rhythms, I flicked and lightly pinched his nipples, then sucked the near one. He whimpered some more.

"Hey there, ya old pussy licker," I said as I kissed his mouth again, "time to do what you do, yes?"

"Climb aboard, baby. Let's give you a ride."

And with that I planted my furry pussy on his face and felt his tongue go to work!

This, by the way, was how he won my mother's heart! He ate her out on their 2nd date and she never looked for another guy! I was drunk enough the night I heard that story that I stuck my head in his bedroom and said: "Good work, ya' ol' pussy licker!" or words to that effect. The next morning I was mortified. I really hoped I'd just dreamed it but no, I said it all right. The nickname seemed to stick within our Perfectly Normal family.

After diving between Mom's thighs those years ago, Dad had perfected his skills! He probably knew Mom's triggers, responses, etc. best, but what he was doing on me had my eyes rolled back in my head and throaty moans filling the room. Then without warning, he came!

"Damn!" he exclaimed. "Didn't mean to do that yet."

Pulling his head out from between my legs, he said to Diane: "Oh, Diane, I'm afraid I've made a terrible mess. Would you let me clean that up for you?"

And then to me: "Honey, if you could suck me back hard again, we'll pick back up where I left off."

And with that, he swung around with his head under Di's pussy and HER eyes rolled back!!

I confess being a little miffed at him for bailing out on MY pussy, but hey—the evening was still young, and I knew he could get it up again! We had a weekend retreat after our first playtime that proved I could!

Sucking dick was still a fairly new experience for me. I'd done a gay friend just to see what the fuss was about, but doing Ginger's dad and then mine one very horny night in a big group was the first time it had seemed hot. So I wasn't confident in technique, but I enjoyed sucking the combination of Diane and Dad off of his deflating cock.

Clearly, I wasn't completely inept, because within 5 minutes—about the time Diane howled and quivered and convulsed—he was hard again!

With a grin, Dad asked her: "So was that OK, Di?"

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," Was all she could get out at first. But then she found enough breath to give an order:

"Go do that to Pam!"

"Baby?" Dad asked, "shall I pick up where I left off?"

"No, Daddy! Fuck me first! Then eat me! Just like Di!"

"Ride 'em cowgirl!" Dad invited. I straddled his hips, rubbed his cock head up and down my slit, teased my clit with it and sank slowly, slowly down, savoring every millimeter of the penetration!.

I do like the difference between a dick and a Feeldoe! Our imitation dicks might have been bigger, and when we use them as strapons we get lots of body contact, but "There ain't nothin' like the real thing," as the song says!

I set up a moderate rhythm, rising and falling gently on his dick, and locked eyes with Daddy.

"Baby, I love that you've let your bush grow. That treasure trail is almost enough to make me cum without even being in your pussy," Daddy said. Then with a note of concern, "Stephie did that to your titties?"

"Yeah. It was hot at the time, but they're pretty tender tonight." I admitted. "Diane told her to just play with them like she'd want her own done, and I guess this is what gets her going!"

Casual conversation with my dad while I did a slow fuck, cowgirl. Wow! Diggin' this shit!

"Daddy," I continued, still keeping up my gentle fuck, "does Stephie know I have sex with you and Mom?"

"Well, she didn't before tonight. I don't know if Mom will go that far with her. I suspect not. Mom's still pretty emotional about Granny. I don't think she'll add another layer. But it'll be good for both of them to talk." Dad was breathing heavier.

"Dad, you don't seem as bent out of shape about making it with me tonight. You just super horny? Or are you beginning to see the charm in having sex with your baby girl? Hmm"

"Yes to all!" Dad's state of arousal was already apparent (A Parent—get it, yuk, yuk) in his voice. "I'm hornier than a billy goat. Mom's been up there for nearly a month, and Frank and Dory are in Greece. And looking back I don't seem to have fucked you up by fucking you--up, down and sideways, so it's easier. And you're a super hot babe. Kinda all fits!"

"Oooo, Daddy, you say the sweetest things," I said , adding "brace youself!"

I went into "frenzy fuck" mode—I raised up until his dick was almost out, and slammed back down, and kept doing that as fast as I could for as long as my legs held out. But after nutting in Diane, Dad was a machine now, and he took everything I could dish out. Finally I had to swing off, and command, "Fuck me doggy style!"

Oooo, boy! Dad's so much heavier and more muscular than Di. He gripped my waist and fucked me with the same energy I'd been putting into him! I came twice, but he kept going! We must have gone at least 10 minutes that way—full out pounding, every thrust jarring my whole body. My little tits shook like crazy and I felt the bruises as the skin pulled. Finally, finally, he pushed in and stayed and I could feel him convulsing in my pussy! We collapsed on the bed, panting.

"Wowzer, Daddy. That was sommmmme fucking!" I panted.

"I still owe you a pussy licking baby," Dad gasped, but he didn't move.

"How 'bout I tag in?" said Diane. "You ready for a little lady lovin', sweetie?" Diane leaned over to kiss me on the forehead.

"Why, yes! Yes I am, lover, whatcha got?"

Diane didn't say a word, but slid up between my legs and began kissing my inner thighs. She knows how I love that! As I began to get a 2nd wind from the workout with Dad, I reached down to caress her head while she worked on me. It didn't take long before I pulled her into my well-fucked pussy. She began licking up the juices, then went to work on my next orgasm. That didn't take long either! Sensing my readiness, she went straight to the coup d'grace—sucking hard on my clit while she ran 3 fingers in to my g-spot and pressed hard! I came with a sharp, full-throated "AHHHHHH!" and my body curled up to a near-fetal position as Diane's work carried me over the top.

No one spoke for a while—we were just exhausted!

Finally, I asked: "Anyone got cum conscience?"

"Not me," Di answered, "You?"

"Not me," I answered, "Dad?"

"A little bit, but I'm OK. Thank you both—I really needed that."

"So—I'm gonna have to work at seducing you next time if you're not riding a month of abstinence?" I asked.

"Honey, you're always going to have to make the first move. And I'm always going to feel a little odd afterward, but you sure seem to like it, so it's not as hard as it used to be."

"Dunno, Daddy—seemed pretty hard to me! Both times!" I laughed!

Dad shook his head and chuckled.

"Alright you two—give me kisses and let's say goodnight!"

We each gave him a goodnight kiss. He gently stroked my bruised boob and shook his head, then headed back to his room.

No excitement the next day—we got back on the road after the hotel's comp breakfast. Dad drove on past the Oak Ridge exit and dropped Diane and me at McGee Tyson for our flight on back to Raleigh-Durham, then headed on to his office at Denso to check in.

I hadn't heard anything from Mom or Steph, but didn't want to press things. They would sort through whatever seemed appropriate to Mom's grief and Steph's worries. But I was mighty curious.

I let a week go by at home without hearing a peep from Mom or Steph either one. Honestly, I was pretty busy—classwork—and Diane was neck deep in work that came in while we were in Chicago. I, at least, had Christmas break coming up. I'd spend most of it researching and writing, but the final would at least be out of the way for another semester. Still, I was being distracted more and more wondering about Stephanie, and finally called Mom.

"Hi Pam!" Rex's voice greeted me on Mom's cell. "Nan's got her hands in a meatloaf, how's life at Duke? Keeping busy?"

"Ugh. Busy doesn't even begin," I groaned. "But how are you, Rex. You've been on my mind."

Rex gave a pretty honest summary—he was taking care of things that needed attention, letting Mom sort and deal with Granny's things, and enjoying having her fuss over him. He admitted not sleeping well, but didn't want meds to help with that yet. He said evenings were the worst—the time when he and Granny would unwind together and compare their days. He said he and Mom were spending a lot of time on pictures and memories. I suspected Mom was putting off her own grief with lots of busyness. He said she'd be coming home at the end of the week.

"And not a peep from The Bitch, by-the-way, if that's been on your mind, at least not that's reached my ears," Rex concluded. "Hey, Nan's washing up. Hold on—here she is."

"Hey sugar," Mom greeted me, "how's life?"

I gave her a quick summary before asking, "So—Stephie?"

"Oh, hon, I'm not sure I handled that very well," Mom sighed.

"You did fine!" I heard Rex holler in the background.

"I'm sorry Mom. I shouldn't have dumped that on you. Was it awful?"

"No, not awful. And I think it was good you set it up. I'm just not sure how wisely I handled it," Mom sighed again. "When she asked me for the pussy licker story, I got out the wine. I thought she might need to loosen up some before she started hearing about her parents' sex life! 'Two big glasses and :30 minutes, then we'll talk' I told her."

"She said she didn't think she remembered my ever getting her drunk before," Mom laughed. "I told her she'd never asked me about my sex life before!"

"So far, so good, Mom," I giggled, "not sure I would have been quite as forthcoming that night without the vino."

"So I told her about getting head, told her about my roommate and being bi—she seemed to already know that, by-the-way-and told her about your nickname for Dad. I did NOT go on to detail about our times with you and Diane."

"OK-I wondered about that, but how did Stephie take it? Did she talk about me and Diane?" I pressed.

"I think she was OK with stuff about me and Dad. She agreed that we shared a delight at getting head, and said that Randy would do her sometimes. I gave her another glass and she asked me some about Mom and Aunt Kathy."

"She likes getting spanked," I confided, "so I hinted that Granny D and Aunt Kath were into that too. Oh, and Mom, if you and Stephie ever get it on, watch out for her teeth—she left marks!"

"Don't see that happening, hon, but thanks for the heads up. Anyway, she wasn't saying anything about her night with you and Diane, or about Randy, so I asked directly what was on her mind. Then I just listened and it all came pouring out. I didn't do much more than encourage her to keep talking and give her hugs. I was just out of motherly advice."

"Mom, I think that's what she needed most—to pour her heart out to you. Did you tell her it was OK to make it with her little sister though?" I pleaded.

"She was mortified telling me that," Mom agreed, "so of course I told her it was fine. I said she was a grown woman, and that she was free to enjoy her body, or yours. She seemed pretty shocked I thought that, and I'm not sure she fully believed me. But mostly she was worried about how to draw Randy back into the bedroom. She worried about being too kinky for him. The spanking, you think?" Mom asked.

"She likes really rough, painful, nipple play too," I said, "my bruises are just now starting to fade. If we ever get together, I'll see if I can't deliver some to her! You ought to see her nips when she's turned on, Mom! They swell up like little plums on top of those awesome hooters! Got me really hot! Diane too! Don't know if she likes other BDSM stuff—but I wouldn't be surprised."

"Are she and Randy coming home for Christmas?" I continued.

"I think so," Mom replied. "Are you and Diane still planning to be back?"

"Absolutely!" I assured her.

"Good!" Mom exclaimed. "Oh, Rex says he's planning to head downstate to see Kathy and Andy for Christmas. I'm glad—I think it will be good for both of them. Kathy's dealing with Jan's estate now."

"Mom," I ventured tentatively, "Did you and Rex, um, --I mean, ---, did you?"

"No, baby, I've never made it with Rex. Or Mom, for that matter. Though after our time together, I kind of regret not getting it on with Mom. Listen, hon, I've gotta go. Be good—call your sister, huh?"

"OK—bye Mom. Love you! See you soon!"

"Bye honey. Love you too. OH—by-the-way, thanks for taking care of Dad on the way home. He said you and Diane were delightful traveling companions and he's looking forward to Christmas!"

"You got a full report?" I asked.

"He ate and fucked you both was the report, AND got a parking lot flash from Diane! Sound accurate?" Mom laughed.

"Right on, Mom!" I agreed, "Bye!"

God, what a treasure a Perfectly Normal relationship with your mom can be!"

Still two days till my final—I called Stephie.

"Can you talk?" I asked when she picked up the phone. There was a long pause.

"Sure," she finally said.

"Love you?" I offered.

"Love you too Pammy," her voice caught.

"Is Randy there?" I asked.

"N0. Allegedly another business trip, the HQ in Savannah, but mostly it's not." She said, with disgust in her voice.

"Steph, what's going on. Spill. Tell me what's happening," I commanded, as gently as I could.

"I found his phone open and read some texts. He's seeing someone for sex," Stephie said. I couldn't quite read her tone. Somewhere between anger, sorrow and disgust. Maybe a mixture of all three.

"Oh, hon. I'm so sorry. Have you confronted him yet?" I wanted to know.

"I'm trying to get a grip on myself. I don't know exactly what I want yet. I'm just glad we don't have kids yet."

"You think you'll dump him?" I asked.

"Maybe. I just really want to know why," Steph said. "I need to know why he needs someone besides me."

"Want me to beat the truth out of him?" I offered. "You know I can!"

"HA! Thanks," she actually gave a genuine laugh, "but if anyone is going to beat his ass, I think I'd rather do it myself."

"Well, call me, huh? Keep me up. When's he due back from his 'business' trip?"

"Not until Saturday. Makes me think it's Monkey Business on tap for Friday night—he could be back here easy." Steph grumbled.

After I hung up, a plan began to form in my mind. I was about to poke my nose in. I let it simmer for another day, then talked it over with Diane. What I wanted was the straight scoop from Randy. Why I thought I could get at it better than Stephie, I'm not sure, but I was pretty sure I could peel back his deceptions. Diane had reservations, but she was on board. She was worried I'd fuck up my relationship with Steph, especially if it didn't work. I thought I'd be able to beg forgiveness, and that there was even some chance I could fix whatever was wrong.

I sent a text: "Randy—if you want to save your marriage, get your ass up here to Durham Friday. No excuses. I'm offering one chance to help you. Don't fuck this up. Pam"

I figured if he offered some lame excuse, I'd just haul my ass down to Charlotte and stake out his car. My final was Thursday, and it was only 2 hours or so. That worked the other way too—easy for him to drive up here.

I got a return text: "Save my marriage? WTF are you talking about!"

"I mean I know you're getting laid on your trips. Don't pretend. Don't fuck with me Randy. Just get your ass up here! And if you know what's good for you, don't tell Steph yet."


That was it—just "OK." So far so good. I tried with some success to wall that off and do the last prep for my final.

It was earlier than I'd expected when I heard a car door slam outside our house. Diane was still at her office. Randy looked worried, guilty, beaten.

"In the house, buster," I ordered, and motioned him toward the back. "Downstairs!" I pointed toward the basement door."

The basement was half unfinished utility space, but the other half was a nice, very quiet den. An uninterruptable place for ernest conversation.

"Now strip!" I ordered.

"What?!? No—"

"Clothes off! No questions. We're going to get to the naked, unvarnished truth, and you're going to strip. Now!"

"Pam, I can't—"

"You can and you will!" I interrupted. And then in a softer voice, "I'll strip too. No secrets either way."

And I shrugged off my sweats, naked underneath, still glaring at him.

"Strip!" I barked. And he did.

Surprise number one—he had what looked like small burn marks around his nipples.

Surprise number two—he was wearing panties.

Surprise number three—his ass cheeks were bruised and had red welts.

"Good," I said. "Now sit. You talk and I'll listen. You can trust me, you know that. The only comfort I'll offer is that you're not going to shock me or embarrass me, and that I want you and Steph to be a couple—not an ex-couple. No bullshit. Start with the first time you got any strange."

He sat without saying anything for a while. I just drilled him with my eyes.

"It's complicated," he began. "He's my boss. And he has pictures."

He had trouble choking it out in the beginning, but then it all came flooding out. His boss and his wife put Randy up on business trips, and treated him to dinners, drinks and lavish praise. The wife was a cock tease, but Randy never bit until one night when the boss said he had to make a flying trip to a satellite office in Roanoke and took off before dinner. Randy finally gave in and had an affair with the wife which, as it turned out, was the plan. It was videoed from many angles. After they'd been at it for a couple of hours, in walked the boss and played the tapes. Blackmail. Randy became their bitch and the BDSM stuff started. Worse, he discovered he liked being a sub! He liked being whipped, burned, fucked up the ass, having his balls kicked, and all of it was filmed. Now the couple were pressuring him to bring Stephie down so they could fuck her too. Randy was about at his wit's end.

Fuck. Didn't expect that.

"Randy, thanks," I said. "That can't have been easy. Good for you. There's a way out—that's the good news. And I promise you it won't be as bad as you think. We're a strong family, Randy, and we're going to solve this as a family. You're not alone. We're going to tell Stephanie everything, and she's going to be on your side. And your BDSM kinks really aren't a problem, but we'll get to those later. Just know that those videos are powerless against our family. For now, we're going to call Stephie and have her come over here, OK?"

"Bullshit!" Randy looked worried. "You think Steph is going to just roll with this?"

"Oh, she might need to do some of the things you've developed a taste for, but yeah, she'll be on your side," I assured him.

He shook his head in disbelief.

"That's some bush, Pam," he said, changing the subject.

"You like it?" I said brightly. "Stephie got Mom's boobs, I got her bush. Lucky for me it turns Diane on!"

I heard the door shut upstairs as Diane got home.

"Downstairs," I called, "but strip first. Randy's down here having an ultimate truth session with me."Randy looked panicked. "Don't worry—she's really cute. Nicer tits than mine, too!"

"Not what I was worried about," Randy said, shrinking to cover himself as Diane descended the sairs.

"Show her your poor ass, babe," I told Randy.

I gave Diane a summary, and she gave Randy a hug, light kiss and a sympathetic smile.

"You two get dressed and come on up," Diane told us, "and let me guide the path for a while."

As we emerged from the den, Diane had Stephie up on a video call.

"Here they come, Steph," Diane said and summoned us into camera range. "Pam," Diane addressed me, "you might want to explain how Randy came to be with us this afternoon."

"I'm all ears," Steph said, and she looked as pissed as she sounded.

"Honey, I'm sorry. I went and stuck my nose in." I began.

"Stuck it in what, or should I say whose!" Steph said sharply.

"Just metaphorically, hon. I made Randy come up here and tell me why he's ignoring my sexy sister. And he did. And hon, there's room for you to be pissed at him, but this is going to be OK, I promise. A video conference isn't the place to tell it though. Can you come over to our place? Or we can come to you, but I think it would be better if you could come to be with us."

Randy and Steph lived in Fayetteville, not a terrible drive.

"Trust me," I urged, "this is the right thing to do.

"Diane?" Steph asked, looking for confirmation.

"Honey, yes. Absolutely. Please come," Diane encouraged.

"OK, then. I'll throw a few things in and get started."

A little later I got a text: "Did you say anything to him about us? Anything?"

"No, not a word. Glad you're coming." I replied.

She got in about 8 that evening, not looking much more cheerful than she had in the video conference. I brought her into the kitchen where Diane and Randy were seated. Diane rose to greet her with a hug. Randy stood, but Steph didn't move toward him.

"Well?" she demanded of me.

Diane spoke: "Randy, let's let these two have a little time, OK. Why don't you come down to the den with me."

Randy seemed relieved and followed.

"You're going to need a drink, sis," I said. "Merlot?" That was her favorite.

"Scotch, I think. Up." Came the reply.

I poured a double Glenlivet. She downed it in two gulps and I refilled. She began sipping. We sat in awkward silence for what seemed like forever before she spoke.

"So tell me what's up, Pam. I'm beginning to feel the scotch hit."

"Some of it's going to hurt, honey. And you're not going to want to do what I think we should at the first. But we're going to have an absolutely open and honest discussion, all of us, and you're going to love Randy in the end."

"So, did you and Diane fuck him too?" She asked, almost without emotion.

"No, babe. Not even close. But I did make him strip. It helped him get the truth out. I want you to strip too before we get started."

"The hell." Steph snorted and drained the rest of the scotch, shoving the glass at me for a 3rd refill. I set the bottle away.

"Enough, I think. Let's go on down."

Without saying anything else, I stripped off and guided her to the stairs.

Diane and Randy were nude too, like we'd already arranged. Steph was startled to see that, then began noticing the marks on Randy's chest.

"Turn around, hon," Diane urged.

"What the fuck!" Steph exclaimed when she saw the welts. "What happened?"

"Steph, honey, let's get you naked, OK?" Diane urged. "I know it seems really odd, but trust us, it helps get at the truth—at the things that are hard to say. If we're all in the buff, nothing to hide, right?"

Steph looked shell-shocked. But Diane's gentle manner, the surprise of Randy's beaten ass, and the fact that all of us were already starkers got through and she began peeling out of her clothes.

"Ok," she said as she slid her panties off, "what the hell is going on."

"It's been Steve and Jeanine," Randy began.

Steph just nodded to go on.

"I, uh, well, Jeanine has always been bawdy, you know, and uh, well—I got drunk one night at their place and she, uh, well—we had sex. I'm so sorry, Steph, I truly am. But what's been happening since then is even worse. The two of them had set me up and videoed us, Jeanine and me. Steve was supposed to be gone for the night but he was in the next room. They've been blackmailing me."

"Blackmailing you to do what, exactly!" Steph snorted.

"Well, that night, Steve made me suck his cock," Randy admitted, "And then Jeanine fucked my ass with a dildo. They call me their little slut bitch. They said if I didn't become their slave, they'd show you the videos."

Stephanie sank back in her chair, slack-jawed.

"And this happens every time you go down to Charlotte?" Stephanie asked.

"Almost every time. But even if I don't have to go to their house, I have to wear panties in the office, and keep a butt plug up my ass—Steve checks to make sure I'm "appropriately dressed."

"What do they make you do?" Steph was incredulous.

"I have to strip and wear a dog collar and leash when I get there. Some of the time I'm chained up, just waiting. Sometimes they make me try to do things I can't do, like balance on one foot while they push at me, and then I get punished if I fail. And I always fail, so then they'll hurt me."

"Like how? Like caning your ass, I guess, huh? But what are those marks on your chest?" Steph continued.

"Yeah. There's a whole collection of paddles and whips and canes. They use clamps on my dick, they hang weights from my balls, sometimes they kick my balls. These marks are from a soldering iron."

"So, sis, he was really digging himself in a hole, trying to hide that first affair from you. If you can forgive him for that, you guys have a chance, I think."

Steph had tears running down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry, Randy. I wish you'd told me. Yes—I forgive you for the affair. I actually kind of have to." Steph sobbed.

Randy looked relieved. And puzzled, but he stayed quiet sensing Steph was working up to saying more.

"I've had an affair too, Randy, Oh God, I did too. And God help me, I want to do it again," she added, looking at me.

"I made love with Pammy and Diane," she confessed.

"I—I—" Randy stammered, "I didn't know you, uh, that you had a thing for, uh girls. That's OK, I mean, but, oh Stephie, do you really mean it! Are we OK! I want us to be OK. I miss what we had before—before—"

"Jeanine raped your ass?" Stephie completed the thought. "Did Steve fuck you too?"

"Oh, yeah. Every time. That's how it always ended up after they punished me—Steve would fuck my mouth while Jeanine fucked my ass, then Steve would fuck my ass for a while and shoot a load in my mouth. Or sometimes I'd have to eat Jeanine's pussy while Steve pounded my ass."

The way he said it, so matter-of-fact, made me intensely sad, and then boiling mad.

"Did they ever let YOU get off, baby?" Diane asked Randy.

"Sometimes they made me jack off, but it was only so they could make me eat my own cum," Randy explained.

"Tell her about what they wanted you to do next, Randy." I encouraged, "about Stephie."

"They wanted to trade you for my freedom. I guess they were getting bored with me. They said if I'd bring you down for a week of sex with them, I'd be released from my "contract" as their slave. I wouldn't do it. That's when Jeanine got out the soldering iron. She said my dick was next, and to think about her generous offer."

"Oh, baby," Steph went to him now, "I just can't imagine."

"The thing is, Steph, that I got used to all of it. I kind of liked being dominated. I liked sucking Steve's cock, I liked the little punishments I got—it really got me revved up. I didn't like the first time Jeanine fucked my ass, but I got used to that, and to Steve's dick too. After a while, I didn't have to pretend to like it any more. But I was terrified of having you see those videos. Odd how silly that seems now." Randy confessed.

"I never liked. . . "Randy paused and looked at Steph, "the, uh, things—I mean DOING the things to you that you, uh, kind of --"

"You mean twisting my nipples and whacking my ass?" Steph grinned.

"And biting you so hard," Randy agreed, still looking at her.

"It's OK—they know. Pammy knows especially well!" Steph grinned at me.

"She nearly bit my fucking nipples off!" I exclaimed, "And it's not like I've got anything to spare, dammit!"

"I haven't quite processed that yet," Randy said, "you've made it with your sister?!? Damn!"

"Prefectly Normal family activity!" I proclaimed. "Look no farther than those you're closest to for a little carnal recreation!"

"And by the way, Steph," I continued, "How's the naked truth feel now? OK?"

"Well shit!" Steph observed, "feels pretty normal now."

"I think," Diane began, pausing dramatically before continuing, "that you two have a lot to talk through. We'll figure out something to squelch those perverts later, but like Pammy said earlier, they've lost their weapon now, Randy. They can't hold "telling your wife on you" over your head any more. And I'm betting Steph can accommodate any kinks you'd like to hold onto, right Steph? Maybe bite his nipples from time to time?"

Steph grinned and chomped her front teeth together menacingly. "I think I'll let him heal first."

Diane and I went up to bed, leaving Sis and her chastened hubby on the hide-a-bed in the den. Later, we heard the springs squeaking!

Diane spooned me as we drifted off: "You did good, lover, you did good!" I drifted off and dreamed of hogtieing, whipping, castrating and assfucking some amorphous man-thing. Gosh, what could have put that in my mind!

The next morning Diane and I decided it was time for Stephie to hear "the rest of the story" about our Perfectly Normal family. We stripped off and went down to find her and Randy just stirring, and still naked.

"Good!" I said, "glad you aren't dressed yet. If you can stand some more naked truth, Diane and I have some to share with you."

"Uh-oh," Randy said.

"Get it out baby sister," Stephanie encouraged. "I know there's more to Mom and Dad, right?"

"And Frank and Dory and Aunt Kathy and Andy and Ginger and Diane and me," I agreed.

"So who's fucking whom?" Steph asked.

"Everybody has pretty well fucked everybody else, except Kathy and Andy have only made it with Mom and Dad," I explained.

"Wait—you and your Mom?" Randy asked.

"Yep, and Dad and me. And Mom and Dad with Diane, and Ginger with Mom and Dad, and Ginger with her mom and dad, and Mom and Dad with Ginger's mom and dad, and Diane and me with Ginger. See—a Perfectly Normal family. Except for you, Sis, cuz you've only made it with Di and me so far!"

"Holy shit," Randy exclaimed, "and I thought Mom was the wild one!"

"As far as I know, your mom has only made it with our mom, except for Granny D and Rex. And maybe Aunt Kathy, but I don't think so."

"What do you think Stephie? You OK with that kind of Perfectly Normal."

"I don't think I could do Mom and Dad. Maybe Frank and Dory. And probably you and Diane again." She turned to Randy, "What do you think, babe, could we do a foursome with Mom and Dad?" Stephie grinned, or would you rather trade with Frank and Dory?

"Oh, fuck, people! My mind's exploding!" Randy stood up.

"Well you must be thinking something," Stephie observed, "because you're getting hard again."

"I'm in a room full of gorgeous naked women talking about fucking," Randy complained, "Perfectly Normal reaction, don't you think!"

"Now you're catching on," I laughed, "Perfectly Fucking Normal!"

"I thought you two were, you know, pussy only kinds of people," Randy continued," but you've both fucked your Dad, Pam?"

"We're mainly lezzies," Diane explained, "and I'm really particular about the guys attached to any cocks I take in hand, but we're both bi. Every once in a while, we're just in the mood for some cock."

Randy looked at Stephie.

"NO!" She said. "We've got a lot of catching up to do before you go chasing off after my sister. Or her wife. Or my mother! Or my Dad, I guess, if you got so you like cock. But you're home-bound, buster."

"Wouldn't have it any other way, babe."

"Aw, ain't they sweet, sugar," I said, slipping my arm around Diane.

"They're making me horny," Diane said.

I squeezed her ass, told her I'd like to show her my etchings, and off we trotted to our bedroom!

After we emerged and got started on something brunchy, we heard the springs squeaking downstairs again. Diane smiled and winked at me. "Yep, you done good, baby!"

It was Christmas at Mom and Dad's a whole year later before we were together again. That first Christmas after the Big Truth with Steph, Rex had a stroke up in Evanston. Mom and Dad went up to help get his house set for living on the first floor, and we went to Diane's parents' house where things were strained. They were moving toward accepting me as a daughter-in-law, but very slowly. Steph and Randy went to see his mom in Indy and, from what I hear, Steph and Sandrine had some very intimate moments!

But when we all got together at Mom and Dad's it was a blast! Steph and Randy were genuinely happy and relaxed, I had finished the course work for my PhD, and Ginger was back in town! G and I (Ginger) cooked up something that would re-create that first wild evening of strip truth or dare, lord, how many years ago? Before Diane and I got married, so at least 4 years.

"We really haven't been doing strip games lately, G," I explained, "we just all strip off and share "naked truth" when there's something important or awkward or, like that."

"No stripping?" G complained, "Well, shit, that's no fun!"

"No dares, either, really," I continued, "and besides, you were a pro stripper—no fair!"

"No dares?! Fuck—I want some dares! That's where the fun starts! You'd never have even kissed your mom if it wasn't for a dare, admit it!"

"True, but what's left? We've both done our folks, each other's folks, each other, Diane. Is there anything left on the table?"

"We've got new blood, don't we?" G pointed out.

"Stephie and Randy, yeah. OK, so how do we work in some dares—they'll go for naked truth, we've done that before," I said.

"Just let me MC," G said. "I'll make it work."

That night, Frank, Dory and G came over and we all headed down to Mom and Dad's basement rec room. G took center stage.

"A few years ago, Stephie and Randy, everyone else here had the most extraordinary evening in the history of the world, and our "Perfectly Normal" group took off. You've probably heard bits and pieces of what happened that night, but tonight we're all going to catch up on each others' lives in an absolutely honest and Perfectly Normal way."

"Uh-oh." Steph laughed. "I know Perfectly Normal means something entirely different in this group than it does anywhere else!"

"You are a winner!" G crowed. "And the prize is—naked me!" And she whisked off her knit top and wrap around skirt to hoots and applause, including her parents!

"G! You've grown out your bush!" I exclaimed. "Yaay rah bush!"

"Inspired by your mom, lover!" G beamed.

"Wait till she sees yours!" Diane whispered to me.

"Now," G continued, "that first time, we were all kind of bashful and we went around taking off one piece of clothing at a time, kind of random. I understand from Pammy you've advanced past that and just come to the circle already naked and sit around telling truths to each other. Naked truths, right?" Heads nodded.

"But I like stripping! And I like the way dares can push the edges even past naked truth, so here's what we're gonna do. I've got this laptop running two randomized timers—kind of like musical chairs, right? So we're each going to get a number—I'll just pull 'em out of Pammy's ass here." She came over and reached down to retrieve a packet of numbers out of my pants.

"And we've got this bucket of ping pong balls—thank you Mr L--that have the same numbers on them. Stephanie will start us off by drawing a ball, and whoever has the matching number has to answer any question she asks."

"AND," she continued, "If a klaxon horn goes off while the person is answering, they have to strip naked, and then finish the answer, right?"

"AND, shh shh shh—we're not done yet—AND if chimes sound, the asker gets to give the answerer a dare. Sound OK?"

G passed out the numbers and started the timing program on the laptop.

Steph drew Dad's number. "Dad, I know you've fucked Pammy. Did you ever have the hots for me?"

"That's a lot like what Pam asked me last time," Dad grinned. "Did I notice your sexuality? Absolutely. Did I want to have sex with you—no! Neither one of you. At least not while you were still in the house."

DING DING DING—the chimes interrupted with a dare. G had plugged them into Dad's stereo, so they were plenty loud.

"Ooo—I get to dare you, right? OK, I dare you to kiss-------um-----Dory. And make it a good one!"

BRAPPP BRAPP—on his way to Dory, the Klaxon went off, drawing hoots and applause around the circle! Dad shook his head and peeled off, revealing a growing boner. Dory stood to receive his kiss and grabbed his cock for good measure. Things were starting very well!

Dad drew next—Randy. The Klaxon sounded before Dad could even get a question out. Randy rolled his eyes and looked imploringly at Steph for relief, but the circle began chanting Strip Strip Strip Strip—so he did! Two naked men, but Randy was more embarrassed than turned on, and his cock hung limply.

"So Randy," Dad asked, "What part of my daughter's body do you like the most?"

"Which daughter?" Randy shot back, drawing applause.

"I love every square inch of Stephie's body, but it's the whole damned thing I love—can't single out any special pieces." Randy offered.

Awwwwww—went up the group response.

Randy drew G and the Klaxon sounded again. I was beginning to see a pattern to the Klaxon. But G was already naked, so Randy just asked: "When was the last time you had sex, and if it was someone here, who?"

"I had sex last night," she smiled, "with Mom and Dad!"

Ooooooooo faces turned to Frank and Dory. Randy looked startled!

Before Randy could hand over the bucket to G, the chimes sounded.

"Oh goody!" G squeeled, "Dare me, Dare me!"

"OK, I dare you to kiss, ahhhhh, Stephie!" Stephie's eyes opened wide, but she stood to receive G.

G put herself into it, locking onto Stephie's lips and running her hands down her back to grip her ass. There was abundant tongue action, and Stephie was reciprocating!

When G let go, Stephie's face was flushed and she grinned as she fanned herself.

G no sooner drew Steph's number but the Klaxon sounded. She rose shyly, bit her lip and slowly took everything off. The room was silent until she pulled her bra up and those marvelous jugs dropped out of their cups. Then there was applause! I glanced at Dad—his eyes were nearly out of his head. Steph sat down and leaned into Randy, grinning a little now.

G asked: "Steph, who in this circle besides Randy would you most like to make it with tonight!"

Steph turned a bright red, took a deep breath and in a near whisper said: "Pammy, I think?"

The Chimes sounded! "Well then go kiss your sister!" G commanded.

I stood to receive her, "Your call," I whispered as we hugged, "a peck or a hot deep one."

She went for the hot deep one, to my very great and increasingly wet pleasure. Mom and Dad both looked on in disbelief. When she let go, those puffy plums were on full arousal!

A DJ sounding person boomed over the stereo:

"Attention, attention please! This is your mass strip announcement! At this point, every nude participant is to proceed to the nearest clothed person and remove their clothes. This is to continue until all players are as naked as the day they were born." (And in a monotone—"The Klaxon will now be disabled!")