Paul awoke to the sound of traffic coming through his window in the morning rush hour. Although the curtains were pulled it was obvious that it was a lovely sunny day. He had to smile to himself, despite having just woken, as Paul loved the summer weather for lots of reasons but, top of the list, the clothes, or lack of them, which the pretty young girls would wear.

After pulling himself out of bed and showering Paul made himself a coffee and tried to decide what to do with his day. He was unemployed and actually quite enjoying it. His parents were supporting him whilst he went after a new career in the lucrative computing industry. They only really gave him enough to live on but, with a little creative accounting, there was enough to enjoy the odd night out with his friends. He decided that today would be one of the rare occasions he have an all day session in the pub.

After checking he was presentable Paul left the flat to go visit the park and look at all of the lovely young girls there in their various states of undress whilst he phoned around to find out who was available for a good drinking session. Paul had a great sense of humor and an inbuilt honesty that endeared him to most people he met and so he had a large circle of good friends that always wanted to be around him. Don't get me wrong, he wasn't a sex god or even that good looking but he had lots of friends and that made him happy.

Once in the park he settled down to take a good look about him. There were plenty of luscious girls sunbathing or talking to friends around him. One in particular grabbed his attention. She was sitting with her legs crossed about 20 feet in front of him. Beautiful china doll face surrounded with shoulder length blond curly hair and the bluest of eyes. She looked to have a little puppy fat on her but it was all in the right places and her legs were, well, spectacular to say the least in a very short, pleated miniskirt. Every now and again she would shift position allowing the briefest glimpse of her panties. He couldn't see the colour exactly but he could tell they were white or cream. He had to shift his position slightly to cover the ever more obvious bulge that was rapidly appearing in his jeans.

Feeling like all his birthdays had come at once Paul decided to try and get some video footage of this girl on his mobile phone. He'd done this a couple of times before without a lot of success but he hoped that with the good light and the closeness of the girl he might be able get something he could enjoy later.

Taking out his phone he pretended to compose a text message whilst avoiding the suns glare on the screen, this allowed him to hold the phone at what would appear to be a funny angle, directly at the girl in front instead of the normal facing down position, without arousing too much suspicion. After a few minutes of this he decided it would strange if he continued any longer so having got what he hoped would be usable footage he closed the phone up and got ready to put it back in his pocket but was distracted a shadow falling over him. Paul was in for the shock of his life.

Standing directly behind him was a carbon copy of the pretty girl in front of him! She had the same beautiful hair, blue eyes, puppy fat and long, lovely legs. A twin no less.

Now what Paul hadn't noticed was that she had been behind him for a minute or more watching what he had been doing and only when Paul attempted to put the phone away had she allowed her shadow to alert him to her presence. So it came as a bit of a shock when she plumped herself down beside him and grabbed his phone.

"Laura, come over here will you" she called to her double.

"I think she'd like to see this herself." She whispered to Paul.

He could feel himself shrinking in front of this stunning girl who had just caught him videoing her sister. All he wanted right then was for the ground to open up and swallow him whole. Could there be anything more embarrassing that could happen to a guy than being caught, in public, videoing a girl innocently revealing her underwear by her twin sister? He didn't think so.

Laura, the twin he had been videoing looked up and started to rise. Paul had a moment of sheer panic at this point and scanned the park for an escape route. Obviously there were none as he was surrounded by people and nothing but open space. That's when something happened that would completely change what was happening to him.

As he scanned the park he caught the eyes of the girl beside him. Transfixed in her eyes he was stunned to watch as one of her eyes closed whilst the other stayed open. Was that a wink? Could she possibly have winked at him? And then she smiled at him and the world suddenly became a much, much, much better place.

He was disturbed from this revelation by arrival of the twin called Laura.

"Who's this Danni?" she said to the other girl.

"I really don't know but he's cute eh?" said Danni.

"Guess what I just caught him doing then, bet you can't"

Paul was mortified again at hearing this last sentence. Here it was. Jail, court, fines or just maybe, if he was lucky, a good beating from some huge guy that was related to these two instead. Yeah, that would be a let off he thought.

"You've been flashing your knickers at strangers again you naughty girl! What have I told you about doing that in public?"

Laura looked at the ground and blushed vigorously. Paul couldn't remember ever seeing a girl look more attractive. Then, as his brain once more started to process thoughts, he realized that the girl, Danni, was chastising her sister for allowing him to see her panties.

"I didn't do anything you bitch, you can't prove a thing" said Laura.

A wide smile started to spread across Danni's face at this outburst and the bubble suddenly popped in Paul's head. He had managed to obtain crucial evidence in the case against Laura by her sister. That's what the wink was for.

"I can prove it this time you silly cow, my new friend here was so interested in your dirty little panties he videoed it for me. Isn't that right my new friend?" she said to Paul.

"Eaghhhhh, yup" was all Paul could muster at that unexpected question from Danni. He quickly cleared his throat to ensure that the next time he spoke it would sound, at least a little, more masculine and butch.

"My name's Paul. Paul Ritchie." Paul managed to sound a little more sure of himself this time despite feeling completely the opposite.

"Well I'm Danni, and this little slut here that was teasing you is my twin sister Laura"

Paul turned to the beautifully red face of Laura and nodded a greeting to her. "Hi"

"This is the first time I've actually been able to, not only catch her at it, but to prove that she's done it Paul. Aren't you a clever boy?"

Paul was, to say the least, a little confused by now. What exactly was going on here?

It was with this thought that Paul found that his phone was flying through the air towards him and Danni was starting to get up.

"Laura, come on, it's time to go now. Paul I think we'll need you and your phone for this too." said Danni.

Danni grabbed her sisters' arm and dragged her to her feet. Once she was up she looked down at Paul still sitting there and with a puzzled expression and said "Oh come along Paul. I need you to help me sort this all out. Don't you want to help me?"

Paul quickly got to his feet. Actually he got to his feet a little too quickly as he nearly fell over. God, he felt like a stupid teenager again on his first real date with a pretty girl, small, inadequate and completely dumb struck. He smiled stupidly at Danni and, when she started to walk off across the park, he followed a few yards behind the girls nervously glancing around to see if he was being watched by any of the other park goers. He didn't notice anything out of the ordinary so he let his gaze drift back to the two beautiful pairs of legs just a little way in front of him and wondered to himself "What the hell now?"

After a couple of minutes of silent walking Paul noticed that the two girls were exchanging whispers. He couldn't quite hear what they were they saying but it was obvious that Danni was in complete control of the situation.

Just then Paul's phone sounded in his pocket. He pulled it out and in a blind panic refused the call from his friend Steve. As soon as he had hit the button to do that he came to a crunching halt as he tumbled into the two girls who had stopped at the sound of the call.

"Why on earth did you do that?' chirped Laura.

"I don't know really" Paul said, feeling even more stupid than before. He was sure that his clumsy and obviously nervous actions were ruining any chance he had of impressing one of these two angels. "God" he thought "What would it be like to have one of these two beauties sitting on my cock?"

With that thought playing in his head he suddenly realized that he was standing alone in the street. Both girls had vanished without a trace. That was until Danni stuck her head around the door next to him and told him to get a move on and come inside. Another suave and sophisticated move by me thought Paul. Ego minus another two points, chances of seeing either of these girls in any state of undress minus infinity. It was with this thought that Paul decided to just go along with things and see where it took him. At the very least he could feast his eyes on these two lovelies whilst things took their natural course.

After following the girls up to the top floor of the building and entering the flat on the right Paul suddenly realized that things were actually not going badly at all, despite his clumsiness etc, here he was, inside the twins flat with them. Things really were getting more and more bizarre.

After being ushered to sit down on a rather soft and comfortable sofa, Paul found a can of cold beer being thrust into his hands. Danni plopped down next him on the sofa and, strangely, started to talk about the weather and how nice the park was. As she was blabbing away Paul scanned the neat and tidy little room they were in. It had lilac coloured paint on the walls and gave a very comfortable, safe feeling to anyone who cared to notice. There were lots of little ornaments and pictures around the room as well as a rather strange object on the mantle piece which for the life of him Paul could not make out. Ignoring this he turned to Danni who had stopped talking and was now opening her can of beer and taking a long pull on it.

"You not like beer Paul? Can I get you something else?"

"No this is great, it's even my brand." Paul said in reply. "Thanks"

"You do know why you're here don't you" Danni said with a curious glint in her shining blue eyes.

"I need you to punish my sister for me" The smile had now vanished from her face completely.

Paul didn't nearly cough his beer all over the carpet, sofa and himself. He defiantly and spectacularly did so. At which Danni nearly killed herself laughing.

"What did you think I asked you here for?" she asked him as she recovered. "Did you think I just wanted the crap video you took of my sluttish little sister?"

Paul took a moment to collect his thoughts, some of which had very interesting possibilities, before answering Danni's questions.

"I don't know, I just thought you were playing a game to punish me or something for what I did in the park. You really want me to punish your sister? How!"

"Have you ever spanked a girl before Paul?"

Now Paul thought that spitting his beer all over everything had not been the smoothest thing he had ever done but, that statement had him in knots. Not only was his favorite fantasy to spank a pretty young ass before fucking her senseless, but here he was, being offered one of the nicest young asses he had seen in years by her twin sister.

He knew his answer had to be good. He knew what he said now would determine the realization of his favorite fantasy. He had to say the right thing.

"Yes I have actually. I've had a couple of girlfriends that liked a bit of a spanking every now and again." And unbelievably, this was actually true.

Paul had one girlfriend that became incredibly aroused by a little spanking foreplay. Another had been messing around with him one morning in bed and he'd playfully put her across his lap and given her ass a couple of smacks. She'd jumped off of him and stood there looking quite shocked before jumping on top of him and fucking him to an inch of his life. They'd never repeated it in the two months before they split up but, in a drunken conversation in the pub one night, she'd admitted that she'd loved it and thanks to Paul, her new boyfriend spanked her regularly. This as you can imagine had pissed off Paul no end. Why hadn't he done it again with her?

"Good stuff" said Danni. "First of all some ground rules ok?"

"First, if she says stop, you stop. Got it? No questions. Secondly she'll expect a good seeing to after. It's not fair to get Laura all worked up and then not perform your manly duties after in appreciation."

"Next, I'm her twin sister. I don't play around with my sis at all. It's wrong. We're not into that kinda thing so don't ask us to. But, if you're nice to my sister, I may have to see how good you are yourself, if you want?"

Paul could feel the swelling returning to his cock. "WOW!", "Is this my lucky day or what?" he thought.

"No problem Danni, whatever you say."

"OK Paul lets get one thing cleared up right now. I know I've been kinda leading this thing from the start but from now on in, you're the boss. Got it? Not me, not Laura, not anyone but you. Act like it OK!"

After a little contemplation Paul decided she was right. He had to take charge of this situation now. He had plenty of experience of being in charge. He had spent several years as a manager of a sizable staff and knew how to act to garner respect from his colleagues.

"Got it Danni" Paul said with a new found confidence that clearly showed to Danni that a switch in the pecking order had just taken place.

"Firstly, your first rule. I'm going to make a small adjustment to it. There is a safe word for Laura. It's "Banana". If she uses that word everything stops. Otherwise I want to hear her asking me to stop, begging me to not smack her ass anymore as a good little girl would. OK?"

Danni looked at Paul with a glazed expression before finally nodding her head and allowing a little smile to grace her lips.

"You have done this before!"

Paul was very pleased with himself and puffed up no end at this compliment from the beautiful young girl.

"Now where is my little plaything?" he said standing up. "I think she needs to feel sorry for teasing me like that in the park."


Chapter Two:Laura's Punishment and Reward.

Laura entered the room dressed as she had been before but defiantly with a new twinkle to her face and a slight spring in her step.

"You heard everything didn't you Laura?" Danni said.

"I'll ask the question now young lady, if you don't mind!" Paul interrupted her. This brought a satisfying bow of the head from Danni before she looked back up at him with only her eyes and said "Yes Sir, sorry sir"

Paul realized that Danni might just be into this role playing idea too. How delicious. Both twins needed a little fatherly discipline from him. Two asses needed spanking. Two pussies need filling. Paul had to adjust himself to make things comfortable. He was really quite hard now and needed some relief but he just knew that it would be worth waiting for.

After a minute or two of arranging the furniture to a satisfactory resemblance of an office Paul sat himself in the "Boss" chair and told the two girls to go and get changed.

"Into what Sir?" asked Laura shyly?

"I want you two in your uniforms before we start this little meeting. You'll wear short skirts, white blouses, knee socks and plain underwear. Do you understand me?"

"Yes Sir" they both chirped in unison and, turning to leave the room, looked back as they giggled on their way out holding each others arms as they went.

Paul couldn't believe his luck. This had to be too good to be true didn't it? Twins, spankings, school uniforms and then shagging! Wow.

After only enough time to make sure his dick was comfortable in his boxers and to check himself out in the mirror on the wall, there was a soft knock on the door.

"Come in"

The two girls sheepishly entered the room and stood in front his desk with their heads down and their hands clasped, one in front of her stomach and one with her hands behind her back.

They were a vision in loveliness to Paul's eyes. Their hair had been pulled up into bunches on both heads, sticking straight out of the sides and all curly at the end. No make up visible on either face. No jewelry to be seen on either girl. White school blouses on both girls chests with a blue and grey school tie around both girls' necks, not stupidly short as some girls have them but tied properly to the correct length. Pleated navy blue skirts that reached just above the knees of the two girls and, to finish off the look, White knee length socks and patent leather black shoes.

It only then that Paul realized he could no longer tell the two girls apart. So identical in appearance were they now that he had no possible way to differentiate between the two girls. He decided to test it out.

"Laura, please look at me."

The girl on the left lifted her head to look him in the eye. He noticed that her blouse was slightly different to the other with a little upturn in the collar on one side where it had been ironed wrong.

"You know why you're here in my office don't you Laura? You too Danni? I want you both to tell me why you're here. Laura first please."

"I flashed my panties at you in the park and I got caught Sir." Was the quiet reply from Laura's sweet mouth. "You have to punish me now."

"Good. And you Danni, why are you here?"

"Because I forgot myself Sir and tried to tell you what to do."

Paul had to smile at the clever answer that both gave him permission to spank her and showed him that she was as willing as she had said her sister was.

Rising from the desk Paul walked around to the rear of the girls. He stopped right behind them and spoke straight into their ears, startling them both.

"Please bend over my desk now" he whispered "Both of you."

They did as they were told, if slightly hesitantly, with a little exchange of eye contact between the two that Paul nearly missed. He approached the one he now knew was Laura and trembled with anticipation as he reached for the bottom of her skirt.

"Remember the safe word now girls, otherwise I'd like you to protest as much as you want"

He gingerly reached the skirts edge and took hold, fully expecting things to come to a crashing halt at any moment as he woke up, or worse, felt a hand on his shoulder from some giant thug boyfriend or two.

Neither happened. Not even when the skirt was raised to show the beautifully white and clean panties that Laura had on. Nor when he raised his hand to apply the first spank to her round, juicy ass cheeks. Nor at any time after that actually!

Chapter Three:Let the thrashing begin.....

The sound of his hand connection sharply with the soft fruit that was Laura's ass made Paul beam a smile to beat all smiles. The sound of her squeaking protest at the pain of the impact. But, best of all, the look on her, and her sisters face, just after made Paul the happiest man on the planet. What a sight.

He watched as her cheeks went red in a shape that resembled his hand before raising it again to apply the second stroke. God he was hard now. Harder than he thought possible, to be honest. This was an occasion he had to imprint on his mind forever. He was sure of that.

Smack! Smack! Smack!

After 12 strokes of his hand Paul stopped the spanking and rested his hand on Laura's now shiny red cheeks. Brushing his hand up and down the soft orbs to help sooth the pain a little and also because he could. He could do anything he wanted to. He was in complete control.

"Danni, stand up and come here. I want you to see what your ass will look like an about 3 minutes."

Danni rose up from leaning over the desk and looked down at her sister's backside with a look of mock disgust. She bit her lip in the most endearing way before looking him straight in the eyes. She couldn't hide the lust in her eyes or the awkward shift she made on her feet before him. Without saying a word she turned around, lifted her own skirt and bent over the desk holding on to her thighs.

Paul could have come in his pants at this site.

"She loves this. She can't get enough it." He thought.

"Now missy. It's your turn for punishment I think."

Raising his hand once again Paul suddenly thought that the look and the lip bite etc deserved a rather more vigorous spanking. His hand came down with some force on just the left cheek of the waiting girls' ass. The sound it made was like a whip cracking in the air. The pain he felt in his own hand must only be a fraction of what she had felt on her panty clad ass cheek. Paul suddenly worried that the safe word was about to be used.

"Oh bananas" he thought.

Danni turned her head to him and, without batting an eyelid, she spoke the words he least expected to hear.

"Thank you Sir. Please can you smack me a little harder so that I may learn my lesson better."

Paul couldn't believe his ears. Did she just ask him to hit her harder? Could that be what she just said to him?

"What?" he said.

"Thank you Sir. Please can you smack me a little harder so that I may learn my lesson better." She repeated to him and winked the cheekiest of winks at him.

Paul's day had just got, unbelievably, better.

A brilliant flash of inspiration took him. He ordered Laura to the other side of the table, his "desk", and told her to grab hold of her sisters' hands and not to let go until he told her to.

Feeling quite emboldened he grabbed the top of Danni's' panties and pulled them to her knees. The smell of arousal hit him like a raging animal, assaulting his senses with a wave of feather like touches to all his sensitive parts.

He could see her heightened state as obviously as he could smell it. Her lips were swollen and hung around her sweet, moist hole like the most of succulent of fruits waiting to be eaten.

Her now rosy cheek peeped back at him, demanding some more attention. But the other was unmarked and needed it more. His arm went up above his head. His hand was clenched to make the contact as sharp as possible. And then, then it came down.

Again and again his hand raised and lowered with a power and endurance he believed he had lost with his youth. Only when he caught a glimpse of Laura's face did he stop.

She looked like a deer caught in his headlights. A warning went off in his head and he let his arms drop to his sides.

Laura's eyes begged some action of him. He told her she could let go now of her sisters hands. Strangely Danni did not move from her position at all. She just lay over the desk as she had been. Paul lowered his face to hers and, to his utter shock, was looking into the happiest pair eyes he had seen in a long time. She was smiling at him.

"Wow. That was awesome Paul. Can you rub my bottom a little to help ease to the sting?"

He did just that. Gently, lovingly, caressing her soft, red cheeks to help sooth the pain away from her battered rear end. He suddenly realized that he was feeling emotions other than lust for this girl. She was something special.


Chapter Four:Down and dirty!

After a few minutes of rubbing her cheeks Paul placed his hands on her sides and guided her back to a standing position. Laura had come around the desk to view for herself the damage Paul had done to her sisters' rear end. She looked a little shocked to be honest, but one look at Danni's face told her everything was alright. No words, just a look and Laura's shoulders relaxed and her face broke into a gentle, knowing smile.

"Paul that was the singular most exciting, spectacular, horny, exciting, horny thing that ever happened to me" she beamed as she grabbed me around the neck and planted a rather violent but so, so sweet kiss on my lips.

"I'm glad I could help" he managed to get out between kisses.

Paul felt another pair of hands pull him away from the kiss to find another pair of lips replaced the ones that had just disappeared. Laura kissed him hard too, more passionately than her sister, but not as sweetly.

"Now it's your turn for a little pleasure my boy" said Laura.

They both giggled and, grabbing my hands, led me through to a bedroom at the back of the flat. It was pink and very girly. Stuffed animals were everywhere to be seen especially on the bed.

Before Paul had a chance to mutter a word he felt his clothes being torn from his body by two pairs of very eager hands. In a flash he was butt naked with his, now slightly limp, cock exposed to the world. It was then that the fact the curtains were open became apparent to him. He ran over and closed them hurriedly before anybody saw him as he was. The girls giggled so hard the bent over and held on to each other for support.

"That was so funny to watch. You have a great butt boy."

"Yeah make it shoogle like that again will you!"

He didn't know who had said what but Paul was very aware that his position of power was being slightly lessened by his lack of clothing. So he did what any sensible, educated man would do and covered his privates with his hands, which, as you can guess, had the girls in further uncontrollable fits of laughter.

At this point he pounced on Laura, being in his opinion the less forceful of the two, and tried to remove her shirt. He found himself, seconds later, pinned to the bed by the two girls. Utterly helpless was the only way to describe the feeling.

When he stopped struggling Danni, or was it Laura, put her mouth to his ear and whispered "The uniforms stay on big boy, but feel free to explore underneath them ok."

They let his hands and feet go. Paul put a hand up to both girls faces and, oh so very slowly, let them drop till they each had a soft, round fleshy orb to hold. They felt great, no other way to say it Paul thought, they just felt great.

The girls exchanged a glance for a second before starting a game of paper, rock and scissors. One of them won, Paul had lost all track of who was who by now, and continued to remove her panties from under her skirt. She looked at Paul with nothing but wanton lust and proceeded to plonk herself down onto Paul's face. He wasn't about to start complaining, even if he could.

Just as his tongue found its way to its target, which was harder than you might expect as it was pitch dark under the skirt, he felt a warm hand brushing along the length of now hardening cock. Then he felt the hand take a firm grip as it started to stroke his length up and down to a fantastic, steady rhythm.

These feelings had stopped Paul's tongue from performing its duty until he felt the weight above him shift to push the target closer. He decided he had better do what he had to do incase by not doing it the other sensation would disappear.

Another, very pleasant, surprise took him. The moist, sweet smelling, soft, large lipped pussy above him had only the barest covering of hair at the end of his chin. The rest was as smooth as a baby's bottom.

Paul had been with shaved girls before but this, this was something else. It was as if there had never been hair there ever. What a fantastic feeling licking and sucking on this tender morsel of cunt. Like the smoothest of peaches as you bite into it, spilling its juices all over your chin as you nibble the sweet flesh. And boy was it juicy.

Just as Paul was starting to get acquainted with his new found friend the feelings at the other end of his body changed. His knob was now engulfed in the warm, wet confines of. Who? He wasn't sure but whoever it was was now giving him amazing head. The tongue danced over his rod and then he felt great suction as it pulled away only to have it return to the base with vigor. That was until he felt that heavenly orifice remove itself from his cock. He felt like screaming. It had been so good. He wanted it back NOW.


He felt her tongue gently flick his balls. Her hand was wrapped around his shaft as kissed and licked his sack creating a tingling sensation all over his body. Again he felt the body above him shift giving him better access to her damp hole. Then the mouth returned to his dick again. But this was another mouth. He could have come there and then and died a happy, happy man.

Here he was with one twin sitting on his face, the smoothest of pussies to feast on, and her mouth wrapped around his cock whilst the other twin sucked and licked on his balls. He suddenly realized that if they kept this up for much longer he wouldn't be able last a whole lot longer. It was defiantly not in his plans to end this any sooner than her had to.

Grabbing the girl that was sitting on him he pulled her off to one side revealing his face to the surprised girl that had just been covering it.

"I'm sorry but that was just too good" he smirked.

"If I'm going to do you two any justice I think a little shifting of positions is needed"

Danni, or was it Laura, smiled up at him from between his legs.

"Fancy giving me some of what you just gave her?"

Paul jumped up and, grabbing the back of her head, he gently pulled her up onto the bed on his right. She Spread her legs to reveal those pretty little cotton panties to him and he could see an obvious patch of dampness in the crotch. He didn't have much time to look though as they were hastily removed before she, as he had just done, put her hand around the back of his head to guide him to the spot that had caused the dampness.

She let out a soft moan as his tongue flicked over her wet hole and cooed an animalistic noise as he found and started to work on her tiny little hooded clit. He could feel the hands of the other twin tugging on his cock under him. Boy, did she have a good touch. Paul guessed this not the first time either of these two girls had done this before. And with that thought he went about his business with a renewed gusto.

After a few minutes of this he could feel her begin to hump her hips up into his face. She was obviously approaching her peak and this demanded a faster rhythm and a little more vigor from his tongue. He was more than happy to comply.

Just as she reached her peak Paul opened his eyes to drink in the look on her face as crested the wave. It had always turned him on to see a girls face as she climaxed. He knew that at that precise moment no thoughts other than "What a great feeling this is" would be passing through her mind. And that made him horny as hell.

She hit her peak a few seconds later, instinctively grabbing the head between her legs to pull it in and create more friction to her pussy. She rode his face for a couple of minutes before relaxing back onto the bed as Paul slowed his ministrations to a gentle, almost kissing, of the now tender area around her pussy. He knew that a really great orgasm required the girl to come down very gently from her high. She opened her eyes and silently thanked him with a look that could arouse the dead.

"Fuck me!" was all that came out of her mouth.

"That was amazing. Laura, you just gotta have some of that."

Well at least he now knew which was which. He just had to try and remember.

Danni scooted over the bed away from Paul's face to allow her sister to assume the position she had just been in. And Paul went back to work once more. It did occur to him at this point that the lack of hair on the girls was identical, just a soft covering on the top of the mons and no stubble there at all. He made a mental note to ask later on just how they managed this.

He had also assumed that that Danni would repeat the actions of her sister on his raging hard on but was pleasantly surprised to feel her slide under him and take it in her mouth. God she knew how to suck cock.

Laura crested as her sister had done before and he again brought her back down to earth with a gentle collection of kisses to the area around her pussy. She too obviously enjoyed it quite a bit. It was time to find out just how good these girls really were.


Chapter Five:He shoots He scores.

The girls exchanged another of their knowing looks as, Paul guessed, twins do. Danni made her hand into the starting shape for another game of game of paper, rock and scissors but Laura shook her head and gestured Danni to go right ahead. She had only just come down and needed a few more minutes to recover. Danni didn't look at all upset at this. She faced Paul and then, turning herself over, got on her hands and knees presenting her wonderful, and still reddish, ass to him.

"Come over here and give me that stiff rod of yours baby." She said looking over her shoulder at him with a big shit eating grin on her face.

He needed no more encouragement than that. In fact he needed no encouragement at all really. He scooted up the bed and took a good look at his target. Sliding his fingers over her hole told him that she wet and good to go. He felt a hand on his member and turned to see Laura beside him.

"Want a hand babe?" she said in a husky voice.

"Sure, go right ahead."

She brought the head of his cock up to her sisters opening and rubbed it up and down the moist slit. Every time his dick went over her opening he tried to thrust in but Laura was having too much fun teasing both of them now. Eventually Paul felt and opportunity to get in and thrust forward to gain entry. It worked. Suddenly his dick was encased in red hot, velvety, moist flesh and, boy, was she tight! He'd never felt a pussy like this one before. It was almost as if her hole had been molded around his cock when she was created. And, to add to this unbelievably great moment, just as his cock entered up to the hilt, he realized that he had another, identical one, to play with after this. Two for the price of one. Buy one, get one free. God did he love this.

He started a slow deliberate rhythm of her hole, grabbing on to her hips to give him extra leverage with each thrust. She in turn was pushing back onto him, each push creating a mild slapping noise as the two bodies came in to contact. He noticed that Laura was laying on the bed next to her sisters legs, gazing up at the site of his cock penetrating her and obviously enjoying what she was seeing. Her hand was dancing between her thighs, darting in and out of her pussy with abandon. This did nothing to help Paul's already over excited state. He picked up his rhythm and started to fuck Danni with some added zeal. He knew he wasn't going to last long. The gentle tingle in his balls told him he approaching the point of no return. He could feel his body ready itself to release his spunk deep into the girl under him and his mind started to turn to jelly.

"I'm going to come soon" he said to the back of her head as he re-gripped her thighs to give him even more control of the hole that was bringing him so much pleasure.

"You can't come inside me baby" she said. The word "baby" had another meaning to Paul whose brain came sharply back for an instant.

"OK. I understand but its going to make a real mess of the sheets!"

"Come on my face Paul. Please. I want to get a good view of your spunk as it comes out."

To Paul's utter astonishment these words had come from Laura. She was lying on her back, her face inches away from his pistoning tool, looking up at him with a savage lust in her eyes. To emphasize her point she licked lips. This had an obvious effect on Paul.

He withdrew one of his hands from Danni's hips to give her a playful smack on her ass cheek. The moan he was rewarded with was all he needed to repeat the action several times, increasing the force with each blow. He could feel her approaching her peak too but was all too aware that he would not be able to last that long.

"I'm coming now." He groaned. "I'm coming right now"

He felt Laura position her face beside his leg. Pulling his achingly hard cock from its velvety glove he saw Laura grabbing his meat and wanking it for all she worth. Two seconds later the world turned upside down. Stars flew around the room. Every cliché known to man was happening to Paul at that moment. As if in slow motion, he watched as the first stringy shot fired way over Laura's beautiful head, the tail of it just catching her curly blond hair.

She pulled down slightly to aim the next one into her open mouth.

Danni had turned around and was rapidly trying to position her face beside her sisters. The next shot hit its target perfectly. Straight into her waiting mouth it went. If there is a God, Paul thought, he's fucking jealous of me right now.

His cock was angled slightly to the side as the next burst came. Like a missile it homed in on its target. Danni, having just arrived in position, was a little shocked to find one of hers eyes assaulted by the salty substance. In her eye, on her cheek and in her hair. But he wasn't finished yet. The last few shots were distributed, with the help of Laura's hand, to both faces fairly well. Paul felt his body relax a little and his brain began to think rationally again. With a great gasp he entered the real world again.

"Oooooooo. My eye stings!" Danni shouted. "And I missed the whole thing cause I couldn't see."

They all burst into fits of laughter at this comment and her mock indignation. Laura grabbed some tissues from the table by the bed and handed them to her sister.

"You'll get another chance later when I've had him. You can have all the spunk you want then."

This brought a cute little naughty smile to Danni's face as she wiped the sticky goo from her eyes and face.

"No problem" Paul said. "Just give me a minute or two will you? I've got to refill the cannon"

After several minutes of messing around, Danni decided to go take a shower leaving Laura and Paul alone on the bed.

They lay in silence for a little while until Laura finally spoke.

"This is awesome Paul. I think Danni is really into this."

"Really?" was all Paul managed back.

He lifted his head onto his hand and turned to face her, a questioning look on his face.

"She never complained about you not getting her off before you came. That's not like her at all!"

Paul mulled this thought over in his head.

"Would you have complained?" he asked.

"Maybe I should leave you two alone?"


Chapter Six:Seconds out, round Two.

"No fucking way sis" exclaimed Danni's voice as she came into the room. She was wearing a towel wrapped around her luscious body, wet hair falling down over forehead and a look of complete disgust on her face.

"We started this together and were going to finish this together. It's supposed to be your punishment, remember?""I was only kidding Danni. Don't get your knickers in a twist!"

With this statement Danni dropped her towel and gave us both a "What knickers?" look that had us all in stitches.

"I think someone likes the view." Laura said staring at Paul's lap.

Right enough, some life was returning to his recently abused member as he drank in the site of the absolutely stunning girl in front of him, and adding to that the knowledge that a mirror image of that body was lying next to him, he soon rose to his full height.

"Oh goody" piped Laura. "It's my turn now."

Laura stood up and hastily removed the school uniform she was wearing.

"I thought the uniforms were to stay on?" chirped Paul.

"Nope. The rule was that you couldn't take them off." was Danni's answer.

There was going to be no arguments from Paul on that one but it did make him think that one of the rules had been not to ask the two sisters to do anything to each other. Did this mean unless they wanted to as well?

It's a strange thing how women can sometimes know what a man's thinking. They just seem to know sometimes. This was one of those occasions it seemed.

"We have done stuff together before Paul. Laura and me"

"I didn't say a word" stuttered Paul.

"Yes but I know what you were thinking. Alter one rule and maybe the others can be changed too? Is that it?"

"Um, I guess so" Paul looked sheepishly at what should have been the ground but, due to his present condition, the ground turned out to be his very erect dick. Danni and Laura both looked at his twitching rod, they looked at each other, then back to the shivering hard on.

"Ok, we'll play it that way if you want" said Laura.

Paul just couldn't keep the grin from his face. The one thing he had been denied was being offered to him.

"I do" was all he could manage to stutter through his smile. He looked at both girls for some kind of conformation that this was ok.

They both smiled back at him. This was getting interesting.

"So what do you want to see big boy?" Danni's statement made Paul's head spin.

What he really wanted to see was Danni buggering Laura up the ass with a strap-on as he fucked Danni up the ass at the same time. What he said didn't even begin to resemble what his mind was thinking.

"Well, er, could you like, em, kiss?"

"Well, that's imaginative! Nothing more exciting than that?" asked Danni

"Um, er, well, maybe um, you could, you know, lick each other?"

Both of the girls laughed which did little to build the esteem of a man lying naked with a hard-on.

"How about I get on top of Laura, back to front, and eat her pussy out as I grind my own juicy cunt into her face till we come?"

Paul could only smile in response to that statement. He really quite liked to hear the girls talking so graphically about what they were about to do to each other. He just smiled and nodded his head.

Danni mounted the bed and shuffled up to her sister. Placing a hand on her breast she gently started to massage the fleshy tit. She shifted her gaze downwards to the area between her sister's legs before licking her lips. She thought it may be fun to play with Paul before eating out her sis. Maybe teasing him a little would make him horny as hell.

"My sister has the best tasting pussy I've ever had Paul."

"We spend quite a lot of time eating each other before we go to bed."

Laura caught on quickly to what her sister was trying to do. Hiding a smile she moved her hand over to caress her thigh and tickle her upper legs trying to look as turned on as she could.

"God Paul" Laura piped up. "You're the first person we've ever told about this, not to mention actually letting you watch it."

"It feels so naughty" Danni said as she leapt up and assumed the classic 69 position on top of her twin. Before long both girls were having their first direct taste of another girl.

You see neither twin had ever even kissed another girl up to now. They'd both loved the idea of teasing Paul but this was a bit beyond what either had actually expected to do.

A similar thought was passing through both girls' heads at this point.

"Right, we've teased Paul real well. Why am I shoving my tongue into my sister's pussy? God this tastes good. Sooooooo soft and sweet and naughty."

Paul watched as the two girls started to gingerly lick each other. They didn't look like they did this often! Maybe they were just playing with him. But they are actually eating each other as I watch. Fuck me, that's a horny sight. Danni's tongue could clearly be seen dancing more freely over Laura's clit now. The girls were looking a little more enthusiastic too, really starting to pick up the pace of their ministrations.

Paul shifted his position to get a better view of the other end of things. Laura was clearly enjoying this, her eyes closed, her tongue probing ever deeper into her sisters honey pot.

"Paul. Could you please spank me a little whilst we do this?"

Danni's request was not an unpleasant one to Paul. He scooted around the other side to allow access to his good hand and gently began to smack the rosy, tight cheeks presented to him. It did not take long for both girls to come on each others faces but Danni definitely had the better of the two orgasms, finishing hers before ensuring her sister came.

They fucked and licked and sucked for the rest of the day till all three fell into a deep, if somewhat brief, sleep.


Chapter Seven:Well what did you expect?

Paul woke to see it was dark outside the window. The curtains were still drawn but there were obviously street lights on just outside.

His situation dawned on him as lifted his head, unable to move his arms as each had a perfectly formed head of curly blond hair attached to an angel on top of it.

It HAD happened then. He hadn't dreamed it. If it hadn't been for the two sleeping girls he would let out a whoop of excited glee right then. What a day!

One of the sleepy heads beside him opened its eyes and grinned up to him.

"Hi. How you feeling?"

"I don't think the world could possibly be any better than it is right now." Paul paused at the end of this sentence as he was about to add either Danni or Laura's name to it but realized he didn't know which one it was.

"Laura" she said.

Damn girls can read my mind Paul thought.

"Thanks. It's a little difficult with you two you know?"

She smiled at him with the softest of lips.

"I have to go out for a bit. Meet some friends. You be OK here with Danni?"

"Sure thing. I'll let her sleep for a bit though. I think she needs it."

"Cool" and with that word she got up and left the room. Paul didn't see her again for several days.

An hour or so later Danni awoke to find Paul wide awake already and staring into her blue eyes with a strange look on his face.

Neither spoke a word, just looking at each other for several seconds till Danni lifted her head and planted a sweet kiss on his lips. They made love and went back to sleep afterwards.

A year or so later Danni and Paul were married in a church just down from the park where they had met. Laura never did join them again in the bedroom but she was their maid of honor at the wedding.

Danni and Paul both enjoyed the occasional role playing game and Danni regularly filled in her sister about the things they got up to (and, unknown to Paul, frequently just filled her in!!!) They were such close sisters.