Mike Morgan walked into the kitchen where his mother was loading the dishwasher. "I'm off. Two classes today, so I should be back around three," he told his mother.

"Try not to be late. Your father has to fly back to Washington this evening."

"You aren't going this time?"

"No, being a Senator's wife in Washington is about as exciting as taking out the trash. Here, at least, I have a life. Is Ellie coming to dinner with us?"

"No, she's visiting her parents and won't be back until tomorrow."

"Has she told her parents about the wedding yet?" his mother asked.

"She's springing it on them tonight."

"Isn't that usually done as a couple?"

"Probably, but they're hardcore democrats, and dad's a 'publican senator. She doesn't think they'll be thrilled about her marrying an actor either."

"I'm sure it'll be fine, honey. Can you pick up two bottles of your father's wine on the way home?"

Mike laughed. "Dad drinks gin and tonic. You drink the wine. I'll pick up mom's wine."

"Smarty pants. Enjoy your classes."

She kissed him on the cheek and her son left for class. Sandy, his mother, picked up her phone and sent a group message.

'All clear. We have until 3. CU in an hour.'

All three recipients acknowledged her text.

Mike drove the forty-five minutes to class to find a sign on the door. 'Not feeling well. Classes cancelled.'

"Well, fuck! Haven't you people heard of texts or calls?" he mumbled, as he returned to his car.

He picked up the wine and headed home. When he arrived, he parked in the driveway and went inside through the side door of the garage. As he walked past the sliding doors in the nook he froze. Out next to the pool was his father, laying in a recliner nude and getting a blowjob. His mother, also nude, wearing a strap on and plowing the woman, from behind, who was sucking her husband. Beyond them sat his nude sister, Barb, with a pink vibrator on her clit. They were all laughing except the woman swallowing his father's cock. He saw her red hair and her distinctive tattoo that covered her left flank and hip. It was his fiancé, Ellie. The one supposedly out of town.

"You no good mother fuckers," he said.

Mike put the wine on the table and grabbed his cellphone, then recorded the poolside activities, making sure that everyone was easily identifiable. He went to his room and packed a bag and his backpack, then left the same way he came in. His first stop was the bank, where he moved his savings, which his mother had access to, into his checking account. He filled up his tank, got a cup of coffee, and drove east.


It was about two when the group at the pool came inside. No one noticed the two bottles of wine sitting on the table.

At 3:30 his phone chirped with a text from his mother.

'Dinner reservations are at five. Don't be late.'

He pulled off at the next exit and took a screenshot of the video he had taken. It showed all four participants clearly.

'Sorry, I don't dine with people who are dead to me,' he replied.

'What on earth?' his mother sent.

Mike sent the screenshot to her then blocked his mother, sister, and father. He then sent a text to Ellie.

'Don't bother telling your parents. Just fuck off and die.'

He attached the photo before sending it, blocked Ellie, then turned off his phone.

"Oh, my God!" his mother screamed as she ran to her husband and showed him the picture.

"Fuck! I thought you said he would be gone until three?" he said.

"Theodore, don't you dare try to blame this mess on me!" Sandy shouted.

"What's up?" her daughter asked, walking into the den.

Sandy turned the phone to her daughter. "He saw us."

Barb grabbed the phone and read the texts. "This is bad. Daddy, what if this picture gets out?"

"He wouldn't do that," her father replied.

"Yeah, like we wouldn't all fuck his fiancé. Mike's pissed and emotionally devastated. All four of the people he loves the most have ripped his fucking heart out. How do wounded animals react? They fight back with everything they've got. We're all fucked."

Barb quickly turned to leave.

"Where are you going?" her mother asked.

"I'm going to pack and get the hell out of here. If, and that's a big if, he comes back, I'm not going to be here."


Ellie looked at her text and immediately called him. She got nothing, not even his voicemail. She knew he had blocked her. She called Barb who answered quickly.

"He knows," Barb said.

"Yeah, he sent me a photo. What should I do?"

"If you've made any wedding arrangements, you should probably cancel them and get your money back. That isn't going to happen."

"Maybe if I explain it to him," Ellie replied.

"Hey, Mike. It wasn't a big deal. I sucked and fucked your father, then ate your mother and sister. Oh, and your mother fucked me with a strap on. Wanna meet me at Starbucks? Get real, Ellie," Barb barked.

"But I've already told my parents."

"Untell them. Ellie, your relationship with my brother is history. Mine too, in all likelihood. We all should be hoping he doesn't share that picture. I'll be expelled from law school. The mayor will dump you from his staff. Mom won't be able to show her face anywhere in Nebraska, and dad can kiss his Senate seat goodbye."

"Do you think he will?" Ellie asked.

"I really don't know. We need to let him cool down. Leave him alone."

"I tried calling. I think he's blocked me."

"He's probably blocked all of us by now. Just leave him alone."

"Can I email him?"

"Aren't you listening? Leave him the fuck alone," Barb warned. "I need to finish packing. Goodbye."

Barb ended the call and finished her packing. She booked a flight from Omaha to Boston for early the next morning, then a room at the airport Hilton for tonight. Using her app, an Uber would pick her up in twenty minutes. She carried her bags downstairs. Her parents were arguing in the den but stopped long enough to listen to her plans and kiss her goodbye. Barb went out onto the front porch to wait for her ride.

After attempting a call and text unsuccessfully, Mike's father called him on his land line and left a voice mail.

'Mike, it's dad. We need to talk about what happened. It wasn't what you think. Call me.'

Mike's phone was off so there was no reply. Mike stopped for the night in Valparaiso, Indiana. After getting settled, checked his phone, and listened to his father's message.

"Wasn't what it looked like?" he said out loud. "I'm not that stupid. Mike unblocked his father's cell number and sent a single text.

'I will warn you only once. Any further attempt to contact me by you, my former mother, or former sister, will trigger the sharing of the full video I recorded today with the news media. You read that correctly. I have over three minutes of very clear and very graphic video of my deceased family and fiancé. I have made multiple backups of the video. This is not a threat, Senator. This is a promise. I suggest you heed my warning.'

Mike sent the text and blocked both numbers he had for his father. He thought about what he had said, then questioned if he'd really do it. 'In a heartbeat,' he told himself.

Mike left for New York City early the next morning. He had a few friends from school who lived there to kickstart their acting careers. He called David Winston and was invited to stay with him.

Mike was pounding the pavement looking for work the next day. Two days later he stumbled on a small part off Broadway for two weeks.

After leaving rehearsal a few days later, he was talking to David on the phone. Two men in suits approached him and flashed FBI badges.

"We want the video," one said.

"Send it," Mike said into his phone, then tossed his cell phone into the sewer. "I'm sorry, sir. I didn't catch that."

"Where's the fucking video?" the man grumbled.

"Watch tonight's news. Every major outlet has it now. Tell the Senator that he's really screwed the pooch."

"Where's the original?"

"In that sewer," Mike said, pointing where he had just tossed his phone."

"I could arrest you; you know."

"I own the phone. I don't thing throwing away your own property is illegal, is it?"

"Asshole," the agent said

"Have a nice day, gentlemen," Mike said smiling, and walked away.

When Mike got back to David's apartment, he was assured that the video had been sent, then he told David of the encounter. Mike had already set up multiple e-mails on his laptop so that all that was required was to click on send and receive. Copies went to at least a dozen news outlets, some not very particular about how and what they reported. Copies went to the mayor's office in Omaha, Harvard law school, every member of the Senate, his parents, his sister, and his former fiancé.

By morning it was all over the news and internet with the body parts blacked out, in most cases. By late afternoon, Barb was no longer a student at Harvard Law and Ellie no longer worked for the Mayor of Omaha. Two days later, Senator Theodore Morgan resigned his Senate seat.

The following day, two more FBI agents met him outside rehearsal.

"Sir, Senator Morgan would like to have a word with you. He's in the limo."

"A word? I have two for him. Fuck you," Mike said, then walked away.


Mike got lucky and landed a recurring role on a daytime soap. His character was well received, and he had been on the show for three years. He got a call from his agent, asking that he stop by today.

"Mike, your sister called me today. Your father suffered a stroke. They don't expect him to survive."

"I really don't know what to say. Thanks for letting me know."

"Want me to get you a few days off?" his agent asked.

"I guess so. I have some things I want to say to him. Think you can cover the rest of the week?"

"No problem. Mike, I'm really sorry."

"Thanks, Art."

Mike had his own small apartment now. It was expensive but not lavish. He could afford much better but didn't feel the need. He went home, booked a flight to Omaha then took a taxi to JFK.

Upon arrival in Omaha, he began calling hospitals to locate his father. He found him at the University Hospital. Mike rented a car and drove there. When he walked into the ICU his sister was there. She turned and saw him, then stood. The once blonde bombshell was gone and had been replaced by a somewhat overweight woman with jet black hair.

"Hi, Mike. I'm glad you came."

Mike ignored her and walked to the bedside. He turned to the nurse.

"Can he hear me?"

"He's in a coma."

"Is he going to come out of it?"

"Not likely, I'm afraid. Are you family?"


"Only family is allowed in the ICU, sorry," she replied.

"Mike, he's your father," his sister said curtly.

"My father died three years ago, along with the rest of my family."

Mike turned and started toward the door just as his mother walked in. Both froze for a moment.

"Oh, Mike," she said throwing her arms around him. He didn't respond as he raised his arms to not touch her. "I'm so happy you're back."

"I'm not back. I saw Mr. Morgan, and now I'm leaving," he said, pulling her arms off him and walking away.

His mother dropped to her knees crying. Barb ran down the hall after him and grabbed his arm.

"We fucked up. Okay, we get it. You're still pissed. We're family. At least give us a chance to explain," she pleaded.

"I neither need nor want an explanation. I saw what was going on with my own eyes. It was very obvious. Surely you saw the video. My family died that day along with my fiancé. The Mike you knew died that day too."

Mike pulled away from her and left the hospital. His father died that night. The obituary said there would be a small ceremony in three days.

Mike stayed in the hotel except for meals, then on the day of the service sat in his rental car until most everyone had gone. He walked to the graveside.

"Now it's official, Senator. I honestly hope that when you got to the pearly gates God forgave you and let you in. I'm not that forgiving. For the life of me, I just can't imagine how you could do what you did. I loved Ellie. I loved you, and mom, and Barb more than anything in the world. I would have given my life for any of you. You took away everything and tore my heart out in the process, so I paid it backward and destroyed what you had. Petty, I suppose, but you all deserved it."

Mike tossed a handful of dirt in the grave then walked to his car. He saw his mother and sister standing outside the limo watching him. He took a deep breath and walked to them. Stopping several feet away, he looked at them.

"In addition to burying a husband and father here today, you buried a son and brother. He died three years ago. You just didn't know or didn't care. I hope you have the lives that you deserve. If you see Ellie, you have my permission to share that with her."

Mike turned and walked to his car then drove away. On the way to the hotel, he drove past his family home. There was a for sale sign in the yard.

It was just over a year later that his sister was standing outside his apartment when he walked up. He stopped and looked at her. Tears streamed down her cheeks. Her hair was disheveled, she had lost weight, and wore dirty, smelly clothes.

"Mike, I don't have anywhere to go. I'm homeless. Please, I'm your sister," she pleaded.

Mike took her hand and led her inside to his apartment.

"Are you hungry?"

"Yes," she whimpered.

"Lasagna okay?"

"Anything. I don't care."

He grabbed a robe from the closet and handed it to her. "Go clean yourself up. The bathroom is behind you."

Barb walked slowly to the bathroom as Mike called the Italian restaurant next door, then went to his room to change. The food arrived quickly, and Mike set the table. Barb came sheepishly into the room several minutes later.

"Thank you, Mike. I didn't know where else to turn."

"It's okay," he replied, motioning her to the table. He held her chair then slid it in for her. She sat motionless, staring at the food. "Go ahead."

As she reached for the food, his sister's hand trembled so badly she dropped the spoon. Mike picked it up and put food on her plate, then poured her a small glass of wine. He served himself and she began devouring the food. She cried as she ate.

"Oh, this is so good. Thank you."

He smiled at her for the first time causing her to cry harder.

"I'm off tomorrow. We'll go shopping for what you need. I am going to insist on one thing. You are never to bring up that day at the pool. I don't want apologies, or any kind of explanations. I simply don't want it mentioned - ever. Understood?"

"Understood," she said between bites.

Barb ate less than he expected. She looked like she hadn't eaten in a long time.

"Eat all you want. We can always get more."

"I'm afraid I'll get sick. I haven't been eating much for a while. Is it okay if I eat more later."

"Whenever you want. I want you to make yourself at home."

Barb started crying again. "I honestly thought I was going to die in the gutter."

"You're safe now," he said, patting her hand. "You look tired, Barb."

"I am. I haven't slept well for a long time."

"How about we get you in for a checkup tomorrow?"

"I'll do whatever you say," she agreed.

"Good. Clothes and makeup shopping then a doctor's appointment. Maybe a trip to the hairdresser if we have time."

"Just the minimum. I don't want to be any more of a burden than I already am."

"Let me worry about that. You concentrate on getting yourself back together."

"Yes, sir," she replied.

Mike was taken aback by the 'yes sir' comment. She said it much like a child talking to a strict parent.

"Where should I sleep, on the couch?"

"No, there are two bedrooms. You get the queen's quarters."

"Yes, sir."

'Damn, she did it again. What the hell is this all about?' he wondered. "Let's put your clothes in the washer. You can't go shopping in a robe. Well, it is New York, I doubt anyone would notice if you did."

She almost jumped up from the table to put her clothes in the washer. 'This is weird,' he thought, then began clearing the table. He had everything put away when she returned.

"Oh, Mike, I would have done that," she said sheepishly.

"It's fine. There wasn't much."

"I'm sorry. I should have done that first."

"Barb, relax will ya?"

"Yes, sir."

"Come on. I'll show you around the apartment," he said, offering a hand.

She took his hand, followed him, and seemed very childlike. He first took her to the master bedroom.

"The bed is great. I got top of the line mattresses. Try it out." Barb seemed confused. "Lay down. Feel how comfortable it is."

"Yes, sir," she said, as she sat on the side and laid back.

He sat on the bed next to her. "What's up with the sir stuff?"

"May I sit up?"

"Jesus, yes. Sit, stand, lay there. I don't care. Get comfortable. Explain the sir crap."

She sat up and turned to her brother. "I thought you knew."

"Knew what?"

"Mom and I were both dad's submissives. He was our master."

"How submissive?"


"Dad made you his sub?"

"No, I'm pretty sure we're just submissive by nature. We need someone to be in control."

"You weren't like that when we were kids."

"Yes, we were. We weren't allowed to be that way in front of you."

"When you say completely submissive are you talking sexually too?"

"Everything, Mike. Now I'm your sub. I'll do whatever you say. It's my nature. Moms too. Dad said that when he was gone, we should find you to take charge of us."

"Barb, shit like that only happens on porn sites."

"Mike, I'm telling you the truth. It you told me to take off the robe and walk outside naked, I'd do it. I hope you don't, but I'd follow your orders."

"I won't do that. What if I don't want to control you?"

"Then mom and I have a problem."


"Is that an expletive or a command?" Barb asked.

"An expletive, obviously."

"Obviously to you. To a sub, it could be either."

"You're my sister."

"I'm also your sub. So is mom."

"Where is mom?"

"In Omaha. The rent in her apartment will be due in two weeks, then she'll be homeless. We used the last money we had for bus fare so I could come and find you. She has enough for food, but nothing else."

"Once we get you straightened out, I can fly you back to get her."

Barb started crying again. "Thank you. I don't think mom would survive a night on the streets."

"She won't have to. We'll get this worked out. Is this why you and mom were doing what you did at the pool?"


"I know I said we weren't going to talk about this, but how did Ellie get involved?"

"Ellie and dad were lovers before she ever met you. Dad set you up. He promised he'd get you to marry her if she'd be his sub for two years. She was a paid sub, more of a high-class hooker than a sub."

"Where is Ellie now?"

"After you left, she lost her job and became a pariah. Within a couple of months, she was a drug addict. She died a few months later of a fentanyl overdose."

"So, all this shit was dad's doing?"

"Except that dad didn't make me and mom subs. It's who we are. He used us all," she replied.

"I wish I had pissed in his grave rather than just throw dirt."

The buzzer went off on the washer. Barb ran to put the clothes in the dryer then returned to the bedroom and sat next to her brother.

"Being a sub is something important to you?" he asked.

"Mike it's what I am. Trying to separate that for mom or me would be like trying to make a giraffe into a hedgehog."

"Can you be a sub and drop the sir stuff?"

"Yes, but that will take getting used to. For mom, I'm not sure. She'll try but will probably have to be punished to stop.""Punished? Punished how?"

"Whippings probably. That works better than anything else on her."

"I'm not whipping mom," he said loudly.

"Mom and I usually whipped each other. You've got a lot to learn about being our master."

"I don't think 'I Dream of Jeannie' reruns are going to be much help, are they."

"Not a bit. Mom and I will teach you what we need."

"Right now, I need sleep."

"Would you like me here with you? I'll do anything you want," his sister asked.


"Absolutely anything. It would make me happy to serve you."

"Good to know. You sleep in the other room."

"You're sure?"

"No, but that's where you sleep. Go."

"Yes, sir," she said, kissing him on the cheek.

"Don't call me sir."

"Yes, master."

"I'm going to spank your ass."

"Whenever you like. Goodnight, Mike."

"Goodnight, Barb."

Barb went to her room and removed the robe before getting in the bed. Mike went through the apartment turning out lights and checking the lock on the door. He looked in on his sister. She was already asleep. He knelt next to the bed and stroked her cheek then kissed it gently.

"Goodnight, sis," he said softly.

"Goodnight, master," she uttered.

Mike went to his room and undressed then climbed into his bed. He lay there thinking about the events of the evening. 'What the fuck am I going to do with two subs," he asked himself.

Mike woke to the smell of coffee. He was initially startled then remembered his sister was there. After emptying his bladder, he went into the kitchen. His sister stood quickly as he walked into the room. She was nude and looking down at the floor.

"Good morning. I made coffee."

"Where is your robe?"

"On my bed, sir."

"Drop the sir shit and go put it on."

He watched her leave the room, noticing how waif like she appeared. Once a gorgeous young woman, full of vim and vigor, and now an emaciated submissive. 'That son of a bitch,' he thought. 'My father did this.'

Barb returned to the room wearing his robe. "I'm sorry. I'm not used to being dressed in morning."

"He kept you naked?"

"Unless you were at home, we had guests, or were leaving the house, mom and I never wore clothes."

"Why didn't someone ever tell me about this bs?"

"Dad forbade it. He said a kingdom could have many queens, but only one king."

"Yeah, he was a real philosopher. The asshole was loaded; how did you and mom wind up in such dire financial straits?"

"He just seemed that way. Like the government, he was a deficit spender. He managed to keep up appearances until near the end. After he died, we discovered just how far in the red he'd left us. Mom sold the house and didn't get a penny from the proceeds. We sold off everything we had."

"Did you work?"

"About all I could get was waitressing jobs. Sooner or later, someone would recognize me from the video, and I'd get fired. Mom was unemployable. She could hardly leave the house."

"Next question. How did you find me?"

"You're a well-known TV star. It wasn't hard. I knew they recorded the show in New York. When I got here, I went to the public library and used their computer to find your address."

"You could have done that on your phone," he replied.

"I haven't had a phone in over a year. That's a luxury we couldn't afford."


"Sold those right after the house."

"Damn. Let's get ready and we'll go get our errands started," he said.

"Want me to bathe you?"

"Bathe me?"

"Yes, you know, soap, water, that kind of stuff."

"Did the asshole have you doing that too?"

"We had a morning routine."

"I've gotta hear this."

"Either mom or I would bathe him while the other fixed breakfast. While he ate, the one who cooked would fellate him."

"What an arrogant prick."

"Mike, we were his subs. It made us happy to serve our master. Just like it will make me happy to serve you. May I bathe and fellate you this morning?"

"Barb, I'm uncomfortable with all this."

"If you'll give me the opportunity to show you, I think you'll find it very enjoyable," she said smiling. Mike was getting a semi just thinking about it. "Please?" she asked.

"Barb, give me time to get my head around this."

She put her hand on his crotch. "Or let me put my mouth around your head. I'm very good at it."

Mike moved her hand away. "Go get dressed. We're leaving in thirty minutes," he said as he stood.

"Yes, sir," she grinned.

"Stop the sir shit. I mean it," he said leaving the room.

A short while later he walked to the living room. "You have an appointment for your checkup in thirty minutes. I'd like you checked for STDs too." Barb nodded. "We'll go shopping after that. I want you to buy clothes for at least a week. You'll need makeup and whatever else you need for women's stuff. At four you have an appointment at the spa. They'll do your hair and nails."

"Is it a full-service spa?"

"I think so, why?"

"I was hoping they could do hair removal. How would you prefer it?" his sister asked.

"I like your hair its natural blonde. You only have about an inch of the black on the ends, they can cut that off."

"I wasn't talking about my head."

"Oh Christ. How do you like it?"


"Then get bald."

She grinned at him. "Yes, sir."

"You're really pushing this," he said seriously.

"Is there a sex shop nearby?"

"This is New York, there's a sex shop on every other block. I know I'm going to regret asking this, but why?"

"As our master, you'll need a few things. I'll show you."

"We'll see. Come on."

At the doctor's office, Barb got her checkup and the STD tests. Labs were drawn and would be back on Monday. They stopped at a deli for lunch then went shopping. Barb, after being pushed, bought shoes, lots of clothes, makeup, hair dryer, and several other odds and ends. They carried the bags back to the apartment so she could change. Her old clothes were put in the trash.

While Barb was in the spa, Mike went grocery shopping and also picked up a cellphone for her. He was back at the spa a few minutes before she was finished.

When she walked out, he was amazed at the transformation. She was fully blonde again, made up, nails were polished, and except for the weight loss, looked like the beautiful woman he had grown up with.

"Now that's the Barb I remember," he said, grinning.

She walked to him and kissed him on the lips. "Thank you. I feel like a woman again."

"You look like one too. You're beautiful."

Mike paid the tab and left a substantial tip. He took his sister's hand as they walked out the door.

"Sex shop next?" his sister asked.



He sighed. "Fine."

They were in the sex shop for over an hour, then stopped for dinner on the way home.

"I don't even know what half the stuff we bought in there is for," he admitted.

"I'll demonstrate it when we get back."

Once at home, she put her new things away and modeled several of the outfits, finally ending up wearing a mid-thigh length, blue, silk nightgown with a slit all the way to one hip. Seeing her in it got her brother's full attention.

She emptied the bag from the sex shop on the bed, grinning as she looked at the haul.

"What is it you don't recognize?"

"Bear with me. Go through each item," he said.

"Okay. These are for mom and me. They're collars that we can wear to show we're yours."

"When do you wear them?"

"Always at home, but we'll wear them whenever you want. These necklaces are for outside. For those that are familiar with them, they'll identify us as your subs."

"Why would we want to do that?" he asked.

"There's a whole community of dom/sub people. Some are into trading or sharing. Mom and I prefer we not be shared, but it isn't up to us. It's your choice."

"But, if I told you to, you would?"

"We would. This is a flogger, a paddle, and a crop. They're pretty self-explanatory. Nipple clamps. Ball gag. Ring gag. Blindfold. Restraints for immobilizing. I'm pretty sure you know what vibrators and dildos are."

"What's this long thin one?"

"That's for the butt. It hooks into the strap on so you can do both holes at once. These are butt plugs. Mom wears one of these almost constantly. She's really into butt stuff. I am too but I'm mostly into oral."

"Giving or receiving?"

"Giving. If I'm taken orally, I'll cum like a wild woman. When mom gets here, you need to take her the first time to establish your dominance."

"You mean rape her?"

"No. She'll be a willing servant. You just take her. Be rough and show her that you're her new master. Afterward, she'll need to be punished."

"For what?"

"Cumming without permission, being too loud, too quiet, who knows? It's part of establishing your dominance."

"Is there a book I can read on the dom/sub stuff?"

"Lots of them. You can also hire a dom to teach you but be careful with that. Some are sadistic."

"I'll pass on the hiring thing. What's this?" he asked, holding up a small package.

His sister grinned. "Oh, these are fun. It's a Bluetooth vibrator that goes inside. We wear it and you control it from your phone. When dad was away, I was mom's dom. I used to make her wear it when we went out places. I made her cum several times in the grocery store. You should have seen her," Barb chuckled.

"Will you be her dom when I'm not here?"

"That's up to you. Mom isn't a dom at all. She's totally submissive. I'm creative enough to make it interesting for her."

All the talk had given Mike a full erection. "If I ask you to give me a blowjob, what would you do?"

"Don't ask. Tell me. Say 'Take off your gown and suck me.' Go ahead, say it."

"Barb, take off your nightgown and suck me," he said.

"Close enough," she replied, standing, and removing her gown over her head, then kneeling between her brethren's legs. She fished his cock out of his pants and licked his length then looked up at him. "Thank you, master," she said as she took him into her mouth and began.

Mike had fantasized about his sister from the time he had discovered girls. Having his sister's mouth full of his hard cock had been his biggest fantasy. She swallowed him completely and moaned as she pleased him. Watching her rise and fall on him was pure ecstasy. She moved her brother's hands to her head so he could control her. At first, he simply held onto her head as she bobbed. After a moment, he began moving her head how he wanted. As he neared peak, he slowed her movements to delay the inevitable. She backed off briefly.

"May I also cum, master."

"Yes, of course," he replied.

She moved her hand between her legs to play with her pussy as she sucked him. It was less than a minute when her orgasm began. Her back arched and legs began to tremble as she went fully onto him. Her sucking never slowed or stopped as she was overtaken. It was just as she began to relax that her brother filled her mouth. Barb came a second time as he delivered his seed. When he was done, she deepthroated him again and held him in her throat. Pulling off carefully she raised her head and showed him her cum covered tongue, then swallowed.

"Thank you, Master. Are you pleased?"

"Uh, yeah. Are you?"

"Very pleased. I look forward to pleasing you whenever you wish."

"How was I as a dom?"

"You can be much rougher if you like. I enjoy being controlled."

"Like face fucked?"

"Yes, I'll cum without touching myself."

"What position is best for that?"

"On my back with my head off the bed."

"Doesn't it gag you?"

"Not when I'm already aroused. I've wanted you to let me do this for years, but father wouldn't allow it. One king, you know? I assume you want to wait on the STD tests before we go any further."

"I'd prefer that."

"They'll be negative. You and dad are the only two men I've ever touched."


"Mom, Ellie, and a few times with Kathi, my college roommate. I did Kathi without dad's knowledge or permission."

"Do you like women?"

"Yes, but my favorite thing is sucking cock. Will you let me bathe and suck you tomorrow?"

"I'd prefer you do things because you want to, not because I tell you," he advised her.

"Master, I want to bathe and suck you every day."

"Well, if you're going to force me into it, I agree. Stand in front of me."

His sister stood facing him with her legs slightly parted. He rubbed his hand over her smooth, bare mons then slid his finger along her clit. Barb moaned at the sensation.

"Master, you're going to make me cum without permission."

"You have my permission to cum all you want, unless I tell you otherwise."

"Thank you, master."

Barb's pussy was already very wet, and her clit was rock hard. As he slipped a finger inside, her pelvis thrust forward for deeper penetration.

"Oh, Master," she moaned as she rocked on him.

He could feel her hard clit rubbing against his palm and soon, her moans were continuous. She put her hands on his shoulders to steady herself as she came.

"Thank you, master," she said as she was recovering.

"Barb, I need to get up at three. We start shooting at five. I'd rather you stay in the apartment while I'm gone tomorrow."

"Yes, sir."

"Will you please cut the sir shit?"

"Sorry, old habits are hard to break. Where would you like me to sleep?"

"In your room. I don't trust myself."

"I'm clean. I promise."

"Let's wait on the rest of the tests. Are you on birth control?"

"I was on the pill, but when we ran out of money, I couldn't afford them."

"How about mom?"

"Her tubes were tied after I was born. Finishing in my mouth or butt is safe. I'd prefer the mouth, but I enjoy the butt too. I wouldn't mind if you cum in my pussy though."

"And if you get pregnant?"

"I guess we'll need a bigger apartment."

"With three of us, we'll probably need that anyway. I'll get home about three tomorrow. Are you recovered enough to make the trip to get mom?"

"I'm fine with it."

"Okay, get some sleep. I'll see you tomorrow afternoon."

"Yes, sir," she replied.

Mike rolled his eyes.


When Mike's alarm went off, he slowly sat up on the side of his bed. The aroma of coffee filled his nostrils. He walked to the kitchen and poured himself a cup then carried it to the bathroom. His sister was kneeling next to the commode.

"Thanks for the coffee. Why are you up so early?" he asked.

"Your bath and blowjob, remember?"

"I didn't agree to that. How about you move out of the way? I need to pee."

"I'm going to hold it for you while you do," she replied, grinning.

"You want to hold my dick while I pee?"

"Unless you want me to kneel in the shower, so you can pee on me."

"Let me guess, another dad thing?" he asked.

"Everyday. He also liked to watch mom and I pee on each other," she replied.

"Do you get into that?"

"I'm fine with it. I was serving my master. When mom helps you pee, she'll want it directly in her mouth so she can drink it. Dad had me punish her if she spilled any."

"That's just weird."

"It's what master wanted. We complied."

Mike stepped over to the toilet and his sister took his morning wood in her hand then aimed him at the toilet. He stood there but wasn't able to start.

"Just close your eyes. It'll start when you relax," she instructed.

A moment later, his flow began. Mike opened his eyes and watched as his sister carefully aimed his stream. When he finished, rather than giving him a couple of shakes, she took him in her mouth and sucked the last few drops from him. Although it was strange to him, it was also somewhat erotic. His morning wood stayed. Barb flushed the toilet then stood.

"Shave or shower first?" she asked.

"I shave first. You aren't planning on doing that too, are you?"

"Of course. It's part of taking care of you," she replied, as she set out the shaving gear.

Mike was impressed at his sister's skill at shaving him. That was followed by her joining him in the shower and washing him thoroughly. She spent extra time making sure his genitals and ass were clean before drying him off.

"What would you like for breakfast?" she asked.

"I usually have a couple of slices of toast."

She quickly dried herself, grabbed his coffee cup, and walked him to the kitchen. Barb pulled out his chair then motioned to him to sit. She refilled his coffee cup then quickly prepared his toast.

Once done, she put the plate in front of him, then crawled under the table. Barb had her brother's cock in her mouth quickly. It took concentration for him to eat as she sucked him. He hadn't even finished the first piece before he unloaded in her mouth. Barb got up and poured herself a cup of coffee then joined him at the table. She spit the cum in her cup, stirred it, then took a sip.

"No cream or sugar?" he asked.

She smiled at him. "I have my cream, sugar."

"Barb, this is strange. What other surprises do I have to look forward to?"

"Mom and I want to do everything for you. If there's anything you want, just tell us. I think the only shocker left is BMs."


"Yes. Part of mom's responsibilities were bathroom stuff. She cleaned me and dad afterward."

"Like wiping your butt?"

"Not exactly. Mike, mom likes to use her tongue for that."

"Damn! Likes or was told to by dad?"

"Likes. She enjoys it."

"Dad didn't make you do that, did he?"

"No. That was something mom wanted to do. I've never done it. If you wanted me to, I would. I'm your servant."

"Barb, I'll never ask that of you. Mom either."

"Oh, Mike. You can't take that away from her. She'd be devastated."

"Jesus," he mumbled.

"Mom is totally a sub. She sees doing that as a way of demonstrating how much she wants to serve. It makes her happy. When I turned eighteen and started things with mom and dad, I didn't understand it either. The bathroom thing, I wouldn't allow. Dad told me, that as his sub, I would do as I was told. He told mom that she could clean me too. She was elated. You'd think he had given her some precious gift by the joy she showed."

"Barb, I don't know how to deal with this."

"Let me be your guide. I can teach you. Once you've learned, I'll revert to full sub."

"No. Not full sub. If dad had you as mom's dom, I suspect he had a reason."

"He did. You'll understand better with time."

Mike looked at the clock. "I need to get dressed and go," he told her as he stood.

"As mom and I get to know your needs and wants better we'll be setting out your clothes and helping you dress."

Mike chuckled. "I go to the gym three times a week. Can you do that for me too?"

"If you want," she grinned. "I'd prefer to workout with you. Mom does yoga at home."

"Okay," he agreed.

He brushed his teeth, kissed his sister goodbye, and left for the studio.

Barb had made a mental list of things to do that day. She began by cleaning the entire apartment and had it spotless in no time. Barb got a pen and paper and wrote a letter for her brother.

Mike got a call from the doctor's office and was notified that his sister's tests were normal. A prescription was phoned to the pharmacy for her birth control pills, at his request. He then went to the bank withdrawing five hundred dollars.

The moment he stepped into the apartment; Barb went to her knees. She was nude and looking down at the floor.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"This is how you'll be greeted when you get home?"

"Okay, so what should I do?"

"May I look up?"

"Yes," he said, exasperatedly.

She looked up at him. "Mike, I'm trying to teach you what mom and I need. Be patient, please?"

"Sorry," he said.

"We'll be like this when you come in. You'll need to give us direction."

"Like what?"

"It depends on what you want. You can ignore us and leave us here. You can tell us to get up. If you want sucked, which is what I'm personally hoping for, you'll indicate that."

"Indicate how?""Take your cock out. Or just say, 'suck me,' to whichever of us you prefer, or both of us. Tell us what you want, and we'll do it. What would you like me to do?"

His sister's naked body had turned him on, so he decided he would play along.

"Bend over the back of the couch and get your pussy wet. I'm going to fuck you."

Barb rose and did as she was told. Her fingers had her already wet pussy, even wetter very quickly. Mike stepped up behind her and dropped his pants. His cock slipped in easily. Barb moaned in delight.

"You have no idea how many times I jacked off thinking about fucking you."

"Probably about as often as I diddled myself wishing you were."

Her hips were bucking on her brother's cock. Barb had been conditioned to cum quickly and was soon getting close. When she felt her brother's thumb enter her ass, she exploded. Mike continued pounding as her body trembled and the waves of her orgasm passed through her.

As Mike felt himself getting very close, he pulled out and put the head of his cock onto her pink sphincter. She pushed back, taking the head inside. Mike pumped several streams into her ass as he came. She repeatedly squeezed him with her ass as he did. When he pulled out, she stood and turned to him.

"When mom gets here, she'll want to clean us both," she said, as she knelt and licked him clean. "Same thing with my pussy. Thank you. I enjoyed that."

"So did I. Your tests were all good. Go get dressed. We need to go get your birth control pills."

"Does this mean I get to sleep in your bed?" she asked, grinning.

"We'll see. They said you aren't fully protected until you've been on them for two cycles."

"That still leaves two places for you to cum."

"Go get dressed."

"Yes, sir."

"Don't call me sir."

After getting dressed she showed him the letter she'd written. He rewrote it and signed it. Barb put it in an envelope, sealed it, then put it in her purse. He gave her the cash he had withdrawn, along with a charge card. Barb and her brother went to the pharmacy and then out for dinner.

"When we get home, we'll go online and book your reservations to go get mom. She's probably going to need some clothes to wear back here. Just get what she needs for the trip. After reading your letter, I've decided she won't be wearing clothes for a while."

"I agree."

"Before returning, get her hair done, manicure, and whatever else she needs done."

"How do you want her groomed down below?"

"It should be something different than she's accustomed to."

"You're learning quickly," his sister said, smiling. "She's always had full growth before. Groomed, but full."

"Is bare too much?"

"I don't think so. It'll remind her that she has a new master."

"Am I going to need her tested?"

"No. I'm the only person she's touched since dad."

"We'll get a checkup done though. Is she as skinny as you are?"

"Yes, and it doesn't look good on her."

They finished dinner and walked home. Barb was naked the minute they were inside. They sat down together and booked flights and a hotel for three nights before their Friday return. Barb would leave to pick up their mom the following afternoon.

As bedtime approached, Barb rarely got far from her brother. She frequently had her finger sliding over her clit, hoping he would notice and respond.

Mike went to his bedroom and got ready for bed. Barb stood watching. As he crawled into the bed alone, she was crestfallen. When he pulled off the sheet revealing his hard cock, she smiled.

"I made a place for you to sit," he told her.

She ran to the bed and in seconds was sliding up and down on him. Mike pulled her to him and kissed her. She responded as a lover, not a sister as she rode him.

"I want to finish in your mouth," he said.

"Yes, sir," she replied, with a toothy grin.

She rode him for a long time before she began panting and flushing. His finger began stroking her clit, just seconds before her repeated grunts and spasms began. When recovered, she lifted off and lay beside him. With her head on his lower abdomen, she took his cock into her mouth and lay there gently sucking. She was in no hurry and using his cock more as a pacifier than anything else.

When her brother put his hands on her head, she began in earnest. He soon took over, holding her head still as he fucked her mouth. Barb loved all kinds of sex, but oral was her favorite. Being a sub and her brother taking her mouth topped it all for her. She came when he jammed his cock deep into her throat and began cumming. Fortunately, she had just taken a good breath before he did. Both fell asleep a short time later as she pacified herself on his cock.

The next morning began as the previous one had but required no explanations. He let her serve and service him as if they'd been doing it that way for years. Both seemed content.

"Call me if you run into any problems," he told her.

"I will. Mike, thank you for this."

"See you on Friday," he said.

"Remember, you need to take control immediately," she reminded him.

"I remember," he said, kissing her goodbye, and leaving.

Up until her father's downfall, Barb had been a frequent traveler. She felt at home and comfortable in the first-class seat in the airplane. Arriving in Nebraska, she picked up her rental car and drove to the hotel he had reserved. It was a very nice two-bedroom suite.

She drove to the mall and picked up a sweatsuit and sneakers for her mother. They would get more the following day. From there, she drove to her mother's apartment. No one answered when she knocked so she let herself in with her key.

"Mom," she called, but got no reply. Barb walked to the bedroom. Her mother was kneeling facing the corner. The room smelled as if animals had inhabited it. Barb walked to her mother and put her hand on her shoulder.

"I found Mike. Everything's going to be okay," she said. Her mother began sobbing. Barb knelt and held her. "Mom," Barb said, grimacing. "You need a bath."

"The water got cut off."

"Get up. We're getting out of this dump. What do you need to pack?"

"There's nothing here I want or need."

Barb took her hand to help her stand, then led her out to the rental car. She drove them to Freddy's and ordered two large double burger meals and two large chocolate shakes then to the park where they ate. Sandy ate as if she was starving.

"I was so hungry," she said.

"Slow down or you'll make yourself sick. Mike gave me money for lots of food."

"Is he here?" her mother asked.

"No. We're going to take a couple of days to get ready and join him in New York City."

"Is he still upset with us?"

"More with dad than anyone. I told him everything. Part of what we did still bothers him, but I think he understands why we did it."

"Where will we live?"

"With Mike."

"Will he accept us like we are?"

Barb chuckled. "Probably, but not until we get you cleaned up."

They bagged up what was left and went to the hotel. Barb took her mother directly to the tub. As she bathed, Barb took her mother's clothes out to the dumpster.

When Sandy finished bathing, she looked and smelled, like a different person. She put on the sweats and laid on the bed. Sandy was asleep in minutes.

Using her phone, Barb booked appointments for the following day at the hairdresser, nail salon, and waxing center. She also managed to get teeth cleaning scheduled for them both. Her mother slept the rest of the evening and night. Before retiring for the night, Barb sent her brother a text telling him of the visit so far, and tomorrow's plans.

Sandy was up before her daughter the next morning. When she heard Barb stirring, she brought her a cup of coffee.

"That's the best I've slept in a long time. When do we go to Mike's house?"

"Friday. We've got a lot to do between now and then."

Barb took the envelope out of her purse and handed it to her mother. Sandy opened it and began reading.

Mrs. Morgan,

I assume, by now, you are out of your apartment, and safely in the hotel with Barb. This marks the beginning of your new life and ownership.

As your husband's sole male heir, you now belong to me, as does your daughter. In my absence, you are under the care and control of Barb. You are to follow her instructions to the letter. Failure to do so will result in your return to your apartment to fend for yourself.

Under my control you will be cared for. You will be housed, clothed, fed, and whatever else is required to have a good life. I will require obedience in all things.

I remind you, Barb is acting in my stead until you arrive on Friday, and I take control of you personally. You will follow her every instruction.

If you agree, tell her so.

Michael Morgan

Sandy looked up at her daughter. She had tears in her eyes.

"Will it be like with your father?"

"Better. We're both his property to do with as he pleases. Do you agree?"

"Yes. I agree."

"Undress and meet me in the shower. I need to pee and shower."

Her mother didn't hesitate. She stripped then knelt in the shower. Barb stepped into the shower facing her mother and raised her leg. Sandy put her mouth over her daughter's pussy. In a few seconds Barb unleashed her torrent of morning piss into her mother's mouth. Having done this many times, Barb knew how to regulate the flow for her mother to swallow. Sandy swallowed everything.

"Thank you, mistress," her mother said smiling.

"Bathe me," Barb told her.

Her mother had done this many times and was thorough at it then dried her.

"We'll be having breakfast downstairs. You can relieve me in the bedroom."

Barb walked to the bed and lay back with her legs parted. Her mother got on the bed between her legs.

"Take your time with this. Start with my breasts. You may not cum."

"Yes, mistress," her mother replied, still smiling.

Sandy worshiped her daughter's naked body with her mouth and hands for at least thirty minutes before Barb grabbed double handfuls of her hair and pulled her hard into her pussy. Her mother moaned with her as Barb came hard on her face.

"Did you cum?" Barb asked.

"No, mistress, but I'd like to."

"Denied. Wash up and dress. We're leaving. When we're outside the room we're mother and daughter again."

"Yes, mistress. I'll remember."

They went to the lobby for breakfast. Other than eating like she was starving, Sandy passed for mom.

Their first stop was the much-needed hair salon. By the time they left, two hours later, her mother's hair was cut, colored, and styled. The next stop was the nail salon. Sandy was thrilled with the manicure and pedicure. The next stop was a short walk away.

"Your master has ordered that your pubic hair be removed."

"All of it?"

"Everything. It's a bit uncomfortable, but you'll like the results, I think. By Friday, it won't be sensitive anymore."

"I'll do as master wants."

"Good. We're getting your nipples and clit pierced next," Barb told her. A look of horror came across her mother's face. "I'm kidding, mother," Barb chuckled. "Would you have done it?"

"If that's what master wants," her mother replied.

An hour, and several loud grunts later, Sandy walked uncomfortably out with a bare pussy and ass.

"How often does that need to be done?" Sandy asked.

"About every three to four weeks. It's easier after the first time. Are you up to clothes shopping?"

"Can it wait until tomorrow? Walking is uncomfortable at the moment."

"Tomorrow is fine. The dentist is next."

"Thank God. I haven't had my teeth cleaned in over a year."

"Me either," Barb agreed.

Both had cleanings then went out for dinner before returning to the hotel. Even without being reminded, Sandy was nude and back in sub mode immediately. Before bedtime they dressed and made a run to Baskin-Robbins for a late dessert.

Both got naked back at the hotel.

"Slave, on the bed, I'd like my pussy licked," her daughter instructed.

Sandy was on her back waiting quickly. Barb straddled her face and her mother's tongue was exploring as soon as she settled. After several minutes, Barb lifted upward.

"You can cum."

"Thank you mis...," came her muffled reply.

Barb leaned forward and attacked her mother's clit with her tongue. Barb was going for quick rather than intense and prolonged. Both women came a few minutes later, then Barb dismissed her mother to the other room.

Barb sent her brother a text telling him of the events of the day and the shopping plans for tomorrow. She reminded him to schedule their mother for a doctor visit. He had it scheduled for Saturday morning.

"We should wait on mom's punishment until after that. She's going to have marks," Barb wrote.

"I'm not marking her up," he sent back.

"Mike, you have to take control. If I do it, your control will be only partial."


"I'd love to. See you Friday at the house."

Mike thought about it for a long time before dozing off. Although it didn't sit well with him, he knew, from the little reading he had done, that control and trust were vitally important in a dom/sub relationship. He'd do this, but also knew Barb would require it too. He dreaded it. His father's ass was the one he really wanted to take a cane to.

Wednesday began with a piss and shower, but no sex. Her mother was obviously disappointed but said nothing. They spent the day shopping and picked up three days of clothes, cosmetics, and a suitcase for her mother. They went out for Italian food for dinner after her mother had a chance to doll up. She barely resembled the woman of two days ago.

Thursday, they went to the cemetery and brought flowers. Neither was in the mood to do much after that. They went out for lunch then back to the hotel. Both napped then for dinner, had pizza delivered.

They were up early Friday. After the morning ritual, they were off to the airport. By nine, they were in the air and on their way to JFK and would be arriving at three. Mike had planned on arriving at the apartment at five to give Barb time to prepare mom for the evening.

Taking an Uber, they arrived at the apartment at four-ten. Both showered and unpacked. At five they were naked and in the living room waiting on Mike. The moment they heard his key enter the lock, they were on their knees looking at the floor. He walked in, then closed the door and locked it. Mike took a deep breath then sat in a chair facing his mother and sister.

"Barb, look at me," he told her. His sister looked up at him smiling. "Did she give you any trouble,"

"No, sir. She followed my instructions to the letter."


"Sir, I allowed her to cum once, even though you said not to. I'll need to be punished."

"Agreed," he replied.

He hadn't given that instruction. Barb was giving him a reason to punish her. That way he would be establishing his dominance in front of her mother. She had told him that in a text the previous day.

"I do routine punishment on Saturdays. I'll deal with you tomorrow. Slave Sandra, stand and look at me. Don't speak."

His mother stood and sheepishly looked at him. Her arms were down across her front, covering herself.

"Arms at your sides, slave. You are not to cover yourself in my presence." Sandy moved her arms to her sides. Barb was softly smiling and winked at him. "You're fifty-one, I believe?" She nodded. "Skinny, but you've got a good body. I'd like you to put on about ten pounds." She nodded again. "Turn around. Let me see the back." She did as he instructed. Mike saw the old marks across her back and ass but didn't mention them. "Bend over and spread your cheeks."

She bent at the waist and did as she had been told. Having never been put on display like this, she was flushed both from embarrassment and arousal.

"Why isn't she wearing a butt plug?"

"Airport security, sir. I forgot when we arrived here," his sister informed him.

"Get one. Put it in her." Barb ran to where she had stored the toys and returned with it and a container of lube. "No lube. Let her wet it."

Barb held the plug to her mother's mouth. Sandy opened her mouth as her daughter pushed it in and turned it, then went behind her. The insertion was easy. Sandy had excellent control of her anal sphincter.

"Turn back around slave," he told his mother. She turned facing him. "Comfortable?" She nodded. "I understand you enjoy having your ass used." His mother nodded again. "Good. It'll be used regularly. When in this apartment, unless you're sleeping or your asshole is being used for something else, I want it plugged. Is that understood?" he asked. Sandra nodded.

"Slave Sandra, there was a time when I called you mother. You violated that relationship with your lies and behavior. I understand that you were my father's sub and were told to do those things. As my mother, you also had a responsibility to me." Tears were running down his mother's cheeks. "You no longer have the title of mother as far as I'm concerned. You are now my slave. You will follow my instructions completely, without hesitation, and without question. Do you understand?" His mother nodded. "Say it. Say 'I understand, Master.'"

"I understand, Master," she said crying.

"If you fulfill your duties, you may one day earn the title of my mother again, but you will always be my slave. Do you understand?"

"I understand, Master."

Mike slipped off his shoes and socks, then stood and took off his trousers and boxers.

"Come forward and give me your mouth to make my own."

Sandy didn't hesitate. She walked to him and knelt, offering her mouth to his hard cock. Mike grabbed her hair and forcefully pulled her onto it. She gagged as he did but didn't resist. He face fucked his mother. Looking at Barb for reassurance, she smiled at him. He continued and soon his mother began flushing as Barb had told him she would. He drove as deep as he could, and her body tensed and shook as she came. Mike joined her, filling her mouth and throat with his creamy ejaculate. When finished, he pulled off.

"Slave Sandra, who gave you permission to cum?" he asked.

"No one, Master."

"You'll be punished tomorrow. Go to the kitchen and make us all dinner."

She stood and left the room with a soft smile on her face. Sandy felt complete again. Barb motioned for him to come into the bedroom. He followed her and closed the door behind him.

"You were impressive. She likes the rough oral and anal. Did you notice the smile?"

"Yeah. I'll be honest though, I don't care for taking."

"You don't have to now. She's given herself to you. Anything she does from now on is completely voluntary."

"What are the marks on her backside?"

"She got the balls to finally stand up to dad after she saw the video you sent. After I left for Boston, he caned her. Dad had a doctor he knew look at her. A nurse stayed with her for a couple of weeks to get them healed."

"I'm glad that motherfucker is dead. Otherwise, I'd kill him."

"I agree. That was inexcusable," his sister replied. "I didn't find out about it until a couple of months later. At any rate, there's nothing we can do to undo it. Mom is safe, loved, and has what she needs now."

"I hope so."

"She's happy. So, what are your evening plans for her?"

"I thought we were done for the day."

"Not even. Here's what I would recommend. In the living room tonight, after dinner. Have her eat me. Take her from behind in either or both holes, preferably both. You'll have claimed all of her and demonstrated some control of me. Tomorrow, make me eat her while you fuck me. That will show her you're my master too."

"What about the punishment tomorrow?"

"Do that right after the checkup. I'm thinking ten strikes for each of us with the crop."


"At least ten. It stings and leaves whelps for a day or two but nothing lasting.""How hard?" her brother asked.

Barb got the crop from the drawer.

"Hold out your hand with the palm up."

He did but wasn't expecting the crop. He heard the whoosh as she struck and saw it coming before he felt it.

"Shit!" he swore, rubbing his palm.

"It hurts a lot more on your hand than it does on your ass. Wanna try one?" she asked grinning.

"No. Damn, Barb. That hurt."

"Put pussy juice on it. That helps."

"With the sting or the redness?"

"Neither. It helps my pussy feel good," she said with a cheesy grin. "Let's go check on mom and see what's she's fixing."

Their mother fixed a delicious dinner which they all enjoyed. Mike gave her the freedom to speak freely. Dinner carried him back to the days before his betrayal and how close they had seemed. Sandy insisted on cleaning up the kitchen afterward, so Mike and Barb went to the living room.

"I need to go pee," Mike said, rising from his chair.

His mother followed him right into the bathroom.

"Just pee?" she asked eagerly.

"Uh, yeah," he replied.

She knelt and unzipped his pants, then took out his semi-hard cock and aimed it.

"Whenever you're ready, master."

"You don't have to do this."

"I really want to, master," she said smiling.

Mike began as she aimed it. As the stream dwindled, she quickly put her mouth over it to catch the last. When he finished, she carefully tucked it back in his pants.

"Master, when you go to the bathroom, I'd like you to let me help."

"You're sure?" he asked.

"I'm sure," she said smiling.


They walked back into the living room. Barb was grinning at him. Mike rolled his eyes. She pointed to her pussy and then at their mother.

"Slave Sandra, I want you to lick Barb's pussy for her. I think she's horny tonight."

His mother grinned. "Of course, master. Thank you."

She knelt on the floor between her daughter's legs and began exploring and teasing with her tongue. Mike moved next to his sister for a better view. As he got hard, he began undressing. Once nude, he got behind his mother, sliding his cock between her labia and was surprised how wet she was. He entered her effortlessly.

His mother moaned, "Oh, so good, master."

"Slaves, you can cum if you want to."

"Thank you, master," they both replied.

Both women flushed quickly and came a short time later. Mike removed his mother's butt plug.

"I want your ass," he told her.

The second she felt the tip, she pushed back on him taking him fully inside.

"Oh, oh yes. Fuck my ass, master. Take me," his mother grunted as she started again on her daughter's pussy.

Between her daughter pulling her face into her pussy, and her son pile driving her ass, Sandy was in heaven. Barbs legs clamped her mother's head as she came. Sandy's back arched, and her arms encircled her daughter's legs to hold on. Her ass quivered as her son drove into her.

"Master, I'm cumming for you. Uh, uh, uhhhhhh," she moaned.

Her anal spasms squeezed tightly on her son as he pumped multiple streams into her and her sphincter milked every drop. When Mike pulled out, she turned and cleaned him with her mouth.

"Oh, thank you, master. May I have my plug back in?"

He picked it up and easily reinserted it into her asshole. She ran to the bathroom and returned with a warm wet washcloth for her daughter and a hand towel for her son. She sat back on her knees grinning.

"Master, do you know what time you'll be getting up tomorrow?"

"Seven. You have a nine o'clock appointment for a checkup."

"I'll be ready master. What would you like for breakfast?"

"Two slices of toast and coffee."

"I'll fix breakfast, you do the bath," Barb told her mother. "If that's acceptable, sir?"

"That's fine," Mike replied.

A few minutes before ten Mike put the script he was reading aside.

"I'm going to bed. Slave, you sleep in the spare room. Barb, you come with me tonight."

He could see the disappointment on his mother's face, but she complied. Mike and Barb went into the bedroom and closed the door.

"Wow! Dad never fucked her like that. I'll bet she thinks she died and went to heaven."

"I was worried I was being too rough."

"She loves rough. Tomorrow she's going to swallow your pee. Try to keep the stream less than full. If she spills any, she'll be expecting punishment."

"She's already getting ten."

"If she spills, you'll be giving her twenty. She can handle it. I'm not sure you can."

"Probably not. How do you slow down the stream?"

His sister put a finger on the underside of his cock and pressed gently.

"Like that. Don't push too hard or you'll stop the flow."


"I see you're still with a semi. Think you can pound my pussy like you just did mom's ass?"

"If you can get me hard, I can."

"Yes, master," she grinned.

Barb took her brother into her mouth and had him fully hard in minutes. He got up behind her and pounded her. She came twice before he pulled out. His sister turned quickly and took him in her mouth to enjoy his offering. They fell asleep in each other's arms a short time later.

Mike didn't awaken to the alarm. His mother sucking his morning wood did. He looked at the clock. It was 7:01.

"Are you my new alarm clock?" he asked.

"On the days when I bathe you, I am. Your sister will wake you on her days, master. Would you like me to continue?"

"No, I need to get up and get my coffee."

Barb walked in at that moment carrying his morning brew.

"Good morning," Barb said.

"Good morning," he replied.

Mike sat up on the side of the bed and reached for the cup. His mother had her mouth back on his cock immediately.

"She seems to like that," he told his sister.

"If you let her, she'll suck you all day. It's like a pacifier for her."

"Interesting. When we're out today we need to drop the master and slave stuff."

"Mom's had thirty years practice at her double life. She'll be perfect at it."

"Slave, I really need to go pee."

His mother didn't move.

"Go ahead. You don't need to get up. She'll take care of you," his sister said.

Barb signaled him with her fingers to control the flow. He put two fingers under his cock along the urethra, then began peeing. His mother easily swallowed it all without losing a drop. He didn't need to control it. She continued sucking even after he finished.

"Thank you, master," his mother said, finally pulling off. She stood. "I'll ready the bath," she said, walking into the bathroom.

Barb grinned. "Breakfast will be ready when you are."

"Is this going to be like when you did my bath?"

"Mostly. She does a few things differently."

"Such as?"

"You'll see," she said leaving the room.

Mike entered the bathroom. His mother had already set out his shaving gear and was waiting on him. She gave him an even better shave than his sister had done.

Sandy stepped into the shower and adjusted the water then signaled her son to join her.

"What do you want me to do?" he asked.

She demonstrated the position she wanted, his feet apart facing her. Once in position, she knelt in front of him and began licking his cock and balls.

"Please turn around and bend over, master."

He did as she asked. His mother then began cleaning his perineum and ass with her tongue. She stood then shampooed and showered him. She made sure his cock, balls, and ass were extra-clean before rinsing him. While still wet, she applied lotion to his body from the neck down and patted him dry.

"All done, master. Would you like me to dress you?"

"No thanks. I think I'm having breakfast first."

Mike stepped out of the shower and waited while his mother dried. They walked together to the kitchen where his sister was waiting. Once seated, Barb brought her brother and mother toast and fresh cups of coffee, then crawled under the table.

Her mouth was on his already hard cock quickly. His mother ate with a contented smile on her face. Having already been warmed up in the bed and shower by his mother, Mike came quickly. Barb got her coffee and added the mouthful of brother cream she had collected.

Barb stood. "Off to the ladies' room for me."

"May I come?" her mother asked.

"I don't know if our master wants us to continue that."

"Continue what?" he asked.

"Backside bathroom stuff," his sister replied.

"Is this something important to you," Mike asked his mother.

"Yes, master. I feel it's my duty."

"Barb, are you okay with it?" he asked.


"You can continue it then."

"For you too, master?" Sandy asked.

"How about I watch you this time, then decide?"

"Yes, master."

He followed his sister and mother to the bathroom. Barb went in and closed the door.

"She likes privacy, master."

The toilet flushed a couple of minutes later.

"Okay," Barb called.

Mike followed his mother into the bath. Barb was leaning over the counter resting on her elbows with her feet apart. Their mother knelt behind her and spread her daughter's cheeks, then licked the length of Barb's labia twice, followed by several licks over her anus. She sat back and looked, then gave another lick.

"All done. Thank you," her mother said.

Barb looked at her brother. "Think of all the paper we're saving," she said, grinning.

"I guess," he replied. "Do you two bathe each other to save water?"

"I think that's a wonderful idea," Barb chuckled. "Can we cum?"

"As far as I'm concerned, you can both cum anytime you want."

Both women's eyes widened, and smiles crossed their faces.

"Thank you, master," both replied.

"Leave the door open, I may want to watch."

"Of course, master," his mother replied.

"We'll need to leave for the doctor's office in just over an hour," Mike reminded them.

Both nodded, as they readied the shower. Mike left to finish his coffee and dress. When he returned about fifteen minutes later the bathroom was empty. He looked into the second bedroom and found them eating each other on the bed. He stood watching them until both came, then went to the living room.

As they walked to the doctor's office, a while later, his mother turned to them. "What if he asks about the marks?"

"It's a she. Be honest about where they came from. Lying would be about the worst thing to do," her son told her.

"Will one of you go back with me?"

"That sounds like a Barb task. I'd be awkward in there."

Barb nodded. Sandy was given a clipboard with several papers on it to complete before being taken back. After turning the papers in, she was called in. Mike sat in the waiting area by himself. Barb came out and joined him about twenty minutes later.

"She wanted to talk to mom privately," Barb informed him.


"Mrs. Morgan, I couldn't help but notice the scars on your back and buttocks. Would you mind telling me how you got them?" the doctor asked.

"It was several years ago. My husband was a very controlling man. I did something that upset him, and he beat me with a cane."

"Was it reported to the police?"

"No. He had a doctor come to our home to look at it. Then a nurse stayed with us for a couple of weeks to treat them."

"Mrs. Morgan, are you still with this man?"

"No, doctor. He died a little over a year ago."

"Where are you living now?"

"With my son and daughter, a few blocks from here."

"Are you in any danger?"

"No but thank you for asking."

"It's vitally important that I know you're safe. Are you being truthful with me?"

"Yes, I am. I feel safer now than I have in my entire life."

"Good. You're a bit on the thin side. I noticed your daughter was too. Are you getting enough to eat?"

"When my husband died, my daughter and I were left penniless. We managed for a while but wound up homeless. When my son found out, he took us in to stay with him. That was just a few days ago. He's given us a home, dressed us, fed us, and is caring for us now. We're safe and happy."

The doctor handed her a card. "This is my number. It's answered twenty-four hours a day. If you find yourself in trouble again, I'd like you to call me. Will you do that?"

"I will, doctor. Thank you."

"Go ahead and get dressed. Open the door when you're ready. The nurse will draw your blood, then bring you to my office so we can talk more."

"Very well. Thank you."

The doctor left the room and walked directly to the waiting room and to Barb.

"Are you Sandra's children?"

"We are," Mike replied.

"I'd like to speak to you privately, please."

She turned and walked through the clinic door with both following her and led them into her office.

"Please be seated." All three took seats. "Please tell me about the scars on your mother's back," she said, looking directly at Mike.

"I learned about them yesterday. Barb knows more than I do," he relayed.

The doctor then looked at Barb. "Our father was an important, powerful, and controlling man. About three years ago something happened in our home causing Mike and I to leave. Mother had words with our father about it and he beat her with a cane. I was in Boston and Mike in New York. I didn't know about it until a couple of months later."

"The police were never notified?"

"No. Mother refused to report it," Barb said.

"Your father is deceased?" the doctor asked.

"Yes, about a year ago."

"What you've told me matches with what your mother said. What he did was criminal. It's a good thing I'm a doctor and not a judge. I would have...never mind. Is she safe now?"

"She's completely safe now. She and my sister live with me here in the city. She'll want for nothing," Mike replied.

The nurse tapped on the office door then led Sandra inside. Mike stood and gave her his seat. The doctor looked at Sandra.

"Other than being too thin, your examination was good. I suggest we get you scheduled for a mammogram, a pap smear, bone density studies, and a colonoscopy. You don't have health insurance and those can get expensive."

"I'll be getting them both insurance this week," Mike offered.

"Good. Get us the information and we'll order the exams. We just drew routine labs and will have those back tomorrow. My staff will call with the results. Any questions?"

"No," Sandra replied.

The doctor stood and the others followed her lead.


When they entered the apartment, Mike directed both to the couch, then sat facing them.

"My life changed last week when Barb showed up. Even before knowing how the bullshit at the pool came to be, I invited her into my home and cared for her. I did that because she's my sister and I love her.

"I learned that both of you are submissive, and why things happened the way they did. I learned what has happened since dad died and took steps to get mom here so you would both be safe. That's the type of person I am.

"I'm expected now to be your dom. That's about as far from who I really am as you can get. I'm just now beginning to learn what your needs are. I think I've just scratched the surface. I'm learning, so I need you to be patient with me while I do.

"If I'm to be your dom, I need to do it my way. I'm not what my father was and don't ever want to become that. I'm making changes. Some, you may disagree with or, who knows, may totally dislike. We can discuss them.

"First, let's talk about something I do like. Our morning routine, I like. What red blooded male wouldn't like to have two beautiful, horny women, wake him like you do me. The shave and shower are awesome. The bladder thing will take getting used to, but I'm okay with it. The breakfast blowjob is amazing. I like the idea of you taking turns with the morning stuff, so we can leave that as is.

"The sex is wonderful. I gave you both the freedom to cum and be with each other earlier today. I can't keep up with your needs. I'll try, but I think you need each other too. If you need more than that, I'll have to step out of the picture. I'm not the type to share you beyond the three of us. If you want out, I'll grant you that and will help you to get started.

"We're all adults. Since when do adults physically punish each other? It something comes up where punishment is needed, it doesn't have to be physical. I told you both that you'd be getting punished today. Barb, you for disobeying a rule I never gave you. Mom, yours is because you came during sexual arousal. Both crimes were completely bullshit. I won't be punishing you today. If you require punishment, talk it over and come up with something.

"Now, about the sir and master stuff. You can both function perfectly in public, so I know it's possible. From here on, regardless of where we are, I'm Mike or son. You are Barb or sis. And you, Sandra, are mom." Sandy started crying softly. "I love you both and want this to work for us. I need your ideas and guidance. Are you with me?"

Both women were smiling. They stood and began undressing. Once naked, they walked over and kissed him.

"Up for something special?" his mother asked.

"Does this mean you're both okay with what I said?"

"We're good," his sister replied.

Both women knelt and began unfastening his pants. He raised his hips to let them pull them down. They had his shoes and socks off quickly and pants discarded on the floor. With his knees wide apart, his sister took his cock in her mouth. His mother grabbed two handfuls of his sister's hair and began moving her head up and down on his cock. After several times she shoved her daughter's head down hard. Mike could feel her lips at the base of his cock. His mother held her there for what seemed like minutes before pulling the gasping woman up. She pushed her down again and repeated it. When she pulled his sister up again, Mike grabbed her head and held her up.

"Barb, are you okay?"

She grinned. "Yep, go mom," she said.

Her mother shoved her onto him again for even longer. Barb finally patted her mother's hand to be released. His mother let her go and Barb pulled off. After catching her breath, she looked up at her brother.

"This is what mom wants. The more brutal, the better," Barb told him.

She moved away and her mother assumed the position. She looked up at her son.


Mike nodded then shoved her onto his cock. Looking at his watch, he followed the second hand as it swept around the clock face - 45 - 60 - 90 - 120 seconds. Her eyes never left his. At two and a half minutes, and with her face a deep red, she patted his hand. Mike raised her head. She gasped from being air deprived.

His mother began moaning and he looked at his sister. Her entire hand was in her mother's ass up to the wrist and moving in and out at a rapid pace.

"Again, Mike," Barb said.

Mike pulled her onto him and within seconds his mother's back arched. He could feel her throat vibrating just on the head of his cock. He had never felt anything like this and began spewing his streams into her throat. Her body was trembling from her tremendous orgasm as he shot into her. When he was finished, he pulled her up.

"Hold onto her. She's unconscious," Barb warned.


"She's fine. When she wakes up, I'm going to set her off again. I told you she likes oral and anal rough. You can't get much rougher than this."

Barb's right hand was in her mother's ass almost to mid-forearm. As soon as their mother began stirring, Barb began pumping with her hand and arm again.

"Uh, uh, uhhh! Yes!" she screamed. Sandy's whole body shook this time as she came.

Barb chuckled. "Good thing this is a solid floor, she's pissing herself."

Mike could hear the liquid spraying on his sister's leg. The orgasm lasted for almost a minute before she went limp again. Barb pulled her hand out of her mother's ass with a pop.

"Kooky, I guess, but she told me she wanted this when you called her mom again. It's a gift to you. A total surrender. It would mean the world to her if you thanked her for it."

"I will. Barb, there's so much I don't understand about this."

"Mike, you accepted being the dom. You took away the humiliation and gave us love instead. Mom believes that all she has to offer is herself. She's given that to you fully now. She's yours in every way. She knows she's loved, wanted, needed, and respected. Mom's never had that before. I haven't either. Now we do. You've given us everything we ever needed or wanted. Very few people can say that. You know, instinctively, what being our dom means."

Mike was stroking his mother's hair as she lay there in his lap. A moment later she looked up at him and smiled.

"Thank you, mom. I love you."

"I know. I love you too."

Mike looked at his sister.

"I know too," she told him. Barb smacked her mother on the ass. "Shower time, mom. We need to get your plug in before you make a mess."

She helped her mother up and to the shower. Mike went around and gathered up the discarded clothes then grabbed his phone. He booked tickets that night for dinner and a Broadway show. He walked into the bathroom. His mother had her face in Barb's pussy.

"You two are insatiable," he chuckled. "When you finish, you need to get dolled up. I'm taking my wives out on the town."

They were a family again.