"Please Mother ... can we not do this now?"

"Get in here now, young man. The water is hot and I already have the cream lathered in my hand."

"I'm meeting the guys in 30 minutes - you promised I could go to the movies with them tonight!"

"Then you better get yourself in here right now, hadn't you?"

Reluctantly, I walked into my mother's bathroom - I hated having her shave my testicles and whatever else she had decided needed shaving. I'd sneaked peeks of my buddies during gym class or at a urinal and they didn't shave.

Mother was sitting on her bench in the large shower with the water steaming out the top. The door to the glass-enclosed shower was open and waiting for me. Her left hand contained a large dollop of scented shaving cream. She gave me the stern look when I entered wearing jeans and a t-shirt. She always wanted me to walk into the shower nude.

"If you are not in here by the time I count ten, you won't be going to the movies tonight at all!" When I hesitated, "One - Two - ..."

I quickly stripped off my shirt and pulled down my jeans. My cock, betraying my emotions, was three-quarters erect.

"Seven - Eight" and she stopped counting as I walked into the shower. The hot water washed over my body as I entered with my back to her. I knew to scrub my pubes to get them good and moist before turning off the water and turning around to face her. Mother was all smiles now that I was in the shower with her.

My mother is always neatly groomed. She wears her blonde hair short - very short when the mood strikes - with her pits and legs shaved daily. Her light-colored pubic hair is always closely cropped and today she is shaved smooth. I know this because mother is always nude in the shower when she shaves me and she often walks around the house without a stitch of clothes. When I'm out, I always have to call ahead to let her know if I'm bringing someone home with me.

"I'm glad you came to your senses before I had to ground you for tonight - though I wouldn't mind having the company since I don't have plans myself! Now step closer so we can get you cleaned up."

I stepped forward one step in the shower and stopped with my feet shoulder-width apart and my hands holding the rail that traverses the shower. This stretches my arms over my head and allows mother to have easy access to all places where hair grows. Mother put her left hand, the one holding the shaving cream, against my testicles and began to apply it liberally to my sac. Her hand smoothed the cream around and I could feel her pushing it between my legs and around the rim to my asshole. I never knew exactly how much or where she would shave me but this was our Friday night ritual. By the time she was spreading the cream on the area above my cock, my cock was stiff as a rail. Her right hand gently grasped my crown and pulled my cock from my body so she could coat my skin. Lastly, she stroked my cock a few times with her left hand to apply the shaving cream to my shaft.

Mother picked up her pink razor in her right hand, always pink, and pulled my cock up taught with her left hand. Given my state of arousal, my sac felt tight as she touched the sharp razor to my skin. Mother meticulously shaved all the week-old hairs from my sac in measured strokes. That complete, she released my cock and used her left hand to pull my now smooth sac up and away from my body. The razor scraped the hairs between my sac and my asshole. She had not done this area in about a month and the dark hairs were much longer. Cleaning the razor in the bowl of hot water, I thought we were done and started to release the bar.

"Not so quick young man. I haven't told you we were finished." Mother stood up and walked around me in the shower while holding the razor in her right hand, the nails of her left hand raked the taught skin of my belly causing me a slight shiver. She got down on her knees and spread my ass cheeks. I felt the razor shave the hairs around my asshole and in my crack. I cringed knowing this would itch in a couple days as the hairs started to grow back. Mothers left index finger drew a line between my legs from my sac to the top of my crack as she checked the smoothness. She lingered on my rim, tracing around it once.

Mother returned to stand in front of me. I am just shy of six feet tall to her five foot-eight inch height. Her hands moved over my chest as she felt the short, soft hairs of my blossoming manhood. "Not today, but these will have to go soon."

"Please Mother, let me keep them until college classes start in the Fall. I'll look like a kid all Summer at the beach."

Mother smiled wickedly then told me that it could wait until Fall if I behaved like a proper young man should behave. I knew precisely what that meant. She returned to the bench in front of me and once again picked up the pink razor. She grasped my cock by the crown and shaved up the length of my cock on all sides. I relaxed as I now thought we were through but she didn't put the razor down, she merely rinsed it in the bowl. I saw her draw lines in the cream covering my pubic hairs on both sides of my erect cock.

"Please mother, no more shaving. I've got to go meet my buddies. You promised."

"I did promise but it's only 7:15. We still have a few minutes. I saw this look in a magazine I was reading last night and I want to see how it will look on you."

"What magazine were you reading last night that had shaved guys in it?"

"Silly! It's called Taboo - and I wasn't looking at guys! Now hold still or it will all go!"

I couldn't believe what I just heard her say. She was shaving me like a girl. I watched as the razor began to shave away the cream on both sides of my cock. She was careful but had to do some serious scraping before she was happy. When she applied the washcloth to remove the remaining cream, I only had a patch of dark pubes slightly wider than the width of my cock. I hadn't noticed the small scissors previously but now they were in her hand. She used them to trim the remaining hairs so they were no more than a quarter of an inch long. It was a closely-cropped rectangle of hair - a landing strip! I wanted to scream but didn't dare. It was already too late anyway!

Mother stood up, her nude body mere inches in front of mine. Her left hand gently caressed my cock as her eyes looked into mine. "Now give your mother a kiss and you can go get dressed for your buddies." I pressed my lips to hers and I felt her warm tongue slip past my lips. Her thumb rubbed hard circles around the crown of my cock as her tongue played with mine. She released me and I broke our kiss. I knew my buddies would be here in a couple minutes and I had to hurry so I would be waiting for them.

Mother had hidden my toothbrush and the time it took me to find it allowed her to greet my three buddies at the door. She was only wearing a pair of tight shorts, like the old Dolphin style as she loves how they fit her ass, and a snug t-shirt with no bra. I should note that she is a medically-enhanced 38C and quite proud of them. As is the norm, my buddies were all gawking at my mother's body as they stammered to answer her basic questions about what they had been up to during the summer. I sprinted down the hall and hustled them out the door before only two of them had managed erections from staring at her body.


We went to the movies and met some friends at a local coffee shop for dessert before I had to be home by my midnight curfew. They dropped me off and I walked in to find mom asleep on the couch. The television was on a dark screen so I figured she'd been watching some form of porn on dvd when she either fell asleep or passed out, noting the red wine bottle and nearly empty glass on the table. When I pulled back the light blanket so I could carry to her room, I wasn't surprised to see her shorts pushed down below her pussy. I knew she always masturbated at least once while watching porn.

I took her in my arms and carried her down the hallway to her room. I pulled her shorts off her legs and tugged the t-shirt over her head before lying her down on the sheets. Pulling the sheet over her, I kissed her on the forehead and went down the hall to my room. Before turning off the lights and after stripping off all my clothes, I looked at my newly shaven cock in the full-length mirror at the end of my bed. I ran my fingers over the smooth skin that had recently been covered by pubes. The touch made me shiver and my cock twitch. I wasn't sure what it meant, if anything, that Mother was shaving me more and more like her own body. I crawled into bed and turned out the light on my third Friday night of Summer vacation.

A little past nine on Saturday morning, I awoke to a pair of sensual lips wrapped around my nearly erect cock. I kept my eyes closed and enjoyed the sensation as Mother's mouth was devouring my cock. Her lips slid up and down my smooth shaft as the teeth on her lower jaw raked the underside of my cock. She was working my seven-inch cock down her throat when I became fully awake. My cock was buried in her warm mouth with her nose pressed to my closely-cropped pubes. Her fingernails were raking the skin on either side of my pubes - the newly shaved area - and causing goose bumps to cover my body. The feeling was new and stimulating. When I started to thrust my hips into her face, Mother started to ride my cock with her mouth to match my rhythm. Finally my cum, built up from her touch in the shower the night before, spurted thick gobs into her mouth. I fucked up and down as the cum continued to spurt from me and Mother drank it all down. Mother loves to drink cum. When she had me milked dry, she rolled off the bed and told me breakfast would be ready in twenty minutes, as if she had just knocked on my door to awaken me. Such was a typical Saturday morning.


Before crawling out of bed, I reflected back on the past six months since my 18th birthday. My father had left us when I was a young boy and my mother has raised me as a single parent ever since. She was always a beautiful women and I became aware of this fact in my early teens when my friends started telling me about my 'hot mom'. She was barely 21 when I was born so she's not yet 40 as I lay here this morning. Through my teens, I was aware of my mother dating both men and women and even being serious with a few but none of them ever worked out for her. A couple years ago, mom was dating a plastic surgeon and she convinced him to give her bigger breasts. Now that I have seen them for myself, I agree that her 38C tits look great!

The morning of my 18th birthday, my Mother called me into her bathroom telling me she needed some help. I walked in casually and found her facing the mirror wearing just a light pink thong bikini. Her perfectly shaped ass cheeks split only by a string that disappeared into her crack made my cock twitch. Then I looked in the mirror and saw those 38C tits staring back at me. Her nipples were hard and sitting on light brown aureolas that were perfectly centered on her upturned tits.

As I stared, with my cock getting harder and harder, mother smiled at me and said "We are both adults now and I don't think I need to 'hide' myself from you anymore. I just ask that you call me when you are out and let me know you are coming home with friends - we wouldn't want to embarrass any of your friends, would we?"

I shook my head no and managed to croak out that I would call while still staring at her nearly nude, perfectly shaped body. "Why don't you get your breakfast and let your Mother get dressed for work." I stumbled down the hallway to the kitchen.

Mother had given me permission to go out with my friends to celebrate but made me promise I'd be home by ten to celebrate with her. I jiggled the key just before ten and called out mom's name. "Are you alone, honey?"

"Yes mom, you told me to call if I brought someone home with me." I walked towards the sound of her voice - her bedroom. She was standing in the doorway with a dim light shining behind her. She was wearing only a sheer white robe that was loosely fastened at the waist and four-inch heels. I could see the outline of her body and her breasts spilling out of her robe.

"Did you have fun tonight? Come in and tell Mother about your day and night to celebrate your manhood." Mother turned around and lay down on the bed on her side. She patted for me to join her on the bed. We had done this many times previously, but never in this context and I definitely felt tense. As I started to tell her about my day at school, I watched as her hands lightly played with her breasts. She would teasingly touch her nipples through the sheerest of fabric and I could see them swell. By the time I started telling her about hanging out after school, Mother had parted her thighs and moved the robe casually so I could see her closely shaved pussy. As I moved into the evening, Mother's hand reached over and began to rub my thigh. I hesitated in the telling of my story, but her hand didn't stop moving. "It sounds like you had a great day with your friends today and now I'd like to give you something from me. I hope it's something new!"

Mother rolled over on her belly and unfastened my belt. She pulled down my zipper and pulled open my fly. "Be a good son and lift your hips for Mother." I pushed down on my hands and Mother pulled my pants and shorts down to my thighs. My cock was fully erect with my pre-cum covering the head. "Mmmm, it looks like you find your Mother sexy when she gets undressed for you."

"I've been like this all day. Ever since I saw you this morning, my cock has been so hard. It's been driving me crazy - that's why I was home on time tonight even though it's kind of early!" Her fingers were teasing my cock as I spoke to her. She brought her lips to my cock for the first time - the first time anyone had done this. Mother's lips wrapped around my cock and slowly slid down my length. I rolled my head backwards as I felt her on my skin. Mother's mouth was sliding up and down my cock and she quickly had me squirming on her bed. With her lips firmly wrapped around my cock, I squirted my cum into her mouth. She held her lips in place and sucked on my cock. I squirted again and collapsed on the bed.

When she had finished swallowing my cum, Mother crawled up the bed and lay beside me. "So tell me honey, do you like being an adult with Mother?" Her leg was wrapped around my thigh and I could feel her humping her sex on my leg.

"Yes Mother - that was fantastic!" I pushed her robe back and touched her breast. It was nice and firm and the nipple was rock-hard.

"That feels very good, honey. We can do this often but I will ask a few things of you. If you agree, I'll be happy to continue being 'adult' with you. But if you don't agree, we can go back to the way things were yesterday." Her pussy was leaking juices all over my thigh as she continued to hump my leg. Mother pulled my lips to her exposed nipple and I suckled like I did long ago. I sucked and pulled on her nipple for what seemed like hours. I released her nipple when I heard Mother moaning. Her pussy, grinding into my thigh, shook and her body orgasmed. "Oh honey, you made Mother cum all over you. That felt so great!"

"Why don't you take off your shirt and you can sleep with Mother tonight. I want to feel your body against mine all night long." I pulled off my shirt and she stripped off her robe and our naked bodies lay together until we both fell asleep.

I awoke in the morning and Mother was in the shower. I walked into her bathroom and asked, "Do you need some help in there?" My cock was already hard. Mother opened the door and I walked into the steaming water. Mother put her arms around my neck and pulled me to her. My cock pressed into her tight belly. Mother put her lips to mine and her tongue pushed past my lips. I had kissed a few girls on dates, but it didn't feel anything like this!

Her hand moved down to my cock and Mother began to slowly stroke my cock. "We need to talk about a couple items, honey." I just stared at her as I felt her hand slowly slide up and down my cock in the steaming water. "First, you can not tell anyone about what we do, agreed?" I nodded and smiled. "Second, you are still my son and I expect you to treat me with the same respect you always have. Part of that is doing what I ask, when I ask. Do you agree?"

It was damned near impossible for me to think while Mother stroked my cock. "Yes Mother, anything you ask but please don't stop what you are doing." Mother smiled at me, or was it my answer?

"The first thing honey is that I want your body to be kept neat. You already shave your face and I want that to continue. I was noticing last night that that is not true with your body. That will be up to me, understand?" I knew what she was saying but I'm not sure I understood at the time like I do now.

Mother rubbed body wash on my balls and brought it to a lather. "Now hold still honey or I might nick you," and Mother produced a pink razor. She ran it over my left ball and I flinched when she did. Mother smiled but continued. My pubes had been coming in for the last couple years and my sac was covered in hair. In moments, they were shaved smooth. Mother ran her hands over the sac and smiled at the feeling. She let water run over my body to wash away the soap. With that complete, Mother dropped to her knees and took my sac into her mouth. I could feel her tongue licking my smooth skin as her hand continued to stroke my cock. When she would reach the crown, she would rub her thumb over my peehole causing me to shudder each time. I felt her suck my left ball into her mouth. When this happened, my cock spurted cum up in the air. Mother stroked me harder and I came again. My cum landing on her cheek. Mother stood up and used her finger to remove the cum from her cheek. She licked her finger clean. "That's enough shaving for today. I like the look, don't you?"

I looked down and rubbed my smooth balls. It felt pretty neat and I told Mother so.

That was just the start and six months later, here I am lying in bed with shaved balls and cock and a closely-cropped strip of pubes. Of course, my Mother had just sucked me dry before breakfast but I wondered what was next. Or better yet, tried not to think about it!As we both knew it would, my balls and penis begin to itch as the hair started growing back in five days after Mother first shaved me. I found myself fidgeting in class as the itching played with my mind.

When I got home from school that Wednesday afternoon, I rushed right into my bathroom with the intent of shaving the stubble that I could see. I had already stripped off my clothes and had razor in hand when I thought back to Mother telling me she was the one who would wield the razor, not me. I wanted to disobey but I didn't want her to stop going down on me as she had Saturday morning and again Monday night after she got home from work. Of that, I was sure I didn't want to have stopped! I pulled up my pants and found something to eat while I tried to do my homework.

Mother got home a little after five that evening. She found me in my room, lying on my bed and doing my homework in just a t-shirt and sweat pants. "Hi honey, how was your day?" She was dressed very professionally, as she always is.

"My balls itch! They are driving me crazy all day long!"

Mother smiled, "Then you are thinking of your dear Mother all day long too, aren't you?" She unbuttoned her blouse as she was talking to me.

"Yes Mother, but I'm also thinking how much my balls itch!"

Mother laughed as she unfastened her bra and slipped out of it. I was now staring at her incredible breasts and not thinking about my itching balls at all. "Why don't you pull down your sweats and show your Mother what all the trouble is?"

Without hesitating, I pushed my pants down over my penis and balls. She sat down on the bed and leaned over my crotch. Her fingers felt magical as she grasped my cock and moved it around so she could see my balls. She noted that I had nice stubble growing on them, but they could wait until Friday as she had told me she would. Her hand lingered on my penis, stroking it slightly until I was fully erect. I couldn't wait for her lips to kiss my cock but she stood up and hustled out of the room. "I have a date in an hour. I have to get ready."

I was shocked. My cock was fully erect and she left me. I pulled my pants up and hustled down the hallway to her bedroom. By then, she was standing in just a g-string bikini and facing away from me. "Mother! That wasn't fair!"

Mother turned to face me, "You stopped thinking about the itch, didn't you?" Then she stripped off her g and hustled into the shower. She was right about not thinking about the itch, but now I was thinking about cumming in her mouth. Either way, it was difficult going back to homework.

Mother looked devastating as she walked into my room 30 minutes later. "I'm meeting Holly for drinks and maybe a movie. I won't be home too late. If you promise to be a good son, I might help you with one of those problems when I get home!" #

I didn't think Friday night would ever arrive. My balls were still itching though it did help when I started using a little powder on them. I didn't really want to be shaved, but I knew there was nothing I could do to prevent it. Mother got home just before six and walked into my room. She was already wearing just a skirt and her heels from work. Her nipples were already hard - it was obvious Mother enjoyed using the razor. "Are you ready honey? I've been wet all day just thinking about you?"

"I want it to stop itching, but I don't want you to shave me. Do you have to Mother?"

"Oh honey, you know you want to please your Mother. Why don't you pour me a glass of wine and meet me in the shower. I'll be waiting for you."

I walked into the bathroom nude and carrying her glass of wine. Mother was already on her bench, nude and waiting for me. My cock was nearly erect at just the thought of seeing her body. I stared at her 38C tits sitting on her chest. I handed her the wine as I stepped into the shower to wet my body. When I turned around, Mother had the pink razor in one hand and shaving cream in the other hand. She applied the cream to my balls and cock and once again shaved them clean. Her fingers played with my balls, feeling how smooth they felt. "Would you be so kind as to get Mother another glass of wine and bring it to my bedroom?"

I quickly dried my body and nearly ran to the kitchen. When I returned to her bedroom, Mother was lying on her back on the bed. Her head and shoulders were propped against the headboard. I handed her the glass and she took a drink before speaking. "Mother needs your help tonight. Holly has been getting me all worked up but leaves me needing. Will you help your Mother, honey?"

"Yes Mother. What can I do for you?" My cock was practically bouncing up and down with anticipation.

"I NEED you to get between my legs and give Mother a kiss right here," as she touched her index finger to her clit. Her body was amazing to look at as she lay on the bed. Her breasts rose and fell with her breathing. Her nipples were already hard from anticipation. Her closely cropped pussy lips were splayed open for me. I crawled on the bed between her legs. I looked up as she gulped the wine. When my face was inches from her pussy, she spoke to me. "Now reach out with your tongue and stroke the spot I'm touching with my finger. That's Mother's clit and it's very sensitive."

My tongue reached out and licked from bottom to top. Mother let out a groan as my tongue touched her skin. I did it again and again. After a couple times, I tried to lick from side to side. I could feel Mother moving under me as she pressed her body to my face. "Now lick between Mother's pussy lips. Long strokes with your tongue." My tongue split her lips and I tasted the muskiness of her body for the first time. I wasn't sure of the taste but I continued to stroke up and down her pussy as Mother instructed. I could see her using two fingers to rub back and forth across her clit as my tongue lapped at her pussy. As I grew more confident, my tongue dove deeper into her pussy and I felt Mother arch her back as I did. "Oh yes honey, you are doing so well. You are getting Mother wet."

I could taste her juices as my tongue continued to slip in and out of her pussy. At once, Mother grabbed my head and pressed it to her pussy. "Eat me honey, Eat my PUSSY!" Her body humped into my mouth as her fingers rubbed quickly over her clitoris. I could see that it had extended from her body as I licked her pussy. "Oh honey, On Honey! I'm cumming! Mother's cumming!" She cried out and I tasted Mother's cum for the first time. I licked and licked as I devoured her juices before she pushed my head away from her. "I can't take anymore!"

I lay there for a moment before crawling on top of her. I felt my hard cock press against her pussy as I lay on top of her. My cock was dripping pre-cum from my attentions to Mother. She kissed me deeply and with passion.

"Your Mother feels like a slut right now, honey. I want you to fuck my face with that beautiful cock of yours! Will you do that for Mother?"

I didn't know exactly what she meant, but how could I deny her? She helped me move up the bed as she slid down just a little bit. I was now sitting on her chest, those incredible 38C tits, with my cock inches from her mouth. I raised up and she took my cock past her lips. She tasted my pre-cum and smiled with her eyes. I began to slide my cock into her mouth. I had my hands on the headboard for support and began to fuck my cock in and out of her mouth. It really did feel like I was just using my Mother's mouth to get me off and it excited me. Her fingers played with my freshly shaved balls, scratching and raking them, as my cock slid in and out of her mouth. I knew it wouldn't last long, she just gets me so excited so I began to fuck faster and faster. Finally I came in one long stream of cum. I felt her gag as my cum hit her throat but I kept on fucking until I felt spent. I pulled my cock from her lips and saw a little of it on her lips. Her tongue scooped my cum into her lips and she smiled at me.

As we lay there, she told me I did pretty good for a first time. She promised to have me go down on her again real soon! #

Three weeks later, mother told me Aunt Kristin was going to stay with us for a long weekend. Aunt Kristin is five years younger than mother. She has long brown hair and blue eyes. Her body is nearly perfect at 35C- 23-36 and she usually dresses to accentuate every curve. Aunt Kristin has always been more like an older sister to me than an aunt. She has taken me to baseball games and movies and we even went camping a few times when I was younger.

Aunt Kristin arrived late Thursday afternoon. She asked me about school and my friends and what I'd been up to in the four months since I had seen her. I told her much but nothing about Mother and shaving - that was our secret as Mother had made me promise. Mother got home from work and we decided to go to dinner at an italian restaurant a couple miles from home. We ate and laughed and Mother and Aunt Kristin finished two bottles of the house red. By the time we were finished, I convinced Mother I should drive us home.

Mother told me to put Aunt Kristin's bags in her room so they wouldn't disturb me. I helped them both into Mothers room. Aunt Kristin disappeared into the bathroom and Mother pressed her body to me. Her lips pressed against mine and her tongue danced with my tongue. I could feel her hand cupping my balls through my pants. Aunt Kristin dropped something in the bathroom and the moment was gone. Mother broke our kiss and told me to close the door behind me as I left. A short while later, I could hear the two of them laughing and giggling even through the closed bedroom door.

I had been home about an hour on Friday afternoon when I heard Aunt Kristin call out to me. My fingers had been playing with my cock and short, week-old pubic stubble when I heard her so I quickly pulled them free and hopped to my feet. I found her in the kitchen pouring herself a drink. She had been at work and looked amazing in a tight-fitting suit with high heels. Her breasts pressed against her blouse and were apparent with her suit jacket unbuttoned. We made small talk and she asked me if I had plans for the evening. I told her I was trying to hook up with a couple buddies but nothing definite. Her eyes lit up when I said this, or at least my imagination told me they did.

Aunt Kristin slipped the jacket off her shoulders and hopped up on a bar stool. She crossed her legs as she did and her skirt rode higher up her hips. Her legs were tanned golden-brown. It was nearly impossible for me to not stare at her eyes, her breasts, her legs. I poured myself a coke and sat on a stool as well as I could feel my erection growing and I thought I could hide it better if sitting.

Aunt Kristin poured herself a second drink and played with her phone as we talked and I tried not to stare. "By the way, your mother texted me she would be home a little later tonight and that we should start without her."

I swallowed the last of my coke and looked at Aunt Kristin in disbelief at what I'd just heard. "She didn't text me like she always does. Does she mean dinner?" I smiled at her - a very nervous smile as my cock jumped inside my shorts.

"My silly nephew Kevin. You know what your Mother meant."

Shaking my head, "No I don't. What do you think she meant if not dinner?"

"It's Friday night and she asked me to take her place tonight."

"I don't believe you. She wouldn't say something like that!"

Aunt Kristin scrolled to the text from Mother and showed it to me. It read "If you can't find everything you need, have Kevin get it for you before you two start. We like to use the pretty pink one in the corner of my shower."

I'm sure my face flushed as I read the note. Aunt Kristin poured herself a third drink before she spoke to me. "I'm a bit nervous and excited at the same time. Would you be a sweet nephew and get everything ready for us in the shower while I finish this drink?"

Aunt Kristin spun off the barstool, slowly uncrossing her legs as she did, and walked to Mother's bedroom with the drink in her hand. I couldn't believe this! Aunt Kristin not only knows our secret but she is going to shave my pubes in just a few minutes. I couldn't stop my erection from growing hard in my shorts as I went down the hallway. Aunt Kristin had removed her blouse and was sipping her drink in her skirt and bra as I walked past her. I got out the shaving cream and the razor and put it on the bench of the shower. I put a couple towels over the railing and turned on the shower to heat the water. "It will take a couple minutes to heat. I'll get ready and be right back.

I walked into Mother's bathroom totally nude as always. My erection was jutting out in front of me as I did. I'm not sure I ever fantasized about Aunt Kristin but I surely masturbated to countless photos of girls who looked just like her! I opened the shower door and through the steam I could see Aunt Kristin's nude body! Her breasts seemed enormous with large, erect dark brown nipples. And as my eyes moved down her body, her legs were slightly parted and her sex was covered by a full, dark bush. I thought I would cum just by looking at her.

Aunt Kristin motioned me inside and the door shut behind me. Her right hand touched my left thigh and my body jumped. She smiled at me - a different sort of smile than I had ever seen from her - and told me to relax. "Even though I'm quite bushy right now, I've shaved my pubes for years and never nicked anything important!" Her left hand seemed to caress my right ass cheek as she spoke. I felt the hot water washing over my skin but my eyes never left Aunt Kristin's incredible body.

Her hands released my body as she sprayed a glob of shaving cream into her left hand. Her hand spread the shaving cream on the short stubbles just above my cock before she cupped my balls and liberally applied it there. I even felt her finger near my anus and I took a deep breath as I did. Her hands ran the cream up and down my erect cock, being very gentle to not apply too much pressure too soon. Finally the razor made long strokes across my skin as the shaving cream and the stubble disappeared down the drain with all the hot water. Aunt Kristin was very careful while shaving my balls and the short hairs growing up my cock. Finally, I was hairless again.

She told me to turn around and wash off the residual shaving cream from my body. When I turned back around, I saw her left hand between her thighs. I knew she was rubbing her clit. Her right hand reached up and lightly caressed my smooth balls. "Does Kevin like looking at Aunt Kristin's breasts?"

"Yes Aunt Kristin! You are so sexy!"

"Then why don't you bend over and kiss them for both of us?"

I quickly bent and brought my lips to her left nipple. It was hard and firm and I sucked on it like Mother has taught me to do. I could feel the motions of her hand moving quicker on her clit as I did. I moved to the right nipple and ran my tongue around it - flicking it and sucking it. I could hear Aunt Kristin moaning as i did. Her hand was now slowly stroking my cock. I really didn't think I could last very long like this. "Aunt Kristin. You're gonna make me cum!"

She looked up at me with those beautiful blue eyes and said, "Cum on my tits, my sweet nephew Kevin!"

She pointed my cock right at her chest and I shot a thick load of my cum onto her tits. She pulled on my cock and a second stream hit her. As it did, Aunt Kristin cried out as her body orgasmed from her fingers on her clit. "Oh Kevin. Oh Kevin. That was so good ... You are so good!" After a few seconds, she released my cock from her grasp. My cum was running down her tits and over her belly before pooling at the top of her thick, dark pussy. "Do be a dear and give Aunt Kristin a few minutes alone."

I quickly washed off my cock and grabbed a towel on the way out of the shower. Mother was waiting for me in my room when I got there. I looked at her in surprise as I hadn't heard her come home from work. "Lower your towel so Mother can see if her little sister did a good job." I dropped the towel to the ground and felt Mother's hands rub over my smooth skin. She stood in front of me, her hand holding my limp cock, and gave me a short kiss on the lips. "She did very well." And then she walked down the hallway to her room and Aunt Kristin.

It was Friday night but we stayed in for dinner. Mother said she was making spaghetti and asked me to ditch my buddies to stay with her and Aunt Kristin. After the shower, where else would I want to be? I showered again and put on a t-shirt and sweat pants with no undershorts. I walked out to find Mother already cooking dinner and chatting with Aunt Kristin as they both drank wine. Aunt Kristin was back on the barstool. This time she was wearing a long shirt that I think she borrowed from Mother. From the points on the chest, she wasn't wearing a bra and she had me wondering about panties. Mother wasn't dressed all too dissimilar as her kid sister. I had a feeling dinner was going to be difficult!

We made it through dinner but I had an erection nearly the entire time. When finished, I told Mother I would clean up the kitchen so she and Aunt Kristin could relax. They both sat on the couch in the living room as they drank wine. I couldn't hear every word but i heard enough to know they were talking about our relationship, the size of my cock and what Mother had taught me. None of it helped with my erection as i washed the dishes.

I nearly broke the plates I was loading to the dishwasher when I looked past the bar and could see that Aunt Kristin had removed her shirt and Mother was leaning in to kiss her left nipple! I just watched as Mother's tongue played with Aunt Kristin's large nipples. When Aunt Kristin saw me, she smiled at me and licked her lips. After ten minutes of this, Mother stood up and pulled Aunt Kristin to her feet. Mother walked into the kitchen. "We're going to my bedroom now. Perhaps you'd like to join us when you are finished here?" Her smile left no doubt.

I quickly finished and hustled down the hallway, removing my sweats and shirt as I did. When I looked into Mother's room, the lights were low but the view was unmistakeable. Mother and Aunt Kristin were side-by-side on the sheets. Aunt Kristin was deep kissing my Mother and they were both nude. Two sexy bodies lying next to one another. Aunt Kristin was much more tanned and of course, she had that thick bush of pubic hairs between her thighs versus the smoothness of my Mother.

I watched from the foot of the bed with my cock getting harder, if that was possible, until they broke their kiss. Mother smiled at me, "I've told your Aunt Kristin how good you are at going down on me. She was hoping you would show her."

"Are you kidding me, Mother? Both of you look so Hot right now!"

One of Aunt Kristin's hands played with her nipple; one played with the curls covering her pussy. "Then why don't you show me how good you are, Kevin."

I crawled onto the bed and moved quickly between Aunt Kristin's tanned thighs. I could smell the scent of her sex before I was even there. I looked up and Mother's hands were playing with her sister's large, sexy breasts. I kissed between her thighs and she spread her legs a little wider for me. All her pubes tickled my nose as i buried my face in them. My tongue reached out and stroked her inner lips and I could feel Aunt Kristin arch her back to my touch. My left hand reached over Mother's thigh and felt her wetness. My tongue made long strokes up and down her lips before pressing hard to her clit. I couldn't believe how big it felt against my tongue. It was much bigger than Mother's. I could hear Aunt Kristin beginning to moan until Mother pressed her mouth to her sister's mouth and frenched her hard.

I could feel the wetness from her sex coating the thick mass of pubes and it was so erotic. Two fingers were fucking my Mother's pussy as my tongue rubbed hard against Aunt Kristin's clit. Her body began to thrash about and I pulled my fingers from my Mother and pressed them inside Aunt Kristin's pussy. When she felt this, her body convulsed in orgasm. My mouth covered her sex as I tasted her juices through her thick mass of pubes. Finally she pushed Mother aside and sat upright. As she did, her sex pulled away from my lunatic tongue. I could hear Aunt Kristin crying out as I made her cum.My cock was throbbing from all this arousal. I knew if they touched me, I would simply cum. Mother sensed this as well. She moved down the bed and got on her back, taking my cock into her mouth. She sucked me deeply as my cock fucked her mouth frantically. Within 10 strokes, I was shooting my cum into her waiting mouth. I bucked a few more times but I was exhausted. Mother turned around and now lay beside me. I could see her swallowing my cum.

"Oh my God! You are so right sis! Kevin is amazing!"

"Yes he is but still has much to learn. Why don't you show him?"

And Aunt Kristin moved between Mother's thighs and began to delicately perform oral. I sat beside them and watched as Aunt Kristin moved with obvious skill as she brought Mother close only to bring her down and then start it all over again. Mother's body was glistening with sweat as her sister tormented her incredible body. I must have watched for 30 minutes and could feel my erection growing firm once again. Mother noticed too. "That's enough Kristin. I NEED a cock! I need my Son's Cock!"

I looked at Mother with lust. We had not done this yet but I thought about it every night. Wondering what it would feel like to fuck my Mother's sexy pussy. Aunt Kristin merely grinned at me as she rolled over my Mother's thigh to watch. Her face stayed inches from Mother's sex. I climbed between Mother's thighs and she bent her knees once I was in place. I grabbed my erect cock and pressed it against her slippery hole. I thrust forward and my eight-inches opened her tight pussy. Mother groaned as my cock began to fill her. I looked down and could see Aunt Kristin's fingers stroking Mother's clit as I fucked her pussy.

I took deep thrusts and pulled out quickly only to slam my body back into Mother. I felt her wrap her thighs around my lower back as I fucked her and could swear it drove me deeper. My body fucked in and out of Mother's pussy as Aunt Kristin fingered her sister. Mother was practically crying out for mercy from all the sensations before her body spasm and she came. She coated my cock as I fucked her and then I too came inside her. My cum shot deeply into her warm, wet pussy. Her thighs pulled me deep inside of her and would not release me. As I hovered over my Mother, my cock buried deeply inside her pussy, Aunt Kristin kissed me hard on the lips. It was the first time and I felt her tongue slip past my lips and I let her kiss me hard and deep. I was in pure bliss at the moment.

It was now well past midnight and we all fell asleep where we lay. I awoke a couple hours later to the picture of Mother going down on Aunt Kristin. It was a fun weekend of fucking and sucking with only the occasional break to eat or drink. I was bummed when Aunt Kristin left Sunday afternoon for the airport but looked forward to her next visit. I never did fuck her - she said she really wasn't into guys but really did enjoy having her nephew get her off more than half a dozen times. As for fucking Mother's amazing pussy ... Incredible!