
"Go ahead pull it hard, you won't break it," Maria encouraged Kim as she glanced over at an anguished looking Tony with a grin.

Kim pulled and gripped it harder, now using both hands. Vincent stared at his sister, wondering what game she was playing but was enjoying being touched by Tony's lovely sister.

Maria stood and gave Kim a kiss, then asked her, "Can you help me out of this dress?"

Kim reluctantly let go of Vincent's cock and pulled Maria's zipper down the back of her dress, then helped peel it off of her voluptuous body. Maria patted the bed, indicating she wanted Kim to sit, just as Tony had patted the couch a few minutes before but this time Kim immediately sat. Vincent grabbed his sister, now clad only in her underwear and bra and kissed her again. They fell onto the bed next to Kim with Vincent fingering Maria's pussy as their tongues swirled in a deep kiss.

A flushed Maria broke the kiss and said, "Fuck me, please fuck me, I missed your big dick inside me."

Vincent leaned back on his knees between his sisters legs, pushed her underwear to the side and pushed the head of his cock into her wet waiting pussy. He worked his dick into her feverishly, as Maria groaned beneath him. Kim watched dazed as Vincent's massive cock slowly but surely disappeared deep inside his own sister. Kim's pussy was wet. She had an amazing view of Vincent's huge cock stretching his own sister wide. It was the most erotic thing she had ever seen. She needed to touch her pussy. She rubbed herself through her pants but that wasn't enough. She needed to cum watching this.

Kim looked over at Tony and noticed for the first time that he had stripped naked and was stroking his hard dick. His eyes weren't fixated on his wife, they were locked on to hers. Fuck it, she thought, her brother had already fucked her, he could watch her masturbate. She stood and pulled off her pants, then took off her blouse, revealing a black lacy bra, her nipples barely visible through the material. She sat back down, looked over at Tony, slid her panties to the side then went to work on her clit with her fingers.

Maria scooted over towards Kim while her brother continued to fill her over and over. Kim was resting on one elbow towards Maria while she masturbated with the other hand. Kim's big tits were bursting from the bra in that position. Maria twisted her body so she could reach and undo the clasp from Kim's bra. Kim reflexively used the arm she was resting on to keep the bra from completely coming off. Somehow she felt shy showing her tits to Vincent even though she had been jacking him off just minutes ago.

Maria moaned, "Kim you have great tits, let Vin see them, it's only fair, you touched his cock. Vin, don't you want to see her tits?"

Vincent was focused on pleasuring Maria and kept pumping into his sister but managed to mutter, "Yeah, it's only fair."

Kim pulled the unclasped bra all the way off, her pearl necklace lay on heavy tits that were pressed together in this position. Up until a few months ago, Kim had gone her whole life only showing her tits to two men; her first boyfriend and her husband. Now her brother and this relative stranger had seen her chest laid bare. The excitement of two men ogling her bare chest was making her even hornier. Vincent looked over at her tits and said, "Beautiful."

That was enough for her to orgasm, she came in waves moaning silently.

Maria followed Kim's climax by cumming herself, she groaned, "Oh my god Vin, you are making me cum. I missed cumming on your cock. Ohhhh."

Vincent kept pumping into her as she writhed beneath him, "Did you think about my dick while you were on vacation?"

"Oh god yes, every day, I thought about your big dick inside me every day, nobody makes me feel like you do," Maria moaned.

Kim looked at how Vin and Maria locked eyes when they fucked and talked and it looked to her like love they were in love, and not just a brother sister love. Oh my god, she thought. Poor Tony. His wife had just professed that she loved another man's cock and probably not for the first time. She felt bad for him. She looked over at him and saw he didn't seem angry or upset. He still looked at Kim with lust, staring at her mostly naked body while he slowly jerked his average sized cock. Kim looked at his cock, realizing just how much different it was than Vincent's. It had seemed like a big cock when he fucked her in the hotel, but now it just seemed small. Kim went back to rubbing her pussy, she was still horny and wanted to help her brother who was probably feeling bad at the moment. Kim figured she would let him get a good look at her pussy and tits so he could cum.

Maria had gotten out from under Vincent and had him lay flat on the bed next to Kim. His rock hard massive cock seemed to never end and was within arms reach while her brother's cock was mostly disappearing in his hand as he jerked off on the couch. Poor Tony, she thought again.

"Do you want to sit on it?" Maria asked.

Kim's fingers froze in mid-swirl on her clit. Did she ask me to sit on his cock? Does she mean Vincent's or my brother? Kim looked at Maria. "What?" Kim mumbled.

"There's two hard cocks here, pick one, I'll take the other," Maria proclaimed as she stood naked next to the bed.

Maria continued, "I know which one I would pick but I'll let you choose since you had a rough day. They both want to fuck you, isn't that right boys."

Tony immediately said, "Yes."

Vincent looked at Kim and said, "It would be my pleasure."

Kim didn't know what game Maria was about but she was horny and she wanted to get fucked badly. She felt sad for her brother and the situation he was in. Tony was a true alpha male, a football player, and he was being cucked by his nerdish brother-in-law. Kim felt the weight of their stares as she looked around the room. Tony's eyes were pleading for her to fuck him while Vincent looked at her interestedly as he casually stroked his massive dick. Kim stood up, Tony held his breath as he expected her to cross the room to where he sat. Kim then turned her back to Tony and straddled Vincent, grabbing his cock between her legs. She felt bad for Tony but her body yearned to see what Vincent's cock would feel like. Tony had been the best fuck of her life but she was confident once she felt Vincent's thick cock against her pussy that Tony would be second best.

Maria smiled and walked over to a disappointed Tony, resting her hand on his shoulder as she watched Kim and her brother. Kim was grinding her slick pussy up and down the length of Vincent's cock, as Vincent cupped and pulled at Kim's breasts and nipples. Vincent was cognizant that Maria wanted to frustrate and embarrass Tony but he didn't mind because he thought Kim was beautiful and her body was amazing. Fucking her in front of her brother would be enjoyable. How lucky was he to have a sister that loved him and would let him fuck another sexy lady? Maria had the best tits he had ever seen but Kim's tits were also fantastic, probably even better than Mama's. Vincent didn't feel bad for Tony anymore. In his eyes he was more of a husband to Maria than Tony ever was. Vincent provided Maria financial security, love, and a sexual bond that Tony could never match.

Kim's pussy was dripping wet and she was ready to fuck. Vincent's dick was so big she had to lift her body up by his chest, with one foot flat on the bed, and angle his cock to the entrance of her pussy. She pushed back against his huge head, struggling to get it inside her to no avail. Vincent helped by thrusting upwards until finally she felt him enter her. It felt like nothing she had ever experienced, it was massive. She took a deep breath, looking down at his cock, and saw only about three inches of the biggest cock she had ever seen were inside her. How would she fit the rest?

"It's so fucken big, hold on, slow, slowly, please, fuck," she begged as Vincent pushed into her from below.

Vincent leaned up and licked her nipples, kissing her tits, while Kim tried to catch her breath and relax. After about 30 seconds, Kim slid her way further onto his rigid cock, she felt like he was splitting her in half but it felt so good.

Maria giggled and said, "More than halfway home, you can do it, Kim."

Kim didn't need the encouragement, she wanted this big cock all the way inside her like nothing she ever wanted before in her life. Finally adjusting to his girth, she ground her hips up and down about seven inches of his length, grunting with the effort as her tits bounced. He was filling her like she had never been filled before, his thickness touching every part of her insides. Kim collapsed on top of Vincent as she felt herself cumming, "god it's so big, cumming, ohh, ohh."

Vincent continued thrusting up into her as she lay panting on top of him.

Maria said, "Did you see that Tony, she came from just half his dick, wait until she gets it all. Vin, give her the whole dick, stop being nice. She wants it, right Kim?"

Kim turned her head and looked at Maria, her face glistening from the effort, then looked back at Vincent and said, "Yes, give me the whole cock. I want it all."

Tony was torn between distress and lust. His sister was begging for Vin's cock and from where he sat behind Kim, he had a perfect view of little pussy being stretched beyond imagination. Vin's length was still half buried inside her as he tried to work the rest of his cock into her. Vincent, encouraged by Kim's begging, rolled her onto her back and pushed deeper and deeper inside her as Kim yelled, "Oh, oh, oh, oh," with each thrust.

Kim looked between her thighs at Vincent's toned 6 pack abs flexing each time he buried his dick inside her. She was taking it all, she couldn't believe it. Realization hit Kim that this is what it feels like to be truly and thoroughly fucked. He was wrecking her pussy for any future dicks but she didn't care. It felt amazing. Maria had been right about everything, even his stamina. Minutes of ecstasy went by and Vincent was still methodically pounding her. Her tits bounced up and down, she was covered in sweat and she felt herself cumming yet again.

"Oh, ahhh, fuck, cumming on your big ass fucking dick again. It is so fucken big, you are breaking me. Fuck, fuck, you like hurting me?" Kim said loudly.

Tony had been afraid to touch his dick for the last 10 minutes as he knew he would cum. His balls ached from watching his sister get the living shit fucked out of her by Vincent. He felt Maria tugging on his arm, pulling him towards the bed. They walked to the edge of the bed and stood over Kim as her orgasm subsided and she finally opened her eyes. Kim looked surprised they were standing over her, glanced at her brother's hard cock, then went back to enjoying Vincent's dick. Maria got on her knees and kissed Kim on the lips, then kissed her tits.

Maria rubbed her own tits together and said to her brother, "Cum for us Vincent. Cum in her tiny tight little pussy. Do you want his cum, Kim?"

Kim thought about his giant dick sending streams of cum deep inside her pussy and wanted to feel it but she had stopped taking the pill since her split with Tom, "Yes, yes, I want his cum. But cum all over my tits. I want to see that big cock cum all over. I want to see how much cum those big balls have in them."

Maria whispered, "You should let him cum in you. I promise you will love it."

Maria was loving the control she had over this situation. Her husband was now a full blown cuckold. She had convinced Kim to fuck her own brother, then to fuck Vincent, and now she wanted to convince Kim to let Vincent dump his seed inside her. The power was intoxicating for Maria. She looked at Tony who was touching his cock again, smacked his hand and said, "Don't cum yet."

Maria put her hand on Vincent's shoulder as he strained above Kim, she still marveled at his ability to control himself as he still hadn't stopped fucking away at Kim's little pussy.

"Come on Vincent, give her your cum. Cum inside Tony's big sister while he watches," Maria teased.

Vincent slowed his rhythm, looking down at Kim, met her gaze, and asked with ragged breath, "Where do you want me to cum?"

Kim looked at Vincent, then at Maria, "Inside me, cum inside me then pull it out so I can see it."

Maria smiled and urged her brother on as he picked up his pace, ramming violently into Kim's box as she moaned and moaned beneath him. Finally he convulsed and Kim felt his hot seed unleashed inside of her.

"I'm cumming," Vincent yelled.

Kim gasped, "Oh my god, I feel it. Let me see. Let me see."

Vincent obliged and pulled all the way out of Kim's pussy, shooting his last few spurts on Kim's pussy and flat waist. Maria grabbed Tony's cock and jerked him quickly, as Vincent drained the last drops of his cum, shaking it on Kim's exposed pussy. Maria pulled her husband's cock closer to Kim.

"Cum on your sister, Tony. Put it on her tits."

Tony looked down at his naked wife jerking his cock. His cum covered sister's pussy, and his sister's sweaty tits. Kim pushed her tits together and smiled, "Come on Tony, cum on me." Tony exploded, his blue balls sending out load after load of cum that landed on Kim's tits, her neck and chin.

Maria yelled, "That's it Tony, spray your sister with your cum. Look at her, she loves it."

They all sat there for a minute breathing heavily. Kim looked at Vincent's softening cock, still huge, dangling against her cum covered pussy. Her brother's still hard cock in Maria's hand. Maria smiled like a cat. Tony still gazed at his sister longingly, while Vincent just seemed to be calmly taking it all in. At last, Maria said, "Kim, let's go get a shower. It's big enough for two, I will help you get all this cum off you."

Kim stood naked in the massive shower, which was equipped with four shower heads, letting the hot water run over her as Maria soaped up next to her humming softly to herself. The excitement had worn off and Kim was feeling anxious and depressed over what had just happened. Overwhelmed again, she started to cry for the second time tonight.

Maria stopped humming and said, "Oh no, Kim, what's wrong?"

Kim sobbed,, "What do you mean? I am just a whore now, with no life, no husband, and no direction. What am I doing?"

Maria grabbed her by the shoulders in the steamy shower and said, "Kim, you are a strong independent woman. What happened tonight was all in your control. You are just living your best life and exploring your sexuality. You have a new house, a job you like and excel at, and a freedom to do whatever you please. I saw how much you enjoyed yourself tonight, there is nothing wrong with what happened. You had a great sexual experience with two people who love you and a sexy multi-millionaire with a big cock. You call that a bad night?"

Kim laughed a little, "Sounds different when you say it like that, i just can't wrap my head around it. Seems dirty, like I am going backwards in life."

Maria hugged Kim, their naked wet bodies melding together, and said, "Remember Kim. You are in control here. This never happens again if you don't want it and we just go back to how things were, that's how family works. If you find a new man or if this just doesn't interest you anymore, you are in complete control of what happens or doesn't happen. Remember that. You are a strong woman exploring her sexual fantasies and there is nothing to be ashamed of. Don't ever second guess your decisions, just change them going forward if your feelings change. Either way, we are here for you."

Kim was motivated by Maria's speech and felt a lot better, "I never knew how strong you were Maria. I always put on a facade of being so assured of myself but I do second guess myself a lot. I really did have a great time tonight, it just seems so taboo and outside the norm of what regular people do. I guess what I am saying is, sex with our brothers, it's just weird."

Maria broke their embrace, looked Kim in the eyes, and said, "Most people are into some kind of kinky stuff but who cares what most people do. Live your life to the fullest Kim. That is what I plan on doing. Did it look weird when I fucked my brother tonight? I can tell you it certainly didn't look weird when you and Tony got it on at the hotel. It was one of the hottest things I have ever seen. You both loved it. Why give that up because somebody else may think it's weird. Trust me, everyone thinks about what it would be like to fuck a hot family member, we are one of the few brave enough to actually do it. Besides, nobody will ever know and it is none of their business anyway."

Kim nodded, "I'll admit, it all seemed so natural. You and Vincent were so into pleasuring each other, it was intoxicating. I'm glad we talked, I feel better now. I am still not sure I would do something like this again but I am not upset I did it. In fact, I will never forget it. Thanks Maria for everything."

Maria smiled, "You're welcome, now let's get this soap off us and get out of here. I have tons of furniture coming tomorrow."

Tony stood next to his truck, angrily pacing while he waited for Maria. The night hadn't gone anything like he had imagined. He ended up being the cuckold to not only his wife but his sister as well. Maria finally emerged from the house, walking to the truck with a big grin on her face.

"Can't wait to get the furniture tomorrow," she said happily.

Tony grunted, got into the truck with his wife and said, "What the fuck was that all about?"

Maria looked perplexed, "What was what all about?"

"Oh, you know, getting Vincent to fuck Kim. That is not what we have been talking about for weeks."

Maria laughed, "Your nightly fantasies? You should be kissing my ass even getting her up to that room. You know she was crying earlier and just wanted to go home. I convinced her to stay. She wanted nothing to do with sex tonight but I convinced her to come watch. I even got her excited enough to join in. I gave her a simple option to pick which cock she wanted to fuck. You are just mad she didn't pick yours tonight."

"Well of course she would pick the porn star sized cock and you knew it. You did it to embarrass me," Tony said through gritted teeth.

"That's not true. I didn't know what she would do. I remember seeing you make her cum twice at the hotel. She obviously loved your dick that night. Maybe she wanted to try something new tonight? Either way, without my encouraging you never get to see her naked tonight, you never see her get fucked, and you never get to cum on her tits. It would have been just me and Vincent fucking and you dropping your load on the floor. Instead you got to see your big sister put on a show and you got to shoot your load on her. Did you forget that?"

Tony sighed, "You have a great way of turning this all around. You know this isn't what I wanted but I'll never win this argument."

Maria laughed, "No you will not. Lucky for you, your beautiful wife probably just convinced Kim to do something like this again. Maybe you fuck her next time."

Tony just muttered, "Yeah, maybe."

A few days later, Vincent took a break from work and strolled along his balcony. The road to the new houses had been paved, Maria and Tony had moved in with their kids, Kim was moving in today. The unexpected inclusion of Kim in their arrangement had been a pleasant surprise. Kim was a sexy, beautiful woman, and carried an aura of class even though she grew up in the same poor small town. Something about the way she carried herself and spoke made her seem more like an heiress than a local. Vincent was sure the whole thing was more about Maria getting back at Tony than it was about giving her brother another piece of ass but he wouldn't complain. No woman could ever match his lust for Maria but Kim was a nice addition to his bedroom and he would welcome her back anytime. Mama had been miserable ever since Maria returned and had barely spoken to Vincent the last few days. She was also angry that Vincent wasn't going with her to Italy. She seemed to enjoy having her grandchildren close by but was jealous of Maria getting more of Vincent's attention.Vincent would leave her alone, he knew she would accept the situation eventually. He sipped his coffee in the chill of the crisp morning when his phone beeped. He glanced at his phone and whispered, "Oh my."

Tony was at the gym, working out his frustrations, still angry with Maria over the Kim situation. He realized he had become overly obsessed with sex. Obsessed with sex with his sister in particular but he just couldn't shake it. It seemed as if Gianna had fucked him on a whim and was happy to never have it happen again. He was sure the experience with Kim in the hotel would lead to them fucking regularly but now he felt like he had lost her to Vincent and his big dick. He would probably be lucky to get a handjob from her or sloppy seconds at this point. As he finished his last set he got a text from Vincent asking him to come by, that he needed to show him something. "What now?" he said to nobody in particular.

Vincent met Tony in the large foyer and said, "Hey man, how are you?"

Tony was still pumped and angry from the gym and responded, "I've been better, what did you want to show me?"

Vincent shrugged off his anger and said, "So I got an interesting text today that I thought you would want to see. Before I show it to you, I need to give you context."

"Ok," Tony said warily.

"Your mother told me she was having difficulty setting up her new IPad and asked me if she could call me for help. Thinking nothing of it, I said sure, just call me and I can walk you through it and I gave her my number."

Not knowing where this was headed, Tony just nodded.

Vincent continued, "Well, we texted a few times yesterday about the setup and she said it was working. Then today I got this," Vincent extended his phone to Tony.

Tony grabbed the phone and was shocked to see a picture of his mother, obviously a selfie, in the bathroom mirror. The fact she was sending Vincent a selfie was disturbing enough but her outfit was what had Tony's jaw drop. His tanned mother wore a white sheer nightgown, it was partly open, her large tits almost bursting from a sheer black bra, her nipples just visible through the material. She had on black panties and stood seductively with one hand on her hip, smiling into the mirror. His mom was probably twenty pounds overweight but it was all tits and ass. She looked hot as hell and Tony felt his cock stir at the sight.

"Holy shit," was all Tony could say.

"Right?" Vincent responded.

Tony read Vincent's response to the picture, it simply said, 'I assume you meant to send this to your husband, no worries, I will delete.' His mother's response was, 'Or you can keep it if you want, did you like it? Send me a pic if you did.'

Vincent shrugged his shoulders, "I didn't know what to do, so I called you immediately."

Tony handed the phone back to Vincent and turned to leave, "Send me that pic. I will talk to my mother."

Vincent simply said, "You got it."

Tony got back in his truck and drove down the road a bit before pulling over to look at the pic again. His mom was hot. No wonder he was obsessed with sex, he got it from his horny parents. Maybe there was something in the town's water supply that made everyone horny as hell? He continued his drive to his Mom's house. Tony rang the bell and his mother eventually answered dressed in a white tank top, black yoga pants and a hooded sweatshirt that was unzippered leaving him a great view of her cleavage. She had her blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail.

"Oh hey, son, I wasn't expecting anyone," she said.

Tony's anger had him feeling more confident and brazen than he normally felt around his demanding mother. He took his time ogling her tits, then looked his mother in the eyes.

"Hey Kathy, can I come in for a bit?" Tony asked, knowing she hated when he called her anything but Mom.

Tony entered the small living room as his mom closed the door behind him. He turned and stood two feet from his mother and asked, "Anything new I should know about?"

"The same old tired life as usual. Your dad's at work, I was about to work out a little then do some laundry. Thought you would be busy at your big new house."

"Yeah, I was, then I got distracted." Tony said as he held up his phone displaying her bathroom selfie.

His mom thrust her chest out as she crossed her arms, "Oh, that's a nice pic right? You came all the way over to show it to me?"

Tony fumed, "You are trying to fuck my wife's brother? How could you do this to Dad?"

His mom giggled, "Who do you think picked the picture out? He knows who I sent it to."

"What? Dad knows about this?"

"None of your business really but your father can't get it up anymore and he's afraid to take any pills, but I bet he would take a bottle of Viagra if that little hot wife of yours offered him a shot, he follows her around like a puppy. He's been talking about wanting to fuck her for years. So don't worry about your father, maybe ask him why he wants your wife so bad. He was going on and on about her body so I told him the things I would like Vincent to do to me. He didn't care, he actually told me to go for it, said he'd even hold my hand and watch," his mother said with a smile.

Kathy was keenly aware of her son staring at her tits and she moved her crossed arms to push them out even further as Tony tried to comprehend what she was saying.

Tony stammered, "So Dad knows?"

"Are you hard of hearing? Yes, he knows. We have been together for thirty years, I don't keep secrets from him. I am not getting any younger, I'll be fifty in a couple of years. I am too young to stop having sex. You saw the picture, don't you think your mother still looks good? What did Vincent say? Probably surprised him, huh?"

"Yes, you look hot in the picture, Mom. Vincent didn't say anything except that you sent it."

She frowned, "That's a shame, I was wondering what he was packing between his legs. I don't think you care about what dad thinks. I think you are just jealous I didn't send you the picture."

Tony summoned his courage and took a shot, "Maybe I am. I could help you out with your problem. Right now, if you want."

Kathy was shocked at his response, as Tony would normally back down whenever his mother challenged him with anything. She eyed her son. He was young, fit, handsome, and probably hard all the time with Maria around his house.

Finally she said, "Ok, I will give you one shot to please your mother but I will tell your father what happens. We keep no secrets."

Tony couldn't imagine what his father would do if she told him. He looked at the door as if to leave then looked at his sexy mother patiently waiting for him to decide whether to fuck her or not. Willing to take the risk, he took his mother by the hand and led her up the stairs to her bedroom. He led her to the bed and motioned her to sit, his mother wasted no time pulling his sweatpants down then his boxers.

As his hard cock sprung free his mother said, "Finally, a hard cock, not quite as big as your fathers but it will do." as she gripped it with her small hand and put it in her mouth.

His mother sucked his cock noisily, scratching his stomach softly with her long painted fingernails as she hungrily bobbed up and down on his cock. Tony removed his shirt then helped her out of her sweatshirt as she sucked him. He pulled her tank top over her head and pulled her large tits from her white lacy bra. He thought they were bigger than Maria's or Kim's but less firm. Her areolas were also a bit lighter but much larger than his wife's. He gripped his mother's tit with one hand as he held her ponytail with the other, guiding her up and down on his hard dick.

Tony felt himself nearing orgasm, so he stopped fucking her face, and dropped down between his mother's legs. She laid back to allow him to pull off her yoga pants and was pleasantly surprised to see that his mother wore no underwear. Her pussy was just inches from his face, her labia was thick and dark with a thick patch of brown pubic hair. He licked his mothers clit slowly as reached up with his hands to fondle her tits. He then used his hands to spread her pussy lips wide and lick her more aggressively.

His mother moaned in response, "Oh that's it. Keep doing that. You will make me cum."

Tony felt his mom grab his hair and buck her hips into him as she came on his face, moaning loudly.

She moaned, "That felt so good but I need some cock now. Give me your cock."

Tony crawled between his mother's legs, positioned his cock at the entrance of her pussy then plunged all the way inside her in one motion. Their eyes locked as she let out a soft moan when he entered her.

"That's it. Give it to me," his mother cooed.

"How do you want it?" Tony asked her.

"Fuck me hard. I need to be fucked hard. It's been so long since I have been fucked hard," she said excitedly.

Tony complied, pumping his mother as hard as he could, the loud smacking echoed in the room with every pump. His mom's tits were bouncing in waves as he plowed into her. His mothers nails dug into his ass as she pulled him into her.

"Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me harder. Fuck your mother like you mean it," she encouraged him.

Her hips began pushing up into his thrusts as she matched his rhythm. She started cumming on his dick.

"Finally, give me that hard cock son. You're making your mother cum. Yes, yes, oh yesss."

Tony was at his climax as well and pulled out at the last possible second, sending ribbons of cum all over his mother's stomach and her pussy. He pulled the last drops from his cock and watched them drip onto the folds of her still glistening pussy. He then rolled off of her, breathing heavily beside her on the bed. His mother got up and gathered her clothes saying, "Well I needed that even more than I thought. Thanks for stopping by and helping your old mother out."

Tony was still panting from the effort, "That was fucken hot, mom. I will help you whenever you need it."

His mother headed towards the bathroom with her clothes and said ominously, "We will see what your father says. Lock the door when you leave, I will probably take a nap before your father gets home."

Tony dressed and left quietly, locking the door behind him. As he drove home he wondered what was next. He had done it, he had fucked both of his sisters and now his mother. Although he would probably never fuck Gianna again, he would still try, and he would do everything in his power to fuck Kim and his mother again. Especially Kim. He also decided as he was driving home that he needed to tell Maria what happened.

"You did what?" Maria said loudly after he nonchalantly said that he fucked his mother.

He handed Maria his phone with the picture of his mom, "Let me tell you the whole story. My mother sent this picture to Vincent. Vincent showed me so I went over to confront her. Turns out she hasnt had sex in years and just was looking for a good time. I offered to help her out and bada bing bada boom."

"Bada bing bada boom, my ass. You didn't think to tell me before you did this?" Maria said feigning anger but in reality she realized she actually didn't mind.

Tony stammered, "I didn't know what would happen, thought I would just tell her to stop. She said she's gonna tell my dad about it."

"Oh great, and when he kills you, the kids will be without their father."

"No, apparently he doesn't get it up anymore for her and won't take any pills because he's afraid it will give him a heart attack. Funny thing is, he told mom the only girl he would take pills for is you, honey."

Maria blushed at that, "Stop it, no he didn't."

"I swear, that's what Mom told me. Said he's been talking about fucking you for years, probably why she let me help her out."

"Well no more helping your mother unless you tell me first and make sure we are current on life insurance payments so that if your dad murders you at least I will get the money," Maria laughed.

Kim laid in bed, wearing loose pajamas, sipping a cup of chamomile tea while she worked on her tablet. Kim had finally settled into a routine at her new home. It had been three weeks since the housewarming, her house was fully furnished, and she felt comfortable living alone. She was focused on work, working out, and taking classes at night. She had seen Maria and Tony as she drove in and out of the compound but she had not spoken to either. She was still unsettled from the housewarming night and was having trouble reconciling the taboo of the whole situation and the fact it all seemed so natural. Unable to get it out of her mind, she began searching for family porn. She was shocked when she clicked on a porn site and saw it yielded over 40,000 results. Many of the videos had tens of millions of views.

She clicked and clicked for the next hour and was shocked by what she saw. Videos of brothers and sisters, moms and sons, dads and daughters, and family orgy porn. Sex between family members seemed to be one of the most watched categories of porn. Maybe Maria was right about everyone thinking about fucking their family. Kim couldn't help but touch her clit as she watched clips of family porn. She kept going back to one video with a slim dark haired girl fucking her brother and his massively hung best friend. She thought of Vincent's giant cock going in and out of her, Vincent shooting his load, Tony lustily staring at her tits as he came all over her. Kim moaned as she came, her fingers moving furiously over her clit. She sighed, closed her computer, and headed downstairs to make a snack with her mind now clear and a decision made.

Maria was in her closet, pulling out the lingerie she planned to wear for Vincent's planned session the next day. Mama had left for her three week Italy trip over a week before and Maria wanted to do something special for him since he had been alone for over a week. Tony had just left to take the kids out to the park when she heard the doorbell ring. Maria pulled up her phone camera, saw Kim standing on the steps in her running outfit, and jogged down to let her in.

"So this is a pleasant surprise, how have you been? Come on in, do you want something to drink?" Maria asked.

Kim smiled, "No, I'm good. I just wanted to stop over to say thank you for what you said to me about being in control and doing what makes me happy."

"Oh that? No worries. It's just the truth. You are a sexy independent woman and you are family. I am here for you whenever."

Kim fumbled her hands together and said, "Well that's why I am here. When would be a good time to, you know, do it again?"

Maria flashed a devilish smile and grabbed Kim by the hand, leading her up the stairs, "You have perfect timing, I was just picking my outfit for tomorrow night, come up and help me. I have a plan."

Vincent locked at his watch again, he was bored. Mama had been gone almost ten days on her Italy trip. Vincent had meticulously planned out her itinerary and spared no expense in travel guides and accommodations. She had not called but he was getting updates from his travel guides so he knew she was doing well. Tonight was his night with Maria, she told him she would be over shortly and was bringing a surprise, although he didn't have the slightest idea what the surprise was. With Maria, it could be almost anything. She told him to wait in his bedroom and leave the pool door open. He had been laying on the bed, playing with his phone for twenty minutes when he finally heard footsteps and muffled voices.

Seconds later, a tan Maria appeared at the top of the stairs wearing a see-through white bra that accentuated her D cup tits, white thigh high stockings, white garter belt, and white high heels. She had her hair pulled back in a ponytail, extra long fake eyelashes, bright red lipstick, pearl earrings, and a pearl necklace. Vincent could only stare and muttered, "My god you look amazing. Breathtaking, really."

Maria blew her brother a kiss, put her hand on her hip and thrust her chest out, and said, "I am glad you like it. Are you ready for your surprise?"

"You are all a man could ever want and more but I do like a good surprise," Vincent replied as he rubbed his cock through his boxer briefs.

Maria looked down the stairs and nodded. Vincent heard heels on the stairs and his smile broadened as Kim mounted the stairs and stood next to Maria. Kim was wearing the exact same white outfit as Maria. She wore the same jewelry, same makeup and eyelashes, and had her brown hair pulled back in a ponytail. Kim stood arm in arm with Maria smiling at Vincent and his hardening cock.

"Holy shit, you girls look hot. Victoria's Secret angels. Have I died and gone to heaven?"

The girls made their way over to the bed, laid on their bellies on either side of him and pulled down his boxers, his massive hard cock laying against his firm abs. The girls each put a hand on his shaft as they took turns licking and sucking on his cock. Vincent was enjoying being alone with the girls but he had to consider his deal with Tony. Finally he asked his sister once she pulled his cock from her mouth, "Where is Tony? We had an agreement."

Maria grinned, "I told him if he waited ten minutes by the pool before coming up, I would let him have some fun tonight."

The girls continued to work on Vincent's dick, playfully passing his cock back and forth between them. Vincent put his hands behind his head, relaxing against the headboard as he enjoyed watching these two beauties pleasure him. They had passed his dick back and forth at least 5 times when he finally saw Tony make his way into the bedroom.

Maria stopped sucking her brother, looked over at her husband with Vincent's cock in her hand and said, "Has it been 10 minutes already?"

Tony frowned and said, "It's been 12 minutes, Maria."

"Oh, I guess time flies when you are having fun. Come lay next to us on the bed since you were a good husband," Maria responded then resumed sucking her brother's dick.

Tony quickly undressed, his already firm cock bouncing as he undressed, and lay on the bed next to Kim. He stared at his sister's smooth ass and back as she waited her turn on Vincent, thinking how hot she looked in the sexy white negligee.

Maria paused sucking on Vincent and said, "Kim, can you help your brother out, my hands are full right now. If not, I will get to him later."

Kim turned and looked at her muscular brother, his eyes were pleading, and his hard cock twitched. She smiled, remembering again how she thought her brother had a pretty big dick when they fucked at the Pocono hotel. Now it just seemed insignificant after handling Vincent's cock.

Kim teased, "I will help him but he has to ask first."

Tony blushed, mad that his sister was now treating him like Maria, but he reluctantly said, "Kim, can you please suck my dick?"

Kim smiled and rolled over between her brother's legs, gripped the base of his cock with two fingers and put most of his length into her mouth as she watched Maria struggling to get a few inches of Vincent's thickness into her mouth. Tony gripped her ponytail as she bobbed up and down on his rock hard cock. Sucking noises filled the room for the next few minutes until Maria straddled Vincent's cock and proclaimed, "Fuck me Vincent. Fill me with your big hard dick."

Maria rode her brother's cock hard, her arms on his chest, fingernails digging into his skin, as she dipped her head and they kissed passionately. Kim watched Maria grind her hips down onto her brother over and over as Vincent held her ass cheeks and lifted her in rhythm with her motion. They continued for minutes, like that, never breaking their kiss, tongues swirling, as they grunted passionately. Once again, Kim could see that Maria and Vincent were madly in love. Their sex was hypnotic, their passion contagious. She looked to her brother but he seemed oblivious to his wife fucking next to him. He was focused only on Kim and her tits. Kim wanted to fuck her brother at that moment, give him what he so desired but paused when Maria noisily screamed, "Oh fuck Vincent, I am cumming, I am cumming on your massive cock. Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me."Maria finally collapsed on her brother's chest. Sweating profusely. They shared another long kiss then a sweaty Maria turned to Kim and said, "Your turn."

Kim pulled her brother's cock from her mouth and looked at her disappointed brother. Kim just shrugged and slid over to straddle Vincent. She pulled her underwear to the side and pushed her pussy down against his slick cock. She then used her hand to guide him inside her pussy. She gasped as his girth entered her, she didn't think she would ever get used to how big his cock was. It took some effort but she finally worked most of his length inside her and Vincent slowly began thrusting his length into her tight pussy from below.

Maria had taken Kim's spot next to Tony and was sucking him while she watched Kim getting stretched by Vincent. Maria looked at her husband, who was staring longingly at his sister, and said, "Who sucks your dick the best?"

Tony reluctantly tore his eyes away from his sister riding Vincent, looked at his wife and said, "You do."

"Louder," Maria demanded, " Who sucks your little cock the best? Is it me or your big sister?"

Tony thought they both were pretty damn good but knew any answer other than his wife would be big trouble, "You do. You suck my cock the best."

Kim almost laughed. Everything was a competition with Maria. She could play that game as well. Kim quickly pulled her tits from her bra, placed Vincent's hands on her breasts, kissed him on the lips, and doubled the speed at which she was riding his thick cock.

Kim then looked in Vincent's eyes and said lustily, "Do you like the way I ride your big stiff cock? Do you like stretching this tight little pussy?"

Vincent grunted, "Yes. You are such a good fuck. I love your tight little pussy."

Maria was unperturbed and continued talking to her husband, 'Good answer, honey. Now you get your reward for tonite."

Kim didn't know what that meant and was concentrating on riding Vincent's dick when she felt Maria's tongue lick between her pussy and anus. She froze for a moment, then continued riding Vincent but slower. Maria licked closer and closer to her asshole until Kim felt Maria's tongue push inside her ass.

"Oh my god, what are you doing?" Kim asked.

"Just relax," was Maria's reply.

Vincent was groping Kim's tits as she continued riding his massive cock, while his sister licked Kim's ass. She had never had her ass licked before and it was driving her wild. Suddenly she felt the bed shift and felt Tony's cock at the entrance to her ass, straining against her tiny hole.

"No. No. No. I can't take it in my ass," Kim pleaded.

Maria urged Tony on, "She wants it Tony, don't you want to fuck your sister's ass? Haven't you dreamed about it?"

Tony rasped, "Oh god yes. I've dreamed about this."

Kim was extremely wet from fucking Vincent and even hornier upon hearing her brother talking about wanting to fuck her ass. She reluctantly stopped moving on Vincent's cock, making it easier for her brother to try and enter her. She felt him strain at her tiny opening and then felt a pop as his head and 2 inches slid in her ass. Kim screamed in pain and pleasure.

Maria urged him on again, "Oh my god, you're in her ass. Give it to her. Fuck her ass."

Vincent began thrusting up into Kim as Tony pushed further into his sister's ass. Maria positioned herself next to Vincent so she could see Kim's face as she was impaled by two cocks. Kim was overwhelmed with ecstasy as her brother buried his cock to the hilt in her ass. She couldn't move, she couldn't believe she was being filled with almost a foot and a half of dick and they were pounding her to an earth shaking orgasm. Kim's eyes rolled back in her head as she began cumming with her brother and Vincent still pushing relentlessly inside her holes.

"Im cumming, i'm cumming, oh my god it's amazing, it hurts, so much cock. Oh, hurts, so much cock inside me," Kim gasped.

Tony buried his cock into his sister's one last time and felt his own orgasm, "Aghhh, I'm cumming too."

Kim's orgasm continued as she felt her brother release his sperm deep in her ass. Vincent lifted his hips off the bed, railing into Kim, as he shot his load into Kim with a loud moan.

Maria was mesmerized by the three of them cumming at once, "Did you cum inside her, Vin?"

Vincent was still cumming, his face contorted, and hoarsely said, "Yes, I'm cumming."

Maria grinned, "Oh my god Kim, what a cum dumpster you are. You didn't save any for me."

Kim was still gasping for breath, it was the longest orgasm of her life, and she still had both cocks along with all their cum inside her. Breathing heavily, she laid her head on Vincent's chest, looked at a grinning Maria and said, "Holy fuck that was amazing."

Tony finally pulled his soft cock from Kim's ass and rolled onto the bed. Kim laid on Vincent until she finally felt his cock soften and fall from her cum drenched pussy. Maria nudged Kim, "Let's get a shower."

Kim got up off of Vincent, glancing over her shoulder at the two drained men, their hot cum still inside of her. She swished her ass seductively as she walked to the shower.

Mama sat on the bed in her suite at the St. Regis in Rome reviewing her itinerary for the next day and mulling over her dining options for the night. She spent the last two weeks visiting Northern Italy then the coast. She was now at her final destination in Rome. Vincent had spared no expense, her itinerary was fully laid out, she had guides and stayed at five star accommodations all along the way. It was her first real vacation outside of some trips to the Jersey shore and it had been beyond her wildest dreams. She was truly living out a fantasy she never dreamed possible. Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

Mama hopped up expecting turn down or room service, but was shocked to see Vincent standing in the hallway, wearing black dress pants and a crisp white shirt, holding a dozen roses in his hand. Mama beamed, "Vincent! How? I had no idea."

Vincent handed her the roses and smiled, "I couldn't leave you out here alone this whole time. I missed you."

Mama blushed and jumped into his arms, hugging him tightly. Vincent laughed, "Get dressed Mama, I will take you out to dinner."

Mama took her time dressing, humming to herself, and put on a low cut black dress that she thought accentuated her ample bosom. She threw on black heels and her favorite jewelry. As she finally stepped out of the bathroom, Vincent gazed with lust at his mother saying, "Wow, you look hot, Mama."

They ate an expensive dinner and drank a whole bottle of wine as Mama showed Vincent pictures and regaled him with a colorful account of her trip. After dinner they walked arm in arm along the Tiber River then made their way back to the hotel. As they entered the room, Mama led Vincent by the hand to her bedroom and dropped to her knees next to the bed. She undid his belt, unbuttoned his pants, then pulled them off as Vincent kicked off his shoes. She hurriedly pulled his boxer briefs down, gripping Vincent's shaft as his cock sprung free. She looked up into his eyes and put the head of his semi-rigid cock in her mouth. Vincent gripped her hair in his hand with one hand while the other pulled her tits from her dress.

Mama greedily sucked and jerked his big cock, smacking his cock head against her tits as she licked his length. She looked up at her son once he reached full length, "Fuck me, Vincent."

Vincent helped her onto the bed. Pushing her dress up to her waist, he pulled off her underwear, and began to lick Mama's unshaved pussy. Mama moaned, "Fuck me," as he flicked his tongue along her clit.

Vincent lifted up to give his mother a kiss as he rubbed his head along her now soaking wet pussy. He pushed into her slowly, kissing her, then gave her his full length in long slow strokes. Mama moaned and moaned, then whispered in his ear, "I missed your cock so much, darling. You are going to make me cum."

Moments later Mama was lifting her hips into Vincent, meeting his slow thrusts, then her orgasm overtook her. She moved her head back and forth in ecstasy as she moaned, "I'm cumming, I'm cumming. I love you, son."

Vincent watched his mother squirm beneath him, her big tits rising as she climaxed. He continued his slow stroking until her orgasm finally subsided. Mama looked into his eyes, "Fuck me hard. Use me. I want your cum. You made your Mama so happy tonight."

Vincent picked up the pace of his strokes. Extending his arms and lifting off his mother so they could watch his full length enter her pussy over and over. Vincent slammed his big dick into his mother as she cupped her tits together. Vincent felt his orgasm building, "I'm gonna cum, where do you want it?"

Mama looked him in the eyes, "Cum inside me, give me your cum."

Vincent arched his back as he released his load deep inside his mother. Mama wrapped her legs around his backside, pulling him deeper inside of her. Vincent didn't pull out until every last drop was inside his mother. He gave her a kiss on the lips and rolled off of her, panting in the cool room. Mama curled under his arm and rested her head on his chest, "Thank you for coming. You are the best son a mother could ever wish for."