The delicious aroma of onion and garlic simmering away in butter filled my nostrils as soon as I opened the door to my apartment.

I smiled to myself. I loved it when Laura came over unannounced.

"Hey, Sweety," I called, as I disgorged the contents of my pockets on the side table.

"Daddy!" Laura beamed, skipping around the corner from the kitchen and throwing her arms around me.

She pressed her body hard up against mine and buried her head in my chest. I closed my arms around her, feeling her slender frame, and enjoying the delicate contours of her back through her blue spaghetti strap singlet. I kissed the top of her head, and inhaled the tropical scent of her shampoo – coconut and something sweet I couldn't identify.

She craned up to face me, the strands of dirty blonde hair that had escaped her ponytail falling off the sides of her black-framed glasses. I swallowed her smile in a soft kiss on her lips.

"I wasn't expecting you until next weekend." I couldn't hide the delight from my tone.

"Yeah, I know. I just wanted to see you this weekend. You don't mind, do you?"

"Of course not," I replied. "It's all right with your mother?"

Laura hummed a positive response, and turned back to the kitchen. I let my eyes fall to her ass as she padded away across the timber floor. Below that powder blue singlet, her seductive curves were clad in nothing but a tiny pair of white cotton panties.

I exhaled deeply, savouring the vision.

"So what are you cooking?" I asked, as I rounded the other side of the kitchen bench.

"Just a bolognaise. Nothing fancy."

"Smells good," I encouraged. Laura shot me a sweet smile over her shoulder, then returned her attention to the pot on the stove. I lingered a moment, enjoying the view, then announced, "I'll change the sheets for you."

"Thanks," she said, reaching for another ingredient to add to her concoction.

I only had a one bedroom apartment since the divorce. But when I had Laura every second weekend, I would give her my bed, and I would sleep on the sofa bed in the living room. Initially it was about being a gentleman and showing her how a man should treat her. However, as the years passed, and she blossomed into such a beautiful young woman, my noble intentions waned somewhat.

I never changed the sheets after she left. Instead, I would revel in the scent she left behind – her shampoo, her perfume, her musk. Sometimes the smell was particularly earthy around the centre of the bed, which I was convinced was evidence of her masturbating. I loved it.

A few months earlier, when I found a pair of her forgotten panties under the bed, I actually took the day off work to celebrate the discovery. Far from my finest hour, I nearly ripped the head off my cock, while holding Laura's dirty panties to my nose.

I don't know where my perversion came from, and sometimes in those dark moments, I feared I would become one of those freaks who sneak around sniffing bicycle seats. But what gets me through is the thought that it somehow comes from a good place. I just love my daughter so much.

Please, let that be it.

As I finished straightening up the clean doona, the phone rang. I bundled up the dirty sheets, now too far soiled with my own body odour to be worthwhile anymore, and headed out into the living area.

Laura was ignoring the ringing phone, instead pouring over her pasta sauce. I thought that was odd. My teenage daughter would crawl through broken glass to answer a phone.

I cradled the dirty linen in one arm and answered it. Then immediately wished I hadn't.

"Hello, Karen," I finally interjected when my ex-wife took a breath in what turned out to be only the beginning of her tirade.

Holding the phone between my ear and shoulder, I continued on with what I was doing, walking around to the laundry by the front door. She and Laura had had another fight, and judging by the level of her agitation, it was a whopper. I only half listened as I loaded the washing machine and set the cycle running.

I didn't really care what had started this one. Laura was a good girl. She was always well-behaved and respectful, at least with me. In fact, she was the warmest, sweetest, kindest young woman I knew. And Karen, I knew, was a real bitch. Whatever had kicked off this argument was almost certainly my ex-wife's fault.

Karen was whining about how Laura didn't respect her, as I made my way back out to the kitchen. I could only manage to get in grunts of acknowledgement as she banged on and on. Laura, however, was rigid at the stove, doing her absolute best to pretend I wasn't talking to her mother behind her.

"You know, she only wants to stay with you because you're right in the city," Karen spat through the phone.

I rolled my eyes. I'd heard that little chestnut before. Now Laura was eighteen and could go out drinking with her friends, my place in the heart of the city was the perfect crash pad. And that, as far as her mother was concerned, was the only reason Laura had been coming over more and more lately.

The comment was designed to hurt. And that, it did.

She knew she'd landed a painful blow, and went in for more. The accusation that our little daddy's girl had me wrapped around her little finger followed. According to my ex-wife, I was an indulgent parent who was only interested in being Laura's best friend.

"She needs a father," Karen attacked.

"She's got one," I shot back, unable to hold my tongue any longer. I left Laura standing tensely by the stove and closed myself in the bedroom to finish the argument.

"You never step up! You always make me be the bad guy!"

Well, you're so good at it, I thought to myself. She really had no idea what sort of father I was. Nor what sort of man I was, for that matter.

"And I'm the one that has to deal with the consequences," her tone finally shifted from anger to despair.

"Look, I'll take care of it," I said finally after several more minutes of venting. And with that, the conversation was over.

I came back out into the kitchen and hung up the phone. Laura was still over by the stove, stirring the sauce, her shoulders stiff, not looking at me.

"Okay then," I said. "What's your side of it?"

Laura's head shrunk a little into her shoulders, and she kept stirring. She wasn't going to answer me.

I walked around the bench and stood beside her, tilting my head to look at her in profile. Still nothing. So I turned down the sauce to a simmer and took the boiling water off the hot plate, then moved her chin up to face me.


She looked at me above the rim of her glasses, her big blue eyes misting slightly. Her lips were pressed tightly together, then she swallowed before starting her defence.

"All I wanted to do was stay with you this weekend," she began, her voice catching in the back of her throat. "And Mum had to go and be a bitch about it.

"I don't even know why she gives a shit. She's probably just jealous that I want to be with you instead of her."

"What happened?" I kept her on track.

Laura sighed. "She started attacking me, saying I should be studying instead of going out and partying all weekend. I tried to tell her I wasn't going to go out. I just wanted to spend time with you. But she didn't believe me." She started to cry. "Then she called me a slut."


Laura broke down and fell into my chest, sobbing. "She said I was just some nightclub skank. And I should have some self-respect."

I handed her the tissues from on top of the fridge, and she took off her glasses to dry her eyes and blow her nose.

"You're not a skank at all, Sweetheart," I reassured her, with a kiss on the forehead.

"Then she started saying that I shouldn't use you like that. Just some crash pad so I could go out whoring."

I scoffed. Laura had gone out with her friends half a dozen or so times when she'd been with me. And on more than a few occasions she had come home blind drunk at two in the morning. But "whoring" couldn't have been a more inaccurate description.

Laura began sobbing again, "She said it was cruel to make you think I wanted to spend time with you. She said you were a loser, and if you didn't live here, I wouldn't want anything to do with you."

I have to admit, hearing that made me feel sick to my stomach. It never ceased to amaze me how little my ex-wife thought of me. And worse still to hear it coming out of my daughter's mouth.

"I just got so angry, Daddy," Laura went on when she was a little more composed. "I told her to fuck off. And she didn't know what she was talking about. I said that I didn't care what she thought, I was going to come over and stay with you."

"And then what happened?" I of course knew more from Karen.

Laura looked down at the floor, unable to hold my gaze.

I lifted her chin gently with my finger. "What happened?" I repeated.

"I was just so angry, Daddy," she pleaded. "She was just so mean to you. She said the most horrible things about you. I just..."

"What happened?" I repeated more firmly.

She swallowed another deep sigh and went on to explain how she had snatched a bottle of red wine from the kitchen bench. Then, as she'd stormed out of the house, she'd poured the wine out on the carpet as she went. The final fuck you to her mother was dropping the empty bottle through the glass coffee table in the lounge, shattering both.

My little girl certainly had panache.

I let her description of how she'd slammed the front door behind her with a venomous string of profanity hang in the air.

"I know it was wrong, Daddy," she murmured after the silence became too much. "I'm sorry. She just made me so angry."

"I know," I said softly. "But you went too far."

Laura swallowed hard. "I'm sorry, Daddy. I really am." She was looking up at me, her dewy blue eyes were saucers, pleading with me.

"This is really starting to become all too common." I took her by the wrist and led her into the bedroom. I let her go when I walked through the door, and sat on the foot of the bed.

Laura remained standing by the door, biting her bottom lip. Her tight blue singlet clung to her body. I swore I could see her nipples jutting out from atop those perky little breasts. But her wringing hands disrupted the view of her white cotton panties.

I sat there looking at her. The muffled sound of the television in the next room wafted through the door, but couldn't mask the sound of her breathing.

When she did finally look up, I patted my lap.

"Oh no. Daddy, please," she whined. "I'm not a little girl anymore."

"Really? What was grown up about that tantrum at your mother's?"

She didn't answer me. Instead she scuffed at the polished floorboards with her bare toe and did whatever she could not to make eye contact with me.

"This has been brewing for a while, Laura. You've been pushing the boundaries with your mum more and more lately." She opened her mouth to speak, but I lifted my hand to stop her. "I know you don't always see eye to eye. I know you're only trying to assert yourself. But you need to do it with respect. She's your mother." For better or worse, I added in my mind.

"But, Daddy..."

"Laura, that's enough," I said evenly. "You know you've been disrespectful. You know you went too far today." My tone became more serious, "I raised you better than that."

Laura closed her eyes, her mouth falling open with a loud sigh. The thick strand of hair that fell down her face swayed in her breath. She knew better than to argue the point. Tentatively, she crept forward towards me, still wringing her hands.

When she reached me, she put one knee up on the bed beside me and began to bend over me.

"Uh-uh," I stopped her. "You can have a bare bottom spanking."

Laura groaned as she stepped back off the bed, paused a moment, almost testing my resolve. Then resigned, she hooked her thumbs into the sides of her panties and began tugging them down over her hips.

Is there anything more sexy than the sight of a beautiful young woman peeling off her panties?

I was in awe. The waistband stretched around her curves, collapsing the white cotton into a thin horizontal line across her sex. Her cute little muff of light brown pubic hair came into view, followed by the seductive hint of her pussy lips, then finally that gorgeous little gap between the tops of her thighs.

As she pushed the thin white line down her legs, I kept staring at her pussy, my cock throbbing in my lap. The glimpse of her folds disappeared when she got her panties past her knees, bending over to step out of them. It was then I noticed her breasts in my field of vision, straining against the tight blue singlet. Her nipples were definitely hard.

Leaving her panties in a puddle on the floor, Laura stood up straight and looked into my eyes. She was expressionless, her hands by her sides, gently brushing the outside of her thighs. There was an unsteadiness in her breath, but her body language was impassive.

The sight of my little girl standing there in nothing but a light blue singlet and a sloppy ponytail had my heart racing. I could hear my own breath hitching.

What the fuck was I doing?!

I honestly couldn't tell whether this was about disciplining her, proving something to my ex-wife, or something much more sinister. I was aroused, to be sure, and it was certainly clouding my judgement. I could not take my eyes off her.

Eventually I broke the trance by patting my lap again. She swallowed, then climbed up onto the bed once more, slowly laying across my lap. Her left hip pressed firmly into my aching cock as she settled into position. Her upper body was flat on the bed, with her head resting on her forearms and facing away from me.

I placed my left hand on the small of her back, my thumb hooking under the hem of her singlet. Then I placed my right hand gently on that perfect ass in my lap. My hand spanned across both her luscious cheeks, delighting in the silky smoothness of her skin and the softness of her flesh. I couldn't help but caress her naked backside for a moment. I gently squeezed as I circled my hand around, my cock twitching agonisingly as I went.

I shook myself free from the glorious sensation of the pressure of her hip bone against my member, then raised my right hand from her ass. Laura held her breath. We both did.

I brought my hand down as hard as I could on her left cheek. My palm stung with the blow, the sharp crack giving way to Laura's scream, then whimpers. She buried her face into the doona, her body convulsing in muffled sobs.

I raised my hand again. Her soft flesh was already reddening from the strike. Bringing my hand down once more, this time spanking her right cheek with a stinging crack, she cried out painfully into the doona. And then again, I raised my hand.

I rained down smack after smack, alternating between each of her pinking cheeks. My palm tingled wildly as I lifted it in the air, and my cock throbbed more so against her hip. I ended up spanking her seven times on each cheek.

Without the heart to continue, I laid my hand gently on her bright red ass. The heat coming from it was incredible, if not just the burning sting of my own hand.

Laura wailed into the doona, her whole body shaking with every painful sob. It was then that my heart broke. What had I done to my precious little girl?

I tried to comfort her the best I could, rubbing my left hand up and down her spine. And with my right, I gently caressed her bottom in large clockwise circuits. I cupped her left buttock and slowly slid my hand up over her swollen globe, with my fingertips trailing in the crack of her ass. Then I made my way across the small of her back, before cupping the top of her right cheek and making my way down, this time my thumb sliding through her cleft. And at the bottom, my hand traced the contours of the tops of her thighs to begin the circuit again.

Laura's trembling body eventually stilled. Her sobs fell silent. She lay there taking deep breaths, while I continued to caress her beautiful ass. Then she turned her head to face me, her eyes red and her cheeks stained with tears.

"Are you okay?" I whispered.

She pushed herself up onto her knees, sitting back on her feet to my right with a wince.

"I'm so sorry, Daddy," she whispered.

I gently held both sides of her face and breathed, "It's all right, Sweety. It's over now." I pulled her towards me and planted a soft kiss on her lips. I could taste the salt from her tears. "I love you, Sweetheart. You're such a good girl."

"I love you too, Daddy," she replied softly, with the sweetest of smiles.

"Why don't you call your mum and apologise, hey?"

"Okay," she smiled.

Laura kissed me again, then kicked her feet out from under her and over the edge of the bed. She stood up, lifting her bare ass from the bed, and padded out into the living area to get the phone.

I shamefully sucked air in through my teeth as I saw how red her ass was, and looked away. It was then that I noticed a wet spot on the end of the bed, where she'd been sitting. I gingerly reached out to touch the darker patch of purple on the doona cover. It was definitely wet. I leaned over and smelled it, and as soon as I did, my entire body flushed.

It was the same pungent earthiness I sometimes smelt from her old sheets. Only much stronger. I couldn't help myself, and inhaled deeply through my nose.

My own arousal had left a slimy spot of pre-come at the end of my erection, which had soaked through my pants. And I noticed another spot, just on the inside of my right thigh, where Laura's pussy had been resting during her spanking.

Oh my God, she was wet!

Feelings of guilt about spanking her quickly evaporated. I smiled to myself as I realised that Laura had been turned on by it. I then braced myself for the onslaught of wickedness and impure thoughts that filled my mind. When I could next spank her again, at the forefront.

"Daddy?" Laura's question from the doorway jolted me from my daydream. Thankfully I hadn't been sniffing the wet patch when she came back in.

"What is it, Sweety?"

She was biting her bottom lip and holding her hands behind her back. "My bottom's really sore, Daddy."

"Oh, Honey, I'm so sorry. I think there's some moisturising cream with some aloe under the sink in the bathroom. Why don't you grab it, and I'll help you put it on." Bravo, filthy sub-conscious. Couldn't have said it better myself.

"Okay," she smiled brightly, padding off to the ensuite.

With her distracted in the bathroom, I quickly changed out of my clothes, wiping the pre-come from the end of my cock, and throwing on a pair of undies under dark boxers and an over-sized t-shirt. Laura returned and handed me the bottle of moisturiser.

"Lay down on the bed," I instructed gently. "This should help soothe the sting."

She lay down on her stomach, with her arms buried under the pillow and her face on top, looking up at me. I squeezed a big dollop of the cream into my palm and rubbed my hands together to spread it out, then gently cupped her buttocks.

Laura gasped.

"Oh, are you okay?" I asked, afraid I'd hurt her.

"Yeah," she giggled, "It's just really cold."

I sniffed a chuckle myself and continued to gently apply the cream to her perfect ass. I kneaded her soft flesh, tenderly prying apart her cheeks with my thumbs. Each time I did, her puckered little asshole winked up at me along with the soft, glistening folds of her vagina. The glossy sheen of her buttocks covered in lotion was so wonderfully sexy, I couldn't help but sigh in total admiration.

"Mmm, that feels good," she purred, after I'd applied the third handful of lotion.

When the cream no longer provided any lubrication for my strokes, I said, "That should do you." Then without thinking, I bent down and kissed her left cheek. Oh shit! Umm...ahh, "All better."

"What about the other one?" Laura pouted.

I chuckled again, before bending down to kiss her other soft buttock, my hands steadying myself on her hips.

"Thank you, Daddy," she whispered.

"You're welcome, Sweetheart. Now go give your mum a call."

She skipped off into the next room, while I retreated to the bathroom to wash my hands and make sure my pre-come wasn't soaking through my clothes. I splashed some water on my face to try and regain my composure, then looked at myself in the mirror. I couldn't help but smile, complete with raised eyebrows.

When I came out, Laura was chatting to her mother in the next room, a notably more respectful tone in her voice than usual.

"...okay. I love you too, Mum. Here, I'll put him on." Laura held the phone out and whispered to me, "She wants to speak to you."

I fought the urge to roll my eyes and took the handset from Laura, noticing that she still wasn't wearing any panties. My cock immediately stiffened again. "Um...yeah, hi, Karen."

My ex- waffled on, gushing about how well Laura had behaved on the phone, even offering to pay for the carpet and table. As she continued, Laura padded past me, about to turn into the kitchen and continue with dinner.

I pressed the mouthpiece to my chest and whispered, "Hey, go put your panties on." And with that, I gave her a playful smack on the ass.

Laura yelped as she jumped up, throwing her hands to her sensitive ass to protect it. She spun around and wrinkled her nose at me. I gasped, holding my hand over my mouth, my eyes wide with shock. I mouthed the words, "I'm sorry." She realised it was an accident and broke into a big, beaming smile. Then she shook her head at me and skipped into the bedroom.

"I'm sorry," my ex-wife continued over the phone, "I shouldn't have said what I said. You're a good father..."

Blah, blah, blah. I didn't care what she had to say. I just wanted her to stop. When I finally got rid of her, Laura was ready to dish up our dinner.

"You want some wine with this?" I asked, reaching for a bottle of red.

"Sure," she smiled, using tongs to dish out the spaghetti. "How about we eat on our laps and put on a nice movie?"

"Sounds good," I replied, sliding my hands around her waist and kissing her shoulder.

I fired up Serendipity in the DVD player as Laura brought our dinner over and placed the bowls on the coffee table. I watched her gingerly sit down, wincing as her ass made contact with the suede. I winced in sympathy, then sat down next to her. We ate our pasta, drank our wine and watched our movie.

With our empty bowls back on the coffee table, Laura nursed her second glass of wine and snuggled into me for the rest of John Cusack and Kate Beckinsale. It was one of her favourites, and we'd often chat about what was happening on screen during the movie. It was always lovely.

"I love this part," I offered, as John Cusack distractingly goes through the rehearsal of his wedding to Bridget Moynahan.

"Oh, I hate this part," she replied.

"It's so beautiful," I rebutted, "She knows him so well. He's always looking at that book. And she knows he doesn't have a copy, so she gets it for him."

"Then he leaves her," Laura cried, reaching for a tissue from the box on the table.

I kissed the top of Laura's head as she blew her nose. She looked up at me and kissed me on the lips, still clutching her dirty tissue.

"I love you, Daddy."

"I love you too, Sweety," I smiled down at her.

As the movie reached its climax with John Cusack laying on the ice rink and Kate Beckinsale turning up, Laura started to cry again. "Oh, I love this. When they find each other."

"What about the girl with the book?"

"Oh, fuck her," Laura spat, reaching for another tissue.

I laughed, and held her close to me as the movie finished. We watched another, Love Actually, and snuggled the rest of the night away. When it was over, we brushed our teeth together, and I tucked Laura into my bed with another soft kiss on the lips. Then I went back out to the living room and folded out the sofa bed.

Just in boxers, I reached for the lamp to turn it off, when the bedroom door opened. Laura stood there biting her lip, still in her singlet and panties, and glasses and ponytail. She was holding the bottle of moisturiser.

"Daddy, my bottom's really starting to hurt again," she pouted in a little girl voice that immediately stirred my cock. She bit her lip, then asked, "Would you please put some more lotion on for me?"

"Of course, Sweety. Come over here." I swung my legs off the sofa bed and sat on the edge.

Laura came and stood in front of me, her panty-clad pussy right at my eye level. She handed me the bottle and turned around. The soft light from the one lamp in the living area made her look even more beautiful, if that was possible.

"Okay, Sweety, you want to pull your panties down?"

Laura stuck her ass out as she hooked her thumbs into her waistband and slid the white cotton down over her hips and down her toned thighs. She bent right over, pushing her panties past her knees and giving me a spectacular view of her asshole and delicate folds. I sniffed at her deeply as she let her panties fall to the floor.

She stood up straight in front of me as I squirted a big load of lotion into my palm and spread it between my hands. I grabbed her perfect pink ass, eliciting a sharp intake of breath from Laura.

"Cold?" I smiled.

"Uh-ha," she almost moaned in response.

I massaged her shapely ass, breathing in deeply through my nose. Although the smell of aloe overpowered my little girl's natural aroma. I applied another generous squirt, for no other reason than my own selfish gratification. My thumbs dipped deeper into the crack of her ass with each stroke, pulling her soft cheeks apart in the process.

"Is it easier if I bend over?" she asked, looking down at me over her shoulder.

I felt that lovely warm flush again, and managed to reply, "Um...yeah. That might help."

"Okay," she beamed, bending over at the hips and supporting her upper body on the coffee table that I had moved to the side of the sofa bed.

It was the perfect view of my daughter's sex. The solitary lamp bathed her glistening folds in a beautiful warm glow. The way her inner labia protruded so sweetly from her outer lips, right in my face. I have never seen anything so beautiful. It was the perfect heart-shaped vision.

I must have squeezed the rest of the bottle into my hand for the third application, with thick gooey moisturising cream spilling over the sides of my palm. As I slathered on the lotion, enjoying her softness and her most intimate area, mere inches from my face, her breathing gradually transitioned into gentle moaning.

"Oh, Daddy, that feels so good. The way you're blowing on me."

I furrowed my brow, confused. It took me a second to figure it out. My own breath had become ragged, and that's what she was feeling on her backside. I smiled, then blew long, cool breaths onto her lovely cheeks. Laura moaned in response, and I continued, angling my soothing blows all over her rear.

I made sure I blew right across her puckered little asshole as I crossed from one cheek to the other, then slowly over her glistening pussy on the way back. Each time I crossed that sensitive centre, she breathlessly moaned. She was enjoying the attention.

I was conscious of the wet sensation in my boxer shorts, as the pre-come from my throbbing cock all but flowed out. I was out of my mind. I had to push this further. But I couldn't do this to Laura.

Oh my God! What the fuck am I doing?!

The frictionless slide of my hands over Laura's ass eased, and the incredibly sexy sheen of the lotion on her skin dulled in the lamplight. I leaned forward and planted a lingering kiss on her right buttock. She let out a contented little hum. And I kissed her again on her other cheek.

"How does that feel?" I gasped between kisses as I continued pressing my lips to her soft flesh.

"Uh-ha," was all she moaned.

Spurred on, I kept kissing her perfect ass, alternating between cheeks, and blowing on her pussy and asshole on the way back and forth. My kisses got closer and closer to her seam, to her treasure.

"Oh my God. Yes."

"You want me to keep going?"

"Oh, yes please, Daddy. Please keep going. That feels so good."

With all the bravery I could muster, my next kiss found her perineum, causing Laura to let out a trembling moan. I kissed her there again, to the same reaction. And again.

I gradually let my tongue make contact with her taut flesh. First, just the slightest of touches with the very tip. Then more and more with a larger area of my tongue, until I was unabashedly licking her.

My heart thundered in my chest. The sound of my pulse hammering away in my ears was deafening, so much so, that I couldn't hear Laura's reaction. Instead, with my hands on her hips, I felt for any sign at all that she didn't want me to proceed.

There was none. No flinch. No pulling away. She held herself there, rock steady, bent over in front of me.

I took my cue and moved down, kissing the glistening lips of her opening, lingering longer and longer with each soft kiss. Her delicate inner labia met my lips perfectly. I gently sucked each fold into my mouth as I went, then trailing the tip of my tongue along the edge of each petal. My kisses became hungrier. Greedier.

I licked and sucked at my daughter's sex, tasting her. Savouring every delightful sensation. I licked around the rim of her opening, spiralling my tongue in deeper and deeper with every lap. Laura's horny cunt squeezed around my tongue as I probed it into her as deeply as I could. She was so incredibly wet.

I buried my face in her, to the point my nose painfully squashed against her asshole and my jaw strained to get my tongue farther inside her. Even with Laura swivelling her hips in my face, I could not get in deep enough.

With the pain in my jaw too much, I moved even lower, tracing the folds of her outer labia to her engorged clitoris. Done with teasing her, I lapped at her button like a dog dying of thirst.

Laura began moaning uncontrollably. Although she'd been making a lot of noise the whole time, I only then became aware of the racket. The sound of my little girl in the throes of ecstasy, particularly at my own touch, was the sweetest thing I've ever heard.

I swirled my tongue around her clit, flicking at the sensitive nub and her labia as I went. Her pretty little cunny gaped at the end of my nose, the slippery opening sending me cross-eyed. Leaving my left hand on her hip, I eased the index and middle finger of my right into her.

Laura's moan was pure guttural pleasure. I sawed my fingers in and out of her, applying pressure on the front wall of her vagina until I found that tell-tale change in texture that betrayed her G-spot. At the same time, I shifted angles to suck her clit into my mouth. Holding her button tightly between my lips, I flicked my tongue wildly across it.

Laura moaned like I've never heard anyone before – an incoherent, tortured rapture. Her whole body swayed stiffly. I held onto her desperately with my left hand, my fingers digging into the soft flesh on her hip. The whole time, frantically working her clit furiously and plunging my fingers in and out of her gooey core as fast as I could.

She stilled. She stopped breathing and her spastic moan halted.

I sucked harder, my fingers a blur.

Laura screamed, deeply from her diaphragm, unable to hold back the torrent anymore.

My face was splashed with a warm, rich fluid. I instantly knew what was happening, and ripped my fingers from Laura's gushing cunt. Opening my mouth, my lips tingling from their assault on my precious little girl's clit, I hungrily dove for her opening.

She squirted again. This time, without my fingers in the way, the translucent liquid poured out of her pussy in a single thick stream. I caught it all in my mouth, hastily swallowing it down to ready for the next spurt. I revelled in the taste of that familiar sweet, almost tangy earthiness.

The third wave was much smaller, only half as long and thick as the previous. But I still caught it all, delighting in the rich flavour. And the fourth was little more than a heavy trickle, which I lapped from her pretty flower. I plunged my tongue back inside her sopping wet cunt to eat the rest of her.

Unable to hold herself up anymore, Laura collapsed to the rug on her knees, cruelly denying me the pleasure of devouring the rest of her precious fluid. Her body heaved with deep gasps as she steadied herself on the coffee table. I was puffing heavily from the exertions myself.

She looked over her shoulder at me, lifting her head to peer at me through those cute black-framed glasses. She panted through a huge, open-mouthed smile, that ran from ear to ear. I smiled back at her, and we shared a breathless laugh.

Without speaking and holding my gaze, Laura spun around on the rug and reached for the waistband of my boxers. She tugged them down forcefully, flicking them hard over the end of my cock. I lifted myself slightly to allow her to get them down over my ass, as she settled herself comfortably on her knees between my legs.

She broke eye contact with me briefly to look down at my exposed erection. Her smile broadened, then she reached out with both hands, clasping them tightly around the base of my shaft, leaving the head and another inch or two poking out the top. The entire end was slick with pre-come.

Laura bit her bottom lip as she looked back up at me. "Stand up, Daddy," she breathed. "I want to look at you while I suck your cock."

The words nearly caused me to pass out.

I leaned forward, holding the sides of her face, and kissed her softly on the mouth. Our tongues found each other and swirled gently. I sucked tenderly at her lips, and she at mine. When I pulled back, she licked her lips slowly and hummed contentedly. It was then that I remembered that my face and chest were still wet from her orgasm. She had enjoyed the taste of herself on my lips.

Oh my God!

I pushed myself up off the sofa bed, realising that Laura had been gripping my cock the entire time. She held on, bringing the engorged head an inch from her lips. She looked up at me over the rim of her glasses and smiled sweetly. Then looking down at my cock, she gently kissed the head, her soft lips lingering on the slippery tip, before she sucked them free.

She smiled up at me again, then opened her mouth and extended her tongue out to take my entire head between her lips. She held my gaze while she sucked and swirled her warm tongue around my glands.

"You are such a good girl," I gasped down at her.

She pulled herself off my cock and smiled up at me, "You really think so, Daddy?"

"Oh, Laura, I love you so much."

"I love you too, Daddy," she smiled with twinkling blue eyes, before sinking back onto my cock.

Laura worked my bulbous head with her lips and tongue, licking at the seam where it met the shaft, every so often sliding herself off the end with a kiss on the tip. She stared up at me the whole time. I couldn't look away. Nor did I want to.

She bobbed down on my cock, taking more and more into her mouth. First, her lips met her left hand, and when she took that away to steady herself against my hip, she stroked my shaft with her right in time with her mouth.

The slurping sounds grew, along with our breath, as she wanked my cock into her mouth. I held my hand over hers on my hip, causing her to lift her face off me to give me an affectionate smile, before resuming her fantastic blow job.

I ran my fingers through her dirty blonde hair as she bobbed, releasing more and more strands from her ponytail. But Laura was undeterred, staring up at me and increasing her tempo until I was fucking her mouth with lusty abandon.

"Oh..ahh...Laura, Sweety, I'm going to come," I groaned, the pressure of the ecstasy throughout my entire body building to the point where it was no longer bearable.

Laura's grip around the base of my cock tightened, and she pumped my length with her fist with a newfound intensity. She sucked the head of my cock even harder, staring up at me with those big blue eyes, and snorting through her nose. I began to moan. Losing my composure, I held Laura's shoulders and buckled over slightly. She moaned back at me in rapid, erotic grunts.

I came in my beautiful little girl's mouth with a roar. My body flushed with splendid warmth, and a torrent of semen gushed up the full length of my cock.

The force of my orgasm caught Laura by surprise, causing her to pull back from my erupting cock, coughing and spluttering. Cum dribbled from her lips as she fought for air, but she kept jacking my cock with her hand.

My cock kept spurting, sending a thick ropey stream splashing onto Laura's face, across her glasses, nose and cheek. She gasped at the contact with my hot seed, but was powerless to do anything about the third jet that struck her in the forehead and splattered into her hair. She lunged at my cock with her mouth open, catching another thick spurt. She quickly swallowed it down before clamping her lips around my head.

I spasmed uncontrollably with the remainder of my blissful release. Laura looked up at me while she pumped my shaft and sucked on my head. Her face was covered in cum, and it was honestly the sexiest thing I've ever seen in my life, before or since.

"Oh, Honey, I can't..." I breathed, pushing her back and falling back onto the sofa bed. I was way too sensitive for Laura to continue working my cock the way she was.

She sat on the floor, wiping the cum off her face and glasses with her fingers, and then seductively sucking them clean. As she watched me, she made sure I saw her tongue dart out and flick across her fingertips every time she brought them to her mouth.

"Did I do good, Daddy?"

"Uh-ha," I laughed.

"Mmm," she purred, climbing up onto me. She sucked my still hard cock into her mouth again, and bobbed up and down a few times, before letting it pop free. "I love my horny daddy."

I let my head fall back onto the mattress of the sofa bed, unable to cope with the visual sensations of Laura staking her claim to me anymore. She crawled up along me, straddling me as she went. Holding my cock beneath her, she lined herself up, ready to impale her own horny cunt on my cock. But as she put her knee down in the final position, , she screamed out in pain and toppled off me.

"Ahh fuck!" I cried out as her weight in that part of the bed caused the bar in the sofa bed to dig into my back.

"This bed is so shit," Laura laughed, trying to clamber off. "Oww!"

"Yeah, it's definitely only for one." I sat up.

"Well, come on," she smiled as she rose to her feet, holding out her hand. "Let's finish this off in bed."

I took her hand and followed her into the bedroom. Even after everything we'd just done, I couldn't help but sneak a peek at her spectacular naked ass right in front of me. I sniffed a laugh, noticing that it was still a little pink from the spanking I'd given her earlier.

"Hey, perve," she smiled over her shoulder with mock admonishment.

What could I do, but smile and shrug my shoulders?

"Naughty, Daddy," she said playfully, pushing me back onto the bed.

I scooched backwards until I had my head on the pillow, kicking the doona out from under me as I went. Laura followed me on her knees, staring into my eyes through her streaked glasses. She settled over my groin, lowering herself so that she was pressed against the underside of my cock. Her hot, wet labia felt so wonderful against my shaft.

"Staring at your little girl's bare bottom." She bit her bottom lip, then let it flick out in a smile. "Do you want to see my little boobies too, Daddy?"

I opened my mouth to speak, but I couldn't make any sound come out. All I could manage was a nod.She bent forward, conspiratorially whispering into my ear, "It's really naughty showing boys my boobies, Daddy. I don't want to be naughty. I'm a good girl, Daddy."

I swallowed. "Good girls do what their daddies tell them," I croaked back.

Laura bit her lip again, smiling broadly, then laughing. "Am I your good girl, Daddy."

"Yes, you are," I managed to say more evenly, lifting the hem of her pale blue singlet and exposing her sexy little navel.

Laura giggled, taking the bottom of her singlet from me and pulling it over her head. Her perky little breasts defied gravity on her chest. I fell into another trance, staring at those cute, puffy little nipples. I reached up, gently cupping her soft mounds and flicking my thumbs across her nubs. She gasped, her nipples hardening further to my touch.

"Do you like them, Daddy?" she breathed. "They're not too small?"

"Oh, Sweetheart, you have the most beautiful breasts I've ever seen." I was genuinely lost in them. I tore myself away to look her in the eyes. They were brimming, and her smile was nervous. "You are so beautiful."

I sat up and kissed her passionately. She threw her arms around my neck and sank into the kiss. I, of course, kept my hands on her lovely breasts. She giggled in response to me rolling her nipples between my thumbs and forefingers, pulling away from the kiss. I took my chance and bent down to take one of her nipples into my mouth.

Laura held my head to her chest as she threw hers back, arching her back and moaning softly. I nuzzled her nubile breasts and flicked at her stiff little nipples with my tongue. She rocked her hips in my lap, and I found myself clawing at her ass to aid her motion.

I felt her running her fingers through my hair. Then suddenly, she grabbed a tight handful and pulled my head back. She was there to meet me with a passionate kiss. She moaned deeply into my mouth as our tongues explored each other.

"I want you inside me, Daddy." She pushed me back down onto the bed and lifted herself up slightly.

I looked down between us, just in time to see her grab my cock and feed it into her hungry cunt. Her warm folds kissed the head of my cock deliciously, before I was plunged deeply into her soaking heat. We both moaned in unison as her soft ass engulfed my aching balls.

I was buried to the hilt in my little girl.

We stayed like that, motionless, for what seemed like an eternity. We stared into each other's eyes, breathing heavily. Laura leaned forward, placing her hands on my chest for support. And my hands were already on her hips.

Holding my gaze, Laura began pushing herself up and down on my cock. Only very small strokes at first, maybe an inch or so. But as she gave herself over, she slid farther up my shaft as she went, until finally, only my swollen head stayed inside her. Her downstrokes too became more frenzied, as she slammed herself down on my cock harder and harder.

Her moans gradually gave way to grunts as she bounced wildly on top of me. The sensation of my cock pistoning in and out of her tight sheathe was incredible. Laura was losing herself, and began rubbing her clit as she fucked me. I could tell she was getting close.

Strands of her dirty blond hair stuck to her face, plastered on by saliva, semen and sweat. Her eyes glazed and she bit her bottom lip. I quickly released her hips and shot my hands up to her breasts, pinching her nipples just as she tipped over the edge.

Laura warbled and trembled, more like she was about to feint, than come. Her pussy clamped tight around my cock, spasming uncontrollably. And her fingernails dug into my collar bones as she tried to hold herself up in the wild seizure.

Eventually her arms gave way, and she collapsed onto my chest, exhausted. I slid my hands down her sweat-prickled sides, tracing in at her narrow waist, then flaring out at her hips. I grabbed her there, where her soft skin creased just past her hip bones, and slowly rocked her back and forth on my cock. I could feel my rigid pole squelching in and out of her, now even wetter than before.

She lifted her head from my chest, her mop of hair finally free of her scrunchie and sexily unkempt. Laura's eyes were bleary through her fogged glasses, and her mouth hung open. But our eyes were locked as I fucked her on my cock.

Laura's arousal quickly built as her clit ground into my pubic bone in that reverse missionary position. She slipped around on top of me, our sweat lubricating the motion of her silky smooth skin on mine. I reached my head forward to kiss her, but she was too far gone to do anything other than let me probe her mouth with my tongue.

She grunted at me, slopping around like a grounded fish. I grabbed her hips tighter and bucked up into her on every downstroke. I started grunting too, as my pace quickened, and it wasn't long before I began to feel that warm tingle building in my limbs.

"I'm going to come," I groaned.

"Fuck me, Daddy," Laura drooled on my chest in response.

I shoved Laura down on my cock as hard as I could, simultaneously thrusting my hips up into her, as I was overcome with pure ecstasy. I gushed spurt after glorious spurt of cum deep inside my little girl, feeling it shoot through me over and over again.

My orgasm seemed to trigger Laura's own climax. When she felt my cum bathing her womb, her eyes rolled back in her head and her spent pussy bit down hard on my spewing cock.

She finally stilled on top of me, and I could no longer grind my cock into her. I was paralysed with over-sensitivity. We were spent.

I caressed the slick contours of her hips and back as I brought Laura into a tight embrace. I held her close to me, and we slowly let our breathing return to normal. The warmth, the wetness, the was perfect.

"Are you okay, Sweetheart?" I asked after soaking up the moment.

"Oh my God, yes," Laura giggled. She looked up and stretched forward for a kiss, breathing me in as she did so. "That was so hot, Daddy."

I smiled at her, brushing her tattered hair away from her face with my fingers. I gently removed her glasses and placed them on the bedside table.

Laura's big blue eyes blinked brightly at me, and she returned the smile. "I have to pee," she chirped, unsheathing me from her smouldering pussy and dancing off to the bathroom.

"Are you going to have a shower?" I asked when I went in after her to relieve myself.

"I'm just going to wash my face," she smiled, wiping my dripping cum from her pussy. "Oh, there's so much cum, Daddy."

I just smiled, and she wrinkled her nose at me. We watched each other in the mirror as we washed our faces, and affectionately stroked one another. She took my hand and led me back into the bedroom, smiling at me over her bare shoulder.

"I want to stay with you from now on," she said softly, taking me into a warm embrace.

I scoffed slightly, fast forwarding to the discussion with her mother.

"I'm eighteen now, Daddy. I'm an adult. I can do what I want."

I smiled again at her precociousness, even though she was quite right.

"I am, Daddy. And I want to stay with you." She pleaded.

"All right," I laughed. "I'll talk to your mother." I couldn't help but groan at the thought. But the sensation of Laura's flawless skin quickly took my mind to happier places.

Back in bed, Laura snuggled up against me tightly, her head on my chest and her leg thrown across me. The warmth and wetness from her pussy gripped at my thigh, and it was my last conscious thought before I fell asleep.

When I woke the next morning, I was spooning Laura. My cock was rock hard, and buried between her ass cheeks. I stirred, instinctively grinding into her and tightening my grip around her chest. Her soft little breasts and erect nipples greeting my fingers.

"About time you woke up," Laura murmured. "I thought you were going to have a wet dream in my ass."

I chuckled sleepily. "Good morning to you too, Sweety. Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah," she sang, turning around in my arms and kissing me. "Yuk, morning breath."

"You're not so great yourself," I teased.

Laura smiled and turned her face away from me, exposing her neck. I leaned in and started kissing her taut skin, and she reached down and fondled my hardness. Our breathing quickened, the moaning started, and before I knew it, I was on top and inside her.

Laura screwed up her face as she caught a whiff of my breath, and I immediately felt self-conscious. I buried my face in the pillow beside her to spare her the smell, but that quickly became uncomfortable. Instead, I sat up on my haunches and lifted Laura's legs up, placing her ankles on my shoulders. Somehow, miraculously, my cock seemed to slip another inch or two inside her steaming pussy.

"Oh, that's so deep," Laura moaned.

I'd love to be able to say I felt her cervix with the end of my cock, but I was lost in a tight sensation of wet heat. I pumped in and out of my daughter, sinking every millimetre of my cock inside her.

I watched her perky little breasts bounce and wobble beneath me, as Laura lifted her arms and crossed them under the pillow, behind her head. I stroked her smooth thighs, from her hips to her knees, and kissed and licked at her calves and ankles.

Laura's eyes were closed, and she somehow managed to find relaxation, despite being bounced back and forth in an impossibly deep fuck. Without looking up, one of her hands slid out from under the pillow and snaked its way down between her legs. The other followed close behind, instead finding a soft breast, with a nipple to roll between her fingers.

Neither of us lasted long. My thrusts became more urgent, and Laura's whimpers got louder.

"Laura! Honey, I love you!" I cried out as I exploded inside her, filling her with my seed.

"oh, Daddy..." Laura's toes curled into tight little fists on my shoulders, and her pussy clamped down so tight, I couldn't move inside her.

It was the burn in my own thighs that made me finally release my little girl, sliding her legs down off my shoulders, and my slowly softening cock out of her well used cunt.

"Oh, good morning," she giggled.

I smiled to myself, and held her close to my chest. I ran my fingers through her matted hair and basked in the afterglow.

I wasn't even sure how any of this had happened. And quite frankly, I didn't care. It had, and that's all that mattered.

"What do you feel like for breakfast?" I sighed with pleasure.

"I feel like pancakes. Let's go out."

I can make pancakes here," I offered.

"Oh, Daddy, your pancakes suck," she giggled. "Take me out for something nice. You know, you're supposed to be a gentleman and treat me really well."

I had created a monster.

We traded knowing looks and smiles as we took turns in the shower and getting ready. I held her shoulders from behind when she was brushing her hair, and kissed her neck, then sucked her earlobe into my mouth. Then I left her in the bathroom with a gentle pet on the ass to go get dressed.

I watched Laura pull on a fresh pair of panties, white ones, as I sat on the end of the bed to put on my shoes and socks. She was wearing a black Atari t-shirt. I sniffed a laugh. Laura was born long after I supposed the company had gone under, I mused. Still, she looked amazing, standing there just in that retro t-shirt and a pair of panties. Even better when she bent over to pick up a pair of jeans.

"I know it's a little late to be asking," I said, lacing up my hiking boot. "But are you, you know, on the pill?"

I finished tying the knot and looked up. Laura hadn't said anything.

She was holding the waistband of her jeans halfway up her thighs, and biting her bottom lip. Then she slowly shook her head.

My heart started thumping in my chest.

Laura lowered her jeans back down to her knees, then let them fall the rest of the way to the floor. "I'm sorry, Daddy," she whispered, looking up at me. Straightening up, she breathed, "That was really naughty."

I felt my breath shaking as she slowly stepped over to me, a little more swing in her hips than I'd seen before. She held her hands behind her back, and bit her lip as she smiled seductively. At my side, she hooked her thumbs into her panties and pulled them down her thighs, then crawled over my lap.

She really was a good girl.