If there is one thing my family's big on, it's traditions. That applies to both my mom and dad's side although my dad's family is a lot bigger. As a rule, we all get together at least three times a year - Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter. As the families have gotten larger this has become more difficult to manage, especially as my cousins married into other families with demands of their own, but as a rule most if not all of us kept making it every year. Usually we met at someone's home, trying to rotate it so no one family got stuck with all the work. This year someone got the bright idea of gathering at a "neutral" location and it was hotly debated as to where, with Pigeon Forge winning out.

Why Pigeon Forge? Heck if I know. Well, I DO know that my Uncle Paul owns a timeshare which he was able to trade in for a really nice cabin in the mountains outside the main city area. But then he could have done something similar at just about any place we chose to meet but someone had this big idea that it was the place to meet. Nobody asked me, I guess I was just expected to go along with the group decision.

So back to traditions...

As I started to say, all my life the concept of the sanctity of family has been drilled into me. It's the classic "We may not always get along but we are always family." Another way to put it is, "You can pick your nose but you can't pick your relatives" or something like that. No matter how we might fuss or who is arguing with who, it's just a given that when it comes time for one of our family gatherings that you show up and be nice.

Each family also has its own traditions. I know my Uncle Paul and his family have always had this big Christmas Eve Santa Claus routine where he dresses up as Santa and brings in the toys. Uncle Jim and his family go on a big fishing trip every Memorial Day weekend up to some cabin by Lake Erie where they have stayed every year since I can remember. Some traditions are publicized while others are kept more private. For instance, almost none of my father's side of the family is involved in incest and indeed, if most of them knew, especially my aunts, all hell would break loose. So in the grand scheme of things there are overall family traditions, then the individual family traditions, and finally the more personal ones. For instance, my Uncle Paul and Aunt Julie spend every wedding anniversary at the same cabin in the Pocono Mountains where they spent their honeymoon.

One of my favorite traditions when I was home on break from college was having my dad stop by my room each morning as he got ready for work. Now that I've graduated I can't please him in that way very often so that's been replaced by our Sunday morning tradition where whenever possible I stop by his house just before church and we have sex and then go straight to church immediately after. We've been doing it for so long now that it's like I feel bad all week when we miss a week.

So now it was time for the annual Thanksgiving gathering. As I said, plans were for us all to drive down there and meet at the cabin. I HATE long car drives but with my Aunt Linda and Kristi joining us that always helped the time to go by more quickly. There WAS one big difference this year - my boyfriend Steve and his mother would be joining us.

Steve was actually my first boyfriend and the older brother of Sharon, one of my best friends. I never dared dream that he would ever ask me out but after flirting with him at a weekend camping trip with Sharon and some of our college friends, I was thrilled when he called to ask me out. Making a long story short, I wasn't a virgin much longer and for the next six months or so, Steve and I had sex as often as I could get him to give it to me. During that time he was the only boy I had sex with and I even dreamed that someday he might marry me.

It crushed me when Steve's mom was transferred to the west coast. His dad had dumped her for some young bimbo at work and so she had to pretty much do whatever her work required. We tried to keep in touch but over time that faded and the next time I heard from him was years later when I got a wedding announcement in the mail. If I had been crushed when he moved away, all those feelings reemerged and if anything I felt even more devastated. No matter how many guys I'd had sex with after Steve left, not to mention my own father, I never fully forgot my first love. Yes, I DID go to the wedding just to see who he was marrying. By the time it was over I had a pretty good idea it wouldn't last for long. Face it, it's not a good sign when the first girl the groom fucks after he says his wedding vows isn't his new wife!

Despite myself, I felt a little guilty when I heard their marriage was soon annulled but not THAT guilty. But then I heard from him again and it came as a shock when out of the blue someone tapped me on the shoulder just after a church service. It was Steve! As it turned out his mom had been transferred back to the 'burgh. Steve had just finished his paramedic training and was looking for a job so he moved back with her and was now living with her while trying to get his feet in the ground. His sister Sharon and younger brother stayed in California with their friends and careers.

It was like all those years apart had never happened as Steve and I reunited - in more ways than one. We tried to keep open minds and didn't go "exclusive" but in my heart I knew he was "the one" from the first time I laid eyes on him. I'd had a number of boyfriends over the years and there was one I even thought I might marry but he had betrayed me and left me bitter and distrustful. Steve was the best thing to happen to me in years!

As we dated and got together whenever possible, I found myself wondering if Steve felt the same about me. I think from the day he first found me in church had he proposed to me I would have said YES without hesitation and every day since then I just felt it all the more. I like to think that the reason he moved back with his mother was to see me again although he has never admitted it. My girlfriends all loved him and even my dad approved - a MAJOR plus for Steve. Now all he had to do was ask the right question.

As anxious as I was for THE question, I was always worried about one thing. My Aunt Linda had married a man who thought he understood what it meant for his wife to have an incestuous relationship with her family but he never really was exposed to it until after the wedding. Although they hung together for almost three years, he never accepted it. Their divorce served as a constant reminder to me that whoever I married had to be fully accepting of my lifestyle. As I said from the beginning, I've been raised such that family is my number one priority. My aunt was forced to choose between her family and her husband and I never want to be placed in such a horrible situation myself.

Back when I thought Duane was about to propose to me, I didn't tell him everything, but just enough to see how he might react. What I found was that just knowing my aunt and cousin had sex was enough to push him over the edge to where he actually turned on me and betrayed me, threatening to expose me to my church and school. Had not my dad stepped in, I don't know what might have happened. What my dad did exactly I've never been told but I never want to have to ask him for that sort of help again.

One thing I had going for me was I knew Steve was not a TOTAL stranger to incest. His sister Sharon had a crush on him and she was insanely jealous of me when she learned I was having sex with him. Steve never had any such interest in his sister though, no matter how she tried, but it wasn't like he didn't know about it. The real secret was one we didn't even talk about these days. Back when we dated his mother had "caught" us having sex in their house. She even took pictures. The shocker was that before it was over Steve and her did it as well, right in front of me! It was the first time I witnessed an incestual act and it was between my boyfriend and his mother! Now he swore that it had never happened again but at the same time at least he has been exposed to the concept in a positive manner. Well, it seemed VERY positive at the time.

Even though we'd been dating now since June, so far as I knew Steve was still totally in the dark when it came to my family relationships. Heck, if anything Steve was far more intimate with his mother than I was with my father when Steve was around. My quandary was, how do you tell someone you love that you have been having sex with your father?? It's not like some porn novel where you just go up and say it and suddenly everyone gets horny and a family orgy ensues. This was real life and I knew from past experiences that it simply doesn't work that way. What if I told Steve and he was repulsed and broke up with me? Sure in the long run that would be the best for both of us but it wasn't what I wanted to happen no matter what. All I knew was that I'd better hurry as my cousin and friends were started to kid me that Steve was getting ready to pop the question. If they were right, then I had work to do because I wanted to say YES when the time came!

Chapter 2 - Road Trip


When I was little, if there was thing that drove me nuts it was being locked in a car for hours on end. Maybe had I been raised differently it would've been different but our family rarely drove long distances. Going to Grove City north of Pittsburgh to visit my mom's parents was considered a TRIP and that was less than two hours. The absolute worse was our annual pilgrimage to the Chicago area to visit my Dad's mom. Nine to ten hours cooped up in the back seat of an SUV was hell on earth for a young girl like me.

Things got to be a little better for me when I turned eighteen and started to seriously masturbate. At home my parents encouraged me to do it whenever I felt the need which made life for me a lot simpler than most kids my age who had to hide it from their parents. I've always thought that this is stupid since their parents did it too. My parents both masturbated, my dad especially, so why make me feel guilty about it? Fortunately they didn't. The only time my mom stepped in was when I first started to learn how good it felt and she would catch me touching myself at times and places where little girls just don't do those sort of things!

So anyway, having the backseat all to myself turned out to be not so bad on those long trips and if anything, I sometimes even felt a little disappointed when the trip was over. When my cousin started doing it we would play games like seeing who could cum the fastest and such. Fortunately the windows in my dad's SUV were heavily tinted so prying eyes couldn't see what we were doing as at that age you don't worry about such things.

As masturbation turned to sex, trips with Kristi got to be even more fun. Perhaps the biggest change was after my dad started having sex with me. Sometimes my mom would take over the driving duties so my dad could get in the backseat with me for a while. As you can see, today I see road trips in an entirely new light. Even when I was driving three hours to college I passed the time with one hand on the steering wheel and the other between my legs.

I learned from my early dating days that it doesn't really matter how far you drive, being in the car on the road can be fun even for short distances. Sometimes I just tease the guy driving, like playing with myself and letting him watch. Other times I might flash the driver next to us or even let a trucker up above look down and see me playing with myself. Some guys get off on the exhibitionist stuff while others would get angry and jealous. However, none of them protested when I turned my attention to them. I think one of the fantasies that most every guy has is getting road head. Leaning over and sucking a guy's dick while he is driving can be just as exciting for me as for him.

Lucky for me, Steve is one of those guys with enough ego and self-confidence to push me when it comes to the exhibitionist fun. His attitude has always been that while the other guys leave wishing they could fuck me, he actually gets to so let them look and wish all they wanted. It just made him feel all the better being the one I turned to when it came to really having sex.

This would be the first road trip with Steve joining us as a family so I wasn't really sure how it was going to go down. To make things complicated, his mother would be traveling with us. To further muddy the waters, she was well aware that her son and I were having sex. In fact, she made it a point to watch us whenever she had the chance. I have to admit that it was more than just a little bit weird at first for her to come in the room and just sit in a chair and watch as her son had sex with me. Over time I learned to ignore her as she never showed any interest whatsoever in joining in or even saying anything. When we were done she would leave without even once so much as touching herself. Of course I had no idea what she did when she returned to her room, but when she was with us she was the model of self-control.

What made it interesting was that while she had no idea of anything going on within my family, everyone in my family knew everything about her, including her little fetish about watching her son and girlfriend having sex. I wasn't sure if she would be mortified or titillated had she known everyone knew so for the time being I just kept my mouth shut about it when I was with her.

Before anyone gets the wrong idea, I want to reiterate that there is nothing going on between Steve and his mother today. I'll admit that at first I had some hefty suspicions that they were doing things when I wasn't there. Face it, how many mothers enjoy watching their sons having sex? That said, how many boys are OK with their mothers watching in the first place?

While they never did any really sexual together, Steve and Marlene were quite touchy-feely so when he came home and kissed his mom, it wasn't your typical mother-son peck on the cheek but more like my dad would have given my mom after a long day at work! Sitting together with us on the couch, she wasn't shy about cuddling next to him and while she kept her hands away from his crotch, pretty much everything else as fair game. She also didn't have any problems with his roaming hands either, even when they were on her breasts. It was always over something but sometimes that "something" was not much more than a thin cotton T-shirt or a silk robe. It was a rather unique thing they had going but at the same time, they each seemed to know where the line was and so far as I'd ever seen, they never crossed it. While his mother certainly saw HIM nude plenty, she never was naked in front of him, at least not that I've ever witnessed. When it was just me there, like when I was waiting for him to get home or work, she wasn't shy about being nude and if anything she might have been eligible for being called a nudist except that when Steve was home she always wore something on top with her panties, even if it was just a bra.

The reason I say all this is I had NO idea what was going to happen on our long drive coming up but I got the idea it would be interesting if nothing else. My dad's SUV had three rows of seats so it was to be my mom and dad up front, Steve, his mom and me in the middle, and Kristi would get the third seat all to herself in back. The last seat really was meant for kids as it had very little leg room so although it supposedly held two people, it really was only large enough for one and Kristi was the smallest of us all anyway.

Had it been summer things might have been even more interesting but with the end of November arriving, shorts with a cami or bikini tops were NOT the dress code. That didn't mean we needed to be dressed in parkas while in the SUV, but we still would need to get out now and then so a little concession had to be given to the weather. Most of our luggage was piled on top of the SUV on the luggage rack as there was just a little space behind Kristi and it was rapidly filled with a couple of overnight bags. It probably would've been better to take two vehicles but nobody wanted to split up and besides, it would've doubled the gas costs.

My school let out the entire week of Thanksgiving so my schedule was open for whatever was needed. Steve wasn't eligible for any vacation days yet so he just had to arrange for his shifts to be covered and take the pay hit for missed work. Marlene didn't say anything about her work much but she didn't seem to have any problem getting off. Kristi and her mom's realty work was practically zero during a holiday week so it want like they were missing anything. The only person with schedule issues was my dad but as one of the senior partners nobody would give him any flack about taking whatever time he needed. It's not like he didn't work ridiculous hours normally anyways.

As such, we decided to leave early Wednesday morning which should get us there sometime late in the day. Our plans were to return home Sunday which gave us three solid days to relax and enjoy. I'd never been to the area but I heard it was pretty and mountainous so I was looking forward to the trip.


"So is Stevie going to pop the question this weekend?"

I just huffed in response. It was only about the one hundredth time my cousin had asked this past week so the joke was getting a little stale. Besides, I hated it when she called him "Stevie" like he was a little boy. Steve might be a lot of things but he was NO little boy!

We'd been packing for the trip in the morning. How I was supposed to fit everything into one suitcase was beyond me. My dad should have just broken down and rented a trailer if we weren't going to take two cars. My frustrations with having to choose between outfits and my cousins incessant nagging had me about ready to snap!

"Oh c'mon cuz, just teasin' ya," she said, slapping me playfully on my bare butt which I'd unwittingly exposed to her from under my T-shirt as I leaned over in yet another vain attempt to force my suitcase closed.

"Well, he'd better pretty soon if he wants to get any," I grumbled, putting my hand to my cheek as I tried to figure out what to leave behind. It ALL was so necessary!

"Yeah right, like YOU are going to hold out on anyone," she taunted me.

"I can say no," I came back to her with my arms crossed on my chest.

"Oh yeah? Like when?" she teased me even more. Well, maybe some other guy but I had to admit, it Would be hard to say no to Steve, especially when he was hard.

"So anyway, how's this gonna work with his mother coming along and all?" she asked, getting more serious for a moment. "Like, is she gonna freak or what if we start having fun on the trip?

"I turned to her and wagged my finger at her. "Now listen Kristi, we talked about this. I really need you to behave."

"Don't I always?" she said, trying to act all sweet and innocent, "Your dad never complains."

"You know what I mean," I warned her again.

"All I got to say is that it's gonna be a LONG trip if we just count license plates," she fumed, "If you're not going to do anything then don't go blaming me for what happens."

"DAMN!" I hissed under my breath.

Kristi's eyes widened but it wasn't her I was pissed at. I thought I had the suitcase conquered but just then the damn clasp came undone again.

"Why do you need so many clothes anyway? It's not like anyone will care what you're wearing."

She was technically correct but it was the principle. In any case I didn't care about my relatives, I wanted to look good for Steve this weekend. It was like she was reading my mind.

"The only thing Steve will want to see you in your birthday suit anyway," she giggled, reaching out to run her fingers between my legs quickly before she scampered out as I reached to slap her hand.

What could I say - she had a point. If it been just me and Steve, then I probably could have brought nothing but a small night bag with my toiletries. Although on my own I rarely, if ever, ran around naked, I knew Steve loved nothing more than for me to be nude around him so I tried best I could to make him happy. THAT wasn't going to work this weekend though! Although I'm sure the men wouldn't have said a word, I knew a couple of aunts that would have been mortified if came out in even a T-shirt in front of their husbands!

Finally I worked things out and got the damn suitcase closed. I'd actually worked up a bit of a sweat so I stripped off my T-shirt and went in to the bathroom take a quick shower before flopping in bed naked to go to sleep. As I laid there on my back with the covers over me, I slowly masturbated, drifting off to sleep with erotic visions of my hot boyfriend fucking me in front of my family.

The alarm went off minutes later, or at least that's how it felt. I only had barely a half hour before my dad was picking us up so I had to hurry. I didn't even have time to masturbate which frustrated me and I knew it wasn't a good omen. I slipped on some tight jeans and was about to put on a blouse when inspiration struck me. I dug through my drawer and picked out a skimpy white lace half-cup bra that clasped in front and slipped it on. It pushed up and pressed in my boobs, making them look really good in the mirror. Then I put on a blouse but left it unbuttoned such that it hung mostly closed but when I moved it showed off my bra clearly but wouldn't get me arrested for indecent exposure. A pair of heels would have looked better but I knew they'd be pain in the ass in the SUV do I just grabbed a pair of sneakers and put them on without socks.

My hair was a bit of a wreck from sleeping in it wet and I really didn't have time to do much with it so I just pulled it back into a ponytail. A gold ankle bracelet, my watch, and a diamond cross on a gold chain around neck completed the outfit. I looked in the mirror and smiled. I thought it seemed appropriate for the company I'd be in today. A little slutty yet publicly acceptable - if barely.

I lugged my stuffed suitcase down the steps to the entryway where Kristi was already waiting. It was just in time as my dad pulled up with Steve and his mom right behind them. Steve was helping transfer their suitcases to my dad's SUV while my dad came to grab mine and Kristi's.

"Damn Kelly, did you bring your pet rock collection?" he groaned rather melodramatically as he hefted my suitcase up with one hand while he grabbed Kristi's in the other.

"It's ALL necessary," I said defensively, crossing my arms as if daring him to debate me.

Steve just shook his head and somehow managed to get everything tied down for us to leave.

"Good morning Marlene," I greeted Steve's mom. "You've met Kristi before I think."

Steve's mom turned to Kristi and reached out her hand. "Actually it's been a long time dear. But I HAVE heard so much about you."

Kristi grinned and Steve's mom had that twinkle in her eye so I didn't know if she was teasing Kristi or just being polite. Either way she had already charmed my cousin.

I introduced Marlene to my dad and aunt. I'd been trying to remember if my dad had met her back when I was dating Steve but unless it had been around town I couldn't recall any time that he might have. In any case, they shook hands and she thanked him for inviting he AND for driving her down.

"Thanks so much John," she went on, "I really had no idea what I'd be doing all alone this Thanksgiving. With the rest of the kids so far away we just couldn't work anything out. This is all so considerate of you."

My dad assured her that it was his pleasure and indeed it was as I watched him give her the once over without trying to hide his interest. Steve's mom wasn't exactly a Playmate of the Year but she was not bad either. She kept her weight in check and had a pretty good figure and overall looked like one of those mothers at the PTA meetings that all the other husbands couldn't stop staring at. Now that my dad wasn't married, she wasn't off-limits anymore. Hmmm, I had really thought about THAT! Evidently I wasn't the only one to notice his wandering eyes as my Aunt Linda moved in and poked him in the side with her finger, reminding him we needed to get on the road.

As planned, we all got in our seats with me in the middle as I was the smallest. Steve sat behind my Aunt Linda as he was the tallest and she moved her seat up as far as she could to accommodate his long legs. Marlene was stuck behind my dad who needed his seat all the way back when he drove. Still, it wasn't one of those wimpy new SUVs by any means so we all had plenty of room. Whether we still felt that way six or nine hours from now could be a different story...

As I got myself situated, my blouse shifted and opened a bit. Marlene nudged me and whispered in my ear, "Kelly, I think you forgot to button something."

I grinned at hear and whispered back, "I don't think Steve will mind, do you?"

She smiled at that but then nodded towards the front seat. "Yeah but what about your dad and aunt?"

"They won't see anything... don't worry, it's all OK."

Marlene shrugged and my dad called back, "Hey, no whispering, if you're going to say something share it with everybody."

"Marlene was asking me how my period was going," I teased him. My Aunt poked my dad and said, "That will teach you to mind your own business John!" Everyone laughed and we got off to a good start.

It was Steve's turn to whisper this time. "Ummmmm, you're really not..."

I just rolled my eyes and grinned, shaking my head. Silly boy! Now THAT would have complicated matters but fortunately there was no danger of that happening. On nice thing about being on the pill so long was my period was like clockwork.

My dad had the GPS set and the sexy voice said we had eight and a half hours to go before we arrived at our destination. The trip was supposed to be all highways so knowing my dad, he would probably trim at least an hour off of that estimate. Still, it was going to be a long trip not matter how many speed limits he broke and my butt was already starting to feel sore before even the first hour had passed. Things had quieted down after the initial conversations so I turned towards Steve and put my head on his shoulder as he draped his strong arm around me. Before long his hand wandered down to my breasts and he brushed aside my blouse to reveal my bra.

"A bra?" he whispered, "Shit, I didn't know you even OWNED one!"

"Well I DO but at least it's an easy one," I said softly back, moving his hand to the single clasp in front.

My boyfriend took the hint and unsnapped me, freeing me from its confines. It felt soooooo much better to have it loosened. His hand quickly moved to my exposed breast and at first he just held it such that my nipple was between his fingers. I sat there with my arm wrapped around him, just enjoying the feeling of being close to him.

With my head on Steve's shoulder I couldn't see the other side of me but I heard a little cough as his mother cleared her throat. Steve shifted so he could get a feel of my other boob and the mysterious ailment afflicting his mother caused her to cough again. I looked back over my shoulder and she was clearly looking at my open blouse. When she saw I was looking at her, her eyes moved towards the front, obviously trying to tell me that my parents were there. Yeah, like I didn't know that.

"It's OK Marlene, let the two lovebirds do their thing," my Aunt called back.

Evidently she had heard the coughing fit and must have checked things out in her visor mirror. "From what I've heard I didn't think it would bother you."

Marlene's face immediately went beet red and I could have killed my aunt. To be fair my aunt didn't say exactly WHAT she'd heard but in a way that was even worse as it left Marlene to worry as to just how much I'd told everyone. It was one thing to watch your son having sex with his girlfriend, another to have her father and aunt know about it. Well, it would've been cruel to keep her in suspense so I turned and sat up for a moment, my blouse hanging open with my boobs both open to the air.

"I'm so sorry Marlene, I didn't mean to embarrass you," I apologized, "Don't worry, you're not the only one who likes to watch."

Marlene looked at me with a puzzled expression as she tried to process what I'd just said. Then she looked up front to see my Aunt looking back in her mirror with grin.

"You mean she does too?" she asked me softly.

I nodded and then she took a breath as if she needed a moment to get the courage to continue.

"And your dad?"

"Sometimes," I said nonchalantly, as if every dad did it.

Technically I wasn't lying. Back when I was in school my dad use to watch me and my boyfriends through a crack in the door when I brought them home. Although he hadn't ever seen Steve fuck me, I didn't have to tell Marlene that, just as I didn't tell her that my dad preferred fucking me himself rather than watching me get it from someone else.

"Well... THAT'S certainly interesting," she said as she sat back in her seat, taking it all in.

My initial irritation with my aunt passed and I had to admit I owed her one from bringing it out and getting it over with. I might have wasted away the entire trip working up the courage to say anything, if ever. Now it was pretty much open season for me and Steve and he seemed to get the same understanding that I was. I snuggled back up to him again and his hand returned to my exposed breast, cupping it and gently squeezing it.

About then my dad announced that we'd be stopping for breakfast at the next exit. He leaned his head back but kept his eyes on the road as he called back, "You might think about snapping things back together Kelly." I knew he was just saying that to tease me but Marlene's eyes widened a bit as the nonchalant way he said it, like he was just telling me to put my shoes on or something.

I sat up, pushed my boobs back in place and clasped the bra back together again.

"That's a pretty bra Kelly, where did you get it?" Marlene asked.

I had to catch myself as I almost told her the truth but I wasn't sure if she was ready to find out that my dad did more than watch me but also got a kick out of buying me lingerie. Perhaps the buying part wouldn't have shocked her as much as how I liked to model it for him and then show my appreciation. In any case, I told her it was from Victoria Secret which was the truth, even though I hadn't been the one buying it.

"Yes, they have such nice things but they're so expensive," she went on, evidently trying to strike up a conversation when she didn't know what else to say.

"Well, it helps when you get someone else to buy it for you?" I grinned. She glanced over at Steve, obviously thinking her son had been the one to buy it and smiled.

"Of course, nothing's really free, is it?" I joked and she smiled but not as much as me since I was the only one who knew who I'd actually "paid" for the bra.

My dad pulled into a Bob Evans and we all got out and fortunately didn't have to wait long before we were seated at a large booth. We all squeezed in with Kristi between my dad and her mom and me between Steve and his. The waitress was an older lady and I noticed a quick glance at my semi-opened blouse together with a slight pursing of her lips but she ignored me after that. The restaurant was packed and we were lucky to get the booth but it was barely big enough to hold six.

My hand drifted over under the table and rested on Steve's crotch, rubbing his slowly as we looked through the menu's. I felt him shifting in his seat and respond through his jeans and wished we were alone back in the SUV. God I was so horny! We had maybe six or seven hours left before getting to the cabin and I couldn't even masturbate.

Back in the SUV, things pretty much resumed as they had been prior to breakfast only everyone was now full and even less talkative. Steve quickly opened my bra back up again but it still was a pain so I sat up and worked the straps through the sleeves of my blouse, then down over my hands and pulled it off, dropping it in his lap for safekeeping. It felt so much better to have it off and Steve seemed to appreciate my consideration for him as well.

I had my arm around his waist as he fondled me, closing my eyes as I enjoyed the attention he was giving my breasts. Actually this was sort of nice as typically Steve was the type that quickly moved on to other territory. I mean that while he liked playing with my boobs as much as the next guy, he was usually too horny to forego what he REALLY wanted.

There was just one thing that was bothering me. While I kept my hand on his crotch, there was a heavy layer of denim between the palm of my hand the warm hard object hiding underneath - my favorite object. Had we been traveling alone, or even without his mother for that matter, I would have had those jeans off of him hours ago. It was sort of odd in that EVERYONE in the SUV knew we had sex and several of them had actually witnessed it, yet his mom had no idea just how much of an exhibitionist his son was dating.

I was starting to think maybe I should have been more open about sex with Steve. Sure I never protested even once about her coming in to watch us, but I never had hinted at how I liked to allow others in my family to watch as well. If anything, she would be the type that could understand as she never joined in while watching so why wouldn't it be the same for other family members who watched. Even in my own past I use to have sex with my dad watching and I never even thought about having sex with him later, at least not until I'd been having sex for a couple of years.

My pussy was so wet I felt like I peed myself. Something had to be done... and soon. We still had just under half the journey left so it wasn't like I could just be patient and we'd be there soon. I didn't see where going a little bit farther would hurt anything. It wasn't like I was going to hop on his lap and ride his dick. I just wanted a little bit more.

I looked in the back seat at Kristi who was staring out the back window, looking about as bored as possible. She was nodding off, not paying any attention to anyone. Up front, my dad was driving with his left hand on the steering wheel, holding hands with my aunt using his right. She looked like she might be napping as well, turned sideways in her seat facing my dad with a small pillow under her head. I couldn't really see Marlene and I didn't want to draw any unnecessary attention by twisting around to look at her. Besides, what difference did it make? If she was nodding off too, then she wouldn't even notice and even if she was paying attention, what could she do, assuming she even wanted to?

Steve was turned towards me, his one arm round my neck with his hand reaching down to play with my left boob while his right hand was holding the one on the right. I looked up at him and he smiled, leaning over to kiss me. Mmmmmmm, he tasted so good! It reminded me of when we use to make out on the couch in their old living room, him groping me as we kissed, making my small boobs tingle in his grasp.

Enough was enough. I took my hand and started to work on his belt buckle. Steve shifted slightly, but it was to make it easier for me to reach his waist than to deter me in any way. With one hand it wasn't the easiest thing to undo but Steve wasn't taking his hand off my boob to help me. I'd had plenty of practice before so I worked it out and then worked on unzipping his jeans before undoing the snap, a little trick I'd learned with him a long time before when I first dated him. Soon his jeans were accessible and I reached underneath, down under the elastic band of his boxer shorts.

As erect as he was, I didn't have to reach in very far to find the tip of his dick. It felt so warm and smooth against my finger tip as I ran it down the length of his stiff shaft. Once my hand was in further I grasped the shaft with my fingers wrapped around it and held it. Mmmmmmm, I'd been waiting for hours for this. Steve's hand on my boob tightened as I held onto his dick. For the next half hour or so I just enjoyed leaning up against Steve with one leg tucked under me, my head on his shoulder with his gripping my breast and me with his dick in my hand. Now THIS was the way to travel.

I was starting to nod off myself when my dad called out that we were pulling over soon for gas and a nature call. My bladder was OK so I didn't pay any attention. Steve didn't seem to be looking for anything to change but Kristi was rustling around behind me. I swore under my breath at miss peanut-bladder. The issue was that for her to get out meant Steve and I had to move so the seat could be folded down to let her out.

As my dad slowed down at the end of the ramp, I reluctantly pulled my hand out of Steve's pants and sat up. Steve zipped up his jeans and redid his belt, hiding away his wonderful dick again. When he pulled into the station, Kristi was anxiously hoping in the seat, mumbling about how bad she needed to use the bathroom. I wasn't feeling sympathetic. I scooted over in the seat closer up against Marlene as Steve got out and lowered the seat back and tilted the seat forward for Kristi. She hurried out and literally ran into the station.

My dad was out putting in the gas and talking to Steve so Linda turned around in the seat and looked back at the two of us remaining in the SIV with her. "You two hanging in there? We should be there in a couple of hours now or so."

I just nodded and Marlene said she was fine. My aunt looked at me with my blouse hanging open and my bra nowhere in sight - safely tucked in Steve's pocket I hoped.

"You know, you might want to pull that around you a bit while we're here. It's pretty busy."

Since when was my aunt worried about such a thing? I almost laughed as she was obviously saying it for Marlene's benefit. Still, why bother? In any case, I just frowned a little and made a perfunctory effort which did little but barely cover my nipples.

Eventually everyone was back in the car and we resumed our drive. I was back in position again within minutes, not wasting any time this time. Steve had dwindled during the stop but it didn't take my hand long to coax him back to a full erection. God I wanted it so badly! I used my wrist to pull back the elastic so his dick stuck out over his boxers and more in view. Mmmmmmm, it looked so delicious. I pushed it down even more until his pubic hair showed up and ran my fingers through it while he looked down and watched.

It was Steve that pushed me on. I had been hesitating as to whether to go further or not but evidently he already had made his mind up. Putting his hand on the top of my head, he gently pushed it down. Well, there's only ONE thing THAT means when a guy does it. I wasn't about to protest, that was for sure!

Leaning down, I took the tip of his dick in my head and sucked gently on him. After holding him for hours and wishing for this, it was like a dream come true. I wasn't sure if his mother was watching or not but it didn't matter. Heck, she'd witnessed a LOT more than this before. It wasn't like I was doing it right in front of my dad and aunt. In their mirrors it was more what they could NOT see at this point that what was on view - my head. No doubt they knew where THAT was.

The more I held Steve's dick in my mouth, the more I wanted. I slowly let it in inch by inch, licking it and tickling it with my lips as it slide into my mouth. I could feel Steve shudder when I had it all in, moving my head around to stimulate it further. We had a ways to go yet so I wasn't in any hurry. I raised back up enough to grip the shaft with my hand and I rested my head back against his stomach as I allowed the movement of the SUV to do the work.I would have loved to have looked back over my shoulder at Marlene but I didn't want to give the impression that I was doing this just to see what she would think. If anything, it was what I was NOT doing that was because of her. As horny as I was right then there was no doubt in my mind where I would have been had it just been Steve and me in the back seat!

"Oh Kelly...," Steve groaned and he pushed my head back down again. I knew what THAT meant as well and prepared myself for the inevitable.

It didn't take much longer and he groaned yet again, louder this time and I was sure everyone had to know what was happening as he began to cum in my mouth. Well, at least I was the lucky one getting his cum! Poor Kristi had to be so horny sitting back there all alone having to just watch me enjoy myself. I wondered if she had been doing anything about it but only for a second and I focused more on Steve's delicious cum filling my mouth.

Steve helped me to sit up right again after having been bent over for so long. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and looked at Marlene with a smile. The look on her face was a mixture of incredulousness and concern. I was tempted to open my mouth and offer her some of her son's dick but that would have been a little over the line, well more than a little.

To their credit, none of my family said a thing. It was like nothing had happened and everyone pretty much ignored me. At the very least I was half- expecting a sarcastic remark from my aunt but even she held her tongue which I found pretty decent of her. Steve just zipped himself back up again once he could get his dick back into his boxers.

"I can't believe you did that," Marlene finally said in a voice so low even I could barely hear her from just a few inches away.

I looked at her and shrugged, as if I didn't understand what she was talking about. She looked up front where my aunt and dad were talking about the exit coming up, totally ignoring us in the back.

We were soon off the main highway onto a smaller road for the rest of the trip. There were now lots of signs and things to see so everyone was looking out and talking. So far as I was concerned it all looked like one giant tourist trap. The traffic was miserable, lots of stop lights, and it seemed the last ten miles took half an hour or more. Finally we turned and headed back out of town again, into the mountains where the GPS directed us to turn onto a small side road. We wound our way upward on this crazy road until the cabins came into view. Well, they weren't really cabins so much as large log buildings. The insane part was that many of them were built hanging out over the edge on stilts. Ours was near the top and even the parking area was at a crazy angle so that just getting out took a little balance.

"Ummmmm, Kelly," Marlene said as I started to get out, motioning with her hands at her bust but looking at mine.

Ooops. I quickly pulled my open blouse together, buttoning it enough to cover my boobs enough to be public. Seeing the other cars reminded me that we weren't the only ones here so I reluctantly buttoned one more just to be sure.

Chapter 3 - Blackmailing Cousin


The four of us girls went in while the guys handled the luggage. Inside it looked like we must have been the last to arrive and I spent the rest of the evening introducing Marlene and Steve to everyone. Poor Steve, the "when are you going to make an honest girl out of her" jokes started to wear thin after a while. I noticed my uncles taking a closer look at Steve's mom and teased her about it later, just to see how she would react. She just brushed it aside, telling me I was seeing things that weren't there.

As big as the place was, it was not a hotel so the sleeping arrangements were a bit cramped. There were five bedrooms, enough for my aunts and uncles, married cousins and my dad and Linda have their own. Marlene had been a last minute addition which sort of through a kink in the plans. There were two larger rooms, one with a couple of bunk beds and the other with pull-out couches where the "kids" were expected to sleep which meant by definition anyone without a spouse - including me.

The intent had been for the girls to take the bunks with the boys on the couches and the floor. Steve took the news well although he did claim a couch over the floor. My cousin Rick took the other couch with the youngest boys on the floor which they was just cool. In the bunk room, I claimed a lower bed while Tammy was above me. It was without question that Marlene would have a lower a lower bunk and my cousin Kate took the third lower bunk. The young girls took the two remaining upper bunks. Not exactly the best accommodations but with so many people trying to cram in one 'cabin" it was the best we could work out.

The place had three stories, with two bedrooms adjoining each of the living areas and one bedroom in a loft. My married cousins each took one of the ones outside where their kids were sleeping, Uncle Jim and Aunt Shari too the other room outside the where the girls were sleeping leaving my Uncle Paul to work it out with my dad as to who got the more isolated loft. It would have been a LOT more convenient for my plans had my parents gotten the loft but my dad's older brother pulled rank and took the prize, leaving my parents to sleep in the remaining bedroom on the lower floor outside where the boys were sleeping.

One of the things that I had crammed into my suitcase was a couple of nightshirts. Needless to say, sleeping nude wasn't an option. I also had a pair or workout shorts and a couple of T-shirts as an alternative, depending on what everyone else was wearing. As bedtime approached, couples disappeared to their bedrooms and the rest of us settled down. I changed clothes in the bathroom, I debated on what to wear but to be a bit cautious on the first night since I hadn't seen what everyone else was wearing I went with the shorts and T-shirt. The T-shirt was a little small and didn't cover about an inch or two of my belly before the shorts took over. The shorts were actually quite comfortable, quite short and loose enough that I had to keep my legs together when sitting down.

Kate and Tammy changed together after me. Kate was wearing something from the Little House on the Prairie collection - a flannel high necked nightgown that went down to her ankles with long sleeves. Tammy was also in a nightgown but much lighter and only coming down to her knees. Marlene was the last to change and she came out in sweatpants and a sweatshirt. It was a far cry from the panties and t-shirt she usually wore when I saw her at home. We all said goodnight and tucked ourselves in. I thought of Steve up above me and wished there was some way I could be sleeping with him. Really, I didn't think anyone would say anything even if we weren't engaged - at - least not yet. Well, my Aunt Sheri would certainly have had something to say about it but I really didn't care one way or the other what she thought about me.

I tossed and turned for a while and then finally headed up the steps to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. The adjoining living room was dark and I couldn't tell which couch Steve was laying on. As I filled my glass at the refrigerator, I saw someone getting up from one of the couches and my pussy tingled as I figured it had to be Steve. Then he stepped into the light and it was like a light switch was thrown and any feelings of that nature disappeared.

"Hey slut," my asshole cousin Rick greeted me softly so as he wouldn't be overheard, "So you gonna put out this weekend for me or what?"

And he wondered why I hadn't let him touch me in years.

"Go jerk yourself off," I brushed him aside but his hand reached out and tried to slip down the back of my shorts. I stepped away quickly and turned to face him.

"Do that again and I'll tell Steve," I threatened.

"I'll tell Steve," he mimicked me in a high voice, taunting me, "Does your boyfriend know how many men here this weekend have screwed you?"

I moved up close to him and tried to get up on my toes to whisper in his ear as best I could. "Just stay away from him... got it."

"Or what?" he said menacingly, "If you want me to keep my mouth shut, it's gonna take some incentive... a LOT of incentive."

I felt a panic in my stomach and I looked over to see if Steve was hearing any of this. I couldn't see anything but I could hear a slight snoring, the same as Steve did whenever he was really tired. Damn, this was the last thing I'd expected when I came up to the kitchen. My intentions had been for STEVE to be the one wanting sex, not my jerk of a cousin. "Well, I guess I'd better go over and wake him up. Do you want to come with me to tell him?"

My face felt like it was on fire as it flushed - more from rage and anger than embarrassment. How dare he threaten me? My dad would have killed him if he knew anything about what was going on right now. Damn, why hadn't I told Steve everything before we got here and then this wouldn't be a problem. But if Steve was going to find out about me and the men in my family, I wanted it to be on my terms under conditions I dictated, not from my foul-mouthed, unemployed, asshole of a cousin.

"No wait," I hissed at him, feeling helpless, "But it better be quick... OK?"

Rick grinned but there was nothing nice about it. It was the look of some foul animal about to consume it's next victim.

"And this is it... got it? No more threats... no talking to Steve... nothing. Am I clear?"

Rick just grinned all the more. He was getting his way for now so what did he care about the future. It had been years since he'd last fucked me and now he had me offering myself to him but it wasn't enough.

"Don't give me that crap. You want it. I bet your boyfriend's cock isn't even close to being as big as mine, is it? You want your cousin's big fat dick - I know it and you know it. Go on... tell me how bad you want it. Beg for it slut."

Could anything Steve say be any worse than this? Well, if it meant he might not propose to me then yes, it COULD be worse - a LOT worse. The worst part was Rick wasn't entirely off base. He DID have the best cock in the family by a significant margin. When erect his cock was at least eight to nine inches long and as fat as a large sausage. Even when flaccid he was longer than most guys were when they were erect. My mom was infatuated with it and when he first started fucking me, I loved the way it stretched me out and filled me. Normally cock size wasn't something I cared a lot about one way or the other unless it was at one extreme. Well, Rick's dick was indeed one out of a hundred. If only it wasn't attached to such a jerk! God, now if Steve had a dick like Rick's...

"I want your dick," I said softly and slowly but there wasn't enough feeling in it to make Rick happy so he told me to say it again.

I wasn't going to play this game so I just got it over with saying, "Oh my god Rick, I want your big fat cock in my wet cunt soooooo bad... fuck me good Rick."

It was so corny I almost laughed but he ate it up like Shakespeare. There weren't many options and I wasn't about to do it right in the middle of the kitchen so I led him to the bathroom and closed the door, making sure it was securely locked once we were both in.

"Strip... I want you naked," were the first words out of his mouth.

I wasn't going to argue; anything to speed this along and get it over with. I slipped off my shorts and then lifted the t-shirt up and over my head, tossing them in the sink as Rick took off his shorts. We were both naked in front of each other for the first time in years and I couldn't help but feel a bit of a chill up my spine as his incredible dick hung out in the open for me. Well, it certainly hadn't shrunk any with age!

"You're looking good Kelly," he said, staring at my naked figure, "I bet all those boys in your classroom wish they could see you this way, don't they."

I wasn't about to go there so I dropped to my knees and took his dick in my hands. Even with both hands I was still able to leave enough of his shaft exposed for me to suck on it. I couldn't help but think of Steve's dick and how it had felt in my mouth earlier in the day. Damn, Rick's cock was so much bigger. It had been a long time since I'd blown a dick this big and I wondered if I'd be able to take him all in without throwing up.

"Yeah, you want it, don't you?" he chuckled, "You always couldn't wait to get my dick in your mouth. Just like your mom."

He was swelling in my hands as I worked on the massive mushroom head and then kissed his dick up and down licking one side of it on my way in and then other on the way back. His balls hung loose and his crotch smelled thick with a mix of sweat and sex. Slowly I worked him into my mouth, taking a little bit more each down I dropped my head down onto him until I had half of him in. God, only halfway there and already he was filling my mouth!

"All the way slut... you can do it, I know it... oh yeah do I know it," he taunted me. I almost gagged for a moment when it started to push down into the back of my throat and he just laughed, saying, "Maybe you've lost your touch, eh? Sucking that boy cock of your boyfriend has spoiled you and now you can't handle a REAL dick, can you?"

Well, I wasn't about to take that insult so I relaxed my throat and let him push down into it. Once I got past the gag reflex it was easy and soon my lips were locked on the very base of his dick where it joined his crotch.

"Damn girl, I'm impressed," he got out between groans.

I couldn't stay that way long so I pulled back and caught my breath before repeating the process, and then a third time just to prove it wasn't a fluke.

He was erect by now and I wasn't interested in prolonging this any longer than necessary so I stood up and put my hands on the sink. Spreading my legs apart, I raised up my butt to expose my pussy and ass to him. Knowing his penchant for anal sex, it was a bit of a risk but I was banking on him being so horny he would go straight for my pussy. Fortunately I was right about at least one thing that night.

"Now THAT'S the Kelly I remember," he said softly, massaging my butt with his hands as he poked his dick against my butt. "Can't wait for a fat dick to fill that cunt of yours, can you?"

"Just fuck me," I said, looking at him in the mirror.

I think he thought I was begging for him to fuck me but the reality was I just wanted him to do it and get this over with.

"Hold your horses, I'm getting there," he said teasingly, pushing a finger up into me first, "Damn girl, you're ready, aren't you?" Then he laughed and spanked me playfully on the butt. "Oh yeah, you miss my dick in you, your pussy can't hide it."

I lowered my head and tried not to look at him in the mirror. He was right, I DID want him in me and my pussy was dying to be filled by that fat dick. So what if he was an asshole; just once wasn't going to kill me. Now if he would just get his damn finger out of me and stuff me with that hard dick that was poking me in the butt.

Oh my god! I thought I was bring split in two as he pushed his cock into me. The head felt huge as it parted my pussy lips and forced its way into me. God, I didn't remember him feeling THIS big before but then it had been a long time since I'd had a cock much larger than Steve's in me. Steve was no slouch in the dick department but Rick's was a freak of nature. OK, so he wasn't like some of those freakish dicks on porn sites, but compared to your average guy that fucked me, he was at the far end of the scale.

"You like it, don't you slut," he said, pulling back on my hair with his hand, "Tell me how good my dick feels in your cunt."

I didn't have to lie or make anything up at this point. All I had to do was tell the truth and as he pushed each inch into me, it became easier to tell him. I indeed felt like a slut as I told him how good it felt, how full it made me feel, how I loved the way it stuffed me. At that moment all I could think about was my cousins big fat dick inside of me. I forgot about Steve, I forgot about my dad, I forgot about everyone outside. I didn't care that Steve was a total jerk. All I DID care about was having his dick in me - ALL of it in me and I wanted him to fuck me with it more than anything else at that moment.

I fingered my clit as he thrust himself deeper and deeper into me. It didn't take much to bring me to an orgasm and Rick didn't let me forget the source.

"Damn, your cumming already? I knew you wanted me... I knew you would love me in you again."

As I reveled my orgasm, it was Rick's turn and he unloaded a massive load of cum inside of me, pulling out about halfway through and releasing the rest on my ass, rubbing it all over me with his dick like a squeegee.

"NOW it's a perfect ass," he said with a sense of satisfaction.

Rick stepped back, letting me stand up and turn to face him. My ass felt all wet from the cum he'd spread over it and my pussy was throbbing as his cum dripped from it. He put his shorts back on, his still swollen dick poking out like a tent pole.

"Well, you know where to come to get more of that," he said with a smug smile.

As good as I was feeling the realization of what I'd just allowed to happen hit me like a ton of bricks. God, what had I done?

"You promised... once time only," I reminded him sharply.

"Yeah but that doesn't mean you can't beg for more," he reminded me all full of himself.

Yes, he HAD fucked me well but that didn't mean I was going to let him EVER fuck me again. I loved Steve and a few moments of pleasure weren't enough for me to want to go out and do anything stupid. I did what I had to do, but now that it was over, I had to figure out where to go from here. So far things hadn't gone as planned, even though I can't say I exactly had anything planned out to start with.

Chapter 4 - Steve Learns the Truth


I slept well after that, surprisingly well in fact such that when I woke up Marlene and my cousins were already up preparing the Thanksgiving meal. The worse thing about being up last was that I had to wait for a turn to use the bathroom. My aunts were making breakfast and the guys were out on the deck that overlooked the valley. The scenery was breathtaking and then I noticed there was a hot tub outside as well. Hmmmmmm, now there was an unexpected surprise! I made a mental note to check it out later.

After the events of the previous evening I was more determined than ever to tell Steve the whole truth. It seemed no matter how I thought about it, nothing seemed just right and I was so worried about messing things up with him. Still, I couldn't have anyone else pulling a stunt like Rick had done and I didn't trust him not to go running off to his dad bragging about his "victory". As much as I despised Rick, it was his father who I really couldn't stand. My ass still puckered whenever I thought of the jerk!

The place was so crowded that there wasn't any hope of having a private conversation with Steve, at least for very long. I guess I could have dragged him into my parents' room but that might have drawn attention. I was desperate to tell him now before my jerk of a cousin said anything. It didn't matter what he supposedly promised the night before. If there was one thing you could count on when it came to Rick, it was a total lack of discretion.

Finally I decided the only way was to get away from everyone for a while so I suggested to Steve that we take a little walk. He seemed a little surprised but went along with me and we got our coats. I told my aunt we would be gone for a little while and she just winked at me but wagged her finger and told me not to take too long as they needed my help getting things ready. I realized she thought I was looking to get laid and that wasn't exactly a bad idea but I had other ideas on my mind... at least for now.

Walking down the steep road with my arm through Steve's, I felt as nervous as a virgin about to do it for the first time. Steve already knew most of my past history and while there were a few times I think I even managed to shock him, he didn't seem to care. I was HIS girl now and that was all that mattered to him. It just made me love him all the more as many guys would be intimidated to even date a girl with my past but Steve had enough self-confident to put that all aside without the self-inflated ego that too often goes along with such a trait. Even as we walked, I still wasn't quite sure how to open the discussion but then Steve provided me with an opportunity I hadn't anticipated.

"So what's with your cousin... Rick I think is his name?" Steve asked, "He was acting pretty odd this morning."

My stomach tightened but at first I wasn't sure how to respond so I just asked him what was wrong.

"Well, I guess I just wasn't ready for some it or maybe your family is just different, but he asked me if I was 'sticking it' to you today. Like I said, a little odd coming from someone I don't really know."

I agreed and tried to explain that Rick was sort of a jerk. He never even tried to go to college and was still living at home, sponging off his parents. Steve cut me off then to say, "Yeah, I sort of got that impression but then he said something else just before we left that I didn't understand."

Red alert, the hair stood up on the back of my neck and my mouth felt dry but I just kept walking, waiting for the next shoe to drop.

"He said something like 'Hope I didn't soil her for you last night.' What the heck was he talking about?"

My mind raced as I tried to think of how to handle damage control. The idiot, I KNEW I couldn't trust Rick. Kiss and tell is one thing, fuck and tell is going over the line, even for him.

Then it was like a gigantic light bulb suddenly flashed over my head. I knew instantly how to handle the Rick problem AND deal with the rest of what I needed to tell Steve. Maybe... just maybe... fucking Rick hadn't been such a bad thing.

"Steve, please don't get mad at me but I have to tell you something," I said slowly. Steve paused and turned to me, holding my hands between us and looking down at me with those big blue eyes I loved so much.

"You had sex with him last night, didn't you."

It wasn't so much a question as a statement of fact for which he was expecting confirmation, not denial.

"What makes you say that?" I stammered, caught a little off balance and looking for anything to stall as I gathered my thoughts yet again.

"C'mon Kelly, I saw the way he looked at you when we arrived last night and then again this morning. But what REALLY made me think was how you seemed to be avoiding him this morning, especially when you saw me around. I wasn't going to say anything but with you acting so funny I just knew."

"Are you mad at me?" I asked softly, feeling guilty now.

"I just don't get it... why? He IS your cousin after all. Somehow I am getting the feeling that wasn't the first time."

I shook my head, confirming his suspicions.

"So how long have you been doing it with him? Have you two been doing it since we met? When did it start? Does anyone else know?" The questions came at me like a machine gun and I was feeling overwhelmed. At the same time, some of the later ones might actually help me to move this conversation towards my true intentions.

I explained to him how we had started years before but then I also told him how I had put a stop to things when he got too carried away. I also emphasized that we had NOT been doing anything since Steve had returned.

"Still, with your cousin?" Steve asked again, sounding a little incredulous yet at the same time it seemed to be more that he just was surprised, not that he was condemning me. "Who else knows?"

The moment of truth had arrived and I knew that now was the best opportunity I'd ever have to widen the scope of this conversation. Taking a breath, I answered, "Well, a few people... my dad, Aunt Linda, Kristi, Uncle Jim and Tammy."

Steve's eyes widened and I could see his mind was working out the possibilities.

"Your DAD knows your cousin fucks you?"

I found it somewhat interesting that of all the people I had named, it was my dad that seemed to draw his interest. Oh well, in for a penny... But before I dropped the big one, I took a smaller step.

"Well, he does my cousin."

For a moment Rick look flabbergasted and I feared maybe this wasn't going to go over well when he gasped, "You dad and Rick do it?"

The irony of it almost made me laugh. If anything, I felt relieved as nothing could be worse in Steve's mind that THAT so whatever I said would be an improvement so far as he was concerned.

"No silly, I meant my cousin Tammy."

"Your dad fucks Tammy?" he repeated and then he grinned a little for the first time since this started, "She IS pretty hot."

I hit him in the shoulder playfully and he just shrugged. The he rolled his eyes and said, "So let me guess, if your dad is doing your cousin, does that mean your uncle is doing you too?"

The way he said it I got the feeling he was teasing me more than expecting a positive response so when I just lifted one shoulder and gave him a look to confirm him, he whistled under his breath.

"Whoa, you're not pulling my leg are you? Next thing you'll be telling me is your uncle fucks Tammy too."

Again I just shrugged one shoulder and smiled and again he whistled. We stood there for a moment, both of us knowing the next question but neither of us ready to ask. Finally he looked me directly in the eyes and asked, "Are you trying to tell me that you have sex with your father too?"

"I love you Steve," I said in response and then he turned around once and laughed.

"Yeah right... good one Kelly, you had me going there."

So he didn't believe me. Could I blame him? What would most guys say if they were suddenly presented with that sort of information?

"Steve, it's true," I said gently, pausing to let it sink in, "My dad and I have been doing it since I was sixteen."

"But that's incest!"

"Hey, you were the one who fucked your own mother if I remember correctly," I reminded him and then immediately wished I hadn't brought it up.

"That was ONE time and it was twelve years ago," he came back. "I do NOT have sex with my mother... or my sister by the way."

"Do you hate me now?" I asked, almost afraid to hear the answer. The genie was out of the bottle now and nothing could put her back in. It was all up to Steve now.

"God no Kelly, I don't hate you," he said, pulling me against him with his arms around me. He kissed the top of my head and lifted my chin to look at him. "I love you Kelly... more than anyone I have ever met. I just don't understand why you would do this with your dad?"

I steered him over to a large tree that was felled and we sat down on the trunk. For the next half hour or so I told Steve everything - and I do mean EVERYTHING. Well, not every little detail but at least the highlights. From the first time my father came to my room to our Sunday morning rituals, he heard it all. I tried to emphasize the WHY more so than the WHAT and WHERE and WHEN. I wanted Steve to understand that this wasn't threatening to him at all, that HE was my lover, not my father. I so wanted Steve to understand my duties and obligations as a daughter and how important it was to me as a Christian to honor my father and submit to him. At the end, I also told him that it was a relationship that I would always honor so long as my father wanted me - regardless of what else happened in my life - explicitly implying marriage but not using the word.

When I was done, or at least as much as I could say at the time, Steve sat there for a moment as if he was stunned. Then he turned to me and without a word he took me in his arms and kissed me - a long passionate kiss.

"I can't even begin to fully understand everything but I want you to know I love you and anything this important to you is important to me," he said as our lips parted.

We got up and started to head back to the cabin. Just before we got there, he paused again and turned to look at me with that mischievous smile I so loved.

"OK, you really aren't pulling my leg, right?" he said with a hint of seriousness I his voice. I shook my head and swore every word was true.

"I want to see it."

I looked at him, unsure of what he meant so he repeated himself saying, "I mean... I want to see your father fuck you."

He didn't explain why and I didn't want to ask. Still, in the back of mind I couldn't help but think he still thought that maybe this was some sort of practical joke and so he was raising the stakes to flush out my bluff.

"I'll have to talk to my dad," I said, unsure of what to say, "Maybe next week when we're back..."

"I mean now," he cut me off, "I want to see your dad fuck you NOW."

I started to protest, saying how everyone was here and how it would be impossible, not to mention I was expected to help out with the meal.

"If all of what you told me is true, then I'm sure your dad would never say no to you if you asked," he said firmly, not budging an inch on his demand, "I mean, if you asked ME I'd do ya right now."

Now THERE was a thought but I knew it was more important to settle this thing about my dad, as much as I would have loved to sneak off with Steve and have him do me.

"So you just want to watch him fuck me the same way your mom watches you and me?" I asked, not sure how to proceed.

Steve shook his head responding, "Noooooo, that's her thing and don't even try to ask me why she does it. I'll hide in the closet and watch. I don't want him to know I'm watching - got it?

Well, the plot was thickening. This was getting more interesting by the moment. Fortunately my aunt was in the kitchen with the other women and my dad was on the back porch with his brothers and Rick. My Aunt Linda huffed at me, asking where I'd been so log and that I was needed to help out. I tried to explain to her that I had something important to do. She pulled me aside and said, "You can screw your boyfriend later... there's a lot of work to be done if you want to eat later."

I really couldn't explain what was going on under the circumstances so I just nodded but then went to the back deck to find my dad. I ignored Rick's leers and pulled my dad over to the side. Meanwhile I noticed Steve had disappeared.

"Daddy, I need your help," I started.

It always helped when I called him "daddy" instead of dad" or heaven forbid, "father". Of course he was well aware of my ploy, even if he always played along.

Even though I had promised Steve that I wouldn't tell my dad, there was no way this was going to work by tricking him. Heck, just to get him into the bedroom would be hard enough even with him knowing the reason given the crowded building. I gave my dad the reader's Digest version of this morning's events and then he grinned at me.

"So Steve likes to watch, eh?" he teased me, "Well lets go give him a show, what do you say?"

It didn't surprise me that my dad was so quick to accept the situation. If there as one thing I knew he loved, it was to have people watch him fuck his daughter. In actual practice, that was not as easy of a fantasy to fulfill as you might think. Other than with family, every other time had been when the other people didn't know I was his daughter like the time I posed as a prostitute that he had hired to entertain some of him clients. As horny as he was to do me, he also knew the potential ramifications and so no matter how horny it made him, he always maintained the proper relationship between us in public, at least most of the time.

We didn't want to draw any attention so I went first and quietly sneaked into the bedroom and close the door behind us. I saw the closet door was partially open but as dark as it was inside I couldn't see anything - or anyone.

"Anybody home?" I called out softly into the closet.

"So is he coming?" Steve answered, moving his face into the light. I nodded and he stepped back again, motioning me to get away from the closet so as not to draw any attention to it. I sat on the edge of the bed just as the door opened again and my dad came in, quickly closing it behind him and ensuring t was locked.

"So what's got you so horny this morning?" my dad asked, playing along with the game.

I just hoped he didn't get TOO carried away and cause Steve to realize that he was just fooling around.

"You always do me Thanksgiving morning," I answered, spreading my legs apart and then closing them again, then spreading them wide apart again.

"Well usually we're home and not right in the middle of a family reunion," he answered. Then he started to unbuckle his jeans. "We have to hurry though - get undressed baby."

My dad dropped his jeans to the floor and stepped out of them. Then he pulled his boxers off and lifted one leg at a time out, dropping them on his jeans once they were off, leaving him in just his socks and polo shirt which he seemed to want to leave on. Meanwhile I had quickly stripped so I was naked on the edge of the bed. I wanted to look over at Steve but somehow managed to play my role perfectly.

As I sat there with my hands on my bare thighs, my dad stepped up to me, his dick now hovering just inches from my face. I knew what he wanted...

It was exiting to suck my dad's cock knowing Steve was watching. I wondered if he was as turned on as I was, maybe even stroking himself as he saw his girlfriend taking her father's dick all the way in her mouth? I tried to give my dad an extra special one, not that I don't always do my best with my dad, but I wanted this one to be EXTRA special.

"Damn that feel so good baby," my dad gasped in the dim light of the lamp on the dresser. "Take it all in... all the way."

Although I would NEVER have told my dad, after Rick's dick last night my dad's was a piece of cake. Actually, it was more enjoyable to able to take all of my dad's cock in without feeling like I was being stuffed full at the same time.

As fun as it was, I DID have to move things along before people started to look for us so I took my dad's cock in my hand as I scooted back on the bed, pulling him along like a puppy on a leash. I reached behind me and grabbed a pillow, lifting my butt up and stuffing it underneath me. My dad dropped down over me, holding himself up with his arms while I positioned his cock at the entrance to my pussy. Then he waited for me to say those words he always wanted to hear...

"Fuck me daddy," I said in a firm voice, making sure Steve could hear me but not loud enough for anyone outside the door to hear - or so I hoped.

"Yes baby... anything for you," he whispered as he kissed me, letting his hips drop and driving his incestuous erection deep inside of me.

I'd deliberately positioned myself so Steve had a good view right up my open legs to see my dad's dick as it buried itself deep inside of my pussy.

"Oh daddy!" I moaned as he started to thrust himself in and out of me. I wondered how he felt to be doing this while my boyfriend was watching from the darkened closet.

We both were aware of the time constraints and since the whole point of this was to prove to Steve that my dad really DID fuck me. Well, THAT point was certainly being made as my dad drove himself into me to me after time. Finally my dad was ready and I heard his breath start to quicken and the pace of this thrusts become less rhythmic and more jerking.

"Cum in me daddy... I want you to cum in me," I begged.

For once it not just for my dad's benefit - it was for Steve's as well. I found myself wishing that Steve would come out and "surprise" us and maybe fuck me along side of my dad. Well, it wasn't looking like THAT was about to happen so this was the next best thing.

"I'm cumming baby...," my dad groaned as his back arched and he drove himself as deeply into me as he could.

He jerked and I felt his crotch push into me as his dick erupted and filled his daughter's anxious pussy. God it felt so good and to have Steve watching at the same time just made it all the better. Indeed, this was one of those moments that I would always remember.

Once he was finished he kissed me and then pulled out of me. It would have been nice to cuddle for a while and enjoy the feel of him in me but he seemed anxious to leave. I was still laying on my back with the pillow under me, my father's cum oozing out of me and dripping down my ass as he finished dressing and then came over to kiss me goodbye. He cracked the door open and checked to see that the cats was clear before stepping out quickly, closing the door behind him with a click as the lock stayed engaged.

No sooner was he out than the closet door opened and out walked Steve. I had half-expected to see him with his shorts off and his dick in his hand but that wasn't quite the case. Instead he was fully clothed and didn't even seem to have much of an erection.

"So it's true," he said shaking his head in disbelief. "I have to say, I really thought this was some big practical joke."

Well, seeing me laying on my back stark naked with my dad's cum filling my pussy certainly put THAT rumor to rest!

"Do you want to fuck me now?" I asked him, hoping that he would want to take me as his own now after everything that had happened in the last twelve hours.

It wasn't like he had never fucked me right after another man before but then this wasn't just one of his friend's cum or that of a stranger at a party, this was my father's sperm draining out of me and that seemed to have an impact on Steve.

"Later, OK" he said hesitantly, "You'd better get cleaned up before someone asks for you."

Steve seemed a little stand-offish at first but as the day wore on he seemed to become more at ease with me. I suppose it didn't hurt he was probably getting horny as hell not having fucked me in a couple of day now. Late that night we sneaked into the hot tub where he fucked me as we looked out over the mountains in the crisp night air and bright moonlight. Although we didn't talk about what had happened in the morning, I felt so much better having it out in the open. As Steve's dick filled me with cum, it was the best thing that had happened to me this entire trip as it confirmed to me that he still loved me and that no matter what, he wanted me.

I was sure there would be a million questions later but at least now I felt like I'd cleared the air for the most important one. Now if Steve asked me to marry him I could say YES without any reservations.

Now he just needed to ask!