
Another pulse. Fuck... How much did I drink last night? It feels like a giant is gripping my head and squeezing periodically.

I moan in despair.

There's a sound that keeps getting louder as I slowly regain consciousness. It's like a static background droning...

I cover my ears with my hands to block out the noise.

When I release them, the noise gets a little clearer. Is that a person shouting?

"Shut the fuck up..." I say drowsily, not even sure they can hear me.

My eyes open a little and bright light shoots another dose of agony into my brain. My mouth feels drier than the folds of a seventy-year-old celibate nun that hasn't seen action since... never.

Why the hell is it so hot?

I roll around and feel a weight slipping off my chest.

With blurry vision, I make out a pale form...

Oh, I got lucky last night...

Okay. That's a first. Wish I could remember it though.

The noise gets louder and becomes even more difficult to ignore.

I sit up with great difficulty and crack my neck.

"...the fuck! You sick fucking animals! Not even..."

Oh my god, what is this dude on about? I take a deep breath and slowly take stock of my surroundings. I'm in a bedroom... High end bedroom no less. Heavy beige curtains, white painted walls, expensive looking rug...

The form beside me moves.

Bare feet with green painted toe nails... Silky smooth and toned calves connected to curvy thighs... Her thin waist that spread out into a delicious bubbly butt that glistens with sweat...

She turns over and I'm met with a modest pair of tits no larger than grapefruit, perky nipples with dark areolas just begging to be sucked...

The prominent collar bone just oozes femininity... Her lips, the top one slightly puffier, dares you to ravage it... Her silvery almond shaped eyes... So familiar... So beautiful... So wide as they stare into me with shock.

My voice struggles to escape through my dry mouth.


"Oh, god..." My mother says, voice still heavy with sleep.

"...fuck is happening? I trusted you! Your own mother?" The incessant voice keeps yelling from the doorway.

My face drains of blood when I realize who it belongs to.


"Don't you fucking talk to me! Traitor!"

"No, I can explain!"

No, you fucking can't! My mind screams at me.

"Emma! How could you do this?" His face is red with rage. My mother covers her own with a pillow.

"You know what? Fuck this! I don't need this shit." With that I hear his heavy footfalls stomping down the stairs, followed by the slamming of the front door.

The silence is deafening. My mind is blank. What in the holy hell just happened?

Deep breaths.

In. Out. In. Out...

The timing of my breathing coincides with the pounding in my head.

I'd returned early last night, having failed to impress my date. The parents were home, watching some cheesy horror movie.

My mom had mocked me, and Dad had advised me to drown my sorrows. I'd gotten drunk with my parents—a pretty standard occurrence. My dad eventually invited a few of his buddies over, including Uncle Leo.

I rub my left eye that seems to have joined my brain's painful pulses. This is where things start to get fuzzy...

I remember drinking some more... Throwing up... My dad leaving with everyone... My mother and I alone...

Mom and I...

Oh, God.

I feel like throwing up again. I didn't have sex with...

The mattress moves, and I'm reminded of the other occupant.

Without saying a word or even looking back, I exit my parents' bedroom. No wonder I didn't immediately recognize it. I've only ever been in there a handful of times.

Only when I'm inside my own bedroom, does the panic start to really set in. My breathing increases rapidly. My heartrate skyrockets.

I had sex with my own mother!

No... Maybe you didn't. Maybe it just got really hot and you decided to take off your...

I'm naked.

I stare down at my exposed chest, bare legs, and most flaccid cock. In the heat of the moment, with my mother next to me and my father screaming, I didn't even notice I was naked...

It's still not proof of anything.

My mind struggles to piece together a reasonable explanation as to why I'd be naked in bed with my mother.

I'd gotten hot and had taken off my clothes. Maybe my mother had had the same idea. So she's lying naked on her bed, passed out. Our rooms are next to each other, so I'd stumbled into the wrong room... In that inebriated state, I didn't notice my mother next to me and I too passed out...

Flash forward to this morning...

Yes... This is plausible. It could very well have happened that way. No, it did happen that way.

My breathing slows considerably.

As my heart settles down, I start to feel better about the whole situation. It's just a simple misunderstanding.

I hear the shower in my parents' bathroom...

That's not a bad idea...

With towel and clothes in hand, I enter the bathroom downstairs. A glance in the mirror confirms I look like crap; bloodshot eyes, and hair that stands in every direction.

I splash water on my face and down a few Advil from the medicine cabinet.

The shower is cold and it washes away the sweat and clamminess on my body that was obviously due to the heat and alcohol consumption.


Harry Stanton couldn't contain his laughter as he's parked outside his brother's house. The look of horror on his son's face...

His wife couldn't even look at him...

"You're sick. You know that right?" Leo says, sitting in the passenger's seat.

"Oh but it was totally worth it. You should've been there."

"How are you gonna deal with the fallout? What if they call the rest of the family, and the news spreads before you tell them it's a prank?"

"There's no way they'll even leave the house, much less call people. What would they even say, 'Hi, mom. I just had sex with my son and I don't know what to do.'? Or maybe something like, 'Hi grandpa. I just had sex with your daughter, what should I do now?'"

He breaks out in another fit of laughter. "They're too busy freaking the fuck out right now to do anything else."

"Harry... Are you sure about this?"

"Of course. Have you already forgotten how they got me last year? Even had the police involved... After suffering that humiliation, there's no way I won't get even with them."

"But would they even buy it?"

"They already did, man. I just wish I had set up cameras to see how they're handling it..."

"...a son thinking he fucked his own mother... How'd you come up with this shit?"

"Jocelyn's kid. Before I even started working on his laptop, his browser was open. The little pervert had been watching incest porn."

"And your first thought was to use that info on your wife and son..."

"Damn straight."

"There's no way you're not taking damage when this is over."

"Oh I took more than enough damage last year to make up for it."

"You are planning on telling them it was a joke right?"

"We'll see."


"Relax. I'll let them stew all day and swing by tonight. Their probably scared shitless right now."

"You sick bastard."

"Hey, easy with the judgement. You helped out remember?

Leo sighs. "I'm sure I'll regret it. But I get that you need to do this."

"Thanks man."

"Just keep me out of it when this blows up in your face."

"It won't. This is just a little bit of fun. We'll laugh about it later, you'll see."

"If you say so."


The headache's gone.

I feel refreshed with the coffee and breakfast in me. It's like it was just a bad dream. When my mother comes down, we'll just laugh about it.

The easiest conclusion was sex...

However, my father freaking out, had thrown me for a loop. Tensions were high, and that led to premature assumptions. From my father's perspective, I guess it was easy to think that we had... sex, based on the fact that we were naked in bed. Given time to cool off, I'm certain he'll arrive at the same conclusion.

I smile at the way the human brain processes trauma. The coping mechanism. Designed to shield us from anything that might damage our psyche.

I'm fully aware that the probability that we had sex is hardly zero, but to preserve my sanity, the only viable option is to accept that nothing happened. Because nothing happened! Nada! Zilch!

The silence starts to get to me as I sit around the kitchen island. I swirl the last trickle of orange juice around the glass and gulp it down.

I hear her before I see her. The slippers slapping on the hardwood floor grow closer as they approach the kitchen and then stop.

My mother stands in the doorway with a haunted look of resignation. Her dark curly hair is pulled back in a messy ponytail. She's wearing a bright red robe that covers her body from neck to ankles.

"Good Morning, Mom!" I say bright and cheerily, forcibly banishing the thoughts of what hides inside that robe.

Her response is to just stare at me blankly. "...So you're already broken. I suppose it's just a matter of time before I follow in your footsteps."

"There'll be no following of any footsteps, dear mother. Come, I've made breakfast."

"...It must be nice to escape from reality. I wish I could do that."

"I'm not—" I sigh, dropping my positive persona. "I'm not escaping reality. It's just that..."

"You're fine with us fucking?"

"Fuck, no! I mean," Deep breaths, "Look, Mom. Nothing happened, okay? We just drank too much, and passed out on the same bed. That's all."



"I take it you're so confident because you remember what happened last night?"

"Well, no. But—"

"You actually managed to not burn the bacon... Your mother is proud."

"Now who's the one escaping reality?"

"Can you blame me?"

"We didn't fuck, alright?!" I say frantically.

"Is that any way to talk to your mother?" My mom says, nonchalantly eating her meal.

"N-no. I'm sorry Mom. It's just—" I break off. "Actually, yes. I believe the situation warrants an exemption of familial etiquette."

"I agree. Incestuous fornication would indeed warrant that."

"Alleged! Being naked in bed together is just circumstantial evidence. It doesn't prove anything."

"Feel free to explain that to your father when he comes home with a shotgun."

"Why the hell are you so...? Do you actually remember what happened?"

"My memories are also blank... But wait..."

"You have something?"

"Go empty the waste bin in my bedroom."

"You just really gave up, didn't you? There has—"

"Connor." My mother's silvery eyes pin me down. "Get the fucking waste bin."

I lift my hands in resignation. "Fine."

I reluctantly go back up the stairs and freeze right outside the bedroom door. If my mother has officially 'checked out', that would mean it falls to me to do damage control. No family or police has called. Yet.

So I can assume my father is probably out drinking in some bar. Again, assuming that would be the appropriate response to catching your son in bed with his mother.

I push open the door and the white walls reflect the sunlight, casting a heavenly glow on the rumpled sheet on the bed. There's no lingering smell in the air... It could've dispersed through the night, but it's current absence just reinforce my belief that nothing happened.

Smiling, I grab the tiny grey dustbin and head back downstairs.

My mother is staring blankly at the kitchen cupboards.

"Here's the bin, Mom." I say. "Now can we just—"

"Did you look inside it?"


"Look inside it."

Every fiber of my being is begging me not to look. The coping mechanism is overheating, and I can feel the parts start to unravel. Nuts and bolts start popping off, ricocheting around in my mind, stabbing and cutting the threads of my reality.

Like watching a train wreck in slow motion, my head lowers, a millimeter per second.

Oh, there's four of them...

And only two seems to be filled up... How responsible of you, self! I can't tell you how proud I am that even in your drunken state you remembered to use protection. Such a diligent guy... It's like that time you mowed Aunt Jocelyn's lawn, for free.... You didn't even ask anything in return. Or that time—

"...on. Son. Connor." My mother's voice pulls me back up. She takes one glance at my face that finally mirrors her own. "Ah, yes. That looks about right."

I mechanically pull open the trash compacter and empty the bin inside it. Not bothering to head back upstairs, I place the bin next to the cupboards on the floor.

The low droning of the fridge is the only sound in the house.

"Does Dad own a shotgun?" I ask, sitting beside my mother at the counter.

"No. But he'll probably buy one for this special occasion."

"...What do you think it's like to get shot?"

"Probably painful."

"Maybe it'll be quick..." I say.

"For me, yes. But he'll definitely shoot you in the dick."

Hearing my mother say the word 'dick', stirs something inside me. She makes it a habit to never swear, even in front of Dad. I shake my head.

"You think so?"

"Wouldn't you do the same?"

"I don't know..."

It's difficult to look at her. An uncontrollable part of me has been overwhelmed by...shyness? Is that it? I don't recall feeling this way since my cousin visited with one of her friends. I was still a freshman in high school at the time.

She was so beautiful to my virgin eyes.

If she was just in the same room as me, I'd stumble over my words and avoid eye contact, heck I'd even avoided facing my head in her direction.

This is the same feelings that course through my veins right now. The difference is that it's my mother!

"We really fucked, didn't we?" I choke out, struggling to control my breathing.

"Repeatedly." She says. I can see her turned away from me in my peripheral vision. Good. She won't be able to see my face turning red.

"How...No, what happens now?"

"We patiently await judgement."

"But judgement might involve death."

"Or jail time."

"Right. What if we run?"

"That's really not practical from a realistic standpoint."

"We can't just do nothing!"

"We're not. Since this is probably our final day together, we're going to spend it as best we can."

"By doing what?"

"Well, we already fucked, and I'm certain that broke down all kinds of barriers."

"Meaning what exactly?"

"We have a conversation. Get to know each other better."

"I think we already know all there is to know about each other though..."

"Really? You're not hiding anything, anything at all, from your mother?" She turns to face me, and I look away.

"...Are you blushing?"

I painfully turn my head and meet my mother's eyes.

"Yes, I am." I say quickly.

"...I see."

"And what exactly would be the purpose of this 'conversation', Mom?" I ask to avoid more awkwardness.

"You don't have to do it, but if this is really our last day, I'd like to spend it reconnecting with my son."

"I wasn't aware we needed reconnecting..."

"Oh, please." She laughs softly. "Ever since you started that internship, we've been growing apart. When's the last time we even had fun together?"

"That's easy. It's..." My mind draws a blank. I've been so preoccupied with dating and college that my relationship with my parents had started to deteriorate...

"We went on that cruise last summer..."

"That was two years ago."

"We pulled that shit on Dad last year."

"Emphasis on last year. You see?"

"...I guess. So how do you wanna do this?"

"I'll go first." She takes a deep breath. "I never wanted to buy this fucking house."

My eyes widen. I'd always thought she loved it here, with how much time she'd spent decorating it.

"It's too large and a pain in the ass to maintain. I always wanted to live in a small suburban, with a nice and cozy atmosphere. Your father forced us to buy this shit."

"...Wow." The way she speaks her mind in such a raw unfiltered manner is refreshing.


"...I've just never heard you talk like that before."

"Gone with the familial etiquette, remember?" She arcs a delicate brow. "I'm good at pretending to be the prim and proper fucking housewife. Always mind your manners, since I was younger. I want to say 'fuck', whenever I want.

"I'm so tired of all these fucking rules... I want to let loose. I want to have one-night-stands without being labeled a slut. I want to punch your father in the fucking face every time he farts in bed." She takes a break to compose herself. "That's enough about me for now. Your next."

"I...Um... Honestly I'm still trying to process what you just told me."

"Don't. Just let it gradually sink in without thinking too much about it."

"O-Okay." I close my eyes for a moment. "I fucking hate this internship."

"What?" My mother seems genuinely surprised. "But it's what you've always wanted..."

"It's what Dad always wanted." I say. "I hate banking and business. I wanted to study medicine, but it was just always expected for me to follow in Dad's footsteps..."

"I'm sorry..."

"Don't be."

We spend the next few hours just talking about whatever comes to mind. Any random thought is game.

It becomes comfortable, and all too easy to put last night on the backburner. At least until reality inevitably comes blasting with a 12-gauge double barrel...

The kitchen chairs start hurting our bums and we shift to the couch in the living-room.


Harry sits with his friends in the Bear Grill. A bar he and his buddies regularly frequent.

"And they just left you there?" Tom asks as Harry had been filling him in on last year's event.

"Yep. Someone eventually called the cops, and I had to spend the night in jail."

"...I can see why you went the extra mile."

"I'm a vindictive bastard, sue me."

"So you even added the condoms?"

"Leo's idea."

Leo shakes his head slowly. "If your gonna do it, might as well go all the way."

"So who jerked off into them?"

Harry takes a sip of his drink. "John and I. It was awkward as fuck, but well worth it."

"What do you think their doing now?"

"Probably weighing their options. God, I really wish I'd thought of cameras beforehand."

Leo orders another round of beers. "You can't get everything. At least you know they'll never pull any pranks again."

"It was a nice April fool's tradition, but yeah... After this, it's definitely over."

"How can you be sure they won't realize what day today is and figure it out?"

Harry laughs. "Even if they did, I already got my revenge. I could see the confusion and fear in their eyes this morning. That moment is enough for me."

Tom frowns. "Then why not end it now?"

Leo pats Tom on the back. "Like the man said, he's a vindictive bastard. He's milking this as long as possible."

Harry just grins and pops open another beer.


"Really? A foot fetish?" My mother asks incredulously.

"Yes, really."

"And the women you date are fine with it?"

"Well... It hasn't moved beyond porn."


"Because its fucking embarrassing. I admit it to one girl, she tells all her friends, they tell all their friends, and I become a social pariah..."

"It probably won't be that bad."

"Probably, but why take the chance?"

My eyes fall down automatically to my mother's feet in her slippers. She elegantly pushes them off and lifts the bare beauties onto the couch... The movement shifts her robe open slightly, revealing smooth toned calves.

Saliva gathers in my mouth as her soft looking toes curl up and down. Each movement flashes the naked balls of her feet, and her toes repeatedly point at me. I swallow loudly as I note the glistening soles, damp with a little sweat.

"...and what would you do if you had your hands on a pair women's feet?" A sultry voice enters my ears."I'd worship them... Lick them..." I hear my voice speak.

"...and what else?" The feet curve sensually and rub against each other.

"I'd suck the toes... One by one... And when I've given them the devotion they deserve..."

"They deserve...?"

"I'd wrap the soft arches around my dick... And slowly fuck them..."

A moan forces me to look away from the feet. The delicate ankles... The calves... A hint of mouthwatering thighs... Red robe... Up... Her face... Biting the bottom lip. Eyes piercing into me. My mother makes another soft moan.

I'm violently ripped out of the trance.

If I couldn't look at her before, it's a thousand times worse now. The couch feels too small... A force pulls me towards her and pushes me away at the same time. Like if opposite ends of two magnets are pushed together by an outside force, but instinctively repel each other from within.

"...You did that on purpose." I say, my whole body facing another direction.

"Yes, I did." She says simply, shamelessly.


"Irrelevant. My turn. What do you wanna know?"

I fight to get my breathing and heart rate under control.

"Have you ever cheated on Dad?"


I give free reign to my mind. "What's something you do, when no one's looking?"

"Besides fingering my cunt?"

"Oh God..."

"Would you like to see what else I do when no one's looking?"

"I don't think so..." I whisper, the muscles in my neck straining as I struggle not to look at her. The more we've been talking, the more open and... free, my mother had become.

"Well too bad, because I feel like doing it." What follows is the sound of rustling clothes...

"I like cleaning in the nude..." She whispers in my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. "Or watching T.V, doing the laundry... All without wearing anything..."

"Mom, I think..."

"Enough thinking..." Her hand lands on my shoulder. The long graceful fingers tapping from the the index finger...and back again. "Why don't you turn around and look at me?"

"Because you're my mother..."

"The same mother you fucked last night?" Her head rests on my shoulder and her tits press into my back. "Why can't you look at me?" She pecks me on the cheek.


"Why are you blushing?" Another peck. Her scent, a flowery shampoo mixed with a spicy lotion, permeates my nose.

Twenty-two years of age, and still I behave like a fucking teenager... My mind is scrambled... The ability to form coherent sentences, lost...

"Is it because you finally see your mother as a woman?"

I can only nod.

"And pray tell, how did you see me before?"

Deep breaths. "As just a mother..."

"And mothers can't be sexy?"

"...Not ordinarily, no."

"Do find me sexy?"

She presses her lips to my cheek a little longer when I remain silent. "Come on, baby. If you tell Mommy the truth...", her breath hot against my ear, " can have her feet."

My body temperature skyrockets as my heart pumps warm blood at an even higher rate.

"Let me ask you again... Do you find Mommy sexy?"

A pause. "I do now..."

She releases me and moves back. I break the compulsion holding me in place and slowly turn around.

My mom is leaning on her side of the couch. Her right leg is curved over the back, with the other leg lying straight out towards me.

She's wearing black see-through lingerie with filigree patterns all over... The bra fails completely to hide her rock hard nipples and dark areola...

And the thong... She might as well not be wearing it. Her hairy pussy is on prominent display... The thick brown labia glistening with fluid that runs down her puffy inner thighs and onto the couch...

She massages a breast and looks directly into my eyes, licking her lips.

"Let's continue, shall we?" She says.

I accept both her feet onto my lap. As soon as my hands make contact with the damp skin, I start pressing my thumbs into the sole of one foot and rub it lovingly.

"Fuck, that feels good..." She closes her eyes and moans. "Another thing I've always wanted, but have always been denied..."

"Tell me."

"Is having my pussy eaten." She narrows her eyes, daring me to look away. I don't. "According to your father, men don't eat pussies. Is that true?"

"True or not, that is a fucking tragedy..."

"It is, isn't it?"

"It would be a shame to deprive you for any longer..." I say.

"Such a shame..."

Her foot feels divine in my hands... Let the worshiping begin...

"Oh, you bad boy..."

I start from the heel and drag my tongue up the sole until I get to her green painted toes. The salty taste of sweat causes me to sigh in bliss. My mother wriggles her big toe in my mouth as I suck on it. I move to the next one, and the next, until I get to the pinkie toe.

"Oh fuck..." My mother has her eyes closed and a hand down her thong, furiously rubbing her engorged clit.

I run my tongue between her toes, savoring the taste of her sweat.

My dick throbs intermittently in briefs, hidden underneath my sweat pants. The feeling of licking my mother's sexy feet is overwhelming... Like my role is to serve at her feet... Beneath her... She is my goddess...

I bring up her other foot and start over again... I suck on her heel and lick the sole clean, before moving to her toes, taking them in one by one...

"Fuck!" My mother's waist rises off the couch and I move back as she writhes sporadically... Her hand doesn't leave her clit and she presses down hard with her fingers, eliciting a scream of pleasure...

For a few minutes she clenches her jaw and trembles with orgasms. I help her along by bringing up both her feet and dragging my tongue all over the soles, nibbling on the sides, and kissing the tender arches...

"Please w-wait...Fuck!" She shudders through another earth shattering orgasm. Her panties are soaked. Copious amounts of fluid leaking out the sides.

For a while she lies still... Her entire body glistening with sweat, breathing is erratic... I envision steam rising from her pussy that twitches every few seconds.

A small voice echoing from somewhere, reminds me that this is wrong. This is your mother. What are you doing?

But then I think back on the fact that we already had sex last night. On top of it, my father had found out and we're already waiting for the axe to drop.

At this point we're already fucked, so might as well just see where it goes.

I grab a couple bottles of water from the kitchen. When I get back to the living room, my mother is sitting upright on the sofa with her legs spread open. The black thong and bra lie discarded on the wooden floorboards.

I can't take my eyes off her dripping pussy... The hair... the thick lips, and the large swollen clit look so fucking delicious...

"Thanks." She says after I hand her a bottle. I place the rest on a nearby table and grab one myself.

"I've never cum so hard before..." My mother says, gulping down some of the cool liquid. The rest she pours carelessly out onto her heated pussy. "I want your mouth on my feet every day from now on..."

"Mom, I don't think there's going to be an 'everyday'. As soon as Dad gets back—" I'm stopped by her knowing smirk.

"Forget about your father for now." She rubs her finger through her pussy and points at the space in front of the couch with her feet. "Take off your clothes and come lie down."


"Listen to your mother." Her tone gets stern.

I take off all my clothes except the briefs and stand in front of her.

"Oh my... You bad boy, hiding all these muscles from Mommy." She places her soft foot on my bare chest and drags it down to my stomach.

"Is this for me?" She presses the sole into my hard cock. I moan deliriously.

"You like that don't you?" She grips the waistband with her toes and pulls down. My throbbing erection springs out, dripping precum.

"Oh poor baby, so much tension..." She gently rubs the sole of her foot all over the engorged glans.

"Want Mommy to give you some release?" She giggles and squeezes with her toes.

"Yes." I say through clenched teeth.

"And what do good boys say?"

"...Yes, please."

"Good boy. Now lie down."

As soon I'm on the floor, she shifts forward to the edge of the seat, her feet on the move. She steps on my cock while looking down on me from the sofa...

"How does that feel?" Her foot starts frantically rubbing the underside of my shaft.

"So fucking good..." I say while enduring the blissful hot pulses spreading from my loins. My hips lift from the floor uncontrollably as I seek more of her soft feet.

She spits on my cock and wraps the arches around it. It feels like I'll explode at any moment as the pleasure starts building up rapidly.

My mother pumps her feet up and down, my raging member squeezed tightly between them.

"You like Mommy's feet?"

"I love them..."

She releases her grip, lays a flat sole against the meat, and starts rubbing her foot all over my dick. Faster and faster... The saliva and precum makes it smoother, becoming a white froth...

My mother has three fingers up her wet cunt, her hand moving in time with her footwork.


"Oh yeah? Baby wants to go harder?" She puts more pressure on my dick and I moan at the raw pleasure.

How long has it been, minutes? Hours? Every time I'd get close to cumming, my mother would lift her feet as my dick pulsed, anxiously awaiting the release.


"What was that, Baby?"

"Please let me cum..." I beg. My mother makes a sensual sadistic smile. She unplugs her hand from her pussy and licks it clean before placing both hands on the edge of the seat. "Very well."

She wraps both feet tightly around my dick and interlocks her toes.

I grab on to them as soon as she starts pumping.

"This filthy dick..." She breaths out. "Belongs... to me."


"Say it! It's Mommy's dick..."

A fog starts building up in my lust fueled mind and I can hardly see anything...

"It's Mommy's dick!" I nearly scream out.

"Now cum for me."

I growl as I fuck her soft arches.

"Cum on your mother's feet!"

White hot pleasure assaults my brain, my jaw is clenched, spine rigid. My dick spasms and ejaculates semen all over my mother's feet... My breathing stops. There's nothing but the bliss...

I'm consumed by the euphoria... To echo my mother, I've never cum this hard before... Her feet alone are better than the only two pussies I've ever had...

The haze on my mind finally clears after I hear wet smacking noises... What is that?

I struggle to open my eyes or sit, and when I do... It's almost too much.

My mother has her leg up, gripping her foot... and hungrily licking off my cum. That sight alone will never leave my mind, no matter what happens tomorrow.

Her feet are shiny with her saliva as she'd cleaned every last drop of semen.

I drop back down, breathing heavily.

"Did that really just happen?"

"...It most certainly did." My mother says, smiling down at me.

"Oh... You're no longer possessed by the Mommy demon?"

She laughs. A sexy throaty laugh. Why am I only now realizing how amazing that sounds?

"As if you didn't enjoy it..."

"...It was the hottest thing I've ever seen..."

"Obviously." She smirks. "And the fun is only getting started."

"Wait... I'm thirsty as hell." I say, panting like a dog. "Give me a moment."

My mother stands up and walks over me... her feet on both sides of my head. Drops of fluid drip down on my face from her swollen cunt lips. "I have just the thing to quench your thirst."

A few seconds later, my mouth is stuffed with my mother's pussy. I suck on the delectable lips and push my tongue up into her folds.

"Yes... Just like that..."

Her abundant ass and thighs are squashed around my face; her weight on her knees. The overwhelming powerful odor of woman, is all I can breathe. I close my eyes as the sweat from her juicy thighs drip down and run off my neck, pooling on the floor.

"Lick your mother's pussy... Oh, such a good boy..." She holds my head in place by gripping my hair.

I knew it would be delicious. I can't get enough of my mother's creamy cum... So sour... So sweet... I want more.

My tongue digs deep and elicits a hungry moan when I hit a certain spot. I hit it again and am rewarded with more fluid...


My mother grips my hair painfully and grinds her hairy pussy down harder on my face. My tongue slips out of her hole as she starts riding.

Back and forth... Back and forth...



Her pussy suffocates me, but getting fresh air is the last thing on my mind. Her lips coat my entire face with her juices as they are splayed open. The sharp, painful tugs on my hair increase as my mother starts to roughly fuck my face.

The only thing on her mind is chasing her orgasm. She doesn't give a fuck about how rough she's being... And I wouldn't have it any other way.

She'd twist, turn, and move her hips in all directions. Then she'd jerk my head up by the hair as she'd push down her waist. Her vulva and thighs would fully cover my nose, mouth, and eyes as she'd hold that position tightly for at least ten or twenty seconds.

Just when it would feel like I'm running out of oxygen, she'd relent and resume facefucking me. Instead of inhaling fresh air, I'd get the smell of damp pussy.

Pretty soon that became my fresh air.

I move my head a little and suck in that prominent clit.

My mother screams in bliss...

My tongue rolls around the bundle of nerves and I press hard on it to get the most interesting responses. I lose the button when she starts riding me again.

For the next eternity my world consisted only of my mother's pussy. It's all I could taste... All I could smell... All I could hear... And all I could see if I briefly opened my eyes. I'm nothing but a sexual outlet for her lust at this moment. A slave to her pussy...

"Get ready..." This is the only warning I'd get when she'd cum. How many times has it been now? Five? Ten? Twenty?

I've lost count. After climaxing enough times, a big one will consume her... This next one is a big one. I can tell by how hard she's gripping my hair... How hard she's grinding her pussy... By the little squeals that follow her warning...

Finally, she leans back and pulls my head with her. My mouth is plugged to her pussy at just the right spot, my first two failures had prepared me for this.

"Oh, fucking motherfucker!" She jerks my head as tight against her cunt as possible, and that's when it happens.

My mouth fills rapidly with her fluid as she squirts explosively. This time I gulp down the mild, sweet watery juice. One... Two... Three... Four...

Four mouthfuls, and I swallow it all, barely spilling even a drop.

My mother finally rolls off me...

What should've been actual fresh air is nowhere to be found. All I smell is raw animal sex...

The first thing I see is my painfully erect and swollen cock. I don't think I've ever seen it so hard and pulsing before.

As my mother lies on her stomach, occasionally convulsing in pleasure, my eyes become glued to that pussy.

With adrenaline fueled herculean strength, I drag my gaze away. That does nothing for my throbbing cock, however.

I grab a water bottle and drink maybe a quarter before putting it down. I've had enough to drink.

My mother finally stirs and drags her body onto the sofa.

"...That was insane." She says, gulping down one and a half bottles of water in less than ten seconds. Her tits move up and down in sync with her heavy breathing.

"I'd say you more than made up for all those times you missed out..."

"...I don't think I can ever live without that again..."

"If we by some miracle make it through today, I'll be sure to dine at restaurant de la mère as often as you'd like."

"You promise?" She leans back on the sofa, sitting with her legs spread open, her favorite position apparently.

"I do."

That sadistic smile I've come to love appears on her face again. "There's no going back now..."

"...Why do I think you know something, I don't?"

"Because I know something you don't."

"Of course."

As she's sitting so crudely with no care for grace, my eyes again fall on those thick pussy lips that seem to invite me closer... Her whole body is slick with sweat... It's like the perfect bundle of femininity...

At this moment, I'm certain beyond a shadow of a doubt, that my mother is my ideal woman.

The throbbing in my cock returns with a vengeance and I'm powerless to stop my lust.

How long was I underneath my mother with an erect cock that received zero stimulation? A poignant mist overwhelms my rational mind...

"Mom... I don't think I can hold back."

She massages her tits. "And you'll never have to. Now bring Mommy's cock over here..."

I walk slowly towards her, one step at a time. It's like I'm not in control of my body, driven only by a primal need to fuck...

My mother smirks as I lower myself.

I rest my forehead on hers, and grip my aching rod, guiding it in the right direction. This should be a repeat of last night... Did I fuck her in the same way?

My aching dick spreads my mother's labia open... They stretch around me as I sink deeper and deeper into her boiling hot, wet pussy...

The heat extends out from my loins... Eroding my very being with lust...

More... More...

Finally, my pubic mound presses tightly against my mother's more pronounced one... My hard cock is buried to the root... Her walls massage the shaft with immense pressure... The glans is pushed firmly against her cervix...

We breathe in each other's faces, not speaking a word... I look into her silvery eyes that mirror my own, a carnal hunger burning there...

She moans as I start to grind... My hips moving side to side, cock digging around inside her saturated cunt... Sweat drips down our warm slippery bodies.

Without warning my mother sucks on my bottom lip and I take in her top puffy one... She slips her tongue into my mouth...

I slide my dick out halfway, her pussy clinging to me, and slam back into her with a loud squelch as her juices squirt onto me.

Another moan into my mouth. Our tongues battle with each other, saliva building up and being exchanged... It leaks and runs crudely down our chins...

Blissful sensations assault my nerves when I think that the woman beneath me is my mother... That the pussy I'm drilling into, belongs to my own mother...

Several hours ago, I'd felt like my world was over because of a drunken mistaken... Now I'm only wishing that I can remember that mistake.

Did she wrap her legs around my waist, like she's doing now, to keep me inside her? Did I relentlessly pump into, savoring her yelps of pleasure, as I'm doing now?

My mother lifts her hips higher as I'm hammering down into her. Our mixed fluid builds up a froth that cling to our pubic hair, contributing more to the aroma of raw sex that keeps getting stronger.

The sound of flesh slapping against flesh fills the air... All thoughts of consequences leave my mind... My father can walk in right this moment, and I wouldn't stop pounding my mother's pussy.

We hungrily explore each other's mouths, breathing deeply through our noses. The acute pleasure keeps pushing us closer and closer to the edge of ecstasy.

I hug her tight, feeling those perky nipples press against my chest.

"You really know how to," she moans through a wave of pleasure, "fuck your mother, don't you?"

"I never did want to disappoint you..."

"Keeping fucking me and you never will."

I grab her ass and thighs and she wraps her arms around my neck as I stand up.

"Oh fuck..." My mother starts rolling her hips, enjoying our new position. She's like a snake, the way her slippery body wriggles and writhes... "This is new..."

"I've always wanted to try it..." I say through clenched teeth.

"Well, you'll get to try it every day from now on..."

I fall back on the sofa with my mother straddling me. She bounces up and down in rapid succession, then she grinds her hips in circles with my pulsing cock balls deep in her soaking cunt.

My head falls backwards as I relish in the carnal pleasure coursing through my body. When she starts riding me again, I feel her hands on my neck and I look up into her eyes.

Testing a theory, I lower my jaw.

Without missing a beat, my mother drools into my open mouth and spits in it before our tongues begin another dance.

The fire burning in my crotch signal my impending orgasm.

"...I'm...gonna cum."

My mother increases her speed, reaches down, and furiously rubs her clit.

"Cum inside me! Oh, yes... Motherfucker!" Sexier words were never spoken. She shudders violently as her own orgasm overwhelms her, squirting more juice all over my waist.

I squeeze her ass and pull down her hips as I push up mine. My dick slams against her cervix and I relieve myself inside my own mother. Rope after rope of semen pumps into her and lightning shoots through my veins, overriding all my senses with blissful ecstasy.

She falls down with a slap against my chest, our breathing erratic as we come down to earth from that heavenly release.

It's probably twenty minutes before my mother lifts her head and smiles like the Cheshire cat.


"Now you're officially a motherfucker."

"Did you forget I already am one? If last night..." I trail off as she narrows her eyes with glee.

Wordlessly, my mother gets up, easing my spent cock out of her walls. A drop of cum escapes from her boated folds before she covers it with her hand, preventing any more from leaking out.

"What are you up to, Mom?"

She turns her back to me and slowly walks toward the stairs.

"Meet me upstairs and find out." When she's out of sight, she calls down again, "Bring some water too."

I sigh... Can this day get any worse? Or is it better? At this point my morals have fled, along with my reason. A testament to that is the utter lack of guilt.

Even my masturbation sessions end with guilt... You'd think fucking your own mother would drown you in it. Then again, that part probably died when I woke up this morning...

I grab two bottles and make my way upstairs.

Surprisingly, there's no sound from the bathroom. If not a little shower-play, then I at least expected just a regular bath.

There's still, even after everything, a little anxiety as I stand outside my parents' bedroom. That 'you're not supposed to be in here' vibes, emanate from the closed door. As if the sanctity of their marriage lies within, and it's strictly for them alone.

I push open the door.

"Oh god..." I say, frozen in the doorway.

"You ready to satisfy Mommy again?"

Words are trapped in my throat.



This day can get better.

"Mommy needs her cock, baby. Why don't you come in?" She says seductively as she looks back at me. Her pussy drips semen onto her hand that she uses to... massage her rosy anus. Her bare feet tease me as droplets of cum run down the soles...

I stumble forward and hand her a bottle of water.

"Sit." She commands, gently driving a third finger into her ass.

"Have you ever had some?"

"...No..." I whisper, sitting directly behind her on the bed.

"Neither have I. Unless you count my toys..." She flexes her fingers and her star gapes open.

"Is that cock hard?"

My semi-erection twitches. "Not yet."

"Play with my feet until you're ready." Again, that commanding tone...

I shuffle forward and lay the shaft on her moist feet.

There's a mumbling noise in the background.

"What?" My mind is pulled away to my cock fucking her feet. I then focus on her spread cheeks as she shoves in a fourth finger.

"Pay attention!"

I'm snapped out of the trance and meet my mother's eyes over her shoulder.

"Good boy. Now..." She lowers her gaze and gets back to prepping her sphincter. "How certain are you we had sex last night...?"

"We were naked in bed... There were used condoms... I'm pretty certain."

I grip her feet and press them tightly to my cock.

My mother moans. "What day is today?"

"What day is..." My eyes widen. "He wouldn't..."

"It took me awhile to figure out." She says, "How many condoms were there in the bin? Four? Five? And if you take into account we were shit-faced, there's no way we would have fucked without leaving any bruises."

"...But it's still possible..."

"Think about it. Remember how he encouraged us to keep drinking while he only had, like, two beers?"

I laugh out loud. "He got us."

"Yes he did... I always suspected he didn't forgive us for last year."

"...Well, this more than makes up for it." My cock is finally at full mast and I gently rub the eager meat all over my mother's feet.

"There he is..." She purrs.

"So what happens now?" I ask, biting down on renewed pleasure.

"Now I don't have to cheat on your father."


"Remember when I mentioned one night stands?"

"I'll never forget it."

"I was fantasizing about going out and finding someone that can really fuck me."

"Isn't Dad—"

"Your limp dicked father only vibrates on top of me for what— two minutes? —before he rolls over and falls asleep, forcing me to take care of myself."

She plops out her fingers from her stretchy anus and starts fingering her dripping cunt.

"So yes... I would've eventually found some extra dick."

"...and now you don't have to."

"...because Mommy now owns one, isn't that right?"

"It's so right..." I say, loving the feel of her soles on my shaft.

"Oh, and I'm selling this house."

I almost suffer whiplash from the dramatic change in subject.

"...I don't think Dad will approve."

"Then he can go fuck himself. Listen, baby," Her voice turns sweet. "You've really given me a lot of confidence today... Enough that I feel like taking action. I'm done being the prudish housewife and stuck up lawyer."

It takes mere moments to absorb her words. The fact that I gave her this boost fills me with pride. And she's not the only one that despises the status quo.

"...Fuck it. If you're doing it, then so will I."

"...What do you mean?"

"I'll drop out of college and enroll in medical school."

My mother doesn't speak immediately, taking in my words.

"That's a pretty drastic step." She finally says.

"Like selling the house?"


I release my mother's feet and move forward.

"Is Mommy's cock finally ready?"

My answer is sawing my member between her thick labia, getting it slick and wet.

"You think Dad will be home soon?" I ask, sinking my cock into my mother's warm pussy.

"Fuck! That's so good... No, he'll be back tomorrow."

"You sure?" I slam into her, rotating my hips to get at those pesky corners.

"Over twenty...fuck...years of marriage has taught me how to read that man."

"And yet you didn't know— shit, your pussy's so good Mom —that he was pranking us until later."

"Maybe I did..." She bounces her hips back to meet my thrusts. "Maybe I just saw the opportunity to finally fuck my son."

"So naughty..." I say as I fuck the shit out of my mother's pussy.

"Your naughty Mommy. And what," she groans through more waves of pleasure, "happens to naughty Mommies?"

It takes but a second for me to think of a response.

I spank her juicy ass... hard.

"You motherfucker!" She releases short little cries as our fucking gets even faster. "Do it again!"

Nothing surprises me about this woman anymore. Serving her for the rest of my life would be the greatest privilege.

I spank her thoroughly until her cheeks get red, then I slip out of her pussy.

"Get the fuck back in there!" She growls.

"Patience." I say, spreading open those cheeks so I can get to her flowery ring. I plunge two fingers into her pussy to get them wet, then massage them into her ass. It doesn't long to realize it was unnecessary; my mother's preparations were thorough.

"You're so fucking big..." My mother moans as I drill my dick into the tight ring. It stretches powerfully around the shaft, trying hard to push me out.

"Fuck..." I breathe out as the pressure and feel is on a whole other level than her pussy.

"...This is so wrong..." My mother says in a voice heavy with lust.

"So very wrong..." I say and shove the last few inches up her rectum. "Oh god..."

"Now be a good boy and fuck Mommy's asshole would you, sweetie?" The honeyed voice drives me over the edge and I pound away without a care.

Her red cheeks are smashed against my pelvis, over and over again. I lean onto her back and reach around for handfuls of tit.

"Twist it, baby." After kneading them, I follow her command and pinch the hard nipples, pulling and twisting them in different directions.

She screams in bliss as small orgasms assault her nerves.

"Such a good boy..." She says as I keep my dick buried deep in her ass, with one hand slowly rubbing her engorged clit. "You belong to Mommy, don't you?"

Her rectum massages the foreign meat, sending hot spikes of pleasure straight to my brain.

"Say it."

"I belong to you."

"That's right. You. Are. Fucking. Mine!" She growls and pushes back aggressively. I respond in kind and get back to slamming into her asshole at a furious pace.

This is my mother.

Awakened sex goddess.

My goddess.

I pull out of her asshole and carelessly shove my dick back into her pussy.

"So good..." I say. The contrast in pressure is heavenly...

As I'm fucking my mother's pussy and spanking her ass, it suddenly occurs to me that this is the same room with that sanctity meant only for my parents.

I'm fucking my mother on her marital bed.

The thought drives me wild and I redouble my efforts, gripping her hips tightly as I pound and abuse her hairy pussy. I shove three fingers into her gaping asshole and she screams in delight.

"Oh my sweet boy..." She says. "Taking such good care of Mommy..."

Having fucked her pussy long enough, I shove my cock back into ass. Those little yelps of my mother start up again, encouraging me to hold off on cumming as long as possible. Not really a problem as this being my third round drastically increases my staying power.

I fall into a rhythm. Fucking her asshole and switching to her cunt...


And again.

And again.

And again.

I lose track of time. Track of myself really. I just mechanically keep swinging hips like a maniac.

Back and forth.... In and out... There exists nothing but the pleasure...





I can't get enough.

My mind returns to reality when my mother shifts forward and my hard cock plops out of her asshole.

She turns around and shoves the member, fresh from her rear, into her mouth.

"Oh, fuck, Mom... I'm getting close."

Her silvery almond shaped eyes look up at me as she slobbers on my dick. When the meat gets clogged in her throat, she forces it deeper.

My mother maintains eye contact through it all as her lips eventually touch the base...

Something within me snaps. I roughly grab her by the hair and unceremoniously start fucking her mouth.

My dick enters and exits her throat, and gagging noises periodically fill the room. I jerk her head back and forth constantly as I facefuck her.

I have to cum. That's all I can think of as I relish the sensations sweltering in my loins.

My mother looks up at me with a burning lust in her eyes, and tears running down her face. I hold the back of her head tightly and push so that my dick is as deep as possible.

It's impossible not to groan when she's humming, sending vibrations through me as I'm lodged in her throat.

I keep that hold until I feel my orgasm is on the very brink, then I toss my mother around so she's lying on her stomach.

"Give me that cum baby..." She says as I dip into her pussy before spreading her cheeks and plunging my cock up her asshole.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck..." My mother rains down a chorus of screams as her own orgasm builds.

I slam hard into her rectum repeatedly, causing the bed to creak. When the liquid starts rushing up, I press my hips against her firmly, ensuring my cock is as deep as possible.

"Motherfucker! Cum in Mommy's asshole! Cum—" The words are cut off as I ejaculate what I have left, inside her... Which turns out to be quite a lot.

As I'm leaning over her, I start to panic as there's no sign of my orgasm ending. My mother convulses beneath me as she suffers her own orgasm.

Struggling to maintain my position in my current state, I drop down on my goddess. As my dick shudders inside her, wave after wave of ecstasy pulses through my whole body.

My hips spasm for the next few centuries... The sensitive shaft still buried inside my mother's asshole...

I must have passed out, because the next thing I know, I'm lying next to her. Tired and sweaty...


My eyes flicker and I struggle to make out my mother next to me. She's on her side, head resting on a hand, supported by her elbow.

"Did you..." I breath out "...say something Mom?"

She grins. "We're doing this every day."

"Dad will definitely notice if—"

"I'm divorcing him in a few months."

"But that's—"

"Be quiet! Don't argue with your mother." She says in that stern voice again. "Read my lips, son..."

She runs her tongue over those very succulent lips...

"We are doing this. Every. Fucking. Day."

Not really a lot you can say to that.

I sigh in content and fall back on the bed.

"Anything for you, Mom."

"Such a good boy..."


The next morning.

Having absolutely no idea the sequence of events he set in motion with a single prank, Harry Stanton walks into his home with a pompous smile on his face.

He'd considered, and decided to let them suffer in shame throughout the night. The numerous beers he'd consumed had agreed with him.

He laughs loudly when he notices how clean the house is.

The sofa in the living is sparkling, and the wooden floor shines brightly as the morning sun hits it. He can even smell the potent cleaning material used.

Cleaning to reduce stress.

He smirks at the typical behavior of his wife, always so mundane.

"Even the kitchen..." He's impressed with her diligence.

"What the hell?" All his water bottles are gone from the fridge. There were at least fifteen left, out of the twenty-four pack.

"Honey, you're home..." His wife's voice causes him to smile again. It quickly fades into confusion as he looks back and notices that she's wearing a dark sheer nightie. His son, dressed only in boxer briefs, gives her a kiss on the cheek before entering the kitchen

"Hey Dad." He says as he goes about cleaning a pan and taking out a pack of eggs.

Harry is more than a little confounded... He tilts his head sideways.
