"What seems to be the problem Abi?" said the unknown woman while taking a sip of coffee.

"It's Grant..."

"Your son?" asked the unknown woman.

"Yes. He's started this new job as a club promoter. You know advertising the clubs on social media, bringing people to the event, promoting drink specials and so on."

"It's been a long time since I have been clubbing but I understand. What is the issue?" asked Faye.

Two women, Faye and Abigail were sitting at a local café sipping on their cappuccino's and catching up. They were old friends that got together once a week to chat. Abigail and her son Grant lived together in a large house. Abi had filed for divorce from her husband three years ago due to constant "business trips" with his personal assistant. It all came out he was cheating on Abi and eventually she had had enough. In the divorce she got the house, custody of her son (he was 16 at the time) with visitation rights for her ex-husband and enough money to last them very comfortably for two lifetimes.

"The issue is Grant is constantly coming home with these women. You know, club girls, dancers or bartenders, I dunno! And he's...he's sleeping with them!"

"What's the harm in that?" asked Faye.

"Well it's three to four times a week. I mean, I never had sex that often even when I was single, and they loud! Our house is large as you know but I can still hear him as if he is just outside my door. Both moaning, screaming in pleasure and...and it just feels so wrong! But more than that, I'm worried he will get an STD or get a woman pregnant."

"Oh my!" Faye looked a bit flustered. "Have you tried talking to him?"

"No, I've been too embarrassed. I can't tell him to stop having sex. I know it's normal, but I'm concerned he isn't being safe."

"I see. What do these women look like if I may ask? Do you see them"

"I sometimes get a glance of them leaving the house or making coffee in the kitchen. I can't even come downstairs properly as I don't want to embarrass them, you know?"

"Yes, but what do they look like?" Faye asked.

"This is the thing...they do I say this...have the same body type."

"You mean they all are skinny, I'm sure!"

"Well yes, but they...all of them have...massive breasts!" Abi said in a whisper.

"Huh? You all of them are skinny with big boobs?" Faye asked.

"Shhh! Yes..." Abi said in a low whisper while giggling a little.

"Well you know what that means? He's a boob guy! But more than that I think I know how to solve the problem." said Faye confidently.

"How? I'll try anything!" said Abi!

"He's a young man, hormones raging and so on. He obviously has a high sex drive and I think it's because of you."

"Me? What? How do you mean?" asked Abi frantically.

"I think you should cover up less. I mean look at your figure, it's stunning so why cover it up? You have massive breasts, a thick butt, big hips, slim tummy, long flowing dark hair, petite..."

"So you saying I should show off my body to my son and this will help him become less horny and not sleep around so much." Abi interrupted.

"Well no...I mean that's simplifying it too much. I noticed with my boys; they were less sexual when I was more comfortable talking to them about sex. Using the same method in a slightly different way, you could help Grant become more accustomed to sex and therefore won't be such a man whore! And of course, talk to him about safe sex!"

Both women laughed. "Look, I'll try it. I have some low-cut tops to show off these babies and my yoga pants to show off my butt. I really hope this works."

"I'm sure it will."

Then both women continued chatting about life and other things until it was time to leave.

When Abi got home, she went straight to her closet and found some clothes to wear. Sexy but not giving away too much. Grant wasn't home yet, so she tried on various outfits in front of the mirror. She finally settled on a push up bra (2 sizes too small), tight white low-cut top, grey yoga pants and sports shoes. Her giant breasts looked so round and large. They bulged out of her too small top, pushed up by a huge bra. Looking beautiful, the busty goddess started getting dinner ready for her son.

Grant eventually came home. The door banged. "Hi Mom!"

"In here darling!" shouted Abi down the hall.

"Something smells great!" he shouted back.

"I'm making your favourite!"

"What a treat, I'm really hungry...been very busy with managing a new club opening and..."

He stopped and stared as his mother was busy at the sink. Her large bum wobbled firmly in her tight yoga pants and stuck out far from her petite body. He could make out the sides of her giant breasts even from behind her. Her thin tight waist looked so good and showed off a hint of skin of her sexy back. He couldn't believe it. His petite, short mother never dressed like this. He felt his hard cock start to throb.

Abi turned around. "Is something wrong honey?" she asked.

"Huh? No...nothing...You look great mom!"

Abi smiled. She knew it was working and even though it felt weird to have her son look at her like that, she felt good about herself.

"Thanks darling...alright, dinner's almost ready. Why don't you go shower and come downstairs? After dinner we can have a nice chat!"

"OK mom!" he said as he rushed out of his room and went for a shower.

He came down later as Abi was serving dinner. They sat down and started to eat. Grant couldn't keep his eyes off her. Her tremendous, bulging breasts shook and threatened to burst from her top.

"So tell me about the new club opening." Said Abi.

"Well it's a very large club, 3 dancefloors and an amazing sound system. I've arranged for some top DJ's to play on the night and that's what's very stressful. Dealing with international DJ's who cost a lot of money, but I'm making a good profit. Do you want to see a flyer for the party?"

"Sure!" said his mom smiling.

He passed the flyer to her. On the pinkish background were the DJ line-ups, the drink specials but what you could not miss was the busty girl in a skimpy outfit. Abi gasped.

"She's gifted!" Abi laughed.

"Nah, they not real. They look it but they aren't!" said Grant nonchalantly.

"How do you know"? asked Abi.

"Well I've slept with her."

"Lucky you then!" Abi laughed. "Do you usually sleep with busty women?" The question excited Grant. He felt a stirring in his pants. Abi was genuinely curious and a bit excited. She knew he liked big breasts. His eyes lingered on his mom's big boobs longer as he looked up.

The question caught him off guard.

"Huh? I mean yes...I..."

"I know you like big boobs darling. I've seen the women you bring home."

Grant was a little embarrassed. They had not spoken about his one-night stands and just assumed his mom didn't mind. Grant laughed nervously.

"Well yes, I guess I do like...well love big boobs!" he conceded.

He was very nervous and getting horny. Abi's tits jiggled and pressed against her low-cut top. It looked like they wanted to escape. Each breast was much bigger than his head.

"I'm worried about you honey. Sleeping with all these women, well I just don't want you to get an STD or get her pregnant something." She said looking concerned.

"I'm always safe mom...I out!" he said seriously.

"But don't you use a condom!" Abi asked looking shocked.

"Well the thing is mom, I..." he was looking embarrassed now. Almost ashamed. He stuttered his words out.

I...can' one's that fit!" he blurted out.

"What do you mean? Are they too big for you sweety?"

"Um...opp...opposite of that...ah...too small!" he looked down, ashamed and a little scared.

Abi sensed this and tried to comfort him. She was also shocked. How could there not be a condom that fits him. Is he bragging, she thought.

"Don't worry honey, I'm sure that's not right, I'll...I'll get you some in the morning and you can try those, OK? I'll get ones that fit!"

"Thanks mom!"

"But darling, I am worried that you're sleeping around too much. Even if these women at the clubs have big boobs, and you have urges. Do you think you could not bring them around as often?"

"Why mom?" he asked.

"Well, darling. I don't want to embarrass you further, but I can hear everything. There is a lot of moaning, crying out and screaming!"

"OH GOD!" he said, covering his face with his hands.

"Sorry honey!"

"OK mom, I'll be more discreet and not bring them home too often!" he smiled.

She wanted to change the subject to anything to stop embarrassing him.

"Thanks darling! Now tell me, how big are those boobs of that pretty girl?"

Grant was very excited, and his cock started to harden at the thought of discussing big breasts with his sexy mother.

"Oh those?" he said, feigning casually. Meanwhile he was getting very horny.

"She is E cup." He blurted out.

"Wow that's huge, darling!"

"Not the biggest I've been with." He bragged.

Abi started giggling and started to feel excited. Knowing she had even bigger breasts than that excited her.

"So what's the biggest breasts you've been with then, Mr. Casanova?" she asked.

"Um...trying to think. Whew, there was Mandy, she had enormous breasts but the biggest I've been with was Samantha. She was an G cup, all natural and slim. A far out dreamy looked appear on his face.

"Grant. Grant!"

"Huh?" His mom giggled.

"You were dreaming about her boobs again weren't you?"

"Guilty!" he said and laughed a bit.

"You naughty boob boy!" she laughed. "So, do you think you could tone it down with the women then? And will you wear a condom when I bring some home tomorrow?"

"Yes mom, I'll try!"

"Good. OK, well, I'm off to bed. Come hug your mom!"

They pulled in for a hug as Grant felt his moms' huge tits crush against his lower chest. He was quite a bit taller than her, so her giant tits were felt from his stomach to just before his groin. He moaned slightly as he felt her breasts envelop him. The hug lasted longer than normal and just before he started getting hard, they broke the hug.

"Ah...Good night mom!"

"Sleep tight darling!" she said.

Both mother and son went to their separate rooms, dreaming of the horny talk. Grant whipped out his cock and pleasured it until he came hard and meanwhile, Abi rubbed her clit till she came and fell asleep.

The next morning was a Saturday. Abi got up feeling well rested and happy. She couldn't remember why until the memories of last night flooded back. She felt that her talk with her son Grant went well and he was going to tone down bringing women home and practise safe sex.

She went to peek in his room and saw he was still sleeping. She slowly shut the door and went to shower and get ready. Once dressed, looking beautiful and sexy in a tight dress that hugged every curve especially her massive mounds on top, she left for the chemist.

Upon arriving at the chemist she made her way to the sexual health aisle. She looked at the various lubes and condoms. There was sensitive and extra sensitive and ribbed and flavoured condoms. There were so many to choose from. She found a good brand of condoms and went for the largest size they had called Length and Girth. The package said from 9-11 inches. A warm confusing feeling came over her. Was her son really that big. She gathered herself, took the box of condoms and went to pay. After paying and driving home she went upstairs.

She heard the shower running.

Abi knocked on the door gently. "Grant?" she said.

"Yeah?" he replied.

"I got the condoms you needed. It's good for a month. I'm going to leave them outside the door. Will you try them on and let me know?"

"Uh...yes...sure mom!" he said through the door.

Abi left the condoms outside the door and went downstairs to make herself some coffee. Suddenly a weird feeling came over her. She had just brought her son some condoms and asked him to try them on. Was this normal, she thought? She convinced herself it was fine as she was looking out for her son and wanted him to practise safe sex. The one thing that she was still conflicted about was how horny she got when discussing the women he had slept with. Was it jealousy, or lust or what was it. She took a sip of coffee and thought hard. It had been many years since she had any type of sexual contact and this she thought, was the reason for her feelings.

I better go check on how he's doing with those condoms. She walked upstairs, her heart beating and knocked on the door. "Grant?" There was no answer.

"Grant?" she called again. Finally, he responded.

"Yes mom?"

"How is it going in there? Do they fit alright?" Silence again.


" They...I can't get it over..."

"Can't get it over what darling?"

"Mom, the condom won't fit!" It won't go over my...Ah...OW! Fuck...Mom I give up!" he shouted through the door.

Abi was shocked, this couldn't possibly be, this was the largest size they had. Her son had to be joking. Maybe this was his way of saying he didn't want to wear a condom.

"Have you tried another one, maybe that one is faulty?"

"Mom, I've tried 3, they just won't fit!"

Abi thought for a while. She needed to put a stop to this, there was no way her son was too big for a condom.

"Grant, if this is your way of not trying to wear a condom..."

"I'm trying mom, I'm not lying, it's just too big!"

Her heart was beating faster now. Her son claimed his cock was too big for a condom. This excited her beyond belief. What was she going to do? She thought for a few seconds.

"Darling, I think I need to come in and try help you?"

"No mom, don't do that...that's...not necessary!" he said through the door.

"But how do I know you're telling the truth and you're just not wanting to wear a condom?" she asked. Silence.

"What you wanna do mom, ask me to show you my dick?"

The horny mother stood there, conflicted, thinking about what to do.

I don't think I have a choice the mother thought. She thought longer for a few moments, then suddenly, Abi didn't know what got into her, she opened the door abruptly and caught her son off-guard. He was naked and putting his towel away. Her eyes zoomed down to his massive manhood.

In front of her was her son, naked and with a cock so huge, veiny and throbbing jutting out from his body, it didn't look real. It looked the size and width of 3 beer cans stacked on top of each other. Except this massive cock was attached to a skinny, but fit body. The thick mushroom circumcised head was red, probably from trying to squeeze the tight condom around it. Her eyes were glued to it for what felt like minutes.

Her son jumped. "Jesus mom! PRIVACY!" he shouted.

"S...S...SORRY!" Abi stuttered and she slammed the door. She leant back against the door and took a deep breath. Her heart was racing, her breathing was shallow, and her pussy was throbbing and feeling wet. He really was telling the truth. She came to the realization that the condoms made for 11 inches of cock wouldn't fit over her son's massive erection.

She fled to her room, opened her drawer and whipped out the biggest dildo she could find. It was 9 inches, barely good enough but she shoved it in her dripping cunt and rubbed her clit and moaned until she came so hard, she almost passed out. After finally recovering from what was her most incredible orgasm in many years, a wave of guilt washed over her. She had violated her son's privacy and had masturbated with a dildo pretending it was him. How could they face each other now?

Suddenly she heard the front door open and Grant shouting up the stairs; "I'll be home later mom!" then the door closed. What was Abi going to do? She decided to go try other chemists. By the end of the afternoon she had tried 3 chemists, some even out of town and checked 2 online stores but was not able to find a condom that could fit. She wanted her son to practise safe sex but what if he couldn't.

Abi came home exhausted and relaxed on the sofa and watched TV. Eventually she fell asleep. She woke up when Grant came back and closed the door. "Mom, I'm home!" he yelled.

"In the lounge!" his mom shouted back. "Darling, could I talk to you?"

There was no answer for a few seconds.

"Uh...OK mom!"

Grant joined his mom in the living room looking embarrassed and a little scared. Nothing compared to how Abi felt. "Uh...have a seat honey!" she said inviting him to sit down next to her. He sat down 2 places away from her. His head looking down.

"I'm so sorry for barging into the bathroom today..."

"Jees mom, please don't..." he interrupted while keeping his eyes down.

"Darling, I must tell you, I know you're embarrassed but I'm sorry. I shouldn't have invaded your privacy."

"It's fine mom...can I go know?"

"Yes, it's fine, just wanted to apologize. I'll see you tomorrow."

"OK, good night mom!" he said and slowly got up and went up the stairs. Abi was sure his eyes lingered a bit on her busty, voluptuous body.

She cleaned up a bit in the kitchen and then slowly made her way up to bed. She was still exhausted. She climbed the stairs and when she got to the top, heard a weird noise.

It sounded like someone laughing. The sound stopped. She listened carefully, turning her head. The sound had gone. She started walking to her room. There it was again. This time it sounded louder, but different. No longer laughing but, could that be moaning she thought?

She crept closer to her sons closed bedroom door and heard without a doubt loud moaning. Her son was masturbating. She couldn't stop listening. The moaning grew louder and quickened. "FUCK...GONNA CUM!" he screamed through his door. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Abi's heart was racing hard and fast. Her breathing was laboured as she listened to her son cum. Thinking about him jacking his monstrous cock excited her beyond belief.

She ran back to her room, closed the door and reached into her drawer again. After another powerful orgasm, she felt amazing. No longer guilty. She turned over and tried to go to sleep. Tossing and turning for hours, she decided to get up and get a drink of water downstairs. She walked passed Grant's room and listened carefully. Not a sound. Abi went into the kitchen and poured herself some water and crept up the stairs. She passed Grant's room and she heard moaning again.

Abi froze. She knew it was wrong to spy on her son, but the thought of his huge cock, couldn't get out of her mind. She heard him moan. "Fuck...Fuck...yes...ahhh...fuck those soft!" Abi licked her lips and listened with her ear to the door. "Gonna cum...ahhhhhhh...FUUUUUUCK!" And seconds later there was silence. Abi again rushed to her room and whipped out the dildo and fucked herself to sleep. This happened every night for 3 more nights. She realised her son was masturbating furiously two or three times a day. He wasn't bringing women home, but sure this much masturbation was unhealthy she thought.

The next morning, Abi called her best friend Faye and invited her for coffee at their usual restaurant.

They met in the late morning. After the usual chit chat, Faye asked about Grant.

"How is he? Did you chat to him about using a condom?"

"Well, I did and yes he isn't bringing women home now, but..." she stared into the distance. Her face showed hesitation and confliction.

"What's the matter?" asked Faye.

"He isn't bringing the women around, but he a few times a day!"

"How do you know?" asked Faye looking shocked. "You're not spying on him, are you?"

"No, I'm not spying, I'm just checking he is OK!" she said. Abi was lying to herself. Knowing her son had an enormous cock turned her on immensely."So, you caught him?" asked Faye.

"No...not exactly. More like I heard."

"I see. Well...this is a tough problem. We have solved one issue but have another. Hmmmm." She said while thinking hard. Her face was fully concentrated. After a few seconds, she spoke up.

"I think I know what to do." She said joyfully.

"What is it?"

"OK...this may sound a bit weird, but it's what I think will work." Abi listened carefully, ignoring her food on her plate. "You've started to wear tighter and more revealing clothes, that's good. Now you need to take it to the next level. I think the reason why he is masturbating so much is because he isn't getting the release from the women, he usually brings home. Plus, you are wearing skimpy outfits all day, it will drive any young man wild." Faye took a sip of her coffee and continued.

"You need to ask him to come into bed with you!"

"What? No ways...I can't..."

"No, no listen!" said Faye. "Invite him into your bed to sleep with you. Let him lie next to you and he will get more accustomed to having a woman in bed. I also feel like if he was lying next to you, he wouldn't want to masturbate. Not with his mom there."

Abi thought for a while. She thought the plan was ludicrous as first. But then what else could she try. It seemed to be a good way to get him into bed with her and stop his constant masturbation. But how was she going to do it? How was she going to ask her son to climb into bed with her?

Both women finished their meals and left. As they were leaving, Faye came closer to Abi and whispered. "And if he wants to cuddle, let him. It will be good for both of you."

They smiled at each other and parted ways.

Back at home, Abi thought of how she was going to ask him. Perhaps he would be more inclined to do it if they had a drink together, or perhaps asked him straight up. She thought for a while then decided on a plan. First, she dressed up in a tight tank top, with a bra and the straps visible on her womanly shoulders. She put on some tight yoga pants with no panties and waited for Grant to come home.

Finally, Grant came home, looking exhausted.

"Hi darling!" she called out to her son.

"Hi mom! Sorry, I'm so tired, I just want to shower and go to bed!"

"I thought you would be son, that's why I have prepared a special treat for you!" she said, her eyes glistening looking beautiful and hopeful.

Grant stopped halfway up the stairs.

"Really? What is it mom?"

"I know you've been working hard and you're on your feet all day. I thought I would give you a relaxing foot massage. How does that sound?"

Grant looked at his mom for the first time properly that day, saw her bulging cleavage, her tight thick and toned legs that were hiding her massive toned and firm bum.

"That sounds amazing mom!" he said as he came back downstairs.

She invited him to lie across the sofa as she washed his feet in warm water in a large tub. She gently splashed the water all over his feet and he moaned as he felt his feet relax. She lifted his feet out the tub and while doing so "accidently" brushed them across her massive breasts.

" mom!"

"Nevermind honey, just relax!" Abi said smiling up at him. Her beautiful green eyes comforting him.

Abi now dried his feet with a soft white towel. She rubbed some cream between her hands and slowly, but firmly rubbed the warm cream over his feet, pressing her fingers into the heel and balls of his feet, focusing her massage on the parts of the foot that took the most strain. Gently kneading her knuckles on the soles of his feet brought a relaxed moan from her son. Soon her son was drifting off to sleep. She found this adorable. She continued massaging the other foot pressing her long soft fingers into his over-worked feet.

Once she had finished massaging his feet, she let him snooze for a while and went to order pizza for him and her. Once the pizza arrived, she gently woke him up.

"Ahh, my favourite, thanks mom!" he said smiling. "And thank you for the incredible massage! I really needed it!"

"You're welcome son!" she said smiling back at him.

They ate their pizzas while chatting about the day and everything felt normal and natural as if the events of the last few days hadn't happened. When they had finished their food and were cleaning up, Abi decided to ask her son to sleep with her.

"Darling, can I ask you something? A favour?"

"Sure mom, what ya need?" he asked.

"I've been sort of missing having someone sleep in my bed with me. Someone to keep me safe and warm, and it's been a while since I've had I was wondering if you wouldn't mind sleeping in my bed with me tonight?" Her heart was beating so fast, she felt it in her throat. Please say yes, please say yes, she pleaded in her head.

"Sure mom, I understand. Been kinda lonely myself without the company of a woman, haha!" he laughed.

"Great, well let's tidy up and get ready for bed. It's late isn't it?" she said looking at her watch.

"Yeah and I'm tired too! I'll go up and shower and see you in your room in a bit, OK mom?"

"Sure darling! I'll get ready myself."

They went their separate ways. Grant to shower in his bathroom and Abi to do the same in her bathroom. After the shower, Abi got dressed in an almost see-through nighty. It showed her massive, plump firm breasts beautifully. She was admiring her sexy slim body in the mirror when she heard her son.

"Mom, I'm in bed, do you sleep on the right or the left?"

"Left!" she shouted through the door. She wasn't expecting him to be back so soon. How could she walk into the room with her see-through night gown? She didn't have any clothes to cover up with.

"Um...honey, I'm coming into the room now, but please turn over and don't peek, I don't have much on!"

"Um...OK mom!" he shouted. He thought to himself how lucky he was that his enormous breasted mom was sharing a bed with him. His cock got hard and he got more excited anticipating his sexy mom coming out the bathroom with little or no clothes. He turned over with his back towards the bathroom door to respect her wishes. She came out and ran quickly to the bed and jumped into the warm bed under the covers.

"Ahhh, in bed finally!" she said.

Both mother and son were excited now. No one knew what could happen but just knowing they were mere inches away from each other made them feel hot and horny.

Grant turned over and so did his mom at the same time. They smiled at each other.

"Thanks for doing this darling, I really appreciate it!" she said, her breathing laboured.

"It's fine mom!" said Grant also excited and horny. His large cock was at half-mast.

"Do you want to cuddle me like you used to when you were a kid?"

"Um...sure mom." He said as Abi turned around, bum facing her son.

Grant came up, a bit unsure of how to do this. He was so horny his hands were shaking, and his heart was thumping loudly and heavily in his chest. His massive erection was hurting and pressing against his boxer shorts. He had to sneakily take them off which he did. He couldn't press his massive cock against his mom's body.

He came closer to his mom, smelling her strong sweet, freshly washed and clean hair. His cock throbbed with every second in time with his heart banging in his chest. He shifted close to his mom and put an arm around her flat tummy. He carefully pulled his legs back a bit to not touch his mother with his massive prick.

"Mmmmm, isn't this just nice. Safe and warm now in bed with my handsome son!"

", it's great mom!" he stuttered. He was worried about his prick being so close to her massive bum. He was more concerned about how he was going to sleep with a painful massive erection.

She felt his arm wrap around her body, pressing the soft silk nighty gently against her skin. He was breathing loudly and quickly as if he had run up a flight of stairs. Abi was excited too, her breathing quickened and her inhibitions left her.

"Come a bit closer, sweety!" she said shifting her body closer to him. Just at that moment as she shifted closer to him, her giant soft, pillowy ass pressed up against his enormous erection and swallowed it in the soft silk nightgown right deep in the crack of her ass. He could feel the soft cushiony bum tense up against his cock as Abi realised what was happening. A small moan escaped his lips. Neither knew what to say.


"Sorry mom...!" He tried to move away but his cock was trapped deep between his mother massive bum, rubbing on the silk of her nighty.

"'s...OK!" she said shakily feeling the shaft pulse and rubbing up against her sensitive hole.

Jesus, she thought. It felt like a baseball bat between her butt. She felt his hand shaking against her tummy. "Don't good!" she finally said.

" feels good too!" Gavin moaned. Both mother and son didn't care about what was right or wrong, they just knew it felt so good. Abi hadn't been close to a man like this in years. She had never felt a cock this big and it made her wet and excited.

Abi gently shifted allowing her sons cock to glide up her ass a bit. Her bum continued massaging and swallowing his cock. "'s...too good!" he yelled. He felt the soft silky night gown glide over his angry, rock hard erection.

Both mother and son were moaning. She took his hand from her belly and pressed it hard into her gigantic breasts. His outstretched hand couldn't even cover a quarter of her tits. Her other hand was now rubbing her clit "Oh fuck mom...your big bum...your huge boobs! Can't...hold back!" he grunted as he thrust hard between the crack of her ass and exploded massive streams of cum on the bed, the nightgown and the small part of his moms back. "Ahhhhhh...Mooooooooom!" he yelled. She felt his hot cum shoot on her back as she cried out in ecstasy.

He squeezed her tits and tight, petite body harder into his throbbing cock as she came.

"Me...too! Cumming, oh FUUUUUCK!" she screamed as her body shook covered in her boys cum.

When mother and son got their breath back, Abi turned around.

"Better clean up this mess...that's...a lot of...cum!"

"Are...are you ok with this mom, because I am, if you are?"

"Of course I am honey. I haven't cum like that in years...and your...cock...I mean penis, it's incredible!"

"Your bum and boobs are incredible mom! How big are your boobs?"

"I'm a 32KK...all natural!"

"Jeesus mom, I didn't know boobs got that big!"

Abi laughed. "Well, I didn't know dicks got that big! How big are you?"

"Twelve and a half inches!" he said proudly.

"Good lord!" she moaned. "How do those women you bring home, manage to..." she stopped midway through her sentence.

"Well some of them can do it, and some can't. I've never been able to get it all in." he said.

"Don't you get frustrated for the women who can't or don't even try!"

"Well yes and no. You see mom, as I'm sure you know, I have a breast fetish. I love gigantic massive, breasts. I try and find the biggest in the clubs and bring them home. The ones that can't take me, I do other things."

"Like?" Abi asked with a wicked smile.

"Handjobs, blowjobs...titfucks!"

The last word hung in the air. Both mother and son were starting to feel horny again.

"My boob boy loves big breasts and mine are some of the biggest around. And your penis...I mean cock, is the biggest I've ever seen or heard of!"

"Mom" he paused. "Could I see them?"

Without a word she took off her nighty revealing miraculous breasts. Each one was gigantic with immense forward projection. They hung a few inches above her belly button and were so round, full and looked incredibly heavy. Like monstrous, soft teardrop shaped tits, they were just perfect. Her small bright pink nipples were hard, almost throbbing in excitement as she was now naked in front of her son. Her KK cup perfectly formed tits were displayed in front of her son.

"Mom... amazing!" he blurted out. "Could I...t...touch them?"

"Here!" She stepped forward, her massive, luscious tits jiggling as she sat on the bed.

"Sit down and play with them honey. Mommy is very horny now!"

He reached out and hefted up the massive breasts in his hands, feeling the smooth softness and weight of one of them. Each breast was twice the size of her head. He gently bent his head down and sucked on one.

"Ahhhhhhh, mommy likes that darling!"

He took his other hand and kneaded her other breast gently. Although a strong man, he couldn't lift the breast for longer than a few seconds. It was just too heavy. He dropped his head into her cleavage, her deep, dark and sweet smelling cleavage. He licked, sucked and motorboated her giant swelling tits, ravishing them in kisses.

"Ahhhhh, darling, mommy needs good!" she yelled.

"Why don't you lie down in my lap honey so mommy can play with your enormous cock?"

She sat on the bed with her legs crossed. Her horny son lay across the bed close to his mom and she stared in awe as she was about to caress his huge shlong. He lay back feeling her soft tits, mauling them roughly with his hands. He lifted his head slightly to suck on her hard nipples.

His throbbing giant cock still covered in cum was to be the lubricant she needed to jack her son's prick. Her heart felt like it would explode from her chest as she slowly moved her hand towards the stiff pole. Throbbing and pointing at the ceiling she grabbed hold of it. It felt electric from her hand to her brain.

"Ahhhh good!" he moaned.

Her small hands couldn't fit around the twelve and a half inch cock, it was so thick. Bigger than a horses dick she thought. She jacked the slippery cock with both hands as her son feasted on her giant tits resting on her lap. Her hands ran down the entire length of the thick cock, up and down her soft hands went, squeezing the shaft gently and twisting both hands around the sensitive mushroom cock head.

"Mom...ahhhhh...keep going...shit!" he yelled between sucking and licking her KK cup tits.

"Baby, this is incredible, I don't know how I can fit it inside me! So, so beautiful...ahhhh...suck those tits honey!" She stroked his cock faster now, sliding easily over the pulsing veiny shaft. She licked her lips at the thought of fucking her son's cock. No one cared about morals, it felt like the most natural thing to do.

"Mmmmmm honey, so good, but I'm sure you want some more pleasure?"

Grant just nodded. She slid off the bed and kneeled on the floor next to the bed. She spat in her cleavage a few times and without a word, her son shifted closer to the edge of the bed.

"Oh mom, I can't wait...!"

She smiled as she trapped the monster cock between her immense KK cup tits. He howled out in pleasure! "Ahhhhhh mom!"

His slippery shaft glided up and down her tits, journeying through the tight, dark cleavage. About 5 inches of cock escaped the top of her tits and she bent her neck down to swallow and suck her son's thick beast of a cock. "Mmmmmmm!" she moaned swallowing some of his cock.

"Mommy! Ahhhh, this titfuck and good!" Pleasure tears formed in his eyes as she massaged her soft and heavy tits around the thick slab of cock meat. His cock throbbed excitedly in her cleavage. She now jiggled her tits around his dick in slow circles, massaging every inch of it. The huge pole slid easily in and out, faster and faster as she jacked her enormous KK cup tits around his cock. Each downward stroke of her tits, his sensitive thick dickhead burst through her cleavage and into his mom's waiting mouth.

"Fuck my huge fucking tits you stud! Your fucking cock is so large!" she yelled.

The dirty talk was working as she saw the look in his eyes as they rolled back, pleasure tears streaming down his face as her tits squeezed against the pulsing cock about to erupt. At the same time, she didn't know what got into her. She never spoke like that, but didn't care.

She pressed the sides of her tits harder now squeezing her son's cock hard between the slippery mounds. The tits bulged out obscenely as she did. His cock was smothered in the middle of her soft fleshy breast meat. He looked up to see this incredible sight in front of him.

"Ahhhhhhhhh, mom...FUCKING...GONNA CUM! Too good!" he screamed as her tits bounced up and down on his legs and her tits were squeezed tightly around the shaft as he drove through her cleavage.

"Cum for my mouth!" she yelled as she dropped her head onto his cock sucking it deep into her mouth as he exploded thick hot and long streams of cum into her throat while still titfucking his cock!

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH! FUCKING...AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MOMMY!" he shouted at the top of his lungs as his mom continued to throat fuck his cock to get all the cum out. She moaned around his cock swallowing most of his cum but there was too much and she struggled to swallow it all. Some dripped on her chin and cleavage.

She slowly and gently continued to massage his cock with her tits as he came down from his orgasm.

After a few minutes of silence and recovery, his mom let go of his still hard cock.

"Mm, seems like someone isn't ready to quit yet!" she said while eyeing his monstrous penis.

"Mom, that was incredible!"

"Of course my darling and anytime you want to fuck my tits with your huge pole, you can. But we need to do something about that cock. To tell you the truth I'm a little scared. I've never taken something that large. Will you enter me honey? Will you go slow into my pussy?"

"Of course mom", he said smiling. He sat on the edge of the bed. His short and petite mom stood over his lap. She took his cock with 1 hand and placed it at the entrance of her pussy.

"I can't wait son; I just need this so bad! Please go slowly, OK?"

Grant leaned back while watching his mother try and stuff the almost 13-inch cock into her cunt. She slowly, gently sunk onto the cock head. "Ahhhhhhh!" they both screamed in unison as his mushroom head of a cock opened her pussy and crept into her pussy.

The thick mushroom head was in. His mom was panting and moaning nonstop in pleasure. You're filling me up darling, she smiled. He smiled back at his beautiful mother. She sank lower, ever so gently while panting and getting used to his cock. "Ahhhhh, it's stretching me!"

"Mom, we can stop, it's OK if you can't!"

"No, I'm loving it darling, I'll get used to's just been a while!"

She sunk her tight pussy further as the walls of her cunt massaged the sensitive rock-hard cock entering her. She was almost halfway and both mother and son were groaning in pleasure. Pleasure tears ran down the face of his mother while her massive tits shone in the soft bedroom light. More and more of his cock were swallowed into the forbidden depths of his mother pussy until she reached the base. No one had ever been able to take his cock to the base before.

"'s in honey! I did it! Feels...too...good!"

"Mom, it's tight, warm, wet and...ahhhh, don't want this to end." He yelled.

He lifted himself up until he was able to hug her. He hugged his mom tight while she sat on his giant prick. He crushed her enormous, soft tits against his chest as he pressed her body closer. She started riding his cock and with a bit of support from him, lifted his tiny stacked mom up and down, pleasuring his cock. Her tits were so big they wrapped around his chest and almost touched each other around his back.

"Oh darling...I didn't think I could, but this is just too good!" she moaned while slowly fucking her son's cock.

He grabbed massive handfuls of firm, pliant bum while licking and stuffing his face with his mom's KK cup tits. Up and down she went faster and faster. They got into a good pace as she stuffed her son's cock in her cunt.

"It's gonna break by literally have a cunt breaker here and I'm gonna ride it till you make me come!" she screamed.

"Mommy, so good!" he panted and tried his hardest not to cum. "I'm so close!"

"Not yet darling, hold it, mommy wants to cum with you!"

His cock penetrated the far unreachable depths of her pussy and the thick base of his cock rubbed up against her clit each time she drove down on his cock. "You're hitting my G-Spot now! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!"

"Fuck me mommy, gonna make you cum!"

"Cum in my cunt! Mommy is ready!"

"Here it comes, it's gonna be a lot mom!" he yelled and bucked his hips shoving his giant dick into his mother.

"Go on baby...coming too!" she screamed.

"Gggggnnnnnnnnnn, fucking gonna cum mom!" He bucked his hips deeper into his mother.

"Mommy is cumming darling! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" She threw her head back while bouncing on her son's prick. "Fuck...fuck...fuck!" she yelled as her eyes rolled back into her head, her son squeezed her tight, thin body into his and their sweat covered bodies rubbed together. His face was stuck in her tits as he erupted rivers of cum into his mother's pussy. Like a stuck hose that became unstuck, he felt the cum erupt from the bottom of his dick and eventually exploded deep into her womb. Most of her son's cum burst through her cunt down her legs as she slowly stopped riding her son. He continued sucking her sweaty tits wrapped around his head and eventually with his cock still implanted in his mother vagina, lay back, out of breath, happy and content. His mom slid off and lay next to him.

"Darling..."she started.

"Mom, that was the best sex I've ever had! I just feel amazing"

"I agree honey, I don't know what happened Grant, but this is something only I can deal with, your mom. You don't need those busty skanks. I'm bustier, more sexually advanced and better than them. You don't ever need them again. From now on, it's just you and me.

"Oh mom, that sounds amazing, just you and me. No one else can satisfy me like you.!"

"So it's a deal then, no more skanky girls then?"

"Deal!" he said.

As Abi caught her breath lying next to her son, she thought how 3 problems have been solved. No more skanks in the house, more pleasure for her than her dildo and most importantly, pleasuring her horny son nonstop with her body.

Problems solved! She thought as her son rolled over onto his side and hugged his mom, kissing her neck and stroking her giant tits. Problems solved!