The governor's news conference was streamed and we all watched it. We, in this case, is me, my mother, by best friend Keith and his mother who live next door to us. We were award that the Covid-19 virus was beginning to affect a lot of people. We all added a new word to our vocabulary, pandemic. The governor announced, in coordination with the federal government and the Center for Disease Control, that he was placing the state on a limited quarantine. There were some activities that were mandated to be stopped immediately, but none of them, other than the schools closing, affected us directly. He was asking for voluntary compliance. He said many school were to be closed. He listed the nine largest counties in the state, and ours was on the list. He "requested" that employers consider voluntarily closing, except for essential services, medical services, grocery stores, etc. All sporting events and concerts were canceled immediately. You know the list, you have all lived through it.

So there it was. We figures that we could be quarantined "together" without violating the spirit of the order. Mrs. Johnson was the most concerned of us, at least as far as the safety aspects were concerned. She quickly adopted the role of our quarantine police and developed our own set of rules. She said she was going to make a quick run to the grocery story for some "essentials" and enough food that would last us for 2 weeks or retain their freshness. Mom said, "Make sure you get plenty of wine. That ought to take the sting our of being quarantined."

When she got back, Mom got drunk. Although a social drinker, this was very out of character for her. That showed me how serious this was. Even Mrs. Johnson got a good buzz on. She had bought two cases of beer and invited Keith and me to join them in the drinking bouts. Sure, Keith and I had snitched a few drinks of alcohol before, but this was the first time either of us had been, well, frankly, encouraged to drink in front of our mothers.


We started to settle in to our new existence. That afternoon, Keith asked if he and I could go down the street to see Becky Wilson. She lived about 5 houses away. She was two years older than us so we didn't ordinarily hang out with her, but she was the best looking girl within about 3 blocks. Mrs. Johnson went ballistic, "Absolutely not. You have no idea what germs she has."

Keith snicker, "Yea, Cory, she probably has the clap." I wasn't particularly fond of Becky, but I really resenting him joking about her this way.


By the end of day 3, Mom and I were really getting on each other's nerves. We weren't required to stay in our house, but school was going to be given remotely with streaming and it was going to take a few days to work out all the mechanics of the new procedure. School was scheduled to "reopen" Friday, but we did go online for about an hour just to test the equipment and procedures and to work out some of the kinks. We were in my and Keith's senior year in high school and, at least for the next two weeks, we would now be taking all our classes on line. Keith had me come over to his house this morning and we went through the set up and orientation together, even though we only had two actual classes the same.

We figured out that during the quarantine, I would go over to Keith's house each morning with Mom. Mrs. Johnson had been working from home for 2 years and she had a nice home office set up. It was no problem for her to set up another virtual office where my mother, an elementary teacher, could work. The quarantine wasn't so strict that we couldn't go to each other's house. Mrs. Johnson was the policeman of the group and she made sure we all practiced social distancing. Mom and Mrs. Johnson split the cooking.

Thursday was the third day of the quarantine, and, as I said, we were all getting a little stir-crazy. We couldn't go out that night. I didn't have a girl friend and I really hadn't dated too much. I have always been shy. But I still didn't like being confined to the house. The four of us watched The Last Jedi on Netflix at Mrs. Johnson's and Keith's house. Keith and I played some Fortnite. When it was over, Keith said he wanted to go to bed. I said I was ready to go to bed too; so Mom and I went back to our house and I went upstairs to my bedroom.

I was really feeling a little, you know, horny. I really wanted to spank my monkey. You know, flog the old log, choke my gopher. I had done that before; quite a few times, but it was always when Mom was out of the house. I wasn't so concerned about Mom being in the house; I just didn't want to be, you know, interrupted when I was in the throws of passion.

I had been tossing and turning trying to get to sleep when I decided to take action. I trusted enough time had passed that Mom would have assumed I was asleep and I wouldn't be bothered. I got out the tube of lotion I had tucked away in my bottom drawer just for such occasions. I took off my shorts, but I still had on my tee-shirt. I loved the sensation of the cool lotion on the head of my prick. I always start by caressing my head and then make my way down my shaft. I always like teasing myself, but I had no will power and just as I always do I started rubbing my shaft vigorously. I was about to shoot my wad when Mom opened the door. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"

I couldn't stop, nor cover up. I was completely speechless. I shot my jizzm all over my chest. I was panting trying to catch my breath; but Mom just stayed there. "I was beating off. What do you think I was doing?"

"Don't you ever do that again. Not in my house." She shot out the door without waiting for any explanation, as if I could have come up with one. I cleaned myself up and went to bed. I was satisfied from the sexual release but I was upset about this scene I had created with Mom.

I really did sleep well. I guess I wasn't too upset with the scene I had created. But the sexual release relaxed me enough that I was able to sleep soundly.


When I woke up the next morning. I put on long pants and a button-down shirt. I figured it would be helpful to try to demonstrate a little maturity from the shorts and tee-shirt I usually wore. Mom was sitting at the kitchen table fiddling with her bacon and eggs. Neither of us said a word. I sat down and finally she said, "I'll fix you some bacon and eggs and toast. Now that you're all grown up, I guess you would rather have coffee than milk."

I answered, "Yes, ma'am, please." She fixed my complete meal in silence and put it in front of me, actually kinda threw it on the table in front of me. I was not anxious to begin any conversation about breakfast, the virus, the quarantine, school, the events of last night. Nothing.

When I finished eating, I cleared the table. Most of her food was still on her plate. I asked her, "Are you through?"

She scowled at me, "I don't have much of an appetite." I loaded the dished into the dishwasher.

I persisted timidly, "Do you want to go over to Mrs. Johnson's?" Without saying a word, she got up and started toward the door. It was Friday and school was not completely set up. We did have to check in for about an hour for a final technical check to be ready when school resumed. Mom did have to work about 4 hours as a teacher to make sure all her 3rd grade students and their parents were ready for school when it resumed..

The day was uneventful. Actually, it was very eventful because of what didn't happen. Nothing. Keith and I just tried to kill an otherwise boring day. Mom had to check in with her school to find out exactly how the virtual schools would work. We all broke for lunch and at the end of the day supper. The meal was mostly eaten in silence. Mrs. Johnson tried to make conversation; I'm sure she surmised something was amiss, but to no avail. Mom wasn't interested in any chit-chat and if Mom wasn't going to be sociable, I certainly wasn't going to be.

After supper Mom said to me and Keith, "Keith, Barbara and I want to talk in private. Can you and Cory go over to our house? We'll be over later and we can watch another movie."

Keith wanted to watch some porn. I wasn't sure when Mom and Mrs. Johnson would be coming in. I was afraid of being caught once again in forbidden activity, but Keith was persistent and I was horny again. Maybe a good porn film would satisfy my libidinous urges. I just hoped we would hear them if they came in the door. In any event, after about an hour, I knew we were on borrowed time and I told Keith I had seen enough and we played a video game. Of course I hadn't had enough. We had only watched some lesbo action and if I could have I would have whipped out my dick and jerked off right there on the spot.

Mom and Mrs. Johnson came over about 9:30. We watched The Invisible Man and when it was over Keith and Mrs. Johnson left. Mom and I went up to our respective bedrooms. I had been in bed about 10 minutes when I heard a knock on the door. I heard it this time, but I didn't have to hide anything.

"Come in."

"Cory, I'm sorry I've been behaving so badly toward you."

I though that was a strange characterization. But I answered, "I know. I understand that you were very upset with me." She sat down on my bed. She was wearing a practical cotton nightgown. It wasn't particularly sexy except my not being able to get out of my mind the image of my nude mother under this flimsy nightgown.

"But there was no need for me to be. You're 18 years old. Your hormones are raging. We're cooped up here all day. You've barely even seen anyone else but the 3 of us, much less any girls. What you were doing," here she became a little halting in her speech, "I know it was only natural. I should have just accepted it."

I couldn't help but ask her, "Why didn't you knock?"

She kind of chucked, "I kind of did. I just tapped lightly on the door because I didn't want to wake you up. But I guess you were just too" she paused searching for words, "preoccupied to hear me."

"I guess I was."

Mom continued, "I asked Barb for any advice she has for me. That's why I wanted to have a talk with her."

"What did she say?"

Mom gulped. "Well, she said I need to accept your actions. They are just normal for an average 18-year old boy... 18 year old man."

At this point in the conversation, she turned away from me. I think she was embarrassed at what she was about to say. She kind of stared at the foot of the bed, not looking at me.

"Barb says I should help you relieve your build up sexual frustrations."


Her face turned toward me but she still wasn't looking me straight in the face. "She said I, uh, well, I, kinda owe it to you to, uh, you know, get you off."

"I don't understand what you are saying."

"Cory, don't make me say it. Just take your shorts off."

"What? Why?"

"So I can make you come. Come on, baby. Stand up."

I heard the words, but they still weren't registering. I stood up. "Take off your pants." I took them off.

Mom finally looked straight at me. She smiled and reached for my dick. I jerked as soon as she touched it. It finally dawned on me I was about to have my mother masturbate me.

She held my still flaccid prick in the palm of her hand, but it started to spring to life. I moaned from the sensation of feeling her hand on my prick.

"Oh, oh, oooooohh." She rubbed her fingers on the head of my prick and then softly and gently moved her fingers down my shaft. "Wait a minute," I instructed her. I got up and went over to my dresser and pulled my tube of personal lubricant out of the bottom drawer. I guessed there was no need to hide it any longer.

I took her hand and squeezed some onto the palm of her hand and her fingers. She continued gently, ever so gently, rubbing my prick.

I said, "I'm getting weak." I lay down in the bed on my back. She reclined with me, her head positioned so she could see my dick. It started throbbing. I resumed my moaning.

"Oh, you like that, don't you, baby." I wasn't too fond of her calling me "baby". That's not what she ordinarily called me.

I don't know if it was the excitement of someone besides me masturbating me, never mind the eroticism of my mother playing with my dick, but I shot my wad even before she got down to seriously rubbing it.

She exclaimed, "Well, that was quick. We're going to have to work on your stamina." I was embarrassed that I had pulled the trigger so quickly. It really didn't bother me that I got my jizzm all over Mom. And what did she mean "we're going to have to work on (my) stamina." Was this just the 1st of many sessions? I didn't press her for an answers. It was looking like a long quarantine. There would be enough time for answers to that.

"Thanks, Mom."

"You're welcome, baby. I'm going to go to bed now. But let me clean you up first."

She went into the bathroom and come back with a hand cloth that she had soaked in warm water. She proceeded to clean me up, but the more she did so, I got a second wind and shot out some more jizzm. She laughed and cleaned up some more. I couldn't believe she found this so amusing.

Finally after she got me cleaned up and wiped my cum off her body, she said, "I'll see you in the morning." She kissed me, gently on my forehead. But she paused and kissed me on the cheek. Then she kissed me on the mouth. It wasn't a passionate kiss, it was the gentle kiss of a mother kissing her son. "Good night. I'll see you in the morning."


The next morning I put on my shorts and a clean tee-shirt. I got to the kitchen before Mom did and I decided to make her breakfast. I made pancakes with bacon. I thought she would enjoy that. When she came in, I had finished cooking the bacon and two pancakes and I served her.

"How did you sleep last night?" she asked.

"Like a baby. And you?"

"Cory, I was a little restive, worried about what we had done. But I convinced myself what we did was alright. Once I came to that conclusion, I slept very well."

"I'm glad." I took a chance and kissed her on the forehead.

She moved her head aside and chided me, "Don't do that."

"Alright," and I went back to cooking my breakfast. I wasn't sure what that rebuff meant, but I figured I'd find out soon enough. Her words from last night when I shot my wad prematurely, "We're going to have to work on your stamina" carried the clear implication what we did was not one-off.

I sat down and joined her in eating, "Mom, I think that's cum on the sleeve of your nightgown."

She looked down and held a forkful of pancake so that some of the syrup dripped on the same spot. "There, now no one can tell. I'll wash it later today." She smiled as if she were making a joke, but I did appreciate that she wasn't hung up on having my cum on her clothes.

The rest of the day passed like the previous 4 days. Even though it was Saturday and we had nothing planned, perhaps precisely because it was Saturday, Mom and I went next door. Keith and I asked if he and I could go into his weight room to work out. Mrs. Johnson, the quarantine Nazi, exploded again. "Absolutely not. I'm not going to have the two of you mingling your sweat. The virus can survive on surfaces. Keith, you can work out and when you get through, wash down the bench and disinfect it and then Cory can work out. But you can't be swapping sweat back and forth."

"But Mom, we need to spot each other."

"Wear gloves. And keep disinfecting the bench and the weights."

We went into his weight room, but we weren't as careful as his mother had indicated. I just hope we didn't catch anything from each other.

That night, Mrs. Johnson cooked spaghetti, with salad and garlic bread. Mrs. Johnson made an announcement in the middle of the meal. "Next week is spring break so there is no school. I had already arranged to be off from work. I checked with the quarantine website and apparently we would not be violating the quarantine if we went to a beach house, as long as we did not congregate, go out and maintained our social distance. We would still all be cooped up, but at least we would be at the beach instead of here. Janice and I would do all the cooking and we would not go out, although we could have some delivery. Who's in?" Of course, we all said yes so it was set up.

We all went over to my house and we started watching Killer Tiger on Netflix. At the end of the evening, Keith and Mrs. Johnson went back to their house. I told Mom I was going upstairs to bed. She smiled at me and announced, "I'll be up shortly."

I showered and put on a pair of boxer shorts. I didn't put on a tee-shirt or pajama top, but I got into bed. Sure enough, a few minutes later, Mom came into my room. The door was open since I didn't see any need to close it. She too was freshly showered and was wearing a nightgown It was a real sexy one left over from when she and Dad were still married. It wasn't sexy revealing, but it was sexy in that it had about 50 small buttons up the front. She always used to tease Dad back in better days that it heightened the anticipation as he unbuttoned each button one by one. She crawled onto the bed. "Have you been looking forward to this?"

I answered, "Yes, you know that I have."

"What do you think about what we did last night."

"It was...I don't know, I enjoyed it, but if I think about it, it was weird."

She kissed me, gently, on the lips. "Well, just don't think about it." She ran her hand on my body. First my chest, then my arms and then my legs. She ran her hands up my thigh and when she got to my shorts, she looked me in the face and said, "I'm going to undress you tonight." She pulled my shorts off. My prick popped to attention. "Oh, you're ready for this, aren't you?" She grabbed the personal lotion which I had placed on my night stand where it could be easily reached. The started applying the lotion to her hands.

"Can you put it on my prick?" She smiled and did so. She took her fingers and started slowly lightly massaging my dick. I couldn't help moaning.

She laughed. "I think it's cute the way you respond like that." I could feel my dick getting hard.

"Slow down, slow down, please."

She looked me in the face, "Is that how you figured out how to keep from shooting too fast?"

"I just like you prolonging the sensation."

"I never thought of you as an edge freak."

"A what?" I asked.

"An edge freak. Don't you know what edging is?"


She explained, "Well, I think you know exactly what it is. You want me to do it to you now. I guess you just don't know the term. It's a masturbation technique of bringing yourself to the brink and then backing off before you cum so that you let the pleasurable feeling die down. That way you are able to prolong the process and enjoy it longer. If masturbating is a 10, then coming up to the brink is a 9, but instead of just shooting your wad, you're ready to climb back in the saddle for another 9...and another...and another."

"I like that." She must have brought me to the edge five, maybe six times before I shot my wad. Finally, I did, and I was surprised that she stuck her face in front of the stream. Cum was dripping from her face and all she did was laugh.

"Let me get a hand cloth to clean you up. To clean both of us up." She went to the bathroom down the hall and came back with a warm cloth. She wiped me clean, but, of course, all that did was arouse me again. But I didn't shoot off. She wiped her face and hands and arms, but there was a lot of cum on her nightgown.

She took the cloth to the restroom and came back and lay down on the bed.

I didn't know what to say. She had done what she came to do, but I didn't want to chase her away, you know, "Wham, bam, thank you, ma'am."

She ran her hand through my hair.

"Mom, isn't this starting to get a little weird?"

She looked at me, surprised, "The only thing that I think is weird is you continuing to call me 'Mom' Do you want to call me Janice?".

"I'm not sure that's any less weird, Mo..., uh, Janice. But if that's what you want."

She kissed me on the lips. It started out tender, but she lingered there. She didn't stick her tongue in my mouth, and I certainly wasn't going to do that with her. But her lips lingered on mine.

"Cory, are you being, uh, satisfied by the sessions?"

"Yes, of course I am." She hesitated, and looked down as if she wanted to say something else. I waited but she didn't say anything more. "Let's go to sleep," she said, but she made no effort to get out of my bed. The next thing I knew, she was asleep. I followed her asleep fairly quickly.


Mom, uh Janice was already out of bed when I woke up. I put on a pair of gym shorts, no underpants and no tee-shirt, and went downstairs. She was still in her nightgown and was waiting for me so she could fix scrambled eggs, sausage and toast. She got up from the table when I came in. She walked over to me and kissed me on her way to the stove. She smiled and playfully felt my prick through my shorts. I smiled back.

We ate and then she went upstairs to put on some casual clothes to go over to Mrs. Johnson's house. I did the same. It was Sunday but Keith and Mom, uh, Janice and I didn't have to prepare for school the next day since it was spring break. Mrs. Johnson did customer service work and her company had plenty of overtime available so she said she wanted to work a few hours.

When we got there, Mrs. Johnson was quite excited. "I have everything all set up. We'll leave tomorrow for Vilano Beach. I have a beach house rented for the entire week. It's spring break so the three of you won't have to worry about school. I'll take my laptop so I can do some work....but only if I feel like it," she chuckled.

We all made a grocery list and Mom, uh, Janice said she would go to the grocery store. I went with her.

She went to the hand sanitizer aisle, but we knew they weren't going to have any. But I stopped at the personal lubricant display. I put one of the blue bottles in the basket and smiled at Janice. She smiled back and went over and picked up a pink bottle. "Don't be selfish, young man. Maybe I want to pleasure myself." It shook me up to think of my mother sticking her fingers in her cunt and getting herself off. But I had to smile at her. I patted her on the ass. Other than having my prick in her hand, this was the first time I touched her in a flirtations manner.

When we got back, we went straight to the Johnson house; we took the fresh and refrigerated items out and put them in the refrigerator. We put everything else in Mrs. Johnson's van.

That night, we watched another two episodes of Killer Tiger. Janice and I went home about 11:00.

I told Janice I was going to go upstairs and take a shower. She said, "Go ahead and use the shower in my bedroom. And you can just get into my bed. It's not as cramped as your bed."

After showering, I dried off, but I didn't put on any pajamas or shorts or shirt. I got into the bed completely naked. I figured I was going to end up that way soon enough.

Janice came in. I was under the sheet, so she couldn't see that I was naked. "I'm going to grab a quick shower then I'll join you." It suddenly dawned on me that maybe she hadn't thought this little twist in our routine through completely. I had never seen her naked, well, at least not since I was maybe two or three. Was she going to take her pajamas or nightgown into the bathroom to put them on before she emerged or would she come out and dress for bed in front of me? After ten minutes, I got my answer. I was surprised, but pleasantly so. She came over to the bed, her bed, completely naked and crawled in under the sheet. "Well, wasn't that a bit presumptive of you?" she asked when she saw me naked. The smile on her face told me she was not upset, but she was being flirtations. I liked how she was doing that more and more.

"I thought we would just skip some of the preliminaries and get down to business."

"Aw, I really like the, what do you call them," she tweaked my nose, 'preliminaries'?"

"I'll get dressed if you want me to."

"Don't be silly. Come on, let me have that big old hunk of meat." With that she grabbed by schlong, but she massaged it gently, the way I like it. I had brought my tube of lubricant into her bedroom, and I took it off the night table and handed it to her. She started to apply it to her fingers. She then resumed massaging my dick. As she did so, I had time to reflect on her appearance. I had never noticed how she looked, but I suddenly realized how very attractive she is. She's 42, maybe 5' or 5'1''. I'm at least six inches taller than she is. She has an attractive face with pixie-like short black hair. I'd love for my wife to look that attractive when she was 42. Heck, I'd like my wife to look that attractive when I married her. She is slightly build with small, but not tiny, tits, probably a B cup. Funny how I had never paid attention to them before, but there they were staring at me.

She edged me. She must have brought me to the edge five or six times. Each time as I got to the precipice I moaned and moved her hand away. She understood what I was doing. She backed off. I stayed hard a good five minutes each time but then my dick would start to go limp. And she would do it again, And again. Finally, I shot off like old faithful. "Ooomph, ooomph, ooomph," I cried.

She laughed, not derisively but she was enjoying and sharing my pleasure. She kissed me on the lips. It was a gentle kiss, but I felt the tip of her tongue on my lips. I met her with the tip of my tongue, but she withdrew. "Let me get you cleaned up." She went into the bathroom and brought out a warm wash cloth. She wiped me clean but as she was about to wipe my jizzm off her chest and stomach and hands and arm, I stopped her. I grabbed the cloth and wiped her off. I lingered on her breasts. In fact, I wiped a wider area then was actually covered by cum.

She smiled, and admonished me, "That's enough. Cory, now that you've satisfied yourself, do you mind if I, uh, find a little, shall we say, relief?"

"Of course, I don't mind." With that she went over to her chest of drawers, reached into the bottom drawer and pulled out a vibrator. It was smooth, maybe about the size of my dick, but not at all with the features of a penis. She lay down on her back next to me. She turned it on with a switch in it's base and started rubbing it around her pussy lips. Both of us were silent. She let out a couple of small muffled moans and then she inserted it into her cunt. I propped myself up so that I could watch this more carefully. She didn't object to this invasion of her most intimate private moment, I think she enjoyed the audience, even if it was someone who had emerged from that orifice just over 18 years earlier.

"Do you want some lubricant?" I asked her solicitously.

She was panting and breathing deeply but managed to say, "No, my pussy juices are starting to flow. That's all the lubrication I need. I wanted to help her, but didn't offer to in view of the slight rebuff when I tried to wipe off her tits.

Finally, she came. "Oh, OH, OH. Ummmph, ummmph," she uttered as she tried to suppress her cries of ecstasy. She dropped the vibrator to the bed and let her hands fall. She was silent for about two minutes and she caught her composure. "Oh, that was good. I really needed that."

I laughed, but not uproariously, "Man, that was wild. How many boys get to see their mother's masturbate themselves to orgasm?"

She said, "I'm glad you enjoyed that." She propped herself up and kissed me, but this time it was a deep passionate kiss.

I wondered what we were going to do next. Was I supposed to take the lead? But she poured cold water on my lascivious thoughts. "Let's go to sleep now. We're both exhausted." She gave no indication I needed to get to my bedroom. We fell asleep.


When I woke up the next morning, I saw that sometime during the night she had rolled over on one side and draped one arm over me. "Janice? Janice? JANICE? Do you want me to fix breakfast?"

"Um, yea, that would be so nice. Do you mind sweetheart? I'm really in the mood for some waffles. Can you handle that?"

"Sure, Babe." She didn't react one way or the other to my new term of endearment for her.

I wasn't sure if Keith and Mrs. Johnson would be coming over. We hadn't discussed any plans. We didn't have to go over to their house since it was the first day of Spring break and none of us had anything we needed to do in terms of on-line activities.

I had grabbed a pair of shorts from my bedroom before I came downstairs, but otherwise I was bare-chested. Janice came down wearing a plain cotton dress.

Our conversation was, let me say, strange. Neither of us brought up the events of last night. We didn't talk about school, either from my perspective as a student or Janice's perspective as a teacher. There's only so much you can say about waffles, syrup, bacon, strawberries and coffee. But we said everything you could say just to fill the awkward moments of silence.

At one point, I picked up one of the strawberries I had prepared for Susan and lifted it to her mouth. She took it in, somewhat sensuously, smiling and then even laughing at my flirtations gesture.

After breakfast, we each went upstairs to pack our luggage. We went over to the Johnson house after that. Mrs. Johnson said we were scheduled to pick up the keys to the rental house at 3:00. We needed to be on the road by 1:00.

We arrived, got the keys, went to the beach house and unloaded everything. There were two bedrooms each with what they call California beds, They were configured as two twin beds each which made sense since I assumed Keith and I would be in one bedroom and Mrs. Johnson and Janice in the other. I know I certainly didn't want to sleep in the same bed with Keith and I didn't think Mrs. Johnson and Janice wanted to sleep together. I was surprised, shocked, actually, when Mrs. Johnson ordered Keith and me to help her and Janice move the twin beds together and to install a mattress cover that presumably would prevent anyone from falling in between the crack. I didn't protest. I don't know why she wanted us to move Keith's and my bed together, but at least we could maintain "social distance". We settled in by 4:00 and then came another shock. Mrs. Johnson told Keith to take "their" luggage to their bedroom and Janice told be to bring "our" luggage to the other. Well, this was certainly going to facilitate Janice and me carrying on our, shall we say, extracurricular activities, But why were Keith and Mrs. Johnson going to sleep in the same bed?

We all wanted to take a walk on the beach. It was practically empty, so social distancing wasn't going to be a problem. We walked for about a mile and back and only saw about 7 people. We would normally have talked to them, but under the circumstances, we all avoided each other, other than a polite wave of the hand. After our walk, Keith said that since we were at the beach, we should go in for a swim. Mrs. Johnson changed into her swimsuit, a thong that left little to the imagination. I was surprised; I had never seen her wearing anything so revealing before. I wondered if she bought it specifically for this trip. Janice changed into one of her traditional bikinis which showed off her assets quite well, but not to the extent of Mrs. Johnson. Keith and I changed into baggy surfer shorts.

There was a rinsing shower by the Jacuzzi behind the house. At about 8, we returned to the house and rinsed off. Then we all went in to shower and get dressed for supper. Janice told me I could shower first, but I politely said, "Ladies first." She smiled, patted me on my cheek and stripped off her swim suit. She didn't bother to close the door. The shower door was clear instead of being frosted and I could see everything. "Cory, can you come in here and scrub my back?" I was still in my swimsuit. I could have leaned into the shower and accomplished my mission, but I stepped out of my pants and joined her in the shower.

"Well, this is cozy, isn't it? You really are enjoying this new intimacy I've given you." I didn't say anything, but I just proceeded to scrub her all over. I paid particular attention to her cunt and her asshole. She didn't object. In fact, she purred like a kitten. I still didn't know how much liberty I could take. We were going to be here a whole week. I didn't want to ruin everything by making a premature overtly sexual move. I contented myself with just arousing her by rubbing her all over. She didn't object, If she was disappointed that I wasn't being more aggressive, she didn't say anything or give me any non-verbal clues. She washed my prick, but not to the point of orgasm. Again, I didn't force the issue.

We were feeling the confinement of the lockdown and wanted to enjoy some good food. Mrs. Johnson had brought some steaks, potatoes for baking and the makings for a salad. She also had a chocolate cake. Mrs. Johnson told Keith he could grill the steaks. "That's a man's job." She put the potatoes in the oven, and Janice tossed the salad. The meal was great and we all drank a lot of red wine. Mrs. Johnson and Janice toasted Keith and me. "Our young men are going through a lot with this crazy pandemic. They are growing up fast. Probably too fast."

The house was set up with an 80" smart TV and we binge watched until Mrs. Johnson said she and Keith were going to bed. It was getting late and we all went to our respective bedrooms. I thought it was strange that she grabbed Keith's hand and led him away. Janice didn't move until they were in their bedroom and the door was closed. She then grabbed my hand and led me to our bedroom.

We undressed and climbed into bed. Janice was a little more playful than before, but no so much so that I felt like she was expecting me to kick up our relationship another notch. I don't know why I felt so hesitant. Here my mother was jacking me off every night, and I had started playing with her pussy. Would it be that weird if we were to consummate our new relationship by fucking like a couple of dogs in heat?

Janice edged me the way that I like. She led me up to the brink and then let me back down. This teasing just heightened the pleasure when I finally erupted.

When she gave me her vibrator, I tried to return the favor by edging her, but she didn't have my patience. She grabbed my hand and rammed it so that she exploded with pleasure.

I let her collect her self and I said, "I'm thirsty. I'm going to go get some juice. Do you want anything."

"No I'm fine."

I got out of bed and moved to the door. "You're not going down there like that, are you?"

"Keith and Mrs. Johnson are in bed. No one is going to see me naked." I could have put on my shorts, but there was something titillating about walking around the house naked, even if no one would see me.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed the juice bottle. I was feeling like an alpha-male and just drank it straight from the bottle when I heard the other bedroom door open. I had to make a quick decision. I couldn't bolt for my room to grab some shorts, well, I could have but that wasn't the most expeditious thing I could have done. I could have grabbed a kitchen towel and covered my private parts. I could have just put my hand down there to try to cover up. Or I could have just stood there nonchalantly as if there wasn't anything out of the ordinary. That's what I decided to do.

"Well, this is a pleasant surprise."

"Mrs. Johnson, I'm surprised to see you."

"I'm staying here."

"No, I mean I thought you were in your bedroom."

"Am I not allowed to come out." She was being playful and appeared to be in no hurry for me to be able to cover up. And I made no attempt to.

She sat down on the sofa. "Come here, sit next to me." I did as she said. "How are things going with you and Janice?"

I though it was a strange question for her to ask. And I asked her why she asked. "I know Janice was upset when she caught you, when was it, last Thursday, choking you gopher."

"How did you know about that?"

"She told me. She was very upset." I was surprised at this revelation. I had no idea. "She asked me how she should handle the situation."

"What did you tell her?"

"You tell me. How is your relation with her now?"

"It couldn't be better."

"Is she beating you off?" I was shocked at her question, the bluntness.

"She's, uh, caressing me. Tenderly. In some erogenous areas. Why did you ask that?"

She looked at me and answered, "When she was so upset with you, I told her your impulses were perfectly natural and she didn't need to be upset. I told her Keith had the same urges and rather than my getting upset with him, I encouraged him to seek release. We talked about such things openly and, well, one thing led to another and we decided that rather than his sneaking off to do it in secret, he should be open and unashamed about it. I asked him to beat off in front of me just to show it was alright. Soon, I was, well, participating.

"I told him I had similar urges and before too long we were masturbating each other."

I was curious. "Did you do it tonight?"

"We only need to do it about twice a week, but we did it a few more times this past week with the quarantine. Tonight, here for a week's vacation was a special occasion. So of course we celebrated by getting each other off."

There was a pause in the conversation. Her nightgown was buttoned up the front. She unbuttoned the top three buttons. "Cory, I've been so tense this past week. Keith often gives me a massage when my muscles get too tight, but he didn't do that tonight. Would you mind massaging my back?"

Without waiting for an answer, she carefully slid the top of her nightgown off her shoulders. She didn't flagrantly expose her tits, but there they were, none the less. She did it, rather, coquettishly. And after I had the opportunity to get an eye full she made a halfhearted attempt to drop the gown down to the middle of her back while closing the front to cover up her breasts. He lay down face down. It was clear she expected me to position myself so that I could massage her shoulders and back. There was only one problem. Well, I didn't consider it a problem and I don't think Mrs. Johnson did either, but society might have been bothered by the fact that my groin was inches away from her face. My prick was starting to come to life and was mere millimeters away from her. I would have been so easy for her to move her hands from under her head and reach out to touch me. I was praying for her to do so, but, alas, she didn't. My prick kept pulsating and the blood rushed to it and on each pulse it raised more and more until eventually I had a full hard on.

Then, I heard Janice, "What is going on? What are you two doing?"

I was dumbstruck but Mrs. Johnson managed to raise her head. As she did so, her forehead brushed my prick. Great, fine time for that to happen!"

"Relax, Janice. Cory was just giving me a massage."

"Completely naked! What were you two thinking. Cory, get to your room." Of course, there was no "my" room, there was only "our" room. I got up to do as she said and I heard Mrs. Johnson protest, "We weren't completely naked. I had on my night gown. This is how I found Cory when I came into the kitchen."

I didn't hear any more of the conversation as I beat a hasty retreat to my, our room. I meekly crawled under the sheet. At about 3 o'clock, two hours later, Janice, mother came back into the room. She pointedly put on a pair of pajamas. She didn't say a word and I certainly wasn't about to. She crawled into the bed with her back turned to me. Maybe I should have been gallant and offered to go sleep on the couch, but I didn't.


It was a fitful sleep, certainly for me and judging by how much Janice tossed and turned, it must have been for her also. At about 8:00, Janice got out of bed and went to the bathroom. She quietly left the room but took the time to coldly announce, "I'm going to go fix breakfast."

I dressed. I put on shorts, but no underpants, and a tee shirt. When I got to the dining area, Mrs. Johnson, Keith and Janice were already eating. Janice got up and said, "I'll fix your breakfast. Will bacon and scrambled eggs be alright?"

I wasn't expecting such a calm domestic scene and just nodded my head and uttered a weak, "Yea. thanks." We all sat there in silence while we waited for Janice to serve my breakfast. She put some orange marmalade on two slices of rye toast, my favorite, and poured me some V-8 juice, another one of my favorites.

She asked me, "Are you going to stick with your new all grown up favorite, coffee?"

"Yes, if you don't mind."

"Oh, so now you care what I think. I'm sorry, that was uncalled for and out of place."

She sat down and started to eat, No one said a word for about 10 minutes when mom, uh, Janice, spoke up. "Barbara told me what happened last night."

Mrs. Johnson spoke up, "Don't you mean what didn't happen?"

Janice corrected herself, "Alright, what DIDN'T happen. Cory, I'm trying to figure out what is going on. I don't mean sexually between you and Barbara, but this pandemic has really got me on edge. Maybe I'm acting a bit paranoid. You'll be graduating in a couple of month. You're growing up."

Mrs. Johnson corrected her, "He's grown up."

"Not while he's living under my roof."

Mrs. Johnson looked exasperated. "Do we need to have another talk, Janice?"

"Maybe we do. There's just so much happening all at once."

Mrs. Johnson blurted out "Do you need a good stiff dick?"

There was an embarrasing silence, then Janice said, "Maybe I do."

"You're beating off Cory every night. I'll lend you Keith if you want. I'm sure he won't mind. Or if you really want to walk on the wild side, I can use my dildo."

I'm sure that didn't produce the desired reaction, but I spit out my coffer from laughing.

Janice said, "Thanks for the offers. I'll get back to you." Everyone laughed at that.

The tension has been broken and things returned to normal, kind of. We all went for a swim later in the morning. The beach was mostly deserted with the pandemic and when I went into the ocean, I tore off my swim shorts.

There was stunned silence. "What, there's nothing here everyone hasn't seen before. Come on, Mrs. Johnson, are you afraid to get wet?"

Barbara was wearing her thong swimsuit. She got up and moved the straps so that they dropped down to her waist. She was not naked, but rather she turned her one-piece thong into a topless bottom. She grabbed Janice's hand and said, "You've got to join us." Janice's swim wear was more conservative than Barbara's. It was a more modest two piece suit suitable for a mother her age. She stood up and took off her top." While not a thong, there was plenty of Janice's thighs and buns exposed not to mention her tits staring at us all.

The three of us all started chanting, "more, more, more." Janice smiled and grabbed Keith's hand. Keith was the only one of us who remained in his complete swimsuit. The smile on Janice's face showed me that she took our ribbing in good nature.

Keith and I ran into the ocean immediately. It still had a March chill. I realized immediately it was stupid of us to rush in so quickly but we would acclimate ourselves shortly. "Hey, Keith, do you think the chill will cause the girls nipples to harden?"

"I'll bet they'll be like cows."

"Let's see." I started out of the water. Keith followed. Janice and Mrs. Johnson were only ankle deep in the water. I grabbed Mrs. Johnson caveman-style and carried her like a groom carrying a bride over a threshold. Keith was more gentle with Janice. The girls squealed loudly. I threw Mrs. Johnson into the ocean. She splashed me so I knew we had not yet overstepped our bounds.

She stood up and I touched her nipples. "I bet Keith that the cold would cause your nipples to pop out like a dairy cow in the morning."

"That's not the most flattering thing anyone has ever said to me. Do you think my milk is refrigerated?"

"With all due respect, Mrs. Johnson...."

She interrupted me, "It's alright if you call me Barbara."

I continued, "...Barbara, I would have though you were past your milk producing years."

"Don't underestimate me, especially when I'm aroused."

"Are you aroused now?"

"Why don't you suck my tit to see." We weren't that close to Keith and Janice, but they could clearly see what was going on. I tried to disguise what we were doing by gently shoving her body lower so that her tits were below the water line. But with the ocean waves, as gentle as they were, the waters receded so that she was not constantly below the water line. As I suckled her tits, I felt something on my prick, well below the waterline so it was not easily observed.

I joked, "I think a shark just brushed against my prick."

"Are you sure it wasn't a barracuda?"

"Or maybe a cougar."

"That's insulting. A cougar is over forty. Until then we are referred to as pumas. I'm only 38."

I smiled, in part about her flirtatious banter but mostly because of the pleasurable sensation I was feeling below the belt. The fact that we were getting away with something forbidden heightened the levity. After about five minutes I shot my wad. "Janice has told me that I need to work on my stamina."

"You did just fine." She kissed me on the lips lingering just a few milliseconds longer than she probable should have for propriety's sake. The insertion of her tongue in my mouth was a nice bonus.

We emerged from the ocean, but not before she milked the last few drops of cum from my prick while it was still below the water line.

We had laid out a beach blanked. Barbara and I both lay down. I wrapped my arms around her. She admonished me, "Whoo, whoo, cowboy. Calm down. There're be plenty of time for that later. But we do have to be careful not to force the issue."

I had a disappointed look on my face. "When?"

"I'll have to figure it out. We'll have to figure it out. But we still have the rest of the week here and there's still a couple of days of quarantine left when we get back home." I moved over. I did grab the sun screen, despite the chill in the air the sun was still shining bright." I applied it to her, lingering on her tits, her thighs. I propped up her legs so that it would hide her groin while I copped a few strokes of her pussy lips which I could reach by moving her thong to one side. "That's nice. You're making it hard."

"No, you're making it hard," I joked as I glanced down at my blood engorged cock.

We laid on the blanket until noon. Keith and Janice joined us on the rather large blanket. I told Janice to lie next to me. Barbara was on my other side and Keith was on the other side of Janice. We were all exhausted from the swim and the sun and each of us in turn dozed off. When everyone was snoozing, I gently grabbed Janice's hand and placed it gently on my cock and balls. I must have done a good job since it did not arouse her. But there she was with her hand on my crotch. I was gently aroused just from the contact, but I was not going to erupt. Janice and I stayed in that position for an hour.

Barbara was the first, beside me, to be aroused from her slumber. I don't think she wanted to awaken Janice, so she gently whispered, "I'm jealous." I knew she was joking but, I took her hand and very carefully removed Janice's hand and replaced it with Barbara's "That's better." She smiled at me.

We didn't do much the rest of the day. We didn't need to go shopping. There were no classes or work to attend. Barbara did trim Keith's hair. She wasn't a professional, but this obviously wasn't the first time she had done this. When they were through, I asked her if she would trim mine. She sat me down in the kitchen chair we were using and gave me a nice trim job. When she was through she asked me if I wanted her to prune my begonias. I has no idea what she was asking. She saw my look of bewilderment and explained, "You know. Clean out some of your underbrush." She pointed the point of the scissors to my crotch. I blushed. She snapped the scissors as if she couldn't wait to put them to use.

"You know women don't like to get a mouthful of pubic hair."

"I'm not sure many women are going to be wandering around in my underbrush," I protested, but as the same time started to get hard as I fantasized about her snipping around down there. I never had put on any clothes after our morning swim.

She trimmed my pubic region. I liked the sensation, both of her groping around down there and occasionally moving my prick out of the way. I also like the aesthetic effect of the trim. "What do you think, Janice?"

"I'm not going to be going around staring at my son's crotch."

Barbara snicker, "I'll put you down for undecided.

Janice has remained relatively passive this whole time. I was a little surprised, but I rather enjoyed her warming up to this new level of sexual freedom. Susan commented, "I don't think you've trimmed enough."

"You mean full commando?" Susan nodded her assent. "What do you think, Cory."

"Well, I guess if I don't like it, it can always grow back."

"Wait here a minute." Barbara left the room and came back with one of the razors she had bought on the trip to the grocery store and a can of shaving cream. I was a bit curious when she put the razor's in the grocery basket. But now it suddenly hit me. The pink color wasn't just because she expected shave her legs during the week, but it was so she could shave her cunt, or at least give herself a bikini trim.

Although not the same sensation as Janice applying personal lubricant to my prick, I got a nice sensation from the feel of the shaving cream on my schlong. Barbara started stroking. "Hey, be careful down there,"

Barbara laughed, "Maybe I'll give myself a souvenir." She tended to my crouch meticulously. I'm sure I was getting harder and harder with each stroke but she didn't say anything. She lifted my prick and then my balls as she shaved stroke by stroke.

Then she announced, "There, as bare as a baby's butt. All the women will appreciate your thoughtfulness." I wondered, but only to myself, who are 'all the women'?

I got up and paraded over to Janice. "How do you like my new look?" She just turned away in mock disgust.

We had a picnic on the deck for our evening meal. The other three had all put on some more clothing. Keith just had a beach shirt that he wore open along with his swim shorts. Janice covered up with a transparent cover up that still featured her tits staring out at us like a couple of headlights. Barbara had a cover up over her thong still the top of which was still hanging down to her hips. The cover up did preserve her modesty, such as was left. I was naked with my bald penis on display for all to see.

The girls were going to fix sangria for themselves, but Keith and I insisted on beer. Even Keith got into a playful mood and said, "Come on girls, if you want to get a buzz on you got to go with something more high octane that sangria." It didn't take much convincing.

Daylight savings time had kicked on about two weeks back, and it started getting dark an hour earlier than two weeks ago. Barbara had fixed a German Chocolate Cake, Keith's favorite. When we had finished it, two helpings each, she asked us, "So is everyone up for some binge watching?"

I said, "I want to binge watch some lesbian porn." I guess my second beer was beginning to take effect.

Janice interjected, "That's a little selfish. What are Barbara and I supposed to do?"

"Come on, Barbara, you never have gotten off on some lesbian porn?"

Janice said, "Truth or dare." We all glanced at each other. "Truth or date, Barbara. Have you ever gotten off on lesbian porn?"

"If we are going to play the game, we have to play by the rules. If you want me to go first, you've got to give me the choice between truth or date."

I liked her playfulness, but I wasn't going to let her get out of it completely. "Alright, truth or date?"

She stared around as if she were thinking about it. She knew what the truth question was going to be, so she said boldly, "DARE".

I said, "Kiss Janice."

Janice objected, "Wait a minute, that drags me into her dare without my consent."

Barbara said, "Come on, Janice. What's the matter? Are you afraid you'll enjoy it? This could open up broad new vistas for you." Then she winked, "And maybe it could change our relationship forever."

We all knew she was kidding, or was she. But her taunting accomplished it's purpose. She stood up and walked over to Barbara. She didn't take the initiative other that to move into position, but allowed Barbara to kiss her. It was only a gentle sisterly kiss appropriate for two friends.

Keith started chanting, "French her; French her."

Barbara smiled, "You wish."

There were several other truths or dares. Perhaps the most provocative dare was when Keith was dared to strip naked and run 100 years down the beach. It was dark and the beach was abandoned, but Keith was a good sport and put aside his modesty and timidity and stripped off his trunks and shirt which he has been wearing and disappeared. We all went out to the deck just to make sure he made it all 100 years.

When he came back, he came inside and got covered up immediately.

There was one more truth that created a stir. I asked Barbara, "What's the worse lie you've ever told."

Janice spoke up. "Oh, come on, Cory that's much too broad. We probably wouldn't even know who she lied to. What's the worse lie you've ever told one of us?"

Barbara looked uncomfortable. Finally, after what seemed like an interminable pause, she quietly spoke up, "I told Janice that I masterbate Keith."

"What?" exclaimed Janice. She screamed, ":You were lying? I've changed my whole relationship with my son based on that lie."

I felt hurt by her reaction so I decided to intervene, "But hasn't the change been for the better?"

She screamed, "Do you consider my incestuously beating off my son a change for the better?"

"Well, I've enjoyed it. And I would hope that your would have too."

Barbara got into the conversation. "Come on, Janice. It was a lie when I told you." She paused, she smiled and grabbed Keith's hand and squeezed it lovingly, "But it's not a lie now."

Janice turned to Keith, "Does your mother beat you off?"

"Yes, ma'am, At least she has been doing that since late last week."

Janice mellowed. "Well, I'm not sure how mad I can be with you. If it hadn't been for your lie, I don't think I would ever have had the courage to encourage Cory to continue beating off, much less starting to beat him off myself."

We finished our drinks and the game of truth or dare died of it's own volition. We all headed to our respective bedrooms. Janice walked over to her dresser and pulled out her sexy night shirt, not her old maid cotton nightgown. I stopped her, "Don't put it on. No, I do want you to put it on so that I can take it off you."

She got a coquettish smile on her face. She took off the clothes she was wearing and in a reverse striptease put on the flimsy night shirt. She did not put on any panties, not ever a thong.

I ordered her, "Come over here and lie with me." Without any hesitancy, she obeyed. "How do you like my bald one-eyed mouse?"

She said, "I think he's cute. Can I pet him?"

"Is that all you want to do?"

She hid her face in her shoulders. "I want to know what he tastes like."

Not forcefully, but ever so gently, I grabbed the back of her head and guided it to my pecker. She started licking it without any hesitancy. I grabbed the hem of her nightshirt and then I removed it. She immediately resumed sucking my cock as soon as it was off. I caressed her tits, rolling the nipple between my fingers. I was approaching a climax and didn't know what the etiquette was. Was I supposed to remove my cock from her mouth before I exploded? I figured she was much more experienced that I was and she would take charge. Soon I exploded with my cock still in her mouth. She didn't give any indication that I had violated some protocol. She swallowed and then opened her mouth. There were strings of cum all over her mouth.

She wanted to kiss me, but I was repulsed by that thought of getting a mouthful of my own cum in my mouth. I didn't envy her in her predicament. We lay there in each other's arms for over 10 minutes. "Brush you teeth," I commanded her. She complied without any hesitancy. I heard her gargling her mouthwash and then she returned to our bed. I kissed her longingly. She appeared to be satisfied. We fell asleep in each other's arms.