"How the fuck could things get worse?" wondered Michael, on his bed on a Monday night in pitch darkness, listening to the pouring rain. And it was pouring, not just raining. In the cabin his family had rented, he was alone with his mother. He could hear her move around in the next room. They were alone and miserable. It wasn't supposed to be this way. Not at all. Instead, the entire family had devised a week of vacation that everybody could enjoy, even Michael's sister, Lauren, who was in the throes of a very bad, late adolescence crisis.

The plan was for Michael and his mom to get to the cabin first, making the long drive in mom's new convertible MG. Why his mom liked those very small and very old English cars so much, Michael couldn't understand. On the road though, he'd had to admit to his mom, he had really enjoyed the ride. She surprised him by placing her hand on his thigh, something she had never done before. Michael thought that she must be in a very good mood. They arrived at the cabin after the four hour drive late in the morning and ate the lunch they had brought. As they ate, the rain began falling, then soon it turned to a real downpour. That wasn't a surprise as the meteorologists had forecasted one or two days of rain. Lauren and dad were supposed to arrive for a late dinner, with the rest of the food and everything else they would need for the week. And that meant everything. The small car his mom had bought didn't have much, or any, really, room for luggage. They had placed everything in his dad's minivan.

After a long afternoon of really intense rain, at around 8 o'clock, they finally received a call from Lauren's cell phone. The torrential rain had caused a landslide on the only road that led to the cabin. His father said it didn't look too bad and that the bulldozers were already on the scene, but Michael, hearing his voice on the speakerphone, thought that he wasn't very convincing. So he would spend the first evening of their vacation alone with his mom. The living room was bright enough with the old oil lamp, but they only had one.

As they were preparing to go to bed, much earlier than they were used too, that fact created some awkwardness: they both needed some light in their room to change and get ready for bed. Well, change was probably the wrong word: they had no change of clothes. As he was handing his mom the lamp, Michael, inadvertently, saw a glimpse of her with nothing on but lingerie. After that, alone in his room in pitch darkness, he couldn't push her out of his mind. Probably because of the ride in her car where she had worn a decently sexy tank top, his mom had chosen an equally sexy pair of underwear. Damn!

He had seen parts of the straps of her lacy red bra during the ride, and it had tickled his curiosity. And his libido, the libido of an 18 year old! His one and only girlfriend so far had worn a few sexy bras, but Michael knew that with the small size of her breasts, she really didn't need them. His mom needed them though. Before falling asleep, he couldn't help picturing her very large breasts in his mind, the way they moved, the way her tank top hugged and highlighted them, and especially the way they had looked in her red lacy bra. Shit! He was pretty sure he had seen her nipples through the lace. And he had been convinced that she was sleeping in the nude. Michael masturbated himself to sleep, picturing his mother in all sorts of improbable circumstances, feeling both embarrassed and thoroughly aroused about fantasizing about his mother.

The night was riddled with lighting and thunder, and they woke up on Tuesday morning to an even greyer day, with the rain still falling down relentlessly. As they ate breakfast, they didn't feel absolutely bad: they had expected the rain, but maybe not that intensely. They were both very grateful that dad had forced them to take a small cooler with extra food, just in case. Boy were they glad of that small cooler today. He had packed it chock full of basic food. Usually they all made fun of his extremely prudent streak, but now Michael and his mom swore they would thank him profusely. They spent the morning trying to find ways to pass the time, locked as they were in the cabin because of the rain. Michael tried not to look at his mother's body too often, but the urge was definitely there.

Obviously, he had already noticed her body before, either when she was wearing night gowns, swimsuits or even when she came down from her bedroom with nothing on but one of his father's large t-shirt and panties. Fuck! Just thinking about those morning increased the blood flow to Michael's cock. Today, as she was dressed very lightly, Michael had trouble focusing on anything other than her nearly naked legs, her hip, her breasts, her long hair... So much skin showing! Michael's mother had never been shy about her body, but this enforced isolation was beginning to drive Michael into an obsession.

Early afternoon, they got a call from Lauren, who informed them that the road was still impractical and that they would be staying at a motel in town for a second night. She and her father were doing well, but very bored, she had said, laughing. Michael reassured them that they were doing fine as well and everybody laughed as they thanked his father for the extra cooler.

When Michael hung up, he looked at his phone and saw that he only had 15% battery life left. With no electricity. There was a battery pack in his father's minivan, which he had counted on to recharge it. Now though... He looked at his mother as she busied herself in the kitchen, and took a deep breath as he stared at her breasts for a few seconds. Again. He then closed his eyes, smiling and cursing in his mind.

The rest of the day went by uneventfully. Truly uneventfully. It was quite boring, except for the stolen glances Michael was throwing. That evening, he managed to see his mother in her lingerie again. And to his surprise, she was a lot less shy. She even came out of her room with nothing but her lingerie on to get the lamp from him. When Michael asked her if he could borrow an extra pillow, she even invited him to her room. Of course, given that she was holding the lamp in front of her, he couldn't see much of her backside, but in her room, he got a remarkable opportunity. His mom placed the lamp on a dresser and bent over the bed to reach a pillow. This time, Michael got an eye full. Given the size and liveliness of her breasts, Michael's imagination had focused on them, but now, seeing her bent forward over the bed, her ass brightly illuminated, he knew that tonight's masturbation fantasy would involve that full, ripened ass.

When they woke up on Wednesday morning, Michael heard the relentless rain on this, their third day here. His mood sank. The rain was supposed to be over by now. Before coming out of his room, he made sure to remove every last trace of his sperm from his belly and thighs. In the living room, he saw that his mom was still sleeping. He smiled as he looked at the time: it was already 9 o'clock. Well, that was one good thing about sleeping in a cabin during a storm with no electricity. The 11% battery life on their only phone wasn't good though. One hour later, he heard his mom moving around and finally emerging from her room. She was wearing her lingerie with only her tank top over them. It barely came down below her hips, and the effect was remarkably sexy. She noticed his glances and smiled ruefully. "I'm sorry my pants need a good wash and..."

"Don't worry mom. I don't mind." he interrupted her, trying not to smile and act cool.

If his mom spent the entire day like this, it would definitely brighten his mood. He himself was only wearing his shorts, knowing that his shirt was beginning to smell. Despite the rain it wasn't too cold, and in any case they could make a fire. When Michael told his mom about his phone's battery, she was visibly upset, but didn't make too much of it. Before the battery died completely, they called Lauren one last time to tell her that they were fine, but that the battery was dying. His father tried to be encouraging, but with the rain not letting up, the chances of the road being cleared up were slim.

Michael and his mom began rationing their food, and knew they could hold for a few more days. The water, though, that was another problem. They knew there was a well near the cabin. They had actually seen it when they arrived. Michael volunteered to go. His mom suggested that he wear just his boxers, so that he could remove them and wear his shorts as the boxers dried. Michael hesitated. On the one hand, he knew that going commando with his shorts would be painful after a while, yet wearing nothing but his boxers would leave him very vulnerable if he got an erection. It had been quite a while since he'd had sex with his ex-girlfriend, and seeing his mom wearing her tank top over sexy lingerie was all that he could handle safely.

In the end he decided to wear his shorts and keep his boxers dry. With a large jug in hand, he raced to the well and began pumping as fast as he could. Soon, maybe because he was working hard with a scarcely functioning pump, he realized that the rain wasn't all that cold. It was actually quite pleasant. Well, almost pleasant. When the jug was full, he walked back towards the cabin and smiled at his mother as she watched him through the window. He could see her white tank top through the door's window. And that's when he slipped. It wasn't a bad slip, and the grass was pretty soft. But he landed badly and got the wind knocked out of him. He remained on his back for a moment before starting to cough. Hard.

His mom ran out to help him up, and soon he was able to breathe properly. The jug forgotten on the grass, they both walked back to the cabin and he sat down on the floor. It took him a while to feel himself again, but when he did, he panicked again: his mother's white tank top was now totally transparent and hugged her breasts like a second skin. He could see the red lace through the fabric, but most importantly, he could see her skin through it as the material clung to her cleavage and highlighted the deep cleft between her breasts.

His mother saw his alarm but didn't understand why. Michael wanted to turn around and move away, to look anywhere except where his entire being wanted to stare: at her wet cleavage. Yet his mom remained close to him, kneeling and leaning forward in front of him, oblivious to the fact that she was giving him the best view possible, less than a foot from his eyes. As Michael felt his cock beginning to harden, he knew he had to do something. His instinct was to get up and tell his mom that he needed space to breathe. But as soon as he turned around and glanced at his shorts, he knew that it had been a mistake. Kneeling as she had been, her mother could not have missed his cock. Shit!

He didn't dare turn around, both because his cock was visible and because he didn't want to face his mother. Why the fuck had he bolted up like that! He went to his room and changed... into his boxers. Shit. That was even worse. He remained on his bed, trying to stifle the urges and fantasies that were popping up in his mind. Ten minutes later, he heard his mother knocking on his door. He rolled on his belly and said "Yeah?"

His mother opened the door and he only saw her head coming in. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah... Just wanted to rest. I'm fine."

"Ok." a brief pause. "Michael..." she only called him Michael when he had done something bad. Now though, she didn't look angry, just concerned. "I think I know why you rushed to your room... When I got out to get you, the water..."

"Mom! Please stop. Just let me rest a while."

"It's just that..." she tried again.

"Mom. No need to say anything. I'm fine."

She looked at him for a few moments before nodding and closing his door. Ten minutes later, Michael came out wearing his boxers, his erection completely gone. Then he saw his mother kneeling in front of the fireplace, wearing nothing but her red lingerie, and he swore. His mom turned around but instead of being angry because of his swearing, she looked apologetic. She also looked gloriously beautiful and sexy. Michael stopped dead in his tracks and turned around to go back in his room. But his mom stopped him. "Michael, please stop. We need to talk."

"No mom, I'm alright." he said, his back to her.

"No please honey, come here. Come sit with me. And don't worry about your... well, your problem."

Michael closed his eyes hard, took a deep breath and turned around. He walked towards the couch, staring at the floor the entire way. He tried to sit in a way that would hide his erection, but failed miserably. He could see it poking lewdly between his legs. His mom sat next to him, wearing her wet lingerie and looking like a goddess of fertility. As she called his name, Michael couldn't bring himself to look at her. "Michael!" she said again, this time with a hint of the voice and authority she used on him when he was younger. "Please look at me."

He did, and before she could talk, he blurted "I'm so sorry mom... Here we are trapped in this rainy hell, and all I can think of... all my body can... Shit. I feel so bad, so ashamed."

"Stop right there young man!" Once again, she used her authoritative voice. when he stopped, looking into her eyes, she took a deep breath. "Look, Mik... This is a very strange situation, but it's what we have to deal with. I would not willingly let you see me dressed like this, especially with this underwear. But we have no choice. I'm not dumb Mik... Wearing nothing but my tank top with underwear was already borderline, but with the water turning everything transparent... I don't blame you. Now..." she paused to take a deep breath. "As for your, well, your situation... Again, if we were at home and you had sneaked into my room to spy on me as I undressed--

"Mom! Please stop!" Michael began.

"Wait. I know Mik... That's not what you did. I'm just saying that this would have been bad, and we would have had to have a talk. Then again, it's... well, it's only natural. Even if you had spied on me, I wouldn't have been really angry. I think most boys will fantasize about their moms."

"Mom! Argh!" Michael was squirming, deeply uncomfortable.

"Mik, please stop and listen to what I'm saying. I'm not angry at all about your erection. You're not supposed to see me like this, and even though I'm your mother, your body reacts as... as it will. I think I can see why it bothers you so much, but please just relax." Michael's mom paused, then smiled softly. "Are you trying to tell me you've never wanted to see me like this?"

"What? What the fuck are you talking about?" Michael replied quickly, shocked by her question. But then he saw that his mother was smiling. He looked at her, smiled as well, but lowered his eyes once more.

"Look Mik... I wouldn't be comfortable if you ogled me all day long, but given the circumstances, I don't mind if you look at me from time to time. Just for today. OK? Is that a deal?"

Michael was taken aback, unsure of how to reply. "What? Are you serious? Is this a trick question?"

"Oh for Gods' sake!" Michael's mother sighed. "You young people are so much more prudish than we were at your age. Here..." she said before standing up and turning around slowly in front of her son. "Is that straightforward enough? All I'm asking is that you don't stare at me non-stop, with your mouth open and drool dripping on the floor."

Michael laughed at the thought. "Ok... Fuck that's weird, mom!"

"Well, this entire situation is weird. Oh, and you can stop swearing now." she added, smiling.

"And what about my, er..."

"You can say it Mik, your erection. Well, I can't really walk around in my sexiest lingerie and expect you not to notice, or your body not to react, can I?"

Michael believed that his mom was sincere, yet couldn't believe that it was really happening. He was going to spend the entire day with a visible erection in his boxers while his mom would parade around in her lacy underwear. A few hours later, they were both enjoying a light dinner. They knew they would probably be hungry afterwards, but not too much. What they had plenty of, because the cabin was stocked, was alcohol. Michael's mother knew that he'd begun drinking a couple of years ago and didn't mind as long as he behaved himself when drunk. As they cleared the table as the light was beginning to fade, they both realized that they were slightly woozy. Michael was used to beer and his mom to wine, but all they had was whiskey. Really good whiskey. They laughed it off.

In the living room, after Michael built a fire, his mom sat him down again. "Mik, there's something you may not have realized yet. We need to wash our clothes."

"Yeah, I know."

"All of our clothes." his mom added.

"Oh. Well, we could do it one after the other..."

"And wait for hours as it dries? Are you really that much of a prude? You've pretty much seen everything there is to see of my body, and what little you haven't seen is probably easy to imagine."

"You want to strip naked? Me as well? But you'll see my..." Michael paused, still unable to use the words cock or penis with his mother.

"Yes, I'll see your penis. It's not as if I had never sen it before!" she replied, smiling.

"Yes, but that was a long time ago, and I wasn't... I wasn't like I am right now."

"Precisely my point, dear son. Those boxers don't hide much, especially when you're excited by your old mother's body."

"Pfff! Old! you're not old! Half of my friends are in love with you!"

"What? Which ones?" she asked faster than she could censor the question.

"I'm not going to tell!" Michael replied, laughing.

"Look, you can do whatever you want, but I'm cleaning everything."

Michael's mom stood up and proceeded to unsnap her bra. He was sitting on the couch and was transfixed by the sight in front of him. If the afternoon watching his mother in lingerie had been amazing, this was something else. When his mom's breasts came into view, his eyes and erection grew bigger. His mom was definitely drunk, a lot more than he was, and he thought that she would never have done this otherwise.

When she pushed her panties down and stood straight up, he couldn't take his eyes away from her bush. It was nicely trimmed, but was still quite thicker than his ex-girlfriend. Michael's mom stood in front of her son for a while, letting him ogle her. Michael had seen his girlfriend naked many times, and of course was an avid consumer of internet porn. Yet, seeing his flesh and blood mother naked a few feet in front of him, lit by the lamp and fire, was a breathtaking experience.

After a while, she moved away and went to her room to gather all her clothes. When she came back out, she looked at Michael and paused. He was now fully naked, and just as fully hard. There was no denying his erection, as it twitched slightly in front of him, gorged with pulsating blood. His mother came to him and grabbed his boxers. After turning around, she said "Wanna come and help?" Staring at her generous ass and shapely hips, Michael nodded and followed her to the bathroom. They used the bath to clean their clothes as best they could in this situation. Kneeling side by side, they chatted and joked as they went about their business, almost as if nothing special was going on.

Of course, something special was going on. Michael couldn't help but look at her naked body from the side, watching her two large breasts swinging under her body as she worked on her clothes, or the curve of her ass as she stood on all fours. When he stood up to get more water, his rock hard cock swung mere inches away from her face as she had turned to look at it. When he came back with the water, he stopped and looked at her upturned ass and the dark patch between her cheeks. He couldn't see much detail in the dim light, but still he tried to pierce the darkness. He felt a deep urge to kneel behind her and mount her as if he was a stallion in heat. Instead, despite the alcohol, he knelt next to her and finished the work.Once their clothes were hung over chairs around the fire, they each washed themselves in the bath with cool water and some soap. Afterwards, they sat in the deep sofa, side by side, enjoying one last glass. As they each stole glances at the other, Michael noticed that his mom's nipples were hard. He knew that it was usually caused by cold or sexual arousal. It definitely wasn't cold int he living room. Did that meant... When his mom got up to go to bed, he said "You're very beautiful mom."

"Why thanks, Mik. You're really handsome yourself... Goodnight hug?" she asked.

When they did hug, mostly out of habit, they both froze as they felt Michael's cock touching her belly. Then Michael grabbed his mom harder, ignoring the very awkward situation. When they let go of each other, they shared a long look, quite different than any other they had previously shared today. Or ever for that matter. Michael wasn't experienced enough to decipher what he was seeing in his mother's eyes, but as soon as he crashed on his bed, he began masturbating. In his mind, he saw his mother kneeling in front of him, taking his cock in her mouth and sucking him until he came all over her face. His mind had a lot more ideas in store, but that image was more than enough and he came all over his chest.

When he woke up on Thursday morning, he was alone. The door to his mother's room was opened and she wasn't in. Looking outside, he saw that it was still raining hard. "Fucking meteorologists!" he thought for the hundredth time. Around the fireplace, their clothes were gone, all folded carefully on the couch. He felt deflated. He was still naked, having had no other option as he got up given that their clothes were still not fully dry, and was hoping for some miracle that would force them to have another naked day. No such luck. Yet his mom was outside, so she would have to change, and maybe... His train of thought was interrupted by a noise coming from outside.

Standing close to the door, he saw his mother running towards the house completely naked. And completely drenched. He opened the door for her and she was briefly surprised to see him there. Once inside, she stood very close to him, dripping water all over the mat, and holding a basket of raspberries in her hand. "Here, take this..." she said, handing him the basket. "I remembered them from last year, and I was hoping to come back before you got up. I'm sorry for being naked again..."

"Please mom. Don't apologize for that... I mean, it's not a..."

He wanted to say more, but his body had other priorities. In large bounces, his cock was coming back to life extremely quickly. The basket in his hand, his mouth partially opened, Michael stared at his mother's body once again. The water made everything even sexier than last night. He began breathing harder without even noticing it, relishing every inch of her skin from the curves of her large breasts to her puckered aureolas and nipples where water was dripping from, to her lean waist and flaring hip, to the thick bush where pearls of water nestled... The way her wet hair clung to her shoulder and upper torso only added to the sheer lust she was exuding. Still standing on the same mat, less than a foot away, he couldn't move or talk. His mom eventually said, looking down at his cock prodigiously growing and growing. "Oh... Fuck! That's... wow..."

Looking down, waking up from his trance, Michael snapped his head up and mumbled an apology "Oh shit... I'm sorry mom."

His mother grabbed his arm and said "Mik. Could we stop apologizing to each other? This is a very strange situation and strange things will happen. We've already established that you're a hot blooded young man with fully functional, er.. well. Haha! Once we get back home, I'm pretty sure that things will go back to normal..." As she talked, she had moved to the couch and grabbed a towel to dry herself. She was now in the process of looking at her panties. "In the meantime, let's forget about the usual rules, and just do and say what we want. Deal?"

"Deal. Mom, could you stay naked?" he asked, his heart racing.

His mom looked up at him, a neutral expression on her face. They stared at each other for a long while. Michael was suddenly afraid he had gone too far. Then his mother dropped her panties on the couch and made the towel fall from her shoulders. "With pleasure." she said with a large smile. "As long as you do as well."

"Perfect. Gods you're gorgeous! I"

"Why thank you! Again!" she blushed.

"I think you're the sexiest woman in the world!" he added, unsure once again if he not gone too far. He hadn't.

"Yeah, I can see that!" his mother replied, looking and pointing at his cock. Shaking her head and grinning, she said "I have a crazy idea for breakfast."

"Crazier than this?" Michael replied, pointing to his hard cock and her naked body.

"Well, no, not really. But it does fit. Do you remember the drink called Crème? The thick creamy maple drink that you liked so much? Well, I brought a bottle, hidden in the car to surprise your father. What do you say we eat those berries in that Crème?"

"Now? For breakfast?" Michael asked, stunned.

"Is there a rule against it, here?" she asked, smiling wickedly.


An hour later, they were already quite tipsy. And still naked. The berry and Crème mix turned out to be an extraordinary good way to start the day, as well as preserving what food they had left. They were not drunk enough not to care about the food. Afterwards, they stood side by side against the large bay window, looking at the relentless rain. Unbelievable. The sun was close to its zenith, but of course neither of them could see it. Or even discern its approximate location in the clouded sky.

His mom suggested that they go out again for more berries, while the rain wasn't too cold. And so they did, spending at least an hour together in the rain, enjoying themselves way more than they should have. After all, they were trapped with dwindling food in a very remote cabin with no electricity or means of communicating with the outside world. Yet, heady with alcohol and a generous amount of sexual arousal, the drenched foraging expedition turned out really fun. By the time they got back, they were closer than ever to each other, having given each other slaps on the asses, a few random hugs and kisses on the cheek as well as having fed berries to each other.

Neither of them realized that in this absolute isolation, as the days went by, they acted less like mother and son but more as two adults enjoying each other's company. When Michael carelessly slapped his mother's naked ass for the first time, he didn't even feel a tinge of fear before his mother turned around and grinned. When she fixed dinner, Michael simply sat down near her and watched her. She had to be fully aware that he was watching every inch of her body, but didn't seem to mind at all.

After dinner, they made a small fire to keep the worst of the humidity at bay, and lay on the couch. At one point, back from the bathroom, Michael saw his mother sprawled on the couch, halfway between lying on her back and her side. He sat next to her and lay down against her. He felt her breasts against his back and then her arm as it enfolded him. When his mother moved her hand around, she accidentally touched his cock. "Well, that thing doesn't go down often, does it..."

"Well, it does when you're not around completely naked, mom." Michael replied, smiling.

"Flatterer..." she snorted.

"Are you serious? You think I'm always hard like this?"

"Well, you're young and your mind is probably full of naughty ideas!" she said.

"Yes, but that's not enough to give me permanent erections. You do know that we can't control that, like at all?"

"Yeah, your father says the same thing... I'm not sure I believe you."

"Why would I lie?" Michael asked, puzzled.

"To flatter me?"

"You really think that? I swear mom, I'm not doing this on purpose! If anything I would have done my best to keep it down in front of you."

"So you mean to tell me that each and every time I've seen your erection, you were really sexually aroused?"

"Hahaha! Of course! I thought you knew!" Michael replied, slightly apprehensive now. During the past two days he had acted on the premise that his mother knew how he felt about her...

"Well I had an idea... But each and every time? Seriously? So if I were to ask you to put it down, what would happen?" she asked, her voice sounding sincerely intrigued.

"As long as you keep caressing my belly and grazing it, absolutely nothing I could do would make it go down." His mother didn't reply immediately, and Michael's uneasiness continued.

"So you're very aroused right now?" she asked, her tone neutral.

"Why yes, I was sure you--" Michael stopped talking and made to get up, too unsure of himself and his mother's reaction right now.

But she stopped him with her arm. "Don't go away Mik... I may not know everything there is to know about cocks and erections, but I'm not completely clueless... I've been aware of your feelings for me for a while now. A longer while than you might guess."

"What do you mean? Since when..."

"A couple of years at least."

"Oh." Michael replied, then stopped, at a complete loss. After a pause, he cleared his throat and added. "Anyways... If I were able to keep it down, I would have done it already!"

"Why would you do that?" his mother asked, her mouth now very close to his ear.

"Well, isn't it bad to be sexually attracted to your own mother?" he asked, all the while feeling her hand caressing his lower belly.

"Not really. As I said yesterday, it's normal for boys to feel desire for their mothers." After a brief pause, she said "I'm really surprised about your lack of control on your erections. Can't you masturbate to ease the tensions?"

"Ha! Do you think I haven't masturbated since arriving here? Mom! I do it at least once a day, more if I can while you take your naps."

"Really? And you still get hard looking at me? Wow... I really should be flattered. All this for me?" she said just as she pushed her hand lower until her fingers buried themselves in his pubes and touched the base of his cock for a few moments.

"Mom..." Michael gasped. "Please stop..."

"Why, you don't like that?"

Michael knew they were both pretty drunk and some part of him didn't want things to go too far. Yet another part... "Of course I... Shit. Mom. Please stop, otherwise I--

"You'll what? Turn around and mount me like an animal?"

Michael pulled himself up, stood and turned around, looking at his mother on the couch. Her eyes were half-closed, and she was clearly a lot drunker than he had realized. "You're drunk mom."

"I know... And I'm so fucking wet too!" she drawled.

"Fuck..." Michael swore out loud.

"Hmmm, it's so damned sexy when you swear at me..." his mother said, smiling lazily.

Gathering all of his self control, Michael picked his mother up and brought her to her bed. The feeling of her hot body against his, her breasts against his chest and her ass against his arm nearly overwhelmed his willpower. When he dropped her in her bed, she managed to grab his head and pulled him in for a kiss. A very wet kiss. "Stay with me tonight... I hate sleeping alone in this cabin." Michael was now standing above her, his cock turgid, twitching with lust and leaking precum.

He fought with himself, taking a few long breaths to calm down,and realized that his mother was sleeping. He even began hearing her very light snores. Going back out to the living room, he brought the lamp and set it on the nightstand. Staring at his mom in full naked glory, he grabbed his cock and masturbated above her. When he knelt next to her and touched her breast with his cock, it triggered a powerful orgasm. Unable to control himself anymore, he exploded all over her breasts.

It had been one of his most powerful climaxes ever, and as he shuddered through the last bursts of pleasure, he grinned then laughed at the situation. How perverted! he thought, still laughing. Going to the bathroom, he grabbed a hand towel and wet it in the warm water near the fire. As he washed his mother, incredibly, he felt his erection growing again. Soon the towel was discarded and he was using both his hands to caress her body. It was the first time he ever touched real live breasts. At least breasts that were big enough to count as such. He could feel their generous flesh between his fingers as he squeezed them, feel their warmth, see their large aureolas and hard nipples.

Michael, tired and drunk and aroused, even went low enough to touch her own pubes, feeling the remarkable heat under them. As he felt his fingers sliding lower, he felt her wet lips parting and he instantly pulled back. Now fully hard, Michael got up and went to his room, afraid that if he stayed he would lose what little control he had left. On his bed, in pitch darkness, he masturbated again, images of him fucking his mother flooding his mind.

A particularly powerful thunder startled him awake, and it took him a few minutes to orient himself in the total darkness. When a second flash of lightning briefly lit his room despite the drapes, Michael thought he saw his mother exiting his room. Groggy and barely able to stand up, he nevertheless did, realizing in the process that his sheets had been pulled off. Outside his room, another flash of lightning showed him that the door to his mother's room was already closed. Hmm. Had she really come? Was he dreaming? Fantasizing? Michael went back to his bed and tried to remain awake, hoping for a repeat visit. None came, and sleep took him back.

Friday morning, the storm was still raging. This was insanity! The bad weather was supposed to be over days ago! But as he saw his mother in the kitchen, standing on her toes with her arms stretched upwards trying to reach the last shelf, he grinned nonetheless. She was stunningly beautiful. Why hadn't he ever realized that? She had luscious legs, the perfect mix between curviness and length, being feminine without being overly round. Her ass was also hypnotizing, drawing his eyes like an endless drain.

The storm hid the sounds he had made coming out of his room, his mother was oblivious to his presence. Michael stood there, staring at his mother's backside, getting harder by the second. As she moved around a bit, he could see her breasts swinging from side to side, peeking from behind her sides. He couldn't believe how sexually aroused he was by his mother! Not even his ex-girlfriend could make him hard that quickly!

When she did finally turn around and notice him, he was grinning. She started, then laughed quickly before leaning her ass against the counter and propping her hands upon it. The position only enhanced the appearance of her breasts, making them look even perkier than they already were despite her age. Her head was tilted sideways and forward slightly, and she was looking at him with a coy look and a smile on her face. And a blush, especially when she looked at his hard cock. After a very long minute of shameless staring on both parts, she finally said: "If what you said yesterday is true, this is an involuntary compliment, right?"

"Oh yes. And here's a voluntary one: You're magnificent, stunningly gorgeous and making this whole hellishly rainy, disaster afflicted vacations the best vacations ever."

Michael heard her groan as he finished, and her expression changed slightly. She was still red faced, but it looked like she wasn't shy anymore.She took a deep breath and said, her voice very small "I could definitely get used to this barrage of compliments in the morning... Now, wanna come and help me reach these glass bowls?"

When he did come, she remained very close to the cupboard. Michael was rather surprised: why wasn't she moving away? He ended up giving her the two bowls and nothing special happened, she was just too close. Once again, they ate a breakfast consisting of leftover berries from yesterday and Crème in the bowl. It was delicious, somewhat filling, and it was already making Michael's head feel quite a bit lighter. Afterwards, his mom asked him to build a fire and put a large pail of water to heat up. Apparently, they had to wash themselves.

Half an hour later, his mom came to the living room with a couple of hand towels and they began washing themselves. Had this happened a week ago, they would have been scandalized. Now, though, they simply continued to talk and enjoy their time together. When Michael's mother asked him to wash her back, he didn't even hesitate. She turned her back to him and he began washing her back. After that, her lower back. When he kept going lower, he suddenly realized that he was washing his mom's ass. She didn't stop him, didn't say a word. Both of them knew that she could have done that on her own, but neither of them wanted to stop.

Soon Michael was feeling a lot bolder, and he was almost openly grabbing her ass through the towel. Obviously he became hard again, but didn't give his erection any thought. It was normal enough by now. That too, a week ago, would have caused a major scene... A mother seeing his adolescent son with an erection. At one point, Michael's had slipped from the towel and he touched her mom's ass directly. Seeing that she didn't react, he kept caressing her ass with his bare hand. Encouraged by her silence, he pressed the towel between her cheeks and deeper against her pussy. This time she gasps, and tells him that it was his turn.

Michael's mom barely spent any time on his back before moving to his ass. Looking around, he saw that she was even kneeling behind him. A few times, she reached between his legs and touched his balls. Michael refrained from gasping as she had, and enjoyed the caresses for a while. Sliding one of her hands around his hip, his mother moved around him as well, ending up kneeling in front of him. In a flash Michael looked down and the sight sent his heartbeat into a frenzy. It was just about what he had fantasized about, his naked mother kneeling in front of his hard cock. When she placed the soapy towel directly on his cock, he groaned. "Mom... Shit..."

"Shhh..." she replied softly.

The feelings were beyond belief, but when she used his own trick, moving her hand directly against his cock, he finally gasped. "Mom! What--" he was interrupted by her hand closing around his shaft. "Mom, please stop..."

Looking up, her face very close to his cock and now with both her hands directly on his cock, his mom said "Just relax Michael... It's the least I can do to thank you for all the compliments."

"Oh Gods..."

But soon, too soon, his mother got up and poured warm water all over his cock. Opening his eyes, Michael looked at his mother and felt a profound urge to take her right there on the wet floor. He resisted, and even when she bent forward in front of him, he remained motionless. Teasing and caressing were one thing, but fucking your own mother... Taking deep breaths, he pulled himself together and dried both his body and the stone floor in front of the fireplace.

After that, in an effort to clear his mind, he lay on the couch. But he didn't realize that he had taken the same position his mom had taken last night, and he opened his eyes in surprise when she sat and nestled against him. He felt her back against his chest, but more importantly, his hard cock against her ass. When she moved even closer, pressing herself against him, he felt his cock pressed in her cleft. Not knowing what to do with his hand, he placed it on her hip. Soon though, she grabbed it and pulled it all the way up until it too was nestled between two sexy mounds of flesh. When he felt his mother's breasts against his arm, Michael instinctively rotated his pelvis backwards, which pulled his cock lower between her cheeks. Closing his eyes, trusting his willpower less and less, Michael said "Mom... This isn't a good idea.""What? Lying like this?"


"Well, it's the same thing that we did yesterday..." she said.

"Not exactly... I have a cock, you know?"

"Yes, I know. And I feel it quite clearly. You mind having your cock between my asscheeks?" she asked in a pure and innocent motherly voice.

"Er, yes. I mean no... It's just that--" As he spoke, his mom pulled herself upwards just a bit, trying to hide that fact by pretending to reposition herself. His cock wasn't fooled though, feeling the increased heat from her body. "Shit, mom..."

"Look Mik... You know I love you, and I'm extremely comfortable here in your arms. I can move away if you want, but don't worry about me. Your cock doesn't bother me"

Michael closed his eyes and did his best not to move. Eventually he did relax and enjoyed this intense closeness with his mother. His face was buried against her nape, her hair all over him and he breathed in her clean scent. Every time she moved he felt a surge of blood in his cock. Eventually, his mom got up and looked at him with another unreadable expression on her face. She looked somewhat sadder despite her smile, but he couldn't understand. The thought that his mother was inviting him to her pussy never even crossed his mind.

Most of the day went by rather boringly despite the nudity and teasing. Michael knew that something had changed after the amazing closeness on the couch. He couldn't quite believe that his mother had actually wanted him to fuck her. That was impossible, right? Right? By the end of the afternoon, his mother told him that they had to get more berries. Neither of them wanted to, but their food reserves were running pretty low and they didn't have many alternatives.

Taking deep breaths, they ran out into the rain to discover that it was stil pretty warm. Soon the laughter and easy fun returned and Michael was enjoying himself again. He hugged his mother a few times as they passed near each other in the bushes. Michael was realizing that being naked all the time, especially with a highly visible erection, was making him feel as much a male as he ever had. Probably more than ever before. The fact that the female causing these erections was naked with him and acutely aware of his erections added to this wonderful feeling. He felt alive, driven by lust.

At one point, he saw his mother walking away from him, then kneeling down a few feet in front of him. Then, without even looking back towards him, she went down on all fours to reach raspberries that were deeper in the brush. Her ass was offered to him on a silver platter, her pussy opened and he could clearly see her pink lips through her bush. Letting his basket on the ground, he stood up and stared at her pussy. Was she doing that on purpose? Michael didn't know, but this time he didn't care. As he walked towards her, he spat a wad of spit onto the head of his cock and coated his shaft. Without warning at all, he simply knelt behind his mother, guided his cock against her pussy and pushed in. If she screamed, he would happily go to hell; he'd had enough teasing.

She didn't scream. She moaned out in sheer pleasure. As Michael felt his length penetrate her until he couldn't go deeper, his saliva and her juices lubrication enough, his mother cried out loudly as she pushed back against him. They were both drenched, both slightly cold and surrounded by thorny raspberry plants. Neither of them cared. Looking down, Michael saw his cock penetrating his mother's curvy ass, spreading her pussy open. She turned her head around, lust glowing in her eyes as she said "Fuck me son, take my fucking body. I'm your toy, use me, abuse me..."

Michael would learn many things in the following days after this incident, and one of them was that his parents had been sexually teasing and edging themselves for weeks. His mother had been on the brink of going mad with lust as they drove for the cabin. He would also learn that she had been ready to fuck him on the second night, and that while he had a constant hard-on, she had spent the last few days constantly dripping wet.

But he would learn all that later. Right now all that mattered was that his cock was pistoning in and out of his mother's burning hot and sopping wet pussy. Wet with this damned rain and with her juices as he plowed into her. Leaning forward, he placed his hand on her nape and pushed her down, forcing her ass upwards even more. He then grabbed a fistful of her long hair in his hand, lifted one knee up to get better leverage and began mauling her with his cock. Holding her hip with his free hand, he pushed and pulled in sync with his thrusts. He had never been rough with his ex girlfriend, but now he found that he had to restrain himself or risk injuring his mother. He could see the flesh of her ass quivering every time he pounded her.

He was fucking his own mother! And she was moaning in sincere ecstasy, her voice staccatoed by his every powerful thrusts. He was shocked to hear his mother's voice bellowing moans and cries that were punctuated by his cock driving into her. His two knees on the ground once more, he reached down and grabbed both her arms, just above the elbows. This time he was pulling her hard against him with each thrust, holding her in the air at just the right angle. He must have seen this in a porn movie once, as he'd never, ever done anything like this. Michael's eyes were wide open, his mouth grunting raw, low pitched moans. He was dominating his mother like he never done before, and he also felt better than he had ever before.

Given the pent-up lust in either of them, it's not surprising that this first coupling didn't last long. When Michael heard his mother's moans turning into cries of climax, his own orgasm triggered and shook him to his core. The thought of pulling out didn't even cross his mind, as instead he felt like his entire being was gushing out of his cock to fill his mother's pussy. Everything was already wet, but he was sure he could feel his sperm being driven out by his undiminished pounding. He was grunting and shouting, his head thrown back and his mouth wide open in the rain, experiencing the most intense climax of his life. He finally crumbled onto her, before rolling off and onto the wet grass.

Next to him, his mom rose up on her elbows, a wicked grin on her face. "That, my son, was one hell of a nice start. You have no idea how badly I needed to be taken. Shit! I can still feel my pussy rearranging itself, still pulsing with your fucking rhythm!" and then she leaned forward and bit his chest, hard. "How the fuck did you resist earlier, on the couch?" she asked, her breathing still very quick, her flashed flushed with the bright red of a satisfied woman.

Michael couldn't really formulate words right now, but it didn't matter, his mom just kept talking. "You have an amazing cock son, and I have to admit that I've been fascinated by it since I first saw it a few days ago. Gods did I need your cock into me! I almost mounted you last night as you were sleeping... Would you have liked that? That I would have taken the initiative? Shit that would have been wild, a mother raping her son during the night!"

Michael was reeling from the incestuous sex, and his mother's words only added to his shock. He had fucked his mother, something he had thought impossible mere minutes earlier, and here she was talking as if-- but she wasn't done. She interrupted her train of thought by saying "Come! Get up and let's get inside. That was amazing! I really needed to be ravished and abused like this." as she stood up next to him, she stretched her back, grimacing. "Shit! I'll be sore for days... Oh well... Now, we get to the main course. Let's get ourselves dry and get that wonderful cock back up. Ever wanted to plunge your cock into my mouth?"

Once more, Michael was too stunned to reply. He grabbed his mother's hand and stood up, his soft but still enlarged cock dangling between his legs as he followed her. The hours that followed would change his life and eventually shape much of what he would like and dislike in sex. Beginning with blowjobs. He had received a few blowjobs from his ex-girlfriend. Or at least, he thought he had until his mother placed his semi-hard cock into her mouth.

Sitting on the couch where he had been so close with his mother, he was now staring at her as she knelt between his opened legs, taking as much of his semi-hard cock into her mouth as she could. Michael's eyes opened wide as he saw her lips going all the way down to his pubes and her nose against his belly. He felt the pulses of blood rushing to his cock and saw his mom forced to back up as his cock lengthened, pushing against the back of her throat. Even when he was fully hard, he discovered that his mom was a master at the art of fellatio. She couldn't take all of him inside her mouth anymore, but the way she moved, sucked, licked, turned, twisted her head and her tongue, played with his foreskin, licked all around his crown, and pressed it against the back of her mouth... She was a cock sucking angel.

Just as he was thinking that, he saw her face beginning to glow a faded then bright orange. His fucking mother was glowing as she gave him the best blowjob ever. Looking through the window, he saw that the sun had burst through a sudden gap in the clouds. It was still raining outside, but very lightly now, and he could see that it was clearing up. Soon, after a few patches of light and dark had coloured her skin, Michael's mom was bathed in the orange glow of the sunset. It was otherworldly, yet it matched her blowjob perfectly.

Michael knew, as the glorious minutes went by, that if he hadn't just climaxed, he would never have lasted that long. But as it was, he was content to let her show him just how much pleasure a devoted and expert mouth could provide. After having sucked hard on him and pulled all the way out, she looked up and stared into his eyes and climbed over him. With her eyes still locked into his, she guided his cock against her pussy and impaled herself upon him. At the same time, she leaned in and kissed her son.

Michael was reeling from the blowjob, from the renewed penetration but most of all from the kiss. Wet as the week had been, more intimate than any of their hugs and caresses, that kiss blew him away. His tongue was dancing with his mother's, and once agains he was teaching him something knew. With very small moans and occasional pull backs, she was telling him what she liked. Very soon she was driving herself wild on his cock, moaning into his mouth. "Grab my breasts!" she half moaned, half whispered through the kiss.

When Michael seized her two large breasts and squeezed hard, his mom broke the kiss and cried out. Looking down, he could see that one of her hand was busy on her clit and he was transfixed when he saw his mother being raked by a much more powerful orgasm than earlier. It was absolutely glorious! Her body arched backwards, pushing her breasts up and out all the while she was still riding his cock. Cries and screams of pleasure filled the little cabin for much, much longer than Michael had thought possible.

His mother eventually crashed upon him, apparently exhausted by her pleasure. But while Michael tried to being to make sense of what was happening, letting his mother regain her breath, she surprised him again. "Shit that's a good cock!" she moaned as she pulled off and away from it. Grabbing his hand, she added "Come! I wanna fuck you in the sun. I want you to scream as you fill my pussy with more of your cum."

Definitely, Michael was not going to free himself from this unbelievable daze. Instead, he followed his mother outside, feeling his cock bounce up and down with his steps. Facing the sun, his mother threw both her arms high above her head and screamed. "Glorious sun! Where have you been!" and she grinned. "I'm going to fuck my son again, you hear that?" After that she laughed, grabbed his hands and pulled him down with her between her opened legs. "Take me, fuck me again Mik... Push another climax from my pussy before filling it with your sperm..."

Unable and unwilling to do anything else, Michael guided his cock into her mother's sopping wet pussy and pushed as deep as he could. They were both glowing under the sun, and soon they were covered with sweat and rainwater, adding to the magical effect. Arching his body as much as he could, he grabbed one if his mother's nipples in his mouth and sucked hard. He then felt her mother's hand pushing her breast into easier reach, and her other grabbed his head, holding him firmly there. "Oh shit! My son is sucking on my breasts... Oh my fucking Gods! This is insane!" Michael couldn't believe how much his mother could swear. "Oh shit! Not another one so-- FUCK! This is too good to be true! Your cock is so amazing!"

And she exploded again, wrapping her legs around his lower back, letting him pummel her into the ground. Michael began worrying about hurting his mother. He was a big guy and she kept on asking him to go harder. He could hear both his body slamming into hers and her back squishing into the wet grass. But she kept crying to hammer her harder, so he did. As her cries eventually faded out, she pulled his head away from her breast and looked into his eyes. "How do you want to take me for your climax?"

"Like the first time."

"Fuck yes! Take me!" she said before pushing him away.

As he knelt behind her again, he asked her to place her head against the grass and both her hands on her lower back. He was shocked to hear her mom moaning already, whispering a series of "Oh fuck... this is going to be good... shit I needed this so bad..." Grabbing both her arms, he pushed himself inside her and just let himself go wild. He closed his eyes despite the remarkable display and just abandoned himself to his body.

He didn't know how long he lasted for this final stretch of utter pleasure, but as he plowed into his mother, the worst of sins, he felt like a male in heat realizing himself as much as he could. He was mounting this female, fucking the pussy from where had had come, forcing it open with his cock all the while giving so much pleasure to his mother. It was impossible to understand, impossible to accept, yet here he was, fucking his mother as she cried for more and more and more.

When he exploded into her a second time, his groans changed and stopped as his body tensed. When his mother realized that she was going to get filled again, her third climax triggered and she writhed under her son's body, around his large cock. To Michael, it felt like he was pouring a river of cum into her again, and he kept fucking her for as long as he could, trying to prolong her own climax. Eventually though, his body gave way and he collapsed on the wet ground behind her. Soon though, she was lying against him, her face against his chest, the top of her head against his neck. They remained like this for a long while under the sun, hot and sweaty and exhausted. At one point, having regained most of his wits, Michael said "Mom..."

"Shhh... I know. Not now."


"I said shhh!" she replied, but he could feel her cheeks move as she smiled. "I know what you were going to say. What's going to happen now? Well, I don't know and right now I don't care. All I know is that I'm still looking at your cock, and if I see a hint that it's coming back to life, I'm going to mount you in reverse cowgirl and you're going to watch my big ass produce a third climax from that thick cock of yours. Is that enough of an answer?"

Michael didn't reply. Instead, he focused inward and tried to detect if he could, indeed, get hard again. When he felt a faint tingling and a barely detectable flow of blood, he squeezed his muscles and felt his cock twitch. "Are you kidding me?" said his mother. "Oh Gods.. the wonders of a teenager's cock!" And with that, she knelt beside him, smiled at him briefly before mounting him in the reverse cowgirl and impaling herself once more."Why is everything so different during the night?" Valeria asked herself as she was trying to sleep, hearing her father snoring right next to her. Why wasn't she able to sleep, wasn't able to close her eyes, wasn't even able to relax and, most importantly, why wasn't she able to quiet the deep pulse emanating from between her legs? She shuffled her long fine legs once again, feeling them sliding against the soft fabric. And so very close to her father's legs. She could feel his warmth against her skin.

Twenty minutes later she sighed deeply and got up from the bed. She was briefly afraid of waking her father up, but she knew he was a deep sleeper. Despite the pouring rain outside, the room was warm and decently dry, so she wasn't uncomfortable wearing only a tee-shirt and her panties. She sat on the couch and stared at her father's large form. Her dad wasn't really fat, but he wasn't thin either. He was just a beast of a man, barrel chested and as strong as an ox. Next to him, and her brother as well, Valeria looked like a frail nymph. Tall, leggy and small breasted, yet with bright blue eyes and long blonde hair around a beautiful face.

Valeria wasn't conceited: she had simply accepted that her long, angular face captivated the attention of most boys and men. All through her adolescence she had dreamed and wished and prayed and even tried voodoo to force her breasts to bloom and her hips to flare. Nothing happened. Nada. Yet her face slowly altered about two years ago, and she saw a clear change in how men looked at her. Valeria still envied her mother's large breasts and rounded hips, but not to the point of crying anymore, as she had done a long time ago. Now she had accepted the plain fact that she looked more like a model of the 2010's rather than the 1980's.

But none of that was her problem tonight. The problem was the distinct rise she could see in the blankets, right about where her father's cock would be. There was very little light in the motel room where they were staying, but every time there was lightening, she could see it clearly. And every time she did, she felt a definite tingle in her pussy. It wasn't the first time she had experienced sexual thoughts about her father, but this forced intimacy had intensified the problem.

This week was supposed to have been a perfect vacation for the family. Earlier this morning Valeria's brother left with their mom, many hours before her dad and her. A phone call earlier today had confirmed that they had made it to the rented cabin despite the pouring rain. Her dad and her, on the other hand, would not make it today: a landslide had destroyed part of the only road that connected to the mountain. So Valeria and her dad had rented this motel room, hoping that somehow the rain would stop and they could fix the road. She didn't think it very likely, despite her father's optimism.

The only remaining room only had a double bed in it, and on impulse, seeing the reaction of the spinster receptionist, Valeria had decided to feign being her father's girlfriend. She was legal, if barely, and knew her father looked good enough to catch a young girl had he been single. The old woman looked at them for a few moments, frowning, but grudgingly gave them the room. It was a very small town, and clearly this woman would not have approved of a father sleeping in the same bed as his daughter.

Valeria, now watching her dad's silhouette against the dark wall, remembered him laughing as they first got in the room. "Well, looks like I got myself a young vixen to keep me company... Am I your sugar daddy or did we find true love despite the age difference?" he asked, enjoying the roleplaying. Sitting on the couch as she was looking at him sleeping, her arms wrapped around her raised knees, Valeria didn't find the charade so funny. She could feel her skin's warmth, and knew her heart was beating faster than it usually did. She could also remember when her dad stripped to his boxer briefs before turning the light off to let her change.

Call it the Electra complex if you wished, Valeria didn't care. She just liked guys that looked like her father. And none of the boys in her circles looked anything as powerful as her dad did. Well maybe her brother, who was slowly getting more muscular, but he didn't really count. Letting one hand fall on the couch, she grabbed it hard. At first, she had suggested that she could sleep on the couch, given that her dad was just too big for it.

He had shrugged it off, inviting her to share the bed with him. He had even added that as her sugar daddy, he could decide what she did. Clearly, Valeria thought, the thought that something remotely sexual could happen between them was so far from his mind that he could even joke about it. "Is it normal that I feel bad about that?" Valeria thought, her chin on her knees and eyes closed. She sighed again. When she surprised herself by nodding suddenly, she smiled and walked back to the bed.

She grabbed her earplugs, which help to cover the snoring, and tried to sleep again. One of her hands just happened to end up on her belly. Her lower belly. Before she could stop herself, she slipped her fingers against her pussy and had to contain a moan. "Shit!" she thought. "This is bad! I can't masturbate right now! Fuck!" By sheer force of will she pulled her hand away. She could still feel her pussy's warmth against her fingertips, but she slipped her hands under her buttocks and took a long series of deep breaths until she finally drifted off to sleep.

Roughly 24 hours later, after closing the light, Valeria was faced with the same problem. In the same pitch darkness, with the same driving rain outside, she was lying on her back with her eyes wide open. Their first full day trapped in this quaint little town had been a very strange experience. When they finally faced the fact that the rain hadn't let up, they decided to make the most of it. A movie and the very tiny mall made most of the afternoon disappear, but everything hadn't been smooth between her dad and her.

Valeria was on the trailing end of a bad adolescent crisis. It was much better now, but the last couple of years hadn't been easy for anybody in their family. Mostly because of her. At around 5 o'clock, she had fallen into her old sullen and dark mood, a mood her father knew very well. They both decided to eat in silence instead of risking an argument over nothing. After dinner, her father told her that he was going to a country dance in the church's basement. Valeria nearly threw up at the thought and when she said that she would stay at the motel her father nodded. Yet they both suddenly remembered that they were supposed to be a couple.

In the end, the deal was that she would come for twenty minutes and feign a stomach ache before leaving. Simple plan to keep up appearances. Well, it didn't turn out that way. Just before they entered the church, her father told her that she would have to pretend to enjoy herself. He then grabbed her hand, which was still strange despite having done so many times today, and she took a deep breath. Well, in a matter of minutes, Valeria was horrified to realize that she actually liked dancing to this god awful music.

Rather, more precisely, she really liked dancing with her father. He didn't kiss her or touch her in unnatural places, like most of the other men did with their partners, but she quickly found herself feeling heady. She didn't know any of the steps and her father patiently taught her what she was supposed to do. He felt so damn strong! Valeria was pretty sure that he could have thrown her ten feet in the air if he wanted to. When her father leaned close to her neck, she leaned back and pushed her body against him reflexively. When he whispered "I think you've done enough my sweet. You can go now." she was shocked to realize that she wasn't feigning her pleasure at all.

"She turned her mouth against his ear and replied "Nah, I'm fine. It's not so bad to dance with my sugar daddy..." she pulled back for a moment, grinning at her dad. "In any case, I'd probably be bored to death alone in the room."

"What? You mean that? Ok, great then! you're a natural at this, and by the end of the evening you're probably going to be able to dance with anyone here without fear of looking like a fool."

But what Valeria wanted at the end of the evening was to mount her father and feel his huge cock in her small pussy. She said "Well, given that I'm your plaything, I think I'm going to stay right here with you. And by the way, if you keep touching me like a daughter, people are going to start to wonder if you really like me..."

Valeria's father laughed out loud, and grabbed her by the waist, a bit lower than he had before. They returned to the dance floor and spent the next four hours dancing like crazy. And touching each other. Her father, while leading her in dance, was clearly letting her lead the way on that front. Gradually they forgot about being father and daughter and began holding and touching each other like lovers. Nothing too explicit, but they followed the atmosphere. The first time her father grabbed her ass, probably by pure reflex, Valeria gasped. Her father pulled his hand back immediately, but Valeria leaned in and said "Put it back! I don't mind, I was just surprised." And so he did, squeezing her perfect little ass in his large hand.

Valeria felt wonderfully good. She had already been hot, sweaty and aroused, but this pushed her over the edge. She felt her pussy becoming fully wet at her father's touch and for a brief moment her knees felt weak. The rest of the evening went by lightning fast, and neither of them could believe what was happening. Her father was obviously stunned to see her enjoying herself at a country dance, and she was breathless at this new intimacy between her father and her.

Eventually they came back to the motel, wet from the rain and their sweat. She went to the shower first, and as soon as she touched her pussy with a soapy hand, she knew she was on the verge of a climax. As she caressed herself, she prayed that her father would come in and take her against she shower wall. He didn't, but the image drove her to a quick climax. Once she was done with her shower, she dried herself and put her long tee-shirt on, but decided against putting her panties on. "Such naughtiness..." she thought, smiling. Then "Such fucked-upness as well! Shit!"

Suddenly very nervous, she feigned being completely tired as soon as she got out and disappeared under the blankets. She heard the extremely loud lock close on the bathroom door, and then the shower running. Tiptoeing to the door, she put her ear against it and tried to find out if he was masturbating. Nothing. When her father came out of his shower, she was sleeping on her side, her back towards him. Despite her climax, she was still very aroused and didn't want to risk anything by looking at him with a nothing but a towel around his waist. He joined her in bed and turned the light off. After a few minutes, he whispered "Are you sleeping?"

"No." she replied. She turned over on her back, realizing that the hem of her t-shirt was around her waist.

"Are you sure you're OK about what happened tonight?" she could hear his nervousness in his voice.

"Yes Dad... Don't worry about it. Just don't tell Mom or Michael about the dance!" she said lightly.

"OK. I know. But I was not talking about that..."

"Oh." she took a deep breath, suddenly a bit more nervous herself. "Well, same thing? We keep this between ourselves?"

"Sure." he said. She though he might add something, but he didn't.

Soon after that, she heard his breathing changing and he began snoring. Turning on her side to look at him, she saw that he hadn't worn his t-shirt tonight. Very gently, she pulled the blankets off his chest and stared at him. "How sick can I be?" she thought, smiling in the dark. Her pussy was still very wet, very ready. After a while she put the blanket back and lay on her back. Burning hot and fully aroused, she couldn't sleep despite her tiredness. An hour of half-drowsing, half-fighting the urge to masturbate later, she felt her father stir and get up. She remained perfectly still. He went to the bathroom and left the door slightly opened, not wanting to wake her up with the loud catch.

On impulse, she jumped out of her bed and walked towards the door, silent on the carpeted floor. And there, for the first time in her life, she saw her father's cock. "Oh my fucking God!" It was a monster. Valeria wasn't a virgin, but she hadn't had a slutty adolescence either. Most of her knowledge about cocks came from porn movies. Right now she couldn't believe just how big he was, even fully soft like he was. Shit! She could probably close both her fists around it right now! What would it look fully hard! When his bladder was empty, Valeria ran back to the bed and feigned sleep again. She eventually fell asleep and dreamed of riding huge horses, huge elephants, huge cars, huge planes... all night long.

As soon as she said "Good morning." to her dad, she knew something was different. Wrong even. When she asked, he said that everything was fine, but it clearly wasn't. Her only guess was that he somehow regretted what had happened last night. She sure didn't. Fuck, she wanted to go there again! Their day together felt pretty much like the horrible weather. His mood darkened all day long, and it finally got to her. They began arguing and ribbing each other, the teases gradually becoming borderline insulting. The fact that they spent the entire day in the motel room didn't help. At all.

As they ate a cold dinner in silence, Valeria was really pissed. What was wrong with him? They'd had more fun together last night than in the past five or six years! And now this? What the fuck was going on? She had been looking forward to going dancing with him again, feel his strong arms and hands all over her... Now she only wanted to go back home and forget everything that had happened. As they were clearing the dishes, she teased him one time too many about his weight and he snapped. "Oh shut up about it!" she could see that he was genuinely angry. "I don't know why but tonight you're an impertinent hellcat like you were a couple of years ago. I had hoped you had outgrown this phase, but if not, I'm ready to spank that little ass of yours."

Valeria was more shocked than angry. She had deserved the insult, but the spanking had taken her by surprise. "You wouldn't dare to spank me at my age!"

"Pray you won't have to find out!"

The silence that filled the room was very thick. Valeria could see that he was red faced, but she herself wasn't angry. Just stunned. Suddenly he got up and walked to the door, but stopped as he saw the relentless rain. "Shit!" he said. Yet he grabbed the umbrella and headed out despite the rain. Valeria sat down on their bed, her long legs crossed beneath her. She didn't even know why she had indeed turned into such a hellcat. Thinking about it, she thought that it was probably the rejection she had felt this morning. She had really been looking forward to dancing with him again, and when he shut her out completely, she felt abandoned, which turned to frustration. And she was now pretty sure that her father felt bad for the nearly sexual contacts they'd shared last night. "Damn it..." she thought. Nevertheless, she felt happy to be old enough to be aware of all this.

Before her dad returned, she went to her bag and fished out the nicest shirt she had brought and a short skirt. She did put a pair of panties on, but no socks or bra. She didn't need much support in any case. When she heard someone walking outside, she knew it must be him: nobody else would be out in this rain. She stood up and waited for him. His eyes were still darkened by anger when he looked at her, but he couldn't help from looking at her from head to toe. Making the best of this off-balanced moment, she said "Dad, we need to talk." Before he could reply, she shushed him. "I'm sorry about my bad jokes and nasty comments. I don't know what got into me, and I apologize. I guess I was frustrated by the fact that you didn't want to be with me this morning and--

"That's not true!" he said quickly.

"Dad, please. I could almost see the word 'unease' on your forehead. And I think I know why." His eyes opened a bit wider as she said that. "Is it because of yesterday night?"

"What? No!" he blurted out.

But Valeria could see by his reaction that she had hit the nail on the head. "Dad. Please listen to me. I really didn't mind our dancing last night. In fact, I was even looking forward to going there again tonight. With you. And yes it's strange to dance as lovers, but I didn't mind that either. Maybe it's a very strange way of reconnecting with you." Valeria stopped and took a deep breath. She was highly conscious of how she was dressed, of the fact that he could see nearly all of her legs and probably could see that she wasn't wearing a bra. After a long pause, father and daughter staring at each other in the eyes, she whispered "So, do I still have a sugar daddy tonight?"

Her dad took a deep breath and let out a long sigh. He closed his eyes and asked "You... you didn't mind the fact that I... that I touched your... Fuck!" Valeria was startled because her father never swore.

"That you touched me? No, dad, I didn't mind. Of course it's strange, but so what. I've let a few creeps touch me in the past that I--"

"Don't tell me that!" her dad replied, cutting her off. "I'm going to go out and find them, the bastards!"

"What? No!" Valeria laughed, and was pleased to see a small smile on her father's face. "Forget them.. I meant that I don't mind if you touch me because I know you love me." Valeria was surprised to realize that the last part of her sentence had been hard to say. As she looked at her father's stunned face, she recognized that she hadn't said that to her father in years.

"Of course I love you baby!" her dad walked towards her and took her in a big hug. His wet pants were icy cold on her naked legs and cried out as she pulled back, laughing. "Oh! Sorry baby!"

"Well," she began, taking a deep breath, "I love you too dad. And I'm sorry I didn't say it for a long while."

Earlier that evening, as she'd been waiting for him to come back, Valeria hadn't planned to say at all. But now as she hugged him again, she was glad she did.

"I love you too baby." her dad said again.

"So!" she said, pulling away, "You just have to call me 'baby' all night long and we'll both have a lot of fun."

Her dad shook his head with a small smile. "You really mean that? You don't mind it when we play this silly sugar daddy game?"

"Not one bit!" she replied playfully.

That night at the dance, father and daughter went quite a bit farther than they had last night. Valeria thought that their discussion had definitely released him from his worries. He held her a lot tighter, let his hands wander a lot more on her body as he touched her waist, thighs and ass quite a lot more. Once his hands closed on her sides a bit higher than her waist and his thumbs were probably less than an inch away from her breasts.

That was all before alcohol happened. Valeria's dad already knew that she drank, but despite her issues, she had never gotten herself drunk and then acted irresponsibly. Tonight they were drinking wine instead of beer though, something that Valeria had little experience with. Soon her head was spinning faster than her legs, and she was hugging her dad even more than before.

Through the night they made friends with another couple and spent a lot of time with them. Between dances they asked many questions about them, about how they met and how long they'd been together. The fact that Valeria was much younger than her lover didn't seem to matter for them. After each dance, most couples kissed and so far, they had managed to fake it. Her dad would kiss her on the cheek close to her mouth and it worked. But now with their two new friends, they had to be more careful. Near the end of the night, as her dad was leaning in to kiss her she turned her head at the last minute and they shared a real kiss. At first her father pulled back, but when he saw his daughter grinning, he kissed her again. Longer. Much longer. When they pulled apart, they stare at each other, their eyes glowing.