
I looked at Becky, and she smiled while nodding her head. I answered, "Sure, Mindy. Whatever makes you comfortable."

Becky jumped up and said, "Let's go explore the resort. I want to show you everything we found. You're going to love it!"

We walked around for about an hour. The resort was really great with lots of amenities. And Becky was right about the beach. It was beautiful. As we walked down toward the end, I saw a sign in English and Spanish that said, "Clothing optional beyond this point." When we walked a few yards down, I saw at least ten couples lying on the beach totally nude. This was going to be an interesting vacation.

* * * * *

When we got back to the room, we were all hungry. I told them I would get mom and Marcie and we could go get something to eat. The girls headed to the bathroom to get freshened up while I went next door. When I walked in the room, mom and Marcie were sleeping on the bed, totally nude, with the sheets crumpled on the floor. I was pretty sure that they had been having a little girl-on-girl sex while we had been gone. I woke them up and asked them if they wanted to go get something to eat. They said they needed a shower first, so I told them to meet me back in my room when they were ready.

As we were walking to the restaurant that offered a seafood buffet, I couldn't help but notice all the stares we were getting. I know every guy that saw us was wondering how I could be so lucky to be with four beautiful sexy women.

The buffet was great. When we were all stuffed, we walked back to our rooms. I told mom and Marcie that I would be taking care of Mindy and that she wanted Becky to be there with us. Marcie had tears in her eyes as she hugged and kissed me before saying, "Thank you for doing this Randy. I am so happy you are going to be the person to make my little girl a woman. I hope you will let me repay you later."

"I'm sure you will find a way."

I closed the connecting door as I went back to my room. I was surprised to see Becky and Mindy sitting on the bed together, both of them totally nude. It was the first time I had seen Mindy nude, and she was beautiful. She was a younger version of her mom, but she wasn't as curvy. I had no doubt that would come with age.

I moved toward the bed where Becky said, "You need to be naked, too." Then she unsnapped my shorts, unzipped them, and let them fall to the floor. My now hard cock popped out and pointed at her. She wrapped her hand around it and stroked the skin back to expose my throbbing purple head. She moaned, "I love your cock. Mindy, have you ever seen a more beautiful cock?"

Mindy was staring at it with her mouth open and her eyes wide. She managed to mumble, "It's the only one I've ever seen. It's so big. Are you sure that thing will fit inside me?"

Before she could answer, I told Becky to lie down on the bed and let me take it from there. I said, "Mindy, I can assure you it will fit. Women are made to accept cocks of all different sizes. I promise you I'm going to go slow and be gentle with you. The last thing I want to do is hurt you. Okay?"

With her eyes still wide and her mouth still hanging open, she just nodded at me.

I gently lowered Mindy back on the bed, then I crawled between her legs. I was looking at her smooth, hairless pussy and I could detect some dampness on her lips. I put my cock on her pussy and started rubbing it up and down to make sure she was getting lubricated. I leaned my head down so I could kiss her perky tits. She moaned as I started licking around her nipple. I then moved my head up to kiss her. I put my tongue in her mouth, and she moaned louder as she returned the kiss. It was the first time I had kissed her on the mouth. I moved back down to lick and suck on both of her now hard nipples. I felt like I was as hard as I had ever been. After I rubbed my dick over her pussy lips a few more times, I asked, "Are you ready to become a woman?"

She practically growled as she answered, "YESSS! Fuck me, Randy. Make me yours."

I could tell she had spread her legs wider as I allowed the head of my cock to push between her lips. She gasped but didn't do anything to stop me. I held my cock in place to let her get used to it and whispered, "Relax Mindy. I'm just going to push in a little at a time to allow you to get used to having my cock inside your pussy. We're going to go slow, okay?"

She answered meekly, "Okay."

I pushed in a little more until I encountered her barrier. I pulled back just a little and whispered, "I'm going to push in once so I can break your hymen. It's going to hurt a little, but it can't be helped. I promise you it will feel better in just a minute, okay?"

Becky was stroking Mindy's hair and said, "He's right. It only hurts for a minute. It will feel really good after that."

Mindy just nodded, so I pushed in hard until I felt her hymen break. She whimpered and I held my cock in without moving for a few seconds. I asked if she was alright and she said she was, so I drew my dick almost all the way back and started to slowly pump in and out. In a few seconds, I could feel her body relax and she started to softly moan.

I reached down and found her clit and massaged it with my thumb. She jerked like she had been hit with an electric jolt, and then she started to loudly moan, becoming more and more excited. I drove my cock in as far as it would go and began to pump fast and deep. It only took a few strokes before she screamed out, "Oh, fuck! That feels so good. I think I'm cumminnggg!"

She was now thrusting her pelvis up, meeting my strokes. I couldn't hold out anymore as I felt the urge to unload my balls into her. "I'm gonna cum, Mindy."

"Oh, fuck yes, Randy. Cum in me. Fill me up."

When I felt my first load shoot out, she locked her ankles around my ass and screamed, "FUCK MEEE! Fuck me, Randy! Damn, I love your big cock in me."

I finally stopped pumping and rolled off to the side. I was thinking, that was probably the most intense fuck I had ever had. I was lying there spent and exhausted, breathing hard for several minutes. When I could finally get enough strength back to lift my head and look at Mindy, she had her eyes closed but a very satisfied look on her face. I asked, "Are you okay Mindy?"

She opened her eyes, smiled, and rolled over to throw one leg over mine. She then put her arms around me and kissed me hard, putting her tongue in my mouth. Pulling away reluctantly, she answered huskily, "I never would have thought anything could make me feel so good. That was amazing. Thank you, Randy." Then she asked, "Does it always feel that good?"

"I would like to think so, Mindy. I mean, I know not all guys have ... I don't know what to call it. Skills, I guess? I know some guys don't take the time to please the woman they are with. Some cum too fast without any concern about making their partner have a climax. I'm glad you enjoyed your first time, but you need to be careful about who you let fuck you. Don't let some guy get in your pants just because you think it will make you feel good. You might be disappointed."

We laid there for several minutes just holding each other before she kissed me and asked, "Can we do it again?"

I laughed before asking, "Aren't you sore?"

She answered, "I guess, a little, but I was sore before, and the more you fucked me, the better I felt."

Becky had been unusually quiet, but she started stroking Mindy's hair again, like she had before, and said, "I am so happy you got to feel what I felt when Randy took my cherry. I haven't let anybody else fuck me, but Randy fucks me whenever I ask him. He's the best brother ever!" Then she explained to Mindy, "There's a couple of other things Randy taught me that you should know about. I mean, assuming you don't already know."

Mindy looked confused as she asked, "What other things?"

Becky asked, "Have you ever given a blowjob?"

When Mindy said she hadn't, Becky asked, "Have you ever had your pussy licked?"

Again, Mindy said she hadn't. Becky smiled and said, "Well then, consider this your lucky day!"

I laughed and said, "Mindy, what we just did would be considered making love because we took our time and tried to please each other. Technically, at least as far as I'm concerned, fucking is when we do it hard and fast. What Becky just mentioned was a blowjob, which is when you suck my dick, and what she described as having someone lick your pussy, is usually called eating pussy, or going down on you. I would be happy to teach those things to you, but before we do, let me show you something else that can be very sensual. Why don't we go take a shower together? Sucking dick and eating pussy is usually more enjoyable when we are both clean."

We took a nice hot shower where I lathered her tits with soap, and washed her pussy, dipping my fingers in a few times along the way. When we got back to the bed, Becky had fallen asleep. I assumed she would wake up when she felt our bodies on the mattress, but she didn't even move.

I said, "Mindy, I would like to eat your pussy now. Would that be okay?"

"Randy, at this point, you could do anything you want to with me. Consider me your very attentive student and teach me everything I need to know."

I put my head between her legs and started licking her cunt from bottom to top. I noticed her little clit had made an appearance, so I gave it a couple of licks. She seemed to really enjoy having her clit licked, so I started sucking on it, making her whole body shiver. I then started plunging my tongue in and out. It only took a few seconds before she was cumming on my face. I licked her through another climax before lifting my head and asking, "Did you like having your pussy licked?"

"Oh, yes. That felt so good."

I then asked, "Have you ever tasted your pussy before?"

When she said she hadn't, I gave her a deep kiss, allowing our tongues to duel with each other. She said she liked the way her pussy tasted. I then asked, "Are you ready to give your first blowjob?"

"Okay, but remember, I have no idea what to do. I don't want to disappoint you."

I taught her how to take my dick in her mouth and explained that the most important thing was to watch her teeth. No biting and no scraping with her teeth. I taught her to lick around the head, then to start sucking gently, then to slowly stroke it while licking and sucking, and then bobbing her head up and down while taking as much into her mouth as she could. She was an excellent student and was giving me a very nice blowjob in no time. I then told her that if she kept doing what she was doing, I would cum, just like I had in her pussy. I told her it would be nice if she wanted to swallow everything, but that some girls didn't like to do that. I explained that I would warn her before I had to cum, and I would let her decide what she wanted to do. Much to my delight, when I started cumming, she swallowed everything down. There was no doubt in my mind that she was going to be just like her mother.

A few minutes later, I rolled over to put my head between Becky's legs and started licking her sweet pussy. She slowly woke up and started moaning. Then she got a big smile on her face and said, "Uhhmmm. You can wake me up like that anytime you want to."

* * * * *

We got cleaned up and walked into Marcie's room. My mom and her were sitting up in bed talking. When they saw us, Marcie had a worried look on her face. Mindy ran to her, threw her arms around her neck, and said, "Thank you, mom. Thank you for letting Randy do that for me. It was sooo awesome!"

Marcie's worried look changed to sheer delight as she looked at me and said, "Come here, stud."

When I walked over to her, she gave me a deep kiss. She smiled and said, "I owe you one."

I noticed the sun was going down, and it had been several hours since we had eaten, so we found another restaurant where we had a nice steak dinner. As we were walking back to our rooms, I asked, "Do we have any plans for tomorrow?"

The girls all said they wanted to work on their tans, so I mentioned the nude beach. Marcie was the first to say, "Oh hell yes! You know I'm an exhibitionist. Plus, I hate tan lines. I'm in!"

Everyone laughed except Mindy, the youngest, who asked, "Don't you think it would be weird to be nude in front of people you don't know? I think I would be too embarrassed."

Her mother answered, "Listen, honey, there's an old saying that goes, "If you've got it, flaunt it!", and in case you didn't know, you've got it. Most people would kill to have a body like yours. There is absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about. If you don't want to be nude, you can wear your bikini, and if you start to feel comfortable, you can take the top off. Once you get used to being topless, you can take the bottoms off. If you don't feel comfortable right off the bat, just take it slow until you do."

She agreed to that, so we decided we would get a good night's sleep, get up in the morning and go to breakfast, and then head to the nude beach. When we got back to our rooms, I thought mom would sleep with Becky and me, and Mindy would sleep with her mom, but before we could go our separate ways, Mindy asked, "Mom, would it be okay with you if I slept with Randy?"

Marcie shouted, "Damn it, Randy! You've already ruined her!" Everyone laughed and then Marcie said, "It's okay with me as long as it's alright with Randy."

Before I could say anything, my mom said, "Shit. I was hoping to get fucked tonight."

Mindy looked shocked as she asked, "Aunt Mandy! You mean you let Randy fuck you?"

Mom answered, "I don't 'let' him fuck me, honey. It's a mutual agreement. We both enjoy it. Now, go have fun, but don't wear yourself out. We have all week." Then mom looked at her sister and said, "How about it, Marcie? Are you up for another good pussy licking session?"

Marcie said, "Oh, hell yes!" Then they went inside and Becky, Mindy, and I all walked into our room. I fucked both Becky and Mindy twice that night, and Becky gave me a blowjob before we all fell asleep, exhausted.

* * * * *

We had a great buffet breakfast then went back to our rooms to change. The girls all wore skimpy bikinis and I wore my white swim shorts. Becky and Mindy led the way with me walking between my mom and Aunt Marcie. Once again, I was aware of the envious stares I was getting from the men who saw us. As soon as we passed the sign that said the area was clothing optional, Marcie said, "Come on girls, time to strip!" Then she reached behind her back and unsnapped her bikini top. Mom took hers off, too, but the girls kept theirs on. We walked a few yards down the beach until we found a nice spot where Becky and Mindy laid out a few beach towels for us to sit on. Marcie and my mom laid out two rolled up mats they had brought, along with their beach bags, and then both of them removed their bottoms. I didn't see any reason to wait, so I removed my swim trunks and sat on one of the towels.

As I looked around, I noticed four couples, two girls who were sitting on a towel together, and three guys who appeared to be college students passing a football around about twenty yards away. It wasn't as crowded as the day before. I asked Becky if she was going to get undressed and she said she was nervous. I told her there wasn't anything to be nervous about since Mindy and her were the prettiest girls on the beach. I said, "Besides, everyone else is nude."

Becky looked at Mindy and nodded. Then they hesitantly removed their tops. They looked at me, then at their mothers, and then I guess they decided there was nothing to be embarrassed about. They both hooked their thumbs in the bottoms, lifted their hips, and slid the bottoms down their legs. I said, "Let me put some sunscreen on you. Both of you have white tits, and we don't want them to get burned."

They giggled and Becky took a large bottle of sunscreen out of her bag and handed it to me. She observed, "You know, we could have put the sunscreen on ourselves."

"Yeah, I know, but this gives me an excuse to rub your tits without looking like a perv. I'm just a friendly brother and cousin trying to protect my girls." I poured some lotion in my hand, rubbed my hands together, and then started rubbing the lotion over Becky's shoulders, around her neck and collar bone, and then down to her breasts. I rubbed around the whole breast and then spent a lot of attention to her areoles and nipples. After I had rubbed the lotion in, I rubbed her nipple with my thumb and forefinger. She was arching her back and moaning, obviously enjoying the attention I was giving to her nipple. I could feel my dick getting hard when I heard Aunt Marcie say, "Hey, lover boy! When you're through with them, come over here and rub my tits too!"

About that time, I looked up and noticed the two girls who were together, and whom I had assumed were lesbians, standing about ten feet away and staring at us. They seemed to be getting turned on with the way I was rubbing Becky's tits. I also noticed that they were looking at my now fully erect cock. When I noticed one of them look away from my cock long enough to look at my face, I smiled and said, "Hello. My name is Randy and this is Becky and Mindy. Would you like to join us?"

They looked at each other and giggled and then asked in a very distinct French accent, "Do you not mind? It would not be an intrusion?"

That accent alone would be enough to get my motor running, but the fact that they were beautiful, fit, and naked, had me going out of my mind. I quickly answered, "No, not at all. After all, I invited you."

They both gave me another dazzling smile, and said, "We will get our blanket and will come back momentarily, yes?"

I think she could have said, "Eat shit and die you fucking American" and I would have still been turned on just by the accent. I watched their very sexy asses as they walked the few yards to where they had been sitting, grabbed their towels and beach bags, and started walking back toward us. The young lady had said they were going to get their blankets, but I guess she meant towels. I certainly wasn't going to hold that little mistake against her. Before they had time to gather their belongings and head back, Marcie said, "Jesus Christ, Randy. You have your pick of four sexy and willing women to fuck, and you're trying to get two more?"

"Marcie! I'm not looking for anyone else to fuck. You're right. I have four beautiful sexy women, so I don't need another one, or two. I'm just trying to be nice. According to their accent, I assume they are from France. They appear to be here alone, so I thought I would be nice and ask them if they wanted to join us. They didn't hesitate to say yes, so I think they are lonely. Let's just be nice to them, and just for your information, I plan on fucking your brains out when we get back to the room!"

Marcie answered, "Well, okay, but I'm going to hold you to that fuck. I'm looking forward to it."

The girls returned, laid their towels out next to ours, and sat down. Both of them had light brown hair, almost blond, about 34 or 36C cup breasts, and very fit, tan bodies. By the absence of any tan lines, I assumed they were used to nude sunbathing. I also noticed that both had hairless vaginas that I would guess were waxed. I had never seen that before. Both Marcie and my mom had a bush that they kept trimmed, and Becky and Mindy had a small landing strip. The girl who had done all the talking so far said, "I am Nicole and this is my friend Anna Marie. We are from Paris, France, and we are here on holiday."

Becky started chatting excitedly, saying, "Oh my god! You live in Paris? That is so exciting. I have always wanted to go to Paris."

Nicole smiled that beautiful smile at her and answered, "Perhaps you can come visit with us on your next holiday."Now, keep in mind, Becky was young, and while not dumb, certainly not the brightest bulb in the pack. I noticed she had her brow furrowed as she asked, "What holiday? I don't know about France, but we have a lot of holidays in America."

Nicole, to her credit, didn't laugh. Instead she explained, "In Europe when we say we are on holiday, it means the same as your American phrase vacation. I'm sorry for the confusion. My English is not so good."

Becky shouted, "Are you kidding me? Your English is perfect. I don't speak any foreign language. I wish I did."

Mindy was a very shy girl. She hadn't said a word in at least ten minutes. She finally looked at me and said, "Randy, could you rub some sunscreen on me? I feel my skin getting hot and I don't want to burn."

Of course I will. Do you want me to do the front or the back first?"

She surprised me by answering, "The front please."

Nicole said to Becky, "Oh! I am so sorry. I interrupted Randy when he was rubbing lotion on you. Would you like me to finish?"

Becky smiled at her and said, "Yes, please."

Nicole got the sunscreen and started where I left off. She started rubbing Becky's breasts, and I could tell Becky was enjoying it. So was I. My dick was hard as a rock.

Anna Marie spoke to Nicole in French, and Nicole translated, "Anna Marie asked if you wanted to help her obtain some sun umbrellas."

I hadn't even noticed before that we had the beach and water in front of us, but behind us the area was protected by a line of large boulders which provided privacy. Along the front of the boulders were several large blue beach umbrellas. I stood up and followed Anna Marie toward the boulders, enjoying watching the sway of her ass along the way. My dick was sticking straight out in front of me. She slowed down so I could catch up to her, and she surprised me by grabbing my hand. When we got to the boulders, she looked down at my dick, smiled, and said, "Hallo. I am sorry. My English is not so good as Nicole."

"Your English is perfect. Don't be embarrassed. Remember, you can speak my language, but I can't speak yours. I wish I could." She gave me a big smile, so I continued, "And I think your accent is beautiful. So are you."

She smiled again and said in what I would call a lusty voice, "Merci." She again looked down at my dick before saying, "You are very handsome."

We each grabbed an umbrella and carried them down to our spot on the beach. When we had them positioned, I asked, "Do we need more?"

Becky and Mindy shook their heads, but Marcie said, "Can you bring one over here, sweetie?"

I walked back to the boulders and retrieved another umbrella for my mom and aunt, then sat back down to finish rubbing lotion on Mindy. Nicole noticed their white tits and asses and asked if this was the first time we had been to a nude beach. I said it was, and she explained that they had been to several nude beaches in Europe. She said it was common there. She then spoke to Anna Marie in French and told me Anna Marie would like to put some sunscreen on me. I sat up and she began rubbing sunscreen across my shoulders. It felt like I was getting a professional massage. When she had me thoroughly covered, she told me to lie back on the towel, and she said, "We must make sure to keep your white skin from burning."

Anna Marie then put sunscreen on my upper legs that was normally covered by my swimsuit, and then she took my cock in her delicate hands and started rubbing sunscreen all over it by rubbing her hands up and down the shaft. I was in shock that I was being jacked off by this beautiful woman right out in public. I wasn't able to speak, so I just laid flat on my back and moaned. As if this was the most natural thing in the world, she looked at me and explained, "It is very important to protect this area. If it gets burned, it will be very painful." All I could manage was a weak, "Uh hum."

She then leaned down to whisper in my ear, "You have a very nice cock." I didn't think it was possible to get any harder, but I swear, when I felt her hot breath on my ear, I actually got harder. Thankfully, she loosened her grip and continued to put sunscreen on the rest of my legs. I say thankfully because, as much as I was enjoying it, if she stroked me a few more times, I'm sure I would have squirted all over her hands. When she was finished, I managed a soft whisper, "Thank you." My throat was so dry it felt like sandpaper.

I lay on my back for a couple of minutes, trying to regain my normal breathing, when Marcie said, "Hey stud! I thought you were going to put some sunscreen on me."

I stood up and moved the three feet to Marcie and mom and started putting sunscreen on Marcie's tits. I said, "You know, you could have done this yourself. It's not like it's hard to reach."

"I know, but I like it better when you play with my tits. Did you enjoy having your new girlfriend playing with your dick?"

"Marcie, she's not my girlfriend, and she wasn't playing with my dick, she was applying sunscreen. You wouldn't want me to get burned, would you?"

Her very inappropriate answer was, "Ummm. Keep playing with my nipples. That feels so good."

After applying sunscreen to her front, I had her roll over so I could cover her back. As I was applying sunscreen to her ass, she spread her legs and said, "Get some between my legs. I don't want to get burned down there."

I slowly rubbed my hand between her legs, rubbing the sunscreen as high on her thighs as possible. I then started rubbing her pussy up and down before putting a finger in and stroking in and out. Marcie moaned and said, "That's it baby. Keep doing that."

My mom said, "It looks like the girls are getting along."

I looked over and saw the four girls engaged in animated chatter, even the normally shy Mindy. I wasn't sure what they were talking about, but mom was right. They did seem to be getting along with each other. In the meantime, my fingering had caused Marcie to have an orgasm. After sighing, she said, "Okay, I've had enough sun. I'm gonna go down and jump in the water and then I'm heading back to the room. I'm getting hungry."

Mom said she was going back to the room too, and then asked me if I was. I told them to put their swim suits back on and I would ask the girls if they were going to join us. I said I didn't want them walking back alone. I walked the three steps to my towel and put my swim suit back on before sitting down and asking the girls what they were up to. Becky and Mindy started talking at once and the only thing I understood was "Can they, please?"

I told them I didn't understand a word they said, so I told Becky to tell me what she was asking. She said they had asked our new friends to join us for dinner and then come back to our room to watch a movie. Since our rooms were suites, we had a large sofa, an easy chair, big screen TV, and a mini-bar, so I didn't see a problem with that. I told them we were heading back to the room and asked them if they were coming with me. They complained a little, but when I told them they might get dehydrated if they spent too much time in the sun, they reluctantly agreed.

They put their suits on, gathered up our towels, and we headed back to the rooms. If you think I was getting stares from the men when I walked to the beach with four beautiful women, you should have seen the envious stares I was getting when I walked back to the hotel with six gorgeous women!

We had been on the beach the whole morning and it was now just after noon. I think we were all hungry, but I said I wanted to have a big meal tonight at the seafood buffet, so I was only going to have a light lunch. Everyone agreed, so we walked to the snack bar to eat. When we got back to our room, I said I was going to take a quick shower. When I came back to the room, I changed into shorts and a T-shirt. Since we had already seen each other in the nude, I changed in front of the girls.

During our conversation, I discovered the French girls had rooms two floors down from us. Nicole said they had planned to do some sight-seeing, but she was confused by the map they had. She asked me if I could go with them to their room and help them with the directions. I told the girls to take a shower and get changed and I would be back shortly.

I escorted the two ladies to their room, and as soon as we were inside, Nicole put her arms around my neck and gave me a toe-curling kiss. I asked, "What was that for?"

She answered, "I wanted to thank you for your assistance this morning."

I was confused, so I asked, "What assistance?"

She asked if I had seen the three guys playing football further down the beach. When I said I had, she explained that before we arrived, they had been harassing them and making lewd, sexual comments. When she saw us walking toward them, Nicole said, "Oh, here they come!" When the guys saw me, they left the girls alone and moved down the beach. Keep in mind, I have a body builder physique. I guess they decided they didn't want to mess with me. I said, "Well, even though I didn't do anything, I'm glad I could assist."

Nicole continued by saying, "We have been talking to your sisters. They said you are a very nice man, that you treat them well, protect them, and that you are a very good lover. Anna Marie and I are lovers. We share an apartment, so we keep each other satisfied. But we sometimes enjoy having sex with a man. Would you like to make love with us?"

I think I had my mouth hanging open because I was totally shocked. First, I had two very beautiful, sexy women who were telling me they wanted to have sex with me. But I was really shocked that Becky and Mindy would admit to two strangers that I was having sex with them. I wasn't sure about the laws in Mexico or France, but incest was against the law in Texas. I would have to have a talk with them about what they said and to whom. Then I was thinking I had just heard her say she spoke with my sisters. Becky was my sister, but Mindy was my cousin. When I could finally process all of that information, I realized my dick was hard as a rock.

"Nicole, I would very much like to make love to you both, but I have to ask you a question. Doesn't it surprise you, or even offend you, to learn that I am having sex with my sister? And, by the way, only Becky is my sister. Mindy is my cousin."

"No, we don't have a problem with that. In France, it is not uncommon to have sex with the male members of the family. I have had sex with my older brother and my father. I enjoy sex and they love me, so there is no problem. And I am sorry about my confusion. When Becky said she was your sister, I just assumed that Mindy was also your sister."

While I was processing that, Anna Marie said, "We decided we would move closer to you on the beach so the other men would think we were with you. When we got to your space, I saw you rubbing sunscreen on Becky's breast. I was thinking that I wished you were doing that for me. Then I saw your cock, and I got very excited. I thought I would be very happy to have sex with you. I think we both like your sisters very much. They are nice girls who were very excited to hear about our lives in France. We invited them to come visit us. Maybe you could come visit us, too."

Before I could answer, Nicole had removed her bikini and was pulling my T-shirt over my head. When Anna Marie noticed, she unbuttoned my shorts and pulled them down. Since I had gone commando, my hard dick sprang out in front of her face. She continued down to her knees, put her hand around my shaft, and proceeded to give me an amazing blowjob. As I was thinking I wasn't going to last much longer, she took my dick out of her mouth and pushed me back toward the bed. As my knees met the bed, I sat down, and Anna Marie quickly removed her Bikini. She started to crawl on the bed, and she asked me if I wanted to fuck her. I told her I would later, but I wanted to eat her first. She flashed me a bright smile, so I assumed she liked that idea. She put her head on the pillow and spread her legs.

I pressed my face between her legs and was met with an intoxicating aroma. As I began to lick her already wet snatch, I was rewarded with the sweetness of her pussy on my tongue and chin. When I probed my tongue deeper, she began moaning and when I licked her clit, her gasps and moans became louder. She was squirming and lifting her ass off the bed. She grabbed my head and pulled it tightly to her pussy, and I could feel the shudders and spasms of her orgasm. She sighed deeply, and in a very throaty voice said, "That was magnifique, but now I need your cock inside me. Please come fuck me."

I fucked her hard for about ten minutes before she said she was going to cum. I continued pumping until I felt her pussy squeezing my cock and I felt her thick, warm juices covering my cock. She held me close and began to kiss my neck, my chin, my cheek, and finally she thrust her tongue in my mouth to give me a deep, passionate kiss. I noticed she wasn't very vocal when she had a climax. Instead she just gave a deep sigh to let me know she was satisfied. She said, "Your sisters were right. You are a very good lover. I hope we can do that again."

I rolled off her onto my back and tried to catch my breath. Nicole moved her face down to my crotch and took my cock in her mouth. She licked all the juices off and then started sucking me. It only took a minute for me to fully recover. My dick quickly became hard again, and Nicole started bobbing her head up and down.

She began moaning loudly, so I assumed she enjoyed what she was doing. I know I did. She was an expert cocksucker. I told her that as much as I was enjoying the blowjob, I wanted to eat her and then fuck her. She agreed, and I quickly discovered she was much more vocal than Anna Marie. I licked her until she had an orgasm, and she loudly exclaimed, "I'm cumminngg!"

I fucked her through three more loud orgasms, and as we were lying on our backs recovering, she said, "Oh my god! That was amazing. Can I ask you to please do that again every day?"

I told her that wouldn't be a problem. Then she asked me if my "sisters" also enjoyed sex with each other. When I tried to again explain that only one was my sister, she said that was too confusing so she would call them my sisters. When that was settled, I told her that they did enjoy sex with each other as well as together with me. I then told her that my mom and Aunt also enjoyed sex together and with me. She suggested we all get together one night before we left. Sounded good to me. I told them to come to my room at about 7:00, and we would all go to dinner together.

* * * * *

When I got back to the room, the girls had a big smile on their face. Becky asked, "You fucked them, didn't you?"

I admitted that I had and that they mentioned that they wanted to have sex with all of us together. They seemed excited about that prospect. I asked Becky what the four of them had talked about earlier. She said they found out that they lived in an apartment together in Paris and that they worked as waitresses at an expensive restaurant. She said they traveled a lot and had been to nude beaches in Greece, Spain, and Italy. She told me they had invited them to come visit them in Paris, and when Becky said, "Can you take us, please?" I told her we would have to see. I then told her I knew that she had told them that we had been having sex together and I admonished her to be careful who she confided in. I said that while they seemed like very nice girls who were open about sex, if they ever told the wrong person, I could end up in jail. Becky apologized and promised not to tell anyone else.

Our French beauties showed up at our room promptly at 7:00. We walked down to the restaurant and had a fabulous meal. While we were eating, mom and Marcie were chatting with our new friends and we discovered that they were in their mid-twenties, as I had guessed, that they were both college educated, and that, because of the French economy and lack of jobs, they worked as waitresses. However, they explained that they worked in a very exclusive restaurant that was by reservation only, and that many people had to wait over a week for a reservation. They said they made a decent salary and even more in tips. She said Americans were the best tippers, especially if they flirted a little.

Becky piped up and said the girls had invited them to come visit them in Paris. She asked mom if she could go next year on vacation. Mom asked Nicole if they were just being nice, or if she was serious. Nicole said she was serious, and if both girls wanted to come for a visit, they could stay with them in their apartment. Marcie said, "Hell, why don't we all go?"

Mom said she wasn't sure we could afford a trip like that, but Marcie said she could probably afford to pay for our tickets and hotel rooms. She explained that she managed to clean out, in her words, "that sorry, cheating bastard" that she had divorced. Nicole said that we wouldn't all fit in her apartment, but if we wanted to come, she would help us choose a nice hotel nearby, and she would be glad to act as a tour guide and take us to all the normal tourist sites, and some nice places most tourists didn't even know about. I told mom that the first thing I was going to do when I started college was to find a job. I told her that since I had a full scholarship, I would put all my money in the bank, and we could use that for our vacation. I think Nicole was confused by an old Texas expression when Marcie said, rather loudly, "Well that's settled then. If the good lord's willing and the creek don't rise, we're coming!"

Becky and Mindy were bouncing up and down, smiling like crazy, and talking excitedly at the same time. I think they were excited about the prospect of going to France. I asked Nicole what she had studied in college, and she said she had majored in Art History. I looked at Anna Marie and asked what she had studied, and she said Physiotherapy. I said, "Well, that explains why it felt like I was getting a massage when you were putting sunscreen on my shoulders and back this morning." She said she was well trained and could give me a very good professional massage. I was looking forward to it.

We went back to our room where Becky flipped through the TV channels to find a movie, and I got some wine for the girls. Mom and Marcie said they were going to skip the movie and were going to go to bed. As they were leaving, Marcie gave me a hug and a quick kiss before whispering in my ear, "You owe me a fuck." I asked, "Tonight?", and she nodded her head and said, "After your movie night." Then they went to their room.

After the movie, our guests asked Becky and Mindy if they could stay for a while to "talk". I had no doubt they were going to have some girl-on-girl action. I excused myself and went to Marcie's room. When I walked in, Marcie said, "Drop your drawers, Randy, and come over here and fuck me like a two-dollar whore."

"I'm not sure I know how a two-dollar whore fucks, but I do believe I can wear you out."

"Well come on over here and show me what you got, because my pussy is itching."

Being a smartass I said, "Oh fuck, Marcie! Did you catch something? I don't have a condom."

"No, you dumb ass, I didn't catch anything. It's itching because it wants your big cock inside me. Now come fuck me like the stud you are."

I didn't waste any time in crawling between my Aunt's legs. As soon as I was in position Marcie took my cock in her hand and lined it up with her already wet entrance. I plunged my cock into her to the hilt in one deep thrust. She moaned loudly and told me to fuck her hard and fast. I pounded her pussy as deep as I could. After several deep, hard thrusts, she was moaning and squealing, apparently enjoying the feel of my cock. Marcie began to lift her ass up, trying to get me even deeper, but I was already going as deep as I could. After a few minutes of deep, hard, fast fucking, she groaned and said she was about to cum. She wrapped her legs around my ass, still trying to pull me deeper into her pulsating snatch. She screamed that she was cumming, and I could feel her juices coating my cock and squirting all over my pelvis and thighs. That was all it took for me to slam my shaft all the way into her convulsing cunt and unload a massive load of cum inside her. Just as I was about to collapse on her, I felt her pussy squeezing my shaft as she had another noisy climax. She had her arms wrapped around my shoulders, holding me tight. She was kissing my neck, chin, face, and finally she thrust her tongue in my mouth to give me a deep kiss.She giggled as she said, "Damn Randy. You really know how to show a girl a good time. I sure wish we lived closer."

I rolled off and was lying on my back between my Aunt and my Mom. Mom said she would enjoy a nice fuck, but she was wiped out from Marcie eating her earlier.

As I was lying there, they began to talk and laugh about things that happened in the past, like something funny that had happened at Christmas when I was twelve. As I said earlier, I'm not sure how this reincarnation stuff works, but I suddenly realized I could remember everything they were talking about, and my old life was quickly fading away.

Right before I started to drift off to sleep, I said, "Marcie, you don't really have anything keeping you in Dallas. Why don't you and Mindy move closer to us. I would sure like to spend more time with you two, and I'm sure Becky would, too. Her and Mindy have been acting more like sisters than cousins."

She seemed to be thinking about it for a few minutes before she asked, "What would you think about that, Mandy? Would you be okay with us living closer to you?"

Mom answered, "Well of course I would. Why wouldn't I? Yeah, I think it's a great idea. Houston's a great area, and I have a good friend who's a real estate agent. I'm sure she could help you find a place."

I had intended going back to my room, but I was wiped out. I soon drifted off to sleep between my beautiful Aunt and equally beautiful Mom. I woke up to what I thought was a very pleasant dream, but as I became fully awake, I realized I was getting a nice blowjob. When I looked down, I saw my mom happily bobbing her head up and down and I could hear loud slurping noises. She took a break to slowly lick all around the head, then up and down the shaft, and then she continued bobbing her head up and down. In a few minutes of her expert sucking, I whispered, "Mom, I'm gonna cum."

"Umm, yes. Cum for me, baby."

I filled her up with my hot, sticky cum and she swallowed it all. I rolled over and collapsed on her and I could feel her breasts rising and falling underneath me as she attempted to regain her normal breathing. I said, "Shit mom, that felt so good!"

She answered, "I love your big cock. I love when you fuck me with it, but I really love sucking it until you give me a big load of cum in my mouth."

"I need to take a shower. Want to join me?"

Mom replied, "Umm, that sounds wonderful."

We took a nice long shower where, of course, she thoroughly washed my cock and balls, and I washed her tits and pussy. Marcie woke up at the sound of the shower. She walked in the bathroom, sat down on the toilet to take a piss, and said, "Why the hell didn't you wake me up? I would have joined you."

When I told her she could join us, she said, "Nope. Too late. Both of you missed out on playing with this hot body." As she said that, she was running her hands down her sides to emphasize her "Hotness".

While they started to get dressed, I went next door to wake Becky and Mindy. We got dressed, and when mom and Marcie joined us, we went to breakfast. I had the elevator stop two floors down, and I went to wake our friends up and asked them to join us. They were now like a part of our family.

After breakfast, we all decided to go back to the nude beach. There were more people there than the day before. We were in the same spot we had been in the day before. I gathered up some beach umbrellas and placed them where we could easily move to get out of the sun. As I was lying on my beach towel, I noticed a couple about twenty feet away. She was very attractive even though she appeared to be about forty years old. Her husband had a bit of a pot belly and was bald, but I noticed his wife was slowly stroking his dick up and down. No one else appeared to be paying them any attention. As I was watching, I noticed the woman was looking at me. She didn't seem to care that I was watching them. As a matter of fact, she was looking at me with a big smile on her face. A few minutes later, the man ran his hand up her thigh, and as she spread her legs, he began to finger her. I had a feeling that if I went over and asked if I could help, she wouldn't have said no. This would be a vacation I would never forget.

We only stayed for a couple of hours because we didn't want to get burned. When we got back to the room, Marcie, in her diplomatic way, said, "I've never eaten any French pussy before. Would one of you girls be interested?"

Nicole answered, "What do you mean, one? Why can't you eat both of us?"

Marcie loudly exclaimed, "Hell yeah! That's what I'm talking about!"

Nicole got on her back to allow Marcie to get between her legs. Marcie began to enthusiastically eat Nicole. Mom was lying next to her sister, so Anna Marie plastered her face in mom's pussy. I then started to eat Anna Marie from behind. Becky moved up to squat over Nicole's face. Mindy seemed to be a little lost for a minute until she noticed my hard dick hanging down between my legs. She scooted over until she had her head between my legs and she quickly took my dick in her mouth.

We all continued to play with each other until we were all satisfied. We took a shower, got dressed, and went to get something to eat. As we were heading back to the room for round two of our fuck-fest, Anna Marie pulled me aside and asked, "Could you come to my room? I would like to talk to you alone if that would be ok."

I told mom I would be back later. Then Anna Marie and I went to her room. When we got inside and closed the door, she put her hand on the back of my head and gave me a very hot, passionate kiss. She then led me to her bed and said, "I am so happy that we met you on the beach. I have not had many affairs with men, and I wasn't happy with any of them. They were all very selfish and were not concerned with satisfying my needs. You are different. We have only had sex twice, but you were very caring, and you took your time to make sure I had a climax before you finished. Both times we had sex we were with Nicole. I think you are in love with her. I see the way you look at her and the way you treat her. That's okay, but I would like for you to make love to me, just you and me, and with no one else here. Would you do that for me?"

Now, I'm not going to deny that I had actually had a fleeting thought that I was in love with Nicole. She was beautiful, sexy, exotic, and she was a very good lover. However, when that thought went through my head, I knew we could never be a couple. I mean, she lived thousands of miles away in France. But if she lived close to me, I would have definitely asked her to go steady! Probably because of that, I had not paid as much attention to Anna Marie. But now as I had a chance to really look at her, she was just as beautiful, sexy, and exotic as Nicole. And she wanted me to make love to her.

I quickly got undressed before removing her blouse and shorts. Neither of us were wearing underwear, so when we were nude, I gently laid her back on the bed, moved beside her, and took her in my arms so we could share a deep kiss. I kissed her lips, her cheek, her neck, and then her collarbone, before looking into her beautiful blue eyes as I said, "My god! You are probably the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I would like to make love to you all night. Would you let me do that?"

I noticed that she had tears in her eyes, but a smile on her face, as she answered, "Yes, please, make love to me. For tonight, I am yours. Do anything you want with me."

I moved my head down so I could suck her breast, while I squeezed the other one and gently flicked her nipple. After a minute, I continued moving down her body until I could place my mouth on her wet pussy. I licked, lapped, and sucked her sweet nectar as she raised her ass off the bed in an attempt to drive my tongue further into her. After I spent some time sucking on her clit, she had a massive orgasm.

I moved up with my knees between her legs and my face glistening with her juices. I took my rock hard cock and placed it at the opening, pushing slowly until I had it in as far as it could go. I heard her let out a loud, long moan. It suddenly occurred to me that it was the first time I had heard her be this vocal. When I placed my thumb on her clit and started rubbing, she let go the last of her inhibitions by shouting, "YES! YES RANDY! FUCK MEEEE!"

I started driving my cock in and out of her very wet pussy, giving her the entire length of my shaft with each stroke.


I could feel her cunt muscles gripping my dick as she was climaxing. It only took a few more strokes for me to start shooting my hot cum into her pussy, filling her until it started dripping out. When I couldn't cum anymore, I reluctantly pulled out and flopped down beside her. When we had regained something close to normal breathing again, she rolled over to face me and gave me a wet, deep kiss. When I opened my eyes, I noticed she had tears in her eyes. I asked, "What's wrong? Did I hurt you?"

She got a crooked smile on her face as she stroked my cheek with her hand. "No, Cherie. You did nothing wrong. You did everything right."

I was confused so I asked, "Then what's wrong. Why are you crying?"

"Randy, I have never had such a wonderful climax. I know it's silly, but I'm crying because I think I love you. I'm crying because I know you could never be mine. I know you are in love with Nicole. I wanted to spend this time with you alone because I have never met anyone who has made me feel so good. Thank you for agreeing to make love to me without everyone else around. I love you, mon Cherie. I hope we can do this again before we have to leave."

Wow! That was a lot to process. Like I said, I had thought I might be in love with Nicole, but it was more of just an infatuation. But now that Anna Marie had said she was in love with me, I realized I loved her, too. The problem was, I had the same problem with her that I had with Nicole. We lived several thousand miles away from each other. How could we possibly have a relationship? I tried to explain my feelings to her.

"Anna Marie, you are wrong about me and Nicole. I find her very attractive and fun, but I do not love her. I am hesitant to say this, but I now realize I love you. But you must realize there is no way we could have any kind of a relationship. We live so far away from each other. You have a life in France, and I will be going to college in Texas for the next four years. At the most, we could probably only see each other maybe once a year. I know you would not be happy with that."

"I do realize that Randy. That's why I was crying. It makes me sad to think that after meeting the only man I have ever loved we have to leave each other. I hope we can stay in touch with each other when we return home, and I really hope you can come visit with Nicole and me in Paris, but I know that we don't have much of a future. But, despite that, I just want you to know, I am very serious when I tell you I love you."

"I love you, too. If there was any way I could take you home with me, I would. But let's not worry about the future. Let's just enjoy ourselves for the next few days until we have to leave. I will definitely stay in touch with you."

Over the next few days, everyone continued with fucking each other with all the women taking turns fucking and sucking me. Anna Marie had confessed her love for me to Nicole, and Nicole had avoided me except to give me light kisses whenever we met or said goodnight. Everyone else had noticed the difference in my relationship with Anna Marie, but no one said anything about it.

Our week of fun finally came to an end. Nicole and Anna Marie had an early morning flight, and since we weren't leaving until the afternoon, I rode with them in the hotel van to the airport. After they had checked in, Nicole gave me a kiss and said, "Anna Marie is my best friend. She is like a sister to me. Don't break her heart."

I told her I didn't want to break her heart, but I was afraid it would be unavoidable. I said, "Nicole, I really do love her, but I can't think of a way our relationship could possibly last with us living so far apart. It breaks my heart, too. I wish she didn't have to leave."

She smiled, gave me another quick kiss, and then moved away to give Anna Marie and me some privacy. I stood in front of her, put my arms around her, and pulled her in close. I said, "Anna Marie, you know I truly mean it when I say I love you, don't you?"

"Yes, I know. And I love you with all my heart, but what are we going to do? I will miss you so much, but that will not stop me from loving you. You are a very sexual man. I will never ask you to stop having sex with other women. I know it is just something that you enjoy and I'm okay with that. I just hope you will always love me. I can't wait until I see you again."

Then she started crying again. I held her until Nicole came over and said, "Come on my love. It's time for us to go."

After they had cleared the security area, I went outside and the van driver took me back to the hotel. We had a nice lunch before we checked out and went to the airport for Marcie and Mindy's flight to Dallas and our flight back to Houston. Even though I was in love with Anna Marie, I was a little disappointed to see that Julie was not one of our flight attendants.