I've had a secret love for just about all my life. It is my mother. Now I don't mean a son's love for a mother. I mean a hot lustful desire a young man has for an older woman.

My parent is a beautiful woman. About 5'9, long black hair, brown eyes and legs that never quit. She sports a set of 38C's that came with implants. But most of my mother's body was real.

It was an athletic physique that developed with years of competition swimming. It was sleek and slender. Three times a week to a nearby gym had kept the thirty-nine year old body firm and sexy.

My father had left us when I was ten. He found some blonde bimbo stripper who did whatever he wanted. I hated him for the pain he caused mom.

I have to admit my mother rebounded from the separation splendidly. She legally ripped dad's balls off. She got the house and most of the family assets. He was sent packing.

What I didn't know until later was my father had run the business into the ground. My mom was force to file bankruptcy. We had only the home and some stocks to live on.

After a year she started to be bringing a steady income. In fact, it was slightly more than what dad had brought home. She claimed it was from the stocks that were left from the separation.

At thirteen I found out the truth of how my mother was doing so well. She often had late night business meetings in the game room basement of the house. I was forbidden to go in there while the gatherings were going on.

Sometimes it was a single man or a couple of guys. Often it was both men and women. There was even a few time it was just women.

I would sneak down and see if I could hear anything. There were muffled sounds and laughter emitting. All were barely audible to make out.

Soon mom had a lock placed on the room. She told me that it was converted to an office area. I was ordered to stay out.

I was informed that the pool table and home bar had been removed. I had no problem with that. They were dad's toys.

Telling a teenager to stay out of a room was just the signal needed to promote young curiosity. I had to see what she had done to the place! Mom was predicable, all the important items like extra keys were always stowed in the same place.

So one night I lied and said I was spending the night at a friend's house. Instead, I came back home and got the key. I then quickly went to the room.

The pool table and bar was still there. In fact the bar was stocked with liquor! This didn't make any sense!

I had to investigate closer. That went I learned the truth of what mom had been doing for a business! I found all sorts of items and toys of a sexual nature in a closet where the coats normally hung.

I moved to a small desk in the corner. There I scanned through the items. I found a date book. I learned my mother was a party girl!

She had been using our house for specially arraigned swingers' parties and prostitution! She had a list of clients and a price list for each advent! My mother was a successful and high-class whore!

Before I could absorb this information and how I felt, I heard my mother's voice! She was home! Someone was with her!

My escape was blocked! So I closed the door and scrambled to hide under the pool table. I didn't know what else to do!

Mom entered. With her were a guy and a girl. They were chatting loudly and obviously been drinking! It wasn't long before the action started.

I saw my sweet beautiful mother in a heavy lip lock with another woman! Soon the man joined. Before long the three of them were naked and having sex.

It was the first time I had seen my mother's nude body since I was a little boy. It was just as beautiful as ever. It was then I realized how beautiful my parent was.

I had always had deep desires for her. Not like a son does for his mother. But lustful ones that burned deeply. The sight of my parent in sexual action inflamed my hunger!

At first I thought I hated the man fucking my mother. Soon I realized I was envying him! As I watched his cock slide in and out of my parent's cunt, I became hard. I wanted to be the one fucking her! I was actually jealous of this stranger banging her!

After that first night, I saw my mother in a different light. My desire for the forbidden woman had grown ten fold. I wanted to show her she didn't need those people. I could take care of her.

My lust grew and I had to see more. I made a third key to the room. I also set up a special viewing space in a little used storage closet so I could watch my parent in action.

For the next four years I would see my mom's immoral activities. I would often observe masturbating to the scene. She had some wild times in there. The all female orgies really had me going!

By the time I was eighteen, my desire for my parent was uncontrollable. I wanted to be my mother's lover. I wanted to taste her sweet cunt and feel that tight taboo pussy around my cock. I decided somehow I was going to take her.

That happened one evening after my mother had taken a moonlight swim in our pool. She had just come back into the house wearing a skimpy bikini. The wet material adhered to her firm body. Mom might as well not been wearing anything.

All I had on was a pair of sweat pants. I was planning to take a shower and go to bed early. Instead the sight of that hot mature body had my desires sky rocking! Tonight I would take her.

She headed to the bedroom. I followed. I already had a hard on growing. This night my fantasies would be fulfilled.

She was standing there back to the door drying a long black mane of hair. Again, I marveled at the trim athletic body. The firm rounded hips and curvy legs were just too beautiful to be restricted to me.

"Mother," I ask softly, "What do you do for a livin'?"

"Huh?" she responds looking back at me, "What do'ya mean?"

"What do you do for a livin'?" I repeat.

She turns around and gives a puzzled stare. A set of large breasts was barely in the small halter-top. Nipples hard. I wanted to touch them now!

"I'm an entertainment coordinator," she answers, then ask, "Why do you ask that?"

"What does an 'entertainment coordinator' do?" I ask moving closer.

"I've told you this all before." My mother queries with a concerned look, "Why are'ya askin' such questions?"

"Cause I was wonderin' if ya were gonna tell me the truth," I state flatly.

"The truth?" she puzzles, "Whatcha mean?"

"I love you, Mother," I qualify, "An' I shall love you no matter what you are."

"I love you too, dear," she routinely responds.

Mom stares at me with a cocked head. I had no doubts she really didn't know what I was talking about. It was time to be blunt.

"Mother," I frankly ask, "Does an 'entertainment coordinator's' duties include fuckin' the client?" I quickly add, "Either male or female?"

A set of dark eyes widens. A ruby lipped mouth gapes. I hear a deep exhale. Mom was totality shocked.

"What the hell does that mean!?" she gasps.

"It means that I know you're a high priced called girl," I reveal, "An' those 'meetings' are nothing more than prepared swingers' events!"

"You're all wrong, Brad," she start to deny, "Those are----,"

"Don't bother to lie, Mother," I interrupt, "I've been watchin' you at every opportunity since I was thirteen."

"Where?" she automatically ask.

"From a special hidden cove in the game room," I answer and then barbed, "An appropriately named room, I might add."

"Gawd," she aghast, "You must hate me so."

"No, Mother," I confess, "I love you even more." Knowing the moment was now, I continue, "Seein' those men an' women cummin' because of you made me love you even more! You are so beautiful after you've been fucked. I rush on with the admission, "I've jacked off with the images of you still fresh in my mind," With a deep breathe, I tell, "I'd fantasized that it was me that you were makin' me cum like that."

"Stop sayin' that, Brad!" My mom orders loudly sitting down on the bed.

"But it's true, Mom!" I state militantly, "I've been watchin' you service one john after another." I heatedly say, "You're better than that! You need real love, not paid for sex!" I declare firmly, "I can give that to ya!"

"Brad, you are my son," my wide-eyed mom refuses, "I can't have you as a lover."

"But you can!" I insist, "It'd be perfect."

"No Baby," Mom again points out, "It'd be wrong."

"Mother," I say in a softer voice, "You're so pretty. An' when you're cummin' you glow so beautifully." I move closer to her almost begging, "I wanna be the one causin' that beauty an' I know I can do just that."

"Brad I can't," Mom steadfastly refuses with a shaking head, "It'd be just plain wrong!"

"You can!" I move onto the bed next to my bikini-clad mother stating, "You've been givin' your pussy to those people for money, which is wrong!" I shift closer to my nervous parent. "So givin' it to your son wouldn't be a moral dilemma for ya!"

Mom shakes her head violently. She was too stunned to reply. Strangely, I felt this denial was more of an automatic socially approved response, than a real aversion to my admission of lust.

"Come on Mom," I urge putting a caressing hand on a slender leg, "You'd love it." I add moving my hand upward, "You gotta be my lover now."

"No!" Mom yells pushing my hand back, "Brad! Please leave me alone!"

I push forward. My mother was pressed back against the sheets. She struggles against me.

"This isn't right, son!" She weakly threatens, "If ya don't stop, I'm gonna go to the authorities."

"I don't think so!" I huskily state with my frustration and anger rising, "How are'ya gonna tell the cops that your son fucked you an' not tell 'em I did it because you're a high priced whore?"

"You bastard," my mother spats.

Her surprising morality made me feel cheated. I loved this woman. I stood by all these years as she opened legs for money. Now in some antiquated morality I was going to be refused! I didn't think so.

I touch her face and slowly move my hand across a rounded shoulder. She tries to pull my hand away. I grab the left bikini string and jaggedly yank it down.

The flimsy material snaps easily. A pair of rounded titties bounces with the freedom. A set of brown nipples hardened with the exposure.

"Oh god no!" My mother wails as tears came to a set of dark eyes, "Please don't do this Brad!"

My chest was crushing a set of enhanced tits. I slide my hands around a smooth ass. I knead each mound with nervous touches.

"Please, don't!" she protests while trying push me away, "This is wrong!"

It was useless as I was too strong. I was far too horny to stop now. I would show my parent true love today.

The large heaving chest looks beautiful. A rough mouth was planted on a firm nipple. I bit hard on the erect nubs.

"Oh jeezus!" she huffs out of surprise.

An anxious tongue slides all over the firm breasts and licks the stiff nipples. I bite all over the fleshy orb. I was a man in heat.

I wrap forceful arms around a trim waist pulling her back to my body. With tears streaming, Mom looks up at the ceiling. Her body trembles.

"Noooooo," she moans tearfully, "I beg you, son. Please don't do this."

The pleas fall on death ears. I push my body tighter pinning her to the sheets. My cock was rock hard against a warm crotch. I play with the big breasts vigorously.

"Stop!" Mom yells out of desperation, "Or I'll scream!"

"There's no one that will hear ya, my dear mother," I lustfully challenge still making the large breasts a meal, "There's no one who'll hear ya shouts."

She knew I was right. My parents had originally brought this place because it being out-of-the-way from the neighbors. She turned it into her 'office' because of it being so secluded. We were almost a quarter a mile from our nearest neighbor.

I place quick kisses on a long neck. I go back to massaging each breast. The coffee colored nipples were harder now as I pinch them mercilessly.

"You're hurtin' me!" my mother cries. She begs again, "Please don't do this!"

"What do'ya expect teasin' me by bringin' those johns here?" I hotly accuse, "Doncha think I would've been offended with those punks in this house?"

I glance into the dark, wet eyes. For a moment I feel guilty. This was my mother. Yet I knew I was the one to make her happy.

"How long has it been?" I ask in a softer tone while kissing the erect nipples, "I'd think you'd welcome a good lovin' fuck about now."

"Nooooooooo!" suddenly screams and bucks me off.

A hard hand goes across my face. The sting was a reminder she was an unwilling participant. A knee went into my lower stomach. That hurt even more.

My resentment of my parent's newfound morals rises with the pain. She had no right refusing me that easy cunt! That long desired body belongs to me!

I glare in anger at the covered crotch. The last piece of clothing was covering the object of my lust. A brutal hand grabs the fabric.

"You don't need these, bitch!" I growl while tearing off the bikini bottom.

"Oh God no!" she cries while her hips involuntarily lift with the wrenching of the cloth, "This is rape!"

"An' your son is the rapist!" I huskily note

Her pussy was completely open to me. The hair was wet and glistening. I give a lecherous smile.

I again pin my mother against the bed while tugging a set of gray sweatpants off. My nine-inch rod springs free. It point at her menacingly.

My mother froze at the sight. A pair of ruby red lips formed an "O" of surprise. Dark eyes widen when seeing the stiff forbidden cock.

I grab her wrists. I hold them over her head. I place one of my hands into her hair. Her lips were pulled to mine.

"You have a sexy mouth," I hiss, "Those hot lips say 'kiss me'."

I grab a handful of hair and force her mouth to mine. She whimpers as I found her tongue. We were lock in a wild kiss.

"Let's get a better look at that ass, Mother," I pant, "Enough men has paid for it."

I cruelly flip her around. I keep her hands pin above her head. I pull up on the waist until the firm ass was arched high.

"How often has a dick been in this ass?" I hiss hotly, "Did'ya charge extra for it?"

"Pleassse, Brad!" she moans trying to struggle out of my grip, "Don't do this!"

She had managed to twist onto her back. I push my thrashing mother back. A loud slap sounds. A firm thigh showed a bright red handprint.

"Owwwwwwww!" she yelps sobbing loudly.

I recapture her hands. They once again were pin over her head. There was an unsuccessful effort to jerk them away.

"Leave those fuckin' hands there or I'll slap you so hard you won't be able to sit for a week," I growl, "Now hold still bitch!"

No! Damn you!" She screams while fighting to break free of me, "You have no right to do this!"

My mother wasn't a weakling. Years of competitive swimming and three times a week in the gym since high school kept her strong. The thrashing about had her almost off the bed. A couple of wild kicks at my cock did cause me to pull back slightly.

"You goddamn whore!" I scream grasping the long black mane, "You git back here!"

"Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeee!" she shrieks from the pain of being jerked back by the hair.

She was slammed back onto the bed. The frame grunts from the impact. The slender body bounces on landing.

"You'll not try that again!" I roar backhanding her twice.

She froze. Rivers flow from her eyes. An expression of fear appears on my parent's face.

I jam my hands between a set of slender legs. The taboo cunt lips were fondled brutally by my fingers. My thumb rubs a protruding clit.

My cock was so hard. I couldn't wait any longer but I still had to show her who was in charge. I brush the knob of my cock against the forbidden pink lips.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" Mom whines, "No, son! Please don't do this!"

I capture the sensitive skin between thumb and forefinger. I twist the little knob. It feels hot and wet

"Ooooooooooo," she unwillingly moans.

I force another French kiss. Her tongue plays with my tongue. I taste the sweetness of the taboo mouth.

She was pressed deeper into the bed with my body. My hands move to the large breasts. I cup the hard nipples.

I could tell the almost abusive touches excited her. My mother's body trembles. She had stopped crying.

I slowly lower my mouth to suck in a full tit. A hot anxious tongue licks and washes an erect nub. I was getting more thrilled by the minute.

"Grab my cock an' jerk it!" I order in a growl.

To my surprise she quickly obeys. I feel a small hand wrap around it. A quick couple of strokes temporarily froze me.

"Oooooooooh," I gasp, "You---, You're----," I could only mutter.

I force a set of athletic legs apart. The taboo pussy was in full view. I intently stare at the wet cunt.

I place my hand over the one that was holding my dick firmly. I jack the hard tool with her hand. Her grip loosens.

It was time to show who the boss was! I jump onto a flat belly. Before she could respond, I knee walk up the muscular torso with a stiff cock pointing the way.

"Omigod!" she wails in dismay, "You're not gonna make me do that!" Mom denies loudly. She knew what was up.

"Yes! Goddamn it!" I snarl leaning forward, "You're gonna suck your son's cock now!"

The stiff head presses against a set of ruby lips. Mom jerks away. With both hands I trap the flailing head.

"Nooooo-----," she start to protest. "Ummmmmmmhhhhh!" A set of dark eyes widens in disbelief as a still very hard cock disappears into her mouth! The large shaft went in deep.

"Give in," I threaten meanly, "Or I'll shove deep!"

Mother suddenly stops resisting. A whore's mouth begins to suck slowly. I was somewhat startled at this quick turn about.

My hips move in a smooth rhythm. The repetitions increase with the rising pleasure feelings. This was an experienced cocksucker working my stiff rod.

Feather-like touches gently massage a set of balls. They retracted quickly as the attached large cock got harder. Her mouth feels the vibrations of my pulsing dick.

Mom was wonderful. I knew her cunt would be just as titillating. She was going to become my lover this evening.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" I suddenly wail.

The expert blowjob was bringing me to a climax. Mom was working my cock with unrestraint technique. She had submitted to my will.

"Oh god!" I hotly sigh, "You're good, Mom!" The sensations rise higher. "You're really good!"

My mother sucks even deeper. I could feel the sides of the forbidden mouth adhere around my pulsating shaft. A raven-haired head bobs back and forth excitedly.

My ball sac tightens. My cock vibrates as I feel a river of sperm rush down the shaft. I was climaxing. My mother was causing it to happen!

She then tastes the taboo cum. The warm nectar races into her mouth. Instinctly she sucks drawing the forbidden sperm in deeper. Not a drop was lost.

"That's it, my sexy mother," I groan in a pant, "Drink all my cum!"

I pump harder. She sucks deeper. It was pure pleasure how she was being such an obedient bitch.

She licks the withdrawling dick. A pink tongue flicks at the head briefly. I fall to one side of her.

"Why?" she moans, "Why did'ya make me do that?"

"That's because, my dear sweet mother," I answer sitting up, "I can be the best for you."

I lean into her. My fingers insert into a wet pussy. The pastel lips are spread.

"It's time for your son to taste your love," I softly say moving down the mature tight torso.

I tenderly kiss the taboo soaked pussy. I heard start to lick the flesh slit like a lollypop. I pause to give special attention to a protruding clit. My other hand was caressing one of the large tits.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhh!" she moans and tosses her head back enjoying my tongue.

It was signs Mom was giving in to her rapist. Her rapist-son. I knew she would. I just had to push it to make it happen.

"Let go, Mother," I urge, "Let me be your lover. I am the only man who truly loves you."

My breathing was more rapid. My cock was getting even harder. I was seducing my prostitute mother. I was about to fuck the woman of my fantasies.

"Omigod," Mom sighs, "This is wrong. So damn wrong."

"Like hell it is," I hiss back, "If you can give up your pussy to strangers for money, you can give it up to your son for love."

Her mouth was saying 'no' but the body language was saying something different. She was becoming stimulated. Her hands were no longer preventing my touches.

I insert my tongue deeper into the hot cunt. A pair of slender hips begins to move in conjunction to my lappings. I realize that a climax was getting ever closer.

I shove my mouth harder onto the vibrating twat. She twists to the pleasure sensations I was giving. I move up to the clit and lick and wash the little dick.

At the same time I insert a couple fingers in the oversensitive pussy. This was followed with a couple of quick deep thrusts. That did the trick!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!" she screams grabbing my head. "No! Nooooooo! Oh god no!" she desperately yells giving a last minute protest.

The woman's body tonics and flexes uncontrollably. My face was covered with the warm forebidden love juices. A pair of slender legs constrict around my head. My mother finally collapses into the bed.

I look at this raven-haired, dark eyed vixen heavily panting on the bed. She was magnificent! She was my mother and my lifelong desire. It was time to complete this seduction

"It's time you have my dick, dear mother," I say moving over her.

"Please," she begs giving a doe like look. "Please, son, don't do this!"

Tears return to the dark eyes. They roll down the rounded cheeks. It was one last entreat.

I got to have this woman. Forbidden or not, I've wanted her for far too long. She was to be mine now. No more sessions of loveless sex. I would be the man to reintroduce passion into her life.

"Please no," Mom bags in a whimper, "Please don't, Brad. We---we've already done too much."

"We haven't done enough, woman," I huskily disagree slowly pushing in about three inches.

She was so dry I couldn't get it in any further. I believe it was the shame was making the experience cunt so tight. I knew it was a temporary situation I could remedy now.

A rigid cock retracts and then pushes until the cunt juices begin to flow. My balls begin to tighten. I force her hands down and then used my entire body to press her against the sheets.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" I grunt shoving deeper.

My cock had now gone in completely. I lay down on top of my mother and start pumping slowly. She sobs heavily as I begin to thrust in earnest.

After a minute or so I could tell she was ready. I pump my cock with purpose going deep. She catches her breath as I fill the quivering cunt completely. The sounds of a ball sac slapping against a taunt ass echo in the room.

"No," she gasps softly, "No! This isn't supposed to feel good."

My mother's pussy was surprisingly tight considering her profession. The experienced cunt was gripping my cock like a vise. I grab both ass cheeks and start ramming hard. All of my bottled up lust explode.

I let go of her ass and place my hands on a trim waist. Each thrust gives a resounding slap against a bouncing ass. I punish mom's tight cunt with uninhibited plummeting. I watch with delight as a pair of large breasts jiggled playfully.

I bend down and give a long deep kiss. She didn't resist. Mom was enjoying the good fucking I was giving her.

"You make me feel great!" I pant breaking the kiss, "This is gonna be the most exotic fuck I've ever had!" I continue saying, "I promise I'll always make you happy."

This was our first passionate kiss. Her hips were rotate gently. My dick moves easily back and forth in the tight, taboo pussy.

"This is sooooo wrong," Mom sighs with wet eyes, "I'm such'a bitch!"

"No, Mother," I say in a whisper, "You're simply a woman who's been long overdue for a real lover."

Mom looks at me with a dark loving eyes. A smile appears on the angelic face. She was hugs me tight. A pair of athletic legs wrap around my back.

I knew Mom had accepted my love. My pelvis thrust faster. I pound away at the sexy love hole.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" she screams. "Iiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeee!" she wails with a humping pelvis.

"Yes! Yessss! Yesssssss!" I yell out feeling the hot sperm rise in my ball, "I'm gonna cum, Mother!"

"Cum, my son!" Mom pants back, "Cum in me deeply!"

We were now lovers. Taboo lovers. We had become real lovers. Not rapist or victim. Not mother and son! But honest-to-goodness lovers!

"Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeee!" Mom shrieks into the room, "I'm cummmmmmin'!"

I couldn't hold it any longer. I blast into her in one strong orgasm. It was so powerful I could see stars. I fill the quavering cunt fully.

I could feel her juices merging with mine. The love hole was a hot sheath of lust.

At last I could feel my balls pulse again. I was going cum again! Spurt after spurt of my juices shoots into the forbidden cunt. Fluids seep out of the pulsating pussy.

"Yyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeee!" I scream as the climax apex.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Mom lets out a faint gasp tightening legs around my waist.

Her orgasm grips my cock tightly as it releases in waves. Shudders racked her body. I roughly hug her as the orgasm subsides.

I kept moving inside her gently until the climax ends. I lay spent on top of my mother. Her large titties mashed against my chest. We gently kiss.

"You really are a nice little fuck mom," I whisper into her ear.

"I hate you for what you just did," Mom responds.

"No you don't," I disagree, "You love me an' needed me in you."

"We can't do this again," she states in a firm voice.

"Yes we can," I flatly predict, "an' you will."

"I'm such'a evil woman," she whimpers rolling away from me "I am nothin' more than a cunt."

I look at the slender back. Mom then went into a balled position crying. She was a victim of rape. I was that rapist.

I pull her next to me. I was really feeling guilty about what had just happened. My arms surround the mature shaking body.

"Mother," I apologize in a soft voice, "I'm so sorry for what I've done." I honestly offer, "I'll turn myself in for punishment." I promise, "I won't tell 'em about you or your business."

My mother turns over in my arms. She stares with those dark brown eyes. Her face shows compassion I really didn't deserve. I roll onto my back. A raven-haired head lay on my chest.

"Please don't do that," her say into my chest, "Just hold me, my son." She adds placing a leg over mine, "We can decide what to do tomorrow. Just hold me now, my love."

We held each other tightly. I wondered what the punishment would be for my crime. We soon fell to sleep wrapped in the each other's arms.

The next morning I had awoken in an empty bed. Mom had already gotten up. It was still a question of what she was going to do next. Maybe she was calling or cops or something like that.

My concerns mellow when sniffing the air. Breakfast was being made. She was in the kitchen.

I place on a set of pajamas and robe. I then move downstairs. There the woman was in all her beauty. She was making breakfast and even humming a tune!

She was dressed in a loose sweater, which didn't hide that magnificent chest! A tight short skirt, which emphasized those rounded hips and curvy legs. My parent was the most gorgeous woman I've ever known.

"Oh!" she startle seeing me, "I didn't see you there, Brad."

"I didn't mean to scare ya, mom," I apologize.

"I thought you might be hungry," she states placing a couple of eggs on a plate, "I know I am."

I move closer to mom. Her actions were surprising. I had to know what she was feeling.

"Mother," I start to say, "about last night. I----,"

"Last night just happened," she interrupts. Then orders, "Sit down an' eat your breakfast."

"But I need to know what gonna happen now," I insist sitting down.

"Honey," she says looking directly at me with those dark eyes, "Last night two people made love." She quickly adds, "An' you were right."

I was stunned at this admission. Mother wasn't upset at all! She was very serene!

"I had no business followin' some out-of-date morality code I haven't accepted in years." She leans into me saying, "I do love you, Brad."

She gives me a quick kiss.

"But I think we should take all this very slowly," she suggest pouring a cup of coffee, "I think we should last night behind us an' move on."

"What about your business?" I ask.

I received a loving stare from my beautiful parent. My question stirred some serious thoughts. I hoped she would be telling me that it was going to end.

"I know you don't wanna hear this," she tells slowly, "but I have to continue on with an entertaining coordinator for just a little while longer."

"Mother," I ask disappointedly, "do'ya really have to continue that vile lifestyle?"

She moves back to me. A slender set of fingers comb through my hair. I could smell my parent's sweet aroma as she bent forward.

"It won't be much longer, baby." She softly promises, "I won't be doin' any more really radical parties. I'll make sure you're not here when I do have clients in the future."

"Mother---," I start to say.

"Please, baby," she insists, "We need to drop this conversation for now." Mom adds, "There was no wrong in our actions."

I could tell in her eyes last night wasn't a regret. I knew at that moment this was my woman. I stand up.

"Baby," she ask stepping back a little, "what are you thinkin'?

"I'm thinkin'," I answer taking her in my arms, "how beautiful of a woman you are."

"You're my son---," she starts to repeat.

"An' your lover," I interrupt bringing her closer. "You don't regret last night," I challenge, "because you liked it."

"Honey, no," Mom protest weakly.

My lips were inches away from hers. My hands brush along a slender back. I feel my cock hardening.

"Brad, we can't do this---," she start to say when our lips brush.

Mom's body was trembling. She was almost nervous as I. We kiss deeper. It turns into a mutual French kiss.

She only offers a token of resistance to the embrace. My hands were on her hips. We squeezed tighter.

Her arms go around my neck as our tongues did a tango of lust. My hand clutches a tight ass feeling the rounded cheeks through the thin materiel. She was wearing a thong.

I grind my hips into her. She grinds right back. Last night was only the beginning.

I lower my mother to the kitchen floor. The loose sweater was tug over her head. A crimson satin bra was expose.

I close a right hand over a large breast. An erect nipple jumped at my touch under the flimsy material. I massage and pet the large mound.

"Oh Brad," she sighs, "We can't do this." Again, she halfheartedly protest, "We hav'a stop. We can't do this again."

"Janice---," I didn't like the sound of that, "Mother, we can do this," I kiss her neck admitting, "I love you just too much not to do this."

Mom froze for a few second. Then suddenly my robe is push off. Then a set of nervous hands begins unbuttoning my shirt.

"Omigod," I moan feeling her kissing and licking my firm chest.

Mom gently kisses and sucks my nipples. My cock was hard. My breathing quickens, as a pajama top was remove.

Mom ran hands all over my chest, back and arms. She kisses and licks everywhere. The resistance to our lovemaking had dissipated. She was accepting the taboo lust.

The forbidden full lips feel wonderful. Mature hands move lower. She stops at the elastic waistband.

I reach beneath her. My excited fingers unhook the thin bra. It lifts away.

Mom's breasts were even more beautiful than the night before. The dark nipples stood proud. A pair of large titties heaves enticingly.

Starting at the skirt top I begin kissing my way up the flat stomach. A fast tongue licks and teases a sensitive belly button.

"Omi, Brad," Mom groans feeling me flick the stiff nipples, "Oh, honey! Oh honeyyyyyy."

The twin mounds were held in two excited hands. I softly blew hot air on the dark nubs. Mom's body involuntarily heaves upward.

My mouth captures a nipple. I suck it deeply. I teasingly nip with my teeth.

"Gawd, honey," Mom huskily sighs, "Gawddamn that feels good."

All inhibitions seemed to be gone. My throbbing cock is seize through the PJ bottoms. She fumbles in the effort to push the pants down.

"Oooooooooo," Mom moans louder.

I suck and nibble at both nipples with a faster motion. I skim over the skirt. Her legs couldn't open far being in the tight garment I work the heel of my palm against her crotch.

"Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeee," she moans in almost a scream.

The massaging my cock increases. I left a trail of fluid across her leg. Mom was humping my palm. A slick, wet spot appeared on the skirt's surface.

Mom lifts up a tight ass so the skirt could be taken down. The snug garment is tug over a set of curvy legs. A pair of red thong panties and pantyhose came with it.

My eyes widen seeing this taboo body in the daylight. I hastily kick the pajama bottoms off. My dick was rock solid now!

I kiss her hard gliding an excited palm over a hot, damp pussy. There was just a spared raven-hair muff that covered the red, glistening lips. I couldn't believe how beautiful this cunt was.

"Omigod Brad!" Mom cries out feeling two fingers enter her.

It was a tight fit. The nervous cunt adheres around my digits. I pump slowly.

I suck on the raising breasts while working my fingers in and out. I move downward until I reach the beautiful love slit. Mom shoves a very wet cunt into my mouth.

I spread a set of trim lips. Her pussy was extremely wet. Mom was already on the verge of climaxing.

"God! Omigod!" Mom squeals as soon as my tongue touched her, "Oh my God! Omigod!" she shouts louder.

Her hips and pelvis lift and falls with my tongue-lashings. Love juices flow from the hot cunt. My mother was cumming.

"Brad honey!" she pants, "Please don't stop! For God's sake please don't stop!"

I suck the protruding clit wildly. My fingers pumps unrestrained. She was squirming all over the floor.

"Iiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeee!" she screams with a convulsing body, "Eeeeeeeoooooooo!"

I remember last night the forced climax was strong. This was harder and more powerful. It was one being cause by love and passion.

"I've haven't been made to cum that hard in years," Mom pants.

She lays sweaty and trembling on the floor. I move over her, cock in hand. Mom strokes it, opening those dark eyes to look at me.

My macho part was brimming with pride. I was glad I could make my whore mother cum more explosively than any john ever had. I knew at that moment she would let me lick her forever.

"Honey, I still have my doubts," she genuinely admits, "I do want you an' I do feel guilty for wantin' you."

"It'll be okay." I confess in a loving tone, "I love you Janice Cooke. I want you so bad. I need to be inside you." I move between the athletic legs pleading, "Please, mother, don't stop now."

Those gorgeous dark eyes glimmer. She gives my body the once over. Then a very beautiful smile came to that angelic face.

"Please take care, Brad," she cautions, drawing my cock toward her, "You're much bigger than what I've had lately."

"I'm bigger than you're use to?" I ask with a mixture of both surprise and pride.

"Yes, honey," Mom gasps as I entered her, "You're fuller than most men."

I was still amazed how a tight fit it was. Mom's mouth was open wide as my cock palpitates inside the taboo pussy. I kiss her allowing the wet cunt to adjust.

The vaginal muscles grasp my hard shaft. Trim hips thrust upward. Slowly I pump back at deep into her.

"Jeezus, honey, it feels so wonderful!" she pants, breaking the kiss. I feel nails claw at my back as she lustfully urge, "Don't hold back anymore! Give it to me! Give it all to me!"

"I love ya, Mom." I say, but now differently than the million times I'd said it before.

"I love you too, Brad!" Mom groans, "Oh, Godddddd!"

I start pistoning my cock into her. I was determine to give Mom all the loving that could be given. This was my object of fantasies and now my lover.

She moves with me as I pound. We bounce in unison stroke for stroke. I ram as deep as possible.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" she moans loudly, "Damn! This is so fuckin' goooood!"

This forbidden cunt was so wet, so tight. The sensations raging through my body were more than the night before. I only slow down as to not to cum.

There was no desire to finish yet. I want to feel Mom's velvet pussy grip as long as possible. This day would be a continuation of last night. Only love would be the driving force this time.

Nails dig deep into my back. Mom's feet are planted firmly on the floor. She thrust back insanely.

"Oh gawd!" She shrieks as a climax raises, "Ohmygod! I'm gonna cum!"

Her body contorts with the pleasure waves. A raven mane blindly flails back and forth. A silent scream forms with the ruby lips.

"Iiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeee!" she shrieks as the climax takes her body.

Vibrating cunt muscles massage my cockshaft. They milk my rod with every orgasm. It was difficult for me not to cum.

She goes flaccid. I fall on top of the glistened body of sweat. Mom's breasts move steadily.

We lock into a long kiss. We begin to French. Mom's and my tongue dance a lustful tango.

"Honey," Mom breathes, "You didn't cum yet?"

"No, Mom," I tell, "I wanna stay inside ya just a little longer."

"I'm not complainin'," she coos, "You feel so good."

It was her first acknowledgement our fucking was more than physical. She just admits this was an act of love. My fantasy woman was now my woman.

"Keep makin' love to me, Brad." Mom whispers hotly, "Only your father has ever dominated me like this."

I look up at the clock on the kitchen wall. I couldn't believe how long we had been at it. We have been going it for over an hour.

"I'm cumming in ya this time, woman," I hiss.

"No, honey," she says pushing me off her, "Not in my pussy," I roll onto my back with her following. She slides down my body saying, "Cum in your mother's mouth this time."

She pops my cock right into a hungry mouth. Mom sucks my hard shaft deep. This high priced whore was using all her carnal knowledge to give me a fantastic blowjob.

"Mom, you're---," I couldn't say anything more.

The sensations from that pleasure making mouth were overwhelming. I haunch back on the descending head. I was fast reaching a climax.

My balls tighten. A river sperm rushes from them. My cockshaft tingles with thrills. I had never cum so hard in my life.

"Ooooooooooooh god!" I rave wildly, "Ohhhhhhhhmygod! Mother you're a fantastic cocksucker!"

I explode. Mom keeps her mouth locked over my cock. Wave after wave squirts.

My cum runs from her lips. It covers my pubic hair. Mom did not stop until the last bit of sperm had exit my rod. She then sucks my member clean before letting it go.

"That was truly the best session I've ever had," Mom professes looking up "I love you so much, honey."

"I love you, Mom," I pant, "You're so fuckin' sexy. I've never wanted anyone as much as I wanted you."

We both lay on the kitchen floor almost beneath the dinner table recovering. The coldness of the linoleum tile was now noticeable. I had to get up.

Mom offers me her hand. I accept it. I not only lifted her off the floor but cradled her into my arms.

"Oh, honey," she yips as her feet leaves the ground.

I carry Mom upstairs. We move to her bedroom. When I enter a cold reminder of how last night happened.

Standing there, I momentarily froze, looking around. I had been such a bastard. Yet it all seems to be turning out for the better. We were two people in love.

I drop her onto the bed. I gaze down at the mature body lying there. I had never seen a more beautiful creature. This was my mother and my fantasy lover. I couldn't have been luckier.

I crawl onto the bed. I move between Mom's legs with a hard cock pointing the way. No time was wasted as an erect fuck stick rams right into a very wet pussy.

"Oh, Brad," Mom gasps wrapping legs around my back, "I love you so much."

We made love all day long. Mom's sexual appetite was voracious. I was just as hot. As the sunset we fall asleep naked in each other's arms.

I was awoken with my cock and balls tingling. I open my eyes and watch my mother lapping me like a lollypop. I saw her raven head move forward and feel my cock slide into her mouth.

Mom brushes a stray black lock from her face. She gazes up at me watching her. The rhythm is picked up.

"I love you, Janice," I moan.

"I love you, Brad," she responds letting go of the stiff dick.

"I need to be mountin' you," I say starting pull her up.

"No, baby." Mom says, straddling me, "It's my turn to mount you."

My prostitute mother teases her cunt with a couple of fingers. Within seconds it drips love juices. She was getting it soaking before taking my hard cock inside.

"Ooooooooooooo," I groan feeling the taboo cunt slide down my shaft.

"You have the most wonderful dick I've ever experienced, son," my mother hiss sexually with closed eyes.

Soon we were grinding together. She pushes downward. I hump upward. It was a marvelous feeling.

"Yes, Brad, yes!" Mom groans, "You feel so great inside me." She starts humping faster moaning, "Your father was the only man who could fill me like this when I was on top!" With a long black tress waving like a pom-pom, she declares in a screech, "I'm bein' fuck by my son an' lovin' it!"

Mom's cunt muscle clasps me tightly. A pair of firm hips thrust madly. A set of large breast was lower. Two dark hard nipples are present for sucking.

The woman I had to rape the night before was now a bitch in heat. She was enjoying this incestuous fuck session with unabated lust. She gyrates and rocks on her son's cock inhibitedly.

Mom was riding hard and fast. I arch off the sheets to meet this forbidden cunt. She was impales as deep as possible humping wildly.

It was greatest feeling my cock had ever had. I let go of a nipple and interlace her outstretched hands with mine. It gives her the balance to ride me harder. I had a feeling this wouldn't be the last time we would fuck this way.

"Iiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeee!" she wails arching a slender back, "Sweet Jeeeezus!"

The taboo pussy vibrates around me. It tenses and flexes on my invading stiff shaft. Love nectar oozes between the cunt lips and my cock.

"Bradddddddddddd!" Mom cries loudly, "I'm cummin'!" She huffs with a black mane flailing, "I'm cummmmmmin' hard! I'm explodin'!"

Hearing my mother say those words drives me wild. I couldn't hold back much longer. I start fucking mom harder.

"Yes! Oh Yes! I'm gonna cum again!" she wails opening wider, "Fuck mommy! Fuck mommy hard!" She pants loudly, "Mommy wants her little boy's cum!"

I could feel my cock enlarging. She knew I was about to explode. My experienced mother begins to wiggle a very wet pussy up and down as I fuck back.

"Ooooooooh!" I groan, "Ahhhhhhhhh!"

My hips drive harder into her pelvis. She responds by hunching upward giving me full access to the taboo cunt. We bounce in unison.

"Oh yes!" She yells, "Do it babe! Shoot that hot cum in Mommy's pussy!" she screams blindly.

The sperm in my balls boil to a climax. It rushes down my shaft at extreme speed. With one last savage thrust I shoot a hot load deep inside her pussy.

"God yes!" I scream, "Oh yes! Yes! Yessssssssssss!" I wail blindly into the room.

Mom buckles hard against my pulsating cock as the forbidden sperm splashes inside the quavering cunt. It fills her pussy with hot cum. It was the most fantastic sensation I had ever feel.

"Ohhhh Gawd!" Mom yowls insanely as the pleasure thrills capture her body, "You're makin' me cummmm again, son!" She hunches higher so I could have better access to her, screaming, "You're makin' Mommy's pussy happy!"

It was a wonderful feeling knowing I had made my mother have a powerful orgasm. At that moment we both tense. She then collapses onto my body.

We laid motionlessly, my cock still in her. We gasp catching our breaths. A sheen of sweat covered our bodies

"I've gotta be dreamin'," I though feeling her hot and wet body next to mind, "It's just to good to be true."

Mom then slides off my soaked torso and onto the sheets next to me. A pair of dark eyes stared lovingly. A small hand strokes my damp cheek.

"Why did I wait so long to do this?" She professes in a low voice, "I love you, my son. I think I've always loved you like this."

"I love you, mother," I respond pulling her into my arms, "I can't remember I didn't love you like this.

We wrap up into a deep French kiss. I know she is my lover. I know I have her heart.

It no longer mattered if she was a whore or not. No matter how many pussies and cocks she would service, my dick would be the only one she would love. My mother was now my fantasy lover.

The next month we were constantly making love. There were days neither of us got dressed. My mother had become wilder and wilder with each fucking. There was no doubt I had released a sex-hazed genie from a bottle.

Mom continues to have the 'meetings'. I had no objections to them. These sessions always made my parent horny. Which made her even better in bed.

This evening she was in a mood. I could tell because Mom didn't stay with the normal routine. She would clean up the game room without delay then come upstairs.

Tonight Mom immediately came upstairs. All garments were stripped off on the way to the shower. I knew she was hot-to-trot so I stripped of my sweats.

A few minutes later she came into the front room drying the long raven hair briskly. Her arms rose high in the air as the large breasts stuck out. The two fleshy mounds jiggled delightfully with every movement.

I watch my sexy mother gawking at the mature curvy, toned, and smooth body. It was still amazed this sexy female was my lover. The mom had lived up to everything I had ever fantasized about her.

She drops the towel giving me an unrestricted view of that mature body. Mom then grabs my hand. I was led to the bedroom.

We had been making love two and three times a day. The fun part was she usually initiated the action. There were times I thought I couldn't put out what was needed.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. I obediently follow my mother as she guides me by the hand. My stiff dick bounce proudly while watching a heart-shaped ass sway back and forth.

Mom crawl onto the bed cat-like. She actually purred while moving to the center of the bed seductively. Her every move was feminine and graceful.

I edge up next to her. We lock into a sexy, deep kiss. No words are exchange. Both knew how to compliment each other's movements.

Mom breaks the kiss. She quickly sits up and mounts my chest. A curvy leg is position on each side of my head. My face is straddle the athletic gams.

She leans forward, mashing a set of large tits against my hard stomach. I feel her hand wrap around my hard cock. She bends the head towards a set of wet lips. Soft kisses are place the head ever so gently.

"Oooooooooh!" I involuntarily moan.

I shiver at the tender contact. It was times like these that made me glad she was an experienced whore. The woman just knew what and how to make a man shudder.

My hands glide up and down my mother's sexy hips. With feathery touches my fingers move over the soft smooth flesh. My lips lightly skim the inside of the athletic thighs. I then work my way upward.

I could see that the petals of my mother's glistening pussy were wet and glistening. My tongue laps the engorged lips. I feel a set of athletic legs quiver around my head.

"Sweet God!" Mom groans around the head of my cock.

She releases it and looks over a left shoulder. A large smile appears on her face while watching me. Then a pair of soft lips presses against my budging cockhead. This is follow with a very experienced lips sliding very slowly down the length of my stiff rod.

"Sweet Jeezus!" I moan feeling the warm mouth encapsulate my cock.

She slithers up and down my hard dick. My mother gives the finest blowjobs in the world. Then she doesn't just suck my rod, she makes love to it.

I went back to work on the taboo cunt again. I soon found a stiff clit just inside the inner folds. Greedily I capture it between my lips. An anxious tongue circles it and the smooth underside.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" Mom squeals.

A wet pussy was driven further into my face. A set of slender hips gyrates slowly. I could feel her body tremble from my touches.

A coating of sweat covers us. We press deeper onto the other's body. Both of us were in a fevered lust.

A set of dark hard nipples grazes against my stomach as a raven head moves back and forth slightly. A hand is brought up and gently cups and massages my balls. A hot mouth now inhales my entire cockshaft with each repetition.

Her mouth around my rigid unit had me seeing stars it feels so good. My mother's soft hands rub my balls. I blindly arch as the pleasure making mouth retracts.

I squeeze a set of rounded ass cheeks. My tongue thrusts deeper into the taboo pussy. It swivels quickly in small circles.

"My god, Brad!" Mom squeals letting go of my cock, "I've never feel this horny in my life!"

I suck and lick the protruding clit even faster. She pushes back against my face with a very wet cunt. I was being drench with love juices.

"I need ya so, my handsome boy!" Mom states hotly suddenly swinging around, "I need ya deep inside me again!"

She straddles my pelvis. A pair of smooth thighs rubs against my muscular legs. An excited hand reaches down and grabs a hard teenage cock. It was then led to a very pink and wet cunt.

I place a middle finger on her clit. It was rubs roughly a few times. Mom tenses.

"Omigod!" she huffs biting a lower lip.

Mom pushes a hot pussy down inserting my very erect cock inside the taboo love hole. Small hands rest on my muscular chest for balance. A tight cunt skates down my full length.

This was such a beautiful sight. My hot mother, her body glistening with sweat, lowering herself down. She wants her son's stiff rod with unrestricted lust.

Her pussy feels tight and wet around my cock. It moves with a deliberate slow pace to enhance the pleasure. I arch my hips upward to maintain deep penetration.

"Gawd!" I groan loudly, "I love you so, Janice Cooke!"

All nine inches of my cock was inside my mother. Keeping her eyes shut tight, a sensitive clit was grinds into my pelvis. Her hands interlace with mine. My arms are forced above my head. A pair of large tits proudly dangles inches from my mouth.

"Oh! Ohhh!" she respond as I captured a hard nipple. "Ohhhhhhh gawd!" I suck deeply on it. "Yes! Yes! Of all that's holy!"

"Mom," I say releasing the nipple, "you feel so fuckin' good!"

I alternate between the two large tits. I tease the dark nipples with my mouth. This causes her to move faster on my very rigid manhood.

I respond by thrusting upward faster. I delight in the feel of the taboo wet cunt. My hips lift off the sheets with each repetition.

"Yeeeeeeeeessssssss!"Mom squeals, "Yessssssss, baby! That's sooooo good!"

That was taken as a cue to move a little faster. Releasing my hands, she sat up. Those firm hips rotate quick circles to match my tempo.

"Oh motherfuck me!" she exhales, "Oh god---it's---sooooooo good!"

I drape my arms roughly around her back. I press her downward. I hungrily catch one of the hard nipples in my mouth. It is sealed around my lips as I twirl my tongue around the erect nub.

"Mmmmmhhhhhh," I moan.

My hands grip the tiny waist tightly. I pull back until only the head of my cock was in her. Releasing the wet nipple I look up confidently into my mother's dark almond eyes. I hold her firmly preventing any moving.

Mom was gasp at the suddenly halt. She tries to move. The firm body couldn't budge in the restricting grip.

"D-Don't stop!" she stutters, "Dontcha dare s--stop!"

I smile up at mom before looking down between the valley of the big breasts. My shaft was glistening from the forbidden cunt. I could feel my cockshaft vibrating from the rushing blood. I suddenly flex my legs and jack hammer into her.

Mom's eyes bulged as all nine inches of a taboo cock thrust into her repeatedly. I enter with such force my heavy balls slaps against a lower ass. A pronounced "whack!" echoes in the room.

"Iiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeee!" she screams lowering a raven maned head onto my shoulder.

She grips me tightly. A set of dark eyes glazes over as sexual lust captures her beautiful body. Her hips bounce and a firm ass jiggles with each powerful plunge.

"Fuck me son!" Mom yells hotly, "Fuck me hard!" She wails with eyes closed, "Don't hold back! I'm a whore's whore!"

At that moment I was glad we lived so secluded. My mother's screaming was at a fever pitch. I had unleashed a sexual lust from my parent lover.

I wasn't too civilized at this time either. The smell of my mother's sex was like a drug. I nip on a rounded shoulder as my balls continue to slap loudly against her.

My mom's lust was in control. Her body shivers and trembles with the waves of pleasure I was causing. She humps back on my fuck stick wildly.

"God, I've never been this wet!" she huffs, "I feel like a teenage girl gettin' her first dick!"

She was incredibly wet. A mature cunt leaks fluids like a lawn hose. Mom was a fantastic piece of ass!

Regaining some self-control my fervent mother place a series of tremulous kisses on my neck. She nuzzles me and licks my ear. Then our lips graze slightly.

Our kiss becomes more passionate. Moist lips press urgently against mine. Our tongues dart together in hot lust.

"Mmmmmhhhhhhhhh," she moans into my mouth.

I lost tempo for a moment surprised by the zealous lip lock. Quickly my relentless pounding start again. I caress her smooth skin, ass and lower back, with excited hands

Mom releases the kiss! A long black tress flings wildly. A set of trim hips humps unabatedly against me.

"Ohhhh motherfuck!" She begins to moan in a hiss, "Fuck your mother raw!" Mom scream again! Your such'a g-good boy!" She wails blindly, "Ohhhhhhh! Aaaahhhhhhhh!"

"Damnit, Mom!" I pant, "You're one insatiable fuck!"

I had to halt for a few seconds to get a second wind. It was the first time in my young life a woman had me out of breath! Mom giggles as I roll us over.

Lying on her back I marvel that this dark haired beauty's body. This taboo woman was still the sexual icon that she had always been. She was even better than any fantasy I could ever dream up!

Suddenly I grip the small ankles. I lift up a set of long, lovely legs and spread then wide. Mom's taboo cunt was fully at my mercy.

"Hold your legs." I command while ramming back into her.

"Omigod! Mom moans while obediently holding the curvy legs apart, "You're so fuckin' wonderful, Brad!"

I grip her waist while leaning in. Mom smiles as I begin to thrust deeply. Her wet and very tight cunt was even hotter!

"Mmmmmmmhhhhhh," she moans biting on a lower lip, "Yeah baby! Don't s-stop! Go harder!"

My mother's toned smooth legs remain spread. Her firm inner legs caress my thighs. A pair of perfectly rounded tits jiggles and swings in small circles as I pump deeply.

My eyes trail down this forbidden body. Her shiny pussy encase around my cock shaft with a warm wetness. It was the most beautiful sight I'd ever seen

I grip her by the waist again. My hips rotate in small circles. My pelvis grinds against the taboo clit.

"Oh Gawd! Right there, baby!" she gasp as a climax rises, "M-Momma gonna cum!" She groans humping back on my cock.

Her knees pull up next to my waist. A set of large tits crushes against my chest. Mom at first chews a bottom lip and then does a silent scream.

I want to please this woman more than anything else now. Moving just a little faster and pushing a little harder I want to hear those pleasure screams again. Grabbing the soft sweaty tits I pinch the nipples. I continue to give short quick strokes.

A pair of dark eyes becomes huge while arching into me. The large breasts are forced into my hands. A set of sexy legs envelop around my waist.

My mother's hot body convulse beneath me. An orgasm shakes her with waves of pleasure. Her ruby mouth forms an 'o' of a silent scream.

"Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeee!" The wail becomes audible. She squeals, "Ahhhhhhhhhhh Fuck! Fuckkkkkkkk!"

My mother's pussy tightens and quivers around my cock. I pump the full length in deeply. Again, the whacking sounds of my balls reverberate. Her thighs squeeze around me almost painfully.

"Sweet Jeezus!" she pants, "Oh all that's holy!" Mom shrieks clamping tightly to my humping body, "I'm cummmmmmmmmmin'! I'm cummmmmin' hard!"

I was proud beyond belief. I was bringing my fantasy lover to her strongest climax. My gorgeous mother was convulsing underneath me uncontrollably. I was making her happy as I had promise.

Then I feel my balls tighten. I was ready to send more sperm into her forbidden cunt. Waves of pleasure suddenly capture my body.

"I'm gonna cum, Mom!" I grunt through clinched teeth, "I'm gonna fill your sweet pussy up!"

We both tonic and flex as thrill waves control our muscles. As voracious lovers we were experiencing a magnificent twin climax. We apex in forbidden lust.

Mom releases me from the vise grip from my waist after a final session of tighten muscles and trembling flesh recede. We fall apart. Our bodies a sheen of sweat and love juices.

Gasping for breath Mom smile at me. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever been with. Slender arms stretch while yawning.

"That was the most incredible orgasm of my life!" she huff, "I can't imagine ever not bein' your lover, Brad!"

"Neither can I, Janice," I respond.

We roll into each other arms. Our wet bodies smash as one. We engage in a hot French kiss.

"Fuck me in the ass Brad, please," Mom ask breaking the kiss.

"What?" I yap, pleasantly surprised.

"Fuck me in the ass," Mom repeats hotly. "I wanna feel your cum fill my ass."

"You tell me that you didn't like bein' butt fucked," I remind.

"No," Mom corrects, "I say I don't like bein' rammed up the ass unless it is by someone very special."

"I'm special that way?" I ask full of pride and feeling a returning hard on.

"I love you that much, my son," she answers softly stroking my cheek, "An' that makes you the only man since your father to have that much love from me."

"I love you that much as well, mother," I say in almost a whisper, "An' I never want to stop lovin' you."

We kiss again. This time my parent's sexy body press tightly against mine. I could feel every inch of the forbidden hot flesh caress me.

At that moment I know Janice Cooke was my permanent lover. She would always be the woman in my life. She would be my eternal soul mate.

"Get on your hands an' knees, mom," I huskily order. "I wanna do'ya doggie style."

She quickly turns over. A pair of athletic legs open. A beautiful, firm ass arches as an offer.

I move up behind her and place three fingers in the taboo anus. I could see that beautiful raven-haired head laying sideways on a pillow. Her body shivers with my probe.

"I never thought I would ever find a man so special I would offer my ass to again." Mom confesses in a wavering voice, "Oh Bradley Cooke, I love you so much."

That was such a beautiful and sincere statement. It was also a reminder that my bastard father had been the only man to butt fuck her. And that was over nine years ago!"Are'ya sure you're wantin' this, Mother?" I ask to ensure this was her desire

"Yes, my handsome boy," she responds in a groan, "Please fuck me in the ass." Mom adds hotly, "I want it more than anything ever."

"I'll be gentle at first," I promise rubbing the underside of a wet cock between the soft warm cheeks.

I guide the stiff rod to the puckered anus. It pushes gently until the head pops in. I pause as Mom's sphincter adjusts to my girth. Soon I was finally buried all the way in the perfectly rounded ass.

I run my fingers over her hips with feathery touches. I then grip them firmly. I look down to see my large wet shaft slide in and out of my mother's ass.

I loved watching her squirm and quiver in my grasp. The cheeks jiggle each time I slap against her body hard. It was a fantastic feel.

Slowly I pull out till the head was the only thing in. Then my rod is push back in again. It wasn't long until we both really start getting into it.

Mom reaches between those slender legs and starts to play with a wet clit. I move my hands up to grip the trim waist tightly. The repetitions increase in speed.

"Oh god!" I groan into the air, "Your ass is as good as your cunt, Mother!"

I glance down at my shaft ramming the taboo ass. I was up to my balls in her. She squashes a set of rounded cheeks against me.

"Cum with me, baby," Mom hiss pushing back into my plunging rod.

I start to hump faster and faster. My balls slap loudly sending 'smacking' sounds into the room. It was an exhilarating sensation.

She was arches high begging to be rammed deep. Mom moans into the pillow as the taboo rod penetrate unabatedly. I was in a sexual bliss never experienced.

I had never feel anything this tight and hot before. I threw my head back and moan in pleasure. Gripping my mother's ass, I shove as deep as possible.

Mom bucks with my stabbings. Gripping the sheets tightly she looks under a sweating body to see my balls bouncing against her repeatedly. The large tits giggle with each impact.

"Ohhhhhhhhh this is so good," she coos staring at the headboard slamming against the wall.

Mom lifts back up on elbows. She tenses a forbidden ass around my cock. The penal intrusion was driving her wild. Dark hot nipples rub into the sweaty sheets as the rounded breasts were squash into the mattress.

"Oh baby! You're buttfuckin' momma! Go up my ass!" she exhales returning to pushing back against me slightly.

My hands move over the trim back, massaging the muscles and smooth skin before skimming them back down to squeeze the ass cheeks again. I had never feel this alive before. I relish the smooth tight walls of the anal sphincter around my cockshaft.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Ohhhhh God! Ahhhhhhhhh!" Mom groans while biting on a lower lip to stifle the cries.

My balls swung against a set of hot pussy lips. I grip her waist tighter. I could feel the taut anus flex around my pumping rod. Sweat drips off of my chin and onto her back as I breathe hard.

"I can't believe we're d-doin' this!" Mom yells in ecstasy, "Pound my ass, my sweet son!"

I couldn't take anymore. I was surprised I had lasted this long. Grunting, I pull her back roughly.

"Oh god, mom!" I wail, "I'm gonna cum!" I ram harder shouting, "I'm gonna explode in your tight ass!"

"Yes, baby!" Mom pants, "Yes, cum in me!" she shrieks insanely, "Fill your mommy's ass with you delicious sperm!"

"Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!" I expel as I cum inside of her bowels.

Mom's eyes become huge while feeling my cock swell and then twitch around as it sprays. Her ass made an impossibly tight seal as my shaft jerks with uncontrolled spasms.

"Yes! Yesssss!" she shrieks, "Cum for mommy!"

With a couple of more strokes I blast a river of sperm into that forbidden ass. I tonic as the thrill waves capture me in place. I did a silent scream.

Mom pinches her clit at the same time. Her body also froze in place as a monster orgasm begins. A puckering anus tenses.

"Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" she squeals, "Ooooooooooohhhhh!"

The both of us collapsed on the bed. I lay down on mom with me still buried in deep. We were out of breath. The sheets stuck to our sweaty bodies.

After a few moments I stop convulsing. I roll off mom with a 'pop' sound made as my rod left the tight asshole. We were gasping for breath while bathing in the loving orgasms.

This was a complete fulfillment of all my fantasies. Mom was completely satisfied by me. I had never been with a completely sexual woman.

Mother had been more a very eager fuck. She had satisified me more than any of the teenage girls I had been with. She had brought me to the point of total exhaustion.

"I love you, Brad," mom confess rolling over and placing a raven-haired head on my heaving chest, "I think I have never loved anyone more."

"I love you, Janice," I whisper to mom stroking the long mane, "I can't imagine I could ever love any woman as deep as I now do you."

Mom cuddles me even closer. I pull her hot and sexy body tightly. We were lovers and would always be. Soon I doze off trying to figure how we could be married.

I awoke the next morning alone in the bed. Mom was already up. I could hear her moving around in the bathroom.

I got up walk to where she was. Mom was rummaging through the medicine cabinet. I move up behind and place arms around a mature naked body. A gentle kiss was place on her cheek.

"G'mornin', Mom," I greet.

"It's about time ya got up," she replies pressing the taboo body against me.

'Whatcha doin'?" I quiz giving a tight hug.

"I'm gettin' ready to go pick up your Auntie J," Mom answers removing a comb from a shelf.

I immediately let her go. She quickly begins to give the long raven tress leisurely strokes. I amaze at the mane. It shined blue it was so dark.

"With Auntie J showin' up," I speculate moving over to the toilet, "I guess I'll be sleepin' in my bed for awhile." Taking a morning whiz, I add, "It would be a scandal if family found us out."

Auntie J was my mother's younger sister, Janine Townsend. They were only a year apart. She was a carbon copy of my beautiful parent. Often they were mistaken for twins.

"You better getta move on," Mom reminds as I complete the daily task, "Remember Janine's flight will be arrivin' in about ninety minutes." She notes, "You know how much of a bitch your aunt can be if she has to wait too long."

Auntie J was an airline attendant. Actually she was more than that. My aunt's seniority earned a position of supervisor. She only worked as a "Stew" when wanting to travel somewhere. This time she was using the privilege to make the yearly visit to us.

I had called her 'Auntie J' since I was a tot. That was due to me being unable to pronounce "Janine" at that age. The family adapted the nickname.

I thought about my much travel relative while flushing the crapper. She was as gorgeous as mom. I did have fantasies about her almost as much as I did my now lover parent. They were never as serious as the ones of mom.

I came back into the bedroom to retrieve a pair of undershorts and pants I could slip on when finishing my shower. Mom looks at my morning cock. It was in the typical semi hard position.

"Jeezus!" she giggles, "You men can get a hard on at the drop of a the hat."

Those deep brown eyes suddenly sparkle. She bites a lower lip. I know my sexy Mom had something in mind.

"Come over here an' sit on the bed," she orders.

I did as request. She kneels down between my legs. Her warm hands stroke by rod hard.

"You say Auntie J's plane will be in soon," I remind dutifully.

"Since when did the airlines ever get in on time?" she dismisses pressing tighter around my rod, "Besides, fuck my sister, she can wait a few minutes."

"As you wish," I readily agree.

"Just relax an' let momma take care of this beautiful thing," she instructs slipping my stiff dick into a warm mouth.

It was feeling wonderful. This woman could make a man happy at the drop of a hat! No wonder she was a high priced whore.

"Oh, gawdamnit, Mom!" I moan feeling a climax quickly rising, "You're really a whore supreme."

She pumps on my stiff rod. I couldn't believe how awesome this feel. I still amaze at how easy she could get me hot!

"Mother," I pant, "I'm gonna cum in your mouth again!"

Mom looks up at me still holding a very stiff dick in that pleasure making mouth. Dark brown eyes glimmers mischievously. I receive a wink as she inhales my rod deeper.

Slowly and softly Mom sucks down my taboo cock. A hot tongue snakes the shaft. Feathery fingers lightly cup my ball sac. She starts to pump faster.

A hot tongue slides up and down my pulsating shaft. I could feel the warmth of the cum rising. I was too weak not to hold out for too much longer.

"O'God, Mom," I moan, "I'm gonna fill your mouth again."

My cock throbs faster. It hardens even more. It was ready to explode. She hums with the hard sucking.

"Iiiiiiieeeeeeeee!" I scream arching into my mother's mouth.

The hot cum erupts. She hungrily swallows every tasty drop keeping a tight seal around the shaft. My body involuntarily gyrates wildly. I thrush madly meeting the pleasure making head bobs.

Oh yes!" I wail loudly, "Oh god yes! Yessssss! Yesssssssssss!"

A river of forbidden sperm empties into her mouth. Mom moves up and down over the slick hard cock capturing the remaining droplets of cum oozing from the purple helmeted head.

She climbs back up my sweaty torso. We lock into a deep French kiss. She presses me back onto the bed in a passionate embrace.

"I figured I should give you one more good cocksuckin'," Mom says as the kiss broke, "With Janine around, we might not get to fuck for a week or so."

"Jeezus!" I pant, recovering from the blowjob, "I hope not!"

"Now go shower an' get dressed," she orders, "We're already gonna have her waitin'."

"Remember who caused us to be late, Mom," I remark heading into the bathroom, "So you can take the bitchin'!"

"You want me to tell my sister we're late because I was suckin' off my son?" Mom quips.

"I dare ya to," I respond entering the bathroom.

We arrived at the airport about an hour later. Auntie J's flight had also been late. So the wait was only a few short minutes.

She was wearing a tight airline attendant's uniform. It fit her curvaceous body perfectly. My aunt was still a stunner.

She quickly greets us with smiles and hugs. I enjoy the mature female body pressing against me. There was a stirring in my loins.

We quickly move out to the parking lot. I couldn't help but notice how hot of a woman my world traveler aunt was. She was a duplicate of my mom's except the breasts. They were a little smaller in size. Then they weren't enhanced like my mother's.

Mom drove. Janine sat next to me. The three of us were a tight fit in the front seat. My aunt's full body was rubbing up next to me. Damn! She feels nice!

For some reason she was different. Janine was not just my aunt. She was a full-fledged hottie. I was getting a hard on feeling this woman pressing against me.

I was puzzled to why she seem so different. I had never seen her like this before. This was a very desirable woman, not Auntie J.

I could only assume since I crossed the taboo line with mom, my incest moral barriers were now gone. Janine was a beautiful. I wanted this sexy airline attendant.

We stopped to have lunch at a popular restaurant. My aunt went into telling us of the latest travels. She regaled about the sight seeing that was done with the newly open stops in Eastern Europe.

I feel her hand on my leg. It moves to the inside. My cock stirred to a half erection.

All through the meal I kept looking at my mother's sister differently than ever before. Auntie J had a body was made for sin! I wanted to sin with her.

By the time we got home, I was horny. But I knew that my hand would be my lover this night. Damn! I wished mom and I could get a few minutes alone! It was early afternoon when we pull into the driveway. Janine suggested we go swimming. It was a wish to get into a relax mode as quickly as possible.

We all went to rooms to change. I was done first. I went out to the pool and checked it out.

This was late summer and some leaves had fallen into the water. I skimmed them off with a net. I had forgotten how small my bathing suit was. The trunks sticks tight to my body as I bent over scrapping the surface clean.

Suddenly there was a whistle of approval followed by a "Hubba-Hubba!" I tuned around to see Auntie J and mom standing on the patio. Both were giving me the once over.

"Lookin' good Brad," Janine calls out.

"What do'ya think of your little nephew now, sis," Mom asks just to embarrass me.

"He's become a hunk," Auntie J huskily remarks looking me up and down.

"Thanks," was all I could say, I feel a little awkward being the subject of these two older, sexy women's conversation.

I couldn't think of anything else to say. I return to the pool cleaning. I really was feeling like a piece of meat in a dog pound!

Both chuckle while moving over to the pool deck. I knew mom was enjoying seeing me uncomfortable. I plan to extract veneagence after Auntie J was gone.

Mom and Janine were wearing identical bikinis. A pair of gorgeous bodies was being displayed marvelously. They sat down in lounge chairs and proceed to oil up.

I watch as the two mature bodies begin to glisten with oil. They each did their own fronts. Then they did each other's backs.

For some reason them placing on suntan protection seem to be quite erotic. I hoped it wasn't just due to my teenage hormones acting up. Yet it did seem Mom and Auntie J were caressing not applying the lotion.

Each seems to massage the oil onto the others' body with slow easy movements. The application seems to be so damn erotic! I could swear I heard low sighs and moans.

I was feeling a little over heated. I remember my trunks couldn't hide the enlarging bulge. So it was a rapid dive into the pool!

I did a lap. When I return to the edge, Mom and Auntie J were now on their backs. The bikini tops were removed!

I tried not to gawk. But I did stare wide-eyed and opened mouth. My aunt's tits as fantastic as mom's. Both had dark erect nipples capping their twin peaks.

"I think I'm gonna get somethin' to drink," I announce lifting out of the pool.

I really need to get away for a few minutes. My rod was as hard as granite. I had to recuperate from this hot vision of my near nude mother and aunt.

"Baby," Mom ask sitting up, "Bring us back some cokes too."

Her beautiful body was covered with a sheen of suntan lotion and sweat. She was such a magnificent specimen of womanhood. An almond shape eye winks at me.

I quickly dash into the house. The tight Speedo styled swim trunks did little to hide my massive erection. I head to the kitchen and the refrigerator. I need relief.

I pull a can of cold soda out and place it against my crotch. It was very cold. It did the job. My cock quickly retracts.

Mom always brought on such hard ons. Now her equally sexy sister was adding to the erection. I had to recompose or I would be jacking off all week long!

The sight I saw returning to the pool said I shouldn't have bothered to hide my stiffy! Mom and Auntie J were standing in the shallow end of the pool kissing!

"Dear, son," Mom coos looking over at me, "You're about to enter Heaven."

There I stood watching in silence as a hard cockhead peeked from the top of the swim trunks. These two sirens teased the other's nipples with pinches and kisses. These two beautiful women were putting on a show for me! I knew that this act was my hot mother's idea.

My gorgeous parent and her equally hot sister went back to kissing. The two woman place hands were on the other's ass cheeks. They pull together tightly.

"You gonna join us, son?" Mom asks breaking the kiss.

I absent-mindedly place the soda cans on a nearby table. In almost zombie like steps I move to the edge of the pool. Still staring at the nearly nude sexy women I drop into the water.

"He's all your, sis," Mom says head nodding toward me.

Janine start to wade toward me. Her rounded mounds bounce with each step. My sexy aunt pause for a moment seeing rock hard dick peeking out from the top of the bathing suit.

"Oh my," she compliments in a whisper, "That really looks nice."

My aunt's arms go around my neck. We lock into a deep French kiss. Mom sighs at the sight.

I could feel her crotch rub the head of my hard penis. I lift up Janine and onto the edge of the pool. With a sexy smile, my beautiful aunt laid back.

I look over at mom. A pair of dark nipples stood hard. She was breathing deeply. The sight of her son and sister about to fuck was a massive turn on.

"You planned this," I conclude.

"We planned this," Janine corrects.

I suddenly realize that mom and Auntie J must have been carrying on more than a normal sister relationship. I thought back to when first witnessing mom with another woman. She was too at ease with making lesbian love. Her and Janine must have been lovers when they were girls.

"How long?" I ask hotly.

"Janine an' I took each other's cherries before we had gotten out of junior high school." Mom then remarks with a giggle, "You didn't think you were the first member of my family I ever fucked."

"Wow!" was all I could mutter.

"Nephew," Janine coos, "I'm waitin'."

I turn back to my sexy aunt. The bikini bottoms were pull off. It reveals a bare pussy. I inhale the sweet forbidden aroma.

"Jesus!" Mom whisper into my ear, "Doesn't Janine have one magnificent lookin' cunt?"

I grasp the shapely legs. They were place over my shoulders. Without hesitation, my face goes into the wet cunt.

"Ooooooooo!" she squeals feeling a flickering tongue on a ready clit. "Ooooooooh wow!" she let out a moan feeling as I place a couple of fingers into a wet pussy.

My hot aunt massages her breasts. She tweaks the erect nipples. Her hips move with the invading tongue.

My mother's breasts were press up against my back. I feel a pussy brush my ass. Mom starts to lapping the back of my neck while pushing down the Speedos.

"Gawd, I'm hot!" she hiss grabbing my retracted balls, "Watchin' you eat that beautiful cunt has me ready to fuck forever!" She lustfully claims caressing my ball sac.

Janine looks down between her legs. She could see me eating away. Also she could observe her naked sister loving me. It was very erotic sight.

"Grab his cock, girl," Janine urge huskily, "Stroke it for 'im!" She laid back saying, "Get 'im going while he eats my pussy."

I press deeper into the naked crotch. Janine's pussy quavers to my aggressive tongue. I feel the fit hips flex up in the air,

"Oooh," she moans softly, "Aaahhhh."

I feel Janine's thighs squeeze tighter. I drove a probing tongue into a wet pussy. She taste wonderful.

"Oh fuck!" she groans louder and huskily, "That's so good! Keep going, Brad!" Pushing back against my lips, she moans, "Yes, yes!"

I couldn't believe what was happening! Here I already had my incredibly beautiful mother as a lover. Now my equally hot aunt was becoming my lover! I was in heaven as Mom predict.

"You two are so hot," Mom hiss playing with erect dark nipples. "My son makin' my sister's pussy a meal is unbearably hot!" She groan, "I can't wait to taste my son' cock!" She add lustfully, "Or my sister's sweet cunt!"

I lift Janine's ass up in the air driving my pleasure making tongue even further. My aunt's body starts shimmering. She tightens around my head.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" she scream, "Oh fuck! I'm cummmmin'!"

I feel her body go first tense and then go limp. A few following shivers occurs. With a final whimper the curvy legs slithers off my shoulders.

Janine sat up. Grinning she rubbed a wet pussy as I lifted out of the pool. My stiff cock spring roundly. It point at my hot foxy aunt.