and in the Colorado Plateau we are expecting a slight warming trend with lows only down to ten below and the highs will actually be above zero for the next few days. That's a major warm up from just three days ago, where several places had record low temperatures. Moab, Utah yesterday checked in at thirty five below zero, and with a late report from the previous day -- Creede, Colorado was minus 36, the coldest temperature in the contiguous US in the last three years! A weak northern low is bringing the warm up, pushing the extreme cold east into the plains states and with the warm up will be a few snow showers but we're not expecting any significant accumulations.

Further west a trough of subtropical moisture is moving across Southern California and heading into Arizona. While San Francisco will have an unusually cold but sunny weekend, the Southern California coastal areas will receive up to two inches of rain in the next 24 hours, while the coastal mountains could receive three to six inches. Flash flood warnings have been issued for the burn areas and canyons below the areas that burned in the October fire storms. In the higher mountains a winter storm watch is in effect; Big Bear could get from 18 up to 36 inches of new snow. By tomorrow even Phoenix could get up to three quarters of an inch of rain, but it should remain well to the south and there will be only a dusting of snow in the Northern Arizona ..." I reached over and turned the radio and the Sirius weather report off. I'd heard the same report three consecutive times.

Ahead the double ribbon of Interstate 70 dropped over the crest of the hill, disappearing between the parallel grooved cliff faces where 40 years ago blasters had planted their dynamite so I could have a smooth trip today. I tapped the brake shutting off the cruise control, the Suburban gradually slowing, as I headed for the off ramp to the scenic overlook.

The reds and browns of the Utah sandstone were highlighted by pockets of the December snow that had arrived overnight. One rounded boulder sat on top of another, the pocket between them, under the top boulder, trapping just enough of the snow flurries that it looked like a goblin with an evil white grin. We were stopping atop the very lip of the sandstone badlands known as The Waterpocket Fold, a twisted, warped landscape tortured by nature to provide some of the most scenic land in America. The lowering gray clouds were dropping even more flakes from their bottoms and had been for the last several hours. I eased into the parking lot, not because I was tired of driving -- I never seem to tire of driving -- but because I needed to stretch.

Tendrils of snow drifted across the parking lot as I pulled in, a few ghosts of wind moving the barely accumulated snow and telling me it wasn't completely calm. Despite my gradual slowing and easing off the freeway, the cessation of movement as I stopped in the otherwise vacant lot awakened Bug who'd been curled up in a ball facing the door, asleep in the bucket seat next to me. She'd been a trooper, staying awake during the pre-dawn hours, but she'd fallen asleep shortly after we'd entered Utah, where we'd encountered our first snow flurries. There had been a full-blown snowstorm for maybe half an hour going over the mountains near Cedar Breaks National Monument, but the road department had been keeping ahead of the accumulation and I'd had no problem.

Looking over the edge of the cliff, the lowlands ahead faded rapidly into obscurity. The usually unlimited visibility today wasn't so great, the gently falling snow obstructing the view and turning the normally breathtaking landscape into dull grey with streaks of snow white, and only splashes of red-brown ochre intermixed.

"Where are we?" Bug mumbled, stretching. I glanced over at her again as she reached behind and hitched her sweatpants up from where they'd ridden down exposing her thong and part of her bottom to me. I'd had virtually unrestricted observation of the top of that beautiful bottom for the last couple of hours. She had shifted and adjusted her pants a few times, but within a few minutes part of her bum had again been exposed.

Bug was just her nickname. She had been Bug as long as I could remember; actually, I guess I'd had a good part of creating her nickname. Back when she was just a toddler, she would always come to me when I was visiting, crawl up in my lap and curl into a ball. Often, she would stay there till she fell asleep, and I'd put her in her bed. I called her "my Snugglebug." Later, when she was older, and I came around I'd just call out "Where's my Snugglebug?" and she'd come running -- usually with a squeal of delight, tackling my legs; a bowling ball of little girl attacking me, her favorite adult play toy.

She was a floor kid; she never sat in a chair when there was a perfectly good floor available, and so she became "Rug Bug."

I remember times, when she was really small and I was over visiting, where she'd come running out after a bath with a big towel wrapped around herself. I'd take the towel and wrap her so her legs and arms were pinned and then tell her she was "Snug as a Bug in a Rug." Other times I'd paddle that cute little bottom, calling it a "Bug Bottom." I'd tell her I was the exterminator, and I was there to take care of any Bugs I could find. She'd squeal and run away -- but if I didn't chase her, she'd soon come back -- wiggling her cute little Bug Bottom until I reached out and swatted it, which got an even bigger squeal of delight.

Eventually it got to where I just called her "Bug," and somehow everyone else did also. Officially her name was Kristen, Kris to her college friends, but to all her close family and friends she would always be Bug.

She also just happened to be my niece.

As a kid, Bug had been all arms and legs; a skinny, gawky kid who'd been just as happy dressing up as a princess with her girl friends indoors as chasing the soccer ball with her cousins outdoors. The tomboy won more often than the girly-girl, and she'd spent years on soccer teams. The long skinny legs had taken on well defined, athletic, muscular curves, the Bug bottom had rounded out slightly below her slender waist while a pair of medium sized breasts had grown to complete the natural augmentation, changing her little girl's body into the slim, beautiful young woman beside me now.

Bug seldom wore much make-up and was one of those girls that really didn't need to. Her mom had been all girly-girl when she grew up and had taught Bug early how to dress and use make-up to accent what she naturally had rather than cover up what she didn't. Her blond hair was naturally lightened from years in the sun from its natural color, which she'd gotten from her mom, except that Bug's had more red and brown to it; her green eyes she'd gotten from her dad.

I'd looked over multiple times over the last few hours, admiring the perfect curve of her bottom accidentally exposed to my eyes, before it suddenly dawned on me that her bottom was tanned. It occurred to me only when her thong had been twisted out of position to show me where a strip of her flesh was white, accentuating that her bottom had, at least occasionally, been bare in the sun. I'd never seen her wearing a thong bikini, but had no problem imagining that she would. She was, by even an uncle's biased view -- a real hottie.

Bug had been my favorite of all the kids almost from the beginning. Not having any daughters of my own, she'd taken their place. And I knew I was her favorite also; my wife Debs being a very close second, at least until her death. Whenever I'd show up at the house, my sister would call out "Bug -- Uncle Jimmy's here" and she'd come running. Whether it was naked and dripping water from the bath or covered with finger paint from head to toe, she'd always come running. I'd grab her, give her a big bear hug which she'd return, and then gently paddle her bottom several times as I set her down. I'd pretend that my hand had "stuck" with that last paddle and as she ran away I'd run behind her with my hand "stuck" to her bottom. I'd tell her she must have a magnetic bottom because my hand always stuck. She'd squeal and laugh, returning for more if I didn't follow her. Sometimes, later on when I didn't seem to be paying enough attention to her, she'd mention offhandedly that she was pretty sure her bottom wasn't magnetic anymore. I'd grab my right wrist with my left, pretending to hold my right hand back, and then take off after her until my hand "stuck" to her bottom again.

Then one day she'd grown up a little more, and that cute little bottom of a six-year-old was still just as cute, but I knew the child's play wasn't appropriate anymore. I guess it just sort of ended by mutual agreement; she didn't offer her bottom to be spanked and I sort of realized we'd both grown out of it. But even until she was an early teen, she'd come and curl up in my lap. I had a favorite spot on the couch, she'd come curl up in my arms, melting against me. And then one day, she was just too big, too lanky, too gawky, and that too came to an end.

"Just stopping to stretch my legs." I answered.

"Want me to drive?"

"You can if you want -- but I'm good. Just need to stretch." I opened the door, the bitter cold instantly expelling the warmth of the car. I grabbed my jacket before shutting the door. I walked across the parking lot -- and by the time I got there it was time to go back. The trouble with driving in heated cars is that when you get out of the heated car, it's damn cold.

A quick walk-around inspection of the Suburban and the skis mounted to the roof rack showed everything was good to go. Sliding back into the driver's seat, Bug was now sitting upright, still on the passenger side, her jacket across her lap. I pulled my jacket off once again, putting it within reach in the back seat. Nothing worse than getting too warm while driving in winter.

"Man is it cold out there," Bug shivered, pulling her jacket a little higher in her lap. I reached over and turned the heater fan back on, instantly feeling the heat spreading through the cab once again. I didn't like to have it set too high -- too easy to get sleepy. I'd usually drive in the winter with the window cracked open to keep me awake, and the heater on high to keep my feet warm -- but with Bug along I'd kept the window closed and the heater on low for the most part.

"Supposed to be getting warmer. Might get a little snow -- but doesn't sound like it'll be very much. We'll just have to hope they've already gotten some good snow."

The trip had been planned for months. Just recently plans had changed so that Bug and I were the front runners -- taking the majority of the ski gear and everyone's snow clothes, and driving to the "cabin." I suspected there were probably a few special Christmas presents smuggled in, but we'd agreed the gift exchange would be in a couple of weeks when we got home.

Bug's mother, my sister Gayle, worked for a company whose wealthy owner had a second home in the mountains. He called it his "cabin" or "hunting lodge", but from the description, and the pictures we'd seen, it sounded like more of a mountain mansion. He'd let my sister, and by default the rest of the family, use it for a two-week Christmas and New Year's ski vacation in Colorado.

I'd volunteered to take the majority of the gear and drive. Everyone else was planning to fly to Denver the second day following and drive across from the other side, but this way they could travel fairly lightly -- and we'd have the big Suburban along with the rental cars to haul most everyone and gear around.

Bug had been late getting to my house -- several hours late. Now noon Utah time -- it was obvious that my thoughts of getting there before dark were long gone. Truthfully, I'd planned an extra day, we could always stop and spend the night somewhere if the weather really turned bad or something happened, but I'd just as soon get there tonight. I mentally shrugged my shoulders; I don't think Bug had ever been on time to anything in her life. I had to admit to myself, having grown up with my sister, she'd learned that from the best.

"We'll stop in Green River, get gas and some lunch. That should get us by until we get to the lodge, don't you think?"

"How far is Green River?"

"Don't know for sure -- but the sign back a bit said, "No Services Next 112 Miles," which I suppose means it's about a hundred and twelve miles more."

"What's that then, maybe an hour and a half?"

"Closer to two, if the weather holds, we've still been making pretty good time, although I was worried back there for a while. Hit a real snowstorm at one point."


The Colorado River valley on I-70 after we left Glenwood Springs was pitch dark in the falling snow, an occasional car heading the other way the only indication of life most of the time. The snowfall continued light to moderate, the accumulation on the road just barely enough for the snowplows to move. I didn't see any plows going my way but could tell they'd been there just shortly before. Several times I saw them on the other side presumably making round trips between off ramps.

We left the freeway, following the directions which took us on the old highway towards our turn off, a still narrower road running up the side valley. Here the snow was maybe a couple of inches deep on the road; obviously the plows hadn't been along this road recently. Bug was reading the directions for me and watching, but with the lack of lights and the falling snow, we still almost missed the county road where we were supposed to turn.

I stopped in the middle of the road and backed up a few yards before I was able to negotiate the turn onto the yet even narrower canyon road, shifting into four-wheel drive before I did. Essentially a single lane road, I would have had to pull over to let any oncoming traffic by - if we had met any. That could have been tricky; with an obvious stream bed on the left side and a steep uphill on the right, there weren't many places where we could have obviously pulled over much. While the old highway had at least had a snowplow go by sometime in the last few hours, this obviously hadn't been plowed even once since it started snowing. Also, unlike the old highway, there were no other car tracks; no one else had come or gone on this road recently. Leaving the main roads, at night, in a snowstorm, where you've never been before isn't normally a good idea -- but our directions had been good so far, and we'd had no trouble finding the place.

"Follow the road 2.2 miles until the hard right switchback and the steep uphill -- but instead take the dirt road straight ahead for another 1.2 miles to the garage." The reality of the drive perfectly matched the directions we'd been given.

I got out and poked the code into the electronic opener and watched the door slide up, the lights inside and out coming on automatically. Inside, two snowmobiles sat waiting.

Although there was a road from here up the mountain, we'd been warned that it was summertime use only for automobiles. Winter required snowmobiles, or a long snowshoe hike. The garage kept the snowmobiles when nobody was here and gave a place to keep the cars out of the snow when someone was. Thanks to the heated and insulated garage, the snowmobiles both started easily. It took only a few minutes to transfer the gear and food and a few supposedly hidden gifts from the Suburban into the snowmobile trailers, don two of the awaiting snow suits, and then put the Suburban into the garage.

It had been calm the whole time we were getting ready, the light snow putting a dusting on the snowmobiles after we got them out of the garage. However just as we finished unloading the gear a blast of wind swept down through the canyon shaking great billows of dry powdery snow from the overhanging branches. It was as if we'd awakened the mountain from its slumber; it had looked down at the noise that broke the otherwise pristine quiet, shrugged its shoulders as if to say, "why are you bothering me?" and then gone back to sleep.

It was Bug's first time on a snowmobile. If we hadn't had enough gear to fill the two small trailers, I'd have suggested we ride together, but she was eager to play -- even in the almost pitch dark conditions. The snow had momentarily stopped, a full moon was playing peek-a-boo through the storm clouds, occasionally breaking out and making it seem bright as day. I told Bug I'd lead, and to just follow in my tracks as it would be much easier to turn if she kept in them. We started up the well-defined path; someone had been up the road shortly before the snow had started as their path was still clearly visible. It certainly made for easier riding, the headlight easily picking out the track. Following the existing track was easy - but the snowmobile was much more difficult to control in the unbroken powder just a foot away. On the flatter places the definition of the road sometimes just disappeared in the unbroken snow. If someone hadn't broken the trail earlier, it would have been almost impossible to find our way.

John, the owner, had told me he'd asked the caretaker to check the place out earlier in the day; I presumed the track that was making our trek up the hill a little easier had been made by him. I was especially thankful that he'd cleared the driveway in front of the garage with his skip-loader. Without that, we would have still been fighting to just get the Suburban into the garage. But there had been no fighting; everything had gone exactly as planned.

We twisted upward through the canyon; in and out of the trees while the moonlight sporadically turned the valley into a winter wonderland. I wasn't sure exactly how far we'd gone; however I knew we'd traveled several miles and several hundred feet, probably much more than a thousand feet higher than we'd been in the valley, without leaving the canyon we were following upward. We'd nearly reached the crest of the mountain before we turned a corner - and there it was.

"Wow!" Bug said as I turned the inside light on. I stopped dead, looking past her into the sumptuously outfitted, log cabin style, main room. The pictures hadn't done it justice.

The main room appeared to be almost T shaped as we viewed it from the front door. An entry vestibule with two large couches and a couple of chairs gave an area for removing and storing outdoor clothing. At the opposite side of the entrance, a floor to ceiling stone fireplace was the highlight of the main room. Two more couches and several stuffed chairs made this the center point of the "cabin."

To the right, a full-size kitchen was completely open to the main room. In the center, a granite-topped cabinet provided ample workspace; a rack with pots and pans hung above it. It turned out the T image was incorrect; the right entry wall actually separated what would have otherwise been a huge room into a front room and entry hall to the left and dining room to the right. The large oak table seated 16 -- I know as I counted the comfortable oak chairs.

"Good Lord!" I said to no one in particular, "Not exactly what you would call a cabin is it?" This was no "cabin" but over 7000 square feet of mountain chalet. They'd left the lights on for us -- but this was no Motel 6.

"Here are the bedrooms," Bug called from beyond the open kitchen in the right arm of the "T" where a short hallway led away. I followed her down it, finding a bathroom and a couple of bedrooms. One appeared to be the master, a king size bed and another adjoining bath defining it. The other bedroom we decided must be for the "kids" as it had two bunks and a queen size bed making it capable of sleeping six more as well as another adjoining bath."Ooh. I could like this!" Bug said from the door of the bathroom in the master suite. I didn't answer, looking around, counting in my mind.

"I thought there were beds for 16?" I stated as I opened the door beside the hall bath, finding a small laundry room complete with washer and dryer. A large closet off the laundry room turned out to be a ski and snowboard locker, complete with boot warmers.

"Over here," Bug called moments later as I stepped back into the main room. On the complete opposite side of the main room, and the other arm of the "T," another hallway extended from beside the bar area which I was pleased to note was completely stocked with as many different types of booze as a hotel bar.

I followed Bug into the other bedroom, which had two queen size beds, and another adjoining bathroom. Interesting arrangement, with beds for four adults and no other privacy... although technically it was no different than a hotel room with two queen or king beds, somehow, I didn't imagine it that way. To be shared by 'close' friends -- maybe close 'naughty' friends...I thought - my mind wandering onto my favorite subject - sex.

Bug poked her head into the adjoining bath; I stepped back in the main room and found still another door at the other end of the bar. Another bedroom, just slightly smaller than the one we'd left, but otherwise its mirror image was complete with two queen beds and another adjoining bath. The total was, as advertised, 16 beds and enough showers and bathrooms to keep everyone happy. Quite the 'cabin' I again thought to myself.

The decoration theme was Western. A Navajo rug hung on one wall, but by far the most common theme was stuffed hunting trophies. A trophy elk rack hung above the bar, multiple large deer heads were mounted on others. The furniture was oak based, but well padded in the right spots -- most of it having leather finish. The back wall had large French doors on either side of the large fireplace. I opened one to find a covered patio however some of the snow had blown in so it wasn't entirely clear. A large covered hot tub sat to one side, which I checked out. Raking the snow off the top until I could lift the edge, I found the water inside to be just above freezing, not hot. I figured it must have some type of freeze protection and must be in standby mode. Inside, a few minutes later, I found instructions that told me how to turn it up -- and to wait for about 18 hours. I did, thinking it would be ready by the next evening. Nothing like a soak in a hot tub -- with a hot toddy or glass of wine and snow falling around you.

A large pile of dry firewood took up most of the outside back wall under the patio. I once had a cousin tell me that wealth in Colorado is measured by how much firewood was in the pile. No doubt about it, by that measure, this was one wealthy place. I collected an armload with me when I went back inside, finding a fire starter already laid out and a wood bin completely stocked. I added my armload to the pile and started the fire.

I hadn't even thought about it, we'd had our snow suits and jackets on, but realized as I was starting the fire that I could see my breath. Although freeze protected, the cabin heat wasn't set much above freezing. I looked for a thermostat but also found instructions of how to use the fireplace and its accompanying heat-a-lator to warm the lodge.

By the time we got the gear unloaded, the heat from the fire was surprisingly already warming the cabin and, by the time Bug and I got dinner ready, we'd been able to shuck our jackets.


"Hey Unk, do you know where my bag is?" It was such an innocuous question - there was nothing about it to indicate the nearly disastrous consequences that would follow the next day.

I didn't remember seeing it and a quick search of the lodge didn't find it. I double checked the snowmobile trailers; it just wasn't anywhere. Bug decided it must have been left in the Suburban and wanted to immediately run back down the hill to find it. She was bound and determined to go after it, but I finally convinced her it wasn't going to happen tonight. It was after 10 PM, we'd been up all day and most of the previous night, it was still snowing -- although admittedly not all that hard

"Let's just put it off until morning. You can get by for tonight, can't you?"

"But I don't have ANYTHING! My curling iron, my toothbrush, my hairbrush... My clothes! I don't even have anything to sleep in without my bag."

"Ok, so it's not the end of the world. Listen, I'll give you my pajama shirt to sleep in, and we'll go down in the morning. I saw a couple of brand-new toothbrushes in the bathroom, you can get by for tonight. There's just no sense in going back down that road tonight." She didn't want to listen to reason, but I was adamant, traveling back down and returning this late at night just made no sense.

I changed into my pajama bottoms and a T-shirt while Bug was in the bathroom. I let her have the master bedroom; I could care less about the "big" bed anymore. A smaller one suited me just fine; I'd learned a while back that without anyone to share it with, rolling around alone in a king size bed wasn't all that much fun. I fixed us each a hot cocoa spiked with Bailey's, Bug's favorite concoction, and highly addicting when it's cold and snowy and pulled up an easy chair in front of the fireplace while I waited for Bug to finish getting ready for bed. The fire was dying down, so I added another log. Although the whole lodge was getting quite comfortably warm, sitting with my feet on the hearth extension felt really good.

Bug came out a few minutes later, her long bare legs protruding from below my oversized pajama shirt and ending in a pair of my white socks which practically flopped around on her tiny feet. "My socks were damp, I had to borrow a pair of yours" she explained, seeing my eyes trace down to her feet. When I'd pulled my PJ's out of the bag for her earlier, I'd asked if she'd needed anything else and just told her if she did to feel free.

I nodded in acknowledgement. "Cocoa and Bailey's for you," I pointed at the steaming mug on the table. She picked it up and walked over to stand between the fire and me, turning her bottom towards it.

"The fire feels good," she said, the Bailey's held in front of her, the other hand held behind her between her bottom and the fireplace.

"It does, doesn't it?" She turned around, facing the fire so I was looking at her backside.

Looking at Bug's long legs, admittedly admiring Bug's long legs, I guiltily realized my cock was beginning to have a little bit of an unwanted reaction. I mentally kicked myself. Yes, there was a lithe 21-year-old standing in front of me. Yes, I definitely knew she was wearing practically nothing. Yes, she had on my long sleeved pajama top, with the top two buttons undone.

I'd noted what she was wearing and wondered about panties when she pranced into the room before I turned away as if it was nothing -- but I had noted she was wearing damn little else. She'd been sideways to me as she'd bent over to reach for the mug of Bailey's, a small gap appearing between the buttons, a small hint of jiggling flesh barely visible through the gap. Later when she turned and set her empty mug on the mantle, I'd seen the sweet sway of her unencumbered breasts, the shirt shimmying just that little bit more after the rest of her body had quit moving. Damn it, Jim -- she's your fucking niece! Yeah -- but if she wasn't...

I watched as she reached over into the wood bin and retrieved one more piece of wood for the diminishing fire. As she did, she bent over, and the shirt rose up, so I was almost able to see just the edge of her very nice bottom. As it was, all I saw was two rounded curves of her cheeks, maybe half an inch of flesh that wasn't exactly thigh. Actually, I probably would have seen as much or more of her bottom if she'd been wearing a bikini at the pool. But it was bare skin of a bottom, a Bug bottom to be sure, but she couldn't have much on under the PJ top. I remembered her thong from earlier in the car, and that she'd had no other clothes..., was she still wearing her thong or was she naked underneath? Not much of her thong would have been visible from this angle, if she still had it on. If she'd bent forward just a bit more... if the pajama top had just ridden up a little more... I might have been able to see the rudimentary cloth covering between her legs -- or that there was none. The fact that she was my niece did nothing to stop the lascivious thoughts about the shirt, and maybe a thong barely covering her crotch.

I wonder if she shaves her pussy? They all do anymore, don't they? Oh yeah -- you know she does! God I wonder if she's wearing panties? I bet not. Damn it Jim, knock that shit off, you pervert! I watched as she swung open the spark arrester and put the log on the fire. It hadn't really needed another, but I didn't say anything. If she was facing you right now, I'll bet you could see right down those PJ tops..." Unfortunately my mental battle had no effect on stopping my physical reaction. I was sitting in a chair in front of my half naked niece, wearing nothing but the loose-fitting bottom half of the PJ's Bug had on, and thankfully a T-shirt. "Thankfully," as despite my mental battle over my niece and her body, I had most definitely sprung a full-blown erection which was hidden for the most part by the loose bottoms and T-shirt.

Looking at her back side as she bent over to get the wood, I suddenly had a vision of the little girl that used to snuggle up in my lap and fall asleep. Back in those days she'd often worn her favorite Cinderella or other cartoon character PJ's, but as she'd grown older, she'd favored oversized T-shirts. She graduated to T-shirts about the time she reached puberty - and about the time she quit snuggling in my lap.

"Whatcha thinking?" I'd been staring at the log she'd just added, remembering those times not all that long ago, not realizing I'd drifted from the here and now.

"Nothing much. Just kind of remembering you as a youngster. You used to cuddle up in my lap and fall asleep."

"You used to call me 'CuddleBug'."

I nodded. "And then when you'd fall asleep, I'd take you into your room and put you in your bed."

"And you'd say, 'Goodnight, Bed Bug. Sleep tight' and kiss me on my forehead."

"You knew that?" I was surprised; she'd never said anything.

"Sometimes. I always loved that. I think that's one of the reasons why you were always my favorite uncle."

"Huh! I never knew that." I nodded my head, looked back at the fire. A moment later she stepped towards me.

"Move your arm," she said. I didn't understand, but when I moved my arm holding my own cup of Bailey's out and away from the edge of the chair, she immediately sat down on my knees, turned sideways and snuggled up into my lap. Leaning against my chest, she rested her head on my shoulder.

"Hmm. You're a lot smaller than you used to be."

"Either that or you're a lot bigger." How she'd managed to insert herself into my lap, turn sideways and lean back against me without bumping into the rod in my pajama bottoms I don't know, but I was acutely aware that it was there, just inches from any movement from her -- an embarrassment waiting to be discovered.

Her head turned toward my ear; I heard her inhale. "I used to love your smell. You'd give me those big bear hugs, and you always smelled like you." She shifted that last little fraction; her leg would have pushed against my belly, except for that full-blown adult erection. It was just a millisecond contact, she must have recognized it immediately for what it was and pulled her leg back. "Oops, Sorry." I'm not sure which was worse -- her leg bumping against my erection or her apologizing to me for it. I didn't say anything; there wasn't anything I could have said that wouldn't have made things worse.

"I used to love doing this. You were always so big, and so warm. You'd put your arm around me, and say "Hey ya, Cuddle Bug." It always felt so... safe." Yeah, I thought, I wonder if you'd feel all that safe now if you knew the thoughts that have been running through my head all day long? Every since I saw that cute little bottom, that cute little thong...."

We sat there, Bug comfortably cuddled in my lap; me uncomfortably aware of a very desirable young lady just centimeters away from the hardest erection I'd had in quite some time, my arm stretched out behind her holding my almost empty cup of Bailey's and cocoa. I looked over, could just reach the side table and set it down. Moving my arm up, I wrapped it around her back, making both of us a little more comfortable. She melted into me, her breast barely touching my chest.

"That's what I was missing," she whispered. My hand rested on her back and shoulder. But, instead of making me more comfortable, it did just the opposite. Her shoulder and back were bare under the PJ's. Where normally I'd have felt a bra strap -- another layer of cloth between me and her-- a quarter inch wide strap of chastity warning me away -- a quarter inch strip of cloth to remind me that the body inside was off limits -- was nothing. I was acutely aware of her braless state, and instead of just relaxing and cuddling, it made me all the more tense.

"Is this uncomfortable?" she asked when I didn't relax.

"No, it's fine." I lied.

"You don't feel like it's fine."

I thought about what to say but before I said anything, I looked down at her for the first time -- and immediately regretted it. The pajama top had twisted a bit in her squirming and had gapped open. Looking down I had view of a nearly totally exposed breast. There was a gap between the pajamas and the concave curve of her upper breast where it flared back into her chest, leaving an opening that curved away towards her arm pit. It would have been nothing in a bikini, just the upper part of her breast -- but in the unencumbered state of the pajamas it was sexy as hell. The inside of her breast was also exposed, I could see where it curved in underneath. Although her nipple could not have been more than just barely covered, I could see where the bottom of her breast curved back up, just exactly where my hands would fit if I were to reach around from behind and cup them.

Oh My God is she perfect? Yeah, but she's your fucking NIECE! She's gotta know what she's doing to you -- you pervert -- she felt your hard-on... But she didn't mean to, she apologized! Yeah, but she knew what she was doing -- just like she left those two buttons undone -- why the hell would she do that -- she's TEASING you, she WANTS you to look... No, she's not! Not my innocent little Bug...

She moved slightly, the pajama top slipped just a bit more, and I realized it had hung up on her nipple as the inside of her areola was now slightly exposed. As much as I'd admired her body in a bikini, I'd never realized how it barely covered her nipples, and now I was mesmerized by her bikini line. It dropped down across the upper part of her breast, a tan line just a fraction of an inch outside of that minute amount of purplish brown partially exposed areola -- maybe even crossing the line slightly, the tan line curving in underneath her breast. Even though the tan line had come while wearing a swimsuit, the swimsuit obviously hadn't fit tightly as evidenced by the lack of a distinct line. I remember thinking that if my wife Debs had worn such a skimpy bikini, with her broader silver dollar sized areolas, it wouldn't have been able to totally cover them. It was just a second or two and Bug shifted, her face turning up to look at mine. I felt her turning and forced my eyes away from her exposed cleavage before she caught me looking.

"And you don't look or feel like a little six-year-old anymore."

"Or act like or want the things a six-year-old wants anymore." Her voice had a slightly annoyed sound, but she just lowered her gaze again and said nothing more. She didn't try and cover herself, just looking up had caused the shirt to shift a little and although I could still see much of her breast, it wasn't the virtually whole unrestricted view of before. I wondered again if she knew her breast was almost exposed or not, decided she couldn't have; my little innocent Bug would have been mortified if she had. I began to relax, now that she was no longer moving and my cock wasn't quite as liable to be bumped again, and her shirt had closed so I wasn't tempted to look. I rubbed her shoulder; she arched her back in response.

I let my hand find a resting place on her shoulder blade again. With our combined body warmth, the fireplace, the high altitude and the Bailey's, it wasn't long before I heard her breathing, and mine too for that matter, slowing -- she was falling asleep. We both were.

"Hey Bug, let's go to bed." I shook her shoulder, she shifted a bit, and it all came together; the PJ shirt gapped again, this time not catching on her nipple, and her breast became totally visible. Her leg shifted toward my belly again and pressed against my subsiding erection, which immediately reversed its decline. This time she didn't move away immediately, her leg pressed against my semi-hard cock. She looked up at me again.

"I may not be six, but I still enjoy cuddling. And sometimes cuddling leads to other things, and I like those things too." She looked directly in my eyes, rose up and gave me a quick peck of a kiss on my cheek, and walked off towards the bedrooms. I sat just a moment longer, watching her backside walk away. She fucking just made a pass at you! Oh Bullshit -- you're just a horny perv, she - Did Not - just make a pass at you! You're imagining things; she's your fucking niece for God's sake ...Yeah but with one fine fucking ass! Oh My God -- what a fucking perfect titty...

"Coming?" she asked, a slightly puzzled look on her face as she turned and looked back over her shoulder.

I nodded, "Yep." I rose and put another log on the fire, making sure the spark screen was in place and turned out the lights. I stopped at the open door to Bug's room and looked in. Bug was already in bed, her eyes closed with the covers clear up to her neck, her bare arms on top of the covers, the bedside light still on. I walked in, figuring I'd turn her light off for her. Her eyes opened as I approached, her hand rose toward me, the blanket dropping away from her neck exposing her bare shoulder. I gripped it with mine, lowered my face to it and kissed her hand. She pushed it up alongside my face.

"I love you, Uncle Jim."

"I love you too, Bug." I bent further, leaned over, her face turned up to mine, almost expectantly, her lips moist and very kissable. What would she say if you 'really' kissed her? I reached her forehead, gave her a goodnight peck. "G'night Bedbug. Sleep tight."

I turned out the bedside light and turned away toward the other bedroom across the hall. I was about to turn out the hall light when I did a double take and glanced back in toward Bug. On the end of the bed was my pajama top. I realized she'd had bare arms and a bare neck and... and I went to bed with a hard-on.

I can't truthfully say I've ever turned down a female that let me know she was interested in having sex with me before. For that matter I can't say I'd ever had a blood relative show an interest in having sex with me before, either.

On the one hand I was kicking myself - this was my niece! My own flesh and blood; my sister had entrusted her caretaking - despite that my niece considered herself an adult and able to take care of herself thank you very much -- she was, and always would be, 28 years younger than me. She would always be of a different generation.

On the other hand, how many times have I ever been to a strip club, seen some 19, 20 or 21-year-old daughter of someone else giving me a lap dance, rubbing her gorgeous titties in my face, rubbing up across the erection buried in my pants -- and, depending on the location, willing to provide some sexual relief, not because she is forced to, but because she wants to, she enjoys it? Or was it just that they enjoyed the money? Of course it's for the money, you asshole! No girl that age is really interested in a guy more than twice her age!

I had a hard-on when I went to bed, but I took care of that rapidly enough. I tried imagining some anonymous stripper as I jerked off. Her anonymous face kept becoming Bug's face. I tried remembering the last set of tits I'd admired in a strip bar, the last set that had been wiggled in my face, dragged across my nose. The girl had larger boobs than what I imagined were Bug's 34 A's or B's, her areolas larger, her nipples not as erect. My fantasy shifted; in my mind I was sitting in the living room of the lodge, and the stripper had sunk between my legs, mouthing my pole, telling me how she was going to make my pole real hard before she did a pole dance on me. I came before I got that far, but as I came, there was no doubt the face and body I was fantasizing about belonged to my niece sleeping in the room across the hall.

I slept fitfully, my mind not turning off the fantasy, even after I achieved physical release. Sometime during the night, I got up and wandered out to the living room, put another couple of logs into the well decayed fire. Outside, the clouds were visible from the light of the moon partially hidden behind their fleeing shapes. I turned on an outside light momentarily and checked on the snow. It appeared to have stopped, about like expected.


It was about 8 when I awoke again, groggy and totally un-rested. I drug myself into the attached bathroom, hoping a hot steamy shower would help me wake. It did, all I needed now was some coffee.

I dried off, wrapped the towel around myself and stepped back into the bedroom, the smell of coffee hitting my nose. I did a double take noticing that the bed had been made up. Oh shit, I thought and glanced at the bedside nightstand; the Kleenex that I'd used to sop up my bellybutton full of cum last night was still by the bedside. Maybe she didn't notice? I doubted it -- but there was nothing that could be done now.

Through the living room windows I could see that the clouds were back, it was again snowing, somewhat harder than the previous night. Bug was in the kitchen, as I walked up she put a second cup of coffee on the counter in front of me. She was again wearing the PJ shirt and socks, I couldn't help but notice the top buttons still undone, the sway of her unencumbered breasts as she turned. The same thought from the night before again popped unbidden into my mind: Do you suppose she is wearing any underwear? Once again I mentally kicked myself. Knock it off, you pervert.

"After breakfast I'll go down and check the Suburban just to be sure, but I'm pretty sure I must have left my bag at your house. I remember I went in and took that shower -- but can't for the life of me remember bringing the bag outside again. I must have left it in your room -- that's all I can think of. I figured after I check we can call mom and see if they can run over to your house and check for me. They should be able to bring it up with them tomorrow, don't you think?"

I couldn't help but smile. She may have been disappointed in not having her bag the night before, but her bubbly personality had taken over this morning. She turned back to the stove. "I've got some scrambled eggs and bacon almost done and there's bread in the toaster if you can get that."

"How'd you sleep?" I asked as I headed toward the toaster. It popped up just as I got there; butter and a knife were on the counter next to the toaster, so I took it out and began spreading the butter.

"Ok. I didn't hear a thing until I heard your shower running this morning."

"Thanks for making my bed." I wondered what she'd say.

"No problem." She turned from the stove, an enigmatic smile on her face, two plates of scrambled eggs and bacon in hand.

I told her I'd clean up and had to almost physically kick her out of the kitchen while I did. She headed toward her bedroom to get dressed.

"Oh my God, look!"

I turned and looked. Bug had stopped by the back windows, looking out to where, for the moment, the storm had broken. Stretched out for several miles to the next set of ridges was a totally unbroken expanse of pristine snow. The clouds had lifted and even broken somewhat -- a small patch of blue sky and a ray of sunshine momentarily lighting up the perfect scene. The untrammeled snow glistened as if from the reflection of a million diamonds. I set the dishes down and followed her to the window. "Looks like it's breaking up."

"Perfect timing," she said, "You do the dishes, and we'll go check on my bag."

It took her virtually no time at all to get dressed. She was out by the door putting on her snow suit before I got the last dishes even washed. When I told her I needed to go to the bathroom before I was ready, she said she'd just go and be back by that time. I tried to convince her to wait, but with the self-assured cockiness of youth that had never met adversity she insisted she was perfectly comfortable going down the road by herself. Reluctantly, I relented.

I reminded her that the three or four inches of snow we'd had would make turning just a little different, but if she stayed in the established track she would be just fine. I watched her head off, a bit anxious about her going alone -- but she was just going down the hill to the garage. Granted it was more than two miles -- but she would be back before too long.

Back inside I started the TV and tuned it to The Weather Channel to see how much snow had fallen before finishing up the last few dishes. The local report happened to be up when it came on and confirmed we'd had 4" of new snow overnight, but I left it on as I was interested in what the forecast for the next couple of days was. I just put the last dish in the cupboard when a "BOOM-BA-BOOM-BOOM" of close-in thunder startled me.

Thunder is somewhat unusual in winter, and typically means things are getting nasty. I immediately looked back out the window, the crystal-clear view of before was gone. In less than five minutes the clouds had come back, and the entire valley once again was obscured by lightly falling snow. To the far west, I could see a much denser area of falling snow, and as I watched I realized it was heading our direction. I glanced at my watch -- Bug hadn't been gone very long yet. I wasn't particularly worried but regretted letting her go alone and decided to go on down the trail and meet her coming back.

As I turned back inside, the TV which had been down quite low caught my attention. "...from Flagstaff. Jim?"

"The intense escalation of this storm is being caused by an unexpected increasing high pressure over northern Mexico that is pushing this strong band of tropical moisture northward where it's meeting this intensely cold air mass coming down from the Gulf of Alaska." He was standing in front of a map, indicating the areas each time he said "this."

"The result has been some intense snowfalls that are going to continue for at least the next two days, and rare winter thunderstorms! Here, in Flagstaff, they've received one foot of new snow in the last 6 hours and over 18 inches overnight. Interstate 40 has been closed in both directions through northern Arizona as road crews are unable to keep up..." The background had shifted from Jim Cantore in front of a map to him standing in front of what could have been "Anytown, USA" which was practically obscured by the blizzard conditions behind him and shifted again to shots of cars in ditches and jackknifed trucks and stuck cars, and then again to snowplows running down the highway, then back to a shot of Jim in front of a tally screen where forecasts for the Intermountain West were up. "This is leading to some very interesting statistics. Payson, Arizona has already reached three quarters of the snowfall from the record 1972 blizzard which lasted almost 5 days. The snow has already begun falling hard in Glenwood Springs and Durango, Colorado, with projections now for snowfalls of four to six feet over the next few days...."

It took another five minutes to get my own snow suit back on, the second Polaris started, and the trailer disconnected, and by the time I did the snowfall had exploded with occasional flashes of lightning and ear pounding thunder. The visibility had dropped to practically zero.

I started down the trail anxiously looking for Bug returning, keeping my snowmobile in her track. It was at the last turn at the bottom of the hill where I saw that Bug's track, rather than following around the corner, had strayed to the outside of the curve, outside the previous track from the night before. I could tell where she'd been unable to make the turn, her front end dropping off the road, and stopping where it had become lodged against a small tree.

The snowmobile was just below the edge of the rim, but Bug wasn't. A patch of broken snow about 15 feet further down the steep hill showed where she'd been thrown from her snowmobile and rolled in the deep snow into the bottom of the ravine where she'd apparently broken through the surface ice and snow, landing in the now visible running water below. I realized this stream must be spring fed as there would otherwise have been no runoff. I could see where she'd pulled herself out and trekked up the far side, which was a much gentler slope than the drop off where she'd wrecked. Her track was heading toward the road on the other side of the stream. I jumped back on my snowmobile, continuing down the valley to the bridge which was only about a hundred yards ahead.

Across the bridge I could see where her path had reached the road, but it was obviously very unsteady, wavering from side to side. She'd turned toward the garage, which now was merely another couple of hundred yards around the next bend, but she had never made it. The tracks ended at a blue bundle lying in the middle of the road.

"Bug!" I called as I leapt off the snowmobile. "Bug!" She didn't move, she didn't answer.

Her helmet was still on, the mask that had covered her mouth and nose when she left was pushed down against her chin. Some of her skin, now ashen gray, was visible through the faceplate. "Bug!" I called once again, reaching in to touch her cheek. It was cold, but not frozen. Her eyes came open.

"Jus' need a nap."

"No Bug, you need to get up." I reached down and took her arm; it was stiff with ice. Everything was stiff with ice. I reached up to move the mask back over her mouth and nose, and it too was crackling with ice. It appeared she'd gotten totally soaked, and I immediately realized if I didn't move fast, she was about to die. Boy Scout training immediately kicked in; I took a moment, assessed the situation ... and left her. I got the snowmobile turned around heading back uphill and stopped again next to her.

"Come on Bug, you've got to help me. GET UP!" She slowly began to move to my urging and lifting but rise she did. It was all I could do to get her on the snowmobile, even more to keep her there as I drove us back up the hill. I didn't race, with the now heavily falling snow obscuring visibility I couldn't take a chance on crashing myself or traveling too fast and missing the path.

She couldn't walk when we got there. I couldn't completely pick her up with all the awkward gear on, so I grabbed under her shoulders and drug her into the lodge. Once inside I stopped and began pulling everything off. My helmet and gloves first, followed by her helmet and gloves. Her gloves were icy on the outside, almost frozen solid, but still wet on the inside. I got her boots off; they were filled with ice water. I got the snow suit unzipped, worked her out of it, and although it was covered with ice, it hadn't yet frozen -- another good sign. I kept peeling; everything was wet. When I got to her bra and panties, they came off too. This time I picked her up, carried her naked into the master bedroom where I pulled the covers back, put her in, and then turned the electric blanket on high. Shucking my own clothes, I dropped them in a pile, and when I too was naked, I climbed in beside her.

People have been nearly frozen before and survived. Children have fallen through ice into lakes or streams, actually been unconscious for long periods of time when found and survived. If the skin actually freezes, the cells rupture, gangrene sets in and whatever is frozen will have to be cut off. I didn't know what state Bug was in, the important thing was to get her warm again.

Over the years, the ideas of how to save people that have almost frozen to death have changed. The latest thought is that warming a person too quickly will kill them. The body begins to shut down extremities first, stopping the blood flow to hands and feet and legs-- as keeping the heart and lungs and brain warm is more important. The problem with placing a nearly frozen person into a hot bath or feeding them hot liquids or otherwise warming them too quickly is that it is only the skin that first absorbs the heat. The body, sensing warmth, will again begin to pump blood into the cold flesh beneath the skin, and instead of absorbing the needed warmth, pushes the still icy blood from the extremities into the body core depleting the final store of body heat. The warm core blood cools down faster than the hands and legs and extremities warm up, returning to the heart for another pass, and in seconds, the victim is dead.

Bug's body felt like ice. She wasn't frozen, only nearly so. I guessed another ten minutes and she would have been. I pulled her naked back against my naked chest, my arms wrapping around her, my legs pressing against her, my body warmth going to her -- but to me it felt like her iciness was coming to me. Everywhere my body touched her it immediately got cold. My hands roamed her body, searching for warmth, trying to share my body heat everywhere. I cupped the top of her head; it was the warmest part of her body -- a good sign. A minute, maybe two and I rolled up and over her, pressing my backside and bottom to her front. Her breasts were hard and cold against my back, her nipples hard little pebbles. Again, one, maybe two minutes and I had to roll over and do it again, always trying to keep the blanket over us.

By the time I'd frozen my front side and shifted my back to her, I'd begun shivering. What concerned me was that Bug was not shivering. Her body was well into shutting down permanently. Each time I changed position; the electric blanket felt hotter to my skin. As I warmed her front with my back, the electric blanket was warming my front. When I again shifted behind her, while my front was warming her back side, the electric blanket was warming my backside. Front to back, back to front, again and again. "Come on Bug. Stay with me," I whispered again and again when my face was to her ear.

I kept my hands moving, grabbing the electric blanket for a few moments, then pressing them against her where I couldn't hold her body against me. My feet worked her feet, ice cubes that didn't want to melt. I slipped my hands between her legs; she was icy at her knees but only cold by the time I reached her crotch. I concentrated lower, slipping a warm leg between her two cold ones. I rolled her over, letting the electric blanket that had been on her left side be on her right side.

The whole time I was continually talking to her, urging her to stay with me, telling her I'd get her warm again, and telling her I loved her. It was maybe twenty minutes of moving back and forth when a shudder ran through her body. A moment later her shoulders twitched, her back convulsed, and she pulled back into herself again. It wasn't until about the third time that I realized that instead of dying -- she had once again begun to shiver. "That's it baby, come back to me." I was behind her at the time, her back against my front. I wrapped my upper arm over her, my lower arm under her in the crook of her neck. She was now shivering constantly. I just held her.

My hands would get cold pressing against her body, so I'd take a handful of electric blanket to warm my hands before once again putting them on her to find another cold spot. As she'd begun shivering, I'd slowed my front to back rotations allowing her to absorb more and more heat from the blanket itself. I grabbed a fist full of the electric blanket one more time; when my hands were once again warm, this time, with my arm wrapped over her, my hand naturally rested on her breast. While I hadn't been ignoring her breasts, I hadn't paid any more attention to them than I had any other part of her body. But this time, when my hand came to rest, I just held it there -- and noticed the strangest sensation.

Her nipple felt like it melted in my hand.

The first time I touched her breast it had been icy cold, each time after, it had been a little warmer. But this time, although it was still cold, I felt her erect nipple pull back into her breast, giving my hand the sensation that it had melted away. I brought my other hand, which had still been warming on the electric blanket, up to her other breast where the same phenomenon occurred. Something about her physiological response told me she was going to be OK. Not the shivering, which was now continuous, but her nipple melting in my palm.

I held her backside to me until I was too cold, but the longer period had allowed my back side to get even warmer. When I rolled over her again, placing my back to her front, this time she responded, pulling herself against me. Her shivering was still continuous, and she was warming up rapidly -- but hopefully not too rapidly. Somehow, I knew she was over the hump.

The next time I switched positions so I was behind her, she totally pushed back into me. I wrapped my arm over her, my hands gripping her arm, slowly moving down, finding a colder spot and doing it again. I released her arm, gripping the electric blanket for a few moments before I slid my hand completely over her again to her chest. Her hand came up, gripped over the top of mine, holding my hand in place against her breast. When I went to move, her grip tightened, holding me -- holding my hand - in place.

From the time I'd found her curled in the trail, not a single sexual thought had entered my mind. I'd stripped her naked, touched her entire body. I'd touched her where only a lover or a doctor would have. I now knew she shaved her pussy, keeping it naked, all except for a little strip above in the fashion of today. I'd touched that pussy, cupped her mound, touched her pussy lips and felt the warmth behind them. I'd pressed my entire naked body to hers; my penis had rested against those succulent globes of her ass several times, without even a hint of becoming erect. I'd felt her nipples melt to my touch; but never had I gotten any arousal out of it. Not once had my cock even twinged to this delectable prize in my grasp. And it still didn't. Lying there naked, feeling my niece warming to my touch was the most rewarding, non-sexual, naked experience of my life.

When she'd started shivering again, it had been convulsive at first. But as she warmed, the hard convulsions turned into steady, continuous - but not as strong - vibrations throughout her entire body. As we lay there, I could feel the shivering slowing, both our bodies warming. I began to relax, and whether it was her first or me, we both fell asleep.

"You saved my life." I don't know how long we'd slept; I hadn't been too soundly asleep when she woke me up. She wasn't asking for a response, just stating a fact.

I was lying with my front to her back, still intertwined with her; one leg between hers, one arm over the top, bent toward her chest where she was holding my hand to her breast. My other arm was stretched out straight, under her neck, the back of her hand in mine, our fingers intertwined. Her body was still cooler than mine; the electric blanket had warmed my backside to almost intolerable.

"I almost didn't find you soon enough."

"But you did. That's all that counts." I lay there holding her, neither of us saying anything more. My hand had just been resting against her breast, held in place by her hand. I wasn't fondling her, it just happened to be where that part of my body was touching her body. It could have been her hip, or belly; her back or bottom, or any other area of smooth flesh. But then - she moved my hand. Just slightly, a forward and backward motion, and that's all it took for her nipple to pop up into my palm. In that instant, it all changed. There was no reason to move my hand the way she did except to caress her nipple.

I was suddenly acutely aware of how sexy and how desirable this naked body in my arms was. Her hand moved again, more this time, dragging the palm of my hand against her nipple in a slightly circular motion. I felt it grow larger; I also felt my cock begin to expand from its flaccid state. I still didn't move my hand by myself, but she pulled my hand down until her nipple rested against my fingertips, her hand moving away while my hand stayed. I couldn't help myself; my fingers began caressing her nipple of their own volition, her nipple growing harder as they did.

She moved her hand down, gripped my other hand and moved it toward her chest. My arms crossed, my other hand found her other breast, her hand holding mine, as she again began to move it in circles. Her second nipple also came alive in my palm; when it did she moved my hand so my fingers were in place to continue what she'd started.

I fondled her nipples for a few moments, neither of us saying anything. Her body felt so right in my arms, the thoughts that had plagued me for the last twenty-four hours about this being my niece for the moment were gone.

"That feels so nice." I didn't say anything, just continued rolling her nipples in my fingers. My cock was now hard, nestled in her butt crack. She wiggled and pushed her butt back against me.

"You know if you'd have just made a pass at me last night, none of this would have happened."

How I could misinterpret this statement can only be explained by all of the blood from my brain having moved down to the little head between my legs. Suddenly I again became aware that this was my niece, and I shouldn't be doing this. We shouldn't be doing this. I pulled my hands and fingers away from her breasts, my body away from her backside and tried to get up.

"Where are you going?" her voice puzzled, her hand grabbing my arm to keep me from pulling away.

"Bug, I can't... I can't take advantage of you like this... I..." I didn't know what I wanted to say. I hadn't thought this was going to happen. My battling conscience had been quiet while it wasn't happening -- but now it was having a battle royale in my brain. that's it pervert, molest your own niece... It's not molesting if she's pushing for it. Go for it, look how hard your cock is, you know you want it...Bullshit, she's just vulnerable, an hour ago she was almost dead for God's sake..." "I'm your Uncle, I couldn't..." My voice petered out. But I could, and certainly my body wanted to.

She didn't say anything for a moment, not pulling me back to her, not relinquishing my hands. She broke the momentary silence. "All because I forgot my damn bag."

Huh? Where did this come from, and what was she talking about?

"All what because you forgot your bag?"

She sighed. "I had it all planned out. You know you and I were going to have at least one and a half days alone? Do you remember how that got arranged?"

I thought I did. We'd all been discussing the trip and how it would be good to get the stuff here so we didn't have to take it on the airplane.

"I volunteered to take a few more days off and drive out, and it was suggested that maybe an extra day or two, just in case the weather was bad and..."

"Who suggested maybe another day or so?" she interrupted.

"I don't remember exactly."

"I suggested that if you wanted to leave an extra day early, I could come with you and you wouldn't have to drive alone as it would be just when my Christmas break started." Actually, now that she mentioned it, I did remember that portion of the conversation. So, what she's saying is that she planned to get you naked in bed? You dick, you're just trying to warp what she's saying...

It was silent for a moment, her hand pulled mine back to her breast. I wanted to hold back but didn't until my fingertips found her still hard nipple. I pulled back as if it was red hot and had burned me. "Bug, you're vulnerable right now, you just had a traumatic experience..."

She sighed. "You stupid oaf." She pushed my hand away, and rolled over, facing me. Her hands came up and gripped my face. "You're an idiot! Do you know that? Do you know what was so all fired important about my bag? Do you?" I shook my head no, just slightly, perplexed at her seeming anger.

"I have a brand-new Victoria's Secret teddy, for you. I have another new sexy nightgown that I bought just for you. Iplanned on having you for myself for a couple of days. I planned on getting you naked in bed with me. I planned on seducing you! You are not taking advantage of me, I ... Want... This!" she paused momentarily, and then continued, softer. "I've always wanted this. You're my Uncle Jimmy, the sexiest man I've ever known, and I love you. I wanted you to make love to me last night. I did everything to get you to make a pass at me except get naked and crawl into bed with you." She reached up, her hand behind my head, pulling my face to hers, and kissed me.

And I kissed her back.

Reluctantly at first, feeling like this should be wrong -- yet despite her skin still being slightly cool and occasional shivers still wracking her body, her mouth was warm, her tongue even warmer. The kiss revealed a pent-up passion that I'd not previously recognized in her. She hungrily sucked my tongue into her mouth, her hand slid down between us, finding my cock. I felt another shiver run through her body. My free hand now unabashedly roamed from breast to breast, palming them, bouncing my fingertips across her nipples, kneading the firm flesh. I caught her far nipple between my thumb and forefinger, gently rolling its hardness in my fingers.

She pulled away from the kiss, turning my head slightly, her nose and mouth nuzzling my ear. She kissed just below my ear then sucked my earlobe into her mouth, her breath from her nose echoing in my ear. As she nibbled my ear, my cock twitched as if it was directly connected to my earlobe.

I leaned down and forward a bit and kissed her neck; under her chin at first, then moving down, marveling at the smoothness of her skin. When my lips reached her breast, I moved my hand over to her other breast, playing with both nipples at the same time. I felt her upper body rise in response, pushing herself upward into me. A guttural moan escaped her throat, her hand still just holding my penis.

"God that's so good." I rose a bit, momentarily giving up my downward trek from where I'd been kissing her neck and upper chest to admire the beautiful body lying supine before me. I'd been fondling her for more than an hour, bringing her, literally, back to life; but despite seeing her breasts, feeling her breasts, seeing and touching her belly and bottom and virtually every square inch from head to toe -- it had not been from a sexual perspective. I wouldn't say it had been platonic, that doesn't seem like the right word, but I'd been observing her as a fellow human being -- not a possible sexual partner.

Now however, that changed.

Her breasts rising off her chest were perfect, as only the body of a childless 21 year old woman can be. Her nipples were not very big around but had grown hard and surprisingly long under my attention. I knew that I'd had a lot to do with that, they'd been soft and flush when she'd started this. They rested on dime-sized areolas which in turn rested on larger puffy areas that arose slightly from the majority of her breasts. Her breasts weren't small, but they were nicely toned so they didn't flatten out from gravity, standing firmly from her body. I relinquished rolling her nipple to run my hand down over the rest of her breasts, feeling their firmness, stroking down over her firm belly, exploring her smooth skin.

"I've wanted this for so long, you know that, don't you?" she was saying quietly, talking to herself as much as me. My free hand had once again reached her breasts, my fingers caressing first one and then the other nipple. I'd risen up slightly, watching my fingers at work when she whispered "suck." I moved lower, sucking the hard little nub into my mouth, feeling her stomach contract under my arm as I did.

Until now our lower bodies had been under the covers. Working her nipple with my tongue, I slid my hand down and moved the electric blanket away. It was almost hot to the touch -- we still had it on high -- and a shiver shook her body below me. I pulled away from working her breast just long enough to ask "Is it too cold?"

"No, it's perfect, now that you're warming me up properly at last."

I ran my eyes down her now exposed body, from two perfect breasts resting on a rib cage that flowed onto a slightly indented stomach, past a perfectly formed belly button to an arrow of hair pointing the way to the Promised Land of her totally bald pussy. After pushing the blanket aside, I ran my hand across her lower body and mound, finding not an inkling of stubble. She released a long, satisfied sigh. "I shaved yesterday, just for you. Do you like it?"

"Oh god yes. You're so smooth" I said, my fingertips fondling her labia, the soft folds of skin easily moving to my caress. When I'd touched between her legs earlier, it had been searching for warmth -- and the need to warm her; now my touches served an entirely different purpose.

"I'm glad you like it," she giggled sexily. "I used the razor in your shower."

"Oh my god, Bug -- you're so perfect. I've got to taste you." I began moving my face down her body, but her hand which had been playing with my head and hair tried to hold me back.

"Not yet. I want to make love first."

"There's plenty of time for that, let me get you ready."

"I am ready. I've never been more ready in my life!" My hand, in caressing her, had gradually risen back up, feeling her narrow landing strip, running across her belly; now I slipped my hand back down to her pussy, my finger easily slipping between her lips, finding that she was indeed ready.

Her pussy lips were larger, slightly swollen from what I'd seen and felt when I was reviving her. My finger easily pushed further inside finding her pussy dripping with secretions and burning with heat. Any thought I had of her not being warm enough was gone. I pulled my hand back dragging my finger across her clit which had also risen from behind its cover. She flinched, a good flinch; but when I started to slide back to stroke her again she said, "Please don't -- I want to cum the first time with you in me."

I rolled over, my face now in the middle of her belly and began kissing my way back up her body. I gradually moved over her, stopped to suckle her nipples again, finally getting back to where we kissed again, hungrily devouring each other. Her hand found my cock again as I got higher on her body, and now she was pulling on it, pulling it toward the center of her being.

My conscience twinged one more time, just barely. "Are you sure about this?"

"I've never been more sure of anything in my life."

I kissed her once more, moving myself so I was astride her, one knee on either side. "There's no going back." I said needlessly. She smiled, pushed outward with her thighs in response. I lifted my knee; she moved her leg out and I rolled slightly to the other side so her other leg could go outside of mine. I looked down; with her legs spread her pussy had opened slightly, its glistening pink wetness barely winking at me from between her lips. When I didn't immediately slide forward, she pulled me forward, guiding my cock towards her.

My mind was addled with lust for this beautiful creature that so desperately and obviously wanted me as much as I wanted her, but my adult mind had a much greater ability to throw off the lust and ask the questions that should be asked, something it had never had the ability to do back when I was 21. "Bug, are you a virgin?"

It's not exactly the right time to ask your partner when your cock is one inch from splitting her asunder, from creating a woman from a child -- but I guess it's better than saying "Oh, I didn't know," afterward.

She gave me a sad, alarmed look. "No, I'm not a virgin. Does it matter?"

"No, it's just that I wanted to know if I was going to hurt you."

She looked at me and rolled her eyes. "Uncle Jim, you doofus. I told you I've had this planned. Yes, I know what I'm doing. No, I'm not a virgin; it's not going to hurt. Yes, I'm on the pill, I have been for years, and you're not going to get me pregnant. No, I don't have any diseases. Now make love to me!"

We both laughed at that. I relaxed just a bit, and my cock came in contact with her pussy flesh for the first time. Her hand moved my cock into position, and with a little forward pressure my cock head slid between her lips.

It normally takes several strokes to fully penetrate a woman, her natural lubricant being pushed inside, only gradually coating the dry cock that's impaling her. But with Bug, she was so wet that as I eased forward, looking for that first twinge of pulled skin, it never happened. My cock just kept sliding into her, her pussy sucking my cock inside where it seemed to belong. Looking her in the eye, I eased in, deeper and deeper until I bottomed out.

"Just stay there for a minute" she said, her eyes closing, her hands on my hips holding me in place.

"Is something wrong?" I whispered after a moment.

"No, I just want to remember what it feels like. I've dreamed about this for years, and now that it's coming true, I don't ever want to forget it."

I remained motionless for several moments before I began to pull out again. She didn't say anything so I continued.

Her legs wrapped over the backs of my legs, her body contorting to accommodate mine. She continued to look into my eyes, smiling, as I began moving in and out of her.

I pulled out slowly, all except the tip of my cock, and then slowly plunged back into her. I didn't pound away, it was slow and leisurely. With her pussy as wet as it was, by controlling my own tempo I could control when I was going to cum. The long slow strokes weren't going to get me off very rapidly, but it wasn't long before Bug's breathing became a little raspy. She gasped at one point but assured me it was a good gasp, to continue just doing what I was doing.

I was resting with my hands beside her body, my knees between hers, holding my body above her so there was virtually nothing touching her except my erection sliding in and out of her pussy and her legs which were clamped around mine. She was gently rocking her hips back and forth, changing the pressure of how our coupled genitals interacted with each plunge. Bug's hands wandered around our bodies; alternately holding my hips, stroking up and across my back, coming underneath, her fingers playing with my chest hair, tweaking my nipples for a moment, then dropping to her own chest where she twiddled her own nipples. When she reached back up and twiddled mine again, I gave her an appreciative moan.

"Like that did ya?"

"Oh, god, yes," I managed to say. "I like everything about this."

"Yeah," she agreed, dropping her hands to her own nipples again, this time pulling on them as she tweaked them. "I like playing with nipples." When she relinquished her own again, her hands rose back to mine and then continued to alternate. Sometimes two hands on me, sometimes two on her, and sometimes a hand on each of us.

I kept up the leisurely pace, I just didn't want to cum. The longer I took, however, the more Bug's hips twisted and squirmed below me. Her eyes never left mine but began to take on a glazed look. I felt her raising her hips to push back against me, but I just kept the same steady pace. A small gasp escaped her lips, then another; I realized she'd been holding her breath. When I leaned down to kiss her, her mouth latched on to mine hungrily sucking my tongue into hers, her arms coming up behind my head to hold my face close. Her hips began to quiver, I felt as much as heard a low moan escaping from her mouth into mine. When her hand slid to my back, her fingernails gripped into my skin and her hips began to quiver, I realized she'd peaked. But I hadn't, and I didn't stop.

I continued the slow thrusting, not allowing her to descend from her peak. The quivering in her pelvis was an uncontrolled motion while she was peaking, but it soon returned to the rocking and twisting that obviously was moving pressure to the right spots.

Our kiss had been relinquished when she came; her hands had fallen back to her own breasts, cupping them, pressing them against her body as her fingers rolled her nipples. Her twisting and squirming beneath me put the pressures in the right spots not just in her, but on my cock also. I felt myself approaching the end, my consciousness gradually focusing on that shaft between my legs sliding back and forth in the grasping warmth of her pussy. I fought back the nearly uncontrollable desire to pound into her, to force my cock deep into her silken tunnel, to finish this magical moment but I managed to refrain from giving in and forcing it to happen, and maintained the slow, relentless, approach.

Bug's hands had dropped to her side, gripping the bed, her head rolling back and forth with her eyes closed. "My God, you're driving me crazy!" she complained.

"Should I stop?" I was barely able to tease -- knowing there was no way now that I was going to. Nature had taken over, demanding release. No matter how much I held back and tried to slow it, I knew I was almost there. She didn't answer my tease.

"Cum with me" she whispered, her hips once again beginning to force themselves against me, her controlled squirming again becoming an uncontrolled quivering. "Cum with me!" Her hips pushed higher, this time, her back arching to push her pelvis even harder against my thrusting, until she went rigid in a second orgasm. That's all it took, the extra pressure of her pelvis pressed up into me, the slight angle change, the demand of her body for me to fill her with my seed -- and my cock exploded inside her.

Involuntarily I thrust hard into her, my cock spewing a load deep inside. Uncontrollably I pulled out, the friction of her pussy against my cock causing me to involuntarily plunge in hard again, and then a third time -- as if my thrusting could expel my seed deeper inside her than I really was. I collapsed on top of her, her arms wrapping around me, holding me against her, my hips trying to pivot me into her again, my cock twitching, throbbing - spent.

I lifted myself a bit off her body, but she held tight so I couldn't pull away, her hands slowly stroking my back. My cock gradually shrank until it slipped from her pussy, eliciting a protesting "Oh" from her when it did.

"Can't you stay in me forever?"

"I don't think it works that way," I smiled. I raised a leg to cross over hers so I could lie beside her. She protested again verbally, but cooperated, allowing me to roll onto my side. She twisted sideways, snuggled into the crook of my arm, her body again melting into mine.

We lay there, not saying anything for a few moments, until Bug said she wanted to clean up and pushed the cover away. I watched her beautiful bottom as she waddled, naked and dribbling, into the adjoining bath and listened as she washed up. She came back with a washcloth and towel.

Climbing back onto the bed beside me she reached over with the washcloth and wiped my cock. When finished she threw the washcloth onto the floor, dried me with the towel, and then pushed me onto my back and straddled me.

"Move over," she said, glancing back down at the bed beside me, "my knee is in the wet spot." She leaned down and kissed me, I returned it. The kiss started slowly but picked up steam rapidly. We locked mouths, tongues dueling for position. Her hand slipped behind my head, my hands running over her body, finding her bottom, caressing her sides, and eventually reaching her breasts and her once again hard -- or possibly still hard -- nipples. She sucked my tongue into her mouth and then pulled back keeping it in until she let it slip out. Sitting up she looked again at her knee, then took the towel and raised her leg, putting the towel under it.

"I think we're going to have to do the sheets before anyone else gets here."

"Why's that?" I asked, just not thinking it through.

"Someone else will probably sleep in here, and we wouldn't want them to think something happened, would we? I mean, what do you think Mom would say if she knew I was fucking her brother? You don't suppose she'd say, 'hey, why don't you two sleep together in the master bedroom,' do you?"

"Somehow I doubt it."

"Me either. God, I wish we could, though, wouldn't that be wonderful?" She lay down on my chest, her head sideways. I stroked her hair.

"Mmmm, I replied. This isn't quite what I thought we would be doing up here for a couple of days."

"It's what I'd hoped we'd be doing." She giggled, "I can't say though, that in all the scenarios of getting you naked into bed with me, that this one ever crossed my mind."

"Hmm. I can't say as I've ever thought about getting in bed naked with you."

"Really?" she actually sounded surprised.

"Really." I affirmed. "Getting your niece naked and fucking her brains out is liable in most states to get you thrown in jail."

"Not if you're both adults." I didn't say anything. I guess she was right; perhaps legally we were now just consenting adults. But blood is thick -- and somehow, I knew there was that chance that eventually I'd have to answer to my sister.

"Maybe. But you are still my niece and no matter how much fun that was, there are others that may not approve. Your mother included."

"Maybe. But we don't need to worry about that until tomorrow."

She lay on my chest for a few more moments before she rolled off onto the dry side, sliding again into the crook of my arm. Her hand ran up across my chest, rubbed across my nipple, then played with the hair on my chest. She sighed. "I had it all planned out. I was going to wear my little teddy and when you came in to kiss me goodnight, I was going to throw open the covers and invite you in." There was a slight pause before she continued, her fingers moving across to my other nipple before she did. "Or I was going to put on the really sexy nightie and a matching robe and you'd be out by the fire and I'd tease you a bit, make you think I was accidentally flashing you. I had all these ideas, and I had these sexy things and I just forgot them at your house." I didn't say anything.

"I tried to do it last night with your PJ's, I left a couple of buttons open but that didn't work. And then, when I went to bed, I just got naked and left the light on -- and when you came in, I was going to pull the covers back, but I chickened out and just couldn't do it. Did you know that, that I was naked?"

"Not at first. But then I realized as I was going out that the pajama tops were on the bed and your shoulders had been bare."

"I should have just opened the covers, then you wouldn't have had to use that dumb cum rag." I realized she had seen it after all.

"You saw that, huh?" I asked, a sheepish grin twisting my face.

"I could smell it when I went in your room." A moment later she continued. "Were you thinking of me when you did it?" I thought about lying, and then decided against it.

"Yes." I said simply.

"So you have thought about me naked in bed with you!"

"We weren't in bed."

"Oh? Where were we? What were we doing?" she used a low voice which sounded very naughty as she said this.

"I was imagining I was sitting in the chair, right here at the lodge, in the living room, and you were... you were..." for some reason I couldn't say blow job, "going down on me."

She lay there quietly for a few moments. "I could do that. I want to do that. I want to do everything with you. I want to do it doggy style and cowgirl. I want to do you sitting in a chair. I like it when I'm on top, do you?"

I didn't answer. She continued to stroke my chest, her fingers playing with my chest hair. She looked up at me, her hand sliding down my body, finding my soft cock and giving it a squeeze. With a mischievous grin, she asked, "What do you say we go get lunch and we can see if you're up to it again by then?" She immediately pushed away, rolled over and sat up. I reached for her, but she stepped away from the bed, still naked, and picked up the pajama tops from the chair where she had left them when she dressed to go to the Suburban -- that seemed so long ago, now. She pulled it around herself and turned, facing me, as she buttoned just the bottom buttons. "I'm going to need some more socks," she said, as she headed out the door.

I started getting up; picking up my still dry clothes from where I'd dropped them on the floor and began to get dressed. It was just moments later that I heard "Oh My God, look at that!" I had my shirt in hand, and immediately ran out to the living room where I found Bug looking out the wall of windows next to the fireplace.

The Christmas card view from the morning was gone. Visibility was not much more than a few yards, the view of the mountains and valley had disappeared into a sea of battleship gray and blowing snow. The snow showers of this morning had turned into a full-blown blizzard, and whereas before we had had only a virtual dusting of new snow, now we had a good foot of new powder with more coming down hard.

"Wow, it's really coming down, isn't it? If this keeps up, it's going to be hard for everyone else to get here."

Bug turned to face me, a smile on her face, and put her arms around my neck. "Oh darn. Wouldn't that be a shame if we had to be alone for more than just today?" She pulled my head down to hers, where I readily returned her kiss. Bent down to her as I was, I slipped a hand behind and onto her pert little bottom, feeling it through the cloth of the oversized pajama tops and recognized immediately there was nothing else between her bottom and my hand, realizing that I hadn't seen her put anything but the top on. I lifted the PJ's until I could reach underneath, palming her delectable bottom and confirmed she hadn't put any underwear on. "You didn't want to borrow some of my underwear?" I asked, pulling away from the kiss and nuzzling her ear.

"Do I need to?" She asked, pulling away from my embrace and turning toward the kitchen.

"You're a little stinker. You know that, don't you?"

She stopped, bent forward, and flipped the PJ's up, exposing her bare bottom to me. "Does that make me a 'Stinkbug'?"


A phone call after lunch got the home front searching for the missing bag. We told them about the weather conditions, and although the storm hadn't yet moved over to Denver, it was predicted to hit there shortly. The airlines had already cancelled several future flights, and the possibility of anyone being able to fly and join us soon was definitely in danger of falling through. By the time they called us in the early evening, the missing bag found sitting on a chair in my living room, the snow accumulation had doubled.

After lunch I stepped out back to get a refill on the wood we'd been burning, and while I was at it, checked the hot tub. The snow had accumulated so I had to knock it off the top first, but found the water was up to temp -- we could use the tub if we desired. The swirling steam amid the blizzard conditions made for an interesting contrast.

Bug had made up hot chocolate when I got back in, we added Baileys just because, and we sat down in front of the fireplace. Bug pushed my arm aside, and snuggled into my lap again, her knees across my leg. Still just "dressed" in my pajama shirt, I was acutely aware of her naked body beneath it.

"You know you didn't quite fail last night."

"Fail with what?"

"You said you wanted to flash me with the PJ top, but it didn't work? That's not quite true." I'd put my cup of Baileys and cocoa on the table beside me.

"Oh really?" she giggled. "And just what did you see that I didn't know about?"

I slid my hand over to the PJ top, running my finger down past the undone buttons to the topmost button that was fastened, pushing the top open as I did, and then began back up the other side pushing it open a bit more.

I slipped my hand in over the top of her breast. "I saw a sweet little curve right here on top..." I slipped my finger deeper inside the shirt towards her arm pit, barely touching the top of her breast, then pulled them back and began trickling them down the inside; "and then you moved, and I could see the tan line where your bikini normally is, and I could tell it almost doesn't even cover you..." I slipped my fingers down under her breast, barely touching her with the back of my hand and then turned it over, cupping her breast, my thumb sliding up and across her nipple. "And then the shirt slipped a bit more and hung up on this sweet little nubbin and I could see where your tan line crosses right across the edge of your areola. Whatever bikini you've been wearing recently doesn't leave much to the imagination does it? Is it the same thong that has allowed you to tan your bottom that you were showing me while we were driving yesterday?"

"Yeah," She giggled.

"I don't think I've seen that one."

"I don't think Mom would approve; I've never worn it at home."

"I think I might like to see that."

"You would have. I had it in my bag."

I reached back to the shirt, unbuttoned one more button, and when I slid my hand back in, the shirt now fell open enough that the breast I was playing with was totally exposed. She slid her hand down to my crotch at the same time, feeling the growing firmness in my pants. I continued to caress her nipple and breast.

"I used to dream of this. Sitting in your lap, smelling you, having your hands on me. But you never did."

"You quit cuddling in my lap about the time you began to grow up, which is probably a good thing, but I wouldn't have even if I'd wanted." I pulled her to me, my exposed hand sliding down and under the shirt to cup her bottom.

"Is my bottom still magnetic?" She looked up at my face, smiling.

"Even more so, and now it's damn attractive," I answered, my hand caressing her backside. As my hand slid onto her hip, her upper leg opened a little, inviting my touch to move elsewhere. She looked up and we began to kiss again, sucking tongues as our arousal grew. As I slid my hand further forward toward her pussy her legs spread open even more, her womanhood easily penetrated by my probing fingers. My fingers slipped inside her again, my thumb finding the hard little spot above her slippery slit. Her hips and pelvis twinged to my touch, pushing against my fingers, a sharp little gasp escaping her as she went over the top again. She reached down to still my hand. I stopped my movement but left my hand in place, feeling the hard little nub under my thumb, two fingers still inside her.

I felt Bug's hand move off mine, I pulled my hand away. I watched as she undid the last two buttons of the shirt. Rising and turning, she straddled my lap, one leg on either side, the shirt falling open to reveal most of her otherwise naked body to me. I slipped my hands inside the shirt, parting it further, her breasts and front of her body now totally exposed.

"My God you're gorgeous Bug." I reached for her breasts, hefting their pleasant weight in my hands and then rolled her nipples simultaneously with both hands. In response she reached forward, her hands finding where my own nipples were through my t-shirt, rubbing back and forth across them, and then began pulling my t-shirt up and over my head. I raised my arms to help, and she tossed it to the floor behind me. Her hands stroked down my chest, finding my nipples just as mine again found hers.

With the pajama top hanging open, she was virtually naked in my lap. Her eyes closed, a hum of pleasure emanating from her mouth as her fingers concentrated on my nipples while I once again tweaked and rolled hers. "God I love nipple play, don't you?"

"It's nice," I answered. I could feel the tingles from my nipples in my once again fully erect cock. She slid her hand down to my pants, squeezing me through them. Her other hand came down and began to loosen my belt and take my pants off. A moment later she rose up, as did I, and together we slid them into a pile in front of the leather chair. Her hand grasped my erection protruding from my lap and began stroking and playing with it.