It's over two months since graduation. I'm done with that—finally!—and in a few more days it's off to college I go. I didn't like high school much, but there were some high points. Mr. Driscoll was one of them. He taught me Honors English for two years and became my mentor. He didn't know he was my mentor for a long time. Finally he came around.

In junior year we read the classics so we'd know good writing when we saw it. Like 1984, Madam Bovary, some Shakespeare, Hemmingway, and Catcher in the Rye. I liked Catcher in the Rye a lot, especially the way Holden Caulfield wanted to protect his little sister Phoebe from the evils and assholes of the world. He wanted her to stay pure and innocent and never see any violence or obscene things like the F-word scribbled on walls. He wanted her pure and innocent while he lost his innocence all over the place.

Lolita was the last book we read that year. There was some controversy, and some of the Puritan moms and dads denied their kids permission to read it, so Mr. D had to offer them a substitute, but the rest of us read it. And loved it! Mr. D told us that just because literature is bawdy or erotic doesn't mean it's not good writing and not worth reading. I think after reading Lolita, that's about the time I decided Mr. D. was my mentor.

Senior year Mr. D taught creative writing so that we'd know bad writing—our own—when we saw it. He was strict about grammar and sentence structure and style. You have to know the rules cold so you know exactly how and when to break them, he said. And I love breaking rules and writing run-on sentences beginning with And and ending with prepositions and using too many exclamation points! like this!

Break the rules, he said, but don't look stupid doing it, like using to for too or your for you're, or their for there, or effect for affect, when the effect of affect might spoil the effect of the writing. So there! their! and they're!

This is something else Mr. D said: Be Bold! Be Outrageous! Be Passionate! I think that's when I fell in love with Mr. D and began daydreaming about him and me in class. Longing dreams. Bold, Outrageous, Passionate dreams. And more that once I dreamed a nighty-night dream about him and me and his wife, which is really silly because not only do I not know his wife, I don't even know if he has a wife. Nevertheless, there we were, she and I, standing side-by-side in front of a huge floor-to-ceiling wall-to-wall mirror admiring our cute little naked selves while this ominous presence that I somehow knew was Mr. D lurked in the darkness behind us, not so much seen as sensed. Wife D and I eyed each other in the mirror, and I was pleased that I compared favorably with this sexy, feline woman, my long flowing hair and brown eyes and nicely curved petite body contrasting nicely with her sensuous blonde hair, green eyes, and slinky shape. I thought, By damn, I'm a sexy, feline woman too. It's true that her breasts were magnificently large and enticing, while my own were smaller, but undeniably plump, cute, and perky—and young enough to have room to grow. I hope.

It was an odd tableau in that dream. Maybe I got it from the nasty porn movie Sis & I watched together last year. We watched it together by accident; I just walked in without realizing and plunked down in the easy chair while Sis drooled from the couch. I was surprised; I didn't know she liked stuff like this. There were two girls and a guy in the flick. I was so embarrassed I couldn't talk to her about it, but I also couldn't tear myself away, either, like an approach-avoidance conflict. Do people really do things like this?

Although I love them dearly, my parents kept me on a tight lease, so I only got a chance to watch two other porn movies when I thought I could get away with it. It was a few weeks later when Sis was here for a weekend, then left and carelessly forgot some DVDs on her bedside table. Luckily I got to them before Mom and Dad. They were Domination/Submission flicks—or Dom/Sub in the vernacular, I think. Quite a revelation! And that made me wonder about Sis. Does she like this stuff?

Maybe that was the genesis of this little nighty-night dream I had of Mr. D, Wife D, and me. In the dream the unseen D in the shadows behind us smacks his wife's bottom and she gives a startled little squeal, but she likes it, I can tell, and wants more. And I do too. I like the feeling that he's in control and she submits, and I get all gooey inside and excited, thinking that maybe I'd like to submit too, maybe I'd like to be his little plaything, and I wait for a smack on my bottom any second now. And that's when I wake up. Damn.

We had to write several essays for the class. For one of them he said, "Write about your personal experiences and knowledge; involve the senses, be specific. Good writing is particular and immediate." I put more than the usual amount of effort into that one and used a lot of showy 4-bit words like concupiscent, libidinous, salacious, and so forth. When I got it back there was a great big fat red "A" at the top of the space he always made us leave on the first page. I was so disappointed.

It was my first non-"A plus" in the class. His note had the usual praise, but at the end it said, "The circled words are pretentious & show-offy. Except for that, A plus."

I was crushed. I wanted his praise and approval. I needed his steady hand to guide and even punish me when necessary. I wanted his discipline! I worked my tail off the rest of the year and got my A-pluses back and he acknowledged that he was my mentor. If he'd only known how much I wanted him to be a mentor in another aspect as well!

So now I'm done with high school, but here's one more essay, a volunteer one for fun, Mr. D. Just one more for you. It's about what I did for summer vacation. Call it "My Summer Vacation" if you please—so named in order to crash head-on into the rule against triteness. But I don't think you'd consider the story trite, Mr. D. It's first person present tense. Narrated and Point-of-Viewed by Robyn. I've broken the rules of grammar, style, and good taste, but I've obeyed all of yours: "Put in the senses. Be particular. Don't be afraid to shock." I've obeyed!

It's about my education and how I did a lot of growing up and self-discovery this summer. I know a lot more now than I did just a couple of months ago.

I wish you could read it, but you never will.


My Summer Vacation


Robyn Ryder

My big sister Laura brushes and combs my hair in long strokes. It goes all the way to my butt now. Mom says I should cut it, but I like it long and brown and shiny. Dad disagrees. He says, "Leave her alone, Honey, she knows what she wants."

I sit on the edge of the bed and Sis straddles me from behind. I like her warm legs around my hips and ankles against my thighs. I watch us both in the wall mirror. I don't wear pigtails much anymore, but I loved it when she used to do mine, and I begged and begged her to do it just one more time!

She starts braiding. I feel her fingers collect strands, making three clumps on the right side, then weaving, weaving, weaving. She's quiet this afternoon, something on her mind I guess.

I hear our big brother Keith whistling downstairs, some classical earworm he's had for days.

"You are so cute in pigtails," Sis says, "but it makes you look too young ... like sweet fourteen. Good thing you're not freckled or you'd look even younger." The hair gets shorter as she weaves, but the ends will still be down past my shoulder blades.

Keith's whistling gets louder. He passes by our door and waves as he walks by. He's twenty-two, graduated college last year, and has a pretty good job as a software engineer. We both call him Big Brother, and he calls us Sis and Little Sis. Sis is twenty and just finished sophomore year at college. She wants to be a psychologist when she grows up.

I'm Robyn. My birthday is today, a week after finishing high school. Keith and Laura came home to see Mom and Dad off on their cruise with the Prestons yesterday and celebrate my birthday today. They're extra special nice to me.

Sis finishes the first pigtail and ties it off with a pretty red ribbon in a bow. She starts the second.

"How do you know when it's safe to have sex?" That just pops out of my mouth without any thought. Maybe I was thinking of you, Mr. D. Or maybe I'm just ... well, just feeling sexy lately. Sometimes I get this way and can't think of anything else for a few days at a time. I don't seem to have any control over it.

Sis laughs and asks, "Are you contemplating having sex?"

I giggle. "It just popped out. Don't know why. Well sometimes I have these ... these, like yearnings. And they're really strong. So strong, I can't think about anything else. Anyhow, some day, when I do have sex, I'll need to know so I won't get ... well ... you know."

She says, "Hmm. Well, if it's just after your period or just before the next one, it's probably ok. Or you could just take the pill."

"I just finished my period."

"So did I. I guess we're synchronized sisters, huh?"

"That means I'm ok? I could have sex?"

She laughs again. "Slow down, Little Sis. You have anybody in mind?"

"No, no, but ..."

"But?' She prods me in the side with her finger.

"If I did have somebody in mind, I'd want him to be like our brother, he's so cool, not to mention good looking and well-built. Don't you think?" I'm lying. I didn't tell her about you, Mr. D; Sis might think you're a Perv, so I substituted our brother. I hadn't even thought of him this way before but now ... hmmm. But that would be incest, wouldn't it? That would be wrong, wouldn't it?

In the mirror I see a really strange expression flit across Sis's face and then she blushes. She doesn't blush often, but this is more than a run-of-the-mill blush. This is a queen-sized, extraordinary, Lulu of a blush—deep red and totally covering her face, even rising up and leaking across her forehead. She ducks down behind my head in the mirror to try to hide it from me, acting like she's fumbling for something she dropped. Too late. I saw it. That's when I begin to wonder.

I blurt again, "Have you had sex?"

"Maybe, maybe not. That's a little too personal."

"I bet you have!"

"Hold still! Let me tie this bow." She finishes and puts her face beside mine. The blush has faded away. We smile at each other. "Cute, cute, cute," she chants. "Both of us. Princesses! And you're the prettiest Little Sis I've ever had." She's shifting the subject, and now she's got this Mona Lisa smile on her face, but my thoughts churn while I try to figure out the meaning of that whopper of a blush. I entertain a notion, but it's way, way out there, too far. But I wonder if I've ever really known Sis as well as I thought.

Later Big Brother and Sis and I celebrate my birthday after dinner with ice cream and a cake with eighteen candles, and then a few glasses of wine. Well, actually more than a few glasses—like a whole bottle and most of another! We get pretty mellow and giggly, me more than them since I'm still mostly a virgin with wine and liquor.

We all go to bed early, earlier than normal. Sis and I sleep together in the downstairs bedroom next to Mom and Dad's room, while Keith takes Sis's bedroom upstairs beside the one he used to use until it became too much of an office and store room when he left for college.

I wake up when Sis removes my arm from over her shoulder. I must have rolled and snuggled into her while asleep. I make like I'm still asleep, breathing deeply, as she gets out of bed and fumbles in the dark. I can tell she's being real careful not to wake me. She's not going to the bathroom; I think she's looking for her bathrobe. I see the bedroom door crack open and let in some of the hallway nightlight as she slips quietly out. I look at the clock and see it's still early in the night, only an hour after we crawled giggling into bed. She might not have gone to sleep at all, just lying awake until she was sure I was out of it. Something is going on.

I get out of bed and go to the door quickly and crack it open without making a sound. I see her walking away, down the hallway toward Mom and Dad's bedroom. I close the door, put on my bathrobe, wait a minute, then crack the door again. Gone. Into Mom and Dad's room.

Now it's interesting! I have to know! I tiptoe down the hallway to our parents' bedroom door. I press my ear against it. No sound. Nothing. I'm about to open it a little when I realize I'll be silhouetted by the nightlight. I cross the hallway to turn it off, then come back to the door. Ever so slowly I turn the knob, hoping it doesn't make a clicking noise. I ease the door open a half-inch.

There's a night light in the room. I see the corner of the bed through the crack of the door but nobody seems to be in it. I let myself in quietly so I can peek stealthily around the corner of the door alcove, not having a clue what I'm looking for or what I'll see.

Nothing! Nobody here. What happened? Didn't she come in? Where else could she go? There's no other door at this end of the hallway. Disappeared!

Then I notice the door near the corner of the room, the locked one, the one Dad always told us was his gun closet that we were never to go into. Never ever ever! I walk over and grasp the knob and turn.

Unlocked! I peer cautiously into the small space, and instead of seeing a gun rack or cabinet or safe or whatever it is that you put guns in, I see a descending spiral staircase. Staircase? In a closet? Going down from the ground level? Is there a basement in the house that I never knew about? A faint red glow comes from below. There's a distant sound of music like with a 70s disco beat. Is this where she went? Is there any other place she could have gone?

With a tentative foot I take a tentative step downward. Downward into what? I go gingerly down one step at a time. I don't know what's at the bottom of this, so I'm thankful the steps don't squeak or creak to give me away in case there's some monster waiting at the bottom to pounce and rape me and suck out my virgin blood.

At the bottom there's a closed door. Red light oozes beneath it. The Disco music is stronger now with a heavy rhythmical bass beat—simple, primitive, exotic. I'm about to try the knob, but first, off to the left is a small space like a long, narrow walk-in closet. Dark. It has a window into the room on the other side of the door, with the same dim, diffuse red light seeping through from the other side. I think I'll check that out first. I walk softly and carefully to the window and look through into the room beyond.

Oh my god! There's a big four-poster bed in there, twice as large as a king-size. It's enormous! You could play a football game on it! And there are a couple of large, comfortable stuffed chairs nearby. But the thing that gets my immediate attention—my overwhelming attention by far—is that one of those chairs is close to the window, facing directly into it, and ...

Oh! My! God! Big Brother and Sis are in it. Together. Cuddling. Smooching. Four feet away! I jerk back, more like recoiling, and my legs hit something behind and my knees give way and I fall backwards, hard, onto a couch facing the window. Normally I'd let out an ear-piercing squeal, but I suppress it somehow.

Big Brother and Sis don't notice, they're too wrapped up in each other. Wrapped up is way too mild! Smooching or making out is too mild! They're kissing the way brothers and sisters should never kiss, wide open slobbery lips melting into each other and tongues working in and out and around and around. Frenching is way too mild a word. They're going at it, an obscene sex act with their mouths, and their hands are all over each other. The only redeeming thing is that their bathrobes are on.

Then they stop kissing and smile big smiles at each other, and turn their heads to smile directly at me! Ohmygawd! They see me! They know I'm here!

And then they look back at each other and resume that obscene kissing without skipping a beat as if I don't even exist. How could they be so shameless! How could they not at least be startled that Little Sis sees their nasty actions?

As I ponder this, I scan the large room and see big mirrors on the walls. And there's another suspended above the bed where a canopy would be. And there's indirect lighting on the ceiling. That's where the soft red light comes from. And there are strange contraptions scattered around the room. Things that look like exercise equipment, except mostly leather and wood and cloth instead of metal.

This happens in just a second or two while I wonder why Brother and Sis don't react to me. I look back toward the bed, and in the mirror on the wall beyond it I see—reflected—another mirror, and reflected in that, another mirror, and so on ... Then it hits me. That first reflected mirror is the one I'm behind! This isn't a window! It's a one-way mirror! Big Brother and Sis weren't smiling at me! They were smiling at themselves! They don't even know I'm here.

Only a few seconds have passed since I tripped and slouched back on that couch. I relax a tiny little bit and think.

Those contraptions. They're for sex! A wood box with a split seat ... there's a dildo sticking up out of the box beneath the seat, and a woman slides forwards and backwards in that seat, pulling and pushing on the handlebars and stirrups, and the dildo goes up and down, sliding in and out. And there's a hammock—she gets into it on her back, hips at the edge, and he straps her in so her legs are pulled back and her arms are restrained so that she's helpless and he can do anything he wants ... well, and so on. And there's another box with a rod coming out of it with a dildo at the end, hanging over a reclining seat with stirrups she can put her feet in and somebody flips a switch on the box and that dildo starts ... well, you know.

And the couches are for watching, and the big chairs are for doing what Big Brother and Sis are doing right now, and the tiny room I'm sitting in is for couples to sit unseen and watch other couples doing the nasty in that big room.

This is a sex dungeon! Or gymnasium. In our house! And that leads to a single logical conclusion ...

Our parents are swingers! And they invite their friends to play down here in this secret room. No wonder the Prestons are here so much. No wonder they have so many other couples visit and spend nights. They're all swingers! I have a fleeting vision of my mother doing it with another man, and my dad, another woman. Disgusting!

I mull this over, wondering if I should hate my parents because they've been so strict with me about dating while they've been fooling around down here all the while I was growing up. Gun closet? Bullshit! I mull this over while Big Brother and Sis kiss and run their hands all over each other.

This is horrible! How can they do this? Should I storm in and confront them? "What are you doing? We're brothers and sisters. This is incest!" Or should I quietly tip-toe up the stairs again, go back to my room and try to go back to sleep and forget this all happened? Yeah, right! That should be easy to put out of mind.

Then Sis opens Big Brother's robe. I gasp and put both my hands over my face, hiding a blush nobody can see. What lurked beneath Big Brother's robe and has now escaped into the light of night is enormous! It must be seven or eight inches long and three inches thick.

Big Brother, I never knew! It hovers in the air just above his thigh, bobbing up and down ever so slightly with his heartbeat, almost in time with the beat of the music. It has thick veins and a big, broad heart-shaped head and looks sinewy and intimidating, not to mention obscene as all get-out! His penis is bigger than the ones Sis and I saw on the porn video. And those were huge! And we were too embarrassed to talk to each other about it during or after.

His penis? Get real. His cock. "Be Honest." That's what you said, Mr. D . "Call things what they are." And this is what it is!—my brother's cock is the largest I've ever seen. Not that I've seen many. In fact, none, except for my dad's accidentally. And those porn flicks. I wanted to watch more porn, but the logistics of doing that and not getting caught by my strict parents was too risky. Ironic, huh, not getting caught by my strict swinger parents?

That's it! I'm going to storm in there and make a fuss and shame them. It'll serve them right. But I'll wait just a little bit, just a little longer. It'll be more effective if I catch them after they go a little further than they already have. Or ... maybe they'll realize how wrong this is and stop by themselves. Or maybe ... maybe, to be honest, I'm just a tad curious.

Now Sis—she's breathing deeply, almost panting—puts her hand on that huge Big Brother cock, wraps her fingers around it as far as they'll go—which is only half-way—and starts stroking it slowly up and down, up and down while they kiss, and I gasp as I watch that monster stiffen up even more.

That's when I notice my left hand on my right breast, cupping it over the robe and massaging. I did that unconsciously while being distracted by Big Brother's cock. My naughty left hand snuck up on my breast while I was distracted, and started playing with it. Disgusting! I jerk it away.

My breast? No! Call things what they are; pull no punches! My boob, my tit! And even while I realize this and recoil from it, that naughty left hand sneaks back again, slips under the robe and starts fondling the nipple, pinching and rubbing. The nipple is naughty too, because it stiffens up a little like my brother's cock, and I shudder with the sensation, actually the pleasure, and I notice I'm breathing harder, panting, just like Sis. Mr. D, this is a sight you'd find interesting!

She moans. I hear it easily over the background music. It's too clear to be coming through the mirror, there must be microphones in the room picking up every sound and feeding it in here where I'm slouching back on that couch listening and shamefully feeling myself. She moans again and slides down out of the chair onto the soft carpet at Big Brother's feet. She pushes his knees apart and opens his legs wide. And then she puts both her hands around that big beast and starts gently stroking—actually pumping it up and down while she looks up into his eyes. He says, "Good, Sis, good!" The head is velvet red. I see he likes this because his hips move up and down in time with her strokes.

Sis moans again. No! That's me, I moan softly as my naughty hands let my robe down over my shoulders, exposing my boobs, and start playing with them, massaging, pinching, rubbing the nipples to make them stand out even harder! I have long, hard nipples, Mr. D. You might like to see them.

Just a little longer! I'll watch this disgusting display just a little longer to see how far they'll actually go. My naughty right hand drops down to my naked thigh beneath the bathrobe.

Sis leans forward. Is she going to kiss it? Yes! She plants a prim little kiss on top of the broad head, then looks up into his eyes, smiling. Is she going to kiss it again? Yes! This time at the very tip, where the little hole is. She opens her lips and her tongue slithers out rolled lengthwise into a narrow tube and probes the little hole. Big Brother's face flushes.

She leans back on her knees, then forward again. Is she going to kiss it? Sort'a! She wets her lips with her tongue, then touches them against the little hole, then begins to part them so that her wet slippery lips slide right up that big cock-head, part-way, half-way, then all the way, encompassing the head, lips clamping tight just beyond the ridge where the helmet head connects to the shaft.

"Look at me," he commands, and her eyes go obediently up to his face while her mouth gorges on that big head. She looks up at him with big brown eyes watching the pleasure on his face, mouth full and lips tight around the shaft.

I wet my own lips—naughty lips!—and bring up my naughty left thumb from my boob and push it slowly between those slippery lips, just like Sis did to Big Brother's cock. My lips tingle with the sensation.

Sis drops her robe completely, naked as she kneels there worshiping my brother's big cock, and I throw my own robe off and push it to the floor so I'm naked too, my bottom against that deliciously cool and fleshy-feeling leather couch. It feels like a giant hand, pliant and sensuous, cupping my entire bottom. I slide and squirm around in that upturned palm, and tingling sensations shoot through my hips and envelop my sex with a delicious warmth that makes me want to squeal. But I don't.

I'm completely, naughtily naked just like my sister, and I suck a thumb in my mouth and run my other hand up and down my thigh just below my ... my ... just say it! ... pussy! Cunt! Mr. D, what would go through your mind here?

Just a little longer, I'll watch just a little longer.

Sis comes up for air and says, "Like that?" She says it meekly, deferentially, humbly. Like that?, rising inflection, question at the end, coy. Wanting to please, submissive, never taking eyes off his face.

"You're doing very well, Sis! You're my Slut now. Be my good little Slut and keep it up." Commanding, authoritative, in control.

My good little Slut!

Before she returns her mouth to his cock, she says, "We've only done this once before, but I bet you've been with a lot of other girls."

"I have, Slut," he laughs, "but so far, you're the best. By far!"

She returns to his cock and takes the head into her mouth again, then starts working her full pink lips down the shaft a little at a time. He works his pelvis at her.

"I've had a lot of girls," he says wickedly, teasing. He puts his hands around her head and pulls her mouth forwards and backwards along his cock. When her mouth moves back, I see glistening wetness on the shaft. "Suck it, baby. Suck it good!"

Sis makes an urk sound, I guess because he's choking up the back of her throat with that fat head. He lets her go and she pulls off sputtering and gasping, string of saliva hanging from the side of her lower lip. She takes a couple of seconds to recover.

"Do you like fucking them, Big Brother?" she asks slyly. "Do you like them sucking you off? Are they your sluts, too?"

"Yeah," he answers. "Mary and Sandy and Alice and Jo and the rest. But now you're my little fuck toy, Sis. And you like it, don't you." She nods. "You love sucking off your Big Brother, don't you!"


"Maybe I'll let you have a three- or four-way with me and them sometimes. But right now, get back on that cock where you belong, little girl, and do what you do best."

I feel hot in that tiny room now, and a little dizzy. One hand strokes my thigh, lightly brushing my pussy, and the other works on my tits while I writhe on the couch. My tits feel warm and exotic under my hand, and I pull on the tight nipples between my fingers.

Big Brother stands up suddenly, and his cock pops out of Sis's mouth. She pouts. He scoops her up without effort in those strong arms of his, carries her over to the bed, and tosses her onto it, crosswise into the middle. Then he grabs her ankles and pulls her back toward him, sliding her ass across the sheets until her hips are at the edge. Sis giggles, "Wheee!" He spreads her legs and gets down on his knees between them. "Now it's my turn, sweet bitch." Just before he buries his mouth in her pussy, he asks, "How about you, Slut? Do you have any boyfriends you fuck at school?"

She answers as he begins kissing her pussy. She doesn't have a boyfriend. She had her first sex at a frat party with a skinny guy alone in his room with a big dick who knew how to use it. "Not as big as yours," she adds demurely, and he mumbles back at her as he buries his tongue deep inside her. Then he alternates running his tongue up and down from the bottom of her slit to the clit, then down again to push in and out of her.

She goes on that this skinny guy, the next party she saw him, he made her have sex with another guy, a stranger, while he watched. Then another guy, and finally with the skinny guy again. She loved this so much that she realized she was a slut and didn't care to be anything else. "I love sex. As much as I can get." Her narration is interrupted every few seconds with a loud gasp—an intake of breath followed by a long sigh. "Yes, yes, right there. Please sir, don't stop. Ohh, don't stop!"

God, I'm hot. I cross my legs and squeeze them together, and my little bump—my clit!—tingles with excitement. Then I open them wide apart, my hand makes full contact with my pussy, and I rub up and down in time with Big Brother's tongue and the music, from the bottom of the hole up to the clit and down again, and then push my middle finger in and out, in and out, wet and slippery, then drag it up to the clit again. The little button is hard, and I shudder all over every time I get to it. I feel a yearning emptiness. I want to be filled. I need to be stuffed! I squirm on the couch, sliding my bottom ... my ass ... over it. I start to fantasize about someone grabbing my hips and ... No! Not someone. I imagine Big Brother grabbing my hips and ... and it makes me feel dirty and slutty. And good! Does that make you jealous, Mr. D?

My pussy lips are swollen and slick, and my little bud is like a hard knob begging to be rubbed and played with. My nipples are hard and tight, and I shiver from the friction as my other hand runs over them. I slide my ass around on that leather seat like I'm grinding it. I need to be filled up, I want to be a slut!

One last parting rational thought streaks through my brain before thought abandons me entirely: Isn't it amazing how morals disappear as soon as the hormones light up? Incest? So what!

Sometimes I play with myself and those morals go right out the window. It's usually you that I imagine, Mr. D, but now I've added Big Brother to my fantasy repertoire. Isn't that great, Mr. D? Two imaginary lovers; maybe I'll even do them both at the same time. I practice thrusting my pelvis and saying dirty things while my imaginary lovers fuck me. I just wish one of them would make me cum. I still haven't cum yet. I want to be owned and fucked; I want my pussy to clench and cum all over a hard cock.

Big Brother backs Sis into the center of the bed, and gets up with her. "Into the position, Slut!" he commands. She answers "Yes Sir!" and draws her legs and knees up, way, way back with her legs almost straight, feet above her head, knees at the shoulders, and she sort of winds her arms around the legs to hold them there. She pushes up her pelvis provocatively to position her pussy, inviting him in. "Fuck me, Big Brother. Fuck me!"

He cups the sides of her hips. "Fuck me what?" he shouts, and slaps her ass hard. "What do you say, bitch? Fuck me what?"

"Sir! Fuck me Sir." She pleads and whines, quite the little slut that I never knew she was. "Please Sir, fuck me! Please!"

He lays his enormous cock along her damp furrow and rubs the underside along it, up and down, up and down, and she squirms and makes little mewling sounds, pushing up her pelvis to grind against him. Please, oh Please.

He teases her this way a long time, sliding that cock up and down, slapping it against the pussy lips, making her beg. Then, when both she and I are about to pass out from the anticipation, he takes the tip and teases it around her slit, spreading her juices. Her slit is cracked open for him and looks slick and inviting, as if begging for cock.

Finally he begins to push it in a little at a time, just the tip, then the head, and stops there, watching her face closely. She begs for more. I think he enjoys making her suffer for more. He's certainly making me suffer. I manage to work two fingers inside myself, just the tips, imagining it's his cock inside me. It's really tight.

Now he starts burying the shaft, pumping it in and out in tiny little motions in time with the never-ending erotic bass beat, getting just a teeny bit deeper each time. I push my fingers inside myself and follow his motions, in and out, in and out. It's getting a little easier now—I think I'm beginning to loosen up, coating my fingers with slickness. God! So good! He slides it in a little more, a little more, until after a long time ...

Finally!! Big Brother is balls deep into Sis. They stay that way together and shiver and shudder, trying not to move, trying to stay still and enjoy that connection, I guess, because it's making me shudder around the two fingers deep inside me. Then he lowers his body all the way onto her and kisses her, another one of those obscene kisses that they started with, except now it's doubly obscene because they're joined together at two places. My imagination is so vivid that I almost feel his tongue in my mouth while his enormous cock quivers deep inside my belly.

I can't handle it any more! I'm losing it. No, I've lost it! I have to do something. I'm not in control of my body anymore, not in control of my senses or feelings or emotions. Now! I stand up naked from that couch, walk to that door, grasp that handle. I'm going to confront them. But not the way I originally intended.

They don't see me coming up behind. Big Brother plows Sis on the bed, umph, umph, umph, in time with the bass beat, like dancing to the music, what a great way to dance together, except it's fucking to the music, while she moans under the plow, eyes closed, and they're oblivious to everything except their humping. I reach out and lay my hand lightly on his shoulder.

Why should I expect anything other than an explosion? Because that's what happens. I don't know how he does it, but in a fraction of a second he grabs my wrist and arm in those big hands of his and violently flings me around and over his shoulder. I tumble, completely disoriented, for a fraction of a second, then find that I've somehow landed on my elbows and knees straddling Sis's waist on the bed, bare ass sticking obscenely up in the air with Big Brother's hand resting on it. Picture that, Mr. D. Sis shrieks, and Big Brother yells, "What the fuck are you doing!" even while he's still planted firmly inside her.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was ... I mean ... like I was watching you ... and it's so ... it's so hot ... hot! ... just couldn't stand it anymore." I babble and mumble, probably making as little sense to them as myself, even if they understand what I'm saying, which they probably don't. I am not in control of this situation, either mine or theirs. I am so out of control! My cheeks burn in a deep, hot blush. Oh, they burn!

I blurt out—even while Big Brother pushes hard against my ass, tumbling me off Sis, over her head and onto my back on the bed behind her—I blurt out, "I just want to join you guys, you're so hot! And you've made me hot now, and ... and ... and see what you've done?" I rub my palm between my legs and hold it up and show them the slick moisture. Then I bury my hot flushing blush in my hands even while I continue my stupidity and my immodest rambling plea: "You did that to me! You did it! It's not fair, and now I need to fuck with you! I have to! I want to be a slut too. I am a slut, I can't stand not fucking with you. Please. Ple-a-se?" You can see, Mr. D, that I'm pretty desperate and out of control here. Too bad you're not here to correct and instruct me. I need some serious discipline.

Big Brother shushes and tells me that's impossible, I'm still a virgin, I'm too young, he's not going to take my virginity. After all, I'm his little sister and it would be wrong, so totally wrong and immoral!

I point out—fairly rationally for the situation I think—that he's already fucking one of his little sisters, so what would be so bad about fucking another? He sputters and can't answer, but still says No! He pulls out of Sis, stiff cock wagging in the air, crawls past her and scoops me up in his arms just like he did Sis, and I throw my arms around his neck and bury my head in his chest as he gets off the bed with me in his strong arms and begins walking toward the door, apparently to carry me up the stairs and banish me from the sex dungeon on the other side of the gun closet door that he'll lock behind me.

I can't help it, I feel his muscles rippling against me, cradling me, and I start crying. "But it's my birth-da-a-ay," I wail. "I'm supposed to get a pre-sent on my birthda-a-ay!" He stops mid-stride, and Sis jumps off the bed and comes to us. She puts her arms around both of us, loving, hugging. I continue to wail, "And that's what I want. I want my first fuck on my birthday. With Big Brother and Sis!" Sis winks at me so he can't see, and whispers into my ear, "I'm with you."

She shakes her head. "She's already here, she's already seen. It can't be any worse if she sees the rest of it." She looks at me with those big brown sympathetic cow eyes, shakes her head slightly, and says, "Maybe you can watch. If you're good. But it wouldn't be a good idea for you to join in." She winks again.

"Why?" I sniffle.

"Just because," she answers in a motherly manner.

Big Brother hesitates. He's unsure. Before he can decide one way or the other, Sis says, "Let her stay and watch. She's old enough now, she won't be any more damaged from what she's already seen. And besides that, maybe we could put on a show for her. Wouldn't it be exciting to be watched? By our own little sister!"

"Hmm ..." says Big Brother.

"We could help educate her about sex, so she's ready when the time comes."

Big Brother carries me back to the bed, the other side, and deposits me gently, head on a pillow. I curl up into a fetal position, suppressing sobs. Then he picks up Sis and puts her on the side opposite me. He looks at me, then reaches into the drawer of the night table and draws out a black leather choker with a ring on the front. He brusquely turns Sis face down and puts the choker around her neck, buckling it in the back. He turns her right-side up again, and she looks over at me and smiles, completely naked and exposed except for that choker. I'm up on my elbow at this, all attention-like.

"Can I have one too?" I plead. I feel a tear roll down my cheek. "It looks so-o-o sexy!" Big Brother doesn't answer, he just smiles and reaches into that drawer and pulls out another one just like Sis's. He scoots over on the bed, rolls me over like Sis, and attaches that one around my neck. I like the way it feels, snug but comfortable, like I'm branded, like I'm owned. I turn back and look up at the mirror above the bed and smile. It's so cute on me, just like Sis's.Now Big Brother rummages in that drawer again and pulls out a long silver chain with a clip on each end. He clips one end to the ring on my collar, and the other to the ring on Sis's. The chain stretches maybe six feet between us. Sis and I smile big smiles at each other. We're bonded together. Linked! Joined!

Big Brother lies down on his back between us, head on a pillow, the chain joining me and Sis running across his chest. He tugs it a little on Sis's side.

Sis sits up and says, "Oooh, what a nice big cock, Master. Too bad it's gone soft. Would you like me to make it bigger, sir, so our guest can see how it's done? Please, sir?"

"Make it stiff again, Slut," he answers in a gruff voice, not at all like the sweet, gentle brother we know and love in the real world. His beautiful cock drapes over his thigh, still massive but not hard. I long to reach over and touch it.

"Yes sir!" Sis responds happily and goes onto her knees beside his hips so that she can look up at both me and him. She raises her eyebrows whimsically as she grasps the flaccid monster under its belly and lifts it to her face. She talks to me. "You have to start slowly, nothing too vigorous at first." She contemplates the monster, eyes turned inward, crossing, to focus on the large velvety head only inches away. Her crossed eyes and the expression of adoration on her face are just too cute and make me giggle.

"Maybe just a delicate little kiss to start." She lowers her mouth to the broad top of the head and deposits a sweet, chaste little kiss to it, full pouty lips puckered primly.

"And then a little more so," she says, and begins covering that head with more delicate kisses. I believe I see the head of the monster rumble and lift a bit, happy with the attention of this lovely girl showering it with affection.

"Then work it down some. It likes attention all over! See?" She begins to apply the kisses to the shaft, the top and sides and underside, and the monster stirs again. I see it struggle to rise to it's former glory.

Big Brother lays an affectionate hand gently on Sis's head and this makes me happy. Despite the act they're putting on—his Dominance and her Submissiveness—it's obvious they love each other. It makes what they're doing all the more ... strange, bizarre, and therefore exciting! I glow with love and anticipation.

I think Big Brother's Dom is not quite there yet, it seems a little awkward and stilted. I suspect he's not a natural, but maybe he'll get better with practice. Sis, on the other hand seems a natural Sub. She revels in his strong masculine presence, a presence that exudes pheromones and other exotic smells that lure us females beyond our wills to our fate.

Me a Sub? Maybe. Maybe not. Time will tell. I don't buckle to anybody. Unless I want to. But maybe I want to? Maybe I want to be slavish and slutty. Maybe I want to be commanded and dominated and punished. Maybe I want to be in handcuffs, on my knees on a chain, blindfolded, tied to a bed. Used! My clit and belly ache at the thought. So empty, so empty, needing, wanting, wishing, desiring, demanding to be filled and used! Mr. D are you listening? Big Brother?

We have lift-off! Big Brother's cock rises fully into the air, launched by a hundred kisses. It hovers there weightless, pulsing up and down. Sis, admiring her handiwork, says "Master! Look what I've done!" She runs her tongue around the head, then engulfs it in her mouth, lips closing tightly behind the ridge. Her cheeks shrink in as she sucks. She pulls on the chain that binds us together with her free hand, drawing me closer to also admire while she gazes adoringly upward into her Big Brother's eyes. Big Brother moans, and I reach to put my fingers around the long shaft below Sis's lips, but he pushes my hand away.

It grows harder, longer, and thicker as Sis works her wiles on it, coaxing, tempting, teasing with tongue, lips, and mouth. The skin stretches so tightly that I think it must be painful. Big Brother groans and watches in the mirror above the bed, cock pulsing in Sis's mouth.

Then it starts. Big Brother pulls her around and lays her flat on her back, spreading her legs and pushing them back until they mash against her tits. She holds them with hands behind her knees and looks up pleadingly, thrusting her pelvis into the air, begging to be penetrated. "Fuck me, please sir! Fuck me good!" Her pussy is pouty, begging, just like her lips. He doesn't take the time he did before, he slides right into her up to the balls and begins plowing again, picking up right where I walked in and interrupted them.

"Fuck me deep, Master! Deep and hard!" She lets her legs down to his sides and wraps them around him, clasping her ankles over his ass. She moans and sighs, writhing and undulating beneath him, pounding her pelvis up and down to meet his thrusts. Dancing! Dancing to the music! Beautiful. And obscene. And both—impossibly beautiful and obscene at the same time, dirty and loving at the same time.

This is wrong! This is monstrous! And this taste of forbidden fruit makes it all the more exciting and attractive and wonderful!

They go at this for a few minutes, cock and pussy embracing and kissing together, with me down on my elbows and knees watching as close as Big Brother will let me. "This is the 'Missionary Position', Little Sis," he says between grunts, pushing in, pulling out. "Want to see more?"

"Yes, yes!" I answer. "Yes sir!"

They show me different positions. I want to try them all! Big Brother dismounts and lies on his back and she climbs on top and mounts, facing him. She lowers herself, guiding his cock into her slowly until it's all the way in.

Before they begin moving, Big Brother does something strange. He hauls both of us in close with the chain until our faces are inches from his, Sis leaning forward from her point of impalement. "I love both my sisters," he says. "You know that, don't you?" Then he gives us both chaste kisses, which is what I expect for myself, but not for Sis considering what he's doing to her.

After a while, he guides her to rise and turn around and face away from him. He scoots up with his head against the pillows and headboard, then helps her lower herself onto him again, hands on her hips, guiding. When she's all the way down, she leans back supporting herself with palms on his chest and legs splayed wide open over his. Big Brother urges me forward with the chain, to within a foot or two so I can see their coupling close up, but he resists letting me closer.

I watch Sis's pussy move up on his cock so that only the tip of the head is still lodged within her, and then down, down, down the full length so that he's completely engulfed tightly within her, and they quiver that way for a few moments, her pussy milking and massaging his throbbing cock, and then they repeat, over and over again. She is so exposed and vulnerable, and he is so strong—violating and penetrating. I'm melting, my hand between my legs, nearly fainting with desire, and I want to touch both of them where they join together, even kiss and lick them there, but he won't let me.

After a few minutes, he helps Sis off and puts her on her hands and knees in the middle of the bed beside me, and makes her hike her ass way up in the air so that her body slants down, boobs and tight nipples against the bedsheet. He gets behind her on his knees and lays that monster cock right up along the crack of her ass with the shaft and head sticking impossibly way up above it. Then he slides it up and down, making her groan. He pulls me over closer so I can watch when he puts it in.

She's open and moist, and I can see a little up inside her as he puts the cockhead to her slit. Oh God! He pushes it in slowly, first just the tip of the head, a little hesitation and then the head, then a little of the shaft, then more and more, all with a small back-and-forth motion that continues steadily in, and while he's doing this Sis squeals with pleasure. Big Brother takes my hand and puts the palm against his back just above his ass. He wants me to gently urge him inward.

As he pushes in the last inch, Sis gasps, and I think it's because he just pushed against her cervix. Then she sighs and seems happy all over. He rests there a moment, cock and pussy soaking together. He pulls it out all the way until only the head is lodged, and I see his sinewy and heavily veined cock throb as her inner pussy lips tighten sporadically around the head. Then he starts moving—in and out, in and out—slowly at first, but picking up pace as he holds her ass tightly in both hands. He handles her ass with familiarity and authority. He owns it now! With my hand I urge him along.

"Deep. Deeper!" Sis rasps, and raises herself up a little to look underneath and watch that cock sliding in and out of her. "Please sir, fuck your slut hard!" Her tits raise off the bed and swing back and forth, nipples brushing against the sheet. Big Brother's balls swing, banging against her clit every in-stroke. Then after few moments, she squeals and starts shuddering. I think she's having an orgasm.

Big Brother grins a wicked grin at me and says, "Watch her, Little Sis. She's cumming!" He stops with his cock all the way in and strokes her back and ass, then reaches around her sides to fondle her titties and play with her nipples, helping her cum while her pussy clutches and spasms on his shaft. She's cumming on it! After a few moments, the shuddering subsides and she sighs deeply and says "Thank you. Master, thank you for making me cum. Can I help you cum, please sir? I want you to cum inside me." She starts undulating her pelvis up and down, pumping that cock and sliding him all the way in and almost all the way out. Sis has talents I never knew about.

Big Brother gets up to his feet, almost on the toes, still inside, so that he's in a crouch, cock banging downward, and I think this gets him in even a little deeper. This looks incredibly animalistic and obscene. They couldn't stop if they wanted to, if their lives depended on it, they are so deeply into the act. No turning back! He thrusts harder with urgency. She moans in synchronization and I moan in synchronization with both of them. My wicked hand plays with my swollen clit, rubbing and massaging. Then Big Brother does another unexpected thing.

"Come here Little Sis. Help me cum into your sister," he says. "Reach behind me and grab my balls. Then, when I cum, when I say so, squeeze and help me pump my jizz into her."

He doesn't need to ask again. "Yes sir," I answer as sluttishly as possible, and I reach behind, between his legs, and grab a fistful of balls as he bangs in and out of Sis. It feels like a thick velvet bag with soft, oval marbles sliding around inside.

Sis pants hard—real excited now—and Big Brother trembles all over. He pushes all the way in, as far as he can go. Sis squeezes and milks him with her cunt. They lock together involuntarily, unable to stop, completely out of control.

It happens! He starts cumming and I feel his balls move in my hands, trying to pull up to the base of his cock. I'm just as excited as my brother and sister.

"That's right, Little Sis, squeeze my balls. Squeeze, dammit! Squeeze hard!" he yells, and I do, not worrying about whether I'll crush them or not. "Fuck fuck fuck," Big Brother yells hoarsely, and Sis screams "Yes, yes, yes, cum in me, I feel it, I feel your cock spurting up inside me." I squeeze harder as if I could pump Big Brother's sperm even farther up inside her. He's bathing her insides with warm jizz. She screams again, "I'm cuming!"

I lean against them both, watching inches away as he jerks spastically into her. She contracts around him in waves. Then I see some of the jizz leak out of her around his shaft, coating it with creamy whiteness. I'm so excited I don't even think, I reach down and wipe some of that cream up with my fingers and smear it on my nipple. I touch my finger to my tongue. Salty.

Big Brother is too busy to react to me even if he wants. He tilts his head back and moans "Ooohhhhh." I think I'm close to cuming myself, whatever that's like.

Sis and Big Brother stay locked together a minute or two, quivering violently, eyes rolled back in their heads. They jerk together spastically like a joint epileptic fit. Finally they start relaxing out of it. They collapse on the bed together. The silver chain between me and Sis gets caught by his neck as he falls forward, and that brings me down on one side of him, Sis on the other.


Big Brother lies on his back between us. We sprawl together in the bed, our backs up against pillows at the headboard. Big Brother yawns and closes his eyes, resting, as if about to go to sleep while Sis and I watch and morn his dying erection. After such an adventurous life, it's so sad to see it start to droop and fade away. "It needs its rest," Sis says, giggling. "Then it'll come roaring back to life, ready to go again even stronger than before." She pats it affectionately. "May I clean it, sir?"

"May I help?" I ask.

Big Brother smiles, eyes still closed. "No, Little Sis, but you can watch Slut show you how to do it." Sis pulls the chain linking us from under his head and drapes it over his chest, then gets into position between his legs and takes the dying erection into her hands, gently fondling it as if cooing over and comforting a small animal. She winks at me, then lowers her head and begins.

"I like to start at the balls," she tells me, "and work my way up." She sucks them one-by-one, then both together into her mouth, rolling them around, working her tongue around them. Then she starts up the base of the dwindling shaft, licking up the white cream that coats and still drips from it until it's all clean. Arriving at the end of the shaft, she takes the head into her mouth and I see her tongue swirl around it inside her cheeks, cleaning it meticulously. Finally her cheeks sink in as she sucks the last remnants of his jizz out of that little hole.

She winks at me again, then rolls across his leg to my side so that we lie lengthwise facing each other. She pulls the chain off Big Brother's chest and winds it around our necks, binding us even more. She drapes an arm and leg over me, and we lock eyes without saying a word. She has this crooked smile on her face as she leans in to kiss me, and I part my lips and close my eyes and feel her slippery lips against mine. Her tongue pushes into my mouth, and suddenly I realize that she's kept his cum in her mouth and she's pushing it into mine.

I love her lips and tongue but I'm not sure about the jizz. It has an odd texture and taste that's hard to describe. Maybe like salty egg white with a hint of sweet? In the porn films, the women seem to love it, but I don't know. Maybe it's an acquired taste.

Well, then, maybe I'll acquire it. I think that's the key. I decide I will like it, and that's that.

As we kiss and I begin to savor the sperm that Sis feeds me, past the curve of her cheek I catch a glimpse of Big Brothers eyes. They're watching us with amusement and interest. He likes watching two girls kiss and exchange jizz mouth-to-mouth! He likes it!

Well then, let's give him a show. I certainly enjoyed them entertaining me, so here's a little back. I move into Sis's embrace without breaking lip contact and wrap my arms around her, moaning into her mouth. The moaning is not faked, my excitement never went away, it just rested a little. Our boobs press together, and I feel her hard nipples poking me, which sets up a sympathetic reaction causing mine to harden and poke her. We rub together sensuously up and down the entire length of our bodies and moan into each other's mouths. Big Brother rolls to his side, propping on an elbow, and watches with a big shit-eating grin consuming his face, hand cupping Sis's ass.

Suddenly Sis disengages and unwinds the chain from around our necks. I wonder if something's wrong, but then she puts a finger to her lips in a reassuring gesture, rolls me to my back, turns around and lies beside me, legs toward my head, cheek on my thigh, the chain connecting us running between my boobs and coiling on the bed between us. I feel gentle pressure of her hands against my legs, and I open them in the way she's guiding them. Oh my!

I feel her hand brush lightly up along the inside of each thigh, first one, then the other, a little farther each stroke, until finally she brushes my pussy lips. The feeling is electric; I jerk violently and reflexively at the first touch, then mewl in pleasure as the touches continue, more and more contact, fingers and palms running up along my furrow now, pausing at the clit and gently massaging, making me shudder. She lifts to an elbow and looks downward, then lowers her head. Is she going to ...

Yes! I feel the soft kiss of her lips on my pussy, very gently, then again and again, first my clit, then farther down, then my slit, and ... and I feel it begin to open under her lips! I shut my eyes tight to better experience the pleasure and throw my head back, moaning. That's when I feel Big Brother's lips on my forehead with a kiss of his own. Just like the first one, this is chaste also. I open my eyes to find him gazing gently into them. Another innocent kiss, this time on the cheek, and he pulls back to enjoy the rest of the show.

Yes! The show! I don't have to calculate or think rationally to know what or how to do the next thing; it's natural and inevitable. I push in toward Sis and urge her with my hands to roll on top of me, full weight of her body lengthwise on mine, her boobs pressed into my belly, mine into hers, and her legs spread to either side of my head. I kiss lightly, just as she did to me, again and again, little love kisses to the nub and the slit and everything in between. I lick. I like it! Her slit opens, wet with her juices and my saliva, and I kiss that pretty opening slit of my Sis's cunt with my wet lips and push my tongue into her just as she does to me. Some of Big Brother's cum is still in there, and it leaks into my mouth and I swirl it around, savoring the concept as much as the taste. And I swallow.

Can you picture this, Mr. D? I'm learning so much tonight, so many new things on my birthday! I'm coming of age in a most delightful way! Wish you here to see.

Sis seems to know what she's doing as I feel her give exquisite pleasure to every part of my pussy, making me gasp and throb and feel that longing, empty, desiring feeling in the pit of my belly, wanting it to be filled and stuffed full. I try to emulate her. What turns me on probably turns her on too. I pleasure her pussy with my mouth, doing the same things to her that she does to me, and I must be succeeding because we writhe together, gasping with pleasure at each mutual touch, kiss, taste, and thrust of the tongue.

Big Brother's strong hands and arms pull Sis off me. I wish he'd waited; we were starting to really get into each other. He kisses her. Now he lies back, looking intensely into Sis's eyes, and says, "Think you can make it big again, little Slut?" We both see the monster stir a little, as if coming awake after a nice little nap.

"Wait," Sis says, and smiles at me and winks. "Can Little Sis give it just a little kiss first? Just one? A little one, please sir!"

"No," he answers gruffly.

"Please, Big Brother," I chime in. "Just a little one to get it started. Sir."

He shakes his head.

"After all, I did help you cum, Big Brother." I command my eyes to become watery. They do. "If you let me do that, surely you can let me have a little kiss too."

"Just a little birthday kiss," Sis pleads. "She's been so good and well-behaved, you should reward her with just one little kiss. She wants it so much. How can you deny her that? On her birthday! Please sir. Please, please, my Master."A resigned look, almost a disgusted look, crosses his face. Our mutual pleading has shamed him and he's starting to ride a guilt trip. "Damn," he says. It's a resigned Damn, an exasperated Damn, a cave-in Damn. "Just one," he says. "Just a tiny one. That's all!"

"Oh yes, yes!" I squeal. "Oh thank you Big Brother. Thank you sir! Master!" I'm so excited I bounce up and down on my knees.


"Get down here," Sis says, and parts Big Brother's legs for me. I get between them and smile and smile and smile at both of them with such a big shit-eating grin that they both laugh. "See how happy you made her?" Sis says. "And it's such a simple, easy gift." She shakes her head wonderingly.

I reach down to gingerly touch my Big Brother's cock, and he winces as I slide my fingers beneath the big rubbery thing and grasp it gently, bringing my face down to inches above it. "It's so warm," I say, and Sis answers, "Isn't it!"

"And soft," I reply, just as it moves a little in my hand, beginning to stir.

"But not for long," Sis purrs.

"Yes. I think I just felt it stiffen a little." I lower my nose to a half-inch above the head and sniff. "And it smells so nice and manly." And it does. I get a strong sense of musk and sweat and semen all mixed together with Sis's juices, which is somehow delightful to my nose.

"Get on with it," Big Brother growls, and I feel his cock jerk in my hand, stiffening a little more, almost imperceptibly. I pull on it a little, and blow lightly and experimentally on the head, and it jerks again.

"Careful," Sis says. "It can be a monster."

"Never," I answer. "This beautiful thing is too cute and cuddly to ever be dangerous." I tug on it a little more and it jerks again, and this time Big Brother emits a tiny little groan that he tries to suppress.

I blow again, and stroke it ever so slightly in my hand, fingers wrapped half-way around. It moves in my hand, and the next groan is slightly louder and unrestrained.

"The kiss!" Big Brother growls a command, eyes closed. "Do it!"

"Yes sir." I lean back to get a little perspective on Big Brother, Sis, and Big Brother's visibly growing cock. I pucker my lips while I take the opportunity to make a few more light strokes, then lean in again, lips slightly parted. It's already grown and stiffened noticeably in just that short interval. I touch my lips gently to the big head. It's velvety rough! I can't help my tongue going out for a little lick, and this elicits some moaning. I keep my lips on the head because I only get one kiss so I want it to last as long as possible. I move it around to the side of the head as the shaft stiffens more in my hand. I stroke it a little as my lips slide around to the front and my tongue gently explores the little hole.

Big Brother's cock is definitely getting big and stiff now, and I move my other hand to cup his balls like I did when he came inside Sis, but more gently. His cock jerks regularly in my hand, beating with his heartbeat, and I don't feel shy about pumping it more vigorously even while my lips part more and begin to slide up around the head. I can tell that Big Brother does not object by the way he starts thrusting his hips rhythmically, pushing the head farther into my mouth.

"That's quite a kiss," Sis says sarcastically as she rubs my back encouragingly. "Happy birthday!" My lips have slipped over his head and onto his shaft and I have such an enormous mouthful now that all I can manage to say is, "Fank oou!" One hand massages his balls while the other strokes up and down the massive shaft below my lips, and I am a happy, happy girl. I'm so proud of myself for making him hard.

Big Brother's cock is now fully erect and as stiff as a steel rod while I struggle, eyes closed, to get as much as I can into my mouth. Suddenly I feel him rise and his hands grasp my head on both sides. He pulls me off his cock just before I gag, gets up beside me, lifts me in his strong arms again, and gently places me on my back in the middle of the bed. My eyes are still closed as I feel soft lips against my own in something that's a lot better this time than a chaste brotherly kiss. He pulls away. I open my eyes. He's smiling down at me. In my peripheral vision I catch sight of that massively throbbing cock. He takes my hand and presses my fingers around it. His hands begin to explore my body to prepare it for an unexpected second birthday gift. I'm hot and breathing heavily.

He's gentle with me. "Help Little Sis into the position, Slut." He's gruff with Sis. I already know the position, but Sis helps anyway, getting my legs all the way back, touching my shoulders, knees slightly bent, wrapping my arms around them starting on the inside of my thighs, under the inside of the knee, and extending up along the outside of the calf, hands grasping my legs where they narrow down toward the ankles. It's difficult, but I see the reason. By pressing my arms outward against my inner thighs, I can get my legs really fully open and it helps me thrust my pelvis upwards. I'm completely exposed and vulnerable as Big Brother makes some final adjustments in my position, and this makes me really hot. I feel myself begin to open again.

Big Brother leans down and whispers in my ear, "I'm going to fuck you now, little sister. Is that what you want?" He says it sweetly and gently, not at all like he talked to Sis.

"Yes!" I say as emphatically as I can. "Yes! Fuck me, Big Brother!"

"I'm about to take your virginity, Little Sis. Are you all right with that? This will be final. You can't get it back."

"Yes," I answer meekly now. I want him to take it.

He sighs and smiles and kisses me on the forehead. "All right," he says. "Consider this a training session. You'll do everything exactly as I say. Understand?"

"Yes, Big Brother."

"Call me Master. Or Sir."

"Yes, Bi ... Yes Master. Yes Sir."

"Good. Now I'm going to be very gentle and easy at first. Understand?" I nod. "I'll enter you very slowly, a little at a time. If anything hurts, tell me and I'll stop." His lips curl up at the edges. He's been gently massaging my pussy with his fingers and palm all along and I'm already sighing and moaning with pleasure. He pulls his hand up, fingers glistening with my slippery juices. "Lick them off," he says. He offers his fingers to my mouth and I open my lips, welcoming them, tasting myself on them, sucking and cleaning them.

He strokes my cheek and fingers my pigtails. "These make you look fourteen, you know. I'm about to fuck a fourteen year-old little girl."

I roll my eyes. "My birthday is today, remember? I'm legal. Sir."

He playfully tugs the pigtails and leans in again, whispering, "After we get started, I'm going to ride you bareback like a horse."

He gets into position, splays his knees out around my ass, and hangs his stiff cock out over my pussy. It pulses up and down with his heartbeat. "Open wider," he commands, and I force my legs open even more than I thought I could. "Do you want me to fuck you, Little Sis."

"Oh yes, please fuck me."

"Oh yes, what?"

"Please sir. Please fuck me, Master. Fuck me good! I need it inside me, I want to be filled up."

He taps the head lightly on my clit. That feels impossibly good. Then he lays his monster up along my furrow, just like he started with Sis, and runs it up, the head poking all the way over my belly button, balls pressing against my pussy. He pulls it back, balls swinging low, until the head is just above my widening slit, teasing it. He pushes up again, he pulls back. Over and over.

I'm so hot and flushed I worry about fainting. "I want it in me!"

"Wider," he says, and I give it all I have to open even more. "Help her open her legs more, Sis."

I feel Sis come up behind and hold my ankles and help spread my legs. Her warm thighs cradle my temples, and I'm conscious that her pussy almost touches my head. She leans forward and she and Big Brother kiss wetly, tongues in each others mouths as I feel his fingers spread my pussy lips. Sis pulls back, and then backs up and leans down to kiss me. I feel the tip of Big Brother's head resting right at the opening of my slit just when Sis's mouth meets mine. Oh! The touch is electric, and as Sis's tongue explores the lips of my mouth, his cock explores the lips of my pussy. I feel waves of pleasure spread over my entire sex, through my buttocks, and outward along my arms and legs. And he hasn't even entered yet.

Sis sits up to watch and enjoy the sight as her thighs again embrace my head.

"Now just a little," Big Brother says, and I feel the head spread my slit slightly as he applies pressure.

"Ok so far, Little Sis?" I smile weakly and nod. I'm incapable of speech at the moment. Finally I get out a feeble "Y-y-yes."

He pushes a little more, still very gently, and I feel the head move a little. It's slippery with my juices, but I'm also incredibly tight. I don't know if I can take him.

"Almost there, almost got the tip in, Little Sis. You're really tight, but you're starting to stretch. Just a little more. A little more. Want me to stop?"

That's the last thing I want. "Fuck me Master, fuck me. Please!"

He continues the pressure and finally I feel the head of Big Brother's cock slide all the way into me, up to the ridge. Sis coos excitedly. I watch ourselves down there and see the shaft posing to continue inward. I look over at the bedside mirror. Is that really me about to get fucked, Sis watching both of us? I look deliciously naked and innocent in the mirror, and the man in the mirror looks deliciously naked and powerful, hunching over that naked, innocent little girl in pigtails. I see the two of them undulating slowly together in unison, like a little dance, one-two, one-two, working towards the same end: trying to get him into her.

He pauses a minute, head of his cock lodged tight and soaking in my wet pussy. I gyrate my hips about that head, using it as a focal point for the motion. Where did I learn that?!

"Good, Little Sis, good!" Sis coos again through moist, parted, lustful lips as Big Brother resumes his inward journey, pushing forward slowly, stopping now and then to make sure not to hurt me. I'm beside myself with joy. There is no pain, only pleasure. Finally I'm doing it! I thought I never would! I'm fucking!

He continues an inch at a time, working that eight inch monster into my tight little pussy until there's only an inch or so left. I pant hard, grunting little grunts with each tiny advance, clinching and loosening myself around him, trying to swallow him whole.

We stop a moment, completely still, looking into each others eyes. I see his green-eyed pupils dilate and contract, and feel his pulsing cock inside me, almost all the way in, beating with his heartbeat, beating with the music, and that triggers waves and waves of happiness that sweep over me. My muscles contract around him in little spasms of joy and he groans with pleasure. I am so happy! I can make him groan! Sis groans too, sweet female mezzo-soprano counterpointing his rumbling male tenor.

The last inch goes very very slowly, and just when I think he's all the way in, I feel the head press against my cervix. Immediately there's pain, and I almost shout out Stop!

But then, incredibly, the pain melds into pleasure without even ceasing to be pain. The pain and the pleasure are so intertwined, so part of each other, that I want them both, and the waves of electricity start over again.

My brother is all the way inside me, up to the hilt, and I feel his balls contracting and relaxing at the mouth of my pussy as I massage his shaft with my muscles, squeeze, relax, squeeze, relax ....

He removes my arms and hands from my legs and lowers my legs so that they ride over his shoulders. He leans forward, bending my knees back almost to my shoulders so that he has complete access to my defenseless pussy to penetrate as deeply as he wants. He whispers coarsely, "We're fuck-ing, Little Sis." He exaggerates the word, and his mouth makes it seem obscene. Which it is, but that's what we want, isn't it: beauty and obscenity together, wrapped up in a forbidden-sweet package. Mr. D, are you listening? This is Lolita speaking. It could've been you!

"We're fucking, Little Sis, all the way." He smiles as he fondles my breasts, turning and tugging my long stiff nipples between thumbs and forefingers. He leans forward above me to kiss my sister. "And now I own you. I own you, Little Sis! Understand?"

I nod and smile back. I am naked beneath him, soul and body, more naked than I've ever been in my life, and I want it, and love that he is just as naked for me. I have made him hard just for me, and he is deep inside me, and I am so proud!

"You're my Little Slut from now on. You belong to me. Do you like being my Little Slut?" He pinches the nipples hard. Again I squeal.

"I want to be owned, Master! I am your slut and will always fuck you whenever you want, and be your little girl slave." I thrust my pelvis up to swallow his cock deeper. I love the feeling of being penetrated to the hilt.

"Along with Sis," I add. "I want Sis and me to always fuck you and be your sluts, Sir. Your dirty, horny, obscene little girl sluts." With that I give him the hardest, tightest contraction I can manage, and make him groan again.

"Good, Little Slut, good. Now let your legs down along my sides. Slowly. Slide them down around me and cross them behind my back. Do it."

"Yes sir," and I do as he says as he leans forward over me. I slide my legs deliciously over his shoulders, down his sides and lock my ankles together over his ass. He lies on top of me, all his weight nearly crushing me, and it's the most incredible feeling I've ever had. He owns me, he fills me up, he is my Master and Owner, and I am his sex slave, his bitch, his slut. My pussy throbs around his throbbing cock, and I wrap my arms around him and rake my fingernails hard across his back, making him shudder. Sis mewls and coos above us. She kisses his back and shoulders while her hands are trapped between us massaging my breasts.

We lie this way together motionless for a long, long time, minutes, looking into each other's eyes, lips nearly touching, then barely touching, then sliding sensuously across each other ... then kissing.

Ohhh! I feel it building long before it finally arrives as we lie there joined together in so many ways—cock and pussy, pelvis and pelvis, skin embracing skin, lips and tongues caressing lips and tongues, soul fucking soul—all the while that Sis drapes over us cuddling, stroking, encouraging.

I feel it coming and I know what it is even though I've never felt it before. It spreads in heat and longing from a tube connecting my pussy to my belly, radiating from there, outward, outward through every surface of my body, the skin and nipples of my breasts, my thighs my face my calves and toes my arms and palms and fingers and face, ears hair ... they all shiver and rejoice in unison. I cry out

I'mmm cummmmminnng!

My entire body becomes a shuddering receptacle, shivering, encompassing, milking, stroking all of him, contracting, striving to pull his essence, his spunk, his sperm out of him.

I am completely helpless, dominated, controlled, and slavish. Finally, after a long, long time, a year maybe, the ecstasy of orgasm begins to fade very slowly into a deep, deep glow as I surrender my entire self, body and soul, to my Master!

Propped on his elbows on either side of my head, he smiles down on me and says "My, that was a nice one Little Slut. Would you like another."

"Please sir," I laugh while nearly crying, tears streaking my face, "may I have another?"

He pulls out of me suddenly, and I'm left feeling empty. He scoops me up in his strong arms and turns me over onto my hands and knees. He pushes my head down onto the sheet with one hand, and with the other under my belly pushes my ass up, way up in the air. "You know what I told you?" he asks. I'm not sure what he means. He smacks my ass with the flat of his palm and I jerk and scream. "I told you that after we get started, I'm going to ride you bareback like a horse."

"Yes sir."

"And I am. Now it's time to break you, Little Slut!" I feel his cock rubbing up between my ass cheeks. Then I feel the head poised at my opening. "Ride me, Big Brother, ride me Master. Break me. Break me good!"

He slams into me hard this time, no more Mr. Gentle Brother. Oh! I want it so bad, I don't even care if he rams my cervix, I'm ready for any kind of pain and lots of it. Do it to me!

With his cock buried in me from behind, he gets up to his feet in a crouch like when he came inside Sis, takes my pigtails in his hands, and pulls my head back with them. He begins riding me, bucking and pitching, cock pumping in and out.

"HiYii," he yells, "Giddyup Little Slut!, and lets my head down again, jerking my pigtails up and down like reins." My titties swing back and forth, tight nipples dragging deliciously over the bed-sheet in time with his riding, my ass is hiked way up in the air.

"HiYiiii! Giddyup!"

"Ride-em Cowboy!" Sis joins in.

She decides to join in another way. She rolls onto her back and slides her head under my belly. "Whoah-h-h, Little Slut!" Big Brother commands, pulling back on my pigtails to allow Sis to get into position. We stop—Big Brother balls deep inside me—while Sis slides all the way down beneath me until her head is right below where he and I join together. She slides a leg through so that now I look right down between her legs to her open pussy. "Giddyup, Little Slut!" Big Brother yells, and whips my reins again, releasing my head, and we resume bucking and fucking.

Sis's head comes up between my legs and I look underneath me, between my swinging tits and along my bouncing belly, to see her mouth sucking his balls while he pumps in and out of me. I see ripples radiate outward from my pussy through the skin of my thighs and belly with each pounding in-fuck.

We all move in unison now with each other and with the heavy beat of another Disco song. A three-way dance and three-way fuck! Every once in a while Big Brother pulls out and puts his cock into Sis's mouth to suck, then allows her to guide it into my slit again. My mouth lips slide up and down on Sis's pussy lips while my tongue goes in and out of her wet open slit.

Big Brother drops the reins for a moment, and his arms snake around my sides so he can fondle my tits while we fuck. I feel her hands join his. I look beneath me again and see his balls swinging back and forth like a pendulum above Sis's mouth, banging into my swollen clit with each swing. I fuck her pussy with my mouth again.

I can't stand it! The warmth spreads out again from my pussy and belly to all the parts of my body, out my stiff nipples and tongue buried in Sis, and I shudder and scream again, "I'm cummming!" The second time in my life!

"Oh thank you Master, thank you for making me cum again!" I say in a hoarse slutty voice after the wave has passed.

"Whoah, Little Slut! Whoah," says Big Brother, picking up the reins again and pulling my head back. I feel him dismount. "No. N-o-o," I whimper as he pulls out. I'm not ready to stop yet. "Please don't stop! Please! I haven't made you cum!"

"Oh, I'm not stopping, Little Slut. The best is yet to come. But I want you on your back for the finale." He lifts me and dumps me on my back. He slides a pillow under my hips to elevate them ... "for deeper penetration," he says.

He enters me hard this time, and I'm ready for it and bang back at him. "Undo her hair," he commands Sis, and she begins unraveling those pigtails that make me look so young while he plows me, balls swinging and banging against my little pucker hole as I thrust up at him on every in-fuck. Now my hair is undone and splays out, a halo around my head as we bang away at each other. He runs his fingers through it, grabs fistfuls.I tilt my head back and moan, exposing my neck to his lips and hands, and he kisses and bites it and yanks my silver chain and puts his strong hands around my neck and chokes me a little, and I like that a lot, I like him manhandling me every which way, pounding his cock into me all the while that I thrust back at him. His balls bang between my ass cheeks. I am helpless and completely overpowered, close to another orgasm.

He lies on me, full weight, pressing my body into the mattress, my legs locked around him, our skin mated together. I love his weight crushing me. Sis lies beside us, caressing and kissing us both. This is everything I want, I think to myself. It couldn't get any better. Then it does.

Then he does that final thing that pushes me over the edge. He kisses me. He kisses me while we fuck. He gives me that chaste little kiss like he gave me before, a chaste little kiss while we're joined together in every way humanly possible, as completely as a man and woman can be joined, and this is that last, final joining that makes it complete as that chaste little brotherly kiss melts into an obscenely loving brotherly kiss, then finally into a sweet, fucking, tongue groping mouth fucking wet slippery brotherly kiss. I feel him tense against me, push as deeply as he can go. I push my pelvis up against him and we lock together like that completely, arms intertwined, fingers interlaced, bellies, breasts, chest merging, and he begins to shudder and jerk and go over the edge, and that pulls me right over the edge with him.

We scream together, and over the vibrations of his groans through my body I feel the surge of his spunk through the base of his cock, flowing upward, upward to bathe and bless my insides with his beauty. Shock waves shoot through me, down my legs, the back of my arms, around my hips.

Oh God, I am filled, I am Whole, we are Holy! Completely out of control, I scream and cry and pass out for a few moments.

Afterwards, when I've recovered, we lie still joined together and cuddle and kiss with each other and with Sis who is beside herself with joy. "You did it, Little Sis," she says between kisses. "A beautiful, beautiful satisfied woman." Big Brother finally pulls out of me, leaking his sperm across my leg. I feel some of it leak out of my pussy. Sis and I take turns cleaning him and passing his spunk between our mouths. Then we all lie down together on our backs, Big Brother between us.

"Can we go back to being just brothers and sisters now?" I ask. They give me puzzled looks. "I don't see how that's possible," Big Brother says.

"No, no, you misunderstood. I mean can we drop the Dom-Sub act tonight, and just be normally incestuous brothers and sisters just like everybody else?"

We laugh, and all is well. We cuddle and glow together a while longer, then doze off for the rest of the night. I wake once to find Big Brother and Sis fucking. It makes me happy to watch. Later I wake him and we fuck again. By morning poor Big Brother is exhausted and drained of fluids. I yawn in the bed between him and Sis and say, "What a wonderful birthday I had! Thank you for all the presents last night. I'm a happy, happy Little Slut!"


So that's what I did for my summer vacation, Mr. D. After our first brotherly and sisterly educational get together, Sis helped me get started on birth control. Big Brother came home once more by himself and we spent a couple of pleasant nights together downstairs. Sis came by herself after that, and again there was pleasantness downstairs. Then they both came down together last weekend, and yet again we all came together. We finally tried out all of the equipment and toys down there too!

We're wondering how Mom and Dad would react if they knew. We're not planning to tell, but it's an interesting thought.

By-the-way, Big Brother and Sis got started with each other when she discovered an unlocked "gun closet" door one night. She tempted him to sneak down with her to watch our parents swing with the Prestons, unbeknownst to them. It served as their inspiration—they were all over each other that night on the couch in the little observing room behind the one-way mirror, but they didn't go all the way. The next morning Sis found the key and secretly made a copy, and they used it together at the next opportunity that our parents were away.

Big Brother and I are sort'a the opposite of Holden Caulfield and his little sister Phoebe

He wanted to protect her innocence. Big Brother helped me destroy mine. And good riddance!

I'm not a bad girl, Mr. D. Just a horny one who has finally let her hair down (and no more pigtails either!) I've learned that I am a slut and proud of it. That is a good thing. And now I'm off to college in a few more days to get more education with the boys and girls I'll meet there.

Oh, and I'll also be an English Major. All because of you and your inspiration to me, Mr. D. I owe you a lot. And even though I said up front that you'd never read this, I'm entertaining the thought of someday dropping by your office at school.

"Hi! Remember me?" I'd say brightly. "Robyn Ryder from your English Honors classes." I'd drop by for just a few minutes to tell you how much you inspired me, and just before leaving I'd nonchalantly toss this piece on your desk and say, "Oh, by the way ... this is what I did for summer vacation after your classes. I wonder ... would it be too much to ask for you to maybe read through it and even critique it for a former gal student who really adored you? And still does?" I'd giggle and be coquettish—doing a cute little lip-bite—and walk out the door waving my pretty little ass behind me, leaving this pretty little nugget on your desk.

And then maybe—a few days later—you'd call and invite me over to discuss that piece in a private tutoring session. "A-plus," you'd say, "but I have some thoughts on how to make it even better." And maybe Ms. D would join the tutoring. I don't know if she's anything like Wife D I met in my dream, but if she is, then it could be very educational and we'd all get along fine together.