"It's been a great night," I said to myself, "a really good night, and I'm just about ready for bed."

It was one thirty a.m. my sister, my brother and their families had left before midnight as they had small kids to consider, and the last of the guests for my father's forty sixth birthday celebrations had left a half an hour ago, leaving the back garden looking like a bomb had hit it. I'd spent the past fifteen minutes picking up the rubbish, and was now almost finished.

I picked up the last half eaten plate of food, threw the scraps on the lawn saying, "that's for you Bozo, and it's all you're getting tomorrow since you've eaten enough for four dogs tonight."

Bozo raised his head, showing only mild interest in whatever it was that I'd thrown onto the ground, before falling back down and starting the process of going back to sleep. What a difference to the attack dog that he normally was, who from the first scent of food treated anyone trying to eat it as his sworn enemy, even knocking over a young boy tonight who'd had the audacity to think that the sausage in his hand, was actually his.

Bozo was a Labrador who despite our attempts to put him on diet still seemed to get fatter every day. Now, he just couldn't even be bothered getting up to look at what it was that had fallen into what was nominally his exclusive territory. Anything that fell into it was his, animal, vegetable or mineral, it didn't matter to him, he had his reputation to defend, so he'd make a very serious attempt to eat it, or at least bury it

I turned off the outside lights, closed the patio door and the curtains, then turned to see my mother with her elbows on the bench top, her face in her hands, and her eyes closed. She'd had just a little too much to drink, she wasn't drunk, but she was what you might call, 'relaxed and mellow.'

I looked across into the lounge room to see the birthday boy asleep on the couch. He was super relaxed and more than just mellow, he'd had more to drink than he should have. He was drunk, and likely to stay on the couch for the next few hours.

Richard Angus Martin the Third, known when he was in the good books as Richard The Third, and when he wasn't, as Richard The Turd. Mostly he was called Richard The Turd, or simply just, The Turd, and he'd managed to wipe himself out, again.

I looked back at Mum, who still hadn't opened her eyes, went to the bench top facing her, put my elbows onto it, and softly placed my forehead against hers. She opened her eyes slowly, pulled back to allow them to focus properly, and then seeing that it was me, smiled and returned her forehead to be against mine before closing her eyes again.

What she hadn't realised was that as she'd moved away from me, I'd put my hands onto her forearms, so that when she'd moved back, her breasts had landed nicely on top of the backs of my hands, she didn't notice.

"Been a good night Ma."

"Mmmm, it certainly has, where's Richard The Turd?"

"Passed out on the couch."



"He won't annoy me."

"Doing what?"

"He thinks because it's his birthday, that he's going to get sex, but I really am too tired tonight. Normally I'd be good to go, but this party has taken so much to organise, it's drained me." Still with her forehead against mine she yawned to prove the point.

"So do you want me to turn everything off so that you can go to bed now?"

"Yes please hun, give your old Mum a goodnight kiss, and I'll shuffle off." For all of this time, I'd been quite enjoying the feelings of her nice heavy breasts on my hands. Mum had quite a pretty face, but the thing that attracted men to her was her body, nicely shaped solid breasts, envious women might say they were a little too big, but what would they know? She also had a really tight arse, and killer legs, that is if their eyes got that far south.

Mum inclined her head to the left and my lips lightly brushed against hers, she mustn't have felt the kiss as she stayed in the same position waiting. So I moved my mouth back onto hers and kissed her again, a little harder this time.

I'd kissed her many times before, but for the first time ever I noticed how soft her lips were. Mum made no attempt to move her mouth away from mine, so I continued to kiss her. After about ten seconds of this, her lips started to move as she responded to mine on them.

Another ten seconds later they were still pressing against mine, neither of us made any attempt to involve the tongue, it was just the lips. I wondered how long she'd allow this to go on for, as she seemed to be in no hurry to bring it to an end. It went on for what must have been at least a full minute when she realised what we were doing. Slowly she pulled her head back a fraction, so that I could still feel her breath against my mouth as she spoke. With her eyes only half opened she said, "this's nice," returned her lips to mine, closed her eyes, and recommenced the kiss.

The kiss was slow and languid, like launching a canoe into a slow flowing river that just drifted along at its very own pace through fields of flowers. There was no hurry with the river, and no hurry with our kiss.

It was about a minute later that she again moved back a few inches, "Where did you learn to kiss like that?" I again could feel her breath on my mouth.

I grinned, shrugged, and with a show of bravado said, "Oh I've been seeing an older woman for a little while now, she's addicted to kissing, and if I don't get it right the first time, well, she makes me do it over until I do."

"Wow, an older woman, so who is she, do I know her?"

"That's our secret, and of course a gentleman never tells." The reason that I couldn't tell her was that it was Jane Clarke who lived in the street behind us, and a few doors along. I wasn't sure what Mums thoughts would be about that, as her husband was off in Antarctica studying penguins, or ice flow, or something like that.

Jane told me that he'd given her permission to be with someone else if she needed to, as she was always ready for sex. According to her anyway, he knew that she wouldn't be able to go without it for the entire twelve months that he'd be away, and so him telling her not to, would have only been ignored anyway. From the first time that we were together, it was obvious that she was never going to be able to go that long without sex, and I actually convinced myself that I was doing something for him, as at least I wasn't trying to take her from him permanently.

"Mmmm, you'll have to introduce me to her, if she kisses that well, I might just try playing for the other team...where's The Turd?"

"Unconscious, why?"

"You sure?"

I moved my head to see him, nodded yes at her, and moved my face back to be about two inches away from hers.

"Good," and with that she moved her mouth forward the required two inches so that it once again reconnected with mine. This time she wanted to be in control so that she became much more aggressive, totally outside of the parameters of soft and sensual that had guided our first kisses.

I pulled back, she looked surprised, "what?"

"Mum you need to kiss as if you're sampling a fine wine, just using your lips and your tongue. At the moment it feels as if you're eating a Big Mac."

Her eyes were glazed as she moved her mouth back towards mine, and just before they met, said softly, "it's been a while since anyone's eaten my Big Mac."

Her eyes closed just a split second before our lips touched, but mine didn't, they were wide open in shock at what I'd just heard her say.

What the hell was I supposed to read into that?

She seemed to slide right back into the soft and sensual very easily, she was obviously affected by alcohol, and most likely wouldn't remember much in the morning. But if she did, she'd likely be horrified by her actions.

I was enjoying kissing my Mum. I'd never ever considered her as someone who'd actually be good to kiss, or someone who would enjoy being kissed, and certainly not by her son.

She made no attempt to pull away, as we launched another canoe into the river, and allowed it float along with us in it, so I let it go on for as long as she wanted. She was enjoying our shared moment, and so who was I to deny her the pleasure of a simple kiss?

Soon she was pushing her mouth harder against mine and moving her jaw slightly. Nothing outlandish, nothing overt, but soft and sensual seemed to do it for her, now that she'd accepted that that was the way that it had to be.

I pulled away very slightly from her, but she was having none of that, and her mouth followed mine, pushing firmly to ensure that she quickly established contact again. Now I became aware that she was making small sounds of appreciation in the back of her throat.

This was starting to become interesting, very interesting indeed.

As I pushed back at her, I took her bottom lip between my teeth and bit it ever so lightly, I felt her tongue slide across my top lip, curl up and run over my teeth. I continued to bite, and then stretch her lip as far as it'd go before letting it go, and then reclaiming it again several times. She seemed to not really be aware of what was happening, as for the whole time she was making those noises in her throat.

Softly at first my father stated to snore, softly, and then louder and louder. Until my mother became aware of it, pulling sharply away from me. I opened my eyes and a second later, she did also. It was as if Dad was protecting his property, right at the moment that she was showing signs of really enjoying it, he'd broken the spell, and once that'd happened, it was going to be hard to rekindle the flame.

She was frozen like a rabbit caught in the spotlight, her face away from mine now. She was blinking her eyes quite wildly, and I think that she was trembling just a little. She shook her head as if to wake herself from a dream. As the snoring got louder, she became more and more aware of her situation, and continued to move away from me.

Mum then became aware that her breasts were resting on the tops of my hands, and that my thumbs had slid up and were resting on her nipples, well not actually resting, more like rubbing them softly...and also pressing them down so that they sprung up hard and erect every time my thumbs released them. Her nipples, buttons that were visible most of the time anyway, had responded to the stimulation, and were showing real signs of being interested.

"No Alex, s'wrong."

I shook my head, "no it isn't, you're enjoying it?"

"No I'm not, you've taken advantage of me, I'm very drunk and you shouldn't have done that." She was lying of course, it was a classic case of someone refusing to accept responsibility for their actions, and blaming anyone but themselves.

She was lying, but her nipples weren't.

At this point, Dad let out one of his best snores, which you thought might have even rattled the windows. She moved further away, the moment was clearly over, the mood was lost, and our little escapade had come to a screeching halt.

Mum continued to move backwards still shaking her head, and now nervously wringing her hands. I had no idea what I was supposed to say, and stood quite still, just holding her gaze.

"No," she said sharply, "it is wrong." Then turning away, she cast a glance at my father and walked unsteadily to the stairs, supporting herself on any items of furniture as she passed them.

I let her get out of sight before adjusting the erection that seemed to have arrived unannounced. I had no idea what was going through her mind, but I knew for sure that mine was racing. What'd happened did so at the speed of light, one moment I was standing there with my forehead against hers, and the next I was kissing my own Mother, stretching her bottom lip with my teeth, and of course, rubbing her nipples with my thumbs.

I went and sat in a chair with a glass of water, running things over and over in my mind. The whole thing was a blur, and yet it was so clear as to what'd happened. What was also clear was that I wanted it to happen again. As I sat there I could still feel her lips contact on mine, and her nipples under my thumbs. I of course, still had an erection to assist with the memories.

There seemed to be no reason to sit there forever, as it was almost two a.m. so I thought that I should go to bed. I made sure that all the doors were locked, turned out all the lights except one for Dad. Then after standing there looking down at him, wondering what might have happened if he hadn't disturbed us by snoring as he did. "Bastard," I shot out, as I threw a rug over him, and followed Mum up the stairs.

When I got to her door it wasn't quite closed, but the room was in darkness. I walked on to my own room, closed the door and after turning on the light, stripped down to my underwear. After sitting on my bed for about a minute, I said to no one in particular, "no damn it, I won't let it end like this, she was as involved in it as I was, and I'm not going to wear the blame on my own."

I walked back to her room, my father was now snoring like a world's champion, so I thought that he wasn't going to come up and disturb us anytime soon.

Pushing open the door, with the light from my room behind me I could see that she was facing away. I went around to face her, she could see me, but her face was in the shadows. I knew that she had to be awake, there was too much emotion in what'd happened just moments ago, for her to have gone to sleep so soon.


"Go away."

"No, there's something that you need to know, I never set out to kiss you like that, it just started, and then assumed a life of its own. I know that you may have had a bit to drink, but so have I. You aren't so drunk though that you didn't know what we were doing. Be honest with me please, admit that you're angry at yourself for the way that it developed, and also angry, because you enjoyed my kissing you more than you should have done, isn't that correct?"

"Go away and leave me alone."

"I'll go away and leave you alone, when you admit that there were two of us down there, and we both enjoyed it. Admit that and I'll go away as you ask, but you did enjoy it didn't you?"

She was silent, the only sound, that of her breathing.

"Admit it and I'll go."

Still she was silent, I waited, but she said nothing.

"Mum I need some honesty from you, I'm not going to take advantage of you now, but you need to accept that what happened tonight is a shared responsibility, we were both there, it wasn't just my fault." I moved my mouth to where it just touched her ear, and whispered, "you did enjoy me kissing you didn't you Mum?"

Still there was silence.

"Didn't you Mum?"

There was another short silence, and then in a whisper came the word that I wanted to hear.


"Good, now at least we can accept that it wasn't something that was wrong."

"But it was wrong, I'm your mother, we shouldn't be doing that, and you shouldn't have touched my breasts as you did."

I ignored the point about her breasts, as that probably was taking advantage of her, and I couldn't win an argument on that front anyway. But my thought is that when you're confronted by temptation, the best way to make it go away, is to give into it and the temptation will go away, and so that's what I'd done.

"Mum, we did kiss, and we both enjoyed it, so let's accept what happened. It can't be wrong when two people who love each other as much as we do, show each other affection, it just can't be wrong."

She didn't answer me.

"You do love me as much as I love you, don't you Mum?"

There was of course only one answer that she could give. "Yes, of course I love you, but it shouldn't be in that way though, it just cannot be that way, ever."

"Alright, but are we ok now mum?"

After another long awkward silence, she gave a sigh of resignation, "ok, yes of course, but that can't happen again."

I slipped my hand under the blankets and found hers curled up between her breasts, her fingers grasped mine eagerly, probably so that she was able to control what I could and couldn't touch.

"Are you sure that we're ok now mum?"

She nodded, and then realising that in the dark I may not be able to see, softly said, "yes, yes we are." She seemed slightly happier now.

"Good, then can I get a goodnight kiss before I go?"

"Get out," she sighed, shaking her head, "you just don't give up do you?"

Slowly, I moved my mouth down to where I thought hers was, and with my chin, moved her face around so that eventually I found what I was seeking. Her lips were still as soft and warm as I remembered them. I persisted, and she began to respond. Her tongue was the one to break through those lips, and in only a few short seconds, we were back, almost as we'd been downstairs.

Soon she was moaning that soft, soft sound, and she was now the one pushing her face against mine. Somehow one of the fingers being held in her hand found its way to freedom, and wrapped itself around a very hard, erect nipple, which responded to the pressure applied to it.

Then I felt her hands pushing me away, "please stop, you said you wouldn't take advantage of me if I was honest with you, please keep your word, don't make me regret my honesty."

Before I could reply, I became aware of my fathers footsteps on the stairs, he mustn't have been as drunk, or as asleep, as I'd thought that he was.

I jumped to my feet making for the door, but was too late to get out of the room. Just as the door opened, I was only able to slip behind it hoping that he didn't turn on the light. Mum for her part didn't move, just lying there as if asleep. It was silly really, as I could have said that I'd just popped in to say goodnight to Mum, and nothing more would have been thought of it. But I didn't, feeling guilty about what had happened, and the thoughts that I was having, I hid from him, and it was my guilt that made me do so.

Thankfully he didn't turn the light on, but pushing the door almost shut staggered in the dark until he found the bed. Sitting on it he commenced to undress whilst mumbling to himself about things only he could understood.

Thankfully, the room was in total darkness so he couldn't see me, nor I him.

He dropped his shoes noisily onto the floor, and climbed into bed. Just as I thought that I'd try to sneak out, maybe twenty seconds or so later, Mum said, "please Rich, not now I'm very tired."

"Jesus babe, you're so wet, you must have been waiting for me to come up, don't tell me you're too tired, you must have been thinking about what I was going to do to you."

Dad's words told me exactly where his fingers were.

"Please not now." was her somewhat unconvincing response, which was followed shortly by the sounds that I'd heard coming from her throat just a few short minutes ago, not as loud, but they were there. I wondered if she knew that I was still in the room, maybe she thought that it was better to let him have her, rather than running the risk of him turning on the light.

Other than sticking his finger in her, there didn't seem to be anything else in the way of foreplay, but she was moaning softly, which said that she was ready for him anyway. So after some rustling of the sheets, it was clear that he was on top and inside her.

The noises which followed had no other interpretation than that they were having sex.

Dad was grunting, Mum was still moaning so softly that I could only just hear her, and I was standing alongside the door with an erection that was starting to burst. As he thrust harder into her it was obvious that both of them were close to coming. Not thinking of the consequences, I brought my cock out of my briefs, and with only a few strokes, fired off streams of goo across the room. It landed with a soft dull sound onto the carpet. At the same time as I came, my mother did also, her sounds were muffled as though she had her face pressed into his shoulder to suppress them, and within a few seconds, Dad fired his load into her. Mums climax was very muted as if to reduce the noise level, as I was sure that she knew I was still in the room. Dad of course made no attempt to hide the sounds of his pleasure, he was just noisy. I'd heard noises in the night before, so this wasn't new, just louder, and far more stimulating to actually be there in the room, even if I couldn't see them.

Not able to afford to stand there for very long in case he turned on the light, and with my heart thumping so hard that I was sure that they could hear it. I quickly and quietly, before the noises died down totally, made my exit from the room, opening the door as little as possible and then, after sliding through, pulling it behind me quickly, and as quietly as I could.

Trying not to make any noise, I stood outside for a few seconds to see if they'd heard me, when Dad said.

"What was that?"

"Nothing Rich, what did you hear?"

"I saw a light, what was it?"

"I didn't see anything, you must be imagining it."

"But I'm sure I saw something."

"You're drunk, you're imagining it."

"Uh, oh ok, all right then, I just thought that I saw something," and then there was silence.

I crept the few yards down to the bathroom, opened and then carefully closed the door behind me, before turning on the light and then shaking my head as I looked at myself in the mirror. How the hell had we got to this? A half an hour ago I was finishing off clearing up the mess, and then had spent the rest of the time since, kissing my mother, running my thumbs across her nipples, and was then in the bedroom as she and Dad had had sex. At the same time as they were having their sex, I masturbated onto their bedroom carpet. The potential for disasters to have happened every step of the way cannot be overestimated. To say that the shit would have hit the fan was the understatement of the year.

Standing there the events of the evening ran through my mind like a video loop. As they did, I started to smile at my reflection, how many boys had wanted to do what I'd just done, and it'd never happened for them? But here I was, I'd done it and got away with it. At least as long as the stain on the bedroom carpet didn't come back to bite me on the bum, as that would be impossible to explain. The face in the mirror smiled back at me, we were both proud of ourselves. I felt as though I'd got one over on Richard The Turd.

A lot of my emotions were pure relief, but as I reprised the evenings events, a new emotion made its impact on my body...lust. The memory of the sounds of my mothers coming, was replayed continuously in my mind. Before I knew it, my hand had again taken control, removing my cock from my briefs. I walked to the sink, looked again at myself in the mirror, and in no time at all was shooting another load into the bowl. As I did, I imagined the plug hole to be my mother's mouth, and tried to get as many of the spurts as possible to go directly into it.

As the force lessened, the spurt became a dribble and finally stopped. I then used my finger to push the rest of it down the sinks side so that all of it finished up in her 'mouth.' By this time my legs were shaking, and I was starting to feel bad about the thoughts that I was having about my mother. I wasn't worried about the disrespect to my father, but Mum was a special lady, that I'd always respected, and taken care of.

Making sure that there were no tell tale residues left behind, I walked to my room, got into bed, and tried to sleep. It was impossible, as the video loop of my mother coming under my father kept replaying over and over in my mind. So that after another hour and a half, my sock replaced the plug hole as the proxy for my mothers mouth.

When I caught my breath, I opened my door and listened but there were no noise coming from their room, Dad was most likely passed out again, but I was sure that Mum wasn't asleep. I was so aware of her lying there, thinking about me, and what we'd done tonight. I was sure that she knew that I was in the room when they'd had sex. I hoped that my semen on the carpet would be dried by the morning, as that would take a bit of explaining. I found it really difficult to get to sleep, as the memory of her lips on mine, acting as adrenalin, kept me awake.

I went to sleep eventually and when I awoke the next morning there was silence in the house, I looked at the clock, eleven a.m. and the first thought that I had was the memory of kissing my mother, surprise, surprise I had an erection, which had to be taken care of before anything else. It wasn't rare for me to have an erection first thing in the morning, but somehow this was different.

The memories of the previous night were so very strong and real that I could still feel the softness of her lips against mine, the warmth of her breath on my face, and the hardness of her nipples under my thumbs. All of these formed the basis of my morning fantasy.

I lay there thinking, and after a while one thing in particular came back to me every time. It was when Mum had said it'd been a long time since anyone had eaten her Big Mac, After hearing how he'd just stuck his dick into her, it was obvious what she meant by that. I guessed that as she seemed to be always ready, he probably thought that he didn't need to waste too much time on her with foreplay. My time with Jane had however taught me that as a woman got older she needed more foreplay, not only for the stimulation, but also so that she could feel still loved. It was the interaction and the contact, the giving and the sharing of love more than a sexual thing. All that sex needed was a stiff dick, Dad obviously had that, but seemed to have forgotten the rest of what love making was all about.

Just after midday Mum and Dad came down, he entered the kitchen first, "morning," I said in my best cheerful voice, "how's the birthday boy today?"

"Shit," was the answer. It also described how he looked, years of drunken weekends were taking their toll on him.

"What's the matter Daddy, didn't you sleep well?"

He just grunted at me.

"You haven't been eating carpet again have you?"

"Fuck you," he snarled, giving me the finger.

"Rich, you know I don't like that language," and she punched him in the shoulder to emphasis the point.

"Yeah whatever, just get me a coffee."

"Of course dear," she said sweetly, and then sarcastically added, "but only because you said please so nicely."

All of that was totally lost on him, "Whatever," was his response as he fell into a chair, and to put the exclamation point to his being uncouth, he sat there scratching his balls.

For the first time Mum's eyes met mine, she looked embarrassed. Was it because of our kisses, my playing with her breasts, because she knew that I was in the room as they'd had sex, or because Dad was being an arsehole again this morning?

When I thought about it, she probably had a bit to be embarrassed about.

Walking behind Mum to help make the coffee I ran my hand down her hip, she looked at me. I gave her my best smile, to which she gave me a strained, somewhat embarrassed look, and pushed my hand away. She looked as ragged as he did. I guessed that she'd had less sleep than anyone.

I cast my eyes at Dad who was just staring out of the window and said very softly, "you ok?"

She nodded, and then after also looking at him said, "you saw didn't you?"

I shrugged and nodded, "yes, I saw you and Dad."

Tears filled her eyes and she turned away embarrassed.

Taking her arm to turn her around, and before I'd had time to think about it said, "I wish it'd been me."

Fortunately Dad wasn't looking at us as she punched me hard in the arm, there were more tears in her eyes now, and she was visibly angry. "Don't ever say that again, the only reason that I gave him sex was because I knew that you hadn't had time to get out of the room, and if he started an argument or turned on the light he would've seen you."

I looked at Dad and he seemed to have fallen asleep so it was ok to continue this conversation. "Do you mean to tell me that you went off like that when you didn't actually feel like it, he almost raped you, and you still came?"

Despite the anger in her she looked a bit sheepish, shrugged and moved away to turn on the kettle.

As soon as she was out of striking distance I said, "even more so now I wish it'd been me with you."

In a flash she was back to being angry, her eyes blazed at me as she mouthed, "NO, stop it."

Grinning I blew her a kiss, she ignored it turning away as Dad called out, "Mary, what's happening with that coffee?"

"It's coming, be patient."

When she brought it to him, I was deliberately standing in the way, so she pushed me roughly to get through, I thought that she was pissed at me, but when she came back I could see her face and she had the start of a smile on it. She couldn't stay mad at me for long.

Mums are like that.

After we had breakfast, or lunch depending on your point of view, Dad as you'd expect fell asleep in the chair, Mum then decided to do the washing. I, being persistent if nothing else, waited a moment for her to get into the laundry, and then followed her quietly so as not to disturb Dad.

She must have heard me coming and turned to face me, standing for a moment, before saying, "I hope you're going to behave yourself, I don't want any more of last night, thank you."

I put my arms around her waist pulling her to me, "Mum, I can't stop thinking about you, and how your lips felt against mine." She didn't pull away, simply putting her hands on the backs of my shoulders.

"Alex, it's wrong we shouldn't kiss like that darling, even though I had to admit to you that I enjoyed it, and I did, but it's still wrong. So it has to stop, it just has to."

"If I don't kiss you right now Mum, I'm going to explode." My hips were pressed against hers, as I pulled her closer to me, she had to feel my hardness. I looked down at her nipples, "and it looks as if I'm not the only one about to explode."

I got a sheepish grin from her, "damn things, I should have them cut off, they give me away every time." She looked behind me, "what's he doing?"

"Sleeping it off again."

"I thought he might, and if I'm honest, when I came in here, I knew you'd follow me if he did. Ok then kiss me like you did last night, but this is the last time, it really does have to end ...soon."

Her hands were now on the back of my neck, and she used then to pull my head down so she could claim my mouth with hers. Even though the kiss was as soft as she wanted it to be, she'd now become more assertive.

I opened my eyes as we kissed, hers were closed, I pulled back on the pressure slightly, but her mouth followed, again seeking mine, even with her eyes closed I could see the rapture on her face.

The kiss, as always, was just another canoe launched into the slow flowing river, the only things that changed were that instead of her hands being behind my head, her arms had replaced them, so that her body was now fully pressing against mine, and my hands had slipped down from her waist to cup her cheeks.

When she finally surfaced for air, a shudder went through her body, as she pressed herself against me, seemingly trying to get the last drop of emotion from our embrace.

Shaking her head in amazement she said, "I can't believe that my own son could unleash these feelings just by kissing me." Then she realised that I was cupping her cheeks, and moved my hands. "I wish you wouldn't do that, it spoils it."

Quick as a flash, I replied, "if I don't do that again, can I kiss you whenever I want to?"

Mum paused to consider my question and then said, "ok but we'll have to be careful he doesn't see us, it's still not right, but as we're both enjoying it," she shrugged and gave a little wiggle of her body against mine as she hugged me to her. "You'll just have to remember that you're my son, and keep your hands under control."

I nodded agreement, not being as sure as she would have hoped that I actually meant it.

We kissed again, it was obvious that I was on probation, any move towards her good bits, and the deal would have fallen through. It was hard but I was taking a more long term view, as it was obvious that she was actually now the one getting to be the most involved.

When she at last broke away, her eyes were alive, and she whispered, "thank you, that was nice, and you didn't spoil it by groping me."

For the rest of the day nothing much happened, all three of us were feeling a bit second hand, and sat around not doing anything, and then went to bed early.

Dad went up a couple of seconds before Mum, I called out, "goodnight Dad." True to form he just grunted.

Mum stopped at the bottom step and turned to me, as if waiting.

"Goodnight Mum."

"Goodnight Alex," by this time Dad was at the top of the stairs.

Softly I said, "do I get a goodnight kiss tonight, or what?"

She looked up at his retreating back, "I'll be up in a minute Rich, ok?"

He said nothing, just waving his arm at her.

Mum moved back into the kitchen smiling, she had one last look back at Dad to ensure that he was still heading to the bedroom, and then stood about three feet away from me.

"This isn't going to happen every night, but it'll be a nice way to finish the weekend." With that she moved into my arms, whilst putting hers around my neck, so that she could then pull my mouth down to meet hers. Just before our lips met she said softly with her breath again hot on my face, "Kiss me softly, just as you did last night."

It was different kissing her standing up like this, she was giving me a full body press as she had in the laundry, her breasts and her hips pushing hard into me. Just as I could feel her breasts and her mound, she must have been able to feel my erection.

We kissed for two, maybe three minutes, all the time soft and sensual, again she was the one whose tongue broke through our lips, it was just inquisitive, looking around seeing what it may find. A small noise started again in her throat, as before. When I thought how Dad had just stuck his prick into her, I could understand why she found our way to be more enjoyable, and wondered how she'd respond if I could get her alone. For the first time, this became a part of my thinking.

I was prepared to stay like this until morning, but she had to go to bed with Dad. So eventually she pulled back slightly, and giving a big sigh, she put her head onto my chest saying, "I don't think that your dad has ever kissed me like that." As she turned away I said, "I don't want you to go to him."

Mum walked to the stairs, turning around with tears in her eyes, and in a soft voice said, "neither do I." She looked down at my erection and with that cheeky grin of hers added, "did you have one of those to take care of last night?""

I nodded. "two of them actually."

Her face brightened, she moved back a couple of feet towards me saying, "Two, that's pretty good. I had something to take card of as well after he went to sleep. Knowing that my son was watching us was such a turn on for me, I think that helped me to come with him. What he did just wasn't enough for me, I was just on fire like I haven't been for years." She then turned and disappeared from view, I moved to stand at the bottom of the stairs looking up at her, she stopped at the top and looked back smiling.

I made as if I was trying to look up her skirt, she smiled more broadly at that, and then as she turned to walk away stopped, raised her skirt well above her waist and walked on. It was clear that she wasn't wearing much, if anything at all underneath. Just before she moved completely out of my view, she turned around and blew me a kiss.

For the next two days, whenever we were able, we found the time to be together and would kiss passionately, often in the most romantic places, such as the garage, the basement, the laundry, and of course my personal favourite, the garden shed. I didn't know that fertiliser was an aphrodisiac, it must be as the two times that we were in there together, I came out with an erection.

Every time that we were alone, our eyes would lock, and we'd move together. No words needed to be spoken, it was all in the eyes, a quick glance around to make sure that we really were alone, and off we'd go. Mum was obviously getting aroused, but what really pissed me off was that as soon as I tried to touch something that I shouldn't, she'd move away, say no, and them want to come back into my arms and start the process again.

The only time I'd got away with anything had been the night of Dads party, when I got to play with her nipples for a while, then again in her bed before she made me stop, and of course when my hand cupped her cheeks in the laundry. At these times of course she'd no realisation of what I was doing to her, until we'd stopped kissing.

Oh and did I mention that I had a lot of erections.

Several times after we'd kissed, Mum tried to find out who the older woman was that I was seeing, she tried really hard but I refused to tell her. I was still unsure how she'd react about my getting involved with a married woman with a husband who was away for a year, even if Jane had told me that her husband was cool with it.

On Tuesday night Mum was reading the local community paper when she said, "damn, The Wolf Of Wall Street's finishing tomorrow night and I wanted to see it, will you take me please Rich?"

"No," he said without even looking at her. "It'll be on cable in a couple of weeks, why do I pay fifty bucks a month for that and we still go to the movies? It's just a waste of time and money, besides, I want to watch the wrestling, sport, that's what we have cable for."

"Please, you know that I like the cinema, I like the big screen and the surround sound, it's so much more exciting."

He didn't even look at her, "NO."

She turned to me and said, "Alex would you be a darling and take your old Mum to the movies tomorrow night please?" She had her back to him so he couldn't see the great big grin on her face. It was like looking at a Cheshire cat, she'd set him up beautifully, and he'd fallen for it.

"Dunno, do you think I should Dad?"

He didn't look up as he grunted, "It's up to you, just don't wake me up when you come home."

"Ok, we'll make sure to be quiet."

Mum blew me a small kiss.

The next night it was hard to know how to dress, I wanted to look good for Mum, but didn't want to overdo it. However when I thought about it, I knew that she would present herself well, and thought that I should also, and if Dad was true to form, he most likely wouldn't even notice.

It's a lot easier for men, we just put on nice pair of slacks, a clean shirt, clean shoes, and we're set. But women have to have everything just right, and just right she was. She wore a simple green Thai Silk dress, it wasn't new, we'd seen it before, but it was special. It had about a dozen small buttons all the way up from the bottom to the top, a fairly low neckline, short sleeves, and a belt at the waist. It stopped an inch above her knees. The one thing that it did do was to emphasis her three best features, her breasts, her legs and her rear end, she looked sensational. I'd taken a bit of care, but compared to Mum, I looked like a workman just home from the factory.

As I saw her my jaw dropped and I hoped that she didn't hear the soft, "fuck!!" that escaped my lips. I wondered if she'd overdressed as when he saw her, Dads head turned round for a second look, before going back to watch the wrestling. By the time we'd said our goodbyes, he would have forgotten about us.

I was in a dream, when we got to the car in the garage, I looked at her in awe. I opened my mouth but no words came out, and then without engaging my brain, my mouth let out softly, "fuck you're hot."

Normally she would have voiced her disapproval of the language, but the only sign of that, was as she slightly screwed up her mouth, however the light in her eyes showed that she took it for the spontaneous complement that it was. I drove, we took her car, as it was clean, mine never was. We drove mostly in silence, there didn't seem any need for words. Before we'd got too far down the street, she without looking at me, placed her hand softly over mine, and left it there until we'd arrived and I'd turned off the engine. We parked in a quiet side street near the theatre, and as the engine died she looked at me in the dark saying in her softest voice, "is this a date, is this our first date?"

My heart was pounding and I already had the start of an erection as I looked at her, leaning across and just before kissing her softly, said, "yes and you're the most beautiful date that I've ever had, first or otherwise."

As we were early for the theatre, the kiss, like all of our kisses, just drifted on and on, as if we were a million miles from anywhere, and in no hurry to be anywhere else. When we broke apart, and looking at me with tears in her eyes and her voice cracking with emotion she said, "no one has ever kissed me like that, no one ever."

We paused for a moment so that she could dab her eyes and fix her lips, and then until we got out into the lights we walked holding hands.

The theatre was almost empty, there were only three other people in as this was the last night, so we sat as far away from them as we could. When the lights went down Mum leaned against me. I took it as a sign that she wanted my arm around her. As I pulled her towards me, it was too easy for me to place my hand softly onto her breast, she gave me an exasperated look, then moved it to her shoulder. But I wasn't happy about that and moved it down to her hip, which I rubbed softly several times, then saying, "what beautiful material."

"Thank you," as she placed her hand over mine, was it affection, or was it to stop me again touching something that I shouldn't?

Soon we settled down into what was a more comfortable position for both of us, with Mums head on my shoulder, her arm across me, and her forehead just under my ear. This seemed to leave my hand now with complete freedom to roam wherever it wanted to.

I started by running the tips of my fingers lightly over her arm, her shoulder, and then her throat, until it came to rest casually on the top of her chest, with the tips of my fingers just burrowing slightly into her soft cleavage. She said nothing, but she did rub her forehead against my jaw, before lifting her face and kissing me under my ear, then moving back to focus on the film.

Naturally my hand slid down to cup her breast, my fingers seeking out her nipple, it was already thick and hard. The change to her breathing told me that she was getting pleasure from it, Mum was also pressing her forehead into the space under my jaw.

We were only a few minutes into the film and she'd now abandoned all pretence of watching it, and had her face hard against my neck, kissing all the way from my jaw to the hairline behind my ear. Her hot breath and mouth on my neck made me think that we were getting a bit too far down the track for a mother and son in the cinema, so I pulled away slightly.

"What's wrong?"

"We're going to get arrested."

"Then take your hand off my breast."

My response was to press her nipple harder between my thumb and forefinger, the pain caused her to bite her bottom lip, but she didn't say stop. Her eyes sparkled with fire, and we then kissed, just a short one, not at all like one of our standard five minute 'canoe in the river' kisses. The film by now being largely ignored and forgotten. As was now the routine, her bottom lip seemed to have found its place between my teeth. She seemed to like having her lip bitten and stretched away from her, until it would stretch no more, and spring back into place. Sometimes I bit her slightly too hard, and she'd draw in her breath, but never told me to stop.

I of course was watching to see if anyone had noticed what we were up to, as best as I could tell, no one had to that point, Mum just didn't seem to care.

As the kiss ended, Mum put her mouth back against my throat and went back to nibbling my skin. I made several unsuccessful attempts to slide my hand inside her bra, but she was sitting twisted which made it firmer against her skin. So that the best that I could do was to get two fingers in far enough to capture her nipple, but that was all.

She ignored my struggles and continued to kiss my neck, then after a short time got up. My heart sank I thought that she'd had enough because I'd pushed her too far.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I need the bathroom."

I wasn't interested in the stupid film, and waited impatiently for Mums return. She slid back easily into my arms, my hand rested for a moment on her chest, but something was different. Moving downwards inch by inch, it slid very easily further into her dress, and cupped her now naked breast. She'd removed her bra, and her entire beautiful, naked breast was mine to enjoy.

It was warm and firm to my touch, I couldn't fit it all in my hand, so I compromised by cupping as much as I could, to be then able to run my thumb across her nipple with ease. Both her nipple and I enjoyed that arrangement.

Looking up at me, she smiled the look of love that only a mother could have for her son, saying, "I hope I don't regret that."

"You won't," I replied continuing to cup her breast in my palm, and then squeezing her nipple softly between my thumb, and the base of my index finger. "Nice?"

With a look of ecstasy on her face, and half hooded eyes she bit her bottom lip, and nodded, "Very."

"Then you're not regretting it?"

She shook her head, "not yet at least," and went back to kissing my neck. So that was the way we watched the rest of the movie, with Mum sometimes having to bite her lip to stop everyone in the theatre from knowing how much she was enjoying her son massaging her breast and nipple.

The only time we changed anything was when Leonardo De Caprio's character, kissed Joanna Lumley's character, when we showed them both how a kiss should really be. I read in a magazine that they'd needed about thirty takes before these two big time stars got it right. They should've used Mum and I, we got it spot on first time, every time.

We just continued to kiss and cuddle from there on, she kissed my neck and I of course played with her beautiful naked breast, or at least as much of it as I could get into my hand.

As soon as the final music started we moved quickly from the cinema, not stopping in the foyer in case someone who'd seen what we were doing inside recognised us. When we reached the dark, we again held hands all the way to the car, and of course as soon as the doors closed behind us, we were kissing again, with my hand instantly onto her breast.

Mum pulled away saying, "we're going to have to pull back a little from now on, if we don't it'll go too far and your Dad'll work out what's happening, ok?"

She was right of course but that was something that I didn't want to hear.

"Do we have to?"

"Yes of course we do, it's gone too far tonight really," and as she softly stroked the side of my face, added, "but I've enjoyed myself more than I have in years."

"Maybe we can do it again soon."

Still stroking my face she said, "I think that'd be nice, let's start to talk about it in front of him and see what he says, now let's go as we all have work tomorrow."

Mum again put her hand on top of mine all the way home, only removing it when the car had completely stopped in the garage. She said, "better not kiss me here until we know if he's still up or not." I was disappointed, but had to agree, it made sense, even though sense wasn't something that I was too interested in at the time.

We moved quietly to the bottom of the stairs from where we could hear him in bed softly snoring. I put both my arms around her and cupped her breasts, but she pulled away saying, "oh I've left my purse under the front seat, it's got my make up in it and I'll need it in the morning, would you be a love and get it for me please?"

"Do you really need it now?"

"No, not now, but I will in the morning, please be a darling and get it for me."

"Ok wait here, I'll be right back."

Not really seeing why she needed it right now, I went to the car, and then returned. When I did she wasn't there, but neatly folded over the back of a chair was the green Thai Silk dress, with her underwear on the top.

Grabbing them I ran to the bottom of the stairs.

She was standing naked at the top. Christ she looked sensational in the light from below. She smiled and held her hands out from her body with her palms facing to me as if saying, "you like?" Her big black nipples and thick bush of pubic hair stood out in the half light.

For the second time tonight an involuntary, "fuck!!" escaped my lips, but she was too far away to hear, thankfully.

I started to climb the stairs, but she shook her head, gave me a firm, "NO," before gliding silently to the door of their room, pausing only to look at me briefly, before closing it a few seconds before I arrived.

I put my mouth against the door, I knew she was leaning against it and could hear me as I whispered, "please open the door Mum, please open the door for me."

There was silence.

I asked her again to open the door, but there was still no response, the only sound was that of my father snoring. It was obvious that our night was over and that I'd no options other than to lock up and go to bed, unfortunately alone. Going back down stairs, and standing there my mind in a whirl, I looked forlornly at her clothes in my hand, before eventually turning off the lights and climbing the stairs again.

Stopping silently at their door and listening intently, I was soon able to hear those unmistakable sounds of sex. To stand there and have to listen to Dad taking her brought tears to my eyes. It hurt me to think that after the night we'd just had, to be as we'd been, to have Mum give me access to her breasts as she had. And when she'd been home less than five minutes, she could be in bed with Dad screwing her.

Yes screwing her, because that was all that he did, just stick his dick into her, dump his load, turn over and go to sleep. No one could think of that as love making. The fact that I thought that I heard her come for him, was totally down to her being always ready, it'd nothing at all to do with him, or indeed love.

It was now clear, that the role that I played in her life was as a warm up man, getting her ready for him, I was the foreplay that she desperately needed, and he wouldn't, or couldn't be bothered giving to her.

I put her clothes on the floor, got undressed, and then standing in the passage with my back against the opposite wall, I masturbated, firing my seed across the hall, hitting the door, and leaving a snails trail from it to me. There was no love from me to her in that, in fact my feelings were as far from love as I could get.

When I got to my room my legs were shaking, and I was really angry, I felt such a fool, I'd held her hand, I'd kissed her and held her in my arms, so that all she'd got from me was affection. I'd given her a whole evening of true love.

And what was my reward? Absolutely nothing at all, perhaps you might regard removing her bra and letting me touch her breasts as a reward, but you'd be more realistic if you accepted, that this was just a way for her to become more aroused for my father to get the benefit of. The only person who'd got rewarded was Dad, the man who was totally ignoring her emotional needs, he was just, not to put too fine a point on it, simply fucking her.

Sitting there too emotional to go to sleep, I examined her clothing, sinking my nose into the back of her dress were she'd sat down. Her scent was so strong, had she been so stimulated that she'd left the dress for me, knowing that I'd do this, and know how turned on she was? If there were any doubts about her state of arousal her briefs dispelled it, with the thick coating of slime lying there. I ran my finger through it, it attached itself to me like glue, to leave this for me to find was like sticking a knife into my gut, it let me know just how turned on she was, and what it was that I'd missed out on.

Unable to help myself, I greedily licked it off my finger, replaced it with more, licked that off also, only to repeat the exercise for a third time. Before then burying my nose as deeply into her briefs as I could, breathing in her overpoweringly, heady aroma. Her deposit stuck to my face and hands.

Standing there naked with her underwear in my hand, and an erection, it was inevitable that I was going to fire off another load, which I did, to be honest more in anger than lust, choosing to use one of the cups of her bra. I didn't use her briefs as you can only do that once, and then all they smell of is you, they then become worthless for my purpose.

Just as on Saturday night after the party, I couldn't sleep, I kept running over the evening in my mind, and so at just after twelve thirty, I fired another load of my best issue into the second bra cup, again as much in anger as anything else. It never occurred to me that she hadn't expected me to use her underwear for this, what else could she have had in mind, but was this my consolation prize?

Somewhere after that point, I resolved that if I was the one getting my Mother hot, then I needed to get some reward for effort. That I'd put aside my anger, and set about the process of having her, and damn the consequences.

The next morning, I of course woke up with an erection and this time her briefs were the recipient of that load. In the shower I said to myself, "For a young man who has a red hot forty six year old women, who's husband's out of the country, and is hot to trot, you're jerking off far too much. You need to go and see Jane real soon." I resolved to call her later that day.

It was hard to get a moment alone with Mum when we were having breakfast, as we were all running around with the organised confusion that was our normal morning rush. Dad also always seemed to be in the way, so other than a few moments of eye contact, and a couple of grins, we were unable to really communicate. Except when she said in an aside, "did you like your present?"

"I'd have liked it better if you hadn't gone and closed the door."

She didn't notice that there was sharpness in my voice.

"Just can't happen," she said shaking her head, and as she filled up with tears, her voice dropped down very low, "you know, THAT, just cannot happen."

"Mum, we both want it."

"No, I don't, no it just can't," and as she walked away, turned back to look at me from about ten feet away, "you know that it just can't, don't you?"

I nodded, mouthing, "yes it can," but before I could pursue the matter further, she'd left to go to work. I'd consciously decided to ignore my anger, and keep on with my attempts to make sure that, THAT, did happen. Prior to the last weekend, I would have laughed if anyone had told me that I'd have set my sights on my own mother, but here I was with her dominating my entire time and thoughts.

Talking aloud to myself I said, "The good news is, as least I'm getting her sexy, all that I have to do is find a way to replace my father between her legs." As soon as those words left my mouth, I regretted them, it was very uncouth, the sort of thing that my Father himself would've said. As my mother, she deserved better than that from me. But what it did do, was to show me that the hurt I felt by her having sex with Dad after we'd been together as we had, was very real, and still in me.

What hurt the most was that I'd committed to her more quickly than I would normally have done with a new woman. I'd committed to her totally, and of course forgotten the small matter of her having a husband, who coincidently was my father. No matter how much better our kissing was, no matter how horny she got with me, she was still my Fathers wife.

During the day I got a call from Jane, wanting to know why I hadn't been around to see her. I told her that there was a bit on at work, but that I was going to call on the way home. The best thing about an older married woman was that there was no beating around the bush, no bullshit, it was straight to the point, and the point was...sex.

I called Jane first and then left work at two p.m. telling the boss that I had to buy a birthday present for my niece, and had some other stuff to take care of. He was cool with that as he knew that I'd make up the time without him having to worry too much about it. As long as the job got done, he didn't worry about too much.

I went straight to Jane's house, knocked on the door which opened immediately, but there was no one there. This was common practice, I walked in, the door shut behind me, and there standing behind it wearing nothing but a smile, was Jane.

We kissed each other from one end of our bodies to the other over the next two and a half hours. The sex, as usual, was outstanding, and again as usual, when I left her we were both wrecked, but something this time was different, something was not quite right.

I'd kept thinking of Mum all of the time that I'd been with Jane, I was still angry at her for screwing Dad, and used that to justify my being there with Jane, when I was showing signs of having feelings about my Mother. As I drove home, I couldn't get Mum out of my mind, I felt as though I'd been unfaithful to her. The more I thought about it of course, the more that I realised, and had to accept as fact, that she was married to Dad. And as such they had every right to screw each other stupid every night if they wanted to, and if the sex wasn't as good as she wanted, that was then her problem.

Anyway she seemed to have put up with it for a few years now, and was quite used to letting him do her, and then flying sole afterwards. It seemed so very wrong that when Mum was as hot as she was, she was still happy to accept second best from him. What I couldn't and wouldn't accept was that I'd been the one who got her horny for him, and he'd got the benefit of that, not me.

That night Mum and I were able to speak more as I helped with the dishes; she looked over her shoulder at Dad in the lounge room saying, "can I have my dress back please?"

"Of course...eventually."

"Did you wear it?"

"No, that thought never even entered my head."

"Can I have my underwear back too?" This, with a twinkle in her eyes.

"But do you really want them back?" I returned the twinkle.

"I don't know, you tell me, do I really want them back?" The twinkle was totally evil now.

"Not really, you can't, anyway I'll need them again tonight."

Dad then came and sat in the kitchen to read the paper, so that stopped any more banter between us, and when we'd finished the dishes and went into the lounge room, he again followed, and so that killed any chance of quality time alone together.

Mum had tried so hard to get me to tell her who the older woman was that I was seeing, and by this time I was almost ready to tell her. She'd been at me everyday, in fact I thought that she was making herself available for me to kiss her at times, so that she could then push me harder to find out Jane's name.

I looked forward to the next day, Friday, as that was Mum's day off, and I started late at work, so we'd have some time alone together, hopefully quality time. Unfortunately Dad stayed home doing paperwork before going to his normal Friday afternoon meeting at the office, and he only left a minute or so before I had to.

Mum said, "I thought he'd never go," as she melted into my arms. We kissed for as long as we could, our kisses had progressively developed a little more urgency, and her tongue came across immediately every time. She was in fact taking that more assertive role, we weren't kissing in the way that I thought that Dad kissed her, like eating a Big Mac. She was however being somewhat more forceful than before. Eventually, of course I had to go to work. We just kissed right up to the last moment and I ran out of the house so fast, that I almost took her tongue with me. I absolutely had to be at work by ten thirty, without fail, particularly as I'd cut out early yesterday. At least she never asked for Jane's name this time, she never had the time to.

Mum rang me during the day to say that they were going out that night and also the next night, Saturday, this was cool with me as I played basketball Fridays, and was going to a friends thirtieth birthday the next night.

When I awoke on Saturday morning, it was later than normal, almost eight o clock. Mum and Dad both normally had things to do on Saturdays which required then to be out early. I just accepted that they'd changed their plans and I got up to shower.

After a few minutes the water pressure dropped sharply, and I knew that someone had gone into the other shower. I'd got out and started to dry myself when there was a knock on the door. After wrapping the towel round me I opened it to see Mum there, she said, "can I come in this shower please, we've slept in, Dad woke first and went into our shower knowing full well that I've got to be out before he does?"

"He's an arsehole," I said, and then added, "of course, you go through," stepping aside, and then pulling the door closed behind me.

Mum didn't argue the point of him being an arsehole, so we at least agreed on that.

I walked away three or four steps before realising that I hadn't closed the door fully, and the fan in the room had caused the door to open slowly inwards. Giving in to temptation I went back to look at Mum in the shower, the glass had misted over, so I could only make out her shape.

Not wanting to get caught by Dad, I went to their room, made sure that he was still in the shower, and then went back and stood in the doorway watching her bathe. I could only see her outline, but when she turned into the right direction, I could make out the dark patches created by her nipples and pubic hair. Those beautiful thick, black nipples that I'd held between my fingers in the cinema, and the pubic hair that I so badly wanted to touch.

After some twenty seconds or so she stopped moving, and I knew that she'd seen me standing there, she waited, immobile for several seconds, and then reaching up, redirected the shower head onto the door.

There she was in all her glory, naked, totally naked, the view was a little vague as the water ran down the glass, but what I saw was enough to capture my attention totally.

We both stood there looking at each other, before my instincts took over and I was drawn into the bathroom, moving forward propelled by an invisible force, I opened the shower door and there she was. Her expression was one of fear, the water running down her body in rivers made some of her skin very red, and other parts not so.

My eyes ran over her entire body, her breasts hanging down a little seemed larger than I expected them to be, her nipples also bigger than expected. Her pubic hair, totally wet and matted, clung to her thighs. It looked blacker than I'd expected, but being wet, had lost it's thickness, and with it the ability to conceal. Even from above I could see that her lips were hanging down and visibly apart.

We stood, looking at each other, my erection pushing out the front of my towel showed how aroused I was. Mum was licking her lips and blinking her eyes nervously, she was also running her hands up and down her hips. Added to that her rampant nipples and opened lips, gave an indication that I wasn't the only one aroused.

Still we stood without speaking staring at each other, when my hand with a mind of it's own, reaching out cupped her breast. Her eyes opened wide, and her nostrils flared, as feelings ran through her body.

Her breast was warm and wet, as you'd expect in the shower, but the feelings were more than just that. There was something quite different, that I can't describe in words, it was a level of emotion that I've never even imagined was possible.

The hand still being taking directions from outside forces, after paying homage to the nipple once again, slowly moved down her stomach, over her navel and started on it's final journey, Cupping as it passed the small tummy caused by my birth, then running under it, until I could feel her pubic hair. The water on her body made it soft and slick, and so without even a moment's hesitation my hand slid between her legs, to cup her opening.

As Mum's breath drew sharply in, a look of panic took over her face, it was obvious that she wasn't in control any more than I was. I stood there for perhaps five seconds cupping her in my hand, before slowly raising my middle finger, which encountered no resistance at all, the shower wasn't the only thing that was making her wet, it helped, but wasn't really necessary.

As soon as it entered her, my finger slid upwards along the front of her cavern, looking for her G Spot, slowly and sensually it slid up and back, up and back, up and back several times. Mum had her eyes closed and was trembling. She moved her hand down to cover mine, but made no attempt to remove it from her.

I was now racked with indecision as to where this was going, I had her mound in my hand and my finger inside stimulating her. Mum had her hand covering mine as if to keep my finger inside, and then in an unconscious move, turned to face me more front on. She then put her other hand on my shoulder to steady herself. Her eyes opened momentarily to meet mine, before closing again, as her head dropped down onto her chest.

The spell that was being cast over her was broken by a sudden increase in the water pressure from the shower, she didn't realise for an instant, but when she did, knew that Dad had finished his shower and turned off the water. I stepped back sharply from her, as I did, my towel dropped to the ground.

My eyes went to hers but she was looking down at me, she drew in her breath, and a small sound came from her throat. Then her eyes reluctantly came up to meet mine, but she wasn't able to hold my view, and they again dropped down, this time staying there.

"I have to go Mum, I really do have to."

Without raising her eyes she nodded. Holding the towel in my hand, I closed the shower door and walked into the hall pulling the door behind me. Not wanting the moment to end, I walked to their bedroom and listened, the shower fan was still going telling me that he was still in there, probably drying himself.

Fortified by that information, I walked back, opened the door, and stood there again looking at Mum. She'd dropped down onto her knees, had her left hand on the wall to steady herself, and her right hand was between her legs as she gave herself relief. The noise that she made was far in excess of what she'd made with Dad either time. Without stopping, she slid seamlessly into a second orgasm, before raising her eyes to lock with mine. She knelt there, making was no attempt to hide what it was that she was doing, she'd had to get herself off, and I'd caused her to have to do that.

Our relationship had moved through another frontier, and I wasn't sure that either of us were now in control of it, it'd assumed a life of its own, and who knew were it would take us?

By this time, the shower had fogged up again, and my Mother was just a vague outline, so I went to my room, locked the door, and engaged in a bout of high level self abuse for the next hour. By the time I came out, both Mum and Dad had left.

We didn't see each other for the rest of the day, as we were both out and about, but the events of the morning kept running through my mind again and again. Mum rang at six thirty to say that they were leaving to meet up with friends. At the same time she asked when I'd be home from the thirtieth. I told her that I had to be home by one a.m. as I was playing golf at ten thirty next morning. She seemed satisfied with that, said have a good night and hung up. There was no mention of this morning, maybe Dad was there.

Right on one a.m. I pulled into the garage, and was surprised to see that their car was already there. This must have been the first time ever that Dad had got home from anywhere by one, he was hard core where a party was concerned.

Quietly I moved past their room which was in total darkness, and went into the shower. I wondered if they were all right as they'd obviously been home for some time, and were now asleep.

After the shower, I wrapped the towel around me and went to my room. As I started to dry myself, I heard a noise behind me and turned around to see my mother standing there.

My mouth dropped, she looked so beautiful, she'd obviously taken a lot of time to present herself, was it for me? I hoped so.

Her make up was spot on, her hair the same, and she was wearing the most gorgeous Jade Green nightgown. When the light shone from the right quarter, it was totally transparent, everything was visible. But when she moved and the light came from another angle, the only things which were noticeable were the dark patches that were her nipples and pubic hair. It was far more arousing to see her like that than if she'd been totally naked.

I was stunned, I just stood there staring, my heart was hammering away, and I was totally unable to speak. I stared at her breasts with those big brown nipples, were they the best nipples I'd ever seen? I thought they just might have been.

Speechless, I sort of waved a hand at her, and then managed a vague, "the nightdress."

"Like it?"

I was only capable of nodding.

"I bought it for you this morning."

Again all I could manage was to nod, and then a feeble, "nice, thank you."

Our eyes met, "I like what you're wearing too."

I was of course naked and my erection there for her to see, she moved towards me, took it in her hand and said, "it feels nice, just as nice as I thought it would. It's been a few years since I've seen it, now this is the second time today, but it's been worth the wait."

As she'd moved, her gown had flowed along behind her; she looked regal and majestic. Her eyes were sparkling, she glowed from head to foot, and had an aura about her that I'd never seen in any woman before.

Still holding me in her hand she pressed her body against mine, and then releasing my cock, put both her arms around my neck, saying, "do you realise it's sixteen hours since we've been together, I hope you've missed me as much as I've missed you."

As we kissed her hips pressed my erection hard between us, her breasts felt hard and heavy against me, and her nipples bored into me like drills.

I was used to kissing her for long periods, but there was something worrying me and so I broke the kiss. She stepped back looking concerned, "is there something wrong, don't you want to kiss me?"

"Of course I want to kiss you, it's just that, well, what about Dad?"

"He's got too drunk to even walk so he's sleeping it off at Dave and Rebecca's house, Dave'll bring him home at eleven, on his way to the football."

"How did that happen, I thought he behaved himself with his work crowd?"

She dropped her head and looking at me from under her eyebrows, with the most angelic look on her face saying, "it wasn't easy, I had to keep topping up his glass all the time when he wasn't looking. Then just to make sure, I poured myself a triple brandy and left it within his reach, he saw it there when his glass was finally empty, took it and drained it in two swigs."

Mum then moved back so that her body was again pressing against mine, "now are we going to stand here talking about him all night, or do you want to kiss me."

I of course wanted to kiss her, and of course she gave as good as she got. Eventually, a little more urgency came into play as my hands roamed her body. For the first time ever she didn't move away, remove my hands, or say no. Mums hands were doing a little roaming of their own too.

She was now as ready to couple as I was.

She stood back, "do you want to take my nightgown off?"

"It seems a shame, sometimes it's transparent, and you're on show, and then it's not and I've got to use my imagination. You look so beautiful in it, and you'll be just as beautiful out of it."

I reached out, put one finger under the strap on her right shoulder, and then very slowly pushed it until it was hanging down, no longer doing its job. My attention went to the other strap and even slower than before, I pushed that until finally it was freed also, and the nightgown, the beautiful Jade Green nightdress, slid down like a parachute pooling at her feet. For the entirety of this exercise, our eyes were locked.

Stepping back, my eyes took all of her in.

"Fuck, you're beautiful."

Tears filled her eyes, "you're not just saying that, you do mean it don't you."

I was back to only being able to nod my agreement with her.

Both now naked, we came together again, holding each other tightly, there was no reason to kiss, no reason to touch anything other than the others back and shoulders. Communication by touch alone is one of the very special expressions that lovers alone can use.

Less than half a minute later, we were laying in each others arms, I looked at her. Here she was, with every part of her body mine, to touch, feel, kiss, explore and worship. Her mouth, her breasts, and thighs, all the parts that make a woman just that, a woman, were now mine. My mother was now about to give me the greatest gift, other than life itself, that she could.

There was now no hurry, and so the kisses lasted longer, the hands that slid across both of our bodies carried an extra electrical current that caused shivers to rush throughout our bodies.

I raised myself up to again look at Mum lying there, running my hands across her breast to capture the eager nipples, which were standing up hard and proud for me.

"Alex, would you turn the light off for me please?"

"You don't like to make love in the light?"

"It doesn't bother me mostly, but this is a special occasion, and I want all my senses to be concentrated on you, I don't want anything to distract from what you do to me. It's been a very long time since I've been made love to, and I want to sink totally into you. I want to immerse myself into you, and you into me."

I turned out the light, and then starting at her feet kissed her all the way up to the top of her thighs, giving a lot of attention to the crease at the top of her legs, doing everything other than touching her opening. Mums entire focus was now on my touch, she didn't seem capable of getting involved herself, it'd been so long since someone had worshipped her body that she wanted to abandon herself to the feelings that I'd brought for her. Her moans and sighs accompanied by shifting her body trying to get my mouth to cover her mound, showed that a release was close.

I proceeded up her stomach to her breast, as I kissed the side of one she moved her body offering her nipple to my mouth. I avoided taking it, but she used her hand on the back of my head with a handful of hair, to force herself into my mouth. The urgency of her calls made me realise that not only was she ready, she was in fact desperate for release.

As I rolled her nipple across my tongue, I slid my hand down, and as soon as I touched her clitoris, her body jerked violently. The hand on my head ground my face into her breast as the electricity slammed into her, attacking her body. It's difficult to distinguish between the sounds of pleasure and pain, the cries and facial expression cannot be separated, they are total.

Her release was completed by aftershocks, and more aftershocks. She needed only a moment to catch her breath, before she was holding my hair again and dragging my face to hers. "If you can do that to me every time, I'm yours forever, but can you do that every time?"

"Of course I can, you know that it's in you already, you only needed the right person to bring it out."

"Your Dad used to do it for me, but now he's more interested in the drink and a quick screw. He knows that I'll come with him, so doesn't bother much about anything other than himself now." There was a catch in her voice, and then she said, "can you do it again, please," as she pushed my mouth down to her waiting breast.

Amazingly she responded as soon as my lips enveloped her nipple, from where they travelled down across her stomach. After spending time kissing the crease at the top of her legs, I said, "did you say something about no one eating your Big Mac for a while."

She lifted her head giggling like a schoolgirl, "I did say that, didn't I, I wondered if you'd picked up on it." Then she fell back with her arms and legs wide apart, offering herself to me totally.

I knew that I was now in control, and took my time with her, using my mouth and fingers to get her almost to the point of release, before easing back. Then starting on her again as softly as I could, then again stopping just short of allowing her release, only to start again, almost letting her get there, and again, and again, and again. Until finally she got to that moment that I'd been waiting for, when she called out loudly, "please let me go, please, I need to come, I need to come now or I'll explode."

I played a game with Jane that she called climax denial, which meant that I wouldn't let her get there until she begged me for release, and this was now what I'd done to Mum.

So the moment came, that we would be bonded together forever when I gave my mother another climax with me. I slipped first one and then two fingers inside her and slowly worked them in and out, working on her G Spot as my other hand massaged her clitoris.

Her orgasm started somewhere deep inside of her and roared out like an express train, spewing out with enormous force. It was like nothing I'd heard before. It wasn't a cry, a call, or a scream, as I'd heard from other women. It was a deep roar, a base sound, a primal call, an utterance more in keeping with an animal in the jungle than a human being. It went on until all the breath was expelled from her lungs with a hard rasping sound. Harshly and noisily she dragged in more air, filling her lungs to the maximum, so that the first explosion was quickly followed by another, a second just as deep and emptying of her lungs, followed by another harsh demand for air which allowed her to climb to the top of the mountain a third time.

Even after I stopped stimulating her she continued to hump and jerk her body as if wired up to an electricity supply, she was incapable of getting back under control.

The noises that she made as she jerked and spasemed in her frenzy were a mixture of words and non words, wild and uninhibited they showed the depths that her emotions had taken her to. The sounds ran on and on and on, until there was no more air left in her lungs, and then there was a quiet, a deathly silence that reverberated around the room.

I was frozen as the sounds expelled from her washed over my body, I still had my fingers inside of her, I moved them, but there was no response from her. I figured that she was spent, that she'd held nothing back, and now had nothing left to give. Then I realised that she wasn't fighting for breath as I'd have thought that she would, in fact she wasn't breathing at all.

I sat up panicking, I could see the tabloid headlines running before my eyes, 'Boy fucks mother to death.'

I turned on the light calling out, "Mum, come back to me, breath for Christ's sake, please come back to me, please," as I shook her violently. Finally and thankfully, she started to drag in deep breaths, six, eight or more before she got herself under control.

"Thank God, I thought I'd killed you, you weren't breathing." She was unable to speak, as she was still not as she should be. "Are you ok now Mum?"

"Huh hu." Still breathing deeply.

Eventually she got herself back to normal, and when she did I looked at her, she was a mess, her eyes were bloodshot, her hair everywhere. Of the carefully applied make up only about a half of it was still on her face, the rest streaked, on her hands and arms, or on my pillow.

I saw a look of fear in her eyes, as she croaked, "what the fuck did you do to me, you took me to a place that I've never been before. Your Dad and I had a pretty good sex life for years, but there was nothing ever like that. This woman of yours must be something out of this world."

I wasn't sure what to say, so I sat there feeling proud of myself, I'd done something for her that Dad had never been able to do.

Again her eyes bored holes into me, and then with all the emotion that her body could muster, spat out, "FUCK!!!"

I was in shock, the worst that I'd ever heard her say was shit, under her breath. I'd ignored the first time that she'd used it but this time was so blatant, that I was shocked.

Smiling broadly she said, "it seems that the first casualty of our new relationship has become the purity of my mouth, but sometimes you need a word to describe your innermost feelings, and fuck just about covers it right now. Actually when I'm with the girls at work we swear worse that the men do, and in my thoughts as well I'm just as bad. I just wanted your Father to respect me, which seems like a lost cause now anyway."

She moved into my arms for a moment, holding me as tightly as she could. Eventually, she raised her head from my chest asking me, "do you want the light off too when you take me?"

"No way, I want it on, I want to make you come again, but this time I want to see your face as you do."

She stroked the side of my face, as I slid down her body only slowing for a brief moment to worship her breasts before continuing over her stomach, in my haste to sample her taste. My brief encounter with her underwear after the movie night had only wetted my appetite for the real thing, and I wasn't disappointed.

She was coated in a thick layer of mucus, not only her opening, but all around her pubic area, along her thighs, and then running down until it reached the sheet. Her hair was matted and flattened against her stomach and thighs.

For the first time now I allowed myself to fully savour not only the aroma, but the taste of her. Her hand had moved to the back of my head, as she gently stroked my hair.

Jane loved me to eat her, as most women do, and mum was no exception to that. Her hips told a story of their own. She was ready again, after several intense minutes of stimulation.

I was in heaven, like most young men of my age I've used my mouth to stimulate women to the point that most of them had found it enjoyable. But this was different, this was my Mother. I raised my head and took in the most wonderful sight that any boy could possibly see. That sacred place from which I'd entered this world. I drank in the view as I ran my fingers lightly across her lips, before putting both index fingers inside, opening and holding them wide apart.

"Are you looking at me?"


I cannot describe the sound that then came from her mouth, but that, and the handful of hair that she grasped, told the story that she was responsive to my gaze on her.

"Can you kiss me there like you do my mouth?"

"Of course."

As I did, her other hand came to rest on the back of my head, it too grasping my hair. The indescribable noise was now a constant flow as my tongue went to work inside. I tried to pull away as I wanted to work on her clitoris, but she pulled me back down, she was in such a good place that she wanted to stay there as long as possible.

Eventually her grip on me relaxed, and I was able to feel her clitoris under my tongue. I gently licked and sucked it, at the same time as I ran my index finger around and around the inside of her swollen lips. Mum started those moaning sounds of approval, and I knew for certain that she was ready again. When she lifted my head saying, "I want to put you inside of me, I want you to take me, I'm ready for you now." I was also ready for her.

It was now my time.

As I slid up her body, her hand reached down and took hold of my cock, guiding me to where her wetness was waiting for it. As soon as she felt contact with her she let just the tip of it inside, before using the head to rub against the inner lips several time. This was clearly something that she liked, I have to say that it wasn't the worst feeling that I'd had that day either. "Nice?"

Her soft smile and nodding head was her only answer, before again closing her eyes to fully enjoy the moment.

I felt her pulling me inside, but that wasn't all. As my cock went in, her index finger, which was lying on the top of it entered her along with it. She first slid her finger to the right as far as it would go, so that the tip of it was actually right under my cock, before moving it to the left, again as far as she could, so that now the tip was touching the very same spot as before, having reached it from the other side. She was circumnavigating my cock with her finger, a way for her to feel me inside of her. Two, three, four times Mum repeated this exercise, before opening her eyes, smiling, and saying, "s'nice too," again closing her eyes, and going back into her own world.

I let her go on with what she clearly enjoyed, when she opened her eyes again saying, "that's something that we used to do back then, and I'd forgotten about it, my young lover has brought back the young lover in me. Now what I want is for you to look directly into my eyes as you come inside me, will you do that for me?"

I nodded as she took her finger out of her and put her hands onto my back, I could feel the wetness of her right hand, as it slid along me.

"Alex, please take me in the way that you kiss me, softly, slowly and gently."

"Ok Mum," as I slowly pressed myself into her I put my elbows either side of her neck just touching her shoulders. I clasped my hands together above her head, forming a halo around her, she looked biblical, even saintly. There's a line from a Beatles song that I like, something about, Mother Mary come for me, at least that's the way I'll remember it forever now.

I wasn't far from coming, and she sensed it, "keep your eyes open for me, I want to see you as you come into me."

I'd only pressed myself into her for a short time when she called out, "eyes."

I'd closed them again.

And then I came, it was hard not to thrust wildly into her, but I was able to hold back for her. The most amazing thing was that with our eyes locked, the emotion flowing between them was stronger than the most hard core sex I'd ever had, because it wasn't sex, it was love. I'd returned to the place where I was born. My journey was now completed, it was a homecoming in every sense of the word.

And what a homecoming queen she was to welcome me, the most warm, wild, wet, wonderful, welcoming responsive women in my life ever. A woman who loved me without question, and would do so forever.

Right at the height of my climax I couldn't stop myself from thrusting harder into her as I finally lost control with my intensity, this was ok with Mum, as she now knew that she'd received my seed, she also knew now that we were completed, just as my journey home was.

Then she came for me. It was intense, not as intense as the last time that I'd made her come was, but her body and cries told me that she'd enjoyed it. The look on her face, the pure ecstasy of coupling with her son meant that she'd enjoyed it totally, she and I were joined and fulfilled.

As we lay together in the silence, that beautiful after sex silence, when you've shared a spiritual bonding with someone that you love more than anyone else in the world. I held her to me, and she, me to her. Mum was shaking with the emotion of the moment. Silence was all that was needed, words would have been an unwelcome intruder resented by both of us.

When she moved her head and our eyes at last met, she looked so serene. I said to her, "you came with me, it seemed all right, but it wasn't as good for you as before, I'm sorry."

"This was your time Alex, you'd done me so completely, like no one else ever has. You needed to receive something from me to be as powerful as what you did for me. It's ok though, if you'd turned out the light and let me focus totally on what you were doing to me, I probably would have come as hard as before. But then again, I'm not sure that this old body would have been able to take another one like that. It was so very intense, it was a total experience for me." There was so much love in her as she said, "you will do that every time for me, won't you, please?"

I nodded, I was feeling pretty good about myself.

"Now," said Mum, thinking that maybe my guard was down, "who's this woman that's taught you to do these things to me, what's her name?"

I laughed, seeing right through her, "Her name's Jane."


"Jane Clarke."

"Do I know her?"

"I don't think so, she lives over in the next street."

"Will I meet her?"

"Dunno, maybe at some time, but now I have to ask you something."

"Yes, of course."

"What's brought this on, you know, you and I?"

Mum closed her eyes, contemplating her answer for a moment, then said, "a lot's been happening in my life for a while now. Since I've turned forty I've found it hard to accept my age. Society makes a woman feel as if her life's ended at forty, and yet I don't feel old, even though your Dad keeps telling me that I am. I think he does that because he does feel his age, and he wants to bring my self esteem down. I've found it harder and harder lately to say no when other men hit on me, especially when your fathers idea of sex just isn't what it used to be, and it certainly isn't what mine is anyway."

"Mum, if what I've heard for the last two times that you've had sex is how it's become, you've certainly got something to complain about."

"Two times, you've heard us twice. I knew that you were in the room on Saturday night." She paused thinking, "so then you must have heard us after you and I came back from the cinema?"

"Yes I did, and I need to know why you let him have you that night, for me it spoiled the evening that we'd just had, that was our night, a very special night, and hearing him having you just shattered me, why did you do it with him?"

"Alex, I wanted to make love with you so, so much that night, but I just couldn't bring myself to take that huge step then, so I left you my clothes as a sort of consolation prize. But I hadn't thought it through completely, because of course, when I got into the room, I was naked. I didn't want to wake him up going into my drawers looking for a nightgown, so when I got into bed and he turned into me, he felt that I was naked, and thought that I wanted sex, so how could I explain it away if I didn't let him have me?"

"But you enjoyed it?"

"Yes, I always enjoy it to some extent, but you saw tonight just what I can be with some real love and attention applied to me, didn't you?"

"Yes, there's a bit for me to work with that's for sure."

Mum then looked down, "damn there's a wet spot," and then getting out of bed, started walking towards the door.

"Where're you going?"

"I think that you and I have some unfinished business in the shower from this morning, and then because of that wet spot, we're just forced to have to sleep in my bed." She turned smiling, "but only if that's all right with you?"

"That's cool ma, in fact I think I'll like having you in that bed, even more than in mine."

"I thought you might somehow. Now, when am I going to meet your lady...Jane, right?"

"Yes it's Jane, but why do you want to meet her?"

"Oh I just thought it might be fun, this is the new me, I'm forty four in two months, and I think it's about time I had my mid life crisis, you know try some new things. Look for new horizons, that sort of thing, I'm sure you can understand that. But for now it's time for us to revisit the shower, are you coming lover?"

She stopped as a thought struck her, "Lover, it's got such a ring to it hasn't it? My lover my son, my son my lover, yes a very nice ring to it, if I may say so."

Like every good son, I never argued with my Mum, I just agreed, and of course, my Mother my lover, my lover my Mother, sounded just as good to me.