t wouldn't be an understatement to say that I was very excited to return home during my college break. Last six months, which sometimes felt like an eternity, was the longest, I had ever been away from home. During this time away from home, I had crossed two very important milestones of my short adult life.

I crossed my 18th year on earth and I lost my virginity. Although, the way I lost my virginity, many may scoff at my achievement. I paid for it. Having failed to persuade any of the girls I knew to have sex with me, I went to a professional- meaning, I visited a whorehouse. My first and only attempt at having sex was not a very memorable one. It lasted less than 3 minutes. And, it did cost me money equivalent to my two weeks allowance.

I am fully aware that in the annals of successful events in one's life, it may not be considered as an worthwhile individual event, nonetheless it was a monumental occurrence in my life. Now, I could brag to my friends; in my hometown, that I was a virgin no more.

But deep down inside, I was craving for real love. I wanted someone to love, someone to talk with and someone to have wild sex with. 'Is it too much to ask for? May be so, but nothing wrong dreaming about it.'

I had no idea at that time that this trip home would change my life forever. All my dreams and fantasies became reality and came to fruition in such a way that I could not have imagined.


I was very happy and pleasantly surprised to see my mother when she came out running to greet me. She had changed considerably in six months- all for the better. The sparkles in her eyes were back, there was a extra bounce in her step and she had gained back the weight she had lost. Last time when I left her she was still grieving and struggling to recover from the devastating loss that happened in our lives.

My father died in a horrendous car crash about 2 years ago. He was not only her husband and father of her only child; he was her best friend too. They were childhood sweethearts and never had spent a night apart from each other. She was devastated and lost her will to live. She lost lots of weight and quit her job. She barely kept any contact with outside world. But I guessed she carried on with the chores of life's daily grinds; although visibly painfully, because of her teenaged son- me. So, when my time came to go to college, I did not want to leave her alone. But she insisted that it was my father's wish for me to go to this college, which was about 500 kilometer from our hometown. So, I relented and went to this far away and very expensive college to fulfill my deceased father's wish.

"Welcome home Ajoy!" She affectionately hugged me and kissed me on the cheeks. "It's so good to see you, son."

"Likewise Ma!" I refrained from commenting on how good and fit she looked. But I genuinely felt uneasy as for the first time in my life, I felt the touch of her breasts on my chest. Sweet aroma of her perfume filled my nostrils. I was embarrassed.

"Go to your room and freshen up." Breaking the hug, she suggested. "I'll have lunch ready in 30 minutes. We'll talk then and I've so many things to ask you." It was obvious she was genuinely happy to have her only son back and her unbridled joy was infectious.

I was happy to retreat to my room- fleeing from the awkward moments I just experienced. I found my room exactly the way I left it 6 months ago. Lots of fond memories came rushing back into my head. In this very room, I masturbated for the first time in my life. In this very room, I had watched countless porno movies and flipped through pages of hundreds of adult magazines. 'It is good to be home.' I thought as I began to unpack slowly.

Lunch was a feast. My mother had cooked everything that I liked. While I feasted she kept asking me all sort of questions- about my college life, studies and my friends of both sexes. I realized she wanted to know if I had any girlfriends but was not asking me directly.

"No, Ma, I don't have a girlfriend." Smiling broadly, I volunteered the information.

"That's your personal business, mister." Smiling sheepishly, she continued. "But if you don't have a girlfriend, don't despair, I'll find you a wife after you graduate. And, believe you me wives make the best girlfriends. I was your father's only girl friend."

'Ah, arraigned marriage!' I thought. 'It still reigns supreme in our culture. Although young people these days have started to defy this age old tradition in selecting their mates.'

"I've to wait that long!" Laughing out loud, I joked. "I was hoping you would find a girlfriend or wife for me sooner than that."

"Smarty pant." She playfully slapped at my arm. "No marriage before you graduate."

My parents got married when my mother was only 17 and my father was one year older than her. Their parents hurriedly arranged my parents' marriage when my mother accidentally got pregnant with me. But I did not want to bring that point up at that point.

"Ma, my life is in your capable hands. I'll do whatever you ask me to do."

"That's my boy." She affectionately said. "Now go to your room and rest up while I clean up here."

As my mother stood up and turned her back towards me, I could not help but noticed her thin waist and flair up of her tight buttocks. I always knew she was a beautiful woman in a motherly way. But as her ass swayed; even though very slightly, I realized for the first time in my life, she was a very sexy woman too. And at age 36, she was still in her prime. I was ashamed as I felt a twitch in my penis.

'What the hell is wrong with me?' I silently shouted at me. 'Why I'm thinking of my own mother in that way?' But unbeknownst to her, her movements were not helping me to calm down. As she leaned over the sink to put some dishes down, top of her sari, that was covering her blouse slipped and I could clearly see the cone shaped slope of her left breast from my vantage point. Even though it was completely covered within her blouse, I had never looked at her breasts this way. 'That will be a handful of flesh to fondle.' I thought as my penis twitched again.

Feeling embarrassed and very frustrated with myself, I quickly retreated to my room. Six months ago, when I left for college, she was still mourning the death of my father for months. She had lost about 20 kilos and looked ill. She became numb, like a lifeless tree, with the indescribable shock of her sorrow and kind of retreated within herself. I did not know what had happened during the time I was away, she had gained back most of the weight and all in the right places. But most importantly she looked alive and the zeal of living was back in her.

Back in my room I was feeling remorse for my sinful thinking about my loving mother. I knew I had grown up in last 6 months and tasted the fruit of sex, but found no reason to think her as a sexual object. 'Get a grip on your libido, buddy.' I reprimanded myself. 'It is your own mother for crying out loud.'

I started to feel very guilty. Then I remembered I had not given her the gift that I had brought for her. It was a replica of our college, made of brass. I knew she would love it as she always liked collecting showpieces. Still feeling guilty, I took the gift out and walked towards her room. But she was not in her room. I looked outside her back window and found her briskly walking in the backyard towards the gate that led to our mango garden. Very curious, I decided to follow her.

Our mango garden was my grandpa's creation and it was his pride and joy. He even built a small hut in the middle the garden. In the summer time, he used to hire a guard to hide in the hut to protect his beloved mangos from thieves.

When I entered the garden, I could not see my mother anywhere. Quietly, I walked towards the hut. The hut was not much of a construction. It was built with mud up to my waist and walls were made of straws.

"Ajoy is home." I heard her voice as I came near to the hut. "We should not see each other like this when he is here."

"I had to see you baby," I heard a man's pleading voice to my dismay, "I'm going away for few days."

I went closer and through the thin straw wall saw everything. My mother was in a tight embrace with a man and they were kissing each other.

I knew the man. He was our neighbor and my father's distant cousin- Dilip. I called him Dilip kaka(uncle). But at that time I would probably call him by few other nasty names that I could not write here. Right then he became my enemy number one.

While kissing my mother, Dilip started to undress her. Soon I was looking at my mother's naked back side. Her luxuriant long silky hair covered most of her back. But my eyes immediately focused at her firm round buttocks. A deep ass crack evenly divided her fabulous globes. Through out my life I had always seen her dressed very conservatively-in three layers of clothing- bra and panties covered by petticoat and blouse, and finally the whole body wrapped around in a sari. Only skin I had ever seen was her bare arms. Now, I was looking at her naked backside!

I had never realized she owned such beautiful pairs of well toned thighs and long legs. Her naked legs made her look much taller. But my eyes soon focused higher. Her fabulous breasts were peeking out from underneath her arms. Although I could not see her nipples, it was a sight to behold for posterity. Looking at my naked mother, even from backside, I confirmed my earlier assumption. 'Yes, she is one very sexy woman.'

Dilip broke their kisses and gently pushed my mother downwards. With other hand he pulled his shorts down. It became crystal clear to me what he wanted her to do next. Without any hesitation, she went down on her knees and took his cock in her mouth.

'My good, my mother is a cocksucker!' I gasped with utter disgust.

She earnestly began to suck his cock as it began to grow. Even though I was disgusted with what was going on inside the hut, I found one little silver lining in all this. 'My cock is much bigger than his!'

There was a straw mat on the floor and after a while he pushed my mother down on that floor mat. As she settled herself on the mat, my eyes glued to her beautiful breasts. They looked much larger than I had ever imagined and stood firmly over her chest with two very dark nipples adorning the center.

'They nourished me when I was a baby.' I thought. But my joyful reminiscence soon turned sour as Dilip lowered his mouth and began to suck those nipples. And, apparently she was enjoying his administration too. One of her hands softly began to wade through his thinning hair and she started to make soft moaning sounds. I got really excited when he removed his mouth from her breasts and began to go down. Prospect of seeing my mother's vagina excited me beyond belief. But he was taking his sweet time.

He kissed and licked her belly and sucked her navel for a while. All the while his body was blocking my view of her vagina. Finally, after a long time, he placed himself between her lags and she spread her legs very wide exposing her most secretive part for her lover.

My heart started to beat faster and my palms became clammy with nervous sweat. I could not believe my eyes that I was looking directly at my mothers naked and exposed pussy. What surprised me the most was to see her pussy was completely shaven. Her vagina lips were fat and meaty. And, some juices started to ooze out of her slit. Even from this distance, I could see her pussy was quivering with excitement.

Then Dilip lowered his mouth on her pussy. But I was surprised to see that he was neither licking nor eating her pussy. He was just dry kissing her pussy- not even using his tongue.

'What a fool! I retorted to myself. Even with my inexperience, I knew this was not the way to eat a beautiful pussy. 'I can eat that pussy inside out much better than you, stupid fool.'

After dry kissing her pussy lamely for a while he came on top of my beautiful mother. He shoved his cock inside the most beautiful pussy I had ever seen and began to fuck her. His body totally blocked my view of my sexy mother. Only thing I could see now was his hairy back and slow rotation of his ugly fat ass. And, that was all I could take. Totally disgusted and smothered with an unknown anger that I could not explain, I decided to leave my mother's and her lover's fuck scene.


I bolted out of our house and went straight to a park. I sat in a deserted corner to think through what I had just witnessed. I was seething with anger at my mother's shameless affair. It took a while, but I realized my anger was being fueled by jealousy.

'But why I am so jealous? I don't have any reason to be jealous, do I? She is single, beautiful and sexy. She can fuck whoever her lonely and horny heart desires.'

Then a creepy thought appeared within my conflicting mind.

'Do I want to fuck my own mother? No way!' I tried hard to slaughter the ugly thought that was buzzing within my conflicting mind, at its inception. 'The thought, by itself, is sickening and outrageous. I'm her son. A son does not fuck his own mother!'

As I tried to calm myself down- then another new thought besieged my troubled mind. The new thought was not a rosy one by any stretch of my imagination. It was even darker and frightening. It could have far reaching implication and could destroy everything around us.

The new pervasive thought was fear. It spread all over my psyche. It was obvious, my beautiful, sexy and very lonely mother had taken a lover. I was sure it was Dilip who took advantage of her loneliness. And, it had apparently changed her life and brought her back from a severe depression.

'But why she has chosen to start an affair with a married man?' This question raised its ugly head within my mind and I became genuinely concerned. 'Doesn't she realize the consequences of getting caught and subsequent scandal? What she is thinking? Is she that desperate?'

I knew all the answers. Yes, she was desperate and was not thinking through the consequences. I also knew Dilip's wife Mala- Mala kaki (aunt) to me, was a very demanding and domineering woman. She was overweight and out of shape woman and was famous for her violent temper tantrum outbursts. If she ever came to find out about this affair, she would probably kill both her husband and my mother or do severe bodily harm.

'I must save my mother from this dangerous liaison.'

I became really scared for my mother's safety and well being. I needed to do something to protect my mother. But what? I knew I could never talk with her about sexual matters. 'It is an unwritten taboo in our society. In our culture a son never talks about sex with his mother. Mother and sex- two words, are never mentioned in same sentence.' I could hang around with her so she could not be alone with Dilip. But I realized that would be, at best, a temporary solution. What would happen after I return to college in 4 weeks? I did not have any clues whatsoever.

When I returned home, a very cheerful mother greeted me. I tried to act as normal as possible. But it proved to be a very difficult task. Knowing her intimate secret and keeping a straight face was really a tougher job than I had anticipated. So after dinner, I told her I was tired and went to bed.

But I could not sleep. The moment I closed my eyes, her naked and sexy body appeared inside my head. Her curvaceous figures materialized in my mind. Her large and firm breasts appeared in my vision. I could see her firm and rounded ass swaying seductively in front of my eyes. Her quivering pussy was enticing me to eat her out. Within my mind, I replaced Dilip with myself. It was me who was kissing and fondling her firm and large breasts. It was me who was eating her pussy and it was my cock that was fucking her.

That night, for the first time in my life, I masturbated thinking of my sexy mother. And, I reached a monumental conclusion. Yes, I would fuck my own mother to save her from the dangerous liaison. In the peach darkness of my room, my thought seemed to be the only logical way to steer her away from the dangerous path she had chosen.

'I must save my mother from this dangerous liaison.'


Next morning I awoke up in a new world of reality. In this world I needed to save my mother from herself. And, I would consider all and every options. I would commit, if necessary, the ultimate taboo- the unthinkable sin- having sex with my own mother.

But how? At that moment I was clueless as ever.

With my head spinning with all the new thoughts inside, I went to get the newspaper from the front porch. I heard someone was calling my name. When I looked up I saw it was the public enemy number 1, in the flesh- the source all my troubles and discomforts-Dilip kaka himself. He was on his motor cycle and was impatiently waving at me again to come down to him. 'He must be in a hurry.' I thought. I wanted to go down and slug him, but instead I slowly stepped down the stairs towards his motorbike. He impatiently pulled out an envelope. As he was rushing to get the envelope out, his cell phone came out of his pocket and dropped on the grass.

"Ajoy, give this to your mother." He told me like a man who was already very late for an appointment. "This is the tax form. I've checked and corrected it; and everything is in order now. Tell her to mail it back with a check." Saying that he restarted his bike and took off without even noticing his dropped phone. I picked up the phone and wanted to smash it but for some reason decided against it.

At breakfast table I handed the envelope to my mother and told her what Dilip had told me.

"You know your Dilip kaka has helped me a lot." She said. "Without him I wouldn't know what to do with this tax thing."

"May be you should pay him for his services." I commented casually.

"Perhaps. But the problem is he would not accept any money." Taking a sip from her tea cup, she replied.

"Nobody works for free." I continued. "He may want something someday."

"Well....." she said with little unease, "he has everything. I don't think he wants anything."

I looked at my mother directly as she looked away avoiding direct eye contact with me. "I hope so."

I did not tell her that I knew Dilip was getting paid for more than what he deserved for his services.

After lunch I went to my room. I brought Dilip's cell phone out and wanted to see if I could find any more of his secrets. With that in my mind I opened his massage folder. 'This guy is reckless.'First thought came to my mind when saw his massage folder.'He never deletes his massages. He is leaving fingerprints of his affairs all over. He is asking for trouble.' His wife could easily access massages and calls if she wanted to. His recklessness only confirmed my earlier assumption.

'I must save my mother from this dangerous liaison.'

I found my mother's massages to him in inbox and his massages in outbox. I started reading their back and forth massages and suddenly an idea clicked within my head.

I sent a massage to my mother using his cell phone. "I must see you tonight."

"We should not." Came the reply shortly. "Ajoy is here. Beside I thought you're out of town."

"I could not go today." I lied. "I'll leave tomorrow. Please see me tonight at 8 pm in the hut."

No response came for a while. Shortly I found out why. She came to my room. "Ajoy, what's is your plan for tonight?"

"I'm going to have dinner with some friends." I responded with a bald face lie.

"You're already tired of my cooking, huh?" She joked.

"I'll never get tired of your cooking, you know that, don't you?" I nervously added. "These guys just want to eat Chinese food today." The lies were piling up.

"It's okay, son." She said reassuringly. "Trying different type foods is good for your taste bud."

She left and a minute later her massage arrived. "Okay, 8 pm in the hut. But we have to be careful."

My heart skipped a bit when I saw her massage. I had tricked my mother into a date with me using her lover's cell phone.

'Can I go through with it?' The question started to hammer inside my brain incessantly like a wrecking ball. My mind split into two.

'Not only you can, you must.' Horny part my brain suggested. 'Two simple reasons. This is the only way to save her from a potential scandal. And, more importantly, you really, really want to fuck your beautiful and sexy mother instead of that middle aged married guy.'

'What if she sees through your tricks and gets upset and forever disowns you as her son?' The rational part of my brain raised a red flag of caution.

'If anything goes wrong you just get down on your knees and ask for her forgiveness.' Horny part of my brain came back with yet another logic. 'She loves you and she'll forgive you.'

Needless to say which part of my brain won the battle of logics. It was a no contest.


I arrived at the hut 5 minutes before 8. Darkness had already engulfed the surrounding areas. The mango trees stood like armed guards in the darkness. I hoped they would protect and helped me to achieve my dubious plan.

Right at 8 I heard soft footsteps. My heart jumped with excitement. She was coming and there was no turning back now. I took a deep breath and tried to get control of my jittery nerves

"Are you here?" She whispered as she entered the dark hut. "We must stop meeting like this while Ajoy is here."

Gathering every ounce of my fortitude, I moved towards her. She embraced me and tried to kiss me. One of my strategy was not stay in eye level with her. Instead kissing her on mouth I kissed her neck and began to undress her. "You are in a hurry today." She whispered again and began to take my cloths off too. Taking a lesson from Dilip's action, I gently pushed her down towards my crotch. My cock was already rock hard. She easily knelt down before my throbbing manhood.

'So far so good.' I sighed silently with relief.

But did I rejoice too soon? Instead of sucking my cock she stopped. Holding my cock with one hand she appeared to having second thought. She was hesitating. Few excruciating seconds passed as perspiration began to appear on my forehead like morning dews. Then she tried to look up towards me. I was not sure if she could make out who it was in the darkness. Nervously I turned my head sideways.

'My jig is up.' I thought. 'I am caught and now it's time for begging for her forgiveness.'

But after few tormenting seconds, she took my cock in her mouth and began to suck it in earnest. All my fear disappeared as unbelievable sensation spread all over my body and it started to get even better. Her hand gently began to fondle my balls and she began to bounce off my cock from her sucking throat.

Soon my sweet sensation was taken over by panic. I became panic stricken as my cums began to churn within my balls. I was about to explode and was not sure if should cum in her mouth. I remembered Dilip did not cum in her mouth. 'What if she does not like my cum in her mouth?'

I tried to withdraw from her mouth but surprisingly she resisted. Grabbing my ass with both hands she pulled me tightly towards her and continued sucking my cock faster and harder. Then she did an amazing thing that I never thought was possible even in my wildest fantasy.

She was squeezing and massaging my ass checks while sucking my cock. Suddenly she spread them wide and slipped her hand inside my ass crack. At first her fingers grazed my anus very lightly. I shivered with excitement. Then suddenly she shoved one of her fingers into my ass hole all the way.

'My god!' I exclaimed silently. 'My mother is finger fucking my butt hole.'

I was completely taken aback by her action. I had never experienced anything like this. Waves of erotic sensation began to vibrate all over my body. And, she continued fucking my ass hole while sucking my cock. Her actions pushed me over the cliff and I lost control.

Keeping my growl as low as possible I exploded into her mouth. Streams of my thick and warm cum syrup spewed out of my cock and filled her mouth completely. Slowly and deftly she sucked every bit of my offering down her throat.

I was blown away by the intensity of my first oral experience. I also grew a tremendous respect for my mother's oral sex capabilities. 'But now the real test is about to begin.'

She slowly let my semi hard cock slip out of her mouth. Then she laid herself down on the mat and pulled me down over her. Touch of her body was electrifying. Her skin was silky smooth, warm and flawless. I again avoided kissing her. Instead I found more exciting thing to do. 'She has so much to offer.' I moved my hands and mouth on her heaving breasts.

I could not believe I was actually touching her breasts- the same mound of flesh that nourished and sustained me some 18 years ago. Her heaving mounds were firm yet so soft. They felt heavier and much bigger within my hand than they looked. Each fleshy globes easily overflowed grasp of my hands. Each breasts were sitting very close to each other- creating a narrow but very deep valley between them.

With abound enthusiasm, I lowered my mouth and took one of her nipples inside my mouth and began to suck it after so many years. I did not get rewarded with any warm sustenance to alleviate my hunger this time; but this time around a different kind of hunger was being sated- my lust- my carnal hunger.

I was overjoyed when she started to moan and her fingers gently began to needle my hair. After alternately sucking and fondling both her breasts for a while to my heart's content, I decided to go bolder. I pushed my right hand down and seek out her pussy mound. With my trembling fingers, I traced the outline of her swollen vulva. It felt smooth and warm. Slowly I pushed my fingers even more downward. My fingers came in touch with wet juices. I realized I had arrived at the gates of heaven.

Without hesitation, I shoved my middle finger into her sopping pussy.

"Ahhhhhhh....." She moaned louder and her pussy clasped my finger tightly. She started to push her groin up and down along the length of my captured digit.

'My god!' I gasped silently. 'My mother is fucking my finger.'

Her pussy felt very tight, even for only one finger. I kept pushing my finger up and down. Suddenly her breathing became ragged. She pushed her groin up higher and her hands pushed my head down even tighter on her breasts. Even with my inexperience, I realized my mother just had an orgasm of a smaller variety. My fingers and palms got soaked with her hot and sticky cum juices. I withdrew my soaking finger from her pussy and brought to over her breasts. I rubbed her pussy juices over her nipples. Then I began to suck her wet nipples. For the first time in my life I tasted the cream from a woman's pussy.

'Wow!' The intoxicating taste of female juices blew my mind away. And, it tasted even sweeter because of the source- because it came from my mother's pussy. 'I must have some more and directly from the source.'

Few months ago, when I fucked the lady of the evening, I didn't venture out to eat her pussy. I even wore a condom for protection. But I knew this was special. 'This is my mother's pussy. This is as pure and as sacred as it gets.'

I lowered my mouth on the most sacred pussy in the world. And, I immediately realized she wanted it too as she spread her legs even wider to give me better access. I had no experience at cunnilingus. But I was driven by pure raw enthusiasm. I went to work on her pussy with only one thing in my mind- 'learn to please.' Using fingers of both hands, I spread her vulva wide. In the darkness, my other sensory organs took over as if to compensate for lack of my vision. Sweet aroma of her womanly scent filled up my nostril as I inhaled deeply. Then I pushed my tongue inside her dripping hole.

"Ahhhhh...." She squirmed with approval as her pussy grasped my invading tongue. My tongue soaked up her sweet juices like a bloating paper. She began to gyrate and push her groin deeper into my face.

Delighted by her reaction, I began to tongue fuck her as deep as I could and as fast as I could. At that time I wished my tongue was longer so I could tongue fuck her deeper. Every time I was pushing my tongue deeper into her hole, my nose was rubbing her clit. I did not fail to notice how excited she was getting every time I touched her engorged clit.

'Change of tactics.' I thought. I withdrew my tongue from her clasping vagina and pushed two fingers inside. Her pussy immediately grasped my fingers tightly. I started to finger fuck her while latching my tongue on to her most sensitive spot- her engorged clit. As I started to nibble and lick her clit, her reaction became- should I say more expressive and demanding. Grabbing my head with both hands and holding it down very tightly over her pussy, she began to shimmy her hips in all direction.

I was enjoying the whole experience immensely. I instantly liked the taste of her overflowing warm gooey pussy juices. What I liked most was the way I was using my tongue and fingers on her. I was very pleased with my work that how easily and how effectively I was eating her pussy and pushing her towards another orgasm.

"Oh yes! Oh yes!" She began to lift her groin higher and higher almost dislodging me from her pussy. I could not describe how, but somehow I managed to keep my tongue latched on to her pussy. Suddenly her body went rigid for a moment or two. Then her entire body began to vibrate uncontrollably. She grabbed my head down even harder on her vagina and her juices gushed out of her hole almost drowning me. For a second or two I thought I was going to suffocate.

When she released her hold on my head, I laughed silently. 'It would not be a bad way to die.' I thought.

I was still afraid to raise my head from her pussy. So, I kept lapping up all the juices that came out and some that was still leaking out of her honey pot. I noticed a streak of juice was running down towards her buttocks. I lowered my tongue and licked the space between her vagina and ass.

"Yes, yes...ohhhhhhhh.....yessssss!" She screamed a high pitch shriek of excitement. From her reaction, I immediately realized she liked it. Indeed she liked it a lot!

She raised her legs higher and that brought her butt higher too. She then pushed my head downward.

'My god!' I gasped with excitement. 'She wants me to lick her butt hole.'

Although I knew nothing about anal sex, I had always been very intrigued by it. Pushing one's engorged penis into an incredible tight hole seemed to be very challenging as well as rewarding endeavor. And, naturally many of my fantasies revolved around fucking a woman's butt hole.

As she raised her buttocks, my tongue came into contact with some crinkled flesh. Yes, I was touching her butt hole and I was touching it with my tongue. It did not gross me out, rather it opened a new pathway towards more exotic and erotic excitement. Earthy smell of her anus, soiled with her pussy juices presented a totally different kind of challenge.

Without hesitation I pushed my tongue inside her puckered hole.

"Oh god! Yes.....yessssss!" She cried out again with excitement. "Put your fingers inside my pussy." For the first time she uttered a complete sentence. Until now it was only whimpering and few mumbling words.

I shoved two of my fingers back into her pussy and placed my thumb on her clit. I began finger fucking her again while tongue fucking her butt hole as deep as I could. It did not take her long to explode into another orgasm.

My cock was rock hard and I wanted to fuck her right away. But I was still hesitating. Fucking meant I would have to be on top of her face to face. What if she would recognize me? I was in a dilemma. As if she read my mind and found out my hesitation. And, she came to my rescue. Suddenly she raised herself up on all fours and took the classical doggie position.

'Fuck me!" She commanded urgently. "Fuck me now! Fuck me from behind!"

'Is she kidding me! How lucky can I get?' I was totally blown away with this sudden development and quickly placed myself behind her. 'Perfect!' I thought and placed my cock at her slit and pushed. She pushed back harder and my cock head penetrated into her opening. I pushed again and she pushed back even harder matching my thrust. This time my cock was fully engulfed into her tight vagina. It was such an incredible feeling that my limited vocabulary could not describe. Her pussy was not only tight, it was soft as silk, smooth as velvet and clasped around my cock like a vice. Entire length of her tunnel was quoted with unbelievable sticky juices making her pussy a slippery wonderland. As I began to fuck her by moving my cock back and forth, her tight pussy walls began to massage my shaft sending incredible sensation all over my body. I leaned forward and groped both of her hanging breasts and began to fondle and tweak them. But she took one of my hands away & placed it on her pussy. I realized what she wanted. I began to rub her clit furiously.

"Oh god I'm cumming..." She began her now familiar chant before her impending orgasm. "Fuck me harder and faster."

I raised my tempo and began to shove my cock in and out of her pussy as fast and as hard I could. She responded by pushing her ass back harder on my cock. Our bodies were making slapping sounds as we fucked each other furiously.

"I'm cummminnnnnng-------oh gawwwwwwwd...yesssssssssss!" This was the loudest I heard her shrieked that night.

As I felt her cum on my cock, I was nearing my own climax. I still tried my best not to growl loudly as I exploded inside her pussy. Volleys after volleys of cum spewed out my cock and filled up her hole. It felt like her pussy walls became porous and hot cum juices came rushing in from all directions like multiple flush floods. Our combined voluminous juices were too much for her tight little pussy to contain. And soon our mingled frothy creams began to ooze out of her slit creating a ring at the base of my cock, before running downward.

She collapsed on the floor and my semi limp cock slipped out of her.

I could not believe I had just fucked my mother and she did not even know it was me. I felt very smart. But there was one last thing to do- taking an exit. 'This is as good a time to slip out from the hut as ever be.' I thought, as she was taking her time to recover from our intense fucking.

Suddenly she spoke and everything changed. I did not feel smart anymore, instead I felt like the luckiest guy in the whole world.

"So, how did it feel like to fuck your mother, Ajoy? Did you enjoy it?" I could not believe my ears and froze. She knew all along it was me. But how? My jig was up but at the same time I did not panic. She did not sound mad or angry at all.

"How do you.....I mean... " I mumbled.

"Give me some credit baby." She sat up and grabbed my semi hard cock. "Your large penis was a dead give away to begin with. Then your hair, your sweet body smell- I could go on and on....."

I remembered I had seen Dilip's cock yesterday. And, yes my cock was definitely much larger than his. Everything suddenly started to make sense. She knew it was not Dilip when she first touched my cock. And, that was the reason for her brief initial hesitation.

"Are you mad?" I hesitatingly asked.

Kissing the tip of my cock, She smiled. "If I was mad I would not let you fuck me with your wonderful tool, would I?"

"Thanks god." I sighed with relief. "But how...I mean when did you know it was me?"

All of a sudden she became emotional. "When I first touched your penis, I knew it was not Dilip's. A strange feeling came over me. I thought I was touching my husband...I mean your father's penis. You two are so alike..... you're carbon copy of your father at his age."

"Of course, Ma," sitting beside her I tried to console her, "I am his son and closest living person to him. He loved you very much and I love you very much too. I can never take his place but I promise I'll do my best to protect you and make you happy."

Then I went ahead and told her why I wanted to fuck to her to save from her dangerous liaison with a married man. Not so surprisingly she agreed with me completely.

She let my cock go and leaned forward and kissed me. That was our first real kiss. "Thank you, baby. I need a strong man around me to protect me from myself. I want you to be that man."

"It will be my pleasure." Kissing her lovingly I assured her. "I love you and I don't want you to be with any other man again as long as I live."

"I don't want to anymore." She nodded her head. "But Dilip was very nice to me. I don't want to hurt him. I want to break up with him as nicely as possible."

"Leave that to me, Ma." Gently fondling one of her breasts I assured her. "Now lets go home."

"Yes, lets." She agreed happily. "Bugs here are beginning to give me the creep."

We went to the hut as mother and son and came out of there not only as mother and son, as lovers too.

My heart filled with joy. 'I have achieved my goal.' I thought cheerfully. 'Not only I have fucked my beautiful and sexy mother, I've saved her from the dangerous affair she was having.'


Once inside the house, she grabbed my hand and took me straight to her bedroom. "This will be our bedroom from now." Looking at me she declared cheerfully. "Do you like it?"

"I like any room that you are in." I replied cheerily. "I like it even better when you are in it naked."

She was wearing only her sari. "Like this?" Taking her sari off she assumed a pose for me.

"Wow!" I exclaimed as her gorgeous naked body took my breath away. This was the first time I had the privilege to see her naked in the bright light and so up close. When I fucked her in the hut it was in the darkness and other day when I saw her with Dilip it was from a distance. She was perfect in every way.

Her younger looking face and very proportionate figure made her look like a lot younger.

"You like what you see mister?" Teasingly, she asked.

"Let me check from all angles first" I smiled cheekily. "Now turn around." She turned around one eighty as I asked. "Lean forward." Encouraged by her compliance, I commanded. She leaned forward with top half of her body on the bed and knees on the floor.

I went closer and knelt down. Leaning forward I started to lick her fabulous ass globes.

"You like my ass, don't you?" She asked.

"They are fabulous." I croaked as I kept lapping my tongue across her firm and smooth ass.

"You are your father's son." She smiled. "He loved my ass too."

"Can I know ...?" Pushing a finger inside her butt hole, I left my sentence incomplete.

"Yes baby, you can fuck my ass." She completed my sentence to my unbridled joy. "But we need lubrication for that."

She stood up and went to her closet and returned with a tube. "I still have some old jelly left." Handing me the tube she said. "I hope it still works."

My heart was beating faster as she led me to the bed. "Should you not turn over?" I asked timidly.

"No baby, I want you on top of me. I want to see your face when you fuck my ass." Saying that she raised her legs up high and pulled then almost over her shoulder and her knees over her breasts.

What a sight! I almost choked with excitement looking at her raised buttocks. Both her pussy and anus were totally exposed for my viewing pleasure. I lowered my mouth and ran my tongue across the length of her pussy. She shivered with excitement. I sucked her clit as her juices began to ooze out again. I lowered my mouth further south and again licked the space between her pussy and her anus. She squirmed around my tongue. Slowly I brought my tongue over her tiny puckered hole and dragged my tongue in a circle around the crinkled flesh. Then I pushed my tongue inside her tiniest orifice."Oh baby yes!" She cried out. "Fuck my ass hole."

I tongue fucked her anus for a while and realized it was time for the next ultimate venture. 'Time to put my cock deep into her rectum.' But her rear hole looked so tiny I wondered if my cock would be able to penetrate. 'I have more work to do to get her butt hole ready.' I thought. With that I went to work.

I pushed one finger into her hole. It felt real right.

"Use both thumbs and spread it." She suggested softly. "But be gentle baby, it has been a long while....."

Following her direction I placed both my thumbs at edge of her anus and slowly spread it in all directions. I was pleasantly surprised at how flexible her hole was. Her tiny orifice showed a little day light as it spread a little.

"Use plenty lubrication," She again came to my aid with her suggestion. "more the better."

I spread generous amount of the lubricant in and around her rear hole. She took the tube from me and spread a goodly amount all over my throbbing man tool. 'We are ready!' I excitedly thought.

I placed my cock at the entrance of her butt hole. My cock head looked huge compare to her tiny hole.

"Push darling....." She encouraged me. "....and very slowly."

I pushed and her entire rectum area dipped but her little hole did not yield its secret. Failing to penetrate, my penis arched up and I looked at her with frustration.

"It's okay baby, just be patient." She assured me again with sweet words of inspiration. "It has been a long time since my ass has taken a penis inside." Saying that she started to shimmy her buttocks all over my pushing cock. Our combined efforts did the trick. My cock head popped inside her sphincter.

"Yes baby, yes just like that." She encouraged me cheerfully. "Slow and steady does it."

I kept pushing my cock inside her very tight anal tunnel. Her anal rings slowly kept opening up and began to suck my cock inside until it was totally engulfed inside her anus.

"It is so tight and so warm." Breathing heavily I announced at the unbelievable crunch that I felt on my completely swallowed cock.

"You are so big." She smiled. "Now put your fingers inside my pussy. Can you feel it? Can you feel your penis inside me?"

I quickly inserted my fingers inside her pussy and began to trace. "Wow!" I exclaimed joyfully as I could feel my embedded cock inside her anal tunnel from inside her pussy. "I'm inside your ass hole Ma, I am fucking your tight ass hole."

"Yes baby, you're." She nodded her head. "You are fucking your mother's ass hole. Now, take your penis out and put some more jelly and fuck my ass harder and faster. Can you do that, darling?"

"With pleasure....." with renewed vigor, I slowly withdrew my cock from her anus. "Wow!" My eyes grew wide. Her tiny hole wasn't there anymore. My cock had created a huge gapping hole in her anus. As I looked in awe, her gapping hole began to contract. I quickly put some more jelly into her shrinking hole and placed my cock head at her rear entrance again. This time my cock easily penetrated her ass hole. I began to fuck her faster and harder.

Her anal tunnel was incredibly tight and very smooth. And it's grip on my on my invading shaft was astonishingly tight. I kept my hand busy on her pussy- finger fucking and rubbing her clit.

"Yes, I am cumming baby." She cried out with excitement. "Cum with me.....cum with mummy...."

"I am cumming too." I growled. "I want to cum with my mummy."

"Yes harder and faster...fuck darling boy....harder...yessssssssss...ohhhhh....gawwwwwwwwd!" She pulled me down on her and began to kiss me wildly.

"I love you Ma." I cried out into her mouth as our orgasm hit us almost simultaneously. We collapsed in soothing exhaustion of complete carnal satisfaction.

She spoke first. "Remember I told you I would find you a girlfriend? I've found you one. Like it or not, I'm that girlfriend."

"No, no!" I protested playfully. "You said you would find me a wife first and wife makes the best girlfriend."

"Yes, I did." She admitted. "Then wait until I find you a wife. Till then I'll be your temporary girlfriend."

"Actually I want a wife first. And, I think I've found one already." Raising myself on my elbow, I emphatically announced. "You're my wife."

"Oh my god!" Rolling her eyes in disbelief, she looked completely lost."But...but... I'm your mother."

Leaning over her and kissing her deeply, I smiled. "You are my mother, my wife and my girlfriend. And, I'm your son, your husband and your boyfriend."

She paused for a second. Then she returned my kiss and smiled broadly. "You know what,I think I like that very much."


Getting rid of Dilip was easier than I had anticipated. My plan worked perfectly. At first my mother was little bit apprehensive but went along with my idea anyways. I convinced her my plan was the best way to handle this sensitive issue.

One morning she invited her former lover over as a part of my plan to get rid him once and for all. My plan was very simple- blackmail. Not for any material gain but to instill fear in his mind and to send him back to his real family- to his wife.

Dilip came over around 10 in the morning. He was surprised to see me as I opened the door.

"How are you Ajoy?" He forced a smile. "How is college?"

"Fine, thank you." I spoke rapidly giving him an impression that I was late for something. "I would love to stay and chat with you. But I am meeting some friends and I'm late already."

"Really? I was looking forward to talk with you." Faking sincerity he said. "May be another time."

"Yes, another time." I shook my head and left.

But I did not go very far. I came around by the living room window. In the meantime, as planned, my mother had joined him. Dilip immediately started to kiss her. Standing outside of the window, I took my cell phone out and began to take intimate pictures of Dilip kissing my mother.

After few minutes I knocked at the front door. A very irritated Dilip opened the door.

"I thought you were meeting some friends." Frustatingly he asked.

"Well, not anymore." I said with a smirk. "Something else has come up."

"What?" He asked inanely.

"I'll tell you, sit down please." I replied with a firm voice.

Giving me an unhappy look, he reluctantly sat down. I moved next to him and began to show him the pictures.

"What is the meaning of this?" He almost shouted.

"Simple." Keeping my cool, I added. "If you ever come close to my mother or touch her, I'll e-mail these photos to your wife- Mala kaki. You understand?"

"That's blackmail." He said disgustingly.

"No sir." I announced with firm authority. "It's called saving my family honor. You should be ashamed of yourself. You are a married man, yet you still took advantage of a lonely woman."

He got up and dragged himself out with his eyes casting downward. Dilip kaka never asked any favor from my mother ever again.

When my college opened, mother and I rented a house near our campus and moved in together. I was probably the luckiest student amongst the whole student body. I returned home everyday to mouth watering home cooking to satisfy my hunger and incredible sex to satisfy my carnal appetite. 'Life is so sweet!'