Jeremy clutched his knees to his chest, "Oh, God...oh, God...oh, God...oh, God...oh, God...oh, God." He kept repeating as he rocked on his ass on the floor of his closet. His eyes kept darting around the room looking for...what? What could possibly make up for what he did. His eyes saw his school books on his desk, his laptop and he couldn't fight back the tears realizing he'd never see them again if he ran away. His head jerked towards his closed bedroom door hearing a creak. He strained his ears but not hearing anything more went back to rocking in terror.

Jeremy had just turned 18. His future seemingly glowing. He had just received his acceptance letter, his parents bought him his first car..."Oh, God." He cried, thinking about when his mom handed him the keys last week, a giant smile across her beautiful face. "What have I done? How could I do that?" He cried, the tears now flowing freely, his mumbling turning into sobs.

He cracked his head against the back of the closet hearing a scream followed by a door slamming. His stomach cramped hearing the feet pounding up the stairs. He tried to will himself to melt back into the wall behind him. He should have packed his bags and left. He should have hidden in the basement. He should have stood up to those guys.

The door exploded open and he saw his mother as furious...more furious than he'd ever seen her. He clutched his shins tighter feeling his tendons scream out as he stared wide-eyed at the half-naked woman.

"You, you little didn't, did you?" She screamed.

Jeremy tried not to look as she opened her robe, showing her nude form, tight breasts, muscular, taut waist, her clean shaven pussy and traces of cum running down her legs. He covered his face in his hands waiting for her blows. He wouldn't block them, he'd let her beat him as long as she wanted. He deserved it.

"Look at me you little shit. Get out of the damn closet and stand up like a man, since apparently that is what you think you are!" Stephanie screamed, her voice cracking. She watched as the skinny boy crawled out of amongst his clothes, the clothes she suddenly remembered lovingly washing and hanging up. As the boy stood up, she reached past him and yanked the shirts off the hangers and throw them around the room. As she raged, she saw Jeremy standing there, head down, tears streaming down his face and suddenly calmed down.

Panting from the rage, the screaming, her bare breasts heaving, her throat hurting from screaming she grabbed his shoulders and shook him. She reached between her legs and held up a white creamy substance. "Is this yours? Your cum? Did you fuck me? Did you fuck your own mother?" Seeing him feebly nod, she pointed down to her crotch, "And did you shave me? Why? Why would you do that? Are you acting out some sort of pent up frustration or something?" She slapped him once, hard. She thought about the violation of trust by her own son and she started crying and slapped him again and again.

Jeremy welcomed the blows. The stinging pain was nothing compared to the pain he had inside and did nothing to shield himself.

She stopped, seeing the pain in her boy's face, the tears pouring down his cheeks. Finally, she stopped. Seeing she was still completely exposed to her son, she pulled her robe closed, then reached up and stroked the boy's face seeing the vivid red hand prints. Her panting slowing, her breathing getting under control, she turned and strode across the room and stood facing the corner. Finally, she turned and came back and looked at the distraught face. "Ok, tell me why you did this? Why did you fuck your own mother?"

Jeremy looked up, deep, sad eyes, "I didn't want to, but I had no choice. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry." He said crying again. He loved his mother, and never wanted to hurt her. Never wanted this to permanently ruin everything for the rest of their lives.

Steph looked at her son and saw real pain. She led him over to the bed and sweeping the tossed clothes aside, sat down. "Ok, I'm pissed as hell, and I cannot even imagine anything you could say..." She looked around the room, "Look around, this might be the last time you'll ever be here, so tell me everything. If you leave anything out, the clock starts. You'll have 30 minutes to pack what you need into your car and get the fuck as far away from me as you can."

Jeremy felt like throwing up. He'd never heard his mom ever use the 'f' word. He caused that, and as minor as that was, just added to his feeling of guilt. Straightening up, he knew that if the end was near, just get it over with. He thought about perhaps going to LA and trying to start his new life out there. He looked at his mom, "Ok, I'll tell you, then I'll pack up. I'm so sorry, I want to go back, undo everything, I do."

Stephanie was ultra-pissed, but also intrigued what came over her perfect son to basically rape her while she slept. She thought back to getting into the airport at 6 AM. Her body screaming out for sleep. Why had she let the Chinese take her out on the town to celebrate their deal? She was fairly hung over when she boarded the 16-hour flight and try as hard as she could, she could never sleep on planes.

She got home with a huge feeling of relief, all her senses taking in the familiar smells, sights, feeling of the perfect shower head, the satin sheets. Perhaps she should have put on a night shirt, but she was exhausted. She took a sleeping pill since she still felt a bit wired from the trip. Then waking up, remembering incredibly vivid sex dreams, dreams about being fucked hard, aggressively by a large cock, and when she woke, she felt throbbing between her legs. She touch herself, wondering if she was wet and found a strange feeling mound, like it wasn't hers. She sat up and saw a clean-shaven twat and as she felt the sticky fluids leaking out of her, saw obvious semen dripping from her fingers. Her pussy felt sore, almost bruised. In her confusion, she thought maybe one of the Chinese businessmen took her back to his room and did this, but then she looked around. Realization hit. She was in her own bedroom, back in the states and her husband would still be in Chicago, leaving just now. Jeremy! Her sweet, innocent son must have seen her sleeping naked and took advantage of her.

She jolted back to reality hearing her son's voice.

"I came home from school, trying to be quiet knowing you'd have flown home and I was in the kitchen getting a snack when the doorbell rang. I ran to the door, and opening it, saw the two men I'd seen before packing up the Barber's stuff. They asked if they could use our bathroom since the water was turned off at the Barber's." Jeremy looked at his mom thinking he was really stupid to let these strange men in. "I pointed down the hall and went into the kitchen to put the milk and stuff away. I suddenly realized the bathroom was cross from your bedroom and ran down the hall and..." He looked down at his lap, "I saw the men standing over you, and you were...I mean, you weren't wearing anything." He looked at his mom. "I don't know, did they take off your...things?"

Stephanie blushed, "No, I was too tired." She felt sudden horror, "Go on."

"I ran in and grabbed the older man's arm, 'Come on. You can't be in here.' I told him. He brushed my arm away and started taking pictures of you...of your..." Jeremy stammered, looking down at his mother's lap.

Stephanie looked horrified thinking men had pictures of her naked, "My pussy? Is that what you're saying?"

"Yes. I tried to stop them, but the older man hit me." Jeremy looked at his mom.

Stephanie had missed it in her rage, but Jeremy had a black eye. "Oh, God, I'm sorry sweetie."

"He asked me if I wanted a few bones broken along with the black eye. I felt like such a weak piece of shit when I shook my head. I thought about calling the police, but I knew they'd just beat me and rape you. I watched as the older man ordered, I think it was his son, to get a razor and shaving cream. He said he'd never find your hole with all that bush there." Jeremy stopped, blushing furiously. "I kept waiting for you to wake up. We no longer were whispering, and you just kept sleeping."

"That's alright, I was exhausted. So, they shaved me?" Stephanie asked.

"No, they told me to do it. I refused at first, I told them that you're my mother and I shouldn't touch you there." Jeremy looked like he was going to cry again, "But the younger one sneered and said he'd do it. He'd be a lot faster anyhow since he wouldn't worry about knicking you. Hearing that, I told them I'd do it." He looked pleadingly, "I'm sorry. I tried to be really gentle, I tried not to look, but they opened your legs wide and, well, I had to touch you and look carefully." He looked down at his lap.

Stephanie felt embarrassed thinking her son probably knew the details of her pussy more than her husband Jeff did. "Sweetie, you did what you had to do."

Jeremy vividly remembered seeing his first pussy, how complex it was. Layers of soft flesh, pinks, tans, reds. The hard nub he assumed was the clitoris. As he shaved he'd had to pull on the lips and shave with his mother responding to his touch. Her hips moving, her legs opening. He remembered the two men cheering him on, calling him a motherfucker. They ordered him to stick his finger into the slick pussy. It seemed to really excite them.

Stephanie saw Jeremy cross his arms over his lap and she knew he was getting aroused. She patted his thigh, "Go one. So, you shaved me. You were right to not let them."

"Yes, and when I got a towel and cleaned you off, the two men were arguing. I mean, they were fighting over...Mom, do I have to go on?"

Christ, she thought. This poor boy. Trying to keep to rapists away from his mother. "Yes, I need to know..." She opened her robe and indicated the cream seeping out of her slit.

Jeremy held his face in his hands, "Ok, the two men were arguing about who gets to fuck you. The older one was telling his son he couldn't." Jeremy looked in horror at his mother, "He slapping his son telling him he fucked up and got AIDs and would be locked up forever if he fucked you without a rubber. The kid yelled back that he's no cleaner. Apparently some woman named Star was suing him for giving her chlamydia or something."

Stephanie felt sudden panic, "Oh God, they didn't..."

"No, no Mom. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Jeremy cried, "I told them to leave. Told them they shouldn't touch you, but they all of a sudden had these evil grins and looked at me." Jeremy put his hands over his face and mumbled something.

Stephanie put her hand under his chin, "That's ok baby, tell me."

"They told me one of the three of us is going to...God, mom, I can't tell you. Shit, the older guy said 'Make up your mind because...'"

"One of the three of you isn't going to let a nice cunt like that go to waste..." Stephanie said softly.

"Yes, I mean, how did you know?"

"I remembered, or dreamt it. I, oh God, I remember you inside me. I thought it was a dream." Steph said sadly, "I...nevermind." She stopped herself remembering how huge the cock, her son's cock was, inside her. Could it be? "Go on, you can tell me, but I think I know what you did, considering you left...a deposit." She slid her finger along her smooth pussy. She looked up at her son, "I hate to ask, but weren't you scared, I mean how did you get it up?"

Jeremy turned beet red and looked down at his hands. "You. I mean they saw I wasn't hard and well one of them pulled out a rubber and said, 'Fuck it, if the faggot here doesn't make use of this, I will.' The other guy suggested perhaps, you'd suck my dick to get me hard." Jeremy looked at his mom as she licked her lips. "I'm sorry, but when I had to try something and when I put my dick against your lips, you immediately opened your mouth and started sucking on it." Jeremy felt like crying seeing the look on his mother's face, "I maybe played with your breasts, also. But I had to get hard...otherwise..."

Stephanie remembered the dream. Remembered how she almost choked on a huge cock in her mouth, remembered her right breast being grabbed. She reached under her robe and felt her right breast, "Yes, the right one." She closed her eyes and continued, "You crawled between my legs and you couldn't get your cock inside me at needed to put it in a little at a time." She looked at her son and saw sadness, but also saw a tent in his shorts.

Jeremy tried to cover up his erection, but couldn't. "I don't know why I'm hard, I really don't. I'm sorry mom."

Steph smiled at him, "Men. I think you guys can get hard just hearing the word nipple." She patted his leg, "It's ok. Anyhow you were able to get inside me and you came, didn't you?"

"Yes, they told me not to pull out, but..."

"What? What were you going to say?" She asked, reassuringly stroking his leg.

Jeremy looked at him mother, "I could have stopped. I could have pulled out. I had my eyes closed and while I was, well, fucking you, I guess they left. I looked around and I heard the front door close. Shit! I should have pulled out, but I couldn't. I never felt anything like that before. I am so sorry." Jeremy cried.

Stephanie laughed. Laughed for the first time in a long time. "Oh Christ, Jeremy baby, you're a man, it's what men do." She looked up suddenly, "What do you mean you've never felt anything like that? Are you, I mean, were you a virgin?" Seeing him nod his head, she pulled him close. "God! I was my baby boy's first. I can't wait to tell all the other mothers how great a mom I am." She looked at him, "but how is that possible, you went with Leslie last summer. I thought she was a little fox."

"No, she just wanted to wait. She wouldn't do anything since she said it was against her religion."

"So," she asked softly, "I was your first...first blow job?" Seeing him nod, continued, " tit?" She sighed, "Obviously, first pussy. Jeremy, I'm not mad at you. I think you did the right thing, but why did you have to shave me? Dave loves my blonde bush...loved my blonde bush. I cannot even think what to tell him."

"Oh shit. You can't tell dad. You can't. He'll kill me." Jeremy looked pleadingly at his mother.

"We'll think of something." Stephanie pulled her son close into a warm embrace. She realized she was naked as her robe opened, but figured he'd seen all of her already. Jeremy was stroking her naked back and she was feeling the heat of his young body against hers. As she held him, she realized his cock was hard and poking against her elbow. She pulled away and put her hand on it. "Honey? How big are you? I mean, have you compared?" She blushed, "Never mind, totally inappropriate." She stood up and pulled her robe closed seeing him scan her naked body. "Between you and me, I am getting to like the clean feel and look of my pussy. I'll convince your dad it was a spur of the moment thing and if he doesn't like it, he can stay away from it." She looked at her son, "Jeremy? I know you feel guilty about this, about fucking me, but don't. What you did was brave and strong. I am so relieved it was you and not two creepy men who took me." She stroked his face where she's slapped him, sad that the marks still showed. "Your first time should have been beautiful, tender. It should have been with someone you love."

"I know, mom. But it actually was. I do love you and I...never mind." He trailed off.

"What? You enjoyed it? That's good."

"No, I'll think I'm sick, but I always wanted it to be with you." Jeremy stammered.

"Wait. You wanted to be with me rather than some young hottie at school? What about Leslie?" She looked at her son, "Christ, she's beautiful. She's got a great body." Steph cupped her breasts, "She's got huge boobs. You can't compare those girls to this old body."

"Mom, your body is perfect. Your boobs are perfect. I've watched you clean house on the weekends and thought, I mean you know, you and me." Jeremy blushed looking at his hands in his lap, "I mean, mom, you don't wear a bra and I've seen down your shirt."

"Is that what you think about when you jerk off?" Stephanie patted her son's leg, "Relax, it's healthy." She looked at his lap, "In fact, you'd better jerk off after I leave." Her hand moved up and gripped the hard rod tenting his shorts and stroked it gently, "Perhaps you'll have more of me to replay when you play with this." She couldn't get her hand more than halfway around the shaft and shuddered thinking that that was inside her. No wonder she was sore. She let go of her son's penis and stood up. "I guess I should tell you. When you fucked me, I enjoyed it. I thought it was the most realistic, erotic dream I'd ever had. I even remember cumming. But, it wasn't a dream was it? You did a great job pleasuring a woman with that nice cock of yours and I think there will be dozens more you'll make very happy."

"No, I don't think I can. It's really complicated, but..." He looked sadly up at his mom, "I felt horrible doing that to you, at the same time couldn't believe how good it felt. I don't know how to describe it."

"Actually, I understand. In high school, I was dating this boy and I wanted to wait, but I guess he wasn't very patient. Well, I somehow let him take my clothes off, you know, with the promise that we couldn't go all the way. I'm sure you figured out he managed to slip inside me." She sat down next to her son again, letting her robe open on its own. She looked at his face, intent on her story, "I tried to push him off, especially when he broke though. It hurt. It hurt a lot, but he didn't care. I hated him and wanted to rip his balls off, but he...he kept fucking me and well, I started to feel things. Things I'd never felt before." She reached up and stroked her hardened nipple, "He must have felt me relax because he started sucking on my nipples while he drove into me. I felt myself getting wetter and wetter and before I knew it, I came. I came and I thought it was going to do permanent damage it was so intense." She looked at her son's face, "I'd never had an orgasm before, but even while I hated this boy, my body responded. I've felt humiliation thinking back on that ever since, but hearing about you, with me, makes me realize your body can respond in spite of what your brain says."

"God, mom. I'm sorry. Did you rip his balls off? What is his name? I'd love to find him and kick the shit out of him."

"Actually, I didn't let him off easy. The asshole came inside me, knowing I wasn't on the pill and when he pulled out...I'll never forget seeing him. Seeing him stroking his cock and leering at me; the shit-eating grin on his face, him knowing he got to fuck the virgin, head cheerleader, and made her cum. I was so pissed and as he started to back out of the car, I did one of my powerful kicks right in his crotch. He fell backwards and rolled down the hill." She grinned at her son, "You know the curvy road behind the church on Aspen? Yeah, where your dad loves to go picnic? I never told him we had picnics right by where I lost my virginity." She thought for a second, "Yes, about 25 feet away. I'll have to show you. We could put up a sign." She started laughing and was really happy to hear Jeremy join in.

"Oh God, mom. Dad doesn't know?" He sputtered, "And we always grill sausages and kielbasas. God, I'm sorry, it's just too funny." Jeremy broke off laughing harder.

Stephanie couldn't contain herself hearing her son laughing and hugged him as she was cracking up and soon found themselves rolling around, holding each other. Finally, they were able to get hold of themselves and wipe the tears out of their eyes. She realized she was on top of her son, naked against him, her legs spread, her freshly shaved pussy pressing on his full-blown erection. She started to lift herself up, "I think we might be hugging more that your typical mother and son."

Jeremy pulled her back and stroked her naked back, "I like it. I feel warm and safe." He wiped a stray tear off his mom's face, "So what happened to that boy? What was his name?"

"Craig." She started laughing again. "I guess I never found out. I mean, it was his car, so I guess I stole it and drove home. He must have gotten home somehow, but I had his clothes and his car. I lived over on Elm, yes you know the house. What is that? 12 miles from the park?" She started laughing again, "Christ, I was so pissed, anyhow, he must have gotten his car because the next morning it was no longer on the street. I never spoke to him again and as far as everyone else in the school knew, I was a virgin when I graduated." She looked at her son grinned, "But, I sure was addicted to that orgasm thing. I know you jerk off a lot, but you have a long way to go to catch up with me." She pulled herself off her son, "Look, you need to take care of that and I need a shower."

Jeremy watched his mom stand up, take off her robe, drape it over her arm and pose. "You are so beautiful, mom. Thanks."

Stephanie looked down and ran her fingers across her mound and slit. "You did a great job."

Feeling the shower, with the water as hot as she could take it felt great, but the more she tried to drive the feeling of her son's huge cock inside her out of her head, she couldn't. She still felt the pulsing shaft in her hand when she grabbed it. As she soaped her silky smooth mound and labia, she realized how great it felt. Her clit felt more alive, more pronounced, so erotic. Soon she was rubbing harder and harder, her thoughts on taking that cock in her mouth, in her pussy...riding it...lowering herself onto that huge shaft. Teaching Jeremy all the positions...letting him cum inside her..."Yesss..yesss...cum inside your mommy...oh God!" She cried as a huge wave of orgasmic release rushed out from her cunt. She found herself holding herself up by one-hand, panting...the water blasting her back. Turning the water off, she got out and dried off. Throwing on the robe, she headed upstairs to Jeremy's room and knocked gently.

Jeremy had his cock in his hand and was finally close to cumming when he saw his door open, "Mom! I'm...oh shit."

Stephanie walked over, "I'd thought you would have finished by now. I sure did." She sat down and pulled his hands off his cock, "Christ, baby. You're huge. Look how fat it is." She stroked it, fascinated by the normal-sized head topping the fattest cock she'd ever seen. The base was like a small tree trunk tapering to a spear-like tip. She had an instant image of it plying open her labia before spreading them as wide as she could imagine. She shuddered thinking how often she enjoyed Dave's cock in her ass, but this monster looked deadly. Her hand was too small to grip the base, so she gripped it with both hands, "Why haven't you cum yet? Or is this seconds?"

"Uh, mom, that feels good. I came close a few times, but I keep remembering what I did to you. I just can't seem to get, know...can't cum." He watched as his mother stood up and threw off her robe.

"Let's make sure this doesn't become an issue. I'd like my baby to get release whenever he thinks of me. It's every mother's dream." She took the shaft, and holding it, ran her tongue from bottom to top. She went back down and gently flicked her tongue under his ball sack, playing with each one, pulling one ball then the other into her mouth, while continuing to stroke his cock. She felt juices flowing out of the tip and needed to taste them. 'So sweet.' She thought as she sucked the head into her mouth. She realized this could be Dave's cock if she just played with the head, but feeling her lips stretch as she sucked more into her mouth, she knew it wasn't.

Jeremy was amazed. He'd jerked off fantasizing about his mom, right there, between his legs sucking on his cock. Her tits hanging down, her ass in the air. 'God, I'd love to be behind her, that round ass in my hands...' "Uh mom, I'm going to cum." He closed his eyes, totally amazed feeling his cock hit the back of his mom's throat as he exploded. The feeling was incredible, the hot mouth, her tongue stroking his shaft, how she sucked all his sperm into her stomach. His hips reflexively thrust up into her face, over and over until he flopped down, totally spent.

Stephanie pulled the fleshy tube out of her mouth, making sure to extract every drop of cum and sat up, flexing her jaw. "Wow! I'm impressed. I guess you were able to cum." She wiped her mouth and started to stand up thinking how she needed to get back to her bedroom and pull the black dildo out of the drawer.

"Wait, where are you going?" He sat up, "I have a favor to ask." He laughed, "I mean, perhaps I should say thanks. That was amazing, but I am so curious how to do that to you."

"You want to lick my pussy? It might not taste good, I mean, a lot of men don't like to do that." She walked over to the bed and lifted her son's hand and placed it on her wet slit. "Feel that? I exude a lot of juices."

Jeremy felt the slimy lips, the warm petals of her opening labia and let his finger slide inside her. He looked up and saw his mother's face, relaxed, eyes closed seemingly enjoying his touch. He scooped some of the fluids and stuck the finger in his mouth and licked it clean. "Get on the bed and open your legs up. I like how you taste." Seeing her hesitate, Jeremy added, "I came in your mouth. I want you to cum in my mouth...please? I owe you."

Stephanie climbed onto the bed, her head resting on the pillow and spread her legs wide, admiring her perfectly smooth mons. She let Jeremy open her legs wider and kneeling, lift a foot to his face. As her son kissed her feet, sucking on each toe, she wondered where he learned that, but no one had ever done that to her and she was excited to feel her pussy respond, tingles flowing through with every flick of his tongue, every toe sucked on. "God baby, that feels so good. Where did you learn that?"

Shrugging his shoulders, he continued to lick her feet, loving how exposed, how open her pussy was as he pulled up her leg. His hands travelled up and down the silky smooth skin, feeling her tight muscles. As he left her foot and nibbled and kissed his way down her leg, he looked at her face and saw the same look of pleasure, eyes closed again and lips parted as she breathed deeply. He started massaging both thighs, running his hands higher and higher, knowing she was enjoying this. He watched her pussy lips spread apart as his thumbs got close. Her chest was rising and falling a bit more rapidly and her slit was glistening. His thumbs were now mere millimeters from her labia and her pelvis was rocking as if trying to get his attention. He knew now would be the time as he lay on his stomach between her legs, running his tongue up that wet slit. 'Why did she say she might not taste good?' He thought as he instinctively lapped up her juices. He found if he listened to her breathing, her periodic sighs and moans, he could continue with what she apparently liked. He had never really known what the clitoris was, but it sure seemed to make her respond the most when he hit it. He looked up and saw the creamy under bottom of her breasts flowing out over her chest, pink nipples pointing at the ceiling, her chest heaving. He quit teasing her clit with just a quick flick every now and then and decided she wanted more, so he gently sucked it between his lips while reaching up and grabbing handfuls of tit. He found the more he probed her hard nub, the more she writhed so he was relentless.

Stephanie was almost ready to pass out from the aggressive stimulation on her clit when she felt the boiling up of all the feelings, sensations and cried out loud, "OH FUCK! Yesssssss." She grabbed his hair and pulled him onto her cunt as she exploded in wave after wave of glorious release. Her pelvis grinding, her juices flowing, her nipples almost burning under his thumbs, she panted out, "I love you so much, baby, so much."

When his mother finally went fully limp and she released his hair, he looked up at her with a huge grin. "That was great. Can we do that again sometime?"

Stephanie reached down and pulled her son up and kissed him hard, "Anytime, anytime you want. You have no idea how great that was. Thank you." She kissed him again and felt his body shift putting his cock head right between her pussy lips. 'He has to be aware where he is right he's opening me up...oh God, inside me.' She thought, as their tongues pressed against each other. 'He stopped...God, push some more...' She opened her legs more and felt herself pushing back. She felt the head pop fully in. She wrapped her arms around his back and encouraged him, then moved her hands down and grabbed his ass and pushed..."Ooooooohhhh, yesss. That's it baby, fuck your mother...Oh my God. Wait! Shit you're huge... that's it, pull out and slowly push that thing into me...yes, baby, yessss...ok, a little more...God you're stretching me, no. I mean in a good way. I love how you're opening me up...Wow! You're all the way in. I can feel you pressing against my cervix...that's it...nice and slow while I get used to you...God! You feel good, so good." She looked up and saw him staring at her tits as he thrust into her. "You like my tits, baby? If I get on top, you can play with them."

Jeremy nodded, "Yes, yes, I need to feel them again." He rolled off his mother, pulling her onto his waist and watched as she settled down onto his angry dick. He immediately reached up and cupped both breasts and saw that with his huge hands, he was just able to cup them fully.

Stephanie looked down and grinned, They're not huge, but I'd say they're a perfect handful for you." She began raising and lowering herself, pulling up just enough to feel the wide shoulder clear her lips, then savored the feeling of the widening flesh open her up until that spear-like head entered her cervix, opening her up. She felt an impending orgasm and leaned into his hands as she more and more rapidly torqued her pelvis against the invading organ. "Uuhhh, uhh, uhhh God baby, your cock feels so good, so good. Don't cum yet, I need you to hold off."

Jeremy was almost holding up his mother by her chest as she more and more rapidly drove her pussy down onto his cock, her hips a blur as she speared herself on his sensitive erection. He through about school, about history, about chemistry, no...Sue is his lab partner...not Sue, pimply Dean. Yes think about those huge pimples...Finally, he heard his mom gasp out profanities and she ground her pussy hard against him faster and faster until she let out a last mew-like moan and fell onto his chest.

Steph felt sweat all over her body and thought how this had to be better exercise than Pilates. She kept pumping her pelvis slowly, feeling that rigid cock slide in and out. She was impressed that Jeremy didn't come as she knew he was really close earlier. She raised her head off his chest, "Ok, your turn. You can fuck me any way you want. On top? Behind? You're strong enough, you could fuck me against the wall."

Jeremy remembered when she was sucking on his cock and immediately said, "Behind you. On your hands and knees."

"Ooohh. Doggy style. I love doggy style." She slowly pulled her wet twat off her son's cock until with a slurping sound it popped out. She crawled over and got on her hands and knees, facing away from him. She looked back as he son rolled over and knelt behind her. She waited for the pressure of his cock head, and soon felt the head sliding up and down her sopping slit. "That's it baby, drive that into your mother's cunt. Take it, take me." She squealed when she felt the powerful thrust bury the entire mass all the way, "God yes, you know what I want. Pound me...pound mommy's tight pussy. Fuck me."

Jeremy had never heard his mother ever swear until earlier and now she'd turned into a panting...slut. He couldn't believe this new side of her. He decided to play along, "You like that? You like it when I spear you with my cock?"

"Yes, yes, I love it. Spear mommy's cunt. Cum inside mommy, cum inside me." Stephanie found herself slamming back into him, responding to his aggressive thrusts. When she felt his thumb brush across her anus, she pushed her ass back. She moaned feeling his large thumb bury itself in her ass. She began pulling and pinching her nipples as another orgasm neared, "God baby, you are so good at this. You're a natural born fucker...oh God, oh God...shtiiiitttt" She buried her face in the bedspread as she came for a third time.

Jeremy felt his balls ache more and more and as his mom came, he slammed hard into her and jetted his sperm deep into her womb, spurt after spurt coating the inside of his mom's cunt.

They both collapsed onto their sides, their sweat covered bodies sliding against each other. Jeremy reached around and cupped his mom's breasts and soon fell asleep.

They were awaked when they heard the front door slam. They spun off the bed, having to pull out gently when Jeremy realized he was still inside his mother and scrambled to find clothes, robe, anything. When Dave looked into the bedroom, he greeted them with a smile. Honey, you're back. How was China? Hey Jeremy, happy to see your mom?"

Holding the shirt he was folding, Jeremy grinned, "It's great to have mom, I mean great to have her back." He looked at Stephanie drop the shirt she was folding and go over and kiss and hug his father, "That's ok, mom, I can finish reorganizing the closet. I think you and dad might want to spend some time together. Sorry to ruin your plans. She was going to be all showered and dressed by the time you got home."