Lisa Fuller woke up from a sound sleep. Her eyes crusty and her body aching, she pushed herself out of bed. She shouldn't have had to struggle so hard to lug herself out of bed--she was only eighteen years old after all--but she had a special reason for being so sluggish. The huge, swollen dome underneath the blanket was a clear indication that she was carrying a stowaway. Lisa winced as stood up, using her arm to balance herself on the bed.

She was an unusually beautiful young girl; pale, alabaster skin, shimmering blue eyes, wonderfully pink lips and a mane of long, straight, golden-bright hair. Even aching and clearly not feel her most glamorous, she was a vision. It was difficult to clearly define her figure underneath the over-sized pajamas she was wearing but prior to the pregnancy she must've been a slim waif of a girl; not bony by any means but certainly not natural thick or with an even moderately curvaceous body type.

She had the natural bone structure and frame of a European runway model only without the elitist swagger or perpetual upturned chin. She was just an average American teenage girl, only with a hugely distended belly.

"Callie?" she whined.

Lisa's sister, Callie, walked into the room with attentive concern.

"Umm, can we go to O'Malley's?" Lisa asked.

"You need something at the market?"

Lisa scratched her head. "I was thinking of getting some milk."

"How's the baby?" Callie asked, wearing a motherly smile.

"Good. She was rolling around in there all night, restless. She's sleeping now, though. I'm glad at least one of us is getting a decent round of sleep," Lisa mused.

"Well, I've gotta go to that little clothing store next door, so maybe you can get what you need and then come over to where I am? How's that?" Callie offered.

"That sounds fine. Thanks, sis. But, hey, if I'm a little touchy today, don't take it personal, okay? I'm just a little irritable, that's all." Lisa warned.

"Oh, I know how it is. I'll try to stay on your good side." Callie grinned before walking out of the room.

Due to the pregnancy, Lisa's once small but pert breasts were now straining against her skin, bulging at least a cup size over their original dimensions. Her nipples were already sensitive and sore in preparation for all of the breastfeeding she was going to be doing.

"How do girls with huge knockers do it?" Lisa said, adjusting her breasts within the confines of the tight-fitting bra.

Callie hopped into her car and waited as Lisa waddled out towards it, her belly easily a pace ahead of the rest of her.

It was a cool, breezy, beautiful spring day. Unfortunately, Lisa's hormones were driving her towards 'perilously volatile' status. With Callie she could control herself, but she knew that any strangers would be on thin ice is they did even the slightest thing to irritate her. It wasn't her fault, really, just a bi-product of her pregnancy.

The ride to the market helped calm her nerves a tad, since it was such a smooth, easy ride and they made it through a gauntlet of green lights. Lisa and her big sis exchanged some small talk before arriving at the market.

As Callie pulled the car into a spot right close to the market entrance, she shut off the ignition and looked over at Lisa knowingly. "Take it easy in there, okay?" Callie said with a smirk. "...and try to keep your temper in check. If you fly off the handle..."

"Be sure to apologize and blame it on the pregnancy," Lisa said, echoing words she's heard Callie tell her many a time before. "I know."

Callie looked down at Lisa's hand, and at her bare wedding ring finger. "You know, you should wear that phony ring, just in case."

"Oh yeah," Lisa remembered, fishing a silver ring out of her pocket and slipping it on her wedding ring finger.

"You know how bullshit people can be when they see a pregnant girl who's not hitched." Callie said.

"Like I give a shit." Lisa retorted with a passive snicker.

"It just makes things easier on you. That way, all of the old ladies can fawn all over you and ask you about the baby without whispering in their bingo circle about "that-unwed-pregnant-teen-they-met-in-the-supermarket". Callie said.

"Yeah, yeah," Lisa joked. "Don't you have some clothes to rifle through?"

"Yup!" Callie said as she shuffled out of the car, with an agility that Lisa envied.

Callie shut her door and made for the clothing shop that was part of the mini-mall connected to O'Malley's. "Don't forget to lock your door!" Callie said over her shoulder as she made her way up the crosswalk.

Lisa winced as she rose on weak legs, her back arching to supported the extra weight in her tummy. She exhaled frustratingly, muttering to herself, "No, thanks, sis, I got it from here!"

Lisa crossed the crosswalk, passing an elderly couple as she did. They both smiled warmly at her as they passed. Lisa typically got positive feedback from strangers about her pregnancy, especially when she wore the ring. Unfortunately, the father of Lisa's baby didn't deem the situation sufficient to propose to her. Instead, he booked it and went back to his mom's house in Kentucky. Lisa decided not to file for child support payments.

She could be snarky, a little snappy and definitely short-tempered at times, but Lisa wasn't a vindictive person. She knew that Carlos, the baby's father, was never in their relationship for the long term, he just wanted sex with a willing teenage girl. He was twenty-four and she was barely eighteen when she became pregnant.

It nearly constituted statutory rape and he knew it. It wasn't that he worried about. In fact, bragging to his buddies that he was getting a girl her age into bed wasn't a mark of shame, but a badge of honor. When he discovered she was pregnant, though, the thought of fatherhood shattered his porn fantasy dream and reality crashed down on top of him. He did what most cowards do--he ran.

Lisa was an emotionally and physically independent girl, though, and only relied on Callie for any help. Beyond that, though, she was her own woman. Screw Carlos if he didn't know a good thing when he had it. "Fine, leave town." was Lisa's point of view. She didn't need that type of man in her life. Unfortunately, it took an unplanned pregnancy to convince her of this.

Lisa grabbed a shopping cart and made her way inside. Sure, she was just there to get milk, but she was also an 18-year old girl. She stood at the magazine rack for what seemed like ages, looking over teen-centric magazines: the heartthrob flavors of the month, the girlish pop stars, the new "it" girls, they were all present. It was a wall of Photoshopped faces, caked in make-up and bright, toothy smiles.

Deep down, Lisa envied them, making their millions in big cities, idolized by legions of raving, loyal fans. The thing she envied the most was that none of them had the swelling concavity jutting out from above their belts that she had. With a private, muffled sigh, she put back the magazine she'd be scanning over and swung the shopping cart towards the back of the store where the milk freezers were.

Having to pass through an aisle that contained frozen desserts, her temptations crept up on her. She looked over the chocolate cream pies and the cheesecakes, her mouth watering. Lisa knew, though, that if she had any hope of losing the baby weight she'd have to control her taste buds and keep her impulses under lock and key.

With great regret, she finally drug the cart to the milk freezers. Upon reaching the frosted freezer doors, though, she noticed that the milk she wanted was way in the back, just barely within arm's reach. She's have to lean in, though, and squat a bit to reach it which, in her current physical condition, wasn't an easy task. She stared at the freezer, formulating a way to solve the problem.

"You need some help?" a calm voice called out.

Lisa looked over her shoulder and there stood a young man of about his mid-twenties from the looks of him. He was carrying a store basket with a few sundry items. His smile was easy and non-threatening. Clean-shaven and well-groomed, he was dressed in a suit jacket, collared shirt and slacks. There was a definite boyish handsomeness there.

Lisa didn't really care, though. She just wanted at that milk. "Yeah, actually. The milk is stuck back there. I'd reach in myself but I'd probably just fall over," she quipped, trying to keep her tenor personable but not overly friendly. She had been the subject of unwanted male advances in situations similar to these and, although he was handsome, her hormones had switched her into hunger mode, not romance mode.

The young man set his basket down and hurriedly held the freezer door open, deftly leaning in and snatching the milk out for her with nary a labored exhaled breath.

"Thanks," she said, careful not to keep eye contact as he set the milk down inside her cart, lest he think she was being wily and flirtatious. She nodded as she pushed the cart past him.

"Oh, no problem at all," he said as she moved away.

Leisurely perusing the fruit section, Lisa noticed some delicious looking mangos--mangos were her favorite--and she was drawn to them.

The young man, her white knight, had strayed towards the other end of the store, having helped Lisa and collected his own gallon of milk. A muffled ringing noise clattered from inside his jacket pocket. He fished out his cell phone and answered it. "Hi, mom," he said, chatting for a minute or so with an unabashed grin on his face, before saying goodbye and hanging up.

Having filled his basket to capacity, he was heading for the cashier when the idea struck him to snatch up a few bananas, even if they'd be piled on top on the small basket. Lisa, on the other hand, was dealing with a bit of a conundrum. Reaching for a particular mango amidst a pile of mangos, she caused the pyramidal fruit structure to become dislodged and crumble, with a number of mangos rolling across the carpeted fruit aisle floor.

Lisa exhaled, with rapid and burgeoning vexation, and attempted to crouch down but realized there were probably a dozen mangos rolling about the floor, mocking her. Her pulse was quickening, her rage simmering, boiling to the surface. She went to fetch up the pieces of stray fruit when someone crouched down in front of her and started fetching up the fruit for her. It was her boyish white knight again.

He chuckled, "It's a good thing I decided to swing back to the fruit aisle for some bananas. These mangos can be tricky little buggers, though."

Lisa, still chafed, put one hand on her hip and tucked strands of her tussled hair behind her ear. She didn't like this feeling of helplessness, of being waited on hand and foot by strangers. Belly or not, she wasn't going to stand there like a store window mannequin. She crouched down, her stomach pressing against her thighs, and started grabbing for some of the mangos.

The two of them stood up carrying their finds, and managed to reset the fruit pyramid. The young man made sure to assemble it so it wouldn't topple again. He turned to her. "It happens. Are you okay?"

Visibly, she wasn't nearly as personable or receptive as she were before. The veneer of civility was quickly fading. She blinked, eyes glanced off to the side in a passive-aggressive stance. He got the message.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks again," she said, her face betraying the otherwise kind words, before she gathered up a few select mangos for herself and firmly drove the cart away from the scene.

He felt as though the floor beneath him had become brittle as eggshell and each step from then on had to be measured and delicate. The air grew instantly icy as he saw her angelic face display clear and unapologetic disdain. He figured, though, that she was the type of girl who had to fend guys off constantly and, pregnant or not, the advances persisted and she'd grown increasingly impatient with them.

The man mentally flashed back to ensure that, in their two encounters, he didn't make as though he were hitting on her because he clearly wasn't. His approach to her would've been the same approach to a six-year old boy reaching for milk or an aged woman who'd spilled a totem of fruit.

He decided to scoop up the rest of his dignity and be off. As he rounded the corner of the aisle heading towards the row of cashiers, he realized he had the misfortune of having to walk past Lisa. It seemed like something out of a horror movie or a bad comedy, but as Lisa walked towards the cashiers, her purse slipped off of her shoulder and hit the linoleum floor--SPLUT!--, spilling its contents out.

He cringed, seeing Lisa only from the back, stop dead in her tracks and hang her head low. He could tell from her body posture that she was about to go postal and start raging. He walked past her and her fallen purse, but that voice in his head wouldn't relent, that guiding, moral voice--that chivalrous horn beckoning him to act. The man stopped, spun a 180 turn and crouched down to meet Lisa again, hovering over her spilt goods.

"You got it?" he asked gently, politely.

She didn't even look at him. "Yes. I think you've done enough for me today, thanks."

Reaching for a stray lipstick-tube, Lisa clumsily knocked it away. The young man almost felt like this was some kind of sick joke now, a prank or worse. He reached down and picked up her lipstick.

"Umm..." he didn't know what to say as he handed it to Lisa. She snatched it from him, scooping the rest of her purse's contents back into it. Her lips curled, rage boiling over. Finally, she stood up, her wild blue eyes drilling into him. "Do I really look like I'm interested?!" she barked, showing her "wedding" ring and indicating her swollen belly.

The young man stepped back, hands out at his side in an apologetic gesture. "I didn't mean-- I wasn't..."

Everyone in the store heard her outburst and all eyes in the area swung over to them, and him. He felt completely emasculated, exposed at the hands of this petite, expectant beauty. He'd never seen anyone so beautiful, yet so threatening. Her gaze was vicious and accusing, leaving him not an inch to compose himself.

She didn't even allow him to finish his sentence as she grabbed the handles of the shopping cart and proceeded to move to a cashier. Suddenly, though, her cell phone rang and she pulled off to the side to answer it. The young man, still a tad shaken from his confrontation with Lisa, went up to the nearest cashier and set them on the conveyor.

The cashier, who was an older woman, peeked up at him with cautious eyes. "That's what a guy gets for being nice nowadays, isn't it? If chivalry is dead, I sure as hell know what killed it. Mean girls."

He blew it off, shaking his head. "She had a rough day, I'm sure. We all have bad days."

"Not only a nice guy, but a forgiving one, too. There's a shortage of your kind runnin' around out there. I hope you know that," she complimented.

"I have great parents," he said with a glowing smile.

"I'll bet. They did good with you," the cashier said, ringing up the last of his few items.

He paid and, on his way out, he decided to buy a coffee from the little kiosk near the exit. The barista, a girl who was probably still in high school, had a kind of freaked expression; eyes wide and tense. "Wow, she kind of freaked out, huh? Probably off her meds."

He chuckled it off and made his order. A few minutes later, after doing her magic with the cappuccino machine, the barista handed him his coffee. He sat down at a booth near the door, setting his small bag of groceries next to him.

Lisa had finished her phone call and paid for the few items she'd selected. She decided to keep the cart so she wouldn't have to lug the heavy jug of milk. As she pushed the cart towards the exit, she noticed the young man, her persistent white knight, with his back to her, quietly drinking his coffee and looking through a magazine he'd purchased. The phone call and time at the register had calmed her. She realized how she's snapped at him and guilt crept into her mind.

She slowed her pace towards the exit, inching closer and closer to the unrewarded young man who acted honorably but was essentially scolded for doing so. The guilt grew infectiously, quickly overtaking her. As she neared him, she slowed even more until she'd rolled up beside him and stopped completely.

He hadn't noticed her yet so she just stared at him, remorseful, trying to find the courage to gather a few kind words. Finally, she stopped. "Umm, excuse me," she muttered, doing her best to convey her self-reproach through a meek delivery. He looked up finally, still impenetrably warm and approachable, as if the rabid confrontation she'd sprung on him only minutes earlier had never happened.

"I--I really just wanted to apologize... for earlier," Lisa managed to force out, trying with all her might to be as fastidious and cautious with her words now as she'd been careless and hurtful earlier.

He had a soft smile, just listening raptly to her. "I don't know, I was just having a bad day. Hormones are kind of raging right now, because of--" she said, pointing at her belly.

"Oh, I completely understand," he said, no longer allowing her to display such needless self-degradation. "I have bad days. It's not a big deal. Everyone's allowed to get mad every now and then."

She wasn't allowing this. He was being excusatory beyond acceptability. Plain and simple, she had been a bitch and deserved to feel the shame of having to apologize. "No, you were really sweet to help me," she urged. "...and then you were sweet again AND then one more time, and I basically rewarded you by bitching you out and that was wrong. I'm sorry. I really am."

He had to admit that he was captivated by this young beauty just giving herself over in apology. She didn't have to. She owed him nothing, but there she was with that glowing, pale skin, those boundlessly blue eyes and that mane of impeccably groomed bright-blonde hair just looming over him, a Nordic angel, one whose belly was distractingly swollen with child.

He nodded in acceptance. "It's cool. I'm Justin, by the way," he reached out, extending an open hand.

She shook his hand. "I'm Lisa."

"I hope the mangos are worth all that trouble we went through," he said with a sly grin.

She chortled. "Oh, yeah. I don't know, I love them, but they really made me work for 'em this time."

"They get pretty fast. I think they grow them rounder around here so they roll better or something." She giggled again. He was on a roll. "But, yeah, it's no big deal. And congratulations on the..." he nodded towards her belly.

"Oh, yeah. Thanks," she returned with a glint of strange coyness.

"How far along are you, if you don't mind me asking?" Justin asked, growing bolder and braver with each word.

"20 weeks today, actually," she shared with confidence.

"Wow, just a few more months. Do you know if it's a boy or girl?"

"It's a girl."

Justin looked around his empty space. Save for a handful of elderly patrons, the sitting area was empty. "Did you want to sit down? Rest your feet a little?" he asked, rearranging the items on the table to make space for her.

"Oh, no. I shouldn't. I should probably be going. My sister's next door shopping for clothes..." she said hesitantly, scanning him for the slightest hint. "I mean, I wouldn't want to be a bother."

He shrugged. "You wouldn't be a bother. Here, sit down," he offered.

She finally bit. "Okay, if you're sure."

"Yeah, definitely. Do you want a coffee? I can grab another one, unless the caffeine is bad for the baby."

Oh, thanks, but no. I drink mostly milk and juice. The caffeine would keep the baby up and I want her sleeping as much as possible." she laughed as she slid into the booth seat directly facing him.

After a few minutes of chit-chatting, they had both loosened up a bit. "Yeah, about earlier," he admitted. "I didn't mean to make it seem like I was making an unwanted advance on you or anything. I know you probably get that all the time, even with the ring. I really was just trying to help you out."

"Oh, it's okay. It didn't seem like you were trying for anything except just being nice. Anyways, the ring isn't even real." she confessed, waving her hand nonchalantly.

"What do you mean?" he asked, his interest peaked.

She slid it off and stuck it in her blouse pocket. "I just wear it so people don't give me those snooty little looks. 'Oh, unwed teenage mother'. People can be really judgmental so I wear the ring just to keep people off my back. The baby's father never proposed to me. In fact, he booked when he found out I was pregnant. Dad of the year material, huh?"

"Oh, I'm sorry," Justin said, genuinely disappointed for her.

She shrugged. "Well, he got his fun, now I'm left with the hard work. It's okay, though, I'm going to keep her. She's mine and I'm going to love her twice as much since her dad doesn't love her at all."

"That's great. I'm glad you're sticking with it. A lot of girls would cave under the pressure and just give the baby up for adoption or something..." he said as he sipped his coffee.

"No, this responsibility is mine. She's a part of me and we're going to get through this together," Lisa declared, firm and resolute. She'd cried her tears but had grown stronger. The days of weeping were long past.

Justin and Lisa chatted for over an hour, just learning more about one another, making those nuanced analyses that people do when they talk. Justin happened to work for a local real estate company. He was low on the company's food chain but was a natural talent at the game and was quickly moving up the ranks. He came from a wholesome family background; your idyllic house in the suburbs with the white picket fence, the hard-working dad and stay-at-home mom who raised their kids. That's the life Justin had.

The more Lisa talked to him the safer she felt in his presence. Strangely, her volatile hormone profile had been shifted and manipulated. For the time being it had essentially been tamed. She hadn't known a man like this in her entire life. As he spoke, his words blurred into an incomprehensible clamor as Lisa became distracted. Here was this young man who was clean-shaven, well-mannered and who had exhibited, on several occasions already, a chivalrous nature completely alien to her.

Lisa had run with rugged, rough-around-the-edges crowds, usually haunting block parties where underage kids played host when mommy and daddy were away, predictably raiding the liquor cabinet or throwing money into a pot to supply their own. There you'd find Lisa, in the thick of it, reclined back on a couch, feet up on the coffee table, surrounded by a collection of friends, acquaintances and strangers. A queer, thick haze of mysterious smoke, that had that familiar hydroponic odor, patrolled the air as a low beat of rhythmically thumping bass rolled through the house. With a beer in one hand and a reckless smile on her face she'd be giggling at a joke her friend had told or some crazy physical stunt one of the party-goers had attempted. She was barely 15 years old, then, but already a seasoned partier and club kid.

It was at a party just like this that Lisa met Carlos. Blushing and wide-eyed, surrounded by an ever-shifting crowd of people around her in the party house, she shook his hand after her friend at the time, Bella, had introduced them. He was a rough-shod, charismatic fraud. The type of guy who scoured parties like these for girls like Lisa. He had been a friend of the party host's older brother and said brother happened to decide to attend the party, bringing Carlos with him.

Lisa kept eye contact with him as they made senseless small talk in Bella's presence, her cheeks red and convicting, her smile nervously played. In her mind, though, Lisa had other thoughts, thoughts she dare not express. The kinds of thoughts that girls her age shouldn't have about young men Carlos' age. She was hell-bent on making some mistakes that night, as though her well of mistakes was on a time limit and she only had a certain amount of time to spend them.

Carlos was in his mid-20s and had a series of unsuccessful runs at several local service jobs. Now, he was relegated to doing freelance mechanic work at a nearby used car shop. His ship, as it were, was likely always going to be docked with no prospect for a fruitful voyage. A stained wife beater, tattered jeans, shaved head and jaw wrapped with unattended stubble... this was his professional uniform. To any sensible young woman his uniform was a red flag, but to Lisa it might as well have been the dinner bell, it was so obvious. Guys like Carlos are the ones you're supposed to make mistakes with. At least that's what the misguiding little devil in Lisa's ear whispered. As Carlos looked down on her slim, diminutive frame, those big, doe-eyed, blue marble eyes looking up at him and that unmistakably eager grin, he knew he already had her in the bag. She'd given him a blank check and now all he had to do was decide where and when to cash it.

That night, as many young people are regarded as doing, Lisa was making a willful mistake. The alley behind the party house was dark and the low reverberations from the sound system inside thumped constant, yet muffled by the walls. You could hear the swarming cacophony of remote party-goers laughing and talking, but even from this short distance it was a detached, far-flung wave of noise. Inside and outside were practically different worlds. Inside, hectic and chaotic. Outside, though, the wet, cracked pavement was cool and desolate. The darkness hid the vocal crickets and only the hum of a lone lamplight interrupted the near silent night air. There, Carlos' beat up mid-90s Ford Explorer sat inconspicuously. The rear cab seats had been laid flat weeks ago because he'd been delivering jumper cables to and from his job.

Now, though, the only thing filling the rear cab were the entangled, merged, writhing bodies of Carlos and Lisa. They were in near darkness, save for a thin slice of illumination that cut along them from the lamplight a good fifty feet away. As Carlos laid atop her, his khakis bunched up around his ankles, his hips slowly but firmly driving into her, he made desperate little panting noises. Gone was the suave oral tactician. Carlos was cashing in his chips and made no attempt to mask his declaration of victory.

Lisa, on the other hand, pinned beneath him, whimpered, a mask of twisted pain on her face. She visibly winced with each of Carlos' urgent thrusts, baring her teeth in lust-drenched excruciation. She was not a pro at this, just a dumb little girl who'd only had two dicks in her up to this point. The first boy managed to get it into her after being her boyfriend for six months. They were both at a friend's house and the friend conveniently stepped out of the room for twenty minutes. Lisa and this boy quickly moved to latch their mouths together. After scrambling clumsily to undress, the boy needled his desperate spike into her and throttled into her for a minute before spilling his seed.

This event revealed Lisa's weakness for the moment. She was enraptured in the emotion of the wash of eroticism that mesmerized her and she never once thought of him wearing protection or even goading him to pull out. When the time came, so did he, willingly and without consideration of pulling out. Upon the two of them pulling apart, Lisa looked down at her sodden pussy, drenched with the boy-sauce of an inexperienced virgin.

Her second lover was similar. After being dumped by the boy she lost her virginity to, his friend happened to tactically provide a shoulder to cry on. For mere days he provided this service until he surprisingly managed to have her in his bedroom on a night that his parents were out. In the dark, on his bed, his Boy Scout uniform draped over a chair in the corner, the boy laid atop a fully nude Lisa, drilling hard into her with scandalous abandon. After only a few minutes he tensed, groaned and filled her canal with his sticky payload.

She dodged a bullet for a second time when her period came just a week later. Neither boy tried for an encore and both abandoned her quickly after exploiting her weaknesses. Lisa was just a plaything to them and they'd quickly grown tired of her. These were mere boys who'd made their first conquest, but the damage was done and Lisa desperately sought something more reliable and consistent. In a lover, she secretly wanted a man and not a boy, someone who would make her feel like a conquered little girl and not just a toy that's been awkwardly fumbled with.

Now, in the dark of the alley, as Carlos laid atop Lisa, his massive body hunched over her and her thighs splayed out over the floor of his cab, she had found the first semblance of a man. He showed his appreciation, too, licking and kissing her neck sloppily, muttering reprehensible obscenities into her ear and as he sunk his thick, veiny member into her unprotected pussy.

Carlos couldn't believe how lucky he was. He'd been successful on quite a few of these "poon hunts" in the past, always targeting the same young and unwary game like Lisa at the local block parties. There was the cute, but shy brunette with the shoulder length hair that he smooth talked into an unoccupied bedroom, fucking her quietly in the dark before creaming inside her, giving her a fake phone number and leaving the party. There were dozens more just the same. Many of them ended up with unwanted bundles of bastard joy, courtesy of Carlos' dick.

The next in a long line of hunted game, Lisa was being unmercifully fucked. He hadn't been inside a pussy this young and tight in a few years and it showed. His hips gyrated, grinding into hers with joy. "Goddamn, girl..." he muttered. "You're gonna make me cum." That was her cue to object, or approve, or at least respond. She did none. He typically loved it when they did passively object, begging through deceptive mewls. They'd sometimes beg him to pull out, all the while jutting their hips into his, essentially willing his seed into them. After being given the fuck of her life for nearly half an hour, she was in no mental condition to give a comprehensible answer anyway.

Carlos smiled, knowing he had a free pass. Lisa's mind was reeling far beyond the point of self-control and as he felt that wonderfully warm familiar feeling bubbling up inside him, he thought of nothing more than allowing nature to take its course. He groaned, his body tensing as his cock violently expelled its hot, sticky seed into Lisa's willing canal. She clutched him tight, not realizing the stupidity of her decision, only knowing that her body craved whatever it was, right or wrong. She went through the throes of this torrid process, letting him buck and throb atop her until he was spent.

Over the coming days, weeks and months Lisa became a regular background prop at the garage where Carlos worked. She'd sit up on a workbench, dangling her feet as she watched him work. She was a lovesick little puppy more than a girl. When she wasn't at the garage and was at home or school, you could find Carlos at the local pub, shooting pool with his buddies or watching a game on the TV behind the bartender. There he'd spin horribly demeaning ales about the various sexual positions he'd recently degraded his cute, little blonde schoolgirl in. He talked about fucking her in seedy motel rooms, truck stop bathrooms, even in the girls' bathroom at her high school. He'd let her keep her panties on as he fucked her from behind in one of the stalls, emptying his balls into her and letting the contents of her filled cunt dribble out onto her inner thighs when they parted ways and he left the campus.

They rarely used protection, but when Lisa would urge him to, she'd eventually give in to his suave demands of doing it without. There were times that she became so heady and insistent that she'd declare him cut off from sex. Of course, this wouldn't last longer than a week and he'd end up balls deep in her in a motel or at some local party. Secretly, she loved the thrill of it, the thrill of doing something wrong on purpose and getting away with it. She loved daring the risk and the consequences of her actions.

Normally, Lisa had her periods on time. When she missed it by a few days she didn't worry, but when the days turned into weeks, she became horrified. A store-bought pregnancy confirmed it: she was pregnant and Carlos was the father. He had found out through a friend of his who knew a friend of hers. Within hours he was on a bus out of town. She got a chance to speak to him briefly on the phone, where he didn't even tell her about his plans to relocate. He never even said goodbye.

Now, nearly seven months later, she was sitting across from this handsome young princely man, who was giving her the kind of attention she hadn't had since Carlos. Guiltily, she realized she hadn't been paying attention to anything he'd said in the last few minutes. She was just looking at him, scanning him. He noticed.

"Well," Justin chuckled. "I know what that glazed-eye look means. I'm talking too much."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to seem like I wasn't paying attention. I don't know, I'm just a little distracted, I guess. I haven't had a real conversation with a guy since..." she trailed off.

His eyes lowered and he used his most passive tone. "I--I know it must be tough for you. Especially the guy situation. This is just talking, okay? I'm not a threat or anything. This is just two people talking. You don't owe me anything and I don't expect anything."

She nodded. "I know. It's just--this is nice, you know? It's a nice change. I'm not used to a guy just talking to me... just to talk."

Callie rounded the corner, eyeing Lisa, then noticing her sitting across from Justin. She tried not to judge the apparent scenario. Her eyes shifted from Lisa to Justin. "Hey, sis!"

Lisa's head swung around and she perked up. "Oh, hey, Callie! Um, this is Justin. This is a friend of mine. He's my friend's older brother. We kind of bumped into each other in the fruit aisle and were just catching up."

"Oh, okay..." Callie said, a tinge of suspicion in her voice.

"Did you find anything you liked?" Lisa asked Callie.

Callie held up a shopping bag. "Found a few things I probably shouldn't have picked up and definitely don't need.

"Well, hey, umm, Justin and I were gonna chat for a little while longer. Is that cool?" she asked Callie, whose eyebrows rose, hesitant to answer quickly. The pause had intent and Lisa realized it.

Lisa looked at Justin. "I live about a half a mile off of Elm. Could you maybe drop me off or are you in a hurry?"

Justin thought, shrugging. "I'm not in any particular hurry, no. I just got off work..."

"Oh, really?" Callie interrupted. "Where do you work?"

Justin felt as though he were being interrogated. "At Berman and Handley Real Estate. I'm an agent there..." he said, presenting Callie his business card with his face proudly emblazoned on it."

Callie scanned it and was, beyond all her initial assumptions, was impressed. She gave it back. "Cool. Must be nice to have solid employment. The pay must be pretty decent."

Lisa's eyes trailed down, agitation now brewing under her skin. She knew exactly what Callie was doing. She was playing good cop, doing a thorough investigation of Justin, and an unabashed one at that.

"It's pretty good pay, even though I'm sort of like plankton with the company. I've gotten some sales, though, and the bigwigs like my work ethic, so they keep me around. Plus, the owner of the company knows my dad and all three of us have the same alma mater." Justin said, matter of fact-ly.

Justin had passed Callie's impromptu screening and he knew it. There was a glow of self-satisfaction about him. She handed him back his card. Lisa looked over her shoulder. "Happy now?"

Callie leaned down and kissed her on the forehead. "I'm making dinner as soon as I get home because I've got the night shift tonight, so try and be back before it gets dark. Remember, you got two mouths to feed." The subtext was heavy and thick enough to choke on.

"Yes, mom," Lisa said with emphasis.

"You have her back before dark, okay, Justin?" Callie said, still in mom mode.

"I will," he said.

Callie left and Lisa had a stunned look of embarrassment on her face. Justin blew it off, chuckling. "She's over-protective, but that's a good thing. It shows that she loves you, you know?"

"I know. I guess I have it coming, I haven't exactly been making the greatest life choices lately," Lisa admitted.

"Did you want to hang out here or maybe go out and get some fresh air?" he asked.

"Sure, why not? You have any place in mind?"

"How about Longview Mall? They got that nice open-air food court out there. Maybe get you and the baby a little pre-dinner snack or something?"

She smiled. "That sounds great."

They walked out to the parking lot and he guided her towards his car, which wasn't a beater and wasn't an Italian sports car, but something modest and utilitarian, a sedan that was a few years old.

"It's not the greatest car in the world, but it gets me around," he said, unlocking the passenger door for her and opening it so she could get in. Here was another first, a guy opening a door for her. She was surprised by this and the fact that the interior of his car was immaculate. He hopped in and they were off.

They made it to Longview Mall and went for a nice, leisurely stroll. Lisa drug Justin into a few clothing stores where she perused some items for herself, joking about how she used to be able to fit into most everything there and that she'd have to wait until the baby was born to get back into them. She even ducked into a few baby clothes stores. Justin didn't complain one bit. In fact, secretly, he enjoyed seeing the genuine delight in Lisa's face as she scanned through clothes for her baby-to-be.

Lisa was a beautiful girl and the more Justin looked at her, the more he noticed this. Her glowing skin, her sparkling blue eyes, her pert, swollen breasts that we're clearly pronounced, even through the fabric of her blouse. He couldn't deny that he, deep down, was still just a red-blooded man and she was certainly an eligible young woman.

Images popped into Justin's mind of what transpired to lead to Lisa's impregnated condition, but quickly had to stamp them out. Sure, she had a streak of trouble in her, but she was trying to go straight for the sake of her baby and he admired her greatly for that.

Lisa made sure to never infer that she wanted Justin to pay for anything. It's clear that lots of girls in her situation would try to find a little sugar daddy for financial support but Lisa was not one of those girls.

As they were passing the multiplex movie theater built into the mall, Lisa noticed a poster hung up in the lobby. It was of the latest computer-generated cartoon extravaganza, a movie that had just come out days ago. Justin didn't know it, but Lisa was practically addicted to cartoons and watched them endlessly.

"Oh, hey!" Lisa exclaimed. "Do you want to see a movie?! I've wanted to see Nightmare Princess for almost a year and it just came out. Do you want to see it?!"

Justin couldn't believe how excited she was. For most of the day she'd been cool and laid back and now there was this wide-eyed, mouth agape kid practically hopping up and down in front of him, desperate for his approval to see this movie. "Um, sure!" he chuckled.

They went up to the cashier and Lisa noticed that he'd pulled a fifty out of his wallet, ready to hand it to the cashier.

She raised her brow, suspicious. "You're not paying for me, are you?" Lisa said, slipping a $10 to the cashier. "I don't want any man paying for me..." she said, with some mock sass thrown in for good measure. Justin immediately got the joke. She was a pro.

He stepped back, hands up. "Alright, Ms. Independent. You win."

They paid and took their seats, both of them thoroughly enjoying the movie. When they left the theater, they realized that it was already night time. Lisa gasped, seeing the dark sky.

"Crap! It's already night time?! Hey, I gotta call my sister really quick, okay?" Lisa begged.

"Oh, yeah! Of course! Go ahead!" Justin agreed.

She whipped out her cell phone that she'd turned on silent before the movie started and noticed several calls from Callie. She immediately called her at work, getting transferred to her department. She actually felt a little scared at how Callie would react, knowing that she had opted to hang out with Justin.

"Lisa?" Callie asked, more curious than upset.

"Hey, sis!" Lisa responded, almost apologetically and with a soft tone to counter the anger she thought would invariably be thrown her way.

"Where were you?" Callie asked, deeply concerned.

"We ended up going to a movie..." Lisa winced, knowing she'd missed the dinner that Callie had said she was going to make.

"Hey, you need to be careful, Lisa..." Callie said, deeply sunk into her mom role. "I know you don't really know this guy, friend's older brother or not."

"I know. We're actually on the way home right now, okay?" Lisa professed.

"Okay, be careful. Love you," Callie said, hanging up.

They made their way to the parking lot as the crowd of movie-goers exiting the theater emptied out into the mall.

"Was she mad?" Justin asked.

"No, not really. She was just wearing her mom hat. She gets a little suspicious whenever I talk to any guys, especially with what happened with the baby's dad. She thinks every guy is the enemy when it comes to me," Lisa chortled.

"C'mon, I'll take you home." Justin said.

After a short drive, they made it to Lisa and Callie's apartment building. As they pulled into the parking structure and stopped, she was a little apprehensive. She hadn't dated a boy since Carlos and was a little unclear on how she should proceed. She was like a sky, lovestruck little girl again.

She tucked her hair behind her ear, realizing how uncomfortable the situation was. She had to break the ice. "So, did you want to come up?" Lisa asked finally, her voice low and timid.

"Is that okay? I mean, won't your sister get mad?"

Lisa knew the answer, that Callie probably would get mad, but that she still had that trouble streak in her and knew she didn't want to send Justin home just yet. She really liked him and just wanted to, hopefully, spend a few more hours in his company. Being the recipient of a handsome, young man's attention, who also happened to be kind and selfless, wasn't something she got every day, even though she was a stunning beauty.

Typically, the attention she got was from guys yelling sexual instructions at her from their cars. This was different. Justin was different. She didn't know how, only that she knew he was. She'd had boyfriends before and even lovers, inexperienced as they were, but Justin was the first mature, young man she'd ever spend time with.

"I don't think she'd get too mad. I pay part of the rent, too, so it's not just her place," she explained.

"I just don't want to be stepping on toes, you know?" Justin offered.

"Oh, I know. But, I think it'll be cool," Lisa assured.

"Alright. Sure, I'll come up for a few minutes," Justin said, finally relenting.

They chatted small talk as they made their way up to the second floor where Lisa and Callie's place was. Lisa whipped out her key and unlocked the door. They walked in, both laughing softly at something Justin had said.

Justin noticed that while the apartment wasn't huge, it was immaculately maintained.

"Take a seat in the living room. I'll be right back," Lisa said before excusing herself.

Justin sat down on the couch and noticed the TV remote control, picking it up and turning the TV on. He looked around the room and noticed a bunch of family photos, mostly of Callie or Lisa or the two of them together.

After a few minutes, Lisa walked back into the living room, sticking out her tongue and sighing. "Sorry, I felt like I was carrying a fish tank inside me. I had to pee soooo bad!" she said, laughing.

"Oh, that's cool. I turned the TV on. I hope you don't mind."

"Oh, I don't mind," she said, sitting down next to him. After a second, she grabbed the control and changed the channel. "Oh, crap! SpongeBob is on! Do you like SpongeBob?"

"I love SpongeBob! I watch it all the time, actually!" he said, trying to not be as openly enthusiastic as Lisa. He wanted to play it as cool as possible, just in case.

They sat there, watching SpongeBob for almost an hour, just joking and talking. Lisa had never had this much fun with a guy, even Carlos. Most of their time was spent in the bedroom. With Justin, though, she felt like there was absolutely no pressure, even with a guy she'd only met hours earlier. She felt at ease with him, and this was extremely unusual for her.

After awhile, she turned to him. "Hey, I'm not gonna completely destroy your sleep tonight, am I? I mean, if I'm holding you hostage, let me know."

"No no, you're not. I'm off tomorrow, actually. This is fun. None of my friends watch cartoons a bunch so this is kind of a relief, like I don't have to hide the fact that I like SpongeBob," Justin admitted.

Lisa flashed a huge, toothy smile at him, knowing exactly what he meant. Then, it hit him. Maybe he was keeping her hostage and was over-staying his welcome. "Oh, hey, if you've got some other stuff to do, I--I can go."

She realized that maybe she had inferred that he had over-stayed his welcome. "Oh, no no! No, it's cool. I don't have anything to do. It's nice to have some company for a change that isn't Callie. We love each other but even we can get on each other's nerves after we hang out for long enough."

During a commercial break, Lisa looked over at Justin. "This is weird, huh?"

"What is?" he asked.

"I mean, we meet at the supermarket, I yell at you and a few hours later we're hanging out at my apartment watching cartoons," she said.

"Hey, I blame all this on you. If you hadn't said something to me on your way out I was ready to scram out of there with my tail between my legs," he confessed.

She chortled. "Well, I'm glad I did say something to you. You're really... cool."

He didn't know what to say so the two of them exchanged warm smiled.

"I don't want you to get the wrong idea about me. I'm not the kind of girl who meets a guy and brings him back to my place. I just--I don't do that. I've had boyfriends before and stuff, but I'm not the kind of girl who just brings guys home like this. I just... feel, I don't know... comfortable with you. Do you know what I mean?" she said carefully, exposing her sensitive side.

"I know what you mean. I don't go to girls' houses the first day I meet them, either. It's just nice to meet someone who I know just wants to be friends and there's no pressure. I guess that once you've been through some bad relationships you'll settle for a great friendship."

"You just get out of a relationship?" she asked, hoping deep down that maybe he had.

"About six months ago. She was running around behind my back. Ended up getting with the guy she cheated on me with. She got pregnant a few months back I hear. I don't think she's with the guy anymore."

She touched his shoulder. "I'm sorry. She sounds like a total bitch if she was screwing around on you. Are you still getting over it?"

"Oh, I'm over it. The older you get the harder it gets to trust people. I'm sure you felt a lot of that after what happened with you and your baby's father."

"Yeah. I think that when we got together I was just looking for something exciting and I got hooked on him. He was a bad boy type, but the problem with that is that you can't settle down with guys like that. I should've realized that I should've been looking for a guy more like you. It would've saved me a lot of pain," she said, lightly shoving him in a joking manner.

"Trust me, I would've thrown myself at you and you would have lost any respect for me you could've had."

"No way. I was a total attention whore. If we would've met a few years ago and you gave me attention I would've completely eaten it up. I would've stuck to you like glue!" she said, turning completely to him.

"Come on..." he said, kind of blowing her off in disbelief.

"I'm serious!" she said, jokingly tugging and pushing his arm, giggling as she did.

Justin couldn't stop from smiling. "You're lucky you're pregnant or I'd be shoving you back right now."

"Oh, really? So, you're a tough guy now, huh? Tough guy who sells houses, huh?" she continued to tease, her giggling becoming more voracious.

Justin could only turn towards her, smile and all, attempting to defend himself by blocking her thrusting hands. When that didn't work he put his hands on her sides, giggling now himself. Finally, they stopped, their giggles dying down, but their hands staying firmly on each other.

Lisa's expression softened, eyes still locked on Justin's. She knew that it was probably wrong, but she wanted him. Not just lustfully, but she wanted to be closer to him. She wanted to feel his skin on hers.

To Justin, Lisa looked so beautiful in the soft, low light, so ripe and delectable, that he knew that his self-control could last only so much longer. The way she was looking at him, he knew she wouldn't reject him.

He leaned in, finally, to claim his prize. Lisa's heart jumped when she realized what he was attempting. Instinctively, she shut her eyes and leaned forward slightly and slowly, allowing their lips to meet.

His lips met hers and a surge of electricity streamed through the both of them. For minutes they kissed softly, Justin's hand resting on her side, keeping her gently bound to him. Their kissing was frail and delicate, almost as if the pleasure could dissipate with the quickness of a burst bubble.

Finally, Lisa slipped her tongue into his mouth, letting him know that she didn't just enjoy the kissing, but that she clearly wanted more. She did not want the expression of their cravings to stop with mere kissing. Justin brought his hand around from her side to just under her breasts, refusing to go any further. It was if he were looking for permission.

Flustered, Lisa took his hand and slid it up onto her breast. From there he needed no further instruction as he skillfully kneaded and cupped her breast. He thumbed her increasingly hardening nipple through her soft blouse, feeling her flesh both soften and harden at his touch. Her tongue became more aggressive, twirling around inside his mouth. These subtle tactile sensations were arousing Lisa greatly.

Lisa was slowly rubbing her knees together as they made out and, unbeknownst to Justin, her little ignored muff was engorged, swollen with moisture, ripe and eager to be probed and tended to. On the other end, unbeknownst to Lisa, Justin was sporting a steadily growing erection, his stiff member thumping solid in his jeans, pushing against the denim of his crotch. Had she bothered to glance down, it would've been clearly apparent from the pyramidal tent that had risen at his crotch. He didn't bother to hide the fact that the making out was thoroughly turning him on. Part of him hoped that she'd look down to see how purely she'd entranced and seduced him.

Her heart pounding with excitement, Lisa finally pulled away from Justin. Nearly breathless, she whispered. "We just met, so I don't want to have sex tonight..." she said, effectively shattering Justin's heart. "...but we can do other stuff. Is that okay?" she asked, not completely destroying his sexual aspirations.

He tried not to come unglued as he responded. "Sure. What do you want to do?"

She glanced down at the tent in his jeans and bit her lip, grinning mischievously as she rubbed her hand delicately across it. He shut his eyes and tilted his head back as Lisa slid off the couch onto her knees in front of him.

Justin looked back down to see Lisa perched between his knees, fiddling with his belt. He reached down and helped her, undoing the belt.

His breathing already labored, his voice of reason struggled to be heard. "Do you think... we should do this... out here? Is your sister coming home?"

"She won't be home for another four or five hours..." Lisa said, licking her lips as they finally yanked his stubborn belt aside. She undid the fly on his jeans, and unzipped the zipper. He lifted his hips off the couch, shoving his pants down past his hips. His erect cock flung upward, slapping him in the belly and unfurled down until the head pointed at her beautiful, young face.

Justin looked down past his shirt and couldn't believe the view he had; this gorgeous, blond-haired, blue-eyed angel on her knees between his legs, taking a firm grip of his thick, hardened meat with the casualness of a seasoned cock handler.

She'd done this before. Her subtle and masterful form was earned by hundreds of hours of nuzzling, fondling and manipulating cocks. He didn't know how many cum-filled dicks she'd stroked and, at this point, he didn't care. She ran her fist up and down its notable length with a slow but consistent pace. Not too slow and not too fast, just enough to drive him insane.

"Do you like this?" she whispered, letting her thin little digits wrap and dance around his hot, pulsing member.

Justin gazed down at her before shutting his eyes and tilting his head back. "Oh yeah... yes."

Finally, Lisa smiled and brought his erect cock down to her face, wrapping her lips around the bulbous head. Justin let out an audible groan at feeling her teen mouth suckle at his most sensitive of regions. She dropped the coy act and went to work, vigorously nursing his cock with her lips, sucking hard on his knob until pulling off with a loud popping sound. At sucking cock, she wasn't a virginal student, she was a skilled master. Using her hand to slide up and down the length of Justin's meat, she'd guzzle down several inches at the top, getting a nice, pistoning rhythm going.

After keeping her mouth constantly affixed to Justin's cock for ten straight minutes, Lisa's knees started to hurt, being rubbed raw by the carpet underneath them. Not only that, but her pussy was absolutely throbbing, begging to be manipulated. She pulled her lips free and leaned back.

Justin tilted his head forward, opening his eyes. "Are you okay?" he asked, his now naked and homeless cock longing to be plugged back into her.

"Yeah," she said, using the coffee table to balance herself as she stood awkwardly, her belly causing her to sway.

Justin popped up, jeans around his ankles, to catch her. Chivalrous he was, even while sporting the stiffest of erections. She happily fell into his arms, peering up into his eyes. "You okay?" he asked, his arms wrapping around her lower back and corralling her arms across her chest.

"Yeah..." she whispered, tilting her chin upwards, yearning to kiss him again.

Their open mouths latched together again, slinging their tongues at each other in anxious lust. Justin's hard-on was trapped between their bellies as Lisa drug him with her through the dark living room and into the hallway. He didn't know where she was taking him and was only intermittently glancing up to ensure they weren't walking into a wall. He assumed, and hoped, that they were heading to her bedroom. They were.

Still entangled with her lover, the back of Lisa's head bumped into a door and she blindly reached down behind her and turned the doorknob, swinging the door open. They piled inside, and as the back of Lisa's legs hit her bed frame, she impatiently fiddled with her own pants, undoing the zipper and shoving them down past her hips, knees and ankles until she was able to kick them off. She was wearing these frilly, lacy Victoria's Secret panties that made her tight little muff look incredibly delicious.

Insistently, she took Justin's hand and brought it between her legs, where he used his middle finger to trail up and down her slit through her cotton panties. There was an enormous amount of heat emanating from her crotch and he could feel a bloated wetness contained within. She was letting him know just how turned on she was. Her breathing shuddered as he teased her slit with the gentle grazing of his middle finger against her puffy mound.

As they inched along the side of her bed, Lisa pulled her lips from his. "Will you rub my pussy while I suck your cock?"

He was speechless. It was probably the best question a girl had asked him in years. He nodded. "Yeah. Okay."

Lisa slipped her panties off, keeping her blouse on, and laid back on the bed. Holding Justin behind the neck, she pulled him down towards her as she laid back, drawing him into a deep and passionate kiss. Blindly, he wrapped his hand around her left knee, guiding his open palm to her inner thigh. Feeling this, Lisa, just as blindly, opened her legs more and reached out for his ignored member, quickly finding it bobbing beside her face. She started to stroke it and as she did, Justin slid his tongue deeper into her mouth.

Desperate to feel his touch, Lisa reached down impatiently, grabbed his hand and brought it to her pussy. When Justin cupped it and gently curled his middle finger through her engorged wetness, she whimpered into his mouth. There he was, bent over her, kissing her fiercely, keenly and intently rubbing her twat while she jerked him off in the darkness.

Lisa pulled her mouth away from his, talking softly. "I--I didn't know we'd be doing this so I--I didn't shave down there. I hope that's okay."

Justin smiled at the sheer sweetness of her concern, leaning down to kiss Lisa again and they resumed their foreplay. His fingers were absolutely coated in her juices and an audibly squishy noise emanated from her nether regions as he toyed around inside her pussy. She was right, she hadn't shaved down there, probably in weeks or maybe months. A nice, bushy tuft of sheer bright golden hair framed her preciously pink gash. She was a natural blonde, if there were any prior dispute.

Lisa wanted to taste his cock again and just stroking it with her little hand wasn't cutting it. She managed to pry her lips from Justin's, whispering. "I want your cock in my mouth again."

"Okay," was all he could mutter as she let go of his member, turning her head to the side and scooting closer to the edge of the bed, letting him shimmy closer, aiming the head of his cock directly at her lips.

She pursed her lips and watched as Justin, cock in his fist, squatted down a tad until he could push the tip into her mouth. With that, he slid the first few inches in, nestling it tightly within the vice of her sucking lips. Justin effectively began to slowly fuck her face, his hips carefully driving back and forth, pumping his cock into Lisa's mouth. He didn't stop diddling her pussy, making sure his fingers kept a fine rhythm, pressuring her slit to continue oozing out that delicious nectar.

Lisa's hums and moans were muffled by the fat meat shoved in her mouth. Justin's cock was wet and slimy now, slathered in her saliva. As he fucked Lisa's mouth insistently, she pulled her blouse up over her swollen belly and her just-as-swollen breasts. Her pink areola spread across the circumference of her nipple, ready to nourish the coming life. Seeing this, Justin bent forward and wrapped his mouth around the petrified nipple on her right breast using his free right hand to cup and squeeze her breast as he did so.

The pregnancy had made her breasts, and especially her nipples, extremely sensitive so this sensual attention he was giving them aroused her even further. Her pussy leaked the sticky fluids even more quickly and a patch of bed sheet beneath her ass was quickly becoming soaked.

Justin knew that he wouldn't be able to last much longer, having his erect cock practically planted in the hot and viscous canal of her gullet. It didn't help that his fingers were nestled deeply in her tight teen snatch, which was unapologetically coating his digits in this sticky sauce.

To his surprise, he realized that Lisa had worked several more inches of his cock into the trap of her mouth and the tip of his erect member was now scrubbing against her throat. She hadn't gagged at all, which meant that she'd probably had a lot of experience deep-throating guys.

Justin didn't want to risk emptying his balls down her throat because he hadn't cum in almost a week and knew that the load would be expelled in an angry, voluminous spray that would likely cause her to gag.

"Fuck," he groaned. "I'm gonna cum soon."

Getting the clue, Lisa pulled his long meat from her mouth with a wet slurp, continuing to lick and suck the head. "Where do you want to cum? Do you want to cum on my face?"

This was a night of incredibly delightful questions, Justin thought. He looked down at this barely legal teen, months pregnant, splayed out beneath him, her fat, milk-filled tits laying flat on her chest and her pale thighs spread, inviting his prodding fingers, and realized that he wanted nothing more than to cake her pretty little face with a hot load of thick man-juice.

Lisa continued to stroke his meat as she smiled up at him with those angelic eyes and sweet, reddish lips, her gorgeously golden mane of hair cascading around her head. That was almost enough to set him off.

"Yeah, I want to cum on your face. Definitely," he finally assured.

Lisa smiled even wider, apparently approving of his answer. Justin pulled his hand from her pussy and started to cup her right breast as his fisted his cock just inches above her face. She didn't relent, either, pulling her knees up and rubbing her own twat, moaning and groaning with a theatrical vigor, just goading him to plaster her face with his steamy load.

Her eyes kept locked onto his as she licked her lips, whimpering playfully like a conquered slab of prey. Justin gazed down at her, amazed at how lucky he was and what an incredible situation he'd found himself in.

Justin was now fisting his cock voraciously over Lisa's face, desperate to give this pregnant teen slut what she was begging for. He suddenly felt that wonderful torrent blazing its way through his body, coursing up from his feet, through his thighs and racing into his hips, propelled speedily through the shaft of his cock. He knew it was wrong; this teenage mom-to-be, several months along with child, on her back before him, rubbing her sodden twat with one hand and kneading her bare tit with the other, eager to take his load all over her angelic little face.

Justin couldn't help himself; he was suddenly possessed with the carnal urge to ravage this little minx and treat her like little more than a willing sperm receptacle. Lisa was willing, which added to the fantasy, and he completely gave in to her seduction. Urgently, he squatted down, aiming his swollen, purple member down at her face as he slid his hand ferociously up and down its length, goading it to spill its contents. She pursed her lips, making her best "fuck-me" face, her beguiling eyes narrowed, enticing his throbbing member to vacate its boiling fluids all over her.

His legs began to tremble. He had to grit his teeth to prolong the release, but the irresistible sensation was overcoming him. His panting became rapturous whimpers. "Oh shit, I'm gonna cum!"

"Cum all over me, baby," Lisa purred as she writhed in a serpentine rhythm.

Justin, teeth still clenched, holding his breath to milk out those last few moments of pleasure, finally exhaled as his strangled cock sprayed out a volcanic eruption of milky goo which splattered across Lisa's face. She stuck her tongue out, eyes shut, blindly lapping at the cum as it splashed on her in globby gushes. He continued to maintain a firm grip on his manhood as he stroked it fervently, milking its anxious contents onto Lisa's eager face.

After the last few drops of cum dribbling from the tip of his cock, Justin looked down at Lisa, whose face was absolutely slathered with the milky, viscous brew. It was a voluminous load that he emptied onto the pregnant girl.

Justin's chest still heaving with heavy breaths as their sexual transaction met its end, he looked down with pride at the mess he'd made. Lisa was still smiling, her lips and teeth splattered with the hot cream. With one hand she was running a finger through the goopy mess pooled on her face and with the other hand she continued to rub her sodden pussy.

"Umm, can I--lemme get you a towel..." Justin offered, scuttling off in search of one. He returned seconds later with a small hand towel which he handed to Lisa who was still on her back. She took the towel and proceeded to mop up the bulk of the juice from her face. He helped her sit up and, still undeniably smiling she wandered over to the bathroom.

Justin's heavy breaths were dying down and, while he hadn't yet bothered to put his underwear back on, neither had Lisa. He followed her into the bathroom where she turned on the sink and proceeded to wash her face with the water. She was still smiling and couldn't wipe the grin from her face.

He moved up behind her, wrapping his arms softly around her, placing his hands on her swollen belly, and began to kiss her gently on the nape of the neck. "Thank you for that."

"You're welcome," she whispered, continuing to wash her face, but clearly aroused by the gentle kisses he was giving her.

"Are you still wet?" he inquired, planting those soft kisses still.

Her grin got even wider. If he only knew how wet she was. Coyly, she nodded. He could see her grinning in the mirror and decided to make a bold move. He slid his right hand down past her belly and ran it past the mound of cleanly-manicured silken blonde pubic hair and dabbed his middle finger into her sopping cleft. She gasped almost immediately, her body tensing up at the orgasmic sensation. With his crotch pinned against her ass, she could feel his once flaccid member hardening with fierce rapidity, pulsing suggestively against her quivering cheek.

As Justin slowly dipped his middle finger deeper into her dripping sex, Lisa leaned forward on the sink, propping herself up on her elbows, shutting her eyes and exhaling with lustful release.

He bent forward, too, whispering into her ear. "When was the last time?"

"It's been awhile," she answered longingly.

"Can I put it inside you?" he asked in the most docile tone.

"Mm-hmm," she murmured, and with the way clear, Justin took his now rigid meat in his hand and positioned himself, blindly nestling the head of his hungry cock at the mouth of her frothy gash. Slowly but firmly, he nudged the head past the fleshy band. Her velvety canals was so slick with aroused excitement that his fat member bored its way in completely unimpeded. The speed and ease at which he slid himself in fully surprised them both as they let out simultaneous gasps.

Justin took her hips and slowly sunk himself into her. The persistent sensation of his thickness sinking into her nearly drove her to orgasmic hysteria. She tried to maintain a modicum of civility, but the pleasure emanating from where their bodies were joined was just too much to bear. She began to moan in a low, droning tone. Her noises were jostled only as Justin's loins slapped into hers.

After several minutes of constant pounding, Lisa's pussy was dripping hungrily, thirsty for Justin's seed. Her pussy, even having had several lovers, was tight as a vice, and this tightness was taking its toll on Justin. He grimaced, sensing the impending eruption and reached down, cupping her milk-filled breasts, expertly kneading them.

"I'm gonna cum soon," he declared. " Where do you want me to cum?"

She thought about it for a few seconds, wincing at the wonderfully delectable ache throbbing between her legs. "Anywhere. It doesn't matter," she mewled.

Still sliding his slimy pipe into her engorged, slippery flesh, Justin knew exactly where he'd suggest expelling his next load. "Can I cum inside you?" he huffed.

"Mm-hmm..." she muttered.

Justin excitedly plowed into her even harder and faster, as it wasn't every day that he could safely bareback fuck such a dangerously young and nubile specimen without fear of future repercussions. He thoroughly enjoyed every millisecond he had his naked cock nestled deep in this angelic blonde minx, especially knowing that he only had another good minute before his load would tear its way, kicking and screaming, out of the tip of his cock.

Lisa couldn't delay her own orgasm and began to quiver spasmodically as she went into the throes of ecstasy. Justin could feel Lisa's pussy milking his cock as she came and knew that the timing couldn't be more perfect. He sped up his pumping rhythm, gritting his teeth at the sheer agonizing pleasure of his cock which felt as if it were on fire, trembling before the inevitable explosion. He shoved his cock as deep inside Lisa's cunt as he could and groaned loudly as his fat meat spewed its filthy seed in angry jets that coated the insides of her greasy pussy.

She pushed her ass back into his crotch as his cock kicked wildly inside her, spraying with crazed abandon. After a minute or so of convulsive bucking, their collective rapture ebbed. Justin, nearly spent, bent forward and kissed the back of Lisa's head. His semi-hard cock was still lodged deep in her. He pulled back slowly and carefully and felt his slimy member plop out of her, followed by a dribbling torrent of his hot seed which seeped out of her throttled gash.

After spending the next few minutes chest to chest, kissing each other and exchanging whispery sweet nothings, they wandered back into the bedroom where Lisa put back on some clothes and Justin hiked back up his boxers and jeans.

When Justin walked back into the living room, Lisa was sitting forward on the couch, seemingly deep in thought. He realized that she'd likely processed the events of the last few hours and was regretful. He sat next to her. "Hey, umm, I just want you to know that I didn't come here tonight expecting anything to happen, but I'm glad I got to share tonight with you. I'm not the kind of guy, though, that has one night flings, so I'm hoping you don't think that that's all this was."

She looked at him, her eyes coated with a glassy glaze. "I wouldn't blame you if you left and never called me or visited me again. I mean, look at me..." she said, running a hand across the dome of her belly.

He leaned in and kissed her on the lips, smiling. "I think you're beautiful, and I think that this..." he placed a hand on her hand which rested on her swollen belly. "...makes you even more beautiful. I want to see you again, and soon."

"How soon?" she asked with such a meek, unsure voice, the words were barely audible.

"How about I come see you in the morning, before I go to work?" he offered.

Her eyes veered off, gears turning mischievously. "Well, why not just stay the night?" she kissed him back. "I'll make it worth your while..." she said with a wicked grin. Justin grinned back.