Were things moving too fast? Maybe not fast enough for Sandra, or at least not fast enough for Sandra's conscience. Last night she'd done most terrible thing, but is was probably it the most exciting thing she'd ever done too. It was unexpected and yet, after the past few weeks, inevitable.

For years now Sandra had taken an interest in her son that went well beyond what was appropriate. She'd always thought he was handsome, but this was different. At first Sandra thought it was her lousy sex life catching up to her. Her husband, Mark's father, barely showed any interest in it anymore, and Sandra's frustration over it had reached an all time high. She was masturbating now. A lot. And during the last few weeks Mark had become the focus of her fantasies. One of her favorites was about the day she'd been watched Mark play one-on-one basketball with one of his friends. The two of them were in the backyard, playing a fairly casual game, and Sandra was eyeing them from a window. Gradually, the intensity of the game grew more intense, and Sandra marveled at Mark's athletic prowess. She wasn't the only one getting hot though. At one point Mark decided to make himself more comfortable by taking off his shirt... the sight of his chiseled torso working up a sweat on the makeshift court was enough to send a an excited shiver between Sandra's thighs. When the game was over, Mark had soundly defeated his opponent. Not being able to stay for another game, his friend left for home while Mark continued shooting hoops on his own. Sandra went out to bring Mark a towel and a glass of juice, and he drank while she toweled off his back.

In her fantasy, however, things took a profoundly erotic turn. They held one another, kissing as lovers, too engrossed in their passion to be concerned about being seen by any of the neighbors. The fantasy did eventually take them indoors, however, but only because of Mark's passionate pleas that they retire to the bedroom. Of course in Sandra's fantasy Mark was a superb lover, but by this point playing it out in her mind she was usually gasping into orgasmic bliss.

The thing is, a change HAD occurred in their relationship lately. Sandra had started a subtle bit of flirting with Mark. It was all still very innocent, nothing that would've raised any eyebrows. Mark definitely enjoyed it, and even started flirting back. As time wore on, however, the flirting became less subtle. Sandra began to wonder if Mark had figured out her secret desire for him. If he had, it certainly didn't offend him; in fact she began to think he might feel the same way about her. Still, the thought of doing something about it scared Sandra too much to take any serious action. It didn't matter though, because her son had conjured up a plan of his own.

One night Mark and Sandra were home alone watching a movie he'd rented. Sandra's husband, Frank, was at one of his friend's house. Frank typically got together with his friends once a week to play cards, and usually didn't back home until around midnight. At this point, it was only 7:30, more than enough time for Mark to put his plan into action. The first thing was to "misplace" Sandra's glasses. His mother had a habit of doing that anyway, so it wasn't that unusual when her search for them came up empty. She was only slightly nearsighted, but she hated watching a blurry TV screen so, as was her custom, she curled up on the floor with a blanket to watch. This time, however, Mark surprised Sandra by curling up behind her. Sandra didn't say anything to him, just turning back with a warm smile to let Mark know it was OK with her. They began watching the movie. It was a romance, which surprised Sandra, as Mark rarely chose movies for her entertainment. Well, there was some entertainment value in the film for Mark; the female lead was a sexy brunette, and she showed quite a bit of skin during her lovemaking scenes with her man. Come to think of it, the lovemaking scenes in the movie were very risqué. Didn't Mark feel strange watching a movie like this with his Mom? Evidently not... in fact as the movie progressed he moved closer and closer to Sandra. She remained on her side watching TV, but now Mark body was pressing tightly into hers from behind. He'd even reached around with one of his arms, holding her tightly just below her bosom.

Sandra tried not to pay attention to Mark even though she could practically feel his breath on her neck. That wasn't all she could feel though - during one of the steamier love scenes she became aware of something pressing into her bottom, something very hard. Could it be? "Oh my god, it's his penis," Sandra thought in astonishment. Sandra knew she should pull away. They'd been flirting with each other for weeks but this was the first time anything physical had occurred between them. She tried to go back to watching the movie. The two leads were making love again in another torrid sex scene. Sandra could feel her own state of arousal building too; between the movie and the hard cock pressing into her ass it was difficult not to.

Sandra's face became flushed with excitement, her breathing now more labored. She knew what she wanted, it was pressing against her butt, but she didn't know what to do. She hadn't looked at Mark once during the movie, keeping her eyes focussed on the TV, but she had to summon her courage now to at least face him. Despite everything that was happening Sandra still a slight fear that Mark wasn't feeling what she was. Mark's head was only inches behind hers; when Sandra turned around to face him their faces were only a couple of inches apart. Sandra looked into Mark's eyes; no words had been exchanged between them since the movie had started, and even now Sandra was too nervous to speak. Mark looked back into her eyes, his countenance an unmistakable mixture of love and desire. Slowly he moved his head towards her, and with the smoothness of an experienced lover pressed his lips to hers. It was shocking and exciting, this act of taboo love, but above all, passionate. Sandra's passion ignited too; it'd been so long since a kiss had excited her that much, and her lips hungrily sought his for more. Sandra moved off her side into a comfortable position on her back and Mark moved on top of her. She put her arms around his neck as they kissed again and again, each kiss being more enthusiastic than the last. And then the unthinkable happened; Sandra heard the unmistakable sound of the front door opening.

Sandra pulled away from Mark as fast as she could, pushing him off her with her palms against his chest. Mark had heard the sound too, however, and practically leapt off her to a comfortable distance away. Sandra's heart was beating so hard against her chest in fear it felt like it was about to burst.

"Hi Sandy," her husband said. His face went from a smiling one into a look of concern. "What's wrong dear? You look like you've seen a ghost." Sandra's fear gripped her so tightly she could barely speak, but an instinct of self-preservation forced her to calm down and reply. Her eyes looked quickly to the TV screen; the movie was over and the credits had already scrolled near the end.

"Oh, hi Frank," Sandra replied. "No, I'm fine," she replied with a casual wave of her hand. "We were watching a horror movie and I got scared." Frank looked at Mark, give him a disapproving look.

"I don't know why you rent those movies, you know she hates them. They're all the same anyway," Frank said to Mark. "Although I must say I've never seen your mother this scared before in my life," he added with a light chuckle. "Well, if you're alright dear, I'm going to turn in." Sandra nodded back that she was fine and, satisfied, Frank turned and began climbing the stairs to their bedroom.

"By the way, how come you're home so early, it's only ten?" Sandra asked, her heart still beating in her throat.

"Oh, well, some of the boys had to leave early, so we decided to call it a night," Frank replied, sounding bored, "'Night, Sandy." Frank turned and went upstairs.

Sandra was still on the floor, but she'd pulled herself into a sitting position against the sofa. Mark was sitting on the floor too, a few yards away. For a few moments she just stared at him, saying nothing as she sat there thinking. Their front door faced the living room; if they hadn't separated so quickly Frank would've caught them kissing. If he'd come in 15 minutes later he might have caught them doing a lot more. Finally, she spoke to her son.

"Mark, do you realize what almost happened? How could we have been so stupid?" she asked, shaking her head dejectedly. Mark walked over to Sandra and sat down next to her, putting his arm around her shoulders. Sandra eyes darted up towards the stairs for a moment; Frank was nowhere in sight.

"I'm sorry we almost got caught, but that's all I'm sorry about," Mark replied, looking into her eyes. "I love you, Mom. And I want you." Sandra looked into his eyes, her lips slightly quivering in fear. If there was any stopping to what they'd started, now was the time to do it. For a few moments she just sat there, hesitating to reply.

"I want you too," Sandra admitted finally. Part of her wanted to lie, to say whatever it took to convince Mark she'd didn't feel the same way, but as wrong as it was for Sandra to speak those words the pain of denying her feelings for him now was too much for her to bear. Saying the words may have been morally wrong but, nonetheless, doing so was like lifting a tremendous weight off her shoulders.

"Dad's going on that fishing trip tomorrow, isn't he?" Mark asked. Actually, Frank was leaving town on business for a day, but there was a friend along the way he always visited on the way back. The two of them usually went fishing for a day or so before Frank headed back home.

"I'll make dinner for us tomorrow," Sandra said, her voice still a bit nervous. Mark was working a summer job until college started in the fall, but he was usually home for dinner.

"I can't wait," he smiled.

* * * * *

The next morning, Frank and Mark both left around 8 o'clock, leaving Sandra alone. Sandra decided to make lasagna for dinner, but she needed a few ingredients, so she went to the local supermarket. She busied her mind with her shopping, trying to push out all other thoughts. Second thoughts. Was she really going through with this? Did she really want this? What about Mark? This was such a big step, a bigger one then either of them had ever taken in their lives. How could Sandra be sure it wasn't going to destroy them, destroy Mark. He wasn't just some guy; he was her son. She loved him more than anything. Sandra focussed her mind back on her grocery shopping, not wanting to think about it. She'd picked all the items from her shopping list, but if she was really going to do this, there was one more item to buy.

Sandra drove her shopping cart over a few isles and stopped in front of the condom section. She had birth control pills at home, but she'd stopped taking them as Frank had barely touched her in months. It was too risky for her to not be using them. Sandra browsed the section till she found a pack she liked, then pushed her cart to the nearest checkout stand. She unloaded her groceries for the cashier, trying to place the condoms where no one else could see them. The cashier was a woman in her mid 40s and the talkative type, but Sandra felt too unnerved to speak. She quietly prayed to herself that their conversation would be held to the bare minimum. When the cashier rang in the condoms she couldn't help but flash Sandra a knowing smile.

"They're for my son," Sandra tried to explain, her voice obviously nervous. "Damn," she thought, "I shouldn't have said anything at all."

"I think that's great," the cashier replied with a friendly smile. "Some people may be old fashioned about that sort of thing, but I don't agree. They're going to do it anyway; you might as well teach 'em right." Sandra shot the cashier a look of surprise, and the woman looked back at her with a perplexed look. Saying nothing, Sandra paid for her groceries and went home.

Sandra had lunch when she got home, then busied herself preparing dinner. She had a nice salad prepared and had bought a cake for desert. The lasagna was prepared and sitting in the refrigerator until it was time to put it in the oven. Sandra checked her watch. It was 3 o'clock; three hours until Mark would be home. Sandra went to take a bath. She loved her baths; Sandra had some scented bath oils Frank had bought her for Christmas. She poured some into her bath and settled in. She loved the way the oils softened the water; it practically made every bath a sensual experience. Sandra did notice, however, that she could use a little "trim," and quickly set out to rectifying the problem. When she finished her bath, Sandra got a big, fluffy towel and dried herself off. Her eyes happened to catch her image in the bathroom mirror, and for a few moments Sandra gazed at her reflection. Even at 40 she still had a luscious figure most men found attractive, but for the first time in a while she began feeling self-conscious about her appearance. Her dried up sex life with her husband had played some terrible tricks with Sandra's ego; it had taken her a while to accept that she hadn't lost her sex appeal. But now that she was going to sleep with the first man other than her husband in over 20 years, it was hard not feel some trepidation about her appearance. Finally, Sandra walked away from the mirror, shaking her head, almost laughing out loud. Of all the reasons to have second thoughts...

Sandra fixed hair and, being pleased with the results, decided to do her makeup. She never wore makeup at home, but she enjoyed getting "dolled up" sometimes. To finish her preparations, Sandra picked out a black cocktail dress to wear. It flattered her figure and showed just enough to be sexy without going too far. One last thing to do before going back to the kitchen. Sandra went to her bedroom. She wasn't sure where they'd go, and Sandra considered telling Mark they couldn't use her bed, but Mark's bed was barely big enough for him. Maybe she could bring a blanket downstairs and they could stay in the living room. It wouldn't be that unusual; Mark slept on the floor there sometimes when the temperature got too hot. Just to be on the safe side, Sandra put a fresh set of linens on the bed. There were several mementos of her marriage in the room, pictures, etc. Sandra put them away; she'd never cheated on her husband before and she still wasn't sure she could now. Doing it with those things in the room was probably asking too much at this point. Finally, Sandra finished preparing the room, and took a few of the condoms with her downstairs to put in a desk drawer in the living room. She left the rest in a dresser drawer by her bed. Feeling everything was ready, Sandra went down to the kitchen to finish preparing their meal.

At around 5:30, Mark was home. "You're early," Sandra said, somewhat surprised.

"Guess why," Mark replied, taking Sandra in her arms and kissing her deeply. Sandra pulled away from him, though she gave him a bit of a frisky smile.

"Now, now. Dinner's almost ready," she said. Sandra felt strange to be lapsing back into her motherly tone with Mark now, but she continued: "Go get yourself cleaned up, Mark, and then come set the table." Mark nodded to her then went upstairs. When he came back down, Sandra was surprised to see Mark wearing a white shirt, tie, and a black pantsuit. The thin blue stripes on the shirt and tie brought out the color of his eyes; Sandra always thought Mark looked so handsome when he wore them.

"Oh my," Sandra said, startled.

"Well, I saw how you got all dressed up and all, and well, sorry for being kinda of pig before... by the way, you look beautiful," Mark said sheepishly. "I don't want to ruin anything for you."

"That's OK," Sandra replied reassuringly. "You didn't 'ruin' anything. Just slow down a little. Women like to take things slow. We have all weekend... C'mon, dinner's ready. I already set the table."

"Oh, I was supposed to do that... sorry!" Mark said.

"Don't worry, and stop with all the sorry's," Sandra said. "Besides, you were busy getting your self all handsome." They went to the table and ate dinner, and then Mark put the leftovers away as Sandra loaded the dishwasher. All the while, their conversation remained casual, Mark talking about school, Sandra about projects she was working on at home. Sandra noted that it wasn't all that different than many of the other dinners they'd shared. The only thing Sandra could tell was different was that several times during dinner Mark became too lost in his own thoughts to listen. That was unlike her son, but she didn't have to ask why. In fact, Sandra was having the same problem herself tonight. Sandra could also tell that her comment to Mark about "women liking to take it slow" had taken the edge off the boldness he'd demonstrated earlier. She was happy to see him respecting her wishes, but it was becoming apparent that if anything were to happen tonight she would have to take the initiative. After they finished cleaning up, Sandra went into the living room and sat down on the couch. Mark had followed her into the room, but remained standing.

"Come, sit," Sandra said with a disarming smile, patting the cushion next to her. Mark sat down, once again saying and doing nothing.

"I always loved that shirt and tie on you, honey," Sandra said. "Did you wear that just for me?"

"Yeah," Mark replied. "You always said the blue went good with my eyes."

"I meant it," she smiled. "You look very manly when you get dressed up."

"Thanks," Mark replied, blushing slightly. "I love it when you wear that dress. It's one of my favorites."

"Thanks," Sandra replied. "I feel sexy when I wear this dress. And I wanted to feel sexy tonight."

Sandra put her hand on Mark's arm. "Do you know what would really make me feel sexy though?" Mark shook his head 'no.'

Sandra put her hand under Mark's chin and said, "If you kissed me like you did last night." And with that Sandra pressed her lips fully into his. Mark's kissed her back, the passion of his desire for her coming to the surface once more. For the next while, they embraced, kissing and caressing each other. Sandra had her arms around Mark's back, feeling his taut muscles, while he'd managed to sneak one of his hands to between them to massage one of her breasts. Mark softly pushed his mother back so she could lay on the couch, then began kissing her neck and sucking on her earlobes. All the while he kept up with the ministrations to her supple breasts.

"Oh, yes," she softly moaned, pulling his head farther down so he could kiss the exposed part of her cleavage. Sandra wasn't wearing a bra and, with a little coaxing, Mark managed to free one of her breasts for his hungry mouth to taste. Sandra groaned loudly now, her back involuntarily arching to help Mark as he alternated between swirling his tongue around the areola and sucking her hard nipple in his hot mouth. The feeling was so good she was able to block out the cramped quarters they were sharing on the couch. Nevertheless, a change in scenery was necessary for what Sandra had in mind now. She carefully pushed Mark away and got to her feet.

"Let's go upstairs," She said to Mark, with a warm but nevertheless uneasy smile. Mark said nothing, but his face spoke volumes. He was nervous too, but excited. Sandra took his hand in hers and together they climbed the steps, her hand leading his. Sandra opened the door to her bedroom and took Mark to the foot of her bed. She'd left a window open, and a cool breeze had filled the room with clean air and had given the sheets a fresh crispness to them. She left Mark for a moment to close the window; no need to let the neighbors hear what she was up to. Sandra turned back to face Mark. He still looked anxious, but the look of trepidation was even stronger in his face now. She had a feeling she had just the cure. Sandra walked over to Mark, embracing him, and pressed her hot lips firmly into his. Taking his hands in hers, she sat him on the foot of her bed. She then straddled his hips with her legs, reaching forward to unbutton his shirt. She could see his excitement rising again, and his hands went to remove his tie.Working together they managed to remove his shirt and tie, which now lay on a chair beside the bed. Sandra leaned forward, stroking Mark's back with hands while kissing his chest with her lips in the way she'd done so many times before in her fantasies. With a gentle nudge she managed to get Mark lying on his back on the bed. Sandra crawled next to him and they kissed passionately once again, though this time she moved one hand to loosen his belt. She didn't need to ask Mark if he wanted to continue; by now he was reaching to remove her clothing as well. Bit by bit their clothes landed on the floor beneath them until there was nothing left. Sandra kept close tabs on Mark's expressions for any sign of disappointment in what he saw. To her satisfaction, there were none. They spent the rest of the night together, at times slowly making love, at others merely kissing and holding each other. Sometimes they just lay in bed, talking and fooling around, while at others they fucked each other with wild abandon. The rest of the weekend went very much the same. Sandra knew that come Monday things were going to have to return to some sense of normalcy, but for now she basked in the glory of her passion with her new found lover. The only disappointment had been that they had to use condoms the whole time. Sandra had already started taking her birth control pills again, however, and had assured Mark that their first time without them be something memorable.

* * * * *

After the most incredible weekend of her life, it was time for Sandra to come back down to earth. It was really hard for her to hide her disappointment of going back to her dreadful daily routine; her existence seemed even more boring now than it had before. Worse yet, there weren't any opportunities for her to get together with Mark, and the both of them were beginning to get antsy. Things were beginning to look up after a week or so, however. Mark had managed to get the day off from work. It was also now safe for them to go ahead without condoms. Sandra was already horny enough that she felt consumed with lust, randier than she'd ever felt before. She was in the kitchen, cleaning up after breakfast when Mark came downstairs to see her. Frank was in the other room, getting his things together to go to work. Sandra's eyes darted back and forth between what she was doing and her husband, every second seeming to drag on forever. Mark walked over and stood next to Sandra, his hand trying to secretly caress her but, in the fear of being seen by Frank, Sandra kept him away.

"Mark, wait," she said hastily as he began to retreat to a safe distance. She put her lips to his ear and whispered, her voice practically shaking with excitement, "When Frank leaves the first thing I'm going to do is suck your cock. And then you're going to fuck me." "Right here," she added, tapping the kitchen table with her hand. Sandra surprised herself with her brazenness, blushing at Mark's startled look of reply, but after a week of waiting her need for relief had become unbearable. And she kept to her word; moments after Frank's car was gone Sandra was on her knees in her kitchen, her lips sucking hard on Mark's cock.

Sandra was driving him wild. Mark was standing but he needed to brace an arm against a wall just to keep his balance. His other hand was on her head, stroking her beautiful raven hair. He still couldn't believe how lucky he was to such a beautiful and sexy woman doing this for him. His mother's luscious lips had haunted Mark in his fantasies for years; it was almost surreal for him to look down and see them now hungrily sucking his cock. He'd wanted her for so long; their lovemaking weekend had been the best days of his life. He wanted today to be just as fantastic. And it would. He was going to have her they way he always wanted her, skin on skin. He didn't need Sandra's ministrations to get him hard for that, and from the way she was using her mouth Mark knew Sandra was hornier than ever too. He knew it was time for him to act. Whisking her curvy figure into his strong arms, Mark carried Sandra up the stairs. She'd said they were going to do it in the kitchen, but this being their first "real" time together... Mark knew they should do it right.

When they were both naked Mark laid Sandra back on her bed and covered her sensuous body with his. He usually liked to tease girls a bit at this point, but he was too excited for anything like that. Although nothing could've turned Mark more than hearing his sexy Mom imploring him to put his cock inside her, he was too excited for much foreplay. Luckily, Sandra was feeling the same way. He first kissed her lips and neck, then began lashing her cherry colored nipples with his tongue, but Sandra was already reaching for his cock to guide him in, and in his excited state there was no slowing Mark down now. With a hand virtually shaking from excitement, Mark steadied his rigid shaft and slowly pushed inside. He paused for a moment and sighed, savoring the feel of having his cock buried in his mother's bare pussy.

"Oh god, baby, yes. Your cock feels so good," Sandra groaned, filling the room with the sounds of her ecstasy. She wrapped her legs around his waist and in an earnest tone said, "Fuck me, baby. Fuck me." Her horniness today had turned Sandra into a wild woman.

Mark was feeling the same way too. Sandra could see it in the way his eyes looked at her, in the way his hands gripped the bed, and in the hardness of the shaft piercing her vagina. Mark lay prone, straddling his mother's thighs. He lifted her legs so they pointed straight up and rested on his shoulders, and began thrusting into her with a steady pace of his hips.

"Yes baby. That's it," Sandra smiled lustily. "I haven't felt your come yet. I want you to come inside me Mark." she sighed, her voice gasping for air. Mark began fucking her fervently; there was nothing he wanted to do either. Finally, Mark let out a loud groan of pain and pleasure, and Sandra moaned with him as she felt his hot seed filling her womb. It sent her own body spiraling into orgasm as well. Sandra clamped her arms onto Mark body, holding on to him, wailing, as her torso writhed below him in a wonderful climax. Mark was exhausted, his chest heaving, his body covered in a light sheen of sweat. Leaning down, he kissed Sandra, then lay next to her to rest. They made love for most of the morning, taking their time in pleasing each other, then stopped to have lunch. Sandra and Mark then spent the day together. When it was over she told Mark she loved him, and he repeated it back to her. Both knew they were saying it as lovers.

The evening turned out to be a special one for them too, as Frank called to tell Sandra he'd be working late. Mark and Sandra stayed home for dinner. After cleaning up he told Sandra he wanted to try something he'd read in one of her woman's magazines. Sandra was surprised Mark would read anything of hers, especially when Mark told her he'd read it in Cosmo. "Just a slow dance," he'd said.

"All right," Sandra shrugged nonchalantly in reply. At first she didn't understand what he had in mind; they'd slow danced before. Then Mark said they'd be doing it in the nude. Sandra chuckled, but said OK.

Mark put on some soft music and then the two of them undressed. Mark had wanted them to undress each other, but Sandra thought doing it separately might make the end result more exciting. They did steal a few peaks at one another though. Sandra smiled to herself at Mark's obviously appreciative gaze at her body. She might not look as good now as she did at twenty, but as Mark had said after their first night together, he loved her curvy figure that "has it all in the right places." Sandra took a few appreciative glances at Mark's taut form herself. He had such a sexy body even now her heart fluttered at the sight. Her son was a handsome boy with his clothes on, but even more so with them on the floor.

Sandra and Mark walked towards each other and embraced. For the first few minutes they simply held each other, swaying gently to the music. Sandra had pressed her face down into Mark's shoulder as he held her tightly in his arms, with one hand on the small of her back and the other sensually squeezing and caressing the cheeks of her ass. Gradually, Sandra felt Mark's free hand moving lower, trying to gain access to her nether regions from behind. Sandra was already getting very wet; their sensual dance was definitely having the desired effect. She lifted her head, nuzzling Mark's shoulder, and he lowered his lips to meet hers in a deep, passionate kiss. Mark moved his lips lower, kissing Sandra's neck and shoulders. Her C cup breasts had been squashed against his chest, but she moved a bit away now to give Mark better access to them. Mark took the hint, and was now kissing and sucking her tits. It all felt so good. Just when Sandra was about to tell Mark she wanted to get more comfortable he stopped and told her, "I'm going to eat your pussy. And then I'm going to fuck you. Right here."

Sandra chuckled in reply, but clearly Mark wasn't kidding. Taking in into his arms, he carefully lowered her until her back lay on the soft carpet floor. He crawled above Sandra, kissing her on the lips, and then slowly kissed his way down her body. By the time he'd gotten down to her thighs Sandra was more than ready, spreading her legs and using her hands to direct Mark's head to her most sensitive spot. He'd eaten her out before; they'd fully explored each other's bodies during that first weekend together, so Sandra knew she was in for another one of his enthusiastic tongue-lashings. And that's exactly what she got, as Mark enthusiastically licked her pussy and sucked her swollen clit until Sandra's orgasm had her literally bucking him off her. She was ready for Mark's cock again now, more than ready. Still lying on her back, Sandra tried to pull Mark towards her. Instead, Mark lifted Sandra up on all fours so he could take her from behind. Mark plunged his cock into her hot slit and began to move his hips back and forth into her, grabbing Sandra's hips with his hands for support. Sandra urged Mark on, crying out his name with pleasure when he began screwing her at a furious pace, his loins slapping hard into her ass with each thrust.

"Oh... oh," Sandra cried, gasping for air, "I'm going to..." Sandra's orgasm took over, shaking her body to its core. In midst of her delirium she felt Mark's loins press firmly against her ass and the rush of his hot cum filling her vagina. After her orgasm subsided, Sandra rolled on to her back. Mark crawled over her and the two lovers held each other to recuperate. Sandra glanced at the clock on the wall. They still had an hour before his father got home, but she told Mark they should stop now just in case Frank came home early.

* * * * *

The next two days were uneventful, although Sandra could tell Mark was itching for them to get together again. Sandra felt the same way, but her fear of getting caught by her husband was enough to keep her desires for Mark at bay. However, in an effort to temporarily calm his passions, Sandra did do something she never thought she'd have the courage to do. She lay in bed one night, waiting. When she was sure Frank was asleep, Sandra got out of bed and quietly walked across the hall to her son's room. She opened the door and peeked in... Mark was already asleep. For a moment she thought about turning back to her room, but something told her Mark's frustrations were getting the best of him. She needed to do something to calm him down, at least until they'd have another opportunity to be alone. As silently as she could, Sandra woke him.

"Hi," Mark whispered, his grin visible even in the pale moonlight.

"Shhh," Sandra replied. "Don't move or I'm leaving." She pulled Mark's bed sheets aside; he usually wore boxers but with the warm weather they'd been having he was sleeping in the nude tonight. It was a sight Sandra never got tired of, but she managed to not let what they were doing tonight get out of hand. She bent down and kissed Mark's chest, briefly sucking on one of his nipples, then trailed a length of kisses down. By the time she reached her prize it was almost fully erect.

She took Mark's shaft between her hands, pumping it up and down between her palms. Mark was groaning now, enough to make Sandra stop and shoot him an alarmed look. Mark responded by taking his pillow and biting it hard between his teeth. Satisfied with this, Sandra resumed her ministrations.

After jerking on Mark's cock for a few minutes Sandra leaned down and engulfed it with her mouth. After a few minutes of this Sandra pulled away to suck his balls, all the while pumping his shaft with one hand. Even with the pillow Sandra could tell she was having quite the effect on Mark, his body was practically thrashing on the bed. Suddenly, she saw Mark's body tense and before she could do anything jets of his cum was spraying the front of her nightdress. Mark removed the pillow from his mouth. He was breathing heavily and settling back on the bed to rest.

"'Night," Sandra whispered, leaning down to kiss him. She half expected Mark to try and pull her down for more, but he was too exhausted to even try.

"Still got it," Sandra chuckled to herself, withdrawing from the room. After changing her clothes, she went back to bed. She was relieved to see Frank was still soundly asleep.

* * * * *

Three more days had passed and Sandra still couldn't get together with Mark. He'd suggested taking another day off from work to be with her but Sandra didn't want Mark doing that again. He was saving his money during the summer to pay for his college expenses and she didn't want him missing too many days.

On the afternoon of the third day, Saturday, Sandra was taking a shower. It was the weekend and Mark was home, but Frank was too. In fact, he'd become a bit of a homebody lately, which was unusual for him. Sandra had just finished washing her hair and was now just standing the hot water of the shower, thinking about her predicament. Up until now she and Mark had only shared their trysts at home, but with her husband around all the time... maybe it was time to find someplace else. Mark was going off to college in a few weeks. Sandra was already making mental notes to herself about when she might drop in to visit him if, of course, it was all right with Mark. She loved him more than anything. She wasn't exactly sure what their relationship was now, only that it went deeper than it had ever before. Mark was more than her son now, but more than her lover too.

"Sandra!" she heard through the noise of water falling all around her. "Sandra!"

"Uh... what? Is that you Frank?" she replied. She could hear Frank now. He was standing outside the door.

"Yeah. Fred just called. Needs some help with his car. I'm going over to help. Might take a couple of hours," Frank said.

"Oh, OK," she said. "Uh, Frank, why don't you call right before you leave? That way I can make sure your dinner is ready when you get home."

"Sounds good," Frank replied. And with that, Sandra heard Frank walk away from the door and down the steps. Sandra continued with her shower, although more quickly now. This was her first opportunity to be with Mark in days and she wasn't going to waste it. Time seemed to be moving rapidly for her now; perhaps that's why things took such an unexpected turn. It all began when, to Sandra complete shock, the door of the shower was pushed hastily open. It was Mark. His clothes strewn on the bathroom floor, he stood at the entrance of the shower, completely nude. His cock was fully erect, and the look on his face said what he was feeling. Pure desire.

"M-mark," Sandra stammered. "What are you doing in here. Your father won't be back for hours."

"I couldn't wait," Mark answered, the intensity of his need coming though in his voice.

"I can see that," Sandra replied as her eyes peered towards his manhood. Mark took this as a sign to continue, stepping into the shower with his mother and sliding the frosty glass door shut. They immediately melted into each other's arms and shared a deep, open-mouthed kiss. Sandra put her arms around Mark's neck and his hands cupped the full cheeks of her ass. Without breaking their kiss Mark pulled her close, her flesh melting into his, and for the next few minutes they stood under the hot water, their hands groping and fondling each other's bodies as their tongues explored each other's mouth. And that's when the second shock of the afternoon took place.


It was Frank's voice. He was in the doorway of the bathroom, and the door was wide open, just as Mark had left it. Neither Mark nor Sandra moved a muscle save for separating their lips from each other. Their flesh was still pressed together, close enough that Mark could feel his mother's now wildly beating heart. Sandra had never been so scared in her life.

"Sandra? Can you hear me?" Frank asked.

"Uh... yeah," Sandra answered, forcing herself to speak.

"I forgot a few tools so I came back to get them. Just thought I'd let you know... it might take longer than I thought," Frank said.

"Oh... OK," Sandra replied, trying her best to regain her composure.

"Don't worry about dinner either. I'll have something at Fred's," he added.

"All right..." Sandra replied. And with that, Frank closed the door and left.

Mark was going to say something, but the paralyzed look on Sandra's face told him to remain silent. In addition, he could tell she was concentrating, listening carefully for sounds that the coast was clear. When they finally heard the sound of Frank's car pulling away from the curb Mark felt her body go limp. He held her close, cradling her body in his strong arms.

Sandra's mind was spinning, still in shock at what had just transpired. Frank had seen them. Even if his mind hadn't processed the information correctly, his eyes had seen them together. Frank hadn't noticed that she wasn't alone behind the frosted glass door or Mark's clothing on the floor next to hers. But even if Frank's brain hadn't witnessed Sandra and Mark showering together his eyes had. It was all too much for Sandra to believe, but it all just happened. She remained in this state for a few minutes, this state of disbelief, and then she felt something else. Mark was kissing her.

"Mark... I..." was all Sandra could manage to say. It didn't slow Mark down however, if anything he increased his efforts. It wasn't long before she was moaning her arousal, as Mark had learned Sandra's weak spots by now.

"Kiss me," she whispered, giving in to the fire in her body that was rapidly taking over. Mark's mouth covered hers. He put his hand on hers too, holding it for a moment, and then he took her hand and put it on his hard cock.

"Oh," Sandra groaned. Mark cock was at full mast and throbbing. She grasped it in her hand, squeezing and stroking it as he grunted and groaned in pleasure. Her pussy was soaking wet now, trying to tell Sandra what to do with the cock in her hands.

"Fuck me, Mark. Fuck me!" she said, her voice now emphatic. Mark turned Sandra around and she put her hands against the wall of the shower, bending enough for Mark to have access from behind. Mark slid his cock into her vagina and immediately started his jackhammer assault on her excited cunt. Sandra was screaming how good it felt, urging Mark for more. With the acoustics of the small room it was a good thing Frank never returned, because they could easily be heard in most corners of the house.

There was an excitement in Mark Sandra had never seen before that afternoon. She would find out later it was their close call with being caught that had driven Mark into such a frenzy. Nothing like this ever happened again for them; Sandra made sure of that, but even months later Mark would at times relive this terrifying yet exhilarating moment. At first Sandra would go along for the sake of humoring him, saying nothing, as she loved the primal fire that it brought out in Mark. But gradually he brought her into his kinky fantasy as well, until she too learned to enjoy it. The fantasy would usually end the same way: Mark stroking Sandra's clit up and down with the head of his cock, all the time asking her if she wished Frank there were watching them.

"Yes," Sandra would groan lustily.

"What would you tell him if he were here?" Mark would ask, all the while teasing Sandra's engorged clit with the flared mushroom head of his cock.

"Watch us. Watch us fuck," Sandra would reply without shame. The most explosive sex sessions would always ensue at this point.

* * * * *

Mark and Sandra continued their affair for the rest of the summer, and when fall came around Mark got ready to go off to college. They made plans to see each other a few times during the year, but for the most part they'd be apart. A few days before leaving however, Mark told Sandra he had a surprise for her: a night on the town.

"You shouldn't have Mark," Sandra chided, "you should save your money for the school year."

"Moooommmm," Mark answered, "I got a full scholarship. And I made enough money during the summer to treat myself once in a while... this time I want to treat you. Besides, it's close to your birthday. Think of it as my present."

"Well, OK," Sandra replied resignedly. "I guess one time won't break the bank."

When the night arrived Mark picked Sandra up in his car. He was taking her to an opera, so both of them were dressed to the nine's for the event. Mark looked so handsome in his suit Sandra was blushing. She wore an elegant blue dress for the night, and according to Mark, was the beautiful woman in attendance.

After the opera they went to out for dinner. It was obviously a posh location, and Sandra was tempted to tell Mark it was too much for him to spend on her, but she kept her silence. She could see how much Mark loved giving her this gift and she didn't want to ruin the moment. Besides, she was loving every minute of it.

After dinner they just sat there, talking, laughing, and having a good time. But it was starting to get late, and Sandra suggested that it was time to go home.

"I still have to give you your present," Mark insisted.

"The opera. Dinner. That's more than I could ask for," Sandra said. Mark took an envelope from his jacket pocket and put in on the table in front of Sandra. She opened the envelope and emptied the contents on the table. It was a plastic card.

"What's this?" Sandra asked.

"It's for one of the rooms upstairs," Mark replied. "After all, this is a hotel."

"But Mark, you're father's expecting us," Sandra said, flabbergasted.

"When I left the table about half an hour ago? I called him. I told him we were running late and not to wait up for us. He said OK. I also said... that neither of us felt sober enough to drive so we'd found a motel room to spend the night."

"He didn't offer to pick us up? He didn't tell you to call a taxi?" Sandra asked.

"He did," Mark answered, "but I told him I'd already paid for the room and it was too late to get the money back. He asked to talk to you but I said you'd already turned in for the night. He was a bit upset by the whole thing but he bought it."

"Sounds like you covered everything. How long ago did you have this planned?" Sandra asked. Mark leaned over and whispered playfully in her ear, "Since that day five years ago when you wore that pink bikini to the beach."

"Well, I guess this is all my fault then," Sandra smiled coyly.

"Let's go upstairs," Mark whispered, continuing in his hushed tone, "let's make love." Sandra looked down, blushing at Mark's warm and passionate entreaty. When she regained her composure Mark was standing next to her, his hand turned up for her to take. She did, and holding hands they went up to their room.

The room was gorgeous; Sandra didn't even want to guess how much it had cost. She didn't spend much time looking around however; Mark had led her by the hand to the room's centerpiece, a king-sized bed. He kissed her face, ears, and neck, his love flowing into her, warming every part of her body.

"Oh, Mark," Sandra whimpered softly, her eyes tearing up. He held her close and then spoke again. "I want you." Sandra started removing his clothes, kissing him where she could. Meanwhile, she could feel Mark's hand on her back and the zipper on her dress coming down. She wanted to take him first in her mouth, but when Mark figured out her plan he insisted they should share as much as possible tonight. So Mark lay on his back on the bed and Sandra moved on top, she the 6 for his 9. The scents of their excitement soon filled the room, followed shortly with the sounds of their passionate cries.

As good as Mark's tongue felt on her clit, however, Sandra's pussy was craving his hard shaft. She got on her knees and turned around so that her slit hovered above Mark's excited cock. Sandra held her son's manhood in her hand as she steadied herself to guide it between her thighs. There was still a shred of disbelief in Sandra's thoughts that she could do this with him, even though they'd been lovers for years in her fantasies. This was fantasy anymore though; this was real. She had sex with Mark several times now... and enjoyed it. And now her son was lying beneath her, his hands fondling her tits, beckoning her to make love to him again. Sandra rested back on her heals, pushing Mark's cock deep inside her. It felt so a good she couldn't help but utter a low, guttural moan. She knew it was a feeling she would never give up. Their love was more than physical, but their expressions of physical love were nothing short of electric.

"Ohhhhh," Sandra groaned. Her vaginal muscles instinctively contracted around Mark's cock, trying to enhance the wonderful sensations it was feeling. Sandra began fucking him, slowly at first, gradually increasing her pace until she was literally bucking in his lap, screaming in orgasm. It was the first of many for Sandra that night. When morning came all Sandra could do was thank Mark for the night of her life. She told Mark that she loved him; loved making love with him. He blushed a bit at her remark, but said he felt the same way about her. It was a night to remember, but Sandra knew there'd be many more where that came from.