To say that I'm one of the lucky ones is a considerable understatement -- at least in my eyes. I'll tell you why but first off and to kind-of 'set the scene', here's a bit of background stuff to help describe things for you.

I'm Chris and I'm now 22. I'm pretty tall at 6' 1" (near enough 1.85 meters); I weigh a pretty steady 11.5 stone (161 pounds) and I'm fairly fit. Well, not 'fighting fit' as they might say but I go to the gym at least every week so while I've stayed trim I've added some decent muscles to my usual outline. Also while I'm describing myself, I have mousy brown hair which I keep fairly short and I have blue eyes -- as does the rest of my family. My eyes are nicely wide-set; my cheekbones are high; I've got a good strong jaw-line and chin and a nice straight nose. My lips are fairly full and they say that my mouth is 'decisive', whatever they mean.

I'm bright (or at least I did pretty well at school and college); I'm usually cheerful and I'm always chatty -- traits that seem to run in our family. I work as a junior manager in one of our local 'megastores.' We tend to work long hours but seem to get plenty of time off too -- we work twelve hour shifts then get three days off but despite that, I'm not really one for spending all my spare time out there hunting pussy or socialising.

"Downstairs" I'm nicely hung (I'll admit to having just over 7") with full hanging balls. I don't shave my pubes although I do keep them trimmed.

In other words I'm ok -- in more ways than one.

Of course, and I'm not bragging, even at my age I've had more than my share of girls although I also notice that I get a fair bit of attention from somewhat older women -- cougars, they call them, don't they? Actually some of them are really pretty and are fucking good in bed too -- better sometimes than younger girls, to be honest.

So overall I'm lucky and benefit from it too -- but what's been happening recently has blown everything else out the window!

It all seemed to kick off when Mum and I went to watch my sister performing at some sports event last summer. My sister, Bryony is now 19 and having left school (we're in Britain) she soon found work and once she had an income she joined the local sports and fitness club that both Mum and I already frequent. She's some kind of IT 'expert' -- well, she knows a lot more than I do about the workings of a computer and the internet, so that's what she does for a living.

Back to the fitness club -- she also took a more active role in the club and used to compete at various athletic events. She's so fast when she runs and has incredible stamina and will to succeed so she soon accumulated a collection of awards and cups.

My sister also has many of the traits that I've inherited. She's tall and quite slim (except for her tits which seem a fair bit too big for her body -- not that I'm complaining!) Her face is much the same shape as mine except that it's softer of course; her arse is tight and cute and she's got lovely long legs.

Yeah I know, I shouldn't think of my sister like that but fuck me, I can hardly help it when there's this delicious half-dressed girl wandering -- or is it parading -- around the house, or cavorting around in her sports shorts and top, can I? She also has a habit of not covering up at all when she crosses from her bedroom to the bathroom for example and she doesn't seem to lock the door when she goes in to have a shower either. I've accidentally caught her several times between rooms or showering when I've needed to use the toilet and she hardly seems to care. She'll carry on an easy conversation with me even while she's naked in the shower (behind the semi-transparent curtain naturally) and I'm pissing -- she's amazing -- and hot!

Fuck it -- I've told you about me and my sister so I might as well fill you in completely.

Mum is Susan -- Sue to her friends. She's also into IT but on the sales side of things and she's now single, having kicked Dad out a few years ago after she caught him cheating.

Mum is quite a bit more curvy than Bry -- but that just adds to my pleasure because she too wanders around the house half dressed -- it seems to be a female habit around here. Obviously my existence; the way my mouth hangs open and the way my eyes just have to follow her around doesn't count apparently...!

Whatever, she's brilliant. A super cook, a warm and seemingly happy person, an amazing housewife (ahhh, scrub the 'wife' bit since she's divorced) and I just love her being my Mum. She's 42 by the way -- and I wouldn't be surprised if that's the size of her breasts too -- they're simply breathtaking to perve at as she walks past me! Like I said, call me a pervert if you wish, but what straight guy doesn't kind of lust after amazing female bodies?

Anyway, as I said, it all seemed to kick off at that sports event and the very first race that involved my sister. Mum and I were watching from some three rows up in one of the stands -- they're not huge but they do help you get a better overall view of things. There weren't all that many people around though so Mum and I were as good as alone in our seats as we watched and chattered and cheered -- then we upped our efforts as we saw Bry settling in her blocks. Then they were off, pelting round the track. We cheered even louder as Bry's pounding legs pushed her to the front and then Mum actually screamed when Bry won her race before turning to me and hugging me tightly while bouncing up and down like mad.

I'll be honest and say that as usual, I'd been watching as many girls as I could quite apart from Bry -- not so much for their sporting prowess but simply because of all that delightfully fit flesh and it was enough to stir me from head to toe and especially just below the middle so when Mum grabbed me and began celebrating I really thought I'd blown it! I could feel my already stiff cock being squashed between us as Mum's body rubbed against me and I was forced to push her away or possibly blow off! There was also the worry that she'd feel me but that didn't seem to happen, thank heavens.

After a few moments of frantic celebration Mum released me and found my hand before pulling me down from the stand to the track side where my delighted sister was racing towards us -- then she bounced into Mum's arms and they hugged almost violently.

"Darling, you were wonderful!" I heard Mum saying as she kissed Bry's cheek, "I've never seen anything so perfect as you -- you're such a marvellous girl!"

"I can't believe it!" screamed Bry, pumping her fist in the air, "I so wanted to win that one -- it was so important to me!"

While Mum and Bry were celebrating I was nonplussed. Sure, she won, but why was it important?

"Great stuff Bry," I added calmly, "What was so special though?"

Bry disentangled herself from Mum and turned to me.

"Cos that was the fourth and last race for the points so that makes me the overall champion!" she yelled and then, with still more energy than I possessed she leapt into my arms, almost flattening me in the process.

I managed to keep on my feet while I supported Bry who now had her legs wrapped around me as well as her arms so I held her tightly too.

"Oh Chris, I'm so happy, so bloody happy!" she breathed into my face as her body, her hot and delicious body squirmed in my arms, "I'm almost delirious!"

I laughed happily with her but underneath I was almost screaming too -- but not with delight. Bry's wonderful body against my already aroused penis was more than enough for me and as her weight caused her to slowly slide downwards, so her parted legs made her groin began to press against my upraised and rigid cock. I didn't dare to support her arse because I was entirely aware that I'd probably be pressing my hands against her pussy. I groaned as the pressure grew before Bry suddenly slipped down further, sliding against my hard cock as she did so, then regained her footing on the ground.

I saw her eyes flash downwards towards my bulging penis, then lift quickly again as a new smile formed on her face before she leaned in, kissed my lips -- not my cheek as she might usually, then bounced away to greet some of her friends. It was all very frantic, breathless, sweaty and thoroughly arousing too.

"Wow, she was so good," I said breathlessly to Mum who also reached out to hug me again and this time her hug was even firmer to the extent that I could even feel the warmth of her thighs against my legs -- not to mention the pressure of her body on my cock.

A moment or two later Mum pushed me away with both hands and I was sure I knew why -- she too had felt me against her and she was obviously horrified and yet I could see a wry twisted smile on her face too. I was lost for ideas about what to do -- I'd let myself go uncontrollably and now I'd probably damaged my relationship with my mother and possibly my sister -- for life.

"You're a bit eager, aren't you?" commented Mum as she smiled at me, "Calm down, young man -- and just wait."

There were more races to come and less than an hour later Bry was running again in a different race -- but with the same outcome -- she won again!

We were already pretty well trackside this time when Bry had finished consoling her fellow runners but this time it was me she came to first of all and this time she was somewhat less exuberant with her hugging. Nevertheless, as I stood there with her in my arms and with her arms around me too, I felt her groin pressing against me and this time the pressure of her body seemed even greater than before and my cock, which had obviously gone down from it's earlier rampant state, it now began to strain upwards and outwards towards my loving sibling.

I hardly knew what to do or how to process the sexy actions today but Bry knew -- of that I was now certain.

"Wow, it's been a fabulous day!" she exclaimed as her hips ground against me, "It's been so amazing -- so thrilling and so much fun!"

"It certainly has darling," enthused Mum as she joined us in an exuberant three-way hug, "I'm so glad we came!"

Inside me my mind was whirling as it played with the words. I was so glad that I didn't cum -- it was a very near thing though...

Mum and I left Bryony to go and shower, clean up and change and after she'd rejoined us we had to loiter around for the awards ceremony. It wasn't much but the sports centre had rounded up some local dignitaries and dragged out a little stage and now the assorted winners were paraded before us, one by one. Cue loads of clapping and cheering -- and then we were away and heading home with Bry hugging several medals and a nice shiny cup. She sat beside me in the back as Mum drove us home with the conversation almost entirely about the way she'd run and how she felt but, to be honest, I hardly contributed anything. I was too busy processing the memories of Bry's and then Mum's body as they pressed so erotically against me.

It was around five in the afternoon when we got home so while Mum headed off to the kitchen to prepare our evening meal I went to my room where I changed into a pair of shorts and then settled to browse the internet. Bry had disappeared into her room too but perhaps ten minutes later I heard her calling out frantically.

"Hey Chris, come and help -- I'm stuck!" she yelled.

In an instant I was at her door and throwing it open and there was Bry stretching up on tiptoes as she supported her trophy cabinet that was obviously about to topple forward. Her trophies, of which there were now quite a few were in a wood and glass display cabinet that Dad had bought her before he departed and, lacking other suitable space he'd put it on top of a three-quarter height wardrobe-cum-chest of drawers. Obviously Bry had added her latest metalwork to her collection but things had gone wrong.

It's position meant that Bry could easily see her various awards but to access the inside of the cabinet meant that she really needed to clamber onto a chair -- and she hadn't. Instead she was now stretched up, holding the cabinet in place while yelling for my help.

But on top of that she was now stripped to her bra and knickers with all that delectable flesh on show!

Ignoring the fact that she was partially undressed I slammed up behind her, squashing her against the wardrobe/chest of drawers and was just about able to reach the cabinet with enough left to push it back into place... so long as Bry moved out of the way.

"I've got it, now get out from there and I'll be able to push it back," I gasped because as I spoke Bry's panty-clad arse pressed back against me, causing an almost instant reaction.

I was rock hard in moments just as Bry's firm posterior slid against my groin and to one side as she wriggled out and into safety and then I found myself pressed against the furniture as I pushed the cabinet back into place with my rampant cock once again under pressure.

With the danger from the furniture now over I was now in a dilemma. I knew damn well that I was still very stiff but Bry was still there watching me and if I turned around she'd see my condition for certain. The danger still existed -- but in a very different form.

I must have loitered for a few seconds too long because the next thing I knew, Bry was shouting at me, asking me what on earth I was doing but now, to compound my problems she was facing me with her pussy all but exposed beneath the very flimsy material of her knickers.

"Chris, are you ok -- what are you doing -- did you strain something?" she asked loudly, obviously concerned.

Fuck, yes, I did, more or less -- but nothing I could tell her about... so I quickly gave her a sob story.

"Yeah, my back hurts -- ohhhh ouch!" I explained, "Hold on, let me stay here for a few moments then I'll try to move."

The horror of exposure caused my erection to subside quite quickly and it was only a little while before I felt it safe to relax and turn around.

"Phew -- ouch!" I said, faking more pain, "Must have just stretched up too suddenly or something, I'm ok now."

"Sorry Chris -- that was silly of me," answered Bry, "I'll use the chair next time."

"Yeah, so you should," I commented before heading towards her door, "Everything ok now?"

"It's great thanks," she answered, "Thought I was in trouble there before you came to the rescue."

"Glad I could help," I said, "I'll leave you in peace then."

In all truthfulness I now needed to get away because all her delicious female flesh had raised pressure inside me substantially and I intended to head to my room to ease the pressure but it was not to be. I'd thought that was the end of it but no -- Bryony had spotted something.

"Damn," she said as she gazed upwards, "Look, that cup's fallen over; could you fetch that chair and hold it for me please?"

"Yeah sure," I said as I carried it across the room and a moment later Bry was standing on the seat while I held the chair steady, but once again there was a problem.

Now, thanks to her elevation, her arse was near enough at my eye level and as she reached to stand the cup upright so her tight little arse seemed to squirm and beckon me. All of a sudden I wanted to bury my face between her cheeks -- and equally suddenly I felt rising pressure down below.

I found myself with no time to rearrange myself nor to escape as Bry suddenly shut the cabinet and jumped off the chair, spinning round to face me but this time she didn't hug me or even approach me, but her eyes slid downwards before lifting once again -- then a big smile crossed her face.

"You horny sod!" she said with a chuckle, "Look at you getting all excited over little ol' me!"

"You're not old," I heard myself say "And as for being little..."

Whatever I was about to say was lost as Bry burst out laughing.

"And it doesn't look as if you're little either!" she laughed, "Go on, off you go and take care of that thing!"


"I can't help it," I spluttered as I turned and left the room, "You're pretty and it just kind of happened."

Whatever else she said was lost as I crept into my room and closed the door. I wanted to lock it too but the lock to my room wouldn't work and never had since we'd lived there.

Once in my room I ended up lying on my bed with my laptop on a small bedside table and after silence had reigned for several minutes I opened up some porn and was soon immersed in some delicious online fucking. Soon my shorts and pants were at my ankles and my straining cock was in my hand as I watched the action on screen.

It took me no more than perhaps two minutes to blast my loads of cum into a towel that I had ready, then I ended the video and lay back, replete for now but with my brain full of memories and some wicked thoughts. I tried to analyse the problem she'd caused.

There was no denying that Bry looked amazing and as I'd pressed against her back the feeling had been really intense. I had no great interest in actually doing anything with her but I'm a guy; I have my needs so to speak and her body just set everything off. Suddenly I'd really, really wanted to fuck her but knowing that was very wrong I'd released some of the pressure by jerking off instead.

Of course, the memories were still there; the feeling of her warm firm body against my groin and chest; the close-up sight of her panty-clad arse and then her pussy -- every action had set my mind and penis on edge and no sooner had those memories begun to fade than memories of Mum's body grew instead.

I nearly had another wank but instead I must have drifted off because the next thing I knew was someone knocking on my door asking me if I was coming down for some supper. I stretched and rose, pulled on my t-shirt and trotted off downstairs, finding Mum and Bry chatting happily, their eyes immediately spotting my arrival and their smiles growing as soon as I neared.

"I hear you saved Bry from a disaster," said Mum, "Well done darling -- you must have been really helpful then!"

They laughed before Mum spoke again.

"See Bry, men do have their uses!" she said light-heartedly.

"And some other uses too," added Bry softly, her eyes sparkling -- a comment that caused Mum to snigger loudly.

"That's true," she said, "Some more than others of course!"

"Mmmmm," agreed Bry, her eyes still sparkling and now looking straight at me, "We really ought to make more use of them, shouldn't we."

Mum didn't answer but instead, having risen and headed into the kitchen, she now returned and handed me a can of lager then she popped back into the kitchen and came back with a bottle and two glasses, one of which she handed to Bry and then filled.

"Here's to your wonderful day on track!" said Mum as she lifted her glass to Bry, "You really looked so good out there."

"Thanks Mum -- I felt good too -- everything came together perfectly," she said.

She bounced up and down on her chair as if to demonstrate her fit body but as she did so her boobs leapt up and down, causing me to actually inhale some lager which immediately set off a coughing fit. She obviously wasn't wearing her sports bra, or possibly wasn't wearing a bra at all.

"Fuck! Quit that!" I gasped, having cleared my throat.

I saw Mum glancing at me, before she turned back to Bry.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," she said with a giggle, "You got Chris all excited!"

"Hah -- that doesn't take much doing!" scoffed Bry as she shook her proud breasts, "I think he's going through a kind of horny stage of life!"

"Men always do!" added Mum happily, "Sometimes it lasts for years and years, thank heavens!"

The somewhat oblique comments were lost on me because my mind was full of Bry's bouncing breasts but I gleaned enough to realise that Bry had apparently noticed that I was constantly horny. I felt myself blushing and just as quickly I realised that my cock was on the rise once again. I glared at my groin as if to threaten it but all that did was to attract Mum's attention."What's the matter Chris -- do you need your back rubbed after that coughing fit?" she enquired.

No, I didn't really need that but I must have moved my head enough for Mum to think that I did and she rose and stepped round behind me, her hands settling on my shoulders.

"Lean forward," she said as her hands began sliding up and down my back, "Just relax..."

I made a show of appreciating her actions then waved a hand to tell her that I'd had enough and she left me and headed back to her chair, but Mum's actions, much as they might have eased my lungs had done nothing for my cock, which was now straining in my shorts. If I sat upright then Bry would see it; if I stayed bent over then Mum might do something else. I stayed where I was as the easiest option, or so I thought.

"Oh darling, you really did choke didn't you?" said Mum as she leaned over my shoulder, her hands now sliding down my chest, "Do you think you could stand up for me darling?"

Oh fuck, things were indeed getting worse!

Mum swiftly moved so that she was more or less in front of me and with her hands in my armpits she urged me to stand. Having got me upright she pulled me tightly against her, her hands now just above my waist.

"Hold on Chris -- let's try this," she said and with that she squeezed me tightly and quickly.

Sure, it caused me to exhale loudly but at the same time it squashed my upright cock against her belly -- I swear I could actually feel my cock throbbing against her. Mum quickly repeated her actions and then eased off but remained holding me, a big smile forming on her face.

"Better?" she asked and I hummed a reply.

A moment later and she reached up and kissed my lips, then stepped away from me, her eyes scanning up and down my body. She laughed then turned towards Bry.

"He's at it again!" she laughed as she pointed at my jutting erection, "Oh what it is to be young!"

Having thoroughly embarrassed me, Mum blew me a kiss then headed off to the kitchen while I sat down again even more quickly. Mum soon emerged with the bottle of wine and another can which she handed to me, winking prodigiously as she did so.

"At least you look good with that thing sticking out!" she whispered as she refilled their glasses, "Glad to see that Mother Nature gave you something to be proud of!"

If I'd had a mouthful of lager I would have choked again, such was my shock at her comment. I thought that mothers were sweet demure creatures by and large, but Mum was doing her best to shatter the records, it seemed.

Mum sat down again and smiled at both of us before a sudden frown crossed her brow.

"Damn," she said, "I totally forgot that I was going to phone Jenny -- excuse me while I go and do that before I forget again."

With that she finished her wine, stood up and with a quick wave and blown kiss she was off to her room leaving Bry and me to our own peace. Jenny was a close friend of Mum's and although they didn't meet very often they did at least keep in touch on the phone and internet.

In view of my embarrassment I too wanted to leave but I was too slow to react and Bry quickly reached across, grabbed my arm holding me in place and started a conversation.

"Chris, what did Mum whisper to you?" she asked and as she leaned towards me I could see the bulge of her breasts and her nipples straining against the thin material of her t-shirt.

"Nothing really," I offered, "She just hoped that I felt better."

"Nah, I don't believe it was just that," she said firmly, "Because even Mum could see that you were erect."

I wanted to glare at her but I just couldn't... and she continued.

"So what was it that got you all excited?" she asked, "I bet it was my tits, wasn't it?"

I found myself nodding even though I was too shy to speak.

"Oh, so you're a tit-man are you?" she said as she shook her delicious breasts, "You must be in heaven what with Mum's and mine -- and she's got more than me, hasn't she?"

I realised that I was nodding again...

"So you noticed," she said softly, "And I'll tell you what -- she's got bigger nipples than me too!"

"Yeah, I guessed she would have 'cos she breast-fed us both, didn't she?" I managed to say, "I hadn't really noticed though."

"But you noticed mine, didn't you?" she asked as she pulled her t-shirt tight over her breasts, "Do you like them then?"

"Course I do," I panted, feeling my cock straining down below, "They look gorgeous."

"Bet you love seeing them when I shower, don't you?" she enquired with a wink, "All warm and wet and perky!"

If I'd concentrated I reckon I could have brought myself off just by squeezing my thighs together right now but whatever might have happened was terminated as we heard Mum returning. Bry sat back in her chair and finished her wine while looking totally innocent and I did my best to think of anything that would make my penis subside.

"Damn, she's not there," said Mum, "I knew I should have phoned earlier -- I bet she's out looking for some fun."

"I doubt it, not in this town," muttered Bry with a snort, "There's a definite shortage of decent guys around."

I saw Mum's eyes flick across and look right at me before refocusing on Bryony and I held my breath as I awaited her words but she remained innocent.

"Anyway, it's only just gone eight, do either of you fancy something to eat before it gets too late?" she asked and that stirred up an animated conversation that ended up with us opting for some heated-up leftover steak pie.

On most night Mum would cook something but occasionally she'd leave us to make our own meals from the fridge or freezer -- we're both perfectly capable of doing that so tonight was an amalgamation of both options.

After we'd enjoyed that we helped with the washing-up and then, rather than loiter in the lounge with Mum as we often did, Bry and I both headed to our bedrooms. Sleep was far from my mind but sex was right up there despite having released some pressure earlier but for some reason I felt wary about wanking right now -- somehow I really expected either Mum or Bry to find an excuse to pop in to see me but neither of them did. Instead I browsed, answered a couple of emails from pals and then settled for an early night but I lay there for ages with a firmly erect cock and my mind filled with memories of Bry's tits and Mum's comments before finally drifting off.

That was just the start as it happened and thereafter little things seem to happen all the time -- usually visions, hints and words rather than deeds. Glimpses of Mum clad only in a small towel as she headed back to her room from the shower; Bry coming up behind me and pressing her boobs against me; Mum letting her hand dangle as she passed me by, the back of her hand sliding over my cock and Bry needing some help with a stuck zip, when it obviously wasn't stuck, and so on.

I seemed to spend much of my home-time with an erection as one thing followed another -- the latest being both Mum and Bry trying on some new underwear in Mum's bedroom with the door wide open. I wanked time and time again but still the sights and my erections kept coming...

Bry, Mum and I were all very busy over the following week but the following weekend we were all able to relax at home. The sun shone even as the summer began to wane and sunbathing was the order of the day. Being in Britain we didn't have a pool but we did have a nice big patio area that was well shielded from prying eyes and from the wind while trapping the heat of the sun. We all loved to laze there when we could and that weekend was no exception.

I think that Mum was first to get out there in her bikini, coating herself with sun cream before laying back on her lounger, her sunhat, a bottle of wine and a glass to hand. I know she was there early because I saw her there applying the sun cream from my bedroom window even as I got up and then, realising that it was going to be a nice hot day I pulled my shorts on, came downstairs, grabbed a big glass of fruit juice as my breakfast and headed outside. I didn't even bother with underwear, knowing that it would be hot out there.

"Good morning darling," Mum said as I began dragging one of the loungers closer to her, "Coming to join me?"

"If it's going to be a sunbathing day then yes," I said as I made myself comfy, "Hey, could I use some of your sun cream -- mine's upstairs."

"Of course you can," said Mum as she picked up the bottle, "Here, I'll help you put it on."

Obviously I'd have problems with getting it on my back so I leaned forward and soon felt Mum's hands spreading the cool cream all over me, then, having finished she stepped round in front of me and waved her hands.

"Lie down, I'll do your front too," she said and without thinking I did so, appreciating her help.

Soon Mum was working her way down my chest, doing a fine job before she paused.

"You're getting some good muscles, aren't you darling?" she said as her hands returned up my chest, "They certainly help the way you look."

"Thanks Mum, I'm trying to work on my legs now," I added, "Don't want to look all top heavy."

Mum's hands were now still on my chest but, with my brain now in gear I glanced up and I felt my mouth drop open. Above me as she rubbed the cream in, Mum's very generous breasts were hanging, covered by her bikini bra but now her nipples were standing proud and her cups seemed to have slipped down somewhat. I could already see more of her breasts than before and as she moved I could actually get glimpses of her aureolas too. Instantly I felt my penis starting to grow and fill out and with a start I realised that all I had on was my shorts and nothing underneath to hold my cock in but I was trapped. If I revealed that I was aroused then Mum would definitely laugh; if I left things as they were then she'd see but it was Mum who dictated the next few moments as she patted my chest to indicate that she'd finished and stood upright again.

Almost instantly I heard her draw in a deep breath, then glance at my face, then let her eyes slip down my body. What was worse was that her actions made me concentrate on my penis with the result that it grew and stiffened completely in seconds.

"Wow!" exclaimed Mum, "Now that looks to be quite a monster!"

"It's not, I mean -- oh fuck!" I gasped as I covered it with my hands, "Ahh, quit looking Mum -- I can't help it."

Mum's smile never left her as she knelt beside the lounger and placed one hand on my thigh.

"So, young man," she said quietly, "I wonder if you know how to use it?"

"I don't know what you mean," I spluttered almost incoherently, "Anyway, stop it -- you're embarrassing me!"

"What's there to be embarrassed about?" she said, her hand now caressing my thigh, her fingers occasionally disappearing under the hem of my shorts, "That's looks as if it's a very fine instrument. Would you mind if I did some exploring darling?"

"You're not supposed to..." I gasped as I felt Mum's fingers sliding closer and closer to the base of my cock, "And definitely not out here."

I'd never known Mum to be so blatantly sexy; so interested in such matters and anyway, she was my mother and not just some girl I'd met.

"Why on earth not?" said Mum softly, "I think I really ought to get to know my son a bit better!"

"You shouldn't...!" I gasped but even as I spoke I could feel my cock throbbing with excitement.

"Perhaps you need to see a bit more of me first," said Mum as she stood up and a second or two later she was leaning over me while she began pulling her bikini top down.

One breast had popped out when Mum suddenly stopped, covered up and sat back down on her lounger and a moment or two later I heard what had frightened Mum.

"Mum!" came the call, "Where are you -- are you outside?"

My sister had obviously risen and now wanted Mum's attention, thank heavens.

"What's up darling?" yelled Mum as she strode towards the house, "What's the matter?"

"I've run out of Tampax -- can I have a few of yours?" I heard.

"Yes, sure darling," said Mum and then she was indoors and headed upstairs to help my sister while my heart slowly began to calm down.

"What the fuck was all that?" I asked myself before my brain kicked in.

I could only guess that as Mum hadn't been with a man for at least the last two years she was becoming frustrated and with me and my body available to 'enjoy' she was ignoring the usual moral boundaries. I was torn -- badly. Although I was initially frightened by the idea, inside me there was a feeling of desire growing; one partially engendered by Mum's display but also built from years of sexual growth without really finding love. Sure, I'd had lots of girls and sex but I'd never really found 'the one' to love.

What was more, I now realised that my cock had remained stiff even after Mum had departed and in my excitement it had actually begun leaking generously to the extent that my shorts now had a large damp patch in the front, one that Mum might well have seen. I considered what to do about it before deciding to go and change my shorts and also probably have a quick wank to release some pressure, so I stood up. As I did so I felt sure that the display I was putting on; a large tent and a big damp patch, must have driven Mum to take the action she did -- or perhaps it had been her display that caused my erection and leakage. Either way I could feel that a wicked desire to make love to my mother was growing and growing.

With my need for clean shorts uppermost in my mind I turned and followed Mum into the house but just as I entered the hallway I literally bumped into my sister. I felt the firm softness of her breasts against my chest, then her hands at my waist as she pushed me away.

"You clumsy sod," she grunted as she regained her breath, "Just as well I wasn't carrying anything."

"Sorry, I wasn't looking," I said apologetically, "Didn't hurt you, did I?"

"No, no, I'm ok," said Bry, but as she spoke I saw her eyes slide down my body, then up again.

She smiled and lifted one hand to place her palm on my chest.

"Actually I wasn't looking either," she said, "But I am now!"

At that moment I discovered that I could feel that my cock had lost little if any of it's stiffness and as I looked down I could see that the tent and the damp patch in my shorts looked to be remarkably prominent.

"Oh fuck!" I gasped, repeating the cry I'd made to Mum, "Quit looking!"

For a moment or two I think I wanted to curl up and cry before I pulled myself together and noticed that Bry wasn't mocking me and in fact she was looking amazingly happy.

"Won't!" she exclaimed quickly, "I can look if I like!"

I stood there wondering how to proceed when Bry started again.

"You've certainly grown up, haven't you Chris?" she said as her hand on my chest caressed my pecs, "You've developed pretty well, I think!"

I noticed that as she spoke so her breasts seemed to grow before my eyes and I quickly realised that her nipples, just like Mum's, were now pressing hard against her t-shirt, forming small distended molehills. My eyes were riveted to the sight, so much so that I didn't realise that Bry's hand was now heading south and had reached just below my navel.

"You're better developed than my last boyfriend," she said as her hand teased me, "Looks as if you're bigger downstairs too!"

"Get off!" I exclaimed unintentionally, "I mean, what'd you think you're doing?"

"I just thought I might have a quick feel," she said, not so much a question as a statement, "Let's see, shall we?"

With that her hand slid suddenly down and into my shorts where a second or two later it found and clasped my leaking cock firmly. I saw Bry's eyes open as wide as her mouth, then both her mouth and eyes were smiling.

"Bloody hell, you have grown!" she said, her hand now sliding up and down my shaft, "Mmmm, that feels nice -- is that good?"

It was all I could do to emit a happy humming noise but that was enough to encourage Bry and her hand now began working my shorts down, bringing my penis out into open air.

"Fuck Chris, that's perfect!" she whispered, "But how come you're all hard and excited?"

"Mum...," I spluttered, "She put sun cream all over me and... get off, for fuck's sake!"

"Did she now?" murmured Bry, her hand still sliding on my penis, "I hope it worked, but just in case it didn't and you've burned, come to my room later tonight and I'll put something soothing on you."

She gave my erection a couple of nice rubs up and down before covering me up again.

"Better not get you any more excited," she said, "Might have an accident, eh!"

With that she skipped around me and disappeared outside while I scampered quickly to my room, definitely fearing that accident.

Once there I slid my shorts off and having applied some talc to help dry up the precum I rummaged in my drawers, found a clean pair of shorts and slid them on before sitting down on the edge of my bed. They were those ones with an inbuilt mesh lining that retained my 'equipment'.

"What on earth's happening?" I asked myself, "First Mum and now Bry -- this is getting serious."

My cock was still very stiff and felt very needy -- I knew that I needed to unload but once again I felt scared that either Mum or Bry, in their current mood, might burst in on me. Instead I just sat there and tried to make sense of it all. All I could come up with was that the world had gone mad -- which didn't help at all.

Regardless of how Bry and Mum had been I still wanted to get some sun on me so I headed outside, determined not to let them get me worked up again. I'd managed to get my cock to subside and at last I felt decent for once -- until I saw the girls, their loungers side by side.

They were both topless and revealing every inch of their amazing breasts!

"Fuck me!" I gasped at which both women turned their heads towards me.

"Don't mind us," said Mum, "I'm sure you've seen tits before -- come and make yourself comfy. Come and enjoy the sunshine."

Somehow my feet carried me to the spare lounger where I sat down rather heavily, my eyes locked onto their wonderful tits.

"Too nice a day to cover up," said Mum, "I was all in favour of stripping off completely but Bry didn't want me to, so I didn't."

"What do you think then Chris?" asked Bry, "Be honest -- who's got the best tits?"

The two of them laughed as they both shook their breasts at me in an erotic display of female flesh that sent my penis into overdrive and suddenly I was as stiff as a board again and Bry, being nearer to me than Mum noticed.

"Look Mum, he's hard again!" she said, "He's such a horny sod, isn't he?"

"It's his age," said Mum, "Hasn't learned to control himself yet."

"Hope he never does!" laughed Bry while I felt myself curling up inside.

Despite the display of breasts before me I managed to relax eventually and soon we were all absorbing the hot rays of the sun, until, after several hours, Bry sat up.

"Damn," she said, "I just remembered -- I said I'd meet Tina up town this afternoon -- you know, Tina from the sports club."

"Oh yes I remember her," said Mum offhandedly, "Oh well, go and have a good time while Chris and I stay here and relax."

"Don't want to let her down," said Bry as she stood up beside my lounger.

She stretched herself just as I looked up and there above me her two generous breasts were outlined in all their deliciousness. I felt my cock lurch suddenly, then start to grow and stiffen once again.

"See you later -- any idea when you'll be back?" enquired Mum.

"In time for some dinner I guess," said Bry, "Right, cheerio."

With that Bry disappeared into the house and not long afterwards we heard the front door slam as she left.

"Hey, we're on our own," said Mum as she sat up, her heavy breasts swaying delightfully, "What now then?""Well, more sunbathing I guess," I said, wondering why Mum should make that comment.

"How about we combine things?" said Mum vaguely.

"Like what?" I queried, "Sunbathing and ...?"

"Playing around a bit perhaps," suggested Mum, her tongue licking her lips, "For example, what would happen if I came and sat on you?"

My mouth hung open but I felt my penis jerk firmly against my shorts.

Mum stood up and to my complete shock she slid her bikini shorts down and off, before fluffing up her pubes and blowing me a kiss.

"Wow!" I exclaimed, feeling my penis really straining, "Mum, you're naked!"

"Well, yes," she said as she came and stood beside my lounger, "It'll be more fun this way!"

I lay there almost unable to move as Mum stepped astride my lounger and then her legs and pussy lips parted as she lowered herself gently onto my abdomen. I felt her arse rest against the end of my eager penis just as Mum leaned forward and kissed me. Instead of a chaste motherly kiss however, Mum found my lips and pressed her own soft, warm lips over mine just as her heavy but wonderful breasts pressed into my chest. She kissed me firmly, pressing me back against the padded headrest, her tongue now slipping between my lips and sliding over my teeth.

I couldn't help but respond and in a moment our tongues were twisting and sliding together while our lips spread and locked together. We seemed to be kissing for ages before Mum eventually lifted up and smiled down at me.

"You're a great kisser," she said, "And you taste so nice too."

"So do you," I managed to say, my words hard to find as I gazed upwards at Mum's breasts.

"Do you want to kiss these too?" asked Mum and a moment later she was lowering her breasts towards me, pressing one nipple firmly between my lips.

I had little option but to suck the nipple into my mouth, finding it to taste delicious anyway and soon I was really getting into it, loving the size and texture of Mum's nipple.

"And the other one," said Mum as she pulled away then returned, "Ohhh Chris -- that's so sexy!"

I could feel Mum's arse wriggling against my abdomen to the extent that I could feel the wetness between her legs and the slightly prickly feeling of her pubes and with that and a mouthful of breast I knew that my cock would soon be leaking, if it wasn't already.

After what seemed to be an eternity Mum lifted her breast away and sat more upright, then smiled hugely down at me.

"This is wonderful," she sighed, "And just in case you wondered why I'm getting all intimate all of a sudden it's because of your sister."

"Eh -- what's she done then?" I asked just before Mum bent forward and kissed me again.

"She wants you, I know she does," said Mum, "You know she keeps a diary, well she left it open the other day and I did some browsing..."

"That's private," I countered but Mum shushed me.

"Huh, you should see her internet browsing history then!" she added, "Whenever she's looked at anything sexy then its incest, that's almost all she looks at."

"Wow!" I exclaimed, unable to say much else it seemed, "Yeah, but you...?"

"She may want you but I gave birth to you so I get you first!" she said, "So there!"

"But... but... but..." I spluttered, staggered by apparently being their target, "But why?"

"From my point of view it's because I haven't had a man for simply ages," said Mum as she pressed her arse back against my hard cock, "And from hers, judging from her diary, it's because she can't find a decent man."

"So you want me to fuck you both?" I managed to say and Mum nodded.

"Well, not fuck so much as love, make love that is," she said gently, "Because here's you with no current girlfriend and with a nice big hard cock and here's us both looking for some cock."

"So why is Bry looking around -- she's got a boyfriend, hasn't she?" I asked but Mum shook her head.

"No, she got rid of him," said Mum, "Apparently he wasn't half the man he said he was!"

Mum laughed as she held her fingers up to describe something perhaps a few inches or so in length and I joined in now suddenly feeling very pleased with my own seven inches. I felt sure that Bry's boyfriend had had more than a couple of inches but...

We stayed still for a brief period of time before Mum rose slightly from me and spoke again.

"Lift up darling," she said, "Let's get those shorts off."

I felt her pushing at them and just had to help her, such was my arousal and it didn't take long to slide them down until I was able to shake them off.

"That's better sweetheart," said Mum as she slid slowly backwards, her slippery wet pussy sliding down my abdomen, "Ahh, there is it!" she said as her hand stretched behind her body and found my penis.

"Not out here, someone might see us!" I gasped but Mum slapped my chest gently.

"We're well hidden here," she said calmly, "Just don't shout anything!"

With that Mum lifted up, then moved down my body, her hand now stroking my erection between her legs.

"You ready?" she asked, "I am -- very ready!"

I felt the warm juicy heat of her pussy as her lips surrounded my knob and then the incredible feeling of her vagina sliding down over me until her arse once again rested on me. It felt as if my penis has been engulfed by the most perfectly made sleeve that was smooth, slippery and warm. It turned the few other girls' vaginas that I'd explored into mere pockets -- this was a whole world of different feelings that, regardless of how wrong it was, was quickly bringing me to the boil.

"Oh Chris, I needed that, I really did!" she exclaimed softly, "Oh, that feels so bloody good!"

"Does doesn't it," I agreed, my voice sharp and urgent, "Ohhh Mum, you're so tight -- you're amazing!"

"Haven't had anything up there for so long, no wonder I'm tight!" Mum giggled, "But you're going to make me all loose again, aren't you?"

"Hope not," I countered, "Feels perfect as it is but..."

"But what darling?" asked Mum, her vagina gently squeezing and caressing me as she spoke.

"It's too good, you're going to make me cum," I gasped, "Stop that, please."

We stayed almost still for a while, with only Mum's internal muscles at work, occasionally squeezing and caressing me while all I did was to flex my cock inside her every so often as I did my best to delay the finale but it wasn't working and I gasped loudly as I felt my body tightening.

"Gonna cum!" I grunted, "Too late -- gonna cum!"

"Yes darling -- let it go!" said Mum deliciously, "I want to feel you -- feel you shooting up inside me!"

"Ahhh, ahhhh, ahhhhhh!" I cried as I thrust hard and exploded, "Cumming, cumming!"

I felt the power of my climax pumping cum hard from my cock, flooding into Mum's hole, warming my knob as it pooled inside her and then there was the trickling feeling as it oozed back down over my pubes.

"Oh sweetheart, I felt that," said Mum as she leaned forward and kissed me again, "Ever single spurt -- you were so good."

"Yeah, but I'm not supposed to do that," I added, "We're not supposed to be having sex. What's happened -- why are we doing this?"

That post-cum feeling was all over me; regret, embarrassment, shock and more but Mum calmed me down.

"I know it's wrong but just listen," said Mum as she repeated many of her comments from earlier, "There's you with a penis and no relief except your hand and here's us two girls with no man around -- except you, so why not help each other -- and get a lot of pleasure and love as well?"

I nodded, understanding her words and slowly letting the love grow again, pushing all unhappy feelings away until I suddenly realised that my cock had stayed hard inside my mother. Instead of its usual habit of dying on me after cumming it seemed to want more and what's more, Mum could feel it too!

"Ohhh baby, you're still hard!" she said and as she spoke she tweaked one of her nipples and I felt her vagina coming alive again, squeezing, pulling, caressing my penis, "Let's do it again -- do you think you can?"

I nodded as she began raising and lowering herself on me, driving my cock ever deeper inside her, before pausing, then lifting off me completely.

"What's up Mum?" I asked, my eyes scanning around in case anyone was around but Mum calmed me down.

"Nothing to worry about darling," she crooned, "It's just that I thought that you might like to be on top, so let's change around."

Eagerly I sprang to my feet while Mum took my place on the lounger and without a concern in the world I climbed up between her legs and, supporting myself on my hands beside Mum, I leaned forward and aimed my cock into her hole.

"Ohhhh yess!" she hissed as I slid back into her, "Now, let's see if you can get me off -- and then perhaps you'll be able to cum again, won't you darling?"

I nodded, knowing that on a good day I was capable of having several orgasms in a row, then leaned down to kiss Mum's upheld lips. They felt almost as warm and soft as her vagina did and for a moment I debated whether or not to get her to suck me off -- but then her pussy began to work, seemingly sucking me into her slippery depths eagerly.

I pressed forward until I could go no further and still felt Mum's pussy working on me so I began working her by return, moving my cock around in every manner that I could think of that felt nice.

"Ohh, that's different!" exclaimed Mum, "Ahhh, yes, just there!"

I seem to have found her g-spot and several more thrusts at that angle confirmed it as Mum's eyes opened wide. She smiled sweetly up at me, her mouth betraying her emotions and pleasure, then she began to move her body with waves of muscular action rolling through her. I joined in, thrusting deep and firmly into her, then easing off, before thrusting powerfully again.

"Yes, yes," she grunted as we began slamming together, "Like that -- do it harder!"

I upped my actions, feeling the pressure of her lovely pussy around my cock, feeling the slipperiness of her vagina and the way she could both accommodate me and squeeze me hard and feeling all those sensations building up to fill me. I knew immediately that even though this was almost certainly going to be my second orgasm, it was liable to happen far more quickly than usual.

I concentrated on my thrusts, holding back the build-up, doing my best to excite my mother more and it all seemed to be working, but still my orgasm was closing in on me.

"I won't be able to hold it much longer," I advised Mum breathlessly but she patted my back gently.

"Don't worry darling, I'm not far off either," she gasped, "Anyway, if I haven't already climaxed then when you cum then I think it'll set me off -- so let it go."

"I'll try and hold it," I grunted as I thrust, my thrusting now somewhat jerky as I began to lose control, "It's getting close though."

"I know darling, I can feel," Mum soothed me, "Don't let it worry you -- cum when you're ready!"

I managed to hold off for another minute or two until Mum gasped.

"Ahhhh sweetheart, you've got me!" she cried, "I'm just on the edge... almost there... almost...!"

Her vagina was squeezing me so firmly now that it was rapidly driving me over the edge and I thrust harder and faster to try to get Mum off -- and it worked.

"Cumming!" she squealed suddenly just as I felt myself losing it.

"And me!" I gasped as I slammed into her as hard as I could, "Here it cums!"

With no option left and no chance to hold back I felt my first gush of cum rising and bursting into her and that was more than enough to set Mum off.

In an instant she was rolling and squirming and gasping and grabbing as her excitement peaked and blew her mind.

"Sweetheart, ahhhh!" she howled, her vagina so tight around me that it seemed to be strangling my cock, "Ohhh yesss! Yessss -- oh fuck -- ooooh damn... oh bloody hell, wow!"

I'd filled her again until my cum and her juices were overflowing and squirting out between us but I neither cared nor could I help as my climax eased down and my energy bank emptied.

"Bloody hell," I echoed, "You were so hot Mum!"

"Thanks to you darling," she crooned gently, her arms around my neck, "Oh Chris, that was just what I needed, thank you so much."

She stretched up and kissed me before slumping back, her breasts now heaving with her heavy breathing. I was still inside her but not for long as her vagina suddenly squeezed me and more or less ejected my waning cock, but I didn't care -- I was replete.

For a few moments we just lay there with my body resting on hers before she patted my back.

"Lift up darling, you're getting heavy," she said gently and suddenly realising where I was I did so, supporting myself on my arms and knees.

It was only then that I really realised that we were no longer connected upon which I knelt upright and gazed down at my lovely mother.

She lay there with her legs splayed, her pubes all matted and gleaming with assorted juices, her pussy lips splayed and reddened -- and she looked amazing. As I watched her a sudden trickle of white cum oozed from her hole which suddenly set me thinking.

"No chance of you getting pregnant is there Mum?" I asked and Mum shook her head.

"No darling, not a hope. I had my tubes tied when your sister was born -- two was enough!" she said with a chuckle, "So you're perfectly safe."

"Just wondered," I murmured, "Somehow I don't think it would be much fun if I made you pregnant."

"No, that's true," said Mum with a wry grin, "The authorities might have had something to say about that."

I moved until I could stand up, then reached for the towel that was draped over Mum's lounger and handed it to her. She spread it over her body to mop up her sweat, then pressed it between her legs with a kind of grimace.

"Dearie me," she laughed, "I think you've made me a bit sore -- I never expected that to happen."

"Anything I can get you?" I asked but Mum shook her head.

"No, I'll be ok, I'm just out of practice," she said, "Bound to happen the first few times but then I'll probably be ok."

"The first few... so we can do it again?" I asked, full of hope and Mum smiled back.

"Of course darling -- you didn't think I'd be happy just doing it once, did you?" she said with a huge smile, "So once you've broken your duck with your sister I expect you'll be very busy!"

"Phew, wow! What, her as well?" I gasped, shocked by the thought and yet thrilled too, "That's gonna be fun!"

"You just make sure you don't wank too often!" laughed Mum, "Oh, and speaking of your sister, you'd better be a bit more careful with her."

"Why, what's up?" I asked.

"Because she hasn't had her tubes tied, but she is on the pill," she explained, "Just make sure that she keeps taking it, ok."

"Definitely," I agreed, "But Mum, is it ok if I go and have a shower -- I'm all stuck together!"

"I was just about to say the same," said Mum as she rose from her recliner, "Oh, look at that, would you be a darling and clean it up and I'll go and get started on my shower quickly before it all runs out of me!"

Where she'd been lying was a large puddle of mixed juices that had already escaped and so, still naked I sprinted for the kitchen where I found the disposable paper towels and a cleaning spray. It didn't take me long before it was all cleaned up upon which I climbed into my shorts and breathed a sigh of relief. Despite Mum's comments, no way did I want my sister to come home early and see the mess or me naked!

I showered and then pulled on some clean clothes and by the time I returned to the kitchen Mum was already there and at work, preparing some vegetables for dinner. There was a smell of meat coming from the oven and I wrinkled my nose to try to identify it.

"Roast pork," said Mum, "I know you like that -- and some sprouts and carrots and potatoes and some stuffing -- how's that?"

"Wonderful!" I exclaimed, "Do you need a hand?"

Mum shook her head and smiled.

"No darling, it's as good as all done now," she said cheerfully, "So now we just wait for the meat -- should be ready at about five thirty."

For a little while I just stood and admired my lovely mother. There was something about her that I couldn't easily identify until I realised that she seemed far happier than I'd seen her recently and she seemed more 'alive' too and Mum seemed to see that I was interested in her.

"Amazing what some good hard loving can do!" she laughed, "I feel so much younger now -- and all thanks to you darling!"

She came and hugged me, not an unusual event but this time she pressed her entire body against me and squirmed deliciously in my arms.

"Mmmmmm, give me another hour and I'll be wanting to do it all over again!" she laughed, "That was so good -- thank you darling."

"No -- thank you," I countered as I kissed her, "I never thought we'd be making love!"

"Ah well, I'd always had the idea in me," she said, "Ever since you began to grow up, I think."

We began to kiss again, then pulled apart quickly as the sound of the front door being opened reached up -- and somehow we managed to look totally innocent as Bry strode in.

"Mmmm, smells nice," she said immediately, "Pork, I think."

"Got it right in one!" said Mum with a smile, "So how was your outing?"

"Bit boring," said Bry, pulling a face, "We got chatted up by some weird guys -- yuk!"

"You can do better than that," said Mum and Bry nodded.

"That's what we told them too," said Bry, "Only we didn't put it that politely! Then we said we'd had enough and we all decided to go home."

While they were talking Mum had found two glasses and now lifted a bottle from the fridge, filling the glasses with the chilled wine. She put the bottle back and then handed me a can of lager then urged us from the kitchen and herded us out onto the patio once again. For a moment I panicked as I began to worry that we'd left any evidence but the sun had dried where I'd cleaned up and all was well. We all chattered idly and I stayed with them until I'd finished my can then decided to head to my bedroom for a quick doze until dinner was ready. I must have fallen asleep in moments and almost before I knew it there was a rap on the door as Mum stirred me from my sleep.

"Come and get it," she called brightly, "Everything's ready."

And it was -- dinner was already on the table and as I arrived so did Bry and with a smile to each other we sat down gratefully. Half an hour later and we'd all finished, then we joined Mum in the kitchen to wash up after which Mum headed outside once again, this time to do some gardening, while Bry and I both retired to our rooms, replete and, so far as I was concerned, happy, amazed and contented. It had been quite an emotional and tiring afternoon for me...

A peaceful few days followed, with home life returning to 'normal'. Mum, Bry and I all went about our daily lives with nothing especially exciting happening -- although both Bry and Mum continued to parade around half dressed and I continued to feel horny, but none of that was anything new. Oh, and Mum teased me occasionally, shaking her tits at me or flipping up her skirt.

However, on Thursday evening Bry said that she had a date and duly headed out to meet her latest friend. It was yet another pretty warm day and evening and I saw Bry wearing her favourite denim shorts and a cropped top, both of which were decidedly sexy.

I heard Mum tell her, "Look after yourself darling" -- a suggestion that I was sure she'd probably ignore -- then she was gone.

"I don't know; that girl," said Mum as we settled down to watch a film together, "She does like encouraging them, doesn't she?"

"Huh, she's sexy enough without bothering to get dressed up," I said, a comment that I immediately wished I hadn't said.

"Ohhh, you think so, do you?" said Mum with a wicked glint in her eye, "Perhaps I'd better do a bit more to encourage you myself then!"Instantly I felt my cock begin to surge and before I knew it I was erect and throbbing. I managed to hide it from Mum, because despite our recent intimacy I was still scared of having sex with her. That wasn't because she wasn't sexy enough but because it still felt wrong, however exciting it may have been. Whatever, I managed to slip off to the toilet during a break and having peed my cock lost its immediate stiffness and I saw out the rest of the film without a problem.

Eventually it was over and Mum stood up.

"Ohhh dear," she yawned, "Sitting here doing nothing has made me tired -- I'm going to have an early night, I think."

"Don't blame you," I offered, "Oh well, sleep well."

Mum came and kissed me goodnight, her lips on mine warm, soft and delicious and I almost held her down, now desiring more but somehow I missed the opportunity and then Mum was leaving the room just as I realised that my erection had returned.

I wondered what to do -- to head to my room for some hands-on sex or to continue watching the TV, then I discovered a program that I'd enjoy so I settled down again. It was a wildlife film -- a subject that always appealed to me...

It was about halfway through the film when the front door slammed open and Bry appeared, throwing her bag onto a chair in anger. It bounced once and as it did so some odds and ends spilled from it onto the chair seat. With a grunt of annoyance she stuffed everything back then she disappeared immediately into the kitchen and returned a few moments later with a big glass of wine. She moved her bag and slumped into the chair, her face twisted and angry and I knew that things had gone badly.

"No good?" I asked carefully, "Anything I can do to help?"

"Fuckin' stupid sod!" she exclaimed, downing half her wine in one go, "Thought he could just fuck me right outside the back of the pub! With people and cameras around -- what kind of person did he think I was?"

"Stupid twat," I answered in sympathy as I tried to describe the guy.

"Yeah, I think he thought I was some sort of a tart or something!" she added, "I mean, I love sex, don't get me wrong, but not in public -- there are limits!"

I reached over and rested my hand on hers sympathetically and rather to my surprise she turned her hand over and took hold of mine too.

"Oh Chris, I'll never find a decent guy at this rate!" she said, her eyes seemingly full of tears, "Where the hell are they all?"

"Staying home I guess," I suggested innocently and at that she perked up.

"You're probably right," she said, "So why am I out there looking around."

It wasn't a question but a statement but I kept it to myself because right now wasn't the time to suggest that we get together... but apparently Bry thought otherwise.

"Ummm, Chris," she began, "I don't want you to take this the wrong way but what if I suggested that we get more friendly?"

"Like how?" I asked as her hand began to move around in mine, "We're pretty good friends already, aren't we?"

"No, I mean -- oh, I don't know what I mean," she exclaimed and then, a moment later she jumped up, turned around and dropped onto my lap.

Automatically my arms surrounded her and as they met, she took hold of my hands and lifted them until they were cupping her breasts.

"Like this," she said softly as I felt my cock quickly rising, "More loving -- I mean, real loving!"

She twisted around until she could kiss me and as she did so her lips were almost hot, deliciously wet and slippery and amazingly sexy!

For reasons better known to my mind I tried to pull away after a few moments but Bry's hand pulled us together again. Sure, I wasn't complaining, she was a lovely kisser but I was just shocked by her sudden actions. For long moments we kissed, our lips sliding around, our tongues probing and meeting, our pulses rising, but then Bry pulled away and looked at me.

"Oh Chris, I loved that," she breathed, her tongue exploring her lips, "Do you want to carry on -- you know, go further?"

I found myself nodding furiously and as I did so Bry found my hand again and pulled me tightly against her, our lips meeting once again. This time though she didn't hold back and now used her body as well, her jeans-clad arse sliding deliciously over my, by now, rigid cock until she once again pushed us apart.

"Come on Chris, let's do it!" she panted as she pulled me towards the hall and her bedroom, "You've got to -- I really need you!"

It had never been in my mind to object and the thought of making love to her, sister or not, was thrilling to say the least so I eagerly followed her into her room, after which she locked the door.

"Come on," she repeated, "Let's get undressed -- hurry up, please!"

I tore off my t-shirt but since it was Bry who was egging me on I let her get ahead of me and I was able to watch as she wriggled out of her jeans, pulled off her jumper and then stood there in her underwear, looking simply perfect. She paused in the process of removing her bra and looked at me.

"Aren't you getting undressed too?" she enquired, "You'd better!"

"Yeah, I was just watching you," I admitted, as I slid my shorts down, stepped out of them and dumped them on the chair, "You look so amazing."

"Can't wait to see you too!" she panted as she let the cups of her bra fall into her hands, "Hurry up will you, please."

"Wow!" I gasped as her perfect breasts were exposed to me, "They look fucking gorgeous!"

"Not bad, aren't they!" she answered, "Quite proud of these babies -- but come on Chris, get stripped off!"

Eager now to catch up I pushed my underwear down over my arse and down my legs, then let them to join my shorts on the chair. I stood upright again and this time it was Bry's turn to gasp happily.

"Hey, now that's what I call a cock!" she laughed quietly, "Do you know how to use it?"

I laughed back at her and made my rigid penis bounce several times before looking at her.

"Hope so," I commented, "All depends on the woman, of course."

"I think you'll find me hot enough to keep you interested," Bry added as she stepped closer, "Can I have a feel, Chris?"

"Be my guest!" I said as I thrust my pelvis forward and a moment later her hand was around me, gripping my eager shaft firmly.

"Damn, that feels good!" I said breathlessly, which caused Bry to giggle.

"I was going to say that!" she added brightly, "Come on, don't want to waste it."

She pulled me towards the big comfy-looking queen-size bed then released me as she threw herself down on her back, her head now resting on the pillow.

"What would I like?" she asked herself, "Ahh, yes, you any good at oral?"

I waggled my tongue at her then climbed between her legs and inhaled deeply. The amazing and delicious aroma of her hot pussy filled my senses and I lowered myself closer and closer until I was poised right above her slit. I extended my tongue, stiffened it and swiped all the way up her still-closed slit -- a move that made Bry gasp.

"Ohhh yesss," she cried, "Fuck me, that was nice! Don't stop -- please don't stop!"

No way was I intending to stop and now that I'd tasted her I wanted more and more. I repeated the action, but now her lips had begun to part and my tongue quickly penetrated deeply between her lips.

"Fuckin' hell, I love that!" she said as her hips began to squirm, "Go deeper, all the way in!"

Her pussy was now wide open for me, her tidy lips wide-spread; her little clit already prominent as it guarded her opening. I brushed my tongue over it and another louder gasp was forthcoming and this time her hands moved to hold my head in place.

"Ohhh, that's brilliant!" she oozed, "You certainly know what to do, don't you?"

"Hope so," I offered, as I thought how nice it would be to do this to Mum's pussy too, "Do you want me to work on your pussy or on your clit?"

"Stay where you are for now," Bry breathed, "Save my clit for later."

I didn't answer but instead I simply pressed my tongue into her depths, forming a fine tip to flick it over her skin then making my tongue into a wide brush to slide it up gently and down her lips. Gradually Bry's pussy seemed to heat up and as it did so it quickly became a whole lot wetter as her slippery juices began pouring from her. They tasted perfect and I slurped them up as fast as they arrived until they simply overwhelmed my ability to do so, then I lifted my face away from her.

"I think you're enjoying this, aren't you?" I suggested and Bry giggled back happily.

"Fuck Chris, you definitely know what you're doing, don't you?" she commented, "You want to work on my clit now?"

"Sure," I said since that was my next target anyway, "Just coming!"

I bent my head and having quickly located the position of her clit itself I extended my tongue and closed in.

"Ahhhh!" gasped Bry as I made contact, "Yeahhhh, just there!"

Unlike when I'd explored the depths of her pussy, Bry's hands now softly held me in place which I understood for her to mean that I should stay there and be gentle, so I did. Light swipes over and around her clit; gentle suction applied with my lips and slow strokes over it, each of which was greeted by a gasp or spasm -- or both. I could feel her starting to tense up as her arousal grew and grew and now, each stroke of my tongue brought another jerk of her hips until, some several minutes into my actions Bry pushed me away.

"No more, please!" she gasped, her body jerking occasionally, "Come on, up here, I want to feel you inside me!"

It was the work of a moment to rearrange myself above her, my weight supported on my knees and hands, then I bent and kissed her eager lips.

"Mmmm, you taste so sexy!" she giggled as she swiped her tongue all around my lips, "Come on then, get inside me, please!"

"No condom or lube?" I asked but Bry shook her head firmly.

"No way," she said, "I want to feel the real you -- I want you to fill me up -- I want to feel you shooting off inside me!"

Going on what Mum had said I reminded Bry to make sure to take her daily pill and then, after her affirmative answer I settled above her, using my hand to line up my cock with her opening.

"Ok?" I asked.

Bry nodded quickly then added, "As ready as I'll ever be!"

We made contact and it was as if a huge torrent of power engulfed us -- that unique feeling of forbidden sex being about to happen. Wild electric shocks seemed to travel all through me, bursting in pulses from where our bodies interacted, right down to my toes and up into my head. For a moment I felt as if I could explode -- as if I was flying and then reality returned and I paused where I was.

And that place was totally embedded inside my sister's pussy, my stiff penis held gently by the confining shape of her vagina.

In a moment of clarity we looked at each other and as we did so huge smiles broke out as we both realised how happy and comfy we were with the situation.

"Wow, talk about a shock!" said Bry with an accompanying chuckle, "I'd kind of dreamed of this but never expected it to happen."

"And me," I nodded back, "Oh Bry, you're so amazing -- I love you!"

We kissed, our lips meeting quickly and easily, our tongues intertwining deliciously, our hearts beating fast but as one, our hands caressing, stroking and soothing each other and it was incredible! Nothing had really prepared me for this moment and yet, as our faculties returned, it all made sense. We'd been forever-friends really and this was the culmination of our feelings.

I thrust, slowly, experimentally and deeply and was rewarded by Bry's lips sucking hard at me and her fingers squirming against my back.

"Yessss!" she hissed happily, "Do it lover, do it -- gently in and out."

Slowly I let the rhythm of life take over, its urges making me move and as I did so I felt Bry start to respond, her vagina gripping me in waves that did little for my composure. I slid in and out of her tightening vagina a little faster now, creating the wonderful friction that would culminate in an eruption -- hopefully in both of us and as I did so, Bry began making those lovely feminine gasping noises and cries that turn me on so much.

"Ahhh, uhhhh Chris, yesss!" she sighed as her body responded to our actions, "Ooooh, ooooh, ahhhh -- yes, like that -- oh Chris!"

I pounded her harder now, feeling my own tension rising as our bodies writhed together with Bry's legs now wrapping themselves around my waist. I felt the way her hole was sucking at me, clutching my cock deliciously and I could swear that the temperature inside her was rising too.

"You ok? I asked solicitously, "Shall I keep going?"

"Don't stop, don't you dare stop!" she panted by return.

"And why's that?" I teased despite having no intention of stopping yet.

"Cos I'm gonna... gonna cum any minute!" she gasped urgently, "Pleeeeese don't stop!"

So far as that was concerned, I had no alternative now because my own orgasm was suddenly approaching. I'd thought that I was good for several more minutes of firm pounding but I was wrong!

"Yeah, so am I," I answered quickly, as I began to lose control of my body, "Ohhh fuck, it's cumming, I know it is!"

"Let it go, do it!" demanded Bry as she squeezed my cock with her internal muscles, "Come on and I'll cum with you, I know it."

There was no stopping my orgasm now -- not that I wanted to anyway -- but suddenly huge spasms were jerking my body around, slamming my penis into my sister's hole, driving me quickly towards the edge. Suddenly I felt everything seize up inside and I knew that the moment had arrived.

"Cumming!" I grunted as I felt the first spasms driving my spunk from my penis, "Uhhh, oh fuck, uhhhh!"

"Oh Chris -- me too!" cried Bry loudly, "Ohhh Chris -- I'm cumming!"

The next few moments were lost as we both threw ourselves into powerful climaxes. I felt Bry's body opening up for me, devouring my cock and my cum. I felt her body pulsating all around me and felt her legs tighten around my hips, pulling my cock deeper into her. I felt the blood rushing through my veins as everything came to a delightful climax until finally we both slumped, Bry's legs falling from around me; my body resting hotly and heavily on hers, our lungs working overtime.

Eventually I regained my senses and pushed myself up from her slightly, then looked down at her sweaty, smiling, wonderful face.

"Are you ok?" I asked and she nodded furiously at me, a massive smile covering her face.

"That was -- wonderful!" she said, "That must have been the best fuck I've ever, ever had!"

Her pussy was still gripping my cock but it wasn't the same grip; now she was caressing me internally -- a kind of post-cum smoothing. I jerked my cock by way of response, then felt it beginning to deflate and start to slide from her.

"There's a towel here," I said, "Do you want to use it?"

Bry nodded and having taken the towel from me she slid it between her legs in place of my cock which had now slipped from her.

"I put it there on purpose," she said with a wink, "I didn't actually know we were going to make love but I hoped we would!"

"Cheeky devil!" I laughed back, "Really glad we did."

"So am I," she answered as she lifted her head and kissed me, "Anyway, after you had Mum, there was no way that she was going to have you all to herself!"

"What -- you knew?" I answered, shocked to the core and Bry grinned at me.

"Of course I knew -- Mum told me!" she explained, "But that wasn't going to stop me going out to look for some cock, was it?"

I remained silent with no suitable answer in mind.

"So what happened?" added Bry as she lifted the juice-soaked towel from between her legs, "I found a dickhead instead."

I laughed gently, not sure of the correct response but Bry carried on.

"But I should have listened to Mum actually," she said, "Cos Mum told me how good you were -- and now I've found out, you're going to awfully busy!"

"So you'll be sharing me with Mum?" I asked realising the implications and Bry nodded.

"Yeah, I guess so," she said, "Of course, I'd rather have you all to myself but I can't really complain if I have to share you, can I?"

"Wowwww!" I said, "It's all hard to believe, to be honest."

Bry sat up and having patted her pussy one last time she dumped the towel on a chair and smiled at me.

"What if I tell you that it was all planned?" she said with a wink which left me gobsmacked and unable to answer.

"Yeah, well, Mum and I both got talking about not getting fucked properly," she began, "Mum's on her own so she doesn't get any and I always end up with losers so we decided to make use of you! I mean, we hoped you'd be worth the effort and now you've just proven it so this is the start of a whole new adventure, isn't it!"

"Definitely!" I said, finally able to speak again, "Fancy another round then?"

"Not right now," said Bry, "Anyway, knowing Mum she was listening to us fucking and I bet that she'll want a go tonight."

"Sure will!" said Mum's voice and at that moment she opened the door.

She was naked and looked amazingly hot and eager as she stood there, one hand on a hip and the other between her legs.

"Hi Mum!" said Bry cheerfully, "He was fucking good tonight -- gave me such a great time!"

"Hope you didn't wear him out then," said Mum as she stepped closer to me.

She reached out and found my hand and began tugging me towards her.

"Come on darling boy!" she said lustfully, "My turn!"