Like many other young men, I had fantasized more than once about my mom during puberty. I think the breaking point occurred days after my 18th birthday, I had a wet dream involving her and couldn't resist it anymore. I awoke to soaked bed sheets and made my mind up—I was going to fuck my mother! At that time I was still a virgin at 18 years old, and very embarrassed about that. Oh, I'd french kissed a couple of girls and women I worked with at the restaurant, even felt a few bare breasts and fondled a couple of times through pants or panties; but that was it. I was hungry and needed to "pop my cherry"!

At that time, I was supposed to be deciding which university I wanted to attend. My parents had divorced years before and I was strongly leaning toward going to live with my dad and go to school there. My dad had remarried and my mom had been in a string of relationships with some real losers. She really didn't want me to go because I long before became the "man of the house", minus the sex. She really didn't want me to go away and pointed toward all the local universities, and she especially despised the thought of me moving into dad's place. We talked about it a lot that year and when I called my dad to ask for materials from the university in his town, she broke into tears and begged me to stay with her, arguing that the multiple local universities had much more to offer. As a bribe, she even started buying me Playboys and Penthouse Forums (which she enjoyed reading too), simply saying it was normal for me to look at them.

My mom worked in a hospital with strict dress policies, all women wore white dresses, no slacks back then. She had very set routines and schedules for things (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.). She got up early and was gone before I got up in the morning. When she got home at night, she often took her dress off and paraded around the house in her bra, panties, slip, and stockings until she poured herself a drink and got dinner started. Then she would take her stockings off in the kitchen and hang them over a chair. I was usually studying or pretending to study. I always enjoyed her lacy bras because they showed more of her 38D breasts. I especially enjoyed it when she had dark panties showing under her slip. Once dinner was started, the show was over. She would ask me to keep an eye on dinner and she would get another drink, take a quick shower, and get into her nightgown. When there were no boyfriends, which had been the situation since about 6-9 months before my 18th birthday, she would often have a few drinks and fall asleep/pass out on the sofa after dinner. She always went shopping early Saturday mornings. She would return around lunch and often started drinking in the early afternoon when we had nothing to do.

On the Saturday night immediately after my 18th birthday, I came in from a party with friends and saw her asleep/passed out on the sofa. I decided it was time to start putting the moves on her. I overcame the butterflies in my stomach and sat on the opposite end of the couch. She was already in her light gown and her light blue lace panties were exposed. She was passed out and I decided to begin by unbuttoning her gown and pulling her breasts out. She stirred a bit as I did, and I began to fondle them lightly. Then I sucked on one and it immediately hardened in my mouth. This just drove me wild. I did the same to the other breast and she rolled from her side to her back. She was breathing more heavily and even let out a soft moan as I played with her breasts for the next few minutes. I was throbbing and decided to run my hand down over her panties, I rubbed it as I sucked her nipples. Then I slowly worked my hand inside her panties and she shifted back on her side. I was in new territory now and really didn't know what I was doing! I felt her bush and pussy lips as I very gently eased my finger tip in and she rolled over on the sofa and mumbled something. I decided to try and pull her panties down to look at her pussy, but her legs stayed tight together. I wanted her bad, but my nerves got the best of me and I pulled her panties back up. I went to my room and jacked off four or five times that night before falling asleep.

The next morning, I awoke with a hard-on (What 18 year-old doesn't?), and my mom knocking on my door. She wanted to talk with me. She asked "Where you fondling my body last night? I'm not sure, but it seemed you were sucking my nipples and had your hand in my panties."

I didn't know what to say. I know I got flushed right there. After a short pause, she dismissed it as a dream and apologized for even asking and that was the end of it. I sighed in relief after she left my room.

I had to work at the restaurant that afternoon and evening and while I was at work I overheard two of the older guys I worked with talking about how to use Everclear in small amounts to loosen female inhibitions. I asked them if it worked and one of the guys said he did it often with his fiancée. The other was going to try it with his newest girlfriend. I asked them if they could get me some I'd like to try it with my "girlfriend". They both said no, I may have been 18, but that was still underage by a year at that time. I knew then I needed to get some Everclear and I waited until later that week when someone else from work was making a beer run and paid him extra to get me a bottle of Everclear. He reluctantly agreed and got me the bottle. He warned me about the stuff, don't drink it straight, and use it carefully. I told him I was trying to soften up my "girlfriend". He told me to use no more than a half a shot per glass or she'd taste it. I got home late that night and decided to start by pouring some into my mom's vodka bottle in the refrigerator. I added about 2-3 shots worth, knowing my mom had a higher tolerance than most younger women, while she slept on the sofa.

The next night mom came home and poured herself her first drink. I watched as she took her first sip and she didn't react. She didn't get noticibly tipsy that night, but I sat with her on the sofa and she fell asleep. I decided to lay on the opposite end of the sofa and use my toes to stimulate her crotch. It wasn't the same, but after that Sunday morning, my nerves had the best of me. She squirmed a bit as I started, but then she spread her legs out a bit wider and allowed my toes to massage her crotch, while she slept, under the influence. After a few minutes, I noticed a wet spot on her panties. She wasn't moving or moaning. I then sat up and slowly pulled her panties aside and slipped my finger inside her wet pussy. I could smell her sweetness and my cock started throbbing again. She wasn't moving at all tonight! I was so tempted to fuck her right then, but she stirred a bit and rolled onto her side. I went to bed and jacked off four or five times again before falling asleep myself.

It was midweek and I decided to wait until that Saturday. I had to work Saturday morning and by the time I got home she had probably already had two or three drinks. She was somewhat upset and hurt that day and had told me she found out that the man she was talking to at work and having lunch with was married. I waited until she was in the bathroom and got my bottle of Everclear out of hiding and added another shot or so, to the now lower bottle of vodka. When she fixed another drink she looked at her glass after she took the first sip.

She finished that drink and was going to start dinner and the alcohol hit her. I had been watching TV, and her, and heard her stumbling in the kitchen. I got up and saw her trying to cut up food for dinner. She was not standing steady, so I offered to help. She said the vodka really hit her, but it would go away in a few minutes: It didn't, in fact it got worse.

I thought this might be my moment, right there in the kitchen. I decided to come up behind her with my erect cock and press it against her ass crack. She shuffled a bit in surprise and asked what I was doing. I told her I was helping steady her.

She said nothing, so I pressed into her harder and started grinding my throbbing cock against her ass. She was in a stupor by now and was not resisting at all, nor was she grinding against me at all. I wanted her so badly at that point my cock was starting to hurt. All my judgement and inhibition was going away quickly. As soon as she turned around to get something, we were face to face and close. She asked me to move and I decided to kiss her on the lips. She did nothing to stop me. My hands worked over her nightgown and found her nipples, which were already erect. I started grinding my dick into her crotch and it felt so good and so close I let out a moan and some precum. With that, I pressed her back into the counter and pulled her nightgown up.

She simply pulled it pulled down and slurred that she had to finish dinner. She told me to let her go, she had no time for this now.

I asked her if we could go to her bedroom after dinner and didn't get an answer. After she put dinner in the oven, she poured yet another drink and passed out on the sofa again.

I ate dinner early and decided to go see how much I could play with her that night. She was so drunk that that night I was able to gently pull her nightgown and panties completely off. And I took my own clothes off and was about to start having my way with her and the phone rang. I quickly answered it and it was my grandmother (her mother) wanting to check up on her. Mom had called her earlier and she just wanted to see how she was doing. I told her she was sleeping on the sofa as I looked at her naked body lying there. We talked for a while and as we did the feelings of guilt swept over me. I chickened out again and decided to put her panties and nightgown back on, but not before I tasted her sweetness this time. I got a much better look at her pussy that night and explored further inside it with my fingers. I tasted her wetness and was getting tempted again when she shifted and mumbled something. I put her nightgown and panties back on with no problems. The next morning she acted like normal and suspected nothing.

It was Sunday and I woke up thinking today was it. I was going to fuck my mother today or tonight! I watched her as she came into the kitchen. She said, "Good morning." And I replied. She looked at her nearly-empty bottle of vodka and got another one out.

I told her that grandma had called last night and wanted to talk with her. I didn't tell her that that call was the ONLY thing that kept me from fucking her last night.

I thought everything was OK when she turned and looked at me and asked, "Why were you fondling me in the kitchen last night?" I blushed and tried to say something, but she just cut me off and told me it was normal for young men to fantasize about their mothers; but that it simply wasn't acceptable. She asked me to stop thinking that way about her and definitely stop touching, fondling, or rubbing her private parts. With that she mixed herself a Bloody Mary, which was a change for her and added that she wanted to talk with me about "our situation" a bit later that day. She then called my grandmother (part of their Sunday morning ritual) and I just sat there in the kitchen listening, hoping she wouldn't tell about what happened last night, and she didn't. Then she called my aunt and they chatted for a while as she opened a bottle of wine and poured a glass. I listened in again and she said nothing.

It was almost lunchtime and she came to my room to talk to me about "our situation". She started off, by repeating that it wasn't acceptable in society for a mother and son to have sex. She then went back to the previous Saturday night and asked me again if I had fondled her.

I admitted it and her face turned red. She first asked if she was the first woman or girl I had ever touched like that. I told her that I had French kissed some girls in school and divorcees at work (more on some of them in another story). I had felt the bare breasts of two woman and fondled them through their pants and panties once. Then I admitted that her pussy was the first I had ever come in direct contact with. I also told her that I loved the sensation of grinding her pussy in the kitchen the night before and she stopped me.

She then admitted that despite how drunk she was, she got aroused too, but she said it just had to stop. Then she changed gears and wanted to make sure I knew how to used condoms.

I jokingly asked her if she would show me with my now erect cock (At 18 the wind made it hard, and her wanting to show me, made it even harder!).

She sat back and said she would have to think about it-—a glimmer of hope! She told me to get dressed and she went to shower and get dressed. We were going to the drugstore when it opened.

On the way there, she seemed different, not as upset and confused as earlier. We talked about girls vs. women on the way to the store and she kept saying how important it was that I knew how to properly use a condom. I was just listening thinking that this could be my lucky day.

We bought the condoms and I spotted a new Penthouse Forum, which we both enjoyed reading privately at that time. On the way home, the conversation was about where I was going to college. She repeated that was what I should be concentrating on, not sex. We talked about colleges and I was careful not to bring up moving to dad's place, but as we pulled into the driveway, she brought it up. We sat in the car in the garage arguing about it for a while. Then we went inside.

She got me a big box of Trojans, ultra sensitive, and after we got in and she poured herself a glass of wine. Then she looked at me and offered me a glass saying if I was old enough to register for the draft, I ought to be old enough to have a glass of wine. I took it and we went to the sofa with the box of condoms and our wine.

She explained that these were lubricated and that when I opened one the slippery side went out. I opened the box and tore one off. She grabbed for it and started to open it. She showed me the slippery side and the dry side. Then she used her thumb and showed me how to make a "well" with the tip so that it wouldn't burst inside a woman. She explained that she had one bust inside of her with a previous boyfriend and that thankfully she didn't get pregnant. Then she showed me how to roll it all the way down my penis and said it worked a lot better on erect penises. She went on to confess that she had her tubes tied shortly after that, but still demanded that her boyfriends used condoms the first few dates to avoid STDs. I reached for the one she used and she told me to get another one out and try it. When I stood up she asked what I was doing.

I said I was trying on my cock.

She asked if I was erect.

I replied "A little bit."

She said this wasn't really what she had in mind and wanted me to try it on my thumb too.

I pleaded with her that I needed to make sure I got it right in front of her, so we would both know for sure.

She reluctantly agreed and I dropped my pants and underwear right in front of her. I looked at her watching my cock getting erect at her stare.

She told me that I was "hung" compared to my dad and most of her previous boyfriends. By now I was fully erect and as I opened another condom, her eyes moved from my cock to my eyes.

I did the well, and began unrolling the condom down my shaft and the well disappeared as I unrolled it down.

Without thinking she grabbed the condom and end of my erect cock and told me to stop. I did and let go. She pulled it up and started unrolling it. Our eyes locked again as she unrolled it over my tip. I was throbbing and I now saw the same lust in her eyes as I'm sure I had in mine.

She looked at my throbbing cock and finished rolling it all the way down. She lightly touched my tightening sack and caressed them for just a second. Then suddenly she backed away, and without looking at me said that we shouldn't be doing this at all. She sent me to my room and told me to read my new Forum and please jack off to that and not thoughts of her—-it wasn't right.

I jacked off a couple of times thinking about her though. Now I couldn't get her out of my mind! I wanted to fuck my mother so badly it was all I could think about and I knew she was thinking about then it too! I walked out of my room looking for her and she wasn't in the living room or her bathroom. Then I noticed her bedroom door was shut. I heard her breathing heavily and softly moaning through the door and quietly tried to open it, but it was locked.

I went to the kitchen for another glass of wine and then remembered the guys at work talking about cold showers and thought I'd try that. It worked for about 10 minutes then I was hard again.

Throughout that afternoon, mom would come out only to get another glass of wine or later on, a drink. Without looking at me, talking to me, or even answering my question as to whether she was OK or not, she'd slip back into her bedroom and lock the door. By the clanking sound of the bottles in the trash, I knew when she finished the last of the Everclear-laced vodka that afternoon and opened the new bottle. Once she was back in her room, I got my Everclear out, poured out some of the vodka and replaced it with the Everclear. I used even more. I needed for her to be drunk!

Her silence continued that afternoon and into the evening. She didn't even come out to fix dinner, so I fixed something and ate. Then she came out, sweaty and started to say something, but quit mid-sentence and said she was taking a shower. I quickly finished dinner and went to the bathroom. That door was unlocked, I eased it open and snuck in. While she was shampooing her hair, and bush, I peeked in. I was throbbing and knew this was it! I took my clothes off and joined her in the shower.

Once she rinsed all the shampoo out she noticed me. "Joe, what are you doing in here with me? You need to get out right now! Right now!"

I pleaded, "Mom, I saw the look in your eyes earlier and I know you want to have sex with me as much as I want sex with you. Please it will be our secret."

She turned the water off and started to get out when I grabbed her and pulled close to me. She yelled, "No Joe, please stop this!"

I leaned into her and kissed her on the lips as she tried to push me away.

She struggled only briefly and then suddenly grabbed my shoulders and returned a French kiss. As we wondered down each other's necks.

I could hear her whispering, "No, we shouldn't be doing this. This is all wrong.. We need to stop now...."

But her body was giving in to the attention it craved. I was lightly fondling her breasts and she grabbed my fingers and guided them over her hardened nipples and pinched them. I continued to pinch them with that hand while my other hand reached for her pussy. I slid my finger in and she moaned as she reached for my cock.

She was still whispering that we needed to stop now. We didn't even dry off as we left the bathroom and went to her bedroom. I knew this was it and let out some precum on her fingers as we got on the bed. She was thrusting against my finger as she got on her back and spread her legs.

Suddenly, she stopped everything and told me, "Stop it right there! This needs to stop now. This isn't right and you know it! Let go of me and get out of my room! NOW!" She pushed me off the bed and moved the far side of the bed and stood up.

We stared at each other and I could tell her eyes of lust had become anger, guilt, and shame. I started cussing and she told me to go take a shower and cool off. She went on in a raised voice telling me there was NO way we were ever having sex, it simply was not right, etc.

I pleaded with her, begged her from the opposite side of the bed.

She continued to say no and was resolute.

Then a thought hit me and I raised my voice to tell her I was going to move to dad's place for college...

She immediately yelled, "Because I refuse to fuck you, which is so wrong, you're going to punish me like this? How dare you! You know it will kill me if you leave me for him! She broke down in tears and sat on the bed crying.

I did feel guilty enough about blurting that out that I went flaccid with precum just dripping. She cried for a few minutes and got up.

She asked me to get my clothes and put them on, we needed to talk about this. I

went back to the bathroom and put my clothes on. Mom put on her robe, told me to go to the living room, and that she was pouring herself a stiff drink.

We started talking about the college thing, but it quickly moved to the sex thing. She admitted that she was close to giving into "the moment", but had to stop herself and me. She apologized several times for leading me on, but repeated that it couldn't happen. Then talk went back to college. She was mad at me for what I told her in the bedroom. She went on and on about it.

Then I talked a bit and told her why I was thinking about moving to dad's place. I liked the college, and assured her that I wouldn't move there just because we didn't have sex.

She didn't believe me, but after she got another drink, she came back in and asked a question: "If I did have sex with you, would you have still consider moving to you father's place?"

I admitted that I would have. There was a long silence and she asked, "If I were to have sex with you, and I'm not saying I will, will you promise to not move to his place?"

My mind began racing, searching for an answer, as my cock began to swell.

In my silence, mom repeated the question.

I thought a bit more. I REALLY wanted to fuck her, but I liked the idea of going to the college near my dad's house. She was waiting for an answer and I just blurted out, "If we have sex tonight, ALL night, I'll promise to reconsider..."

Mom broke in, "NO, moving to your dad's place will absolutely not be an option for college, IF I agree to have sex with you tonight, as you said, ALL night. Period."

Then there was silence, both of us waiting on the other to say something.

My cock was fully erect again and as I looked up I saw a bit of lust in her eyes again. I thought that one night with her wouldn't be enough, and I just blurted that out.

She replied, "Right now, you'll consider yourself very lucky if we even have sex one night. Don't get greedy Joe." Then the alcohol in her spoke, "Besides, you might have sex with me and decide it's not worth it the after first time. You know, I'm pretty old fashioned when it comes to sex, as more than one of my ex-boyfriends has told me."

I told her that I would probably enjoy it a lot.

She replied that I didn't know what I was talking about.

We sat on the couch for a minute watching the TV and exchanging glances. Then she moved over close to me and said, "Alright Joe, what do you say? If we go have sex, will you not go to your father's for college?"

I finally gave in and agreed.

She nodded, snuggled closer, and asked, "Now where were we before I stopped everything?"

With that, my cock started throbbing. We locked eyes and kissed like we had never kissed before, our hands fondling and caressing each other. After a few minutes and soft moans as we went down each other's necks, she got up, grabbed my hand, and led me back to her bedroom. Once we got in there, all the inhibitions were gone. We were like animals ripping each other's clothes off. We got on the bed as we were fondling each other and she spread her legs again.

This time she grabbed the end of my throbbing cock and guided me directly between her legs and inside her wet and waiting pussy. Then she yelled, "Fuck me Joe! Fuck me hard! Go wild, this is what we both want!" It felt so good to finally be inside her pussy and her muscles seemed to just pull me deeper. I could feel her cervix with my deep thrusts. I didn't last long at all and soon she felt me tightening and told me I was getting close and to ram it into her hard and cum. I lasted maybe 3-4 more thrusts, then I felt my first true orgasm. It was awesome! The sight or feeling of my cumming triggered one deep in her and she squirted all over me. I freaked out and tried to pull out, but she reached around and pulled me deeper with all her strength, so I thrusted with my still stiff cock, and she let out a loud scream. After that, she just went limp for a moment and I collapsed on top of her. We were sweaty and I could smell our mixed cum, which was all over our midsections and the bed.

As I rolled off of her she said, "My God, that was intense, I haven't squirted in forever. What did you think? Was it everything you thought it would be?"

I told her that I never felt so good.

She got up and said she needed a cigarette and told me a puff or two probably wouldn't kill me either. We went to the living room naked and just held and fondled each other on the couch as I tried a smoke (gagged) and she had two.

She went to the kitchen opened a bottle of wine and brought two glasses in. She then offered a toast as she gave me a glass, "This is to an unforgettable evening." We clinked glasses and she went on, "This is just the start Joe, you've got me so aroused right now, I want to go all night. I think we both may be calling in sick tomorrow." We kissed as she felt my stiff cock, and we went back to her room. A

s we got to the bed, she told me to get on my back. I did so and she got on top of me and just slid my cock inside her in one motion. She started riding me as I reached up for her breasts and squeezed her nipples hard. That sent her into a frenzy and she really started fucking me hard and talking dirty to me.

I leaned up and sucked and nibbled her heard nipples and she went wild. She leaned down to kiss me and I could feel her squirting as she arched back up and let out a yell. I later learned, what followed was a series of several orgasms for mom as she hit her "plateau". She just kept riding me, moaning, yelling, grunting, and at times just freezing for an instant right before she'd let out a huge scream.

I came in her once, and didn't soften much afterwards. I grabbed her hips and ass and pulled her into me harder. I was instantly hard again and did not cum again with her riding me before she just collapsed on me, out of energy.

I was still rock hard when she rolled off of me over an hour after she had started riding me.

She was hot, red, and out of breath, as she said she needed another short break. But, she added, "Tonight is NOWHERE near finished young man. We have a lot more ahead of us!" It was late, but neither of us was tired. In fact, I was starving and she explained that was a sign of good, hot, sex. We made sandwiches and ate fruit, and I was surprised to see her just have juice and water with no alcohol.

She explained to me that while alcohol removes judgement and inhibitions, it also decreases the intensity and good feelings. We sat on the sofa for a while holding and fondling each other.

Then she got up and on her knees and said, "I've only done this a few times, but I want to do it for you now." She took my erect cock and put the tip in her mouth.

It felt different at first. I told her I wanted to fuck her again, but she nodded no.

Mom told me to just lay back and enjoy between sucks and licks.

I later learned with other women that my mom was pretty good with blowjobs, not the best; but among the best I've ever had. After a few minutes, I felt like I was going to explode. It was a totally different sensation that I've come to love when the mood is right. I could feel myself getting close, especially when she would take my cock all the way to her throat and then all the way back out, twisting on the purple tip.

I was moaning (Mom later told me screaming), when I was getting close and she knew it. Then I exploded!

She later admitted, she gagged at first.

All I know is that it felt divine and she just kept sucking me dry and swallowed it all, except for a spurt or two that shot over her face and hair. I was hard again within minutes.

Mom got up, turned around and got on all fours and told me to fuck her from behind. She asked if I'd read about doggy-style,

I said "Yes>"

Mom said this is it and some women really enjoy it.

As I mounted her from behind, it hit me, she was teaching me things as we went along. We fucked doggy style on the living room floor for several minutes. It didn't take long for her to cum and the feeling of her cumming and squirting all over me again sent me into a frenzy. Suddenly I started driving her hard, pushing her across the floor.

She was screaming "YES! YES! Fuck me baby! Fuck me harder!"

I pushed us all the way across the living room!

Finally she grabbed the chair against the wall and I thrust her into it. We both came and she flooded me and the floor. We collapsed in each other's arms and the floor and just held each other for several minutes.

By the time we recovered it was well after 1 a.m. Mom was tired and I was a bit too, but I didn't want the night to end yet.

I asked her if a man ever gave her oral sex.

She said no, and I told her I wanted to try it and that she was tired and wanted to go to bed.

I reminded her of her promise to go all night.

She said she needed a quick shower first to wake up a bit and that she'd meet me in the bedroom.

When we got up we could help but to notice our juices all over the floor and a light trail of spots going from the sofa to the chair.

We laughed about it as we kissed and she went to the shower. I decided to join her as she went into the bathroom. This time we cleaned each other in the shower as we kissed and fondled each other. I was rock hard again and fucked her from behind as the hot water ran out. We were both moaning in delight as we came together. We rinsed off in the lukewarm water and went back to her room.

She got on the dry end of the bed and I got between her legs and started kissing and licking her wet pussy.

It took quite a while for us to learn what she liked and she was telling me along the way. Then out of nowhere, she started squirming, thrusting and closed her thighs around my head as I hit her magic spot just right. She came instantly, squirting all over my face. Then she was just panting and thrusting her hips for a few moments.

She started asking for me to move up and fuck her good. Then her requests turned to begging, "Please Joe, get up her and fuck me hard. I'm so close to another big one."

Finally, I gave in and fucked her hard again missionary style. She exploded on my third of fourth deep thrust. She dug her finger nails into my back and was just screaming as she came, and she went on for a while. This was a big one and I could feel it too. As she was just finishing I felt myself getting close. I was fucking her as hard as I could and slamming her head into the headboard.

I nearly blacked out with this orgasm and immediately collapsed on her when I came in side her.

Afterwards she said that as soon as she came, she was telling me to breathe and I wasn't.

When I recovered and got off mom, I looked over and it was almost 3 a.m.. Now I was getting tired and I knew mom was very tired. We both fell asleep in each other's arms before I got hard again that night.

We both awoke after 8 that Monday morning to the sound of the phone ringing. Mom grabbed the phone, it was her boss and she told him we were both sick and apologized for not calling sooner.

She got off the phone with him and said that she need to call my school now and went to the phone in the kitchen. I laid there with a "morning stiffee", hoping mom would want more today, I knew I did!

When she came back to her room she got into bed beside me, and said, "We really need to talk." I dreaded those words.

First, we promised each other that it would be our secret, no one else would ever know what we did (I even asked her permission to write this and she agreed after all these years, only if she could look at it first. So here we are!).

Second, she enjoyed last night a lot; BUT, last night was over, and she wasn't sure we should do it anymore. She added that she was sore all over, her pussy, her nipples (which were blood red), her thighs, her hips, her back, her arms, etc. She then lifted the blankets off me and grabbed my erect cock. Surprisingly, it hurt a bit when she fondled it, and then she pointed out that we both have rug burns all over our knees.

We looked at each other and kissed each other long and slow. As I started fondling her wet pussy, she pulled away and said, "NO, Joe, we're not going there today."

Then she went on, third she told me I had better keep my promise and forget about moving to dad's place for college. I agreed and she smiled as she kissed me again.

Then she added a fourth by saying, "You're not a bad kisser, but you need to learn to slow down. Now, let me kiss you and put my tongue into your mouth first and show you what women like." What followed was almost an hour of just holding each other, kissing, and her coaching.

There was some occasional grinding, but she always stopped me before we got too carried away.

I asked if this was just a one-time deal.

She said she'd have to think about it, but today was out.

I started begging and pleading

She just joked it was my age and hormones.

I even asked for another blowjob and she refused.

We talked about sex over a late breakfast and I again asked for another blowjob. I needed one really bad.

Finally, she agreed saying that if it would just shut me up she'd do it, but that was it; and I'd have to stand up for her.

We went back into the living room and she pulled my shorts down and started licking and sucking.

Soon I felt that great feeling coming over me again, but I wanted more and I knew it. As I was getting closer, I grabbed the back of her head and a handful of hair.

She started moaning between and among sucks. Her hips were swaying a bit as she sat on the sofa.

The feeling I had that morning was different and more intense than the night before. From reading the Forum articles, I knew this was domination and I loved the feeling. I came quickly and it was the most intense orgasm I'd had yet!

Mom swallowed it all and continued to suck my cock.

Then I sat next to her on the couch and she confessed that she enjoyed being forced. It was something new for her too.

There was a long silence as we sat on the couch. I was getting hard again thinking about the new feelings and sensations rushing through me at that moment. The feeling of total power over my mother now consumed me as much as the desire to fuck her the day before.

Finally, I had to speak. "Mom, we weren't done talking."

She asked, "What? I thought we were done."

I remember feeling the sweat roll down from my armpits and my mouth got dry as I spoke, "Fifth."

I paused as she asked, "What?"

I continued, knowing what I wanted to TELL her but not believing I was actually doing it. "Fifth, if you want me to stay with you for college not only will we be having sex more, but you will have sex with me when I want it and with no one else!" I said it and blushed as I did.

Mom was just as stunned by what I told her as I was.

To this day, I don't know where it came from, but once I said it I felt relieved on one hand, but worried on the other. How was mom going to react?

There was another long silence and she asked, "Is this what you think of me? Do you really want me to be some sort of sexual SLAVE to you?"

I started to answer, but stopped myself as I heard her words in my head again. Yes I did want her as a sex slave, my own mother! I couldn't tell her that, not yet anyway. Thoughts were racing through my head and I suddenly realized that morning blowjob brought it all together. It was what I wanted all along and just didn't know it. Now the some of Forum articles were racing through my mind.

Mom raised her voice and demanded an answer. "Do you really want me to be your fucking sexual slave?!"

I calmed down and told her that the blowjob she just gave me made me realize how good I felt forcing her head and mouth around my cock.

She got up and poured herself a drink and came back in and said in a stern tone, "Alright! We REALLY need to talk about this right now!" Then in a much quieter voice, she mumbled, "I enjoyed you doing that. I'll confess, I was really turned on!"

At this point we were both talking now. Then she shared her fantasy of being raped and manhandled and said that the night before really awakened that fantasy again.

We talked about that a lot. We discussed rules of the house. I was still her son, living under her roof.

I was surprised how easily she seemed to accept the idea though! We chatted about it through lunch and into the afternoon. I even went to my room and got the Forums out that had something about domination in them to show her.

Throughout our conversation, mom was sticking firm to no sex that day. She was too sore, but we did talk about what we would do that next weekend.

Plans were quickly falling into place and we decided that we should go to the adult bookstore across town and find some books or tapes. We spent over an hour in there. It was my first time in one of those places and they did card me. We filled a basket with stuff and then went to the mall for dinner. On the way she said we were going to Frederick's where she would let me pick some outfits for her. I got excited because as I told her in the car, I loved sexy lingerie photos. We ate dinner and went to Frederick's. I found four outfits I really wanted to see her in and went outside while they helped her get her sizes. As we drove home, she repeated her rape fantasy, and how she wanted me to do it to/for her, and we spent the rest of the night planning that.

While she wasn't sure about the slave thing, I was trying to figure out how to make that happen. After that last Sunday, I wanted my mother as my sexual slave and its all I wanted. I saw the rape as a start to that end.

The rest of the week dragged on and it was all I could do to do my homework. All I wanted to do was read the books and magazines we bought and look at the toys and her new lingerie, until mom got home and then I wanted to either talk to her about that weekend or try to fuck her.

She said we had to wait all week because she wanted me really turned on and ready Friday night.

We planned it out and Friday night came. I made dinner so it was ready when she got home and we went through it one more time.

She wanted me to manhandle her (she didn't like me to use the word rape, but that's what it was going to be like) and ravage her body. She didn't want me to stop until I was ready to stop. She wanted to be used, tied up, and forced to do things. I had everything laid out in her room for this. I was ready to "rape" my mother and use that to make her my slave.

After dinner, she went to the bathroom to shower and touch up her make up and put lipstick on. Then I heard her go to her room to get dressed. Several minutes later she came out in a dress, wearing her black stockings and heels. Underneath it all she had the black bra/corset and crotchless lace panties I picked out at Frederick's. She looked stunning and as she spun for me, I was enthralled by her. She even had on her Chanel #5 and the scent mixed with hers, and drove me wild! She asked to have a glass of wine and a cigarette first, while I got in my position and turned all the lights off.

I was hiding in her room and heard when she put her glass down and could hear her footsteps. When she entered the room, I grabbed her, fondled her as I covered her mouth. She tried to cream as we planned, but I muffled it as I threw her on the bed. The sensations were rushing through me and I realized I had never been this worked up ever in my short sexual life. I ripped her dress open to expose her breasts on the bed as she began to "struggle" against me, "begging" me to stop.

continued pinching her nipples as she pleaded, "NO, no please stop!" As I ripped her dress off and could see her lingerie, I shot some precum.

I ripped my pants open as I "fought" with her, and told her, "Oh no BITCH! This is going to happen!"

She quickly quit "struggling" as I pried her legs apart and forced my self between them.

Once I was there, it was not hard to penetrate her through those crotchless panties. I forced myself into her really hard, but she was already wet with anticipation.

I remember telling her that she was so wet this must be turning her on.

She continued with the no,no,no's as I told her she was a slut and all mine that night! Mom was still resisting me a bit as I rammed her, but her hips were moving to meet my thrusts. I didn't last long at all and had a huge explosion deep inside her. She came big time right after me.

As we agreed, we took a short break. That was the most intense sex I'd ever have and I was instantly hard again. When we continued, I just started fucking her wildly again and she cam more than me, some "rape".

Then when I went flaccid, I got off her and forced her head back around to my cock. I grabbed her hair much more firmly that I had before and I enjoyed watching her suck me hard, suck me to orgasm, and then suck me dry as I told her to swallow every drop. Then, I told her that I really liked fucking her and this party was just beginning. I pulled her head back to my cock and she sucked it hard again. This time when I was rock hard, I rolled her over on all fours.

She thought I was going doggy style, but I grabbed the Vaseline under the bed and put some on my tip and her anus, and suddenly she knew what I was about to do.

She said, "Joe, be careful now." As I eased into her tight ass.

I worked myself all the way in and she pleaded for me to stop along the way. Then I started slowly fucking her. Mom's ass was so tight it hurt both of us at first. Then she relaxed and loosened up and the sensations were fantastic!

Suddenly she went wild and just started screaming at the top of her lungs. I put a pillow in front of her mouth because I was afraid the neighbors might hear her and think something was wrong. Then she just started cumming and she was yelling with each of my thrusts, which were getting harder and more forceful. She was squirting almost non-stop now and it was all over the bed. I was getting close to another big one so I started ramming her ass harder. I felt myself cumming and just grabbed mom's hips with all my strength and rammed it in.

She arched up and let out a huge wailing scream as I came in her ass. She scared me when she collapsed on the bed after that. She blacked out for a few seconds, and was lying there under me, just trying to breathe. We were both sweaty wet messes when I slowly pulled my flaccid cock out of her ass. I needed a shower then, so I left her panting and softly moaning on the bed.

As I showered, I was just starting to get hard again as I thought about what I had just done to my mother. Feelings of guilt swept over me, but I had to plan the rest of this out. I wanted my mother to be my complete sexual slave before the night was over and now I needed to continue.

When I came out of the shower, she was in the bathroom in her wet black lingerie asking if she should change and touch up. I agreed and told her to get her white lingerie on. It was a bridal type outfit and consisted of a thin teddy, panties, a thin robe and white stockings.

She came into the kitchen where I had made a snack of fruit and sliced cheese. She poured another glass of wine for herself and offered me some.

We talked about the rape and she told me she absolutley loved it. She added that having her son do it made it very special to her.

We then talked about what was ahead-—how she would become my slut and later sex slave. She was so "sexed up" at that point, I had no problems just telling her how it would be.

We went back the bedroom where I tied her to the bed spread eagle, untied her panties and just started fucking her pussy until I came. Then I ravaged her body pinching her nipples and clitoris with clothespins. I spanked her wet pussy with our new crop and pulled out her vibrators and the other things we bought as I played with her.

She came several times and whenever I started getting hard I either fucked her pussy or her mouth.

I didn't say much at first, but then I started calling her a slut and whore--my own mother. She just agreed and begged for more!

It was getting late and we were both getting tired. I was starting to have dry orgasms by then and decided we needed another break before I made her my slave.

She stripped out of her sweaty outfit and took a shower while I got something else to eat. Her bed was soaked! She got a bite and asked what was next because she didn't know how much more she could take. It was after 3 by then.

I led her back to her room and put her on the soaked bed. We were both naked and I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with her next other than make her my slave. I decided to put her on top of me and let her ride me awhile, since we both enjoyed it so much the Sunday before. She followed my instructions and we were both soon fucking full force.

As soon as I thought she was getting close to orgasm, I told her to stop and just stay there with my cock inside her. I leaned up and gave her a long slow kiss and she started wanting to ride me, but I stopped her and asked, "Do you want more SLUT?"

She begged yes as she started trying to ride me and kiss me.

I told her to stop again and went on, "If you want more of me, you need to agree to some things."

Mom stopped and looked at me.

I went on, "I will call you 'mom' when we are not alone, but when we're alone I will call you SLUT. Understand?"

She looked puzzled, but nodded her head in agreement.

I continued, "When we are alone and have nothing to do, you will be my sexual slave and serve my desires. Right there, right then, and you can have NO reservations." I finished by saying, "You will have no other men but me and I may add to the rules later; but for right now they are the rules for as long as I live here. Do you understand SLUT?"

My mom was frozen on me for a few seconds and she nodded. I had her tell me she understood and she did.

Then I laid back and told her to fuck me until she couldn't fuck anymore tonight.

She immediately did so and we each came a couple of more times before we got too tired. I told her to come with my to my room where the bed was dry.

We went to bed and slept until 10 a.m. Saturday. When I awoke, I was hard and decided to put my new slave through her first test, as she lied there sleeping, I rolled her over on her back, spread her legs as she woke up dazed, and started fucking her.

She asked what I was doing and mentioned needing to go shopping.

I reminded her of her promise and that she belonged to me as I came inside her.

We got up and she went shopping as I started my chores. Her room still smelled heavily of sex. When she got home, she put the food and things up and had a snack.

I then walked into the kitchen and told her to follow me to her room. Once there, I told her that as she is a slut, I expect her to wear slutty things around the house and open up her drawer of slips and camisoles. I threw her a thin black shear camisole and told her to wear that and nothing else.

She did as I told her and came out to the living room. I got hard quickly and spread her legs on the couch and started fucking her. We both came quickly.

I then got off of her and told her to start sucking my dripping cock.

She did until I came again and she sucked it all up.

Then we talked about it and she admitted that she liked the way our relationship was going. She said she really got turned on shopping when she was thinking about me being able to take her and use her anytime I wanted.

Through time, the agreement was modified a bit, but our dirty secret remained and mom remained my very willing sex slave until I moved out. I did stay there for college and even had a couple of girlfriends along the way. More to come. The first week after I seduced and enslaved my mother was awesome, especially for an 18-year-old! Mom would get up each morning and go to work and then I got up and went to school. When she got home, she would take off her white dress and parade around in her bra, slip, panties and stockings. I would be waiting and as soon as her dress came off, I would begin fondling her right there in the kitchen. Then we'd go to the living room and fuck each other for a while. The week went by quickly and all I could think about was having sex with my mom.

She went shopping that Saturday morning and when she got home and put things up, and I started trying to strip her down, she stopped me and said, "We need to talk Joe."

I dreaded those words, but asked, "What's the problem mom?"

She said, "Since last weekend we've lived a fantasy life. I've really enjoyed it and am happy I agreed to this taboo; BUT (Here it came!) we need to make some new rules around here." She went on in a semi-rant, "We haven't eaten a decent dinner all week. We don't talk about the things we used to. This house is a mess. There are still spots on the floor and furniture from last weekend (which she pointed out). We need to get back to reality."

I started to say something, but she stopped me saying, "I bet you haven't studied like you do. You've still got to apply to the university. And, I bet you've forgotten that your Senior Prom is two weeks from today. Have you even asked anyone yet?"

"No." I said as I looked at my mom. She was getting pissed.

She said, "You need to ask someone this weekend." Then she said, "Remember, I'm goings to your grandmother's that weekend for her birthday, so you'll have this place all yourself." Then she winked and added, "Who knows, maybe you'll get lucky kid."

We both laughed a bit, and I was talking about having my date at the house.

Then she said, "Joe, we need new rules for us. We can't continue going on like this." She went on, "I need to be able to come home, get out of my dress, fix a drink, start dinner, and take a shower. After I'm out of the shower and we've eaten and talked a bit. Then we can have sex for a while, but not too late. I really need to be in bed by 10. This staying up and fucking until after midnight is taking its toll on both of us. By the way, how are your studies?"

I didn't say a word and didn't have to, she knew I hadn't done anything all week.

She told me that she realized I only had a month of school left, but I still needed to study and keep those good study habits for college. I needed to go to work and do my chores around the house, which we had both neglected that week. Then she added, "I've been thinking..."

"Yes mom?" I asked.

She then said, "When you start college, you're going to be coming and going at all hours of the day. So, I was thinking that maybe we could make you a bedroom and finish the bathroom in the basement. That way you could use the basement door to come and go. There's a lot of space for you in the unfinished part of the basement. You could fix up a room any way you want, take your furniture down there and we'll even add some stuff to make it like an apartment. Your bedroom is getting too small for you now anyway, but I will make it into an office.'

I replied that I liked the idea and said I could do it over the summer whenever I'm not working.

Mom told me I needed to apply and be accepted at the local university before I even started working on my room. She went on to say that it just wouldn't be "cool" for me to be going to college and living with my mother. She finished by saying, "Since I took my maiden name back after your dad and I divorced, you'd be able to tell people I'm your landlady."

We joked about that the rest of the day as we both did our chores. I remember mowing the lawn that day was almost impossible and took forever because I had neglected it for too long. And that night, when we finished everything, we were both too tired after dinner for sex. We just shared the sofa and held each other as lovers for a while and went to her bed.

The next morning I woke up to my mom bringing me breakfast in her bed. She was wearing a new outfit she had picked up the day before while she was out shopping and she looked incredible. It was an emerald silk and lace teddy with matching panties and black lace-top stockings. I ate breakfast and as I finished mom took the tray and said, "I really need for you to fuck me Joe. I want you to fuck me all day and just use me as you please."

I reminded her that I had to work that afternoon and she pouted. Then I said, "We still have four hours though, so come here."

She got beside me on the bed and I started kissing her as I undressed her. Within minutes, mom was riding me hard. This was, and still is, my favorite position. I found that mom could cum 2-3 times, and sometimes more, before I came. Plus, I could stop her when she was getting close, tell her what I wanted to do with her next, and make her beg for more! That day, I stopped her and asked, "What is your darkest sexual fantasy?"

She sat on top of me and smiled and said, "I want you to just use and humiliate me. Treat me like the slut and whore I am. Punish me. And please call in sick today. I want you here and all to myself. Please don't leave me today."

With that, I picked up the phone near her bed and called the restaurant. My boss wasn't happy at all and reminded me that he'd have to call someone else in and I'd have to work one of their shifts that week.

I hung the phone up and looked at my mom who was smiling on top of me and told her, "You owe me slut! I will have to think of a way for you to repay me. Now start fucking me again." Since I had been reading Forum articles, I always enjoyed the stories of men with two women. I knew I wasn't having that anytime soon, but as mom was riding me and cumming, I told her, "Someday I will want you with another woman. That is how you will repay me."

She was moaning, "Yes! Yes!" Once we both came and recovered a bit, she asked "Were you really serious about having another woman?"

I told her "Yes I was slut! You're going to do this for me."

She asked, "How are we going to do that? All of my friends know who you are and I don't think any of them are 'that way'. I'm certainly not interested in other women. All I want is you, all to myself. I really don't want to share you with anyone. Your Prom night is one thing, but the thought of seeing you with other women..." She was starting to cry.

"We won't discuss it anymore for now slut." I told her as I rolled her over and get between he legs. "Besides, we can't do it today anyway. Now I just want to use you as my slave today." I started fucking her hard and telling her what a slut she was. I came two more times before I got off her. I don't know how many times she came. Then I took her to the shower and told her to clean both of us. After she cleaned me, I got out of the shower and told her, "Now clean yourself really good, put on make up and perfume and join me in your bedroom."

I went back to her room and started pulling out all her panties, bras, slips, lingerie, and stockings. When she came in they were all on the bed. She asked, "What's this?"

I replied "You're modeling for me today, but first there's something we need to do." I took her hand and led her to my bathroom and said, "We're both tired of pulling each other's hair out of our mouths, so we're shaving." I grabbed my shaver and started trimming her bush. She just stood there while I trimmed it down. Then I trimmed my own hair down a bit. After that, I got out my razor and shaving cream and told her to lay down on the floor and put her legs up. I shaved my mother's pussy until it was bald and didn't cut her once. Then I handed her the razor and told her to carefully shave me. As she did I got hard with her handling my balls with the shaving cream. Once she finished I said, "Get down on that floor now slut." I fucked her right there on the bathroom floor and without any hair down there, it felt so good. After I came, I stood up and told her to get on her knees and lick and suck my cock clean. I got hard again when I grabbed her hair and started fucking her mouth. I then told her, "Doesn't this feel better with out hair slut? I think so. From now on you're going to keep that pussy shaved."

She said "Yes." between sucks.

Once I came, we went back to her bedroom. I told her "Now you will model every one of these outfits for me today. I will sit in the living room and wait. I will use you as I wish today."

She nodded in agreement and picked out a first outfit as I went to the living room with our box of toys.

She came out wearing white stockings, panties, bra, and slip, I told her to remove the slip and she just let it drop to the floor. I walked up to her and began fondling her through her lace panties. She was getting wet and moaning when I stopped, took off her panties, and slapped her ass. Then I rubbed it and she starting moaning again. I decided to start two piles for her outfits, those we would keep and she would wear around, and those for the trash.

I sent her back to put on another outfit for me. She did and returned in light blue panties, a white bra, and natural stockings. This time I ran my hands up and down her legs and thighs, fully enjoying the feel of stockings on her legs. I told her to take her bra off, which she did, and I pinched her nipples and then sucked on them. I was getting really hard, so I started grinding my cock against her panties as I played with her tits. Then I stopped, took off her panties, and sent her back to change again.

This time mom was wearing a yellow outfit and looked really hot. As she turned, I grabbed her, pulled her slip and panties down, undid her bra, took her down and fucked her right there on the floor. As I fucked her I told her, "You're all mine slut! That is MY pussy now. As I thrusted her hard and deep. Then I stopped for a moment and grabbed her nipples and squeezed them as I told her, "These are MY tits!" Then I reached for her ass and said, "This is MY ass! You belong to me now, all of you. Do you understand slut?" She nodded as I thrust myself deep inside her again. I stopped again, and told her. "From now on, when it's just you and me, you will call me 'SIR' you slut! Now do you understand?"

She looked at me and replied, "Yes SIR!"

I finished fucking her on the floor, and her modeling went on throughout the entire day and into the evening. I even had her fix lunch and dinner wearing sexy outfits. Whenever I wanted to fuck her pussy, mouth, or ass I did so. I also used toys, clothespins, and other items on her throughout the day. I told her about the piles and she seemed a bit dismayed. I also reminded her that she belonged to me and would only please me several times.

When she finished with her last set of panties, I took them off, walked her back to her room and enjoyed my red and wet pussy one last time. I decided to make love to her this time instead of just fucking her wildly. We came together and then she wanted to talk.

She said, "Joe, some of those bras and panties you want to get rid of were expensive. And I need those underwire bras to support my breasts while I'm at work. Can we keep them?"

I thought for a moment lying there beside her and replied. "Sure slut, you can keep them; but I don't want to ever see them on you, ever. Do you understand?"

She said' "Yes sir." Then she asked, "But how will I wear them to work and not around here?"

I told her, "That's simple slut. You change into the things I like before you leave work."

She just replied, "Yes sir."

I went on, "Next Saturday morning I'm going shopping with you and we're going to buy you some more bras, panties, and other outfits to wear around me. You're going to look like the slut your are around me, understand?"

"Yes sir." She said. It was getting late and I needed to study a bit, so I left mom to sleep.

The next morning, I remembered my promise to find a date for the Prom. Fortunately, the girl I had in mind, Sue, had been holding out, waiting for me to ask her, so it was easier than I thought. We had known each other since before kindergarten and while she wasn't the prettiest girl in school, she was still good looking. We had gone out on a couple of dates and I also took her to the Homecoming dance earlier that year, but it was nothing serious. Our parents had divorced about the same time when we were in grade school, and we had both gone with our mothers to "Parents Without Partners" functions years ago. I had lunch with Sue Monday after I asked her to the Prom, so we could plan the evening. She wanted to try a new restaurant on the other side of town and after the Prom, we were invited to a party.

Mom came home late Monday night and when she took her dress off, she was wearing some hot black lace panties and bra, which she paraded around in. She told me she went to the store on the way home and bought some things. She pulled out the bag, showed me her new slutty clothes, and I liked everything she bought. We ate a late dinner and then went in the living room and 69'd for a while and then fucked on the sofa. I decided to go to bed with her that night. From this night on I started sleeping with mom whenever we were alone.

Tuesday morning mom's alarm went off at 4:30. She stirred a bit and hit the snooze. I woke up with morning wood and rolled over on top of her. As I spread her legs she said, "Joe, not now. I have to get up in a minute."

I told her. "You better just shut up and fuck me now slut."

She simply replied "Yes sir." And started swaying her hips to my thrusts. We both came quickly and I let her up to take a shower while I rolled over and fell back asleep. I had to work that night after school. It was late when I got home and there was mom on the couch. I opened her robe and she was in a pair of her new panties. I took her to bed and fucked her there.

The rest of that week went the same. We woke to her alarm, we fucked, and she got ready for work. After dinner, we would 'play' for a while and then go to bed. Saturday morning came and mom was surprised that I was up and ready to go shopping with her. "What are you doing Joe?" she asked.

"We're still going shopping slut." I replied and went on, "You have nice slutty things to wear around the house for me, but what do you have for going out?" With that I went through her closet. "This is all old fashioned stuff and I want you to have a sexier look in public."

She replied with a pout, "Yes sir, can I keep the clothes I already have?"

I told her, "Yes, you may, but you won't wear them if you're out with me." Finally she pulled out one dress and held it up to her body. It was a one-piece, silk-like print, with a high hemline and after she put it on, I noticed it showed off her cleavage nicely. I said, "We need to find you a few more outfits like this slut." I then reminded her that I needed to work that evening and Sunday afternoon. She pouted, but knew I needed the money for Prom. On the way to the store I asked, "With us sleeping together, am I still working on a room downstairs?"

She was silent for a moment and then spoke. "Joe, I truly enjoy where our relationship has gone and is going. I look forward to sleep with you every night and waking with you every morning. I especially enjoy the sex we have first thing in the morning. It just puts a smile on my face through the commute into work. But, things will be different when you're in college. You'll be keeping odd hours and there will be times you'll want to have friends over. If you're still 'living with mom', you'll never truly enjoy the college life. So yes, you will build yourself a small apartment downstairs this summer. I hope that when it's just us, you'll still come sleep with me if it's not too late; but we'll have to see."

We got to the first stores downtown as they were just opening. I noticed that mom was turning heads with her outfit and I she did too. We went to 2-3 stores and bought her a few sexy outfits. On our way to the grocery store she said, "I noticed that a lot more people were watching me today and I like it."

I replied, "You have a good body slut and you need to show it off more."

We finished the shopping and went home to put everything up and get some lunch before I had to go to work. After eating, I grabbed her, unzipped her dress and let it drop to the floor. We went to the living room and I told her to get on all fours. We fondled for a few moments, then I told her, "I meant to tell you, slut, that you need to keep MY pussy shaved. In case you haven't noticed (As I pulled my erect cock in front of her), I'm keeping myself shaved. I expect you to do the same. Now, I'm going to fuck you like the bitch that you are." With that, I got behind her and started fucking her wet pussy. Once I came, I stood up grabbed her hair and forced her mouth around my cock. Once I was good and hard again, I bent her back down and went into her ass again. She went wild as I fucked her ass.

She begged, "Please don't go in today. Stay here and fuck me. I need it so bad. I need you here sir."

I thrusted with my full force telling her, "No slut, not today. You'll have to play with yourself until I come home tonight." As soon as I came in her ass, I eased out and went to the shower. When I came out, mom was standing there with my towel and started pleading for me to stay; but I had to work and she knew it. I went to work, and thanks to someone else calling in sick I had to work until after 2 a.m. When I got home, I went directly to bed.

Mom awoke and said, "You're late. What happened?"

I told her someone else called in sick and I had to cover. Then I reminded her that I needed to be back at 9.

She replied "But I waited up for you as long as I could and I want you inside me now. I want you to enjoy YOUR pussy, tits, and ass now sir."

As tired as I was, my cock was still hard. I pulled her over on top of me and told her to start riding me. We fucked for almost an hour. Then I rolled over and went to sleep.

The phone rang at 7 that Sunday morning and I heard mom pick it up. "Yes he's sleeping, just a second." I turned over to look at her and with her hand over the mouthpiece she said, "It's your boss. You need to get up and take it in the living room or kitchen."

I got up and went to another phone. My boss apologized and told me he needed my there immediately and asked if I could come in. I reluctantly agreed and headed for the shower. When I got out, there was mom. She said, "This isn't fair. You just got off a a 12 hour shift five hours ago and you're in no shape to work right now. I don't like this Joe."

I replied, "Maybe he'll give me the raise I've been asking him about and with summer coming, everyone is going to be fighting for the good shifts, so maybe he'll remember me. That would make it worth it. Besides, I'm going to need the money."

She agreed. Her salary was enough for the two of us to live comfortably, but there wasn't any extra money for vacations, "entertainment" as she called it, or me to have a car of my own. That's why I got the job two years before and summers were the time I made the most money. I got dressed and went in. I had to work until 7 that night and decided to eat dinner there. While I was eating the boss came to thank me and gave me a raise. He said he originally intended to give it to me a month later as a graduation gift, but my coming in made him decide to give it to me right then. By the time I got home, I was tired and my mom saw it.

She said, "I'm going to draw you a nice warm bath and take care of you tonight." She called me once the bath was ready and helped me undress. I got in and let her bathe me. It felt good to have her do that for me as I just relaxed and dozed in the warm water. Then she woke me up, dried me off and handed me clean shorts. We went to bed and she just massaged me to sleep that night. We awoke to the alarm the next morning and after my long sleep, I was ready to take on the world. I rolled over on top of mom and made passionate love to her. Then she got up and took her shower and got ready for work.

The rest of that week went the same as the last week, it had become part of our routine. She come home early Friday to pack and head for my grandmother's. Before she left, she came to me naked and said, "Please fuck me sir, before I go." We fucked on the couch and she begged for me to cum inside her and fill her up. When we finished she said, "It's going to be a long weekend for me. Your aunt Sarah and I will take mom out for lunch and shopping tomorrow and then dinner. Then, we all have to plan your open house. Make sure you call your dad and let him know that he and his family are invited. It's the least I can do. Also let him know that I will be civil as long as he and his family do the same." I agreed and she went on, "Now I want you to have fun tomorrow night and get pictures. Make sure you get enough for Sue too. In fact, tell Kathy (Sue's mother) 'hello' for me and ask her how many pictures she'd like as a courtesy. OK?"

I agreed and mom left. The next morning I got up and cleaned my car totally. I then went to pick up my tux and her corsage. I got ready that afternoon and went to pick Sue up, promptly at 5:30. Her mom came down to answer the door. "I said, "Hi Mrs. Jones. How are you? Mom says 'hi' and told me to ask how many Prom picture you'd like."

She replied, "Call me Kathy please. Mrs. Jones makes me sound out. You're looking very nice in your tux tonight. If I were a few years younger I'd let you take me." Of course, Sue wasn't quite ready. Kathy said, "Just have a seat and relax, Sue will be down in just a minute. I'll only need one or two photos of you two." Then she went to Sue's bedroom as I sat in the living room. I started thinking, Kathy is not a bad looking woman, like Sue she was taller 5'8 or 5'9 and attractive in her own way. Kathy was a bit older than my mom, probably in her early 40's and mom was 39. Where my mom was shorter and had a medium build and bigger breasts, Kathy was slimmer and had smaller breasts. Kathy came back out and said, "She's almost done. Say, you know your escaping the father and his questions and guidance here, so here goes: Be safe and respectful with my daughter tonight young man." She said smiling, and she went on, "Normally, she is home by midnight on weekends, but tonight is special, so she can stay out later. Just be safe and have fun."

I agreed and told her "I'll take care of Sue and keep her safe."

She said, "OK then. Consider yourself talked to." She smiled and asked, "So where are you going to college next year?"

I replied, "Right here at the university."

She said, "Well Sue is going away to my alma mater, so I can't say much. Her older sister is just finishing there." She called for Sue and she was coming in just a minute. Kathy went on, "I'll be all alone when Sue leaves. I was just thinking, that I'll need help with the yard, so if you want to make some extra money, let me know." She added, "I'll also have more time, maybe I'll call your mom and see if she wants to go out, or we can just sit around the house, drink wine, talk, and watch movies like we did a few years ago. Do you remember that?"

I replied, "Yes, I do. You should call her." At this moment it hit me, like a ton of bricks. Kathy could be the second woman I crave, IF I played my cards right! I started getting hard just thinking about it. Then my thoughts were broken up by Sue's arrival. She looked simply breathtaking that night. I stood up and all I could say was, "the wait was DEFINITELY worth it! You look beautiful."

She blushed and said, "Thank you, and you look great too Joe."

Kathy blurted out, "I was just telling him, if I were just a few years younger..."

"Stop it mom!" Sue said jokingly.

Then Kathy said, heading to the kitchen, "OK kids. Time for the corsage and boutonniere." She cam back with my boutonniere and handed it to Sue. Kathy talked Sue through pinning it on and even helped a bit. Then it was my turn. Kathy said, "Alright Joe, your corsage is bigger and you need to be gentle with her dress, and don't stick my daughter." I started to pin it on and Kathy came to help me. Once we finished, Kathy told us to wait just a second while she got her camera. She came back and took a couple of pictures in the living room. Then we left for dinner.

We mainly talked about graduation and college over dinner. She planned to stay with her mom for about a week after graduation then she was going to her dad's for the summer, as she always did. That's when the thoughts of Kathy hit me again. After dinner, we went on to the Prom and got our pictures. It was fun, and as soon as the king and queen were crowned, people started leaving for the many parties and some just a quiet place for sex. Sue and I went to a party being thrown by a mutual friend. We had a couple of beers, but decided to leave when a fight broke out.

On the way home I asked, "Do you want to come to my house. My mom is out of town and we'll have the place to ourselves. She's also got some wine and liquor around, if you want more."

She said, "OK, but we can't be too late because I know mom is waiting up for me to get home safely, and I probably shouldn't have much more to drink or we'll both be in trouble."

I agreed and we headed to my house. When we got there she said, "I've got to come out of these heels" I took my coat and tie off as I went to the refrigerator to pull out a bottle of wine. I opened it and poured glasses while she watched. We went into the living room and turned the stereo on. We talked for a bit, then our eyes met and we kissed. The kissing turned to necking and fondling. I reached behind her dress and started unzipping it as she unbuttoned my shirt. Soon, she was down to her bra, and pantyhose and I was in my underwear. We were kissing and grinding on the sofa when she suddenly stopped me.

She said, "We need to use a condom Joe"

I smiled and reached for my pants. As I pulled one out I said, "I just happen to have one right here!"

She smiled as she unhooked her bra and let her breasts fall. I could see her erect nipples and went to suck one as I took my underwear off. She pulled her pantyhose down and leaned back on the sofa saying, "Do you want me to put that on? Mom showed me how with one of her vibrators."

"Huh?" I replied.

She said, "Yes, my mom has showed me how to do this. Heck, when I turned 18 last winter, she took me to the adult store, bought me a vibrator and even showed me how to use a vibrator when we got home, saying it should be my best friend in college. I hope that doesn't sound too creepy. We don't have sex or anything. She just wanted to make sure I knew about these things. Please don't tell anyone, OK?"

I smiled and said, "My mom did the same thing with the condom too, so don't feel bad."

We laughed for a moment then she asked, "Are you a virgin Joe?"

I lied and said, "Yes."

She replied, "So am I. Mom said I need to go slow the first time because it will hurt."

I nodded as she put the condom on my erect cock. We started kissing, necking, and fondling each other's naked bodies on the sofa. I noted that her body was a lot firmer than mom's. Then Sue spread her legs and I massaged her pussy more. She was wet and ready so I got between her legs. As I pushed my cock into her pussy, I noticed how much tighter it was than mom's. Sue was moaning and wincing in pain as I entered her young pussy. At one point she asked me to stop and hold still for a moment. She said, "It really hurts."

I asked, "Do you want to stop?" "NO!" she yelled out. Then she pleaded, "Just go slowly." She was moaning, squirming and wincing in pain as I eased it the rest of the way in. Then all at once her hips started rocking as she moaned, "Oh yes, this feels good. This feels really good now. Fuck me Joe!"

We were both moaning and I felt myself getting closer. While I didn't like the condom, I loved her tight pussy. She starting bucking more wildly as she screamed "OH YES! YES!, Please don't stop!" That pushed me over the edge and I started fucking her wildly as I came. After a few moments we stopped and kissed. Then she said, "That was awesome. I feel so damn good right now!" We kissed a bit longer and she motioned me to get off her. Then she looked at the clock and said, "Shit, it's late. We need to get dressed back up and you need to take me home."

I replied, "Are you sure we don't have time for another?" as I took the condom off and went for the trash.

"No." she said, "It's late and my mom will be up waiting for us." We each got dressed as we kissed each other as she said, "Tonight was special for me Joe. I wanted to tell you that you made this night very special me and I'll never forget it. Thank you so much." Then she leaned over and kissed me again, got up and went to the bathroom to touch up her hair and make up.

When she was ready, we left for her house. As Sue said, Kathy was up waiting for us. After I took her to the door and we kissed one last time, Sue went in and Kathy came to the door asking, "Did you two have fun?"

"Yes." We both replied in unison.

The three of us chatted a bit on their front porch and then as Sue went inside Kathy said, "Don't forget Joe, Sue will be gone right after graduation, so if you need extra money, I'll have yard work for you."

I replied, "I won't forget." And I turned to get in my car. As I drove home, I thought about fucking Sue earlier. It felt good, but honestly not as good as my mom. As I pulled up my driveway, I started thinking about Kathy and my mom. How would I get them together? I went into the house and stayed up most of the night thinking about it. Finally, in the wee hours of the morning, another plan worked into my head.

I went to sleep, knowing I had to work a short shift that afternoon. I was looking forward to ravaging mom's body when she got home. I knew she'd want me as well; so before I left for work, I left her an outfit on her bed. When I got home, she had just gotten in, unpacked, put her outfit on, and was having a glass of wine waiting for me. She attacked me when I walked in the door and we kissed and fucked right in the entryway. It was wild, uncontrolled, uninhibited, as we took each other's clothes off (I ripped her bra and panties!) in the heat of passion.

When we finished she said, "Now, you'll have to tell me all about your Prom and then I have a little surprise for you."

We sat down naked in the living room and I told mom all the details. I added that Kathy said to say 'hello' and that she would be looking for help with her yard this summer.

Then she started, "The three of us planned your open house party and then when mother went to bed, Sarah and I stayed up and had a few drinks and talked. She couldn't stop talking about you and finally confessed that she wished she were a bit younger." She went on, "I acted a bit surprised. But told her that I too found you to be a very attractive young man. I told her that I had peeked in your room more than once to see your jacking off or dressing and that you were hung. So, who knows? Your own aunt may just try to seduce you while she's here. What do you think of that."

"I'm not sure." I said. Then I asked, "How about you?"

After a short pause mom said, "Well...Sarah confessed to me that she hasn't even been with a man in five years. She even joked that she wasn't even sure that stuff worked anymore. After talking about it, we decided to change plans a bit. Now, I will leave Friday night to bring mom hear on Saturday. Your graduation and open house are on Sunday, and I will take the day off and drive her back and then return Monday night. Meanwhile Sarah will plan to fly in Friday afternoon and stay until Tuesday morning. You'll have to pick her up. I'll drop her off at the airport on my way to work that day, or you can take her back." The she smiled and finished, "This way, as Sarah and I discussed, there would be ample opportunity for her to seduce you. Believe me, had you and I never had sex, I would have shut her up immediately. And, by the way, whatever happens is supposed to be a surprise. She made me swear not to say anything, but I'm telling you anyway."

I thought for a few minutes and said, "I guess I could have sex with her."

Mom laughed, "You make it sound like a chore Joe. Besides, she probably knows a few things I don't. She was always a 'party girl' growing up. I did tell her that if she decided to seduce you, that she needed to teach you how to be a great lover and that afterwards she'd have tell me all about it."

We smiled, kissed, and started having sex again. We went to bed early that night and started the week off as we had the last two. Mom and I continued our relationship as graduation was drew nearer.

I'd run into Sue at school and we always talked now. She even called me on the phone a few nights. The weekend before graduation, we went out again and had sex in the back seat of my car. She was sad to be leaving, but she spent most of her summers with her dad. This summer would be shorter for us because our colleges started earlier than high school.

As the weeks passed, I was anticipating my aunt Sarah's visit, wondering if she'd work up the nerve to try and seduce me. Mom would tease me about it, usually after we were recovering from another session of sex. I was also refining my "plan" to get my mom and Kathy in the same bed. The more I thought about it, the more I realized how delicate and complicated it would be. Sometimes, I even told myself it would be impossible, but I did not give up. It would take time and I knew I would need to be patient and careful. It became my quest as graduation was only days away. As much as I hated that Sue would leave in less than two weeks, her departure would put my plan into action. More to come.