"See? I told you." Bella shifted sideways and made room for Vince as they peered through the gap in the curtains. Her twin brother hadn't believed her at first, but now there was no denying the evidence as they watched the scene unfold.

There had been whispers about Glenda Willis ever since she and her husband Mark first moved into next door seven months ago, but mostly it had been put down to wishful thinking by the men, and sour grapes from the women. Sure, she liked to flirt and waggle her ass when guys were watching, and she wasn't afraid to show as much tit as was legally decent, but on the rare occasions anyone dared ask about her rumoured dalliances, she merely flashed them a saucy grin, refusing to confirm or deny. There were also those who suggested that if Mark spent as much time with his mouth on his wife's big nipples as on the neck of a bottle, there would be nothing to gossip about.

Then a few nights ago Bella has been making out in the dark of an adult movie theatre, or more accurately she had been looking alternately at the action on the screen, and the action around her whilst her date fondled her boobs and tried to insinuate his other hand into her jeans. Suddenly she pushed him away and sat bolt upright in her seat. Further along the row, her profile intermittently lit by the flickering screen, Glenda Willis was slouched in her seat with a man's face buried between her not quite naked breasts, and his hand under her skirt. It was impossible to see who she was with, but from the slight build Bella knew it sure as hell wasn't her bull of a husband. After a couple of minutes the guy raised his head and whispered to Glenda, and the pair rose and headed away along the row in the direction of the exit.

Consumed by curiosity, Bella thought fast. "Oh damn," she whispered urgently to her date, the lie coming easily. "My monthly just started. Give me a couple of minutes." Grabbing her purse she headed towards the rest rooms, and slipped out through the side exit, just in time to see her quarry climb into a cab. Running to her car, she slid behind the wheel as the cab purred past, and she eased into the traffic a couple of cars behind. She had no idea where they were going, but she just had to find out who Glenda was with, so she followed. To her surprise she realised they were heading towards their home, so she eased off the throttle and took a short cut through the back streets, knowing that taxis always took the longer route to 'pad' the meter. She was pulling into the double driveway behind her brother's car when the cab turned the corner, and she dashed into the house and straight to Vince's room.

"Quick Vince," she panted, "Glenda just brought a guy home. Let's see if we can see who it is."

Hastily tucking the glossy magazine he had been looking at under his pillow, he followed his sister outside in time to see a single light come on in the main bedroom of the house next door. Hidden from the road by a flowering cherry plum tree, the pair peered through a narrow gap in the curtains to see their neighbour's visitor sitting naked on the bed, with his back to the window as he watched her remove her bra before stepping out of her panties, her mouth slack with lust as he pushed a finger into her vagina.

"Holy shit, look at the size of those tits." Vince whispered. "Those nipples are fucking enormous."

Bella felt a nagging suspicion as she watched, a suspicion that was confirmed moments later when the couple exchanged places. The watching twins gasped in shock to see the grinning face of Rick, Glenda's twenty five year old son. Apparently he had escaped his wife for a while, and now he was eagerly mauling his mother's tits as he jammed his cock into her pussy.

"Fuck, that is so hot!" Vince panted, tearing feverishly at his sister's jeans, pushing them down to her knees along with her panties. Eyes riveted on the erotic action inside the room, Bella braced her hands against the window frame, grunting as her brother's cock drove into her wet pussy. This was even better than the first time they had fucked, just over a year ago on their eighteenth birthday, and she pushed back as her orgasm crashed through her, sending her cum pouring down the insides of her thighs. All too soon it was over, and Vince was pumping his cum into her cunt as Rick collapsed on top of his mother.

At home ten minutes later they sat grinning at each other. "Christ, that was awesome," Vince whispered. "Everyone figured someone was fucking her, but nobody could have imagined it was her own son."

Bella nodded. "Yeah, it was a bit of a shock." She looked at him for a moment, then, "Would you do it with Mom?"

He shrugged. "Sure, but it's never gonna happen so it's not worth thinking about. How about you with Dad?"

"Yeah why not? I used to think about it a lot before you and me started fucking. Remember a few years ago when they went to that club every month until about three years ago?"

Vince had a vague recollection of a period of around six months, when his parents had a night out every few weeks, but at the time he hadn't taken much notice. He nodded uncertainly, wondering where this was leading.

Assuming that he knew all about it, Bella continued. "Well when they came home I used to stand outside their door listening to them talking. Dad would tell her which women he had fucked that night, and she told him which men had fucked her."

Her brother gaped at her stunned. This was the first he had heard about it. Their oldies had always seemed so proper and respectable, so it was hard to get his head around the idea of them acting like that. "You're kidding aren't you? How come you never said anything?"

"I figured you already knew. Anyway afterwards I would lie in bed playing with myself, and imagining mine was one of the cunts he stuck his cock into."

Vince sat shaking his head in disbelief. "I'll be fucked."

His twin giggled at his unintended pun. "Maybe you will at that. Mom may not be as unattainable as you think. Come to that, Dad might not be either. If we work it right. We'll just have to change their attitude towards incest."

The thought of his mother spreading her legs for all and sundry was giving him a hard on, and grabbing Bella's hand he dragged her to her room. This time as he thrust into her, in his mind's eye it was his Mom he was fucking, his Mom's tits in his mouth as she heaved up to meet him. When they finished they put their heads together, and by bedtime they had worked out a rough plan on how to help each other achieve their aim, agreeing that patience was the key.

The next day, Saturday, they both had a chance to lay the groundwork. Vince and his father were cleaning the pool ready for the summer, and the women were busy spring cleaning the house. Trying to keep his voice neutral, he asked "What do you think of incest Dad?" As soon as the words were out he knew he had the answer. From the way Kevin stiffened and avoided his eyes it seemed clear that he had thought about it before now.

"What made you ask that?" he muttered.

"Oh I dunno really. I heard on the grapevine that Rick next door was giving it to Glenda. I mean everyone reckons she's getting it somewhere, so that could be the answer."

His father relaxed visibly, so Vince knew he had at least partially taken the bait, and his reply seemed to confirm it. "Anything is possible I suppose. I can't say I'd blame him if he was. The way she puts everything on display would give the Pope a hard on. Anyway, they are consenting adults, so what they do behind closed doors is their business."

"Yeah, I guess so." It seemed significant that he hadn't actually said he was against incest, but it was better not to push it. Vince knew Bella was almost certainly having a similar conversation with their mother, so having sewn the seeds the only thing to do was wait. And hope. He let the matter drop, and started packing away the pool equipment, before heading in for lunch. As they took their places at the table, Bella flashed him a grin and a conspiratorial wink, which he returned with a discreet 'thumbs up.'

Nobody said much during the meal, and although he told himself it was only his imagination, Vince had the feeling that his mother Jenny was studying him thoughtfully when he wasn't looking. What was more, he had definitely never before noticed Kevin looking at his daughter the way he seemed to be now. Wishing he could read his parents' minds, but relieved that they couldn't read his, he looked from his mother to his sister. The memory of how Jenny's image had superimposed itself on Bella when they had fucked yesterday made his cock stiffen, and he pushed away from the table.

"Come on Sis, I need a hand getting the pool chairs out and dusted."

Her thoughts appeared to mirror his own, and without the customary protestations she followed him outside. Out of sight of their parents, she turned to face him, the glint in her eyes matching the gleam in his. Her arms entwined around his neck, and she leaned back against the fence behind the shed, pulling him to her as he pushed his cock up through the leg of her micro shorts. "Oh god," she gasped as she pushed back at him. "What did you say to Dad? Did you see the way he was looking at me? He looked ready to swallow my tits, bra and all."

Her brother laughed without breaking his rhythm. "Yeah I noticed, but that was all down to him. All I did was ask him what he thought of incest, because I'd heard that Rick was sticking it to his ma." He gave a final thrust as he pumped his cum into Bella's cunt. "I wish Mom had looked at me the way Dad was looking at you though."

She adjusted the crotch of her shorts over her cum filled hole. "Give her time. She's not as outgoing as Dad. It will take her a while for the idea to sink in."

They distributed a few plastic chairs around the pool and returned to the house just in time to catch the tail end of a conversation. "... not suggesting you do anything Jen. All I'm saying is I heard that Rick is screwing his mother. I don't even know if it's true, but if it is it sounds kinda hot in a weird way."

"I can see how a man might think it's hot Kevin, because let's face it most guys have different moral standards, but I'm not sure I could do the incest thing myself."

"Yeah, fair enough hun. It's your call, but remember you felt much the same about swinging before you tried it, so you c..." He broke off when the twins entered the room, so anything else he may have been about to say went unsaid.

Vince hid his elation at what he had managed to hear. Unknowingly, his father had been pleading his son's case, so that might help in the future. More importantly, his mother hadn't actually rejected the idea. She had only said she wasn't sure.

In the course of the next couple of weeks he worked on her patiently, complimenting her on her general appearance, and initiating the occasional not too improper 'accidental' contact. She had flinched away at first, but by the end of the first week she accepted it provided it wasn't too blatant or intimate. Almost imperceptibly her acceptance morphed into expectation, still within limits, and he eased off a little to allow her time to start missing the odd touch here and there.

The first overt move didn't come until the weekend. Saturday morning dawned bright and sunny, and Kevin's suggestion that they have an afternoon poolside barbecue was met with enthusiasm. His added suggestion that they invite Glenda and Mark was less enthusiastically greeted by Jenny, mainly because if it warmed up enough for swimming, she didn't want her own modest figure compared unfavourably with that of their slightly younger huge busted neighbour.

It was as she was knocking on Glenda's door to ask her and Mark over that Jenny realised her real problem. The difference in their figures was just an excuse. What really concerned her was losing Kevin. If what she had heard was true, a woman so desperate for sex that she did it with her own son would hardly draw the line at stealing another woman's husband, especially when her own husband was usually too drunk to perform.

It wasn't the thought that Kevin might fuck Glenda that bothered her, it was who she was and where she lived. In the half year they were swinging before the novelty wore off, they had both fucked more people than they could count, but that didn't matter because most of them they never saw again, and the rest they saw once a month at most. This was different. They saw each other most days, even if it was only over the fence between the houses. If Glenda discovered what a great fuck Kevin was she might want more and more, and he was not the sort of man who could turn it down if it was served on a platter.

Glenda accepted the invitation readily, but it took the lure of free booze to persuade her husband, and when the pair turned up Jenny fought to hide her resentment. Mark had changed into casual slacks and a polo shirt, but his wife was an eye popper, in a bikini top that looked at least two sizes too small to contain her voluptuous breasts, and bottoms that barely covered her mound. The effect wasn't missed by anyone, least of all by Vince who stared openly. To Jenny's surprise and relief, after a brief appraisal Kevin looked across at his spouse, rolling his eyes to the heavens.

Mark took a seat beside the spa end of the split pool, and nodded his thanks when Vince handed him a beer before dropping into a chair beside him. Minutes later Bella emerged from inside the house, wearing a somewhat less revealing bikini, and suddenly feeling overdressed for the occasion, Jenny went inside and donned a modest one piece swimsuit. Abandoning his futile attempts to strike up a friendly conversation, Vince took a pull of his beer and studied the three women. Bella and Glenda were undoubtedly eye candy, but there was something appealing about his Mom's demure outfit that kept drawing his eyes. He quickly sought the the pool when he felt a stirring in his groin, and after the cool water calmed him a little he climbed out, looking guiltily at his mother, who smiled in amusement.

Unable to meet her eyes he shifted his gaze to his father, hoping he hadn't noticed, and breathed a sigh of relief to see his Dad hunched over in his chair to conceal a growing erection as he stared at Bella. Jenny saw where her husband was looking, but she couldn't feel too resentful because if he was admiring his daughter, at least he wasn't ogling the big titted slut from next door. Besides, she herself was having trouble keeping her eyes off her son's cock, outlined under his wet shorts, not that there was any harm in looking. This was something else she could blame on Glenda. If they hadn't found out that Rick was screwing her -- it was strange how idle gossip had become fact in her mind -- it would never have occurred to Jenny to look at her own son in that way, and she was pretty sure that Kevin wouldn't be drooling over their daughter's pussy. At least she didn't think he would be.

Vince was feeling rather smug as he stretched out on a garden lounge. Through half closed eyes he could see his Mom struggling to keep her eyes from wandering to his dick, and over the rim of her glass Glenda was enjoying the same view. He watched as Jenny took a long drink. 'That's the way Mom,' he thought. 'Get a couple of drinks down you and I'll step things up a notch.'

Kevin stood up suddenly and moved towards the pool. "Oh well, I'll just have a quick dip, and then I'll start the barbecue."

"Good idea," Jenny retorted ambiguously, suspecting that he was more concerned with subduing his stiff cock than with cooking. "Come on Vince, I could use a hand fetching the steaks and stuff from the kitchen."

He allowed her a couple of minutes before following her inside. Covering a platter of steaks with a tea towel to keep off the flies, she picked it up with both hands and held it out. "Here, take this to your father." Ignoring the platter he reached past it and brushed his palms across her breasts. She looked down at his hands in shock. Every other contact in the past two weeks could have been passed off as accidental, but this was blatant and she felt she had to say something. "Vincent! I'm your mother!" She tried to sound stern, but she was unable to keep the tremor out of her voice, and

with a faint smile, he took the platter from her nerveless fingers and took it out to the barbecue area.

Jenny struggled to regain her composure, then followed with the salads and cutlery, knowing she had to avoid being alone with him. Not because she didn't want him to touch her again, but because she did and it was wrong in so many ways.

After they had eaten Bella put her own plan into action, wandering around taking candid snaps with her smart phone as everyone took to the pool. When she decided she had enough to suit her purpose, she casually placed the phone on the chair beside her father's and jumped into the water beside her brother. Glenda chose that moment to climb out of the pool, and stand grinning down at the expression on Vince's face as he gaped for an instant at the wet fabric clinging to her mound in a perfect camel toe, before she turned away in search of another drink.

Seconds later Bella nudged him as their father heaved himself from the water and collected a fresh drink and returned to his chair. "Keep an eye on Dad." she whispered. It took a few minutes for Kevin to notice the phone, then he picked it up and began scrolling through the snaps. He flicked through almost disinterestedly until suddenly his eyes widened, and he looked sharply towards the pool. "That's the one!" Bella giggled. "I took a selfie when I was getting changed."

Realising he had been caught, their father hastily put the phone back on the seat and made a show of looking round for his beer. The image of his daughter standing before her bedroom mirror, with the camera held below her firm breasts, naked as the day she was born, with her pussy as bald as the day she was born burned into his brain. He hunched over again to hide his erection, not daring to move for several minutes, until it subsided enough for him to risk standing and drop back into the relief of the cold water.

As dusk fell and the temperature dropped, one by one everyone transferred to the warmer water of the heated spa. Figuring it was time to up the ante, Vince slid in between his Mom and his sister, and under cover of the steam of the spa he slipped his hand down to cup Jenny's sex. She froze for an instant, then pushed him away. "No Vince," she protested in a quavery whisper. "Your father ..." He withdrew his hand immediately and she sighed, relieved that he had given up, but disappointed that he had given up so easily.

About ten minutes later Bella nudged him. "I need to pee." As she climbed from the spa, the pressure he had been trying to ignore in his own bladder became too much. He knew he wouldn't be able to hold on until his sister finished in the toilet, so he sneaked into the shadows between the shed and the fence.

"I wish women could do that." The slightly slurred voice startled him as he was shaking the last drops, and he turned to see Glenda close behind him, swaying slightly on her feet and peering at his cock.

"Do what?"

"Pee standing up."

He stared openly at her large boobs. "There are plenty of things women can do standing up."

"Oh? Like what?"

"Where's Mark?"

She shrugged. "He went home ages ago. Now like what?"

"Like this." He pushed a hand inside her bikini top and tweaked her nipple.

"Hmmm, OK. Anything else?" She leaned closer, pressing him against the fence, and lifted one leg slightly as he tugged her briefs aside and thrust into her. "Oh god yes!"

She clung to him as fucked her urgently, seeking release from the tension that had been building up all afternoon. "Fuck, I needed that!" she gasped as his cock exploded inside her. "Thanks babe." She kissed him lightly. "I'd better get home now. Say thanks to your folks." He watched her totter away on even shakier legs, then returned to the spa.He lowered himself into the water and flashed his sister a shit eating grin. It took her a moment for her to catch on, then her eyes widened. "You dirty bastard! You fucked her didn't you?" His grin widened and she leaned closer. "Was she good?"

"Not as good as you."

"So long as you saved some for me. Dad's been practically raping me with his eyes ever since he saw the selfie and I'm horny as fuck. I don't reckon Mom will get much sleep tonight either."

Her words turned out to be prophetic, because less than a half hour passed before Kevin yawned ostentatiously. "I don't know about you lot but I'm beat. I think I'll turn in. Coming Jen?"

She nodded almost too casually. "OK, I'll just clear these dishes and I'll be with you." As she started collecting plates she looked at her son, and followed his eyes to her cleavage, then without thinking she said. "I'd like a hand here."

He looked past her at Bella, who rolled her eyes lewdly and disappeared into the house. Now that they were alone he took the plates from his mother's hands and set them on the ground. "You don't have to worry about Dad seeing now," he whispered. She wanted to push him away but her arms were too heavy, and she could only stand helpless as he pushed the straps of her swimsuit down. "Is this where you wanted a hand?" he asked, gently cupping her naked breasts.

Her nipples stiffened between his fingers and she tried to move away but only succeeded in moving closer. "Please Vince," she pleaded, "not now. Your Dad's waiting for me."

He pulled her top up again. "OK Mom, if you say 'no' then 'no' it is. But only for now, because I can't promise not to try again." He kissed her chastely and pressed a finger briefly against her slit as a reminder. "Now you'd better not keep Dad waiting. This mess will keep until tomorrow."

Jenny smiled at him with a mixture of gratitude and regret, then turned and went into the house. She found Kevin lying on the bed holding his erection, and quickly stripping off her swimsuit she pressed her breasts together around his shaft, trying to wipe away the feel of her son's fingers on her nipples. Slowly Vince faded from her consciousness as she concentrated on the welcome familiarity of her husband's wonderful cock, and she moved up his body and sank down to engulf him with her wetness. His hands went to her waist, all thoughts of Bella gone as he guided his wife up and down on his cock, and pulled her forward to suck her nipples. Her orgasm seemed interminable, with her cum oozing constantly down his shaft as they fucked long into the night. His thrusting tool finally erupted, and he clutched her to him as he pumped a thick stream of cum deep inside her.

Vince watched her go and smiled with satisfaction. She was almost ready to surrender. If he had pressed he could probably have taken her just now, but she would have shown some resistance before giving in, and he didn't want that. He wanted her to open herself to him willingly, totally without reservation because she wanted to feel him inside her. It was easier for his sister, because if their father was like most men, at the slightest hint of a pussy he would fuck first and worry about conscience later. Mom was a whole different matter. She had to overcome her conscience first. He knew she had liked him feeling her tits, but she wasn't quite ready to go further. Soon she would be, but not yet, so it was better to ease off a little.

Bella snorted impatiently. What the hell was keeping Vince? Her pussy had been burning for hours, and he was keeping her waiting. She glared at him when he finally came into her room. "About time! What kept you?"

He flashed her a grin. "I was talking to Mom."

Her eyes narrowed in suspicion. "You didn't just fuck her did you?"

"No, she's not ready yet. Almost but not quite. I have to take it slowly. She did let me feel her tits though."

Bella unfastened her bikini bra and hooked her thumbs into her briefs. "OK, that's good. I'm glad you didn't fuck her though, because if I don't get your cock in me soon I'll go nuts."

"Your wish is my command," he grinned, dropping his shorts and moving between her widespread legs. He was stunned by the ferocity with which she pushed to meet his thrusts, and she raked his back with her fingernails as her need for her father meshed with his need for his mother. There was an almost primitive savagery to their fucking as they vented their frustrations on each other, and it was almost a blessing when Vince emptied his balls into his sister's cunt.

He woke early and surprisingly refreshed next morning, and went out to the pool area, stretching in the early sun as he surveyed the litter of empty bottles and food encrusted plates. An unfamiliar ringing led him to the rear of the shed, where he spotted a phone lying in the grass. He picked it up and answered. "Hello?"

"Hello? Vince?"

"Yes, who is this?"

"It's Glenda. I couldn't find my phone so I rang it."

"It's OK. It was in the grass by the shed. You must have dropped it last night when we were... um... you know."

She giggled. "Oh yeah. Look Vince, I'm not decent just now. Do you mind if I pick it up later?"

"Sure, I can bring it over now if you like, everyone here is still in bed."

"OK, if it's not too much trouble? I'll leave the back door open."

A minute later he walked in to find Glenda in the kitchen. She turned to face him, and his eyebrows raised when he saw her robe was unfastened, revealing a narrow strip of naked flesh. "There's hardly any point in modesty after last night is there?"

"I guess not," he agreed, eyeing the neat fringe above her pouting lower lips. "Where's Mark?"

She shrugged expressively, opening the gap a little more to reveal the inner slopes of her breasts. "He's still sleeping off last night." She opened her robe to reveal her enormous boobs. "I woke up thinking of you this morning."

"I woke up thinking of you too," he lied, stepping closer until her stiffened nipples brushed against his bare chest. He cupped one of the heavy mounds, squeezing, fondling. "I was thinking of these." His other hand moved down over her stomach, across her mound and pressed into her slit. "And this."

Her legs parted to admit his probing fingers, and she pushed his shorts down to grasp his erection. "Oh god yes. Fuck me Vince. Fuck me like you fucked me last night."

He leaned in to her, arching her backwards against the kitchen counter, forcing her hips forward, opening her wet pussy to his driving cock. She tried to return his thrusts, but her ass was pinned against the counter, so she had no choice but to stand helpless as he sucked and mauled her tits and pounded in and out of her snatch. Never before had she been so totally controlled by any man, and she was confused and shocked at the intensity of her orgasm as her cum poured down her legs. She groaned when his cream filled her cunt, and as he withdrew she slumped to her knees to take his cock into her mouth, sucking frantically to coax out the last few precious drops of cum.

As he grew limp in her mouth she sat back on her heels, shaking her head in disbelief. "Oh fuck, oh Christ, oh fuck, oh Jesus fucking Christ. I never imagined ..."

She tailed off as he pulled up his shorts, and could only nod dumbly when he pulled her to her feet. "I'd better be getting back. Maybe we can do it again some time."

His Mom was just coming from the bathroom when he came in through the back door, and she gave him a weary but happy smile. "Good morning Vince."

"Hi Mom, sleep well? Ready for a coffee?"

"Yes thank you, coffee is exactly what I need right now."

She stood within easy reach as he busied himself in the kitchen, and when she touched his hand as she accepted the drink, he knew she was thinking of how he had touched her last night. He cupped her breast fleetingly to remind her of his intentions, and she flinched before relaxing and accepting his caress. Not yet. When the time came there must be no flinching. Mere acceptance would not be enough. Only when she admitted to herself that she wanted him would she be able to give herself freely.

Any possibility of further physical contact was ruled out when they were joined by Kevin, followed soon after by Bella. They has a light breakfast, then all four worked together to restore order to the outside area.

When they finished, Jenny nodded in satisfaction. "That's better, I hate it when things are messy." They sat for a while soaking up the sun, then she rose. "I need to get moving and get dressed. There are a few things we need to restock after last night."

Bella managed to catch her brother's eye, and she grinned with a sideways glance at their father. Catching on, Vince heaved himself from his chair. "Good idea Mom, I'll tag along and help you carry things, and we can pick up lunch while we're out."

There was no way his mother felt she could refuse without inviting comment, so she nodded and headed off to dress. Vince pulled a tee shirt on and picked up the keys to Jenny's Toyota compact.

"We might as well take your car Mom." he announced when she reappeared wearing a light summer dress. "It's easier to park, and you can sit back and relax."

After they had left, Kevin studied his daughter from the corner of his eye. Dressed in a loose robe it was hard to believe this was the same girl that was in the photo on her phone. Keeping his eyes averted he took in a deep breath. "I saw that photo."

"Yes Dad, I know."

"And it doesn't bother you? Knowing your father has seen you naked?"

"Why should it? You've seen naked women before, and I don't have anything they didn't have. Besides, you haven't seen me naked, you've only seen a photo." He raised his eyes and looked at her, not sure how to say what he wanted to say, and picking up her phone she moved to stand in front of him. "Do you want to see it again? Is that why you mentioned it?" His expression gave her the answer he was unable to voice. "Maybe you would prefer to see the real thing?" He managed to nod his head and she laughed softly. "I thought you might. OK, but not out here, someone might look over the fence."

He followed like a puppy as she led the way to her room, where she turned to face him. "OK Dad, you can look now." Hesitantly he reached to unfasten the tie on her robe, sucking in a deep shuddering breath as it fell open. She shrugged it from her shoulders and let it fall to the floor, enjoying the hunger in his eyes as he stared at her firm breasts, then lowered his gaze to her smoothly shaven pussy. "Go ahead, you know you want to."

"It's wrong baby. You're my daughter." Her exotic scent was wafting to his nostrils, and his protest was weak.

"It's only wrong if the wrong people find out," she whispered, taking his hand and placing it on her breast. "That's why we came inside." All resistance crumbled, and Kevin fastened his mouth on his daughter's tight pink nipple, moaning into the firm young flesh as his fingers sought the moist warmth of her vagina. She pulled his face tighter against her tit when he found her love bud, and she fell back onto the bed, bringing him with her and grinning in triumph as he drove his hard cock deep inside her pussy.

All of the sexual yearnings that had built up since he first saw her selfie came to the surface, making his cock seem bigger and harder than it had been since the day many years ago, when he had first fucked Jenny as her parents watched television in the next room. He had been afraid then that her cries of passion would alert them, but the risk had only added to the excitement.

Now the same cries were echoing from his daughter's throat as she arched up to meet his plunging cock, his excitement magnified by the forbidden nature of incest. He felt a sense of invincibility as he looked down at the cum oozing from her slit, coating his shaft as it drove in and out between the bald lips. She cried out again when he started to cum, and she clung to him as he flooded her nubile young cunt.

Vince could feel the sexual tension in his mother as he pulled out of the drive and pointed the car towards the shopping centre. He knew he could easily reach across and touch her, which was why he had chosen to take her car, and he knew she was waiting for him to do just that. There was no doubt in his mind that if they had taken his big old Ford, he could have found somewhere quiet and persuaded her to let him fuck her on the wide rear seat, but he didn't want to have to persuade her. He wanted her totally naked and vulnerable, and wanting him as much as he wanted her.

He glanced at her bare thighs, where by accident or design her skirt had ridden up almost level with her fork. How easy it would be to put out a hand and raise the hem the extra half inch or so, but he kept his hands resolutely on the steering wheel. Letting her anticipation and frustration build would make her inevitable capitulation so much sweeter. Reversing into a vacant space in the shopping centre car park, he switched off the engine and rested his hand just below her hemline. When she didn't react he leaned across to push her door open, deliberately brushing his forearm across her breasts, before opening his own door.

Inside the supermarket he followed her up and down the aisles, pushing a shopping cart like a dutiful son, then carried the purchases to the car. They stopped once on the way home to pick up some takeaway for lunch. Carrying their order, Jenny waited for Vince to open the car door for her, and as she settled into her seat he reached in and fondled her boobs. His phone buzzed as he moved around to the driver's door, and fishing it from his pocket he saw there was a message from Bella. A huge grin split his face at the selfie she had sent. His sister was naked on her bed, with her phone behind their father's back aimed at the mirror as he drove his cock into her. The photo was followed by another of his shaft between her tits, and finally holding his spent organ against her cum smeared lips.

Arriving home, he parked the car and laid his hand on her thigh again. This time her legs parted instantly, and sensing that she was finally his, on his terms, he traced up and down her panty covered slit, feeling her wetness seep into the fabric. She gasped when he pressed against her clit, and he pulled his hand away, not wanting to get her too worked up because there was little or no chance of taking it further with his Dad home. Her frustration showed in her face, and he took her hand. "Not much longer Mom."

Inside the house they found Bella seated on the couch, looking like the cat that got the cream. Or more accurately, Vince thought, like the alley cat that got the cock cream. Kevin occupied a nearby armchair, with a pleased but guilty expression, and seemed unwilling to meet anyone's eye. Mother and son busied themselves in the kitchen serving lunch, and from time to time she looked longingly at his crotch. At one point she seemed about to reach for his cock, but took his hand instead and pressed it briefly to her breast, before picking up two full plates and carrying them to her husband and daughter.

Twice more during the afternoon and evening, she founds ways to be alone with her son, just long enough for a quick feel of her boobs, and at ten thirty she yawned ostentatiously. "I don't know about anyone else, but I'm about ready to hit the hay." For the last several hours her husband had been covertly eyeing their daughter, remembering how her teenage pussy had looked with his cock buried in it, so it didn't take much persuading for him to follow his wife to bed.

As soon as they heard their parents' bedroom door close, brother and sister came together on the couch in a frenzy, each striving to match the lust of the other. Much later as they sat panting, he looked down at her cum filled twat and grinned. "Loved the selfies."

She returned his grin. "Thought you would. He took a little convincing but it was worth it. I knew he wanted to fuck me as soon as he saw the one I took yesterday, but he still had to do the 'It's wrong' bit, even though he knew I was up for it."

"Yeah, that figures. Look, I need you to do me a favour. I need you to get lost for a while after Dad goes to work tomorrow."

"Fair enough Vince. I owe you one for this morning."

Jenny was on edge next morning. After she and Kevin had fucked last night, she had lain awake picturing her son between her thighs, eventually fingering herself to another climax to enable her to sleep. Now, looking at Vince in his boxers, she felt her pussy tingling in anticipation. She kept glancing at the wall clock, willing the hands to reach the time for Kevin to leave for work, and trying to think of a way to get Bella out of the way without arousing suspicion.

At long last, Kevin picked up his keys and headed off, and her second problem was solved when Bella drained her coffee and stood up from the breakfast bar. "I think I'll see if I can get my car serviced. No idea how long I'll be but you know how these people like keeping you waiting, so I'll probably be lucky to get back before lunch."

Jenny looked hopefully at her son, and when he glanced in the direction of her bedroom she turned and led the way. A shiver went through her as he slipped her robe from her shoulders, to hang around her waist by its belt, and then his hands and lips were on her breasts, tightening her already hard nipples. She was beginning to realise that he had groomed her for this moment, patiently breaking down her initial aversion to incest with his increasingly intimate touches, but instead of feeling resentful she was excited, and impatient to have him inside her.

The turning point had come on Saturday night, after she had rejected his attempt to feel her pussy in the spa. Minutes later she had seen Glenda follow Vince behind the shed, emerging after about fifteen minutes, adjusting the crotch of her bikini with a thoroughly fucked look on her face. At the time she had been disgusted but later, when she thought about the reports of Glenda having sex with her own son, the disgust had turned to curiosity, especially when Vince had pulled down her swimsuit top and fondled her breasts.

Now, less than forty eight hours later, she was standing half naked and trembling with eager anticipation as Vince sucked her nipples. She tugged at her belt, letting her robe fall to the floor, and touched his cock through his shorts. "Let me see him." As he stepped out of his boxers she wrapped her fingers around his shaft and stretched out on the bed, pulling him down beside her. He was puzzled at first to see she was wearing panties, when she was so obviously more than ready, and then he suddenly understood. Her briefs were the final token barrier, and in her own way she was symbolically offering him her virginity.

His former burning lust for his Mom became tempered with tenderness, and spreading her thighs he stroked a fingertip over the delicate strip of moist fabric covering her slit, a metaphorical representation of her hymen. She held her breath, willing him to pull down her panties and take her, but he moved up and gave her a long gentle lover's kiss. Her blood pounded in her ears as his lips travelled to her breasts, worshipping the softly heaving mounds, nibbling and sucking the taut nipples for a heavenly eternity. She gasped as a sudden orgasm caused her juices to pour from her slit to be captured by her already soaked panties. Even Kevin, for all his knowledge of her body, and his skills as a lover, had never made her cum like this without touching her clit.

Hearing her soft moans Vince kissed his way lower, gazing adoringly at her suggestion of a pot belly, a testament to her maturity, with its faded stretch marks, then slowly eased off her panties. The exotically pungent scent of her secretions filled his nostrils, and he licked greedily, lapping up her nectar before plunging his tongue between her glistening pussy lips to probe her clit. Her hips vibrated, pushing the swollen bud tighter against his tongue as her orgasm intensified, and he moved up to cover her. She lifted higher, sighing as her loins opened to welcome his hard virile manhood, making his thrusting shaft slick with her creamy juices.

t was not just a fuck, although it was undeniably that. It was a coming together, a merging as one entity in an erotic adventure, that knew no bounds. Her mood changed as frequently as their positions, one moment fiercely demanding as she rode his shaft, the next placid and compliant as he explored her mouth, tits and pussy with his rampant cock. They were close to exhaustion when he finally grasped her hips and fucked her doggy style, rejoicing again in the sensuous glide of hard flesh into soft wet flesh, as he pumped his cum deep into his Mom's swollen cunt.

They remained silent after they broke apart, each sensing that the wrong words would shatter the magic of what they had experienced. Eventually Jenny took his hand and led him to the shower, where under the warm spray Vince leaned back against the wall as his mother fell to her knees, and her irresistible lips and tongue revived his erection and sucked out the last few drops of his cum.

When Bella returned they were sitting side by side on the couch, and dropping into the armchair she sat twiddling with her phone. As Jenny went into the kitchen to prepare lunch, Vince's phone buzzed, and his sister grinned when he saw the snap, taken through the bedroom window as he licked his mother's slit, followed by a shot of their Mom, face twisted with passion as she rode her son's hard cock, and he realised that Bella must have doubled back and watched the whole erotic encounter.

His phone buzzed again, and he grinned when he read the text message. "Fancy trying 4 a 4sum?"