packed Sarah and Dawn off to have their bath before bed and as soon as the living room door closed I mumbled, to no one in particular, "God I'm so fucking bored!"

Johnny closed his newspaper, "Is it getting to you?"

"Yes, the chance of me finding a job seem to be getting further away rather than closer. I was sure that by now I'd be back in my old job or any other office job but look at today's job adverts, three jobs for office juniors in the county and they all need NVQ level one in administration, when I left work fourteen years ago even the CEO of my old company wouldn't have been able to pass that qualification and now they demand it for filing Clerks."

"I was chatting to Mike in the Three Feathers earlier, he's looking for a dolly bird to work in the pub, why don't you pop down there and have a chat to him, have a drink or something, if nothing else it'll get you out of the house for an hour or two, take your mind off of things!"

"God I'm thirty-eight years old, even through rose tinted spectacles I wouldn't pass for a bird, never mind a dolly bird!"

"Come off it, you have the same shape you did when you were eighteen, in fact, your breasts are bigger, a better shape and firmer than when you were eighteen!"

Johnny put his newspaper away, "Come on, come with me, I'll prove to you that you're every bit as sexually desirable as you were the day I first met you."

I followed Johnny to our bedroom, he opened my walk-in wardrobe and went back in time, he dug his way right to the back of the cupboard and brought out my little black dress, "Here, try this on, you wore this in our first week together."

I took my blouse and skirt off and struggled into my dress, I was surprised that all but the top button up the front of my old dress fastened easily, I'd obviously grown bigger breasts since I was eighteen and because of that difference, more of my bra cups were on show above the low scooped neckline, especially since one button wouldn't close making the low scooped neck now a cupid-bow look, Johnny loved how I looked in the dress but I thought it looked ridiculous.

"The first time I saw you wearing that dress you didn't have a bra on, that was the first thing I noticed about you!"

I turned and looked at my reflection in the mirror; the back strap of my bra was clearly on display over the back of my old dress. I reached back and undefended my bra and slipped it off, there was a little more of me on display than I liked but the bulge in the front of Johnny's trousers told me that he loved what he saw peeping over the top of my dress.

Johnny went over to my top drawer and again he dug deep, once again going back in time to the bottom of my drawer of drawers and fished out a small ball of black lace, "I think you should change into these panties, they always looked great and I was always turned on when I saw you were wearing them, they always turned you on as well when you wore them!"

"There's no point wearing them unless you can see further down the front of this dress than I thought you could."

"Close but not quite!" Johnny chuckled at his snappy answer.

I changed my knickers to the ones Johnny asked me to wear, I still wasn't sure that I would be walking to the pub to talk to Mike about the possibility of working for him part time but even if I didn't go up to the pub, the way I was dressed was certainly having a great effect on my husband so it wouldn't be a total loss.

"You'd better get going or the girls will be out of the bath and you'll never get way!"

Johnny was totally serious, he had dressed me about as sexily as he could possibly imagine and he was ending me out for other men to look at and fantasise about.

"I almost forgot, shoes, very important that you are wearing the black four inch black patent shoes, they give your calf muscles great definition and don't make your bum stick out too far."

I was really turned on as I walked out of the house, I'd wanted to hide inside my summer coat for the nine hundred yard walk to the Three Feathers pub but Johnny wouldn't let me, no handbag to hide behind either, just me, just my twenty year old black dress and equally as old black lace bikini-brief panties. Johnny was right about the effect my lace panties had on me, just remembering what happened every time I wore them got my juices flowing like a river and the feeling between my thighs as they rubbed against the soft lace just magnified the effect on me.

I looked through the windows of the feathers pub before I went in, Mike was all alone, standing behind the bar, reading a magazine, no customers in the place but then it was nine o'clock on a Monday evening. It might actually have been easier to go in if there had been a few customers there; asking about a barmaid's job vacancy in an empty pub seemed totally ridiculous.

I took a deep breath, girded my loins and forced myself to push the door open before I chickened out and ran back home.

"Hi Mike, Johnny said you might have some part time bar work on offer."

"I did tell your husband that I was looking for a woman but not to work as a barmaid, There's little enough work back here for one never mind two! No, I'm looking for more a 'Social Service' kind of appointment."

"God, I'm so sorry, Johnny must have got the wrong end of the stick, I feel a little silly right now!"

Mike laughed, "No, I don't think your husband got the wrong end of the stick, we had a good long chat about what I need in an employee, the kind of work I need doing. Mind you, I knew that Johnny wouldn't be the kind of man who would need the use of my proposed new service but when we were talking about it he actually said that it would be such a great turn on for him imagining you doing that kind of work!"

Now I was really confused, "What exactly is the job then if it isn't serving drinks?"

Mike lost his smile, "The thing is, village pubs like this can't survive on beer sales alone, they need an edge, a gimmick. Some pubs try gourmet food, some try music or Sky sports showing major sporting events. None of those things would work here, we have three Michelin Stared restaurants in the area, a world renown music venue three miles away and most families round here have all the sports they could ever watch on their own home cinema. The thing I know I have an inexhaustible supply of around this village is, men, divorced men, separated men, single men and men who just married the wrong woman."

"So, what kind of new service are you planning to offer your customers?"

"Company, a pretty face to look at, a shapely body to dance with, a willing woman to share their troubles with... I've got rid of the pool table and I'm having the dividing wall put back to provide a private place to party."

I leaned back to look at the end of the bar where the room turned the corner into a thirty foot square that had held the pool table for as long as I could remember. Before I married Johnny the feathers games room was the centre of teen life in our area, pool, darts and table skittles and all apart from the pool had been totally free, the pool only cost ten pence a game back then. The last time anyone had mentioned the pool table in my hearing was to complain that the brewery had increased the cost of a game to one pound and fifty pence, little wonder that no one had played pool in the pub for an age. What had been just an open space was now framed out to build a stud wall but the frame wasn't the usual three inches by two, they were four inches by three.

"The new wall looks a little over the top Mike, who's building it?"

"Your Johnny, he told me that if I give you a job he'll only charge me for materials!"

'Johnny must really want me to do this, how come he's never mentioned it before?'

"Can I borrow your phone please Mike? I need to talk to Johnny."

Mike handed me his phone, "Johnny's work mobile is star twenty-two and your landline is star twenty-three!"

I took Mike's phone and wandered over to the old games room, all that was left was an oblong of cleaner carpet with four deep indentations where the pool table had stood and a circle of pinholes in the wall where the dart board had been hanging. I dialled the landline number and Sarah answered the phone.

"Hi Sarah, how come you aren't in bed yet?"

"Grandpa Ron came round so daddy said we could stop up a little later, when will you be home?"

"After you're in bed, I need to talk to daddy please!"

Sarah took the phone from her ear and called out, "Daddy, mum is on the phone for you."

"Hi darling, something wrong?"

"Erm, I'd say so, this isn't a barmaids job..." I covered the phone with my other hand and lowered my voice, "...Johnny, Mick is looking for some kind of sex worker, not a barmaid!"

There was a silence from the other end of the phone for a minute and then Johnny said, "I think you'd be perfect for the job, every one of my friends have told me that they have wet dreams just thinking about you!"

"Oh, so you're happy for me to work as some kind of prostitute for Mike then?"

"God, just hearing you say that made my cock jump. It's up to you but I think that you need something like this to free you up to having a little fun, give you a little excitement in your life and bring my sexy wife back to me. We could get back to how we were before the girls were born!"

"What was that?"

"What was what?"

Johnny sounded guarded, as if something he had said had upset me.

"That, again, a beeping sound."

"Are you calling on a mobile phone?"

"Yes, I borrowed Mike's mobile."

"Probably someone trying to call Mike, there's no beeping at my end, try pressing the green button, if there is someone just use the green button to switch between the calls, if you press the red button you'll drop the caller you're talking to at that time!"

I pressed the green button, "Mike, has the latest mag..."

"I'm sorry, this isn't Mike but I'll pass you over in a few seconds."

I said goodbye to Johnny and pressed the red button as I was walking back towards Mike standing behind the bar, "Are you there? I'm going to pass you over to Mike!"

I offered the phone to Mike, "It's a call for you, somebody called Dan!"

"Oh, thanks Vicky... Dan, I was just about to call you, your new magazine arrived today, you can pop over and collect it tomorrow or I'll drop it off at the farm when I collect my potatoes on Wednesday... that, that was Vicky... you must know her, every man in the village... yes, that's right, Johnny Clark's wife... here to talk about doing that new job I was talking about... no I don't think she's wearing one... that I can't say for sure one way or another..." Mike looked me over for a moment, "... I'm not sure but I think so... okay, see you then!"

Mike ended the call, "That was Irish Dan, you know him?"

"No, I don't think so; I don't think I know any Irish people."

"He isn't actually Irish, the first time he came in here he asked if we had Irish whiskey and he was given the nickname Irish."

"No, I don't think I know him!"

"He was driving around the village all last year on his quad bike with his old Collie dog on the load rack, always looked like the damned dog was about to fall off on every corner!"

"Tall guy, wavy blond hair, late forties and handsome, runs one of the farms between the village and the A14!"

"That's him, what do you think of him?"

"In what way?"

"How would you feel if he was your first customer?"

I smiled, "I didn't think that a woman doing the kind of work you have in mind could be picky, I'd have thought that her job was to make every man happy whatever she thought of him."

Mike's grin widened considerably, he poured me a half pint of his guest beer and handed it to me, "Very true, but it couldn't hurt if you already thought your first customer was handsome, could it?"

I chuckled, took a sip of the very strong beer, "You're right, couldn't hurt!"

Mike came out from behind the bar and took me back to the old games room, "I'm going to call it the party room when it's finished, the window in the side wall and the doorway out to the toilets will both be bricked up so there will only be one door into the room and I've already got that, a four inch thick, solid oak door, no keyhole on this side and just a thumb-wheel to lock the door so that the door can only be locked when someone is in the room using it."

"Why is the framing so thick and why is it bolted to the floor rather than the base-plate being nailed down?"

"For the same reason that the rails around the opening have been made double thickness and the vertical rails are rebated into the top plate as well as the base plate. If we ever get raided, there will be no way anyone will get in unless someone inside the room unlocks it."

We were close to the door from the games room to the toilet when a voice from the bar called out "Shop, anyone there?"

Mike smiled at me, "Sounds like a customer, could turn out to be my busiest Monday evening since I took over the place!"

Mike closed the blinds over the window in the games room and grinned at me before shouting out, "Coming, hold your horses."

I was left alone in the games area looking around but as there wasn't really anything to see yet, just two tables and four chairs that had been moved into the games room because they had stood in the way of the new wall that was going in. I got into the bar just as Mike handed over an A5 sized envelope that looked like it was well filled out by its content.

"What can I get you DAN?"

The name echoed in my head, partly because Mike had stressed the name and partly because I'd heard him mention over the phone that the guy he was talking to had a magazine to collect and finally because Mike had told me that Dan wanted to be my first customer.

Dan tore open the envelope and pulled out the contents, I only saw a flash of the cover of the magazine, it was a simple dark green, rough paper stock with the title, 'Schoolgirl Parade' printed in white.

Dan had ordered a pint of guest ale and as Mike pulled down on the pump handle Dan flicked through the first few pages of his magazine. Mike did a non-verbal dance for Dan's benefit, I read it easily but it took Mike three runs through to pass on the message to Dan, 'Take your drink and go and sit in the games room!'

I was fighting to stop myself laughing out loud and telling Dan outright what Mike was struggling to get across to him. Dan closed his magazine and paid two pounds fifty for his beer before taking his stuff and heading for one of the two tables in the old games room.

Mike gave me a massive grin and then said, "Right, it's up to you, I pay ten pounds an hour, cash in hand, I'm only guessing for now but I'd say I'll need you from nine PM until... well, let's say ten-thirty but you'll have to be prepared to work on if the customers are still willing to pay, Johnny understands everything I have in mind and I'm sure he wouldn't expect you home much before midnight if things take off!"

"So I'm going to get a whole fifteen pounds a night and no stoppages?"

"Johnny said that you'd probably do it for free, just to get out of the house but the ten pounds an hour is from me for just being here, you'll make a hell of a lot more if you're anyway close to as good as your husband tells everyone you are."

"Any idea what money I could expect to earn in an evening?"

"I've written a tariff schedule on the little blackboard on each table but I haven't spelled it out in words of one syllable, the men will have to work it out for themselves."

Mike handed over one of the little blackboards, I read the first line, 'Thirty minute performance on stage - Ten.'

The stage part of the price took me by surprise and the fact that Mike hadn't put pounds after the ten, I must have looked confused because Mike said, "The stage will be a king-sized mattress built into a sturdy wooden frame as soon as Johnny gets round to building it!"

"I was wondering about the 'Performance', what kind of performance and why have you just put a number rather than a value so everyone will know that's the price and not some kind of code?"

"Trust me, it is a code but every man will understand what it means and why we have to do it. We can never advertise a price for sexual services and once the punters get used to our services I'll clean off the boards. As for the performance, you'll work that out for yourself but I'd say as a rule of thumb, the striptease part of the performance should last around fifteen minutes so in a thirty minute performance you'll expect to do around fifteen minutes on the stage, you know the kind of thing, lots of rolling around, open leg stuff, perhaps even masturbation, the whole idea of charging just ten pounds for a thirty minute performance is to try and generate a few extra service requests."

"Oh, well that makes sense, so the performance is a loss-leader to encourage the punters to want to do more!"

Mike nodded his head, "Are you happy with the rest?"

I shook my head, "Sorry, makes no sense to me. Oranges for ten pounds, strawberry for twenty pounds and apples for forty pounds!". I shook my head and shrugged my shoulders, the performance made sense but what did fruit have to do with it?

"Once we're up and running, if a punter wants oral sex he can buy a wax orange from me for ten pounds, so an orange equals oral sex, strawberry is straight sex, you know vaginal sex and apple is anal sex, Johnny tells me you're perfectly happy to have anal sex and that you're really good at oral so you shouldn't have any problems if you agree to work here, nothing should faze you."

Things were starting to fall into place and make sense to me.

"So, it's up to you, Dan's looking for vaginal sex but I wouldn't take his money because I wasn't sure that you really want to do the work, if you do want to start working tonight, take your drink through to the games room and ask Dan if there's anything you can do for him, take your cue from Dan as to what he wants!"

I walked past the framing, Dan was a typical man in a pub, he'd sat himself in a corner to defend his back. And so he only had two directions to look in, sadly he had totally missed the fact that one of the two walls making up his defensive position hadn't quite been finished off, it was just an open ladder of framework and that openness meant that I could see the pages of his magazine that he was flicking through. He stopped flicking through the book when he came to a double page spread of the same girl, on the left, the girl's face filled the A5 page completely, at the bottom of the page it said, 'Elle, eighteen years old from Frankfurt'. The other page had Elle dressed as a St. Trinian's schoolgirl, her tie unfastened but still trapped under her collar, four buttons of her blouse open and her cleavage and bra cups on show, her school skirt was far too short and her stocking tops and suspenders were on show.

I knew why Dan had stopped on Elle's page, he, like me, knew that the girl's real name was Elle but the rest of her biography was all crap. Elle was head girl at my daughter Sarah's school she was eighteen, but lived in our village just a few houses away from the pub we were both in at that moment.

I turned the corner and cleared my throat, Dan was just turning the page to look at a third picture of Elle, this time, both her school blouse and her school skirt were missing and she had been posed in just her bra, panties, stockings and suspender belt holding a hockey stick over her shoulder.

Dan closed the magazine and pushed it to one side, "Hi Dan, is there anything I can do for you tonight?"

"Well, I'd come in for a nice strawberry but I was wondering if that came with orange on the side or if I had to pay extra for a little orange with my strawberry?"Mike hadn't really mentioned anything about multiple services, did I charge for each act or was it one of those escalating scales, pay for anal sex and you can have oral and vaginal sex into the price. One thing was for sure, I couldn't pop out and ask Mick so I made an executive discussion, I shook my head, "If you're paying for strawberry I'm sure there'll be a little orange in the mix as well if you need it!"

"Do you have time to dance as well?"

Panic set in, I wasn't dressed for striptease, just wearing a dress, knickers and shoes as I was and the room wasn't set up yet for performance art. There was a window in the games room that Mike had already covered with the blind but that window only had a blind that closed because the sun often shone through that window as it was set in the south facing wall and it often put the pool players off if it shone in their eyes, I'd never seen any of the other curtains in the bar closed and one of those windows with wide open curtains looked straight into the games room.

"I'll go and feed the jukebox to get some smoochy music going so we can have a nice dance to get to know each other better before our fruit cocktail!"

I relaxed a little, he wasn't talking about me performing an open striptease for him, he was planning on dancing with me rather than just watching me dance for him. I watched Dan walk over to the jukebox, he stood looking at it for a moment, his hands on his hips and shaking his head before walking to the bar to have a word with Mike. Music suddenly started playing through speakers above my head and Dan returned to drag me onto my feet and pull me into the middle of the room.

I had my back to the main bar as Dan took up the traditional dance stance, his left hand on my right hip and his right hand on my left shoulder, we started to dance, I was happy dancing slow and close with Dan, I actually loved dancing, all kinds of dancing, even the slow, swaying box-step dance that Dan and I were doing was nice, nice until I turned enough to see the one window that looked directly into the games room and then I froze. For a full three minutes I failed to move and the window became my total fixation, at any moment someone could walk past and see me dancing in my sexy black dress with a man who wasn't my husband.

To say that Dan looked pissed at me was an understatement, pissed and frustrated. After the track finished Dan said, "Why don't you have some of your beer while I go and chat to Mike?"

I sat at Dan's table and took a gulp of my beer, I looked through the framing, Dan and Mike were chatting, I picked up Dan's book and flipped it open at the page where Elle was topless with her arm over her chest and turned one more page, Elle was once again the subject, standing in just her panties, stockings and suspender belt, the hockey stick back in her hand, the blade resting against her collarbone.

Dan caught me looking in his magazine, he smiled, "Kids today are far more...'Advanced' than we were at their age aren't they?"

I closed his book and nodded my head in agreement. Dan pulled me to my feet and pulled me into exactly the same place on the floor, even facing the same direction. Mike came into view, he pulled the tiebacks off that were holding the curtains open, they fell into an almost closed position, just two inches remained open. Mike did everything he could to try and close them the last little bit but they wouldn't budge. If I was going to have any success as a sex worker I was going to have to try and get past this little problem. Dan needed to have a good time or he wouldn't pass the word around and Mike sure as hell couldn't advertise in the Echo that he had a new prostitute in residence at the Three Feathers.

Mike gave up trying to move the curtains and looked around the bar; he wandered out of view but was soon back, slowly backing into view again pulling a heavy table into the space under the window. Once Mike was happy that the table was in the middle of the window he turned his back to the window forming a Mike-shaped blockage. I instantly relaxed and got back into the dance grove with Dan. Dan looked over his shoulder and smiled, "Oh, I see, you're not shy; you just don't want one of your neighbours to spot you and start the gossip-mill!"

I nodded my head. We danced to two tracks and then Dan leaned in for the kiss, when our lips were a quarter of an inch apart I closed my eyes but the kiss didn't happen, "Sorry, I should have asked, is it okay to kiss?"

I burst out laughing, "We're about to have strawberry and orange on the side and you're worried that a kiss is going to freak me out..." I looked up at the clock, "Well, that's if we actually have enough time to do the whole bowl of fruit, it's already ten o'clock and the pub closes at ten-thirty."

"But, you're still willing to...'Serve' me the fruits?"

I nodded my head, Dan slid his right hand from my shoulder and onto the back of my neck, he pulled my mouth against his and we kissed solidly for a whole track, in the silence between tracks, while we continued to sway and step through the box Dan let his hand slip from the back of my neck, his finger tips traced a path down from the back of my neck, over my chest, over that part of my breast that was exposed and then over the outside of my dress and down under my breast. He broke the kiss and looked down at his hand as he felt the weight of my left breast, he kissed down from my neck, over my chest and over the top of my breast, then he felt for the topmost fastened button, he stopped kissing my breast and looked up into my eyes and twisted the button out of its hole.

As more of my breasts slipped into view I spotted Mike, he had a grin from ear to ear as he saw the front of my dress slip open a little more. Dan worked quickly down the front of my dress and after the last button was slipped from its hole he finally looked away from my eyes, down the front of my dress to make sure he'd unfastened the last button. We kissed again, he placed his right hand back on my left shoulder but it didn't stop, he searched for my shoulder strap and eased it to the left, over my shoulder and then released it to slip down my arm. His left hand lifted from my right hip and pushed my left shoulder strap over my arm.

My dress slipped slowly down my body to a puddle around my feet, Dan stepped back to look at my breasts and my panties, my back was to Mike at that point and after Dan had drunk my body in with his eyes he turned me to face Mike. Dan stood behind me, working my breasts with his hands, he whispered, "Johnny always said that you enjoyed rough treatment on your breasts while you guys are having sex, was he just bullshitting us or do you really like it rough?"

Dan pinched my nipples hard, pinching and twisting as hard as he could, I gasped in pain and let my right hand slip behind my bottom and I gave his cock a squeeze through his trousers. Dan bit the back of my neck gently and thrust his hips against my bottom, his hands slipped down the front of my body from my breasts, down over my ribs and onto my hips, he eased my knickers down and let them fall to the floor, as they hit the floor they jingled like a bell, Mike jumped to his feet and looked over to the door from the street.

"Hi Ron, don't see you in here very often!"

I froze, Mike had to move to serve his new customer so the two inch gap in the curtains were now unblocked and I was totally naked now and facing the gap, focussed on the thin strip of glass that any one of my neighbours could walk past at any moment.

"You're right there Mike, my wife doesn't like me coming in here, she says you're a bad influence on me but I was over here visiting my lad and grand kids and when Johnny told me that Vicky could be working here tonight I thought I'd pop in and try my luck!"

I would have run for the ladies toilets hearing my father-in-law's voice coming from just a few feet away while I was totally naked in a public place but Dan was pinching my left nipple with his left hand and his right hand was working between my legs and I was on the cusp of an orgasm and my brain couldn't send any messages past my clitoris to my legs to run.

"You want to try my guest ale Ron?"

"Just a bottle of London Pride please Mike, can't handle the drink these days and I have to drive home after."

My breathing was now faster and deeper than normal and the sound of blood pounding in my head was making it hard to hear properly and my knees started to give way so that Dan had to support my weight and I was just about to begin verbalising uncontrollably...

"Is Vicky working upstairs?"

"No, she's in the old games room, I wasn't expecting to be offering the service yet, your lad hasn't finished the wall off yet so it's all a little bit open at the moment. That's just three pounds for the London Pride Ron if that's all?"

"Do I pay you for Victoria as well?"

...That was it, hearing my husband's father asking Mike if he had to pay him to have sex with me took me right over the top and my vocalising increased...

"That's twenty-three pounds then please Ron!"

...My father in law had paid Mike to have full sex with me and that kicked my orgasm up a major step but not as big a jump as I got when Ron walked around the corner and looked at my naked body through the latticework of framing that my husband would turn into a sturdy wall very soon. Mike arrived at Ron's side and rested his hand on Ron's shoulder, "If you want to watch Dan and Vicky you could sit over in front of the window, Vicky's worried about one of her neighbours walking past and seeing her perform with Dan."

Ron looked a little disappointed but he sat in the space that Mike had been sitting earlier. Dan turned slightly sideways on to Ron and then he pulled me around so that I was facing him, "Open my trousers and take my cock out. My eyes flicked over at Ron and then at the clock, it was ten twenty-five. Mike would be calling last orders apart from the fact that he knew that we all had drinks still, I pulled Dan's trousers and underpants down and took his cock in my mouth as the sound playing over the loudspeakers muted and a bell sounded automatically, there would be another bell in five minutes time to indicate that all serving must stop, well, serving of alcohol at any rate.

I kneeled on the floor and eased Dan's cock into my mouth, I actually loved sucking my husband's cock but this was the first man since I married that I'd performed oral sex on and the first time I had performed oral sex with two other men looking on. I was surprised at Dan's reaction to my mouth, he had to step back before the ten thirty bell sounded. It was obvious that he had never been sucked off by anyone who loved doing it before, "Damned girl, you almost turned a twenty quid tip into a tenner there, if I cum I can't recycle for at least an hour!"

The bell sounded for ten thirty, Mike stepped forward, "We should take this up to my flat, the village bobby could be around any minute now, he's well used to the lights going off down here at ten thirty on the dot in the week because I have so few customers."

I left my dress and knickers on the floor and I took Dan's hand and pulled him along behind me through the bar and out into the passageway that led to the bar to the left, to the toilets and back to the games room to the right and straight on, the door to the stairs that led up to Mike's flat. Mike was at the front door about to lock it but before he could it was pushed open by our village bobby, "You're open late tonight Mike!"

"Yes, a couple of friends popped round to have a chat; they've moved up to the flat, I'll be joining them as soon as I've locked up and turned the lights out."

We were fortunate that the village policeman wasn't overly curious, just very bored looking after such a small village where crime was a rarity, if he had decided to take a look around inside the pub he would have caught me totally naked, Dan with just his shirt on and Ron, my father-in-law all gathered around the locked door leading up to Mike's flat above the pub.

Mike turned up shaking his head and unlocked his door for me to go through still pulling Dan behind me. Mike directed us into his bedroom, it was small and messy but it did have a king sized bed crammed into the room. Ron checked his watch, "You going to fuck her now? It's just that because of the time, I need to get through to my endgame soon so I can get home before my wife gets too suspicious, I was hoping that you'd fuck her while she blows me and once you've filled her honey-pot I can take over down there or I'll be here until after midnight."

Dan didn't bother taking his shirt off, he pushed me down onto the bed on my back, dragged me over to the edge of the bed so that my head was hanging off of the edge and then he started fucking me between my legs while Ron dropped his trousers and underpants and began fucking my mouth in earnest. Because I'd taken Dan to the edge of his orgasm earlier it took him a little longer to climax the second time around and because my father-in-law was fucking my mouth rather than me giving him oral sex he didn't get close and was able to control the pace and pressure to rim his pleasure without dropping over the edge.

Dan filled my pussy and pulled out, Mike offered Ron a towel to mop between my legs but he turned Mike down, he was perfectly happy to just jump up on the bed and take over where Dan had left off. There were several taboo subjects running through my head, the first was a second man driving the semen of the first man deeper into my body, the second was that my father-in-law was the man fucking me and the third was that I was being fucked with Mike and Dan looking on with a critical eye, Mike suddenly pulled his cock out of his trousers and fucked my mouth. Dan didn't seem in any hurry to leave, mind you, he would have needed Mike to let him out and Mike wasn't leaving my mouth any time soon. My orgasm was doubly powerful from Ron fucking me and it wasn't his skill or his larger than average sized cock, it was just that it was my husband's father fucking me and it flipped a switch inside my head.

Ron finished off in my cunt at eleven thirty so between the two men I'd been fucked solidly for an hour and I was a soaking wet mess of semen and sweat. I thought my evening was over but before I could get up off the bed Mike was knocking on my back door and he fucked me in my arsehole until midnight.

I left the pub with Dan and Ron, Ron walked me to my front door and kissed me goodnight on my doorstep before I let myself in. I walked in a very happy girl indeed, I had one hundred and ten pounds in my hand, twenty each from Ron and Dan, thirty pounds from Mike for the hours I'd worked and forty pounds on top for anal sex. I'd tried to hand back either the thirty for the hours worked or the forty for anal sex but Mike wouldn't hear of it, he said, "A whore is worthy of her hire and anyway, I think you're going to make me a small fortune before you get fed-up of sex every night!"

'He must be totally crazy if he thinks I'd ever get fed-up of having sex every where's my husband, I need to tell him all about my first evening at work while he fucks me!'