The arrangement was as simple as a complicated thing could be...

My parents had been swingers since forever. But not just sharing, the whole nine yards. They were into all kinds of kink. They went to clubs, events, and parties that my highschool buddies thought that they'd made up in their heads, but, you know, the REAL ones.

It was weird for me at first... but in time I got used to it, and, eventually, I even worked up the courage to ask about it. I mean, on the one hand, it was my parents, and ew. I have no desire to picture my dad having sex. But on the other hand, they legitimately did the things that most people barely had the courage to fantasize about, and if there is one thing a teenager (18 going on 19) can appreciate, it's dirty, kinky, (great to masturbate to) and adventurous sex. So, yeah... I had questions.

Now, on the plus side, my parents were cool about it... sort of. My Dad seemed to like telling me about stuff that he didn't think I'd ever get to experience. It was like bragging for him, in a contest he figured he could never lose. Still, even if he told me because he was trying to be an asshole, he still told me, and I REALLY wanted to know.

As for Mom, she was super cool about it. At first, it was all about honesty. As long I was was talking to her, being honest with her, and having these talks with her, then she figured I deserved the info.

It was good for us bonding wise, and she got to keep bullshit information, regarding sex, away from her Son. At first... But, I could swear that, over time, Mom really seemed to like flirting with me. Like... "LIKE", liked. Which, as realizations go, should have been gross, but instead it was a lot of other things. Hot... crazy, stunning, kinda fun, hot again... I know I should have been grossed out, but my Mom was a sweet, kind, fun woman, with a great laugh and a delightful personality. Also... she had long hair, big tits, beautiful eyes, and an ass that could stop traffic and may have actually caused a car accident one time...

So, yeah. Sort of a mixed bag. But a fun one. It was always a bit of an adventure asking my Mom a sex question. I would brace myself, and find out about all this hot stuff, and then she would smile, lean in, and whisper something like, "at least that was what it was like when I did it". And we both knew, that she knew, that she was driving me crazy (in a good way) when she did stuff like that. Then she'd just lean back, glance down at the outline of an erection I had no chance of hiding, and wink at me. Mom had a very sexy smile when she wanted, and in those moments, she always "wanted". It never went further than that of course, but it was very hot, kind of fun, and, all things considered, pretty damn flirty.

And that brings us to the night that things went past "flirty". You see, Mom and Dad went to a lot of sex and fetish clubs. Not just the kind with music and dancing, but also straight up fetish clubs, with memberships. Places that were just decked out "dungeons". Big open rooms with privacy from the outside world, and no privacy from the other members.

These were places for a person to be tied up and whipped, put on a cross and spanked, or tied to a table and "tortured" until they had to use a safe word to make the orgasms stop. For some it was a complicated affair involving tool kits, and for others it was just about giving a stranger head, or getting fucked in a place where people could see you, but no one would arrest you or otherwise fuck-up your "normal life"... just because you wanted to cum in a very specific way.

So, anyway, Mom and Dad were supposed to go to a new club; one that was a couple of hours away. They were going to meet a mutual friend, have some fun, maybe grab a hotel room, and be back before the end of the weekend. But then Dad called from his business trip and said that he wouldn't be back when he thought he would, and he'd see us in another week. On top of that, Mom's friend called and cancelled too; which, you would think would be the end of it. But, even with her original motivation gone, Mom still REALLY wanted to go. She told me she'd been getting herself 'worked up' about it for a solid 2 weeks now, and to have it all fall apart on the same day that it was supposed to happen was frustrating her to the point of madness.

That... is probably why she got a conspiratorial grin, mid-conversation, and turned to me with the same look I'd seen her give Dad when she was going to try to sweet-talk him into something he knew he was going to hate. "Sayyyyy..." she began, and I was already instinctively scooting back. "...oh don't be like that". She said pouting. "I just have a proposition for you is all, and it's one that I think you might really like...".

Then she told me her plan, and, later that night, we were on the road to the club. Both of us.

Mom had made a very simple, and compelling case. After all, she wanted to go tonight, and I had wanted to go since I found out places like this even existed. So, if I was her escort, then we both got to go, she could have her fun, and, if things panned out, I might even get to have mine.

So, Mom informed me that, apparently, a fairly big part of what her and Dad did was all about the fact that, she, "Was Dad's". His presence, her sitting by him, the wedding rings, the hand holding... all of it, was a huge turn on for many. As such, for Mom to have the fun that she'd originally planned on having, she wanted a man with her. She wanted someone to walk in with her, hold her hand, sit and talk with her, wear a ring on the correct finger, and, when the time was right, she'd end up with someone else.

Mom explained it over and over again on the ride there, and it got to the point where I was stopping her half-way through her sentences with, "I know Mom! I know the plan!". Then I would tell her own speech back to her, just to avoid hearing her tell me it again. Simply put, we would "hang", and if anyone came up and asked her if they could do something terribly inappropriate with her, I would say yes, send them off somewhere, and then she would leave to have her fun, and I could "browse", and see if I could find any fun of my own. Honestly, my worst case scenario was to spent the night in a voyeur's paradise, witnessing first hand all the things I'd begged just to hear about.

It was... strange. I mean, I'd flirted with Mom for almost a full year now. I'd heard all kinds of stuff about her and her sex life, and, if I'm being honest, I had ABSOLUTELY masturbated to some of the things that she told me. And that required picturing them... But, that was all different from this. Because even if we weren't actually there to do anything together, I still parked the car with her in the passenger seat. Then we got out, held hands, and walked in together.

I was walking into a sex club with my Mom, and people were looking at us and seeing me, and this knockout MILF, with big tits, and long beautiful hair. Her top was low-cut enough to be sinful all by itself, but the fact that I knew she'd left her bra in the car only made it that much more erotic. Her skirt was much too short, and on the way in, I'd been a single stiff breeze away from knowing if she was wearing panties. Still, with that perfect ass of hers and that sexy little gait she had to her walk, I was struggling to walk correctly before we were even in the front door.

We signed our names, and no one blinked at the shared last name because we were playing husband and wife. And on top of that, the truth was that if we had "played" Mom and Son, no one would have batted an eye at that either. I mean, what's one more fetish in a place like that?

So, we got past the entry area, and into the first few big rooms of the club proper. I walked towards an area with a bunch of couches and chairs. There were people talking and laughing, and just having regular conversations, except in really sexy corsets, a few kinky outfits, a lot of leather, and some outright nudity.

There was lube, paper towels, and wet-wipes, pretty much everywhere. And though I was very aware of the sex, nudity, beautiful women, and naughty games that were happening all around me, I was just as aware, and just as turned on, by all the eyes that were looking right back. I mean, I was "on the menu" here, and people were checking me out like they might want a taste. Of course, they were checking out my date too, and somehow that was just as hot. Even girls were eyeing my Mom, like the sexy babe that she was, and I was a weird blend of proud, protective, turned on, and confused by all the attention she was getting. But I had to admit, though I didn't understand why it was hot, I was definitely finding it hot. And there is a pleasure to that "heat", all by itself, so I wasn't complaining.

Mom and I had a seat on one of the couches, and I was flushed, thirsty, and quietly looking around trying to "record" as much as I could with my brain. Meanwhile, Mom was relaxed, and, as always, charming. In no time at all she was a part of several ongoing conversations, and, on occasion, II heard her say something like, "Don't mind him, he's just the strong, silent type", and then her hand would pet my thigh.

I don't know how long all that went on, but at some point, Mom tapped my shoulder, and I was forced to look away from a woman in a stockade who was blowing a guy while a woman, literally, whipped her ass. When I did manage to look away, so I could see what Mom needed, she whispered in my ear. "This is nice sweetie, but it isn't exactly the attention that I'm here for. Do you mind if I... if I try something a little more drastic?"

That... got my attention. I was a little concerned at Mom's choice of words, but honestly, if nothing else happened tonight, I'd already seen some of the hottest shit I'd ever seen (in fairness, that wasn't saying much, but still). I'd more than had my end of the deal honored, and I was pretty sure the erection I'd been sporting since before we got all the way inside was proof of that. So, fair being fair, I nodded and told her yes.

At that point, Mom, very casually, continued her conversations, but, with a, "Oh no, don't mind me. I'm just getting more comfortable", as she straight up straddled me. And, as she ground herself down into my lap, I, not knowing it was coming, didn't move my hand away in time. So... yeah. That was how I found out that my Mom wasn't wearing panties. When her wet pussy bumped my hand, before grinding down onto the tent in my pants.

I won't lie, I moaned. I couldn't help it! Maybe if I'd known it was coming, I could have, I don't know, mentally braced myself or something. But instead, Mom just stood, threw a leg over me, straddled me, and as her body slid up the length of my hard-on (through my clothes), I moaned...

When I did, Mom looked down at me with an expression that was both shocked, and... I don't know... approving, I think. I mean, she obviously wasn't expecting that! But at the same time, she obviously didn't mind it either... I didn't know what to make of that. But before I knew it, Mom was just back in her rhythm, and talking to couples around us as she sat, "more comfortably", in my lap. As I realized this was the new norm, and the view in front of me was my Mom's very large tits in a tight, low cut shirt, with no bra; I tried to find that woman I'd been watching before.

But when my gaze started to roam, Mom rolled her hips down and forced me to moan again. I looked back at her, with my own shock this time, but she was wearing a "Mom" face as she said, "Nuh uh kiddo. I need your attention right now. So, either try to get involved in the conversation, or put your hands on my hips and stare at my tits for a bit, but you are playing a role here. Got it?"

She wasn't really whispering, but only because with the music, moans, and chatter, I wouldn't have heard her if she did. As it was though, I don't think anyone heard her but me, and that was clearly what she wanted. So, I tried, really hard, to get in on the conversation. And when I lacked either the background knowledge, or the social skills to do so, I uh, I did as my Mother asked.

In fact, I was sitting there, staring at her tits, when my Mom said, "Honey", and snapped me out of a daze. I followed her tone, up to her gaze, and her gaze to the form of a guy who looked like he'd been trying to get my attention for a solid minute before "my wife"... had to intervene on his behalf.

I was blushing for a new reason now. But I apologized and asked him what he'd said. It was at that point that he said what I was told to expect almost the entire car ride there, and yet... I was still just, WOEFULLY underprepared to hear out loud. After a few seconds of shock, I shook my brain loose of whatever it was stuck in, and said yes. Which, was exactly what Mom had told me to do, and yet, for some reason, she looked surprised. In fact, she looked downright shocked...

He'd complimented her breasts, said he could see why I was staring, and asked if I was willing to share them. Which, I'd thought was the point. I mean, Mom came here to slip off with some guy right? But, I realized my mistake a moment later. Because a moment later, he turned Mom's chin with one hand so he could kiss her. Then, with his other hand, he reached up under her shirt and started playing with one of her massive tits... right in front of me. Not just in front of me either. Because she was still, literally, sitting in my lap!

It was still through the shirt, but the shirt was hiding nothing as her nipple hardened, and he plucked at it, pinched it, and twisted it. Then both his hands were under her shirt, and she was moaning into his mouth. So, yeah. Proximity. Fucking Proximity, was my big damn mistake. This was NOT, "in a back room somewhere". This was, in, my fucking, lap! Her large, soft, braless tits were being rolled and played with inches from my face, and it was mesmerizing!

Mom broke the kiss, and she was still moaning, but there was not a lot of options in terms of looking somewhere else, or moving places, because, you know... still in my lap! So next thing I know, she is looking down at me and smiling. Still showing surprise, but now also this deep, just, INTENSE, lust. "Oh my, GOD, sweetie", she said, half yelling one word in place of an unexpected moan. "I had no idea you would want to do something like THIS!"

And it wasn't an accusation or anything. But, I suddenly realized that from my Mom's perspective, I'd just told some guy to grope her while she was inches from my face. She had no way of knowing I'd made a mistake, especially since I spent over an hour telling her that I TOTALLY knew what to say, and do, when the time came. I was supposed to suggest they the two of them slip off somewhere together along with my yes...

It HAD to look like this had been what I wanted all along. And right as that thought hit me. The guy groping her, with a grin as big as they get, asked me, "How's the view man?"

And, god help me, I couldn't help but look at what he was talking about it when he asked. It was just instinct! And so I was STARING at two hands groping and mauling my Mom's tits through the fabric of her top, when he added, "Your wife's tits are fucking Gorgeous man!" And then, "Wait... I bet I get can pop one out for you". And, before I could process what that might even mean, he pulled down on this little cross section of her shirt, then over to the side. And with his other hand, he easily freed one of her breasts and exposed it to me, and to everyone else. When he did, Mom just moaned.

And they way he did it... made it suddenly very clear that the shirt was MEANT for that little maneuver. In fact, he could have easily and comfortably taken them both out without any risk to the shirt or to Mom. But he stopped there, and just started pawing at her tits again, but now one of them was naked and right in front of me.

So there I was, staring at my own Mother's naked, pale, perfect, and fucking gorgeous tit. When he asked me again. "There we go, right!? Now how's THAT view?" And, sitting my lap, my Mom looked from her naked tit, to my staring eyes, and with a grin that was halfway between pleased and chiding, she said. "Yeah honey... how's that view?"

And looking into my eyes she half chided, "You sure do seem to be enjoying the show." And then he pinched her exposed nipple, and she gave a surprised yelp, just before he began, rather expertly based on her moans, groping her all over again.

And, of course, while all of this was happening, Mom wasn't just moaning, she was... how to put it... wiggling. I think she was trying to be good, but she was being forcefully groped, and mauled, and manipulated while she sat in my lap, and straddled my erection. So every moan, and every move, meant that the she was also; ever so gently... grinding on me. I'd have called it dry humping, but I knew for a fact that "dry", wasn't the word.

All of this was happening because I'd forgotten the step of, "send them off somewhere" when the first request came in!

It was all so crazy, and I was having a really hard time thinking clearly right in the middle of all that heat, and sex. I mean, Mom or not, there was this super-hot, sexily dressed, long haired, moaning, big titted, sex goddess... and she was writhing in my lap!

And so, of course, that was when a second guy (one of the ones who'd been talking to Mom a second ago), said, "If she's not going to talk, and she's not going to kiss, then do you three mind if I put her mouth to work doing something else?".

He looked at all of us, but the guy playing with her tits shrugged, Mom just looked at me expectantly, and...

It was all happening too fast, and I remembered Mom telling me, an hour before, in the car, that she needed me to just say yes to whatever sexual thing people asked for, and I didn't want to screw this up worse. So I nodded. But then I saw he already had his dick out, and he was reaching for her head, and I freaked a little! He did not mean kissing! And, for fucks sake, she was still in my lap!

And I was really confused on what was happening right in that moment, and after Mom's comment from before, about being surprised by what I'd already started... I just. I had a sudden flash of panic that she might not want that!

And so, in the tradition of screwing everything up to the best of my ability, I held out a hand to stop him, and blurted "Wait!". Then I looked the woman in my lap dead in the eye, and, in a room where a half a dozen couples (or groups... couples doesn't always mean "2" in a place like that), I, loud enough for many of them to hear, asked "Is that okay Mom?!" in a half-panicked tone.

Everyone paused. Hell, "Froze", might be a better word. And there we were...

Mom was panting in my lap, with one big, beautiful tit out, and the other one covered by a thin layer of cloth and a stranger's hand. At the same time, another stranger gripped his cock, and pointed it in her direction.

Mom froze too, but only for a moment.

Then she turned to the group and said, "That's a good question sweetie. Does anyone mind if we "RP" this?". And, just like that, all explanations were done with.

If there was any negative tension, it was dispelled in a breath, and a new, even more sexual tension, replaced it. A few people cooed and moaned approvingly. One person left the room with a disappointed expression, but everyone else stayed.

The guy with his hand in my Mother's top said something like, "fuck that's hot", and the guy I'd made stop was now nodding so hard that it was plain as day that, he was even more into it now, than he was before.

Then Mom looked from the room to me, and, somehow, she was the spitting image of both my Mom, and a depraved whore, squeezed between at least 3 horney men. "Well Son," she said, stopping for only a moment to give the people watching a quick wink. Then, she reached over and took my fake wedding band off, setting it on the table beside the couch.

"Well Son..." she continued, having given the impression that she was setting the stage. "... I guess that all depends on you. I mean, on the one hand, you've already seen quite a lot tonight..." she said, reaching up with one hand and briefly hefting her naked tit in front of me. At that, some woman I couldn't see gave an approving whistle. "... but on the other hand", she continued. "There is a pretty big difference between getting a peak at one of Mommy's tits, and watching one of her cheeks get stretched out by a big dick... Isn't there?"

And when she asked, I answered, nodding, and hanging on her every word. Also... I didn't know if she meant for me to or not, but as soon as she said the bit about her stretching cheek... I couldn't help but picture it what she'd described... I thought I would never get that picture out of my head now, and I was super okay with that..

"Well then," she said smoothly. Her smile confident and lovely as she proposed the unthinkable. "I think we should leave how much you have to see, or... GET to see", she said with a sexy little wink. "...Up to you then. So? Whaddya think tiger? Do we send these nice men back to their seats? Or... Do you tell them to 'go ahead', and watch your Mommy do what she came to here to do... but with a very, VERY... front row seat". And at the last, she rolled her hips again, and forced a moan from me. And honestly... I was Sooooooo far gone at that point. I couldn't have backed out if I tried. So instead, I looked at the guy I'd told to stop just a minute before, then at the guy looking to me from over my Mom's shoulder, and then to Mom herself... and, I gave, just the slightest, little nod.

And just like that. It all spiraled wonderfully and terribly out of control. The guy who'd been holding his dick in his hand asked if he should do or say anything special. And when he did, my Mom said, "My date just gave you permission to put your cock into his Mother's mouth. So what you should do, is show him what that looks like. And, as to what you should say, I think you should maybe thank him... and then tell him how it feels".

He gave a quick laugh at that, and gave an evil smile that said that he very much liked her suggestion, and the tone he thought she was going for. So he stepped in close, looked at me, and wagged his dick right in front of my Mom's lovely red lips. Then, treating me like a cucked husband whose was rping a son, he said, "Thanks for the go ahead man. Now, because you whored her out instead of just saying no, I get to do this to your Mom". And just like that, it was all so terribly real. Because, he didn't fucking know it, but what he was saying was true!

One moment I was looking at my Mom's pretty smile, and the next, a stranger was thanking me, and shoving his dick into it.

In the crowd around us, I heard a woman giving an approving whoop. Then I was watching Mom's favorite shade of red lipstick work its way up and down some guys shaft, as he moaned, put one hand on the back of my Mom's head, and started telling me how great her mouth felt, and how good she was at sucking cock. "Get a good look", he said. "Next time she tells you your dinner is ready, you can look at that innocent face of her's, and try not to think back on what it looks like with my cock sawing in and out of her mouth".

I was staring again.

A few moments later he said, "Why don't you show your Son that cheek thing you were talking about", and, when he did, Mom turned her face towards me. Eased him out, smiled prettily, and then guided him back in so that I was looking at her face, while her cheek stretched and bulged from a big cock stretching it out from the inside. I gulped, my own mouth suddenly dry, and in response, Mom moaned, and seemed to get a little, I don't know... "wetter", with her sucking noises.

He tried to take control, fucking her face. But Mom had his hand knocked away in no time. Although, it only because he wasn't as good at this as she was. He wasn't complaining, as Mom's lips and tongue moved up and down the length of him in a rhythm that was more skillful than anything I've ever seen in the porno I'd watched.

She would "bob", up and down on him, and her cheeks would hollow, and then she would go all the way down; only to slide back up so slowly that it seemed like magic. She angled her head to curl her tongue around the head of his cock from the side, and then slowly went a half inch down, and then all the way back up like she was cleaning an ear of corn. For his part, he went from taunting me with telling me how good my Mom's mouth felt, to barely being able to do more then just whimper "fuck, fuck, fuck", on endless repeat. She took him to the edge in less than two minutes, and then made him live there.

She was giving me intoxicatingly hot eye contact towards the end of that "corn" maneuver thing, when she stopped to look over and down and tell the other guy, with a throaty purr, "Ohhh that's good baby". I managed to pull my eyes away from the show happening above her neck, and I wasn't disappointed. The "groping guy" was now on the floor and leaning around my Mom so he could lick and suck on her exposed tit. When he saw me looking, he paused long enough to say, "Your Mom's breasts are AMAZING man. You and your friends must jerk off to these all the time!"

When he said that, Mom, and I never thought I would say this but... My Mom moaned around a mouthful of cock...

Then she stopped what she was doing long enough to give me a questioning smile, as she said, "Is that true honey? Oh my god!? Is that true?! Do you and your friends jerk-off while thinking about my tits?!"

Her look went from flattered and turned on to something slightly more sinful, and lusty. Then, she seemed to get a wicked idea, and she raised one eybrow, and smiled before she gave the guy who was standing a few more strokes and another hard suck before continuing with, "Do you think they'd want to come along next time?"

Her question hit me like a sack of bricks. I didn't think she was serious. I mean, I didn't... right... but, anyway! Whether she was serious or not, now she had me thinking about it. And she had to pretty powerful visuals to go along with her taunting!

"Hmmmm?" She asked teasingly. Then she actually named two of them!

She said, "Maybe one of them could be here", and she smiled as she ran her hand through the hair of the guy sucking on her tit. "And, what do you think..." She added as she turned back to the giant dick bobbing an inch from her lips, and, shot me a sideways glance. "Would you want this to be..." and she named my best friend. She named him, then looked up at the guy, and said, "take a step closer..." and again, she used my best friends name. And he nodded obediently and stepped in, she winked at me, and then she began sucking him off for all he was worth.

Her mouth and her hand moved with unmatched expertise as her speed and pressure built, and built and built. In no time at all he was screaming that he was going to cum. But Mom just took him out of her mouth, aimed him at her face, and gave full eye contact to me as she jerked him hard and fast.

"I think poor little (my best bud's name) is going to pop", she said with a smile. Then she asked me, "where do you want it?", and I swear, for being so god damn broken, in the moment, I feel like my brain has never worked faster. Where did I want it? On her tits, of course! But... There was a guy there with his mouth open, and that wasn't something I wanted to see. I would have LOVED to have seen her face covered in it! But... she was sitting on my lap, and I didn't want my next kiss on the cheek to be, THAT.

So I said the only thing I felt like I could, "inside you!" I said it like that too... too loud, too fast, too awkwardly worded... I mean, I was racing the clock! But it still came out weird.

Mom, for her part, just smiled, and said, "I meant his cum honey", before giving me a wicked little wink, and shoving his dick back down her throat. She was just in time too, because a split second later the guy started screaming that he was cumming.

Mom had most of him down her throat, and she was rapidly bobbing like she was fucking him with her face. Then he was fucking her back, and then finally he just stood there and screamed while she rapidly jerked him into her mouth.

When he was all done, Mom looked back at me, smiled with just her lips, and then swallowed dramatically before opening her mouth to show me that it was empty. "Everything you hoped for sweetie?" she asked me. And once again, there wasn't a lot that I could say, in that place, in that time; so I just nodded and went along with it all.

Right about then, the guy who'd been playing with her tits told us both that it was all too much, and he just had to fuck her! But I had no idea how that would play out while she was still sitting on me, and I was pretty sure I was working up the courage for my first "No" of the evening. But before I got the chance, Mom told him that he needed to learn some discipline, and that he needed to "wait his turn". That... didn't sound better.

Turns? Where people were about to start taking turns? On my Mother?!?

I was halfway to panic, when Mom reached down between us and gently squeezed my cock through my pants. As she did, it drained tension from me and made me moan. And just like that, she, once again, had my full attention.

She smiled down at me, one huge breast still hanging out of her top, and smiled sweetly as she ran her free hand down my cheek. Her words were just for me as she said, "I think if you get much harder, you might explode sweetie. I know it's not what we planned, but do you think you can let me take care of THIS...", and as she said it, she, once again, gently squeezed my cock; this time for emphasis. "...Before you keel over from the strain?"

I didn't know what that meant, but by God, it sounded awesome. I told her, "yes", and then "please", and she was all Motherly goodness as she stroked my cheek and said something along the lines of, "there's my good boy".

What came after that, on the other hand, probably isn't something that most people would classify as, "Motherly".

Mom released her gentle grip on the outline of my hardon, and then I could feel her manipulating the zipper on my pants. A few moments later she smiled down at me softly, and her hand slipped into the opening. There was a moment of blind searching, but then she cooed sweetly, as she wrapped her hand around me once more, this time skin to skin.

I could feel my own Mother's cool soft skin, as she wrapped her hand around my naked cock, and, ever so gently, guided me out of the opening in my pants. She took the time to unbutton and open up my pants a little bit more after, and every second that she wasn't touching me seemed to last forever. I was starving for the "care" she'd promised. But when her hand came back to me, and she asked, "ready?", I hadn't yet figured out what I was saying yes to.

But I said it anyways.

And then she lifted herself, and I had a "HOLY SHIT" moment, as my Mom looked down, and carefully guided the head of my cock towards her pussy. I felt myself touch her naked thigh beneath that too short skirt, and then there was a "warm kiss", as the head of my dick bumped her wet and waiting pussy. Then she was holding me steady as she lowered herself down, and I felt my dick sliding up in between my own Mother's pussy lips! And then, all that tight, warm, pleasure... swallowed me up.

I was in so much pleasure I couldn't speak, and it seemed like every eye was on us as my Mom whimpered and bit her lip, still adjusting, and working me up into her with gentle pushes and releases. I heard her saying, "gently baby, gently! Your very big, which is nice, but your also the first person tonight to be in there".

It was SO intense, as she made tiny micro adjustments, and the both of us just gripped the chair, and one another; as we tried to acclimate to the most intense thing either of us had ever felt in our lives. Another person tried to walk up to us to ask if they could get in on the action, but Mom shooed them away before I even had a chance to notice them. Saying something along the lines of, we needed a few minutes of just Mother-Son, time.

And then we were there. It seemed like it took 10 minutes or more, even though it was probably closer to a game of seconds. But one minute were shifting, and wiggling, and trying to find our place, and the next that last little "sealed" portion inside of her, opened up to me, and all of a sudden I was just gliding up in down in a slick, warm, paradise.

It felt so good that I was "gliding" into it faster, and faster, and faster, without meaning to; and Mom had to put a hand on my chest, saying, "Woah there tiger... take it easy." And a moment later she added, "Why don't you let me drive", with a loving grin. And seeing as she was cool and confident, while she was surrounded by kinksters who blatantly wanted to gangbang her, and I was still struggling to not give her the best 11 seconds of fucking ever... letting her "drive" seemed like a good idea.

And my god, did my Mom's experience shine through. She rolled her hips in ways that I literally cannot describe, and at a pace and speed that managed to be both, consistently gentle, and yet always taking us upwards towards a new level of sexual pleasure.

My nerves were at full attention, and I had never felt so much pleasure in my entire life. I was SOoooooooo sensitive to every sensation. At one point Mom just stopped, and it was still, incredibly intense.

I started to move on my own, but, gently, she stopped me, and told me to just take a second and "feel" it. And when i did, I could actually feel her... I don't know. Sort of, "flexing" her pussy. She was holding perfectly still, but she was still "gripping" me, and pulling me up into her without moving her legs or hips. It was incredible. And just as I was basking in it fully, my Mom, with an easy, seamless motion, slid her other breast out of the top, and moved her silky soft shirt to her waist as if it were a belt.

Then, with a loving smile, she said, "You don't have to really answer sweetie. But honestly... how long have you want to do..."; And then she ran her hands through my hair on either side of my head, pushed her massive tits together with her elbows, and then she gently pulled my face towards her cleavage, as she smiled knowingly and said, "... This." before burying my face in her tits and rubbing it around some.

I had died, and this was heaven. And if I hadn't been sure of just how much heaven it was, I felt my Mother's pussy pull halfway up my shaft and pause a second before she rode it back down to the hilt; my face still buried in her tits.

She was riding me again, and I was moaning with one big, beautiful breast hugging either side of my face, as Mom held me to her, and rubbed her clit on me in long, grinding thrusts. I didn't know why but suddenly she wasn't holding back anymore. She was riding harder, more than faster. But she was really getting into it now. She was moaning, and whimpering, and then her hips were moving faster and faster. And suddenly she said she really wanted to kiss me.

It took a moment before I realized she was asking permission, and I pulled my face up to give it to her, just in time to feel her pussy start gripping me harder than ever. Then her lips were pressed into mine, and she was splitting up the time by moaning into my mouth, then fiercely making out with me, and then screaming in pleasure, all in a continuous cycle.

Mom was fucking POUNDING her hips down into me, like she was trying to nail us to the damn chair, and eventually she couldn't even kiss me anymore, and she just broke free and starting yelling and moaning, and gripping my hair as she came.

It was right in that moment I remembered all the times Mom had told me she liked that exact thing, and so I reached up, and I grabbed two big fistfulls of hair. I was slowly, but very firmly pulling her head back by her hair, when she starting whimpering and moaning out, "yes, yes, yes, yes..." faster and faster. Then she just screamed "FUCKkkkkkkk!" as loud as I'd ever heard it yelled, and then her hips kicked right back into overdrive.

I had an incredibly amazing moment where I thought that I might have just made my Mother multiple-orgasm, but the thought was interrupted but the most tremendous build of pressure I'd ever felt, and I had only a moment to tell my Mom I was cumming. Not, I was close. Just, I was GOING to cum. It hadn't started yet, but there was NO stopping it. And... god fucking bless her. Because when I told Mom I was going to cum, she came down off of her high just enough to take my face between her hands, look me dead in the fucking eyes, and tell me, "give it to me".

Her tone was soft, and yet commanding. She was telling me what to do, but also giving me permission to do it. And as I felt myself building to the most incredible orgasm I'd ever had, she just nodded, kept eye contact, and repeated, "give it me". "Give it to me baby. Yeah? That's it! Give it to me sweetie. Give it to Mommy!"

And by, fucking, God. I GAVE it to her! I shifted down in the chair, braced my feet flat on the floor, grabbed her hips, and fucked her harder and faster than I'd ever thought possible! One second she was riding me to perfect orgasm in a steady, pounding rhythm, and the next I was recklessly slamming my cock into her at as fast and as hard as I could. I was screaming as I came, and I forcibly held her in place, and fucked her pussy with all the strength and fury I could summon.

I vaguely realized that she was cumming again too, but I was WAY too lost in my own orgasm to do anything other than what I was already doing.

When it was all said and done, I was still holding her hips, and randomly shoving myself as deep as I go as I half laid, half sat there. Just, SPENT.

Mom, for her part, starting laughing. But it was a good, "freshly fucked" laugh. She was surprised, and sweating, and her pussy was doing that "squeezing" thing from before, but now I think it was automatic and not on purpose. I could feel myself throbbing inside of her, and I could feel her own pulse answering back.

I heard her say, "Holy shit baby!" and give me some rather lovely complements as she ruffled my hair, and continued to sit with my cock inside of her. Still riding me, ever so slowly, in low, shallow thrusts. After a minute I heard her ask, "are you ever planning on getting soft?!" And I looked up at her and blinked for a moment as I recovered myself. It was then that I noticed the crowd.

I mean. We had an audience before, because of Mom's natural charisma, and our "surprise role play". But this... It seemed like 90% of the club had gathered around us, and was just staring in what looked like awe. One woman was loudly masturbating on a couch right across from us as she stared our way, and despite that fact that she was hot, had her tits out, and was practically begging for some sexual attention as she rubbed herself to orgasm, not a single person was even glancing her way.

Mom wasn't the only one to say "holy shit", it seemed. And the crowd informed me that we had put on one HELL of a show.

Honestly, I wasn't sure how I felt about that... but Mom was. She got another wicked smile, as some sinful idea filled her mind and curved her lips up into a grin. Then she carefully dismounted me, rubbed my hair playfully and addressed a simply massive amount people. She said, "Well... I think I've tucked my Son in pretty well tonight. What do you think?" And at that, some laughed, some said their "yeah's", and some people actually applauded.But then... Mom added slyly, "Well I think I'll slip off to my own bedroom now." and when she said it, she pointed to one of the side rooms that usually had 2 or 3 beds (or close enough) for people to use if they wanted to be a little more comfortable or out of the way. She turned to walk that way, but added, "I'm not sure how many of you strong, young men it takes to babysit my Son while he sleeps. But if any of you want to slip away, and keep a lonely Mommy company... I'll be in here...". Then she turned to me, and gave me a little wink. She was walking towards the room she'd gestured towards a moment before. Her unfinished sentence hanging in the air as she moved with a sensual gait towards the room, her top still worn around her waist, her large, gorgeous tits, still on display. And then, just before she disappeared from sight, she looked over her shoulder and finished with, "... on my hands and knees".

Then I watched my Mom slip into the room by herself. And a few moments later, 5 or 6 guys, and 1 couple slipped in after her.

A few after that, a rather lovely looking blonde with shoulder length hair, and a black and red corset, slipped to her knees in front of the chair I was still half-laying in. She smiled up at me, told me that she'd LOVED the show that I'd put on earlier. And asked if it was okay if "my auntie" kept me company for a bit before gently running her tongue up the length of my cock and telling me that she enjoyed licking "her sister" (my Mom), off of my dick.

I wasn't about to complain, or stop her. But it was... interesting timing.

Because a few moments later, I heard my Mom half-yell from the room that was, just, not very far away, and, still dark (though the door was open).

"Okay", her voice called out. "But we have to be quiet! My Son is still sleeping right down the hall after all. I mean, what do you want the poor boy to hear?!"

And then, from somewhere in the dark of that nearby room, my Mom moaned. Loudly! And people who'd been playing nearby paused, or move away to another area, to honor the effect she was going for...

So my "auntie" looked up at me and said, "Poor baby. I hope this isn't upsetting you? Don't worry. Auntie will make you feel better". And then the woman between my legs began to bob her head on my cock. And as she did, the sounds of a squeaking bed, slapping flesh, and loud moans started to come from the room that my Mother and 6 or 7 guys were in.

And... I almost choked the poor woman going down on me, when my Mom's naughty dialogue was interrupted. And her moaning changed... and I realized, with growing heat, that I was now hearing my Mother being "spitroasted" in the next room.

I looked down at the woman kneeling in front of me, and I could barely breath from the intensity of it all. For her part, she looked back up at me, and I saw realization hit her. She stopped sucking me then. Stood up, and, took me by the hand. Then, as I followed her in a daze, she led me to a chair that was directly outside of the room that my Mom was in, and sat me back down.

I was right beside the door, and though no light was coming out, sound was traveling just fine. There, she grabbed a little bottle that said "flavored lube". It was clear, with a strawberry on it. And as she started stroking me, she moved back down to her knees, and, all too pleased herself, she began to confirm what I was already thinking.

She was stroking me, and looking up at my face, which had to be pure red from blushing. Then, in a sympathetic tone, she said, "Oh, poor baby. You must of just realized huh?" I nodded, unable to do anything else. I was listening to her, but I was HEARING what was happening in the next room. Then, mercilessly, my "Aunt" continued in that same, sympathetic tone, even though she was clearly delighted by the whole affair.

"Yeah honey... those sounds you're hearing... That's your Mother... It's your Mother, your baby sitter, and, what? Like, 6 of your friends?" She shook her head then, and shrugged her shoulders. "Nothing we can do about it now. They've already started FUCKING her". And, she wasn't gentle with the word "fucking" either.

"Do you hear it?" She asked, and when I didn't answer fast enough, she stopped stroking me until I nodded, and even then, she waited until I verbally answered. Only starting again when I said, out loud, that hear my Mom.

"Do you know what it is that your hearing?", and she smiled wickedly, as, having caught onto her game, I nodded, and told her I did. And, god help me, I really did. I knew what I was hearing, and it was blowing my fucking mind.

I could hear sucking, and slurping. I could hear the muffled moans of an all too familiar voice, and I was picturing the way Mom's sweat had made her hair cling to her face after we'd finished on the chair, as I listened to the bed creaking, and flesh slapping. I heard strange men groaning and talking about how good it felt... and how hot she looked, and how hot her tits looked with her bent over and getting fucked from both ends.

I heard one of them say that he just realized that she was still wearing her boots, and her skirt, and how hot he thought that was. Then one voice asked someone to move, because they thought they could "wiggle under" and tit-fuck her while his buddy took her from behind. There was a slurping sound then, and something fell free from my Mom's mouth as I heard her, so much more clearly now that I was right outside the room; as she panted. Then, in a sensual tone she teased, "Oh my. But you boys certainly are naughty."

And then, she was saying, "how's that feel", and then, and then, and then, and then...

My Aunt smiled up at me as she watched it all play out on my face. Eventually she said, "and they're just getting started too." She smiled a wicked, and pleased little smile. She was literally getting off on teasing me, that much was clear. But she kept up the game, playing my sympathetic Aunt as she warned that we would probably be waiting a while before my Mom could come out and "give me a ride home".

"Of course," she added. "It's not like there is a shower in there. So your Mom might not come out looking quite like she did when she went in there." That... shocked me a little. It was a thought that hadn't occurred to me yet, and my "aunt", LOVED that.

As if on queue, from the next room, some guy said, "Oh Fuck I'm cumming!", and my Mom just kept moaning and sucking and slurping. A few minutes later, someone said, "Dude, Move! Make some room already!".

And as I realized what that meant, my Aunt, the narrator spelled it out for me. "Ohhhh" she half moaned. "I think that was one that was using her tits..." Then after a pause, "I guess that means he just came all over your Mother's tits, huh?"

"And you know what?", she asked with faked sympathy. "He's not going to be the last, is he?" And, once again, she made me answer in order to get her to keep stroking. Then, out of nowhere, she asked me if I could get hard again if she made me cum, and, frankly, I didn't feel like I was ever going to get soft again, so I assured her that I absolutely fucking would.

That seemed to decide something for her, and she told me that, that was good, because she was about to make me cum, and she wanted to ride me after.

Then she started commenting on what we we hearing. Asking me what I thought was happening. What I thought that sound was, or what this sound was. She asked me how many guys I thought were inside my Mother's sexy body right in that moment, and then she paused and asked me how many cocks I thought they'd manage to fit in her at the same time, before it was all over. And the whole time she teased me, and we listed to the sexual depravity happening not 10 feet away, she steadily increased the pace of her stroking.

I was pretty sure that she wasn't nearly as skilled as my Mom was. But she was pretty damn good.

Then she took me over the edge. She asked me if I knew what it was called, what was happening in the next room. And when I nodded, she told me that it was a gangbang. And she just kept hitting that word as she increased her pace in a steadily quickening frenzy. "That's right baby. They're in there GANGBANGING your Mommy! A dozen of your friends are gangbanging your Mom right now. Right now! That's what your listening to! Does it sound good baby? Do you like the way your Mommy sounds when all your little friends are gangbanging her at a sex club?! Huh? How do you think she's going to look when they get done with her, huh? When all your buddies have gotten sucked off by your Mom? When they've fucked her, and titfucked her, and made her airtight, and blown their loads all over her face and tits? Huh? How's Mommy going to look when she comes out here, and gets down on her knees. And says, 'oh baby, your friends gangbanged me!', as I jerk you off right onto your Mom's face!"

And that... was when I started screaming, and cumming, as I listened to my Mom get groupfucked in the next room, with the door open. And as I was screaming that I was cumming, others were too.

And that... Was just how it all started. After all, Dad wasn't going to be home for another week.

The arrangement was as simple as a complicated thing could be...

I had gone in place of my Dad, with my Mom, to a fetish and sex club. The deal was, that I would play her cuckold husband and let anyone who asked whisk her away so she could have her fun. Meanwhile, I'd get to spend the night at the club; so even if I didn't get lucky, I'd see more than my buddies could ever hope to. At least, that was the idea.

But I'd screwed it up and in a variety of ways. First, instead of letting someone "whisk my Mom away", I messed up my wording and accidently (I swear!) arranged for them to molest her, while she blew another guy, and all in my lap! My lap is a pretty far cry from, "away".

Then, I'd fucked it up more, by freaking out and calling her 'Mom' in front of everyone, forcing Mom to pretend that it was a fetish/roleplay, and that it was our fantasy for me to have my Mother defiled in front of me.

And things just kept spiraling from there. I went from seeing one of my Mom's boobs, to seeing her suck a guy off while another guy played with her tits, to getting ridden by her until I came inside my own Mother!

And that wasn't even the end of it!

Mom and I, it turned out, had established our gimmick for the evening. So Mom milked it. She invited a bunch of guys to play at being my friends or my babysitter, and follow her into a room to gangbang my Mom while, "her Son slept down the hall".

Then, because things weren't crazy enough, this hot chick comes up to me, tells me she found the whole show to be a huge turn on, and basically asks if she can suck me off and then ride me! Which would be great, except that she had a few caveats to go along with it. First, she wanted to play my Aunt, since, in her eyes, my "wife" was already "pretending" to be my Mom. Second, she wanted to do it in a chair sitting directly outside the room (with an open door mind you), where everyone (or at least if sounded like everyone) was fucking my Mother. And third, she wanted to use that as a teasing catalyst.

So yeah... Then, I got a nice blowjob and all, but I got it while my "Aunt" was taunting me with the sounds we were hearing. Giving me a play by play of what was probably happening in the next room, and what it might look like, as I was forced to listen to it while she pleasured me.


That, and more, was what my "Aunt" was saying to me when she took me over the edge. I was screaming and cumming, but then... so were the people in the next room. And, as my Aunt kept reminding me, they were far from done. She ended up swallowing my whole load. She moaned, and coed, and stroked, and sucked, and swallowed, until I felt like I was completely spent.

But feeling completely spent and actually being completely spent are two totally different things when you are 18 going on 19. The fact that I was in a sex club, that there was a gangbang happening in earshot (with someone who was fast becoming my deepest sexual fantasy), that a sexy little blonde with shoulder length hair, a viciously sexy corset, and a fetish for 'being my Aunt' was actively begging to fuck me; helped things along nicely.

I didn't even get fully soft before I, and my Aunt, could tell that I was getting hard again. She took off for a second, wandering off to some distant corner of the room, and honestly, for just a second I was relieved. I mean, don't get me wrong, I definitely wanted to get laid (again). Fuck, getting laid was both more than I'd hoped for when coming here, and, in a way, the main reason I'd come. But my newfound Aunt was a bit... I don't know, merciless.

I mean, I knew that I might have to hear, or even glimpse my Mom having sex while I was here. But my dear Aunt was getting off pretty fucking hard on making me, not only listen to my Mom having group sex, but also on forcing me to describe it to her, and listen to her descriptions of it, in exchange for continuously escalating sexual pleasures.

It was all incredibly hot! I'm not denying that. I just wish I could deny that, was the real issue. I wasn't prepared for any of this! I can't fucking stress that enough! This was a series of tragic fuck-ups and accidents that had somehow culminated in my listening to my Mother getting gangbanged while she, "pretended to be my Mother". I mean, how fucked up is that?!?

But, my relief from my Aunt walking off was soon washed away and replaced by my excitement for having sex with the first person tonight that I could actually brag about, as she started excitedly walking back to me with a handful of condoms.

I was really hoping that some 1 on 1 sex would mean that all the talking about my Mom was about to stop. In fact, I was about to ask her if we could just, reach over and close the door to the room that my Mom was in. The damn door was 3 feet away, and if I leaned my head back it would actually touch the wall that Mom was currently getting fucked on the other side of!

Yeah, I was about to ask that... But then I got my answer, when my Aunt tore the package to the condom open with her teeth and hit her knees in front of me again. And, just before she carefully placed the condom on her lips she asked me, "Hey, do you think your Mom put their condoms on like this?" And then she was pushing my cock into her mouth again, but this time, as she did it, she used her lips to unroll the condom, and slide it down my shaft.

One minute later she was crawling up into my lap, saying, "What, no answer for your Auntie?". And as she grabbed my shaft and guided the head of my dick towards her entrance she said, "Ohhhhhh, I bet I know why..." and then I was bracing myself.

Because even after all the pleasure, and all the excitement, and all the friction that I'd endured already; a tight, warm pussy was still heaven. And I could feel that heaven swallowing me up on the other side of the condom while my Aunt moved her hips up and down in slow, controlled movements, as we adjusted to one another. And as her pussy squeezed, and slid, and was slowly forced open, she whispered in my ear.

"It's because they're your friends, huh?" And, I genuinely didn't know what she was talking about, which, I had realized was something that she considered a goal. She delighted in shocking me, even just a little. Then she pushed down, all the way, and we both that gave little moan of pleasure and relief that comes when you finally hit that sweet spot. When everything is as wet, and stretched, and opened up as it needs to be. That point where being careful becomes optional, and there is that brief rush of excitement and physical connection.

Then she pushed herself up in my lap, sliding me back out of her slowly, until just the head was still warm inside of her. "That's why your Mom didn't put their condoms on the same way I put yours on. Isn't that right..." and then she used my first name! It was a moment of straight panic! But, after a second, I recognized her as one of the girls who had signed us in. Of course, she knew the shared name that "my wife and I" had, and she knew our first names too. Mind you, you usually use whatever name is on a person's profile, not their real name. But, in my millionth or so screw up of the evening, I realized I hadn't created one yet.

My Aunt, for her part, thought that I was freaking about her words about the condom. But, that hadn't even hit me yet. At least, not until she continued. She was already moving towards a steady, bouncing, rhythm as she talked. She was trying to fire me up, and turn me on, but she was blatantly turning herself on in the process.

Still, as she rode my cock in a steadily increasing pace, she definitely accomplished her goal of shocking me again. "I bet they said, oh come on.." and then she said, "Mrs." followed by my Mom's real last name. Then, using my real first name again, she said they probably said something along of the lines of, "We're (my) best friends. You've known us forever! Can't you make an exception?"

"And then before your sweet, loving Mommy can say no to her little boys buddies, they've got their tongues down her mouth. And as she's moaning about that, they've got her top off! And then... Well, you tell me Nephew" she said, panting now, and finding it harder to play the game as she rolled her hips, and ground her clit against me on her upthrusts. "What does it sound like, huh? Tell me! Does that sound like your friends fucking your Mom with, or without condoms on?!"

And, as hot as her words were, she clearly couldn't' keep them up anymore, as she bit my shoulder with a little whimper, and then buried her face there. My Aunt's breathing was all panting, moans, and whimpers of pleasure as she focused on building her orgasm and slamming her hips down. And I was torn between listening, as she'd requested, to the group sex happening in the next room... or to doing my best to focus on the woman in my lap, and use her to drown those sounds out.

I made my choice, and did my best to take control of the only situation I actually could. And it was my Aunt's turn to moan out in surprise when I deepened my voice, and in as masculine a tone as I had in me, I commanded her to tell me how her Nephew's cock felt, slamming up into her tight little pussy.

"Well?" I taunted. "Does your husband know that his wife's pussy is getting drilled by a highschooler? Huh?" And as her fingernails sank into my back so hard I was pretty sure she was about to draw blood, I asked, "Does he know that your own nephew is about to bend you over like a whore and fuck you hard?!"

At that she screamed the word "Fuck!" so loud that it actually hurt a little, but the pain was quickly pushed down by the intense pleasure I felt, as she screamed, and came, and slammed her pussy down onto me as fast and as hard as she could. She rode me like a maniac for several minutes, and she came, at LEAST once. But by the time she was done the muscles in her thighs were visibly shaking.

She kept giving these little grinds, and pushes, but she was shaking, and it was clear that her muscles didn't have much more in them. Which, could have been the end of it. I mean, I'd already cum twice. But... no.

I was not about to let her get off that easily. I asked her if she wanted more, and when she only whimpered, I told her to say her name. Semi-exhausted, she asked me "what?" with some confusion. But a stinging slap on the ass followed my question a second time. And then another smack, and then another. Each time, followed by a firm but quiet demand that she name herself. And when, squirming in my lap, and obviously getting her second wind, she complied. I used her own trick against her. I said, "that's right Auntie...", followed by her first name. "Your Aunt (her name), aren't you?!" I demanded, and she quivered as she whimpered out a little "yes". She was pouting in a way that told me, without a doubt, that was very experienced at playing the submissive.

"Well Aunty," I said. "Look around this room. Do you see all these people? Because your teenage nephew is about to bend you over in public, in front of all of these people, and show them what a slut you are. Would you like that Aunty? Would you?" Her breathing was picking up again, and so was her pace as she started trying to ride me again. But a hard slap on her ass followed by an order to "Say it then", reminded her that she wasn't in charge anymore.

She confessed that she wanted it. Then I made her say again, louder, and with more detail. I made her declare that she wanted everyone to see what a slut she was, and that she wanted her own nephew to fuck her in front of other people, and show them what a slut she was. Then I grabbed one of the kitchen style chairs that was in the same row as us, pointed to a spot out on the floor, and told her to put in there, and go stand in front of it.

When she hesitated, I brought another slap down on her reddening ass, and after she let out a loud moan, she slid off of me and got to work, as if she genuinely feared more "punishment". She took the chair in question, looking to me for approval to make sure it was the correct one, and when I nodded, she brought it to the center of the room.

Not wanting to lose momentum, I quickly got up, and walked over to her. Then, coming up behind her (and there was a size difference that I hadn't noticed before), I stood with my cock bobbing at a high enough place on her back that I was honestly wondering if we would need some kind of stool for her to stand on.

She wasn't too short, but she was short enough that with my being tall, the size difference seemed larger. She had really nice breasts, and they looked even better in the tight corset she'd worn to accentuate them. That, however, was the only thing she was wearing, and it didn't hinder access to the parts of her body I was about to use, in any way. As we stood there, I took a step closer and just waited, letting the anticipation build a bit as I towered over her from behind.

Then, with an evil grin of my own, I played out a little idea that hit me. And before we started, I gripped her shoulders, leaned down towards her ear, and whispered something. But not in the confident, commanding, and masculine tone I'd been using thus far. No. Instead, in my best, 'unsure teen', I asked her, "Gosh Auntie (her real name), are you sure you want me to do this? I mean, your own Nephew? And in front of all these people?"

And when I did, her breathing got heavier, her chest rising and falling faster as her face reddened slightly. "Well?" I asked, with less innocence, as I reached down with both hands firmly grabbed to large handfuls of her, rather lovely ass, and gave it a firm squeeze.

And, as if she was out of breath already, she panted, "Yes, yes. Please! Fuck me!" I followed it up with, "But won't that make you look like a whore?". But she was passed being able to play. Slowly, she bent forward, and gripped the chair with both hands. Then she looked back at me over her shoulder, a look of pure desperation on her face. And she pleaded. She whimpered out all should muster, two words that she begged and pleaded with. "Fuck me!".

Now, I don't know if there is a point in a man's life where he can resist that kind of thing. But I do know that I wasn't there. So I bent down enough so that I could get access to her pussy, worked it back inside of her, and started to find a rhythm, so I could give her the fucking that I felt she deserved. It took a moment to find a rhythm, especially since she was SO wet. Like, I'd been inside her already, and I knew she was turned on, but it was a totally different feeling now. It was like we'd both been slathered in lube. She was so wet, and so warm. I'd never felt a woman so "flooded" before. It honestly took me a moment to get used to it. I felt like I could slide out, but, of course, she was still too tight, and I was still too deep for that. It just, it just really felt that way.

Still, after a minute, I actually slowed down, I slowed down to a snail's pace, and very slowly, and very gently, I eased in and out of her. Until I heard what I'd been waiting for. Until I heard my Aunt beg one more time. "Fuck me!! Please! PLEASE!!"

And then I did. I slammed into her with a thrust that was meant to knock her tits out of her corset. And when it didn't, I slammed into her again, and then again. Harder, and harder, and harder. After only a short period of time, she was screaming out her "yes"'s and declaring that she was cumming. But I was just getting started. And the harder I went, the more she seemed to love it.

I fucked her like I could punish her with my cock. Like I could get her back for all the stuff she'd said before, and for all the teasing, and for all of my own fuck-ups from the night. But even though it felt like an anger fueled punishment fuck, it also felt amazing. It felt like power, and control, and hot, god-damn public sex (even though we were inside). I fucked her through several of her own orgasms, and, already having to build to my third orgasm of the night, I had quite a bit of stamina as I 'punished my naughty Aunt' (as far from the room my Mom was in as I could get).

We fucked like that until my stomach hurt like I'd done a hundred sit-up, and my hips burned with friction of the hot and rough fucking I was giving to her. Until her hair clung to her forehead, and she'd gone from gripping the chair, to turning it around, and practically laying on it. Her face was pressed down and her eyes were half rolled back into her head as I finally declared that I was cumming. I'm sure she said something, or tried to, but she was too out of it for me to hear her.

So, once again, I came with a roar, and doubled down, fucking her harder and faster than ever. And while that perked her up for a minute, by the time it was down, we were both, obviously, exhausted. Delighted! Screwed silly! But exhausted.

I'd read up on what 'aftercare' was before coming that night, on Mom's instance. And so, when we were both done, I took her hand, and led her bright red ass over to a couch, where I plopped down. I guided her to a spot beside me, gently moved her head into my lap, and did my best to touch her hair in a nurturing way as I threw my own sweat drenched head back, and did my best to catch my breath. Though, even in my completely drained state, I had enough sense to pick a couch that was, literally, as far from the room my Mom was in, as was possible.

I don't know how long I sat there, just panting, and wiping sweat away, and trying to feel my legs. But I think it was at least a half-hour before my Aunt stirred enough to give my cock a lick. It was, weirdly not sexual. Like, it was sexual, but it wasn't that feeling you get during foreplay. It was, I don't know... after play. It was different somehow. More like a kiss on the cheek between lovers and less of a "hey, who wants a blowjob".

I looked down at her and with a voice that sounded like I'd eaten gravel recently I said, "Yes Aunty?" She laughed at that. Then she laid her head back down on my lap and said, "I don't know who you two are, but you definitely need to visit our neck of the woods more often". And that was kind of it for that first night. I did my best to enjoy the throbbing and the exhaustion. I mean, it's different when it's, "job well down", throbbing and exhaustion. Like, I mean it, I really enjoyed just, sitting there, feeling it, and kind of reveling in it.

I have no idea how much time passed, but I eventually learned that while my Aunt was being honest about there being no showers in the back bedrooms, there were plenty of paper towels, baby wipes, and other cleaning supplies. So when my Mom eventually did come out, her hair was in a loose ponytail, she looked "cleanish", and her clothes were back on and back where they were meant to be worn.

She gave me a Mother's knowing smile when she found me with a naked woman resting with my cock an inch from her face, and said, "you about ready to head out kiddo?" before giving a little nod towards the door.

I nodded, said my farewells, got a very inappropriate kiss (from an Aunt at least), and ended up walking to the car a little punch-drunk with how potent it had been. And as Mom just kept looking at me like, like... Like she knew I'd asked a girl out, and she'd said yes; I guess would be a good way to to describe it. Anyways, as she was grinning at me, and glancing at me out of the corner of her eye, she started the car. Then, just a little bit later, she blew my mind again.

Because, as we started to pull out of the parking lot of the nowhereish, nearly unmarked little warehouse that was the sex club, Mom made a comment. She said, "Well, that was a whole lot of unexpected huh?" She said it with a smile. And her comment made us both laugh. But then she added, "And to think that was just the first night! I can't even imagine how tomorrow's going to go!"

Anddddddddd there it was. Yeah. My Dad was out of town for another week, and Mom and I were up here at the sex club for a whole 'nother day! We had a hotel room and everything! And as we drove back to it, I honestly, could not wrap my head around the idea that tonight, not only wasn't a one time thing!! But that, somehow, we were coming back here again, tomorrow!

So yeah... there was probably going to be a little more of this story that was worth telling before all was said and done.

As Mom and I drove back to the hotel, she actually managed to calm me back down a bit. It was the strangest thing; I mean, we were leaving a sex club where at least a dozen unspeakable things had just happened, and Mom was talking to me about it like it was my first day at camp! "So, I saw you made a friend," was her lead-in to asking me about the woman she'd found resting in my lap, post blowjob. And, as Mom questioned me, I eventually got to the part where the woman had insisted on pretending that we were Aunt and Nephew. But, her whole reaction to that was just a smile, and a, "Ooh, how exciting! I might just have to tease her about that next time and call her 'Sis' or something;" and Mom just, gave a laugh. As if, tonight had been totally normal. And, that just might have been the freakiest thought of all. That, for my Mom, tonight had some kind of normalcy to it. I mean... minus the part where we... you know...

Anyway, it was like that all the way to the hotel. The strangest part of it might have been that it worked. I mean, Mom talked it about it all like it was so normal, that it she almost made it normal, just by doing so. She poked me, and she laughed, and teased a bit, but never too much. She did the Mom thing. It was like I said, no different than she might have talked about camp, or my first day at school, or anything else. So, she chatted with me and as she did, the sound of her voice, the most familiar voice in the world, somehow made it all seem normal. At least, as long as I didn't picture... you know. The stuff she'd been involved in.

But, alas, my sense of normalcy did not last long. It's not that I was surprised when we got to the hotel and had to check into a king suite as husband and wife. I mean, I was up here pretending to be Dad after all; so of course, the original reservations hadn't accounted for me. No, that didn't surprise me. However, the glimpses I kept getting into my parents' lives were proving to be always, just a little more, than I'd been prepared to expect. So, after Mom's shower was over, she called from the bathroom, "Hey, uh, sweetie...;" and her apologetic tone immediately told me that something was about to be dropped on me. "Yeah Mom?" I said tentatively, trying to brace myself for the unknown.

"Soooo..." she started from the other side of the door. "The thing is... I didn't pack a second suitcase when you agreed to do this with me. So, all I have is what I brought when I thought I was coming here with your Dad, and well..."

And with that, Mom stepped out from around the bathroom door and into the bedroom area wearing silk lingerie that somehow managed to be too tight and form fitting, while also being so loose that it seemed to be draping; and falling off of her at every turn. Her large breasts struggled against the thin silk material, while at the same time it seemed impossible for her to keep both of the straps on her shoulders. Every move she made sent a strap slowly slipping off of one shoulder, or the other. At the back, her perfect ass was being caressed by the material as it struggled to keep her covered, but at the front, the loose, frictionless nature of the material had it constantly threatening to ride up too high, if she moved just right, and show the world, "the goods."

She was biting her lower lip and looking appologetic as she stood before me like the universe's first, shy sex-goddess; but her mood quickly changed when I, unable to help myself, asked, "Does Dad have something against pajama's or something!"

At that, Mom laughed so hard she actually snorted a little, and quickly brought her hand up to cover her face when she realized that she had. And her laugh broke the tension enough that I laughed a little too. A little...

After a minute or so, I took my turn in the shower, and came out in shorts and a t-shirt, because I'd known exactly what I was packing for; even if I had been expecting more than one bed, or even more than one room, for the sleeping arrangements. As part of our own wind-down from the evening, and possibly because we were both used to staying up pretty late, Mom and I ended up channel flipping in the hotel, as we sat up in bed together.

That worked, for a little bit. But after an hour or so, I couldn't contain my curiosity anymore, and I sort of blurted out to Mom that I needed to understand why on Earth she would dress that way after a full night in a sex club.

It wasn't an attack or anything, it was just really odd to me! Like, her and Dad would have just finished fulfilling their every fantasy, and they were about to go back to do it again the very next night, why on Earth would Dad insist on Mom dressing like, temptation itself!?!

At first, Mom gave me a look that might best be described as, "Excuse me Mister!" and I realized that yelling out questions without context over an hour after they made sense might seem a little... 'attacky'. But before I could muster a sheepish explanation, Mom seemed to watch the whole thing play out on my face and caught on before I even had to explain myself. She held up a hand and nodded for a sec, cutting off my explanation as she said something along the lines of, "Okay, okay. I can see where this is coming from."

I gulped, grateful for the save. But I was also really hoping that this moment of understanding would be followed by an answer of some kind. And, "thankfully," I guess, it was.

Mom turned the TV off, then she reached over and turned the light off. Then, turning back to face me, she told me that she was going to do her best to answer my question, but first she needed me to turn my light off, and lay facing away from her. I hesitated for only a second.

Following Mom's lead over the last day or two had already led to several of the most amazing moments of my life, and if anyone was a master of this strange fetish world that I found myself visiting, it was her. So, I did as she asked, and I laid there in the dark, waiting to hear her answer, and maybe a little thankful that I wouldn't see my Mom laid out like a porn star beside me every time I glanced her way.

After a few moments though, Mom scooted up to me, and I felt that porn star body of hers mold itself again mine with only the tiniest traces of silky lingerie acting as a barrier between our two naked bodies. After a second though, I did remember how to breathe again; so at least I had that going for me.

Then, in a voice that could have seduced a dead man, Mom asked, "Did you see all those men that followed me into the private room?" And, damnit, she actually waited for an answer. Which left me trying to form words despite the growing heat that seemed to be frying my brain for some reason. Still, I managed a, "yeah."

But then, mercilessly, she asked, "and do you know what we were doing in that room?" And, I swear to god, I felt her scoot into me just a little more, even though we were already touching. A small grinding motion, that moved traces of her warmth all along me, and brushed the rest with silk. I nodded, and managed to hum a yes, "mmmm hmmm."

"Well," Mom continued. "That part, right there; the things that were happening in that room... that's your Dad's favorite part. He likes the part of the night where his wife goes into a room with a stranger or two, and then when we do the things that I did tonight."

And, I should've kept my mouth shut, I really should have... but instead of that, I did something that it is never safe to do. I corrected my Mother.

"That was more than two guys tonight Mom..." said the idiot.

And, I swear, somehow, in the dark, facing the wrong way, and with no contact that should have conveyed it, I still managed to FEEL her smile. Like a hunter who is watching its prey go dancing into its trap.

"Yes," she admitted. "It was." And then one of her legs slid up on mine, and pulled it back some, opening my legs up a bit, as I felt her thigh running gently up and down my own, and the feeling of it forced me to moan against my will.

"And that wasn't the only thing that was different tonight, was it?" she asked, her voice dripping with seduction. She hadn't done anything yet, and she had my every nerve ending feeling as sensitive as it had ever been.

I was about to ask what she meant, but before I could put my foot in my mouth, Mom saved me by volunteering that when she'd first come out of the room, someone had told her about my little adventure with "my Aunt." And, they had told her that it had happened right outside of the door that my Mom had been on the other side of.

How thoughtful of them...

"So," Mom said. "Did you hear what me and the, 'more than 2 guys' were doing?" And I could only nod, but Mom allowed it. Her hand was now tracing along my waistline and teasing the skin just under my shirt with her fingertips. "And did you hear them pretending to be your little school buddies, come to visit for a sleepover, but slipping off to fuck your Mom instead?" And I was nodding again, but my breathing was getting a lot heavier than it should have from just her hand traveling up my shirt a bit and gently stroking my chest.

"Good," Mom said. "Now, keep answering honestly okay?" And this time I managed to hum another yes, instead of just nodding. "Mmm hmm," I replied, just a little too quickly for it to sound normal.

"Did you hear me sucking on them?" she asked, and I nodded a yes. And when I did, she cooed "good..." again, and slid her hand from my chest down to my stomach. "And did you hear me MOANING, while they fucked me." I could barely breathe, it was just, weirdly hot was all. But I still managed to nod; and when I did Mom slid her hand from my stomach, back down to my waistband. She was teasing one finger along the elastic band, for a few moments. Just running it back and forth.

"Well sweetie," she said. "All those things you heard? Your Dad likes to watch. He lives for that, for our little weekend getaways. And when we are not at them, we talk about them... just like you and I are doing right now. So..." she teased. "In order to give your Father the most BANG for his BUCK'... we have a little rule.

The rule is that, while we are out here, at an event like this, your Dad doesn't get to cum, unless we are at the club.

"Which means, when we come back to the hotel, your Dad is trying to build tension for the next day, and for all the times after that weekend when we are going to talk about it again. So..." she said, trailing off and waiting. After a minute of her playing with my waistband, but going no further, I managed to get enough thoughts together to figure out what she was saying. "So," I said, picking up the thought where she'd left it for me. "You dress all sexy at the hotel and tease him all night with what he can't have. And then that, somehow makes it hotter for him the next day when he gets to see you... Doing, all that stuff." Again, I could sense it. I could feel my Mom smiling in the dark. Or maybe I just knew her, and I knew she'd be amused at my choice of words.

"Exactly kiddo," she said, her voice more normal now. And, as she said it, without that, "I'm going to seduce and fuck you" purr to her voice, I honestly felt really bummed out by the change in tone. But, before I could sulk off to a blue balled sleep, Mom, it turned out, how a few questions for me that weren't related to answering my own question from before.

"Now," she said. "Mind if I ask YOU a few questions?" I told her to go for it, and she settled her body a bit, which sent a fresh thrill through me since, apparently Mom had no intention of moving out of the position she'd maneuvered us into. So, she was still laying pressed against my back, with one leg thrown over my leg, and her hand gently tracing around my stomach and the elastic of my shorts!

I was okay with this...

"The way that you explained your Dad's kink... it didn't sound like you approved of part of it. Would you not want to be teased in the night so that the next day would be that much better?" And, sticking with the honesty that had proven my best and truest friend thus far, I told her No. "Honestly Mom, if I was in Dad's shoes, I would want to do it at that club, and then in the car, and then in the shower, and then in the hotel, and then," and Mom laughed and gave my stomach a little slap.

"Okay, okay, I get it,'' she said with genuine amusement in her voice. "I forget sometimes that, at 19, even though you are an adult, you still have that word "teen" at the end of your age. Still... I find it interesting that you diverge so much from your Dad on that front, because, you certainly agreed with his behavior at the club... didn't you." And, just like from before, Mom's hand stopped for a second, and hovered as she waited for my answer. It was exactly like she had done before, when every honest answer had moved her hand lower as I answered her questions. But now her hand was at my waist already... Of course, it could have just been habit, right? Like, she paused like that when she asked questions or something, and it didn't actually mean anything...

Mom cut into my thought process, asking, "Welllllllll?" And her tone was the tone she used when I was being tested, so I answered honestly. "Yeah Mom. I, um, I... I liked... hearing you, like that..."

And then there was a pause. Silence and stillness hung for just a few seconds. But before I could have a freak out and question if I said something wrong, I felt a hard tug on my shorts. It was a weird sensation, and it took my brain a second to process what I was feeling, but then there was another. And that, was when I realized that what I was feeling was my Mother's hand untying the knot on the front of my shorts. I froze with knowledge, because, I knew, that she knew, that I wasn't wearing any underwear underneath them; and my heart was suddenly racing all over again.

Then Mom cut into the silence, saying, "You know...", and I couldn't help but notice that she was using her 'sex' voice again. "... your Dad has this phrase that he likes me to say. It's nothing special, but it just, does it for him. We all have that, I guess. Words like slut, or whore. Phrases like you're so big, or your so small. But, for your Dad, it is this very specific phrase, at this very specific moment.

Then she paused and gave my untied shorts a little tug. "Take these off, would ya kiddo." I was nodding and pulling them off like I'd never hated a piece of clothing more in my whole life. After I dropped them on the floor, I tried to get back to the same position I'd been in before, and as I tried to find just the right spot, Mom's leg came back up over me, and once more pulled my top leg back a bit. Her thigh was sliding up and down my own, but now I was INCREDIBLY aware of how close it came to my crotch. Like, I was mentally measuring the distance and questioning on every pass if she'd meant to get that close, or if it was an accident, only to do it all over again.

Her hand fell back to where my waistband was, but now my shorts were gone, and her cool hand slid naked along my waist, sending ripples of pleasure through my whole body. Seemingly by the second.

"Now," she continued, her body pressed gently against my back as she teased me to insanity with just one leg and one hand. "The very specific moment is after I've had sex with the two, OR MORE..." she teased. "... men. And I mean Right after. Before any cum has been wiped away, or condoms have been picked up. When I am still out of breath and panting from one climax or another. That is your Father's preferred moment, and his preferred phrase... Well... would you like to hear it?"

And as she asked, Mom stopped her hand, and hovered it.

If I could have found the air, I would have said it even faster. As it was, even though I know it took me several, highly tense seconds, I still felt like I blurted it out too fast. But, apparently, Mom didn't think so. Because she set her hand down right where it had been before, sitting at my waistline. And then...

Then she turned it, and, ever so slowly, slid it downward. She went towards my pushed back top leg, and passed within millimeters of my dick as she brushed her hand along my inner thigh, and continued her back and forth stroking in her hands new location.

And before I could fully process just what immense pleasure that was bringing me, she half whispered, half moaned into my ear, "they gangbanged your wifey."

I uh... wow.

I think I might have spent a few minutes in stunned silence. Like, wow. No, it felt like minutes, but, no, it legitimately took me several minutes to process all the 'wow' that came with my hearing those words, spoken in that way, by that voice. And my Mom, saint that she was, just let me have them. She continued to touch me, and press against me, as she gave me ample time to process what she'd said, and to think about when she would have said it, and just... yeah.

Did I mention that the super-hot sex goddess telling me all this was my Mom?! Because I feel like that part is relevant!

Anyways, after a few moments of stunned bliss that might have felt hotter and better than anytime I'd actually jerked off in the whole of my life, I slowly came back to my senses. And as I did, Mom must have sensed it. Because even though I had no idea where we were going... I also wasn't the one "driving."

So, a moment later, Mom continued. She said, "Now, I know that you and your Dad differ on when the teasing should stop, and the sex should start. And I know that you and your Dad differ on what should happen in the hotel room at the midway point, so I have two more questions for you, and I expect honest answers. Can you do that for me?"

I nodded, something in her voice clearing my head enough that I could speak again. I gave her a "Yes Mom," and, for a second, I could swear she shuddered like she liked that...


I answered her, and, when I did, she stopped touching me, and lifted her hand above my thigh. But this time, there was less guesswork. Because before she even asked her question, Mom very slowly, and very pointedly moved her hand, so that it was hovering just over my erection. Then she asked, "Would you like your Mom to get you off before you go to sleep tonight?"

And, by god, it took me a moment. I mean, yeah, her hand had been teasing and creeping its way towards... that! In retrospect, it was obvious. But right in that moment? That was one HELL of a question!

I needed a few seconds. But not as long as before. And, after I was sure it wasn't some kind of insidious trap. I nodded again, and managed a, "Yes Mom".

And when I did, there was a long inhale behind me, followed by the world's most familiar voice, in the worlds sexiest tone saying, "There's my good boy," And as she said it, her hand came down, and her fingers wrapped themselves delicately around my cock. Then, after a moment, she gave it an approving squeeze that made me moan.

I swear to god, she could have just held it there for another hour, just breathing, and I still could have cum. But she'd said two questions, and she'd meant it. So as we laid there, with her leg over my top leg, and her hand reaching around to grip my cock, Mom hit me with her second question.

"Now..." she started. And she gave a little moan as she squeezed my cock again, but didn't otherwise move it.

"... I think that you and your Dad liked the same part at the club. So, I want you to answer me honestly. Do you think you would like to have been in your Dad's usual spot tonight, but with our little roleplay going?"

And... I knew what at least part of that meant...

But I needn't have worried, because Mom had every intention of explaining. "Would you have liked to have been standing in the room tonight, while those men pretended to be your friends, and fucked me, right in front of you? One after another, after another. Would you have wanted me to look over at you, as they shoved their cocks into my mouth? To look into my eyes as you watched me moan for it, as they used me? One after another, after another. And then, after they'd all finished fucking me, after they covered my body in cum; and left me panting and moaning. Would you have LOVED it... and don't you dare lie to me now? Would you have LOVED it, if I had looked up at you with cum running down the tits that I keep catching you staring at. MY big tits. With me looking like a well-used whore; and I'd said..." And then she sort of, 'bucked' up against the back of me, and bringing her lips up to my ear, she half panted, and half moaned as she said; "Oh sweetie... They Gangbanged your Mommy."