Hey friends, this is a true story happened during the lockdown. My name is Pankaj. First of all, I will describe my mom. She has a perfect Indian bhabhi-type body and her boobs are like watermelons.

I was 19 at that time when this incident occurred. My father is a shopkeeper and remains at the shop most of the time.

It was summer and me and my mom were alone in the house. My father was in his shop and I was in my room and my mother was bathing. She never closes the bathroom door due to the fear of getting locked.

I went to her room to get her charger, because my charger was faulty for months and in the lockdown, no repair shop was open. When I took the charger and started going, suddenly I saw a decent gap between the door. Then I saw through it and there I saw my milf mom bathing and washing her pussy with hairs fully naked. I had never seen my mother naked before and this was my first time!

My erection was at its peak and I didn't know what to do. So I just ran into my room and masturbated at least 3-4 times thinking of her. This was the first time I started thinking of her in this way.

Many days passed and I kept masturbating thinking about her. But I never got so bold as to try to approach her. But one day, I got to know when she was going to enter my room to pick up my laundry and moping.

The next day, I slightly opened my bathroom door before bathing and started masturbating. I wanted that my mom could see my manly erect 7.4-inch dick. After some time, I heard some noises of moping and started masturbating even more.

Then I realized my mom had stopped mopping and I could see through my small mirror that she was standing shocked and watching me masturbate. This kept going for at least 30 seconds till I ejaculated. And then she kept her hand on her face, took everything and went out of my room. I was shocked that she watched me masturbate till the end.

After bathing, I went inside the hall for breakfast and she gave me breakfast normally, as she always does. Days passed and I used to show her my dick through the bathroom gap. She would sometimes watch sometimes not, but never made a move.

So, one day, I thought of another trick and said --

Me: My groins are itchy. I can't walk in my pants.

So she told me to be in a lungi (a long towel wrapped around the lower area. It is popular in south India). I did as she said and went into my room to sleep. But I didn't sleep and waited for her to come into my room and call me for lunch.

But before that, I had other plans in mind. When I realized from the sound of plates that dinner was ready, I put my phone in a hiding place with the camera on so that I could watch the show later.

Then I opened my lungi like it was opened during sleep movement. I became completely naked. My dick was already hard for the idea of her coming to my room and watching me fully naked.

After a few minutes, I heard my room open the door. I was fake sleeping. My mom came to my room and stood there for a few seconds silently. Then she silently said --

Mom: Pankaj, food is ready.

But I didn't respond. Then she did not repeat and touched my body. I didn't respond as if I was in deep sleep. Then I felt the most amazing moment which I was dreaming. She put her hands on my dick and started feeling it and rubbing it up and down. Then my mom repeated it for a few strokes.

Suddenly, she stood up and wrapped my towel around my body and shouted --

Mom: Wake up! Food is ready.

And she started shaking me. Then I woke up like I was asleep. When she went out of my room, I rushed to my phone and then I saw the video. I saw my mom watching my dick with her big eyes and while stroking, she rubbed her big boobs. But in shock, she would have realized what sin she was doing she stopped immediately.

Then I went to the kitchen. Everything was normal, but in the end, she said --

Mom: You sleep like a bear who doesn't have senses. Do you know how hard it was to wake you up?

I was so happy that she got feelings for me. After some time, I went to my room. Fuck my AC, it had stopped working and I didn't know why. Suddenly, I got another idea from the AC. I ran to my mom and told her --

Me: My AC is not working. What should I do?

She said: If you are not comfortable there, you can sleep in my room in the afternoon for a few days until lockdown gets over.

I was happy now as I wanted this to happen. After some time, I went to sleep and my mom too came to sleep with me. I was in my lungi and after some time when I thought she was asleep, I thought of touching her. But due to low confidence, I just left the idea.

Then I got the courage to open my lungi again and after some time, I went to sleep naked and I didn't even realize it. When I woke up I saw my mom taking shower, my lungi was wrapped and she was in the bathroom.

I realized that the bathroom door was not open like always. But it had a good gap that a whole crowd could see her bathing. Then I watched my mom for a few minutes and saw my dick got erect. Suddenly, my mom saw my erect dick and me watching her. She shouted at me and I ran to my room in fear that I lost all my respect.

At dinner, with dad, we didn't talk about the incident and went to sleep. I had to go to my room as dad was sleeping with mom and at night the room was cool so no issues.

The next day, dad said I had to go to Kanpur to meet his brother for the construction of our home in Kanpur. First, I got scared that mom would scold me. But after dad went out, she just said --

Mom: This is not good watching your mom bathing.

I said sorry to her and said --

Me: This will never happen again, and I will not sleep in your room.

But she said: Don't worry, there is no issue, as I have to see you naked while sleeping in lungi.

And she blushed.

Then she said: This should never happen again, as I am your mom and it will be a sin.

After some time, I went to sleep and I realized from her talk that she loved the moments with me. So, I was in my lungi again and when she came to my room I pretended as if I was in deep sleep and kept my eyes closed naked. But she went to sleep facing opposite me. I thought this was my situation and pretended to sleep.

Then I wrapped around her and felt my dick touching her leggings. At first, she was shocked. Then she said --

Mom: Pankaj!

And she turned around. But she saw me sleeping and my hard dick touched her leggings. She was like this for a few minutes. Then she pushed her ass toward my dick and now my dick was throbbing.

Then she kept pushing until the dick was between her ass cheeks. After some time, I realized if her leggings were not there my dick would be touching her pussy. In between, I kept shifting positions to let her remind me that I was asleep.

But, after some time, I fell asleep. After waking up, I saw her in the hall watching TV. She had bathed and was wearing a nighty and I could clearly see the watermelons because she was not wearing any bra.

Then I went and watched TV with her. After some time, we ate dinner. Then we talked as usual and when I was going to sleep, she said --

Mom: Pankaj, you can sleep in my room as dad is not here.

So I took bath and went to her room and sat on the bed. Then I saw her setting the foot mat. I realized due to her bending that she was not even wearing a panty. Then I thought this had never happened before today and thought she liked the push yesterday.

Then she switched off the lights of all the rooms and started sleeping. I thought she was asleep and again got naked and pushed my dick toward my mom. As she was sleeping, she thought I was doing this in my sleep. She called my name, but I didn't respond.

Mom, without turning her face, took her one ass cheek upward and inserted my dick inside and pushed her ass toward me. Now I could feel the pussy lining and the wetness. My dick was in between my mother's ass cheeks. Now the only thing in the way was the nightie's cloth.

After 15 minutes, I was bored and took my dick off and started masturbating, thinking that she was sleeping. But the bed was moving and she turned and saw my huge dick. Then she shouted --

Mom: What are you doing?

I thought to say sorry, but instead, I became bold and said --

Mom: I really love you, mom. I've never seen anyone so beautiful as you and I always think of you and masturbate. I know this is wrong, but what can I do? You are so beautiful. I know that you like me too, as you put my dick in your ass cheek.

She was shocked and said: Ok, as you realized, I like you too. But, this can't happen. It will be a sin and I don't want to sin.

I kept begging her: No one will know, mom.

But she kept refusing. Then I went to her and kissed her lips and her neck. She pushed me and became angry. Then when I was going to my room but she said --

Mom: Ok, but this should never get out of this room.

I said ok and stood naked with my hard dick.

She said: Now what? Don't you wanna do anything?

I went to her and started kissing her. She kissed me back and took my dick and started stroking it. My mom put her mouth on my dick and started sucking it. I sucked her pussy as we were in the 69 position. While doing so, she was sitting on my face.

Then I threw her on the bed like a man.

Mom: Waah!

I went to her kissing and brushed my dick on her pussy.

Then she asked: I love you, son. But, please, never tell this to anyone.

I promised her. Mom took my dick and took it inside her pussy. Then, slowly-slowly I fucked my mother. We fucked for several minutes and I could see her white ejaculation coming out. Immediately, I turned her in the doggy style and fucked her for another minutes. After that, she said --

Mom: Let me take charge now.

Mom then sat on top of me and started jumping on my dick. I was so involved in that situation that I forgot to tell her that I was gonna ejaculated inside her! I came inside my own mother. She first got angry. But, after the warm strokes inside her pussy walls, she moaned loudly and squirted all over my body.

Then she lied on top of me. She lied still for a few minutes and then came down and said --

Mom: This was my best sex ever.

After that, we fucked 3 times that night and every time, I ejaculated in my mom's pussy. She took pills the next day and bought a packet of condoms too.

We fucked since then in the afternoon and sometimes she would come into my room at night.