woke up with a tingling sensation between my legs. I looked down and saw my nude sister stroking my cock and licking the head. "What are you doing Carla?" I asked.

"I want to get it hard because I want to feel it inside me again." She said. I lay my head back on the pillow. I know at 18 I'm supposed to be at my peak sexually but 5 times in 24 hours. I'd never done that before.

Let me digress about 24 hours.

It was a late spring Friday morning in my senior year of high school. I woke up with my usual erection and masturbated in the shower. I was sure to wash the tell tale signs from the shower wall.

When I went to breakfast my twin sister, Mom & Dad were all eating breakfast. My Dad talked. "I want to remind both of you that your Mother and I will be gone on our weekend getaway before you get home from school. There is plenty of food in the house. You both know how to cook. Just stay out of trouble while were gone. No wild parties while were gone." My sister and I just kind of nodded between mouthfuls of food.

I am 5 ft 10 in. about 175 lbs. Not muscle bound but by no means overweight. I have short light brown hair and blue grey eyes. Carla is petite at only about 5 ft 1, in and no more than 105 lbs. She is a natural blonde and reaches the top of her shoulders. She has beautiful blue eyes and her tits are small 32A.

After school I went home and fixed myself a snack and asked Carla what her plans were for the evening. She said she was going to a girl friend, Shannon's house. I told her I would be over a Julie's house watching TV. Julie is my high school sweetheart.

When I got to Julie's house her parents were leaving saying they would be out late. We started watching movies with Julie cuddled up close to me. After a couple hours I started losing interest in the movie and started rubbing one of Julies 34b breast through her T-shirt and giving her little kisses. Finally she pushed me away and said, "Not tonight Chuck, I'm having my period and its too messy." She must have seen the look of disappointment on my face because she quickly said, "I can give you a blow job." She immediately started unfastening my belt, unzipped my pants and pulled my jeans and briefs down to my ankles. I lifted my hips off the sofa so she could get them down easier. My cock was already getting hard from anticipation. Julie stroked my cock a few times and then swirled her tongue around the head while fondling my balls. She knew this always made me cum faster. She took my cock in her mouth and played with it with her tongue along the underside and around the head. Bobbing her head up and down she soon had me on the verge of cumming. I shouted a warning to her but she tightened her lips around my cock and swallowed every drop. She kept me in her mouth until I started going soft and then licked me clean. She helped me get my pants back up. A short time later I left to go home a bit earlier than normal because Julie said she was tired.

When I arrived home I noticed the light was on in Carla's room and the door was open. I stepped inside to say goodnight and saw my sister in bra and panties getting ready for bed. I just said, "Carla, you know you should close your door when you change clothes."

She just casually said, "you've seen me with less. That bikini I wore last summer covered a lot less than I have on now.' I just turned to go when she said "Your home kind of early tonight." I told her Julie was tired so I left early.

She then asked me, "Am I as sexy as Julie?" The question caught me off guard. I looked at her and said, "You're my sister. I've never thought of you that way." I tried to tell her she was pretty but being my sister I never thought of her as sexy.

She then said, "Pretend I'm not your sister. Am I as sexy as Julie."

I thought for a moment and said. "I don't know. I've never seen you nude and I've seen her nude."

Carla tried to act shocked and asked, "When Have you seen her nude."

I blurted out "Every time we have sex at her house we're nude." I knew immediately I should not have said it.

Carla looked shocked and said "You mean you've gone all the way, you put your cock in her pussy?"

I answered, "Sure we have done it several times." Carla then just looked down at the floor and said in a low voice, I've never seen a guy naked before." I wasn't sure how to answer her. Before I could think of anything she asked in a shy low voice. "Would you show me yours?"

"What?" I answered. "You want me to take my pants off for you."

She turned from me and I could tell she was about to cry when she was able to say, "All the other girls talk about fucking and I've never even seen a guys cock."

I walked around in front of her and put my arms around her to comfort her. I then said, "If it will make you feel any better I'll let you see my cock, But you better not tell anyone." I knew I shouldn't have said it but it was too late now.

Carla looked at me with a smile on her face and asked, "Oh will you Chuck? I won't tell anyone."

I told her to sit on her bed. I kicked off my shoes and pulled my T-shirt over my head. I then decided to tease her a bit. I unfastened my belt and the snap and zipper on my jeans. I then turned my back to her and slowly started lowering my jeans. When I got to the bottom of my briefs I pulled them up again. I then let my jeans fall to the floor. I then looked over my shoulder at her. She was smiling and said, "Now take your underpants off." With my back still towards her I slowly lowered my briefs a bit and then pulled them back up. I looked over my shoulder and she said in a pleading voice. "Take them off." I slowly lowered them and stood with my back to her. "Turn around and let me see you she ordered." I slowly turned towards her and kept my hands in front of my cock, which was starting to grow again. I slowly moved my hands.

"WOW" was the first thing out of her mouth. "How can something that big ever fit inside a girls little hole?"

"Very easy," I told her. "A girls vagina will stretch and expand to let it in."

She reached out to touch my cock and asked, "Can I touch it."

"Sure go ahead it won't bite." I then added, "If you get it too excited it will shoot cum all over the place." She giggled a bit as my cock jerked when she touched it and stroked it gently.

She then looked up at me with pleading eyes, "Chuck, will you please make love to me, I'm still a virgin and want to feel a cock inside me."

I stepped away from her and said, "I can't do that Carla, that's incest."

She again pleaded with me, "Please Chuck, Just pretend I'm not your sister. Pretend I'm a sexy girl you just met and what to fuck."

I again said, "I can't do that Carla. Its just not right."

She turned away from me and started to cry. "You don't love me, you think I'm ugly. I'll never know what its like to have sex." My sister knows how to get to me and make me do what she wants. I kept trying to tell myself don't do it. But I couldn't stop myself.

I gently took her by the shoulder and turned her towards me. I immediately planted a long passionate kiss on her lips. She responded immediately sticking her tongue into my mouth. My hands went around her. I found the clasp of her bra and unfastened it. I let it fall away from her and moved my lips to her nipples. While playing with one nipple with my lips and tongue and rubbed the other with my fingers. I switched for one nipple to the other and had Carla moaning. I picked her up in my arms and carried her to her bed, I lay her down and looked and her sexy body covered only by a pair of white cotton panties, I took hold of the waistband and started removing them. She lifted her hips off the bed to let me remove them easier. I could see a damp spot on her panties. Carla's pussy. Was shaved smooth. She did that for her bikini.

I gently parted her legs and lowered my head to her pussy lips and gently licked her from the bottom to the top several times. I gently parted her lips at the top and licked her clit. She jerked when I did that so I continued lapping her clit. I wet a finger and slit it in her pussy being careful not to go too far because I didn't want to pop her cherry with my finger. I slipped a second finger in and began finger fucking her while licking her clit. She was squirming and trashing on the bed. She then let out a long moan as her pussy began contracting. She squeezed my head with her thighs as her orgasm flowed through her body.

When her orgasm finally began to subside she said, "That was awesome Chuck, but what about you? You didn't come and I want you in my pussy."

I went to my jeans and got out the condom I always carried with me. I opened the foil packet and rolled it down over my cock. "Are you sure you want this?" I asked. She just nodded her head. "The first time it may hurt a bit." I told her, "But I'll try to be gentle."

I spread her legs and slowly started to enter her virgin pussy. It was very tight and felt wonderful around the head of my cock. I reach a barrier. I looked at her and said, "Try to relax." I backed out of her a bit and thrust forward hard ripping her hymen apart.

She yelled in pain as I went deep inside her. I stopped to let her get used to me being inside her. I leaned down and gently kissed her.

Finally she looked up at me with a little smile on her face and just said, I'm OK." I slowly pulled back most of the way out of her and then started back in. I slowly stroked in and out of her tight, hot, wet pussy. I slowly picked up speed and she picked up my rhythm and thrust her hips up to meet my thrust. Her breathing became short and ragged and I picked up the pace. Carla let out a long low moan as her orgasm hit. The contractions of her pussy squeezing my cock were more than I could take. With one last hard thrust I rammed my cock all the way till it touched her cervix and my cock erupted spewing my cum in the condom deep inside her . We lay together with my cock deep inside her till I started to soften. I rolled off her and pulled from her pussy. I grabbed a couple tissue from a box on the table next to her bed and pulled the condom off not letting the cum spill.

Carla rolled next to me and said, "That was great Chuck. I love you." She then kissed me and asked, "Can we do it again?"

Totally spent I looked and her and said. "I don't know if I can get it up again."

Carla took hold of my cock and started stroking it. "Let me see if I can get it up again." She said.

"Don't Carla, stop, I don't have another condom." I said.

"Don't worry" she said, "I'm safe, my period just ended yesterday."

She continued stroking my cock and then began licking the head. The cock started to respond. When she had it hard she straddled me and lowered herself onto my cock and slowly began riding me. She felt so good on my cock but I didn't think Id ever be able to cum again. I looked up at her young tits and reached up holding them and rubbing the tight little nipples. I then reach for her pussy and started rubbing her clit. She started moaning. I started thrusting my hips up pushing my cock deeper into her until her moaning became louder and I felt her pussy starting to squeeze my cock. Somehow I was able to cum, spurting a small amount of cum into her.

Finally she rolled off me. When I regained my strength I got up, picked up my clothes and headed for my room. I took a quick shower to clean up and hit the bed nude and drifted off to sleep. I then woke up with the sun streaming in the window and my sister playing with my cock.

"Please stop." I pleaded with her. "I don't think I can cum again.......And we shouldn't be doing it."

"But it's so much fun." Carla said as she continued stroking my cock which was just semi hard. She then surprised me by taking my cock in her mouth and started sucking it and running her tongue around it. I just laid back and let her play with my cock. I was too tired to fight her and I didn't think my cock would respond, but it did. Soon I was hard.

Carla then lay next to me with her legs spread and said "Come on Chuck, Fuck me!" I didn't think there was anything left in me but I rolled on top of her, slipped my cock in her very wet, tight, warm pussy. I slowly started moving in and out of her, knowing that if I did come it would take a while. Carla kept urging me to fuck her hard.

With my cock tucked as deep in her as I could get it I rolled us over so I was on the bottom. "You want to be fucked." I said, "You have to do the work."

Carla started riding my cock with hard rapid strokes. I reached for her clit and let my fingers ride over it as she went up and down. She started moaning and then collapsed on me as her body was convulsing from her orgasm. I may have leaked a bit of cum inside her, I don't know. My cock started to shrivel to its flaccid state and slipped out of her.

I don't know how long we lay on the bed with Carla on top of me. When she finally got off me and headed for the shower she said. "Get some rest Chuck. We still have the rest of the day and all day tomorrow to fuck before Mom and Dad get home." I just rolled over and wondered. "What have I done?"

When I woke up the house was quiet. I looked out my window and noticed my sister's car was gone. Good, I thought. Maybe I can get a shower and get out of the house before she gets back and wants to fuck again.

I quickly showered, dressed and ate a quick breakfast. I packed a lunch in my backpack and got in my car and started to drive. There is a State park about an hour from our house. I figured I could go there, be along, and try to sort out my thoughts. I couldn't believe I had taken my sister's virginity and then had sex with her two more times. I guess the final time she raped me.

I got to the park. It was a nice sunny spring Saturday. There were a lot of people at the park but not many were hiking so I could go out on the trails and be alone.

I spent all day leisurely hiking taking numerous breaks and enjoying my solitude. When it started to get dark I knew I had to go home. I had to try to get to my room and lock the door before Carla caught me.

When I got home Carla's car was in the driveway and the light was on in her room. I removed my boots and slowly quietly walked towards my room. I could her two different voices coming from Carla's room. Good, I thought. She won't try to have sex with me while someone else is with her.

I tried to be quiet but accidentally stepped on a squeaky board in the hall. Carla was out of her room like a flash and grabbed me by the arm and pulled me towards her room. "Look who's here," she said. Setting on the edge of her bed was my girl friend Julie. "I told her all about last night." Carla said.

"What!" I exclaimed. "You promised not to tell anyone."

"Julie won't ell anyone," Carla said. "We thought it would be fun to have a threesome."

I tried to back away and said "No way."

Carla and Julie overpowered me and drug me over to Carla's bed. I tried to think of away to get away from them. "I'm all hot a sweaty," I said. "I need a shower first." I though if I could get them to let me take a shower I could escape into my room and lock the door.

Julie then said, "Hey lets all take a shower together. The shower in the Master Bedroom is big enough for all three of us."

Carla joined in, "That Sounds like fun."

The girls must have know I want to try to escape because they walked me into the Master bath. They each had a hold of one arm as we walked in. It was no use. They had me.

The girls stripped me and had me get in the shower to adjust the water. When the water was ready they joined me in the shower. They each had a big fluffy washcloth and Carla had a bar of soap.

Carla soaped up her cloth first and started washing my back. Julie soaped up her cloth and the started washing my chest down to may waist. She then went to her knees and starts washing on leg starting at the foot. Carla did the same and started washing my other leg. They worked their way up over my calf and onto my thighs. When they got to my crotch Carla wrapped her soapy cloth around my balls while Julie started stroking my cock with her washcloth. My cock was soon rock hard. The girls stopped washing me and used the shower to rinse me off. Julie said we need to get all the soap of your cock before we take it in our mouths.

My mind, which had been telling me all along, this is wrong. You shouldn't be doing this. Was starting to stop resisting. Finally I decided to just enjoy this although I knew it was wrong.

With the warm water steaming over my shoulders Julie went back to her knees in front of me and took my cock in her mouth. Carla hands went to my balls. She then said. "Hey don't hog the cock, Let me have some." Julie slowly took her mouth from my cock and Carla took over playing with it in her mouth and Julie took over massaging my balls. I know I wouldn't last long. They continued switching positions, which gave me, a few second to try top recover to try to last a little longer. Finally I couldn't hold out any longer. I announced I was coming. Julie who had my cock in her mouth at the time pulled off quickly and continued stroking my cock as she and Carla got in position to catch my cum. I shot several jets of cum. The girls got some in their mouths but most of it shot on their faces. I leaned back against the wall of the shower, spent while the girls washed the cum off their faces.

They then shut off the shower. They led me from the shower stall and dried me off with big fluffy towels. They then blocked my way from leaving while they dried off.

When we were dry both girls took and arms and led me to Carla's bed and make me lie on my back. They played with my cock and stroked it back to life.

Carla then straddled my head and lowered her pussy to my mouth. I started lapping at her pussy and felt her jerk a bit when I touched her clit. I then felt something tight and warm around my cock. Julie was impaling herself on my cock. She started riding me while I tried to lick Carla's pussy. Carla was moving and moaning but still along way from cuming when I felt the churning starting in my balls.

Julie had been fingering her clit while riding me and was on the brink of orgasm. When I started shooting my cum inside her, her pussy began contracting with her orgasm.

I completely forgot about Carla's pussy just over my face. When she realized our orgasms were over she made Julie get off my cock before I went soft.

Carla then started riding my cock while Julie lay beside me. She told me she wasn't going to ask me to lick her pussy because along with being filled with my cum she was still on her period. I'm glad she didn't straddle my face because the idea of eating her pussy during her period didn't appeal to me.

Carla was riding my cock hard trying to bring herself to orgasm. I reached up for her small tits and massaged them while Julie started rubbing Julie's clit.

I don't know how I managed to cum again but my cock started twitching in Carla's pussy filling it with my cum. This was enough to push her over the edge and her pussy started squeezing my cock as her orgasm controlled her body.

When her orgasm subsided she rolled off me and my flaccid cock slipped from her dripping pussy.

The three of us lay in bed recovering from the sex we had been having.

Carla was the first to speak. She said, "Lets all go take another shower and then sleep in Chuck's bed because mine is all messy.

We showered together without trying anything sexual on each other. We then went to my bed and I slept nude with a sexy nude lady on each side of me.

woke up nude with two sexy naked ladies sleeping beside me. My sister Carla on the left and my girl friend Julie on my right. I carefully got out of bed and went to the bathroom.

When I returned I admired the two naked girls in my bed. Julie was lying on her side. Carla was on her back with her legs slightly spread. I looked at her pussy that I had fucked several times over the past two days. I knew it was wrong but I figured I've already committed incest, even though it was against my will. I will do it on my own this time.

Being careful not wanting to wake my sister too soon I gently spread her legs. I lowered my face to her pussy and gently started licking her pussy from top to bottom being careful not to touch her clit. I just wanted to get her wet before I entered her. I licked several times trying to get as much saliva on her lips as possible. I then spit on my fingers and rubbed them over the head of my cock, which was standing straight, ready for action. I spread Carla's legs and put them over my shoulders. I placed the head of my cock at the entrance to her pussy and rammed into her as hard as I could until I was all the way in.

Carla woke suddenly with a little yelp trying to figure out where she was and what was happening. It took a few seconds for her comprehend what was happening. I didn't care if she came or not. I was going to fuck her as long and as hard as I could without her consent because of what she had done to me. When she finally saw what was happening she started meeting my thrust.

Our noise and the movement of the bed woke Julie. She rolled over and watched us. "Save some of that for me." She said, "I want some of the that cock in me."

I continued pounding my sister's pussy. I finally felt the stirring in my balls. I soon was filling Carla with my cum.

Carla cried out, "Don't cum yet! I haven't cum yet."

I disregarded her plea.

When my cock stopped shooting cum I pulled out of Carla's pussy. I looked at Julie and said, "Get ready before I go soft."

Julie quickly got on her back with her legs spread wide. My cock went with my cum and Carla's juices I needed no further lubrication. I place my cock at Julie's pussy and rammed in hard. She let out a little moan as I hit her cervix.

I need some time to catch my breath after fucking Carla so I started with long slow strokes on Julie. I moved my head to her face and placed my lips over hers and had a long passionate kiss as my cock moved slowly in and out of her. I fucked my sister but I felt like I was making love to Julie. I moved a hand between us and starting rubbing her clit.

Carla who was watching said, "That's no fair. You're going to let her cum. You didn't do that for me." I just ignored her and gave all my attention to Julie.

Julie wrapped her legs around me and urged me on. I started to speed up my strokes which she met by pushing up to meet me. I didn't try to go to fast because I knew I would take a little while to cum since I had just cum inside Carla.

After several minutes I could feel gentle contractions of Julie's pussy. I knew she was getting close to cumming. I started picking up speed ramming my cock in and out of her quickly. When her orgasm finally started my cock was ready and I emptied the content of my balls in Julie.

I collapsed on top of her as we both slowly came down for our orgasmic high. When my cock started to soften I rolled off her.

Carla was very upset and said, "You have to fuck me again so I can cum."

I looked down ay my limp cock and said, "You have to get me up again."

Carla quickly stuffed my cock in her mouth and started playing with it with her tongue. She also slowly caressed my balls. She had to work for several minutes to get me hard.

Carla said, "Your hard now, Fuck me till I cum." She then rolled onto her back and spread her legs.

I said, "No, not that way." Looking at her I said, "On all fours, we will do it doggie style."

She quickly complied. I had other plans though. I placed my cock at the entrance to her pussy and after a few thrust to get it wet I pulled from her pussy.

"Carla started complaining, "Don't stop, put it back in."

Without saying a word I spread her ass cheeks and slowly started pushing my cock against her little rose bud.

"NO!" she shrieked, "Not there. It hurts! Stop! Stop! It hurts!"

I disregarded her pleas and continued working my cock against her ass until I had my cock all the way in.

Carla lay her head on the bed sobbing, tears streaking down her cheeks with an occasional plea for me to stop.

I slowly started working my cock in and out of her ass. I took pity on her and decided I would let her cum. I reached around her and found her clit and started rubbing it.

Julie sat watching as I ass fucked Carla. She then spoke and asked, "Your not going to do me like that are you?"

"Only if you want it." I answered.

"Good, I don't want it." She replied.

Carla had finally stopped her sobbing and lifted her head a little off the mattress. Julie positioned herself with her leg on each side of Carla and pushed her pussy towards Carla's face.

"Lick my pussy clean" Julie ordered Carla.

She then took Carla's head and pulled it towards her pussy until Carla started licked her.

I slowed my thrust and move my hand from Carla's clit to allow Julie time to catch up to us.

When Julie looked at me letting me know she was close to cuming I started the fuck Carla's ass harder and rubbed her clit.

I Saw Julie stiffen just as I felt Carla's ass started to clench my cock even tighter as she reached her orgasm. I didn't have much left in me. I was able to shoot a small amount of cum into Carla's ass.

I finally pulled from her ass. She left out a little yelp as my head passed through her tight opening.

We lay back on the bed exhausted and spend from our morning sex.

After we recovered we showered together. There was no sex play in the shower. We were all to tired and spent.

After we changed the bed linens and washed the soiled ones I left to walk Julie home.

Carla called out, "Don't stay to long we will still have time for a quickie before Mom & Dad get home."

I purposely remained at Julie's house until after dark to make sure Mom & Dad would be home before I got back. I didn't think I could take any more.

I wondered, "What have I done to my sister. She's turned into a nymphomaniac"