"It's not that simple son," She responded, "our relationship has forever changed. No, I'm not mad at you anymore because you told the truth. I am just very confused."

To say that she was confused was an understatement. Only one man in the whole world she should not have sexual relationship with was her own son. She found it very ironic that the same forbidden man had shown interest in her body. Now she was sitting with him half naked, clad only in a towel, and the confused and nervous kid was awaiting to hear his punishment. Her mind was racing in every directions with all kind of contradictions but her body was warming up for one sole purpose.

She crossed her legs and felt her pussy lips squeezed her clit. She could not believe her vagina began to throb and fluids began to overflow her swollen vulva. Her maternal instinct was slowly being overtaken by her physical desire. She was no longer the loving mother. She had transformed into a wanton woman with full of lust. Her lust for physical gratification expelled any fear of morality and taboo sin from her mind.

"Did you like what you saw?" She asked a very confused young man in a not so motherly way.

"Huh....what?" was his confused reply.

"I said if you did like what you saw." She repeated.

"Oh yes, absolutely!" He blurted out, encouraged by the sudden change in her tone.

"What did you like?" She asked the confused young man again.

"You are very beautiful and very.....very....." He stopped not knowing if he should utter the word in front of his mother.

"Very what?" She insisted.

"Very very sexy." He finished his sentence blushing badly.

"You are not going to spy on me anymore, right?" She asked.

"No, no....never again." He quickly replied.

"Why you don't find me sexy anymore?" She was enjoying teasing her boy.

He was really getting confused at her double talk and was at a loss to reply.

"Okay this is the deal," She told her son, "I'll reward you for being forthcoming with me. I'll show you my body and you have to promise me you will never spy on me again and you'll not talk about it with anybody."

His eyes popped wide and his jaws dropped. He could not believe what he just heard.

"Is it a deal or what?" An impatient Anjana asked her son.

"Oh yes, yes, yes! Anything you say." He was just able to mumble.

"Oh, one more thing," She continued, "fact remains that I'm still your mother. So we have to adhere to one simple rule, no touching just looking."

He nodded his head up and down and eagerly looked at her hand which moved to her chest where the knot holding her towel was. With one swift motion she untied her towel and threw it to the floor.

Dipak's eyes glued to her breasts. They were large, stood firmly defying gravity and completely filled up her chest. The dark brown areolas was almost inch and a half in diameter, looked very enticing against her fair skin. Her nipples had already became very hard and stood erect almost quarter of inch over her areolas.

He wanted to lick those nipples very badly but remembered the rule, no touching just looking. But he was getting more comfortable and little bit daring as he had escaped any kind of severe punishment. He looked at her naked mother intently for a glimpse off her pussy. He could not see anything as she was sitting at the edge of the bed with her legs crossed.

"Have you seen enough?" She teased.

"Ma, I can not see, you know....." He did not mention the word pussy but insinuate it by looking down between her crossed legs.

A chill ran throw her spine and tickled her pussy. He wanted to see the most intimate part of her body.

"I don't think that will be such a good idea." She softly replied without much conviction.

"But you yourself said, no touching just looking.' A desperate Dipak took one last shot, "I think looking at your ...I mean showing me your...should be part of that deal."

"Okay, a deal is a deal." She replied as if she was doing it very reluctantly.

She lay herself down and opened her legs. For the fist time he was able to look at her complete naked body. His wide eyes focused exclusively on her pussy. Her outer pussy lips were fat and swollen red. Slightly darker inner lips were peeking out from her folds. Her pussy juice was slowly oozing out of her hole making it glistened.

He wanted to see her pussy from another angle like last Saturday and begged his mother, "Ma can you turn over, please!"

Anjana was so excited that she was beyond any kind of control. She just turned over as he asked. Dipak was mesmerized looking at her inverted pussy. Few lines of juices began streaking downwards along her thighs. Her ass globes were tight and very rounded. Her puckered ass hole was dark brown and crinkled. He thought for a second that her puckered hole was winking at him.

His cock was throbbing within the confinement of his shorts and was about to explode. He quickly got up and ran out of the room towards his bathroom. His inexperience failed him to recognize his mother's vulnerability and that her starving pussy was on fire and was ready for taking.

With a big sigh she inserted two of her fingers in her dripping hole and began masturbating.

"How would his penis feel inside my pussy?" A very horny Anjana thought to herself.


The week passed without any incident. Only thing Dipak was thinking if she would let him see her naked again. Within a week he had transformed into a totally new person. Whenever he closed his eyes he could see no other woman but his mother. He kept on masturbating in her used panties thinking about her naked pussy and her voluptuous boobs.

On her part Anjana enjoyed teasing her son immensely. Exposing herself in front of an admiring man was very erotic. It was the most exciting thing she had done in a long time. It fueled her masturbation session for the entire week. Occasionally questions of morality or taboo sin tried to dampen her enthusiasm. But her strong libido quickly drowned them in the abyss of her mind. She was ready to rid of her lifetime sexual frustration.

Saturday morning after her husband left, Anjana sat in the inside verandah pretending to read the newspaper. She was wearing only a silk robe and nothing inside. She had tied the robe very loosely showing her deep cleavage. Her nipples were already hard pressing against soft fabrics of her robe, making their presence known. She was rubbing her clit by squeezing her vulva with her legs. Interior of her pussy became moist and slippery in no time.

She was ready to begin the tease game. She laughed when she saw Dipak moved around her few times.

"Are you spying on me?" She asked him next time he came around.

"No, I am not." He blushed a little bit.

She decided to tease him further. She sked, "Some of my panties are missing. Do you know anything about it?"

He blushed more and his face turned red but he did not reply.

"I assume the answer is yes then." Failing to get a response she surmised, "So tell me what you do with my panties? Remember, no lies."

"I, I...." He fumbled badly and was unable to form a sentence.

"I know what you do with my panties, Dipak." She smiled at him teasingly, "How many times do you masturbate a day, Dipak?"

"Two three times." He almost whispered.

"Do you think about me when you masturbate?" She continued with her teasing.

"Yes!" He whispered again.

"You know that's very naughty," She winked at him, "I'm your mother not your wife or girl friend. But I am also very flattered that you find your old mother sexy."

Dipak again did not know how to answer to his mother's teasing and open flirting.

While teasing her son, Anjana felt her strong libido was taking over. Urge to do something more erotic was overwhelming her.

"Do you want to see me naked again, Dipak?" Anjana asked a stunned Dipak.

He almost choked before replying , "Oh, yes.... very much so!"

"Hold on there just a second mister, last time you saw me naked, today I want to see you naked. Don't you think turnaround is fair play?" She smiled at him in a slutty way, "So come over in front of me like a good boy and take your cloths off."

Dipak came over in front of his mother. Standing only couple feet away from her he took his tee shirt off. Anjana put her fingers inside his shorts and pulled it down. Last time she saw him naked was about a decade ago. A lot had changed over these years, namely the thing hanging between his well muscled legs.

"That thing," She pointed towards his flaccid manhood, "does not it grow any bigger?"

Dipak was trying to overcome his shyness of being naked for the first time in front of a woman since he had grown up. His mother's question gave him an opening he was looking for.

"It does," He replied with a sheepish smile, "if it sees you naked. Then it will grow really big."

Dipak was proud of his member. He knew he was bigger than most guys of his age.

His mother stood up and said, "Oh yeah! Why did not you say so?"

She dropped her robe and stepped out of it. Mother and son became naked in front of each other for the first time.

Waves of excitement ran through him by looking at her sexy naked body as his eyes dropped down to her luscious, bobbing breasts and kept moving further down her body. He gawked down at her neatly trimmed pussy glistening in the bright day light.

And just like magic his limp organ began to steer, appreciating something it had seen to its liking. It grew and grew and pointed upward in an angle.

"Wow!" She thought, "It's a monster."

Even though married for almost 19 years she had never witnessed her husband's penis this close up. She had caught glimpses of it occasionally. Her husband, when he used to fuck her, long long time ago, used to do so in the dark. There was no foreplay or tender loving touches. Her husband was a very old fashioned person when it came to sex. Oral sex or foreplay were not in his vocabulory. He used to insert his penis in her vagina and the whole thing would be over in 2 to 3 minutes before she even had a chance to warm up.

She did not have to be a genius to figure out her son's penis was much much bigger than his father's. She admired the throbbing cock jutting out of his hairy groin.

"How big it is?" She asked with a gasp.

He became very happy and proud that his mother liked his fuck tool. He knew exactly how big it was but decided to tease her. Two could play this game he thought.

"Never measured it, " He lied with a straight face, "is it too small?"

"On the contrary," She replied, "you have a very good looking penis."

"Stay right there," He told her, "I have an idea."

He retreated to his bedroom and came back with a ruler.

Every step he took, his penis jumped up and down. Her eyes gawked down at the dancing cock and she could not tear her gaze away from it. Slowly but surely his penis was having a hypnotizing effect on her.

"Why don't you measure it." Grinning ear to ear he handed her the ruler.

He was certainly gaining upper hand on the situation. He got his mother right where he wanted. He would like to see how she was going to measure without touching his cock. And once she touched his member the no touching rule would go out the window. A thrill of unimaginable anticipation shivered through him. Prospect of fucking his mother and losing his virginity began to look brighter and brighter by every passing second.

She remembered the no touch rule. "The rules are meant to be broken." She thought to herself, specially when a menacing cock staring at you. She knelt down in front of him and placed one of her palms at the underside of her son's throbbing cock. It started throbbing even more at her touch. She placed her other palm and covered his manhood entirely as if to make it steady.

"Measure it." A very excited Dipak asked in a hoarse voce and with a very dry mouth.

"Almost eight inches," She exclaimed, "and you are not done growing up yet."

The heat emanating from that big cock sent waves of passion through her body. It looked beautiful and very powerful at the same time. Then she saw a bubble of clear liquid pre-cum spewed out of his tiny slit and soiled her palm.

She remembered all her fantasies. Her son merged with her fantasy lover and they had just become one and the same. By touching his manhood she had crossed the line and there was no turning back now. Just like in her fantasy she lowered her mouth and licked the sticky clear pre-cum oozing out from the narrow slit of his shaft. Her first ever taste of pre-cum evaporated any inhibition she might have left within her. She opened her mouth and slowly pushed her open mouth along the length of his rod. She grabbed his ass cheeks tightly as his rod hit her throat and she buried her nostril into his hairy groin smelling the sweet aroma of his youthful body.

Dipak could not believe his mother just engulfed his entire cock into her mouth. He pumped one of his fists in the air with excitement. He did not have any prior experience in this regard but he remembered the porno movie. He grabbed her silky hair covered head and slowly began fucking her mouth. Her virgin mouth found a rhythm and began working magic on his virgin cock.

"Ma, I am going to cum." He warned his mother as he felt his surging semen about to explode out of his swollen balls.

She lightly touched his balls and slurred with her mouth full with his meat, "That's okay baby, I want to taste you."

His cock head swelled up. He felt his hot thick cum, like hot lava had begun its upward journey through the pulsing veins towards its peak, sending shivering sensation. He grabbed her head tight to his groin and grunted loudly as first of his cum shots hit her throat.

She moaned as hot, thick and gooey man juice began running down her throat for the first time ever. She liked the newly discovered bitter sweet taste of his potent seed. Before she could swallow it all, another volley hit and filled up her mouth. She was surprised at the high volume of his juice and almost choked. Her cheeks ballooned up as she tried to keep all his spewing juice inside. Somehow she managed to swallow all of it and got ready for the next shot. She got more comfortable as each subsequent shots was less in volume. She let her tongue swim in his juice and began to savor more and more her newly acquired taste. With a little shake he emptied the last drop of his cum in her mouth.

"Yes, one fantasy fulfilled many more to go." She thought as she finally let go of his ass globes. She had gripped them so tight that all of his fingers left visible imprint on his tight buttocks. His cock slowly limped out of her mouth.

He was ecstatic and felt like he on top of the world or at least on top his mother. He knew he could do anything with her now including fucking her.

"Ma, you broke the no touch rule." He told her playfully, "You have to be punished."

"Yes, I have been a bad girl, very bad girl," She agreed without hesitation, "punish me now."

He gently pushed her down on the couch. Her breasts were his main fixation for that moment. He was dying to touch them and suck them from the very first time he saw them.

He took one of her nipples in his mouth and began sucking it. With his other hand he grabbed the other breast and began fondling it.

"Not much has changed." Anjana laughed silently. She remembered when he was a baby he used do the same thing. He used to suckle one nipple and put his other tiny hand on her other tit, as if to protect it. At that time his baby mouth could just barely fit her nipples, now it almost engulfed half of her breast. He moved between her nipples. He was acting like a kid who just got a free pass to a candy store. He soon made her entire breasts soaking with his saliva.

All the while Anjana was rubbing and fingering her hot vagina. She wanted him to take the next step.

"It's time to fulfill the next fantasy." She thought.

She wanted his tongue on her pussy. She wanted his tongue to suck her engorged clitoris.

She pushed his head downward letting him know her desire. He got the message right away.

He moved between her legs. Again recalling the DVD movie he lowered his mouth on her pussy. He thought he was familiar with her pussy smell through sniffing her panties, but in reality her real pussy smell was more potent and even more intoxicating.

He was mesmerized by her swollen womanhood and was drawn to it like moth to fire. He began licking her pussy mimicking the way the guy in the movie. She squealed at touch of his tongue on her pussy and spread her legs even wider giving him unfettered access. This was a unfamiliar territory for both of them. But he was making good working progress and learning quickly the art of pleasing a woman through cunnilingus. He spread her labia wide and found her marble size throbbing clit. Instinctively he lowered his mouth and began sucking her very sensitive nub.

"Oh god! Yes baby lick it....." She pushed her groin up into his mouth, "Put your finger inside me, oh yes."

Dipak put couple fingers inside her sopping vagina and began finger fucking her. Her tight hole gripped his fingers tightly and began climbing up and down. Her whole body convulsed and she exploded into a massive orgasm. She squirted her cum all over his face.

Dipak not only became awestruck by the ferocity of her climax, his face was drowned with her pussy juice. Her creamy juice was dripping down from his nose, chin and cheeks.

"Oh poor baby," Anjana cooed, "let me clean you up."

She pulled his face towards her and started licking her own pussy juice from his face. The thought of eating a woman's pussy again entered her mind even for a brief moment. For now, she licked clean her juice from his face. Then there mouth locked into their first sensuous kiss.

Dipak's cock was rock hard again. While they were kissing, it was poking around her groin area.

"Ma, can I...?" He asked without finishing the sentence.

"Yes baby, you sure can." She wanted his hard tool inside her in a worst possible way.

She grabbed hold off his cock and placed the head at the entrance of her leaking and willing vagina.

"Now push it in honey." She asked him wantonly.

Just like that he was inside his mother's pussy. He was amazed only one week ago it was so highly inconceivable, now it was actually happening; he was really fucking his mother. His penis parted her vagina and easily slid into her tight but very slippery love hole. She moaned out loudly welcoming the huge intruder. She had never taken anything so big into her vagina. Her vagina stretched in every direction accommodating his sliding tool.

Sensation of her tight pussy around his cock was so very incredible, he could not describe it. He wanted to prolong this sensational feeling for a long time. And the fact that his mother had sucked him off few minutes ago was surely going to help with his staying power.

"Ma, your pussy is so tight. Did I really come out of this hole?" He asked jokingly.

"Yes baby, you sure did. You are the biggest thing that ever came out of my pussy and now your cock is biggest thing that is fucking me." She replied, "Now my pussy is all yours again."

"What about Baba?" He asked showing some jealousy.

"Your Baba does not fuck me anymore." She assured her son, "Now stop talking and fuck me harder."

He began pounding into her pussy but still could not believe he was actually fucking his mother. Even though it was his first fuck, the blow job and talking with his mother had relaxed him a lot. He began to gain confidence in his ability to physically satisfy a matured and sexy woman like his mother.

Beaming with his new found confidence he told his mother, "Ma, let's change position. I want to fuck you from behind."

Anjana remembered his fascination with her back side. This would be a new experience for her too she thought as her husband had always fucked her only in missionary position. Without any hesitation, she excitedly raised herself on all fours, wiggling her ass up in the sky in front an admiring Dipak.

He loved the mesmerizing scenery in front of him. Her pussy was swollen and quivering with excitement. The tiny fuck hole had been stretched a little and the surrounding pink interior flesh was peeking out invitingly. Her puckered anus was soiled by her dripping pussy juice and was glistening in the light. Several lines of cum juice that had streaked down her thighs left their wet marks. From his vintage point she looked delightfully messy but deliciously eatable and readily fuckable.

He began licking her cum juice from her thigh and inching forward towards her pussy. She shivered with excitement as his tongue was approaching her juicy fuck hole. His tongue reached her hole and he shoved his tongue inside her pussy. In doing so his nose touched her pussy juice covered anus. He deeply inhaled the musky aroma. His nostrils flared up with excitement. He again remembered the porno.

Without any hesitation he touched her puckered hole with his tongue. At first she thought he accidentally touched her anus. But soon she realized it was not so.

He ran his tongue around her crinkled flesh, around her tiny ass hole and then shoved his tongue inside her ass hole just like the guy in the DVD movie.

"What are you doing?" She cried out loud, not in protest rather with a new kind of sensation. Goose bumps appeared all over her body again.

"Ma, I want to fuck you in the ass." He announced in a hoarse voice.

"But, but ...." She hesitated for the first time, "I've never done this, and....and..."

"I am a virgin too Ma." He completed her sentence, "I promise I'll do it very gently and if you don't like I'll stop anytime."

He was impressed by his calm and cool manner. He surely talking like an experienced lover who knew what to do. Her baby was growing up right before her eyes. How could she say no to him? She was tentative but did not want to disappoint him.

"Okay baby, but we'll need some kind of oil or cream for lubrication." She yielded.

"Wait just a minute." Dipak went to kitchen and came back with a bottle of cooking oil.

He generously spread oil on and into her anus as well as on his cock. His pulsating cock was ready to conquer the next hole, her tiny anus.

He placed his cock head at her very tiny rear entry. His cock head seemed like ten times larger than her tiny hole. It looked like there was no way he could penetrate this monster into her rectum. He soon found out, he still had a lot to learn about female anatomy. As he pushed his cock head, entire area around her anus dipped inward and his head made little headway into her tightest hole. Encouraged by that he kept on pushing his penis slowly inside her. Then it happened. With slight 'pop' sound his cock head went inside her anus.

She could not believe her virgin ass was being taken by her virgin son. Her ass rings were stretching as he was slowly pushing into her. She was getting ready for the excruciating pain, but she did not feel any. There was some initial tightness and slight discomfort but that was all. She thought he was taking way too much time. She wiggled her ass. His cock went in side her slippery ass tunnel half way. She liked the feeling. She wanted all of his eight inches inside her rectum. With one swift motion she pushed her buttocks into his groin engulfing entire length of his rigid pole.

"Wow, Ma! Very nice." He approved her action, "I love it."

"Now, fuck my ass harder sweetheart." She cooed.

He pulled his cock out and was amazed to see the big dark gaping hole his cock curved in her ass. But like a spring loaded contraption it closed immediately. Dipak shoved his cock again, rather easily this time, inside her expanding ass tunnel.

"Yes baby, it feels sooooo good, I love it. Fuck me good." She purred like a kitten.

Dipak grabbed her narrow waist and began thrusting into her harder and harder. Anjana pushed his ass back towards him matching each of his inward thrusts. She could feel his large bulbous cock head stretching her virgin canal deep inside her body. She became increasingly delirious with this virginal feelings.

She touched her pussy and spread her labia wide. She found her flaming clit and began rubbing it. She kept alternating between rubbing her clit and fingering her pussy. Dipak leaned forward and grabbed her heavy hanging boobs. His fingers began tweaking her hard nipples. Slapping sound of flesh against flesh and her moans and his grunts filled up their surrounding.

Anjana's breathing became laborious and she was gasping for air. Her body convulsed and she cried out, "I'm cumming honey, hold me tight....oh my god...." .

"I'm cumming too, Ma." He grunted in unison.

She turned her head sideways and their lips met as they screamed into each other's mouth. Their bodies quivered together and undulated pleasure spread all over them like a warm sunshine on a cold morning. With guttural screams they climaxed within seconds of each other.

They had achieved what all lovers always strived for- simultaneous orgasms. His thick hot cum filled up her ass tunnel and began to ooze out. Her pussy juices ran down crisscrossing her thighs. Totally exhausted and absolutely satisfied they embraced each other tightly.

"I love you very much." She whispered.

"I love you even more." He whispered back thinking that he had found his heaven on earth.

They recovered soon. Anjana never felt so sated in her entire life. Incestual sin she had just committed did not bother her an iota. She was rather happy to find a solution to her sexual frustration right under her nose. Her lifetime of sexual frustration was finally over. An afterglow of the most magnificent and complete fuck was quite evident on her satisfied face.

"I thought you were a virgin." She teasingly asked him.

"Yes I am, I mean I was, thanks to you, sexy lady." He replied lovingly kissing her.

"Then who thought or where did you learn all the stuffs you did to me." She still found it hard to believe he was a virgin.

Dipak remembered the DVD back in his room.

"Okay, come with me, I'll show you my secret." He took her hand and led her to his room.

He turned the computer on and began playing the DVD. He fast forwarded to the last scene between the two men and the lady.

Anjana started laughing.

"What is so funny?" A rather surprised Dipak inquired.

"I just remembered something." She replied still laughing and giggling like a teenager.

"Please, please tell me." Dipak urged.

"No, I won't tell you," She replied still giggling, "you'll think I'm a slut."

"If you don't tell me, I am going to do it." He threatened his mother with one of her weakness, "Here it comes." By saying that he grabbed his naked mother.

Anjana was very ticklish, specially under her arms.

"Stop, please stop," She cried out loudly and tried to push him away, "you win, I give up."

She blushed a little bit but went ahead and told her son about her fantasy of being fucked by two men at the same time. Dipak was surprised and his mind started racing.

"See, now you think I'm a slut." She looked at her lover's face, "Don't worry, it is just a fantasy. There is no one else in my life beside you."

"No, Ma," He replied, "I am thinking, we can make your dream I mean your fantasy come true."

"What? What are talking about?" It was her turn now to get surprised .

Dipak told her his plan about how to make her fantasy come true.

"Are you out of your mind?" She screamed hearing his plan, "How can you want Amit to fuck me?"

Dipak told his mother all about Amit's fetish about her panties and how it also started his own fascination about her.

"I don't know honey, it sounds very risky." She told him, "Let me think about it. Right now I am very hungry and don't feel like cooking. Be a good boy and go get us some Chinese food while I take a shower."

She had already made up her mind. Two young cocks at the same time, that would be her ultimate fantasy come true. But like a woman, she did not want to give her intention away so easily.

"Would she agree to imitate the DVD fuck scene?" Dipak wondered as he left to get some food.


During and after lunch Dipak kept asking Anjana about her decision on his proposed threesome with Amit.

"Okay, I'll do it but I am doing it only to make you happy." Anjana finally agreed acting like a very reluctant participant. But in reality she was so excited about fucking two young cocks at the same time that her pussy was already dripping wet. Her fantasy about one cock in her mouth and one cock in her pussy was about to materialize.

Dipak, wasting no time immediately called his buddy Amit.

He only said, "If you want to fuck a beautiful sexy lady come right over."

When Amit received the call he thought for a second that he was pulling his legs. Then he heard a giggling female voice at the background. Before he could ask anything Dipak hung up.

Amit arrived in record time.

Anjana wanted to tease and seduce Amit. Dipak agreed to go along with her knowing fully well how much his mother loved to tease and play.

Anjana opened the door and let Amit in. She was wearing only her silk robe, showing ample cleavage.

"Namaste, auntie." He greeted her in traditional Indian way, "Where is Dipak? He asked me to come over."

"Come here and sit." She took his hand and led him to a couch, "I need to talk with you first."

Amit for the first time looked at her intently. He had never seen her dressed like this way. Her breasts were spilling out from her loosely tied robe and she was acting like someone else.

"Nah!" Amit thought to himself, "She could not be the sexy lady Dipak referred to."

"Okay, auntie what is that you want to talk with me about?" He asked in a very unsure voice.

"Is it true that you have taken some of my panties and do things in them?" She did not want to waste any time teasing the so far unsuspecting young man.

"What.....how....I don't .......'' He began mumbling and looked down to the floor.

"No, no look at me Amit," She forced his face up, "I did not say I was mad at you. On the contrary I am flattered that a young man like you find an old woman like me sexy and desirable."

"You are not old, auntie." Amit was finally able to form a sentence.

"Thank you dear, but just to be fair," She continued on with her game, "since you had taken my panties, I want your underpants in return."

"Where the fuck was Dipak?" he thought as he got up and tried to head towards the door.

"Where do you think you are going?" Anjana stopped him.

"To.....to.... get my underwear." He mumbled incoherently.

"Oh, no! I want the one you are wearing now." Anjana was pushing the nervous young man to the limit and decided to take the game to the next level.

"Tell you what, let's swap." She said very seductively by touching herself between her legs, "If you give me your underwear, I'll give you mine." By saying that she took one step back and dropped her robe. She was naked except for a pair of tiny black panties.

Amit's eyes popped wide and his heart began pounding like a freight train rumbling inside by looking at this almost naked woman. He had never seen real life naked breasts. His eyes grazed directly at her nipples. He never realized how beautiful and how large they were.

Right behind the door, Dipak was stroking his cock and almost burst out laughing. He was thoroughly enjoying his friend's predicament. He was also rearing to join them and fuck his mother again.

She teasingly lowered her panties a little bit showing the top her pubic hair. Then she pushed the gusset of her panties aside, showing him a glimpse of one of her fat pussy lips.

"Do you want it?" She mocked, "You better hurry up young man and give me your underwear before I change my mind."

All through his adult life Amit had been dreaming about this moment but never in a million years had thought it would be like this. He instantly realized this was his chance to fuck a woman and lose his virginity. For the first time it dawned to him this was the sexy woman Dipak spoke about on the phone. He was slightly peeved at his buddy for not telling him beforehand but this was something for what he could be forgiven.

He took his tee shirt and jeans off. However, he hesitated briefly to take his briefs off.

"Don't be shy now baby!" Anjana encouraged him, "You are doing great, just take it off."

Amit did and handed his underwear to Anjana as she stretched her hand forward. She took it to her nose and smelled it in a juvenile fashion to encourage Amit. But his nervousness was still showing in his limp organ. Anjana knew the cure to fix that problem.

"Now come on and help me take this thing off." She invited him to the ultimate fantasy of every young man.

Amit knelt down in front of her groin. He noticed the visible wet spot in her crotch. His heart was pounding heavily in anticipation of seeing his first real pussy.

She grabbed both of his shaky hands and placed them at the elastic band of her panties on each side of her waist and then she helped him to peel down her panties.

Just like that Amit was staring at his first pussy ever. It sent an electric shock through his veins all over his body. His cock magically became hard as a rock.

"You smelled my panties, now smell the real thing, Amit!" She grabbed his head with both hands and pushed her groin into his face, "Lick my pussy Amit, lick it baby, lick it good." She was grinding her pussy all over his face almost choking him.

Amit was totally overwhelmed by her pussy smell. He had no prior experience about licking pussy. He nervously began lapping around her lips.

"Push your tongue inside dear and lick it, eat auntie's pussy." Anjana's newly found slutty side had completely taken over her by now.

He pushed his tongue inside her dripping hole as she wanted and began licking the soft silky flesh. Her love nectar slowly began oozing out from the depth of her pussy. Amit tasted the heavenly nectar and it invigorated him. For the first time he felt confident. He began navigating his inexperienced tongue in and out and all around her intricate folds of alluring flesh of her swollen vagina. In no time he found her trigger point; her sensitive and engorged clit. Instinctively he begun sucking her marble size nub to her absolute delight.

"These kids are quick learner." She thought to herself as she moaned out loudly.

Dipak came out from his hiding place stroking his penis. He said, "Didn't I tell you she is beautiful and sexy?"

Amit could not say anything as his face was buried in her pussy. He was just barely able to breathe. He just groaned something inaudible in reply to his friend's question. .

"What are you doing?" Anjana looked at her son stroking his big penis and asked jokingly, "That is my job now."

Dipak came over to her. She let go of Amit's head and grabbed Dipak's penis by her hands. Not that he was complaining but for the first time in a while Amit was able to breathe freely.

Anjana asked Amit to get up and sat herself between two young men. She took Amit's cock in her mouth while stroking Dipak's hard on. She gleefully alternated sucking and fondling their cocks. She was in cock heaven.

"Ma, take both of us in your mouth at the same time." Dipak winked at his friend and urged his mother as the DVD movie kept playing within his head.

"I don't know honey, if I can, they look so big." She replied, "But I'll try."

Not only she surprised the boys, she even surprised herself when she was able to took both of their cocks in her mouth. Her mouth stretched like never before.

"Way to go, Ma!" Dipak exclaimed and high fived his buddy, though the touch of his friend's cock felt very strange on his own.

She did not feel very comfortable with two cocks in her mouth. But like a good sport to make her lovers happy and like the porno actress she began sucking their cocks at the same time. She grabbed both of their balls with her hands and began squeezing their heavy sacs. Thanks god, she thought when Dipak withdrew from her mouth.

He went behind her. She raised herself up, wiggling her beautiful ass in his face. Dipak placed his penis at her dripping and willing cunt and shoved it in from behind. She moaned with ecstasy and furiously continued sucking Amit's cock. Finally she was living her fantasy.

She sensed Amit was about to explode and she encouraged him by making eye contact with him. She was ready to drink another man's syrup for the second time that day. Amit grunted and exploded into Anjana's loving, sexy and eagerly waiting mouth. From her earlier experience of sucking Dipak, she easily managed gallons of Amit's cum rather easily. She savored the taste even more as his thick gooey cum slithered down her slippery throat. She continued sucking his dick.

Amit was awestruck seeing Dipak was actually fucking his own mother. He saw his cock was coming in and out of his mother's pussy. It was glistening with her pussy juice. Amit wondered when he would get his turn to fuck her pussy.

Dipak was pounding his mother's cunt by grabbing her waist. He stopped when he saw his friend was looking at him. The look in his eyes said it all. Dipak remembered the porno film and suddenly an idea hit him.

"You want to fuck her, don't you?" He asked Amit.

Amit face lightened up. Finally his moment had arrived. He excitedly shook his head up and down. Thinking about fucking her pussy, his dick regain its hardness very quickly.

Dipak disengaged from Anjana. His dick was coated with her pussy juice and tiny beads of bubbly liquid drops formed along his shaft. She quickly turned around and took his cock in her mouth. She licked her own creamy juice clean from his throbbing rod. More and more she began liking her own juice as much as the man juice.

"Who is going to fuck me now?" She lewdly asked both of them.

"We both are Ma. We're going to make you a sandwich meat now." Dipak told his mother, "He is going to fuck you in your pussy and I'll do your ass."

Both Anjana and Amit realized Dipak was enacting the scene from the porno movie. Neither one had any problem with that and they both gladly and willingly began doing what he had asked.

"Amit you lie down here. Ma you come over him, right here and straddled him." Like a film director he began directing them.

Amit lay himself down on the carpet holding his penis with one hand. Anjana swung her legs over him and slowly began her steady descent. Amit looked with amazement as her gapping pussy touched his cock head. It parted her vagina wide and slowly disappeared into her hole.

"Wow!" Anjana exclaimed, "I like this position."

She mounted him completely as her knees touched the carpet on both side of his body. She realized that first time in her life her pussy was in total control of a huge cock. Gripping his cock tightly with her pussy muscles, she began riding up and down along the length of his shaft varying her speed and impaling it all the way inside her fuck hole at will. Once she completely engulfed his meat, she began gyrating her hips in semi circle creating enormous pleasure for Amit. Amit thought there was no way he would have lasted more than two minutes inside her if you had not cummed few minutes ago. Right now relaxed and comfortable he began to enjoy his first fuck.

Dipak looked at her and realized how much she was enjoying fucking Amit. "I need to let her fuck me like this." He thought to himself. For now he came behind her. Anticipating his move, Anjana leaned forward along the length of Amit's body and kissed him tenderly.

Dipak marveled looking at their connection point where Amit's dick had entered her pussy. It stretched her fuck hole and her swollen lips gripped his rod very tightly. Dipak spread her tight ass globes and kissed her puckered hole. Anjana shivered at his touch. He shoved his tongue inside her anus and began tongue fucking her tiny hole. Amit's cock and now her son's tongue pushed her over the edge once again. She rocked herself in one of her many orgasms. But this was also Amit's first experience with woman's cumming on his dick. He felt her pussy walls tightened around his shaft and warm slippery fluid bathe his manhood and began slithering down his cock soiling his pubic hair.

Dipak poured some oil into her anus and with his fingers began lubricating and stretching the tight hole. He gently shoved two fingers inside her guiding the oil along the way. He began rotating his fingers around her anus in a clock wise motion. Once assured that it was ready for penetration he placed his penis at her rear entrance.

Her tiny anus put up very little resistance this time around as Dipak pushed his penis slowly inside her. Anjana screamed out louder than ever, "Oh my good, oh my..." as his hot cock burnt its way into her rectum second time that very day.

"Ma, are you alright? You want me to stop." Dipak showed his concern mistakenly assuming his mother's scream as pain rather than joy of ecstasy.

"No, unless you want me to disown you." With two cocks buried deep inside her, she joked, "Don't stop, just keep fucking me. You two are wonderful lovers."

"You are the most delicious sandwich meat we ever tasted." They all laughed at Amit's comment.

She never fantasized about double penetration. But she was thrilled that it was happening to her. Almost sixteen inches of hard young meat was reaping her open. She was aware of the saying, "life imitating art." Now thanks to these two young men her life was imitating the porno movie and she was loving every second of it.

Both Dipak and Amit were amazed too that they were actually fucking her at the same time a la the porno movie. They found a rhythm in managing their cocks in and out of her holes. Amit was pushing his cock slowly up and down into her pussy. Anjana pushed one of her nipples into Amit's mouth. He greedily began sucking her hardened nipples.

Dipak was pushing his cock back and forth into her anus and squeezing her fleshy ass cheeks with abundance. Every thrust into her, he could feel the presence of Amit's cock inside, separated by only a thin membrane within her body.

Dipak came first. His hot cum sprayed deep inside her rectum. It triggered something within Anjana's body, as if a switch had been turned on deep inside. Her entire body began to convulse and shake violently. A series of orgasms rocked thorough her body and she kept on cumming. Soon Amit joined them and shot his load deep inside her pussy. The room filled up with her scream and their grunts as they collapsed in a heap of tangled mess of sweaty bodies still joined together. Dipak's cum started oozing out from her ass hole and began its downward journey. Amit and Anjana's combined juices also began dripping down out of her pussy.

Three very sexually satisfied people, hugged each other as they began recovering from their encounter. Each of them had achived thier individual wild fantasy or dream, together at the same time.

"Life really imitates porno sometimes." A very amazed Amit thought to himself.