Angela stood outside the bar, nervously tapping her foot. She was waiting for her brothers, Tim and Kyle; they were supposed to meet her for drinks, but they were running late. Angela was excited but nervous. It had been a few years since she had last seen her brothers. After they had graduated college they had moved away, and she had not seen them much. They would come home sometimes during the summer, but she had spent the last few summers traveling with friends or as a camp counselor. During the holidays they would video chat with her, but they would not come home, busy as they were. She found herself idly wondering what they would think of her now. This would be their first in-person meeting in too long a time.

When she was a teenager, she had harbored a crush on them. That bit of info had stayed secret, because they were her brothers even if she was adopted. They had been raised together, and were very close.

But you're not biologically related.

Angela sighed. Many times, when she needed a fantasy to get her through the night, she would think about the two of them. It had started popping into her head at some point, igniting by the crush and augmenting it as well. The fantasy would often pop unbidden into her head. Other times, she would summon it from her imagination intentionally. Either way, she always felt guilty afterwards. There would be two voices in her head, one telling her to calm down.

It's just a dream. And they're not biologically related to you, so it's all good.

The other voice would answer quickly.

They're basically your brothers. It's incest even if you're not actually related.

Angela could never decide on which voice she felt was correct. The fantasy was always very hot, so she would often return to it. After the two of them moved away, her crush had receded and the fantasy had stopped being a go-to. But when she had moved to the same city as them, just a few weeks ago, the fantasy had quickly popped back into her mind.

It had been the twins who had gotten in touch with her. She had been meaning to, but they had beaten her to it. The three of them had taken some time to coordinate, to pick a day and time that suited each one. Her brothers were busy, and she had also been busy settling in to her new home and her new job. But today they were meeting up.

Angela had taken quite a long time to get dressed. She wanted to appear mature and attractive, but not overly so. She had eventually chosen a sleeveless purple blouse, cut just low enough to show off some cleavage. That was paired with a short black skirt; it showed off her legs, which led down to her favorite pair of boots. Underneath, was matching underwear, black bra and panties. The pair was not lacy or skimpy, since she knew the fantasy was just that.

"Hey," she heard behind her. The twins were grinning at her, both dressed in a polo shirt and jeans combo. They hugged her, Angela surprising herself at how eagerly she pressed into the physical contact.

The three of them headed in and secured a table. Tim went off for drinks, leaving Kyle with Angela.

"So how's my baby sister doing?"

She did her best to not cringe. Here she had dressed up, had put maybe too much effort into looking good, and she was still just 'baby sister'. It would have made her feel guiltier about her fantasy, but when Tim came back, and they started to drink and chat, she noticed both of them glancing at her cleavage from time to time. She pretended not to notice it, but was pleased with how they checked her out.

You may be their baby sister, but you're still an attractive woman.

"I need to use the bathroom," she said at one point, leaving the two of them for the moment.

God I hope they talk about me when I'm in the bathroom.

"Damn, she grew up," Kyle said.

Tim nodded, swigging his beer. "Our baby sister is hot as fuck, man."

"You know what's weird, though? Like, her outfit? Not sure it's appropriate for a meet-up with your brothers."

Tim shrugged. "I don't care. She's got nice tits and great legs. I won't complain if she shows them off."

"Dude, she's our sister."

"She's adopted. Are you telling me you wouldn't hit that if you had the chance?"

Kyle hesitated. Sure, she was their sister, but she was adopted. They had grown up together, but now things had changed. They had not seen Angela in a while, and here she was, a mature and sexy young woman.

"Yeah," he admitted, "but there's no way we have a chance."

Tim shrugged again. "Eh, you never know."

"So you think she might want us?"

"Who knows? Like you said, is that something you wear to meet your brothers? Maybe she picked it out. Wanted to have us take a look or something, I don't know.


Angela came back, ending their conversation. The three of them kept drinking, Kyle and Tim occasionally sneaking glances at her chest. She did not seem to notice.

"You know," Tim said at one point, "there's a great club down the block. We should head over, dance a bit, you know, get loose."

Kyle watched Angela, who after three drinks was a bit tipsy. It seemed like an appropriate idea, nothing untoward in dancing with one's brothers. "Sure," she said, finishing her drink and standing. They left, heading down to the club that Tim had mentioned. It was already packed, so the three of them headed to the club bar, starting off their time there with shots.

They headed to the dance floor, where Kyle quickly found a girl and began to dance with her. Thoughts of his sister were banished from his mind as this attractive girl grinded on him.

After some time, he headed to the bathroom. On his way back, hoping to dance more with the attractive girl, he came upon Tim dancing with Angela. The two of them were making out to boot, her dark skin a marked juxtaposition with his paler tone.

If he gets some of that, I'm getting in on it too.

"Mind if I cut in?" Kyle asked.

They broke off, Angela looking guilty, but Tim grinned and stepped aside. Kyle stepped up, Angela now smiling bashfully. They began to dance, and after a few moments Angela leaned back into him. Her head tilted up, and his lips came down to kiss her. He could not help but wonder what Tim had said or done to induce this reaction, but he quickly pushed the thought aside, wanting to focus on her warmth in his arms and her mouth on his. They danced for a while, swaying to the music, lips locked. He lost track of time.

"Hey," they heard after a while, and Kyle looked over to see Tim. "You guys wanna get out of here?"

Kyle glanced at Angela, who again looked guilty. "Back to our place?" Kyle asked her, and she hesitated before nodding.

They hailed a cab and were at the twins' apartment in about fifteen minutes.

"Coffee?" Kyle asked Angela as they came in through the door, Tim immediately sitting down on the couch.

"No thanks," she said, settling in next to Tim.

Kyle headed into the kitchen, and began brewing up coffee for himself and Tim. As he waited, his mind began to work quickly.

How can we get her to loosen up?

Angela was tipsy, and at the club had been very eager to dance and make out with her brothers.

How much farther will she go?

The more Kyle thought about it, the less guilty he felt.

Yeah, she's my sister, but she's a grown woman. It would be her choice.

Angela was a very pretty woman, fit, attractive, smart, with a whole host of other positive qualities. Any guy would be lucky to have her; he and Tim just maybe wanted to have a crack at her.

We'll probably need to be slow and steady. Don't wanna go too quickly and scare her.

The coffee finished, and he poured two cups.

Alright, steady Kyle. You and Tim need to be really good here, really subtle. Don't come on too strong. Don't pressure her or anything.

He walked into the living room to see Angela on Tim's lap, the two making out again.

"Ahem," he said. Angela's head turned towards him, and a guilty look flitted across her face.

"Uh, I, uh..." she stammered.

"It's ok," Kyle soothed, giving Tim the other cup. "You don't have to be guilty."

"Hey, we're adults," Tim added. "Besides, you're adopted."

She nodded. "I know...and it's not even like I feel guilty. I don't, but I do feel guilty that I don't feel guilty, if that makes sense."

They nodded, Kyle sitting down next to them. Angela slid off Tim's lap, stretching out to rest her feet on the coffee table.

"You know," she began, "sometimes, when I wanted to, you know, have a little 'me time', I'd think about you two guys."

"Really?" Kyle asked.

"Yeah," she said. The twins glanced at each other.

"So, this is something you might want?" Tim asked, looking back to her. Angela nodded.

"More than just making out?" Kyle added. Angela hesitated, but nodded again.

"I mean, you two are my brothers," she said, "but we're not related, and like Tim said, we're adults. It's fine."

"Huh," Kyle said, "I thought we'd have to make a serious pitch or something."

She shook her head. "No, I want this. I just...again, I feel like I should be reluctant, or feel guilty."

"If you don't want to do this," Tim began, but she shook her head.

"I do. I'm just working through it in my head."

"We don't have to do it right now if you don't want to," Kyle assured, but she shook her head again, this time firmly.

"No, I want to do it now."

They nodded. "If at any time you want to stop," Tim said, "just let us know."

She nodded, and climbed back into Tim's lap. They locked lips, Kyle standing to undress. Angela broke off, watching him strip. Her eyes locked onto his fit frame, snaking down to watch as he took off his boxers. She slid off the couch, on her knees before him.

Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit.

His baby sister took him straight down to her tonsils. He groaned, feeling warmth encircle him, her tongue lively and active on his shaft. Her lips pulled back, the now-abandoned inches of cock shining with her saliva, and she started to suck on the head, her hand coming up to stroke.

She's done this before.

Tim watched them from the couch, already undressed. Kyle grinned at him; all of the plans he had been running over in his head were now fading away. Angela was busy slurping away at his cock, humming contentedly. Tim moved, coming up behind her, and when she felt his hands on her, she came off his cock, turning to see Tim. Her eyes lit up at the second offering, and she descended. Tim groaned as she swallowed him to the root, Kyle laughing at Tim's reaction.

For the next few minutes Angela went back and forth, sucking her brothers' cocks. She would shoot her brothers smiles and winks from time to time, her previous guilt now melting away, replaced by a saucy, coquettish energy. She was in her element, easily taking on both of them.

"Have you done this before?" Tim asked.

"You mean two dicks at once?" she asked. He nodded.

Angela smiled. "Yeah, a few times," she admitted.

"Damn," Kyle said, "I thought we'd be the first threesome for you."

She shook her head, smiling. Seconds later she took Tim back into her mouth, picking up where she had left off.

Her continuous back-and-forth kept either Tim or Kyle from cumming, both of them staying hard and needy. Her make-up was smudged, hair sticking to her forehead from sweat, but her eyes were alight with desire.

"Have you ever had it in the ass?" Tim asked.

She nodded with Kyle's cock filling her mouth.

"Do you like it?"

She nodded again, Kyle groaning as he imagined taking her ass.

"I'll make you a wager," Tim said to Kyle, "we take turns going down on her, and whoever does better by her judging, gets her ass."

"Loser gets her pussy?"

Tim nodded. "Yeah. I mean, its win-win."

Kyle grinned, and glanced down to Angela. "If you're good with it, so are we."

She broke off him, hand quickly replacing her mouth. "Sounds good to me."

They grinned, moving back, letting her stand and strip. Her smooth, toned body was quickly on display. Her dark skin was glistening with sweat, her proud breasts perky and her pussy crowned with a tuft of black hair. Kyle thought back to when she was in high school, when she was a chubby, shy girl.

College has certainly been good to you.

"Damn," Tim said, surveying her, "you've certainly grown up."

She laughed, going over to recline on the couch.

"I'll go first," Tim said, and Kyle sat on the loveseat, watching his twin take up position between their baby sister's legs. He dipped his head down and went to work, beginning by swiping his tongue up and down her lips, tasting her folds. Angela moaned, arching her back, tits jutting up into the air.

Tim remembered the chubby, shy girl from years back. Now, in her place, was a fit, attractive young woman, eagerly offering her body to him and Kyle. Her slit was overflowing, her soft cries and trembling flesh the evidence of his steady tongue, driving relentlessly into her channel. He had started off with her lips, before sliding his tongue inside and licking all around. After having tasted as much of her as he could reach, he began to pay attention to her clit, at the same time sneaking two fingers inside her. The combination drove her wild, his quick tongue lashes at her sensitive clit, his fingers curling and swiping at her inner walls. But he did not want her to cum too quickly, so he had withdrawn, back to just licking and sucking at her folds. Now he was back to tongue-fucking her, and she was writhing on the couch. Tim raked his eyes up her abs to her breasts, and up to her face, awash in pleasure.

She tensed, Tim realizing that she was close. Again wanting to draw out her torture, he slipped the tongue out, her disappointed moan making him grin. He returned to her slit, swiping and swerving his tongue all around, taking a few seconds to linger at her clit. Every time he made contact there, she would buck her hips, wanting more of that touch, but he would retreat.

Before long, she was desperate, impatient, doing her best to grind her hips against his face. He had to hold her down, hands grasping to her hips, but even with his strength she was difficult to restrain. Her hands had come down at some point, to take hold of his hair, pulling down on it to bring him closer to her honeypot. He of course stayed there, but it was his strategic advances and retreats that made her desperate.

Her needy moans just made him harder, the warmth and feeling of her skin adding to the sensory cocktail. Her juices were tangy and sweet, the smell of her arousal battering his nose. Every time he glanced up, the fifth sense was indulged, with the view of her gorgeous body offered as if on a platter before him. His cock twitched, and his lust won out over his self-control. He moved back to her clit, kissing it, at the same time his fingers slipping into her slit.

Angela moaned, writhing wildly. His lips smacked noisily at her clit, his fingers squelching in her steaming-hot cunt. He had pushed her to the edge many times before pulling back, but this time he went full-speed ahead.

Her body stiffened, a cry bubbling up in her throat. It was quickly freed, the apartment filled with her melodious weeping as her cunt spilled its juices. He stayed locked on her clit, his fingers lazily circling a certain spot in her pussy, one that had dragged many a desperate moan from her, that had provoked many a wild jerk of her hips. Her climax was extended, her orgasmic cry becoming a series of ragged gasps, until he was merciful. He watched her recover, her body unwinding slowly.

Kyle grinned at him. "Nice."

Tim nodded, moving off the couch and gesturing at their sister, her hand running up her belly to stroke absentmindedly at her breasts.

"Your turn."

Kyle nodded, stepping up to the plate. Angela sighed in contentment, spreading her legs again.

The first few minutes Kyle spent tasting her, shoving his tongue as deep as possible, doing his best to catalogue every inch of her pussy. Her juices kept trickling, leaking out to dapple his chin. Her flavor was such that he could not get enough, gliding his tongue around to lap up any bit of her cream. His hands went north, sliding along her stomach to her breasts, stroking her heated flesh. Angela cooed at the feeling, pressing more of herself into his strong hands. Her nipples were hard, like two dark brown diamonds cutting sweetly into his palms.

With the combined stimulation, Angela was quick to climb the mountain of pleasure, inches from the peak in no time at all. But like Tim, Kyle wanted to savor the experience. Angela moaned disappointedly when she felt his tongue withdraw. She moaned again, this time lustfully, when his tongue began to slide along her folds, taking trips up and down. Every so often he would kiss at her clit, keeping her guessing by doing so randomly. Every kiss there made her grunt, made her arch her back, made her eyes lock on him and her mouth make shapes, pleading words that she could not get out.

Her pleasure mounted slowly, Kyle still using his tongue to traverse her slit. Her juices were relentless in their flooding, sticking at not just Kyle but also her thighs and the couch underneath them.

The couch'll probably get dirtier before this ends.

Kyle slipped his tongue back inside her, feeling her walls clench around him, and then withdrew, making her groan, thump her fists onto the couch. He chuckled, grinning up at her. His fingers replaced his tongue, and he slowly began to pump them in and out, curling them from time to time to drag at her walls, Angela whimpering each time. Just as before, he moved intently, wanting to draw out every sensation. Her eyes fixed back on him, the dark hazel orbs steaming with desire. Her lips parted, but again, no sound came forth, just her tongue darting out for a few seconds.

As he fingered her, he left kisses along her belly and upper legs, tasting the trembling flesh. Angela had found her voice again, moaning softly, but she was staying patient, letting him torture her. Her submissiveness, however brief, only made him want to fuck her more.

So he pulled his fingers out. Despite his desire, he had enough patience to idly lick at his fingers, sticky with her copious fluids. As she moaned, practically growling with lust, he leaned down and slid his tongue into her sopping cunt. Angela squeaked with surprise, and then yelped as his finger settled on her clit, putting just enough pressure to get her attention.

Her cries continued, her hips jumping to the beat his tongue was creating. He could practically feel the heat of her body throbbing onto his tongue. His fingers began to drum softly at her clit, the incessant tapping driving her wild, her hair flipping back and forth as she writhed, Kyle's grip on her the only thing keeping her from falling off the couch.

His tongue was deep inside her clinging cunt, ramping up the pleasure. When he estimated Angela was at the edge, he took her clit and pinched it. Her mouth fell open, Angela again wordless, her pussy caught in a series of spasms as she came, bathing his tongue in her tanginess. He pinched her clit again, making her twist, her hips lifting off the couch to smack at his mouth. More juices streamed, more wracking breaths spilling out without a discernable word among them.

Kyle withdrew, watching as she shivered, breathing heavily. A wide smile broke over her face as she melted back into the couch.

Angela could not decide. They had essentially been the same in terms of technique and passion, the main difference being how they had gotten her off.

They stood next to each other, Angela briefly distracted by the two erect cocks in front of her. Her pussy began to drip again, her mind quickly imagining what those two could do for her. Her brothers had already given her multiple orgasms each, just with their mouths."So who won?" Kyle asked.

She hesitated, wracking her brain for any way to break the tie.

"We'll take a tie if you can't decide," Tim said. Kyle nodded.

"Tie, then," she said, sitting up on the couch.

"Besides," Kyle added, "we'll have plenty of chances for competition in the future."

Angela nodded, smiling.

Fuck yes. So this won't just be a one-night thing.

Tim caught the look on her face. "What, did you think this would just be a one-night deal?"

She shrugged, still smiling. "I wasn't thinking that far ahead. I mean, we live in the same city, it's a done deal, right?"

Her brothers nodded eagerly.

"So now," she said, eyes moving back down to their cocks, "how do you want me?"

They glanced at each other.

"Rock, paper, scissors, winner gets her ass?" Tim said. Kyle nodded.

The first go-round had Tim's paper beating Kyle's rock. After three straight ties, Kyle's scissors beat Tim's paper. Five ties later, Tim's rock beat Kyle's scissors.

"How about you ride him, and I'll get behind you?" Tim offered. His siblings nodded.

Kyle quickly got into position, reclining on the couch. He watched her as she straddled him.

Here we go.

She smiled down at him, biting her lip as her lips nudged at the head of his cock. A bit of pressure, and she slipped down on him, his shaft spreading her. More and more of his length occupied her as she took him inside her pussy. He groaned, hands grasping her hips, Angela matching his groan, feeling his hard heat in her wet channel.

When she took him the whole way, she paused, wanting to enjoy him before the double penetration started. Shooting Tim a look that hopefully conveyed this desire, she began to slowly ride Kyle, her pussy gliding up his length before grinding back down to the base.

Kyle's hand slid up to her breasts, squeezing, admiring, and she moaned at the feeling. The sight of his skin against her darker tone exhilarated her, adding to the taboo feeling of their coupling.

It's about to get more taboo, Angela thought, beckoning to Tim to join them. He went into another room and came back with lube, already applying it to his cock. After readying himself, he squeezed out some lube onto his finger and stepped up behind her. Angela stopped riding Kyle, leaning down to press herself against his chest, to give Tim more room to start off with. Kyle took her by the chin, kissing her, their tongues quickly meeting and grappling. She groaned into his mouth as Tim slid his finger inside her asshole, swirling it around it to ready her walls. He leaned down, to kiss at her shoulder as he did so, pushing it deeper, past the first joint, then the second one, and then up to the knuckle.

The finger departed, and she felt something hard press into her asshole. She took a deep breath, doing her best to relax, bringing her hands back to spread her cheeks for him. Kyle held still underneath her, waiting for Tim to enter her.

With one solid push, the head slipped inside. She bit her lip as Tim kept pushing, sliding deeper. Her asshole flowered open for him; thankfully he was not too large to make it too uncomfortable. His shaft rubbed at her walls in just the right way, making her groan softly as she was double penetrated, both holes full of cock.

Tim groaned with her, feeling the heat of his little sister's insides clutching at his shaft. He kept pushing, Angela gritting her teeth, blowing a breath out between her lips. She was so full but as usual she loved the feeling. Tim hit resistance a little ways in, but after a few moments of nudging further, he broke past it. In no time at all his balls bumped into her pussy, also stuffed with cock.

"Ready?" Kyle asked Tim.

"Yeah," he answered.

The two of them began to move. Tim pushed a bit deeper, Kyle pulling back, the two of them then switching, with Tim pulling back and Kyle pushing. They set off, on a steady pace, fucking their little sister. She groaned, her head against Kyle's shoulder, the sensation of the two cocks sawing back and forth inside her making her shiver. Tim leaned down, to kiss again at her shoulder; Kyle took her by the chin and kissed her mouth, tasting her tongue again. The two of them plunged forward in their concerted effort, their coordinated movements pushing Angela quickly towards orgasm.

"You two have done this before," she groaned, as Kyle kissed now at her neck.

"Yeah," Tim grunted.

She laughed. "I was hoping I'd be the first."

Kyle chuckled. "Nah, but you are our favorite."

She grinned, arching her back at her brothers' tender kisses. They held her tightly between them, Angela feeling safe and loved in their dual embraces. They had protected her many times when they were all younger, and now they were doing so again, in a slightly different way.

"Fuck, I won't last long inside you," Tim grunted.

"Me neither," Kyle agreed.

Angela laughed. "So give it to me good."

They chuckled, but in seconds began to move faster, their cocks sliding in and out like dual pistons, her ass and pussy clutching fiercely at their shafts. She groaned, the fire in her belly ratcheting higher every second.

Tim leaned forward, his weight pushing Angela down on Kyle. She felt him push deeper inside her stomach, the movement of his cock right next to Kyle's. His lips went to her shoulder, before sliding along her neck. She canted her head back, and he kissed her. Her own movement gave Kyle an opening to suck at her breasts, making her squeal into Tim's mouth as he took a hard nipple in between his teeth and nipped lightly. His hand came off her hip to grasp at her other breast.

Her ears were filled with two delectable sounds: the first was the deep, rough grunts of her brothers as they fucked her, and the second was the slapping impacts of their bodies on hers, knocking her back into Tim and then forward into Kyle, back and forth, back and forth. She groaned, writhing in between them, her mouth still pressed against Tim's, kissing him hard. Kyle had his mouth full of her breasts still, lapping at every inch he could reach.

Tim was the first of them to finish, letting out a strangled cry as he held himself deep inside her, his cock erupting, his cum quickly filling her insides. The warmth and his erotic shout pushed her over the edge, crying out herself, her body alight in pleasure, pussy flooding. That extra wetness and heat, and the clutching spasms of her pussy, pushed Kyle into his own climax, as he jerked his hips up, holding tightly to her waist, his cock shooting burst after burst of spunk into her channel. The brothers groaned as they spent themselves in her holes.

Angela sighed, feeling their orgasmic spurts taper off, her own orgasm extended by the warmth filling her, by the knowledge that they were cumming inside her, because of her, for her. They breathed heavily, still holding tightly to her.

She giggled, leaning down to rest her head on Kyle's shoulder. Her brothers' hands moved around on her overheated body, caressing her, making her murmur contentedly.

"You all right, sis?" Tim asked. She giggled again, loving how much he sounded like a protective older brother even with his cock in her ass and his semen in her stomach.

"Yeah," she breathed, "I'm fine. I'm just wondering what younger me would say if she could see me now."

Her brothers laughed.

"How does this compare to the fantasies?" Kyle asked.

She grinned at him, reaching to kiss him. "Much better," she answered, "considering it's real."

Tim chuckled, moving back to finally pull out of her. "So, bed?" he asked.

Angela looked at him, and then down to Kyle.

"For round two?" she asked, biting her lip. They laughed incredulously.

"I was thinking sleep, but I've got another one in me," Tim said. Kyle just nodded eagerly.

"We're so glad you moved here," he said as she moved off him, his cock slipping out of her. She stood, both of her brothers watching her, gazing at her body. Angela giggled, stretching purely for their benefit, showing off.

"I'm going to love it here," she said over her shoulder as she walked towards the bedroom, "I just know it."