t all started as I was waiting at a pedestrian crossing minding my own business. I would not be able to tell you clearly what happened next even if I tried. One moment everything is fine and then the next moment one vehicle in the intersection slams into another, which caused a chain reaction. One car came flying my way, missed me by a matter of inches and killed the woman that was standing next to me.

I was so stunned I lost my balance. I fell on my ass and even though I was not hurt at all I felt like I could not move. I remember touching my face and not being able to feel it. My breathing was not doing its normal thing. I was frozen in place unable to run up and start helping anyone even if I tried.

I completely forgot where I was going, what I was doing, and I even had to think for a moment when the first responders asked me for my name. This just fucked up my whole day.

When I got home I remembered thinking that life was short. Life was way too short. I could have died. The images of all that blood and ... I don't want to think about it. But those images kept coming to me. My mind kept playing back that moment when the car flew past me and I heard the woman scream. For the next few days I would wake up in the middle of the night feeling like I was in a panic.

But I wasn't injured. So I got on with my life. I finished my undergrad degree. I searched for a job and found one. I even met a nice girl that I thought I might want to ask out and maybe it would go somewhere.

Then I started getting calls and letters from lawyers wanting to meet with me and they fucked my life up more. Well, not really but it felt that way for a while.

Now, maybe some of this is not entirely correct. I'm just trying to put it here the way I understand it. Keep in mind that I am not a lawyer.

Ok. So it seemed to be the case that after the accident a bunch of people all started suing a bunch of other people. There was this complicated web of law suits. Somehow they all got packaged together but there was a question about if it was going to state court or federal court.

Now I have no idea what the difference between the two is. Why do we even need two different court systems? That just seems like a waste to me. But anyway, we have two different court systems with two different sets of laws and rules.

Now as I understand it, there was a group of people who wanted to move the collective group of cases from state court to federal court but you can't just do that. There has to be some reason for moving it and they didn't have a reason. But they really, REALLY wanted to move the case to federal court and they were grasping at straws to find a way to get it there.

Now it turns out that all the people involved in the accident were all residents of one state. But I was not a resident of that state. Why would being a resident or citizen of different states matter anymore? I couldn't tell you. I thought we were all one nation under God but I guess in the law which state you call home still matters.

Anyway, the lawyers came after me. They wanted me to join them in the suit so that they could move the case to federal court. They told me if I helped them do that then they could get the insurance companies to pay millions of dollars more and we'd all be rich. But in order to join them in the suit I had to do something I didn't want to do. I had to lie.

Yes, you read that right. I would have to lie and say that I was injured in some way during the accident. But I wasn't. All that happened to me was I fell on my ass. I still had nightmares about what happened but I didn't really think that counted.

Not only did I not want to lie under oath, I also did not want to go to jail. It is illegal to lie under oath after all. And as for those millions of dollars; even if we won, and there was a chance we might not, but even if we did win, all that money would go to the families who actually had injuries. You might say that is exactly as it should be but from my point of view I would be putting myself into a very risky position.

If I lied then I would get zero reward and I would have a huge target on my back. Not only that, but if I went to the families and asked for a bit of gratuity for helping them get rich, they could blackmail me and I'd end up having to pay them.

Their lawyers could see that I was not feeling their offer so they presented me with papers saying that they would pay me ten thousand dollars but only if they got a settlement or a judgment from the courts over a certain amount. Besides the money, they tried to impress upon me the morality of helping them. The rich guys and the insurance companies were evil and it would be a good thing to stick it to them. I thought that kind of argument was funny coming from a lawyer.

On Friday morning I got a call from the lawyers representing the insurance companies. They wanted to talk to me. I met them for lunch. We didn't talk about the case right at first. I think they were trying to feel me out before they tried to get any information from me about the other side.

They were very interested in keeping the case in state court.

Anyway, the meeting ended without them asking me for anything but late on Friday afternoon they called me up and said that they wanted me as far away from the case as possible. They threatened that if I joined the suit they'd sue me and keep me from ever being able to get a job. They wanted me to sign some nondisclosure agreement and they wanted it returned to them first thing on Monday morning.

I did not feel like being intimidated. I told them over the phone that if they were going to treat me that way, then no matter what they asked of me, the answer was no. I didn't need to wait until Monday.

Of course all weekend long I worried about what I had said. I thought that it was amazing how each side felt threatened by me saying I wanted to tell the truth. Do people just automatically lie when they go to court? Is it that strange for someone to tell the truth? I thought that's what we were all supposed to be doing.

On Saturday, the lawyers tried calling me so I set my phone to not accept any phone calls until Monday. My phone didn't ring but I kept seeing the notifications of how many times both sides tried to call me on Saturday and Sunday.

On Monday I called the lawyer for the families and the first words out of his mouth were "25 thousand".

"Up front?"

"If we get a judgment."

"I'll think about it."

I hung up.

Then I called the lawyers for the insurance companies.

"You're going to be in a lot of trouble." the man said.

I didn't even answer him. I just hung up.

Then I thought better of all this. I was going to tell the truth anyway. I knew I was. When I went to go give the deposition I was going to tell the truth. I didn't need all this hassle.

So I didn't answer my phone for a while. I went to work and focused on my job.

When I was leaving to go home a white man approached me. He seemed to already know who I was.

"How much?" he asked.

I didn't even know who he was or which side he represented. I mean, I figured he was a lawyer, I didn't know which team.

They thought I could be bribed? Well, bribery is illegal right? And I don't want to go to jail. So I would not be taking a bribe. I was going to tell the truth. So I spelled it out for the man in as plain English as I could.

He listened and then countered. "Supposed you sued us and we wanted to settle with you out of court. How much would it take to make your law suit go away?"

"I'm not suing anybody."

"Suppose we sued you. How much would it take for that law suit to go away?"

"I don't understand. You can't sue me for nothing."

"We can sue you for anything. We can make it up and the courts will at least hear it. So, how much is it going to take for our law suit to go away?"

"You really want to bribe me?"

"I want to settle out of court with you."

"Fine. One million dollars, up front, free and clear."

"Let me make a phone call."

"You do what you gots to do."

The guy got on his phone and I went to the bus stop to catch my bus. The man ran over to me. "One hundred thousand. We can wire it to you today."

"I said one million."

"They won't pay one million."

"Then forget it."

The guy got back on his phone.

My bus came and the guy followed me on the bus even thought he had arrived in a nice car. The bus had a rule that you couldn't talk on the phone on the bus so the lawyer was reduced to texting.

He turned around in his seat to talk to me. "They'll pay you 150."


"Come on. You have to negotiate with us on this."

"No I don't. You asked how much and I gave you a number. What's wrong with the number I gave you?"

"It's too high. It's just way too high."

"Fine. Half a million."

The guys started texting. The bus came to my stop and I got off. I was walking down the street to my apartment and the guy followed me without a care in the world as to the kind of neighborhood he was walking into.

"200." the guy said.

"Dude, do not just yell numbers out loud. What's wrong with you?"

"Sorry. Duo Centos." I guess he was hoping I was educated enough to figure out what he meant by that.

"Quingenta." I said.

I thought for a moment as he tried to figure out how much that was. Then it was back to the phone and then back to me as I was getting my key out to put into my door.

"Tre centa." he said.

"Quingenta. No less."

"Come on. That's a good deal."

"If you don't want quingenta then deciens is on the table."

He had to go look that word up. Then he was a surprised and shook his head. I invited him in and he made a call. I sat in my bedroom, which I guess was also my living room, wondering if I should go ahead and go around the track on the racing game I had in my console. They guy got off the phone and addressed me.

"They moved the offer back down to 100. They told me to tell you to take it or leave it."

"Then I'll leave it. Bye."

"That's it?"

"Yeah. I have company coming over."

"We're going to sue you. You do know that."

"I have it on good authority that it is illegal to ask someone to lie to a judge. You aren't asking me to lie are you?"

"No. Of course not. That would be unethical."

"Then you better just go before you prove to me just how unethical you really are."

The white man left and I tried to relax with my game.

My sister came over to get my college textbooks. She was going to try to use as many of them as she could. As she was leaving I saw the white guy arguing with another white guy over on the corner. I walked over to them.

"Wo. Both of you shut up. You can not be arguing like that in this neighborhood. Somebody gon call the police."

Even with me there they just kept going at it like two preachers arguing over which translation of the bible was the best one.

"He's going to join with the families and do the right thing." said one.

"Where's is injury?" asked the other guy who had offered me money while following me home.

I ignored them. I walked to the drugstore on the corner. I needed to get something to help me sleep. I was not going to be able to make it through the entire work week unless I got something to calm me down. These damn lawyers bothering me was making me remember the fucking day and all that ... blood ... I really didn't want to think about it. The woman screaming in my damn ear ...

It's so weird. You grow up in a tough neighborhood, or at least you think it's kind of a tough neighborhood. You get to thinking that you're hard, that you're detached. You pretend to yourself that you can deal with anything without emotions. I was an idiot. That did not prepare me to see bodies torn ... Sorry. I need to take a second ...

I was shaking when I entered the drugstore. My eyes kept welling up. My nose was getting stuffy and there was pain in my head. I found the section with the sleep medication and I tried to get a hold of myself. What was wrong with me? I was not going to just start crying for no reason while standing here. I made it go away. I just took a moment and made it go away.

I was still standing there when a cop came in and started chatting with the check out lady. I grabbed what I wanted and tried to see if there was someone else who could check me out. But that lady was the only one there.

"Still can't sleep?" she asked. I just nodded as I got my money out. I couldn't help but feel like the damn cop was staring at me. From the corner of my eye I saw that his hand had gone to his gun. Was he going to rob me? Maybe just shoot me for sport? I watched the lady ring up the medicine. Couldn't she go any faster?

Come on. Please, just hurry up!

As soon as she had the box in a bag and she handed me a receipt I started for the door. The lady called to me as I opened it.

"What about your change?"

"You keep it." I said. From over my shoulder I could see the cop had turned to watch me leave.

I wasn't able to feel safe until I had gotten home and my door was locked. Just as I was about to go back to my game and do some mindless laps around the virtual race course my phone rang. It was one of the lawyers. I didn't want to take it. Why couldn't those assholes just leave me alone? But who was I kidding. They weren't going to leave me alone unless I made them leave me alone.

I answered the phone. I didn't let them speak.

"One million. That's the number. If you call me again and try to tell me anything other than that number the deal is off forever. You have ten minutes."

I hung up.

Every artery in my body felt like they were tightening and getting pulled to the point at which they would pop.

I wasn't actually counting the time. I figured they would refuse and then just leave me alone. But before I knew it there was a knock at my door. I looked through my peep hole. It was the lawyer guy. I opened the door.

"You had better not try to give me a different number. No more bullshit. I'm sick of you fucking people. I'm this far from going and getting a restraining order against your dumb ass. I can not be dealing with all this anxiety."

"One million." the lawyer said.

"Where is it?"

"We'll get it to you. Can I come in?"


"Would you please sign ..."

"I ain't signing shit. I'm not reading a damn thing. You show me the money and then we can talk but until then all you've got are words with nothing to back them up."

I shut the door in his face even as he was trying to say something.

I turned my phone completely off. I had work the next day and I needed to cycle down or I'd never be able to get any sleep.

I was still playing my game when I heard a key turn my lock. My sister had come back to see me.

"I wanted to bring this one back to you." she said. She was talking about one of my old college textbooks. She wasn't going to use it and I had a lot of notes about things in there that she thought I might want to keep.

"You still having trouble sleeping?"

"How can anyone sleep with all these people constantly calling me?"

"What do they want?"

"They want me to lie to a judge and they saying shit like they're going to sue me if I don't do it."

"Well, just relax." she said as she stood behind me and started rubbing my shoulders. "You are so tense."

"I'll be alright."

"You're going to have a heart attack if you keep letting this get to you."

"I'm not letting anything get to me."

"Do you want to talk about it?"


"Maybe that'll help. It might take some of the pressure off."

That was the sort of thing people said. But talking about it meant I had to think about it. That woman's scream ... The car ... The blood ... my hands locked in place and the car on the tv coasted into the wall that went around the track and then came to a stop.

I came out of it and I tried to play it off like I had meant to stop playing. I turned the console off and went to sit on my bed.

"Have you tried exercise?" my sister said as she came to sit next to me.

"I've got my weights."

"I mean like running or something. I heard that jogging can really relieve a lot of stress."

"Where would I run?"

"You can still use the gym at school can't you?"

"No, you have to pay for that."

"Mom and dad would be proud of you, you know."

"I know."

She put her arm around me and put her head on my shoulder. "Ok, look, maybe I'll just give you like a full body massage or something."

"You don't have to do that. I think the best thing is for me just to get some sleep."

My sister laid down on my bed. "Do you have anything to eat?" she asked.

"Not really."

"Did you have dinner already?"

"No, I haven't really been hungry lately."

"Well, then I'll cook for you."

"I don't have anything to cook."

"Then let's order a pizza."

"They won't deliver here."

"What! That's wrong."

"That's how it is. But I'm not really hungry anyway."

"Come on. You have to eat something. I bet the Chinese place will deliver."

"You can try it if you want."

"Let me use your phone." I had a smartphone but my sister was still just using a flip phone. "They'll deliver out here. What do you want?"

"I don't even know what they have."

"It's fine. I'll just order for you."

My sister ordered food and I paid with my bank card over the phone. I almost never kept any significant amount of cash here.

While we waited my sister started talking about her literature class. "It's so funny how like politics gets everyone thinking about the same thing all at the same time and then you start seeing the same ideas going into almost every book from the period."

"Hmm. I guess so." I didn't know what she was talking about.

"See like, in class we were reading about these books from the 1950's. And most of the time the people in the stories would be honest with each other. One woman would be a lesbian and she'd think that another woman was attractive so she'd make a pass and if the other woman responded then they'd go off and have sex. The big thing in those books wasn't getting to the sex part but how they would hide it from their boyfriends or husbands."


"It was so refreshing to read some of that stuff. I loved how open and honest the two women would be with each other about their feelings. Then the 60's happened and all the books just got raunchy. It started to be about how many different people you could have sex with. Then there was this trend that started in the 70's where it was like they couldn't just tell the truth about what they wanted. They weren't allowed to just want to have sex. They needed to have a reason or something. By the 80's every book had to have some lie as a shield. They had to put some veneer on top of what they wanted. Those are all so frustrating to read because the audience knows that both characters want to have sex but they dance around it. They act like they don't really want to do it but somehow they've got no choice. I just hate that."

"Like what?"

"Like, one woman says she's going to teach the other one how to have sex so she gets a strap on."

"A what?"

"A dildo a woman can wear and pretend she's a man. Really, they're both lesbians but they have to pretend with this teaching about sex lie."

"Are all these books about lesbians."

"Yeah, that's the theme the teacher chose for the class."

"Are you ...?"

"Me? No. I'm not a lesbian at all. Not even a little. Never crossed my mind."

"Oh. Ok."

"But some of the stories are kind of interesting. I think what happened was that once lesbians didn't have to hide anymore they needed some other conflict in the story. I guess if you don't have to hide then two women having sex because they want to is just too easy of a story."

"I think I'd complain if my teacher wanted me to read a bunch of books about guys fucking each other in the ass."

They have that class now."

"I don't want to hear about it."

"Anyway, by the 90's a lot of the stories changed so that only one woman was the lesbian and she'd find some way to force a woman who wasn't a lesbian into having sex with her."

"Like rape?"

"Almost. They definitely come off as predators. They would pay women, or blackmail them, or use magic or mind control. Some of that stuff is pretty dark. I think it's like they had these excuses for why they had to have sex before but it was a lie and then they wanted to make the excuse real. They wanted to make it like the lesbian really was able to talk some hetero girl into lesbian sex."

"So what's it like now?"

"I don't know. I haven't read that far in the literature. I had to step away from it once all the lesbians started acting like men. It wasn't interesting anymore."

"But you have to finish the class."

"I know but I still have time and I can get my friends to tell me what happened anyway."

The food arrived and we ate and when I thought it was getting late enough for my sister to call it a night she just didn't leave. She cleaned up while I drove a video game car around in a circle and then she laid down on my bed and watched me play.

"Lesbian stories are kind of easy, though, if you think about it." she said.

"Why's that?"

"Well, if a woman asks some other woman she doesn't know for sex and the other woman turns her down then no harm is really done. Sometimes they have stories about a wife going after her husband's sister and that's more difficult but that isn't usually how they go with it."

"You aren't supposed to have sex with in-laws anyway. That's like a taboo or something."

"Yeah. And when you have feelings like that about someone you already have some kind of established relationship with, you have to be careful. You have to drop hints and feel them out. You can't just come right out and say you want to have sex with them because that could ruin everything between them and maybe the risk is too high. In that kind of situation I think the veneer thing or the con artist thing might make more sense. If a guy has the hots for his boss he can't just go into her office and ask for sex or he'll be fired."

"And probably end up in jail." I added.

"Anyway, are you feeling any better?"

"I feel fine."

"No, you don't."

"Honestly, I feel fine. I just need to get a good night's sleep and in the morning I'll go to work and then ..."

Bamm. Bamm. Bamm.

"Who the fuck is that?" I said. "It almost ten o'clock at night and these fuckers are banging on my door."

I went to the door and opened it expecting that lawyer to be there but instead I saw a man I'd never seen before. He apologized for coming over so late and asked if I was who I was to make sure he had the correct apartment.

I was annoyed but I let him know he had the right apartment and then the guy starts trying to tell me his life's story. He was a member of one of the families that wanted to move the case to federal court. He begged me to join in the suit. He showed me a picture of his daughter, a young woman, in the hospital.

"I love my daughter." he said. "Please. If you don't help me they're going to leave her high and dry."

"I'm sorry about what happened to your daughter but that doesn't have anything to do with me."

"You were there."

"I saw it the same as fifty other people saw it."

"Please. You can't just let these rich guys get off without paying anything. Please. As one man to another I'm asking for your help. You're going to have children one day. For the sake of a father's love, I beg you to help me."

"Your father's love isn't going to do me any good if I have to spend the rest of my life sitting my ass in jail."

"No one's asking you to go to jail."

"What do you think they do with people who lie in court?"

"No one is asking you to lie. Just join with our suit. You don't have to do anything other than that."

"No. It's got nothing to do with me and I have my own problems."

"It's money, isn't it."

"What? You need to just go home. Ok. I'm going to tell the truth. I have no choice but to tell the truth. That's my civic responsibility."

"You're just some damn greedy nigger, aren't you?"


I was about to punch the guy but my sister grabbed at me to hold me back. She closed the door even as the man was about to say something else. I tried to go for the door to open it but my sister got between me and the door and shook her head no.

My apartment is way too small to have a good pacing around in. I had to just go from the kitchen to my bedroom over and over again and I fumed.

"That motherfucker."

"Calm down." my sister said.

"No. I will not calm down. This is the kind of bullshit I have to deal with everyday. I have a bachelor's degree and what kind of work do I do. I stock fucking shelves and carry fifty pound sacks of shit onto a truck."

"And there are a lot of people who can't even find that kind of job."

"I speak three languages but does it matter? No. I'm just manual fucking labor. When the computer in the office breaks I fix it. Me. I don't even own a damn computer and I know more about how the fucking things work than the assholes that run that place. My boss is a fucking middle school dropout loser. And his white ass gets to tell me to clean the toilets. Man, fuck him. And fuck that mutt outside, coming to my house all late at night and shit. For all I know it was his daughter that caused the damn accident in the first fucking place. All that blood ... All that ... All ... I ought to go out there and beat the ... The ..."

I was starting to not be able to breathe very well. My heart was doing some kind of something. I couldn't tell if it was going faster than it should have been or slower. I just knew that something was actually very wrong. I became dizzy.

"Calm down. Relax." my sister said as she helped me find the bed and take a seat. Then she pushed my torso down onto the bed and she pushed down on my chest. "Breathe out." she said. "Put your lips together and try to force the air out."

I knew what she was talking about and doing it seemed to work. I was able to get my breathing under control and that led to my heart returning to normal.

"You're doing good." she said. "Relax. There you go. Close your eyes and think about something happy."

My senses much not have been working properly for a bit because I remember noticing what my sister was doing only after it seemed like she'd been doing it for a while. She had started by kissing me on the neck. Then she got her hands under my shirt and started trying to get me out of it.

Whatever kind of medicine this was it was working. I was still wound up a bit but she was helping me ease out of it. It just felt nice to have her kissing my chest and my side.

I think I was a bit concerned when she started trying to get my pants off but she kept asking me to relax and I was sort of starting to relax. It was time for bed anyway.

I noticed when my sister started to hold my cock in her hand. It was a funny thing when my mind was becoming less focused but my dick was getting more so.

I started to try to say something in recognition of what I thought was happening but my sister again just told me to relax.

"I'm going to help you." she said. "Just trust me."

I wasn't really in a condition to complain or resist. I felt her lips kiss the head of my cock and then her hot wet mouth surrounded me. I must not have been thinking straight because the little warning in my head that this was my sister doing this wasn't going off nearly loud enough. This was a bright spot in an otherwise extremely shitty day. It was good. It was peaceful. I put a hand to my face as feeling was coming back to me. I almost felt normal again.

Then POP.

I felt like a car tire that was losing all its air. The blood left my head and all my energy went with it.

I rested well. I think that was best night's sleep I'd gotten in months.

I woke up the next morning with my sister in bed next to me. I remembered thinking it must be the middle of the night since I had been waking up at crazy times for a while. But this was morning. I had slept the entire night.

I didn't really remember what all had happened right away but the more I thought about why my sister was still there it dawned on me.

I should have been freaked out but considering everything I guess she had been right. She knew what she was doing and it seemed to have really helped.

I woke her up and she looked at the time. She had class that day and I needed to get to work so there was no time to talk about what I thought had happened. We just smiled at each other.

As good as I was feeling that morning it wall got sent spiraling to shit as soon as I got to work. The lawyer guy and two cops were in my boss's office talking with him. My boss told me to go with them and with two cops there, with guns, I thought I had no choice.

We were driving through the city and I started to get really scared. I thought more than once that they were going to bring me to some back alley and then just kill me.

Instead we went to some office building and we rode the elevator up to something like the 20th floor. They put me in a room with a bunch of other lawyers and they showed me a document. Then they pulled out a locked safe that was small enough to carry around. They opened it in front of me and inside was cash.

"I'm not going to take a bribe." I said. "I'm going to tell the truth."

"Good. We want you to tell the truth." one of the older lawyers said to me. "We aren't asking you to lie."

"Then why the money?"

"We recognize that you may have suffered some ill effects from what happened. We want to make things right with you."

"I wasn't injured."

"We know. And we want you to say that simple truth when you give you deposition before the judge."

"That's it?"

"That's it."

"What about the girl in the hospital?"

"We aren't able to discuss the specifics of each case but please rest assured that we will pay for all damages that we are obligated to pay. Now to collect a settlement from us we first need you to sign this form."

"What is it?"

"It says that you will not sue us and we will not sue you. I can see that you're a bit skeptical. By all means, please read it. We'll give you as much time as you need."

"I don't understand something. What does it really matter which court all this goes to? The law is the law, right?"

"Not really. Let me explain. If this case stays in state court we will pay damages to everyone." The lawyer waved an aid over and asked for something. "As you can see here, we've already admitted in court that we are obligated to pay all these damages. That was never in dispute."

"Then why all this?"

"If we stay in state court the company will pay what we are contracted to pay. Every family receives compensation. Everyone's medical bills get paid. Now if we go to federal court that is not the case. In federal court there will be punitive damages. Do you know what that means?"

"Punishment. I speak Latin, just so you know."

"Impressive. You must be very intelligent."

"Latin's actually pretty easy. A lot easier than Russian or Chinese."

"Anyway. In federal court the jury can decide to punish the company even though we didn't do anything wrong and have already stated that we want to pay every claim by the families. If we go to federal court we will lose because we've already agreed to pay. The real difference is in the amounts."

"Some of those people lost their lives. Maybe they should get more money."

"But think of the bigger picture. If we have to pay punitive damages I'll tell you what will happen. We will not be allowed to spread the money out evenly so that everyone gets paid. Instead, the court will demand that we make a list. Punitive damages in federal court can be anything from 20 to 100 million dollars. I can tell you now, we don't have that kind of money to pay each family. By changing the calculations from thousands to millions this company will run out of money and will go bankrupt. That's why we'll have to make a list. We have to pay the person at the top of the list their full amount. If we have money left over we pay the second person. And on it goes until we run out of money. The people at the bottom of the list will get nothing."

"Oh. And that's bad."

"Now you see. But it's even worse than that. Not only will we not be able to cover the claims of the people at the bottom of the list, we will also not be able to cover any future claims either. This means that all our customers who have policies with us and who are relying on us to help them when they get sick or get injured will be left out in the cold. We won't have the money to help them and our promise will become a lie."

"A lie." I didn't like the sound of that.

"And everyone who works for us will lose their jobs. So, you can help a few people at the top of the list get very rich and hang everyone else out to dry, or you can tell the truth and in consideration of you not suing us, we will compensate you."

"Seems fair. Can I get a minute to read this?"

"Take all the time you need."

They all left me alone in the room and I read through the document they wanted me to sign. I was going to get $1 million, free health insurance for life, and their law firm would defend me in case anyone sued me or criminal charges were ever brought against me. It all seemed legit and there wasn't any funny fine print that I didn't understand. I found out later that I wouldn't even have to pay taxes on it.

Of course I didn't have to sign the thing. I could have just walked away, told the truth and eventually they would all leave me alone. But considering all the choices before me, I was not going to pass this up. I had had enough of all this and I wanted this over with. I took the pen they left on the table and I signed the document.

I opened the door and found the two cops guarding it on each side. The lawyer walked up to me and I handed it to him. He looked as relieved to have all this over as I felt. He asked me if I wanted cash or a check. I asked if I could mix them so I got some cash for my pocket and a check to put in the bank.

The cops came with me. I was nervous about that but they told me they weren't there to intimidate me. They were their as my protection.

A million dollars was more than the bank wanted me to keep in just an account. There were caps on how much each one could hold. The bank set me up with a financial manager and I was going to have to adjust to my new life as a rich guy.

I quit my job. My boss understood so there wasn't any hassle about it. I wasn't going to never work again. I didn't know how long a million dollars would last me but at least I'd have some time to find a better job where I could actually use my degree instead of wasting my time cleaning bathrooms.

With all of that done for the day I was back at home with nothing to do but drive a car around in a video game. The calls stopped. The texts stopped. I had peace and quiet.

My sister came by after she finished her classes and I told her about what happened. We talked for a while about our dreams and wondered how much a million dollars would actually buy.

Then there came a point when I figured I should address what she did the day before.

"Did you just do that to help me or was it what you said? Was it a veneer? Did you really want to do that?"

"I wanted to."

"With me?"

"Is that ok? Do you think I'm disgusting?"

"You're not. It really helped me. And today I've been feeling great."

"Would it be ok if I did it again?"

"Again? Um ... Do you want to?"

"Oh yeah. Truth is ... I'm a virgin."

"Huh? You're 19."

"I know. And I'm a virgin. Every time I was about to be with a boy I just couldn't do it. I can't see myself with any of them. I want to be with you. You're the only one."

"But why?"

"I don't know. It just is."

"Ok. So ... what do you want to do?"

"I want you to make love to me."

"To my sister?"

"I'm sorry. I know it's wrong but that's how I feel."

"Well, I don't really feel that way."

"I'm sorry."

"No. Don't be sorry. It's alright. I guess you helped me so I can help you."

She smiled. "Is that the story we want to go with?"

"I'll admit. If I think about it you're sexy. I am your brother so that might be a bit weird but if you really want to I'd be ok with it."

"Really? That would just make me so happy."

"We have to help each other out."

"Would you like me to help you out a bit now?"

"If you want to."

"I do. I really do."

I watched from a very weird place mentally as my sister came over to me and started getting me free of my pants. Once my dick was free my sister smiled really big and then gobbled it. She didn't take me all the way this time. While she was sucking she started getting out of her own clothes and then she stood naked in front of me.

Now, I've seen her naked before, even recently and I never had a reaction. Why would I? She was my sister. But now she was hot. She had the same body. She was the same person. But somehow just knowing that she wanted to have sex with me turned me on. We were going to do this.

She moved to get on the bed and I was almost in a trance as I followed her. She got in my bed and she looked scared but excited at the same time. I probably should have been grossed out or felt sick but she was just so welcoming of me that it felt ok. I was going to have sex with my sister.

I didn't get on top of her right away. I got in the bed next to her. I was going to give her a chance to cancel if she wanted. I was next to her and she came over to me and kissed me. I was kissing my sister. I was kissing my sister. Wo.

I knew that if our parents were still alive they'd be mad. They'd be scandalized and outraged. But I didn't feel that way. In fact, even though I wasn't really feeling it before, now I was. How can I explain it? I was going to do it because I loved my sister and she wanted this from me. But then she kissed me and as I was kissing her I was actually getting excited to do this. It changed me somehow. Now, I wanted to do it too.

So then, I got on top of her. She was very wet already but it wasn't like I could just go in easily. I started to go in a little bit and I have to say my sister had the tightest pussy I'd ever felt. But there was some difficulty.

"Wait." she said.

"Are you Ok? I don't want to hurt you."

"It's a good hurt." she said.

I gave her a moment and then she wanted me to press into her a bit more. Her facial expression kept going back and forth from delight to pain and I wasn't sure which I was supposed to react to. She needed me to stop again. I started to pull out of her but she stopped me and made it clear she did not want me to leave with the work only half finished.

I had never been with a virgin before so I couldn't tell you if they were all this way but what it was like to be with my sister that first time was different than any sex I'd ever had before or since. It felt like the inside walls of her pussy were stuck together and my dick was going to unsticky them. I could only imagine what it must have been like for her. I know if you pull tape off my skin it hurts and I didn't want her to feel anything like that.

As I moved in farther, she pushed her body away from me and I actually had to grab her and hold her on place so I could get all the way in. I didn't rush it by any means. We went slow but I had to do that or we risked just staying at a stand still.

Finally I pushed all the way into her and she let out a cute little scream. Her eyes were closed tight and she was biting on her lip. We rested there for a bit with the head of my cock nuzzled up against her cervix.

nodded. Then she started to move her hips. The inside of her pussy started to get more and more lubricated. Our in and out motion started. We still had to go slow but the painful bit was over and now she was just enjoying it. She opened her eyes and they were lit up like the sun. She smiled and even let out a small laugh like a giggle.

I had never been in a pussy so tight. It made a big difference, too. I mean, usually when I have sex with a girl most of the feeling is centered around the head of my dick but my sister's pussy was pleasuring my entire dick all the way down to the base.

Just as I was thinking that we could try another position my sister rolled her eyes to the back of her head. I think I felt something on the inside of her pussy twitch a bit and her whole body seemed to lift up off the bed and into the air. Then she slammed back down on the mattress and her hands tried to squeeze all the blood out of my arms.

While she was doing that I pulled out of her. I barely got out of her before I started cumming. I think half of the first blast might have actually gone in her a little but the rest was safely outside her pussy. My cum shot out of my dick with so much force that some of it went all the way to her chest and up by her neck. Most of it stayed near her pubic hair and it stuck to her like honey.

Unlike the night before I didn't fall asleep right away afterwards. It was really too early for bed anyway. We took a shower together and were just happy being with each other. I felt like all our problems were either gone or soon to be so. I had the money to buy a house in a nice neighborhood. We could take a vacation together. We could move to a different city. We had choices now. We had options. We didn't have to stay here.

We ordered from that Chinese place again. I think we ordered almost everything on the menu. After dinner she did some homework and I started looking for a computer, a proper desktop computer with a graphics card, I could buy. When she was done for the night I almost wanted to ask her if she planned to go back to the dorm and if not what she wanted to do. But I didn't really need to ask. I already knew.

Without words or ceremony she got out of her clothes, got on my bed, bent over and wanted me to fuck her again. Even when I had a girlfriend I usually never got sex twice in the same day.

I moved behind my sister and let my hand feel the smooth roundness of her ass. I got my dick ready and for the second time that day I was putting it into my sister. I was getting more and more comfortable with this every time we did it. The fact that it was naughty and forbidden I think added to it.

I was gentle with her. I think she even just enjoyed my cock being in her but not moving. I looked down at her pussy lips moving with the inward and outward motion of my dick. What were we doing? We couldn't do this. But we were and though I was skeptical at first I was now fully on board. I liked this. My sister was giving me a safe harbor from the harsh seas of adult life. Here was that one peaceful bright spot in my life. I'd always love her for that.

My sister reached her next climax and I pulled out and sprayed my semen all over her ass cheeks. Then we went to sleep right there, the both of us naked. I think I sort of remember us fucking for a bit again in the middle of the night but that might have been a dream.

I guess the lesson I took from all this is that life is short. Life can be way too short.