Skiing sucks, I hate it! I pondered this thought as I lay in bed on my first morning home from the hospital after taking a tumble at the ski resort resulting in both of my arms broken and now in traction.

My name is James by the way; I'm a 19 year old college freshman. I live with my mom in a nice suburban home. I love my 39 year old mom to death; she has been there for me through some really tough times like when my father died in a car accident. While my situation seemed quite abrasive, I never realized how interesting it would turn out.

Life like this wasn't fun. Mom had to bath me, dress me, and embarrassingly help me in the bathroom. I got over the awkwardness of being naked in front of her after the first time I had to go to the bathroom and she told me that I had nothing she hadn't ever seen and that I absolutely had to have help with my daily necessities. That night we decided that I should have a bath. Mom stripped me down and helped me to the tub. After 5 minutes, her clothing had become soaked.

"Jim, if it's not too awkward, I'm going to take my shirt off. Do you mind," she asked me.

I told her that it wouldn't bother me and that I had seen her in her underwear before and it wasn't that big of a deal. I mean I didn't look at her like that, she was mom. She informed me that she was going to have to wash everything. I didn't really catch her meaning until I felt her soaping up my balls and my dick. "Mom," I exclaimed and kind of jumped a bit.

"Honey you can't take a bath and not wash down there and besides, I used to wash you there when you were a kid," she replied.

"Yeah but it's a bit different now," I told her.

She laughed and told me to relax and this would be a nightly ritual so I had better get comfortable with it and ended that comment with "And yes you certainly are different down there now."

As she continued to wash me up, I thought about her last comment. I peeked at her out of the corner of my eye and strangely enough was allured by the sight of my mother kneeling by the tub in her white lace bra washing my privates. Now for the record, my mom is what would be considered a MILF. She's about 5'8" 130 lbs with shoulder length light brown hair with blonde highlights and brown eyes. Many times my friends had commented on her. She informed me that we were done and she helped me stand up.

Her last comment was gnawing at me so I asked her what she meant by it.

"Oh," she said with a blush. "I just mean that you have grown into quite a strapping young man, that's all honey."

I guess she was right. While not hung like John Holmes I had a nice piece. It pleased a few girls I had met at the college. I felt a sense of pride as she dried me off, wrapped a towel around me, and led me back to my bedroom. She asked me if I wanted to put some PJ's or boxers on; or sleep naked. I thought, "What the hell," and said I think Ill sleep in the buff tonight.

She smiled and said, "You are your mother's son." Then she helped me into bed, and kissed me on the cheek. That night I dreamed about my mom sleeping in the nude.

The next morning I was awoken to mom shaking me.

"Time to get up Jim," she said as she pulled off my sheets.

"Oh my," she exclaimed and immediately put the sheet back over me. "I'm sorry honey I forgot you were sleeping naked."

It didn't dawn on me right away until I looked down at the sheet and realized that I had a massive hardon. I was blushing a thousand shades of red and told her I was really sorry that it just sometimes happens in the morning.

"Oh, it's ok. It's just been a while since I have seen one of those and it caught me off guard is all. It's perfectly natural sweetie. Lord knows your father used to wake up 'at attention' just about every morning. Let's get you to the bathroom."

Hearing about my dad's erections was the perfect way to get my boner to go away it seemed as I felt it start to dwindle. Now normally I would have taken care of it with a quick wank, but unfortunately that wasn't possible with my arms being unmovable. When we got to the bathroom I had to pee really bad, but I still had a hardon. This was very awkward; I mean I didn't want to piss all over the bathroom.

"Mom I uh, I can't go right now," I said rather hesitantly.

"Why not," she asked and I nodded downward toward my dick.

"Oh, right. I guess that would be an issue. Umm..." and she looked around as if some magical cure was sitting on the counter.

"Yeah, if I go right now you'll be cleaning up pee from behind the toilet," I said with a sheepish look.

"Does it really shoot out further when it's hard," she asked.

This caught me off guard; I mean here I am talking to my mom about my erection and its effects on my bowel movements.

'Trust me mom, it would be a bad idea," I said with a sigh.

"Well you can't not go Jim, how about if I just aim for you," she asked, obviously embarrassed.

"Mom, you already do enough embarrassing stuff, I can't ask you to do this too," I replied.

"It's okay, I really don't mind. Hey one day you're gonna be taking care of me when I'm old and senile," she said to me and moved over near the toilet.

She reached down and grabbed my shaft and aimed it down. It oddly felt quite good to have her warm hand on my dick. When I was finished she asked me if I wipe it or anything to which I replied with a half laugh, "No."

'That was fun, like one of those games at the carnival," she said with a laugh.

The next few days played pretty much the same way. Increasingly the sight of my mom in her bra while I bathed, her helping my aim when I needed to go, and the fact that she and I slept naked was really turning me on. I began to have sexual thoughts of her. I figured it was just the fact that I hadn't come in about 7 straight days and that my hormones were going crazy. Mom began to notice that I was hard most of the time.

"Honey is everything okay down there," she asked me one night while putting me to bed indicating my dick. Being immensely aroused I had a bit of a looser tongue and replied, "Well I have an itch that I can't scratch right now mom and its just tough dealing with it."

She looked at me for half a second and said "Ah, I see. Yeah I guess that would be tough for a man your age, you poor thing."

After the next weekend, my mom had to return to work so she enlisted the help of my Aunt Linda to hang out with me during the day. Aunt Linda was 3 years younger than my mom but otherwise almost a spitting image of her. Linda was the "cool aunt". She used to take me to the mall so I could hang with my friends, let me sneak a smoke here and there, let me drink beer while I stayed at her place, and would talk about anything and everything.

The morning Linda was coming over, my mother and I decided to get my bath over with early. This time though, my mom bathed me while she was wearing only a white lace bra and some white cotton bikini panties so as not to get her work clothes dirty.

Panties being a fetish of mine I was extremely turned on and decided to play around a little. I was "clumsy" when I got into the bath tub and purposely splashed water on to her. My aim was right on and some splashed on her belly and panties. I sat there staring out of the corner of my eye trying to get a glimpse of the front to see if I could make out anything. I had an enormous erection at this point. I wanted to come so bad. My carnal thoughts were interrupted by the doorbell.

"Linda must be early," mom said and got up. I stared at her ass the whole time as she walked out of the bathroom.

I could hear my aunt's voice in the distance and a bit of panic began to set in as I thought about the fact that I wasn't finished with my bath and I still had an enormous erection.

The voices got closer and I tried like hell to think about things that would make me go soft. Buses...buses with my mom riding in her white panties on ...dogs...dogs being walked by my hot mother wearing only her white panties and dads erection!(that would do it)...his erection pushing aside the crotch of my totally hot and fuckable 39 year old mom's panties and fucking her brains out... UHGGG I couldn't shake the image!

"You poor baby," exclaimed Aunt Linda as she walked in and came over to me.

"Hi Aunt Linda," I said as she leaned over and kissed me on the forehead while my almost nude mother leaned on the door frame.

Aunt Linda looked over at the bath water and got a huge smile.

"Is that a turtle peaking out of the water or are you just glad to see me," she said and both her and my mother began to giggle. To my horror I hadn't realized that some of the bathwater had seeped out and that the tip o my dick was poking out of the water. I was very embarrassed and my mom could see it.

"Now now, I have told Aunt Linda all about it and what to do so don't worry. And since she used to 'get around' she knows what a guy looks like naked," my mom said.

With that my Aunt turned around to face her. When she did that, I took the opportunity to check out my Aunt's ass. I guess I had never realized how hot she was too.

"Well it doesn't help the horny young man that his hot mama is standing around in her underwear like that. Your panties are soaked; you leave nothing to the imagination, other than the fact that you need to shave," Aunt Linda responded with a laugh, pointing at my mom's panties.

My eyes went right to where Linda was pointing and sure enough the front of mom's panties was transparent from the bath water. I could make out a dark strip of pubic hair; apparently mom liked the landing strip style.

She blushed and informed us that she was getting dressed and left the bathroom.

"Damn, there goes my show," I thought.

Not sure if my aunt picked up on my disappointment or what but she then said, "Don't be sad honey; ill give you a show too! You don't think I'm gonna get my outfit all nasty with bath water do you?"

With that she began to unbutton her shirt. Underneath was a beige colored bra. Then she unzipped her slacks and revealed that she had on a white thong. She knelt down and began to soap up my chest. My mom, now fully dressed walked into the bathroom while putting in an earring. She looked down and saw my Aunt in her thong.

"Nice panties Lin. Tease the boy even more why don't ya," she said sarcastically.

"Just because your ass doesn't look good in a thong doesn't mean I can't wear them sis," Linda replied as she soaped up my neck and chest.

"My ass looks great in a thong!" my mother responded, seemingly hurt.

"Prove it," Linda said very mischievously.

"I have time," was all that my mom said and disappeared to her bedroom.

My aunt just giggled and moved her hand down to my cock and balls. She began to soap up my hard dick, almost stroking it. It felt really fucking good.

"My my, you horny little boy," she said to me with an evil grin and a wink. My mom returned in her blouse and a red thong.

"Okay smartass, what do you think," my mom said and turned around. Her ass was amazing. This was torture.

My aunt got up and stood by my mom and turned around.

"Okay Jimmy, who has the better ass," my aunt asked. I was in heaven and hell at the same time.

Not wanting to upset either woman I diplomatically replied, "I can't distinguish who has the better ass, but I do know one thing."

"What's that?" They both replied.

"I wish I had a free hand," I said.

They both started laughing. Mom looked at me for a second, gave me a pitying look and left the room to go and get dressed. Aunt Linda finished bathing me and helped me out of the tub.

"Lin, come here a minute would ya," I heard my mom yell. Linda told me to hang on and she would be right back. I checked out her ass as she walked out, what I wouldn't have given to have X-Vision!

Their conversation can be found at the end of the story.

Linda returned about 3 minutes later with a grin and helped me dry off. My mom came into the bathroom to kiss me goodbye. As she did, her hip rubbed up against my hard dick. I wasn't sure if that was intentional or not but it sure felt good.

Aunt Linda helped me back to my room and asked me what I would like to wear. I told her that if she didn't mind I would just like to rest for right now and that I didn't need any clothes. She said ok and asked if I would like some company and I agreed. I lay down on the bed with my dick straight up in the air and turned on the television. I didn't really care anymore if she saw it.

Aunt Linda sat down on the bed right next to me. She was still in her bra and panties and I was still checking her out.

"You like what you see Jimmy," she asked me in a sultry voice.

I couldn't tell if she was serious or teasing me but I was in such a sexual frenzy that I didn't care what I said at this point.

"Yes, I do, but it's like a carrot on a stick and I'm the horse it's attached to," I replied. She laughed and said, "I know it can be frustrating, how long until these things come off," pointing toward my cast covered arms

"One long ass fucking week," I said.

"Oh, man that sucks," she exclaimed.

We watched TV for another couple of minutes. I kept glancing at Linda's eyes and noticed that she wasn't watching TV; she was staring at my cock! What a turn! I smiled to myself and thought "let's have some fun."

"You like what you see Linda," I asked in an exaggerated sultry voice.

She started laughing and quickly turned her gaze back to the TV. After another minute she leaned back toward me.

"Listen, I don't want to embarrass you but is there someone I can call that could come over and take care of your problem? I mean does this thing ever go down?" And she nodded toward my hard dick. I shook my head, I mean there wasn't. I didn't have a girlfriend and I'm not just going to call some random fuck I had out of the blue and ask her to come over and suck me off real quick.

"Nah Aunt Linda, it's just something ill have to take care of in a week or so I guess," I responded in my most pitiful voice.

She grabbed the remote and flipped the TV off.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" As she asked this she looked down and then back up at me. "You serious," I asked.

"Sure Jimmy, I mean we are both adults and family. Listen I know how frustrating it can be. Remember when I was on that cruise last year with my friend Cheryl? 7 days in a small cabin with a prude means no taking care of things. I was so horny when we got back that I got myself off in the car on the way home," she said laughing. My jaw dropped.

She saw my reaction.

"Please, like you don't think we do it? You don't think we get horny? I take care of myself at least once a day, and so does your mom!"

Even though I didn't think it possible, my jaw dropped even more.

"I see the way you look at her, its okay, your moms a hottie Jimmy. I'll tell you a secret ok, but promise not to tell her," she said.

Eagerly I agreed and my dick twitched with anticipation.

"Down boy," she said and patted the head of my dick.

"Your mom actually taught me how to do it," she said. I listened as she told me about how my mom used to go into their basement everyday after school and masturbate and how Linda went down there one day and caught her. Mom saw her and explained to her what she was doing and taught her how to do it.

"Your mom and I have done it together on several occasions, in fact the last time I was over here we had a good time," she said.

I was absolutely speechless. Visions of Linda and my mom masturbating together were too much to handle. I felt the precum on the head of my dick. I had to do something; there was no turning back now.

"Relax Jimmy," she said as she noticed my precum.

She wiped it off the tip of my dick with her index finger and then put it in her mouth. I honestly thought I was dreaming.

"Yummy. Are you okay with this," she asked me and seriously looked straight into my eyes.

"Yes please. I won't tell my mom, I promise," I said.

She smiled and leaned up to me, and kissed me full on the mouth. Her tongue entered my mouth and I countered with my tongue. I detected the salty presence of my precum in her mouth. I had never kissed like that before; I thought I was going to come right then and there.

She pulled back and said in a whisper, "Why do you think your mom called me over?"

Then with a wink she moved her left hand down to my dick and took it into her hand. She began to stroke it slowly. She rested her head on my chest. I moved my head down and smelled her hair, it smelled heavenly. It was an amazing sight, my petite Aunt Linda in her bra and white thong stroking my cock.

She and I both knew I wouldn't last long. But then she stopped! I looked at her in horror as if she was changing her mind.

"Relax baby, just need to get something to catch your come in. Cant have you shooting a weeks worth, you'll drown us," she said.

She stood up and pulled off her thong, faced me and gave her pussy a slight rub with her middle finger. I had never seen her pussy before; it was shaved completely and looked delicious. I could tell she was wet, which turned me on even more.

"You've got me really worked up Jimmy," she said to me. She lay back down and resumed her stroking and got her panties ready.

"Tell me when you're gonna come okay baby." She said and I just nodded acknowledgement.

I felt the sensation rise in my groin, I was close.

"I'm gonna come!" I shouted and out shot the first of many spurts.

It landed on Linda's right forearm. She got the thong over the head of my cock just in time to absorb the rest of it.

She pumped the rest of my come out with a few strokes, the whole times saying, "Yeah baby, come for me."

Once I was finished I told her I was done. She sat there with an awed look on her.

"Wow, that was a lot Jimmy," she said laughing.

She wiped my come off of her forearm with her thong and walked over to me. She leaned over and kissed me on the lips again, then went into the bathroom. A few minutes later she returned fully clothed except her thong which was in her hand. She lifted my hamper lid and threw them in.

"I'll come get these after they are washed," she explained.

"Thank you so much Aunt Linda, you fucking rock," I exclaimed.

She smiled at me and said, "Mm, thank you Jimmy. I've wanted to see what you're packing for a while. Make sure you thank your mom too," she said with a wink and walked out of the room.

When mom got home that day she came up to see me. She had this grin on her face when she came into my room. I just looked at her and said, "Thank you mom."

She gave me her loving smile and said, "You're welcome Jim," And left. I love my mom to death.

Conversation between my mom and Linda from my mom's point of view

My poor son, so frustrated and nothing he can do about it. There was no need to be embarrassed about it, we all did it. I know he did it, I could hear him grunt every other morning in his room since he was twelve. Linda will help, she always helps me.

"Lin, come here a minute would ya," I yelled down the hall.

My sister walked in, just wearing her bra and panties drying off her hands with a hand towel.

"Yeah Bren," she asked.

"Listen, I have an absolutely enormous favor to ask you and please think about it before you say no," I said.

"Ok..." she responded looking at me.

"Jim has needs, needs that I can't fulfill because I just don't think it would be right. I mean I gave birth to him Lin, I just can't go there. Even though I want to, my God have you seen his dick? I get wet every time I bath him or take him to the bathroom or tuck him into bed. You know what I mean. Maybe you could do for him what you do for me on occasion," I pleaded.She had this super shocked look on her face and for an instant I thought that I had maybe made a mistake, but then she smiled.

"Are...are you wet right now," she asked me with an evil grin.

"Incredibly, but I can handle that at my desk. I am more concerned about Jim. He needs some release Linda. Please help him out. You help me when I am in need," I pleaded with her.

She leaned forward and kissed me on the lips like she does when we have our "sessions".

"Do you know how fucking hot this makes me," she whispered as she pulled back from me.

"Let's see," I said and reached into the front of her thong with my left hand.

Her pussy lips were soaked and I immediately found her sweet spot. Of course I knew where it was, I had known since we were teenagers.

She stood there for a minute, enjoying the sensations of my middle finger rubbing circles around her clit.

"I really have to get to work doll," I said to her and reluctantly pulled my hand from her thong.

She took my left hand and guided the middle finger to my mouth. It was a familiar taste, one that I enjoyed and longed for,

"I'll take care of him," she said and gave me a hug then left the room. I stared at her white thong clad butt as she walked out and thought about what delights my son was in store for.

I went to the bathroom and kissed Jimmy goodbye. I didn't want Linda to have all the fun so I made sure and brushed my hip against my son's hard cock as I left to tease him.

Three minutes from my house I had my left hand down the front of my skirt rubbing my clit furiously.

Things around the house had certainly changed. Both my mother and I began to be much less modest around each other. I noticed that she would walk around in just her panties and bra much more often than before. I certainly didn't mind at all. In fact, I think she purposely did it. I on the other hand didn't try to hide my many erections. After two weeks my hard casts were removed and I was equipped with lighter weight air casts. The doctor said that I was healing wonderfully and with the air casts on I had much more mobility.

Aunt Linda came over every day to help me out, in more ways than one. She would bathe me, dress me, help me to the bathroom, cook for me and then jack me off before she left. This became a daily ritual, one that I enjoyed immensely. However after I got my air casts on and had more mobility, I wanted to participate a bit more. On Friday I brought this subject up to Aunt Linda after she finished wiping my come off of her hands with her underwear.

"Thanks Aunt Lin, once again that was so hot!" I told her.

"It was my pleasure sexy!" She responded with a smile.

"Listen, can I uh, can I talk to you about something?" I asked somewhat reluctantly.

"Sure baby." She said, tossing her pink panties in my hamper.

"Well, I love what you do for me, I mean it's fucking awesome, and the best sexual experience I have had. But I kind of, you know, want to do more..." I said and trailed off looking down and then back up at her.

She smiled at me and walked over, wearing a tight brown turtleneck and nothing else, she always used her panties to clean me up afterwards. Once she got next to me she bent over and kissed me passionately on the lips.

"You want to fuck this tight pussy don't you, you horny little boy." She said in a sultry whispering voice.

"Oh god yes! Please." I exclaimed.

She kissed me again, running her tongue all over the inside of my mouth.

"I want you to fuck me Jimmy, fuck me hard, but we can't baby. Shit it's bad enough what I do now. I mean this isn't Arkansas, people around here would fucking hang us if they found out." She said as she looked at me.

There was something in her eyes that told me that she was serious about wanting me to fuck her. I got the same feeling looking into her eyes that I used to get whenever I had a crush on some miscellaneous girl in middle school. I moved my arm over and ran my exposed pointer finger along her wet pussy lips as she stood near me.

"You're so sweet Jimmy; usually all a guy wants is to get off and doesn't give a shit about what I want." She said.

Her pussy felt great, it was slick and hot. I just wanted to make her feel good. The ecstasy of touching my hot aunt's pussy was broken by the sound of the front door opening. Mom was home. Aunt Linda quickly put her black jeans on and was zipping them up as mom entered. Mom stopped in her tracks and looked down at Linda zipping up her jeans and then over at my exposed cock.

"Lin, can I see you downstairs please?" She said and to my surprise she sounded upset.

"Sure Bren. Hey Jimmy see you tomorrow." Linda said and blew me a kiss and they both left the room.

About five minutes later mom hadn't returned, so I called out for her. She came back to my room and sat on my bed next to me. She seemed flush, and I was dying to ask her what their conversation had been about downstairs.

"Honey, I just want to make sure, again, that Aunt Linda's 'help' is what you want. If it doesn't feel right at all, I want you to stop and tell her or me ok?" She said to me very seriously.

"Shit mom, it's awesome. I wouldn't change a thing, hell if anything I wish it were more." I said and caught myself too late before I let it slip. It was at this point that I noticed that one of my mom's blouse buttons was undone. What the fuck happened down there, I pondered.

"Well to be honest that's what I thought when I walked in here, but Lin assured me that there isn't any intercourse or anything like that, just, you know some 'relief'." Mom said and made a jerking off motion with her hand.

"Oh it's relieving alright." I said with a half chuckle.

"So she tells me. I guess you're quite the geyser. I haven't had to wash this many pairs of my sisters panties since we were teenagers." Mom said with a laugh.

I was a bit embarrassed. I'm not sure exactly why, but hearing my mom talk about me shooting my load felt a bit awkward.

"Don't be embarrassed Jimmy." Mom said and to my shock ran a red finger nail along my leg starting at my knee and going up my inner thigh.

"You're a young healthy man, I would hope you could perform like that." She continued and traced small circles with her finger nail on the crease where my leg meets my hip.

My cock immediately started to get hard, and mom noticed this.

"It looks like your old mom still has it Jim." She said with a smile and stared at my hardening cock.

Mom then half closed her eyes and I saw her rock back and forth on my bed. Holy shit mom was getting off! There she was, dressed in a navy blue knee length skirt topped with a sheer white blouse with her finger on my inner thigh, rocking her hips back and forth.

I heard a small moan escape her lips and she opened her eyes. All of the sudden she had a look of embarrassment on her face and she immediately stopped.

"I, I'm sorry Jim, I got caught up in the moment, it's just with your dad gone im not used to having this around the house." She stammered.

"No mom, it's ok, really. It was hot. Look at me." I said, trying to downplay it.

She stared at my fully erect cock and for a moment it looked as though she was going to lean over and do what she and I both wanted. But she didn't. She got up and said she was sorry as she left the room. I sat there dumbfounded trying to figure out what went wrong.

An hour later I heard the front door open and I heard Linda's voice. I wondered why she was here. It wasn't until about 20 minutes later that I found out.

Both Linda and my mom came into my room.

"Hi Jimmy." Linda greeted me with her smile. She was wearing a pair of dark blue gym shorts and a matching sports bra. It looked like she had been working out.

"Jimmy, I thought it would be best if we talked about things, all three of us." Mom said and sat down on my futon that was on the other side of my room parallel to my bed.

Linda came and sat by me on the bed. I could barely make out her musky smell from working out. Since I could tell this was going to be a serious talk, I pushed my sheet over my dick because I was getting turned on.

"Ok, look mom about earlier don't worry about it. I know that girls have needs to. I don't think anything of it." I said, trying to make mom feel better.

"It's ok Jim, really. This whole ordeal is my fault. Lin and I had a different relationship when we were growing up. We moved a lot since grandpa was in the Navy and there were many times where it was just us and grandma, and she wasn't exactly opened minded like we are." My mom explained.

"Yes, and when we went through puberty, our mom was too embarrassed to explain things to us, so all that we had was each other. " Linda added.

"One day, I was, you know, taking care of myself in the basement and Linda discovered me. I was embarrassed, but at the same time I remembered how grandma had never explained it to me and how I had to discover things on my own. I was always scared and felt guilty about doing it, but after reading a sex education book at the local library, I realized what a natural thing it was. I didn't want Lin to go through the same thing I did, so I taught her how to do it, and it developed into a lasting thing between us." Mom said.

"Ok I understand..." I said not sure where this was going. I didn't want to reveal that Linda had already told me this.

"The thing is Jim, and I don't want you to think any less of us but I feel that you should know about this since were being really open around here now. Lin and I went a bit further than just getting off in front of each other." Mom said very hesitantly.

"We loved each other Jimmy, and we shared ourselves with each other and we still do." Linda added.

Wow was all I could think at this point. Were they telling me that they are lovers, and have been for years?

"So like, you guys get it on still?" I asked hopefully.

"Well to be honest, yes. Like you said, I have needs too Jim, and Linda fulfills those needs unlike anyone else ever has. Even when dad was alive, Linda and I shared a bed from time to time. I never told your father because it was just between Linda and me." Mom said.

I was in seventh heaven. Visions of my mom and aunt having sex filled my head.

"Are you okay with this?" Linda asked.

"What do you think?" I responded and moved the sheet from my very erect cock.

"See Bren, I told you he would be okay with it." Linda said and grabbed my cock with her left hand and began to stroke it.

"Yes, I can see that." Mom said also staring at my cock.

Linda was still stroking it and I couldn't believe what a turn on it was to have my mom watching.

"Well, I'll let you two do your thing. Thanks for listening to me Jim." Mom said and began to get up.

"Wait, don't go mom. Please." I pleaded.

"Yeah Bren, I think Jimmy wants you to watch." Linda said and to my utter surprise bent over and took the head of my dick in her mouth.

A hot wet sensation enveloped my dick as Linda went down on me. Mom sat back down and just watched as her sister sucked her son's cock.

"Oh fuck yeah Aunt Linda." I moaned, as Linda brought her head up and looked at me and then mom.

"You like having your cock sucked don't you, you bad horny little boy. And you like to watch, you horny bitch" Linda said to my mom and I.

A surrendering look came over my mom's face. There was no turning back at this point.

"Yes, I do." Was all mom said.

"You want me to suck it some more? Then fucking tell me!" Linda said loudly.

"Suck it; suck it for me Linda, do it, fucking do it!" Mom yelled back as she adjusted her hips and began to rock back and forth.

"Give the boy a show Bren, let him see what he wants to. Finish what we started earlier." Linda said to mom.

"What do you want to see Jim? You want to see my pussy?" Mom looked at me and said.

"Fuck yes! I want to see you come mom!" I yelled.

"I told you sis, I told you he wants you too. You want to fuck your mom don't you Jimmy." Linda said with glee.

"Oh my God yes!" I exclaimed.

Mom lifted her ass off the futon and in one swift motion pulled her white panties from her dress.

"Don't tease the boy Bren, show him!" Linda insisted.

Mom looked over at me and then hiked her skirt up to her waist and spread her legs. There for the first time I saw my mom's glistening perfect pussy. Oh it was beautiful. She spread her lips apart and ran a finger down the middle of it and then the tip disappeared inside of her.

"That's it Bren, play with that pussy!" Linda said and then went back to sucking my cock.

It was a sight that I will never forget for as long as I live. Me, laying on my bed while my Aunt Linda sucked my dick and across from us not more than 5 feet was my mom with her skirt hiked up and knees spread playing with her wet pussy. She alternated between rubbing around her clit and then going down her slit with the same fingers then finger fucking herself for a bit. Linda had snuck a hand up into her own gym shorts and was getting herself off as well.

It was all too much to handle and I could feel an orgasm welling up inside of me and I knew I couldn't hold out.

"I'm gonna come!" I yelled.

"Oh yes, baby come. Come in Linda's mouth ohhhh!" Mom yelled as she clinched her teeth together, arched her back, and had an orgasm.

Mom's head lulled back and she bucked her hips wildly as she came, her fingers still buried deep inside of her. It was more than I could stand and the first shot of my come went into Linda's mouth.

Linda, despite the fact that I was still coming, jumped up and went over to mom. To my absolute amazement Linda leaned down and kissed mom on the lips. I could see a dribble of a thick milky white substance run down mom's chin. Linda put her hand back down into her own gym shorts and began to furiously rub her own clit.

A loud moan, muffled by my mom's mouth, escaped Linda's lips signaling her own orgasm. She slumped over next to my mom to catch her breath. Mom just leaned back and licked my come off of her own lips. After a few minutes, mom got up, came over to me and kissed me on the lips. It wasn't a normal kiss this time; it was much more than that. She put her hand on my cheek and smiled at me. Then she left the room to go get cleaned up.

"Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy. Good things are in store." Linda said as she stood up and wiped off her mouth.

Indeed they were...


I followed Bren down the stairs. I could tell she was pissed about something. I wasn't sure what though; I thought she knew about what Jimmy and I did.

"What's up sis?" I asked.

"Are you two fucking? Because I thought it was just hand jobs." Bren asked me.

"No we aren't fucking, although I wish we were. It's just a hand job, for now." I responded.

"Then why are your pants coming off? Surely you can find something other than your thong to soak it up with. I have a million towels around here." Brenda said, gesturing to my pelvis.

I put my arms around Brenda's shoulders, leaned in, and kissed her on the lips like she likes it.

"I'm just giving the young man a little show. He likes my pussy, and he wants to fuck me and you no doubt." I said giving her a little sultry smile.

"I doubt he wants me Lin, you're the young hot one." Brenda said modestly.

I reached for the buttons on her blouse and began to undo them. After all, I was still horny as hell after jacking Jimmy off. Usually I got myself off in the car on the way home.

"Trust me Bren, he wants you, hell probably more than me. You should see the way he stares at your ass when you're in the room." I told Brenda.

I reached into her white blouse, snuck my fingers under her lacey bra and immediately found her hard nipple.

"Mmm, someone's horny aren't they?" I asked, and leaned in for another kiss.

"Gawd, hornier than ever. All I think about is Jim's cock, and you stroking it." Brenda said to me and let a small moan escape from her lips.

I pushed her up against the wall and unbuttoned the rest of her shirt.

"We can't do this, not right now, not here!" Brenda said sternly.

"Yes we can." I said with an evil grin.

I reached up under her skirt and found the crotch of her panties. She was hot and wet, just like I had suspected. I pulled the front of them down.

"Lin! Seriously, he's right up the stairs! Now stop!" She said, but I wasn't listening.

My middle finger found her wet, aching slit. I parted it and found her clit. Brenda moaned and began to sway her hips. I pulled one of her tits out from the top of the bra and wrapped my lips around her nipple. I could tell Brenda was getting close and I was going in for the orgasm.

"Mom?" We heard Jimmy yell from his bedroom.

Brenda's mood broke. She told me to stop and that she had to get upstairs. Quickly she pulled her panties back up, readjusted her bra, and re-buttoned her shirt.

"Maybe later then?" I said with a sheepish smile.

Brenda kissed me as she buttoned her blouse.

"Definitely." She said and went up the stairs.

I was about to tell her that her shirt was buttoned wrong, but then I decided not to. Let's see how astute young Jimmy is, I thought.