The change in altitude mildly shook the fuselage, forcing Ryan Morrison to open his eyes. Hiss ears picked up 2 distinctly different sounds as he regained consciousness. The first was the pitter patter of tiny raindrops hitting the plexiglass windows of the airplane on its descent to the airport. The second, was the soft, almost muted snoring of his sister Thaelor, as her head was nestled on his chest. Her micro braids falling just right, framing her peaceful face and giving it an almost angelic look. Her breathing a steady rhythm under the blanket that covered their bodies. For a split moment in the past 24 hours, Ryan had a reason to smile. He hated to do it, but a slight shrug of his shoulder nudged her awake. The overhead lights came on, right before the voice of the Captain, welcoming his passengers to Atlanta, GA.
"Hey sleepy head, time to wake up. Let's get in and grab some coffee." Ryan said lightly.
Thaelor smiled as she stretched. Resembling the cat that swallowed the canary. The descent into Atlanta International Airport was swift and uneventful. Being in First Class, Thaelor and Ryan were some of the first passengers into the airport. Gathering their bags, they made a first stop to "The Grinder," a Southern coffee chain that sold a great cup of "joe." The next stop was to the car rental stand. Meredith had already made the arrangement for them to pick up a fully loaded Panthera X450. A smaller SUV version of their cousin Brittney's truck. While there, they asked the attendants if they had ever heard of the town of "Broke Buck." Not surprisingly, none of the attendants (most of whom were young, white and African immigrants) had a clue that a place named that even existed. Purchasing a Garber map guide add on, the siblings headed toward the car garage. Before they reached it, Thaelor saw the "Welcome to Georgia" information desk. Walking over, she asked the attendants if they had ever heard of it. Again, neither attendant knew a place like that ever existed.
Just then, a light went off on the face of the female attendant. "Hold on just a second..." Picking up a walkie talkie, she called for a man named Leonard to come to the desk. A short 6 minutes later, a tall, gaunt, older black gentleman dressed in the garb of an airport custodian sauntered up.
"Leonard, I called you here because these people are looking for a place called..."Broke Back was it?"
"No..." said Ryan. "Broke Buck."
Leonard stopped. Then his face took a weird turn. "What would you want with that place?" he asked.
"Our Dad's from there and we need to get there and pick up some paperwork. No one else seems to know anything about it and no search engine can tell us anything. It's not even on any maps." Thaelor interjected.
"That's 'cause it's not there anymore." Leonard answered. It hasn't been known by that name since the early '70s. The place you want is now called Wallaceville."
"Oh...Wallaceville. Wow...that IS a small town." The female attendant remarked.
Leonard spoke to the siblings for a few more minutes., even going so far as to have one of his colleagues drive them to their vehicle on a cart. Ryan got the keys and guided the vehicle onto the freeway. While not nearly as hectic as California's, Atlanta's traffic was everything they heard it would be. Wall to wall vehicles stuck in slow moving traffic for a few miles. Finally, turning South East, the traffic thinned enough for Ryan to punch the accelerator and get the car moving. After punching in the direction request to the Garber, Thaelor looked up Wallaceville. It took several sites to find it, but finally she came across the information she was looking for.
Wallaceville, was the story of two small towns in the backwoods of Georgia, separated by a river. One was called Lundsford. An offshoot of the Antebellum South of the pre-Civil War, Lundsford had been the home of several Cotton plantations and mills. That was staunchly for Confederation. Home to no less then 3 Confederate Officers. However, it was also a victim of Sherman's infamous "March to the Sea." Post-Civil War, the majority of surviving families and veterans wanted to get the black families further away from them. A few who were forced off the land, built a tiny settlement across the Danbury River and called it Belle Town.
The interactions between the two towns was tense, but cordial, as the black farmers were able to make a meager living as workers on the left-over farms of their former slave owners. Unfortunately, once the era of Reconstruction ceased, the local white lawmakers stepped in and changed the name to Broke Ridge. The bottom for the town truly dropped out, when the Dust Bowl hit the South. Most of the farms became almost barren, not able to produce more than sustenance farming. That's when local land owner Richard A. Brooks, found a large cache of copper on his property. Opening a mine, he quickly became rich enough to begin floating Lundsford and some of its residents. However, like most operations, there was more work to be had than white employees alone could handle. He finally began hiring black male employees and paying them pennies on the dollar for their labor. To make issues worse for them, the Labor Union refused to admit any black workers. This worked in Brooks' favor. When the inevitable strike came from the white workers, Brooks hired almost the entirety of the black male population.
Seeing no other alternative to feed their families, the black men of Broke Ridge, came in droves. Working many times until their backs gave out from the exhausting labor. Thus, with Brooks buying the mayoral ship of the town, he renamed it Broke Buck, and the name stuck. Until, the Fall of 1969. According to local legend, the two towns grew alongside one another in tensioned peace. While few, occasionally interracial relationships and children were born into this cauldron. In 1969, a white girl allegedly was raped by a black mine worker. The girl's family was so distraught, they sought to avenge the slight of her pregnancy by assaulting the men of Broke Buck looking for the responsible culprit. Eventually coming across a young unnamed man in the dead of night. Whipped, chained, tarred and feathered, they hung his body on the back side of the river as a warning to the remaining residents. Many of the workers of the mine were returning Vietnam War veterans, who began to fight back against the incursion into their home town. The final act came when the Georgia National Guard was called in by the Governor. By this time, the race war resulted in the deaths of: 10 black men, 7 whites and both of the schools in the towns had been burned to the ground. In a secret agreement between Then President Johnson and Governor Wallace, he would take control of both towns, fire all the representatives (mayors, sheriffs, deputies and city council members), and rename Broke Buck again. Seeing a way to cement his rather lackluster administration, Shelly Wallace decided to rename the consolidated township after himself. Thus, Wallaceville came to be.
Two and a half hours after their trip began, Ryan turned the SUV off the main highway onto a two-lane road called Wallace Highway. Following the mostly desolate road, the scenery changed to mostly woodlands interspersed with fenced in farms of corn, cotton and tobacco. The lush scent of wild flowers and wet trees wafted into the cabin of the SUV. Eventually, the sounds of a Marching Band drown out the radio, as the travelers passed a large, red brick complex situated next to a large stadium on a plot of land nearby. The white bold letters announcing that the building was Wallaceville Academy K-12 school. The parking lot was bursting at the seams with all manor of light trucks, SUV's, and the occasional Confederate flag adorned truck. Passing by the celebration, Ryan came to a river crossable only by an aged concrete bridge. The only thing that stood out to both he and Thaelor was a huge tree sticking awkwardly out of the ground. Pausing only long enough to look at it up close. They marveled at how it leaned precariously close to falling in. But many of the exposed roots had grown well out into the river. No doubt embedded deep into the sediment. Otherwise, it would have fallen ages ago.
The guide led them further up the road. When they arrived at the town center, it was as if they had taken a trip back into time. S they drove further, many of the buildings were still prefab, wooden structures. They passed Barber shops, Beauty salons, a hardware store, post office and a stand-alone grocery store. It wasn't until they hit the center of the town, they anything changed. Ryan curled the roundabout, that had been festooned with the statue of a man sitting at a desk on a plot of land in the middle of the road. He parked in front of the largest structure in the town, its flags wavy gently in the breeze. This was no doubt the capital building, and according to their mechanical guide, their final destination.
With Ryan in the lead, the siblings walked into the structure. Their breath was taken away as they again traveled in time. In total opposition to the outside, the entrance had been adorned in beautiful, polished black marble. To one side, a trophy case filled with memorabilia and 3 shiny football trophies. The other, a picture wall that showed the faces of the leaders of government. Starting from the President of the United States, all the way down to 4 framed pictures, featuring the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Sheriff, and the Post Master General. As if to accentuate the history of the story of the town, the pictures showed 2 whites and 2 Blacks.
Yet, as they walked further into the Hall, they were shocked that this was the first government administration building they were ever in, where they could hear their very footsteps. The sounds of their shoes reverberated off the walls like cannon shot. It was the literal middle of the day and the building was virtually empty. Save for the sight of a lone lit room coming from down the hall on the other end of the circular Reception desk. Cautiously, the duo walked to the door of the Office of the Interior. Sitting behind the receptions desk, a lone young black woman stared at a computer monitor. Her hair in braids, she looked to be no older than 20 or so. Her desk had the name plate that read Paulette Bailey-Skruggs on it. Several quiet moments went by as the siblings observed the young lady in silence. Finally, a tap from Ryan's fingers upon the desk gained her attention. She almost jumped out of her skin. Quickly she ripped the ear buds from her head and addressed the two people standing in front of her.
"OH, MY GAWD!! I'M SO SORRY!! Y'all scared me!" she said in a deep southern accent.
"I was just catching up on my favorite TV show, I didn't hear y'all come in. How can I help you?"
"Hi." Ryan said. "We've come all the way from California on a mission to get a copy of our Dad's birth certificate. We were hoping that might be possible, but it looks as if your offices are closed."
"Oh no...I can help you with that. I practically run the place anyway. Do you have the paperwork with you?"
"Sure." Ryan said. "Right here." Placing the sealed manila envelope on the desk, the young lady began rifling through the contents.
"Where IS everybody?" Thaelor interjected.
"Oh...they're all at the school at the "Unity Celebration." She said rolling her eyes. "It's like one of the biggest things to do around here. It's the official opening day for the football team before they play their opener. This year it's against one of our biggest rivals Coulter High. The town will be jumping later, but right now, practically everything is closed for the celebration."
"So why aren't you there? You have to "run the store" as it were?"
"Aww heck no. I can't stand them things. I had enough of them when I was in school. I got nephews and stuff I watch at the games, but once I graduated; I thought "NEVER AGAIN." So, I came to work. Besides, around here it's a local Holiday, so I get paid DOUBLE my wages. With everyone being there, there ain't nothing to why not get paid to be left alone? Right?!"
Looking through the paperwork, Paulette arranged them so she could read them on her computer.
"Oooo...nice looking birth certificate," she mused. "Let's see here...Ryan...Henry...Morrison, born Loudes County, CA. Mother's name: Jean...Marie...Morrison, born Georgia? Hmmm...ok. Father's name: Robert...James...Morrison...Broke Buck, Georgia...annnnnndddd...enter."
Suddenly the computer went haywire! Alarm sounds screeched from the speakers as the symbol for Homeland Security flashed on the monitor. Paulette scooted her chair back and held up her hands as if the computer were holding her at gun point.
"What the FUCK!!??" She screamed. "Who the HELL ARE YOU GUYS!!???"
Just then the phone on her desk rang. Paulette jumped almost 20 feet in the air as the infernal machine rang its protest again and again.
Ryan could only hold his head into his hands. "I don't need this...I really don't need this." He muttered to himself.
Thaelor on the other hand, could only smile as she rested her chin in her hand leaning against the desk. The obvious flirting Paulette had been doing to Ryan since they came in wasn't lost on her. She saw it for what it was. While normally she checked her emotions in such situations, she had held onto them for so long. Just for once, she allowed herself to be a woman in love, catching another suitor checking her prize. For just a second, she enjoyed being what Brittney called: "petty."
"You might want to answer that." She remarked. A barely suppressed grin tugging at the corners of her lips. "You realize, they're just going to keep it up till you answer. So, you might as well see who it is. Homeland Security, Secret Service, or the FBI more than likely."
Paulette looked at Thaelor frightened. Eyes wide as 24" rims. Hands trembling, Paulette answered the ringing intruder. Whoever was on the other end made the young woman's face blanch. Her answers were short and clipped.
"Yes. No. Yes. Yes. That's correct...Wallaceville township, GA. Yes sir. No sir. No sir...I've never seen them before. No. No. Right here sir."
Hands and lips shaking like the leaves outside, Paulette handed the phone to Ryan. Taking it firmly in his hands, he answered the line with the same irritation that showed on his face.
"Sir, to whom am I speaking!?"
"This is Ryan Henry Morrison, my access # is 0675-AR-00351. I am the son of U.S. Senator Robert J. Morrison, ID tag 7735-AR-16-GOV-2-33978. I'm on a mission to retrieve a copy of my father's birth certificate. To whom am I speaking?!"
"Good afternoon sir, this is Special Agent Ciphrick with the FBI. We got a ping on unauthorized access to Congressional files. Was this for your benefit?"
"Yes. I have Power of Attorney through Judge Ernesto Rodriguez, of the 12th circuit Judicial court of California for the records of my father Senator Morrison."
"Ok sir, you check out. But you need the authority of at least the 2nd highest ranking town official to retrieve those files. Sorry for any inconvenience sir. Have a good afternoon."
Ryan could feel the headache coming on strong, even though the hour was still early (it was just after noon). Travel had eaten into a huge chunk of the time they had. Now because of bureaucratic red tape and celebrations he hadn't known about, there was no telling HOW long they would have to wait.
"Fine." Ryan said in exhaustion to no one in particular. "I'll try and wait."
Handing the phone back to Paulette, Ryan tried using his breathing techniques to slow the migraine that further threatened his mood. Thaelor already knew what to do. Sensing the disaster waiting to happen, she slowly began to massage the base of his neck. As usual, his skin was becoming burning hot to the touch.
Looking at the two siblings, Paulette tried to grasp the situation.
" That was sho 'nuff intense. So apparently you two need that birth certificate and the Special Agent was VERY specific that I get with the Mayor or his Deputy to help you two. I have their cell phone numbers in case of emergencies. I can't think of any situation that's more of an emergency than he OK?!"
"Not really...he suffers from really BAD migraines, they're usually brought on by stress. I think this situation counts. Our Dad is in a coma and we really need that certificate to handle his affairs. Our backs are against the wall and the clock IS NOT our friend. There's a ton more stuff, but that's enough for now. What's worse, we don't even have a place to stay right now." Thaelor explained.
"Oh wow...he's looking bad. Oooo..wait a minute." Picking up the phone again, Paulette dialed a number by heart; After waiting a quick second, the one-sided conversation was quick, but chipper and familiar.
"Hey Glenda, this Paulette! Girl I'm good, just sitting here at work. Which reminds the top suite available? I have two people from out of town that need a it ready? Oh yeah girl...all the way from CALIFORNIA!! YEAH!! And they Daddy a SENATOR!! No, I'm NOT kidding!! The guy isn't feeling too well, can I send them? Great! Ok, they'll be there shortly. Thanks girl! Bye!!" Hanging up, Paulette's smile beamed from ear to ear.
"Great news! There's a B&B up the street, the suite is available and my friend is holding it for you. "It's obvious you guys are tired. Why don't you leave me the information and the minute the certificate is ready, I'll call you. It's right up the street. Just go back top the roundabout, turn left, and continue to the third stop sign. It's the last house on the right. If you go past the train tracks, you've gone too far. Take care, I'll talk to you guys later."
"Thank you." Ryan said. His eyes were blood red and the skin on his face was 3 times darker than usual. Thaelor escorted Ryan back to the car. Getting behind the wheel, Thaelor nosed the vehicle back around the street. Pulling up to the B&B, Ryan almost stumbled as he spilled out of the SUV. Walking up the steps into the establishment, they were met at the front desk by a young white woman (around late thirties). She immediately handled the paperwork quickly and handed them their room keys.
"Do you have anything to drink? He needs to take some medicine." Thaelor said.
"We don't carry any cold drinks here. But I'll bring some tea to your room if that will do." Glenda remarked.
"That will do fine." Thaelor responded. "We'll be waiting."
Walking up the stairs, Ryan and Thaelor opened the door and took the room in. Fashioned in the apparel of the Antebellum South, the bed was covered in a floral-patterned comforter and a lacy canopy. Flowers also adorned the walls. While they were taken aback with the common beauty of their accommodations, Ryan was on the verge of throwing up. Thaelor laid him on the bed and ran to the bathroom. Coming back, with a sopping wet, cold washrag, she applied it to her brother's neck. Two minutes later, a knock at the door gained Thaelor's attention. Glenda stood there with a tray of matching Tea set. Thanking her, Thaelor reached in her pocket and gave Glenda a $20 tip. Pouring her brother a cup, she handed him two pills and watched as he drank the concoction in a swift gulp. She reapplied the towel to that back of his neck and rubbed his head until he fell asleep. She loved watching Ryan sleep. He always looked so peaceful. But she knew better than to get too comfortable. Just as she thought to herself; What else can possibly go wrong. The phone on the table rand, yet again.
"I hate you." She said to the phone.Thaelor answered the phone on the nightstand. She quickly tried to snatch it from the cradle before it woke Ryan from his migraine induced slumber.
"Hello?" she answered.
"Hello? Ma'am? Hi! This is Paulette! I'm sorry to disturb you. I know you guys just got settled in. But, I was able to get ahold of our Mayor. When I told him what you guys needed, he rushed here ASAP. So, if you want your father's birth certificate, it's available. Plus, I have another huge surprise for you!" Paulette said excitedly.
"Ok. We're on our way."
Hanging up, Thaelor leaned over and gently kissed Ryan on the cheek before gently shaking him by the shoulder.
"Hon...I know you're tired but, the certificate is ready for us to pick up. Tell you what, if you get up, we'll get the certificate, come back, catch a nap, then I'll drive us back to the airport. Deal?" Thaelor said in a honey sweet voice.
"Alright." Ryan grunted.
The siblings got up, returned to the SUV, and drove back to the Capital building. Sluggishly, Ryan and Thaelor re-entered the hall. This time, Paulette was at the Receptions desk flanked by a tall, distinguished looking white man talking to her. Before the duo could cross the expanse, the young receptionist exited the desk and bounded up to the siblings. Grabbing Ryan around the waist and hugging him tightly. She did the same thing to Thaelor.
"OH MY GOD!! Welcome Home Cousins! I had no idea I was related to anyone from California, much less people so famous! Paulette squealed.
"It's an honor to help the children of such a great Civil Servant! Who knew one of Wallaceville's own had become so influential. I am so sorry to hear about your tragedy. If he ever gets better, please have him come back home and visit us! We would LOVE to celebrate having him visit our sleepy little town!" Mayor Tom Worrell said, vigorously shaking the sibling's hands.
Ryan and Thaelor were totally at a loss for words. Looking at the Mayor Ryan responded,
"Sure Mr. Mayor. If he comes out of it, I'll pass on the invitation. But Paulette, what exactly are you talking about "Cousins?"
Paulette was so excited she was almost hyperventilating.
"Well, when the Mayor got here, we started looking for your Dad's birth certificate. Once we found it, it had a link to a minor traffic warrant. It said the occupants were your Dad, Mr. Morrison...and a young woman named Jean Bailey! My original Dad had twin sisters! One of them was Jean Marie! We're COUSINS!!"
Ryan and Thaelor's mouths dropped open. They had no idea this was even a possibility, much less a reality. Senator Morrison never mentioned home and neither did Ryan's mother. Ever.
"Come here, Come here." She said, leading them to the desk. Grabbing the manila envelope, she took out 3 sheets of paper.
"See? Here is your Dad's birth certificate (the Mayor signed it himself). But here also is your Mother's certificate. See? Jean Marie Bailey...and HER TWIN!! My Aunt Florence Adele Bailey!! But we also found this..."
The last sheet of paper was a certificate of marriage with a VOID stamp on it. It read; Township of Broke Buck, Groom: Robert James Morrison. Bride: Jean Marie Bailey-Morrison. Reverend Nelson J. Moore.
"This is...amazing." Thaelor replied. Ryan was in a complete state of shock. He wasn't just holding history in his hands. It was HIS story.
"But there's more. You have to meet your Aunt. She wouldn't forgive me if I let you guys go back to California without stopping to see her."
Handing them another sheet of paper, Paulette hugged Ryan and Thaelor finishing with:
"Please tell Aunt Florence, I get off in 3 more hours. I'll be by for a plate, Bye guys."
Returning to the SUV, Thaelor slid behind the wheel and started the vehicle to further their journey. The best Ryan could do was read off the directions. He was in a total state of shock. He even misread the directions a couple of times, almost getting them lost.
The route retraced the drive back out of town. After crossing the bridge, the paper said:
"Stop at the sign and say a little prayer." Sure enough, there was a little homemade sign stating to "say a prayer." Turning the SUV left, Thaelor continued to follow the directions. The road eventually dropped off, denoting that the place they were headed was nestled in a valley. Finally, passing two more farms, the road opened up to expose a tiny hamlet of mostly wooden and brick structures. The streets were a mixture of old asphalt and old, worn cobble stones. The plots of land were sometimes separated by wooden fencing, but for the most part, they were simply small expanses of land filled with olden style home front porches, an old car or two in the yard, and some fields of grass or vegetation. Driving forward, Ryan and Thaelor were looked at with several views of suspicion, but also many waves and smiles of affection.
"Wow." Remarked Thaelor. "It's hard to believe many people still live like this. It's like stepping back in a history book."
"Yeah." Added Ryan. "But there's almost a feeling out here. Look at them sis. We never get this in L.A. Just people walking, talking, and sitting on each other's front porches. Hell, the parents, are dressed down. Mostly t-shirts and old jeans out here, and none of the kids are dirty. one's in any hurry around here."
"Except for those kids over there." Thaelor pointed out. "They're beautiful."
Looking to the left, Ryan spotted 2 little, dark skinned children running and playing in a large mud puddle. Dirt and mud caked all over their tiny little bodies. Not a single care in the world. Their mother's stood close by giggling and laughing watching their children play. Talking back and forth.
Taking a right on Hemingway, Thaelor pulled forward, the sign saying; "Dead End." The street came to a large, old, wooden fence; punctuated by a driveway. Pulling in, the property was divided on both sides. On the right, lush vegetation. Rows of tobacco, stalks of corn, and other crops. On the other, a lawn of differing sizes of neglect or attention. It had been used as a dumping grounds over the years for old appliances, old vehicles, and some that are newer. Beyond the unkempt areas, the grass had recently been cut low and immaculately maintained. This plot held the house. An old structure that showed signs of being updated over the years. The original wooden structure stood out front. Accentuated with a large porch with a railing and sloping covering. A swing swaying gently in the breeze. The rear of the home was newer; but mismatched to the original. A hodge-podge of different stones and bricks assembled along the sides. A huge chimney punctuating the growth.
Parking, the siblings got out of the vehicle and mounted the front porch. Knocking several times, they waited. The door swung open to reveal an exceptionally young girl. Tall, lanky, dark skinned, with a head full of braids, and a mouth full of gum. The only thing bigger on her, was the attitude she permeated.
"Yeah?!" She asked, her gum not standing a chance against the assault of her teeth.
"Uhhhh...Hi!" Began Thaelor. "We're hoping this is the home of a Florence...Bailey?" Is she in" Thaelor asked.
Neck rolling, the young girl's answer was nasty and curt. "Ain't no Florence here." With that, the door slammed shut in their faces.
The siblings were totally perplexed. Looking at each other for a split second in disbelief. The next sound they heard was the deep gruff voice of a man. Whatever the conversation was, ended shortly and abruptly. The faint sound of flesh being hit, followed by muted tears falling rounded out the end of the conversation.
A few seconds later, the door opened again revealing the owner of the male voice. While not very tall, he was thick. Built like a linebacker that used to chase Travis all over the football field. His shoulders were huge, looking more like football pads, than a pair of muscles that attached to a person's neck. His arms bulging threateningly out of his rolled-up sleeves. His milk chocolate skin matched with his dark brown eyes, and shaven head. Looking squarely in Thaelor's eyes, he spoke. Surprisingly calm and nice.
"I'm so sorry about that. Please excuse my step-daughter, she is currently pissed because she can't hang out with her little "boyfriend" after the celebration. I assure you, she has been swiftly dealt with. How can I help you two?" He said.
"Yes." Ryan continued. "We're looking for a Ms. Florence Bailey. See, we're from out of town and were told to see her here by her niece Paulette."
"Oh...y'all met little 'Lette? Hold on. Hey Big Momma! You got some folks here at the door to see you!" He yelled.
" I come." Came a voice from deep within the recesses of the dark abode. A few seconds later she appeared. Materializing out of the dim interior, a woman walked up to the door. Rubbing her hands on a kitchen towel, she was short, with dark skin, spotted by areas of whiteness where her melanin faded. Hair of midnight streaked with silver. A bubbly smile and eyes of a light brown. Ryan had to catch himself from shedding a tear. He was almost staring at a mirror image of his mother.
"Robert Morrison...that YOU?!!" She asked.
"No ma'am." Thaelor answered, after Ryan hadn't said a word in a couple seconds. My name is Thaelor and this is my brother Ryan. Robert is our Dad."
"OH MY GOD...RYAN?!! You look just like yo' daddy!" Racing forward, she wrapped her arms around Ryan's thick chest and hugged him intensely. Ryan could no longer hold back the tears. He missed his mother so much, and her she was...almost. Letting him go, Florence asked; "It's so good to finally meet you. Where my big head, absentee sister? Is she with you too?"
Ryan's teary eyes, dropped. "No. Unfortunately, she died 15 years ago. Cancer. It came on quick. Before we could really do anything to stop it, she was gone."
Florence looked at her nephew. It was written all over his face that even after so much time, the pain for him was still fresh. It may have been pushed to the side, but the cars still remained. She encircled his waist, cupping his head down to her shoulder. For now, her pain had to wait, his was immediate.
"I know. I know. Let me have it. You don't have to carry it alone anymore."
They started gradually. Little by little, the heaves came. The release of the tears and therefore the hurt began to flow. Thaelor looked on helplessly. She had never known Ryan to harbor such feelings. Never known the man she loved hurt so much. He never spoke of it, never let her in to that part of his soul. Was she just passing fancy? A thing to do? Or did he love her as he claimed? These doubts shrank as Florence opened her arms and bid her join the circle. Lending another pillar of strength to a man that had lost all of his. The embrace was heartwarming and spiritual. Placing her uncertainties to the side, she could feel her brothers soul refilling. Rejuvenating. Reviving. When Ryan lifted his head again, he looked better.
"Come on in baby." Aunt Florence said, a smile on her face. The siblings followed their new family member inside the home. The inside was a total contrast to the outside. While the outside looked to be in total chaos, the inside was pristine and orderly. The living room was done up in fine pastels and overrun with photos.
"Ma'am, you sounded like you knew of Ryan when I mentioned him. How is that?"
Moving to a wall, she pointed to several pictures hung there. The first were a couple pictures of Jean Marie. A prominent baby bump swelling her body. The pictures under it took Thaelor and Ryan by complete surprise. Pictures of Monica in the third grade, Travis in his Pee Wee football uniform, and finally a baby picture of Ryan hugging a large plush toy.
"She was my sister after all. Jean sent me pictures of her children soon after you were born, and me Flo. I'm sorry...I have no idea who you are. You say you're Ryan's sister?"
"Yes." Thaelor added. "Robert is my father, but I have a different mother. She was white; and I didn't know about or join Ryan until after his mom died."
"So...your mom was white. You don't say." Flo added half handedly.
Flo led the siblings further into the house, in the kitchen, the older girl they met is sitting with two more younger children, stripping a bushel of greens and placing them into a pot for cooking, while they watch a small television playing a children's cartoon.
"So, did your mother tell you anything about me?" Flo asked.
"Unfortunately, no." Ryan added. Mom never spoke about her life before she was married to Dad. All I ever knew was them. She never spoke of you, this town, her family, nothing. Then again, neither did Dad. They just said they met and fell in love, got married, and had us."
"Good Lord...then you know absolutely nothing." Reaching into a cupboard, Flo grabbed a plate, piled it high with food, and covered it with foil. Turning to the short thick man, she said; "Calvin, you need to get out of here if you're going to get to the mine on time hon. I'll trade you your dinner, if you hand me that clear jar on the top shelf, and two glasses." The man named Calvin smiled, did as he was bid and took the plate of food. Grabbing his white hardhat from the table, he kissed the three children and admonished the older one to behave till her mother got home.
"It's good to meet you guys." He said to Ryan and Thaelor. "But if she asked me to get that...strap's going to be a doozy. Hope to see you later." With that, he turned and left.
The siblings followed their Aunt to the back patio. Sitting at the table, Flo opened the jar. A strong odor of alcohol wafted out when the lid was removed. "Ashley!" Flo yells. The young girl comes marching to the call of her grandmother and stands in the door. "Go into the living room and fetch me that big blue album. The one I used to show you when you were little. Oh...and you owe these people an apology for being so nasty. They are your cousins after all."
"I'm sorry." The young girl says. Then she turns a walks back in the house.
Flo picked up the jar and poured the shots of PGA (Pure Grain Alcohol) and waits for her grand daughter to return. "She's a good girl." Flo remarks. "But she's getting to that age when boys are becoming a little more interesting. My daughter will be home soon, and she desperately wants Ashley to go to college. Boys around here have a tendency of messing up plans like that."
The girl returns carrying a very large photo album in her arms. It was old and worn, bursting at the seams to hold all the memories.
"I guess the best place to start is at the beginning." Said Florence. "You children come closer and learn where you come from." Ryan and Thaelor moved closer, waiting with bated breath to see into the past.
Opening the book to the first page, there were two old black and white pictures. The first of a gruff looking white man. Hair dark as night, peppered with stripes of white, flanked by two younger men, most obviously his sons. All dressed in overalls and white t-shirts.
"This is my Grandfather Cyrus Bailey, and his sons Greg and Brian. They lived on the white side of town as farmers mostly. Though eventually they began working in the mines as well. The second picture was of a young black woman (most likely in her mid-thirties). She was tall-ish for a woman, with long black hair and cheekbones that could've denoted belonging to some tribe of Native American. "This is Black Phyllis. She was my Grandmother. She worked as a maid to Cyrus and his family as for all that was known, she was alone in the world. She lived just over the river here in the black side of town. As was almost normal back then, Cyrus paid her a little bit more for...other services than cleaning. Eventually, she became pregnant with his child. As you can imagine, Cyrus had no intention of taking care of her or his child. But what he didn't realize is that she also worked nights for Mr. Brooks, the mine owner, and while he wasn't exactly fond of black people, he was fond of the work she did for him, and pressured Cyrus to take responsibility for his actions like a good Christian man."
Ryan's brow furrowed. Hearing that his family tree had to endure such tragedy, made his blood boil. But, he had to quell his anger. It was a much different time.
Turning the page again, were two more pictures. The first another black and white picture of Black Phyllis sitting on a porch holding a very light skinned baby. Fat, round, and almost albino in shade, the child's hair was also a mixture of black strands and what might be blond, as it was so light. The next picture under it was also black and white, but this time, the little girl had grown. Most likely in the picture, she was about 10. Her skin had darkened only marginally, but her hair was now a full, flowing black. Her features had smoothed out with time. Becoming more angular, and European in appearance. One might almost mistake her for "white." Only her full lips and high cheekbones gave any indication of not being "pure." The next page showed her in late teen age years. She was stunningly beautiful. Thin, yet full figured. A shade to her skin that looked almost "tan." More importantly at first glance, she could've been a close relative of Thaelor's.
"This is my mother Betty Ann. Child of Cyrus and Phyllis. As you can see...she was very "light skinned." She said, looking directly at Thaelor. "See're not the only one." Thaelor blushed. Her mixed heritage had always been a sticking point for her. Her upbringing among both whites and blacks had caused many nights of hurt feelings and identity hardships. But, being with Ryan had soothed many of those ills.
"Cyrus did take care of his responsibilities; if even they were bare minimum. But Phyllis raised Betty as best she could. Until she was murdered. Found raped, beaten and discarded in a creek bed on this side of the river. No one of course knew anything and the sheriff didn't even care enough to investigate. Betty was 14 years old and alone. Cyrus and his boys took advantage. In order to survive, she moved in with her father. He was a cruel man. Working her mercilessly at the house. While also taking his "liberties" with her young body. His sons Greg and Brian took their turns too. By the time she was 16, Betty Ann had had enough. She wanted to join her mother and tried to drown herself in the river. But she was saved."
"How?" Thaelor asked, scooting even closer. This story was better than anything she had seen in the movies or TV lately. She was dying to find out what happened next.
Turning the page again, revealed the biggest, blackest man either sibling had ever seen. His hands were huge, making the pick ax he held look like a toy. His skin dark as evil, his arms big as tree trunks. His face, chiseled stone.
"This is my father; "Nigger Bear" Henry Morrison. He was the man that saved my mother by dragging her cold body out of the river. The story from my mother goes that he carried her all the way from the river to the other side of black town, where a mixed "medicine" woman lived. He paid her in crops and the little bit of money he had saved. For 2 months, he looked in on Betty Ann, making sure she didn't die. Once she awakened, she began to befriend her savior. Henry gathered enough material to fix her mother's old home so that Betty Ann could live in peace away from her kin. Over time, Betty Ann came to fall in love with Henry. Eventually, she became pregnant again, this time having me and my sister. But, secrets never stay hidden for long. Cyrus found out that not only was my mother alive (he claimed she ran away to other townsfolk), but that she was pregnant too. As far as he was concerned, she was his property. Yet, he didn't have the courage to come over the river and see for himself. Somehow, someone told him that she had twins. One "white" and one black. He became furious! A madman! He just knew the children were his."
"One night, he got into his liquer and he and his boys came across the river to see his child and grandchildren. When they got to Betty Ann's shack, guess who else was there?"
"Nigger Bear." The siblings said in unison.
"The men argued first, each one claiming the children were his. But it was my mother that broke the confusion. She said she had aborted all the children that her father and brothers put in her. That these children were Henry's and they would NEVER know of their white kin. This made the men fight. Henry was alone and by himself, but he fought valiantly. Taking all three men out as best he could. He and my mother ran into the woods to escape. Hiding in caves and eating on roots, berries and the kindness of the black people he knew."
" underground railroad of sorts." Ryan said.
"But Cyrus and his boys couldn't take the humiliation. Not only had they been beaten up, but his daughter had betrayed him. So they went back across the river and spun a tail of being beaten up at the "juke joint" for kissing a black woman. The sheriff and the men of the town stormed back across the river looking for the men who did it. But "Bear" had already prepared the black men of the town. They tried to tell the sheriff the truth, but of course he didn't care about the facts. Another brawl ensued and the white guys got the worst of it again. On their way back across the river, they came across Dell Hammond. Dell was a local "do it all." He worked for who ever would pay or feed him. As retaliation for the beating, the white townsmen hung Dell from the tree at the river."
"Thus, the prayers when we crossed." Ryan said to Thaelor. She nodded her understanding.
The black townsmen refused to work anywhere near the white side, forming their own protest. Everything was fine for about a week. But eventually, the crops started going without being tended to, the homes of the whites began to fall apart. Laundries went undone, meals went uncooked, for them, it was a disaster. So, again, they crossed the river to force the blacks back to work. When the black folks refused, it started a riot. Everyday, more and more people got hurt. Finally, the National Guard was called in to stop the fighting. It took a few days, but everything eventually went back to normal."
"That's a beautiful, yet tragic story." Ryan remarked. "But...why is your name still Bailey and we're Morrisons?"
" comes the best part. Henry took part in SOME of the fighting. He was protecting not only the townspeople, but his children as well. However, which children? You see...Henry was already married."
Ryan and Thaelor's mouths dropped wide open. Even more family was coming out of the woodwork. Turning the pages of the book further back, a picture of several black children was revealed. 4 boys and 1 girl. Pointing them in succession, Florence introduced the rest of Henry's children.
"Vernan, Darrell, Charles, Elenore, annnnnd..."
"ROBERT?!!" the siblings exclaimed in unison.
"'ve heard of the Morrison children before?" Florence asked casually.
"What...wait..." Thaelor interjected. "If "Bear" is YOUR father and he's also Robert's father...then that means..."
"Yes, my dear...your father fell in love with and married his half-sister!"
Ryan's eyes grew wide. Picking up the jar, he filled the glass in from of him and swallowed the contents in one gulp. The shock for him was so great, he repeated the process again. The PGA slid down his throat, burning his esophagus and landing like an atom bomb in his stomach.
"Baby...don't." Thaelor said without thinking.
Florence ignored the remark, moved the jar and just rubbed her nephews back. "I know...I'm sorry to have to drop this news on you like this. But I thought you should know. Obviously, your father has done you no amount of good by keeping this from you. I know it's hard...but if there is one thing I can say for certain...they loved each other...and more importantly, they loved you."
" did this happen?!" Ryan asked, the alcohol taking effect.
"Love finds a way." Florence said. "After the riots, "Bear" returned to his family. His wife Ruby was not only worried...but pissed. And rightfully so. How could her husband betray her like that?? But, he was too far gone, in love with my mother. He couldn't and wouldn't leave her alone. Especially having just had his two little girls. So, an arrangement was made. He would take care of Ruby and her 5 children. Spending at least one week there. The next week, he would spend his time with my mother taking care of us. But, the biggest point to the agreement was: no contact with the other family. Period. No birthdays, no holidays, no meetings at the church, and no talking about it with the children...ever."
"My mean to tell me, you guys had siblings on the other side of town...and you were barred from ever knowing about them?" Ryan asked exacerbated.
"That's right. They even had to make out a schedule so neither woman ever met up by accident in town or at church. See...Ruby might have understood HOW it happened. But that didn't mean she ACCEPTED it. She was the wife and was going to make damn sure everyone knew it. Most definitely her husband."
Ryan was flabbergasted. ", if there was to be no contact with the other in the world did they get together?"
"Totally by accident...or at least I think it was." Florence stated, a chuckle escaping her lips. "See...your mother loved to swim, so every summer, we used to go to the lake not far from here. One day we went swimming together and instead of getting our underwear wet, we went swimming nude (it's not like we hadn't seen each other naked before). But while we were having fun, a certain young man walked by through the woods where we were. I'm not sure how long he was there or how much he saw, but I bet he didn't take those wild flowers into account trying to get a peek at our goodies. Know what gave him away?"
"He sneezed." The siblings said in unison. Ryan and Thaelor both burst out laughing. It was a run on joke that their father HATED flowers. Even when they were fresh cut, they always used to make him go into fits. Teary eyes, runny nose, and bouts of was almost comical.
"Yep. When he sneezed, your mother took off after him like a shot. I don't think I ever saw her swim so fast in all my life. It was a good thing he was sneezing so much, she might never have caught him. He took off running as best he could, and she followed. It was only when they reached another clearing some boys were playing games outside, that they stopped. Good thing too...because she was so mad, she forgot to put her clothes back on when she got out of the water!"
Florence doubled over in laughter. Reminiscing on the sight of her twin barreling into the woods butt naked.
"Only when they got there did she realize her mistake. But do you know what your father did? Instead of staring at her, he gave her his clothes and ran back into the woods to draw the boys attention away from her."
This story was getting good. The siblings moved in closer, rapped to every word they heard.
"Apparently, he got the beating of a lifetime for that. So, your mother went back everyday with his clothes in order to give them back. When he finally returned, they sat and talked. Became instant friends. See...your dad being the youngest of his family was always the loner. So, he would go off on his own all the time. That's how they were able to meet up without raising any suspicion. We all even built a tree house so we could play together."
"Ok...but that doesn't explain how the two of them got together...sexually." Ryan stated.
"I was getting to that. Be patient." Aunt Flo said. "Anyway...They became close. Almost as close as she and I. See...what he didn't know, was that as we got older, she grew attracted to him. And vise versa. But they never said anything to one another. I guess they were both too scared to do so. Then the fair came to town. We took up part time jobs at the kissing booth. When he saw all the other guys kissing her, I guess that gave him the courage to want to do so. A kiss was only 10 cents, but your father plunked down a whole $1!! When she kissed him, "Bear" saw it and flipped!! He dragged his son away from your mother and took him home and beat him almost do death. He just never told him why. But Robert had had enough. He was going to tell your mother how he felt no matter what. So, one day, he got a message to Jean through a mutual friend who knew us all to meet him at the fort. She did. He told her finally how he felt. She did the same. That night, in the tree house, they lost their virginity, and away they went."
"So, how did they wind up getting married?" Thaelor asked.
"Well...regardless of what their father told them, they continued to see each other in secret. Robert got a job working at the mine and doing odd jobs around town to help with the bills earn a little money. He eventually bought her a gift for her birthday. When "Bear" saw it, he flipped. See...he was very protective of us girls. Especially Jean. So, when she showed up with an expensive gift, he wanted to know where it came from and whipped her till he got the truth. Jean was so hurt, she ran away. When he found out it was Robert, he ran back to the other side of town and went to beat Robert's ass too. But Robert fought back. He refused to give up the girl he loved not matter what. It was only then that he let the cat out the bag. They were blood related. Robert fought off "Bear" and went to find his sister. Eventually he found her and told her the truth. They were so in love, neither cared. So, Robert snuck back in his house and Jean did the same. They collected all their money (I gave a few dollars too, though she never told me why she needed it). They went over to the white side of town, paid a crooked Pastor to marry them and they ran to California."
"Wow...that's some love story." Thaelor remarked. "Riots, true love, love triangles, separated families, two lovers running off and eloping...this is the stuff made for TV movies are made of."
"You could say that...then again you have to was a different time. I'm sure life in the big city doesn't end in such ways. But in a small town, it becomes a little bit more possible."
"So, what happened after they left?" Ryan asked impatiently.
"Well...things went kind of downhill from there. First of all...when my momma found out, she hit the roof. She drug me over to "Bear's" house and confronted both of them. She told the whole thing to the rest of the family to bury the secret. It took Ruby a while, but she eventually saw how the secret and her own hurt feelings created such a mess. But daddy took it the hardest. I said, he loved Jean. He loved me too, but Jean was his baby girl. And he also loved Robert. Robert reminded him of himself, but better. He was intelligent, hard-working and book smart. He wanted so much more for him. He just didn't want him to fall in love with his little girl...his sister. But it happened anyway. Losing Robert and Jean broke his heart. He began drinking heavily. So much so...he hung himself with grief. He did what no white man ever could."
" come you never left Auntie?" Thaelor asked.
"My Mom got sick with grief after Daddy died. Besides, with him gone, there was no one here to take care of her and pay the bills. Plus, I thought I fell in love too. I got pregnant with my 1st baby soon after my momma died and just never left. Besides, this is my home. This is where all my family is buried. I will be too eventually."
Just then, Thaelor's stomach growled. In all the excitement and moving around, she and Ryan forgot to eat.
" can't be coming over here and letting your stomach sound like that. Enough of all this morbid past stuff. Let's put some of this good old country cooking in you."
The family moved back inside the house where Flo's daughter LaTisha, just came in the house from her job. She was shocked as hell to finally meet her cousins. Everyone ate their fill. Aunt Flo was an amazing cook. Fried pork chops, greens, mashed potatoes, gravy and "Hot Water" cornbread was on the menu. Ryan loved every bite. So much so, he had 3 plates.
The conversations moved into the living room. Where more family history was uncovered. News of the demise over time of his uncles and the knowledge that his Aunt Elenore, went insane after her husband and son were murdered. As the night wore on, it was time for LaTisha to take her husband Calvin his dinner. Her daughter Ashley went with her as well, leaving their two youngest children, Lyle and Brandy with their Grandmother. Not surprisingly, after a few tense minutes, the little ones locked onto their big uncle Ryan. When they had played him out, Ryan sat in an old rocking chair and closed his eyes, the children in his lap as they watched cartoons. The sight warmed Thaelor's heart. She saw her brother, her friend, her lover, at peace. She knew he wanted children and wanted to give them to him so badly. But the ramifications were too great. What if someone found out their secret?!
"Don't let your eyes betray you love."
"Huh...what?!" Thaelor asked.
"Child please...we just met, but don't try and lie to me. It's written all over you. Remember, I lived through this already. How long has this been going on?"
Thaelor's eyes dropped. They were sunk. This day had revealed so many secrets. She never imagined theirs would come out also.
"A-a-a-a few months. Look...we didn't know it was going to..."
"Child hush! You don't want to wake them up with your silliness! I just wanted to confirm what you said earlier. Now I know. How did this happen? Better yet, tell me where YOU came from."
Thaelor scooted closer on the couch next to her new Aunt. She told the entire story. How her mom dropped her off with her father. How they grew up together, how Ryan was always her best friend. The cabin, the storm, their secrets. Everything (although she kept Brittney out of the conversation).
"Well now...I guess this family is just cursed with this loving from within thing."
"Please keep our secret. Look...I know I have no right to ask it...but I love him so much. I can't see my life without him. He makes me feel better past. He doesn't judge. He doesn't demand. He just loves me as I am. After today...I don't know how this will move forward. I know him well enough to know that he's excited about this new family...but I also know that inside...he's crushed. If this were to get out...I mean...I don't really care what it does to my dad...he hates me anyway. But Ryan..."
Florence grabbed Thaelor's hand. She was so shaken, her hands trembled. "Calm down girl. Do you see that picture right there? Top row, third one from the left?" Flo pointed to the far wall in the living room. It was a color picture of a distinguished looking man. Grey suit, black tie, white shirt. He was dashing.
"That was my second husband Phillip. He loved me dearly, and I him. He's LaTisha's father, and also Raymond's son..."Bear's" younger brother."
Thaelor gasped. Her eyes wide with astonishment.
"After my first husband left me, I was devastated, I didn't want anyone to touch me. I felt so ugly. See...unlike you, I get to wear my mixture everywhere I go." Pulling up the sleeves on her shirt, Flo showed Thaelor the uneven areas of black and white skin. "Most men didn't even look at me like other women. Especially around here. The white men didn't speak to me because I wasn't "pure" white. The black men didn't fool with me because I had so many identity issues. But Phillip...he saw through all that. He chased me for 2 years. I told him at first it was wrong, given what Robert and Jean did to the family. But he persisted. I guess it was his tenacity that finally won me over, and I'm glad I did. I just wish I hadn't been so silly to waste all that time."
Looking her niece in the eye Flo continued. "It's obvious you love him. comes out of your pores when it comes to him. And I'm not blind...he loves you too. You give him peace...and that more than anything else is what men crave from us women. So, I'll make you a deal. I'll keep your secret for as long as I live...IF; you keep bringing him back here to see your old Auntie. OK? Besides...I don't care HOW you got into this're my brother's little girl and I love you."
Thaelor's eyes misted, wrapping her arms around Florence's neck, she breathed a sigh of relief and comfort. It had been so long since she had a mother figure she could trust. Ever since her mother died, a hole had been burned into her very soul. Now, Florence was a second woman that could heal that wound. Along with Ryan's love, she could see her future getting brighter.
The door flew open as the mother and daughter returned from their trip. Seeing the scene of the kids asleep in Ryan's lap, caused them both to take photos with their phones and say "awwww" before they closed the door. The sound of the barrier closing back into place, stirred Ryan from his mini nap.
"What happened...what I miss?" he said sleepily.
The women gathered the dozing mini-humans and took them off to bed. His cousin LaTisha sweetly kissed his forehead, "Thanks for making my job easier." "Good night "Uncle" Ryan." Ashley said.
"I think I need to get my own little sleepy headed brother to the other side of town." Thaelor remarked. "We got to head out early and I need to catch some sleep myself."
With hugs all around, Thaelor and Ryan left their Aunt's domain, promising to come back again soon. Flo also didn't let them leave without giving them a sheet of phone numbers to herself and the rest of the surviving family members in and around Wallaceville.
Arriving back at the B&B, the siblings again skipped out on making love. The days events had drained them of all the energy they had. The news of even more family rocked them to a comatose sleep. They would need all of it. Neither of them knew what tomorrow would bring. Neither knew what other rocks would turn over...neither could possibly guess, that a pair of eyes were opening in D.C.