My Uncle Jack was my dad's brother. When he died suddenly in a motorcycle accident, my Aunt Sylvie was left alone. A few months after Jack died Sylvie had a break in at her house. Luckily she was gone that weekend, but she felt vulnerable alone in her house after that, so dad suggested that I stay with her for a while. I was starting the last semester of my senior year of college and I was still living at home to save money. Aunt Sylvie had a big house in a town that was twenty miles closer to my school. She was happy to have me stay so a few weeks before the term started, I moved in with her.

The day I left, my dad took me aside.

"You know your uncle told me before he died that Sylvie has a problem with sleep walking," Dad said. "Sometimes she does weird stuff, so just be on the lookout. If you find her up at night, don't wake her. That's very bad for someone who is sleepwalking. Just guide her back to her bed and she'll go back to sleep. OK?"

"Sure," I said, intrigued. "What kind of weird stuff do you mean?"

"Oh, I don't know," my dad looked away, "It probably won't happen. Don't worry about it."

"Ok dad," I said, "I'll be on the lookout."

I drove away and that night I was all moved in. Aunt Sylvie cooked us a delicious dinner and she kept telling me how grateful she was that I was going to be there.

"Ever since that break in I have been so nervous Darren," she said. "A woman by herself, you never know who is watching your house. Now people know I'm not alone."

As she talked, I couldn't help thinking to myself that my aunt is a true MILF. She knows how to dress and she is just the kind of feminine older woman that guys my age fantasize about. At the gym where I work, there are lots of housewives and moms. Some are real MILFS and for me these types are more interesting than girls my age.

I took in her great legs and full luscious breasts. I knew it was wrong to be thinking about her this way, but I told myself she wasn't a blood relation. She was married to my dad's brother. But Uncle Jack is dead now. Why shouldn't I appreciate Sylvie?

That night I went to bed at about eleven and Sylvie stayed downstairs working at some stuff at her computer. She had her hair piled up and a pair of reading glasses on and in her pencil skirt and fitted white blouse, she looked like a sexy librarian. I lay in bed thinking about her and pretty soon I had a huge boner. I tried to go to sleep, but my thoughts wouldn't let me. In the end, I jerked off thinking about Aunt Sylvie sleepwalking and coming in my room with those big breasts poking through her robe. Pretty soon I got the relief I needed.

The first few weeks went smoothly. We got along well, but I couldn't help wishing I could catch a glimpse of her undressing. I wanted to see those big tits, but she always kept her bedroom door closed.

One night I woke up with a start. It was 3.30am and I was wide awake. Immediately I thought about intruders. Whoever had broken in before might be back. I had a baseball bat under the bed and I slid quietly out of bed and felt for it until I grasped the handle. I was only wearing a tee shirt and jockeys, but I didn't want to waste time getting dressed. I tiptoed to the door and opened it and then I went down the hall past Sylvie's room. Her bedroom door was open, which was weird, but it was dark in her room and I didn't want to wake her up and scare her.

I continued on downstairs, the bat on my shoulder, and then I heard something in the kitchen. It was dark and hard to see, so I sneaked up to the open door and peeped in. The sight I saw made me almost drop the bat. There was my aunt Sylvie in nothing but a pair of panties and a black bra, her body lit up by the open refrigerator. She was standing there in the light, with a vacant look on her face like she had come down for a glass of milk and forgot what she was doing.

I wondered if I should sneak back to bed, but as I looked at her face, I realized she was asleep. This must be what my dad had mentioned. I put down the bat and stepped into the kitchen, thinking I would guide her back to bed. I stepped carefully, not wanting to wake her, but she was totally oblivious to me.

I reached out and gently took her wrist. I drew her away from the refrigerator and closed the door and she followed me obediently upstairs to her room. As we approached her bed, I put my hands on her shoulders to guide her to the bed and suddenly she turned to face me and knelt on the floor in front of me. Before I knew what she was doing, Aunt Sylvie had slipped my jockeys down and was stroking my cock. Then she opened her mouth and began giving me head!

I was so shocked that I just stood there. I instantly got rock hard in her mouth. She didn't know what she was doing and I wanted to stop her, but it felt so good that I couldn't make myself push her away. She sucked me rhythmically and I just stood there the heavenly feeling of her warm wet mouth on my swollen throbbing cock. I gave in to it and soon I felt my orgasm welling up. I was going to cum hard in my aunt's mouth and I wanted to pull out, but then the first spasm shook me and I gripped her hair and shoved deeper in. I pumped my load into her mouth, moaning loudly and gripping her thick soft hair in both hands.

"Suck that dick!" I kept moaning, unable to believe what I was saying to my sweet aunt.

When I was finished, she let my cock slide out and stood up. Her eyes were still closed, thank God, and apart from traces leaking from her mouth, she looked peacefully asleep. But then she unhooked her bra and let it drop to the floor. My aunt Sylvie stood there baring her amazing pointy tits. Then she slid her panties down and, before I knew what she was doing, she took my hand and placed it on her clean shaven pussy. Her lips felt swollen and thick, and she was dripping wet.

"Do you like what you see Jack?" she whispered. She reached out and grabbed my cock. "It feels like you like this."

She was right. Even though I had just had the best orgasm of my life in her mouth, the sight and feel of her naked body had made me rock hard again. She lay back on the bed, drawing me down on top of her. I couldn't help myself. I slid my cock into her wet slit and fucked her hard and long. It was the best sex of my life, while she was completely asleep. When I couldn't hold back any longer, I pulled out and shot my load on her tits.

Then Aunt Sylvie turned over and went limp. I found a towel and wiped my cum off her body. Then I pulled the comforter over her and tiptoed back to my own room, completely blown away. My dad must have known something when he said Aunt Sylvie did "weird things" in her sleep. I wondered if he knew how outrageous Aunt Sylvie could get!

The next day I woke up early and drove to school before Aunt Sylvie was awake. I went to the library to look up sleep walking and found a book about it. There was a chapter called "Sexomnia" and as I read, I knew what I had experienced. Sexomnia is a rare form of sleepwalking. The sleeper acts out on sexual dreams. Some sexomniacs get in trouble with the law because they make advances to strangers. Others just masturbate alone, but many act out full blown fantasies of exhibitionism and S&M while they are asleep.

Later that day I went home and found Aunt Sylvie in the kitchen, drinking coffee.

"Where have you been?" she asked. "Oh just at the library," I told her.

She acted completely normal and I breathed an inward sigh of relief. I had been nervous all day that Aunt Sylvie might somehow remember what had happened between us.

"Do you want coffee?" she asked. "Yes, I'll get it," I said and poured myself a cup.

My Aunt looked at me approvingly. "You look nice," she said. "Did you get a haircut?"

I touched my hair. "No," I said, "I must have combed it a different way."

"It suits you," she stood up and brought the creamer on the table. As she passed, she ran her fingers lightly through my hair. "It looks good, whatever you did."

At dinner that night, I noticed that Aunt Sylvie was dressed extra nicely in a black sheath dress that clung to her stunning curves. I wondered if she was feeling the sexual tension. I sure was. As she stood at the sink, rinsing dishes, I wanted to kiss her neck and run my hands all over her body. I excused myself and went upstairs to take a cold shower. I just had to be in the same room with Aunt Sylvie and I was losing it. I decided to stay by myself for the rest of the night.

I lay on the bed, trying to read, but my thoughts kept running back to the night before, the shape of her breasts and the scent of her naked body. I had a raging hard on and I was thinking of jerking off when I heard a soft knock on my door. I covered my crotch with the book and tried to look casual.

"Come in," I said.

Aunt Sylvie put her head around the door. "Hey Darren. Just wanted to peek in and see if you are ok?"

"Oh yes, just tired thanks Aunt Sylvie."

She stepped into my room and smiled. "I was worried that my cooking might be disagreeing with you. It's not that is it?"

"No, of course not, that was a great meal. Sorry, I just felt a little uh," I was desperately thinking of what to say, "a little blue I guess."

Aunt Sylvie looked concerned. She moved across the room and sat down and touched my arm. "I knew something was wrong. You know I suffer from depression ever since your uncle died. You're not alone Darren, we all get down sometimes."

I nodded. The nearness of her sweet scented body was overwhelming. I could smell her skin and her breasts hovered over my face. My erection was poking out the top of my shorts. The book was barely covering it. Sometimes when I'm nervous my eyes start watering and that happened now. It must have looked like tears coming down my face.

"Darren, are you crying!" Aunt Sylvie took my head in her hands and held my face against her. "There dear, don't worry, whatever it is, it'll be alright."

I am 6' 2", 200 lbs, and definitely not the crying type, but I had to go along with it. The alternative was to drop my favorite textbook and let Aunt Sylvie see what was really up. I snuggled into her breasts, trying to make the right sounds and then I gently broke away. Aunt Sylvie looked in my eyes with a soft, pitying expression, like I was a sick puppy.

"Do you feel a little better Darren?" she asked.

"Yes thanks Aunt Sylvie, I guess I just had to get your chest. I mean get it off my chest. But it's all good now, really!"

"I don't want to pry Darren, I really don't. But is it a girl?" Aunt Sylvie gave me a knowing look.

"Uh yeah... it's a girl," I lied through my teeth. "We uh... we broke up last week..."

"I thought so! Well let me tell you that there are lots of girls who will be lining up to date a cute guy like you. Don't pay that girl any more attention, she's not worth it."

She headed for the door and I breathed a sigh of relief. On the threshold, she turned and smiled warmly at me. "I'm so glad we talked Darren, have a good night's sleep. Everything will look better in the morning."

She quietly closed the door and I collapsed in a heap. That night I made up my mind that I had to get my mind off Aunt Sylvie. She had been dreaming about my Uncle Jack, for God's sake. The poor woman was missing her dead husband and I had taken advantage of her. I fell asleep with half my mind feeling really bad about my actions, and the other half still lusting after Aunt Sylvie.

I was having a sex dream in which Aunt Sylvie came in my room naked. In the dream she slid her wet slit over my erect cock and rode me while I slept. I came back to consciousness, but the feelings got stronger and then I realized it was no dream. Aunt Sylvie was on top of me, naked. Her beautiful big tits were in front of my face and I was thrusting up into her in my sleep. Her face had the same blank expression as she did the previous night, so I knew she was asleep, but then she spoke.

"Do you like my body Jack?"

She ran her hands over her stiff nipples and brushed her breasts against me as she slid up and down my pole. Her big globes were in my face and her hot scent was all over me. "Cum in me Jack," she whispered in my ear, "shoot your hot cum in my tight pussy." I had never had a girlfriend who talked dirty like this during sex. It turned me on so much that I grabbed Aunt Sylvie's soft ass and thrust up into her until I ejaculated deep inside her. As I moaned in orgasm, she moaned too and I felt a flood of sticky juice. She held me tight as she had her orgasm and then she went limp and passed out. I laid her gently down beside me.

Somehow I had to get Aunt Sylvie back to her room before she woke up and found herself naked in my bed. I pulled on some jeans and bent over my sleeping aunt. As gently as I could I raised her head off the bed and put her limp arm around my shoulder. Then I swung her legs off the side of the bed and stood her on her feet. At first, her legs didn't hold her, but then she put one foot in front of the other, and started walking.

We made it down the hall to her room and I helped her lay down. She was still completely naked and I stood looking at her body before I pulled the sheet up over her. A few minutes ago I had wanted nothing but to get her back in her own bed, but now that she was there, I had a strong urge to lie down beside her. Finally, I tore myself away and went back to my room.

Laying there in the dark, the sheets still smelled of her and I got hard again thinking about what just happened. I wanted to make love to Aunt Sylvie when she was awake. I knew she was dreaming about Uncle Jack and using me as a substitute, but I felt like there was more to it. Since the first time, she had been acting different towards me, complementing me on my appearance and getting closer to me more than before. Nothing inappropriate, Aunt Sylvie is a classy lady. But I had read the magazine articles about how to tell if a woman likes you and these are things they mentioned.

I decided to see if she acted any more friendly the next day. It was a Saturday and Sylvie slept late. About 10.30 I heard the shower running and about an hour later she came down all dressed for the gym. She drank coffee and had some toast and acted completely normal. There was no sign she had any idea of what had happened the previous night.

She left for the gym and I mowed the lawn. Then I made some lunch and sat around wondering how to test if my Aunt Sylvie liked me. I finally came up with an idea. I remembered what the book in the library had said about sexual fantasies. I went to the bookstore and bought a book of erotic stories called "Please Sir". What I liked was the cover. It was a tasteful, black and white picture of a dark haired, dark eyed woman. She wore a thin black leather slave collar with a ring in it, and a tight black bodice that showed off her breasts but the picture was tasteful; erotic, but not too explicit.

I also bought two books for one of my English classes, and left the bag on the coffee table with some other newly purchased items -- shaving cream and a few pairs of socks. It was like I brought in my shopping and forgot where I left it. That night after Sylvie came home, we made dinner together and then I went up to my room, leaving the packages on the table. I knew Sylvie would go in there to work on her computer later and I wanted to see what she would do.

Sylvie never mentioned the packages the next day, but they were stacked neatly on the bottom stair, like "here's your stuff." I took it upstairs without mentioning it and she never mentioned it either. Then I waited to see what happened. My feeling was that if Sylvie was feeling the sexual vibrations between us, she would recognize that the book was a message to her.

That week, there was no change in Sylvie's behavior. By the time I came home Friday night, I had almost given up on my fantasies. Then I saw the dining room was lit with a subdued light. I looked inside and saw candles on the table.

"Pour yourself a glass of wine Darren," Sylvie called down, "I made dinner for us. I'll be down in a minute."

I found a nice bottle of Merlot open on the table and poured myself a glass. After about twenty minutes, I heard Sylvie's heels on the stairs. She walked into the kitchen in the tight black sheath dress she had worn on another occasion. This time, she wore heels and black stockings and a thin black satin ribbon around her neck.

We ate the tenderloin with asparagus and little potatoes. We drank the wine and made polite conversation. I kept glancing at the ribbon. Finally I made a comment.

"That's a pretty neck thing you're wearing," I said.

Sylvie's hand went to her neck. "Oh this?" she said, smiling, "Thank you. I used to wear more things like this when Jack was alive."

"Oh yes?" I said, "What do you mean like this?"

"Oh, you know necklaces and... that kind of thing."

We finished the wine and I helped Sylvie clear the dishes and stack them in the dishwasher. Then she said she was going to bed. "I'm a little tipsy," she giggled as she swayed past me. She put her hand on my shoulder to steady her self and then kissed me on the cheek. "Goodnight Darren," she said, "I'm so glad you're here."

I put my hands on her waist and kissed her lightly. "That was a delicious meal, Aunt Sylvie, you really take care of me and I appreciate it." She was so close, and our eyes met. "You know, I have to say, my Uncle was a very lucky man."

She flushed and I could see the redness moving down her neck to the tops of her breasts. "That's nice Darren, you are so sweet to me. I really must go to bed." But she didn't make any move to leave the room.

"What else did you and Uncle Jack like to do?" I asked innocently.

"Well, since you ask, you know the books you bought yesterday?"

"Yes," I said.

"Well I couldn't help but notice the cover of one book had a woman in a rather cute outfit. That was the type of thing your Uncle Jack liked me to wear."

"Oh wow," I said, "You mean corsets and stockings? You must look incredibly sexy in that. I wish I could have seen you."

"Oh thank you Darren" she said, blushing, "That's sweet of you, but I know you're just being kind. I must seem ancient to you."

I saw my opening. "Actually, Aunt Sylvie, since we are being honest about our feelings, I have to tell you it's hard for me to hide the effect you have on me. When you came in my room that night to see what was wrong, I lied about the girlfriend. I couldn't stay downstairs with you in case you noticed how... excited I was getting."

Aunt Sylvie was looking into my eyes. "Are you serious Darren?" she said, "I don't know what to say, you're my nephew."

"I know," I said, "It seems wrong, but we are not related by blood and I find you so incredibly sexy. I can't help it. I promise I won't bring it up again, but when you mentioned the outfits you wore for Uncle Jack you got me all hot and bothered.

"Well actually I am wearing something under my dress," Aunt Sylvie said. "You know your uncle Jack was a take-charge kind of man and I miss him so much, but you remind me of him, when he was younger of course."

"Aunt Sylvie," my tone was changing as I spoke and my voice became hard and commanding, "take that dress off. Strip for me now and show me what you have on underneath."

Aunt Sylvie dropped her eyes and said, "Well I don't know if I should Darren, you are my nephew..."

"Do as I say," I said evenly, "take that dress off now!"

Aunt Sylvie bowed her head. "Yes Darren!" she whispered.

She unzipped the dress down the back and let it fall. Underneath she had on a black platform bra and a black cincher with suspenders holding up long black stockings. A tiny thong finished off her outfit to perfection. She turned her body to me seductively.

"Do you like my outfit Darren?" she whispered.

Get on your knees and suck my cock," I ordered.

Aunt Sylvie quivered a little as her submissive pleasure centers absorbed my hard, commanding tone. Then she knelt in the middle of the floor and unzipped my jeans. Her cool hands lightly clasped my overheated cock and I bit my lip to stop moaning aloud as her mouth engulfed my burning head.

I had to dig my nails into my hands hard to stop my urge to cum right away as her tongue slid luxuriously over my cock and her huge tits bobbed. Her fine white ass stuck out behind and contrasted beautifully with the black lace of her cincher and stocking tops. I wanted to bend her over the dining room table and slide my cock in to feel how juicy she was from being dominated, but her mouth felt so good. Then there were those tits to oil up and slide my cock between. So many ways to use Aunt Sylvie! It seemed there would be no end to the pleasure she could give her nephew, here in the privacy of her comfortable, spacious home.

Aunt Sylvie's sexual somnambulism continued. One night I awoke to find her standing by my bed in the darkness, naked except for a black collar. In her hand she held a whip.

I thought she must be awake, but when I spoke to her she was in a deep sleep. The whip and collar may have been souvenirs from her life with Uncle Jack. It seemed that in her sexomniac states Aunt Sylvie acted out fantasies that kept her relationship with Uncle Jack alive, at least in her dreams. I got out of bed and whispered in Aunt Sylvie's ear:

"Hand me the whip!"

Aunt Sylvie stretched out her hand obediently and I took the whip from her. There was some climbing rope in my closet. I grabbed it,

"Come with me!" I commanded Aunt Sylvie.

I led her down to the basement where there was a steel hook in the ceiling. I threaded the rope through the hook and tied the ends to her wrists. Now Aunt Sylvie stood helpless and unconscious in the middle of the basement, her arms tied above her head and her big breasts, juicy white ass and pale shaved mound presented temptingly. I whispered in her ear:

"You have been a bad girl Sylvie."

Sylvie dropped her face to the floor submissively.

"You behaved shamelessly with your nephew. You teased him with your body and let him use you like a slut. You tempted him to commit incest."

I slid my hand between her thighs and fingered her damp, swollen slit. She was aroused by my litany of her sins, and probably by the anticipation of her punishment. I decided to begin with a light spanking. Too much pain too soon might wake her.

I spanked her cheeks until the blood came to the surface and my hand left red palm prints. At each slap, Aunt Sylvie flinched a little but she stayed asleep. It was time to try the whip. I whispered in her ear,

"Now I am going to punish you properly."

I took a step back and lightly cut the whip across her buttocks. When she didn't wake up, I whipped her harder by degrees until there were red welts on Aunt Sylvie's fine white cheeks. Now and then the whip slipped lower and bruised her thighs.

Aunt Sylvie's full breasts were bouncing temptingly as she jerked and twisted under the whip. I turned her body towards me and whipped her tits, lightly at first, until I left a criss-cross pattern of pink welts.

Then I improvised a spreader with a broom stick and some rope. I spread her legs wide and tied them so she couldn't close them. As I whipped her clit and pussy lips, Aunt Sylvie began to moan. I paused and fondled her clit; it was very swollen and aroused. She moaned and I slid my finger inside her; she was open and dripping wet. I slid the whip handle inside her and she pushed down on it and rode it like a dildo. I let her do this until she was on the verge and then I whipped her erect clit to a massive, shuddering orgasm.

When her spasms abated I untied her and led her back to bed. I laid her on the bed and looked at her bruised, submissive body. I was so aroused that I couldn't resist fucking her. I pulled her thighs apart and entered her. I fucked her hard, sucking on her stiff nipples. The feeling of fucking this bruised, sleeping woman was indescribably hot. I almost came in her, but at the last minute I pulled out and shot my load on her thighs. Without cleaning her off, I pulled the sheet up and left her soaked in cum. I wanted her to wake up and see that she had been well used and abused in her sleep.

The next day Aunt Sylvie said nothing about the preceding night, but as she served me dinner that night, she winced slightly as she bent over the table.

"Are you ok Aunt Sylvie?" I asked innocently.

"I have some pain in my lower back," she said, "Let me show you."

Aunt Sylvie unzipped her form fitting dress right down the back. She wasn't wearing any underwear and in one movement she slipped it off and stood naked before me. The effect was dramatic; her ass and thighs were covered in purple bruises and when she turned, her tits were marked in the same way.

"You see?" she said, "Someone left their mark on me."

"You have really taken a beating Aunt Sylvie," I observed coolly. "But you can pleasure me in spite of your bruises. Go and get a jar of Vaseline."

Aunt Sylvie walked upstairs to the bathroom, wearing only her heels. When she returned, she handed me the Vaseline.

"Good," I said, "Now bend over the table."

I spanked her bruised ass until she was panting and wet. Then I pulled her cheeks apart and vaselined her tight, puckered asshole. I pulled out my cock and lubricated it too. She groaned in pain as her tight asshole opened for my thrusting cock. The ride was tight and slick. I flooded Aunt Sylvie's ass and pulled out roughly, leaving cum dribbling from her asshole down her thighs.

Later, I lay on the sofa and Aunt Sylvie knelt on the floor. She was describing a cottage in the woods that she and Uncle Jack had purchased.

"It's the perfect place for a weekend getaway," she told me, "You can use it any time, even if I don't come. You could bring your friends up there for a wild weekend."

This suggestion seemed to have something more behind it.

"Aunt Sylvie," I said, "Are you hinting at something?"

"Well, you can even invite a friend here," she said, "I'd be happy for you to have guests and you know I would make your friends welcome."

I decided to invite a friend over that weekend and see what Aunt Sylvie had in mind. I called a college buddy who had no contact with my family. Whatever was going to happen, I didn't want it to get around. Nick was a cool guy who knew how to keep his mouth shut. I figured he would be the perfect person to experience Aunt Sylvie, if that was what she had in mind.

That Friday, Nick arrived and I entertained him in the kitchen with beer and pizza. Aunt Sylvie was out shopping and she returned quite late. I introduced her to Nick and she told us to make ourselves at home, she was very tired and ready for bed. Nick and I sat up until about 1.30 finishing off a twelve pack and then I showed him to his room.

I went to my bedroom and turned off the light but I didn't go to bed. I kept my door cracked and sat on my sofa watching the hall to see if Aunt Sylvie would do any sleepwalking. I watched for an hour, but nothing happened and eventually I felt so sleepy that I went to bed.

The next day was uneventful; we fooled around most of the day and then went to a movie and ate a late dinner with Aunt Sylvie. Nick was tired so we all turned in at 11.00. I wondered if it was worth keeping a vigil. I didn't think anything was going to happen, but I decided to sit and watch the hallway for an hour and then turn in. Again, nothing happened and it was after midnight when I slipped into bed.

At 2.20 Aunt Sylvie slid between my sheets. She was nude and I could feel her big tits brushing my arm. She smelled of fresh sex. After lying quietly beside me for a few minutes, she took my hand and guided my fingers to her slit. Her lips were open and dripping wet as they often were, but this time it was not just her arousal, she was coated in thick slippery cum.

"I fucked your friend," she said. "I pulled down his sheet while he was sleeping and sucked his big hard cock. When he woke up he pulled me down on the bed and stuck it in me. He manhandled my tits and fucked my pussy. He made me cum and he came in me. Do you like touching me after another man has fucked me Jack?"

As she spoke in her low sleepy voice, the scent of cum and sex on her was driving me crazy. I pulled her thighs apart and held her down as I slid into her lubricated slit. Nick's cum coated my cock. The hot smell of sex on her made me so horny that when my orgasm welled up, I just let it go in her. It felt too good to pull out.

The next day Nick rose early and told me that he needed to get back. He didn't mention Aunt Sylvie, probably thinking it was better that I didn't know about her antics. All he said was, "Tell your Aunt thanks for her hospitality." He managed to say this with a straight face and then he drove away.

That night, Aunt Sylvie brought up the cottage again.

"What do you think about having some of your friends up there for a weekend? I could come and cook for you all."

"Oh yes Aunt Sylvie," I said, "It wouldn't be any fun without you."

"Good," she smiled, "I'm glad you feel that way. So why don't you call some friends then and invite them. I'm getting all excited just thinking about it. We can hike in the woods and grill out and if it rains we can find something to do indoors. Perhaps Nick would like to come? I don't know. You decide who you think would be best."

She turned her face away and I saw tears on her cheek.

"What's wrong Aunt Sylvie?" I asked.

"Oh it's just that I haven't been back to the cottage since Jack died. This will be the first time."

"What did you and Uncle Jack used to do up there?" I asked, hoping to distract her from her grief.

Aunt Sylvie smiled and blushed.

"I don't know if I should tell you," she said.

"Oh please I want to know. We don't have secrets Aunt Sylvie."

"Well," she looked at me coquettishly, "Your Uncle Jack and I had an interesting marriage you know. Jack liked to involve his friends sometimes and the cottage was our favorite place for those... adventures."

"This sounds exciting," I said, "tell me more!"

"Oh I shouldn't tell you this, but I have opened up about everything else to you. Jack liked to watch me with other men sometimes. He had a group of close friends that he shared me with."

"How did you feel about that?" I asked her. Aunt Sylvie smiled.

"It excited me to be the only woman among a group of guys and be their plaything."

"What would they do?" I asked, my excitement growing.

"I dressed provocatively and teased them. Then the men would want to punish me. The first time, they stripped off my clothes and spanked me. Then they made me stay nude for the rest of the day. Of course with six guys and a naked woman, one thing led to another pretty fast. Someone would be taking me upstairs every hour or two to get relief. Then at night they'd gang bang me. That was Jack's favorite part. He liked to watch them line up and use me and then he'd take me back to our room when they were done."

"Wow!" I said. "A party at the cabin sounds good. Let me call some of my friends and see who is available."

"Yes, why don't you," Aunt Sylvie smiled. "I have wanted to go back so badly, but it would be too sad to go there alone. I want to make this a party that Jack would enjoy. I'm doing it for both of us, but in his honor so to speak. I know wherever he is he'll be watching."

She looked out the window at the stars.

"Don't worry baby, I'll make sure you enjoy the show."As I called around to invite my friends to Aunt Sylvie's cabin, my story was that Sylvie was a hot cougar I knew from the gym. She liked to have young men up to her place in the woods and sometimes things could get wild. I didn't make any promises. I had no idea what Aunt Sylvie would do, so I left the details vague.

My selection process was simple. I short listed young studly guys from the gym and a few horny college friends. We ended up with six guys, including me.

The cabin had four bedrooms, so we would double up in three rooms and Aunt Sylvie had her room. On Friday morning, she asked me to carry two large suitcases down from her room and put them in my Jeep. I knew better than to say anything, but she saw the look on my face as I calculated how many outfits she could wear in two days.

"You'll think it's worth it when you see what I've packed," she said as I humped the heavy cases downstairs.

On our way to the mountains, we went shopping. We filled three grocery carts with food, wine, beer and supplies. I packed it in the Jeep and then we drove on to the cabin. After a long haul down a rough gravel road, we parked the car and hiked through some woods. It was cool and aromatic in the shady trees. The cabin was on top of the hill and the front deck had an amazing view of the surrounding mountains.

"This place is amazing," I told Aunt Sylvie. "You should spend more time here."

"Perhaps I will after this weekend," she smiled, "This is the first time I have been here without Jack."

We carried in the supplies and got busy storing things away. Aunt Sylvie cast off her melancholy mood as she gave me cleaning instructions. I swept the wood floors while she cleaned the bathrooms. We ate lunch and then put the finishing touches to the cabin. Aunt Sylvie laid out chips, nuts and snacks for our guests.

"I'm going to take a shower now and get ready," she said and disappeared upstairs.

Pretty soon after that I heard voices in the woods behind the cabin and the first two guys arrived. I helped them carry in their stuff and just as I was offering them a beer, the other three appeared.

I showed them all their rooms and helped them carry in their bags. We lit a wood fire in the fireplace and were sitting around drinking beer and relaxing, when Willie, my friend from the gym, asked the big question.

"So where is Sylvie? When do we meet our hostess?"

As if on cue, Aunt Sylvie appeared at the top of the stairs. She was dressed in a maid's uniform with a short dress that showed off her toned thighs and jutting breasts.

"Good evening gentlemen," Aunt Sylvie greeted us. She made her way down the staircase with all eyes on her. "Is there anything I can get for you? I am here to serve you so please tell me if there is anything you need."

Sylvie went around the room and introduced herself to each of the guys. She took drink orders and soon returned with a tray of beers. As she bent over to place the drinks on coasters, the maid costume rode up her thighs and her breasts strained to escape the low cut bra.

The guys exchanged glances. They were still unsure how far they could go with Sylvie, so I decided to take the lead. As Sylvie leaned over to place my beer on the coaster, I brushed her wrist with my hand, causing her to spill beer on my shorts.

"I am so sorry sir," Sylvie said,"Let me get some tissues and clean that for you."

"No Sylvie," I said commandingly,"Clumsiness needs to be dealt with firmly. You know that. Now bend over the table."

"Yes sir."

Sylvie walked to the round breakfast table, put down the tray and bent over obediently. I lifted the maid's dress, revealing Aunt Sylvie's pale round ass. A black g string clung to the space between her cheeks.

"Willie can you hold her dress up?" I asked.

Willie obliged. I began with a few light slaps. Then I turned to see the guys' reaction. They were all staring at Aunt Sylvie's bare cheeks. Two of them had serious bulges in their shorts. They were stroking themselves as they watched.

Soon Aunt Sylvie's cheeks were glowing pink with my handprints.

"We need to pull these panties down," I said, "Mark can you help with that?"

Mark eased the little thong from between Sylvie's cheeks and drew it down her thighs. Now her smooth shaved, swollen pussy lips were displayed invitingly.

I wanted to get the other guys involved, so I turned to one of my friends from the gym.

"Alan, can you take over? My hand is getting tired."

Alan caressed Sylvie's burning red cheeks. Then he spanked her hard for a few minutes. Her tits bounced provocatively with each slap. Then Alan gently pulled her cheeks apart to give us a better view of her pussy. Alan patted and caressed Sylvie's pussy lips and slid his finger into her slit, making her sigh with pleasure. When he drew it out, his finger was shiny and wet.

I stood up. There was a huge bulge in my shorts from watching Alan manhandle my aunt.

"Turn around Sylvie," I said.

Aunt Sylvie turned to face her audience, keeping her eyes on the floor.

"Undress her," I said to Alan.

Alan unzipped the maid's dress down the back and let it slide to the floor. Now Aunt Sylvie was naked except for her stockings and heels. Her nipples were stiff and aroused. Alan ran his hands over her tits. He and I lifted her and positioned her ass on the edge of the breakfast table. Aunt Sylvie spread her thighs. I was intending to be the first to fuck her, but Alan quickly undid his shorts and stepped in front of me. He stood there for a moment between her open legs caressing his big erection. Then he placed the head of his cock between Aunt Sylvie's lips and slid into her tight slit.

Aunt Sylvie gasped with the shock of being entered so suddenly, but she responded to Alan as he took control. The guys gathered around to watch. Alan got a nice rhythm going and his thrusts made Aunt Sylvie moan and grip the table.

Mark pulled out his erect cock and held it out to Aunt Sylvie. She lay back on the table and opened her mouth for him. The swollen head of his cock slid between her lips and came out all shiny with saliva.

Willie and Kyle moved in on either side of Alan and began rubbing their cocks on her breasts. Kyle was jacking off and he must have been extra horny because all of a sudden his cum squirted all over Aunt Sylvie's breasts and neck.. Blake got behind Alan and stroked himself, as he waited his turn.

Alan's rhythm got faster and then he pulled out and jerked his cock hard.

"Fuck! Fuck!" he yelled and squirted cum on Sylvie's shaved mound.

Mark started moaning and cried out "Oh Shit!" as he ejaculated in Aunt Sylvie's mouth. She swallowed but a few drops escaped her lips and dribbled down her chin.

The smell of cum and pussy was heavy in the air. When Aunt Sylvie slid off the table, her big tits and shaved mound were shiny with our deposits.

"If it's alright with you gentlemen, I will take a shower now," she said.

"That's fine Sylvie," I said.

Sylvie turned to the guys,"If you need anything, please knock on my door. I'm here to serve you at any time."

That night everyone was tired and relaxed after the relief that Sylvie had provided, so we all turned in before midnight. I was sharing a room with Alan. There were King size beds in all the rooms, so we shared a bed. We were so tired we soon passed out.

I woke up some time later with my bladder telling me I needed to pee. Alan was snoring so I slipped out and headed for the bathroom.

As I passed Aunt Sylvie's room, I noticed the door was ajar. I peeked in. Her bed was empty. I knew she must be sleepwalking, so I went to check my friends' rooms. I put my ear to Willie and Kyle's door, but it was silent. As I approached Blake and Mark's room, I heard telltale sounds. I stood outside for a moment, listening to the steady rhythm of someone getting fucked.

I slid the door gently open and peeped inside. Aunt Sylvie was kneeling on the bed in a sheer black negligee that showed off her pale, pointy breasts. Blake was riding her doggystyle. Mark was in front with his hand wrapped in her hair holding her head down as she sucked his cock. I wanted to go on watching, but I really needed to pee, so I backed out of the room and headed to the bathroom.

On my way back, I stood and waited outside Blake and Mark's door. Finally Aunt Sylvie emerged from the room, naked and dishevelled, with her lustrous dark hair tousled. She was still in her sexomniac trance and I pressed her against the wall and ran my hands over her through the thin, transparent negligee. Her body was hot from fucking and she smelled of sex. I slid my hand down her belly and lifted the nightie.

Her shaved lips were slippery with cum. I smelled the mixed juice on my fingers and my cock throbbed. I lifted the negligee higher to play with her big tits as she leaned against the wall. Her breasts were sticky and her nipples looked red and sore. I fingered her slit. She was still wide open from being fucked. I kissed her, tasting salty cum on her mouth.

"I was such a slut Jack," she whispered in my ear. "Were you watching while your friends fucked me?"

I took her hand and led her back to her room. I pulled back the covers and pushed her sleeping body gently back on the clean sheet. Her sex scent was strong and sweet. I felt the heat coming off her as I puched my rigid pole between her slippery lips. Sticky cum coated my shaft. Sylvie moaned as she opened up for me.

"I need to cum, Jack," she said, "I have been fucking for hours and I need to cum so bad."

Apparently Blake and Mark had got their rocks off and left her high and dry.

I stroked her swollen tits and she moaned.

"My tits are so big and horny," she whispered, "suck my nipples Jack."

I kissed her sticky tits, smelling the cum on them.

"You smell of cum, you dirty slut," I whispered in Aunt Sylvie's ear, "You have been giving that sticky pussy to all my friends, haven't you?"

"Oh yes," Sylvie moaned, "I had two hard cocks in me tonight, Jack. I sucked them and they both fucked me. "

"Did your pussy like that?" I asked her.

"Oh yes Jack! You know I like to make men come!"

"I smell the cum on your tits, you slut," I whispered, teasing her clit.

Aunt Sylvie was getting closer and closer to orgasm and she whispered faster and faster in my ear, arousing herself more and more as she told me how bad she had been.

"I relieved their stress, so they can sleep better Jack. You like me to give your friends, relief, don't you Jack? I'm going to give it to all your friends Jack. My pussy's going to be fucked so hard, I'll be red and sore... Oh, I'm coming, I'm coming!"

Her pussy gripped my rigid cock and she came again and again. I pounded into her hot slit as she moaned and soaked my squirting cock.