Ariel is a Mermaid now (61)

"Nothing, can't a brother call to just check up on his little brother?"

"You never call to just check up, so I ask again, what is wrong?"

"Dad got out on bail. I don't want Lily around him. Can I send her to you?" He asked.

"Sure, send mom too. She does not need to be around the ass hole also."

"Thanks, by the way I talked to Doctor Hinderaker and he said he was going to be gone for a few days. He said hopefully they would have some good news for you. What are your friends doing?"

"I don't know, Now you got me curious. I'll give them a call. When will Lily get here?"

"I'll put them on a plane tomorrow. I'll text you the time to pick them up."

"Ok, talk later." Marcus hung up and picked up the photo of Ariel. "I miss you Mermaid."

He then dialed Heny but his phone went straight to voice mail. What was he doing?

He then went to take a shower. He felt drained with out his wife here sometimes he did think he could move on.

Heny and Tubby stepped off the plane to be met by Harper.

"Thanks for coming. We will get Kara out tomorrow. Heny as a doctor you will be the one to sign her out. I really hope she is not tricking us."

They went back to the apartment Harper had rented.

"Do you believe Kara can transfer herself to another body? Isn't she just part of Mickey's mind?" Tubby asked.

"I don't know, She keeps getting these flash drives and knows things that she shouldn't. I had cameras placed on and in her room and I can figure out how she gets them." Harper explained.

"Well if this gets Mickey and the Mermaid back then we will try it." Heny said "Lets gets some rest now.

Ariel watched the sunset from the dock. The purple and orange lite up the sky. A tear rolled down her cheek.

"Miss, time for your next treatment." Paul said.

Ariel looked over and sighed she slowly got up to follow Paul to the house.

"Miss, are you all right?" he asked.

She just shook her head no and walked on.

When she walked in she sat down and pulled up her sleeve.

"Goods, yous is ready. Then yous cans sleep." Doctor James then gave her an injection.

She then went to her white room to sleep. She touched her belly. 'Baby, I am not sure what I can do. I miss Marcus so much.' She has 35 more weeks before she could return but still not sure if she should.

Paul knocked on the door then pushed it open. "Miss, the man you asked about do you still want the information?"

She shook her head yes.

"He moved to Harborview and is working there. He seems to have moved on from your death. He will be back for a trial next month." Paul said.

Ariel walked over and wrote:

[Thank you. Can you see how the little girl is doing?]

"I figured you would ask. She is doing fine. She is back at school with a bodyguard. She stopped speaking to anyone but her father and grandmother."

[Thank you. Why are you so nice to me?]

"You got a raw deal here. Doctor was wrong forcing you. He had a woman he was going to use and he was going to pay to carry the child. He did not really need you. I wished I would of found you on the way to town then you would not be here. I am sorry. Is there anything you need?"

[I would like to swim]

He smiled. "I'll get you a suit tomorrow. Get some sleep."

She walked to her bed and covered up. At least she could start swimming again. She felt free in the water.

Harrison packed a bag for Lily. "You looking forward to seeing Uncle Marcus?"

Lily shook her head yes.

"Lily please use your words."

"Yes, I miss Uncle Marcus. Is Grandma really coming with me?" she asked.

"Yes she is. I have packed your bag and you will be leaving in the morning. Get some sleep."

"Dad, tell me a story about Ariel."

He picked her up and placed her in bed. He tucked the blankets in.

"Once upon a time there was a little Mermaid name Ariel. She loved the humans so much that she decided to become one. She lived with the humans for many years but would make sure she kept her Mermaid side by putting on a show at the aquarium.

Ariel loved showing off her tricks and giving gifts to the good boys and girls that would visit. One day her friends Bert and Ernie the dolphins need help and called out to her being a kind Mermaid she wanted to help.

You know I think Ariel saved you by giving up being human. She is back by her fathers side right now. She gave up being with us so you could become the girl you want to be. We should not be sad but happy she loved us so much."

Lily smiled at that thought. "Do you really think she gave up her life as a human to save me?"

"Yes I do." Harrison smiled, he kiss his daughter head then carried her suitcase out.

His motherly was coming out of her room at the same time with her case. "I'm all ready, how is she?"

"Getting better. I told her Ariel gave up being human so Lily could live. That Ariel was in her home with her father."

"That was a good thing then. How was Marcus when you called?"

"He sounded down. This was hard for him he really loved her." Harrison took his mothers bag.

"The plane will be ready at 8. Get some sleep." He said heading to the door to put the bags in the trunk.

As he reached the door and opened it his father stood there.