Getting rid of the staff (102)

She took the next box to the kitchen and listened as Mr. William was talking to Miss Flora. She paused to listen.

"It will do you no good. I have orders that this is her house now and I am to follow her orders. You will leave and your final paycheck will be mailed."

"This is wrong and you know it!"

"This is what Master Marcus wants. It is his choice. You could of just tried to get along and kept your job but no you had to cause waves. How long do you think he will keep this girl by his side?"

"Marcus is like a son to me. I can't let him throw his life away like this."

"Flora, you have no choice. If Matt had not called him and He called me, she would of been gone. Did you really throw her cloths away."

"All but that dress he got her. If I could of found the jewelry I would of hidden them too."

"He probably put them in the safe. Go, when things settle down and he gets board with her I'll hire you back."

"No you won't. You can leave with her. I won't have anyone interfering with my relationship with Marcus any longer." Ariel stormed in.

"Miss you may be able to fire Flora but you can not fire me." William said.

She pulled out her phone and dialed; when the call connected she placed it on speaker phone.

"Ariel, is everything all right?" Marcus said.

"No, Matt talked me down from doing something dumb. You have him to thank for me staying. However your housekeeper threw my food away, threw my cloths away and stole my mermaid dress. I have a recording to prove what I say. Your house manger is siding with your housekeeper saying I am nothing but a gold digger and you will soon get rid of me. I also have that recorded. I fired both but William says I can not fire him."

"Sir, Please she is taking everything out of context. Let me explain."

"William, how long have you worked for me?" Marcus asked.

"Ten years the same as Flora."

"Have I ever made myself unclear when I give an order?"

"No sir" He hung his head.

"My last order to you was what?"

"Ariel has the power over all staff. If they have a problem with her she has every right to let them go."

"Did you tell her I said that?" Marcus asked.

"Yes sir, In not so many words."

"Then what problem do you have with her order?"

"I did not think that included me sir."

"You are staff are you not?"

"Yes sir."

"Then please leave and if Ariel's things are not returned in good clean order then I will press charges. Destruction of property."

"Yes sir."


"Yes Marcus?" She took it off speaker and placed it to her ear.

"Thank you for staying and trusting me to have your back. You are the lady of the house and everything is in your hands on running it. Tomorrow we will hire new staff. I am sorry you had to deal with this. I'll be home in about a hour to help you unpack. I did mean what I said about your things. Tell me if anything is wrong."

"I will. I love you bye." She hung up then turned. "Where are my things including my mermaid dress?"

"The cloths are in the trash barrels with your shoes and anything else you had in the closet. The dress is in the guest closet."

"I guess since my cloths and shoes are dirty and not returned in good condition Marcus will have the police at your door." She smiled.

"They just need washed it's not like they are good anyway." Flora yelled.

"Flora go ahead and leave, I'll wash the cloths and items and see that they are returned in good condition." William said heading out the door.

Ariel opened the oven to find lasagna cooking. She also found a loaf of homemade garlic bread and a tossed salad. Then she looked at the package meat in the trash and when she touched it she could tell it had been in the trash a long time. 'Guess we get lasagna tonight' She frowned.

Matt came in, "Smells good, I'm all done anything else you need me for?"

"Yes, stay for dinner please. I want to thank you for standing by me today."

"That's not necessary, It's my job plus I like you, you remind me of my cousin. She is away at school right now. Boss is helping me put her through."

"Please stay. You were more help then you realize." Ariel begged."Besides I really don't want to be alone here with William."

"He is kind of cranky but he is a good guy." Mat said.

"No he is not. I fired him because he agreed with Flora. Please stay he has to wash and clean my cloths or Marcus will send them to jail. Don't leave me alone."

"Ok, what can I do right now?" He smiled.

"Help me unpack starting with the things you took to the bedroom."

William took the shoes and cloths out of the trash and spent the day in the laundry room.

Flora had dumped the morning trash on top of her cloths.

It had been a long time since he had to do this kind of work but after a few hours everything was clean and he carried them to her room. He hung up what he could and left the rest on the bed for her to put away.

After all was done he headed to Marcus's study. He knocked.

"Come in."

"I'm all done. Everything was washed and taken to her room. I hung what I could and the rest is on the ma'am bed."

"Thank you"

"Sir, I've been with you a long time. I did not mean to disrespect ma'am. I was just trying to cool down Flora. Please reconsider my dismissal." Will said with his head down low.

"That is not up to me anymore. Ariel is in charge of the staff now you will need to speak to her."

"Where is she?" He asked.

"Decorating the living room with her knickknacks and photos."

"Thank you sir." William turned and walked towards the living room and found Ariel standing on a stool hanging some photos.