Final Test 1

After recieving the void box that held all the cores the group, I tossed in my 4 cores without checking the cores inside. James had already said they had aquired more than enough as long as I had the two cores I promised.

"Those not in a faction please bring your cores to the table on the left. Those who have joined a faction make sure the faction leader has your name written down. The faction leader's bring your cores to the table on the right" Core disciple Jason Tak directed the test takers.

Heading to my booth, I hear the elders begin to call out the scores.

"2,000,276 points, 392 disciples, Iron Arm Corps."

"5,034,972 points, 976 disciples, Arcane Warriors"

"693,000 points, 132 disciples, Sword Goddesses"

I hand over my factions harvest still imagining how shocked my group will be when they see I brought back douple what I promised.

"792,526 points, 88 disciples, Winged Tiger Brigade. "

For a second i was stunned, "What did you say? Are you sure that is right?" Hearing me the elders face became grave and I felt immense pressure, "Do you believe me incapable of counting this paltry some? Do you think my Academy raises fools."

Realizing what I said could be very rude I quickly apologize and explain I thought it would be less but my team shocked me. Seeing my attitude he waved it off saying it's ok then.

Hurring back to my group I look at them with shocked and they look at me the same way. "How?" is all I can manage to ask Sarah, who was in-charge of the group while I was away.

"James found a nest of obsidian rats. While they are dangerous with their defense it's extremly easy to kill them. Kurt could kill hundreds with the metal bombs he makes. " she explained a little nervous.

"Sarah you promised you wouldn't put them at risk. that is why I went to the core area so they could be safe. " I was a little disappointed in her for this.

"Shut up Jason! You are a SHAZI! Our group was willing to help shoulder the burdens as we are loyal to you and each other. We care about each other as family. " Nizhoni yelled and cursed at me. At first I was angry, then I realized she had a point and realized how big of a selfish idiotic prick I had been being.

"I am sorry Sarah. I am sorry to all of you. I just worry about you all because I see you as my family, my brothers and sisters. I cannot bare the thought of losing you. " I apologize for making and a*s of myself, before sharing the story of my adventures. Nizhoni blew up again and hit me this time before storming off while calling me "shazi" again. Completely confused I look around but everyone avoids my eyes.


"Hey Jason can we talk to you for a moment?" Looking up I see Kuruk walking towards me, with the man who had lost his arm in the scorpion fight. Embarrassingly I cannot recall this young man's name, I really am bad at names.

"Yes, come here. Uh what is this young man's name?" I responded with a little embaressment.

"My name is, Kevin. " the young man who lost his arm spoke. Both Kuruk and Kevin seemed nervous about something.

"Ok you two look like you got caught with your hand in a cookie jar. What is going on?" I asked.

Finally Kevin steeped forward. "Kuruk says he can build me a new arm, one with special abilities. If you could get him spirit metal it could even level up with me. I also could have him repair or add things later when his artificer skills upgrade. He needs help forging the parts though."

Hearing this I was shocked. It is not a revolutionary idea but is seldom done. Also spirit metal was a tier 6 metal but was useful for all tiers of blacksmith. Only tier 5 and up though usually could afford to buy it omand only a few had the right clearance. After thinking about it for a while, I remember the friend of my master who is a tier 7 runesmith. I should be able to acquire the metal through him with some of the money we won't from the gambling hall.

"I will help him by forging the pieces. Also if we do this you will have to choose the full sync. This means when we merge it to your body you will need to be awake and experience the full pain. Otherwise the spirit metal would be wasted. " I stated after much consideration.

"Yes boss man. " Kevin said with excitement.


"Faction leaders please fallow me. " The core disciple in charge called out. After leading us to a lone building he stopped and said."Ok with final test will be of the will and wisdom of a leader. Faction leaders, all twelve of you shall be tested with this band. Put it on please." Waiting for us to comply he began again, "In a minute your body will begin to shatter then heal repeatedly becoming slightly stronger. You control the speed. The slower it is the less pain but your followers will receive the residual damage and eventually die if you go to slow. If you go at the highest speed your followers will not be harmed. The screen in front of you has lights representing your followers lifes and are connected to your real followers so those with more followers have an advantage. After all followers die you fail the test. You can end the test at any time, after the first follower dies that is, by removing the band, you will not fail as long as you last at least 8 hours. The test is 3 days long and every hour you last you gain 20 points, every follower you lose costs you one point though.This bored shows what the costs are. "


Body breaks deaths

1 per hour 10 per hour

2 per hour 5 per hour

4 per hour 3 per hour

60 per hour 1 per hour

3,600 per hour 0 per hour


Pausing to give us a chance to read. " This test is both to strengthen the leader and see how he chooses to lead. The normal method is to do a body break twice per hour. It is far more rare for the higher numbers. No one has managed to do the highest difficulty yet. Every year someone tries. If they survive the first hour they choose to quickly change it to a lower setting. At the end of every hour a voice in your spirit will ask which level you choose. 2 days 11 hours is the longest record. The number of your points will determine your faction rewards from the Magic Academy."


Everyone went into the building and sat on the formations made for us. After a moment the bracelets began to change color. Mine was the only black but there was at least 2 of all the other colors. An elder walked up to me. "You have chosen to go through 3,600 explosion rebirths an hour? This can likely kill you are cause you to go insane based on how strong your will is. " For a second i was confused how he knew what I had chosrn before realizing it was probably related to the bracelets color. Taking a deep breath I responded, "I will survive. My team is my family and none shall die if I have the power to stop it. " Pausing for a bit I say with I cheeky smile "also I think my friend think I'm already insane so why worry hahaha"

Looking at me with a little respect and pity in his eyes, he nodded his head before walking out.